The Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society will conduct an auction on April 8, 2011, at 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, , one-half mile east of the intersection of Routes 30 and 462. The sale dates for the remainder of 2011 are as follows: June 10, and October 14, and December 9. The auction not only specializes in local and denominational history and genealogy of southeastern Pennsylvania, but also includes theological works and other types of material of interest to the nationwide constituency. Please refer to the last page of the catalog for book auction procedures. Individual catalogs are available from the Society for $8.00 ($4.00 for Society members) + $3.00 postage and handling. Persons who wish to be added to the mailing list for the rest of 2011 may do so by sending $18.00 ($9.00 for Society members) with name and address to the Society. Higher rates apply for subscribers outside of the United States. All subscriptions expire at the end of the calendar year. The catalog is also available for free on our web site at .

1. The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia . Edited by George Arthur Buttrick. Vols. 1-4. New York: Abingdon Press, 1962. ca. 900-1000pp/vol. (ub, djs, ill, col maps, bibs, vgc); plus Supplementary Volume. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976. xxv, 998, [8]pp (dj, ill, col maps, bibs, vgc). 2. The Daily Study Bible . Edited by John C.L. Gibson. Edinburgh: St. Andrew Press; Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 19 vols.: Gibson, Genesis , vols. 1-2 (1981-82); Ellison, Exodus (1982); Riggans, Numbers (1983); Payne, Deuteronomy (1985); Auld, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (1984); Payne, I & II Samuel (1982); McConville, I & II Chronicles (1984); McConville, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther (1985); Knight, Psalms , vols. 1-2 (1982-83); Aitken, Proverbs (1986); Davidson, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon (1986); Sawyer, Isaiah , vols. 1-2 (1984, 1986); Craigie, Ezekiel (1983); Russell, Daniel (1981); Craigie, Twelve Prophets , vol. 1-2 (1984-85). ca. 150-350pp/vol. (all pb, some maps, bibs, 1 front cover creased, 1 back cover creased, 1 front cover sl worn, 1 ppn, gc to vgc). 3. The Anchor Bible . Edited by William Foxwell Albright and David Noel Freedman. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. 4 vols.: Speiser, Genesis (3rd ed., 1983); Barth, Ephesians 1-3 (1974); Barth, Ephesians 4-6 (1960); Reicke, The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude (2nd ed., 1964). ca. 200-400pp/vol. (1 dj, bibs, vgc). 4. Wiersbe, Warren W. Be Committed [study of the books of Ruth and Esther] (9 copies). Colorado Springs, Colo.: Victor, Cook Communications Ministries, 2005. 176pp (pb, 1 ps and ppn, mostly nc, 1 gc). 5. One Bible Only?: Examining Exclusive Claims for the King James Bible . Edited by Roy E. Beacham and Kevin T. Bauder. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications, 2001. 238pp (pb, bib, hps, ppn, gc); Price, Randall. The Coming Last Days Temple . Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House Publishers, 1999. 732pp (pb, bib, ind, hps, is, gc); Maxwell, L.E. Embraced by the Cross: Discovering the Principles of Christian Faith and Life . Chicago: Moody Press, 2002. Original title: Born Crucified . Originally published 1945. 209pp (pb, hps, ppn, gc). 6. Bainton, Roland H. The Horizon History of . Edited by Marshall B. Davidson. New York: American Heritage Pub. Co.; distributed by Harper & Row. 432pp (dj, ill, ind, sl yellowed pp, gc); The Biblical World: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology . Edited by Charles F. Pfeiffer. New York: Bonanza Books, 1966. 640pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 7. Morris, Leon. The Gospel According to Matthew . Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1992. xvii, 781pp (ind, vgc); Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James . The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1976. 227pp (dj, bib refs, ind, vgc); New International Biblical Commentary . Edited by W. Ward Gasque. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers. 2 vols.: Fee, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (1988); Davids, James (1989). 332, 172pp (pb, bibs, nd, 1 front pp curled, gc to vgc). 8. Thomas, The Saving Life of Christ and The Mystery of Godliness ; Stanford, The Complete Green Letters ; Christoff, Saturday Night, Sunday Morning: Singles and the Church ; Wilkinson, Secrets of the Vine ; Campolo, How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshipping Nature (first 3 items pb, last item dj, gc to vgc). 9. Shank, Life in the Son ; Lavender, The Fallacy of the “Sinning Christian ”; Solomon, Handbook to Happiness ; Richardson, Eternity in Their Hearts (revised); Finney, Principles of Salvation , comp. and ed. Parkhurst; Butterfield, Christianity and History ; Lambert, The Advent Jesse Tree (first 6 items pb, gc to vgc). 10. Gower, R., The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times , 1987. 393pp (dj, ill, bib, ind, vgc); McTernan, J., and B. Koenig, Israel: The Blessing or the Curse , 2002. 220pp (pb, vgc); Scott, B., The Feasts of Israel: Seasons of the Messiah , 1997. 199pp (pb, bib, ps, gc); Edersheim, A., The Temple: Its Ministry and Services , 1975. 414pp (pb, fp, ind, foxing on top edge, gc). 11. Keller, W.P., Elijah, Prophet of Power ; Bright, J., The Kingdom of God: The Biblical Concept and Its Meaning for the Church ; Baab, The of the Old Testament ; Barber, C., Nehemiah ; Taylor, Ezekiel: An Introduction and Commentary (first item dj, last 4 items pb, gc to vgc). 12. Mennonite Yearbook and Directory . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 27 annual iss: 1950, 1960, 1964-86. ca. 125-225pp/iss (all pb, some ind, 2 duplicates, 1 covers yellowed, gc to vgc). 13. and Their Heritage . Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1942-44. 5 vols.: 1. Bender, Harold S., Mennonite Origins in Europe ; 3. Yoder, Edward. Our Mennonite Heritage (2nd ed.); 4. Kaufman, Ed G., Our Mission as a Church of Christ (1st and 2nd ed.); 5. Hershberger, Guy F., Christian Relationships to State and Community (2nd ed.); 6. Hiebert, P.C., Life and Service in the Kingdom of God (2nd ed.). ca. 60-100pp/item (all pb, yellowed pp and covers, gc); Fretz, J. Winfield. Mennonite Colonization: Lessons from the Past for the Future . Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944. 79pp (pb, bib refs, yellowed pp and covers, gc); Handbook of Information, General Conference Mennonite Church . Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press. 1 annual iss: 1991. 176pp (pb, vgc); Proceedings, Seventy- Page 2 April 8, 2011 Second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania (2 copies). 1 annual iss: 1955. 142pp (pb, vgc); The Conrad Grebel Review . Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Grebel College. 1 triannual iss: Vol. 15 (1997), no. 1/2. 192pp (pb, vgc). 14. The Budget . National ed. Sugarcreek, Ohio: Budget Printing Co. ca. 250 weekly iss: Vol. 76 (1965-66), no. 21-22, 25-28, 34-35, 37, 39, 44-45, 47-52; Vol. 77 (1966-67), no. 1-2, 7-8, 10-19, 21, 24-28, 30, 32, 34, 39, 41, 46-47, 51; Vol. 78 (1967-68), no. 1, 3-6, 8-26, 28, 30-41, 43-52; Vol. 79 (1968-69), no. 1-52; Vol. 80 (1969-70), no. 1-12, 14-53; Vol. 81 (1970-71), no. 1-52; Vol. 82 (1971-72), no. 1, 5, 7-38, 40-52; Vol. 83 (1972-73), no. 1-5 (newsprint, yellowed pp, gc). 15. Mennonite Year Book and Almanac/Year Book of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America/Handbook of Information . 47 annual iss: 1904-06, 1909, 1911-13, 1915-34, 1936-39, 1941, 1943, 1945-48, 1951-55, 1957/58-1960/61 (all pb, b/w ill, some stis, several hole-punched, 1 covers loose, mc to vgc, mostly gc); Bundesbote-Kalender . Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern. 2 annual iss: 1898, 1901. ca. 50pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 1 hole- punched, 1 ds, yellowed pp, 1 cover sl torn, gc). 16. Record and Manual/Directory of the Upper Milford Mennonite Church (Zionsville, Pa.). 66 annual iss: 1890, 1895-1900, 1901/02, 1903-47, 1951-52, 1954-64. ca. 20-30pp/iss (all pb, adjacent Mennonite congregations included in numerous iss, 1 spine cover torn, gc to vgc); Constitution and By-Laws of the Upper Milford Mennonite Church (1927); By-Laws of the New Cemetery of the Upper Milford Mennonite Church (undated); Constitution and By-Laws of the Sunday School of Upper Milford Mennonite Church (undated) (pb, 1 covers torn, gc). 17. Same as above. 65 annual iss: 1890, 1895-1900, 1901/02, 1903-47, 1951-52, 1954-55, 1957-64. ca. 20-30pp/iss (all pb, adjacent Mennonite congregations included in numerous iss, 1 stis, 1 hole-punched, yellowed pp, 1 covers torn, mostly gc to vgc, one mc; Constitution and By-Laws of the Upper Milford Mennonite Church (1927); By-Laws of the New Cemetery of the Upper Milford Mennonite Church (undated); Constitution and By-Laws of the Sunday School of Upper Milford Mennonite Church (undated) (pb, 1 covers torn, gc). 18. Minutes/Report/Official Proceedings of the Eastern District Conference [General Conference Mennonite Church]. 38 annual iss: 1915-16, 1919, 1923-24, 1928-57, 1959-60. ca. 50-80pp/iss (all pb, 1 hole-punched, some yellowed pp and covers, gc to vgc); Directory, Eastern District Conference . 6 annual iss: 1964/65, 1965/66, 1966/67, 1967/68, 1968/69, 1969/70. ca. 20pp/iss (pb, vgc); Constitution [and] By-Laws, Eastern District Conference (1986). 19pp (pb, vgc). 19. The Home News . Frederick, Pa.: Mennonite Home for the Aged. ca. 160 annual/semiannual iss: Vol. 1 (1930), no. 1-2; Vol. 2 (1931), no. 1-2; Vol. 3 (1932), no. 1-2; Vol. 4 (1933), no. 1-2; Vol. 5 (1934), no. 1-2; Vol. 6 (1935), no. 1; Vol. 7 (1936), no. 1-2; Vol. 8 (1937), no. 1-2; Vol. 9 (1938), no. 1; Vol. 10 (1939), no. 1; Vol. 11 (1940), no. 1; Vol. 12 (1941), no. 1; Vol. 13 (1941), no. 2; Vol. 14 (1942), no. 2; Vol. 15 (1943), no. 1-2; Vol. 16 (1944), no. 1; Vol. 17 (1945), no. 1; Vol. 18 (1946), no. 1; Vol. 18 (1947), no. 2-3. 4-8pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, many duplicates, some torn, some creased, yellowed pp, mc to gc); Annual Report of the Mennonite Home, Frederick, Pa . 8 annual iss: 1897, 1905, 1907, 1908. ca. 10-20pp/iss (pb, 1 covers torn, yellowed pp, mc to gc); Bulletin of Information and Application Blank for Admission to the Mennonite Home for the Aged (1932?) (6 copies) (pb, b/w ill, several ppn, 1 front cover soiled, gc); Schedule of Services and Visitations, Mennonite Home for the Aged, Frederick, Pa . 13 annual iss: 1950, 1952, 1953, 1955 (broadsides, several duplicates, 1 creased, gc). 20. Church Messenger . Schwenksville, Pa.: Eden Mennonite Church. ca. 180 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1918-19), no. 1-12; Vol. 2 (1919-20), no. 1-5, 7-9; Vol. 3 (1920-21), no. 1-12; Vol. 4 (1921-22), no. 1-3; Vol. 5 (1922), no. 1/2, 3-10; Vol. 6 (1923), no. 1, 3-4, 6; Vol. 7 (1924-25), no. 1-5, 7-12, 14, 6-10 [sic], 12 [sic]; Vol. 9 (1926), no. 1-12; Vol. 17 (1934), no. 5, 10; Vol. 22 (1939), no. 1; Vol. 24 (1941), no. 1; Vol. 25 (1942), no. 5; Vol. 26 (1943), no. 2, 6-12; Vol. 27 (1944), no. 1-7, 5-7 [sic], 12; Vol. 28 (1945), no. 1-12; Vol. 29 (1946), no. 1-12; Vol. 30 (1947), no. 1-12; Vol. 31 (1948), no. 1-4, 6-10, 12 + annual report; Vol. 32 (1949), no. 1, 3-12; Vol. 33 (1950), no. 1-9, 12; Vol. 34 (1951), no. 1-12; Vol. 35 (1952), no. 1, 3-11; Vol. 39 (1956), no. 1, 3-4. 2-20pp/iss (pb, most hole-punched, some creased, yellowed pp, gc). 21. Mission Quarterly (Missions-Quartalblatt ) (General Conference of the Mennonite Church of N.A.) (English ed.). Vol. 1 (1924-25), no. 1-4; Vol. 2 (1925-26), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 3 (1926-27), no. 1-4; Vol. 4 (1927-28), no. 1-4; Vol. 4 (1929), no. 3 [sic]; Vol. 5 (1929), no. 1-3; Vol. 6 (1930-31), no. 1. 16pp/iss (pb, 4 duplicates, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc); Kinder Bote . Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern. 22. Jahrg. (1907), nr. 9-10, 15, 20. 4pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, creased, yellowed, gc); Richards, Edward. The Test of Faith: An Experience with the Kurds: A Chapter in Non-Resistance . Reprint from Atlantic Monthly, May 1923). [i], 10pp (pb, sl creased, yellowed pp, gc). 22. Report (General Conference Mennonite Church). 5 triennial iss: 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971. ca. 70-90pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some ind, 1 back cover soiled, gc to vgc); Minutes (General Conference Mennonite Church). 2 triennial iss: 1962, 1965. 40, 36pp (pb, ind, 1965 accompanied by b/w interior photo of assembly, vgc); Witmarsum Spirit (Witmarsum Theological Seminary of the Mennonite Church of North America). 2 annual iss: 1922, 1923. 31, 30pp (pb, b/w ill, 1 cover sl torn, vgc); Jubiläums-Fest der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten von Nord-Amerika (2 copies). Berne, Ind.; Mennonite Book Concern, 1909. 95pp (pb, b/w ill, sl foxing, gc); Bilderbuch für fleißige Kinder . Basel: C.F. Spittler, n.d. [16]pp (pb, ill, yellowed pp, covers yellowed and sl torn, back cover soiled, gc). 23. Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage . Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. 87 quarterly iss: Vol. 4 (1981), no. 1-3; Vol. 5 (1982), no. 3-4; Vol. 6 (1983), no. 1-4; Vol. 7 (1984), no. 1-4; Vol. 8 (1985), no. 1-4; Vol. 10 (1987), no. 2-3; Vol. 11 (1988), no. 1-2; Vol. 12 (1989), no. 1-4; Vol. 13 (1990), no. 1-4; Vol. 14 (1991), no. 1-4; Vol. 15 (1992), no. 1-4; Vol. 16 (1993), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 17 (1994), no. 1-4; Vol. 19 (1996), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 20 (1997), no. 1-3; Vol. 21 (1998), no. 1-4; Vol. 22 (1999), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 23 (2000), no. 1-4; Vol. 24 (2001), no. 1, 3; Vol. 25 (2002), no. 2-4; Vol. 26 (2003), no. 1-4; Vol. 27 (2004), no. 1-4; Vol. 28 (2005), no. 1-2, 4; Vol. 29 (2006), no. 1-4; Vol. 30 (2007), no. 1-4; Vol. 31 (2008), no. 1-3; Cumulative Five-Year Index (1978-1982). ca. 40-50pp/iss (all pb, b/w ill, bib refs, gc to vgc). 24. Mennonite Family History . Elverson, Pa./Morgantown, Pa.: Mennonite Family History. 27 quarterly iss: Vol. 8 (1989), no. 1-4; Vol. 9 (1990), no. 1-4; Vol. 10 (1991), no. 1-4; Vol. 11 (1992), no. 1-2, 4; Vol. 12 (1993), no. 1, 3; Vol. 13 (1994), no. 1-2, 4; Vol. 14 (1995), no. 1-2; Vol. 15 (1996), no. 1-3; Vol. 16 (1997); no. 1-2. ca. 40pp/iss (all pb, April 8, 2011 Page 3 b/w ill, bib refs, 1 duplicate, vgc). 25. Festival Quarterly . Lancaster, Pa./Intercourse, Pa.: Good Enterprises. 31 quarterly iss: Vol. 8 (1981-82), no. 2-4; Vol. 9 (1982-83), no. 1; Vol. 11 (1984-85), no. 1, 4; Vol. 12 (1985-86), no. 1-2, 4; Vol. 13 (1986-87), no. 1-3; Vol. 19 (1992-93), no. 2-4; Vol. 20 (1993-94), no. 1-3; Vol. 21 (1994-95), no. 1, 2/3, 4; Vol. 22 (1995-96), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 23 (1996-97), no. 1. ca. 40-60pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 4 duplicates, few creased, gc to vgc); The Festival Players ’76 Present The Sound of Music and Dutch Family Festival ’76 . 34pp (pb, b/w ill, sl foxing, covers sl soiled, gc). 26. Newsletter . Harleysville, Pa.: Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania. 42 quarterly/bimonthly iss: Vol. 10 (1983)-Vol. 17 (1990) complete. ca. 8-16pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, many hole-punched, most creased, gc). 27. Cleveland Chimes . Published by I-W Men of Cleveland, Ohio. 58 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1954-55), no. 4, 6-7; Vol. 2 (1955-56), no. 1-12; Vol. 3 (1956-57), no. 1-12; Vol. 4 (1957), no. 1-4, 6-9; Vol. 5 (1958), no. 1-8. 4-8pp/iss (mimeographed, 17 duplicates, many creased, yellowed, gc). 28. The G.B.I. Tidings . Omaha, Neb.: Grace Bible Institute. 9 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1943-44), no. 1-9; Grace Tidings . Omaha, Neb.: Grace Bible Institute. 193 monthly iss: Vol. 2 (1944), no. 1-8, 12; Vol. 3 (1945-46), no. 1, 3-5, 10-12; Vol. 4 (1946-47), no. 1-3, 6-8, 10-11; Vol. 5 (1947-48), no. 1-12; Vol. 6 (1948-49), no. 1-12; Vol. 7 (1949-50), no. 1-3, 5-12; Vol. 8 (1950-51), no. 1-12; Vol. 9 (1951-52), no. 1-12; Vol. 10 (1952-53), no. 1-12; Vol. 11 (1953-54), no. 1-12; Vol. 12 (1954-55), no. 1-12; Vol. 13 (1955-56), no. 1-12; Vol. 14 (1956), no. 1-12; Vol. 15 (1957-58), no. 1-12; Vol. 16 (1958-59), no. 1-11; Vol. 17 (1959-60), no. 2-4, 6-12; Vol. 18 (1960-61), no. 2-12; Vol. 19 (1961-62), no. 1-3, 7, 10; Vol. 20 (1952-63), no. 1. Mostly 8pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 1 foxing, some yellowed, gc). 29. The Diary . Gordonville, Pa.: Pequea Publishers. 180 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1969)-Vol. 15 (1983) complete. 20- 40pp/iss (pb, 1 volume year tied together with ribbon, 3 volume years spiral bound, b/w ill, mostly vgc). 30. Christian Monitor . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 60 monthly iss: Vol. 3 (1911), no. 1-12; Vol. 4 (1912), no. 1-2; Vol. 11 (1919), no. 4, 7, 11; Vol. 12 (1920), no. 1-5, 7-12; Vol. 13 (1921), no. 2, 5-7, 11-12; Vol. 14 (1922), no. 1-9, 11; Vol. 16 (1924), no. 7; Vol. 17 (1925), no. 4; Vol. 18 (1926), no. 3, 12; Vol. 33 (1941), no. 8; Vol. 42 (1950), no. 5. 32pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 16 duplicates, some ppn, some covers and pp missing, many ybp, pc to mc); The Youth’s Christian Companion . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 17 weekly iss: Vol. 3 (1922), no. 43; Vol. 5 (1924), no. 13, 16; Vol. 10 (1929), no. 3; Vol. 11 (1930), no. 8, 12, 20, 25, 26, 30, 37, 38, 50; Vol. 12 (1931), no. 19; Vol. 13 (1932), no. 11, 18; Vol. 17 (1936), no. 6 (pb, b/w ill, 1 creased, yellowed pp, gc); Beams of Light . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 12 weekly iss: Vol. 20 (1925), no. 8; Vol. 24 (1929), no. 49; Vol. 25 (1930), no. 5-8, 10, 15-16, 24-25, 33. 4pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, yellowed, gc). 31. Christian Monitor . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 237+ monthly iss: Vol. 21 (1929), no. 1-4, 6-12; Vol. 22 (1930), no. 1-2, 6-9, 12; Vol. 23 (1931), no. 1, 3-10; Vol. 24 (1932), no. 1, 5-8, 10; Vol. 25 (1933), no. 1, 3-12; Vol. 26 (1934), no. 1-4, 6-11; Vol. 27 (1935), no. 1-2, 11-12; Vol. 28 (1936), no. 1-3, 5-6, 8, 10-12; Vol. 29 (1937), no. 1-2, 5-7, 9-10; Vol. 30 (1938), no. 5-9, 11-12; Vol. 31 (1939), no. 1-12; Vol. 32 (1940), no. 1-2, 5-6, 8-10, 12; Vol. 33 (1941), no. 1-3, 7-8, 12; Vol. 34 (1942), no. 1-3, 5, 7-12; Vol. 35 (1943), no. 1-2, 5, 7-12; Vol. 36 (1944), no. 1-3; Vol. 37 (1945), no. 1-7, 9-12; Vol. 38 (1946)-Vol. 43 (1951) complete; Vol. 44 (1952), no. 1-11; Vol. 45 (1953), no. 1-4, 6-12. 32pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, many duplicates, some yellowed pp, mostly gc). 32. Gospel Herald . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. Vol. 5 (1912-13), no. 1-52; Vol. 9 (1916-17), no. 8-9, 11- 12, 14; Vol. 10 (1917-18), no. 9-20; Vol. 13 (1920-21), no. 10-13, Vol. 14 (1921-22), no. 42; Vol. 15 (1922-23), no. 3, 5, 7-8, 10-11; Vol. 37 (1944-45), no. 52; Vol. 38 (1945-46), no. 1-3, 19, 21-23, 25-35, 38-52; Vol. 39 (1946-47), no. 1-36, 41-43; Vol. 40 (1947-48), no. 21, 25, 28-29, 32, 35-40; Vol. 41 (1948), no. 1-18, 20-35, 41-51; Vol. 42 (1949), no. 1-22, 26, 32-34, 51-52; Vol. 43 (1950), no. 1-2, 4-17, 19-52; Vol. 44 (1951), no. 1-16, 18-37, 39, 42-52; Vol. 45 (1952), no. 1, 5, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15, 17-23, 25-44, 46-47, 49-50, 52-53; Vol. 46 (1953), no. 1-35, 37-52; Vol. 47 (1954), no. 1-52; Vol. 48 (1955), no. 1-52; Vol. 49 (1956), no. 1-51; Vol. 50 (1957), no. 1-42, 44-53; Vol. 51 (1958), no. 1-52; Vol. 52 (1959), no. 1-50. (pb, b/w ill, ind, some duplicates, few ds, few is, few scribbled, few missing pp, gc to vgc). 33. Same as above. Vol. 43 (1950), no. 2-13, 15-37, 39-52; Vol. 44 (1951), no. 1-52; Vol. 45 (1952), no. 1-53; Vol. 46 (1953), no. 1-43, 45-52; Vol. 47 (1954), no. 2-34, 37, 39-42, 51; Vol. 48 (1955), no. 3-16, 18-27, 29-39, 41-50, 52; Vol. 49 (1956), no. 1-15, 17-22, 24-25, 27-38, 40-41, 43-47, 49-51. (pb, b/w ill, ind, some yellowed pp, gc to vgc). 34. Same as above. Vol. 44 (1951), no. 1-6, 8-12, 14-22, 24, 26-27, 29-36, 38-52; Vol. 45 (1952), no. 1-10, 12-53; Vol. 46 (1953), no. 1-10, 13, 22-23, 27; Vol. 59 (1966), no. 1-39. (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc). 35. Christian Living . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. ca. 380 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1954)-Vol. 12 (1965) complete; Vol. 13 (1966), no. 2-3, 5-12; Vol. 14 (1967)-Vol. 20 (1973) complete; Vol. 23 (1976), no. 1-3, 6-8, 11-12; Vol. 26 (1979)-Vol. 28 (1981) complete; Vol. 30 (1983), no. 2, 5-9; Vol. 32 (1985)-Vol. 38 (1991) complete; Vol. 40 (1993), no. 1-10; Vol. 41 (1994), no. 1. ca. 30-40pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, gc to vgc). 36. Same as above. Numerous monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1954)-Vol. 6 (1959) complete; Vol. 7 (1960), no. 4-7, 11-12; Vol. 8 (1961), no. 1-12; Vol. 37 (1990), no. 1-12; Vol. 38 (1991), no. 1-9, 11-12. ca. 30-40pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, many duplicates, gc to vgc). 37. Mennonite Life . North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College. 76 quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1946), no. 1-2; Vol. 2 (1947), no. 1-3; Vol. 3 (1948)-Vol. 12 (1957) complete; Vol. 13 (1958), no. 1-3; Vol. 14 (1959)-Vol. 19 (1964) complete; Vol. 20 (1965), no. 1-2; Vol. 32 (1977), no. 2; Vol. 38 (1983), no. 2. ca. 30pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 1 duplicate, some covers torn, few covers scribbled, gc); Mennonite Biblical Seminary . Reprint from Mennonite Life (Apr. 1959). 28pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl yellowed and creased, gc). 38. Committee Reports (Franconia Mennonite Conference). 12 semiannual iss: Fall 1960, Spring 1961, Fall 1961, Spring 1962, Spring 1963, Fall 1963, Spring 1964, Fall 1964, Spring 1965, Fall 1965, Spring 1966, Fall 1966; Conference Report (Franconia Mennonite Conference). 15 semiannual iss: Spring 1967, Fall 1967, Spring 1968, Fall 1968, Spring 1969, Fall 1969, Spring 1970, Fall 1970, Spring 1971, Fall 1971, Special Session Dec. 11 1971, Spring 1972, Fall 1972, Spring 1973, Fall 1973; Resolutions/Actions/Record of Actions Adopted by the Franconia Mennonite Conference . Page 4 April 8, 2011 34 semiannual iss: Oct. 6, 1949-Oct. 6, 1966; Report of Annual Meeting (Franconia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities). 14 annual iss: 1958-63, 1965-72 (all pb, mostly vgc). 39. Congregational Directory and Business Statement (Upper Skippack Mennonite Church and Cemetery, Creamery, Pa.). 26 annual iss (1957-82) bound in 1 vol. (yellowed pp, gc); 50th Anniversary, Zion Mennonite Church, Souderton, Pennsylvania, February 7-14, 1943 . 35pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, sl yellowed covers, sl vertical crease, gc). 40. Springfield Annual Reports (Springfield Mennonite Church, Coopersburg, Pa.). 34 annual iss (1947-80) bound in 2 vols. (yellowed pp, gc); 50th Anniversary, Zion Mennonite Church, Souderton, Pennsylvania, February 7-14, 1943 . 35pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 41. Godshalk, Abraham. A Description of the New Creature from Its Birth Until Grown Up “Unto a Perfect Man; Unto the Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ ”. . . . 83 copies. [Ephrata, Pa.: Lester R. Sauder, ca. 1965]. 76pp (pb, saddle stapled, foxing on edges, rusted staples, gc); Rittenhouse, Jacob Z. Television Today . 12 copies. N.p., 1956. 30pp (pb, some yellowed covers, gc to vgc). 42. Purpose . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. Vol. 17 (1984), no. 1-12; Vol. 18 (1985), no. 1-12; Vol. 19 (1986), no. 1-12. ca. 30-40pp/number (pb, ill, vgc). 43. Missionary Light . Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. 29 bimonthly iss: Vol. 19 (1959), no. 1-5; Vol. 20 (1960), no. 1, 3, 5-6; Vol. 21 (1961), no. 1-4, 6; Vol. 22 (1962), no. 1-6; Vol. 23 (1963), no. 1-4, 6; Vol. 24 (1964), no. 2, 4-6. 16pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, gc). 44. The Voice of Truth . Lancaster, Pa.: Crusade for Christ. Numerous monthly/bimonthly iss: Vol. 1 (1957), no. 5-9; Vol. 2 (1958), no. 1-10; Vol. 3 (1959), no. 1-6; Vol. 4 (1960), no. 1-6; Vol. 5 (1961), no. 1-6. 8-16pp/iss (pb, ill, many duplicates, gc to vgc). 45. Mennonite Historian . Winnipeg, Man.: History Archives Committee of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada and Centre for MB Studies of the Canadian Conference of MB Churches. Vol. 13 (1987), no. 1-4; Vol. 14 (1988), no. 1-4; Vol. 15 (1989), no. 1-4; Vol. 16 (1990), no. 3-4; Vol. 17 (1991), no. 1-4; Vol. 18 (1992), no. 1-4; Vol. 19 (1993), no. 1-4; Vol. 20 (1994), no. 1-4; Vol. 21 (1990), no. 1-4. 8-16pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Mennonite Heritage . Metamora, Ill.: Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society. 3 quarterly iss: Vol. 10 (1983), no. 3; Vol. 16 (1989), no. 1-2. 12-32pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 46. Youth Messenger . Lancaster, Pa.: Youth Messenger Publishing Committee. 104 weekly iss: Vol. 6 (1969), no. 1-52; Vol. 7 (1970), no. 1-52. 8pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, few yellowed, gc to vgc); Missions Yearbook . Salunga, Pa.: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. 