53d Congress, ) SENATE. ( Mis. Doc.

2d Session. ) ( No. 25.





January 8, 1894.—Kefciied to the Coinnnttee oii Printing and ordered to be printed.




Office of the Public Printer,

WasMngton^ B. January 5, 1894.

Sie : I have tlie honor to transmit lierewitb to Congress a report of the condition and operations of tliis office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893. Very respectfully, F. W. Palmer, Fublic Frinter, Hon. A. E. Steye^'SON, Fresidcnt of the Senate,

To the Senate and Souse of Representatives : In obedience to the laws regulating the public printing, I have the honor to report to you the condition and the amount and cost of the public printing, binding, lithographing, and engraving; the amount

and cost of all papers purchased for the same 5 a statement of the con- tracts entered into for the purchase of paper and other material and for lithographing and engraving; all payments made during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893, including those for material and labor for the Congressional Record; the amount of work ordered and done, with a general classification thereof, for each Department; the number of per- sons employed in the Government Printing Office, and the time each has been employed and the amount each has received, and other infor- mation touching matters connected with said printing office. 3 4 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER.

The tabular statements accompanying this report are presented in the following order: ISTo. 1 is a statement of the financial business of the Government Printing Ofi&cefor the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893, and t he con dition of the appropriations July 1, 1893. 'No. 2 is a recai)itulation of statement of condition of appropriations July 1, 1893. No. 3 is a classi- fied statement of payments by appropriations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893. No. 4 is a statement showing expenditures for labor, material, paper, lithographing, and engraving during fiscal years 188G to 1893, both inclusive. No. 5 sliows the disbursements on account of salaries and contingent exi)eiises in the office of the Public Printer.

No. 6, the disbursements on account of public printing and binding

(excei)t Congressional Eecord). No. 7, the disbursements on account of i)aper for the public printing (except Congressional Eecord). No.

8, the disbursements on account of Congressional Eecord. No. 9, the disbursements on account of litliographing and engraving (except Congressional Eecord). No. 10, the disbursements on account of print- ing Annual Eeport (1890) of the Secretary of Agriculture. No. 11, the disbursements on account of imnting Annual Eeport (1891) of the Sec- retary of Agriculture. No. 12, the disbursements on account of print- ing Annual Eeport (1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture. No. 13, the disbursements on account of removal and storage of certain material. Government Printing Office. No. 14, the disbursements on account of printing Decisions of Department of the Interior regarding Public Lands and Pensions. No. 15, the disbursements on account of publi- cation of the Eleventh Census Eeports. No. 16, the disbursements on account of printing second edition of Growth of Industrial Art. No. 17, the documents printed by authority of law or by order of either House of Congress, the approximate cost of printing and binding them, and the manner in w^hich they were distributed. No. 18, allotments, etc., for the Executive and Judicial Departments and the approximate cost of the work executed for the same. No. 19, the distribution of the bound and unbound volumes of the Congressional Eecord for the second session of the Fifty-second Congress. No. 20, contracts made (by direction of the Joint Committee on Printing) for supplying print- ing and other paper from March 1, 1893, to February 28, 1894. No. 21, contracts made for materials, etc. (except printing paper), during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893. No. 22, contracts made for lithograph- ing and engraving for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893. No. 23, ]>roposa]s received by the 'Joint Committee on Printing for furnisliing paper for the r)ublic in-inting from March 1, 1893, to February 28, 1894. No. 24, proposals for sui)]ilying materials, etc. (except printing paper). No. 25, proposals for lithographing and engraving. No. 26, number of persons employed in the public printing and binding, the length of time each was emj^loyed, and the amount earned by eacli. No. 27, the number of persons employed in printing Annual Eeport (1890) of the g Secretary of Agriculture, the length of time each was employed, and Ij REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRIXTER. 5

the amount earned by eacL. Xo. 28, tlie number of persons emjAojed in printing Annual Eeport (1891) of the Secretary of Agriculture, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each. Xo. 29, the number of persons employed in printing Annual Eeport (1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each. 'No. 30, the number of persons employed in printing Decisions of Department of the Interior regarding Public Lands and Pensions, the length of time each was emi)loyed, and the amount earned by each. No. 31, the number of persons emT)loyed in publication of the Eleventh Census Eeports, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each. No. 32, the number of persons employed in printing second edition of Growth of Industrial Art, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each. In each annual report made by me I have recommended most urgently the necessity for a new iireproof building of enlarged dimen- sions for this office. Considerations of economy for the Government and the safety of human life have been suggested in such manner as seemed most likely to secure early action by Congress. Up to this time no plan for the extension of the present plant nor the selection of a new site has been adopted. The increase of outside storage room, as hereinafter indicated, has helped to diminish the danger of collapse in the weaker portions of this building, but the risk of destruction by fire is an ever present menace. The loss of property and consecpient embarrassment to the Government by such a calamity can not well be overestimated, but even under the most favorable condi- tions the loss of human life would in all probability be large. Every safeguard has been provided by my predecessors and myself with which to meet such an emergency, but in those portions of the build- ing constructed of combustible materials, filled as they necessarily are by inflammable material, such as books, paper, ink, oils, etc., the most careful precautions furnish no adequate guaranty against the destruc- tion of the building in case fire should get under headway. Under these circumstances I appeal most earnestly to Congress for such leg- islation at the earliest possible day as will provide relief from the present ill-ventilated, circumscribed, unsafe condition of the Govern- ment Printing Office. Immediately following the collapse of the Ford's Theater building, on Tenth street in this city, and the loss of many human lives, the emi)loyes of the Government Printing Office expressed grave apprehen- sion of a like disaster to themselves unless measures should be adopted at once to relieve the H street and the ]S"orth Capitol street wings from a portion of their weight. After a careful investigation of buildings suitable for the storage of printed matter awaiting completion, the one-story fireproof building owned by the Washington and George- town Kailroad Company, on B street near 1st, southwest, formerly 6 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. occupied as a street-car slied, was rented temporarily, and is now used for storage purposes for this office. Four buildings outside of tlie Government Printing Office, at an annual rental of $9,120, are now occupied for this purpose. The loading, unloading, transportation, and storage of this uncompleted printed matter involve unavoidably much labor, delay, and expense. In three of the buildings thus used there is the same liability to loss by fire that there is in the H street and North Capitol street wings of the Government Printing Office. EespectfuUy submitted. F. W. Palmer, Public Printer. APPENDIX.

— :: :

Xo. 1. Financial .^{(iff -men ( ofilip business of the Gorernyiiriit T'r'in^inii <^)mre fur fne fiscal

year ended Junt : - and the condition of tlu- ap[}ropriatiuns July 1, 1S93.

Salaries, office of the Piiljlic Prinicr. 1893:

Appropriation, act July 16. 1S92 $15_ 100. 00 Disbursed for salaries during fiscal year 15. loo. 00

Contingent expenses, office of the Public Printer.

Balance July 1, ls92 , i, 254. 39 Disbursed during fiscal year ... 707. 11

Balance JtUy 1. 1893 547. 28

Contingent expenses, office of the Public Printer. 1S93:

Appropriations, act Jtily 16. 1892 3, OOO. 00

Disbursed dtiring fiscal year 2, 441. IS

Balance July 1, 1893 558. 82

Printing and binding. 1891

Balance July 1, 1892 $34,082.56

Transferred on boots of Treasurv for priutinir. etc 5. 610. G4 39,693.20

Disbursed for lithographing and engraving 4, 977. 50

Balance July 1. 1893 34, 715. 50

Printing and binding, 1892 and 1893 Appropriation, act July 28, 1892 383. 40 Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 344. 92

Balance July 1. 1893 38.48

Printing and binding, 1892

Balance July 1. 1892 321. 466. 37

Received from sales waste paper, extra documents, ami printing' 2. 628. 33 Transferred on books of Tivasuiy fur priuting. t-tc. 93, 989. 89

Repavnient 4. 95 418, 089. 54 Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 73, 766. 65 Disbursed for lithographing and engraving 56, 736. 67 Disbursed for paper 161, 230. 24

Disbursed for material and supplies 104, 96] . 72 396, 695, 28

Balance July 1, 1893 21,394.26

Printing and binding. 1893

Appropriation act, AugiLst 5. 1593 2. 500, 000. 00

Appropriation act, March 3. 1S93 470. 2S0. 80 Received from sales waste pajjer. extra iLjCumeuts. and x.rinting 59,235,28 Transferred on books of Treastory for printing, etc 151. 7S0. 19 Repavments (received to correct eiTors on pav rollsj 81. 24 3,181,377.51 Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 2. 240. 151. 03 Disbursed for lithographing and engraving 39. 522. 80

Disbursed for paper 339, 051 . 96 Disbursed for material and supplies 219. 360. 09 2.838,085.86

Balance July 1,1893 343,291.65

9 : :


Agricultural Eeport, 1890:

Balance July 1 , 1892 $25, 729. II Disbursed far labor during fiscal year 69. 30

Balance July 1, 1893 25, 660. 81

Agricultural Report, 1891:

Balance July 1, 1892 $140, 8.59. 33 Repayment to correct error on pay roll .25 140, 859. 53 Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 84, 838. 32

Disbursed for litliograpliiug and engraving 8, 310. 62 Disbursed for paper 30, 156. 48

Disbursed for material and supplies 9, 511. 56 132,81G.CS

Balance July 1, 1893 8, 042. 60

Agi-icultural Eeport, 1892:

Appropriation, resolution Jan. 16, 1893 300, 000. 00

Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 8, 616. 67 Disbursed for litbographiug and engraving 325. 00 Disbursed for paper 12,095.71 Disbursed for material and supplies 896. 80 21, 934. 18

Balance July 1, 1893 278, 065. 82

Decisions, Department of tbe Interior, regardingpubliclandsandpensions

Balance July 1, 1892 3, 434. 68 Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 338. 79

Disbursed for litbograpbing and engraving 3. 00 340. 79

Balance July 1, 1893 3, 093. 89

Printing second edition Growth of Industrial Art:

Balance July 1, 1892 23, 500. 00

Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 1, 664. 18

Disbursed for litbograpbing and engraving 2, 628. 46

Disbursed for paper 5, 645. 04

Disbursed for material and supplies 1, 696. 67 11, 634. 35

Balance July 1, 1893 11, 865. 65

Eemoval and storage of certain material. Government Printing Office:

Balance July 1, 1892 5,015.26

Appropriation, act Marcb 3, 1893 5, 000. 00 10, 015. 26 Disbursed for rent of warerooms 4, 040. 00

Balance July 1, 1893 5, 975. 26

Publication of Eleventh Census Reports

Balance July 1, 1892 219, 166. 52

Appropriation, act August 5, 1892 250, 000. 00 Repayment (received to correct error on pay rolls) 5.66 469, 172. IS Disbursed for labor during fiscal year 75, 253. 36

Disbursed for lithographing and engraving 9, 099. 50

Disbursed for paper 20, 379. 14

Disbursed for material and supplies 8, 303. 35 113, 035. 35

Balance July 1, 1893 356, 130. 83 — : :


Xo. 2. lifcapifuJaiion of statement of condition of apjyrojjriations, July 1, 189S, at

shown 1)1} ledger,


Salaries, ofBce of the Pnhlic Printer, 1893. act July 16, 1S92 $15, 100. 00 Coutingeiit expenses, office Public Printer

1892, balance July 1. 1S92 1, 254. 39

1893, act July 16. 1892 3, 000. 00

Public printing and binding:

1891, balance July 1, 1802 $34, 082. 56

Transferred on books of Treasure for printing, etc 5, 610. 64 39,693.20 1892 and 1893, act July 28, 1892 383. 40

1892, balance July 1, 1892 321, 466. 37

Sales -waste paper, extra documents, and printing 2, 628. 33 Transferred on books of Treasury ior printing, etc 93, 989. 89

Received (repayment to correct error on pay roll) 4. 95 418, 089. 54

1893, act August 5. 1892 2, 500, 000. 00

1893, act March 3, 1893 470, 280. 80

Sales waste paper, extra documents, and printing 59, 235. 28 Transferred on books of Treasury for printing, etc 151, 780. 19 Eeceived (repayments to correct error on pay rolls) 81. 24 3,181,377.51

Printing Annual Report (1H90) Secretary of Agriculture, balance July 1, 1892 25, 729. 11 Printing Annual Report (1891) Secretary of Agriculture:

Balance July 1, 1892 140, 859. 33 Received (repayment to correct error on pay rolls) .25 140, 859. 58

Printing Annual Report (1892) Secretary of Agriculture, appropriation, joint resolution January 16, 1893 300, 000. 00

Decisions, Department of Interior, regarding public lands and pensions, balance July 1, 1892 3,434.68

Second edition Growth of Industrial Art. balance July 1, 1892 23, 500. 00 Removal and storage of certain material, Government Printing Ottice

Balance July 1, 1892 5, 015. 26

Appropriation, act March 3, 1893 5, 000. 00 10, 015. 26

Publication of Eleventh Census Reports:

Balance July 1, 1892 219, 166. 52 Appropriation, act August 5, 1892 250, 000. 00

Received (to correct eiTor on pay roll) 5. 66 469,172.18

4, 631, 608. 85


Pay of employes $2, 485, 043. 20 Paper for printing 568, 558. 57 Litliographing and engraving 121, 602. 55 Material and supplies other than paper 348, 770. 19 Salaries, otiice of Public Printer. 1893 15, 100. 00 Contingent expenses, office of Public Printer: 1892 707.11 1893 2,441.18

3, 542, 222. 80 — : .



Contingent expenses, office of Public Printer: 1892 $547.28 1893.,. 558.82 Printing and binding: 1891 34,715.70 1892 and 1893 38.48 1892 21,394.2G 1893 343,291.65

Printing Annual Report (1890) Secretary of Agi iculture 25, 659. 81

Printing Annual Report (1891) Secretary of Agriculture 8, 042. 60 Printing Annual Report (1892) Secretary of Agriculture 278, 065, 82

Decisions, Department of the Interior, regarding public lands and pensions 3, 093. 89

Growth of Industrial Art 11, 865. 65

Removal and storage of certain material, Government Printing Office 5, 975. 26 Publication of Eleventh Census Reports 356, 136. 83 $1,089,386.05

4, 631,008. 85


Received from sales of extra documents, waste paper, and for printing, which sum has been deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriations for printing and binding $61,863.61 Received from sales of waste gold leaf, old macliiuery, etc., which has been deposited in

the Treasury to the credit of receipts fi'om miscellaneous sources 16, 958. 18

78, 821. 79

No. 3. Classified statement of payments, ly approijriations, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Material Lithograph- Appropriations. Labor. Paper. and ing and Total. supplies. engraving.

Salaries, office of Public Printer, 1893 $15, 100. 00 $15, 100. 00 Contingent expenses, office of Public Printer

1892 $707. 11 707. 11

1893 ... 2, 441. 18 2, 441. 18 Public printing and binding:

1891 $4, 977. 50 4, 977. 50

1892 and 1893 344. 92 344. 92

1892 , 73, 766. 65 $161, 230. 24 104, 961. 72 56, 730. 67 396, 695. 28

2. 240, 151. 01 339, 051. 96 219, 360. 09 39, 522. 80 2, 838, 085. 80 Printing Annual Report of Secretary of Agriculture:

1890 69. 30 69. 30

1891 84, 838. 32 30, 156. 48 9, 511. 56 8,310. 62 132, 816. 98

1892 8, 616. 67 12, 095. 71 896. 80 325. 00 21, 934. 18 Decisions, Department of the Inte- rior, regarding public lands and 338. 79 2. 00 340. 79 Printing second edition Growth of 1, 664. 18 5, 645. 04 1, 696. 67 2, 628. 46 11, 634. 35 Removal and storage of certain ma- terial. Government Printing Office, 4, 040. 00 4, 040. 00 Publication of Eleventh Census Re- 75, 253. 36 20, 379. 14 8, 303. 35 9, 099. 50 113, 035. 85

Total 2,500,143.20 568,558.57 351, 918. 48 121, 602. 55 3, 542, 222. 80

1 — .


No. 4. Statement showing expenditures for labor, material, paper, litJiograpMng, and engraving during Jiscal years 1SS6 to 1S93, loth inclusive.

Appropriations. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889.

Printing and binding $2. 572, 575. 67 $2, 282, 101. 44 $2, 373, 098. 19 $2, 598, 146. 35 Agricultural reports « 93, 347. 98 113, 553. 76 211, 826. 08 240, 713. 71

89, 317. 34 57. 282. 14 20, 572. 43 41,6.50.68

Removal and storage 3, 702. 97 7, 897. 26 4, 746. 40 5, 148. 51

3, 616. 11 16, 041. 74 362. 07

First Labor Eeport 11, 488. 95

8, 592. 82 4, 217. 57

16, 802. 25

2, 254. 82

1, 699. 67 788. 35 229. 97

Protecting oflSce from fire 1, 420. 57 6, 579. 43 17 475 00 Consular reports on cattle and daiiy o, oUo. yo 48, 270. 80 Enlargement of building. Government 14, 406. 65 Engine and boiler, Government Print- 9, 150. 00 Printing decisions of Department of the Interior regarding public lands 10, 133. 47

Printing Report (1887) on Commerce 1, 093. 82

Total 2, 762. 560. 07 2, 500, 078. 35 2. 648, 564. 50 2, 988, 001. 03

Appropriations. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.

Printing and binding $2, 891.293.91 $3, 339. 588. 51 $3, 225, 469. 99 $3, 240, 103. 56

173, 378. 59 108, 109. 65 135, 817. 56 154, 820. 46 Reports of Tenth Census 258. 19

3,719. 88 3, 833. 14 5, 036. 58 4, 040. 00

Bureau of Animal Indnstvv. 1887. 1888- 19, 751.62 12,740 37 Bulletins, Bureau of Ethnology 279. 93

186. 40 ! Fourth Labor Report 11,401.41

135.85 i 13,327.09 Enlargement of building, Government \

\ 1, oyo. Uo Engine and boiler, Government Print- ing Office 4, 850. 00 461. 50 Printing decision.s of Department of the Interior regarding i)ublic lauds 304. 51 5, 727. 36 837. 96 340. 79 Printing Report (1887) on Commerce 3, 638. 40 Printing Report on Diseases of the 19, 007. 99 26, 502. 83

30, 833. 48 113, 035. 35 Printing second edition Growth of 11, 634. 35

Total 3, 107, 017. 50 3, 570, 502. 40 3, 450, 565. 86 3, 523, 974. 51 —


Estimate of appropriations for pulUc pnnting and hindiny for fiscal year ending June 30, 1895f as submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury for presentation to the first ses- sion of the Fifty-third Congress.

Wages $2,232,551.83 Materials 231.622.00 Taper 512,933.75 Congressional Record 158, 511. 25 Lithograpliing and engraving 70, 000. 00

3, 205, 618. 83

No. 5. Statement showing disbursements on account of salaries and contingent expenses

in the office of the Public Printer during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1S93.

Public Printer $4, 500. 00

Chief clerk ; 2,400.00

Two clerks, at $1,800 per annum 3, 600. 00

Two clerks, at $1,600 per annum 3, 200. 00

One clerk 1, 400. 00

15, 100. 00

Contingent expenses of tlie office 3, 148. 29

18, 248. 29

No. 6. Statement showing the disbursements on account of puhlic printing and binding {except Congressional Becord) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages of employes $2, 228, 225. 49 Improvements and repairs to building:

Lumber 2, 177. 50

Electric supplies 1, 400. 72

Lamps 601. .52 Glass, putty, etc 66.73 Iron, steel, etc 217. 93 Paint, etc 378.73 Plumbing and gas-fitting 558. 18 Matting, carpets, etc 117. 10 Chairs, tables, etc 151. 65 Pvepairs to roofs 207.80

Galvanized pipe - - 1. 60 Lining water coolers 27. 50 Lining boiler house 39. 00 Lining elevator 32. 00

3 flights of iron stairs 1, 020. 00 Painting 3 smokestacks 39. 00 Eel and fish trap 130. 37 Awnings 24.40 Shades 34.62 Graining two rooms 15.00 Lime 22.10 Cement 33. 00 Erick 82. 40 Sand 33.45 Fireclay 6.00 Stone 189. 00 Locks, hinges, etc 32. 60 Kails 62. 7J

Screws - - - 76. 73

Steam jacketing ^ 32. 45

MiscellaneouB — ^ 6.26 :


Machinery, tools, and implements: Tresses 2 web perfecting presses and folding macliines $35, 000. 00

4, bed 29 by 42 inches J 12 000 GO > 4, bed 25 by 35 inches

4, bed 40 by 54 inches 10 , 500. 00

4, bed 29 by 42 inches (5, 400. 00

2, bed 21 by 27 inches 3, 450. 00

1, bed 25 by 35 inches 1, 450. 00

1, bed 21 by 28 inches 990. 00

1, bed 13 by 19 inches 415. 00

1, bed 11 bv 17 inches 335. 00 $70, 540. 00

1 No. 4 Smyth sewing machine . . . , 1, GOO. 00

2 New Model Smyth sewing machines, at $1,200 , , 2, 400. 00

, . 1 saw and trimming machine , . , 1 , 400. 00

2 shaving machines , 1,058.00

1 index machine , , , 375. 00

1 saw and drilling machine , , . . , 202. 50

1 electro trimming machine , 202. 50 1 patent shaping machine 850. 00

1 Ellis trimmer , 360. 00 1 mitering machine 12. 32 1 circular filing machine and fixtures 36. 00 6 finishing presses 15. 00 1 numbering machine 35.00 Kent for 23 fire-alarm boxes 230. 00 1 cabinet saw table 140. 00 24 electric fans 1,116.4?

1 drill , 155.00 72 planers 16.20 3 backing pans 94. 50 1 beveler and head trimmer 300 CO 2 knife bar arms 21. 00

1 roller for roller backer , . . . , , 15. 00

1 pair toggles for roller backer , , 8. 00

1 2 treadles for roller backer 54. 00

6 springs for roller backer , 16. 50 Use of type measurer 200. 00 1 foot press and set of dies 130.00

68 stereotype blocks 91 . 9(5 60 stereotype ratchets, at 37.5 cents 22. 50

1 friction cog wheel , , 10. 50

1 line holder for trimmer , 10. 80 12 dozen fire balls 48. 00 6 presser plates 15. 00

4 sets tools and holders ^ . . . ^ 17. 60

2 front-feed guides and tongues , 26. 00

2 form and 2 feed-roller stocks , , , 17. 00

1 radiator , . , 13, 20 1 pump 26. 60 1 stove 16.50 8 creasers 40.00 10 large numbering heads 650. 00 10 small numbering heads 600. 00

1 die 30. 00 I'urni.shing material and putting in speaking tubes 25. 50 2 horizontal claw jacks 88.20 7 pairs press lock-vips 70. 00 24 drivers 12.00 12 galvauized-iron drip pans 27. 00 1 set turtle screws 64. 00

1 extra heavy shear ^ . ^ 150. 00 6 roller molds 67. 90

7 1 automatic disinfectors , , 142. 00

2 ga.s stoves , ^ 5.00

2 wire bar clamps , , , , , 50. 00 : : :


1 yoke arm $10. 50 1 little giant drill. chuck 10. GO 2 ink fountains 100. 00

] index head and attachments 270. 00 6 lettering pallets G6. 00 1 pressure regulator 15. 40 3 tinishing plates 40. 50 1,700 punches 17.00 1 sliding type gauge 17. 00 1 rule-cutung machine 54. 75

1 rule-cutter 7. 92 Cutting 4 punches 16.00 1,600 pieces of furniture 560. 00

15 type holders 4. 15 Repairing galleys 130.05 106 galleys 194.59 Comijosing sticks 56, various sizes $28. 16 96 reversible knee 108. 77 136.93 Cabinets: 1 walnut. 32.56 1 case type 11. 50 — 44. 06 7,496 quoins 435.73 599 keys 266. 40 18 wrought-iron chases 125. 85 Cases:

12 job * 6. 48 12 rule 9.00 15. 48 Oilstones 20. 00

Clips , 100. 00 Cherry press boards 8. 64 Lubricators 800, at 5 cents 40. 00 850, at 3 cents -25.50 65. 50 100 lubricator cups, at 40 cents 40. 00 290 finisher's rubbers 78. 34 llig pounds Aargin rubber 15. 69 Packing 74. 10 Springs 54.66 43 dozen In-ooms 118. 29 86 dozen files 139. 73 100 bolts .40 Brushes 511 dozen glue, at $23.90 141. 41 1 for gold machine 20. 00 1 dozen Clinton 20.00 1 dozen goat-hair 15. 00 8 dozen glue, at $13.20 105.60 3 dozen wall, at $12.00 36. 00 6 dozen lye, at $9. 45 56. 70 ^ dozen varnish, at $9 1. 50 4 dozen goat-hair, at $7.45 29. 80 6 beating, at $7 42.00 6 dozen pick, at $6.25 37. 50 6 dozen glue, at 5.80 34. 80 2 dozen dust, at $5. 75 11. 50 2 dozen lye, at $5.50 11. 00 6 dozen lye, at $4.23 25. 38 4 dozen glue, at $3.10 12. 40 24 whitewash, at $1.90 45. 60 Miscellaneous 55. 10 701. 29 14J dozen oilers 48.30 3 pinions 33.95 : : : : 2


2 tmcts $40. 95 285 feet wire cable 22. 60 VTue: 84ipotmds $30.27 500 feet 20. 00 50. 27 1261 feet tubiDg 12.34

7 dozen filter tubes - 84. 00 1 knife bar 3-5. 00 32 bammers, etc 35. 40 370| feet lace leather 77.67 2,000 feet cut laces 20. 00 2 dozen plyers 13. 00 Pulleys and shafting 331. 65 Crocks 50. 10 461 feet hose 179.95 3 yards rubber dam 3. 00 20 dozen bone folder? 16. 40 7 ^encbes 3.00 52 emery wheels 135. 00 24 cutter woods 7. 20 4 dozen glue pots 36. 00 3 copper kettles 30.00

25 metaline boxes ' 121. 28 40 pounds magnolia metal 10. 00 4 dozen awls 14. 40 694 dozen packs needles 39. 58 Knives

2, at $32.09 64. 18

2, at $28.65 57. 30

8, at $28.64 229. 12

4, at $23.78 95. 12

3, at $23.77 71.31

4, at $15.69 62. 76

2, at $15.68 31. 36

6, at $14.85 89. 10

4, at $14.62 58.48 51, at $9.93 506. 43

14, at $4 56.00 46 dozen miscellaneous 84.88 1, 406. 04 Belting (rawhide) 100 feet, at 72.2 cents 72. 20

300 feet, at 18 cents - - 54. 00 300 feet, at 11 .5 cents 34. 50 300 feet, at 4.9 cents 14. 70 175. 40 Belting (oak-tanned) 100 feet, at 57.7 cents 57. 70 39 feet, at 49 cents 19. 11 170 feet, at 38.8 cents 65. 96 200 feet, at 38 cents 76. 00 200 feet, at 32.6 cents 65. 20 253 feet, at 28.9 cents 73. 12 600 feet, at 13.7 cents 84. 25 300 feet, at 11.4 cents 34. 20 300 feet, at 8.7 cents 26. 10 3051 feet, at 6.5 cents 19. 86 521.50 Saws 40 -sets book saws, at $9 360. 00 58 sets book saws, at $2.70 156. 60 14 sets book saws, at $1.08 15.12 631.72 S. Mis. 2o— :: : : : :


21 k dozen saw blades $17. 34 42 pairs trimmers 25. 54 21 buckets 19. 20 Stitcbing-macbine wire: 900 pounds, at 13 cents $117. 00 700 pounds, at 9 cents 63.00 180. 00 5,000 pressing blocks 275. 00 5yardsclotb 37.13 629 stamps 49. 95 3,952^ pounds castings 142. 57 Blankets

1 rubber 8. 71 15 yards rubber 90. 52 36 pairs 148.50 247. 73 4,190i pounds cotton waste, at 9.4 cents 393. 91

Eope : 9,777 pounds, at 7J cents '757. 64 245 feet wire 21. 15 778. 79

Cans, cups, etc - 8.10 Sewing-macbine fixtures 204. 00 JRepairs to macbinery 44. 55

Miscellaneous tools - 430. 41 Type 24, 466. 85 Kule 3,604.31

Materials, etc. ; Web-press ink: 1,044 pounds, at 30 cents 313. 20 6,445 pounds, at 25 cents 1, 611. 25 1, 924. 45 Book-printing ink 8,705 pounds, at 50 cents 4, 352. 50 500 pounds, at 40 cents 200. 00 4, 552. 50 Job -printing ink:

3,620 pounds, at 75 cents , 2, 715. 00 Colored ink

2 pounds, at $5 = 3 - 10.00

345 pounds, at $4 1, 380. 00

50 pounds, at $2.50 , 125. 00 372 pounds, at $1.50 558. 00 2, 073. 00 Cut ink

500 pounds, at $1 , 500. 00 1,200 pounds, at 75 cents 900. 00 1, 400. 00 Yarnisb 2 dozen bottles, at $13.50 ^7. 00

10 pounds, at 50 cents 5. 00 32.00

5 pounds dryer 1. 88 Stereotype metal

12,943 pounds, at 8.7 cents 1, 126. 04

48,635 pounds, at 8.1 cents ?>, 939. 43 5, 065. 47 Antimony and tin: 1,844 pounds, at 19 cents 350. 36

9,737 pounds, at 16.5 cents 1, 606. 59 -— 1, 956. 95 2,500 pounds backing powder, at 5 cents 125. 00 6,113 pounds copper battery plates, at 16.3 cents 996. 42 6,661 pounds cast-iron filings, at 3.3 cents 219. 80 3,021 pounds tin foil, at 18.1 cents 546. 80 716 pounds beeswax, at 30 cents 214. 80

1 barrel plaster of Paris 1. 60 B,064 sbeets bonnet boards, at 2.0 cents 209. 60 : : : : :


Tissnepnper: 8;i reams, at $1.85 $14g. OO 130 reams, at $1.45 188. 50 $336. 50 1,000 feet blocking lioard, at 15 cents 150. qo 3,600 pounds sulphate of copper, at 4.3 cents 154. 80 7 carboys siilphuric acid 27.00 3 carboys muriatic acid 10. 50 60 reams backing paper, at $6.25 375. oO Bar lead 5,923 pounds, at 4.9 cents 290. 23

102,050 pounds, at 4| cents 4, 847. 35 5, 137. 58 5.094 pounds bar tin, at 21.9 cents 1 115. 58 Glue

135 pounds, at 22 cents 29. 70

23,000 pounds, at 9.4 cents 2, 1G2. OC 2, 191. 70 Potash

100 pounds, at 6.5 cents 6. 50 1,335 pounds, at 5.9 cents 78. 76 5,804 pounds, at 5.4 cents 313. 40 398. 66

10.376 pounds roller composition, at 30 cents 3, 112. 80 Glycerine 1 gallon 3.00

10 pounds, at 30 cents 3. 00

10 pounds, at 25 cents 2. 50 50 pounds, at 24 cents 12. 00 1,000 pounds, at 18 cents 180. 00 — 200.50 4,918 eallons benzine, at 6.8 cents 334.36 Oil: 429 gallons lubricating, at 65 cents 278.86 1,12.5J- gallons lubricating, at 35 cents 393. 95 15 gallons royal security, at 20 cents 3.00 719^ gallons -washing, at 20 cents 143. 90 1 gallon neatsfoot .75

1 gallon neatsfoot 1. 00 140 dozen s weet, at 57 cents 79. 80 24 quarts olive, at 59 cents 14. 16

1 pound clove 1. 50 10 ounces clove .98 917. 90 Cotton 241i yards, at 19.5 cents 47. 05 357 j-ards, at 14 cents 49. 98 5231 yards, at 13.3 cents 69. 59 4,400 yards, at 12 cents 528.00 bilh yards, at 9 cents 49. 27 4,030i yards, at 8.6 cents 346. 60 2,557 yards, at 5.2 cents 132. 96 2,139 yards, at 4 cents 85. 56 1, 309. 01 100 yards Canton flannel, at 12.5 cents 12. 50 Canvas 2,429 yards, at 23.1 cents 561. 11 543J yards, at 22.9 cents 124. 46 685.57 Thread 8 dozen spools, at $1.50 12. 00 dozen spools, at $1.20 .10 104 dozen spools, at $1.12 116. 48 190 spools, at 90 cents 171. 00 750 spools, at 76 cents 570. 00 2.175^ pounds, at $1.10 2,393.05 300J pounds, at 80 cents 240. 40 oOpounds, at 69 cents...... 34.51

:—- 3,537.54 :: : : :


Twine: 4,788 pouBds, at 26.5 cents $1, 268. 82 1,667 pounds, at 8 cents 133. 36 9,310 pounds, at 7.5 cents 698. 25

f2, 100. 43 143 barrels flour, at $4.24 606. 32 Alcohol 150 gallons, at $2.30 345. 00 35 gallons (wood), at $1.30 45. 50 390. 50 Coal: 3,247|t|8 tons, at $5.17 16, 792. 11

137Jf ill tons, at $4.56 628.44 20^||g tons, at $3.39 70. 12 17, 490. 67 650 pounds plumbago, at 30.6 cents 198. 90 Imitation Kussia: 5,000 feet, at 10.4 cents 520. 00 50,041 feet, at 8.9 cents 4, 453. 65

4, 973. 65 Law sheep 100 dozen, at $8.75 875. 00 2,188i dozen, at $8 17, 508. 00 18, 383. 00 Turkey morocco: 20j\ dozen, at $28 564. 66 1 dozen, at $27 4. 50 2 dozen, at $15.50 31.00 29G dozen, at $13.75 4, 070. 00

4, 670. 16 ?^ dozen law calf, at $18 153. 00 Cowhide buffing 9,225| feet, at 7 cents 645. 80 9,356i feet, at 6 cents 561. 37 1, 207. 17 Title leather 72 dozen, at $7.48 538. 56 20 dozen, at $7.24 144. 80

171 dozen, at $6.90 1, 179. 90

1, 863. 26

Eoans : ^ 10 dozen, at $8 80. 00 52 dozen, at $7.48 388. 96 20i dozen, at $7.40 151. 70 160| dozen, at $0.90 1, 107. 45 1, 728. 11 Skivers 51 dozen, at $7.40 377. 40 401 dozen, at $6.90 279. 45 62i dozen, at $6.70 418. 75 200^ dozen, at $5.50 1, 102. 75

50 dozen, at $5.25 ." 262. 50 150| dozen, at $4.50 677. 25

3, 118. 10

151 pieces parchment substitute, at 79 cents , 119. 29 201 pieces bookbinding bands, at 61 cents 122. 61 450^ dozen fleshers, at $3.20 1,441. 60 Book cloth 99 pieces, at $8 792. 00

600 pieces, at $6.50 3, 900. 00 100 pieces, at $6.25 625. 00

354 pieces, at $5.95 2, 106. 30

2,150 piec(3s, at $4.25 r - r - • - r - 9, 137. 50 16, 560. 80 10,000 yards gray super, at 2.7 cents 270. 00

2,120 yards crash, at 9 cents...., ...... 190. 80 : :: : : : :


Headbands 1 piece $0.60 1 piece .50 31 pieces, at 42 cents 13.02 51 pieces, at 36 cents 18. 36 1 piece .31 251 pieces, at 28 cents 70. 28

501 pieces, at 25 cents , 125. 25 $228. 32 Gold leaf: 100 packs XX, at $6.73 673. 00 1,870 packs XX, at $6.40 11,968.00 50 packs usual, at $5.88 294. GO

700 packs usual, at $5.60 3, 920. 00 16, 855. 00

1,200 packs imitation gold leaf, at $1.85 2, 220. 00 Binder's boards:

310,000 pounds, at 4.7 cents 14, 570. 00 10,200 pounds, at 2.2 cents 224. 40

235.000 pounds, at 2.1 cents 4, 935. 00 19, 729. 40 Pulp board 1,500 pounds, at 3.15 cents 47. 25 5,000 pounds, at 3.1 cents 155. 00 202. 25 Straw board 25,050 pounds, at 1.9 cents 475. 95 35,000 pounds, at 1.8 cents 630. 00 1, 105. 95 Dyes, gums, etc. Chrome yellow 100 pounds, at 12 cents 12. 00

50 pounds, at 9.3 cents 4. 65 16. 65 120 pounds ammonia, at 12 cents 14. 40

8 pound.s Chinese blue, at 75 cents 6. 00 88 beef galls, at 25 cents 22. 00

5 pounds camphor, at 60 cents ' 3.00 600 pounds alum, at 2.8 cents 16. 80

100 pounds oxalic acid, at 8| cents 8. 75 50 ounces carmine, at 34 cents 17.00

dozen bottles French book varnish, at $13.50 1. 13 200 pounds pearlash, at 7.4 cents 14.80 150 pounds egg albumen, at 37 cents 55. 50 50 pounds blood albumen, at 18 cents 9,00 Dextrine: 224 pounds, at 6.9 cents 15. 45 702 pounds, at 6.8 cents 47. 73

• 63. 18 466 pounds gum hog, at 24 cents 111. 84

15 pounds Prussian blue, at 50 cents 7. 50 2 pounds muriate of tin, at 25 cents .50

• 2 dozen papers Tripoli, at 75 cents " 1. 50

40 pounds creosote, at 48 cents - 19. 20 110 pounds orange shellac, at 24 cents 26.40

28 pounds soluble blue, at 63 cents 17. 64 Gum arabic 25 pounds, at 65 cents 16.25 50 pounds, at 48 cents 24. 00 40. 25 Red lake 1 ounce .03 100 pounds 45.00 45. 03

20 pounds crocus powder, at 15 cents 3. 00 64i pounds cochiaeal lake, at 45 cents 29. 03

100 pounds borax, at 9.7 cents 9. 70 10 pounds sal ammoniac, at 15 cents 1.50 : : : : : : :


Gas $7,944.89

Preiglit, boxing, cartage, etc ..... 1, 076. 63 Stable supplies

Forage 2, 054. 91 Harness and repairs 134. 60 "Wagons and repairs .... 285. 75 Veterinary services and medicines 41. 50 Shoeing 495.50 Miscellaneous 40. 18 Miscellaneous items: 600 pounds page cord, at 19 cents 114, GO Disinfectant 100 gallons, at 20 cents ...... $20.00 8 barrels, at$10..... 30.00 —— — 50. 00 1,440 car tickets 60.00 24 dozen boxes wax tapers, at 95 cents 22. 80 20 quires emery cloth, at 40 cents 8. 00 Telephone rent 731. 00 307 pounds manila paper 19. 96 Sand paper 200 yards, at 13 cents 26. 00 10 reams, at $2.50 25. 00 51. 00 Music composition... 1.00 200 p'mnds starch 8.80 93 gallons vinegar, at 10 cents 9. 30 60 pounds jeweler's cotton, at 40 cents 24. 00 4,750 clasps, at 3.4 cents 161. 50

Telegraphing - 43. 12 Soap 12,000 pounds, at 4.5 cents 540. 00 85 pounds Castile 13. 25 553. 25 108 boxes cockroach paste, at 37.5 cents 40. 50 10 pounds emery, at 5 cents .50 Laundering 409. 31 Perforating labels 693. 45 Guards 18,000, at 3 cents 540.00 27,000, at 2i cents 675. 00 1, 215. 00 Ice 761.05 Books of reference 45. 10 Pumice stone

281 pounds, at 5 cents . 14. 05 272 pounds, at 4 cents 10. 88 24. 93

96 yards tracing linen 21 . 12

Tape - - 102. 80 20| pounds crude rubber, at $1.25 25. 94 1,600 backs for money-order guard books, at 90 cents 1, 440. 00 200 pounds tablet composition, at 25 cents 50. 00 Eggs 55. 10 Sawdust 180.95 Sponges 60 pounds, at $2.64 158.40 110 pounds, at $2.20 242. 00 75 pounds, at $1.95 146. 25 546. 65 Sundries 587.97 Stationery 710.76

2, 538, 306. 05

Value of bindery stock on hand, exclusive of paper, machinery, and tools, June 30, 1892. . 28, 984. 72

Value of bindery stock on hand, exclusive of paper, machinery, and tools, June 30, 1893. . 29, 977. 35 — : : : :: : : : :


No. 7. Statement sJioiving the dishursements on account of paper for public printing {except Congressional Record) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Machine-finisli printing paper 10,592i§ reams, 24 by 38 inches, 48-poTand, at $1.872 $19, 829. 88

78,742 pounds, 24 by 38 inches, 48-poiind, at 4 cents 3, 149. 68 991,689 pounds, 24 by 38 inches, 48-pouud, at 3.9 cents 38. 675. 83 16,346 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 96-pound, at $3.744 61, 199. 42 Sized and supercalendered printing paper:

900 reams, 24 by 32 inches, 45-pound, at $2.385 2. 146. 50

2,800 reams, 24 by 32 inches, 45-pound, at $2.205 6, 174. 00

500 reams, 32 by 48 inches, 90-pound, at $4.50 2, 250. 00 2,500 reams, 32 by 48 inches, 90-pound, at $4.41 11, 025. 00 3,927i^ reams, 24 by 38 inches, 70-pound, at $3.43 13, 471. 66 100 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 140-pound, at $7.42 742. 00 100 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 140-pound, at $6.86 686. 00 6,5105% reams, 24 by 32 inches, 60-pound, at $2.94 19. 139. 83

1,644^ reams, 29 by 43 inches, 80-pound, at $3.92 6, 445. 82 2,100 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 100-pound, at $5 10, 500. 00 2,404 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 100-pound, at $4.90 11. 779. 60 3,355i8 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 120-pound, at $5.88 19, 730. 33 1,300 reams, 22f by SIJ inches, 50-pound, at $2.45 3, 185. 00 1,406^ reams, 22| by 31^ inches, 42-pound, at $2.058 2, 894. 36 3,200 reams, 22f by 31^ inches, 40-pound, at $1.96 6, 272. 00 611^§ reams, 25 by 36 inches, 70-pound, at $3.64 2,226. 77 35 reams, 26 by 40 inches, 68-pound, at $3.536 123. 76

1,771 reams, 26 by 40 inches, 68-pound, at $3.332 5, 900. 97 22 reams, 23 by 46 inches, 53-pound, at $2.756 60.63 67 reams, 23 by 36 inches, 53-pound, at $2.597 174. 00 Blue and pink printing paper: 12 reams, 24 by 38 inches, 25-pound, at cents 11. 76 White quarto 3022*5 reams, 12-pound, at 76.8 cents 232. 09 345^% reams, 10-pound, at 64 cents 221. 06 White cap 572 reams, 16-pound, at $1.008 576. 58 324 reams, 16-pound, at 97.6 cents 316. 22 White double cap 1,337^ reams, 36-pound, at $2,304 3, 081. 60 l,022ig reams, 32-pound, at $2,232 2, 282. 22

2,9885^0 reams, 32-pound, at $2,048 6, 119. 61 251^% reams, 32-pound, at $1.952 490. 83 531if reams, 28-pound, at $1.792 953. 15 340 reams, 28-pound, at $1.736 590. 24 Colored double cap 100 reams, 32-pound, at $2.048 204. 80 359^^ reams, 32-pound, at $1.952 701. 34 White demy 436=^5 reams, 25-pound, at $1.60 697. 92 696 reams, 25-pound, at $1.55 1, 078. 80 1,824 reams, 20-pound, at $1.28 2, 334. 72 Colored demy

166JfJ reams, 25-pound, at $1.60 266. 17 reams, 20-pound, at $1.28 14. 97 White double demy 223M reams, 50-pound, at $3.20 715. 68 458^ reams, 50-ponnd, at $3.10 1,421.35 3,254ig reams, 40-pound, at $2.56 8, 332. 67

1,357 reams, 40-pound, at $2.48 3, 365. 36 320i§ reams, 34-pound, at $2.108 676. 25

White folio 129M reams, 23-pound, at $1.472 190. 84 456^^ reams, 16-pound, at $1.024 467.50 : : : : : : : : : :


White double folio

l,5U^o reams, 40-ponncl, at $2.56 $3, 876. 23 31S reams, 40-ponnd, at $2.48 791.12 White medium 5025"% reams, 26-pouiid, at $1.664 835. 83 124 reams, 26-pound, at $1.28 158. 72 Blue medium 945% reams, 26-pouml, at $1.69 159. 62 White royal

l,090i§ reams, 28-pound, at $1.792 1, 954. 98 White superroyal

494/0 reams, 35-pound, at $2.24 1, 107. 35 White imperial:

761|^ reams, 40-pound, at $2.56 1, 949. 96 White special

695/(y reams, 28 by 34 inches, 64-pound, at $4,096 2, 847. 94 31ig reams, 28 hy 34 inches, 64-pound, at $3,968 124. 99 100 reams, 21 by 32 inches, 50-pound, at $3.10 310. 00 124|g reams, 26 by 32 inches, 46 pound, at $2,944 .367. 41 108 reams, 26 by 32 inches, 46-pound, at $2.852 308. 02

l,216vfu reams, 22| by 28 inches, 35-pound, at $2.24 2, 724. 18 749ig reams, 22^ by 28 inches, 35-pound, at $2.17 1, 626. 40 125/0 reams, 21 by 31 inches, 32-pound, at $2.048 256. 72 Ledger cap 200 reams, 19-pound, at $2,451 490. 20 201 reams, 16-pound, at $2,064 414. 86 510 reams, 19-pound, at $1,786 910. 86 558|g reams, 19-pound, at $1,729 965. 99 Ledger double cap 98 reams, 48-pound, at $6,192 606. 82 28ii reams, 42-pound, at $5.46 155. 35 240 reams, 42-pound, at $5,418 1, 300. 32

309 reams, 38-pound, at $4,902 1, 514. 72

1,569 reams, 38-pound, at $3.572 5, 604. 47 128 reams, 38-pound, at $3,458 442.62

46t-gg reams, 28-pound, at $2,632 123. 31 Ledger demy 42/0 reams, 29-pound, at $3.828 161. 54

849 reams, 29-poand, at $3.77 3, 200. 73 201 reams, 24-pound, at $3.12 627. 12 85 reams, 23-pound, at $2.99 254. 15

10431^1 reams, 29-pound, at $2.726 2, 843. 86

615i| reams, 29-poand, at $2,639 1, 624. 57

l,365i§§ reams, 24-pound, at $2,256 3, 080. 33 240 reams, 24-pound, at $2.184 524. 16 Ledger double demy 310H-g reams, 75-pound, at $13.425 4,165.05 117 reams, 58-pound, at $10.382 1, 214. 69

400 reams, 58-pouud, at $5.452 2, 180. 80 114 reams, 58-pound, at $5.278 601. 69

951|g§ reams, 48-pounu, at $4.512 4, 293. 41 227 reams, 48-pound, at $4.368 991. 54

928*44 reams, 40-pound, at $3.76 3, 492. 61 Ledger medium

797 reams, 38-pound, at $5.70 4, 542. 90

432 reams, 30-pound, at $4.50 1, 944. 00

8425V0 reams, 38-pound, at $3.572 3, 008. 17 543/0 reams, 38-pound, at $3.458 1, 878. 90 Ledger royal:

377 reams, 46-pound, at $6.992 2j 635. 99 4371ii reams, 35-pound, at $5.32 2, 326. 25 : : :::: : : : :::


Ledger superroyal : 312 reams, 57-pouiid, at $11.40 $3, 556. 80

100 reams, 57-poTiiid, at $10.203 1, 020. 30 Ledger imperial

204 reams, 75-pouBd, at $15 3, 060. 00 Ledger special 50 reams, 24 by 38 inches, lOO-poimd, at $17 850. 00 53Jij% reams, 24 by 38 inches, 100-pound, at $15 795. 48 481^ reams, 14 by 35 inches, 50-ponnd, at $7.50 362. 55 206|fg reams, 27 by 29J inches, 65-pound, at $6.11 1, 261. 46 717^ reams, 28 by 34 inches, 56-pound, at $5.264 3, 775. 20 l,787tf^ reams, 21i by 29 inches, 50-pound, at $4.70 8, 403. 45

4354^4 reams, 19 by 28^ inches, 47-pound, at $4.418 '. 1, 923. 36 59 reams, 14 by 31 inches, 45-pound, at $4,095 241. 61 212/5% reams. 20| by 24 inches. 36-pound, at $3.384 718. 04 117 reams, 13* by 28 inches, 30-pound, at $2.73 319. 41 111^§ reams, 15i by 23 inches, 32-pound, at $2,912 325. 85

Manila paper -. 50 reams, 38 by 38 inches, 140-pound, at $8.82' 441. 00 49| reams, 27 by 38 inches, 100-pound, at $6.30 311. 85 146^ reams, 24 by 38 inches, 145-pound, at $6.09 893. 41 236 reams, 24 by 36 inches, 50-pound, at $3.20 755. 20 100 reams, 24 by 36 inches, 50-pound, at $3.15 315. 00 201At reams, 25 by 38 inches, 56-pound, at $2.464 497. 49 102 reams, 25 by 38 inches, 56-pound, at $2.24 228. 48 350 reams, 20^ by 32 inches, 30-pound, at $1.32 462. 00 Tar paper 50 reams, at $3.50 175. 00 47 reams, at $3.15 148. 05 Marble paper 20 reams, double cap, at $6.10 122. 00 30 reams, medium, at .$5.85 175. 50 26 reams, medium, at .$5.80 150. 80 Comb paper 75 reams, 20 by 25 inches, at $8.85 663. 75 Plaid paper 20f^fl reams, 23 by 31^ inches, at $7.50 155. 55 21^% reams, 22^ by 28 inches, at $6.50 137. 23 Tissue paper 1,348 reams, S. & C, at $1.28 T 1,725.44 584 reams, S. & C, at $1.24 724. 16 492 reams, at 72 cents 354. 24 BlottiDg paper: 10 reams, 19 by 24 inches, lOG-poiind, at $7.50 75. 00

French folio 6 reams, 17 by 22 inches, 10-pound, at 72 cents 4. 32 Golden envelope 20 reams, 19 by 24 inches, 28-pound, at $1 .876 37. 52 Cover paper

179.fj reams, 20 by 25 inches, 50-pound, at $2..55 457. 60 247^ reams, 20 by 25 inches, 50-pound, at $2.50 018. 88 725^ reams, 20 by 25 inches, 36-pound, at $1,836 1, 332. 46 279J§- reams, 20 by 25 inches, 36-pound, at $1.80 503. 64 217|g reams, 22h by 32 inches, 50-pound, at $2.60 566. 67 Parcbment deed 211^3 reams. 22| by 31i inches, 48-pound, at $6.912 149. 06 Plate paper

69,629 pounds, at 8.4 cents 5, 848. 82 1,594 pounds, at 8.3 cents 132. 30 Map pajjer 85,528 jjounds, at 17 cents 14, 539. 76

41,174 pounds, at 15 cents 6, 176, 10 :: : :: :: : : :


Fine-coated woodcut paper 152,393 pounds, at 8.6 cents $13, 105. 78

14,085 pounds, at 8.4 cents 1, 183. 14 Glazed bond:

51,067 pounds, at 13.9 cents 7, 098. 33

46,989 pounds, at 13.8 cents 6, 484. 43 Dhin bristol board

24,696 pounds, 22 by 28 inches, 120-pound, at 6.9 cents 1, 704. 03

Thick bristol board

56,840 pounds, 22 by 28 inches, 140-pound, at 6.9 cents 3, 921. 97 White China board 1,992 pounds, 22 by 28 inches, 210-pound, at 5.1 cents 101. 59 Colored cardboard 2,060 pounds, 22 by 28 inches, 210-pound, at 5.1 cents 105. 06 Manila cardboard 6,050 sheets, 18 by 19^ inches, 134-pound, at 1.7 cents 102. 85 Pearl-gray bristol board

82,387 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4.5 cents 3, 707. 41 10,972 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4 cents 438. 88 Melon bristol board

77,792 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4.5 cents 3, 500. 64 7,293 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4 cents 291. 72 Yellow bristol board

109,408 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4.5 cents 4, 923. 36 Green bristol board

38,505 pounds, 21 by 31 inches, 130-pound, at 4.5 cents 1, 732. 73 Bullet patch 10,000 sheets, 16 by 21 inches, at $14 per 1,000 sheets 140. 00 Card middle 300 pounds, 22J by 28 inches, 60-pound, at 5.5 cents 16. 50 300 pounds, 22i by 28 inches, 60-pound, at 5.25 cents 15. 75

Total 474, 714. 18

Inventory showing the quantity of jpaper on hand June 30, 1893.

10,740 reams, 5f quires, machine-finish printing paper, costing $22, 984.44 5,349 reams, \2\ quires, S. and S. C. white and colored printing paper, costing 19, 510. 41 9,395 reams, 2 quires, white and colored writing paper, costing 17, 808. 26

973 reams, 2 quires, cover paper, costing 2, 060. 63

450 reams, 2 quires, map paper, costing <, 2, 578. 46

311 reams, 1* quires, woodcut paper, costing 1, 592. 65 152 reams, 12? quires, manila paper, costing 479. 56 444 reams, 12| quires, tissue paper, costing 525. 85 12 reams, 14 quires, golden envelope paper, costing 23. 83

1,021,614 sheets bond paper, costing 9, 447. 15

128,328 sheets artificial parchment, costing 1, 462. 49 26,385 sheets parchment deed, costing 307.90

44,481 sheets white and colored cardboard, costing ^ 1, 024. 91

192,527 sheets white and colored bristol board, costing 2, 137. 20 6,142 reams, 10 quires, first-class white and colored ledger paper, costing 31, 717.26 3,715 reams second-class white and colored ledger paper, costing 12, 249. 88 157 reams, 6 quires, copying paper, costing 279. 53 30 reams German marble paper, costing 176. 25

151 reams German comb paper, costing. 1, 366. 40 17 reams plaid paper, costing 119. 50 46 reams tar paj^er, costing 161. 00 17 reams blotting paper, costing 98.45 145 reams rope manila paper, costing 955. 46 5 reams card middle paper, costing 15. 75

Total 129, 083 22 — : :: : :


No. 8. Statement sliowing the disbursements on account of the Congressional Record during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages $8b', 037. 09

Macliiiie-fiiiisli printing paper 88.170 pounds, 24 by 38 inches, 48-ponnd, at 4 cents...... 3,526.80

321,246 pounds, 24 by 38 inches, 48-pOund, at 3.9 cents 12, 528. 60

175^339 pounds^ 24 by 38 inches, 48-pound, at 3.7 cents 6, 487, 53 Marble paper

60 reams double cap, at $6.10 * 366. 00

25 reams double cap, at $6.05 ,. 151. 25 39,760 pounds binder's boards, at 2.1 cents 834.96 Manila papet 36,662 pounds, at 6.4 cents ...... 2,346.36 3,670 pounds, at 4.4 cents 161. 48 Gas 210. 75 Ice 39.48 Telephone rent 120. 00

Compiling index 7, 210. 50 Imitation Russia 5,000 feet, at 10.4 cents 520. 00

30,000 feet, at 8.9 cents 2, 670. 00 Title leather I dozen, at $7.48 6.23 I dozen, at $6.90 5.75 47 dozen law sheep, at $8 376. 00 1,400 pounds glue, at 9.4 cents 131. 60 86 spools thread, at 90 cents 77. 40

Expressage 1. 30 Type 566. 80 1,015 pounds web-press ink, at 30 cents 304. 50 Repairs to wagons 32. 25

Harness and repairs 4. 70 8!) packs gold leaf, at $6.40 512.00 167 pieces tape, at 18 cents 30. 06 30 pounds egg albumen, at 37 cents 11. 10 300 ]jounds roller composition, at 60 cents 180. 00 2 liailon.s oil, at 30 cents .60

2 dozen bottles sweet oil, at 57 cents 1. 14 84 pounds twine, at 26.5 cents 22. 26 2 barrels flour, at $4.24 8. 48 1 bicycle 135. 00 Blankets 141. 10

3 circular cutters 5. 40

20 cutting cylinder chuck woods 3. 75 52 pounds cast iron 2.08

4 pounds brass castings 1. 00 1 worm for pulley 4. 90 7 galvani zed-iron boxes 42. 00

1 chain for pulley 2. 50

2 belts and 3 blades for mailing machine 2. 10

6 tail pieces for casting mould 7. 25 Altering shafts, etc 2.25 Engraving 1 illustration for Congressional Record, first ses.sion Fifty-second Congress .. 14. CO

Total 125, 846. 36 —


No. 9. Statement showing the dishursements on account of lithographing and engraving (except Congressional Record) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

6,794 copies of 1 illustraiion for Senate Ex. Doc. 15 o. 8, part 7, first session Fifty-second Congress $300. 00

6,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. ISTo. 8, part 8, first session Fifty-second Congress 188. 00

6,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 8, part 9, first session Fifty-second Congress 188.00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 22, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 60. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 39, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 20. 00 10,000 copies of 60 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 41, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 990. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 58, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 295. 00 1,794 copies of 17 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 68, second session Fifty-second Congress 385.00 7,294 copies of 5 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 82, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 240. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 96, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 17. 50 1,994 copies of 2 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 102, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12.00 1,794 copies of 2 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 107, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 35.00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 46, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 15.00 2,794 copies of 11 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 153, second session Fifty-second Con-

gress , 1,135.00

6,794 copies of 95 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. No. 157, first session Fifty-first Congress . 825. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 180, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 12.00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 219, first session Fifty-second Con- gress " 12.00 1,994 copies of 10 illustrations for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 21, second session Fifty-second Congress 192.00 4,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 22, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 45.00 2,094 copies of 2 illustrations for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 61, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 244.00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Report No. 1120, firstsession Fifty-second Congress. 15. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for Senate Report No. 1794, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 150.00 2,434 copies of 30 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 161, first session Fifty-first Con- gress 140.00 5,500 copies of 3 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 410, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 95.00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 32, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12. 00 2,294 copies of 3 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 41, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 39. 50 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 92, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12. 00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 96, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 30.00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 97, second session Fifty- second Con- gress 12. 00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 110, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 30. 00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 122, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12. 00 1,994 copies of 1 illustration for House Ex. Doc. No. 134, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12.00 REPOET OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. 29

1.994 copies of 6 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. Xo. 252, second session Fifty-second Con- gress $16. 00

2.144 copies of 1 illustration for House Mis. Doc. Xo. 9, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 2o0. 00 1.794 copies of 1 illustration for House Mis. Doc. Xo. 37/second session Fifty-second Con- gress 10. 00 4.000 copies of 1 illustration for House Tleport Xo. 1469, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 90.00 1.794 copies of 1 illustration for House Eeport Xo. 2196, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 12. 00 1.734 copies of 8, 4.734 copies of 7, and 3,000 copies of 10 illustrations for Annual Eeport of the Secretary of Agriculture for 1S91 321. 33 500 copies of 3 illustrations for Eeport of Division of Vegetable Pathology, Eeport of the Secretary of Agriculture for 1891 22.50 2.000 copies of 4 illustrations for Eeport of Microscopist. Eeport of the Secretary of Agri-

culture for 1891 35. 00 I. 000 copies of 1 illustration for Eeport of Director of Experiment Stations, Eeport of

the Secretary of Agriculture for 1891 5_ 00 2.000 copies of 1 illustration for Eeport of Special Agent in charge of Artesian Investiga-

tions, Eeport of the Secretary of Agriculture for 1891 12. 00 10,000 copies of 8 illustrations for Eeport of Pomologist, Eeport of the Secretary of Agri- culture for 1891 600. 00 5.000 copies of .6 illustrations for Bulletin Xo. 6, part 1. Deijartment of Agriculture 50. 00 5,050 copies of 6 iUnstrations for Forestry Bulletin Xo. 8, Department of Agriculture 54. 00 5,050 copies of 3 illustrations for Experiment Station Bulletin Xo. 8, Department of Agriculture 182. 50 5,050 copies of 5 illustrations for Xorth American Fauna, Xo. 7, The Death Valley Expe-

dition - 200.00 300 copies of 4 illustrations for Specifications and Diagrams of Lamps 10. 00 II. 334 copies of 5 illustrations for Finance Eeport for 1892 90. 00 3.000 copies of 1 illustration for Eeport Diseases 45.000 copies of 44 and on of the Horse. . i, 970. 00 1.5.50 copies of 8 illustrations for Atlantic Coast Pilot, Part IV 110. 00 1.5.50 copies of 2 illustrations for Atlantic Coast Pilot. Xo. 3 25. 00 10,000 copies of 1 illustration for Eules of Practice of U. S. Patent Office 50. 00 23,000 copies of 10 illustrations for Annual Eeport of the U. S. Civil Service Commission for 1891 200. 00 24,794 copies of 10 illustrations for Annual Eeport of the TJ. S. Civil Service Commission for 1892 200. 00 250 copies of 71 and 200 copies of 105 illustrations for Diagrams of Gun Practice 429. 50 8,544 copies of 1 illustration for Eeport of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1892 420. 00 1,050 copies of 6 illustrations for Artillery Circular B 80. 00

750 copies of 1 illustration for Artillery Circular C 8. OO 1,200 copies of 8 illustrations for Artiller.y Circular E 75. 00 5.294 copies of 1 illustration for Special Consular Eeports on Fires and Building Eegula- tions in Foreign Countries 125. oo 4.180 copies of 12 illustrations for Annual Eeport of Life-Saving Service for 1890 120. 00 40,000 copies of 1 illustration for Congressional Directory, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 240. 00 22.000 copies of 1 illustration for Congressional Directory, first session Fifty-third Congress 132. 00 500 copies of 2 illustrations for Bulletin Xo. 83, U. S. Geological Survey 68. 00 5,294 copies of 3 illustrations for Bulletin Xo. 84, H. S. Geological Survey 503. 00 5.294 copies of 7 illustrations for Bulletin Xo. 85, TJ. S. Geological Survey 585. 00 500 copies of 12 illustrations for Bulletin Xo. 86, TJ. S. Geological Survey 75. CO 4,794 copies of 1 illustration for Monograph XX, TJ. S. Geological Survey 175. 00 4,794 copies of 3 illustrations for Monograph XXI. I'. S. Geological Survey 775. 00 500 copies of SO and 12,784 copies of 60 illustrations for OflBcial Eecords of the I^niou and

Confederate Armies 56, 400. 00 200 copies of 37 illustrations for Annual Eeport of Chief Signal Officer for 1891 175. 00 21,034 copies of 21 illustrations for Eleventh Annual Eeport of the Director of the TJ. S. Geological Survey 4,975.00 17.294 copies of 1 illustration for Thirteenth Annual Eeport of the Director of the L^. S. Geological Survey 60. 50 500 copies of 4 illustrations for Customs Eegulations 16. 00 25 copies of 1 illustration for Supreme Court Eecord Xo. 149 50. 00

25 copies of 1 illustration for Supreme CourJ^ Eecord Xo. 262 7. 00 30 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER.

25 copies of 3 illustrations for Supreme Court Record Nos. 389 and 390 $7. 00 25 copies of 3 illustrations for Supreme Court Record No. 587 60. 00 2,150 copies of 2 illustrations for American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1893 48. 00

1,-550 copies of 1 illustration for American Ephemeris and ISTautical Almanac for 1895 . 15. 00 1,794 copies of 1 portrait for Eulogies on late Hon. L. C. Houk 34. 80 1,794 copies of 1 portrait for Eulogies on late Hon. W. H. E. Lee 34. 80 1,794 copies of 1 portrait for Eulogies on late Hon. J. R. Gamble 34. 80

1,794 copies of 1 portrait for Eulogies on late Hon . Preston B. Plumb 34. 80 4,294 copies of 1 illustration for Memoirs National Academy of Sciences for 1891 40. 00 500 copies of 1 illustration for Order of Postmaster-General in regard to Mail Elag for

American Steamsbips 40. 00 30 copies of 1 illustration for Court of Claims Case No. 17324 20. 00 500 copies of 15 illustrations for Instructions for making Requisitions for Targets and Parts 50. 00 12,969 copies of 1 illustration for Report on Internal Commerce of the United States for 1892. 219. 00 200 copies of 2 illustrations for cover for Guns and Magazines of Eortifications 10. 00 300 copies of 35 and 2,775 copies of 37 illustrations for General Information Series, No. XI. 331. OO 1,550 copies of 7 illustrations for Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, TJ. S. Army, No. 26 75. 00

50 copies of 1 illustration for Brief in case of Colin Cameron v. The United States 3. 00

20,000 copies of 1 illustration for Recruiting Poster No. 40 1^ 176, iq 50 copies of 3 illustrations for opinion in case of State of Illinois v. Illinois Central Rail- way Company, etc 10.00 8,000 copies of 1 illustration for Schedule of Examinations of U. S. Ci^al Service Commis- sion for 1892 12.00 15,000 copies of 1 illustration for Schedule of Examinations of U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion for Railway Mail and Indian Services 20. 00 29,000 copies of 10 illustrations for Schedule of Examinations of H. S. Civil Service Com-

mission for 1893 1 06. 00 2,000 copies of 12 illustrations for Annual List of Merchant Vessels for 1891 220. 00 5,294 copies of 10, 5,329 copies of 2, and 6,910 copies of 4 illustrations for Annual Li.st of Merchant Vessels for 1892 628. 00 1,200 copies of 3 illustrations for Report of Health Officer of the District of Columbia for

1891 - 150.00 1,200 copies of 3 illustrations for Report of Health Officer of the District of Columbia for 1892 50.00

I, 794 copies of 200 illustrations for Growth of Industrial Art 471. 54 5,050 copies of 7 illustrations for California Vine Disease 407. 00 50 copies of 2 illustrations for Hearings before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate in the case of Judge McCoraas 10. 00

7,044 copies of 7 illustrations for IT. S. Eish Commission Bulletin for 1890 5.50. 00 II, 794 copies of 5 illustrations for Hand Book No. 3, Bureau of American Republics 250. 00

7,944 copies of 140 illustrations for Report of Chief of Ordnance for 1892 „ 965. 00 700 copies of 22 illustrations for Appendix No. 9, Annual Report of Chief of Ordnance for 1892 125. 00 3,000 copies of 2 illustrations for Foreign Relations of the United States for 1891 17. 00 1,000 copies of 2 Illustrations for Monograph on the Seal of the United States 360. 00 100 copies of 7 illustrations for Plans and Specifications of Life-Saving Station at Milwau- kee, Wis 72.00 50 copies of 9 illustrations for Plans and Specifications of Life Saving St ation at Ashtabula 135. 00 200 copies of 1 illustration for Plans and Specifications of Surfboat 17. 75 1,000 copies of 1 illustration for Practical Problems and the Compensation of the Compass. 30. 00 5,444 copies of 10 illustrations for Report of the Secretary of War 138. 00 31,794 copies of 1 illustration for Annual Report of the Postmaster-General for 1892 192. 00 550 copies of 3 illustrations for Notes on Construction of Ordnance, No. 61 16. 00 900 copies of 10 illustrations for Annual Report of the Quartermaster-General for 1892 .... 35. 00 2,900 copies of 1 illustration for Circular No. 35, Treasury Department 15. 00 17,294 copies of 16 illustrations for Tenth Annual Report of Director of Bureau of Eth- nology 1,665.00 1,250 copies of 7 illustrations for War Series, No. 4, Office of Naval Intelligence 70. 00 2,119 copies of 9 illustrations for Annual Report of Commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1892 710. 00 500 copies of 5 illustrations for Aijnual Report of Engineer Commissioner of District of Columbia for 1892 110. 00 3,050 copies of 10 illustrations for Proceedings of National Museum for 1892 750. 00 j 7,200 copies of 5, 7,300 of 116, and 7,400 of 49 illustrations for Annual Report of the Chief of J Engineers, IJ. S. Army, for 1893 2, 010. 00 I REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. 31

7,400 copies of 1 illustration for Appendix YI, Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1892 $15.00 3,025 copies of 2 illustrations for Oleomargarine Regulations 40. 00 12,050 copies of 1 illustration for General Orders 325. 00 5,734 copies of 2 illustrations for Annual Report of the Superintendent of Military Academy for 1892 35. 00 5,400 copies of 1 illustration for Third, Fourth, and Fifth Annual Reports of Interstate Com- merce Commission 129.00 2,550 copies of 5 illustrations for Report of the Executive Committee of the International Raihvav Commission 185. 00 1,000 copies of 1 illustration for Report of Board of Indian Commissioners for 1892 65. 00 550 copies of 6 illustrations for Report on the Hawaiian Islands 247. 00 EngraA-ing 4 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. ISTo. 153, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 60. 00 Engraving 7 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. ISTo. 68, second session Fifty-second Con-

gress 8. 00 Engraving 6 illustrations for Senate Ex. Doc. Ifo. 107, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 35. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 156, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 17. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 168, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 15. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 192, first session Fifty-second Con-

gress 3. 00 Engraving 9 illustrations for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 22, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 31.00

Engraving 1 illustration for Senate Mis. Doc. No. 48, first session Fifty-second Congress. 3. 00 Engraving 39 illustrations for Senate Report No. 880, first session Fifty-second Congress. 79. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Senate Report No. 911, first session Fifty-second Congress. . . 4. 50 Engraving 234 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 161, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 466.00 Engraving 10 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 410, first session Fifty-second Con- gress 53. 50

Engraving 9 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 1, second session Fifty-first Congress. . . 61. 00

Engraving 54 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 43, second session Fifty -second Congress . 65. 00

Engraving 2 illustrations for House Ex. Doc. No. 215, second session Fifty-second Congress. 8. 00

Engraving 3 illustrations for Artillery Memorandum No. 1 8. 00 Engraving 79 illustrations for Manual of Calisthenic Exercises 217. 00 Engraving 8 illustrations for Notes on Construction of Ordnance No. 60 17. 00 Engraving 32 illustrations for Artillery Circular B 50. 60 Engraving 102 illustrations for Artillery Circular C 209. 50 Engraving 14 illustrations for Artillery Circular D 50. 25

Engraving 1 illustration for Artillery Circular F 4. 00 Engraving 50 illustrations for Bulletin No. 79, TJ. S. Geological Survey 217. 55 EngraAnng 6 illustrations for Bulletin No. 98, U. S. Geological Survey 87. 00 Engraving 22 illustrations for Bulletin No. 101, U. S. Geological Survey 80. 50 Engraving 12 illustrations for Bulletin No. 103, U. S. Geological Survey 57. 00 Engraving 4 illustrations for Bulletin No. 104, IT. S. Geological Survey 30. 00 Engraving 6 illustrations for Bulletin No. 105, T7. S. Geological Survey 45. 00 Engraving 45 illustrations for Bulletin No. 106, TJ. S. Geological Survey 145. 00 EngraATng 14 illustrations for Bulletin No. 107, TJ. S. Geological Survey 52. 00 Engraving 17 illustrations for Bulletin No. 108, TJ. S. Geological Survey 65. 80 Engraving 7 illustrations for Bulletin No. 110, TJ. S. Geological Survey 29. 50 Engraving 2 illustrations for Bulletin TJ. S. Geological Survey—Products of Iron Ore in the United States for 1891 32. 00 Engraving 53 illustrations for Monograph XIX, TJ. S. Geological Survey 110. 00 Engraving 79 illustrations for Monograph XXI, TJ. S. Geological Survey 276. 50 Engraving 27 illustrations for Monograph XXII, TJ. S. Geological Survey 56. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Record Book for TJ. S. Geological Survey 6. 00 Engraving 5 illustrations for Twelfth Annual Report of the Director of the TJ. S. Geolog- ical Survey 21. 00 Engraving 292 illustrations for Thirteenth Annual Report of the Director of the TJ. S. Geo- logical Survey 1,165.00

Engraving 2 illustrations for cover of Atlas Sheets for Geological Survey 6. 00 Engraving 4 illustrations for Finance Report for 1892 12. 00 Pngraving 1 illustration for Information Concerning Arnior Plates and Appurtenances^, 4. 50 32 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER.