12 annual iss: 1956-67. ca. 80-100pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some yellowed edges, gc to vgc). 47. Steiner, U., Die angenehmen Stunden in Zion, der stillen Ruhe ; Hershberger, E., Devotional Covering and Immoral Courtship ; Eine schaedliche Uebung ; Swartzentruber, F., Feasts & Weddings ; Die Offenbarung der verstorbenen Barbara Stutzman an alle Menschen ; Martin, J., The Repentance Call ; Mennonite Meeting Calendar of the Mennonite Churches in Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington Co., Md ., 3 annual iss: 1923, 1926, 1961; Mennonite Calendar of Weaverland Conference , 4 annual iss: 1967, 1969, 1976, 1991 (all pb, mostly gc to vgc, 1 mc). 48. 250 Years, Light from a Hill, Mellinger District . Edited by Elizabeth Heller. N.p., [1967]. [195]pp in various pagings (pb, spiral-bound, ill, biblio, yellowed pp, covers sl torn and creased, gc); Sensenig, J. Carl. Called of God: The Mennonite Churches of Reading, Pennsylvania . Denver, Pa.: Author, 2007. 315pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, exlib, caif, gc). 49. MacMaster, Richard K., with Donald R. Jacobs. A Gentle Wind of God: The Influence of the East Africa Revival . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2006. 403pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, exlib, gc); Winters, John W. John Bender Senger, Pioneer Evangelist and Pastor, 1850-1932 . [Lititz, Pa.: Author], 1987. 57pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Stahl, Martha Denlinger. Second Wife: Stories and Wisdom from Women Who Have Married Widowers . Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 2005. 178pp (pb, signed by author, vgc). 50. Mennonites and Their Heritage . Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee. 6 vols.: 1. Bender, Harold S., Mennonite Origins in Europe (4th ed., 1953); 2. Smith, C. Henry. Mennonites in America (3rd ed., 1944); 3. Yoder, Edward. Our Mennonite Heritage (3rd ed., 1945); 4. Kaufman, Ed G. Our Mission as a Church of Christ (1st and 2nd ed., 1944); 5. Hershberger, Guy F. Christian Relationships to State and Community (3rd ed., 1945); 6. Hiebert, P.C. Life and Service in the Kingdom of God (3rd ed., 1945). ca. 60-100pp/vol. (pb, most yellowed pp and covers, gc); Mennonite World Handbook , ed. P. Kraybill. 390pp (pb, vgc); The Kingdom of God in a Changing World: Proceedings of the Tenth Assembly, Mennonite World Conference, Wichita, Kansas, July 25-30, 1978 , ed. P. Kraybill. 236pp (pb, b/w ill, 2 copies, vgc); Witmarsum Spirit (Witmarsum Theological Seminary, Bluffton, Ohio), 1922. 31pp (pb, b/w ill, gc); Proceedngs of the Mennonite General Conference , 1921. 231, [1]pp (pb, sds, yellowed pp, covers sl creased, gc). 51. Fretz, J.W., Mennonite Colonization: Lessons from the Past for the Future ; Fretz, J.W., Mennonite Colonization in Mexico: An Introduction ; Schlabach, T., A New Rhythm for Mennonites ; Harder, H., Guide to Faith ; Grubb, S.M., Why I Am a Mennonite ; The Mennonite Quarterly Review , “Oberholtzer Division Issue,” Vol. 46 (1972), no. 4; A Guide to Church Vocations , ed. D.J. Mishler; Christian Workers’ Training Manual (all pb, gc to vgc). 52. Yoder, E., Must Christians Fight: A Scriptural Inquiry (2 copies); Yoder, E., Sollen Christen sich an der Kriegsfuehrung beteiligen ?; Yoder, E., and D. Smucker, The Christian and Conscription ; Charles, H., Before You Decide ; Shelly, M., New Call for Peacemakers ; Fretz, J.W., Meditations on Christian Mutual Aid ; Fretz, J.W., Christian Mutual Aid: A Handbook of Brotherhood Economics ; Lehman, M.C., Mennonite Relief Service (all pb, gc to vgc). 53. The Mennonite Central Committee Story . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1980. 2 vols. only: 2. Responding to Worldwide Needs ; 3. Witness and Service in North America . 155, 122pp (pb, vgc); Handbook of Information on the Mennonite Central Committee (1943, 2 copies); Handbook of the Mennonite Central Committee (3rd ed., 1950); Mennonite Community Sourcebook , ed. E. Loewen; Lederach, P., Handbook, Mennnite Commission for Christian Education (all pb, gc to vgc). 54. Hagers-Town Town and Country Almanack . Hagerstown, Md.: John Gruber. 9 annual iss: 1911-19. ca. 30pp/iss April 8, 2011 Page 5 (pb, eng, some sds, yellowed pp, 1 covers torn and detached, mostly gc, 1 mc). 55. Agricultural Almanac . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons. 4 annual iss: 1962-63, 1969, 1979. ca. 40-100pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc); Farmers’ Almanac . Almanac Pub. Co. 7 annual iss: 1979, 1982, 1984-85, 1990, 1993-94. ca. 40- 50pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc). 56. The Beehive . Germantown, Pa.: Fleu & Fetterolf. 43 monthly iss: Vol. 7 (1924-25), no. 1-2; Vol. 10 (1926), no. 6; Vol. 11 (1926-27), no. 1-2; Vol. 21 (1932), no. 2; Vol. 26 (1934-35), no. 3-6; Vol. 27 (1935), no. 1-6; Vol. 28 (1935-36), no. 1-6; Vol. 29 (1936), no. 1-6; Vol. 39 (1936-37), no. 1-2, 4-6; Vol. 31 (1937), no. 1-6; Vol. 32 (1937-38), no. 1, 3-5. ca. 20pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, exlib, 1 covers detached, mostly gc, 1 mc). 57. Newsletter . Doylestown, Pa.: Bucks County Genealogical Society. 35 quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1981-82)-Vol. 8 (1988-89) complete; Vol. 9 (1989-90), no. 1-3. Includes annual/biannual indexes. ca. 10-15pp/iss (pb, some yellowed pp, 1 cut-out, gc to vgc); Historical Review of Berks County . Reading, Pa.: Historical Society of Berks County. 1 quarterly iss: Vol. 13 (1947-48), no. 3. ca. 30pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, covers soiled, gc); The American-German Review . Philadelphia, Pa.: Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation. 3 bimonthly iss: Vol. 20 (1953-54), no. 6; Vol. 21 (1954-55), no. 1; Vol. 23 (1956-57), no. 2. 40pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, yellowed covers, gc); Conserving Pennsylvania’s Historic Past . Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939. 20, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, cover sl soiled and creased, gc). 58. Pennsylvania Traveler . Southeastern ed. Doylestown, Pa.: Pennsylvania Traveler, Inc. 16 monthly iss: Vol. 1 (1958-59), no. 1-12; Vol. 2 (1959-60), no. 1-2. ca. 60-80pp/iss (pb, ill, 1 duplicate, some yellowed pp, 1 cover torn, gc); The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography . Philadelphia, Pa.: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 112 (1988), no. 3; Vol. 115 (1991), no. 2; Vol. 119 (1995), no. 3. ca. 100pp/iss (pb, 2 foxing on edges and yellowed covers, gc to vgc); Conserving Pennsylvania’s Historic Past. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939. 20, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 59. Legal Intelligencer . Philadelphia, Pa.: King & Baird. 1 bound vol.: Vol. 25 (1868), no. 2-51. [9]-402pp (first and last iss and part of penultimate iss missing, yellowed and some torn pp, spine cover missing, front and back covers missing, pc). 60. The Perkiomen Region . Pennsburg, Pa.: Historical and Natural Science Society of the Perkiomen Region. 46 mostly quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1922), no. 2-6; Vol. 2 (1923), no. 1-4; Vol. 3 (1924-25), no. 1-4; Vol. 4 (1926), no. 1; Vol. 5 (1927), no. 1-4; Vol. 6 (1928), no. 1-4; Vol. 7 (1929), no. 1-4; Vol. 8 (1930), no. 1-2, 3/4; Vol. 9 (1931), no. 1-4; Vol. 10 (1932), no. 1-4; Vol. 11 (1933), no. 1-2-3-4; Vol. 12 (1934), no. 1-2, 3/4; Vol. 13 (1935), no. 1-2, 3/4; Vol. 14 (1936), no. 1-2. ca. 30-180pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, ind, yellowed pp, few stis, some hole-punched, few covers detached, mc to gc). 61. Same as above. 38 quarterly iss: Vol. 2 (1923), no. 1-4; Vol. 3 (1924-25), no. 2-4; Vol. 4 (1926), no. 1; Vol. 5 (1927), no. 1-4; Vol. 6 (1928), no. 1, 3-4; Vol. 7 (1929), no. 1-4; Vol. 8 (1930), no. 1-2; Vol. 9 (1931), no. 1-4; Vol. 10 (1932), no. 1-4; Vol. 11 (1933), no. 1-2-3-4; Vol. 12 (1934), no. 1-2, 3/4; Vol. 13 (1935), no. 1-2, 3/4; Vol. 14 (1936), no. 1-2. ca. 30-180pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, ind, yellowed pp, few stis, some hole-punched, few covers detached, mc to gc). 62. The Pennsylvania-German . East Greenville, Pa.; Lititz, Pa.: H.W. Kriebel. 47 monthly iss: Vol. 7 (1906), no. 1-3, 5-7; Vol. 8 (1907), no. 1-2, 4, 6-9, 12; Vol. 9 (1908), no. 1-7, 9, 11; Vol. 10 (1909), no. 1-3, 6-7, 9, 11-12; Vol. 11 (1910), no. 2-3, 6-7, 10-12; Vol. 12 (1911), no. 2-6, 9-12. ca. 50pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 1 duplicate, few ds, some covers detached, yellowed brittle covers, mc to gc); The Penn Germania . Lititz, Pa.: H.W. Kriebel. Vol. 1 (1912), no. 2-3, 5-8, 9/10, 11; Vol. 2 (1913), no. 1-3; Vol. 3 (1914), no. 1. ca. 60pp/iss (pb, few ds, few covers detached, yellowed brittle covers, mc to gc). 63. Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society , 3 monthly iss: Vol. 35 (1931, no. 11; Vol. 37 (1933), no. 1; Vol. 44 (1940), no. 2; The Dauphin County Historical Review , 1 iss: Vol. 2 (1953-54), no. 1; Historic Preservation , Vol. 10 (1958), no. 2; Pennsylvania History , Vol. 67 (2000), no. 4; The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine , Vol. 19 (1952-54), [no. 4?]; Gilbert, R., A Picture of the Pennsylvania Germans , rev. ed. (1958); The Hearthstone (published annually by the Shelter House Society, Emmaus, Pa., 1973 iss); Guide to the Microfilm of the Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers in the Pennsylvania State Archives (1967) (all pb, gc to vgc). 64. Going West: Schweizer Volkskunst in Amerika: Sonderausstellung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums: Zürich: 4. Jul bis 23. Oktober 1994; Neuenburg: 28. November 1994 bis 19. Februar 1995 . Zürich: Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, 1994. 108pp (pb, ill, bib refs, vgc); Lortz, M., Die Geschichte der Evangelisch-Reformierten Gemeinde Oberseebach-Schleithal . N.p., 1983. 70pp (pb, vgc); Conserving Pennsylvania’s Historic Past . Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1939. 20, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 65. Harger, Cynthia Covert, and Norma Snyder. Heritage of the Black Swamp: Guide to Sauder Museum Farm and Craft Village . [Archbold, Ohio]: The Museum, 1978. 130pp (pb, ill, bib, sl tear in front cover, vgc); Selders, David V. A Kindred at 2000 A.D.: The Power of Family Unity: A Medley of Family Facts, Findings, Speculations and Myths--and a Gathering of “Folks Today Called Selders .” 1st ed. Tucson, Ariz.: Cambridge Drive Productions, 1998. 415pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, signed by author, vgc). 66. Schenk, Alf. Folk Song Book in the Street-Talk of Berlin, Ontario: A Look at Birds, Flowers, to Market in Berlin, Little Barnyard Friends: A German Dialect of Ontario Canada in English Phonetic Form with Historical Background . [St. Jacobs, Ont.]: St. Jacobs Printery, 1991. [xi], 200pp (b/w ill, gc); Branch Notes . Kitchener, Ont.: Waterloo Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society. 5 quarterly iss: Vol. 14 (1986), no. 1-4; Vol. 15 (1987), no. 1. ca. 20pp/iss (bound in folder, sis, vgc). 67. Roth, Clara, [et al.]. Family History and Genealogy of Jacob (Wagner) Gingerich and Verona Litwiller, 1825- 1975 . Baden, Ont.: 1975. ix, [i], 192 lvs (in binder, ind, vgc). 68. Yoder Newsletter . Goshen, Ind. 33 issues: no. 3-35. 8pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, horizontally creased, gc). 69. 1 group photograph: Caption: “Annual Meeting and Luncheon of the Pennsylvania German Society, Friday, Oct. 18, 1929, Harrisburg, Pa..” 8” x 32” (b/w ill, rolled, yellowed, gc). 70. 2 group photographs: “20th Triennial Conference, Mennonite Church of North America. Perkasie, Pa. August, Page 6 April 8, 2011 1920.” 8” x 36” (b/w ill, rolled, sl yellowed, sl torn, gc); “Missionaries Attending Mennonites Conference, Perkasie, Pa. Aug 1920.” Philada, Pa.: Keystone Photo Studio. 8” x 20 ½” (b/w ill, rolled, sl torn, gc). 71. Christian History . Worcester, Pa.: Christian History Magazine; Carol Stream, Ill.: Christianity Today, Inc. 14 quarterly iss: Vol. 1 (1982), no. 1; Vol. 2 (1983), no. 1; Vol. 3 (1984), no. 1; Vol. 4 (1985), no. 1, 4; Vol. 5 (1986), no. 2- 4; Vol. 6 (1987), no. 1; Vol. 8 (1989), no. 1; Vol. 10 (1991), no. 3; Vol.11 (1992), no. 1. ca. 40-50pp/ill (pb, ill, 2 duplicates, 2 ds, gc to vgc); The American Sunday School Union Quarterly on the International Lessons . Philadelphia: The Union. 3 iss: Vol. 15 (1894), 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 4th Quarter. ca. 30-40pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, col maps, 1 sds, ppn, 1 moth-eaten, spine covers torn, yellowed pp, gc); Our Bible Lesson Quarterly for Sunday School Scholars . Dayton, Ohio: United Brethren Pub. House. Vol. 11 (1889), no. 3. 32pp (pb, ppn, yellowed pp, gc); The Messenger . Philadelphia, Pa.: German Baptist Home for the Aged. Vol. 24 (1940), no. 1. 19pp (pb, yellowed pp, creased, gc). 72. The Biblical Archaeologist . Cambridge, Mass.: American Schools of Oriental Research. 28 quarterly iss: Vol. 30 (1967), no. 3; Vol. 31 (1968)-Vol. 36 (1973) complete; Vol. 37 (1974), no. 1-3. ca. 30pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some sl yellowed, gc to vgc). 73. Virginia Cavalcade . Richmond, Va.: Library of Virginia. 15 quarterly iss: Vol. 47 (1998), no. 3-4; Vol. 48 (1999), no. 1-4; Vol. 49 (2000), no. 1-4; Vol. 50 (2001), no. 1-2; Vol. 51 (2002), no. 1-3. ca. 40-50pp/iss (pb, ill, vgc). 74. The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible: New Revised Standard Version with Deuterocanonical Books . Edited by Richard J. Foster. 1st ed. HarperSanFrancisco: 2005. xlvii, 2346pp (dj, maps, vgc); Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress . Philadelphia, Pa.: John C. Winston & Co., 1893. 327pp (eng, yellowed pp, covers loose, mc); Alcorn, Randy. Heaven . Carol Stream, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 2004. xx, 533pp (dj, bib, ind, vgc). 75. Webster, Noah. Webster’s Universal Dictionary of theEnglish Language . . . Being the Unabridged Dictionary . With a Comprehensive Addendum of Newest Words, compiled by Joseph Devlin. Edited by Thomas H. Russell and L.B. Vaughan. Cleveland, Ohio: World Syndicate Pub. Co., 1937. lvi, 2024, [16]pp (ub, eng, col maps, continuously paged, stis, sds, 1 caif, yellowed endpapers, gc). 76. 68 picture post cards, mostly eastern Pennsylvania, consisting of notable buildings and natural scenery, ca. early to mid-1900s (b/w and col ill, most with messages and postmarks, few creased, mostly gc); 1 dinner plate: “1784--175th Anniversary--1959, St. Paul’s Union Church, Trexlertown, Pa..” Pineville in Bucks Co., Pa.: Fired by L. Elkinton Larzelene, 1959. 10” diameter (b/w ill, vgc). 77. 6 children’s and small-format books: Malvern, The Little Bear Who Liked People ; Cinderella ; Burgess, The Little Burgess Animal Book ; Ames, The Story of American Folk Song ; Lantz, Andy Panda’s Vacation ; Dickens, A Christmas Carol (last item softcover, mc to gc). 78. Willet, J.E., Wonders of Insect Life ; Scudder, S., Every-Day Butterflies ; Weed, C., Butterflies Worth Knowing ; Wood, J.G., Homes Without Hands, Being a Description of the Habitations of Animals, Classed According to Their Principle of Construction ; Villiard, P., Moths and How to Rear Them ; Shelton, L., Continuous Bloom in America ; Comstock, A., Handbook of Nature-Study for Teachers and Parents ; Geyer, A., Smith, R., and Barnes, J., Mineral Collecting in Pennsylvania (last item pb, mc to gc). 79. Famous Fairy Tales , ed. Piper; Stevenson, A Child’s Garden of Verses ; Bellak’s Excelsior Instructor for the Piano-Forte ; The Trapp Family Book of Christmas Songs , selected and arr. by F. Wasner signed by Maria Trapp; The World’s Greatest Christmas Stories , ed. E. Posselt (2nd item pb, mc to vgc). 80. My Book House . Edited by Olive Beaupré Miller. Chicago: Book House for Children, 1937. Vols. 1-12: 1. In the Nursery ; 2. Story Time ; 3. Up One Pair of Stairs; 4. Through the Gate; 5. Over the Hills ; 6. Through Fairy Halls ; 7. The Magic Garden ; 8. Flying Sails ; 9. The Treasure Chest ; 10. From the Tower Window ; 11. In Shining Armor ; 12. Halls of Fame. ca. 220-280pp (ub, ill endpapers, col ill mounted on front covers, yellowed pp, 2 loose pp and covers, mc to gc). 81. Remarque, E., All Quiet on the Western Front , trans. A.W. Wheen, 1929. 291pp (yellowed pp, gc); Ryan, C., The Last Battle , 1966. 571pp (b/w ill, col maps on endpapers, bib, ind, vgc); Salinger, P., With Kennedy , 1966. xvi, 391pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time , ed. E. Hemingway, 1979, c1942. xxvii, 1072pp (yellowed pp, gc). 82. 6 items by Lucy M. Montgomery: Chronicles of Avonlea ; Anne of Avonlea ; Anne of the Island ; Anne’s House of Dreams ; Anne of Windy Poplars ; Anne of Ingleside (2 copies); Dodge, Mary Mapes, Hans Brinker; or The Silver Skates . (first item dj, mostly gc). 83. Fox, The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come ; Buck, Portrait of a Marriage ; Marshall, A Man Called Peter: The Story of Peter Marshall ; Gayley, The Classic Myths in English Literature ; Thoreau, Walden; or, Life in the Woods (mostly gc, 1 mc). 84. Redcay, -Dutch Cookbook ; Aurand, Cooking with the Pennsylvania “Dutch ”; sheet of Pennsylvania Dutch decals in envelope; Stevens, Pennsylvania History in Outline ; Seneca Indians: Home Life and Culture ; The National Geographic Magazine , 3 iss: Vol. 80 (1941), no. 1 (includes Stauffer, “In the Pennsylvania Dutch Country”); Vol. 82 (1942), no. 3; Vol. 110 (1956) (gc to vgc). 85. Great People of the Bible and How They Lived ; Throckmorton, Gospel Parallels: A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels ; The Minister’s Handbook of Dedications , ed. Leach; Brenner, [et al.], A Handbook on Worship: An Interpretation of The Book of Worship of the Evangelical and Reformed Church ; The Heidelberg Catechism (400th anniversary ed.); Hauser, Reformed Church Doctrine: A Popular Treatment of the Heidelberg Catechism (gc to vgc). 86. Nelson’s Complete Concordance of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible . Compiled by John W. Ellison. 2nd printing. New York: Thomas Nelson’s Sons, 1957. 2157pp (caif, yellowed pp, covers loose, gc). 87. Peterson, E., Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity , 1987. 192pp (pb, bib refs, vgc); Fulghum, R., Maybe (Maybe Not): Second Thoughts from a Secret Life , 1993. 228pp (dj, vgc); Ammon, R., An Amish Christmas , 1996. [34]pp (pb, ill, vgc); Lewis, B., The Shunning , 1997. 283pp (dj, sl foxing on edges, vgc). April 8, 2011 Page 7 88. 6 items by C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity ; The Screwtape Letters ; The Problem of Pain ; The Great Divorce ; The Abolition of Man ; Miracles (all pb, in slipcase, 1 bib refs, 1 ind, 1 is, some yellowed pp, gc to vgc). 89. Birds and Flowers of the Fifty States: A Collection of United States Commemorative Stamps . [Washington, D.C.]: United States Postal Service, 1982. 59, [2]pp (dj, many ill, bib, back cover spotted, vgc); Kimball, Ward. Toys: Delights from the Past . Lebanon, Pa.: Applied Arts Publishers, 1976. 31, [1]pp (pb, chiefly b/w ill, vgc); Baker, Roger. Dolls and Dolls’ Houses: A Collector’s Introduction. [New York]: Crescent Books, c1973. 64pp (dj, many ill, bib, cover edges sl worn, gc); Doll Collectors Manual 1983 . 9th ed. Doll Collectors of America: 1983. 158pp (dj, b/w ill, bibs, foxing on top edge, ds, gc). 90. Bressett, K., The Whitman Guide to Coin Collecting , 1st ed., 1999. x, 246pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Hoffer, C., A Concise Introduction to Music Listening , 4th ed., 1988. xvii, [iii], 312pp (pb, ill, ind, is, ppn, gc); Jones, O.G., Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance: Group Leadership Manual for Chairmanship and Floor Leadership , new enlarged and rev. ed., 1971. xlvi, [50]pp (pb, vgc); The Journal of Major George Washington: An Account of His First Official Mission, Made as Emissary from the Governor of Virginia to the Commandant of the French Forces on the Ohio, October 1753-January 1754 , 1754, facsimile ed., 1959. xi, [i], 42pp (dj, maps, vgc). 91. Allen, T., [et al.], America’s Outdoor Wonders: State Parks and Sanctuaries (National Geographic Society); American Illustrated Cover Catalog: The Collection of John R. Biddle ; Cowan, H., [et al.], A Guide to the World’s Greatest Buildings: Masterpieces of Architecture & Engineering ; Foulke, Daytrips and Getaway Weekends in the Mid- Atlantic States (6th ed.); Tourist Trains: 38th Annual Guide to Tourist Railroads and Museums (first item dj, last 3 items pb, mostly vgc, 1 gc). 92. 10 children’s books: Lee, What Have You Done All Day?: Poems ; Bolton, Toys and Games ; Mother Goose , arr. and ed. Grover; Winter Snowman ; The Poky Little Puppy’s Counting Book ; Johnson, Baby’s First Words ; Did You Ever Pet a Care Bear? ; Robbin, The How and Why Wonder Book of Explorations and Discoveries ; Polacco, Uncle Vova’s Tree ; Potter, The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin (first item dj, last 3 items pb, mostly vgc). 93. Davidson, Charles, and Lincoln Diament. Stamping Our History: The Story of the United States Portrayed on Its Postage Stamps . New York: Carol Pub. Group, 1990. xvi, 253pp (dj, ill, ind, vgc); Birds and Flowers of the Fifty States: A Collection of United States Commemorative Stamps . [Washington, D.C.]: United States Postal Service, 1982. 59, [2]pp (dj, many ill, bib, vgc); Genes and Inheritance . Edited by Charles B. Clayman. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest Association, 1993. 144pp (ill, ind, vgc). 94. McHoy, P., The Gardening Handbook , 1998. 256pp (pb, many ill, ind, vgc); Lindbergh, A., Gift from the Sea , c1975, c1955. 142pp (dj, vgc); Leavitt, D., The Indian Clerk , 2007. 485pp (pb, vgc); Curtis, C., The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 , 1998. 210pp (pb, vgc). 95. Wilsdorf, Heinz G.F. Early German-American Imprints. New German-American Studies/Neue Deutsche- Amerikanische Studien, vol. 17. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. xvi, 259pp (b/w ill, ind, nc); Remember William Penn, 1644-1944 . [Harrisburg: William Penn Tercentenary Committee, 1944]. 1-156, 169-173, vi, 78pp (map on endpapers, ind, sl foxing on edges, ppn, yellowed pp, gc); Haviland, Virginia. William Penn, Founder and Friend . New York: Abingdon- Cokesbury Press, 1952. 127, [1]pp (fp, b/w ill, caif, yellowed endpapers, gc). 96. Intimate Glimpses of the Pennsylvania Germans , ed. H. Rosenberger, 1966. 98pp (pb, bib refs, sl yellowed pp, back cover sl soiled, gc); Tolzmann, D., German-American Achievements: 400 Years of Contributions to America , 2001. x, 159pp (pb, bib, ind, vgc); The German-American Connection: A Historical Sketch with Tips for Sightseeing Adventures and for Tracing Family Roots in the Federal Republic of Germany . Baltimore, Md.: Heinz Moos Pub. Co., [1983?]. 46, [2]pp (pb, b/w ill, foxing on covers, vertical crease, gc); Dyke, S., The Pennsylvania Rifle , 1974. 61pp (pb, ill, signed by author, vgc). 97. Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. The German-American Experience . Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books, 2000. 466pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, few page corners creased, vgc); Schaun, George and Virginia. Everyday Life in Colonial Pennsylvania . 3rd ed. Annapolis, Md.: Greenberry Publications, 1966. 90pp (mimeographed pp bound in folder, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Jenkins, Charles Francis. Jefferson’s Germantown Letters, Together with Other Papers Relating to His Stay in Germantown During the Month of November, 1793 . Philadelphia: William J. Campbell, 1906. 194, [8]pp (b/w ill, few uncut pp, exlib, caif, stis, yellowed pp, gc). 98. Harbaugh, H., Harbaugh’s Harfe: Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch-Deutscher Mundart (rev. ed., 1902); Aurand, Quaint Idioms and Expressions of the Pennsylvania-Germans (8th ed.); Aurand, Pennsylvania-German Dialect Stories and Poems ; Mark: Sei E’fangeylium in Pa. Deitsh (1975); Christi Glorreiche Erscheinung: Eine Auslegung von Matthäus Vierundzwanzig (last 4 items pb, gc). 99. Harbaugh, H., Harbaugh’s Harfe: Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch-Deutscher Mundart (rev. ed., 1902); Visitors’ Guide to the Centennial Exhibition and Philadelphia, May 10th to November 10th, 1876 ; Pennsylvania Imprints, 1689- 1789: The First Hundred Years ; Tolzmann, German Cincinnati (Images of America) (2005); Der Reggeboge , Vol. 32 (1998), no. 2 (last 3 items pb, gc). 100. Wilsdorf, Heinz G.F. Early German-American Imprints. New German-American Studies/Neue Deutsche- Amerikanische Studien, vol. 17. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. xvi, 259pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. The German-American Experience . Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books, 2000. 466pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, signed copy, vgc). 101. Robacker, Earl F. Pennsylvania German Literature: Changing Trends from 1683 to 1942 . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1943. x, 217pp (bib, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 102. Wust, Klaus. The Virginia Germans . Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1969. xi, 310pp (maps, bib, ind, vgc). 103. Parsons, William T. The Pennsylvania Dutch: A Persistent Minority . Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976. 316pp (bib, ind, vgc). Page 8 April 8, 2011 104. Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Spirituality . Edited by Richard E. Wentz. New York: Paulist Press, 1993. 329pp (dj, bib, ind, vgc); Rippley, LaVern. Of German Ways . New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1980, c1970. 301pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc). 105. The First Century of German Language Printing in the United States of America: A Bibliography Based on the Studies of Oswald Seidensticker and Wilbur H. Oda . Edited by Karl John Richard Arndt and Reimer C. Eck; compiled by Gerd-J. Bötte and Werner Tannhof. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vols. 21-22. Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 1989. xxix, [iii], 1245pp in 2 vols. (ub, continuously paged, ind, ps, ppn, covers sl soiled, gc). 106. Pendleton, Philip E. Oley Valley Heritage: The Colonial Years, 1700-1775 . Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 28. Birdsboro, Pa.: The Society, 1994. 232pp (dj, fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 107. Herr, Donald M. Pewter in Pennsylvania German Churches . Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 29. Birdsboro, Pa.: The Society, 1995. xv, [i], 214pp (dj, fp, ill, bib, ind, vgc). 108. Fogleman, Aaron Spencer. Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775 . Early American Studies. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 30. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. xii, 257pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 109. Nolt, Steven M. Foreigners in Their Own Land: Pennsylvania Germans in the Early Republic . Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series, no. 2. Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society, vol. 35. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. x, 238pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 110. Ernst, James E. Ephrata: A History . Edited by John Joseph Stoudt. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 25. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter’s, 1963. xxi, 354pp (b/w ill, bib refs, sl yellowed pp, yellowed spine cover, gc). 111. Alderfer, E.G. The Ephrata Commune, an Early American Counterculture . Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. xiii, 273pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, stis, gc); Chorales: A Collection of Hymns and Anthems Composed by . Edited by Russell P. Getz. New York: G. Schirmer, 1971. 28pp (pb, stis, sps, gc); Aurand, A. Monroe, Jr. Historical Account of the Ephrata Cloister and the Seventh Day Baptist Society . Harrisburg, Pa.: Aurand Press, 1940. 24pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 112. Showalter, Mary Emma. Mennonite Community Cookbook . 16th printing, 1972. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Community Association, c1957, c1950. xviii, 494pp (dj, fp, ill, ind, ppn, sl yellowed endpapers, gc). 113. Studer, Gerald C. Christopher Dock, Colonial Schoolmaster: The Biography and Writings of Christopher Dock . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1967. 445pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, foxing on edges, sps, gc); Heatter, Basil. Eighty Days to Hong Kong . New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969. 145pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 114. Ressler, M., An Annotated Bibliography of Mennonite Hymnals and Songbooks ; Hostetler, J., Hutterite Life ; Hostetler, J., Amish Life (2nd printing, 1952); Steinfeldt, B., The Amish of Lancaster County ; Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage , 3 quarterly iss: Vol. 11 (1988), no. 2; Vol. 22 (1999), no. 2, 4 (all but first item pb, gc to vgc). 115. Packull, Werner O. Mysticism and the Early South German-Austrian Anabaptist Movement, 1525-1531 . Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, no. 19. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1977. 252pp (bib, ind, sps, vgc); Yoder, John H. The Politics of Jesus: Vicit Agnus Noster . Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1972. 260pp (pb, ind, hps, ppn, gc); A Christian Declaration on the Way of Peace . 24pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 116. Ausbund, das ist: Etliche schöne christliche Lieder, wie sie in dem Gefängnis zu Passau in dem Schloß von den Schweitzer-Brüdern . . . . 13. Aufl. Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County, Pa.: 1975. vi, 894pp (vgc). 117. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes . . . . 5. verb. Aufl., mit einem Anhang. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1841. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, foxing, ds, stis, 1 clasp missing, corners sl worn, mc). 118. The World of Charles Addams . New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. xii, 305pp (dj, chiefly ill, vgc); The Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics . Edited by Bill Blackbeard and Martin Williams. [Washington]: Smithsonian Institution Press, [1977]. 336pp (dj, fp, chiefly ill, foxing, gc); Odyssey . Crozet, Va.: Western Albemarle High School. 1 annual iss: 2004. 212pp (ill, ppn, gc). 119. Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth, Latitudes 30º to 39º, Inclusive (Vol. 4). Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1940. x, 263, [2]pp (sl yellowed pp, corners bent, gc); Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth, Latitudes 40º to 49º, Inclusive (Vol. 5). United States Navy Department Hydrographic Office. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1940. xi, 263, [2]pp (sl yellowed pp, corners bent, gc). 120. Freytag, Gustav. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit . Neuer Abdruck. Leipzig: G. Hirzel, 1920-22. 4 vols. in 5: 1. Aus dem Mittelalter; 2(1). Mittelalter zur Neuzeit; 2(2). Aus dem Jahrhundert der Reformation; 3. Aus dem Jahrhundert des großen Krieges; 4. Aus neuer Zeit. 400-550pp/vol. (ub, bib refs, some yellowed pp, covers sl torn, gc). 121. Freytag, Gustav. Soll und Haben: Roman in sechs Büchern . Vol. 1-2. Berlin: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, n.d. 916, [2]pp (ub, quarter bound, continuously paged, sl yellowed pp, gc). 122. Keller, Gottfried. Der grüne Heinrich . Hrsg. von Philipp Witkop. Berlin: Volksverband der Bücherfreunde, [1880]. 4 Banden in 2. 432, [2]; 557, [2]pp (ub, half bound, marbled covers, sl yellowed pp, 1 leaf torn, gc). 123. Schillers sämtliche Werke . Säkular-Ausgabe. Stuttgart und Berlin: J.G. Cotta’sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, n.d. 7 vols.: 8, 11-16. ca. 350-450pp/vol. (ub, half bound, marbled edges covers, vgc). 124. Fischer, Kuno. Goethes Faust: Die Erklärung des goetheschen Faust nach der Reihenfolge seiner Scenen . 2. Aufl. Heidelberg: Carl Winter’s Universitätsbuchhandlung, [1902-03?]. [271]-677, [679]-1045pp (ub, half bound, marbled covers, bib refs, 1 caif, yellowed pp, gc); Fischer, Kuno. Goethes Faust . 5. Aufl. 1. Band: Die Faustdichtung vor Goethe. Heidelberg: Carl Winter’s Universitätsbuchhandlung, n.d. [171]-408, 1-272pp in one vol. (half bound, marbled covers, fp, bib refs, yellowed pp, gc). April 8, 2011 Page 9 125. Ferdinand Freilgrath’s sämmtliche Werke . Vollständige Original-Ausgabe. New-York: Friedrich Gerhard, 1858. 4 vols. in 2. 460, iv, 346, ii; 340, iv, 326, iv pp (ub, half bound, foxing, covers scratched, corners worn, mc). 126. Der Beweis des Lehrsatzes: Die Todten werden auferstehen. Nach Anlaß der öffentlichen Aufgabe im Vorber. des III. Th. der Canzelreden nach den Gründen des Glaubens und der Vernunft in einigen Reden von berühmten und begabten Lehrern ausgeführet . Hamburg und Leipzig: Johan Jacob Korn, 1741. 798, [1]pp (quarter bound, ppn, yellowed pp, 1 page corner torn out, cover corners and edges worn, gc); The Second Part of Miscellany Poems. Containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets: Together with Several Original Poems . Published by Mr. Dryden. 5th ed. London: Printed for J. Tonson in the Strand, 1727. [x], 394pp (fp, rebound, yellowed pp, gc). 127. Weichenhan, Erasmus. Christliche Betrachtungen über die evangelischen Texte so man zu lesen pfleget an den Sonntagen und hohen Festen . Allentaun, Penns.: B. und W. Blumer, 1842. 784, [1]pp (al, foxing, caif, covers soiled, front cover loose, mc); Merle d’Aubigné, J.H. History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century . Vol. 1 only. New-York: American Tract Society, n.d. 390pp (quarter bound, bib refs, heavy foxing, spine cover missing, front and back covers taped, mc). 128. Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe: The Best of the Famous Tales and Poems , n.d. 498pp (yellowed pp, gc); Collected Works of Daniel Defoe, Including Robinson Crusoe and A Journal of the Plague Year , n.d. 518pp (yellowed pp, gc); Dickens, C., The Pickwick Papers , 1944. xv, [iii], 687pp (vgc); Short Stories of de Maupassant: A Selection from the Stories of Guy de Maupassant , n.d. 523pp (vgc). 129. Works of with Introductions and Notes. Vols. 2 (1916), 3 (1930), and 4 (1931) only. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman Co. 476, 464, 411pp (ub, gilt top edges, bib refs, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 130. Vehse, Eduard. Preussische Hofgeschichten . Neu hrsg. von Heinrich Conrad. Vols. 1-4 complete. München: Georg Müller, 1913. ca. 300-500pp/vol. (half bound, marbled covers, b/w ill, ind, sl yellowed pp, vgc). 131. 2 items by C.W. Ceram: Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie . Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1951, c1949. 494, [2]pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, yellowed pp, gc); Enge Schlucht und Schwarzer Berg: Entdeckung des Hethiter- Reiches . Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag, 1955. 248pp (fp, b/w ill, bib, ind, sl foxing on edges, yellowed pp, gc). 132. Barrington, Russell, Mrs. The Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton . Vols. 1-2 complete. London: George Allen, 1906. xxi, 310; xii, 407pp (gilt top edges, deckle fore-edges, ill, ind, both caif, yellowed pp, spine covers faded, gc). 133. Arndt, Johann. Sämtliche Bücher von Wahren Christenthum, welche handeln von heilsamer Busse, herzlicher Reu und Leid über die Sünde und wahrem Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen. . . . Frankfurt und Leipzig: Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, 1776. [xlvii], 1076, [xxii], 240pp. Added tp: Arndt, Johann. Paradies- Gärtlein, voller christlicher Tugenden, wie solche, zur Uebung des wahren Christenthums . . . . Frankfurt am Mayn: Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, 1776. (al w/clasps, fp, eng, ind, “This Book is the Property of Adam W. Longenecker, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,” also signed by Mary A. Longenecker, ds, caif, stis, yellowed pp, covers warped, mc). 134. Jacob Denners christliche und erbauliche Betrachtungen über die Sonn- und Festtags-Evangelien des ganzen Jahres, nebst einem Anhange verschiedener Predigten über besondere Texte . . . . Neue auf Kosten christlicher Freunde gemachte erste amerikanische Aufl., unter der Besorgung von S.B. Muselman. Philadelphia: King und Baird, 1860. 1252pp (marbled endpapers, w/clasps, fp, sl foxing, caif, stis, yellowed pp, gc). 135. Lucae , Friedrich. Des Heil. Römischen Reichs Uhr-alter Graffen-Saal, auf welchem die vortrefflichsten von Käysers Caroli Magni Zeiten an, auch theils schon vorher in Ober- und Nieder-Teutschland florirte, aber in denen jüngst- verflossenen Seculis abgestorbene Gräffliche Geschlechter . . . . Franckfurt am Mäyn: Friedrich Knoch, 1702. [xxvi], 1156, [28]pp (al, fp, ind, “C.R.I.V.S.F. 1722” stamped on front cover, yellowed pp, few front and back pp moth-eaten, covers worn, gc). 136. Gespräche in dem Reiche derer Todten, fünff und sechtzigste Entrevue, zwischen Alexandro Magno, und Carolo Magno, vorinnen dieser beyden Monarchen Leben und grosse . . . . Leipzig: Wolffgang Deer, unter Johann Schwabens- Haufe, 1724, aufgelegt 1725. 1228, [20]pp (al, marbled endpapers, fp, ind, ds throughout, caif, yellowed pp, covers sl worn, gc). 137. Weichenhan, Erasmus. Christliche Betrachtungen über die evangelischen Texte so man zu lesen pfleget an den Sonntagen und hohen Festen . Allentaun, Penns.: B. und W. Blumer, 1842. 6, [2], 784, [1]pp (al, clasps missing, caif, sds, yellowed pp, gc). 138. Arndt, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom Wahren Christenthum, welche handeln von heilsamer Buße, herzlicher Reue und Leid über die Sünde und wahren Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen. . . . Philadelphia: J. Kohler, 1872. 846, 75, 221, 25pp. Added tps: Catechetische Einleitun in des seligen Herrn Johann Arndts ; Paradiesgärtlein, voller christlichen Tugenden wie solche zur Uebung wahren Christenthums . . . .; Geistliche Send-Briefe . . . . (quarter bound, fp, eng, yellowed pp, cover edges worn, front cover and spine cover loose, gc). 139. Same as above. Erfurt: Johann David Jungnicol der Aeltere, 1757. 1064, 248, 176pp. Added tps: Paradies- Gärtlein, voller christlicher Tugenden, wie solche zur Uebung des wahren Christenthums . . . .; Vier uralte geistreiche Büchlein, deren I. die Teutsche Theologia, Das ist: Wie Adam in uns sterben: Christus aber in uns leben müsse. II. Die Nachfolge Christi . . . D. Thomæ a Kempis, III. Von der holdseligen Liebe Gottes. IV. Von unsern heiligen christlichen Glauben. D. Johann von Staupitz . . . . (al, front tp and several pp missing, publication from last added tp, yellowed pp, front and back covers detached, pc). 140. Braght, Thielem J.v. Der blutige Schauplatz, oder Märtyrer-Spiegel der Taufs-Gesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen, die um des Zeugnisses Jesu, ihres Seligmachers, willen gelitten haben und getödtet worden sind, von Christi Zeit an bis auf das Jahr 1660 . . . . Published by Shem Zook, near Lewistown, Mifflin Clunty, Pa. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1849. 340, [iv], viii, 635pp (al, marbled endpapers, fp, foxing, caif, sds, clasps missing, gc). 141. Taylor, C.B. Allgemeine Geschichte der Ver. Staaten von Amerika. Enthaltend den ganzen Zeitraum seit den Page 10 April 8, 2011 Entdeckungen bis zu der jetzigen Zeit. Mit einer Beschreibung der westlichen Staaten, ihres Bodens, ihrer Ansiedelungen, Zunahme an Bevölkerung, u.s.w . Hartford: House & Brown, 1851. 646, 13pp (fp, marbled edges, eng, exlib, foxing, covers worn, gc); Rollin, [Carl]. Historie alter Zeiten und Völcker, der Aegyptier, Carthaginenser, Assyrer, Babylonier, Meder, Perser, Macedonier und Griechen . 13. Theil. Dresden und Leipzig: George Conrad Walther, 1749. 916pp (al, foxing, ds, stis, sl yellowed pp, gc). 142. Illustrirte Familien-Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers . . . . Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County, Pa.: 1948. 32, 1-[652], 144, [653]-880pp (with Apocrypha, maps, family record pp blank, sl yellowed pp, vgc); Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers . Neu durchgesehen nach dem von Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenausschulz genehmigten Text. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1913. viii, 936, 370, 22, [8], [16], [8]pp (half bound, spine title: Stuttgarter Jubiläums-Bibel mit Erklärungen, col maps, family record pp blank, sl foxing, spine cover sl worn, gc). 143. Hiller, Phil. Fried. Geistliches Liederkästlein zum Lobe Gottes, bestehend aus 366 kleinen Oden über so viel biblische Sprüche, Kindern Gottes zum Dienst aufgesetzt . Stuttgart: Evangelischen Bücherstiftung, 1849. viii, 366, 494pp (al, sl yellowed pp, back and spine covers loose, mc); Verbessertes Gesanguch, oder Sammlung der besten alten und neuen geistlichen Lieder, zum Gebrauche der Reformirten bey der öffentlichen und häuslichen Gottesverehrung . Zweybrücken: P.P. Hallanzy, 1809. xx, 388pp (al, gilt edges, marbled endpapers, “C.P. 1813” stamped on front cover, caif, stis, covers sl warped, mc). 144. Arndt, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom Wahren Christenthum, welche handeln von heilsamer Buße, herzlicher Reue und Leid über die Sünde, und wahren Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen . . . . Added tp: Paradiesgärtlein, voller Christlichen Tugenden, wie solche zur Uebung des wahren Christenthums durch geistreiche Gebete in die Seelen zu pflanzen . . . . Philadelphia: Georg W. Mentz und Sohn, 1832. 941, 232pp (al w/clasps, fp, eng, ind, foxing, caif, stis, covers scratched, gc). 145. Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . Philadelphia: Deutsch-europäischen Buch- und Kunsthandlung von J.G. Ritter, 1829. viii, 1557, [iii], 462, 20pp (al w/clasps, includes Apocrypha, foxing, caif, yellowed pp, gc). 146. Thomas von Aquin. Predigten auf das ganze Kirchenjahr . Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von einem katholischen Geistlichen. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1845. 526pp (pb, deckle edges, ds, sl yellowed pp, covers torn, mc); [Müller, Heinrich. Himmlischer Liebes-Kuß ]. Added tp: Müller, Heinrich. Ausführung oder Anweisung, Aller und jeder des gantzen Jahres Sonn-hohen u. andern Fest-Evangelien und Episteln, in unterschiedlichen Haupt-Lehren u. dem wie vor diesem, also auch jetzt gedrucken Liebes-Kuß . 1004, [118], [86]pp (al, eng, ind, front tp missing, publication from added tp, yellowed pp, gc). 147. Fresenius, Johann Philip. Auserlesene Heilige Reden über die Sonn- und Festtags-Evangelien durch das gantze Jahr. Mit nöthigen Dispositionen und Registern an das Licht gestellet . Neue Aufl. Franckfurt und Leipzig: Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, 1767. [x], 1256, [16]pp (half bound, marbled covers, fp, ind, sl foxing, caif, spine cover sl worn, back cover sl chipped, gc). 148. Etwas fürs Herz auf dem Wege zur Ewigkeit . Basel: Felix Schneider, 1806. xiv, 678, [10]pp (al, marbled endpapers, ind, caif, ds, stis, ppn, yellowed pp, covers worn, gc); Heinsius, Theodor. Teut, oder theoretisch-praktisches Lehrbuch der gesammten Deutschen Sprachwissenschaft. Geschichte der Sprach-, Dict- und Redekunst der Deutschen, bis auf die neusten Zeiten, 4. Theil. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1823. xx, 590, [2]pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, cover edges worn, mc); Communionbuch für Christen aller Confessionen . 4. Aufl. Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1828. 283pp (yellowed pp, covers spotted and sl worn, gc). 149. Das himmlische Vergnu gen̈ in Gott; oder vollsta ndiges̈ Gebet-Buch fu r̈ alle Zeiten, zum Gebrauche fu r̈ alle Sta nde,̈ und bei allen Angelegenheiten. Bestehend in einer Sammlung der vorzu glichsten̈ Gebete und Gebet-Lieder, von Stark, Meel, und andern ausgezeichneten Gottesmännern. Nebst der Leidens-Geschichte unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, und Benjamin Schmolkens Morgen- und Abend-Andachten in Versen, sowie dessen Morgen und Abend-Liedern. Philadelphia: Jg. Kohler, 1865. xiv, 813pp (fp, marbled endpapers, foxing, spine cover loose, cover edges worn, mc); Johann Friedrich Stark’s tägliches Hand-Buch, in guten und bösen Tagen, enthaltend Ausmunterungen, Gebete und Gesänge . . . . Philadelphia: J. Kohler, 1867. 596, 106pp (w/clasps, fp, marbled endpapers, yellowed pp, gc). 150. [Desing, Anselm]. Avxilia Historica, oder Historischer Behülff, und Bequemer Unterricht von denen darzu erforderlichen Wissenschafften . Vols. 1-8. Regenspurg: Johann Gastl, 1746-47. ca. 600-900pp/vol. (al, marbled endpapers, b/w ill, numerous maps, ind, few caif, stis, yellowed pp, gc). 151. Americanischer Stadt und Land Calender . Philadelphia: Conrad Zentler. 3 annual iss: 1828, 1843, 1848. ca. 30pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, ybp, few pp detached, pc); Der Neue Readinger Calender . Reading: Johann Ritter. 1 annual iss: 1834. ca. 30pp (pb, b/w ill, ds, ybp, page corners torn, last page moth-eaten, pc); Der Volksfreund und Hägerstauner Calender . Hägerstaun, Maryl.: J. Gruber und D. May. 1 annual iss: 1825. ca. 30pp (pb, torn and yellowed pp, pc). 152. Meister Eckhart. Die deutschen und lateinischen Werke . Hrsg. im Auftrage der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. 9 items: Untersuchungen , 1. Band: Neue handschriftenfunde zur Uberlieserung Meister Eckharts und seiner Schule , von Josef Quint; Die deutschen Werke , 1. Band: Meister Eckharts Predigten , 1., 2., 3. Lieferungen; Die deutschen Werke, 3. Band: Meister Eckharts Predigten , hrsg. und übersetzt von Josef Quint, 6.-8., 9.-10., 11. Lieferungen; Die deutschen Werke, 5. Band: Meister Eckharts Traktate , 1. Lieferung. Stuttgart-Berlin und Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1936-40, 1954, 1975-76. ca. 100-250pp/item (pb, some deckle edges, some uncut pp, 1 sps, yellowed pp and covers, gc). 153. 15 copies: Wilsdorf, Heinz G.F. Early German-American Imprints . New German-American Studies/Neue Deutsche-Amerikanische Studien, vol. 17. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. xvi, 259pp (b/w ill, ind, nc). 154. The Christian Book of Concord, or Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church . . . . Newmarket: Solomon D. Henkel and Brs. [sic], 1851. lxxvii, 698pp (al, ind, caif, ds, yellowed pp, covers worn, gc); Benson, Joseph. April 8, 2011 Page 11 Sermons, and Plans of Sermons, on Many of the Most Important Texts of Holy Scripture . Vol. 6 only. Baltimore: Armstrong & Plaskitt, 1827. 320pp (al, yellowed pp, front cover loose, mc); Rollin, Charles. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians . Vol. 6 only of 8. Philadelphia: Browen & Peters, 1829. 330pp (al, ds, yellowed pp, covers torn, gc). 155. The Interpreter’s Bible: The Holy Scriptures in the King James and Revised Standard Versions with General Articles and Introduction, Exegesis, Exposition for Each Book of the Bible . New York: Abingdon Press. 2 vols. only: Vol. 8: The Gospel According to St. Luke, The Gospel According to St. John (1952); Vol. 11: Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews (1955). 811, 763pp (dj, col maps on endpapers, vgc); Keyes, Nelson Beecher. Reader’s Digest Story of the Bible World . Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest Association, 1962. 208pp (gilt top edge, fp, ill, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 156. Who’s Who in the Bible . New York: Bonanza Books, 1980. 2 vols. in 1: Comay, Joan. Who’s Who in the Old Testament with the Apocrypha ; Brownrigg, Ronald. Who’s Who in the New Testament . 448, 448pp (dj, ill, vgc); Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible on an Entirely New Plan Containing About 311,000 References, Subdivided Under the Hebrew and Greek Originals, with the Literal Meaning and Pronunciation of Each, Designed for the Simplest Reader of the English Bible . 22nd American ed., rev. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.1972, c1970. 1090, 93, 23, 20pp (dj, fore-edge sl stained, cover edge sl soiled, vgc); The Interpreter’s Bible: The Holy Scriptures in the King James and Revised Standard Versions with General Articles and Introduction, Exegesis, Exposition for Each Book of the Bible . New York: Abingdon Press. Vol. 8: The Gospel According to St. Luke, The Gospel According to St. John (1952). 811pp (col maps on endpapers, is, gc). 157. Ehrman, B ., The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament , 1993. xiii, 314pp (pb, bib, ind, vgc); Ambrosini, M., and M. Willis. The Secret Archives of the Vatican , 1996, c1969. xii, [i], 366pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1994. xii, 803pp (pb, ill, ind, vgc); Wilson, I., The Turin Shroud , 1979, c1978. 368pp (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, vgc). 158. The Thomas Jefferson Bible, Being, as Entitled by Him, “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted Textually from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John . Chicago, Ill.: Jefferson Bible Society, 1904. xxiii, 161pp (softcover, caif, yellowed pp, covers torn, back cover detached, mc); The Jefferson Bible with the Annotated Commentaries on Religion of Thomas Jefferson . Edited by O.I.A. Roche. 1st ed. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1964. 384pp (dj, maps on endpapers, covers faded, gc); Chinard, Gilbert. Thomas Jefferson, the Apostle of Americanism . Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1929. xviii, [i], 548pp (fp, bib refs, ind, caif, stis, yellowed pp, gc); Morgan, Kathryn. Jefferson and the Natural World: An Artist’s Choice: The Catalogue of an Exhibition in Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Jefferson . [Charlottesville, Va.]: Department of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, 1993. xvii, 27pp (pb, fp, bib, vgc). 159. Abel, E., The Roots of Anti-Semitism , 1975. 264pp (dj, bib, ind, vgc); Franck, A., The Kabbalah: The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews , c1940. 224pp (dj, ppn, yellowed pp, gc); Ramazani, R., The Middle East and the European Common Market , 1964. xxii, 152pp (dj, ind, vgc); Lerner, M., Healing Israel/Palestine: A Path to Peace and Reconciliation , 2003. xxii, 201pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc). 160. Erman, Adolf. Aegypten und Aegyptisches Leben im Altertum . Neu bearbeitet von Hermann Ranke. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1923. 692pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, in 2 bound vols, continuously paged, foxing, yellowed pp, gc). 