Engraving 1 illustration for Notice to Postmasters $6. 50

Engraving 1 illustration for Notice to Railway-Postal Clerks 8. 50 Engraving 1 illustration for Statement Showing Condition of the Treasury 17. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for Eeport on Mineral Resources of the United States for 1891 .. 23. 00 Engraving 61 illustrations for Practical Problems and Compensation of the Compass 95. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Annual Report of the Superintendent of Military Academy.. 9. 00 Engraving 15 illustrations for Official Gazette, U. S. Patent Office 37. 00 Engraving 6 illustrations for Annual Report of Commissioners of the District of Columbia for 1892 15.50 Engraving 4 illustrations for Congressional Directory, second session Fifty-second Con- gress 9.00

Engraving 14 illustrations for Report No. 4, Department of Agriculture—Fiber Investi- gations 48. 00

Engraving 22 illustrations for Report No. 5, Department of Agriculture —Fiber Report. . . 200. 25 Engraving 1 illustration for Special Eeport, Department of A griculture, on Sheep Indus-

try in the Unite 1 States 1. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Experiment-Station Record 7. 00 Engraving 4 illustrations for Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1892 47. 00 Engraving 13 illustrations for Annual Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Army, 1892 .. 72. 50 Engraving 3 illustrations for Report of Postmaster-General for 1892 35. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Annual Report, of the Inspector-General to the Secretary of War for 1892 8.00 J'cgraving 22 illustrations for Report of Chief of Ordnance for 1892 231. 00 Engraving 12 illustrations for The Teaching and Literature of Shorthand 84. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for The Navigation of the Pacific Ocean 7. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for Figure Cards 5. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Directions for Measurement 2. 00 EngraA-ing 69 illustrations for Bulletin U. S. Fish Commission for 1890 271. 00 Engi-aving 141 illustrations for Bulletin U. S. Fish Commission for 1891 329. 50 Engraving 1 and altering 1 illustration for Directory of the Senate 10. 00 Engraving 4 illustrations for American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 17. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Land Decisions, vol. 16 2. 00 Engraving 11 illustrations for Annual List of Merchant Vessels for 1892 95. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Arrangements for the Inauguration 3. 00 Engraving 26 illustrations for Bulletin No. 4, Division of Vegetable Pathology, Depart ment of Agriculture 152.50

Engraving 57 illustrations for North American Fauna, No. 7, "The Death Valley Expedi- tion" 81.00 Engraving 1 illustration for Postmaster's Commission (Recess) 6. 25 Engraving 1 illustration for Postmaster's Commission (Presidential) 6. 75 Engraving 20 illustrations for California Vine Disease 102. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Gunnery Drill Book for the New Armament 7. 00

Engraving 60 illustrations for Forestry Bulletin No. 7, part 2, Department of Agriculture. 120. 00

Engraving 144 illustrations for Forestry Bulletin No. 8, part 2, Department of Agriculture. 125. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Quarterly Report No. 2, 1892-'93, Bureau of Statistics 9. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Regulations governing the Uniforms of Officers and Men of

the Light-House Service 6. 00 Engraving 10 illustrations for Report of Commissioner of Labor on Phosphate Industries of the United States 70. Sq Engraving 31 illustrations for Manual of Drill for the Hospital Corps, U. S. Army 42. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for Bulletin No. 25, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 14. 00 Engraving 23 illustrations for Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1891 66. 00 Engraving 152 illustrations for Proceedings of National Museum for 1892 19G. 50 Engraving 71 illustrations for Proceedings of National Iifuseum for 1893 190. 25

Engraving 4 illustrations for Special Bulletin No. 2, U. S. National Museum 7. 75

Engraving 1 illustration for Bulletin No. 39, Part F, U. S. National Museum ,. 5. 00

Engraving 4 illustrations for "War Series, No. 4, Office of Naval Intelligence 45. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for American Nautical Almanac for 1 895 16. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for American Nautical Almanac for 1896 36. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Rebellion Records, Volume XL, part 3 18. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for Rebellion Records, Volume XLI, part 1 15. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Rebellion Records, Volume XLI, part 2 10. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Rebellion Records, Volume XLI, part 4 ip. 00 Engraving 11 illustrations for Rebellion Records, Volume XLII, part 1 120. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Rebellion Records, Volume XLII, part 2 10. 50

Engraving 2 iUustratio;i8 for Rebellion Records, Vplume XLII, part 3 , , 13. 0]^ ——: : :


Engrari-ng 3 illnstratioBs for Hearing before Senate Committee on Immigration regarding Ellis-Island Improvement $53. 00

Engi-aring 1 illustration for Testimony before Senate Committee on Immigration 3. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Court of Claims Case Xo. 1744 2. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Court of Claims Case Xo. 22S0 3. 00 Engraving 2 illustrations for Case of TTnitecl States in Bering-Sea Arbitration 29. 00 Engraving 50 illustrations for General Information Series. Xo. XI 323. 30 Engraving 14 illustrations for Eeport of Smithsonian Institution for 1891. jiart 1 CO. 00 Engraving 231 Illustrations for Eeport of Smithsonian Institution for 1891. part 2 470. 00 Engraving 37 illustrations for Annual Eeport of the Supervising Surgeon-General of the

Marine Hospital for 1892 229. .50 Engraving 72 illustrations for Annual Eeport of Commissioner of Education for 1890 299. 00 Engraving 10 illustrations for Annual Eeport of Commissioner of Education for 1891 37. 00 Engraving 8 illustrations for Benjamin Erankliu and the TTniversity of Pennsylvania 71. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for Eighth Annual Eeport of Director of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy 10.00 Engraving 65.5 illustTations for Tenth Annual Eeport of Director of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy 558. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Bureau of Ethnology Bulletin 11. 00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Bureati of Ethnology Bulletin of the Salishan Language 11. 75 Engraving 16 illuswations for Ocean Cables of the World 89. 00 Engraving 11 illustrations for Explanation Text of Atlas Sheets 31. 00 EngTaviug 344 illustrations for Vol. Till, Contributions to Xorth American Ethnology, Mound Explorations 560. 00

Engraving 136 illustrations for Memoirs of the Xational Academy of Sciences for 1891 1, 002. 00 Engraving 8 illustrations for Annital Eeport of the Government Hospital for the Insane forlS92 14.00 Engraving 10 illustrations for History of Higher Education in Delaware 70. 00 Engraving 36 illustrations for History of Higher Education in Connecticut 190. 00

Engraving 1 illustration for Supreme Court Eecord Xo. 1092 5. 00 Engraving 1 illnstration for Special Consular Eeport on Fires and Building Eegulations in Foreign Countries 5.00 Engraving 3 illustrations for Special Con.sular Eeport on Atistralian Sheep audAVool 42.00 Engraving 18 illustrations for Annual Eeport of the Chief of Engineers for 1892 306. 50 Engraving 34 illustrations for Professional Papers. Corps of Engineers. C. S. Army. Xo 26 87.00 Engraving 47 illustrations for Eeport of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1890-'91. 153. 50

Total , 101,236.97

No. 10. Statement slioivinrf the disljursements on acrount of pi'inting Annual Eeport {1S90) of the Secretary of Agriculture during tlir f.-ical year ended June 30, 1S03.

Wages $69.30

Xo. 11. Statement showing the disbursements on account of printing Annual Eeport {ISOl) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1S93.

Wages $84,838.32 Machine-finish printing paper

609,159 pounds. 24 by 38 inches, 48-pound, at 3.9 cents 23, 757. 21 23,576 pounds. 24 by 3S inches, 48-ponnd, at 3.7 cents 872. 31 410 reams, 24 by 38 inches. 48-pound, at .$1,872 767. 52 Woodcut paper:

49,842 pounds. 24 by 38 inches. 60-pound, at 8.6 cents 4, 286. 40 Tissue paper 482 reams. 20 by 30 inches, at 72 cents 347. 04 Tar paper 40 reams. 24 by 36 inches. 50-pound, at $3.15 126. 00



Binders' boards

26,300 pounds, at 2.2 cents , $578. 60

85,000 pounds, at 2.1 cents 1, 785. 00 500 pounds cut ink, at $1 500. 00 1,053 pounds press ink, at 30 cents 315. 90 1,875 pounds web-press ink, at 25 cents 468. 75 250 spools thread, at 76 cents 190. 00 1,000 pressing blocks, at 6.5 cents 650. 00

1,050 pieces book clotb, at $4.25 4, 462. 50 100 packs imitation gold leaf, at $1.85 185. 00 5 barrels flour, at $4.24 21. 20 Brushes 11. 00 288 pounds twine, at 26.5 cents 76, 32 Expressage .85 10^ yards blankets 66. 94 Sewing on canvas 5. 25 25 gallons metal size 6. 25 Printing illustrations 8,310.62

Total 132,816.98

No. 12. Statement showing the dishursemenis on account of printing Annual Report {1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages $8,616.67 Machine-finish printing paper

232,608 pounds, 24 by 38 inches, 48-pound, at 3.9 cents 9, 071. 71 Wood-cut paper:

36,000 pounds, at 8.4 cents 3, 024. 00 10 pounds sponges, at $1.95 19. 50 875 pounds roUer composition, at 30 cents 262. 50 106 gallons benzine, at 6.8 cents 7. 20

2 dozen brooms, at $3.35 6. 70

116 pounds cotton waste, at 9.4 cents 10. 90 . 590 pounds web-press ink, at 25 cents 147. 50 590 pounds fine cut ink, at 75 cents 442. 50 Priatiug illustrations 325. 00

Total 21, 934. 18

No. '\?>.— Statement showing the dishursements on account of removal and storage of certain material, Government Printing Office, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Kent $4,040.00

No. 14. Statement showing the dishursements on account uf printing decisions of Depart- ment of the Interior regarding puhlic lands and pensions during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages $338. 79 Engraving illustrations 2. 00

Total 340. 79

No. 15. Statement showing the dishursements on account of publication of the Eleventh Census Reports during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages $75, 253. 36 Sized and supercalendered printing paper

3082% reams, 38 by 48 inches, 104-pound, at $5,408 1, 667. 01

200 reams, 38 by 48 inches, 100-pound, at $3 ], 000. 00

400 reams, 38 by 48 inches, lOO-poiuid, at $4.9J 1, 960. 00 —: : : : : ::


Sized and sapercalendered printing paper—Continued. 938 reams, 32 by 48 inches, 90-pound, at $4.50 $4, 221. 00

I, 800 reams, 32 by 48 inches, 90-pouiid, at $4.41 , 7, 933. OO Plate paper II. 585 pounds, 24 by 30 inches, 95-pound, at 8.4 cents 973. 14

13,166 pounds, 24 by 30 inches, 95-pound, at 8.3 cents 1, 092. 77 Linen map 1.525 pounds, at 17 cents 259. 25 2.459 pounds, at 15 cents 368. 85 Woodcut paper 10,345 pounds, 24: by 38 inches, 65-pound, at 8.6 cents. 889. 67 Tar paper 3 reams, 24 by 36 inches, 50-pound, at $3.15 9. 45 Binders' boards 20,000 pounds, at 2.9 cents 580. 00 10,000 pounds, at 2.1 cents 210. 00 10,200 pounds bar lead, at 4J cents 484. 50 16 packs gold leaf, at $6.40 102.40 1,000 pounds glue, at 9.4 cents 94.00 Title leather

10 dozen, at $7.48 = 74. 80 10 dozen, at $6.90 69.00

500 dozen law sheep, at $8 4, 000. 00

300 pieces book cloth, at $4.25 1, 275. 00 96 pounds twine, at 26.5 rents 25. 44 300 pounds thread, at $1.10 $330. 00 1,195 pounds ink, at 50 cents 597. 50 1 banel flour 4. 24 42 brass bound blocking boards 95. 55 1 book-trimmer 360. 00 Freight .92 6,784 copies of 18 illustrations for final report of Eleventh Census on Mining Industries

in the United States 1, 651. 00 1,794 copies of 1 illustration for final report of Eleventh Census on Statistics and Condi-

tion of Indians 1, 975. 00 6,794 copies of 12 illustrations for final report of Eleventh Census on Wealth, Debt, and Taxation 485. 00 26,794 copies of 9 illustrations for Compendium of the Eleventh Census, part 1 495. 00 6,794 copies of 6 illustrations for final report of Eleventh Census on Alaska 928. 00 EngraA ing 696 illustrations for final report of Eleventh Census on Statistics and Condi-

tion of Indians 3, 070. 00 Engraving 68 illustrations for final report of Eleventh Census cn Alaska 490. 00 Engraving 1 illustration for fijial report of Eleventh Census on Mineral Industries in the United States 5.50

Total 113, 035. 35

No. 16. Statement shotving the disbursements on account of printing second edition of Grroicth of Industrial Art during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Wages $1,664.18 Plate paper

67,203 pounds, at 8.4 cents 5, 645. 04 125 pounds thread, at $1.10 137. 50

1 barrel flour. 4. 24 600 pounds glue, at 9.4 cents 56. 40 30 packs imitation gold leaf, at $1.85 55. 50 15,000 pounds binders' boards, at 4.7 cents 705. 00 575 yards gray super, at 2.7 cents 15. 53 170 pieces book cloth, at $4.25 722. 50

10,000 copies of 1 illustration ; 2, 628. 46

Total , 11,634.35 1


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The following table shows the distribution of the nsnal number of copies of execu- tive and miscellaneous documents, reports of committees, bills and joint resolutions, and Journals of both Houses of Congress:


"WTiere delivered. '

' Docu- Jour- pill Docu- .Jour- Public i Private

menT>. ual. raents. nal. idlls. 1 bills.

Docmnent room of the House . . 353 32G 353 475 100 Office of the Clerk of the House 20 15 100 25 Library of the House

Document room of the Senate . 200 224 125 100

Office of Secretary of the Senate 11 15 Folding room of the Senate 145 160 Library of the Senate Department of State 10 Public Printer

Total COO


Senate. House.

Where delivered. Docu- Docu- Journal. ments. Journal.

Secretary of the Senate Senate document room Senate folding room 43 :-enate Library 36 36 House document room 344 447 348

Clerk of the House for govern^ : i 123 Library of the House of RepresLiiTatiA 30 15 Library of Congress 02 o2 52 52 Department of the Interior 420 435 470 435 Department of State 2 10 2 10 Court of Clauns

Total hound 095 1, 025 1, 128 1,124 Total unbound 747 30 602 50

Xumber required . . L 742 1, 055 i 1, 730 i,m

1 Xumber authorized. 1, 607 I 1, 055 1, 607 1,174

Senate. Honse.

Docu- Docu- Pni>lic Private Journal. BiUs. •Journal. ments. ments. bills. biUs.

747 30 750 602 50 600 135

Orders and files 53 16 50 44 10 60 60

Number to be printed . 46 800 646 60 660 195

995 1, 025 1.123 1. 124

Total 1.795 1, 071 1. 774 1. 154

S. Mis. 25 4 — :


No. 18. Staiement of allotments, etc., made for the Executive and Judicial Departments and of the approximate cost of the ivork executed for the same, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Total of allotments, special appro- priations, 131 ank and amounts books, bind Departnieuts, etc Printing. Paper. Total. received ing, ruling, from Depart- etc. ments and deposited in Treasury.

Treasury Department $3G0, 000. 00 .$176, 542. 19 $48, 207. 19 $121, 766. 56 $346, 515. 94

"^ar Department 130, 0t8. 35 70, 828. 58 18, 104. 02 38, 912. 93 127,845.53

Kavy Department 71,161. 18 50, 598. 01 4, 907. 81 15, 357. 03 70, 802. 85

Interior, Department of 429, 232. 45 67. 861. 58 42, 539. 93 45, 805. 32 156, 206. 83

Patent Office 211,482. 88 14, 908. 70 22, 154. 91 248. 546. 49

Post-Office Department 245, 000. 00 75, 750. 35 61, 088. 59 80, 890. 83 217.729.77

Agriculture, Department of 84,155. 02 48, 857. 60 19, 578.12 15, 354. 40 83, 790. 12

State, Department of 3.i, 049, 01 26, 306. 91 1, 014. 95 7, 335. 62 34, 657. 48

Justice, Department of '• 9, 452. 93 7,711.53 671.09 1, 578. 08 9, 960. 70

Supreme Court of the United States 7, 000. 00 6, 132. 17 76.90 331. 47 6, 540. 54

Court of Claims 12, 000. 00 11,270.81 148. 60 459. 31 11, 878. 72

Supreme court. District of Columbia 1, 500. 00 582. 77 30. 54 339.45 952. 76

Library of Congress 12, 000. 00 310. 20 234. 74 10, 529. 18 11, 074. 12

Executive Office 2, 000. 00 1, 427. 58 160. 80 348. 30 1, 936. 68

Labor, Department of 7, 000. 00 3, 490. 82 1, 048. 93 2, 047. 23 6, 586. 98

ISTational Museum 12, 000. 00 9, 328. 52 1, 331. 63 981. 70 11, 641. 85

Public Printer 4, 701. 20 827. 55 1, 718. 09 7, 246. 84

773, 183. 70 I 880. 910.41 1,353,974.20 Total 1, 417, 598. 94 214, I

* $581.76 in process of adjustment at Treasury Department.

No. 19. Statement of the distribution of the hound and unbound rohimefi of the Congres- sional Eecord for the second session of the Fifty-second Congress.


Delivered to Senate folding room , 7, 080 Delivered to House folding room 11, 616

Delivered to House library = , 400 Delivered to Library of Congress 208 Delivered to officers of the House 36 Delivered to justices and officers of the Suiireme Court of the United .States 56 Delivered to Official Eeporter of the Senate 20 Delivered to State and Territorial libraries 200 On hand 384

Total 20, 000

The number of copies of the Record autliorized by law to be printed and bound is as follows

For Congress Id, 075 Pov Library of Congress 52 Lor otlirers of the House 9

For ( )fficial Reporter of the Seliate 5 For ilisti ihution to each State and Territorial library 50 For justices and officers of the Supj'eme Court of the United States 14

Total 10, 805

Of the copies authorized by law to be printed and bound for Congress, 6,001 were delivered unbound upon orders of members of Congress. — .. . .


No. 20. Statement of contracts made (htj direciion of tlie Joint Committee on Printing) for 2)01>er for the pullic printing from March 1, 1'89S. to February 28, 1S94.

Weight ITame of contrai-tor. Description of paper. per Quantity ream.

PEIXTIXG PAPER. Lis. Beams. Per pound.

Chas. M. Stoever... Best luacbine finish, 24 by 38 inches 48 5, 000 8.9 cents.

Alexander Balfour do 48 5,000 3.9 cents.

F. TT. McDowell ... Best machine finish. 24 by 38 inches (in 15, 000 4 cents. rolls 48 inches wide). Do. Best machine finish, 24 by 38 inches (in 48 0 nno 4 cents. rolls 38 inches -wide).

Chas. M. Stoever... 5 000 o.\) cents.

Wm. M. Siugerly . 5, 000 3.9 cents.

Do Best machine finish, 38 by 48 inches 5, 000 '3.9 cents.

Do do 5, 000 4 cents. Alexander Balfour do 5,000 3.9 cents.

Do Best machint- finish, any size not enunier- : 500 3.9 cents. ated above, not exceeding 38 inches in width.

TT. H. Parsons & Co Sized and supercalendered, 24 by 32 inches . 45 4,000 5.3 cents.

j F. W . McDowell . . . Sized and supercalendered, 32 by 48 inc]ies.| 90 2, 000 5 cents.

Alexander Balfour . Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted, 70 o, ouu 4.9 cents. j 24 by ?8 inches. j

. F. W. McDowell . . Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted, I 140 1,000 5.3 cents. 38 by 48 inches.


Alexander Balfour . Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted. 60 5, 000 4.9 cents. 24 by 32 inches. r.W. McDoweU.... Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted. 120 1, 000 5.3 cents. 32 by 48 inches.

Alexander Balfour . Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted,! 80 500 4.9 cents. 29 Vjy 43 inches. F. "W. McDowell Sized and supercalendered. white or tinted. 100 3,000 5 cents.

[ '

38 by 48 inches. I

Alexander Balfour .do 120 1, 500 4.9 cents.

F. McDoweU . . Sized and supercalendered. white or tinted, 50 1,500 4.9 cents. 22i bv 31i inches.

Alexander Balfour 42 1, 200 4.9 cents.

F. W. McDowell . 40 3, 000 4.9 cents.

Alexander Ballbur Sized and supercalendered, white or tinted. 500 5.2 cents. any size not enniiicratod above, not ex- ceediug .38 inches in width.



Linton Brothers & Co White quarto post, 10 by 16 inches 1,500 0.2 cents.

F. E. Walker

Do White double cap, 16^ by 26 or 17 by 28 6, 500 6.2 cents. inches.

Alexander Balfour. Laid or wove double cap, of any required 1, 000 6.1 cents. color, 17 by 28 inches.

Linton Brothers &. Co White demy, 16 by 20i- inches 3,000 6.2 cents. Alexander Balfour Laid or wove demv, of anv required color, 1.000 6.1 cents. 16 by 20| inches"! Linton Brothers & Co White double demy, 20i by 32 inches 5,000 6.2 cents. Do White folio post, 17 by 22 inches L 000 6.2 centa. F. R. Walker & Son .. Blue folio post. 17 by 22 inches 100 6.5 cents,

Linton Brothers & Co White double folio post, 22 by 34 inches . 2,000 6.2 cents,

F. E. Walker

F. E.Walker & Son .. Blue medium, 18 by 23 inches 100 6.5 cents. Linton Brothers & Co White royal, 19 by 24 inches 1,200 6.2 cents,

F. R. Walker & Son ... Blue royal, 19 by 24 inches. . , . , 100 6.» cents, — . .


No. 20. Staiement of contracts made {hy direction of the Joint Committee on Printing) for paper for the puhlic printing, etc. —Continued.

Weight Name of contractor. Description of paper. per Quantity ream.

WBITING PAPER, TO BE OF ANY REQUIRED WEIGHT—continued. Lhs. Reams. Linton Brothers & Co White superroyal, 20 hy 28 inches 1,000

F. E. AValker & Son .. Blue superroyal, 20 by 28 inches 100 Linton Brothers & Co White imperial, 22| by 31 inches 1,000 F. E. Walker & Son .. Blue imperial, 22^ by 31 inches 100

Linton Brotliers

Wm. M. Singerly. Golden envelope paper, 19 by 24 inches . 28 100


Clias. M. Stoever Any required color, 20 by 25 inches.. 1,200 Do Any required color, 22^ by 32 inches. 500


Peter Adams Co. Sized or unsized, and of any required size, lb, 000 weight, or tint.


Linton Brothers & Co. Linen, of any required size and weight. 100, 000


Conrow Brothers. Fine coated, of any required size, weigh.t, 100, 000 or tint.

MANILA PAPER. Beams. Chas. M. Stoever Any required size and weight 500

The West Jersey Paper Eope manila, any required size and weight 1, 000 Manufacturing Co. Chas. M. Stoever Pure bleached, 24 by 38 inches 145 50


Mount Holly Paper Co . Any required size, weight, and color, not 80, 000 exceeding 24 by 38 inches.


Dobler & Mudge Any required size and weight 15, 000 PARCHMENT DEED PAPER.

Do. Any required size and weight 2, 000


Chas. M. Stoever Thin bristol board, 22 by 28 inches 120 200, 000 Do Thick bristol board, 22 by 28 inches 140 200, 000

Linton Brothers & Co Heavy railroad board, 22 by 28 inches 280 20, 000

Do AVhite china board, 22 by 28 inches 210 20, 000 j

Do Colored cardboard, 22 by 28 inches 210 10, 000

Chas. M . Stoever Manila cardboard, 18 by 19i inches 134 5,000

Alexander Balfour Pearl-gray bristol board, 21 by 31 inches . 130 350, 000 j Do Melon bristol board, 21 by 31 inches 130 350, 000 j

Linton Brothers «S: Co Golden bristol board, 21 by 31 inches 130 10. 000 Alexander Balfour Yellow bristol board, 21 by 31 inches 130 450, 000 [

Do Green bristol board, 21 by 31 inches 130 200, 000 j Chas, M. Stoever Colored bristol board of any required size 10, 000 j and weight. I — . .


No. 20. Statement of contracts made (bij direction of the Joint Committee on Printing) for paper for the puhlic printing, etc, —Continued.

Weight Name of contractor. Description of paper. per Quantity. Price.


The Xorman Paper Co. . . Cap, 14 by 17 inches 1.000 13.4 cents.

Do Double cap, 17 by 28 inches 2, 000 13 cents. Do Demy, 16 by 21 inches 2,000 13.2 cents. Keith Paper Co Double demy, 21 by 32 inches 1,000 16 cents. Do Medium, 18 by 23 inches 2,000 15.5 cents. Do Royal, 19 by 24 inches 1,000 10 cents. Parsons Paper Co Superroyal, 20 by 28 inches 500 17.9 cents. Crane Brothers Imperial, 23 by 31 inches 300 18.7 cents.



Chas. M. Stoever Cap, 14 by 17 inches 1,000 9.1 cents.

Do Double cap, 17 by 28 inches 1, 000 9.1 cents.

Do Demy. 16 by 21 inches 2, 000 9.1 cents. Do Double demy, 21 by 32 inches 1,500 9.1 cents. Do Medium, 18 by 23 inches 1,000 9.1 cents. Do Any required size not enumerated above, 2,000 9.1 cents. and not exceeding 28 inches in width.

TISSUE PAPER. Per ream,.

A. G. Elliot & Co Sized and calendered, 21 by 32 inches . 1, 000 $1.24

Bnlliley. Want


Chas. M. Stoever Blotting, 19 by 24 inches. 100 35 7. 50

The Manhattan Supply Co Pink, 20 by 25 inches 16 10 1. 37


Dobler & Mudge 24 by 36 inches. 200 3. 50


Louis Dejonge & Co Plaid, 221 by 28 inches 30 0. 50

Do Plaid, 23 by 31i inches 25 7. 50

John Campbell & Co German wave, medium marble 50 5. 80

Do German wave, double-cap marble 50 6. 05

Do German comb, 20 by 25 inches 50 8. 80

Do German double-cap comb 50 9. 00

Do German comb, 22 by 28 inches 50 9. 85 PAPER FOR PROOFS AND OVERLAYING.

A. G. Elliot & Co Blue printing, 24 by 38 inches 25 Do Deep pink printing, 24 by 38 inches 25 Do White l^ench folio, 17 by 22 inches .72 — ......


No. 21. Statemcut of contracts made for materials and supplies {except printina paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893.

Quantity contractor. Description of articles. Name of awarded. Contract price,


nany Bidwell Binder's boards (No. 1 quality) . .pounds. 25, 000 2.9 cents par pound.

Do Binder's boards (No. 2 quality) do. . 200 000 2.1 cents per pound,

W. O. Davey & Sons . . Davey "s boards do. . - 300, GOO 4.7 cents per pound.

Dobler & Miulge Straw board do. . 30, 000 1.9 cents per pound.

W. O. Davey & Sons . . Trunk board do. . 3,500 5.9 cents per pound.

Dobler & Mudge Pulp board do. . 5, 000 3.1 cents per pound. LEATHER.

Tlios. Garnar & Co Turkey morocco (various colors) . .dozen. 100 $13.75 per dozen.

Do Cochineal Turkey morocco do. . 50 $13.75 per dozen.

Louis Dejonge & Co Levant Turkey morocco do. . 5 $28 per dozen.

John Campbell (fc Co . . Levant cochineal Turkey morocco, .do. . 3 $27 per dozen.

Louis Dejonge &; Co English calf (various colors) do. . 5 $21 per dozen.

Thos. Garnar & Co Blue straigbt grained roan do. . ICO $6.00 per dozen.

Jolrn Campbell & Co . . Cochineal staight-grained roan do... 50 $7.48 per dozen.

Do Green straight-grained roan . do... 10 $7.48 per dozen.

Thos. Garnar &: Co Maroon straight-grained roan do... 10 $7.40 per dozen.

John Campbell Co . . Light-brown roan, calf tinish do... 10 $7.48 per dozen.

Tho.s. Garnar ^.t Co Blue straight-grained skiver . do... 75 $6.90 per dozen.

Do Cochineal straight-grained skiver . .do. . 25 $7.40 per dozen.

Do Blue ungrained skiver do. . 50 $6.70 per dozen.

Do Brown ungrained skiver do. . 30 $7.40 per dozen.

John Campbell & Co . . Cochineal English title do. . 50 $7.48 per dozen.

Thos. Garnar & Co Blue English title do. . 40 $6.90 1 er dozen.

John Campbell & Co . . Green English title do. . 20 $7.48 per dozen.

Thos. Garnar & Co Law sheep, extra do... 2, 000 $8 per dozen.

John Campbell & Co . . Law calf do... 10 $18 per dozen. Thos. Garnar & Co Bark skiver, medium do... 200 $5.50 per dozen.

Do Bark skiver, thin do. . 200 .$4.50 per dozen.

Do Eleshers do. .. 600 .$3.20 per dozen.

Do : Imitation Eussia (whole .skins) feet. 40, COO 8.9 cents per foot.

Henry C. Howell Imitation Russia (halfskins, pebbled) do. 5, COO 10 cents i:ci- foot.

Louis Dejonge & Co Cowhide buffing, thick do. . 5, COO 7 cents per foot.

Thos. Garnar & Co Cowhide buffing, thin do. . 5, 000 6 cents per foot.


Interlaken Mills Black pieces. 5, 000 $4. 25 per piece.

Do Common colors do... 100 $5 per i)iece.