161. Brown, L., The Story of Maps ; Tooley, R.V., Maps and Map-Makers ; Cumming, W., British Maps of Colonial America ; Lehner, E. and J., How They Saw the New World ; Lynam, E., The Mapmaker’s Art: Essays on the History of Maps (first 3 items dj, gc to vgc). 162. Automobile Quarterly’s World of Cars . Edited by Richard M. Langworth. New York, N.Y.: Automobile Quarterly, 1971. 223pp (dj, ill, bib, vgc); Slavin, Ken and Julie, and G.N. Mackie. Land-Rover: The Unbeatable 4 x 4 . Sparkford, Somerset: Haynes Pub. Group, 1987, c1981, c1984. 288pp (dj, ill, ind, vgc). 163. Brace, Gerald Warner. Between Wind and Water: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events . 1st Touchstone ed. 219pp (dj, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc); Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History . New, updated ed. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982. ca. 650pp (dj, ind, sl yellowed pp, vgc); Carse, Robert. The River Men . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1969. 284pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 164. Palmer, Joe H. American Race Horses, 1951 . New York: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1952. 132, [4]pp (b/w ill, ind, yellowed pp, gc); 1978 World 3-Day Event Championships, Kentucky Horse Park, September 14-17, Official Program . 143pp (pb, ill, ind, ppn, covers creased, gc); The Queen and Her Ceremonial Horses [videocassette]. London, England: Transatlantic Films [distributor], n.d. 53 minutes. 165. Payne, L.G.S., Air Dates ; Weller, G., The Story of Submarines ; Power-Waters, Safety Last: The Dangers of Commercial Aviation: An Indictment by an Airline Pilot ; McKay, E., Carrier Strike Force: Pacific Air Combat in World War II ; Star Tables for Air Navigation , preliminary ed. (2 copies, 1947) (first 3 items dj, last item spiral bound, gc). 166. 4 children’s books: Gibbie, M., Small Brown Dog’s Bad Remembering Day , 2000, c1999. [28]pp (dj, ill, vgc); Stevenson, R.L., A Child’s Garden of Verses , 1930, c1919. 96pp (b/w ill, caif, several torn pp, covers and several pp ds, sl warped, mc); Harris, J.C., Daddy Jake the Runaway and Other Stories by “Uncle Remus ,” [1890?]. 145pp (b/w ill, ds, yellowed pp, covers soiled, spine cover torn, tp missing, title from cover, last page torn, pc); The Girl’s Own Paper , Vol. 22 (1900-01). 832pp (b/w ill, ind, some loose pp, yellowed pp, spine cover torn and loose, front cover detached and soiled, pc). 167. Wilson, George C. Flying the Edge: The Making of Navy Test Pilots . Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1992. 271pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, foxing on top edge, cover corners bent, gc); Munson, Russell. Skyward: Why Flyers Fly . Charlottesville, Va.: Howell Press, 1989. 208pp (dj, many ill, vgc); Brown, David A. The Bell Helicopter Textron Story: Changing the Way the World Flies . 1st ed. Arlington, Tex.: Aerofax, Inc.; North Branch, Minn.: Specialty Press Publishers and Wholesalers [distributor], 1995. 220pp (pb, many ill, ind, vgc). Page 12 April 8, 2011 168. On the Routes of the Flying Clipper Ships: West Indies [photo album]. Pan American Airways System. New York: Art Bookbinding Co., [192-?]. [56]pp (chiefly ill, mildewed, stis, gc); Guns from L.I. [Long Island] Collectors: An Exhibition of Guns & Memorabilia circa 1609-1900, March Twenty-Fifth-July Fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-One (Suffolk Museum at Stony Brook, in collaboration with the Long Island Antique Gun Collectors Association). 54, [3]pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl faded, gc); Lansing, A., Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage , 1986, c1959. 282pp (pb, foxing on edges, gc); Gray, A., Yacht Etiquette: Colors, Salutes, Courtesies, Ceremonies and Yacht Routine , rev. ed., 1939. 70, [1]pp (col fp, b/w ill, sl yellowed pp, covers sl spotted, gc). 169. Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia . New York: Collier Books, 1970. Vols. 2-7 only: 2. Prince Caspian ; 3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ; 4. The Silver Chair ; 5. The Horse and His Boy ; 6. The Magician’s Nephew ; 7. The Last Battle . ca. 200pp/vol. (pb, in slipcase, b/w line drawings, slipcase sl torn, vgc). 170. Gallico, P., Snowflake ; Bridgers, H., East Carolina Railway: Route of the Yellow-Hammer ; Jonathan Swift’s Directions to Servants (1964); White, E.B., Charlotte’s Web (2 copies); Larson, G., Bride of the Far Side (first 2 items dj, last 2 items pb, gc to vgc). 171. Reuter, Fritz. Sämtliche Werke . 1.-8. Banden complete. Berlin-Leipzig: Th. Knaur Nachf., n.d. ca. 300-400pp/vol. (ub, ybp, few pp loose, gc). 172. Olin, Stephen. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land . Vol. 1 only of 2. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1843. xiv, 458pp (fp [map], eng, caif, stis, heavy foxing, fore-edge of cover sl torn, mc); Furniss, William. The Old World: or Scenes and Cities in Foreign Lands . New-York: D. Appleton & Co., 1850. 290pp (fp, stis, tp sl torn, yellowed pp, gc). 173. Myers, Philip Van Ness. A History of Rome . Rev. ed. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1904. 275pp (fp, b/w ill, col maps, bib, ind, stis, yellowed pp, front flyleaf missing, gc); Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire . Vol. 3 only of 3: 1185 A.D.-1453 A.D. New York: Modern Library, n.d. 898pp (dj, bib refs, ind, gc); Halliburton, Richard. Marvels of the East . London: Geoffrey Bles, 1949. 175pp (fp, b/w ill, ill endpapers, sl yellowed pp, gc). 174. Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade ). New York: Harper & Brothers, 1923. ix, [vii], 421pp (col fp, col ill mounted on front cover, b/w ill, sl yellowed pp, stis, corners worn, sl tear on back cover, gc); Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped . Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1925. xii, 340pp (col fp, col ill mounted on front cover, ill, stis, sl yellowed pp, back cover sl soiled, gc); Dumas, Alexandre. The Three Musketeers . Translated and arranged by Philip Schuyler Allen. New York; Rand McNally & Co., 1930, c1923. 545pp (col ill mounted on front cover, ill, caif, stis, sl yellowed pp, gc); “Dean Swift,’ Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World . New ed. with explanatory notes and a life of the author by John Francis Waller. London: George Routledge and Sons, n.d. 446pp (eng, caif, stis, yellowed pp, spine broken, mc); Anderson, Sherwood. Winesburg, Ohio. Garden City, N.J.: International Collectors Library, 1960. 227pp (fp, yellowed pp, gc); Armour, Richard. Twisted Tales from Shakespeare, in Which Shakespeare’s Best-Known Plays Are Presented in a New Light . . . . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1957. 151pp (b/w line drawings, yellowed edges, covers sl torn, gc). 175. Johnson, C., Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic ; Kennedy, P., The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 ; Drury, A., Anna Hastings: The Story of a Washington Newspaperperson ; Latané, J., A History of American Foreign Policy ; Nizer, L., My Life in Court ; The American Past: Conflicting Interpretations of the Great Issues , ed. S. Fine and G. Brown, Vol. 2 (first 3 items dj, last item pb, gc to vgc). 176. Carlyle, Thomas. History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great . Illustrated Cabinet ed. Vols. 1-7 complete. Boston: Dana Estes & Co., n.d. ca. 450-500pp/vol. (ub, gilt top edges, fps, bib refs, exlib, 2 caif, sl yellowed pp, gc). 177. 4 items by John Gunther: Inside Africa . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955, c1953. xxiii, 952pp (maps, map on endpapers, bib, ind, sis, sl yellowed pp, gc); Inside Asia . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1939. x, 599pp (fp [map], bib, ind, sl yellowed pp, gc); Inside Europe . Completely rev. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1937. x, 468pp (ind, ppn, sl yellowed pp, gc); Inside U.S.A . [New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947]. xvi, [i], 979pp (maps on endpapers, maps, bib, ind, sl yellowed pp, tp missing, gc). 178. 9 cookbooks: A Colonial Plantation Cookbook: The Receipt Book of Harriott Pinckney Horry, 1770 , ed. R. Hooker; Smith, J., The Frugal Gourmet Cooks with Wine ; Brownlee, H., The Low-Carbohydrate Gourmet: A Cookbook for Hungry Dieters ; Fisher, M.F.K., The Cooking of Provincial France ; Archbold, J., A Matter of Tastes: A Collection of the Favorite Recipes of Anne Archbold and Friends ; Dining with the Daltons ; More Gems from Many Kitchens ; David, E., French Provincial Cooking ; Benedictine Sisters of Peking, The Art of Chinese Cooking (first 3 items dj, last 4 items pb, gc to vgc). 179. Coe, M., Mexico , 1962. 244, [1]pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ill, is, ppn, gc); Stuart, G., and G. Stuart, The Mysterious Maya , 1977. 199pp (dj, ill, ind, vgc); Morison, S., and M. Obregón, The Caribbean as Columbus Saw It , 1st ed., 1964. xxxv, 252pp (dj, fp, b/w ill, map on endpapers, b/w ill, ind, foxing on edges, back cover sl soiled, gc); Díaz del Castillo, B., The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521, 1956. xxxi, [ii], 478pp (dj, map, bib refs, ind, foxing on top edge, sl yellowed pp, several pp creased, gc). 180. Hudson, W.H., Far Away and Long Ago: A Childhood in Argentina , 1982. xvii, 332pp (pb, fp [map], sl foxing on edges, vgc); Cousteau, J., and M. Richards, Jacques Cousteau’s Amazon Journey , 1984. 235, [1]pp (dj, ill, bib, vgc); Keating, B., The Gulf of Mexico , 1972. 110, [16]pp (dj, ill, vgc); Díaz del Castillo, B., The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521 , 1956. xxxi, [ii], 478pp (map, bib refs, ind, foxing on edges, sl yellowed pp, gc). 181. Ehrlich, P., Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect , 2000. xii, 531pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Shiras, G., 3d., Hunting Wild Life with Camera and Flashlight: A Record of Sixty-Five Years’ Visits to the Woods and Waters of North America , 2nd ed., vol. 2: Wild Life of Coasts, Island, and Mountains , 1936. 454pp (b/w ill, ind, foxing, gc); Tazieff, H., The Orion Book of Volcanoes , 1961. 103, [1]pp (ill, foxing on top edge, gc); Coburn, A., and R. Spence, Earthquake Protection , 2nd ed., 2002. xvi, 420pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). April 8, 2011 Page 13 182. Mayle, P., A Dog’s Life ; James Herriot’s Favorite Dog Stories ; Litvag, I., The Master of Sunnybank: A Biography of Albert Terhune ; Brearley, J., The Book of the Yorkshire Terrier ; Year-Book (Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc.), 1951-1970 (first 3 items dj, last item pb (gc to vgc). 183. Gobineau, J.-A., The World of the Persians ; Snead, S., Ruins in Jungles ; Varga, D., Budapest ; The University of Louvain, 1425-1975 ; The World’s Weather and Climates , ed. R. Sears (first 4 items dj, vgc). 184. Milne, L. and M., The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders , 1980, 9th printing, 1992. 989pp (soft cover, ill, ind, vgc); Chartrand, M., The Audubon Society Field Guide to the Night Sky , 1991. 714pp (soft cover, ill, ind, vgc); Morris, P., A Field Guide to Shells of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and the West Indies (Peterson Field Guide Series), 3rd ed., ed. W. Clench, 1973. xxviii, [i], 330pp, 76 plates (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, foxing, back cover creased, gc); Poems of Nature , ed. G. Harvey. 64pp (ill, vgc). 185. Penick, Harvey; with Bud Shrake. Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf . New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. 175pp (2 copies, dj, 1 sl foxing on top edge, vgc); Penick, Harvey; with Bud Shrake. And If You Play Golf, You’re My Friend: Further Reflections of a Grown Caddie . New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. 173pp (dj, vgc); Nielsen, Leslie, and Henry Beard. Leslie Nielsen’s Stupid Little Golf Book . New York: Doubleday, 1995. 132pp (dj, vgc). 186. McGhee, G., The US-Turkish-NATO Middle East Connection: How the Truman Doctrine Contained the Soviets in the Middle East ; Can, T., Istanbul: Gate to the Orient ; Can, T., Topkapi Palace ; Ephesus ; Cappadocia ; Klein- Ehrminger, M., Our Lady of Strasbourg Cathedral Church (first item dj, last 5 items pb tourguides, vgc). 187. Stavrianos, L.S., Man’s Past and Present: A Global History ; McNeill, W., A World History ; The Journals of André Gide , trans. J. O’Brien; Smythies, R.E., Around the World in Eighty Years ; Levinson, O., The Ageless Land: The Story of South West Africa ; Navajo Wildlands (last item pb, gc). 188. Hannau, H., Virginia ; A Brief Account of the Clifton Waller Barrett Library ; Kett and McClung, Book Culture in Post-Revolutionary Virginia ; O’Neal, Jefferson’s Fine Arts Library for the University of Virginia ; The Bookbinder in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg ; A Tribute to Curt F. Bühler, 1905-1985 ; The Seventeenth-Century Restoration: Sir William Dugdale & His Circle (exhibition catalogue, 1993); The Magazine of Albemarle County History , 3 annual iss: Vol. 43 (1985), Vol. 50 (1992); Vol. 52 (1994); Peterson, M., Jefferson’s ‘Consent of the Governed’: Convolutions of a Doctrine ; Adams, T., The Crime of the Pilgrims (first item dj, remainder except second item pb, gc to vgc). 189. Sams, Conway Whittle. The Conquest of Virginia: The Second Attempt; An Account, Based on Original Documents, of the Attempt, Under the King’s Form of Government, to Found Virginia at Jamestown, 1606-1610 . Norfolk, Va.: Keyser-Doherty Printing Corp., 1929. xlix, [i], 916pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, foxing on edges, caif, sps, ppn, gc); Nutting, Wallace. Virginia Beautiful . Framingham, Mass.: Old America Co., 1930. 306pp (b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc). 190. Harris, M., Virginia Antiques: A History and Handbook for the Collector ; The Academical Village: Thomas Jefferson’s University ; Malone, D., and W. Thomas, A Miracle of Virginia: The School for Statesmen ; Cohen, S., Historic Springs of the Virginias: A Pictorial History ; Wust, K., Virginia Fraktur: Penmanship as Folk Art (2nd ed., 1975) (first 2 items dj, last 3 items pb, gc to vgc). 191. Chang, L., Zen-Existentialism: The Spiritual Decline of the West ; Lenz, F., Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation ; Gallup, G., Adventures in Immortality ; Creel, H., What Is Taoism? and Other Studies in Chinese Cultural History ; Ancient Angkor , ed. N. Chakrabongse; Suzuki, B., Mahayana Buddhism: A Brief Outline ; Hesse, H., Siddhartha ; Smith, D.H., Chinese Religions ; Blofeld, J., I Ching (The Book of Change) ; Lao Tzu, Tao The King (2 copies); Tao: A Rendering into English Verse of the Tao The Ching of Lao Tsze (first 3 items dj, last 7 items pb, gc to vgc). 192. Sadat, Jehan, A Woman of Egypt , 1987. 478pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, vgc); Mekhitarian, A., Egyptian Painting: The Great Centuries of Painting , [1954]. 164, [4]pp (ill, bib, ind, yellowed pp, gc); Treasures of Tutankhamun (exhibition catalog, National Gallery of Art, [et al.]), 1976. 174, [1]pp (pb, ill, bib, vgc); Breasted, J.H., Ancient Times: A History of the Early World: An Introduction to the Study of Ancient History and Career of Early Man , 2nd ed., rev. and largely rewritten, 1944. xiii, 823pp (mostly b/w ill, bib, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 193. Bergaust, E., Wernher von Braun ; Herrligkoffer, K., Nanga Parbat ; Rees, G., The Rhine ; Peukert, D., Inside Nazi Germany ; Germany and Eastern Europe Since 1945 ; Speer, A., Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs (first item dj, last 3 items pb, gc to vgc). 194. Maltby, W., The Black Legend in England: The Development of Anti-Spanish Sentiment, 1558-1660 ; Leslie, A., Clare Sheridan ; HRH, the Prince of Wales, A Vision of Britain: A Personal View of Architecture ; Bryan, J., and C. Murphy, The Windsor Story ; Armstrong, M., Fanny Kemble, a Passionate Victorian ; John L. Stoddard’s Lectures , Supplementary Volume (1901); The Wilsdorf Family Heritage Book (Beatrice Bayley, Inc.); Jenkins, E., Elizabeth the Great (first 4 items dj, gc to vgc). 195. Kessner, T., Fiorello H. La Guardia and the Making of Modern New York ; Armstrong, L., It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life ; Sennett, R., The Fall of Public Man ; Baker, R., The Good Times ; Fulbright, J.W., The Price of Empire (all dj, gc to vgc). 196. Graham, K., Personal History , 1997. 642pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, vgc); Millie’s Book, as Dictated to Barbara Bush , 1990. 141pp (dj, many ill, vgc); Wolff, K., and S. Taylor, The Last Run: An American Woman’s Years Inside a Colombian Drug Family--and Her Dramatic Escape , 1989. 342, [1]pp (dj, vgc); Meneghini, G., My Wife, Maria Callas , 1982. 331pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 197. Alexander, J., A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, Printer of The New York Weekly Journal ; Bowen, C., The Most Dangerous Man in America: Scenes from the Life of ; Steuben: Secret Aid for the Americans [exhibition catalog, 1981-82]; Cavanah, F., They Knew Abe Lincoln, a Boy in Indiana ; Letters to Kermit from Theodore Roosevelt, 1902-1908 , ed. W. Irwin; Arnold, S.G., The Life of Patrick Henry of Virginia (first 2 items dj, third item pb, gc). 198. Fite, E., and A. Freeman, A Book of Old Maps, Delineating American History from the Earliest Days Down to Page 14 April 8, 2011 the Close of the Revolutionary War (1969); Oxford World Atlas , ed. S. Cohen; Antique Maps of the World in Color ; The Oxford Atlas (1973), ed. C. Lewis and J.D. Campbell (1951); Hammond Family World Atlas , Vol. 1 (1963); Copplestone, T., Architecture: The Great Art of Building (1969) (first item dj, second item pb and spiral bound, gc). 199. Weider, B., and D. Hapgood, The Murder of Napoleon ; Life’s Picture History of World War II ; The American Heritage Picture History of World War II , ed. D. McCullough; Bond, F.B., The Company of Avalon: A Study of the Script of Brother Symon, Sub-Prior of Winchester Abbey in the Time of King Stephen ; Bond, F.B., The Gate of Remembrance: The Story of the Psychological Experiment Which Resulted in the Discovery of the Edgar Chapel at Glastonbury (2nd ed.); Williams, H.N., Memoirs of Madame du Barry of the Court of Louis XV ; Wolfers, A., Britain and France Between Two Wars: Conflicting Strategies of Peace from Versailles to World War II (first item dj, second item in slipcase, last item pb, gc). 200. Allen, R., On the Trail of Vanishing Birds , 1957. 251pp (dj, b/w ill, foxing on endpapers, gc); Ransom, J., Petrified Forest Trails: A Guide to the Petrified Forests of America: A Handbook for the Collector of Petrified Woods , 1st ed., 1955. 80pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, yellowed pp, gc); Durrell, G., Birds, Beasts, and Relatives , 1969. 248pp (pb, foxing on edges, back cover sl scratched, gc); Durrell, G., My Family and Other Animals , 1956. 273pp (2 copies, pb, foxing on edges, 1 back cover sl scratched, gc). 201. Snyder, G., In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark (National Geographic Society), 1970; The American Heritage Book of the Revolution , ed. R. Ketchum; Leupp, F., George Westinghouse: His Life and Achievements ; Neumann, G., The History of Weapons of the American Revolution ; McDonald, F., A Constitutional History of the United States ; Bloom, S., The Story of the Constitution (first item dj, gc to vgc). 202. McChesney, Robert W. The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2004. 367pp (pb, bib refs, nc); Our Unfree Press: 100 Years of Radical Media Criticism . Edited by Robert W. McChesney and Ben Scott. New York: New Press, 2004. 438pp (pb, bib refs, nc). 203. Peterson, R., Wildlife in Color ; Gibbons, E., Stalking the Blue-Eyed Scallop ( signed by author ); Maxwell, G., The Otters’ Tale ; Gupton, O., and F. Swope, Wildflowers of the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains ; Duncan, W., and M. Duncan, Trees of the Southeastern United States (first item dj, last item softcover, gc to vgc). 204. Sweeney, Veronica Geoghegan. The Emancipist: An Unforgettable Epic of Australia . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985. 1048pp (dj, yellowed pp, spine cover sl spotted, gc); Terrill, Ross. The Australians . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. 354pp (dj, bib, ind, covers spotted, gc). 205. Davies, C., Intellectual Arithmetic, or, An Analysis of the Science of Numbers , 1854. 173pp (quarter bound, foxing on edges and endpapers, yellowed pp, gc); Brooks, E., The Normal Written Arithmetic, by Analysis and Synthesis; Designed for Common Schools, Normal Schools, High Schools, etc ., 1863. 337pp (quarter bound, foxing on endpapers, yellowed pp, covers sl moth-eaten, gc); The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 1892-1935 , chosen by W.B. Yeats, 1947. 450pp (gilt top edge, w/ribbon, sl foxing on edges, yellowed endpapers, spine cover faded, gc); Schwartz, R., Write Your Own Will , rev. ed., 1961. 122, [3]pp (pb, yellowed pp, gc). 206. Comenius, John Amos, The School of Infancy , 1956. 130pp (dj, fp, bib refs, yellowed pp, gc); Watts, G., The Waldenses of Valdese [North Carolina], 1965. 174pp (dj, ind, vgc); Wakefield, G., Bunyan the Christian , 1992. x, 143pp (dj, bib refs, ind, vgc); Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531): Selected Works , ed. S. Jackson, 1972. xxx, 258pp (caif, spine cover sl blemished, gc); Sister Edna Monica, Death the Gateway to Life , adapted from the teaching of Gilbert Shaw, 1980, c1971. 11pp (pb, vgc); The Journal of George Fox , ed. R. Jones, 1963. 578pp (pb, hps, gc). 207. Weinlick, J., Count Zinzendorf , 1956. 240pp (dj, b/w line drawings, ill endpapers, vgc); Zinzendorf, N.L., Nine Public Lectures on Important Subjects in Religion Preached in Fetter Lane Chapel in London in the Year 1746 , trans. and ed. G. Forell, 1973. xxxii, 138pp (bib, vgc); Allen, W., Who Are the Moravians?: The Story of the Moravian Church, a World-Wide Fellowship , 1972, c1966. 93pp (pb, map, vgc); Allen, W., Recollections of Bishop Edward Rondthaler (1842-1931), a Distinguished Leader of the Moravian Church , [1966]. 69pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, vgc). 208. Wild Animals of North America , ed. T. Allen (National Geographic Society), 1st ed., 1979. 406pp (dj, fps, many ill, ind, vgc); Line, L.; K. Garrett; and K. Kaufman, The Audubon Society Book of Water Birds , 1987. 252, [4]pp (dj, many ill, ind, vgc); Mädderlake (firm), Flowers Rediscovered: New Ideas for Using and Enjoying Flowers, 1985. 231, [1]pp (dj, many ill, vgc); Hynson, S., and the Washington National Cathedral Altar Guild, Flowers to the Glory of God: A Handbook , 1990. xii, 132pp, [5] lvs (pb, spiral bound, ill, vgc). 209. Molnar, T., South West Africa, the Last Pioneer Country , 1966. 160pp (2 copies, b/w ill, foxing on edges, sl yellowed pp, gc); Cubitt, G., Namibia: Land der wilden Schönheit , [1982?]. ca. 280pp (dj, chiefly ill, vgc); Matthiessen, P., The Tree Where Man Was Born/ Porter, E., The African Experience , 1974. 247pp (pb, ill, bib, ind, foxing on edges, gc); Owens, M. and D., Cry of the Kalahari , 1984. 341pp (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, foxing on edges, gc). 210. Cooke, A., America Observed from the 1940s to the 1980s ; Alistair Cook’s America ; Hannau, H., The Bahama Islands in Full Color (newly rev. ed.); America the Beautiful (Reader’s Digest); Leonard, J., Atlantic Beaches ; The American Heritage Book of Indians , ed. A. Josephy; Sutton, A. and M., Yellowstone: A Century of the Wilderness Idea ; American Panorama: Portraits of 50 States by Distinguished Authors ( Holiday Magazine); Halliburton, R., Marvels of the West ; Historic Beaufort [South Carolina] (first 7 items dj, last item pb, gc to vgc). 211. Agricola, Georgius. De Re Metallica, with Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law from the Earliest Times to the 16th Century . Translated from the first Latin ed. of 1556 by Herbert Clark Hoover . . . and Lou Henry Hoover. . . . London: The Mining Magazine, 1912; reprint ed., New York: Dover Publications, 1950. xxxi, 638pp (woodcuts, ind, sl foxing on top edge, vgc); Dieter, George E., Jr. Mechanical Metallurgy . Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering Series. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1961. xix, 615pp (b/w ill, ind, vgc); Meyers, Marc André, and Krishan Kumar Chawla. Mechanical Metallurgy: Principles and Applications . Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984. xxi, 761pp (b/w ill, bib, ind, caif, gc). April 8, 2011 Page 15 212. Watson, Thomas, M.D. Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic; Delivered at King’s College, London . 2nd American, from the 2nd London ed., rev., with additions by D. Francis Condie, M.D. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1845. 1060pp (al, ind, foxing, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, covers blemished, mc); Röntgenstrahlung ausschliesslich Röntgenoptik . Bearbeitet von W. Bothe . . . [et al.]. Handbuch der Physik, 2. Aufl. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1933. 531pp (b/w ill, bib refs, ind, yellowed pp, gc); The Merchant’s and Tradesman’s Remembrancer, for the Accompting-House Desk; or, Daily Memorandum Book: For the Entry of Appointments, Bills Receivable, Payable, &c . New ed. Birmingham: Printed for Beilby and Knotts, n.d. [58]pp (ledger containing handwritten entries, probably British, for the year 1820, quarter bound, marbled covers, caif, stis, yellowed and soiled pp, covers torn, mc). 213. Edson, Lee. The Making of the NAE: The First 25 Years . Edited by Marlene R.B. Beaudin. National Academy of Engineering: 1989. vii, 112pp (dj, ill, bib, ind, vgc); Constable, George, and Bob Somerville. A Century of Innovation: Twenty Engineering Achievements That Transformed Our Lives . Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, 2003. 248pp (dj, ill, ind, nc); Crystal Defects, Interfaces, Fracture and Other Topics in the Research Areas of Heinz G.F. Wilsdorf and Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf in Celebration of Their 80th and 75th Birthdays, August 14-16, 1997, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia . [169]pp in various pagings (b/w ill, bib refs, vgc). 214. South Africa, 1989-90: Official Yearbook of the Republic of South Africa , 15th ed.; Paton, A., South Africa in Transition ; Lesberg, S., In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro ; South African Panorama , Vol. 9 (1964), no. 11; Cape Town and the Picturesque Peninsula ; Merian: Das Monatsheft der Städte und Landschaften , Heft 12/XXII (Südafrika) (first item dj, last 3 items pb, gc to vgc). 215. Ratzel, Friedrich. The History of Mankind . Translated from the 2nd German ed. by A.J. Butler. Vol. 3. London: Macmillan and Co., 1898. xiii, 599pp (ill, ind, foxing, yellowed edges, covers sl soiled, gc); Wilson, Sloan. Pacific Interlude . New York: Arbor House, 1982. 317pp (foxing on edges, covers sl soiled, gc). 216. Mersmann, Heinrich. Schönes Niedersachsen und Bremen . Frankfurt am Main: Wolfgang Weidlich, 1964. 128pp (dj, chiefly b/w ill, map on front endpapers, vgc); Himme, Hans-Heinrich. Stich-Haltige Beiträge zur Geschichte der Georgia, Augusta in Göttingen . Göttingen: Druckerei Fr. Haensch, 1987. 240pp (ill, vgc); Deutsche Weisen: Die beliebtesten Volks- und geistlichen Lieder fur Klavier mit Text . Neue verb. Aufl., 104.-109. Tausend. Hrsg. von August Linder. Stuttgart: Lausch & Zweigle, n.d. 250pp (sl yellowed pp, corners worn, back cover scratched, gc). 217. Chambliss, J.E., The Life and Labors of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L., Covering His Entire Career in Southern and Central Africa (1875); The Letters of Saint Boniface , trans. E. Emerton; Butler’s Lives of the Saints , ed. M. Walsh (concise ed., rev. and updated, 1991; Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers , trans. M. Staniforth (1978); The Philokalia: The Complete Text , comp. St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth, trans. and ed. G.E.H. Palmer, P. Sherrard, K. Ware, Vol. 1 (1979); Esslemont, J.E., Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era: An Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith (1980) (last 4 items pb, gc to vgc). 218. Grass, G., My Century , trans. M. Heim; White, E.G., Der große Kampf zwischen Christus und Satan (1890); Schwag, G., Sagen des klassischen Altertums , hrsg. G. Würtenberg; Siebrecht, L., Hildesheim ; Kapeller, L., Berlin: 42 Bildtafeln ; Daninos, P., Major Thompson endeckt die Franzosen (first item dj, last 2 items pb, gc to vgc). 219. 5 items by Meister Eckhart: Deutsche Predigten und Traktate , hrsg. J. Quint (1955); Von der Geburt der Seele: Ausgewählte Schriften und Predigten ; Sermons & Treatises , trans. and ed. M. Walshe, Vols. 1-2; The Best of Meister Eckhart , ed. H. Backhouse; Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation , trans. R. Blakney (first item dj, last 3 items pb, gc to vgc). 220. Biblia, das ist die ganze Heilige Schrift, Altes und Neues Testaments, wie solche von Herrn Doctor Martin Luther seel . . . . Nürnberg: Johann Andreä Endterischen Handlung, 1765. [x]pp, 11 lvs, [27], 1252, [1], [12], 388, [22], [11], [30]pp (al with brass corners, fp, ill, ind, on front flyleaf: David [Saber?] ist geboren In 22ten January Anno 1796, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, front and back covers warped, mc). 221. Biblia, Das ist: Die ganze Heilige Schrift, Alten und Neuen Testaments. Nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung von Doctor Martin Luther . . . . Lancaster, (Penn.) Johann Bär, 1819. [ix], 100, 12, [iv], 738, 227, [1], 92pp (al, fp, ind, few torn pp, yellowed pp, several torn pp in front and back mounted on newer lvs, covers restored with new flyleaves, gc). 222. Braght, T.J.V. Der Blutige Schau-Platz; oder Martyrer Spiegel der TauffsGesinten oder Wehrlosen-Christen, die um des Zeugnuß Jesu ihres Seligmachers willen gelitten haben . . . . Ephrata in Pensylvanien: Drucks und Verlags der Brüderschafft, 1748. 56, 478, [2], [xiv], 949, [11]pp (al, marbled covers and endpapers, fp, ind, family record of Andreas (b. 1775) and Elizabeth Beÿer, foxing, caif, sl yellowed pp, gc). 223. Dietrich Philip. Enchiridion, oder Handbüchlein, von der Christlichen Lehre und Religion. Zum Dienst von allen Liebhabern der Wahrheit (durch die Gnade Gottes) aus der Heiligen Schrift gemacht . . . . Lancaster: Joseph Ehrenfried 1811. [viii], 568pp (al with clasps [1 clasp missing], Rupp family record: Anna Rupp, b. 1827; Elizabeth Rupp, b. 1828, d. 1832; Sarah Rupp, b. 1831; Catherine Rupp, b. 183[3?]; caif, yellowed pp, covers scratched, gc). 224. Ein Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch enthaltend Geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum Allgemeinen Gebrauch des Wahren Gottesdienstes . . . . Lancaster: Georg und Peter Albrecht, 1808. [vi], 79, [1], 448, 18pp (al, foxing, caif, hds, yellowed pp, pages separated from spine, clasps missing, pc). 225. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, nach der Deutschen Dr. Martin Luthers . 1. Aufl. Somerset: Friedrich Goeb, 1814. 537, [3]pp (al/with clasps, signed on front and back flyleaves by Philip Cook, caif, yellowed pp, covers blemished, gc). 226. Deknatel, Johannes. Kurzer Auszug von Menno Simons Schrifften, verfassend unterschiedliche merckwürdige Verhandlungen und wörtliche Auszüge aus seinen Wercken . Büdingen: Johann Christoph Stöhr, 1758. [xl], 279, 332pp (al, brass on covers, yellowed pp, clasps missing, gc). 227. M[enno] S[imons]. Ein Fundament und Klare Answeisung von der seligmachenden Lehre unsers Herrn Jesu Christi. Aus Gottes Wort kurz begriffen . . . . Lancaster (Penns.): Johann Bär, 1835. [x], 698, [4]pp (al, foxing, caif, clasps missing, covers blemished, gc). Page 16 April 8, 2011 228. Ausbund, Das ist Etliche schöne Christliche Lieder, wie sie in dem Gesängnüß zu Bassau in den Schloß von den Schweitzer-Brüdern . . . . Germantaun: Leibert und Billmeyer, 1785. [x], 812, [10], 103pp (al, caif, ds, yellowed pp, clasps missing, spine cover torn, mc). 229. [Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele]. [iv], 650, [32]pp (al with brass corners, tp missing, running title: Gespräch der wandlenden Seel mit Sim. Cleophas , sl yellowed pp, all pp separated from covers, pc). 230. Arndt, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom Wahren Christenthum, welche handeln von heilsamer Buße, herzlicher Reue und Leid über die Sünde, und wahren Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen . . . . Reutlingen: Kurtz’schen Buchdruckerei, 1830. 711, [17], 80, 192, [8]pp (vellum binding, eng, foxing, caif, 1 clasp missing, gc). 231. [Biblia, Das ist: Die Heilige Schrift Altes und Neuen Testaments, nach der Teutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . . . .] Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1763. 992, 272pp (al, family record of George [Komer?], foxing, yellowed pp, front and spine cover loose, spine cover torn, front tp missing [publication from tp of New Testament], front and back pp loose, several pp missing from front and back, pc). 232. Braght, Thielem J. v. Der blutige Schauplatz, oder Märtyrer-Spiegel der Tauf-Gesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen, die um des Zeugnisses Jesu, ihres Seligmachers, willen gelitten haben und getödtet worden sind . . . . Published by Shem Zook, near Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa.; Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1849. 56, [1], 340, [iv], viii, 635pp (al, marbled endpapers, fp, foxng, ds, clasps missing, covers scratched, cover edges worn, gc). 233. Braght, T.J.V. Der Blutige Schau-Platz; oder Martyrer Spiegel der TauffsGesinten oder Wehrlosen-Christen, die um des Zeugnuß Jesu ihres Seligmachers willen gelitten haben . . . . Ephrata in Pensylvanien: Drucks und Verlags der Brüderschafft, 1748. 56, 478, [2], [xiv], 949, [11]pp (al with brass corners, foxing, ds, spine cover partly missing, clasps missing, front cover detached, mc). 234. Die Große algemeine Volks-Bilderbibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther’s . 3. Stereotyp-Ausg. Philadelphia: J. Kohler, 1856. 1239, 355pp (al, marbled endpapers, fp, eng, “Kitty Schlottman” stamped on front cover, family record of Alexander (b. 1834) und Catharina [Eck] (b. 1840) Schlottman, foxing, ds, spine cover partly separated from spine, cover edges worn, front and back covers scratched, gc). 235. Biblia, Das ist: Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . . . . Philadelphia: Kimber und Scharpleß, 1834. 992pp (al, fp, eng, foxing, ds, several torn pp, yellowed pp, 1 clasp missing, spine cover torn, front and back covers scratched and detached, pc). 236. Biblia, Das ist: Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . . . . Philadelphia: Kimber und Scharpleß, 1828. 932pp (al, fp, eng, family record: Esther Fuchs, Tochter von John und Sybilla Schäfer, eine geborne Zechmann, wurde geboren März den 20.ten 1812 in Ober Tolpenhacken Taunschip, in Berks County, Pa . . .” , foxing, sds, few loose pp, spine cover torn, front cover detached, pc). 237. Braght, T.J.V. Der Blutige Schau-Platz, oder Martyrer Spiegel der Tauffs-Gesinnten, oder wehrlosen Christen . . . 2. Americanischen Aufl. Lancaster (Pennsylvanien): Joseph Ehrenfried, 1814. [vi], 340, [4], [x], 608, [8]pp (al with clasps, ds, front flyleaf torn, front hinge torn, covers sl blemished, gc). 238. Braght, Thielem J. v. Der blutige Schauplatz, oder Märtyrer-Spiegel der Tauf-Gesinnten oder Wehrlosen Christen, die um des Zeugnisses Jesu, ihres Seligmachers, willen gelitten haben und getödtet worden sind . . . . Published by Shem Zook, near Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa.; Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1849. 56, [1], 340, [iv], viii, 635pp (al, marbled endpapers, fp, foxing, stis, cover edges sl worn, gc). 239. Arndt, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom Wahren Christenthum, welche handeln von heilsamer Buße, herzlicher Reue und Leid über die Sünde, und wahren Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen . . . . Stuttgart: Gedruckt für John Krans in Pennsylvanien, 1854. 846, 75, 221pp (al, marbled endpapers and edges, fp, eng, foxing, caif, covers sl scratched, cover edges sl worn, gc). 240. Die Bibel, oder Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments . . . nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung . Philadelphia: Wm. G. Mentz, 1850. xiv, 1104, 352pp (al with clasps, marbled endpapers, fp, eng, family record pp blank, foxing, sds, 1 clasp torn, covers sl worn, gc). 241. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, verdeutscht von D. Martin Luther . Neue Ausg., 5. Aufl. Stuttgart: Privilegirte Bibel-Anstalt, 1871. 983, 154, 328, [8], [18]pp (gilt edges, 3-generation family record of Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (b. 1842 in Möttlingen) and Emile Pauline Brauninger (b. 1849), caif, sl yellowed pp, spine cover torn, gc). 242. Luther, Martin. A Commentary upon the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, to which is prefixed an Account of the Life of the Author . Salmon S. Miles: 1837. 528pp (al, foxing, caif, stis, sds, corners worn, covers sl blemished, gc). 243. M[enno] S[imons]. Ein Fundament und Klare Answeisung von der seligmachenden Lehre unsers Herrn Jesu Christi. Aus Gottes Wort kurz begriffen . . . . Schippach, Pa.: Johann M. Schünemann, 1851. [x], 698, [4]pp (al with clasps, foxing, caif, ds, covers sl blemished, gc). 244. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele, Das ist: Gespräche der Wandlenden Seele mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas; verfasset die Geschichten von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verwüstung Jerusalems . . . . Anjetzo aber in die Hochdeutsche Sprache übersetzt von B.B.B. Harrisburg: John S. Wiestling, 1822. [v], 454pp (al, notation stamped inside back cover: “This book belongs to John W. Martin’s Library, No. 549, Chambersburg, Pa.”, caif, stis, yellowed pp, clasps missing, mc). 245. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . . . . 2. Aufl. Ephrata: Benjamin Mayer, 1796. 525, [3]pp (al, ownership by a Reyer/Royer, caif, ds, yellowed pp, clasps missing, cover edges sl worn, front cover soiled, mc). April 8, 2011 Page 17 246. Dietrich Philip. Enchiridion, oder Handbüchlein, von der Christlichen Lehre und Religion. Zum Dienst von allen Liebhabern der Wahrheit (durch die Gnade Gottes) aus der Heiligen Schrift gemacht . . . . Neu-Berlin: Christian Möser, 1851. [viii], 568pp (al, foxing, caif, ds, stis, clasps missing, covers blemished, mc). 247. Evangelium Nicodemi, oder Historischer Bericht von dem Leben Jesu Christi, welches Nicodemus, ein Rabbi und Oberster der Jüden beschrieben . . . . Reading: C.A. Bruckman, für Joseph Stocker und andere, 1819. 225pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, foxing, caif, ds, covers blemished, corners worn, mc). 248. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christian Spiritual Conversation on Saving Faith, for the Young, in Questions and Answers, and a Confession of Faith, of the Mennonites, with an Appendix . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons, 1870. 309pp (al, foxing on edges and endpapers, caif, gc). 249. [McGowan, John]. Infernal Conference: or, Dialogues of Devils . By the Listener. Published by Andrew Hess & Henry A. Showalter. Mountain Valley, Va. (near Harrisonburg): Printed at the Office of Joseph Funk & Sons, 1853. 336pp (al, 2 vols. in 1, foxing, caif, stis, back flyleaf torn out, corners worn, mc). 250. Same as above. 336pp (2 vols. in 1, rebound, sl foxing, vgc). 251. Johann Hübners, Rectors des Johannei zu Hamburg, Hundert und zwey auserlesene biblische Historien aus dem alten und neuen Testamente, der Jugend zum besten abgefasset, nebst einer Vorrede eines Hochehrwürdigen Ministern der Stadt Hamburg . Reutlingen: Justus Jacob Fleischhauer, 1810. [xxx], [3]-392, [8]pp (al, fp, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover and several pp punctured and torn, clasps missing, mc). 252. Ausbund, Das ist: Etliche schöne Christliche Lieder, wie sie in dem Gefängnüß zu Bassau in dem Schloß von den Schweitzer-Brüdern . . . . Germanton [sic]: Christoph Sauer, 1752. [x], 812, [6], 20, 46, 40pp (al, exlib, foxing, ds, yellowed pp, 1 clasp missing, front cover loose, mc). 253. Same as above. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1846. [vi], 812, [11], 24, 52, 42pp (al with clasps, foxing, caif, sds, gc). 254. Psalmebog til Kirke- og Huus-Andagt . xii, [i], 607, 244pp (al, sl yellowed pp, tp and pp through iv missing, title from p [xiii], covers warped and sl blemished, mc); Union Hymns . Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1845. 352pp (quarter bound, foxing, few yellowed pp, front flyleaf torn, cocked, mc). 255. Harn, George U. A Sermon on the Ordinance of Feet-Washing . Harrisburg: Published in the C. Advocate Office, 1846. 95, [1]pp (foxing, stis, gc); A Lamp for the Feet . Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1863. 190pp (foxing, gc); Daily Food for Christians; Being a Promise, and Another Scriptural Portion, for Every Day in the Year, Together with the Verse of a Hymn . New York: American Tract Society, n.d. 192pp (yellowed pp, spine cover punctured, covers loose, mc). 256. The Christian’s Diary of Prayers and Promises . 126pp (foxing, ds, tp and last page missing, front cover loose, spine cover missing, corners worn, pc); Daily Food for Christians; Being a Promise, and Another Scriptural Portion, for Every Day in the Year, Together with the Verse of a Hymn , n.d. 192pp (caif, loose pp, covers loose, spine cover torn, pc); History of the Bible , 1825. 256pp (al, miniature size, fp, eng, ds, yellowed pp, mc); Dew-Drops (American Tract Society), n.d. 128pp (miniature size, gilt edges, foxing, caif, sps, spine cover torn, mc). 257. Die Kirchen-Harfe; oder Eine kleine Sammlung alter und neuer Geistreicher Lieder, zum Gebrauch des Privat Gottes-Dienstes . 1. Aufl. Libanon: J. Hartman u. Sohn, 1847. 225pp (al, foxing, caif, ds, spine cover torn, back cover edge worn, mc); Eine kleine Lieder-Sammlung, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des wahren Gottesdienstes, für die Gemeinde Gottes . Harrisburg, (Pa.): Gustav S. Peters, 1837. 208pp (al, foxing, caif, few pp moth-eaten, corners worn, covers sl warped, mc); Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Ministerium. Erbauliche Lieder-Sammlung zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien und den benachbarten Staaten . 5. Aufl. Germantaun: Michael Billmeyer, 1812. [xii], 327, [7], 23pp (al, fp, ds, few edges creased, yellowed pp, back cover loose, front cover missing, pc). 258. Ein Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des Wahren Gottesdienstes. Canton, Ohio: Peter Kaufmann und Co., 1839. 320pp (rebound, uncut and untrimmed pp, sl yellowed pp, gc). 259. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch von dem geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntniß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens . . . . Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1836. 256pp (al, foxing, caif, ds, spine cover torn, clasp missing, mc). 260. 4 children’s books: Margaret, and Other Books for Children (American Tract Society), n.d. ca. 130pp in various pagings (eng, sl yellowed pp, spine cover torn, gc); Little Tom, the Huntsman’s Boy (American Sunday-School Union), n.d. 29pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, eng, foxing, spine cover missing, covers worn, gc); covers worn, gc); The Pink Tarlton: A Story for Little Girls (Sunday-School Union), 1855. 44pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, fp, foxing, caif, few pp scribbled, spine cover torn, back cover loose, pc); Emily Somers , n.d. 60pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, foxing, caif, yellowed pp, tp and first 26pp missing, pc). 261. Ursprung, Lehre, Constitution und Zucht-Ordnung der Vereinigten Brüder in Christo . Circleville, Ohio: Gedruckt in der Conferenz Buchdruckerei, 1853. 94, 2pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, sl foxing, front flyleaf torn, covers worn, gc). 262. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung . New York: H.W. Rees, für die Amerikanische Bibel-Gesellschaft, 1838. 472pp (al, sl foxing, covers scratched, gc). 263. Gottschall, Abraham. Eine Beschreibung der Neuen Creatur. Von der Geburt an, bis in das vollkommene Alter in Christu Jesu, sammt dessen Rothwendigkeit, Ursprung, Wachsthum, und endlich, glückseligen Zustand durch Jesum Christum . Doylestaun: J. Jung, 1838. 100pp (quarter bound, sl foxing, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, mc). 264. Lambert, George. Around the Globe and Through Bible Lands. Notes and Observations on the Various Countries Through Which the Writer Traveled . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1896. 432pp (half bound, fp, b/w ill, col map, ind, sl yellowed pp, spine cover taped, gc). Page 18 April 8, 2011 265. Same as above (fp, b/w ill, col map, ind, sl foxing, caif, sl yellowed pp, spine cover torn, mc); Doctrines of the Bible: A Brief Discussion of the Teachings of God’s Word . Edited by Daniel Kauffman. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1928. 639pp (caif, ds, ps, ppn, yellowed pp, tp loose, spine cover missing, spine taped, pc). 266. Wenger, A.D. Six Months in Bible Lands and Around the World in Fourteen Months: Observations and Notes of Travel in England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, Constantinople, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Indian, Ceylon, China and Japan . . . . Doylestown, Pa.: Joseph B. Steiner, 1902. xi, [i], 550pp (b/w ill, ind, stis, sl yellowed pp, several front signatures loose, covers loose, pc); Lambert, George. Around the Globe and Through Bible Lands. Notes and Observations on the Various Countries Through Which the Writer Traveled. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1896. 432pp (half bound, fp, b/w ill, col map, ind, sl yellowed pp, spine cover mostly missing, mc). 267. Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come; Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream . New-York: American Tract Society, n.d. 376pp (al, eng, foxing, front cover loose, corners worn, covers sl soiled, mc). 268. Katechismus; oder, Kurze und einfache Unterweisung aus der Heiligen Schrift. In Fragen und Antworten. Zum Gebrauch in den Schulen . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1907. 51pp (quarter bound, sl yellowed pp, covers sl soiled, gc); Funk, J.F. Confession of Faith and Minister’s Manual, Containing the Confession of Faith Adopted at Dortrecht in 1632, the Shorter Catechism, Forms for , the Lord’s Supper, Marriage, Ordination of Bishops and Ministers, Funeral Lessons, Texts, etc . 8th ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1925. 134pp ( signed on front flyleaf by Samuel H. Lehman, Manheim, caif, sl yellowed pp, gc). 269. Krummacher, F.W. Elias der Thisbiter, nach seinem äußern und inner Leben . New-York: Amerikanischen Traktat-Gesellschaft, [1844]. 707pp (foxing, caif, yellowed edges, gc). 270. [English Bible]. New-York: American Bible Society, 1820. 837pp (al, foxing, caif, ds, ps, some page corners folded, tp missing, publication from tp of N.T., spine cover torn, front cover loose, mc). 271. Johann Friedrich Stark’s tägliches Hand-Buch, in guten und bösen Tagen, enthaltend Aufmunterungen, Gebete und Gesänge 1. Für Gesunde. 2. Für Betrübte. 3. Für Kranke. 4. Für Sterbende . . . . Philadelphia: J. Kohler, n.d. viii, 596, 106pp (fp, marbled edges, eng, yellowed pp, front and back covers loose, spine cover and clasps missing, mc). 272. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers . . . . Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1871. 536pp (al with clasps, inscribed on front flyleaf: Susanna Brubaker, 1874, sl yellowed pp, covers sl worn, gc). 273. Menno Simon. A Foundation and Plain Instruction of the Saving Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Briefly Compiled from the Word of God . . . . Translated by I. Daniel Rupp. Lancaster, Pa.: J.E. Barr & Co., 1869. 424pp (al, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 274. Miller, Ben. Das Neue Spelling Buch: Zum Gebrauch der Jugend in die Amischen und Mennoniten Schulen . Saint Joe, Ark.: Martin Printers, [1964?]. 64pp (sl yellowed pp, sl cocked, gc); The Union Spelling Book . Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1838. 120pp (quarter bound, fp, eng, foxing, caif, sds, covers sl soiled and moth-eaten, mc). 275. Hallock, William A. Leben des Harlan Page, oder die Kraft des Gebetes und der persönlichen Bemühungen für die Seelen . Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. New-York: Amerikanischen Tractat-Gesellschaft, n.d. 269pp (al, eng, ds, back flyleaf partly missing, covers sl scratched, gc); Erstes Lesebuch für Kinder . New-York: Amerikanischen Tractat- Gesellschaft, n.d.160pp (eng, caif, yellowed pp, spine cover mostly missing, cover corners worn, mc). 276. Edwards, Jonathan, A Treatise on Religious Affections (American Tract Society), n.d. 276pp (foxing, caif, ds, spine cover missing, cover edges worn, mc); The Heart of Man. Either a Temple of God or the Habitation of Satan. Represented in Ten Emblematical Figures , n.d. 72pp (quarter bound, eng, foxing, covers sl moth-eaten, gc); Pictures of Hindoo Life; or, India Without the Gospel, and India with the Gospel , n.d. 144pp (col fp, eng, sl foxing, covers soiled, sl. cocked, gc); Narratives of the Life and Conversion of the Dairyman, the Old Ploughman, the Apprentice-Boy, the Power and Grace of Christ in the Last Years of John Colby, and Jeanie Wilson (American Tract Society), n.d.110pp (eng, foxing, caif, ds, spine cover torn, mc); The Bible Text-Book; or The Principal Texts Relating to the Persons, Places, and Subjects, Occurring in the Holy Scriptures (American Tract Society), n.d. 208pp (foxing, ppn, sl yellowed pp, few pp missing from front and back, mc). 277. 12 children’s books (American Sunday-School Union): Helen Maurice; or, The Benefit of Early Religious Instruction Exemplified ; The Ring-Leader: A Tale for Boys; Kmanyo ; Why?: A Story for Children ; The Errand-Boy ; The History of Betsey Green, a Sunday Scholar ; The Little Questioners ; Christian Politeness ; Drysdale, Evening Recreations: A Series of Dialogues on the History and Geography of the Bible ; Things to Be Thought Of, Addressed to the Young ; Sammy Gill; or, The Little Pet Mocking-Bird, and Other Stories ; Hetty Baker; or, Proud and Humble (first 10 items quarter bound with marbled covers, mc to gc). 278. 