Do Extra, brown do. . 150 $5.95 per piece.

Do Extra, green do. . 150 $6.50 per ])iece.

Do Extra, blue do. . 150 $6. 50 per piece. Do Euby. soltVrino, and magenta do... $7.25 per piece.

Do Cochineal do. . 100 $8 per piece.

Do Any shade or color do. . 100 $6.50 per jiiece.


Louis Dejonge & Co Faint line, letter C points. 000 ] .2 cents per point. The W. (). Hickok Man- Single down line, triple backs do... 400 1.7 cents per point. ufacturing Co.

Do Double down line, triple backs do. . 400 1.7 cents per point.

Louis Dejonge & Co Long double, to go in clamp, triple back, 200 2.4 cents per point. points.

Do. Long single, to go in clamp, triple back, 200 2.4 cents per point. points. — . . ..


Xo. 21. Staiement of contracts made for materials and supplies {except printing paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893—Continued.

Qnantity Xaine of eoiitractur. Description of articles. Contraet awarded. i^rice.



JoLu Campbell & Co Silk lieadbainl.Xo. 2 pieces. 75 ' 25 cents per piece.

lieadbaml. 3 do. . 75 28 cents per piece. Do SUk Xo. I

Silk lieadbaDcl. Xo. 4 do. . 75 31 cents per piece. Do i

Silk keadband, 5 do. . 50 36 cents per piece. Do Xo I

Du Silk lieadband. Xo. 7 do... 100 i 42 cents per piece.

Do Silk beadband. Xo. 9 do... 50 I 50 cents per piece. Do Silk beadband, Xo. 11 do... 16 60 cents per piece. I


M. Scbnltz A: Bro Gold leaf. XX . .pack^ 1, 500 1 $6.40 per pack.

Do (xold leaf, usual ..do-. 1, 000 $5.60 per pack.

A: Liiitation oold ..do.. 800 $1.85 per pack. Geo. Meier Co leaf. i


John Campbell A; Co. Have.* tbread. Xo. 10. 3-c..rd.. pounds 500 80 cents per pound.

Louis Dejonge & Co Haye- tlnvad. Xo. IG. 4-cord . ...do... 300 69 cents per pound.

Do. Amen au Tbread. X'o. 16 ...do... 300 .58 cents per pound. E. J. Brooks & Co Ameri au tbread. Xo. 20 ...do... 300 61.9 cents per pound.

Lom.s Dejonge A: Co. Ameri •an tlirt-ad. X'o, 30 ...do... 300 70 cents per pound. Do Ameri 'an Tbrr-ad. Xd. 35 ...do... 200 82 cents per pound.

Detre A: Blackburn. Xo. 3(1, 2 curd tbread do 100 70 cents per pound.

Do Xo. GO. 2- cord tbread do 100 $1.05 per pound. 67. E. J. Brooks & Co. . X^o. 35. 3- cord gilling thread, gra.v . .do SCO 9 cents per pound.

Jolm Campbell & Co X^'o. 45. 3-cord tbread, arav do 100 $1.10 per pound. n. Griffin Sons ...... Thread foi Smytb book-sewing macbines, 600 $1.12 per dozen. on spools, dozen.

J. R. Leeson A: Co Thread for Smyth book-sewing macbines, 1, 200 76 cents per spool. Xo. 16. spools. I

Do Tbread for Sm.vtb book-sewin,g machines. 1, 200 ' 90 cents per spool. Xo. 24. sjjools.

for $1.1-1: per spool. Do Thread Smytb book-sewing macbines, 1,200 i X'os. 36 and 4i!, spools.

Detre A: Blackburn Eope for pressing macliiiie.s pounds. 2,000 7.75 cents per pound.

E. J. Brooks A: Co Cotton wrapjjing cord do. . 500 : 12.4 cents perpound.

Detre A- Blackburn Page cord do. . 500 : 19 cents per pound. 7.5 cents per pound. Do Heavy twine .do. . 5, 000 j

Do Soft twine do... 4,500 ! 26.5 cents perpound.

Do Tvrine do... 3, 000 8 cents per pound.

wire for sewinc; .\nd .stilchixa :nl\chixes.

Paissell Eraser. Tinnetl wii-e. Xo. 23 pounds.. m 9 cents per pound. Tinned wire. X'o. 24 do.... 500 9 cents per pound. Do. do.... 500 9 cents per pound. Do. do.... 500 9 cents per pound.

Xo. 20 by 23 flat wir« do.... 500 13 cents per pound.


G. D. >rackey Stereotype metal .pounds.. 50, 000 S.l cents perpound.

E. AV. Blatcliford & Co .. Bar lead ....do.... 75, 000 4.75 cents per pound.

G. D. Mackey Bar tin ....do.... 5. 000 21.9 cents perpound.

Do Antimony and tin ....do.... 5, 000 16.5 cents perpound.

Do Tinfoil ...do.... 2, 000 18.1 cents perpound.

M. Lissberger Copx>er battery plates do. 9, 000 16.3 cents i>er poiaid,

Do Silted ca.st-iron tilings ,,.do. 6, 000 3..3 cents per pound. — ...... , .


No. 21. Slalement of contracts made for materials and supplies {except printing paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, Continued.

Quantity Name of contractor. Description of articles. awarded. Contract price.


Z. D. Gihnan Suli^hate of copper pounds. 1,000 4.3 cents per pound.

Chas. H. Pleasauts . Kaolin do. . 4, 000 1.5 cents per pound. Daniel Sliaiiahan Calcined plaster of Paris bbls. 40 $1.60 per barrel.

D. Counell , Potter's clay do... 50 $1.40 per barrel.

P. E. Cowman Bay-wood blocking boards feet- 2, 000 15 cents per foot. Wm. A. "Wlieeler, Jr. Stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 10 $5 per ream. 40-pound, reams. Do. Stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 10 $6.25 per ream. 50-pound, reams. Do. Stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 10 $7.50 per ream. 60-pound, reams.

Do. White tissue paper, No. 1, 19 by 24 inches, 40 $1.45 per ream. reams.

Do Extra cream tissue paper, No. 1, 19 by 24 50 $1.85 per ream, inches, reams.

Dobler & Mudge. Blue and white bonnet boards, 17| by 23| 8, 000 2.6 cents iier sheet. inches, sheets.

Chas. H. Pleasants Sulphuric acid .carboys. 3 $3.75 per carboy.

Daniel Sbanaban Muriatic acid do . . 3 $3.50 per carboy.

Jos. Dixon Crucible Co. Plumbago pounds 1, 000 30.6 cents perpound.

Young & Co Stereotype backing powder do. . 500 5 cents per pound.


Thos. G. Hood Heavy crash, 31 inches wide yards. 3, 000 10 cents per yard. Woodward & Lotlirop Blankets pairs. 20 $4,125 per pair. Thos. G. Hood Crash for toweling yards. 1,000 9 cents per yard.

Do Canvas for covering blank books . .do 1, 000 23.1 cents per yard. Do Unbleached cotton, 27 inches wide .do 800 4.3 cents per yard. Do Bleached cotton, yard wide do 500 5.2 cents per yard. Do Unbleached cotton, yard wide do 500 4 cents per yard. Do Bleached cotton, 10-4 wide do... 200 20 cents per yard.

Do Bleached cotton, 42 inches wide do 3, 000 8.6 cents per yard. Do Unbleached cotton, 49 inches wide. do 1,000 12 cents per yard.

Lansburgh Sl Bro . Unbleached cotton, 50 or 52 in. wide. do 1, 000 12 cents per yard. Thos. G. Hood Paper cambric, white do 600 5 cents per yard. liouis Dejonge & Co. . . Gray super do 4, 000 2.7 cents per yard. Z.D. Gilnian Jeweler's cotton poixnds. 50 40 cents per pound.


Armour & Co Glue - pounds.. «0, 000 9.4 cents per pound. NicolaiBros Benzine... gallons.. 5,000 6.8 cents per gallon. Francis Miller Alcohol do 150- $2.30 per gallon.

Daniel Shanahan . Linseed oil . do 100 41 cents per gallon. Do Boiled linseed oil do 25 44 cents per gallon. Do Sweet oil dozen. 30 57 cents per dozen.

D. Connell Virgin olive oil quarts- 3 59 cents per quart. I

Geo. Ryneal, jr White lead .pounds. 1, 000 6.8 cents per pound.

White, Son & Co . French book varnish dozen. 10 $13.50 per dozen. Chas. H. Pleasants White shell-lac pounds. 100 28 cents per pound

Z. D. Gilman Orange shell-lac do. . 100 24 cents per pound.

Geo. Ryneal, jr Ultramarine blue do. . 100 16.5 cents per pound.

Do Chrome yellow, D. O do. . 100 12 cents per pound. Do Chrome yellow do... 72 9.3 cents per pound. — . ..


No. 21. Statement of contracts made for materials and supplies (except printinrj paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893—Continued.

Quantity of contractor, Description of articles. Contract price. Xame j awarded.

PAINTS. OILS, ETC.—continued.

Z. D. Gilninn Soluble blue pounds. 50 63 cents per pound. Do Carmine, ^o. 40 ounces. 100 34 cents per ounce. H. Grittin & Sons Cocliineal lake ponnds. 200 45 cents per pound.

Cbas. H. Pleasants Crude turpentine do. . 200 2.9 cents per pound.

Geo. E,yneal. jr Albany lubricating compound. No. 2. do... 100 13.3 cents per pound. Do Wax tapers dozen. 36 95 cents per dozen. Millard Metzger Beef tallow pounds. 300 5.5 cents per pound. Geo. Ryneal. jr Glass, Xo.l.single-thict, 10 by 12 in. boxes. 2 $1.98 per box.

' Do Glass, Xo.l, single-thick. 12 by Uin ..do. . 2 $2.30 per box.

Do i Glass, Xo.l, single-thick. 12 by 15 in ..do. .. 10 $2.30 per box. Do Glass.Xo.l, single-thick. 12 18 in ..do... 10 $2.30 per box. : by Do Glass,Xo.l, single-thick, 12 by 20 in ..do... 10 $2.30 per box.


Jolm Campbell & Co Egg albumen pounds. 200 37 cents per pound.

Do Blood albumen do. . 100 18 cents per pound.

TheManhattan Supply Co Potash do. .. 5,000 5.4 cents per pound. Z. D. Gilman Detergent .do... 1,5C0 4.8 cents per pound. Chas. H. Pleasants Pearlash -do... 200 7.4 cents per pound. Z. D. Gilman Dextrine .do... 400 6.8 cents per pound. Do Florida sponges, medium -do... 50 $2.20 per i)Ound.

Do Florida sponges, small do. . 50 $1.95 per pound.

Do Venetian formes sponges do . . 10 $2.64 per pound.

G. D. MacVey Beeswax do. . 1, 000 30 cents per pound. Daniel Shanahan Granulated gum arable do... 100 48 cents per pound.

Z. D. Gilman G-um arable sorts do. .. 50 23 cents per pound,

Chas. H. Pleasants Gum hog do. . 250 24 cents per pound.

Z. D. Gilman Eosine do. . 5 $1.75 per pound.

Chas. H. Pleasants Powdered borax do. . 100 9.7 cents per pound.

Z. D. Gilman Pulverized alum do. . 500 2.8 cents per pound. Chas. H. Pleasants Oxalic acid do... 100 8.75 cents per pound.

Z. D. Gilman Creosote do. . 20 48 cents per pound.

Do Str-onger-water ammonia do. . 100 12 cents per pound.


"Wm. Ballantyne's Sons.. Pencils, round, Faber's gross $4,104 per grosa. gross. Do , Pencils. hexagon, Faber's do.. $5,043 per gross. Do , Pencils, red, Faber's do. $7.20 per Easton & Rupp Pencils, blue, Faber's .do., $6.30 per gross.

Wm. EalLiutyue s Sons. Pencils, green, Faber's .do., $6.30 per gross. Do Pencils, "M." hexagon, Dixon's ... -do., $4.95 per gross.

Do Pencils, ''S M." hexagon, Dixon's. .do., $4.95 per gross. Dctre & Blackburn Pencils, red, Dixon's .do., $5.76 per gross. Do Pencils, blue, Dixon's .do., $5.76 per gross. Do Pencils, green, Dixon's .do., $5.76 per gross. TVm. Ealirntyne's Sons. Pencils, black, lumber, Dixon's .do.. $3.98 per gross. Pencils, red or blue, lumber, Dixon's do $7.15 per gross.

Detrc kburn Pencils, hexagon, Eagle, black, Xos. 1 to $3.83 per gross. 5, gross. Do Pencils, round, Eagle, black, Nos. 1 to 32 $2.87 per gross. 5, gross.

Do Pencils, blue, red, and green, Eagl .gross. 18 ' $3.94 per gross. — . ...


No. 21. Statement of contracts made for materials and su2)2)lies (except printing paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893—Continued.

Quantity of contractor. Description articles. Name of awarded. Contract i)rice.


C. S. Brai steel Penholders, crown, Eagle, No. 1 ... dozen 24 27 cents per dozen. Wiu. Eallniityne's Sons. Penholders, crotvn, Etiole, No. 2 do... 24 30.5 cents per dozen.

C. S. Braisted Penholders, cro\vn, Eagle, No. 3 do... 24 33 cents per dozen.

Do Ink and pencil erasers, small do. . 12 60 cents per dozen.

East oil & Hupp Ink and pencil erasers, medium . . .do. . 12 80 cents per dozen.

C. S. Braisted Ink and pencil erasers, large do. . 12 $1.15 per dozen. Easton & Rupp Rubber erasers, Eagle, 12 to pound.. lbs. 10 55 cents per pound

C. S. Braisted Penholders, No. 3410 gross. 2 $1.30 per gross.

Do Penholders, No. 3411 do... 2 >pL.'J\J J^tJl tilUoo.

Do Penholders, No. 4712 do. . 2 $l,Co per gross. "Wm. Ballantyne's Sons. Ernsive rubbers, Davidson's velvet, No. 10 82 cents per pound. 12, pounds. John C. Parker Paper fasteners, McGill's round head, 24 18 cents per box. No. 1, boxes.

Do Paper fasteners, McGill's round head. 24 18 cents ijer box. No. 2, boxes. Detre & Blackburn Ink, Underwood's Egyptian black. quarts 24 35,9 cents per quart.

Do Ink. Underwood's chemical Avriting.do. . 24 54 cents per, quart.

"Wm. Ballantyne's Sons.. Ink, Underwood's carmine . do. - 12 90 cents per quart.

Easton & Hupp Writing fluid, Arnold's do. . 24 35 cents per quart.

Do Ink, Thomas's black do. . 24 30 cents per quart.

Wm. Ballantyne's Sons. Ink, Maynard & Noyes s black do. . 24 • 30 cents per quart.

Do Ink, Freeman's do. . 24 55 cents per quart.

Easton & Eupp Ink, French copying do. . 12 38 cents per quart. Do Writing and copying tluid, Sauford"s 12 45 cents per (|uart. combined, quarts.

Do Rubber bands. No. 33, ^-inch, Faber's, 24 40 cents per gross. gross. Do Rubber bands, assorted sizes, Faber's, 24 34 cents per gross. gross.

Do Rubber bands. No. 0, i-inch, Faber's, 24 40 cents per gross. gross.

Wm. Ballantyne's Sons.. Rubber bands. No. 0, ^-inch, Faber's, 24 80 cents per gross. gross.

Do Rubber bands, No. 000, J-iuch, Faber's, 6 60 cents per gross. gross.

Do Rubber bands, No. 17, Faber's gTOSs. 24 12.5 cents per gross. Do Rubber bands. No. 10. Faber's do.. 24 6.7 cents per gross.


Do Envelopes, No. 5, white, S^s by 5| incheS: 1,000 $1.15 per thousand. number.

Do Enveh pes. No. 6, white, 3j\ by 6 inches, 20, 000 $1.25 per thousand. number.

Do Envelopes, No. 9, white, 3^^ by 8J inches, 10, 000 $2,15 per thousand. number.

Do Envelopes, No. 10, white, 4 by 9^ inches, 10, 000 $2,25 per thousand. number. Do Envelopes, manila, 12 by IG inches ..No. 1,000 $10,50 per thousand.

Do Envelopes, manila, 9J by 12| inches . .do. 5, 000 $6.05 per thousand.

Do Eiivelopes, manila, 7^b3" llHnches . .do. 3,000 $4.15 per thousaiul.

Do Envelopes, manila, 7 by 10| inches . . . do . 3, 000 $3.75 per thousand.

Do Envelopes, manila, 6-^ by 10 inches . . .do. 5, 000 $2.64 per thousand.

Wm. Ballantyne's Sons.. Coin envelopes, rope mamla, 3| by 52^ 50, 000 $2.12 per thousand. inches, number. Do Bone folders, large dozen. 10 82 cents per dozen. Do Tracing linen, yard wide j'ards. 96 22 cents per yard. . .


Xo. 21.- -Statement of contracts made for materials and SHj)2)Hes (except priutuig paper) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893—Coutiiiued.

Quantity I Description of articles. Contract Xame of contractc awarded. price.

J. H. Cliesley & Co ^ Gluebru.slies, copper bound. 1^ incli. .doz. $3.10 per dozen.

Do Glue brushes, copper bound. 2 inch . . . do. . $5.80 per dozen.

Z. D. Gihnan Glue bruslies, copper bound, 2Mneli . .do. $13. 20 per dozen.

Do Glue brushes, copper bound, 3 inch . . . doz $23.90 per dozen. Geo. Eyneal, jr Pick bru.shes. all bristle do. $0.25 per dozen. Z. D. Gilnian Lye bru.shes, all bristle do. $4.23 per dozen.

Geo. Ryueal, jr Lje brushes, all bristle, Clinton Xo. 3, $9.45 i)er dozen.

i dozen. Do Fitches, J-inch dozen. 65 cents per dozen. Do Sash tools, Xo. do... $2.47 per dozen.

Melville Lind.say Belting. oak-tnuned. 1- inch .feet, 200 3.8 cents per foot. Do Beltine-, oak-tauned. inch .do... 100 6.5 cents per foot.

E. J. Bi'oohs vN: Co Belting. oak-tanned, 2- inch -do... 400 8.7 cents per foot.

Do Belting. oak-tanned, 2 i -inch .do... 100 11.4 cents per foot.

Melville Lindsay Belting, oak-tanned, 3- inch .do... 500 13.7 cents per foot. E. J. Brooks & Co Belting. oak-tanned, 3- ineb. double .do... 100 27.3 cents per foot.

Melville Lindsay . . Belting, oak-tanned, 3i-inch do... 100xuu 16.3 cetits per foot.

I Belting, oak-tanned, 3i-inch, double .do... 100 32. G cents E.J.Brooks & Co I per foot. Melville Lindsay Belting. oak-tanned, i-inch .do... 100 19 cents per foot.

Do Belting, oak-tainied. 4- iucli. double .do... 100 :!8 cents per foot.

Do ! Belting, oak-tanned, 6-inch .do... 100 28.9 cents per foot.

E. J. Brooks & Co Belting, oak-tanned, 6-inch, double do... 100 57.7 cents per foot, Melville Lindsay Belting. oak-tanned, 8-inch .do... 100 38.8 cents per foot. Do Belting. oak-tanned, 8-inch, double .do... 100 77.5 cents per foot. Do Belting, oak-tanned, 10-inch .do... 100 49 cents per foot. Do Belting, oak-tanned, 10-inch. double do... 100 98 cents per foot. Belting, oak-tanned. 12-inch, double do... 100 per foot. E. J. Brooks & Co ! $1.16


Hiram Andres . Belting. 1-inch feet. 200 4.9 cents per foot. Do Belting, I?,-inch do... 100 8.2 cents per foot.

Chicago Rawhide Manu- Beltin " , 2 inch do. . 400 11.5 cents per foot. facturing Co. Hiram Andres Belting, 2^-inch. ICO 14.8 cents per foot.

j Chicago Rawhide Belting. 3-inch.. 5C0 18 cents per foot. Manu- ; facturiug Co. Do Belting. 3 -inch, double Jo. 100 36 cents per foot. Hiram Andres Belting. 3J-inch do. 100' 21.4 cents per foot.

E.J. Brooks & Co Beltiiig, 3-J-inch, double do. 100 40.8 cents per foot. Hiram Andres Belting, i-inch do. 100 24.7 cents per foot. E. J. Brooks & Co Belting. 4-inch, double do. 100 47.5 cents per foot. Hiram Andres Belting, 6-inch do. 100 37.8 cents per foot.

E. J. Brooks Sc. Co Belting. G-incli. double do. 100 72.2 cents per foot. Chicago Rawhide Manu- Belting, 8-inch do. 100 51 cents per foot. facturing Co. Do. Belting, 8-ineh, double do. 100 $1.02 per foot.

Frank A . Kennedy George's Creelc coal tons 2,000 $3.39 per ton.

John P. Agnew & Co. White a.sli anthracite coal (egg size) .do. 2, 000 I $5.17 per ton. — ......


No. 21. Statement of contracts made for materials and supplies (excejjt printing paper) du ring the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893—Continued.

Quantity of contractor. Description of Name articles. awarded. Contract price.

H^'gienic Ice Company. Manufactured ice pounds.. 400, 000 15.3 cents per 100 lbs.


A. R. Kellar Company. Guards for Philadelphia patent hacks, up 2.5 cents per guard. to 20 inches, guards. 40, 000^ Do Guards for Philadelphia patent hacks, 3 cents per guard. over 20 inches, guards. GustavA. Scliurmann.. Backs for money-order guard hooks, 15 2,000 90 cents per back. inches long, hacks. Armour & Co Tahlet composition pounds. 500 25 cents per pound,

H. Griffin & Sons Parchment substitute, f inch pieces.. 100 79 cents per piece. Do Bookbinding hand, f inch do 50 61 cents per piece.

Charles H. Pleasants... Emery pounds.. 1, 000 3. 9 cents per pound

F. P. May & Co Emery cloth quires . 20 40 cents per quire. D. Conn ell Family flour barrels. 75 $4.24 per barrel. Do Vinegar, white wine gallons. 50 10 cents per gallon. Charles T. Carter Brooms, No. 7 dozen.. 36 $2.23 per dozen. Do Brooms, No. 8 do 24 $3.35 per dozen.

Christopher Lipps Co . . Soap pounds. 10, 000 4.5 cents per pound,

James L. Barhour & Son Buckets, painted dozen.. 10 $] .45 per dozen. F. P. May & Co Buckets, cedar do 4 $3 per dozen.

D. Counell Earthen crocks, 1-gallon do 20^ $1.24 per dozen. g' F. P.May & Co Spring dividers, 5-inch do $3.18 per dozen. Do Wing dividers, 10-inch do 6 $2.25 per dozen.

John Campbell & Co . . Bookbinders' hammers do 6 $15 per dozen. F. P. May & Co Shoe knives do 50 78 cents per dozen. E. J.Brooks & Co Straight trimmers, 10-inch do 10 $6.47 per dozen. Millard Metzger Sawdust bbls. 800 19.9 cents per barrel,

E. J. Brooks & Co Cotton waste, XXX poxmds.. 5, 000 9.4 cents per pound, F. P. May & Co Mallets, lignum-vitae, 10-inch dozen.. 24 $2.45 per dozen. M. G. Copeland & Co ... Window awnings awnings. 50 $2.93 per awning.

R. CM. Burton Re-covering window-awningframes .do (*) $2 per awning.

Mrs. P. D. Welcker Washing towels (*) 45 cts. per 100 towels,


Walter F. Hewett Oats pounds $1.30 per 100 pounds. Do Corn meal do. $1 per 100 pounds. Do Bran do. 80 cts.per 100 pounds.

I Do Corn do. $1 per 100 pounds. Do Hay .do., 78|c. per 100 pounds. Do Straw .do., 70cts.per 100 pounds. Do Flaxseed meal -do.. $3 per 100 pounds. -


53i S. S. Daish & Son Oats pounds $1 . per 100 poun d s. Do Corn meal do. $1.15 per 100 pounds. Do Bran do. 95 cts.per 100 i)ounds. Do Corn do. $1.06 per 100 pounds. Do Hay do. 92Jc.per 100 pounds. Do Straw do. 70 cts.per 100 pounds Do Flaxseed meal do. $4 per 100 pounds.

Such quantity as may be required —


Xo. 22. Statement of contracts made for Uthographinr/ and engraving during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898.

Xuniber of Amount ^ f^TTifi of Ciontrcictor. Title of clociiiiiGiit of % ^ copies contract* each.

Aril Printing Co., Philadel- Keport on Sheep Industry of the 96 63, 000 $3, 402. 00 phia, Pa. United States.

Bell Litliographing- Co., Senate Ex. Doc. Iso. 41, first session 60 10, 000 990. 00 Washington, D. C. Fifty-Second Congress. Annual Report of the Chief of En^ri- 5 7,200^ Do ) 700. 00 neers, TJ. S. Army, for 1892. I 52 7,3005

Julius Eien & Co., Xew Atlas to accompany the Official Rec- 105 500 12, GOO. 00 Yorli,If. Y. ords of the War of the Rebellion. Do do 20 13, 284 IS, 000. 00

Do Census Monograph on Vital Statis- 12 2, 294 325. 00 tics of the District of Columbia and Baltimore.

E. Eookhout, jr.. Xew York. Memoirs National Academy of Sci- 15 283. 00 N. Y. ences for 1891.

Forbes Lithograph Manufac- do IG 4, 204 1, 055. turing Co., Boston. Mass.

Tlie Gast Lithogra])h and Report on Diseases of Cattle, and 14 DO, 000 1, 585. 00 Enavaving Co.. Is'ew York. Cattle Feeding. Y.

Do Eleventh Annual Report of the Di- 19 9, 794 1,238. 00

rector of the Bureau of Ethnology .

riporrrp T TTnT-ris Pbil.ndpl- Thirteenth Annual Report of the 39 17, 294 5, 127. 00 phia, Pa. Director of the TJ. S. Geological Survey.

E. Heinemann, Fort \Vads- Annual Report of the Secretarv of 195. 00 Avorth. X. Y." Agriculture for 1892. Final Report of the Eleventh Census 1 99.00 on Alaska. Eleventh Annual Report of the Di- 24 475. 00 rector of the Bureau of Ethnology.

A. Hoen Sc Co., Baltimore, Annual Report of the Secretarv of 10 509, 794 12, 400. 00 Md. Agriculture for 1892.

Annual Report of the Chief of Engi- \ 56 7, 300> Do 510. 00 neers, U. S. Army, for 1892. \ 4 7, 4005

Coast and Geodetic Survey Report 20 3, 294.. Do 5 700.TAA 00AA for 1891, parts 1 and 2. I 22 4, 594^ Do Thirteenth Annual Report of the 1 17, 294 60. 50 Director of the TJ. S. Geological Survey.

Do Monograph XXII, TJ. S. Geological 14 4,794 450. 00 Survey.

Do Final Report of the Eleventh Census 6 5, 000 675. 00 on Population and Resources of Alaska.

Do Compendium of the Eleventh Census, 9 26, 794 465. 00 part 1.

Do do 9 25, 000 375. 00

Do Final Report of the Eleventh Census 17 5, 000 1, 150. 00 on Mines and Mining.

Do Final Report of the Eleventh Censu.s 12 6, 794 475. 00 on Wealth, Debt, and Taxation.

Do do 12 5, 000 350. 00

Do Final Report of the Eleventh Census 20 31, 794 4, 000, 00 on Population, vol. 1.

Maurice Joyce, "Washington, 10 105. 50 D.C. .


22. No. —Slatenient of contracts made for lithographin / and engraving during the fiscal

gear ended Jane 30, i.S'^J— Co ii tinned

Number of Name of coutractor. Title of clocument. l>rinted co])ies each.

New York Engraving and Annual Eeport of the Secretary of 51 Printing Co., Kew York, Agriculture for 1892. N. Y. Do Thirteenth Annual Report of the 189 Director of the XJ. S. Geological Survey.

Do. do 103 Do. Tenth Anmial Eeport of the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology.

Do. do 272 Do Eleventh Annual Eeport of the Di- 71 rector of the Bureau of Ethnology.

Do. Eeport of Smithsonian IiKstitutiou 231 for 1891, part 2. Do. Coast and Geodetic Survey Eeport for 1891, parts 1 and 2.

Do. Einal Eeport of the Eleventh Census 67 on Alaska. Do. Final Eeport of the Eleventh Census 695 on the Statistics and Condition of Indians.

The Norris Peters Co., Wusli- House Ex. Doc. No. 410, first session ^,500 ingtou, D. C. Fifty-first Congress.

I'lioto-Engraving Co., Now Annual Eeport of the Chief of Engi- York, K. Y. neers, U. S. Army, for 1892. Do. Eleventh Annual Eeport of the Di- rector of the Bureau of Ethnology. Do. Monograph XXII, U. S. Geological Survey. Do. Census Monograph on Vital Statis- tics of the District of Columbia and Baltimore.

Sackett & WilTielms Litli- Annual Eeport of the Chief of Engi- 8 7, 300> ograpliing Co., New York. neers, IT. S. Army, for 1892. 45 7, 4005 N. Y.

Do. Eighth and Ninth Annual Eei)orts of 11 53, 000 the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1891-'92.

Do. Tenth Annual Report of the Director 16 17, 294 of the Bureau of Ethnology.

Do. Memoirs National Academy of Sci- 20 4, 294 ences for 1891.

Do. Final Report of the Eleventh Census 6 6, 794 on Alaska.

Do. Final Eeport of the Eleventh Census 23 1 0, 000 on the Statistics and Condition of Indians.

Do, .do 24 1, 794

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No. 24. Schedule of proposals for supplying the Government Printing Office with mate-

rial (exclusive of paper) from July 1, 1892, to June 30, 1803.

Item 1, binders' boards, No. 1

$0. 029 do.... .03 Dobler & Mudge, Baltimore, Md. do.... .022 do.... .019

Itera 2, binders' boards, No. 2 do.... .021 A. L. Henderson, Millburn, N. J do... .022

Item 3, Davev's boards: Harry Bidwell, Newarlc, N. J do.... .035 W. 0. Davey Sons, Jersey City, N. J do.... .047

Item 4, straw board : do.... .019

Item 5, trunk board W. 0. Davey & Sons, Jersey City, N. J do.... .059 Item C, pulp board


Item 7, Turkey morocco, various colors: Louis Dejonge & Co., New York. N. Y 15. 25 do.... 13. 75 do.... 14.48

Item 8, cochineal Turkey morocco: do.... 16. 25 Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 13.75 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y '...do.... 14. 48

Item 9, Levant Turkey morocco do.... 28. 00 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 27. 00 Item 10, Leva»t cochineal Turkey morocco Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do.-.. 29. 00 do.-.. 27.00

Item 11, English calf, various colors: do... 21.00 Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do.--. 24. 00 do.... 25. 00 Item 12, blue straight-grained roan Louis Deionge & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 8. 50 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do-.-. 8. 70 Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do... 6. 90

John Campbell & Co., Now York. N. Y do... 7. 24

Item 13, cochineal straight-grained roan :

H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do... 8. 90

Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do... 7. 50

John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do.... .7. 48

Item 14, green straight-grained roan H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do.-.. 8. 90

Thomas Garnar

John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 7. 48 Item 15, maroon straight-grained roan:

do-... 9. 75 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do--.. 8.90 Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y 7.40 Item 10, light-brown roan, calf finish

1'liomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 7. 50

John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 7. 48

J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia. Pa do.--. 7. .50 Item 17, blue straight-grained skiver:

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y , do..-. 9. 00 Griffin H. & Sons, New York, N. Y , do-... 9.20 : : : : : —— :


Item 17, blue straight-grained skiver—Continued. $6. 90

6. 98

Item 18, cocliineal straiglit-graiued skiver:

9. 50

TT /^.,;^«-. c-r C?^\-r».-» A^rtTTr V^/-»-».1?- "NT ~\r 9. 80

7. 40

7. 48

Item 19, blue ungraiued skiver: 10. 00

9. 90

6. 70

6. 98

Item 20, brown ungrained stiver

Thomas Garnar & Co., I^ew York, iST. Y do.-.. 7. 40 7.48

Item 21, cochineal English title leather:

9. 00

xi. (jrimn &. isons, JN ew l orK, JN . jl .