10 children’s books (American Sunday-School Union): Glimpses of Heaven, or Light Beyond Jordan ; The Snow- Storm ; The Two Friends; or, Religion the Best Guide for Youth ; Slim Jack; or, The History of a Circus-Boy ; Baldwin, The Young Freethinker Reclaimed ; Harriet and Her Scholars ; The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey; Harvest ; Little Susan; or, A Memoir of Susan Kollock ; Sherwood, The Errand-Boy (all quarter bound with marbled covers, mc to gc). 279. 6 children’s books (American Tract Society): Narratives of the Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, The Mountain Miller, and George Vining ; Smith, The Open Hand ; The Rocket ; Sunny Hours ; Hooker, The Child’s Book on the Sabbath ; My Picture-Book (mc to gc). 280. Charlotte Elizabeth, The Visit: A Narrative of Facts ; The Chief End; or, The Great Business of Time and Eternity ; Grahame, Little Home Missionaries ; The Tract Primer ; The Life of Rev. Richard Baxter ; Beecher, L., Six Sermons on the Nature, Occasions, Signs, Evils, and Remedy of Intemperance ; Porteus, A Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation ; Longking, Questions on the Gospels: The Lessons April 8, 2011 Page 19 in Historical and Chronological Order According to the Arrangement of Townsend’s Chronological New Testament ; Chester, Helping Mama ; The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (mc to gc). 281. Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, enthaltend Geistreiche Lieder und Psalmen, zum allgemeinen Gebrauch des Wahren Gottesdienstes. Auf Begehren der Brüderschaft der Mennoniten Gemeinen, aus vielen Liederbüchern gesammelt . 4. verb. Aufl. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1829. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, clasps missing, spine broken, spine cover torn, back cover punctured, pc). 282. Same as above. 5. verb. Aufl. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1841. [vi], 77, [1], 483, 19pp (al, foxing, ds, front flyleaf torn, clasps missing, covers worn, mc). 283. Same as above. 5. verb. Aufl. Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1841. [vi], 77, [1], 483, 19pp (al, ds, yellowed pp, clasps missing, spine cover loose and taped, tp through p. 4 missing, covers sl worn, pc). 284. Same as above. 6. verb. Aufl. Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1861. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al with clasps, caif, sl yellowed pp, covers sl worn, gc). 285. Same as above. “6. verb. Aufl.” Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1868. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, foxing, caif, heads of pages chewed, clasps missing, vertical tear in spine, front and back covers sl worn, mc). 286. Same as above. “6. verb. Aufl.” Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1880. [vi], 79, [1], 483, 19pp (al, inscribed by Joseph H. Martin, Shippensburg, caif, sl yellowed pp, 1 clasp missing, spine cover torn, covers worn, mc). 287. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions, von alten und neuen auserlesenen Geistes-Gesängen, allen wahren heilsbegierigen Säuglingen der Weisheit . . . . 2. verb. Aufl. Baltimore: Samuel Saur, 1797. [vi], 572, [20], 55, [1]pp (al with clasps, caif, ds, yellowed pp, covers sl worn, back cover detached, pc). 288. Same as above. Philadelphia: Mentz und Rovoudt, n.d. 504pp (al with clasps, inscribed by Amos L. Peachey, foxing, caif, covers sl worn, gc). 289. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung von Dr. Martin Luther . 5. mit Stereotypen gedruckte Aufl. Carlisle, (Pa.): Moser und Peters, 1825. 511, 5pp (al, fp, inscribed by Amos L. Peachey, eng, caif, ds, yellowed pp, clasps missing, covers sl worn, mc). 290. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch von dem geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntniß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens . . . . Lancaster: Henrich und Benjamin Grimler, 1811. 241pp (al, Dieses schöne Buchlein gehöret Isaac Groß. Geschrieben 20ten Abril A.D. 1829, caif, ds, stis, yellowed pp, clasp strap partly missing, covers sl worn, mc). 291. Eine Sammlung von Geistreichen Sterb- und Begräbniß-Liedern, für Christen von allen Benennungen . . . . Chämbersburg: Heinrich Ruby, 1831. 162pp (al, foxing, sl caif, stis, covers sl worn, gc). 292. Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne Geistreiche Gebäte, womit Fromme Christen-Herzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen sich trösten können . Lancaster: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1862. 214pp (al, foxing, caif, clasp missing, corners worn, spine taped, covers sl worn, mc). 293. Menno Simon. A Foundation and Plain Instruction of the Saving Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Briefly Compiled, from the Word of God . . . . Translated into the English by I. Daniel Rupp. Lancaster, Pa.: Elias Barr & Co., 1863. 420pp (al, ind, Lizzie C. Herr’s Book 1878, caif, stis, gc). 294. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, with Canne’s Marginal Notes and References: And a Concise Table of Contents of the Books of the Old and New Testaments . Hartford: William Andrus, 1843. 619, [1], 109, [621]- 811, 39pp (fp, eng, includes Apocrypha, “ J.C. Woodson” stamped on front cover, faded gilt edges, foxing, caif, ds, stis, gc). 295. Fox, John. A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive as Well as the Protestant Martyrs, from the Commencement of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan and Popish Persecution . . . . New ed. Philadelphia: Schæfer & Koradi, 1868. xii, 638pp (al, fp, eng, ind, foxing, ds, covers worn, front nd back covers loose, spine cover torn, mc). 296. Novum Testamentum Tetraglotten. Archetypum Græcum cum Versionibus Vulgata Latina, Germanica Lutheri et Anglica Authentica in Usum Manualem . Edited by C.G.G. Theile and R. Stier. Bielefeldiæ, 1855. 1060pp (softcover, “J.C. Wenger” stamped on front cover, stis, his, ppn, gc). 297. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch von dem Geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntniß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens . . . . Doylestaun: Joseph Jung, 1848. 448pp (al, “Histand Book” stamped on front flyleaf, signed by W.H.H. Swartley, Doylestown, Pa., yellowed pp, back cover loose, covers sl worn, mc). 298. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele, Das ist: Gespräche der Wandlenden Seele mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas; verfasset die Geschichten von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verwüstung Jerusalems . . . . Anjetzo aber in die Hochdeutsche Sprache übersetzt von B.B.B. 2. Aufl. Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1771. [viii], 463, [23]pp (al with clasps, ind, 7-stanza poem written by Isaac Gross on front flyleaf, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, gc). 299. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele, Das ist: Gespräche der Wandlenden Seele mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas; enthaltend die Geschichte von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verwüstung Jerusalems . . . . Neue (12te) Aufl. Philadelphia: Schäfer und Koradi, n.d. 442pp (foxing, ds, front and back covers loose, mc). 300. Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne geistreiche Gebete, womit fromme Christenherzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen trösten können . . . . Rev. und verm. Ausg. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1894. 144, 67, [2]pp (al, caif, stis, yellowed pp, covers sl blemished, gc). 301. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. Stereotype ed. Stereotyped by James Conner for the American Page 20 April 8, 2011 Bible Society: 1828. 486, 162pp (al; birth and marriage record of Jacob R. Shank (b. 1806) and Mary Hoover (b. 1810), m. 1830; caif, stis, corners worn, covers sl worn, gc). 302. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Original Greek, and with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1867. 427pp (foxing, ds, spine cover torn, pp 3-22 missing, front cover detached, pc). 303. Deigendesch, Johannes. Nachrichters: Oder Nutzliches und aufrichtiges Roß-Artzney-Büchlein. In welchem die meisten innerliche Kranckheiten und äusserliche Zustände der Roß aufs deutlichste beschrieben und erkläret warden . . . . Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1770. 208, [4]pp (al with clasp, ind, caif, covers sl blemished, gc). 304. The Complete Works of Menno Simon, Translated from the Original Dutch or Holland . . . . Parts 1 and 2. Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk and Brother, 1871. 288, 455pp (half bound, decorative endpapers, sl yellowed pp, front and back covers loose and torn, spine cover missing, mc). 305. Bromley, Thomas. The Way to the Sabbath of Rest. Or the Soul’s Progress in the Work of the New-Birth. With Two Discourses of the Author Never Before Printed viz. The Journeys of the Children of Israel, as in Their Names and Historical Passages, They Comprise the Great and Gradual Work of Regeneration: And A Treatise of Extraordinary Divine Dispensations, Under the Jewish and Gospel Administrations . . . . Germantown: Reprinted and sold by Christopher Sower, also sold by Solomon Fussell and Jonathan Zane in Philadelphia, 1759. Added tp: Hartley, Thomas. A Discourse on Mistakes Concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, &c . Germantown: Reprinted by Christopher Sower, 1759. Added tp: Observations on the Inslaving, Importing and Purchasing of Negroes; with Some Advice Thereon, Extracted from the Epistle of the Yearly-Meeting of the People Called , Held at London in the Year 1748 . 2nd ed. Germantown: Christopher Sower, 1760. viii, 280, 168, 16pp (al, Elisabeth Browne Her Book, sl foxing, caif, spine cover torn, front and back covers sl warped, corners worn, mc). 306. The Friends’ Library: Comprising Journals, Doctrinal Treatises, and Other Writings of Members of the Religious Society of Friends . Edited by William Evans and Thomas Evans. Vol. 6. Contents [running titles]: The Journal of Thomas Chalkley, Journal of John Churchman, Life of John Pemberton, Letters and Memorandums of John Barclay, Memoir of Sarah Morris. Philadelphia: Joseph Rakestraw, 1842. 480pp (al, marbled edges and endpapers, sl foxing, caif, yellowed pp, covers sl blemished, gc). 307. The Christian Harp and Sabbath School Songster. Designed for the Use of the Social Religious Circle, Revivals, and the Sabbath School . Singers’ Glen, Rockingham Co., Va.: Joseph Funk’s Sons, 1866. 95, [1]pp (pb, Mary F. Coakleys Book, foxing, back cover and few back pp torn, covers blemished, mc). 308. Funk, Joseph. A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, Comprising a Variety of Metres, All Harmonized for Three Voices. Together with a Copious Elucidation of the Science of Vocal Music . 4th ed., improved. Mountain Valley, Va.: Joseph Funk and Sons, 1847. 288pp (Mary V. Miller Present, Hamburg, Va., foxing, ds, covers blemished, part of tp torn out, front cover detached, spine cover mostly missing, few loose signatures, pc). 309. Funk, Joseph, and Sons. The New Harmonia Sacra: A Compilation of Genuine Church Music Comprising a Great Variety of Metres, Harmonized for Four Voices . 18th ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1915. [iv], [53]-354, [5], [12]pp (caif, sl yellowed pp, tp and next page creased, covers blemished and edges worn, gc); Selections from Life Songs No. 2 . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1943. [98]pp (pb, front cover sds and corner creased, gc). 310. White, James Edson. Ausgewählte Geschichten aus dem Buch der Bücher: Eine illustrirte Biblische Geschichte für den Familienkreis. Mit einer einleitenden Abteilung enthaltend Leichte Lektionen für Kinder , von Ella King Sanders. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Verlagsgesellschaft, 1901. 194pp (fp, ill, yellowed pp, few pp torn, corners worn, covers blemished, front cover loose, mc). 311. The Confession of Faith, of the Christians Known by the Name of Mennonites, in Thirty-Three Articles; with a Short Extract from Their Catechism . . . Also, Nine Reflections, from Different Passages of the Scriptures, Illustrative of Their Confession, Faith & Practice , by Peter Burkholder. . . . Winchester: Robinson & Hollis, 1837. 461pp (al, inscribed by Mrs. R.B. Metzler, North Lima, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1906, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, covers sl blemished, gc). 312. Horsch, Johannes. Kurzgefaste Geschichte der Mennoniten-Gemeinden. Nebst einem Abriß der Grundsätze und Lehren, sowie einem Verzeichniß der Litteratur der Taufgesinnten . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1890. 146pp (exlib, ppn, yellowed pp, gc). 313. Confession of Faith and Minister’s Manual , 2nd ed., 1895. 134pp (sl foxing, caif, gc); Confession of Faith (Pathway Pub. Co.), n.d. 30, [1]pp (pb, few pp torn, gc); Troyer, H., Life Insurance , 1932. 66pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, covers creased, gc); Brackbill, M.T., The Heavens Declare , 1959. 128pp (dj, b/w ill, vgc). 314. Under Test: A Compilation of Experiences of Conscientiouis Objectors as Encountered in Two World Wars . Compiled by E.J. Swalm. Nappanee, Ind.: E.V. Pub. House, 1949. 276pp (fp, bib refs, sl yellowed pp, yellowed endpapers, gc); Lehman, M.C. The History and Principles of Mennonite Relief Work: An Introduction . Mennonite Relief Service, no. 1. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945, c1944. 44pp (pb, bib, sl yellowed pp, back cover sl moth-eaten, gc); Funk, J.F. Confession of Faith and Minister’s Manual . . . . 9th ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1930. 134pp (ind, ppn, inscribed on front flyleaf by Ernest G. Gehman, sl yellowed pp, gc). 315. Hollatz, David. David Hollazens . . . Evangelische Gnaden-Ordnung. Wie eine Seele von der eigenen Gerechtigkeit und Frommigkeit herunter, und zum Erkenntniß ihres fündigen Elends gebracht; hierauf aber zu den Wunden-Hölen Jesu geleitet werde, und solchergestalt durch den Glauben zur Vergebung der Sünden und zu einem frommen Leben komme, in Vier Gesprächen aufgesetzt . 1. verb. Americanische Aufl. Leipzig, Büdißen und Görliß; Gedruckt- und Neugedruckt von Johann Herschberger, Chambersburg, (Penn.), 1810. Added tp: Thomä Wilcocks köstliche Honigtropfen aus dem Felsen Christo als ein Anhang zu der allgemeinen Gnaden-Ordnung . 1. Aufl. Chämbersburg: Johann Herschberger, 1810. [vi], 167, 38pp (quarter bound, foxing, 1 leaf torn, covers soiled, corners worn, mc). 316. Yoder, Edward. The Mennonites of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Scottdale, Pa.: Scottdale Mennonite April 8, 2011 Page 21 Church, [1942]. 63, [1]pp (pb, fp, b/w ill, bib refs, covers sl faded and creased, gc); [Zook, Israel B.] A Record of Deaths of the Amish and Mennonites in the Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin and Huntingdon Counties, Pennsylvania, Part 1--1874 to 1951, Part 2--1951 to 1970 . N.p., [1970]. 108pp (pb, covers sl faded, gc). 317. Steiner, M.S., John S. Coffman, Mennonite Evangelist: His Life and Labors , [1903]. 139pp (fp, b/w ill, yellowed pp, gc); Erb, A.M., Studies in Mennonite City Missions , 1937. xiv, [ii], 224pp (fp, b/w ill, sl foxing, yellowed pp, gc); Zook, E., Fifty Bible Stories: Twenty-Five Old Testament, Twenty-Five New Testament , 1929. 196pp (b/w ill, sl yellowed pp, gc); Mennonite Confession of Faith (Pathway Pub. Co.), n.d. 30, [1]pp (pb, vgc); Mennonite Confession of Faith, Containing the Confession of Faith Adopted at Dortrecht, Holland, in 1632, with Reference Texts Printed in Full . . . ., edited by S.F. Coffman, 1931. 64pp (pb, yellowed pp, gc). 318. Gottschall, Abraham. Eine Beschreibung der Neuen Creatur. Von der Geburt an, bis in das vollkommene Alter in Christu Jesu, sammt dessen Nothwendigkeit, Ursprung, Wachsthum, und endlich, glückseligen Zustand durch Jesum Christum . Doylestaun: J. Jung, 1838. 100pp (quarter bound, foxing, yellowed pp, covers and endpapers ds, mc). 319. [Funk, Henry]. Ein Spiegel der Taufe, mit Geist, mit Wasser, und mit Blut. In neun Theileverfasset . . . . Schippach, Pa.: Johann M. Schünemann, 1853. 114pp (foxing, front cover and spine cover sl faded, gc). 320. Funk, Henry. A Mirror of Baptism, with the Spirit, with Water, and with Blood. In Three Parts. From the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament . Mountain Valley, Va. (near Harrisonburg): Joseph Funk and Sons, 1851. 130pp (al, foxing, pp 129-130 torn out, spine taped, corners worn, mc). 321. Brenneman, Johannes M. Hoffart und Demut, einander gegenüber gestellt; nebst einer Weckstimme an die stolzen Frauen . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1950. 93pp (marbled covers, caif, few page corners creased, gc); Vergissmeinnicht: Eine Sammlung von Gelegenheits-Versen und Gedenksprüchen . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1893. 16, 33, 14pp (covers loose and warped, mc); Abendmahls-Andachten. Gebete und Lieder vor und nach dem heiligen Abendmahl, zum Gebrauch der Taufgesinnten Gemeine in Preussen . Elbing: F.W. Neumann-Hartmann, 1859. 112, [1]pp (al, gilt edges, caif, front cover ds, yellowed pp, covers warped, gc). 322. Eine unparteiische Lieder-Sammlung zum Gebrauch beim Oeffentlichen Gottesdienst und der Häuslichen Erbauung . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1886. [iv], 342pp (al, signed on front flyleaf by Lucy Hershberger, Sharon Center, Iowa, sl yellowed pp, front cover loose, clasp missing, mc). 323. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns Suited to the Various Occasions of Public Worship and Private Devotion . Compiled by a Committee of Mennonites. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1894. 384, 48pp (al, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, gc). 324. Ausbund, Das ist: Etliche schöne Christliche Lieder, wie sie in dem Gesängniß zu Bassau in dem Schloß von den Schweizer-Brüdern und von andern rechtglaubigen Christen hin und her gedichtet worden . . . . Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1834. [vi], 812, [6], [5], 24, 52, 42pp (al, foxing, on enclosed slip of paper: This is the Yoder Sisters Book, sl caif, sds, 1 clasp missing, 1 clasp strap torn off, gc). 325. [Das Kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions, von Alten und Neuen auserlesenen Geistes Gesängen, Allen wahren Heils-begierigen Säuglingen der Weisheit . . . . Chestnuthill: Samuel Saur, 1791]. Added tp: Die Kleine Harfe, gestimmet von unterschiedlichen Lieblichen Liedern oder Lob-Gesängen . . . . Zum ersten mal ans Licht gegeben. Chestnuthill: Samuel Saur, 1792. 572, [22], 55, [1]pp (al with clasps, stamped “Michael Hege. 1864” and “Jacob Hege ” on front flyleaf, caif, yellowed pp, tp missing, covers sl soiled, gc). 326. Eby, Benjamin. Kurzgefaßte Kirchen-Geschichte und Glaubenslehre der Taufgesinnten-Christen oder Mennoniten . Elkhart, Ind.: John F. Funk, 1868. 180pp (al, exlib, foxing, sl caif, gc). 327. Herr, Johannes. Erläuterungs-Spiegel, oder Eine gründliche Erklärung von der Bergpredigt unsers Herrn Jesu Christi: Allen Liebhabern der Wahrheit zur Prüfung ihres Glaubens und zur Beförderung ihrer Nachfolge in der Lehre unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi . Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1827. 394, [1]pp (al with clasp, title slip pasted on spine cover, sl caif, ds, yellowed pp, covers sl worn, gc). 328. Herr, John. The True and Blessed Way, Which Leadeth Beneath the Cross, to Heaven. Or A True Doctrine, from the Word of God, for the Benefit of Every Lover of the Truth, and the Encouragement of Their Salvation. Harrisburg: William Greer, 1816. 314, [1]pp al, sl caif, stis, yellowed pp, several pp creased, gc). 329. [Die ernsthaffte Christen-Pflicht darinnen schöne geistreiche Gebetter darmit sich fromme Christen-Hertzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöhten trösten können . . . . Ephrata: 1745]. Added tp: Das Andencken einiger heiligen Martyrer Oder: die Geschichten etlicher Blut-Zeugen der Wahrheit . . . . Drucke der Brüderschaffs in Zion, Anno. 1745. 166, [2], 120pp (al with clasp, tp and first 28pp missing, p. 30 pasted facing up to back of front cover, ds, last few pp moth-eaten, yellowed pp, hook of clasp missing, mc). 330. Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht, enthaltend schöne Geistreiche Gebete womit Fromme Christen-Herzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen sich trösten können . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1904. 230pp (al, foxing, caif, back endpaper and flyleaf torn, pp 202-206 torn out, spine cover torn, mc). 331. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch von dem geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntniß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens . . . . Lancaster: Johann Bär, 1836. 256pp (al, caif, ds, spine cover torn, clasp missing, mc). 332. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christian Spiritual Conversation on Saving Faith, for the Young, in Questions and Answers, and a Confession of Faith, of the Mennonites. With an Appendix . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer and Sons, 1857. 309pp (al, caif, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, gc). 333. Same as above. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons, 1878. 308pp (al, sl foxing, several back page corners creased, front cover detached, mc). 334. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele, Das ist: Gespräche der Wandelnden Seele mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas; verfasset die Geschichten von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verwüstung Jerusalems . . . . Page 22 April 8, 2011 Harrisburg, Pa.: G.S. Peters, 1833. 324pp (al, foxing, caif, stis, back signature loose, corners worn, mc). 335. Schabalie, Johann Philip. Die Wandlende Seele, Das ist: Gespräche der Wandelnden Seele mit Adam, Noah und Simon Cleophas, umfaßt die Geschichten von Erschaffung der Welt an, bis zu und nach der Verwüstung Jerusalems . . . . jetzt aber in die hochdeutsche Sprache übersetzet von B.B.B. 14. Aufl. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1919. 435pp (ind, foxing on edges, yellowed pp, cover edges sl worn, gc). 336. Shabalie, John Philip. The Wandering Soul, or Conversations of the Wandering Soul with Adam, Noah and Simon Cleophas, Containing a Succinct Epitome of Leading Historical Facts from the Creation of the World to A.D. 109. Together with a Full Account of the Destruction of Jerusalem . . . . 2nd rev. English ed. Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons, 1874. 468pp (quarter bound, caif, stis, yellowed pp, spine cover and cover corners and edges worn, gc). 337. The Confession of Faith, of the Christians Known by the Name of Mennonites, in Thirty-Three Articles; with a Short Extract from Their Catechism . . . Also, Nine Reflections, from Different Passages of the Scriptures, Illustrative of Their Confession, Faith & Practice , by Peter Burkholder. . . . Winchester: Robinson & Hollis, 1837. 461pp (al, foxing, yellowed pp, tp sl torn, back cover loose, front cover missing, pc). 338. Same as above. (al, hds, tp through p. 14 and p. 461 missing, covers blemished, pc); [Roosen, G.], Christian Spiritual Conversation on Saving Faith for the Young in Questions and Answers, and a Confession of Faith, of the Mennonites, with an Appendix , 1921. 303, [1]pp (pb, foxing, covers sl creased, gc); Rules and Discipline of the Lancaster Conference, Approved October 7th, 1881 . 8pp (pb, yellowed pp, gc); Mennonite Church Polity: A Statement of Practices in Church Government, Together with Mennonite Confession of Faith, Christian Fundamentals, Constitution of the Mennonite General Conference, The Gospel Standard, Minister’s Manual , 1944. xv, [i], 169pp ( signed by Gordon W. Shantz, sl yellowed pp, spine cover sl faded, gc). 339. The Publications of the American Tract Society . Vol. 1. [402]pp in various pagings (al, “Mary ann Haugh Book 1824,” foxing, ds, some page corners folded, lower part of tp torn out, spine cover torn, mc). 340. Merle d’Aubigné, J.H. History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, in Germany, Switzerland, &c . Vol. 3 only. New-York: American Tract Society, n.d. 504pp (quarter bound, foxing, ds, cocked, mc). 341. Arnd, Johann [sic]. Paradieß-Gärtlein, zur Uebung des wahren Christenthums durch Geistreiche Gebäter, in die Seele zu pflantzen, nebst einem wahrhaffrigen Bericht, was sich mit diesem Büchlein denckwürtiges zugetragen, mit der Vorrede des Hrn. Authoris selbsten . Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1765. [xxxii], 531, [9]pp (half bound, decorative covers, rebound, ind, yellowed pp, gc). 342. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers . . . . 8. Aufl. Germantaun: M. Billmeyer, 1819. 537, [3]pp (al with clasps, record of Johann Martin (d. 1857) [and siblings?]: Henrich Martin (d. 1862), Daniel Martin (d. 1862); [father?] Johannes Mardÿ (d. Aug. 10, 1833 in the 66th year of his age) , foxing, caif, back cover loose, vertical break in front cover, mc). 343. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi/The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Original Greek; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised . New York: Amerikanischen Bibel-Gesellschaft/American Bible Society, 1857. 670pp (al, German and English text in parallel columns, foxing, caif, covers sl blemished, gc). 344. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Original Greek: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1857. 431pp (al, foxing, caif, sds, some loose signatures, covers blemished, mc). 345. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Nach der Uebersetzung Doctor Martin Luthers . . . . Philadelphia: Georg W. Mentz, 1834. 504pp (al with clasps, woodcuts, foxing, stis, front cover detached, cover corners and edges worn, covers blemished, pc); The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command . Edinburgh: Mark and Charles Kerr, 1793. Added tp: The Psalms of David in Metre. Translated, and Diligently Compared with the Original Text, and Former Translations. More Plain, Smooth, and Agreeable to the Text, Than Any Heretofore. Allowed by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and Appointed to Be Sung in Congregations and Families . Edinburgh: Mark and Charles Kerr, 1793. Unpaged (al, 5¼” high x 3” wide, on front flyleaf: Adam Mchennys Book 1811, foxing, spine broken, corners worn, pc). 346. Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments . New-York: Amerikanische Bibel- Gesellschaft, 1888. 807, 277pp (sl foxing on edges, caif, covers sl worn, gc); Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers . Berlin: 1916. Added tp: Der Psalter nach der deutchen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers . 542, 128pp ( signed inside front cover by D.B. Swartzendruber, Kalona, Iowa, sl yellowed pp, cover edges sl worn, gc); The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated out of the Original Greek; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised . New York: American Bible Society, 1865. 316pp ( on front flyleaf: Presented to Joseph V. Champion by his Grandmother Sallie Cumming, Oct. 1866, yellowed pp, foxing on endpapers, cover edges worn, spine cover missing, mc). 347. Gebet-Büchlein, gestellet von einer Christum und sein Wort liebhabenden Seelen; worinnen nebst andern schönen tröstlichen Gebetern, das Leiden Jesu gebetsweise erbaulich betrachtet wird . . . . Germantaun: Michael Billmeyer, 1806. 271, [4]pp (al, yellowed pp, covers sl worn, gc). 348. Das Herz des Menschen, ein Tempel Gottes oder eine Werkstätte des Satans. In zehn Figuren sinnbildlich dargestellt . . . . Carlisle, Pa.: Moser und Peters, 1825. 58pp (quarter bound, eng, ds, yellowed pp, front cover torn, corners worn, mc). 349. [Stoll, Jacob. Geistliches Gewürz-Gärtlein heilsuchender Seelen; oder kurz-gefassten Betrachtungen, ueber einige auserlesene Sprüche der heiligen Schrift, in gebunden Schluß-Reimen und geistliche Brosamen . . . . Ephrata: Johannes Baumann, 1806]. 190, [1]pp (quarter bound, tp and up to p. 8 missing, ds, flyleaves scribbled, mc). 350. Gock, Carl. Die Vertheidigung der Freyen Kirche von Nord-Amerika . Reading (Penns.): Gedruckt auf Kosten des April 8, 2011 Page 23 Verfassers, 1822. 120pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, mc); Russell’s Seven Sermons: On I. The Unpardonable Sin Against the Holy Ghost. II. The Saint’s Duty and Exercise. III. The Accepted Time and Day of Salvation. IV. The End of Time and Beginning of Eternity. V. Resolution to Serve the Lord. VI. The Way to Heaven Made Plain. VII. The Future State of Man . Published by James Sterret. Mountain Valley, Va. (near Harisonburg): Joseph Funk & Sons, 1853. 176pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, foxing, sl scribbled, corners worn, spine cover torn, gc). 351. 9 items from Amerikanischen Tractat-Gesellschaft: Andreas Dunn ; Thomas Wilcocks köstlicher Honigtropfen aus dem Felsen Christus ; Fünfzig Erzählungen für die Jugend ; Maurette, Der Papst und das Evangelium ; Das Leben des Obristen Gardiner ; Hall, Komm zu Jesu! ; Barth, Die Rabenfeder: Eine Erzählung für die Jugend ; Goßner, Der Tag des Herrn, der König der Tage ; Baxter, R., Zuruf an Unbekehrte . ca. 50-150pp/item (mc to gc). 352. Luther’s Small Catechism, with Additions, including the Augsburg Confession ; Evang.-Luth. Kirchen Lieder (spine title); American Sunday-School Hymn-Book ; The Gospel According to St. Mark ; [Catholic prayerbook] (3 tps missing, mc to gc). 353. Eine unparteiische Lieder-Sammlung zum Gebrauch beim Oeffentlichen Gottesdienst und der Häuslichen Erbauung . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen, 1905. iv, 342pp (foxing, caif, stis, cover edges and corners worn, mc). 354. Eine Sammlung von Geistreichen Sterb- und Begräbniß-Liedern, für Christen von allen Benennungen. Mit Fleiß gesammelt aus den besten, alten und neuen geistreichen Lieder-Büchern von mehreren Freunden des Herrn . Lancaster, Pa.: John Bär’s Söhnen, 1867. 175pp (al, foxing, caif, spine cover torn, covers worn, mc). 355. Bible Class Question Book, for the Use of Advanced Scholars in the Sunday School . Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1881. 137pp (foxing, sl yellowed pp, gc); The Consecutive Union Question-Book , 2 vols.: Matthew (1846), Luke (1848). Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union. 152, 183pp (foxing, covers worn, covers worn, 1 front cover loose and back cover torn, mc); The Child’s Scripture Question-Book . Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1853. 144pp (eng, sl foxing, caif, ds, gc). 356. Miller, Samuel. Das Kernwesen in der Erlösung so durch Jesum Christum geschehen; oder: Der Anfang und Wachsthum im Wahren Christenthum. Enthaltend eine deutliche Lehre 1. von der Rechtfertigung, 2. Von der Heiligung, 3. Vom Zustand des Geheiligten und seinen ferneren Fortschritten . 1. Aufl. Libanon, Pennsylvanien, 1836. 144pp (al, caif, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, covers worn, mc); Habermann, Johann. Christliches Gebet-Büchlein, enthaltend Morgen- und Abendsegen auf alle Tage in der Woche. Nebst andern schönen Gebeten. Wie auch Doct. Naumans Kern aller Gebete und schönen Morgen- Abend- and andern Liedern, nebst angehängtem Geistlichern Stundewecker . Harrisburg: G.S. Peters, 1833. 159pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, fp, foxing, gc). 357. Winslow, H., Are You a Christian? or, Aid to Self-Examination, for Membes of the Church of Christ, and Those Who Expect to Become Members , 1839. 64pp (foxing, caif, 1 leaf torn, gc); The Four Seasons/To-Day and To- Morrow/The Pond on the Common (American Sunday-School Union), n.d. ca. 50pp (marbled covers, caif, mc); The Stranger/The Converted Child/Isaac/Who Loves Children?/The Sunday-School Boy/The Sunday-School Girl/Little Prayers for Little Children/My Father . Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, n.d.. ca. 60pp in various pagings (marbled covers, foxing, caif, signatures loose, covers worn, mc); Thanksgiving-Day/The Runaway . 15, 13pp (marbled covers, eng, foxing, caif, gc); Ranger, R., Weasels, 1866. 64pp (foxing, gc). 358. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns Suited to the Various Occasions of Public Worship and Private Devotion . Compiled by a Committee of Mennonites, 1884. 384, 46, [4]pp (sl yellowed pp, tp and several pp in front and back moth- eaten, covers warped, pc); Die kleine Lieder-Sammlung, oder Auszug aus dem Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions , 6. Aufl., 1836. 240, 256pp (al, foxing, gc); Union Hymns , 1845. 352pp (sl yellowed pp, gc); New Union Hymns, n.d. 383pp (sl yellowed pp, ds, some page corners creased, covers damaged, pc). 359. Die allgemeine Lieder-Sammlung zum Gebrauch für den privaten und öffentlichen Gottes-Dienst. Mit Fleiß zusammengetragen . 4. Aufl. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlags-Handlung, 1883. 432, 31, [1]pp (al, sl foxing, caif, sds, spine cover torn, cover edges sl worn, gc); Burkholder, Christian. Nützliche und erbauliche Anrede an die Jugend, von der wahren Buße, vom seligmachenden Glauben an Christum Jesum, und der reinen Liebe zu Gott und seinem Nächsten; und dem Gehorsam der Worte Gottes, und der reinen Uebergabe der Seelen an seine Hand. Vorgestellt in Fragen und Antworten . 6. Aufl. Elkhart, Ind.: J.F. Funk und Brud, 1873. 84pp ( “This Book was presented to me Rebecca Byler from my uncle Christian Byler in 1887,” sl foxing, front and back covers loose, spine cover missing, pc). 360. Komm zu Jesu. Eine Einladung, daß ein jeder Sünder zu Jesu kommen soll, und wie er Gnade und Vergebung finden kann . Milford Squär, Bucks Co., Pa.: Menn. Druck-Verein, 1857. [i], 96pp (foxing, yellowed endpapers, covers sl soiled, gc); Katechismus, oder kurze und einfache Unterweisung aus der hl. Schrift, in Fragen und Antworten, für die Kinder zum Gebrauch im Religions-Unterricht . . . . Milford Squär, Bucks Co., Pa.: Mennoniten Druck-Verein, 1863. 105pp (foxing, yellowed pp, gc); Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers. Nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Abend- und Tisch-Gebeten. Welchem die Ordnung des Heils- in einem Liede, in kurzen Sätzen, in Frag und Antwort, und in einer Tabelle . . . . Philadelphia: Jacob Meyer, 1810. 138, [1]pp (quarter bound, foxing, yellowed pp, one or more leaves missing, covers soiled and worn, pc). 361. Lescher, Christian. Das kleine Geistliche Magazin, als ein Zeugniß der Wahrheit; bestehend in unterschiedlichen Stücken des Christlichen Erkenntnisses . . . . Chambersburg, Penn.: M. Kieffer und Comp., 1849. 180pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, on front flyleaf: “Elizabeth Gelsinger her book”; other ownership notations on next flyleaf, foxing, yellowed endpapers, gc). 362. Neu vermehrtes geistliches Lust-Gärtlein Frommer Seelen. Das ist: Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln zu einem gottseligen Leben. Wie auch Schöne Gebete und Gesänge, täglich und auf alle Festtage im Jahr, in allerei Anliegen zu gebrauchen . . . . [Lancaster : Gedruckt von Johann Bär und Söhnen?, date uncertain]. 288pp (al with clasp, caif, stis, yellowed pp, bottom of tp cut off, mc). 363. [Neu vermehrtes geistliches Lust-Gärtlein Frommer Seelen. Das ist: Heilsame Anweisungen und Regeln zu einem gottseligen Leben. Wie auch Schöne Gebete und Gesänge, täglich und auf alle Festtage im Jahr, in allerei Anliegen zu Page 24 April 8, 2011 gebrauchen . . . . Scottdale, Pennsylvanien: Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1925]. 263pp (sl yellowed pp, tp missing, covers loose, mc). 364. 3 items published by American Tract Society: Flavel, J, Christ Knocking at the Door of Sinners’ Hearts; or, A Solemn Entreaty to Receive the Saviour and His Gospel in This the Day of Mercy , rev. ed., n.d. 400pp (foxing, stis, corners sl worn, gc); Doddridge, P., Anfang und Fortgang des geistlichen Lebens in der menschlichen Seele , n.d. 360pp (foxing, stis, back cover soiled, corners sl worn, gc); Joseph and His Brethren , n.d. 80pp (gilt edges, eng, foxing, covers sl faded, gc); Also, Habermann, J., Christliches Gebet-Büchlen, enthaltend Morgen- und Abendsegen auf alle Tage in der Woche . . . ., 1838. 128pp (quarter bound, marbled covers, fp, foxing, corners worn, gc). 365. 4 items published by American Tract Society: James, J., Christian Progress: A Sequel to the Anxious Inquirer After Salvation , n.d. 271pp ( copy of “Joshua I. Good, Hampshire County, Virginia,” and “Mrs. Mary Goods Book,” foxing, sl caif, ds, ppn, tears in spine, covers sl soiled, gc); Waterbury, J.B., Considerations for Young Men , n.d. 172pp (copy of F.V. Crawn, Dec 4th 1859, foxing on edges, ds, tears in spine, covers soiled, gc); The Bible Primer, Part Fourth: Primer of the Poetical Books , n.d. 210pp (fp, eng, “Walter S. Daggy, Feed Grinding & Grain Thrashing [sic] a Specialty, Mt. Solon, Virginia” stamped on front flyleaf, foxing, stis, ppn, 2nd flyleaf torn out, spine cover faded, gc); Keith, A., The Evidence of Prophecy; Selected and Abridged, with Additional Reflections , n.d. 144pp (al, fp, foxing, ds, covers blemished and sl torn, gc). 366. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: American Bible Society, 1875. [i], 1278pp (al, gilt edges, “Cadet Oliver B. Roller. July 4, 1876.” stamped on front cover, caif, covers sl worn, gc); Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi . New-York: Amerikanische Bibel-Gesellschaft, 1833. 472pp (al, signed by Amos L. Peachey on front flyleaf, foxing, ds, covers loose, front cover warped, mc); The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated out the Original Greek; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised . New York: American Bible Society, 1867. 316pp (sl foxing, sl yellowed pp, stis, gc). 367. Die Ernsthafte Christenpflict, enthaltend Schöne geistreiche Gebäter, womit Fromme Christen-Herzen in allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen sich trösten können . Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden in Lancaster County, Pa.: 1927. 225pp (sl yellowed pp, gc); The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ/Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers . London: British and Foreign Bible Society/Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft, 1957. 799, [1]pp (English and German text in parallel columns, vgc). 368. Hoch-Deutsches Reformirtes A B C und Namen Büchlein, für Kinder, welche anfangen zu lernen . Germantaun: M. Billmeyer, 1819. [29]pp (quarter bound, “Miss Barbara Groh’s Book,” foxing, ds, yellowed pp, small holes burnt in several front pp, covers loose and torn, mc). 369. Agricultural Almanac . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons. 56 annual iss: 1875-1924, 1926-28, 1932, 1937, 1939. 36pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some ppn, few torn, many hole-punched with strings attached, mc to gc). 370. Shenk, Stanley C. The Image of the Mennonites in American Novels, 1900-1970 . Thesis (Ph.D.)--New York University, 1971. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1971. [iii], 3, ii-viii, 484 lvs (bib, presentation copy to J.C. Wenger signed by author, sl foxing on fore-edge, vgc); Mennonite Artists Contemporary 1975, Goshen College Art Gallery, Goshen, Indiana, February 2 [-] March 16 . [Exhibition catalog]. Compiled and edited by Abner Hershberger. [110]pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl soiled and creased, gc). 371. Brand, Millen. Local Lives . New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1975. [xiii], 526pp (dj, ind, sl yellowed endpapers, vgc); Mennonite Artists Contemporary 1975, Goshen College Art Gallery, Goshen, Indiana, February 2 [-] March 16 . [Exhibition catalog]. Compiled and edited by Abner Hershberger. [110]pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl soiled and creased, spine cover sl torn, gc). 372. Mast, C.Z., and Robert E. Simpson. Annals of the Conestoga Valley in Lancaster, Berks, and Chester Counties, Pennsylvania . . . . Elverson, Pa.: C.Z. Mast, 1942. xviii, [i], 689pp (b/w ill, signed “To Harold S. Bender, Sincerely, C.Z. Mast, Mar. 7, 1944,” sl foxing, sl caif, sis, sl ppn, gc). 373. [Roosen, Gerrit]. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch von dem geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkenntnüß der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens . . . . Gedruckt im Jahr Christi 1727. 230pp (al with clasp, pages missing from back, covers loose, spine broken, covers cracked and warped, pc). 374. [Güldene Aepffel in Silbern Schalen oder: Schöne und nützliche Worte und Warhejten zur Gottseligkeit. Enthalten in Sieben Haupt-Theilen, die in diesem Buch zusammen gestellet sind . . . . Ephrata: Verlegt durch etliche Mitglider der Mennonisten-gemeine, 1745]. [25]-519, [14]pp (al, caif, ds, 1 leaf corner torn out, tp and first 24 pp missing, clasps missing, spine cover torn, covers detached, pc). 375. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Original Greek, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. . . . Wilmington: Peter Brynberg, 1801. 279pp (al, birth/ baptismal record for Jacob Wohlfart (b. 1819) and names of other Wohlfart family members, yellowed pp, tears in spine cover, back cover loose, covers worn, mc). 376. Ein Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, zum allemeinen Gebrauch des Wahren Gottesdienstes . Canton, Ohio: Peter Kaufmann und Co., 1839. 320pp (quarter bound, exlib, ds, tear in spine cover, 1 leaf horizontally torn, covers and cover edges and corners worn, mc). 377. [Erbauliche Lieder-Sammlung zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien und den benachbarten Staaten . Gesammlet, einerichtet und zum Druck befördert durch das hiesige Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Ministerium]. Added tp: Anhang zu dem Gesangbuch der Vereinigten Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord-Amerika . . . . Germantaun: Michael Billmeyer, 1790. 602, [8], 28, 64pp (al, ds, yellowed pp, tp, pp [i-x], 1-2 and pp 65-80 at end entirely missing, pp 3-186 torn and incomplete, 1 clasp missing, front cover torn, back cover worn and detached, pc). April 8, 2011 Page 25 378. St[auffer], J[acob]. Eine Chronik oder Geschicht-Büchlein von der sogenannten Mennonisten Gemeinde. Zum Dienst und Lehre für alle Liebhaber der Wahrheit, durch die Gnade und Segen Gottes. Aus Geschichten, Vorfällen, Begebenheiten oder Exempeln, und aus heiliger Schrift zusammengezogen . Erschrieben im Jahr 1850. Lancaster: Johann Bär und Söhnen, 1855. 439, [1]pp (al, tp detached, spine loose and repaired with leather, clasp strap partly missing, covers worn, mc). 379. [?Hymns for Christian Devotion, Especially Devoted to the Universalist Denomination . Boston: 1845?] [3-4], 5- 24, 37-642pp (al, “J. Cummings Booke . . . presented to him on his fortieth birthday by his mother Almira Cummings Broughton,” foxing, caif, covers sl worn, tp and other pp missing, front cover loose, spine cover torn, back cover detached, pc). 380. A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs; Suited to the Various Kinds of Christian Worship and Especially Designed for, and Adapted to, the Fraternity of the Brethren . Huntingdon, Pa.: Quinter & Brumbaugh Bros., 1882. 558pp (al, exlib, yellowed pp, tp and spine cover detached, front cover torn, cover edges and corners worn, mc). 381. Erbauliche Lieder-Sammlung zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien . Gesammlet, einerichtet und zum Druck befördert durch das hiesige Deutsche Evangelisch- Lutherische Ministerium. Hrsg. von J. Howe. Philadelphia: Georg Mentz und Sohn, 1832. 512pp (al, 5 5/8” x 3”, sds, some pp creased, front flyleaf torn out, yellowed pp, spine broken, tears in spine cover, back cover detached, pc). 382. Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi . New-York: Amerikanische Bibel-Gesellschaft, 1847. 472pp (al, 5 5/8” x 3”, foxing, front cover loose, mc). 383. [English-language hymnal]. 33-126, 129-208, 213-220, 239-332pp (al, at least 630 hymns, 4½” x 2 3/8”, caif, yellowed pp, tp and many pp missing, covers loose, pc). 384. Towner, D.B., Hymns New and Old, Words Only, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services ; Atkins, J., and W. Kirkpatrick, The Young People’s Hymnal, No. 3 ; Gospel Hymns Combined, Embracing Volumes No. 1, 2 and 3 ; Gospel Hymns Consolidated, Containing All the Hymns in Gospel Hymns, Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 ; Sankey, I., J. McGranahan, and G. Stebbins, Sacred Songs No. 1 ; Date, H., Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2 (all items words only, last 3 items pb, gc). 385. Gabriel, C., Sunshine Songs for Sunday Schools , 1895. [90]pp (yellowed pp, flyleaves torn, spine cover and back cover loose, cover corners worn, mc); Happy Day: A Collection of Sunday School Hymns and Tunes , ed. by W.A. Ogden and W.T. Giffe, 1888. 117, [27]pp (caif, yellowed pp, cover corners worn, gc); Whittemore, E.E., and O. Blackman, Graded Singers, Book Two, for District Schools and Intermediate Departments of Graded Schools , 1873. 143, [1]pp (ds on back cover, caif, gc); A Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music, for the Sunday-School , selected and arranged by C. Robinson, 1881. 192pp (sps, sl yellowed pp, gc). 386. Funk, Joseph, and Sons. The New Harmonia Sacra: A Compilation of Genuine Church Music Comprising a Great Variety of Meters, Harmonized for Four Voices . 22nd ed. Harrisonburg, Va.: H.A. Brunk, 1959. [vii], [53]-354, [10]pp (oblong, caif, covers loose, gc). 387. Mason, Lowell. Carmina Sacra: or Boston Collection of Church Music. Comprising the Most Popular Psalm and Hymn Tunes in General Use, Together with a Great Variety of New Tunes, Chants, Sentences, Motetts, and Anthems, Principally by Distinguished European Composers: The Whole Constituting One of the Most Complete Collections of Music for Choirs, Congregations, Singing Schools and Societies, Extant . Boston: Wilkins, Carter, & Co., 1846. 348, [4]pp (oblong, foxing, caif, ds, yellowed pp, last leaf torn and incomplete, covers worn and discolored and sds, corners worn, mc). 388. Roedel, W.D. Carmina Ecclesiæ: A Collection of Sacred Music, Consisting of New, Original, and Selected Hymn Tunes, Anthems and Chants, Suitable for Every Occasion of Public Worship, Missionary and Temperance Anniversaries, Revival Seasons, etc . Baltimore: T. Newton Kurtz, 1872. 496pp (oblong, caif, 1 leaf loose, sl yellowed pp, covers worn, gc). 389. Sweney, John R., and Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Banner Anthem Book . Philadelphia: John J. Hood, 1887. 191, [1]pp (oblong, “Mr. & Mrs. Nusbaum” on front flyleaf, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, few page corners creased, gc). 390. Ludden, W. The Thorough Base School, an Easy and Progressive Course for Acquiring a Practical Knowledge of Rudimental Harmony: Especially Adapted to the Wants of Those Desirous of Learning to Play or Write Church Music, Accompaniments, Songs, Choruses, etc . Cincinnati: John Church & Co., 1868. [ii], 111, [1]pp (oblong, on front cover: “Revised Edition,” copy of Emma Schwin, Middlebury, Ind., exlib, caif, ppn, back page scribbled, front cover soiled and sds, mc). 391. Woodbury, I.B. The Anthem Dulcimer: Constituting a Large and Choice Variety of New Tunes, Chants, Anthems, Motets, &c., from the Best Foreign and American Composers, with All the Old Tunes in Common Use; Together with a New and Greatly Improved Elementary Course, and a Choice Collection of Original Anthems. The Whole Comprising the Most Complete Collection of Sacred Music Ever Published . New York: F.J. Huntington, 1856. 352pp (oblong, “Frank Dailkey’s Book,” fore-edge and back cover and last page ds, covers loose and torn, mc). 392. Root, Geo. F. The Triumph: A Collection of Music Containing an Introductory Course for Congregational Singing, Theory of Music and Teacher’s Manual, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Courses, for Singing Schools and Musical Conventions, and Tunes, Hymns, Anthems and Chants, for Choirs . Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868. 400pp (oblong, exlib, ds, front cover loose, back cover detached, spine cover torn, mc). 393. Mason, Lowell, and George James Webb. Cantica Laudis, of The American Book of Church Music: Being Chiefly a Selection of Chaste and Elegant Melodies, from the Most Classic Authors, Ancient and Modern, with Harmony Parts; Together with Chants, Anthems, and Other Set Pieces; for Choirs and Singing Schools: To Which Are Added Tunes for Congregational Singing . New York: Mason and Law, 1850. 378, [6]pp (oblong, exlib, ppn, front and back covers detached, spine cover mostly missing, disbound, pc); Palmer, H.R. The Song Queen: A Collection of Music for Singing Classes, Choirs, Conventions, &c . Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868. 111, [1]pp (oblong, on front cover: Revised and Page 26 April 8, 2011 Enlarged, exlib, foxing, front flyleaf creased, gc). 394. Hayden, A.S. The Sacred Melodeon, Containing a Great Variety of the Most Approved Church Music, Selected Chiefly from the Old Standard Authors, with Many Original Compositions. On a New System of Notation. Designed for the Use of Churches, Singing Societies, and Academies . 6th ed. [Philadelphia?]: Published by the Proprietor, 1850. 304pp (oblong, exlib, foxing, loose pp, covers loose and discolored and cracked, pc). 395. Ogden, W.A. The Drill-Master. A New and Attractive Style of Rudiments and Exercises. Particularly Adapted to Class Teaching . . . For Conventions, Classes, and Musical Assemblies . . . . W.A. Whitney: 1883. 175, [1]pp (oblong, exlib, copy of J.F. Nusbaum, Aug. 8, 84, Middlebury, Ind., sl foxing, caif, cover edges worn, gc); Palmer, H.R. The Song Queen: A Collection of Music for Singing Classes, Choirs, Conventions, &c . Chicago: Root & Cady, 1868. 111, [1]pp (oblong, on front cover: Revised and Enlarged, exlib, sl foxing, caif, sds, gc). 396. Straub, S.W. Happy Moments!: For Public Schools, Seminaries, Normal Schools, and Juvenile Classes. Containing the Author’s Improved Plan of Teaching Sight Reading, and a Rare Collection of Secular and Sacred Songs for the School Room, Concerts, etc . Chicago: S.W. Straub, 1885. 174, [2]pp (oblong, exlib, sps, sl yellowed pp, covers soiled and torn, gc) 397. Woodbury, I.B. The Anthem Thanksgiving: A Collection of Music for the Choir, the Home Circle, and the Singing School . Rev. and enlarged by T.J. Cook. New York: F.J. Huntington, 1859. 384pp (oblong, exlib, foxing, ds, spine cover and back cover loose, covers worn, mc). 398. Mr. Woodbury, [I.B.]. The Song Crown: A Collection of Glees, Quartettes, Opera Choruses, Trios, Solos, &c., &c., Together with a Complete Musical Drama, the Music of Which Is Entire, and Selected from the Most Popular Operas . New York: J.F. Huntington, 1856. 303, [1]pp (oblong, exlib, foxing, ds, few pp missing, partly disbound, pp 113- 160 bound with string into back of item, pc). 