8. 25

9. 80

do.... 7. 70 do.... 7.48 Item 22, blue English title leather: 9 00

u . ijri i mn &r oons, JMew xoiK, in. x. —

8. 40

Thick do...- 9. 80 Thomas Garnar & Co., 'New York, N. Y do.... 6. 90 o.ft yoOiJ

Item 23, green English title leather:

-11. (jrirrin &. oous, JNew lork, JN. x. y. ou

8. 40

7. 70

7. 48

Item 24, law sheep, extra:

8. 00

8. 00 7 00 item 2o, law cait 22. 00

18. 00

Item 26, bark skiver, medium

7. 00

5. 50

5. 50

Item 27, bark skiver, thin

5. 25

4. 50

4. 75 Item 28, fle.shers do.... 3.75

3. 20

T^T.-.-. /"^««r.-.^"l-i.-in /"Irt AT^TT- "VT^^l^ AT "VT" 3. 38

Item 29, imitation Russia leather, in whole skins : Thomas Garnar & Co., Kew York, N. Y .089

. 094

. 098 J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.—

. 10 .11 Item 30, imitation Eussia leather, in half skins, pebbled Thomas Garnar & Co., Xew York, N. Y do.... .105

Henrv C. Howell, Newark, N. J , ... ,10 .145 : : ; : : : : : : :


Item 31, cowhide buffing, Tarious colors, lliick:

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y per foot. . $0. 07 H. Griffin

Item 32, cowhide huffing, various colors, tliin :

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do . 065 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y. do 062 Thomas Garnar & Co., New York, N. Y do .00 Henry C. Howell, Newark, N. J do 07 Item 33, hook cloth, black Interlaken Mills, Providence, R. I per piece.. 4.25

AVilliam S. Bigelow, New York, N. Y .- do. ... 4. 12 Item 34, book cloth, common colors

Interlaken Mills, Providence, P.I do 5. 00 Item 35, extra book cloth, brown

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do G. 75 Interlaken Mills, Providence, P.I do 5.95 Item 36, extra book cloth, green

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 7. 00 Interlaken Mills, Providence, li. I do 6.50 Item 37, extra book cloth, blue

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 7. 00 Interlaken Mills, Providence, P. I do 6.50

Item 38, book cloth, ruby, solferino, magenta:

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 7. 75

Interlaken Mills, Providence, E. I do 7. 25 Item 39, book cloth, cochineal

Interlaken Mills, Providence, P. I .do 8. 00 Item 40, book cloth, any shade or color: Providence, I Interlaken Mills, P. _ do 6.50

Item 41, ruling pens, faint line, letter C

The W. O. Hickok Manufacturing Co., Harrisbnrg, Pa per point. . . OliJ

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do . 012 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 014 Item 42, ruling pens, single down line

The W. O. Hickok Manufacturing Co., Harrisburg, I'a do . 017 Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 018 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 017

Item 43, ruling pens, double down line

The W. O. Hickok Manufacturing Co., Harrisburg. Pa do . 017 Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do .018 John Campbell & Co., New York, N, Y do 017

Item 44, ruling pens, long, double The W. O. Hickok Manufacturing Co., Harrisbnrg, Pa do .02|g Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 024 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 026

Item 45, ruling pens, long, single: The W. 0. Hickok Manufacturing Co., H.arrislKirg, Pa do 02^^

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do . 024 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 026 Item 46, silk headbands. No. 2:

Louis Dejonge Co., New York, N. Y per piece. . . 28 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do 28 White, Son & Co., Boston, Mass do 30 Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons, Piiiladelphia, Pa do 26 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 25 J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 33

Item 47, silk headbands. No. 3: Louis Dejonge & Co., New York. N. Y do .31 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do 31 White, Son & Co., Boston, Mass do 35 AVm. 0. Horstmann & Sons, Philadclpliia, I'a do 28 John Campbell Co., New York, N. Y do 28 J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do .37 : : : : .


Item 48. silk headbands. Xo. 4: $0. 36 H. Griffin & Sons, Xew York. X. Y do.... .35 .40 .32 Julin Campbell & Co., !N"ew York, X. Y do.... .31 do... .42

Item 49, silk headbands, Xo. 5 : Louis Deionse & Co.. Xen- York, X. Y do.... .40 H. Griffin & Son.s, Xew York, X. Y do.... .40 do.... .45 do.... .35 do.... .36 .47

Item 50, silk headbands, Xo. 7: Louis Dejonge & Co.. Xe-sv York, X. T do .45 H. Griffin & Sons. Xew York, X, Y fl" .49 .50 do.... .42 John Campbell & Co., Xew York. X. Y do.... .42 .51

Item 51, silk headbands, Xo. 9: do ... .55 H. Griffin & Sons. Xew York, X. Y do .54 .60 "Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons, Philadelphi:i. Pa do.... .47 John Campbell &, Co.. Xew York. X. Y do.... .50

. 56 item 52, silk headbands, Xo. 11 Louis Dejonge Co., Xew York. X. Y .62 H. Griffin & Sons. Xew York. X. Y do ... .58 .70 do.... .53

John Campbell «fc Co.. Xew York. X. Y. do.... .60 do.... .63

Item 53, gold leaf, XX:

6. 64 M. Schnltz Sc Ero., Xew York, X. Y do.... 6.40

Item 54, gold leaf, usual do.... 5.84

M. Scliultz & Bro.. Xew York. X. Y do.... 5. 60 Item 55, imitation gold leaf 1.86

do.... 2. 15 Geo. Meier & Co., Xew York. X. Y do.... 1.85 Item 56. Hayes thread. Xo. 16. 3-cord: .69 Manhattan Supplr Co.. Xew York, X. Y do.... .84 J. E. Leeson Sc Co.. Boston, Mass do.... .83 H. Griffin Sc Sons. Xew York,X. Y do.... .82 .60 E. J. Brooks & Co.. Xew York, X. Y do.... .687 John Campbell & Co., Xew York, X. Y do.... .80 Item 57, Hayes thread. Xo. 16, 4-cord:

Louis Dejonge

H. Griffin


Item 50, Anicru-m thread, No. 20:

Louis Dejonge ct Co., Isew York, JsT. T pound. . $0. 63 Manhattan Supply Co., Xew York, N. Y do .03

J. R. Lee.son

E. J. Brooks

Detre ife Bhu kburn, Phihulclphia, Pa do 81

E. J. Brooks .'v; Co., XeAV York, N. Y do . 724 Item 61, Auieriean thread. No. 35: Louis Uejouge Co., New York, N. Y do .82 Manhattan Sui>ply Co., New York, N. Y do .88 J. R. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass do .95 Detre & Blackburn, PhihuhOphiu, Pa do .92 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York. X. Y do .824 Item 62, No. 30, 2-cord thread, iu skeius: Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do .87 J. E. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass do .95 Detre & Blackburn, Philadelphia, l*a do .70 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 85 Item 63, No. 60, 2-cord thread, in skeins: J. R. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass do 1.50 Detre & Blackburn, Philadelphia, l>a do 1.05 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 1.75 Item 64, No. 35, 3-cord .giiling thread, gray:

Louis Dejouge ifc Co., New York, N. Y do . 685 J. E. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass do .85 Detre & Blackburn, Philadelphia, Pa do .69 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .679 J ohn Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do .89 Item 65, No. 45, 3 cord thread, gray: Loiris Dejonge &. Co., New York, N. Y do .84 Detre & Blackburn, Philadelphia, Pa do .80 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .90

John Campljell & Co., New York, N. Y do. . . . 1. 10 Item 66, thread for Smyth book-sewing machine: H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y. —

Sample A per dozen . . 1. 12 Sample B do .72 Montague & Puller, New York, N. Y do 98 Item 67, thread for Smyth book-sewing machines

J. E. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass per spool. . . 76 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y.—

Sample A per dozen. . 13. 40 Sample B do 8.40

Montague & Puller, New York. N. Y do 8. 65 Item 68, thread for Smyth book-sewing machines:

J. E. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass per spool.. . 90 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y.— Sample A per dozen.. 18.00 Sample B.: do.... 10.40 Montague & Fuller, New York, N. Y do 14. 26 Item 69, thread for Smyth book-sewing machines: J. E. Leeson & Co., Boston, Mass.— Nos. 36and40 per spool.. 1.14 No. 50 do 1.33 No. 60 do 1. 52 No. 70 do 1.71 H. Griffin & Sons. New York, N. Y^— Sample A per dozen.. 23.00 Sample B do.... 12.90

Montague &. Fuller. New York , X. Y do. ... 17. 80

Item 70, rope for pressing machines :

Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, X". Y per pound-- . 08

Manhattan Supply Company, X^ew York, N. Y do..-. . 102 : : : : :: :


Item 70, rope for pressing macliines—Continned.

Detre A: Blackburn. Pliiladelpbia. Pa per pound. . $0. 07| E. J. Brooks & Co.. Xe^- York. X. T do 08 Item 71. cotton wrapping cord: Louis Dejonge &. Co.. Xew Tork. X. Y. do .13

Manhattan Supply Company. Xew Ynrk. X. Y do . 127 Detre & Blackburn. Philadelphia. Pa do .17

E. J. Brooks i>: Co.. Xew York, X. Y do 124 Item 72. page cord Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York. X. Y do .20 Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y .do .21 Detre & Blackburn. Philadt-lphia. Pa do .19 E. J. Brooks jc Co.. Xew York. X. Y do .20

Item 7.S, heavy twine Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York. X. Y do ... .08

Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York, X. Y do . 0S7

Detre a: Blackburn. Philadelphia, Pa do .075 E. J. Brooks &, Co.. Xew York. X. Y do .079

Item 74. soft twine, 3, 5, 6. or 12 ply Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York. X. Y do .27

Manhattan Snpplj' Company. Xew York. X. Y do , 282 H. Griffin Sons, X^ew York, X. Y do .29 White, Son & Co.. Boston, Mass do .282 Detre & Blackburn. Philadelphia. Pa do .265 E. J. Brooks Co., Xew York. X. Y do .264 John Campbell 6c Co., Xew York. X. Y do .27 J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia. Pa do .275 Item 75, twine: Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York, X. Y do .09

Manhattan Supply Company, Xew York, X. Y do . 094

Detre .1: Blackburn, Philadelphia, Pa do .08 E. J. Brooks & Co.. Xew York. X. Y do 089

Item 76. tinned wire, Xo. 23 : Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y do .142 E. P. Donnell Manufacturing Company. Chicago, 111 do .12| H. Griffin & Sons. X'ew York. X. Y do 106 Eussell Eraser, Xew York, X. Y do 09

Chester Wire Company, Philadelphia, Pa , do . 115 Item 77, tinned wire. Xo. 24:

Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y do . 142 E. P. Donnell Manufacturing Company. Chicago. HI do .12i H. Griffin & Sons. Xew York. X. Y do .104 Russell Eraser. Xew York. X. Y do .09 Chester TTire Company. Philadelphia. Pa do.... .115 Item 78, Xo. 22 round wire, for stitching machines Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y do .142 E. P. Donnell Manufacturing Company. Chicago, 111 ..do .12| H. Griffin Sc Sons, Xew York. X. Y do .102 Paissell Fraser. Xew York. X. Y do .09

Chester Wire Company. Philadelphia, Pa do . 115 Item 79, Xo. 24 round wire, for stitching machines Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y do .142

E. P. Donnell Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do . 12| H. Griffin A: Suus. Xew York. X. Y do 108 Eussell Eraser. Xew York. X. Y do .09 Chester Wire Company, Philadelphia. Pa do .115 Item 80, Xo. 20 by 23 tlat wire, for stitching machines Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York, X. Y do .185 E. P. Donnell "Manufacturing Company. Chicago, 111 do .14 H. Griffin A: Sons. Xew York. X. Y do 102 Eussell Eraser. Xew York. X. Y do 13 Chester Wire Company. Philadelphia, Pa do .15 Item 81. stereotype metal G. D. Mackey. Xew York. X. Y.— Sample 1 do .081 Sample 2 do .078 Samples do.... .074 : : : : : : :: : — :


Item 81, stereotype metal—Continued. E. W. Elatcliford & Co., Chicago, 111.—

Perfecting press per ponnd. . $0. 085 Flat press. do . 06J M. Lissberger, Jiew York, K. Y.— • Sample 1 do .091 Sample 2 do .084

Sample 3 do . 081 Sample 4 do .073

Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, N. Y do . 09| Item 82, bar lead

G. D. Mackey, New York, Isl. Y do .047 E. W. Blatchford & Co., Cliicago, 111 do 0475 M. Lissberger, New York, N. Y do .048

Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do . 065 Item 83, bar tin G. D. Mackey, New York, N. Y do 219 E. W. Blatchford & Co., Chicago, 111 do .22

M. Lissberger, New York, N. Y do . 231

Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do . 26 J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do 233 Item 84, antimony and tin G. D. Mackey, New York, N. Y do 165 E. W. Blatchford & Co., Chicago, III do 20

M. Lissberger, New York, N. Y do . 186 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 22

Item 85, tin foil G. D. Mackey, New York, N. Y do 181 E. W. Blatchford & Co., Chicago, 111 do 20 M. Lissberger, New York, N. Y do .183

Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y : do .22

Item 80, copper battery plates G. D. Mackey, New York, N. Y do 165 E. W. Blatchford & Co., Chicago, 111 do 20 M. Lissberger, New York, N. Y do .163

J. H. Chesley

Item 88, snlphate of copper Manhattan Supply Co., New York, N. Y.

In barrels do. . . . . 047

In 50-pound boxes do . 054 Geo. Kyneal, jr., AVashington, D. C do .00 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 043 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .045 J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do 051 Item 89, kaolin Manhattan Supply Co., New York, N. Y. do 014 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do .016 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .015 Item 90, calcined plaster of Paris

Daniel Shanahan, Washin gton, D. C per barrel. . 1. GO Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do 1. 74 D. Connell, Washington, D. C do 1. 62 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 2. 24 Item 91, potters' clay Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y do 2. 19 D. Connell, Washington, D. C do.... L40 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do.... 3.50 Item 92, blocking board:

P. E. Cowman, Boston, Mass per foot. . . 15

Item 93, stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 40 pounds William A. Wheeler, jr., New^ York, N. Y per ream.. 5. 00 Item 94, stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 50 pounds: WiUiam A. Wheeler, jr., New York, N. Y. do 6. 25 : : : : : : : : : :


Item 95, stereotype backing paper, 19 by 24 inches, 60 pounds:

TVilliam A. Wbeeler, jr., New York, N. Y per ream . . $7. 50 Item 96, white tissue paper, No. 1, 19 by 24 inches William A. Wheeler, jr., New York, N. Y do 1. 45 Item 97, extra cream tissue paper, No. 1, 19 by 24 inches: Wm. A. Wheeler, jr.. New York, N. Y ....do 1.85 Item 98, blue and white bonnet boards, 17| by 23J inches

Dobler & Mudge, Baltimore, Md per sheet. . , 26 Item 99. sulphuric acid: Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C per carboy.. 4.00 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 4. 50 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N, Y do 3. 75 Item 100, muriatic acid Daniel Shanahan, AVashington, D. C do 3. 50 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 3. 75 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 4.25 Item 101, plumbago Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y. —

In 50-pouiid boxes per pound . . .286 In barrels do .28 Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, Jersey City, N. J do .300 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .06 Item 102, stereotype backing powder: J. rremont Fry, Indianapolis, Ind do .07


Item 105, blankets, all wool Seaton Perry, Washington, D. C— Sample 1 per pair.. 3.49 Sample 2 - do 3.60 Samples do.... 4.38 "Woodward & Lothrop, Washington, D. C do 4. 125

Item 106, crash for toweling:

Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y per yard. . . 084 Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do 09 Sample 2 do 08

Item 107, canvas for covering blank books Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do .216 Sample 2 do 231 Sample 3 ...do.... .271

Item 108, unbleached cotton, 27 inclies wide Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do .036 Sample 2 do .039 Sample 3 do .043

Item^l09, bleached cotton, yard wide: Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.—

Sample 1 r do .045 Sample 2 do .052

Sample 3 - do .05^ Item no, unbleached cotton, yard wide: Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do .04 Sample 2 do 04i Sample 3 do .043

Item in , bleached cotton, ^- wide Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa,— Sample 1 do .199 Sample2 .....do 20 : : : : : : — :


Item 112, bleached cotton, 42 inches wide: Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y.—

Sample 1 per j . . $0. 1 19 Sample 2 do 087 Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do 086 Sample 2 do ... .08i Item 113, unbleached cotton, 49 inches wide: Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample 1 do 105 Sample 2 do 12 Item 114, unbleached cotton, 50 or 52 inches wide Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa do 126

Item 1 15, paper cambric, white

J. Towler Travi.s, agent, New York, K Y - do 0263 Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa do 5 Item 116, gray super Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 027 J. Fowler Travis, agent, New York, N. Y do 0288 H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do 028 White, Son & Co., Boston, Mass do 028 John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 3 J.L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 3 Item 117, alpaca braid No proposals received. Item 118, silk braid, for bookmarks: No proposals received. Item 119, jeweler's cotton, white Z. D Gilman, "Washington, D.C per pound.. .40 H. Hoffa, Washington, D. C do 60 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 66 Item 120, glue:

S. Isaacs & Co., New York, N. Y , , . do 084 Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do ... .13 F. W. Tunnell & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 11 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111.— Sample No. 1038 do 094 Sample No. 1G95 do 092 Sample No. 1672 do 089

White, Son & Co., Boston, Mass , do .15 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .125 Chas. Townsend, New York, N. Y do 092 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 094 Eeakirt & Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa.— Sample A. do 102 Sample B do .10 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y. Sample 1 do .145 Sample 2 do 135

Sample 3 do . 105

Sample 4 , , do 095 Baeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do .11 Item 121, benzine:

Standard Oil Company, Washington, IX C per gallon.. . 068 Chas. Becker, Washington, I). C do .9

Nicolai Bros., Washington, D. C do . 068 Z.D. Gilman, Washington, D.C do 8

Poole (fc Brooke, Washington, D. C , do .8 Item 122, alcohol, 95°

Jas. L. Barbour

Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do 2. 30 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 2. 49 Item 123, linseed oil Charles Becker, AYa.shington, D. C 7 do 50

George Eyneal, jr., Washington, D. C (fb 46 Paniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do 41 : : —


Item 123, linseed oil—Continued. TT.H. Butler, TTasliington, D. C per gallon.. $0.42 Francis Miller, Washington. D. C clo .43 Charles H. Pleasants, Xe^ York, IT. T do .43 Item 124. boiled linseed oil Charles Becker, TTa-shington, D. C do .55 George Eyneal, jr., Washington, D. C do .49

Daniel Shanahan, AYa.shington, D. C , do .44 W.H. Butler, Washington. D. C do 45 Francis Miller, Washington. D. C do .46 Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y do .46

Item 125, sweet oil:

Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C , , ,.. .per dozen. . . 57 Gardiner & Delafield. Xew York, X. Y.—

8-ounce bottle , do 1.80

Ordinary size , do 1. 60 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C .do .74 D. Connell, Washington, D, C do .59

James L. Barbour 6c Sun. Washington, D. C , do .59

Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y do 1. 08

Item 12G, virgin olive oil

Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C per quart. . 7. 15 Gardiner & Delafield, Xew York, X^. Y.— 32-ounce bottle do 6.00

Ordinary size , do... 5.00

Millard Metzger, Washington. D. C do. . . .64

D. Connell, A^ashington, D. C , do .59 James L. Barbour, & Son, Washinston, D. C ,...do .65

Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X'. Y , , do .78

Item 127. white lead:

Charles Becker, Washington, D. C per pound.. . 068 George Ryueal.jr.. Washington, D. C do .068

Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C , do .07 Poole & Brooke, Washington. D. C .-do .07^

W. H. Butler, Washington, D. C do . 0G8 Francis :^liller, Washin-iton. D. C do .07 Charles H. Pleasants. Xt w York, X. Y do .07^

Item 128, French book varnish:

Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York, X^. Y per dozen . . 14. 25

H. Griffin & Sons, Xew York, X"". Y do 14. 48


Item 129, white shellac:

Daniel Shanahan, AVashington, D. C per pound. . , 33 Z. D. Oilman. Washington. D. C do 32 W.H. Butler. Washington, D.C do .35

Francis Miller. Wasliiiigton, D. C do . 30

Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X'. Y , do . 28

Item 130, orange shellac:

Geo. Kyneal. jr., Washington, D.C , ,...do .247

Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D.C..-, , , do .25 Z. D. Oilman, Washington, D. C do .24 W. H. Butler, Washington, D. C do 27 Francis Miller, Washington. D. C do .28 Charle.s H. Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y clo .25

Item 131, ultramarine blue: Geo. Kyneal, jr., Wasliington, D. C. J.W do 165 P.C do 12

Harry M. Schneider. Washington, D. C

  • . 132 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D.C..: do .12 Z. D. Oilman, Wa.shington, D. C do 35 W. H. Butler, Washington, D. C do 15 Francis Miller, Wa.shington, D. C do.... .14

    Ckarles H . Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y do . . , , .U : : : : —:


    Item ]:i2, chronie yellow, D. O. Geo. Ryne

    Y. O - per pound . . $0. 12 N. Y do.... 12 M. C.^V do 093 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C .do .11 Daniel Shanahan,"Washington, D. C do .14 Francis Miller, Washington, T>. C do .16

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, IST. Y do .14 Item 133, chrome yellow Geo. Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C— N. Y do.... .12 M. C. W do 093 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .11 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do .14

    Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do . 16

    Charles H. Pleasants, ISTew York, N. Y , do .14 Item 134, soluble blue Geo. Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do .429 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .50 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do .43 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do .63 Item 135, carmine, 'No. 40:

    Geo. Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C per ounce.. . 28 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .24 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do .33 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 34 Reakirt & Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa do .50 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .035 Item 136, cochineal lake, marbler's colors H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y per pound.. .45 Item 137, crude turpentine:

    Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C ! ... do .04 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .029 Item 138, lubricating compound: Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y do .152 George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do .133 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .14

    Poole & Brooke, Washington, D. C do . 16 W. H. Eutler, Washington, D. C do 15 Fi-ancis Miller, Washington D. C do .16

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y .do . 165 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 17 Item 139, wax tapers

    George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C per dozen boxes. . . 95

    Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C. (J-pound boxes) do 2. 00 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do .99 James L. Barbour & Son, Washington, D. C do 1.70

    Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do 1. 25

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 1. 16 Item 140, beef tallow:

    Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C per pound. . . 07

    Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do . 055 Poole & Brooke, Washington, D. C do .065 Pleasants, New York, N. Charles H. Y do . 07^ W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .065 Item 141, glass, 10 by 12 inches:

    Charles Becker, Washington, D. C per box. . 2. 50

    George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do 1. 98

    Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do 1. 98

    W. H. Butler, Washington, D. C do... 2. 10

    Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do 2. 10

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 2. 40 Item 142, glass, 12 by 14 inches: Charles Becker, Washington, D. C do 2.90 George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do 2.30 : :: : : 6:


    Item 142. ala*;?!, 12 1)t 14 inches— Continued. "^iVasIiington, Daniel Shanahaii, D. C per Itox. . $2. 37

    AY. H. Butler, Washington. D. C do. ... 2. 40

    Trancis Miller, Washington. D. C do 2. .50

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, Y do 2. 74

    Item 143, glass, 12 by 15 inches Charles Becker, Wa.shington. D. C... -do 2.90 IJyneal. jr.. TTashiugtou, D. George C. • do 2.30 Daniel Shanahan. Washington. D. C . .do 2.37 AY. R. Bntler. Wasliington. D. C .do 2.40 Francis Miller, Wa-shington, D. C -do 2.50

    Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, N". Y .do 2. 74

    Item 144. glass. 12 by 18 inches:

    Charles Becker, AYasliington, D. C . . - do.... 2.90 George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do 2.30 Daniel Shanalian. Washington. D. C do.... 2.37 W. H. Bntler. Washington. D. C do.... 2.40 Francis Miller. Washington. D. C do 2.50 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York. X. Y do 2.74

    Item 14.3. glass, 12 by 20 inches : Charles Becker. Washington. D. C do 2.90 George liyueal, jr., Washington, D. C do.... 2.30 Daniel Shanahan, Washington. D. C do.... 2.37 W. H. Butler, Washington. D. C do.... 2.40

    Francis Miller, AYashington. D. C - ...do 2.50 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York. X. Y do.... 2.74

    Item 146, eg.^ albumen: Louis Dejonge & Co.. Xew York, X. Y per pound.. .45

    H. GrifSn

    Item 147. blood albumen Louis Dejonge & Co.. Xew York. X. Y do 18 H. Gririin Sons, Xew York. X. Y do .28

    Z. D. ( nlman, ^A'ashington, D. C do .23 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew A'ork. X. Y do 22

    John Campbell <&; Co., Xew York, X. Y do 18

    Item 148, potash Manhattan Supply Co.. Xew York, X. Y do 054 Z. D. Gilman, AA^ashington. D. C do ,059 Millard Metzger, AVashington, D. C do .065 Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y do .0.55

    Item 1 49, detergent

    Manhattan Supply Co., Xew York, X. Y do . 084

    Z. D. Gilman, Washington. D. C do . 048 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York, X. Y do .094 C. Tiers Myers & Co., Philadelphia. Pa do .095 Item 150, pearlash Z. D. Gilman, Washington. D. C do .095 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York, X. Y do .074 Item 151. dextrine

    Louis Dejonge & Co., Xew York. X. Y do . 085 Z. D. Gilman, Washington. D. C do .068

    Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York, X. Y do . 047 Item 152, Florida sponges, n)edium: Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 2.20 Charles H. Pleasants, Xew York. X. Y do 1.75 Item 153. Florida sponges, small: Z. D. Gilman. Washington. D. C do 1.95 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew Y(nk, X. Y do 1. 95 Item 154. A'enetian formes sponge:

    Z. D. Gilman, AVashington, D. G , do.... 2.64 S. Mis. 25— : : : :


    Item 155, beeswax:

    Cr. D. Mackey, New York, N. Y per poimd. . $0. 30 Daniel Slianalian, Wasliiiigtou, J). C tlo .34 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do 30 Charles H. Pleasants, Kcw York, N. Y.— Saniiile 1 do .23 Sample 2 do 315 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 34 Item 156, granulated gura arabic: Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do .48 Z. D. Oilman, Wasliington, D. C do 63 (Jharlcs H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 52 Item 157, gum-arabic sorts Geo. Ryncal, jr., Washington, D. C—

    C : do 32 D do 27 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 23 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 42 Item 158, gum hog:

    Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 31 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 24 J. L. Shoemaker &. Co., Philadel])hia, Pa do 45

    Item 159, eosine:

    Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 3. OO

    H. Griffin & Sons, New York, N. Y do 2. 95

    Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C - do i. 75

    Charles 11. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 3. 90 ,T. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 3.50

    Item 160, powdered borax Manhattan Supply Co., New York, N. Y do ,11 Geo. Kyneal, jr., Washington, D. C do 115 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C ! do .108 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do 109 Jas. L. Earbonr & Son, Washington, D. C do 14 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do . 097

    Item 161, pulverized alum : Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y do . 063 Kyneal, jr., Washington, D. George C do . 035 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do .03 Z. Gilman, Washington, D. D. C do . 028 Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do .04 Charles Pleasants, York, N. H. New Y do . 05| Item 162, oxalic acid George Pyneal, jr., Washington, D. C do ,10 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 104 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do .12 Charles H. Pleasants, York, N. New Y do . 08| Item 163, creosote: D. Gilman, Washington, D. Z. C do . 48

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y , .do 1. 2Q Item 164, stronger water ammonia: Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C do 12 Pleasants, York, N. Charles H New Y do . 12^ Item 165, A. W. Faber'slead pencils, round:

    William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C per gross.. 4. 104 Eastou &. Eupp, Washington, D. C do 4. 13

    Charles H. Pleasants. New York, N. Y tlo.^ . 4. 79 Item 166, A. W. Faber's lead pencils, hexagon:

    William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 5. 643 Easton & Eupp, Washington, D. C do 5. 67 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y ...do 6.58 Item 167, A. W. Faber's pencils, all red

    William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 7. 20

    Eastou & Eupp, Washington, D. C do 7. 20

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y...... » , ..do.... 7.98 : : : : :


    Item 16?, A. Faber si pencils, all bine

    $6. 30

    6. ;!0

    l^uanes -H. r iea>ani3. e \v i orK. x ...... do 6. 98 Item 169. A.AT. Yaber's pencils, all green:

    6.30 6. 30 6. 98 Item 170. Dixon American grapbite pencils, "!il,'" bexagon;

    4. 95 \\ illiam iialiantNne ^ c5on.s, \v ahtiington, u. o do 4. 95 5.00 4.80 Item 171, Dixon American gi'apbite pencils, "S. AI." hexagon: jr., "VTasl ington. D. George Ryneal, C , do.... 4. 95 William Ballautyne's Sous. TTasbington. D. C do.... 4.05 5. 00

    G"orgp Ryneal, Jr., W asbington. D. C ... — ...... do 5. 95 6. 75 Sons. TTasbington. "William Ballantyne's D. C , do.... 5.90 Ji.aston (fc xCupp, \N a.-'iiington. jj. c do 6. 50 Detre & Blackburn, Pbiladelpbia, Pa 5. 76 Item 173, Dixon American gTapbite pencils, all blue:

    5.95 6. 75 Ballantyne's Son.s. William Wasbington, D. C , do 5. 90 6. 00

    5. 76 Item 174, Dixon American grapbite pencils, all green:

    George Ryneal, .ir.. W asbington. D. C..--...-..--..--...... do 5. 95 il. Schneifler, "Wasbington. Harry D C do.... 6. 75

    iiiiara ijaiianrj ne s laons', \> a>ning ion, xj. . w do 5. 90

    Rupp, "VTasbington. D. , Easton & C 6. 00

    5. 76 Item 175, Dixon American grapbite lumber pencils, bexagon, black

    4. 20 William Ballantyne's Sons, AVasliington, D. C do 3.98 6. 00 4.00 Item 176, Dixon American grarjiiite lumber pencils, bexagon. red or blue 7.17

    TVilliam Ballantyne .s Sons, \V a.sbington, D, . C do 7. 15 Easton

    7. 20 Item 177, Eagle lead pencils, bexagon. black, Xos. 1 to 5: 3.84 William Ballantyne's Sons, Wasbington, D. C do.... 3.98

    4. 00

    3. 83

    Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York, X, T do.... 4. 19

    Item 178, Eagle lead pencils, round, black, Jfos. 1 to .5

    2. 88

    2. 98 Easton &. Rupp. Wa.sbington. D, C 3.00

    2. 87

    Charles H. Pleasants, Xe^ York, is". Y do.... 3. 19 Item 179, Eagle lead pencils, blae, red, and green C. S. Braisted, Xew York, X. Y.

    In pack boxes 4. 80 4. 32

    5. 00

    Easton & Rupp, AVasbington, D. C 6. 00 Detre &. BlackbuxTi, Philadelphia, Pa ,„... 3.94 : : :: :


    Item 180, Eagle Crown penholders, No. 1:

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y per dozen . . $0. 27 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do .275 Easton & Kupp, Washington, D. C do .28 Item 181, Eagle Crown penholders, No. 2: C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y do .31 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do .805


    William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do . 625 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do .60 Item 184, Eagle ink and pencil erasers, medium: C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y do .80 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do .834 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do .80 Item 185, Eagle ink and pencil erasers, large:

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y do 1. 15

    William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C J do.... 1.20 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do 1.15 Item 186, Eagle rubber erasers, 12 to pound

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y per pound.. . 57 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do ,60 Easton &- Rupp, Washiugton, D. C do .55 Item 187, Eagle penholders. No. 2410

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y X>er gross. . 1. 30 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 1.35

    Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do 1. 60 Item 188, Eagle penholders, No. 3411:

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y do. ... 1. 50 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 1.58 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do 1.85- Item 189, Eagle penholders, No. 4712:

    C. S. Braisted, New York, N. Y do 1. 65 William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 1.75 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do 2.10 Item 190, Davidson's velvet eraser rubber. No. 12: William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C per pound.. .82 John C. Parker, Washington, D. C do .90 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C. do 1.00 Item 191, McGill's round head paper fasteners, No. 1: William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C per box.. .235 John C. Parker, Washington, D. C do .18 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do .24 Item 192, McGill's round head paper fasteners, No. 2

    William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do .2.35 John C. Parker, Washington, D. C do .18 Easton &. Rupp, AVashington, D. C do .24 Item 193, Underwood s Egyptian black ink William Ballantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C per quart.. .46 John C. Parker, Washington, D. C do .40



    Detre & Blackburn, Philadelphia, Pa do. . . . 1. 56 — : : : : :


    Item 196. Arnold's -^ritino; fluid:

    William Ballantyue's Sons. Washington, D. C per quart.. $0. 38 John C. Parker. Washington. D. C do .38 Easton Eupp. Washington. D. C do .35 Item 197. Thomas' black -n-riting iuk: William Ballantyne's Sous. Washiugton. D. C do .33 Easton Sc Ktipp, Washington. D. C do .30

    Item 198. Maynard & Xoyes' writing ink : William Ballantyne's Sous, Washington, D. C do .30 Easton A: Pvupp, Wa.shingtou. D. C do .35 Item 199. Freeman s writing ink: William Ballantyne's Sons. Washington. D. C "..do .55 Item 200, French copying ink (X. Antoint-'sj William Ballantyne's Sons. Washisgton. D. C do .40 Easton & Eupp, Washington, D. C do .88 Item 201. Sanford's combined writing and copying fltiid: William Ballantyne's Sons, Wa.shington. D. C do .50 Easton Bupp, "^'ashington. D. C do .45 Item 202, A. W. Faber's rubber bands. Xo. 33, i-iuch: William Ballantyne's Sous. Washiugton. D. C per gross.. .40 Easton 6c Eupp, Washington. D. C do .40 Item 203. A. W. Faber's rubber bauds, assorted sizes: William Ballantyne's Sous. WashiDgton. D. C do .34 Easton & Eupp. Washington, D. C do .34

    Item 204. A. W. Faber's rubber bands. Xo. 0. J- inch: William Ballantyne's Sous, Washington, D. C do .40 Easton & Eupp, Washington. D. C do .40 Item 205, A. W. Faber's rubber bauds, X

    William Ballantyne's Sons, Wa.shington, D. C do . 60 Easton Sc Eupp. Washington. D. C do .60

    Item 207. A. W. Faber's ruliber bauds, Xo. 17 :

    William Ballautyne's Sons, Wasliiugtou. D. C do. . . -. .125 Easton &: Eupp, AYashiugton, D.C do .125 Item 208. A. W. Faber's rubber bands. Xo. 10 William Ballant>-ne's Sous, Washiugtou, D. C do .067 Easton & Eupp. Washington, D. C do .068 Item 209, A. W. Faber's ink-erasei- and paper-cleaner, Xo, 12: William Ballantyne's Sons. W;l-^^]inLLton. D, C do 12. 00 Easton & Eapp. Wa.shington. I). C do 10. 50

    Item 210. white envelopes. Xo. 5. 3-^.^ by 5h inches: William Ballantyue's Sons. Wasliinuton. D. C per M.. .96 John C. Parker. Washiugton. D. C do 1. 10 Ea.ston A: Eupp. Washington, D. C do 1. 15

    Item 211. white envelopes. Xo, 6. 3 1\ by 6 inclies William Ballantyne's Sons, Wa.-hi])'.it(m. D, C do 1.04 John C. Parker. Washiugton. I). C do 1. 15 Easton ic Eupp, Washington, D. C do 1.25

    Item 212. white envelopes. Xo. 9, S^g by inches William Ballautyne's Sous, Washington, D, C do 1.56 Jotiu C. Parker. Washington, D.C do 1. F5 Ea.ston 6c Eupp, Washington. D. C do 2. 15

    Item 213, white envelopes, Xo. 10, 4 by 9^ inches: William Ballantyne's Sous. AVasliingtou, D.C do 1. 75 John C. Parker, Washington, D. C do 1. 95


    Item 214, manila envelopes, 12 by 16 inches William Ballantyne's Sons. Washiugton, D.C do 9. 70 Easton i Eupp. Washiugtun. D. C.

    Xo. .50 do.... 7.50 Ko. 60 do..-. 9.25 No. 80 do 10.50 No. 100 do.... 15.00 : :: : ————


    Item 215, manila eriA'elopes, 9| by 12^ indies:

    William Ballautyne's Sons, Washington, D. C per M. . $7. 30 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C— No. 50 do.... 4.95 No. 60 do.... 6.05 No. 80 do.... 7.09 No. 100 do.... 10.95 Item 216, manila envelopes, 7J by llj inches: William Ballautyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do.... 4.90 Easton & Rupp, AVashington, D. C. No. 50 do 3.55 No. 60 do 4.15 No. 80 do.... 5.30 No. 100 do.... 7.85 Item 217, manila envelopes, 7 by 10^ inches: William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 4.56 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C. No. 50 do.... 3.45 No. 60 do.... 3.75 No. 80 do.... 4.95 No. 100 do.... 7.55 Item 218, manila envelopes, 6^ hy 10 inches: William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 4.15 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C. No. 50 do.... 2.35 No. 60 do.... 2.64 No. 80 -.do 3.95 No. 100 do.... 5.25 Item 219, coin envelopes, rope manila, 3| by 5J inches: William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do 2.12 Item 220, bone folders, large

    H. Griffin & Sons, New Yorlf, N. Y .per dozen . . 1. 30 William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D.C do .82 Easton &. Rupp, Washington, D. C do .89

    Thomas G. Hood, Philadelphia, Pa do 1. 25

    John Campbell & Co., New York, N. Y do 1. 25

    J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 1. 50 Item 221, tracing linen, yaru wide

    George Ryneal, jr., Washington, T). C per yard. . . 245 William Eallantyne's Sons, Washington, D. C do .22 Easton & Rupp, Washington, D. C do .24 Item 222, glue brushes, IJ-inch George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C.

    Sample K per dozen . . 3. 30 Sample C do 2.10 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do 2.31 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C.-^

    Sample T do 3. 85

    Sample M do 4. 12 Charles T. Carter & Co.. AYashington, D. C do 2.45 Charles W. Lord & Co., Ealtimore, Md do 2.05

    J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do 3. 10 Item 223, glue brushes, 2-inch: George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C,

    Sample K do 5. 42 Sample C do 4.75 Daniel Shanahan, Washington, D. C do 5. 22 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C— Sample T do.... G.32 Sample M do 6.60 Charles T. Carter & Co., Washington, 1). C do 5. 70

    Charles W. Lord & Co., Ealtimore, Md do. . . . 5. 20 J. H. Chesley & Co., AYashington, D. C do.... 5.80 Item 224, glue brushes, 2§-inch George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C. Sample K do.... 10.36 Sample C... do IL 10 : ——


    Item 224, glue brnsTies, 2^-111011—001111011001.

    PanieJ Shanahan, Washington, D. C per dozen.. $12. 10 Z. D. Gilman, Washington, D. C—

    Sample T do 12. 10

    Sample M do i:j. 20 Charles T. Carter & Co., TTa.shington, D. C do 10. 90

    Charles W. Lord & Co., Baltimore, Md do 9. 98 J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do 10.35 Item 225. glue brnshes, 3-inch: George Kyneal. jr.. Washington, D. C. Sample K do 18.30 Sample C do 17.35 Sample CX do 21.50 Daniel Shanalian. Washington, D. C do 19.(10 Daniel Sbanahan, Washington, D. C, Xo. XXX do 23. o5 Z. D. Gilman, Wa.shington, D. C— Sample T do 21.45 Sami>le M do 23. 90

    Charles T. Carter

    Item 226, pick brushes : George Ryneal, jr., Washington. D. C. Sample C do.... 6.25

    Sample CA do 3. 95 Daniel Sbanahan, Wa.shington. D. C do 4.31 Item 227, lye brushes George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C. C.A.,Xo.l do.... 3.25 C.A.,Xo.2 do.... 4.00 C. A.,]S'o.2X do 10.00 No. K do 4.05

    Clinton, X'o. 7 do 8. 25

    Daniel Slianali III. W.i-hinulrni. 1). C do 3.46 Z.D. Gilman. Washington. 1). C do 4.23 D. Coniiell, Wa.shington. D. C do 2.50

    J. H. Chesley & Co., Wa.shington. I). C do 9. 50 Item 228, Clinton, Xo 3. lye brushes, all bristles:

    Charles Becker, Washington. D. (J do 9.70

    George liyneal, jr.. Washington. 1). C do 9.45 Daniel Sbanahan. Wasbington. D. C ...do 16.50 Item 229, fitches, s-inch: Charles Becker, Wasliington, D. C do.... .94 George Ryneal, jr., AVasbington, D. C. Red handle do .68 No. A do .65 Daniel Sbanahan, Wa?sbington, D. C do 1.00 W. H. Butler. Washington. D. C do.... .75 Francis .Miller, Wa.shington, D. C do 1. 00 Charles T. Carter & Co., Washington, D. C do 1. 15 J. H. Chesley &: Co.. Wa.shington, D. C do .70 W. A. Pate, Wasbuigton, D. C do.... .74

    Item 230, sash tools, Xo. 8 :

    Charles Becker, Wa.^bingtou, D. C do. . . . 2. 48

    George Rj'neal, jr., Washington, D. C '. do 2. 47 Daniel Sbanahan. A\'a.shington, D. C do 2.40 W. H. Butler, Washington, D. C do.... 2.4.5

    Francis Miller, Washington, D. C do. . . . 2. 90 Charles T. Carter & Co., Washington, D. C do 1. 38 J. H. Chesley & Co., Wa.shington, D. C do 2. 40

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C - do.... 2.20 Item 231, oak-tanned belting, 1-incb:

    R. Hotfeld & f :o., Buffalo, X. Y per foot. . . 04

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C - do .043

    E. .7. Brooks


    Item 231, oa'k-tanned belting, 1-incli— Coiitiiuied.

    Charles H. Pleasants. New York, N. Y .per foot. . $0. 035 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 045 Item 232, oak-tanned belting, 1^-inch: R. Hofteld & Co., Butfalo, N. Y do 00

    Hariy M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do . 073 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do.... 0C5 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do .005 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 00 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 076 Item 233, oak-tanned belting, 2-inch: R. Hoffeld & Co., Bnttalo, N. Y do 09 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, "D. C do .098 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 0S7 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do 088

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y . . .do .11 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 103 Item 234, oak-tanned belting, 2|-inch R. Hofield & Co., Butfalo, N. Y do 11 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do 128 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 114 Melville Lindsay, Washington, B. C do .115

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do . 144 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 135 Item 235, oak -tanned belting, 3-inch: R. Hotfeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 14 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .154 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 137 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do .137 Charles H. Pleasant, New York, N. Y do 1G8 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 102

    Item 2.30, oak-tanned belting, 3-inch, double: R. Hotfeld & Co., Butfalo, N. Y * do 27 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do 308 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 273 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do 274 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 31 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 324 Item 237, oak-tanned belting, 3i-inch: R. Hofield & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. do 10

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, J). C do . 184 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 103 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do .103

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do . 205 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 193 Item 238, oak-tanned belting, 3J-inch, double: R. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 38

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do . 308 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 32G Melville Lindsay, Washington, I). C do .327 Charles H. Pleasants. New York, N. Y do .37 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .386 Item 239, oak-tanned belting, 4-inch: R. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 20 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .214 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 19

    Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C - do .19 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .24 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .225 Item 240, oak-tanned belting, 4-inch, double: R. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 40 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .42 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 38 Melville Lindsay. Washington, D. C do .38 Charles H. Plca.sants, New York, N. Y do .432 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 45 : :


    Item 241, oat-taniied beltiug, 6-inch:

    E. Hofleld & Co., Buffalo, N. T per foot. . $0. 29

    Harry il. Schneider, Washington, I). C do . 325 E.J.Brooks & Co., New York, N.T do 289 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C do 289 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York, N. Y do .36 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 342 Item 212, oak-tanned helting, 6-inch, douhle: E. HottHd & Co., Buffalo, Y do 58 Harry M. Schneider. Washington, D. C do .63

    E. -T. Brooks 6c Co., New York, N. Y do 577

    Melville Lindsay. Washington, D. C do . 578 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .66 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 684 Item 243, oak-tanned helting, 8-inch E. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo N. Y do 39 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C .do .436

    E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do. . . . .388 Melville Lindsay, Wa.sliington, D. C do .388

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y. . . •. do .445 W. A. Pate. Washington, D. C do 459

    Item 244. oak-tanned helting, 8-inch, double: R. Hoffeld & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y do 78 Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .87 E. J. Bi Doks & Co., New York, N. Y do .775 Melville Lindsay, AA^'ashington, D. C do .775 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .875 W. A. Pate, AVashington. D. C do 918

    Item 245, oak-tanned belting, 10-inch: E. Hoffeld Si Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 49 Harry M. Schneider, Wa.shington, D. C do .55 E. J. Brooks 6c Co., Jfew York, N. Y do .49 Melville Lindsay, Washington, D. C. do .49 Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do .552

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C '. do...... 58

    Item 240, oak-tanned belting, 10-iuch, double: E. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y do 98

    Harry M. Schneider. Wasliington, D. C - do 1.10 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .98 Melville Lindsay, AVashington, D. C do .98

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 1. 12

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do. ... 1. 16

    Item 247, oak-tanned belting, 12-inch, double:

    E. Hoffeld & Co., Buffalo, N. Y ...Cw 1, 18

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do 1. 325

    E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 1. 16 Melville Lindsay, Wa.shington, D. C do 1.17

    Charles H. Pleasants, New York, N. Y do 1. 36

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 1. 40

    Item 248, rawhide belting, 1 inch: Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .05 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .049 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .05 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .065

    Item 249. rawhide belting, l|-inch

    Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do . 085 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .082 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .085 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .102

    Item 250, rawhide belting, 2-inch: Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .115 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .115 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .115 W. A. Pate, AVashington, D. C do 138 :: : :


    Item 251, ra-whide belting, 21inoli

    Cbicago Rawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 per foot. . $0. 15 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .148 E. J. Brooks & Co., l^ew YorX^-Y do 15 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .18 Item 252, rawhide belting, 3-inch:

    Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, III do . 18 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .18 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 18 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 216 Item 253, rawhide belting, 3-inch, double:

    Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 „ . . r do .36 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do. ... .36 E. J. Brooks & Co., New Y^ork, N. Y do 342 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .432 Item 254, rawhide belting, 3^. inch

    Chicago EaAvhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do . 215 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .214 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do 2i5 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 258 Item 255, rawhide belting, 3|-inch, double: Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .43

    Hiram Andres. Philadelphia, Pa do . 428 E.J. Brooks & Co., New York, N.T do .408 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 514 Item 256, rawhide belting, 4-inch Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .25 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .247

    E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do . 25 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .30 Item 257, rawhide belting, 4-inch, double:

    Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do . 50

    Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa '.do . 494

    E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do . 475

    W A. Pate, Washington, D. C do . GO Item 258, rawhide belting, 6-inch Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .38

    Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do . 378

    E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do . 38 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C ...do .456 Item 259, rawhide belting, 6-inch, double Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .76 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do ,758 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y do .722 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do .912 Item 260, rawhide belting, 8-inch: Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do .51 Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do .51 E. J. Brooks & Co.. New York, N. Y do .51

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C '.do . 612 Item 261, rawhide belting, 8-inch, double:

    Chicago Eawhide Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111 do 1. 02

    Hiram Andres, Philadelphia, Pa do 1. 02 E. J. Brooks & Co., New York, N. Y" do .969

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 1. 224 Item 262, George's Creek coal: Frank A. Kennedy, Washington, D. C per ton.. 3.39

    J. Edw. CliaiiiiKui Washington, D. C do 3. .50 Charles Werner, ishington, D. C do.... 3.74

    John P. Agiiew- & Co., Washington, D.G.... do. . . . 3. 43 Item 263, white ash aii-thvacite coal: Eichard J. Kennedy, Washington, D. C do 5.49 Frank A. Kennedy, Washington, D. C- do 5.39 J. Edw. Chapman, Washington. I). C do 5.40 Charles Werner, Washington, 1). C do 5. 49 John P. Aguew & Co., Washington, D. C do 5. 17 : : : : : : : . .


    It em 264, ice: Great Falls Ice Company, "^ashiugton, D. C per 100 pounds. $0.25 Hygienic Ice Company, TTasliingTou. U. C do .153 do.... .175 Item 265, guards for patent backs for books A. E. Keller Co., PhiladelpMa, Pa.— .025 do.... .03

    Item 266. backs for money-order books :

    Gnstav A. Schumiann, Xew York, ZST. T per back. .90 Item 267, tablet composition J. L. & J. Tocb, Xew York. X. Y per pound.. .125 Armour A: Co.. Cliicaao. Ill do.-.. ,25 H. Griffin & Sons. Xew York, X, Y do.... .27 .18 Item 268, parchment snbstitnte. f-incb H. Griffin & Sons, Xew York, X. Y .79 Jobn Campbell i: Co., Xe^r York. X. Y .95

    Item 269. book-binding band, f -incb : do.... .61 Jobn Campbell & Co., Xew York, X. Y do... .95 Item 270, emery Hany M. Schneider, Wasbington, D. C per pound. .05 Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York, X. Y do.... .039 do.... .047 Item 271, emery cloth .41 F. P. Mav Co., Washinstou, D. C do.... .40 E. J. Brooks & Co.. Xew York, X'. Y do.... .45 do.... .59 J. H. Cheslev & Co.. Wa-shinirton. D. C do.-.. .44 W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do.--. .72 Item 272. good family flour: Daniel A. Dnflfv, Wa.shino toii. 1). C 4. 20 MiUard Metzger. W'a.shiugton, D, C do.--. 4. 94 D. Conuell, Washington, D. C do.--. 4. 24 James L.Barbour & Son. Wasbinurnu. D. G do.... 4. 45 Item 273, white- wine vinegar: Daniel A. Duffv, Washington. D. C .09 Millard ^.etz-er, Wa-sbiuo toii. D. C do..-. .10 Poole & Brooke. Washington. D. C do.... .12 do-... .10 do.... .12 Item 274, brooms, Xo. 7

    2. 70

    F.P.May & Co., Washington. D. C do.... 2. 62

    - do.... 2.40 D. Connell. Washington. D, C do.-.. 2.74

    James L. Barbour i: Son, Washington. I). C do... 2. 50

    Charles T. Carter Co.. Wasbinmon. I). C do.... 2. 23

    J. H. Cheslev Co., Washington, D. C .do.... 2. 45 do.... 2.44 Item 275. brooms, Xo. 8 Daniel A. Duffv, Wasliinston. D. C do... .04

    do.... 2. 90 3.40 do... 2.50 D. Connell, Washington, D. C do.... 3.50 James L. Barbour Jc Son, Washington, D. C—

    3. 00

    Sample 2 do... 3. 25 Charles T. Carter & Co., Washington, D. C— do.... 2. 88 No. 8,G. M do... 3.35 Xo. 9,G. M do.--. 3. 62 No. 10,G. M 2.87 : : : — : — —


    Item 275, brooms, No. 8—Continued. J. H. Chesley & Co., TTasliington, D. C per dozen.. $2. 84

    W . A . Pate, Wasliingtoii , D . C do ... . 2. 68

    Item 276, soap : Manhattan Supply Company, New York, N. Y.

    Sample 1 per pound . . . 047 Sample 2 do .04 Samples do .042 Kirkman & Son, New York, N. Y., XXX do 045 K. Hoffeld & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y do 045 Chriatoplier Lipps Comx)auy, Baltimore, ]Md.— Wax do .045

    Rising Sun do . 047 Millard Metzger, TTaskington, D. C. Sample 1 do .044 Sample 2 do .10 D. Conuell, Washington, D. C do .044 James L. Barbour & Son, Washington, D. C. Sample 1 do .043

    Sample 2 do . 0:J8

    Sa m pie 3 do . 03 5

    Sample 4 do . 056 Weaver, Kengla & Co., Georgetown, D. C— Sample 1 do ,042 Sample 2 do .04 Samples do .04 Sample 4 do .043 Item 277, painted buckets, 3 hoops

    F. P. May & Co., Washington. D. C per dozen.. 1. .50 Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do 1 45

    D. Connell, Washington, D. C ». .do 1. 05 James L. Barbour & Son, Washington, U. C do 1 45

    Charles T. Carter & Co., Washington, 13. C do 1. 50

    J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do.... 1. 37

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do. ... 1, 39 Item 278, cedar water buckets, 3 brass hoops

    F. P. May & Co., Washington, D. C do 3. 00

    Millard Metzger, Washington, D. C do 2. 25

    D. Connell, Washington, D. C do 3. 20

    James L. Barbour & Son, Washington, D. C do 2. .50

    Charles T. Carter

    J. H. Chesley & Co., Washington, D. C do 3. 30

    W. A. Pate, Washington, D. C do 3. 29 Item 279, earthen crocks, 1-gallon James M. Hickerson, Strasburg, Ya do 1.50 Millard Metzger, Washington. D. C do 1.44

    D. Connell, Washington, D. C do 1. 24 Item 280, .spring dividers, 5-inch

    George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C * do 3. 60

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do 3. 00

    F. P. May & Co., Washington, D. C do 3. 18 H. Hotta, Washington, D. C do 10. 80 Item 281, wing dividers, 10-inch: George Ryneal, jr., Washington, D. C do 3.00

    Harry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do 5. 25

    F. P. May

    Louis Dejonge & Co., New York, N. Y do 16. 00 H.Grittin & Sous, New York, N Y.. do.... 15.00 John Campbell Sc Co., New York, N. Y. do 15. 00 J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa do 15. 00

    Item 283, shoe knives : K. Griffin & Sons, New York, X. A' do .98 Hurry M. Schneider, Washington, D. C do .80 P. F. May & Co., Washington, U. C do . 78 : : : : — :


    Item 283. shoe kniVes— Continued. John Campbell & CcXew York.X.T $1.00 .90 do.... .96

    Item 284. straight trimmers. 10-inch : Manhattan Supply Company, Xew York, X. Y.— do.... 3.70 do.... 6.62 7.00 E. J. Brooks A: Co.. ^»ew York. X. Y.— do.... 6.47

    5. 89

    6. 88 Item 285. sawdust .19 .199 .23 .42 Item 286. cotton waste, XXX Manhattan Supply Company. Xew York. X. Y per pound.. .097 Harry M. Schneider. TTashiugton. D. C .09 Daniel Shanahan, "^Yashington, D. C do .08 do.... .094 .094 Charles H. Pleasants. >.ew York. ^. Y.— do.... .082 do.... .084

    ' A. Pate. Washington. I». ( , do.,.. .086 Charles T. Carter A: Co.. Washington, D. C do.... .082

    Item 287. ligTium-vitae mallets : F. P. Mav A: Co.. Wa.-^hinirtou, D. C 2.45 Millard Metzger. Washington. I). C do.... 2. 04

    Charles H. Pleasants. Xew York. X. Y do.... 6. 00

    Item 288, sun window awnings : 3.00 do.... 2.93 Item 289, re-covering sun window-awning frames 2.00

    2. 13 Washing towels Cornelia Grady. Washington. T>.C 1. 00 .70 .55 James K. Korff. Washington. D. C .54 Mrs. P. D. Weh ker. Washington, D. C do... .45

    ITnbleached cotton, f Johnson & Luttrell. Washington. D. C— Sample A per yard.. .14 .135 .131


    Coryell Flint Paper Company, Williamsport, Pa per gallon.. 1. 30

    1. 30 : —


    FOKAGE FROM JULY 1, 1892, TO JUXE 30,

    [Price ])er 100 pounds.]

    Corn Name of bidder. Oats. Bran. Corn. Straw. meal. Hay.

    July 1 to December 31, 1892:

    Walter F. Hewett $1.30 .$].00 80 $1. 00 $0. 78| $0. 70

    W. M. Gait ScCo 1.32 1.05 .84 1. 05 .81 .72

    DaTiciiliowcr Co 1.50 1.25 1.00 1. 25 .75

    S. S. .V Son 1.50 1.00 .8C .874 .65 .64

    Tl. J. K;iri,.li;iW 1.31 1.00 1. 02 .82 .70

    Jarin;iry 1 1o Jiiim; :;<), ]m'.:

    W'ii-liiii.ui Ml] J-'loiiJ- ;ii)d Feed Co 1.62 1.25 1.00 1.36 .95 .724

    ' F. H.-v.ctf 1.60 1. 25 .95 1. 15 .95 .70

    JJaiK iilio'.vc]- A Co 1.65 1. 25 1.00 1.25 1. 00 .75 56i 96J. Wm. ^\. (hi]i \:. Co 1. 1. 16t . 1.071 .95 .72^

    S. S. Daish A- Son 1. 5.'>i j.l5 .95 1.06 .92^ .70

    No. 25. S^tatement of proposals received for lUhographinf/ and engraving during the fiscal year ended June SO^ /'v,9.?.


    TUJ rON FOR 189 J, T'ART 2.

    Mo8-~ i:M-r;ivi7io rornpMiiy, Xow York, X. Y $1,000.00

    ?n Han y C Joiu s. Nf w York. . Y 900. 00


    Tlif^ Morrison CoLiiiany. IMaii. li^M. X. J : 497.00 New York Engraving aod rriuting Company, Xew York, X. Y 470. 00

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 670 illustrations for Tenth Annual IJeport of l^iRECTOR OF Bureau of Ethnology.

    Item 1, chroniolithographing and printing 17,294 coines eacli of 16 illustrations: George T. Harris, Pliiladelpiiia. Pa $2, 198.00 Trautmann, Bailey & Blanipey, Xew York. X. Y 1, 983. 00

    Gast Lithograpli and Engraving ConipMny, X'cw York. X. Y ], 732. 50 Sackett &c Wilbelms Litbogi apbing Company, Xew York, X. Y 1, 66.5. 00

    Item 2, pboto-engra-sang 382 illustrations: Tlie Morrison Company, Plain fifld, X. J 1, 723. 00 Harry C. Jones, Xew York, X. Y 6.50. 00 Moss Engraving Comj)any. X'ew York. X. Y 450. 00 Plioto-Engraving Coini)any. Xew York. X. Y 379.00

    Xi \\ York Engraving and Printing Co7ii])a uy. Xew York, X. Y 248. 00

    Item 3, engraving 272 illustrations by balf-tone process:

    Tbe Morrison Company, Plain field, X"^. J 1, 723. 00 Harry C. Jones, X'ew York, X". Y 1, 250. 00 Moss Engraving Company. Xew York, X. Y 700. 00 Plioto-Engraving Company, Xew York, X. Y 349.00 New York Engraving and Printing Company, Xew York, X. Y 304. dO

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 185 illustration^ for the Annual Eeport of the Chief of Engi.xeers for i6'-ri.

    Item 1, photolithographing and printing 7,300 copies eacb of 50 and 7,400 copies each of 4 maps Andrew B. Graham, Washington, D. C $845. 00 The X'orris Peters Company, Washington, D. C 645. 00 Charles Hart, Xew York, X. Y 603. 00 Sackett & Wilhelms Lithogxaphing Company, Xew York, N. Y 600. 00 George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa 540. 00 Bell Lithographing Company, Washington, D. C 532.00

    A. Hoeu d; Co., BaUimore, Md.., , ,,s..,7..,..»»..t.. ,....,«.f.f7.. 5i0,09 : :


    Item 2, xjhotolithojrraphiiig and printinj;' 7,200 cox)ies each of 5 and 7,300 coiiies each of 52 maps Charles Hart, Xevr York, X. T $820. OO George T. Harris, Philadelpliia, Pa 806.00 The Xorris Peters Comi)auy. TTashinston. D. C 802. 50

    Sackett & AVilhelms Lithographing Comparjy. Xew York. X. Y 7,35. 00

    A. Hoeu any. Washington. D. C. 700. 00

    Item 3, photolithograpliing and printing 7,300 copies each of 8 and 7,400 copies each of 45 maps:

    The orris Peters Company, Wa.shingtou, D. C 1, 080. 00 George T.Harris. Philadelphia. Pa 832.00 A. Hoen & Co.. Baltimoxe. Md 810.00


    'i!; gCHEDULE OF PROPOSALS FOK KEPKODUCLV'i 7J0 ILLr>Tl; ATIONS l- F1.V.U/I;epo];T OF THE ELEVENTH Census on the Stati.-iic- and '/'indi rio\

    - ( Item 1, chromolithographing and printing 1,704 copi' h of 24 illustrations : A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, ild $3,000.00

    George T. Harris, Pli iladeljiliia, Pa 2, 727. 00

    Julius Bien & Co.. Xcw Ynik. X'. Y 2, 103. 00 Aril Printing Company, I'hiladelpliia. Pa 2,025.00


    jtem 2, engraving 695 relief-plate illastratiou.s : Allen Publishing Company. Washington. D. C 3,973.25

    Photo-Engraving Company, Xew York. X. Y 3, 187. 75

    Xew York Engraving and Printing Company, Xew York. X. Y 3, 050. 00

    Schedule of proposals foe CHROMOLiTHnGKAriiiNo antj pimxtinq. 6,794 copif- e \f i: of 12 illus-


    Avil Printing Company, Philadelphia. Pa $1,255.00 Julius Bien & Co., Xew York, X. Y' 647. 00 Sackett ctWilhelms Lithographing Company. Xew York. X. Y 575.00 George T. Harris, Philadelphia. Pa i 508. 00 A. Hoen Sc Co., Baltimore, Md 475. 00

    Schedule of proposal sfor chromolithographeng asd printing 20.794 copies each of 9 illus- TRATK)NS FOR COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, PaRT 1. j

    ! George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa $L 299. 00 Sackett Sc Wilhelms Lithographing Company, Xew York, X^. Y' 953. 00 Julius Bien Sc Co., Xew York, X. Y 537.00


    Schedule of proposals foe reproduclng 74 illu.steations foe final Peports of Eleventh Censu.s on Ala.ska.

    Item 1. lithographing and printing 6,794 copies each of 6 illustrations: Julius Bien &. Co.. Xew York. X. Y $1,816.00

    George T. Harris, Philadelphia. Pa 1, 1.34. 00

    A. Hoen


    Item 3, engraving 1 illustration on wood : Xew York Engraving and Printing Company. Xew York. X. Y 195. 00 Max G. Wildnauer, Xew York. X. Y lOa 00 Charles H. Bookhout, X'ew York, X. Y 99. 50 ^. Heinemana, Fort Wad^worth, X. Y...... oo 99.09 : : : — —


    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 64 illustrations for U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1891.

    Item 1, photolithograpliing and printing 3,231 copies each of 20 and 4,594 copies each of 22 illiisti'ations


    Jnlius Bien & Co., New York, IST. Y 849. 00 George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa 834.00 A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 700. 00

    Item 2, engraving 22 relief-])late illustrations: New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 57. 00

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 332 illustrations for the Thirteenth Annual Report OF THE Director of the U. S. Geological Survey.

    Item 1, lithographing and printing 17,294 copies each of 39 illustrations: Julius Bien & Co., New York, N. Y $6, 498. 00

    Trautmann, Bailey & Blampey, New Y'ork, N. Y 5, 685. 00

    A. Hoen & Co.. Baltimore, Md 5, 475. 00

    Sackett & \Yilhelins Lithographing Company, New York, N. Y 5, 250. 00

    George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa 5, 127. 00

    Item 2, photolithographing and printing 17,294 copies of 1 illustration: Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Company, Ncav York, N. Y 80. 00 George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa 68.00 A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 60. 50

    Item 3, photo-engraving 189 relief- plate illustrations: Photo-Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 517.00 Ne-jy York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 355.00

    Item 4, engraving 103 illustrations by half-tone process:

    Photo-Engraving Company, New York, N. Y ], 045. 00 New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 810. 00 T. W. Morrison, Plainfield, N.J 499.00

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 74 illustrations for Annual Report op the Secretary OF Agriculture For 1892.

    Item 1, lithographing and printing (including paper) 509,794 copies each of 10 illustrations (Reports of Ornithologist and Microscopist) The Knapp Company, New Y^ork, N. Y $18,175.00 The Giles Company, New York, N. Y 17^ 575. co Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Company, New York, N. Y.— Sample A 16,650.00 Sample B 16,450.00

    Sample C 16, 250. 00 Sample D 16,000. 00 Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Company, Boston, Mass.

    Sample 1 16, 581. 00 Sample 2 16, 343. 00

    Sample B 15, 973. 00 Stecher Lithographic Company, Rochester, N. Y 15,831.00 George S. Harris & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa.—

    Sample A 14, 937. 00

    Sample B 13, 996. OO

    A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 14, 400. 00 Trautmann, Bailey & Blampey, New York, N. Y.—

    Sample P, A, or B 14. 140. 00 Sample G 13,811.00 Sample TS 13, 38L 00 Item 2. lithographing and printing (including paper) 509,794 copies each of 10 illustrations (Report of Pomologist)

    The Knapp Company, New York, N. Y ig, 38O. 00

    Julius Bien & Co., New York, N. Y ]7, yso. 00

    The Giles Company, New York. N. Y 17, 680. 00 Sackett & "Wilhelms Lithographing Company, New York, N. Y".

    Sample A , 16, 125. oo

    Sample B 15, 925. oO

    Sample C 15, 725. oo Sample D , , , 15,475.00 : — — —


    Item 2. litliographinf; and printing (including paper) 509,791 copies each of 10 illustrations (Keport of I'omologisr) —Continued. Steelier Lithogi-apliic Company, Kochester. X. T $15,534.00 Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Company. Boston, Mass. Sample 1 15,380.00 Sample 2 1.5,148.00

    Sample .3 14,772.00 Greorge S. Harris & Sons. Philadelphia, Pa.

    Sample A 14, 987. 00 Sample B 13, 996. 00

    Trautmann. Bailey & Blanipey, Xew York, IS". Y.

    Sample P. A, or B 12, 765. 00 Sample G 12,393.00

    Sample TS 12, 016.00

    A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore. Md 12, 400. 00

    Item 3, engraving 51 relief-plate illustrations Max G. "Wildnauev. Xe-tr York, X. Y 239. 25 Electro-Light Engraving Company, Xew York, X. Y 180. 00 Moss Engraving Company, Xew York. X. Y 149. 25 Plioto-Engraving Company. XeAv York, X. Y 147. 00 Xew York Engraving and Printing Company, Xew York. X. Y 130. 00

    Item 4, engraving 3 illustrations on wood: Xew York Engraving and Printing Company, Xew York, X. Y 320. 00 Max (t. TVildnauer, X'ew York, X. Y 209. 25 E. Heinemann, Fort Wadsworth, X. Y 195. 00

    Schedule of proposals for photolithographing and printing 5,500 copies each of 3 illustra- Tioxs FOR House Ex. Doc. Xo. 410, Fifty-first Congress, First Session.

    A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore. Md $300. 00 Charles Hart, Xew York, X. Y 255. 00 George T. Harris, Philadelphia. Pa 242. 00 Avil Printing Company, Philadciiihia. Pa 110. 00 The X'orris Peters Company, Wasliington. D. C 95. 00

    Schedule of propo.'^als for photolithographing and printing 10,000 copies each of 60 illus- trations FOR Senate Ex. Doc. Xo. 41, Fifty-second Congress, First Session.

    Charles Hart, Xew York, X. Y $1, 982. 00

    Julius Bion & Co.. Xew York, X. Y 1, 465. 00

    Trautmann. Bailey

    George. T. Harris. Pliilaih l]pliia. Pa ], 282, 00

    A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 1, 200. 00 The Xorri.s Peters Company, Wa.sliington, D. C 995. 00 Bell Lithograpliing Company, Washington, D. C 990.00

    Schedule OF PROPOSALS for lithographing and printing 63,000 copies each of 96 illustrations FOR liEPORT OX ShEEP INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES.

    George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa $6,480.00

    A. Hoen Sc Co., Baltimore. Md 6, .300. 00 Julius Bien & Co.. Xew York. X. Y 4,680.00

    Ga.Ht Lithograph and Engraving Company, Xew York, X. Y 3, 955. 00 Sackett & Wilhelms Lithograpliing Company, X^ew York, X. Y 3, 492. 00

    Avil Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa 3, 402. 00

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 44 illustrations for Eeport on Diseases of Cattle, AND Cattle Feeding.

    Item 1, chromolithographing and printing 63,000 copies each of 14 illustrations:

    George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa $3, 380. 00

    Julius Bien & Co., Xew York, X^. Y 2, 870. 00

    Avil Printing Company. Philadelphia, Pa 2, 630. 00

    Sackett Sc Wilhelms Lithographing Company, Xew York, X. Y 2, 300. 0 ) Trautmann. Bailey & Blampey. Xew York, X. Y 2,242.00 Gast Lithograph and Engraving Company, Xew York, X. Y 1,^585.00 S. Mis. 25 7 :


    Item 2, lithographing and printing 63,000 copies each of 30 illustrations: George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa $1,500.00

    Gast Lithograph and Engraving Company, "New York, N. Y 1, 325. 00


    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 2G0 illustrations for the Eleventh Annual Keport OF THE Director of the Bureau of Ethnology.