399. King, J.F. The Singer’s Joy for Singing Classes, Musical Conventions, High Schools and Institutes: A Complete Elementary, Intermediate, and Voice Culture Department for General Class Study, with a Fine Collection of New and Original Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets, Glees, Anthems, and Choruses, Both Sentimental and Mirthful . Orrville, Ohio: J.F. King, 1900. 160pp (exlib, sl foxing, back cover ds, front cover sl torn and cracked, gc); Miller, Abram, and Geo. E. Myers. Foretaste of Heaven, for Evangelistic, Praise, Prayer and Young People’s Services . Defiance, Ohio: F.L. Snyder, 1894. 84pp (exlib, yellowed pp, cover edges sl worn, gc). 400. Ogden, W.A., Joy Bells for the Sunday School: A Collection of Sparkling Gems, Embracing Many Contributions by the Best Writers of Sacred Song , 1878. 160pp (oblong, exlib, caif, covers sl torn and worn, gc); Ogden, W.A., New Silver Song: Consisting of One Hundred and Ninety-Two Pages of Beautiful Songs for the Sunday-School , 1872. 192pp (oblong, exlib, caif, missing pp, covers loose, mc); Kieffer, J.M., The Pearl: A Collection of Songs, Hymns, Chants, Anthems and Concert Pieces, for the Sabbath School , 1871. 160pp (oblong, exlib, sl foxing, covers worn, shaken, mc); Baltzell, I., Golden Songs: For the Sabbath-School, Sanctuary, and Social Worship , 1874. 174, [2]pp (oblong, exlib, sl foxing, cover corners worn, gc). 401. Sherwin, W.F., Heart and Voice: A New Collection of Sunday School Songs , 1881. 192pp (oblong, exlib, sl foxing, caif, many page corners creased, cover corners worn, gc); O’Kane, T.C., Jasper and Gold: A Choice Collection of Song-Gems for Sunday-Schools, Social Meetings, and Times of Refreshing , 1877. 160pp (oblong, exlib, sl yellowed pp, cover corners worn, gc); Giffe, W.T., and J.H. Rosecrans, The Helping Hand Extended & Dedicated to Sunday Schools & Praise Meetings , 1878. 157, [3]pp (oblong, exlib, yellowed pp, back cover ds, covers loose, mc); Straub, S.W., Crown of Glory: A Choice Collection of New Songs for the Sunday School, and Meetings of Praise, Prayer and Conference , 1876. 159, [1]pp (oblong, exlib, sl yellowed pp, covers loose, mc); Baltzell, I., Golden Songs: For the Sabbath-School, Sanctuary, and Social Worship , 1874. 174, [2]pp (oblong, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, cover corners worn, mc). 402. Woodbury, I.B., Woodbury’s Youth’s Song Book; Arranged and Adapted from the Best Sources, for Schools, Classes, and the Social Circle , 1847. 112pp (oblong, exlib, foxing, ds, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, covers worn, mc); Belden, F.E., The Gospel Song Sheaf for Sunday Schools and Young People’s Meetings, Comprising Primary Songs, Intermediate Songs, Gospel and Special Songs, and Old Hymns and Tunes , 1894. 237, [1]pp (oblong, copy of Jacob J. Nyland, New Paris, Ind., sl yellowed pp, spine cover torn, front and back covers worn, gc); Kurzenknabe, J.H., Sowing and Reaping: Hymns, Tunes and Carols for the Sunday School, Prayer, Praise and Gospel Service , 1889. 176pp (oblong, exlib, copy of J.F. Nusbaum, stis, sps, ppn, sl yellowed pp, gc); O’Kane, T.C., Jasper and Gold: A Choice Collection of Song-Gems for Sunday-Schools, Social Meetings, and Times of Refreshing , 1877. 160pp (oblong, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, gc). 403. Root, G.F., and C.C. Case, Pure Delight!: A Collection of Songs and Services for Sunday Schools , 1883. 192pp (oblong, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, cover corners worn, mc); Doane, W.H., Sunny-Side Songs for Sunday Schools , 1893. 224pp (oblong, exlib, yellowed pp, covers loose, mc); Giffe, W.T., The Brilliant: A Cluster of Song Brilliants for Sunday Schools. Including a Temperance Department , 1874. 159, [1]pp (oblong, exlib, caif, yellowed pp, mc); Bushey, J.C., Sparkling Gems No. 2. A New and Choice Collection of Music for Sabbath Schools, Temperance and Social Meetings , 1880. 39, [1]pp (pb, oblong, yellowed pp, front cover soiled and torn, back cover missing, mc). 404. Gospel Hymns Consolidated, Embracing Volumes No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Without Duplicates, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services . New York: Biglow & Main, 1883. 400pp ( copy of Beulah Hartzler, “formerly property of Carrie Cooper, 1883,” yellowed pp, covers torn and detached, pc); Sankey, Ira D.; James McGranahan; and Geo. C. Stebbins. Gospel Hymns No. 5. With Standard Selections . New York: Biglow & Main, 1887. 208, [3]pp (exlib, caif, yellowed pp, covers worn, mc); Sankey, Ira D.; James McGranahan; and Geo. C. Stebbins. Christian Endeavor Edition of Gospel Hymns No. 6 . Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, c1891. 224pp (exlib, copy of Carrie C. Newsbaum [sic], Middlebury, Ind., yellowed pp, front cover detached, mc). 405. Gospel Hymns Combined, Embracing Volumes No. 1, 2 and 3, as Used in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services , 1879. 303, [1]pp (sl yellowed pp, gc); Strickland, C.V., The Evangelist’s Songs of Praise, no. 2 , 1892. 176pp (exlib, yellowed pp, gc); Rodeheaver, H., and C. Gabriel, Victory Songs for thre Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic April 8, 2011 Page 27 Services , n.d. 288pp (pb, yellowed pp, covers torn and creased, mc); Hackett, E.A.K., Familiar Songs of the Gospel: Songs That We Know and Love to Sing , n.d. ca. 70pp (pb, ybp, covers sl soiled, mc). 406. Gospel Hymns (Consolidated), Embracing Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Without Duplicates, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services . Excelsior ed. New York: Biglow & Main Co., c1886. 304, [3]pp (yellowed pp, covers loose, spine cover mostly missing, mc); Bilhorn, Peter Philip. The Century Gospel Songs. Contains 256 Pages and 415 Songs with Music. This Book is Fittingly Adapted for General Church Work . Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Bros., 1901. [256]pp (exlib, caif, yellowed pp, back cover loose, cover corners worn, mc); Crist, D.W. Echoes of Zion: A Song Book for the Sunday School . Moultrie, Ohio: Compiler, 1891. 111, [1]pp (exlib, copy of J.F. Nusbaum, yellowed pp, back cover loose, spine cover sl torn, mc). 407. Sankey, I.D., J. McGranahan, and G. Stebbins, Gospel Hymns, No. 3 , 1878. 112pp (exlib, foxing, caif, covers torn, corners worn, pc); Familiar Songs of the Gospel, Number 1 , n.d. [60]pp (pb, exlib, yellowed pp, covers sl torn, gc); Hoffman, E.A., Best Hymns from All the Books and New Ones , 1894. [128]pp (pb, exlib, sps, yellowed pp, spine cover torn, mc); Gabriel, C.H., Fillmore’s Women’s Choir: A Collection of New Gospel Songs for Female Quartets and Choruses , 1897. [48]pp (pb, exlib, yellowed pp, front cover sl soiled, gc). 408. Gospel Hymns (Consolidated), Embracing Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Without Duplicates, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services . New York: Biglow & Main, 1879. 304pp (exlib, sl yellowed pp, few pp creased, spine cover missing, covers and corners worn, mc); Gill, Joshua, [et al.]. The Voice of Triumph . 11th ed. Cleveland, Ohio: Thomas & Mattill, 1894. 255, [1]pp (exlib, back flyleaf torn out, sl yellowed pp, covers loose, spine cover torn, corners worn, mc); Excell, E.O. Triumphant Songs, No. 2 . Chicago, Ill.: Compiler, 1889. 299, [1]pp (exlib, foxing on edges, caif, cover edges worn, mc). 409. Geibel, Adam, and R. Frank Lehman. Uplifted Voices: A 20th Century Hymn Book for Sunday-Schools and Devotional Meetings . Philadelphia: Geibel & Lehman, 1901. [224]pp (several loose pp, covers loose, spine cover torn, corners worn, mc); Weeden, W.S.; Geo. Beaverson; and Leonard Weaver. Songs of the Peacemaker: A Collection of Sacred Songs and Hymns for Use in All Services of the Church, Sunday-School, Home Circle and All Kinds of Evangelistic Work . Pittsburg [sic], Pa.: J.W. Van de Venter & Co., 1895. 218, [38]pp (exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, covers loose, mc); Songs of “The Pilgrims”: A Collection of Sacred and Secular Solos, Duets, and Quartets, for Mixed and Male Voices Compiled Expressly for the Use of Mason Long’s Pilgrim Quartet . Fort Wayne, Ind.: Mason Long, 1884. 103, [1]pp (pb, exlib, yellowed pp, gc). 410. Leslie, Mrs. C.E. The Solitaire: For Singing Schools, Conventions, Choral Societies and High Schools . Chicago, Ill.: C.E. Leslie Music Co., 1900. 176pp (exlib, cover edges worn, gc); Leslie, C.E. Leslie’s Challenge: A Class and Chorus Book . New York: Chicago Music Co., 1882. 159, [1]pp (oblong, sl yellowed pp, covers sl soiled and loose, gc). 411. Reed, Kenneth. Mennonite Soldier . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1974. 518pp (dj, foxing on edges, covers sl soiled, sl cocked, gc). 412. 2 Mennonite novels: Stambaugh, Sara. I Hear the Reaper’s Song . Intercourse, Pa.: Good Books, 1984. 221pp (torn dj, stis, gc); Miller, Clara Bernice. Katie . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1966. 288pp (foxing on edges, musty, gc). 413. Kauffman, Christmas Carol. Lucy Winchester . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1969. 540pp (dj, sl yellowed edges, foxing on top edge, front cover sl soiled, cocked, gc). 414. ______. Light from Heaven . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1948. xii, 452pp (yellowed edges, covers sl worn, gc). 415. ______. Dannie of Cedar Cliffs . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1950. 261pp (b/w ill, yellowed edges, gc). 416. ______. Not Regina . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 232pp (ill endpapers, stis, gc). 417. ______. Hidden Rainbow . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1957. 4th printing, 1963. 296pp (b/w ill, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp and edges, gc). 418. ______. For One Moment: A Biographical Story . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1960. 306pp ( signed by main character, caif, gc). 419. ______. Hidden Rainbow . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1957. 4th printing, 1963. 296pp (b/w ill, stis, sl yellowed pp, gc). 420. ______. Search to Belong . Chicago: Moody Press, 1967, c1963. 341pp (pb, covers sl soiled and creased, cocked, gc); Yoder, Joseph W. Rosanna of the Amish . Rev. ed. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973. 251pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed pp, covers creased, gc). 421. Yoder, Joseph W. Rosanna of the Amish . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1940. 11th printing, 1969. 319pp (b/w ill, ill endpapers, vgc). 422. The Complete Writings of Menno Simons, c.1496-1561 . Translated from the Dutch by Leonard Verduin; edited by John Christian Wenger. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1956. xi, 1092pp (b/w ill, ind, sis, ppn, gc). 423. Menno Simons, 1536-1986: Four Artistic Interpretations . Large portfolio of four col artistic renderings of quotations of Menno Simons. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1985. (cover sl creased, vgc). 424. Ruth, John L. Conrad Grebel, Son of Zurich . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975. 160pp (dj, b/w ill, ill endpapers, covers sl warped, gc). 425. Erb, Paul. Orie O. Miller: The Story of a Man and an Era . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1969. 304pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 426. Edward: Pilgrimage of a Mind: The Journal of Edward Yoder, 1931-1945 . Edited by Ida Yoder. Wadsworth, Ohio: Editor/Irwin, Pa.: Virgil E. Yoder, 1985. xxii, 482pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, vgc). 427. Smith, J.B. A Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation . Edited by J. Otis Yoder. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1961. xiii, 369pp (dj, bib, vgc). Page 28 April 8, 2011 428. The Sword and Trumpet . Harrisonburg, Va.: The Sword and Trumpet. 2 bound vols. (total of 24 monthly iss) : Vol. 76 (2008); Vol. 77 (2009). ca. 40pp/iss (b/w ill, ind, vgc). 429. Albright, Nelson. Wood-framed b/w line drawing of “Shenck’s Mill Bridge, Salunga, Pa.” (1989). 9½” x 11½” (with wire for hanging, vgc). 430. Albright, N. Wood-framed b/w line drawing of “Mennonite Meeting House, Circa 1740, Landisville, Pennsylvania” (1988). 9½” x 11½” (with wire for hanging, vgc). 431. Huddle, Linda. Wood-framed col photograph of south façade of Central Market, Lancaster, Pa. [n.d.]. 17¼” x 14¼”. (with wire for hanging, vgc). 432. Wood-framed-with-glass map of “Mennonite Churches of Lancaster County” ( 18” x 20¼”. [ca. 1940]. (white script on blue background, with wire for hanging, wood backing loose at top, gc). 433. Kitto, John. A Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature . 3rd ed., greatly enlarged and improved. Edited by William Lindsay Alexander. Vols. 1-2 complete. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1866. xx, 881; 878pp (al, marbled endpapers and edges, 1 gilt toolwork on cover edges, b/w ill, ind, 1 few front pp loose and spine taped, covers sl torn, mc). 434. The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Identifying and Explaining All Proper Names and Significant Terms and Subjects in the Holy Scriptures, Including the Apocrypha . . . . Edited by George Arthur Buttrick. Vols. 1-4 complete. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962. ca. 900-1000pp/vol. (dj, ub, mostly b/w ill, col maps, bibs, vgc); Supplementary Volume. Edited by Keith Crim. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1985. xxv, 998, [8]pp (dj, mostly b/w ill, col maps, bibs, vgc). 435. Clarke, Adam. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, the Text Carefully Printed from the Most Correct Copies of the Present Authorized Translation, Including the Marginal Readings and Parallel Texts, with a Commentary and Critical Notes Designed as a Help to a Better Understanding of the Sacred Writings . New ed., with the author’s final corrections. ca. 800-900pp/vol. (5 djs, 2 ds, 1 sl warped, sl yellowed edges, gc). 436. Strong, James. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Main Concordance, Appendix to the Main Concordance, Topical Index to the Bible, Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, Dictionary of the Greek New Testament . Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. 1260, [2], 85, [i], 126, [1], 79, [14], [i], 219, [16]pp (vgc). 437. McGee, J. Vernon. Through the Bible with J. Vernon McGee . Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1981. ca. 600-1000pp/vol. (ub, bibs, 2 copies of vol. 5, 1 caif, 1 ds, is, 1 ink-stained, gc). 438. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. New York: Little Leather Library Corporation, n.d. 28 miniature vols., including Genesis, Genesis Continued, Exodus, Leviticus/Numbers, Numbers Continued, Deuteronomy/Joshua, Joshua Continued/Judges, Judges Continued/Ruth, I Samuel, I Samuel Continued/II Samuel, I Kings, I Kings Continued, II Kings, I Chronicles/II Chronicles, II Chronicles Continued, Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther, Job, Psalms, Psalms Continued/ Proverbs, Ecclesiastes/Solomon/Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations of Jeremiah/Ezekiel, St. Matthew, St. Luke, St. John, The Acts of the Apostles, Romans to Thessalonians, I Timothy to I Peter, II Peter to Revelations. ca. 100-200pp/vol. (with 2 bookends, softcover, yellowed pp, gc). 439. Family Almanac . Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House. 23 annual vols.: 1913, 1915-16, 1918-21, 1925-40. ca. 60pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some hole-punched, some covers torn, some covers soiled, mc to gc). 440. The National Temperance Advocate . New York: National Temperance Society and Publication House. 118 monthly iss: Vol. 5 (1870), no. 8; Vol. 6 (1871), no. 4, 6-7, 11-12; Vol. 7 (1872), no. 2, 5-6; Vol. 8 (1873), no. 3, 12; Vol. 9 (1874), no. 4, 7, 10-12; Vol. 10 (1875), no. 1, 3, 5-6, 9, 12; Vol. 11 (1876), no. 1-2; Vol. 12 (1877), no. 11-12; Vol. 13 (1878), no. 1, 4-5, 10-12; Vol. 14 (1879), no. 1-2, 4-7, 9-11; Vol. 15 (1880), no. 1, 4-6, 8, 11-12; Vol. 16 (1881), no. 1-4, 8, 10; Vol. 17 (1882), no. 1-2, 4, 7, 9, 12; Vol. 18 (1883), no. 2, 4, 11-12; Vol. 19 (1884), no. 4, 7, 9, 11-12; Vol. 20 (1885), no. 2, 5, 7-9, 11-12; Vol. 21 (1886), no. 1, 6, 10-12; Vol. 22 (1887), no. 1-4, 6 (Supplement only), 8-10, 12; Vol. 23 (1888), no. 1-2, 9, 12; Vol. 24 (1889), no. 8-9, 11-12; Vol. 25 (1890), no. 1-12; Vol. 26 (1891), no. 1-4; Vol. 29 (1894), no. 4. ca. 16-20pp/iss (pb, 4 duplicates, horizontally folded, some yellowed pp, few torn, mc to gc, mostly gc). 441. Barnes’ Notes . Heritage ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2001. 14 vols: Genesis, Exodus to Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs-Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Minor Prophets, The Gospels, Acts-Romans, 1 Corinthians-Galatians, Ephesians-Philemon, Hebrews-Jude, Revelation. ca. 500-1200pp/vol. (ub, b/w ill, ind, pn). 442. The Pulpit Commentary . Grand Rapds, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1958. Vols. 1-15, 17-23 only ( Mark- Luke missing). (ub, ind, some caif, some ps, some is, sl yellowed pp, yellowed edges, gc). 443. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. With Canne’s Marginal Notes and References. To Which Are Added, an Index; an Alphabetical Table of All the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with Their Significations, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c . Philadelphia: Kimber and Sharpless, n.d. 1-570, 112, [571]-769, [1]pp (al, fp, eng, family record of Samuel Bucher (1819-1896) and Anna M. Crowl (1825-1904), foxing, spine broken, loose pp, spine cover torn, front and back covers worn, pc). 444. Holy Bible (Authorized or King James Version), School and Library Reference Edition Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues and with All Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, to Which Are Added Many Unique Features of the Bible . Red Letter ed. Chicago: John A. Hertel Co., 1951. [iv], 288, 770, 96, [96], [4]pp (soft leather covers, gilt edges, ill, col maps, family record pp blank, foxing, covers sl worn, gc). 445. Same as above. Chicago, Ill.: John A. Hertel Co., 1955. 294, 9-954, [4]pp (soft leather covers, gilt edges, ill, col maps, family record pp blank, sps, covers sl worn, gc). 446. Myers, Anna Balmer. I Lift My Lamp . Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1968. [vi], 329pp (map, sl foxing, covers sl worn, gc). April 8, 2011 Page 29 447. Singmaster, Elsie. I Heard of a River: The Story of the Germans in Pennsylvania . Illustrated by Henry C. Pitz. Land of the Free Series. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1951, c1948. 209pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, sl yellowed pp, tape marks on covers, sl cocked, gc). 448. Dickens, C., A Tale of Two Cities , n.d. 354pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, sl foxing, gc); Frederic, H., The Damnation of Theron Ware; or Illumination , 1896. 512pp (exlib, sl yellowed pp, gc); Corelli, M., The Treasure of Heaven: A Romance of Riches , 1906. 427pp (fp, exlib, caif, sl yellowed pp, gc); Eliot, G., Silas Marner , ed. M. Eaton, 1925. 315pp (fp, b/w ill, exlib, sps, ppn, covers sl soiled, gc). 449. 5 novels by Grace Livingston Hill: Phoebe Deane ; Homing ; Lo, Michael! ; The Finding of Jasper Holt ; Rose Galbraith ; Hill, G.L., and R.L. Hill, Mary Arden: A Novel (all exlib, gc). 450. 6 novels by Grace Livingston Hill: Tomorrow About This Time ; Re-Creations ; A Voice in the Wilderness ; The Ransom ; The Beloved Stranger ; The Challengers (all exlib, gc). 451. 7 novels by Grace Livingston Hill: Where Two Ways Met ; The Sound of the Trumpet ; Beauty for Ashes ; Sunrise ; The Substitute Guest ; Mystery Flowers ; The City of Fire (all exlib, gc). 452. Neuer Gemeinnütiger Pennsylvanischer Calender . Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär’s Söhnen. 20 annual iss: 1880-99. ca. 35pp/iss (pb, many stis, many yellowed pp, mc). 453. Agricultural Almanac . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons. 41 annual iss: 1915, 1918-41, 1944, 1949-50, 1952, 1957, 1968-76, 1982, 1998. ca. 35pp/iss (pb, some yellowed pp, some hole-punched, some scribbled, mc to vgc). 454. Papers Read Before the Lancaster County Historical Society . Lancaster, Pa.: [The Society]. 40 monthly iss: Vol. 18 (1914), no. 1-10; Vol. 19 (1915), no. 1-10; Vol. 22 (1918), no. 1-10; Vol. 24 (1920), no. 1-5, 7-10. ca. 20-100pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, 1 index number, some stis, sl yellowed pp, some covers sl faded, gc). 455. Lancaster County Connections . Hershey, Pa.: Gary T. Hawbaker. 5 quarterly iss: Premier Issue; Vol. 1 (1984), no. 1-4. ca. 80-100pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, ind, covers sl yellowed, gc). 456. Churches of Today and Yesterday in Southern Lancaster County . Edited by Raymond L. Dunlap. Published by the Fellowship of Solanco Churches: 1968. 204pp (dj, b/w ill, ind, exlib, sl yellowed pp, gc). 457. The Donegal Presbyterian Church (Founded Prior to 1721), Church Services Held as Early as 1714, East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: The Donegal People, Their History, and Other Historical Documents . Compiled by Order of the Session. Harrisburg, Pa.: Evangelical Press, 1935. 100pp (fp, b/w ill, sl yellowed pp, covers sl faded, gc); Lancaster County Heritage . Features Donegal Presbyterian Church. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster County Heritage. 1 quarterly issue: Vol. 1 (1984), no. 3. [100]-[150]pp (pb, ill, vgc); Folded broadside: The Donegal Church . Short essay by Herbert H. Beck, “The Donegal Church and Its Witness Oak.” “Compliments of Martin S. Musser, Mt. Joy, Pa.” (yellowed, gc). 458. Loose, John Ward Willson. The Heritage of Lancaster. Woodland Hills, Calif.: Windsor Publications, 1980, c1978. 188pp (pb, ill, bib, ind, signed by author, ds, spine cover sl faded, gc); Altick, Richard D. Of a Place and a Time: Remembering Lancaster . Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1991. 199pp (dj, vgc); Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking: Traditional Dutch Dishes . Gettysburg, Pa.: Dutchcraft, Inc. [distributor], n.d. 48pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, covers sl yellowed, gc). 459. Portraits of the Past from the Cocalico Valley . Pictorial Book of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, no. 3. [Ephrata, Pa.]: The Society, 1986. 132pp (pb, chiefly b/w ill, Limited ed., no. 1283, covers spotted, gc); Rambling Through Caernarvon: A Driving Tour, 1975-1976 . Elanco Chapter, Bicentenntial Committee, Lancaster County: [1976?]. 19, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, yellowed covers, gc); Lestz, Gerald S. Lancaster County Firsts and Bests, Plus Onlys, Biggests and Smallests and Other Superlatives . Lancaster, Pa.: John Baer’s Sons, [1989]. 24pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl faded, gc). 460. Cassel, Amos H. We Called Him Papa: Life of Elder Charles D. Cassel & Family . [Manheim, Pa.: Author], 2002. [x], 248pp (pb, b/w ill, covers sl yellowed, front cover sl torn, gc); Kreider, Bard E. The Bard of Millway Shares His Verses . Edited and illustrated by Paul W. Brubaker. Lititz, Pa.: Author, 1974. 46, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, exlib, back cover marred, gc). 461. Brand, Millen. Fields of Peace: A Pennsylvania German Album . Photographs by George A. Tice. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1970. 159, [1]pp (dj, fp, many b/w ill, ill endpapers, bib, vgc); Franck, Ira Stoner. A Jaunt into the Dutch Country . Vol. 1: Accent on the Amish ; Vol. 2: Accent on the Mennonites. [Author]: 1952. 28, 35pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 462. Groff, Isaac M. History of the Lancaster Stock Yards, 1895-1970 . N.p., [1970]. 36pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Loose, John W.W. 100 Years of Fulton Banking, 1882-1982 [Lancaster, Pa.: The Bank, 1982?]. 46pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc); Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking: Traditional Dutch Dishes . Gettysburg, Pa.: Dutchcraft, Inc. [distributor], n.d. 48pp (pb, b/w ill, ind, sl yellowed pp, gc). 463. Bicentennial, Salunga, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1760-1960 . N.p., [1960]. [56]pp (pb, b/w ill, vgc). 464. Lititz, 1756-1956 . [Lititz, Pa.: Bicentennial Committee, 1956]. 121pp (pb, sl foxing, gc). 465. Central Manor Campmeeting, 1892-1992: Celebrating a Memorable Century . Designed by Norm Gerlach, Bruce Gerlach, and Brett Gerlach. Washington Boro, Pa.: Central Manor Campmeeting and Bible Conference, 1992. 106, 10, 7pp (pb, oblong, ill, vgc); Smith, Elmer L. Covered Bridges of Pennsylvania Dutchland . Photography by Mel Horst. Lebanon, Pa.: Applied Arts Publishers, 1988. 42pp (pb, many b/w ill, vgc). 466. Calendar Featuring Repoductions of 12 Historic Chester County Postcards . Thorndale, Pa.: Pinewood Publishing. 4 annual iss: 1986-89. ca. 25-30pp/iss (pb, b/w ill, some foxing, gc); 1986 Calendar, Chester County, Pennsylvania . Thorndale, Pa.: Pinewood Publishing. 1 annual iss: 1986. [28]pp (pb, ill, covers sl spotted, gc). 467. Penrod, Susan. Cumberland County, Pa., Marriages, 1761-1817 . Laughlintown, Pa.: Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, 1983. 42, [1]pp (pb, ind, vgc); Common Ground . McVeytown, Pa.: CG Publications. 1 quarterly iss: Vol. 18 (2006-07), no. 4. 63, [1]pp (pb, ill, vgc).