    Item 1, lithographing and printing 9,794 copies each of 19 illustraliona Julius Bicn & Co., l^ew York, N. Y 023. 00

    (Jharles Hart, New York, N. Y 2, 110. 00 A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 2,000.00

    Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Company, New York, N. Y 1, ogg. yo Trautmann, Bailey & Blampey, New York, N. Y 1,990.00

    Avil Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa 1, 9:37. George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa 844. 00

    Gast Lithograph and Engraving Companj^, New York, N. Y 1, 238. Ot)

    Item 2, photo-engraving 146 illustrations: New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 219. 00 Electro-Light Engraving Company, New York, N. Y I37. 00 Photo-Engraving Company, New York, N. Y I34. qo Moss Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 116. 55

    Item 3, engraving 71 illustrations by half-tone process: F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, Pa 375. 00 Electro-Light Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 300. 00 Photo- Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 267. 00 Moss Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 244. 71 New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y' 232. 25 Item 4. engraving 24 illustrations on Avood:

    New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 1, 032. 00 E. Bookhout, jr.. New York, N. Y 540. qq Max G. Wildnauer, New York, N. Y 515. 25 E. Heinemaun, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y 475. oo

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 51 illustrations for Memoirs of National Academy OF Sciences for 1891.

    Item 1, lithographing and printing 4,294 copies each of 20 illustrations: George T. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa $1,650.00

    A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md 1, 447. qq

    Avil Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa 1^ 398. oo


    Item 2, printing by photo-gelatine process (including paper) 4,294 copies each of 16 illustra-

    tions :

    New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 2, 450. 00

    New York Photogravure Company, New York, N. Y 1. 648. 00

    F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia, Pa 1, 375. oO

    Forbes Lithograjjli Manufacturing Company, Boston, Mass 1, 055. 00

    Item 3, engraving 15 illustrations on wood: Max G. Wildnauer, New York, N. Y 413.50 E. Heinemann, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y 393. 00 E. Bookhout, jr.. New York, N. Y 283. 00

    Schedule of proposals for reproducing 40 illustrations for Monograph XXII, U. S. Geo- logical Survey.

    Item 1, lithographing and printing 4,794 coiiies each of 14 illustrations: George T. Harris, Philadelphi;i, I'a $895.00 Julius Bien & Co., New York, N. Y 794. oo Sackett & Wilhelms Lithographing Compan.y, New York, N. Y 542. 00 A. Hoen &. Co., Baltimore, Md 450. 00

    Item 2, engraving 26 reliel'-plate illustrations :

    New York Engraving and Printing Company, New York, N. Y 55. 00 Photo-Engraving Company, New York, N. Y 54,00 :


    - - •SCHEPULE OF PROPOSALS FOE KEPK^rTV Fnr; ( Ev~r-- >r.->\-. , GRAPH ON TlTAL

    - Statistics of thk . , aM' E.\LiiM"i:E.

    Item 1, chromolithograpliing and prinfinir J. -204 < opi, s each uf 12 illusTration-s George S. Harris it Sons. Pbiladelpliia. Pa .*f;75. 00

    A. Hoen ifc Co.. Baltimore. Md : no. oo

    Sackett i.i. 00 Julius Bien & Co.. Xew York. X. Y 325. 00

    Item 2. engraving 9 relief-plate illustrations :

    Photo-Engraving Company. 2^ ew York. X. Y 3:!. 00

    r ~ ' : v - Schedule of proposals fob lithogr-vphix axd rEixTiX'T i : j; illtstkations

    FOR FiKAL Report of the Eleventh Cev-us 'I'X the >tati-:' - .oi- ( x: iti"N' 'A' Indian's.

    George S. Harris & Sons. Philadelpliia. Pa > "V. > A. Hoen A: Co.. Baltimore. Md Sackett &: "^'ilhelms Lithograpliius Company. Xew York. N. Y

    .^.oOO Schedule of pboposals for lh H' 'ltKaphi.vg and peixtlvi> ci^pies eai h r l: r i ; ~tratioxs

    FOR FJXAL Report of the Elevexth Cexsus ' x ^Vealth, Debt, and T \x \ti v.

    George S. Harris & Sous. Philadelphia. Pa., $6G8. tO Julius Bien & Co.. Xew York.y. Y 500.00 haokett & Wilhelms Lithographing Company. X, v, Y> rk. X. Y 400.00 A. Uoeu & Co.. Baltimore, Md 350.00

    Schedule of proposals for LiTHOGE-iPHrN-CT and prixtixg 5. ' 00 cvfie- i v m ' f iltj-^tratioxs

    - - FOR FiXAL Report of the Eleventh Censu? rcruLAi i.;N and : y Ai a-k

    Julius Bien Co.. Xew" Ynrk. X. Y .o. 00

    Gef>rge S. Harris .S: Sons. Philadelphia. Pa 7' '0.00 Sackett A: AVillielms Lithogi-aphiug Company. Xew York. X. Y 650.00 A. Hoen A: Co.. Baltimore. Md 675.00

    " Schedule of proposals for lithographlng and PRrvxiv - pies ea' H ':'F 17 [LLrsiEATiONS

    FOR FINAL Report of the Eleventh Cen-'> : >l!>E~ and Minin ^,

    George S. Harris & Sou.

    Sackett "VN'ilhelms Lithographing Company. Xew York. X. Y 1, 300. 00 A. Huen A: Co., Baltimore. Md 1. 150. 00

    x • Schedule of proposals for chromolithographes-g a^cd pein :^ . J' ties each of 9 illus-

    - trations FOR Compendium of the £LE^^:^ t \ : i i,

    George S. Harris Sc Sons. Philadelphia. Pa .?-'S0 00 Ti-autmann. Bailey A: Blampey. Xew Yurk X. Y 495. 00 JuUus Bien &: Co.. Xevr York. X. Y 435. 00 Sackett & AVilhelras Lithographing Company. Xew York. X. Y 305. 00 A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, Md .375. 00

    Schedule of proposals for chromolithogeaphing and peinting 53.0j0 copies ea' h of 11 illus- trations for Eighth and Xinth Annual Reports of the Bueeau of Animal IniiUstry, 1891 AND 1692.

    A. Hoen Sc Co.. Baltimore. Md $2. 150. 00

    Julias Bien A: Co.. Xew York. X. Y 1. S30. 00

    George S. Harris A: Sons. Philadtrlphia. Pa 1. 712. 00 Gast Lithographing and Engraviug (."nipanv. Xew York. X. Y 1. 525. 00

    Trautmann. Bailey A: Blampey. Xew York. X. Y 1. 269. 00 Sackett and Wilhelms Lithographing Ci mpany. Xew York. X. Y 1. 100.00

    Schedule of proposals foe eepeoducing 30 illustration? foe final Eepoet of the Eleventh Census on Population, vol 1.

    Item 1. chromolithographing and printing 31.794 copies each of 2u illustr^uions : Julius Bien & Co.. Xew York. X. Y $4. 598. 00

    Sackett & TTilhelras Lithographing Company^ ^:ew York, X. Y 4. 280. 00

    A. Hoen

    Item 2, engraving 10 relief-plate illustrations: Xew York Engraving and Printing Company, Xew York. X. Y 142. 50 Photo-Engraving Company, Xew York, X. Y 107.00 Jlaurice Joyce, Washington, D. C 105. 50 — .


    No. 26. Staiemeui showing the numher of 2> arsons employed in the public printing and IrUtdlng {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898, with the length of time each, has been employed and the amount each has received. TIMEWOEK.

    Time Time employed. employed Name. AmouBt. Name. Days. Hours Days. Hours

    Brian, H. T $2, 100. 00 Acker, Maggie L 875i White, J. W 2, 100. 00 Ackerman, A. M 2, 262 Auderson, A. "W" 126 1,280 884. 45 Acton, Geo. C 2, 304 Aiidersoii, J. W 299 1, 719. 25 Adam, Agnes W 1,054 Anderson, Sadie 287 918. 40 Adam, Florence 1, 246i Aiier, A. B 287 650. 25 Adam, Susie 527i Becker, P. M 287 216. 88 Adams, Carrie 694 Bradv, Ora A 287 148. 00 Adams, C. G 755 Briogs, AVm 313 560. 77 Adams, Louisa 2, 205i Burke, Raymond L 287 861.00 Adams, M. M 2, 135| Butcher, J*. H 300 050. 00 Adams. Wm. R 2. 2771

    Byrne, P. J 313 , 899. 75 Aden, James 2, 040 Ciough, Allan C 287 435. 00 Ager, Katie 2, 286 650. 25 Cottle, Al 287 , Agan, Mary 828

    Covert, Jake 287 , 650. 25 Aitkenhead, W. C... 1,758 Cowan, E 313 1, 799. 75 Alburtis. James H 11 Craig, J. M 300 1, 575. 00 Alden, A. J 2, 250 Cruso, Wra 313 813. 80 Alderman, Z. W 514 Cunningham, S. K 287 1,216. 88 Alexander, B. S 1,397 Dewej", A. M 271 1, 355. 00 Alexander, C. J 2, 288 Dierken, Joseph 287 1. 400. 15 Alexander, H. E 1, 089-1 Elliott, Alex 313 1, 799. 75 Alexander, Wm.M 2,088 Entrikin, B.P 291 1. 309. 50 Alford, J. R 737 Eisher, W. H 313 1,643.25 Allard, CD 2, 246i Fordham, Geo 287 1, 530. 67 Allee, Presley 2, 256 Foss, M. C 287 1, 640. 25 Alleger, Thos. J 2,316 Harding, H. A 287 1, 506. 75 Allison, F. A 1, 727 Hay, L. C 287 1, 722. 00 Allison, Irene 874 Hartman, W. A 294 1, 568. 01 Allison, A. G 2, 218i Heck, John T 287 1, 650. 25 Amazeen, Chas. B 855 Hendricks, Wm. J 287 918. 40 Amoss, Jas. O 2, 093| Hickman, W. H 297| 1, 476. 00 Anderson, D. F 961 Hinds, W.L 289 1, 572. 16 Anderson, Frank 2, 322 Holl,E. A 287 1, 148. 00 Anderson, Fred. A 2, 1971 Kennedy, J. L 295 1, 696. 25 Anderson, M. D 413 Larcomhe, John 313 2, 003. 20 Anderson, R. T 2, 230-1- Lohr, Alhert A 26 104. 00 Andrews, M. L 1, 134 Louis, M. A. W 285 1, 667. 33 Anson, Eugene 571 Mason, Clayton C 289 1, 661. 75 Applegate, May 1,977 Merrill, FdwardI 202 1,048.00 Ardinger, Owen 2, 285 Mitchell, M.W 313 1, 799. 75 Arm i stead, W. M 2, 153 Munson, F 313 1, 799. 75 Armstrong, Jas. R . 1, 9771 Murphy, Wm. H 287 789. 25 Armstrong, Jno 2, 303 McFariand, H. C 286 1, 523. 34 Armstrong, Harry LO214 McGowan, H. J 300 900. 00 Armstrong, M. E' 2, 218 Palmer, Koht. F 238 1, 368. 50 Arnold, Frank 852 Patten, Geo. E 234i 1, 097. 79 Arnold, A.J 2, 276 Pearson, Aven 288 1, 728. 00 Arnold, Agnes M 2, 238 Penicks, Thos. B 287 1, 649. 75 Archer-, Cliarles 2, 203 Post, W. L 296 444. 00 Arenherg, Louis 7181 Kamsey, AY. R 287 1, 650. 25 Ashe, Annie 1,233 Rohinson, CM 287 1, 650. 25 Ashford, W.F 2, 255 Searle, Spencer A 287 918. 40 Ashion. H.F 328 Simmons, W. J 308 1, 617. 00 Atchison, Cecelia 2, 350* Simons. H. O 287 1, 266. 88 Atkinson, E. T 2, 233" Slater, F. R 32 144. 77 Atkinson, J. F 208 Slater, W.J 287 1, 148. 00 Atkinson, James S 1,492 Snyder, J. M 219 240 799. 36 Atkinson, H. M 2, 1741 Spottswood, J. M. A . - 300 1, 800. 00 Atwell, M. H 1, 8661 Strawn,H. L 287 1, 216. 88 Atwell, Harry 2, 235" Taylor, A. H 300 1, 725. 00 Audoun, Fred'k P 2, 130 Thompson, Zach 41 13L20 Aughinhaugh, J. F 512 Vale, Y.V ^^ 254. 40 Aukward, Geo. H 2, 253 Welch. John T 295 1,888. 00 Auracher, Christian C. 1,992 Williams, Fred. B 287 1, 365. 25 Austin, Ernest R 2, 255 Wmchell, D. G 293 879. 00 Austin, G. L 2, 291

    Wise, W.E 287 f 861.00 Austin, James 1,499 Wood, A.L 121 695. 75 Avis, Wm 2, 704

    Young-, Chas. E 1 288 1, 738. .50 Ayers, Frank 2, 412^ Youngs, H. W 287 ' 645. 75 Babcock, D. A 2, 650 Ahhoft, 273i W.L ! 2, 1, 204. 92 Babcock, John 2, 276

    Al.hott. Lizzie I 2. ]08i 504. 48 Babcock, James H.. 2, 132 Al.l.ott. ('. E 369A 177. 36 I Baden, Thad 1,809 Al.cll, A. T 1,722 483. 44 Bailey, Edward 1,337

    A-branison, I G 2. 069 985. 12 Bailey, Jas. K , 2, 206i — . ..


    No. 26. Sfatemeni sliounng the numher of }jersons emxiJoyed in ilie imtllc printlrKj mid binding (including Congressional Becord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutiuued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Kame. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Eailey, Mary E 2, 499 $624. 75 Better, John 112 BnileV, S. U" 986 394. 40 Bevler, Edward 835^ Eakef, Albert 48 188 1, 037. 84 Bibb, Robt. T 604 Eaker, Artliur E 2, 186^ 874. 60 Bierley, Wm S04 Eaker, Chas. W 2, 256 1, 138. 00 Big'gins, Mary R 2491 Baker, E 2, 173^ 511. 66 Billopp, Chas. E...... 969 Baker, Goo. E 328 157. 44 Bilyeu, Geo. W. . . 112 Baker, Earl H 2, 051 1, 055. 62 Bisbee, Jos. E 210 Baker, Philip 2, 371 669. 15 Bishop, Varden '.. 3871 Baker. Wm. H 1, 840 736. 00 Bixler, E. G 1781 Baker, W. S 1, 875a 1, 057. 89 Black, A. H 1201 Baldwin, E. E 2, 512^ 1, 004. 80 Black, Mary E 903 Ballard, Elora E 2, 0845 496. 36 Blackiston,' Lillie L. . 2581 Baltzell, John 2, 296 918. 40 Blair, Nellie 9271 Barber, Wils M 328 147. 60 Blake, Peter S 141 Barden, A. S 218 68. 78 Blake, W.W 450 Barker, E. C 2, 267 1, 201. 50 Blakeney, James T . . 342 Barker, M.E 2, 245 516. 35 Bland, Clara O 2171 Barnes, Ella A 24 5. 04 Blanton, Chas. L 901' Barnes, Geo. O 1, 419 567. 60 Bloom, Albert 816 Barnett, Leon 1, 476^ 279. 91 Bloomer, A. F 1531 Barnett, Maude 2, 218 465. 76 Bloor, Wm. F- 268 Barnett, May 881^ 202. 72 Bloor, Victoria E . . . . 449 Barmmi, Mark H., jr 964" 396. 95 Blosser, Ross J 64 Earr, M. ^Y 2, 208 883. 20 Blush, Rosa 1691 Barrett, Julia 8231 189. 40 Bopst, Bion E 218 Barrett, M.E 106 48. 40 Boehmer, John A 358 Barrett, S. S 672 268. 80 Boern stein, Henry N. 2981 Barringer, M 2, 313 1, 156. 50 Bogia, Ferd E 1951 Barron, Alice J 208 43. 68 Boggs, Zella 980.1 215" Barrows, B. F 2, 303^ 921. 40 Bolinstarck, Anna Bartlett, C. A 2, 138 855. 20 Boll, Emma G 799 Bartlett, Carrie A . . 2, 217i 511. 02 Bolland, BenJ 9571 Barton, C. A 762 365. 76 Bond, John H 277 Barton, David L 2, 111 844. 40 Bond, Olivia J 8831 Barton. E. E 1121 53. 72 Bonney, Byron W 291 Bass, Edwin W 2,1151 866. 20 Bonney, CD 9911 616" Bass, Wni. M 2, 1 09^ 1, 123. 12 Boo, Louis E Bassler, Henry W . . 1, 336 534. 40 Boone, Geo, R 901 Bastiau, Chas. S 2, 296 1, 350. 30 Booth, R. C 214 Batenian, Wm. I 102 41. 10 Borland, Alex. T 288 Bates, Geo. W 2, 023 505. 73 Borst, Kate C 787 Battley, Alice E...... 917^ 211. 02 Boss, Join P. 419 Baylie, Jennie 1, 680^ 396. 10 Boss, John R 2361 Baxter, Myra A 24 6. 00 Bos worth, Henry H. . 963 Baxter, S. W 2, 351 940. 40 Boteler, Harry S 483 Beach, D. W 2, 179 1, 089. 50 Bott, Hugo F 5101 Beach, H. T) 2, 2641 1, 007. 00 Bo wen, Adelia A 030 Beall, Esau 152 72. 96 Bowie, A.J 7541 Beall, J. W 900 360. 00 Bowling, Annie . . 279 Beamer, Eannie 1,737 398. 15 Bowman, W. H 1731 Beasley, Wm. A 1, 0441 485. 40 Boxley, Daniel 141 Beatty, A. P 442. 56 Boyd, E. E . 311 o Beattv, R. L 2, 377 940. 80 Boyd,M.R. A.... 116 Beck,Kudolf 2, 3021 921. 40 Boyd, W. A 195 Beck, Wm. H 1,4021 561. 00 Boy


    No. 26. Staionoit slioir'nig the number of ^yersons entpJoj/ed in the pnhlic printing and binding {including Congressional llecord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Name. A mount. Name. Amount. Days Hours Days. Hour

    Brewster, John T 2, 202 $880. 80 Bury, George B 2, 2281 Brian. Edward 2, 003* 375.62 Bu.sii, John K 2,184" Bri-igs, J. S 2,013" 805. 20 Bush, William 12 2, 108 Brigliani, W. H 2, 3821 952. 88 Bushee, R 1,741

    Bright, J . E 1,498 749. 00 Buskiihl, Ered 1, 167 Bri-ht, M. A 1,576 394. 00 Busteed,R.H 2, 2461 Britt, Geo. R.P 2, 301i 920. 60 Butcher, J. Willie 616 Britt, (i. S 1,375 550. 00 Butler, Frances 1,116 Britt, Pierce 23 2, 090 589. 00 Butler, George, jr 2, 2651 Broas, John M 2, 3831- 953. 40 Butler, Lizzie 294 Brock, W.H 2, 249' 899. 60 Butscher, Edward P... 3321 Brockway, Bertt. H 81 3.40 Byam, Chas. P 6-10 Brooke, Indiana 2,368 544. 64 Byrne, Jo.sepii H 2, 2211

    4531 603.04 Byrne, , Tdrooke, Jas. E 1, i Mary E 64 Brooke, Thomas H 610 292. 80 Byrne, Mollie 2791 Brooks, Jas. H 317 187. 88 Byrne, Peter 2, 345" Brooks, John 2, 2501 562. 60 Byrne, Peyton 8161 Brooks, W.S 2, 134 1, 198. 64 Byrnes, John J 2, 373 Brosnalian, M 2,282 1, 026. 70 Caddick, Thos.W 1,932 ]]ro wer, Geo. W 1,716 686. 40 Cady, L. M 2,269 Brown, A. H 2, 147 1, 144. 69 Caldwell, Stephen 2, 001| Brown, A. N 32 12. 80 Calhoun, Richard M . . 2, 436 Brown. CP 2. 275 910.00 Callaghan, Mary 1,573 Brown, Elliott \V 1, 118 209. 63 Callaghan, Wm' 2001 Brown, E. B 579 231. 60 Callahan, A 2, 2491 Brown, John H 1,671 429. 35 Callahan, T. F 2, 3791

    Brown, J. ISI . Edmiands 2, 156 872. 69 Calvert, Geo. A 1,198|

    Brown, J. jST 702 207. 14 Canip,W. M • 5231 Brown, Morgan 2, 479 888. 95 Cammack, Virginia 2, 279 Brown, Phil. C 2, 124 849. 60 Camphell, Roht. P 2, 2231 Brown, Phil. H 2, 2061 882. 60 Cantield, G. H 1, 9541 Brown, Sarah 642 120. 33 Canisius, Arthur T 2, 263 Brown, S. T 2, 386 1, 405. 52 Cantine, Kate 2, 247 BroAvne, John C 2, 001 800. 40 Capell, Chas. A 2. 2571 Brneckner, Chas. 0 2, 286 914. 40 Capell, D. S 2, 393 Bryer, James T 1,851 694. 12 Carey, H. J 2. 248 Bryerton, Maggie 2,109 527. 25 Carlyle, F. AV 1, 0271 Backland, C.N 2, 0601 869. 92 Carpenter, Annie 1,617 Buehler, A.J 424 203. 52 Carx)enter, F. A 2, 139 Buehlcr, J. Er 2, 295 918. 00 Carpenter, W. H 2, 403 Bulev. Erank R 7381 295. 40 Carr, John H 2, 828 Bullock. M.E 2, 255" 903. 20 Carr, W. H 2,128 Bullock, W.P 408 122. 40 Carrico, Emma L 220 Bum pus, Erank M 2, 379 594. 80 Carrier, Asa L 2, 397

    Bundy, A. A ' 2,330 932. 80 Carrigan, A.nnie 71

    Bunn* Sidney S ' 2, 216 664. 80 Carroll, Bridget 1,359 Bunnell, ^Y.F ' 2,295 1, 006. 00 Carroll, Michael 2,185

    Burgess, E. C ' 1, 3791 289. 69 Carson, John T 1,631

    Burgess, W. R ' 336 134. 40 Carson, H. T 516

    Bur^y, Elise ' 2. 3291 479. 19 Carter, Clara E 1, 852^

    Burch, Geo. D ' 2, 284-1 913. 80 Carter, Fannie 1,214

    Burch, John H ' 2, 349 939. 60 Carter, Geo. B 2, 309

    Burchfiehl, Geo. S \ 2, 0431 417. 94 Carter, J. W 2461 Burchlield, Will. E ...J 1, 0031 481. 68 Carter, Joseph 1, 9831 Burke, Catharine 2, 112" 443. 51 Carter, Milton 804 j Burke, Chancv ' 5261 234. 96 Carty, Alton B 2, 290

    Burke. Francis P I 008" 363. 20 Carver, W. R 2, 246

    Burke, Geo. H I 1, 0371 259. 44 Casey, F. D 8441

    Burke, (Jeo. () I 2, 660' 878. 68 Case.y, Jos. E 2, 1601

    Burke, James H I 2, 2711 908. 00 Casterline, C. C 2,123 Burke, Mau-ie I 1, 310 330. 13 Cathell, Anna W 48l)i Bi 627 158. 00 Caton, John P. D 2, 261 071' Hark hold. 974-1 449. 82 Caton, P. A 2, JIurkliii. Geo 2, 2861 1,211.78 Cavanaugh, James 932i iiuruliaiu. Eluie L 160 40.00 Cavis, A. T 2,312 Burns. Alice. 2, 036 509. 00 Cawson, Chas. C 2, 090 Buins. .loini J .... 2, 261 932. 24 Cawson. E. S 1,729 Burns, Jos. i.h A-. 2, 2071 883. 00 Cays, Theo. A 1,303 Burns. .Mai-aret.. 1,062 199. 03 Chatiee, E. H 1,542 (' Burns. Nor,. 1,750 692. 00 Chamhcr.s, E. B 2, 1521 45" Burnside. F. K . . . 1,838 735. 20 Chaiuller, Frank Hurnside, Juhu ... 2, 2061 882. 60 Chapman. Annie 2. 267i 2, 209 1, 020. 99 Chapninn. (). 15 2. 2401 r.iiiruss, 941 218.73 Cliapnian. S. A 2, 286" Burse. L. 1, 210 378. 12 Cliase, A. U 2,3171 Burton, C l,922i 480. 61 Chase, F. N 1, 997i — .. .


    No. 26. Sfafement sJiowing the number of i)ersons employed in the piiblic printing and Mnding {including Congressional Becord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time employed. employed Name. Xame. Days. Hours. Days. Hon

    Chase, H. W 276 $515. 41 Collins, T. H 1,031 Chase, Will H 978 458. 64 Collins, Thomas 2, 2201 Cheathnni, Jas. R 336 334. 00 Collison, H 2,257 Cheatham, Kate A 312 152. 20 Colne, C. C 2, 3011 Chedal, Wm on 805. 60 Cologne, IST. S 1, 9971 Cherry, Clarence 112 278. 00 Colt, Janies B 2, 4551- Chew,' W. P 049* 985. 52 Columbus, Annie H . 2, 3701 Child s, Saml. X 34li 163. 92 Comer, Joseph 2, 307" Childs, Thos 664" 265. 60 Coulee, C. C 1, 2191 Ohiplev. J. F 211 84.40 Connell, Jeremiah A 2, 376 Chiplev, W. P. 341 136, 40 Connell, M. A 2, 215 Chiini,'C. E 522 660. 21 Connell, X ellie C 2, 279 Chisohii, D.Y 828i 387. 44 Connell, Sarah A 2, 196 Chisolni,K.F 618 647. 40 Connell, Quitman 2,086 Chisolni, 1. 1> 563| 255. 76 Connelly, B. M 2, 2071 Christ V. E.lwiii E 289 915. 60 Connelly, M. P 469" Chroui^i-er, AV. P 729| 901. 93 Conner,'.!. S 1, 960* 237" Clagiic. Will IT. H 587 634. 80 Conner, Francis B . . 1, Ch)-ett. K. 11 288i 572. 12 Conner, Jas. U 907 CUi--ett. A. L lOli 48.72 Connolly, J

    Clark, Mai-v i 852 388. 92 Conroy, J. M 1, 018.^ Clark. Aleri il.s H 288 915. 20 Conwaj', J. V 921|

    Clark, Carlotta 173 456.33 I Con oyer, E. 2, 1071 [ W

    Clark. Cliarle.s E i 256 564.00 \} Constantino, B. F ... 541 Clark. Ainandu 407i 522. 70 Conway, Thomas 2, 154 Clark, ^\'alt(r Y 757 439. 21 Cook, John 2, ',22 Clark. TIk.s. \V 451 1, 079. 32 Cooley, John 1,096 Clark, (ieo. E 396 958. 40 Coolidge, H. A 2.197 Clark. .Inlm W 083i 833. 40 Coomes, Snsie 2, 2041

    Clark. Snnil, I' 168 455. 30 Cooper, Joseph "W . . 2, 022-1 Clark, \\"illiain L 24 9. 60 Coquard Armand E 1, 758 Clark, A, U 928 988. 20 Corbin,Wm 2, 636 Clai-k, J. Wilson 238i 894. 40 Core,M.H 920.1 Clarke, Alljei t S 422" 202. 56 Corey, Elyira W 2, 210 Clarke, Joliu 0901 522. 61 Cornell, S. M 8731 Clarke, Jcs' i.li S 474 781. 22 Cornman, E., jr 2,250 Clarkf', W, S 078 580. 65 Cornwell, Louis W . 540 (;iaikp, W, \V 378 1, 140. 00 CornAvell, Frank 160 Clarksoii, John F 264 905. 60 Coridon, Joanna 1,3311 Clarksoii. W, E 169 863. 60 Costello, Chas. L 964i Clayton, Tlios, J 152 538. 00 Costello. Mary 1, 843" Clearv, Janies 0641 516. 12 Coster, S. K. 2,319

    Clements. James 258 564. 50 Costin, Lucy G. M . . 136 Clements, James H .... 68 27.20 Cotton, Chas. W 1, 9551 Clements, E.J 2on 83. 00 Coulson, A. S 1,470" Clinton, James 256| 902. 60 Councell, W. F 2, 066 Clitiord, J.E 638 853. 58 Covert. C.C 2. 268 Clifibrd, Thomas 468 704. 64 Covert, W. H 681 Clower, Harry W 109 532. 32 Cowell, H. C 2, 288 Coakley. G.-I 251 562. 75 Cowgill, John 1,309 Cobb,j. C 1601 864. 20 Cos, Frank P 1,197 Cohb, J. I) 129 64. 49 Craft, Max 2, 2341 Cobb,W.E 72 28. 80 Craig, A 407 Coder, M. G 632 188. 75 Cramer, Laura R 2, 275 Coe, Chas. H 1811 872. 60 Crawford, AVm. M . . 2,095 Coe, Gen. Is' 5851 634. 32 Crawford, AVm 2, 208 Cogswell, F. A 963 877.15 Crawford, S. T 2, 3441 Cohen, Meyer S 255 902. 00 Crane, S. C 2, 321 Cohoon, W. J 0381 509. 62 Creed, J. AV 2, 2881 Coiner, J.D 122 848. 80 Cremen, Delia 1, 5441 Coke, Emily T 7571 404. 22 Crenshaw, W. H 1, 6841 291" Colbert, N. A 572. 75 Crist, Raymond F . . 2, 279 Cole, Ira E 212i 885. 00 Crittenden, Thos.B.. 2, 139 Cole, John 2631 905. 40 Cronin, Nellie 1,219 Cole. Samuel .308 577. 53 Cromelien, Amelia E. 1, 820 Coleman. A. D 2571 790. 12 Crone, John E 2, 2111

    Coleman, CO 987-1 566. 96 Croney, Amanda J. . 1,8241 Collioun, Alex 8431 405. 48 Crooks, C 2, 324* C(dIignon, Joseph 1821 909. 00 Cross, Geo. A 2, 234" Colklesser. A. A 955 221. 95 Cross, Lena M 2, 266 Collar, Edwin 302 951.20 Crowther, Lizzie 2, 1751 Collar, Lora E 100 420. 00 Croxton, Ida I 2, 230.^- Collins, A 213 553. 24 Crowe, John 2, 2711 Collins, Daniel J 721 499. 74 Crubaugh. W.AV .... 2, 2141 Collins, H. K 709 1, .389. 92 Cruso, M. B 2, 2261 — . i


    No. 26. Statement showing the number of jyersons employed In the public printing and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutiuued.

    TIMEWOEK— Continued.

    Time Time emj)loyed. employed. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours.

    Crutclifield.E. W... 24 $6. 00 Dodson, M. A 926 $173. 62 Cuft", Martin 48 19." 20 Doherty, John 2, 285 914. 00 Culbertson, S. S 1, 060 429. 60 Donaldson, Ellen 2, 2031 306. 80 2" CuUen, Annie 252 502.99 Donaldson, F. E 1,885 754. 00 Cunningliam, James 1 017 406. 80 Donahlson, W. B 2, 3601 958. 60 Cunningham, Mary 2 234 469. 14 Donu, Frank 2, 254, 901. 80 468." Curtis, Maggie 2, 038i 82 Donn, T. M 1, 926 1, 065. 99 ' Curtis, Mary C 964" 249. 99 Donnelly, E 184 46. 00 Cusliing, S. C 2, 239i- 515. 07 Donnelly, Mary 1,840 346. 12 330" Cushley, M. F 2, 489. 30 Donohoe, James l,G05.i 483. 14 Cliadwick, Be Witt C. 2, 237 1 185. 60 Donohoe, S. T 1, 9731 878. 92 Cyphers, CM 2,' 121 1! 145. 61 Donovan, Jeremiah 1. 6961 678. 60 2' Dade, T.H 177 778. 66 Donovan, Thos. J 1, 546" 525. 49 Dahl, Wm. H 2,' 1961 878. 60 Doocy, J.W....: 2, 313 1, 093. 84 Dailey, James S 2, 258 903. 20 Dooley, Eose E 2, 181 534. 00 Dalrymple, Ellis 7161 286. 60 Dorsey, CM 2, 285 571. 25 115" IJaneuhower, Chas 2, 846^ 00 Dorsey, Jennie 2, 1391 567. 40 ' Dangerfield, Mary C . 960 178. 83 Dorsey, Sadie 104 21. 84 Daniels, S. S 1 2, 212 1, 040. 32 Dorster, JohnlSr. 2. 602 728. .56

    ' Darby, Major T 320 80. 00 DoTigherty, Mary E 2, 234 534. 96 Darnell, E. G 1, 655 1, 012! 89 Dougherty, T. A"^ 2, 171 1, 020. 72 Dart. Ida 2, 2501- 562. 61 Dougherty, Wm 2, 250 900. 00 Davies, Emily 2 2621 520! 26 Dove, Thomas 80 30. 00 1' 755"^ Davies, S. E 702. 00 Dow, M. E 2, 286 572. 91 Davis, Alfred 1, 391^- 556. 60 Dowden,C.P 1,964 491. 00 Davis, Chas. F 2, 253" 901. 20 Dowell, Wm., jr 560 175. 00 Davis, Elizabeth 2, 2101 476. 66 Dowliiig, J. L 455 104. 65 Davis, E.D 2, 038i 599. 49 Downey, John 2.414 003. 50 Davis, Edwin L 2 123" 849. 20 Downey, Mary A 378 86. 94 ' Davis, Fred L 2 023 1, 072. 15 Downs, A 1, 384 290. 64 ' Davis, John A 2 233^ 792! 86 Doyle, James 1, 898 i 664. 47 Davis, L. H 1, 998| 499. 62 Drew. Julius 1, 241" 579. 08 Davis, M. A 2, 3001 644. 14 Dubois, M. A 2, 265* 906. 20 Davis, May V 2' 046^ 458. 48 Ducatel,B. W 1,432" 572. 80 Davis, S. M 2, 142| 1, 344. 00 Duckett, V 80 17. 50 Davis, T.K 2 147 858. 80 Dult, Edward 2,272 908. 80 Davis, W. H 2 3111 975. 72 Duity, Maggie A 2, 213-1 553. 37 2' 288*^ Davison, H. L 915. 20 Dully, Maggie L 1, 380" 349. 27 Davison, J. K 2 391 959. 20 Dumble, Jessie F 72 28. 80 Davisson, Etta 2, 020^ 424. 25 Dummer, Geo. E 2, 2941 917. 18 Dawson, Wm 2 278 569. 49 Duulap, 0. F 1, 869 848. 08 Day, J. P 1 347 672. 72 Dunne, W. G 2, 215 886. 00 Day, Lillian 223 46 83 Dnnuigan, Johanna 1, 628 305. 18

    Deady, W.J 903 422. 92 Dunning, Clayton H . . 2! 043 1, 038. 45 [ Deans, A. C 919 367. 60 Dunning, H. 1, 756 702. 40 Deering, C 2 3541 941 80 Dunnington, Geo 2, 346 582. 00 9 9Q91 Defrees, A. S 845 93 Durham, Mary C 1, 029 236. 65 De Groot, W. A 2 203 891. 20 Dutton, J. W 2, 576 780. 65 Delano, F. L 2 012 804 80 Dutkin, M. R 1. 554^ 621. 80 Delevingne, Arthur C 409 187. 60 Duvall, James E 160 76. 80 Dement, Elizabeth ... 2 078^ 436. 48 Dwyer, Jennie 1, 069^ 224. 58 Dement, Elmer 1 470' 611 64 Dyer, Albert E 2, 3141 934. 96 Dement, Lena Q9 8 00 Dver, Stratford 1! 224 306. 00 Denham, C 907 20 Eakle, Geo. H 1, 816 734. 40 Qan p.c\ Denham, Dan'l H 2, 451^ you. ou Earnest, A. T 1, 96U| 498. 04 QQ9~ Denham, L. W iOD. ou Easterling, Thos. C 24 9. 60

    Dennis, Calvin G 2, 023 809. 20 Eberbach, Edward. 2, 409 1 , 204. 50 Dennison, Chas. S 1,450 580. 00 Eberle, Eebecca S . 247 53. 95 Detweiler, W. T 1,344 470. 40 Eckart, Annie 2 343i 556. 41 De Vantier, Selraa 24 5.04 Eckdall, Carl '4101 186^ 80 Devlin, Maggie 2, 326.1 581. 50 Ecker, Chas. A 1, 694 677. 60 Dewey, Lizzie 2, 1831 545. 75 Eckloff, C. E 2, 2291 893. 08 Dewev, Walter E 2. 365" 591. 49 Eckloff.M.E 1, 956 449. 88 Dexter, W. H 1, 061-1 518. 08 Edelen, C. A 2. 094 i 1, 127. 52 Dibble, Chas. H 992" 334. 80 Eddy, Orrin i;813' 725. 20 Dice, John 2, 281 654. 90 Eduionston. Florence E 2, 382i 547. 97 Dickson, J. F 1,0121 289. 97 Edmunds, Will M 88 35. 20 Dillman, J. W. L 2, 180i 872. 28 Edwards, Dennis J 1, 367 341. 74 Dillon, Annie 2, 2151 465. 25 Edwards, Flora 2. 1271 504. 22 Dillon, Frank 1, 014" 2.53. 50 Edwards, Lizzie 1, 696 424. 00 Diahinan, Wm 1,356 339. 15 Eggleston, J. M 812 324. 80 Dobbs, H.C 2, 307 922. 80 Eikins, P. M 2, 351 940. 40 Dodd, Maugie L 2, 1791 544. 87 Ellegood, G. A 898 370 08 235" Doduv, Ida 1. 366. 35 Elliott, Harry W ! 2, 363 676. 62 Dodge, W. A 2. 2731 1, 204. 95 Elliott, Marv 257 75. 92 Dodsou, B. 1,253" 313. Elliuger, 88 16. 50 M 24 Eachel I i — .. HJ . t^


    Xo. 26. Statemtni shouivg the niimher of po'sons ewploijcd in the piihJic pv'uiiiixj and binding (incJiuling Congressional Beeord) during the fiscal year, etc. — Continued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Xame. Amount. Da vs. Honrs. Days. Hours,

    Ellis, Ettie S m .$21. 96 Fletcher. William $790. 34 Ellis. Geo. H GTl" 341. 1)8 Fleming Louisa 744 326. 95

    Ellis, I. K ] . 970^ 453.21 Fleming, CM 21.80 Ellis, Kate^I 2. 212i 404. 56 Flint. Thos., jr 261 904. 40 Ellis. Titus E 780 312. 00 Flyun, Edward P 1.58 63. 20 Ellison. Geo. C 2, 1.51 1, 018. 56 Flynn, John 972 905. 80 Elms, Ronie 2,278i 569. 62 Foertsch, Mary 9371 196. 87 Elwood, C. Thos 2. 104 841. 00 Fogarty, James 0411 816. 60 Emer.son. M. J. 276 100.41! Foley, Daniel J 160" 76. 80 Emerson, Maud R 1,976 460. 60 Foley. Sadie 141 239. 01 Enimoos. L. H 979i 399. 48 Folk. S. W 231 513. 13 Emous, Ciias. T 2, 122 948. 40 Follett.F. W 320.1 952. CO 054" Enjcel, Geo. W 2; 275i 910. 20 Foo.s, W. D 702. 41 Engler, VTvi. 0 2. 3.^6 942. 40 Ford, Bvron A 288 1.144.00 English, 3. S 2, 25JJ 1,122.85 Ford, Wallace C 0721 829. 00 Ennis, Cbas. H gI 2. 00 Fordan, ]\Iinna 138 491. 74 Erok, Glara A 144' 30. 24 Fornev. .J. G 88 39.00 i'9 Ersklue, George A . . 2,100 521 . FMrre.ster. M. T 712 915.00 Esmav. Saml. T 1. 374i 050. 24 Fnskey. Geo. H 200 577. 10 Espey.H.C 2. 28.5i 1, 142. 75 Fo.skev, iloses 040 205. 45 Espey. J. A. B 2. 269i 1. 134. 75 Fdstei-. John H 2541 9.)L. 00

    E.s.sex. E.J 2, 208" 576. 00 Fow le)-. Doiiiiiiick 9781 79] . 40 208" Etcliberacr, C. E 2, 27U 1. 349. 92 Fowler. John E 151.30 Etchison. L. E 2, 3G2" 944. 80 Fox. Jnnies E (ilOk 608. 20

    Evans, Clias. it 1. 97.1 3f 243. 72 Fox, Tlioraas 12.96 !i Evans, CP 2, 126i 850. 60 Fox well. S. T 291 1,213.96 Evans, Ella V 968' 222. 64 Frailey, Robt. T 872, 349. 00 Evans, H. Clay 2, 306 1, 132. 50 Francis, Henry 255' 902. 00 Evans, Martin N 830i- 388. 88 Francis, Wm. H 272 908. 80 Evans. \^ M 328' 82. 00 Frank. Beulah M 248 419. 57 Everman. John W 2. 2-I3^ 562. 62 Franz, C 357 940. 00

    Everly. M. T 2. 1 9ol 549.11 Eraser, Frank 1541 861. 80 Everts, Frank A 9c 4. 80 Frazier, James A 999 499. 74 Eul»^r. -John C 418i 194. 66 Frazier, Marv E 287 520. 01 Earrell. E. G 2, 271i 917. 88 Frederick, C! F 8131 725. 40 Farrell, John A 2. 2.34i 893. 80 Frederick, John H 157 802. 80 Eaxon, Geo. A 2, 228 891. 20 French, Ed. R 132 52. 80 Farquhar. Lizzie K... 2, 213 464. 72 French, W. M 609 243. 00 Farley. Lizzie J 2, 14. 493. 46 Freeman, James E 104 543. 56 Faruswortli, MoUie... 879" 202. 16 Freeman, J. W 1701 542. (i2 Fallon. D. F 2. 209i 883. 80 Freeman. Katie 903 269. 65 Fearing, Warren G... 2.279i 933.40 Friery, Michael 288 915. 20

    i Fearson, Roht-rt 2,226" 561. 22 Frisbee, 147 858. 80 L ! Arthur H

    Feltham. Emily O ! 7381 109. 84 Frye, AVill W 8 3.20 Fenton, Ijerrha 2.135 448.31 FuhiTuan, Edward 2561 902. 60 ; Ferguson, B. G 1,9151 922. 40 Fulirmann, Chas. J 2071 907. 00 ! 875" 104' FergTi-Son, Jennie I 201. 25 Fuleuw^der. Jno. E ... 6L 60 Ferguson, John F 2,219 770. 65 Fiilkerson, F. D 7731 193. 37 Ferrier. Saiiil 2,270 908. 00 Fuller, Isaac 503 796. 59 Finch. G(-orue 1,391| 550. 60 Fuller, J. F 3.58 843. 20

    Finley, R. 15 . 1,786 839. 49 Fulton. AV. A 2201 888. 20

    Finne\ . 75 2491 562. 37 M. J ! 2,227 556. Funk, Adam P Fi.sh. IL ( 894 357. 60 Fui bershaAv, J. H 2241 1, 022. 32 I Fisher, U^ra ' 2,260 452. 00 Fur bush, CO 4271 1,148.72 Fisher, Edward Y 2.401 949. 45 Furcron, Geo. W 526" 610. 40 Fisher, Geo. W ' 1,189 475. 80 Furcron, Gus. W 4051 562. 20 Fite. J. W 2,273 1, 026. 15 Furlong, Anna B 743 326.81 Fitzgerald. C. 12 1661 866. 60 C i 1,652^ 413. Gaddis, Leroy J Fitzgerald, 210" 498" 93. Edward... i 55. 68 Gainey, Deborah 33 Fitzgerald. 914. 00 Mary ! 1,624 304. 42 Gaisberg, William 285 5f»6. Fitz Gerahl. 'i! 2. 384 00 Gallagher, A. J . . 9541 410.41

    Fitz Hugli, Ella M.... • 7001 101. 11 Galhtiiher, Jerry. 456 921.00 476. Fitz Patrick. Henrv .. : 620" 248. 00 Galleher, J. A 674. 62

    Fitz Patrick. J. F.:... ; 9;4| 373. 80 Galviu. John F . . 287| 915. 00

    Fitz Patrick. John J . ; 2, 141 942. 04 Gamble. Samuel 1981 769. 47

    Fitz Patrick. Mary E . 300 63. 00 Gantlev, John M 1291 878. 88 Fitz Patrick, ilary fl 2, 280 524. 40 Gantt, 'G 2801 571. 62

    Fitz Simmons. . I 2,236 894. 40 Garden. J. H . 390^ 89. 81 440" Flalierty Edward G. .. 1, 0.56 422. 40 Garland, J eft'. D 170. 00 Flanegan, Franei.s E.. 213 .53. 25 Garner, J. P 2, 865. 80 j 164i Flanigan, W. E 2, 370 948. 00 Garrels, Ciias 2, 200 1, 165. rs [

    Flather, John A 2,2191 887. 80 Gartlnvaite, Sadie ' 2, 2161 465. 46 Fletciier. C. F 2. 2301 894. 60 Garrett. Wni. M 16" 7.20 069" Fletcher, J. Warren . . 2, 1, 090. 58 Gairette, Chas. F 1, 923 961. 50 Fletcher, L. Q 1, .5981 639. 40 Garwood, Fnuna D 62 14. 26

    Fletcher, Maria B 104 21.84 Gatchell, D. E I 241 61.05 — ......


    No. 26, Statement shoiviug the mimlyer of persons employed in tlie puMic printing and

    binding { including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc, —Coutiuued.


    Time Time, employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Gates, Belle 1, 779 $444. 73 Gray, Julia E 2, 2421

    Gates, Frederick . 1, 402 350. 50 Grav, L. Dean 2, 4721 Gatcwood, Nora J. 2, 1761 868. 00 Gray, I;. A 1,668" Gaiighraii, Annie 2, 1451 450. 53 Green, J. S 2, 0301 Gaughran, L 2, 2511 562. 85 Green, John C 5671

    Gawler, J. C 1, 205 482. 00 Greejie, Emma , 2, 348

    Gayle, Robt. E . . . 2, 2981 941. 32 Greene, John, Jr 2, 265 Qaylor, H.J 2, 210 994. 50 Greenfield. Wiii.E.. 938

    Gerry, Kaynu)7id . 2, 2221 1, 000. 32 Greenmau, E. \, 2, 056-1

    Getchell, E. P .... 2, 205 678. 90 Greenwood, James. . 1, 6401 Gibbons, C. C 2,287 480. 27 Gregory, Jesse W 1, 3471 Gibbs, J. A 2, 1791 871.80 Grenacher, Chas...... 9181 Gibson, J. W 2,1391 855. 80 Griebel, Julius 1, 000 Gibson, Irving . . 2,290 575. 24 Griffin, C.L 2. 0241 Giddings, Chas. T 331 158. 88 Griffin, Hugh P 1, 7941 Gilford, Belle 667 153. 41 Griffin, John 2, 0321 Gilbert, H. A 2, 1651 1, 016. 58 Griffin, J. A 2,0111

    Gilbert, J. L ' 187" 90. 24 Griffin, S. L 2, .3861

    Gilday, Edward J ' 864 346. 24 Griffith, F.C 7431

    Gillespie, S. F ' 2, 317 1, 056. 64 Griffith, George 2, 2941 Gilliard, Wm i 911 364. 40 Griggs, W. L 2, 291

    Gilliland, W. H \ 2091 83. 80 Grimes, James E 128

    Gillin, David ' 2,2111 884. 60 Grimsley, P. A 18

    Gillin, Joseph T I 2, 172 868. 80 Grinnan, R. L 2, 241-1

    Gillon, P.C 2, 278 1, 139. 00 Griunell, A. E , 2, 616

    Gilmore, C. F i 2, 282 912. 80 Groff, Elias 1,8311 Gillr up, Walter 2, 301^ 920. 60 Groome, Chas. E 1, 8641

    Girvin, Isabella ' 2, 129 447. 08 Grosh, B. F 6841 Glass, P. P 480 254. 40 Groshon, Clinton 2, 192 250.i Glenn, J. F ' 1, 553 631. 20 Gross, Ann E

    Glenn, Joseph F ' 1,4571 591. 00 Grumley, E. C 2, 0931 Glenn, W. G ' 2, 2281 891. 40 Gunder, L. A 5561 Gleeson, John 376| 1, 297. 62 Gunn, Chas. S 1,391 A | GloA^er, 2711 908. 60 Gunn,H.S 2, 2251 Wm.M [ 2,

    Godfrey, G. M I 866' 347. 60 Guuton. Louisa 398-1 Godman, CD 352 168. 96 Guthridge, W. H 88 Godwin, E. W .... 1,849 462. 25 Gwiu, h: A 2, 313

    Goings, Missouri . 2,108 527. 00 Gwinn, Mabel L 2, 239 Golden, Annie L.. 136 28.56 Hack, E. M 1,111 Goldsmith, J. D.. 5821 279. 60 Hager, Emma 1, 8371 Gompers, S.J 192 76. 80 Hahn, Daniel I 2, 048i Goode, C. G 595 238. 00 Hain, Elizabeth 2, 2821 Goodacre, Chas. P 2, 1871 G5a 25 Haines, Claude E 988^ Goodrell, H. B 1,1171 478. 68 Hale, R.J 2, 2.54^ Goodheart, Briscoe 9621 385. 00 Halford, J. W 236 Goodman, Cassie A 1,189 353. 10 Hall, Birdie 2. 1471 Goodman, R. D 2, 369 535. 35 Hall, C. E 2, 288

    Goodrich, Louis P . . 16 6. 40 Hall, E.J 247 Goodrick, John 2, 3381 1, 052. 32 Hall, G. \V 190 Goodspeed, Alex . 2, 3831 1, 191.75 Hall, H 2, 012 Gordon, Alex. IS. 7381 344. 88 Hall, John H 1, .519 Gordon, Laura B 1, 951i 780. 60 Hall, J. N 2, 1371 716" Gorman, Jno. C 93 37. 20 Hall, S. K 1, Gorman, James O 2, 323 929. 20 Hall, Wm. T 2, 240 Gormley, A 2, 175 456. 75 Halpeiinv, R. L. S 32^ Gourlay, J. S 2, 243 897. 20 Halsey, Seth C Gosorn, T. H 2, 0151 806. 20 Haltigan.P. J 2.521 Goss, Jennie 2,296 527. 08 Hambright, Fr.uikH. 612 247-1 Gotleib, K 2, 287 571. 75 Hamilton, Arthur. . Gotta, Robt. C 2,337 874. 80 Hamilton, F. D 2, 0771 925" Grabill. Carl E 196 78. 40 Hamilton. Isaac 1, Gi-ace, Nellie 2, 1921 504. 27 Hamilton, il. D 2, 2051 Grady, Rosa 101 18. 94 Hamilton, Ross 424' Grady, Fannie T 800 150. 00 Hamlett, J. C 1, 8501 286^ Graff, C. W 285^ 139. 04 Hammond, John E. . 2, Graham, A. W 1,1611 584. 28 Hammond, Ivate 1, 9281 797' Graham, J. H 2, 287 914. 80 Hammond, Percy H . 1, Grnliam, G. W 2, 1931 985. 47 Hammond, Stanley . 945.1 496" Grab am. J. W 1,8121 870. 00 Handiboe, John A . . Granger, Sadie 72 18. 00 Hanev, Kate 24 Grant, J, F 2, 083 937. 33 Hanick, T. S 1,281 Grant, Lizzie 1, 8271 456. 87 Hanlon, Marv 2, 045 Graves, Benj. B. F... 2, 280 1, 081. 76 Haiilon. Snmi. C 2,311 Graves, Florence 281 59.01 Hiinn, R. F 2, 268 Gray, Carrie R 104 21.84 H;iiistul(l, AVill i;.... 925 Gray, H. W 2, 328^ 1. 164.25 ILnbaiigli, Carroll... 2, 13ii Report of the public printer. 107

    ^0.26.— ''?fafeineni shoirinfj ihe numher of persons employed in the puMio priniing and biudLig {including Congressional liecord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time, employed. employed. Kame. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Hardin. Palmer 83 $33. 20 Hendel, Wm. A 1, 675 $670. 00 Hardt-n. VTm. E 9544- 381. 80 Henderson, Belita 206. 19 296' Hardeuburgli, Mary S 2, 574. 00 Hendler. Chas. T 2, 282 1, 209. 43

    ' Hardester, T. J.--'... 465 196. 00 Hendly. Pegina 2, 273 426. 18 Hardesty. J. K 916 320. 59 Hennessy. Morris 2, 0911 306. 04 Harding, C. T 1, 98Ui 990. 45 Henning, George 2, 292 916. 80 Hard^vicke. R. E 206 82. 40 Hemdus;-, S. E 2, 1271 489. 32 269i Hardv, Jame.s E 2. 907. 80 Henrv. Benj. F 2, 070^ 986. 80 Hardv, Tlieo 2. 338i 935. 40 Henry, Chas. AV 1.197" 574. 56 Hardv. Theodore M. .. 2, 311 924. 40 HenshaAV, C. AV^ 2, 284 938. 00 Hardv. Wm 2, 313 1, 057. 68 Hepbnrn, Chas. F 344 165. 12 Harford, R. B •J06i 362. 60 Herbert, Jolm H 149 .^^9. 60 Hargett. Juhu A 2,292 641. 51 Hering, T. F 638 305. 90 Harle.ston. F 1,206 357. 50 Hess, Amelia 2, 094J 444. 03 Harle.ston. G. B 2. 231 892. 40 Hess. S 1, 847 461. 75 Harney. Margaret 1. 666 312. 31 Heydler, Jolm A 22| 1, 685 989. 51 Hari)er. E. J 1. 6761 419. 12 Hiatt. L. O ' 358 162. 72 Harper, Jas. L 8271 380. 68 Hickey, David 2, 291 687. 30 Harper, J. T 1.653 661. 20 Hicklin, J. B 2, 233 893. 20 Harper. M. A 2. 2681 567. 12 Hickman. E. L ' 993 732.55 Harrell. Wells C 9261 370. 60 Higgins. John J 2, 039 943. 60 Harries. J 1,496' 561. 00 Hiiburn, Carr'e 221 5. 17 Harrigan, Frank L 2. 0391 815. 80 Hill, Clias.A\^ 1, 745 698. 00 Harrigan. .J. L 2. 264 905. 60 Hill, Harry S 2, Oil 920 48 Harris. Florence M... 1,987 496. 75 Hill, Le.slie S ' 802 320. 80 Harri.s, J. M 1. 1.32 513. 36 Hiniinelman. J. C 742 356. 16 Harris. 1,892 790. 80 Hines, 525. J. W I Lewis A 2, 103^ 87 Harris, Micliael 2, 179 892. 40 Hinkel, AA^m. F l'. 880 752. 00 Harris, X. P 31 7.13 Hobbs. H. W 2, 291^ 916. 60 Harris. Wm. J 2. 222^ 911.00 Hodes, Theo 2! 2551 1, 195. 41 Harrison. Clara B 932' 304. 50 Hodge, C. F 2, 079^ 519. 75 Harriss, Geo. E 2,101 525. 25 Hodge, Mary F 34 7. 14 Hart. I. A 2, 288 572. 00 Hodges. John C 2, 2184 887. 40 Haitman, Gustave 2. 294 917. 60 Hodgkin, Mary T 1, 1481 241. 18 Harvev, ^^'ilson 2. 2731 909. 40 Hoiby, Henry 2! 162^ 864. 80 Haskell. F. A 1,776' 443. 99 Holbi-ook, Chas. T 1 416 566. 40 2' Ha.stings. Geo. 1) 2, 595 852. 55 Holcoiiib. Samuel \^ ... 33 434 675. 50 Hastings. AV. T 226 90. 40 Holden. Augs. R 2, 203 881. 20 Haslett. J. AV 1,993 797. 20 Holden, Le^yis F 2' 248 899. 20 Ha-^^sler, W.X 5201 208. 20 Holland, A 2' 279 744. 33 146' Kasson, Frank 2, 1, 008. 62 Hollingshead. Nannie M 2, 216 465. 35 Hatliaway, D. C 1, 4721 441. 75 Holloway, J. L 2! 433 687. 09 j Hathawav, John P.. sr 1, 86:^1- 745. 40 ' Holmes, Benj 2 260 593. 70 Hatlev. Frank 722' 335. 66 Holmes, C. E 2. 285'^ 914. 20 M i Hatton. I 7731 193. 38 Holzer, Edgar 1. 8514 740. 60 72" Havenner. Geo. C 2, 138' 1, 133. 12 Holton' Hovt A 28. 80 458' Havens, J. 0 2. 706i 909. 78 Holtz,The6 1, 833 25

    Haworth. Thomas W . 3131 125. 40 Hoflnmn, Florence 877 274. 06 Hav. C.H 2. 1681 867. 40 Hogan, John E 2, 004 946. 79 Havderi. AlaTiiie T.... 3,6631 666. 00 Hogan, John F 2 3044 706. 95 Havden. Pos,-v F ],926i 577. 95 Hone.stv, Morris 1, 909^ 492. 44 Hayes. Himh.' 1.672" 345. 30 Hope.MattieM. L 2 306 495. 59 Hayes. Joliu 56 18.51 Hopkins. Edward P.... 9 1 8J.i 1, 048. 56 Hayes. John W._ 2.177 545. 01 Hopkins, F. H 557 222. 80 Hayes. Mamie 2, 1511 474. 66 Hopper, Annie 2 260 558. 75 Hayes. Mary 2. 0481 430. 18 Hopper, Nellie L 8431 387! 12 Haves. Oliver 2. 102 840. 80 -tiopping, F. A 2, 565 847. 82 HaVne. Harrv C 26 10.40 Hopwood, Loviise 2, 187 526. 74 Ha\nes, A. L) 881 46. 80 Hood. A. E 1. 992 498. CO 8' Haynes. .John 3. 20 Hood,M. C 1 , 773 443. 25 Hayiies. Lavinia F... 8261 164. 90 Hooper, E. J 8791 205. 26 Havs, Jolm 18 1. 6791 410. 4231 84. 58 E 88 j Hoover, AVm

    Ha\ .s, AV. S 2871 115. 00 Hattie Z 2, 149 805. 85 ; Home,

    Havworth. A. D 901 360. 40 Horning, John 2, 538 ] , 015. 52 106-1 Heath. John T 2, 114 1, 006. 16 . Horning, J.E 2, 842. 60 Heek. AVm. C 2, 155 862. 00 Hoskinson, J. Thos 268 107. 29 ; Hedjies. flfo. B 2, 2531 901. 40 Houck, Henry T 9601 384. 20 Heiuard. ^^'ilr I... 2,227 779. 45 Hough, C.B.'. 2,480 1,316.40

    j Hehjline. Chas. S 2,244 1, 066. 52 Howard, Minnie E ' 1, 4371 301.87 Heinline, Lida C 1. 350-1 310. 61 Howartl, SimphroniaR. 2, 262 475. 01 Hei.ser, Poht. L 596 286. 08 Howard, T. A7 2, 319 927. 60 Helfeman. Chas 2, 288 915. 20 Howells, S. D 2, 001 800.40 Hetlernan. Thos 2, 320 814. 06 Howes, E. L 2, 1764 870. 60 Heffncr. Mary 2, 0651 511. 72 Howland,G. AN^ 2, 254' 1, 127. 00 Helft, .Jo.sepliiiie M....I... 2, 370 448. 11 Howland, Wm. C 180 72. 00 Helm, E. E |... 917i 502. 38 Howie, C. A 2,243 1, 009. 35 — ..


    No. 26. Statement showing the mimher of persons employed in the piihlic printing and binding (including Congressional Record) daring the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time employed. emidoyed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours

    Howlett, Wm. A 2, 155 $890. 08 Jefferson, Reuben 256 $04.00 \ Howlin, Wm. C 409 189. 28 Jenkins, Henry C 2,112 528.00 1/ Howser, Bertie C 2, 402^ 504. 51 Jenkins, Mere(lith 2,510 784,34 i

    Howser. Uptou S 2, 173 543. 25 Jenks, R. L 1, 800 993.51 1

    Hovme, H.H 23 9. 20 Jewel, W. R., jr 601 24.20 i 302i Hubbard, J. P 2, 921. 00 Jewett, Annie R l,8:)7i 385.87 * Hubler, OraE 2, 222|- 511.17 Jewett, Lewis T 2, 153 86L20 £ Hudson, Fred 1, 737| 488. 85 Johns, W. R., jr 1,867 1,132.60 Huggins, J. T ], 202 480. 80 Johnson, Arminta 2321 53. 47 Hughes, A 2, 0741 976. 44 Johnson, C. T 2, 2901 1,145.25 Hughes, Ellis 2, 357 943. 44 Johnson, D. R 2, 462" 984. 80 Hughes, G. H 1, 123i 283. 67 Johnson, Edwin 2, 215-1 1,018. 84 Hughes, Jas. W 2,618 1, 467. 86 Johnson, b\ R 2, 100 968. 80 Huffman, Nellie E . . 158 39. 50 Johnson, Geo., jr 2, 13 li 852. 60 Hull, Merlin 1, 5181 607. 48 Johnson, George S 1,628 651. 60-

    Hull, P. R 2, 208 1, 326. 60 Johnson, H. G. - - 2, 256^ 1, 128. 25- Hullett, A. G 2, 340.| 936. 20 Johnson, James A 2,528 928. 28 Humble, H. H 970 645. 69 Johnson, J. E 1, 166 547. 42 Hume, E. H 701 175. 25 Johnson, J. M 40 16. 00 Humes, Annie M 1,9721 552. 30 Johnson, Joe 376 257. 91 Humphrey, Oscar W 570 273. 60 Johnson, J. V 2. 204 881. 60' Hunt, M." 2, 380 952. 00 Johnson, L 1,860 744. 00 Hunt, Rebecca 600 112. 40 Johnson, Louis C 2521 117. 73 Hunter, Bertha ..... 783 164. 43 Johnson, Mary 2, 264 475. 43 Hunter, C. H 1,875 656. 25 Jolmson, Mes'liach 2, 191-1 547. 87 Hunter, Mary G. A. 1, 325 445. 00 Johnson, R. A 1. 4231 569. 70- Hunter, J. C. 2, 223 1, 149. 50 Johnson, Richard F 2. 1791 543. 98 Hunter, Libbie 1 471 308. 89 Johnson, Susie E 1,204 .358. 20' Hunter, Robert 2, 047 523. 49 Johnson, Virgie 2, 047-1 498. 39' Huntsberry, M. K... 734 42. 24 Johnson, Wm 2, 0751 830. 20 Hurdle, Mary A 2, 2601 474. 68 Johnson, W. F 459^ 183. 88. Hurley, JohnF 911 36. 60 Johnson, Wm. H 1,480 372. 80 Hurley, Annie A 2, 0501 512. 62 Jones, Albert C 488 195. 20'. Hurley, Blanche 2, 118 504. 17 Jones, Edwin C 11 4. 40

    Huse, ' Lawrence W. 3261 156. 72 Jones, F.H 6511 268. 00 Hussey, E.M 613 245. 20 Jones, G. E 688 258. 00

    Husse'y, J. B I 618 247. 20 Jones, Jacob A 445| 178. 20 Hutcheson, Erskine... 2, 139 428. 64 Jones, Jesse 2, 280 570. 00 Hutchinson, C. T 987 395. 80 Jones, J. W 2, 161 540. 24 Hutchinson, Flora 1, 958* 367. 19 Jones, Jno. W 2, 235 784. 85 Hutchinson, W. H 2, 287 1, 143. 50 Jones, LydiaE 1, 378 333. 77

    Hutchison, William . .. 1, 931 482. 75 Jones, McClellan 2, 1891 875. 80 Hyde, W. B 120 57. 60 Jones, M. L 276 110. 40 Hyder, John 1, 9481 501. 62 J ones, Rosalie 2, 045^ 511. 37 HVler, O. D 10" 4. 50 Jones, W. F 112 46. 00 Hynes, Sarah E 1, 682 416. 89 Johnston, E. E 2, 3871 491. 12 lardella, L. A 2, 259 564. 75 Johnston, Frank 3594- 143. 80 Tngalls, Albert E 2, 157 1,078. 50 Johnston, Simeon 1, 985.1 794. 20 Ingram, T. G 1, 7651 441. 25 Johnston, W. T 2, 1094 843. 80 Ingledue, J. B 2, 680 881. 76 Jordan, Chas 2, 023 606. 87

    Irey, Chas. W 2, 3321 899. 60 Jordan , Green J 2,008 556. 90 Irvine, Wm. J 1. 253 .501. 20 Jordan, Jas. W 1,087 763. 20 Irving, Amos 1, 1241 281. 19 Jordan, Richard E 2, 234 558. 50 ' Irwin, Jas. H 8331 347. 70 Jordan, W. H 2, 324 581. 00 Isham, C. I 1, 8651 467. 15 Jullien, Carrie T 126 28. 98 Jackson, Andrew 1,' 384 539. 50 Jullien, Louis ], 552 291. 00 Jackson, Frank 1,855 534. 52 Kahlert, J. H 2,211 1, 073. 35 Jackson, James 2, 2071 552. 02 Kaiser, E. L 4211 168.60 Jackson, Jennie 2, 2721 477. 21 Kane, James 7421 297. 00 Jackson, Joseph 2, 291 572. 74 Kane, Jas 2, 1711 836. 60 Jackson, Lewis 2, 235 560. 20 Kauffman, Jos. C 2, 242 1, 238. 01 Jaf ks(jn, Mary 2, 0981 509. 38 Kearney, John T 2,119i 847. 80 Jackson, S. E 182" 45.50 Kearney, S. P 2, 259 603.15 Jackson, Theo. F 1,888 472. 00 Keck, juliiis N 2, 283 913. 20 Jackson, W. W 1, 3941 417. 30 Keebler, Michael 1,713 428. 24 Jacob, Samiiol 1, 160 628. 37 Keech, L. P 2. 2611 905. 00 Jacobs, Augs 2,387 960. 80 Keefe, J. E 2, 280| 912. 20 Jacobs, Flora J 2,212 553. 00 Keefe, T 1,836 458. 96 Jacobsen, Lottie E 866 216. 50 Keefer, H. A 1082- 52. 56 Jaeger. Andrew 2, 1141 845. 80 Keelan, John C 7001 280. 20 Jakson, H. H 2, 283 570. 75 Keenan, J. H., jr 9061 362. 60 James. John 760 190. 00 Keeler, Rachel 726 136. 12 Jarrard, H. D 1, 5431 740. 88 Kehr, Henry J 2, 247 898. 80 151" Jay, Mabel 2, 537. 75 Keicher, Mary 2, 2441 471. 24 Jayne, Thos. F 1, 0281 417. 80 Keleher, J. B' 2, oo:i| 809. 40 Jeiieris, James H 1, 939 488. 69 Kelley, B. E 1, 987i 466.57 .


    "So. 2S.—^Stateme7it sliou-ing the nuniber of persons employed in the pnhlic printing and binding (including Congressional Beeord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutiuued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Kelly, Annie 2, 071| $492. 02 Lancaster, E. N . . 24

    Kellv. Arthur 2, 236J 419. 31 Lancaster, Isaiah . 1,423 Kelly, Kate 128 29.44 Landrigan, Aiines 2, 182 XellV, T. J 2, 204 881.60 Landyoigt. D.'W . 2, 391 Kelly, AV. B 2, 230 1, 166. 22 Landyoigt, John A 2, 333 Kelly, W. T 2, 064 722. 40 Lane, Emma 1. 8291 Kemon, F. C...... 2, 305^ 1, 152. 75 Lang, William 2, 287 Kemi), Fred., jr 2,127 744. 45 Laugley, Hannah 2, 213 Kejnper. J. M 2, 384 4,031.60 Lauman, Frank E 1, 3701 Keiulig.B.F V5^ 72. 96 Lanning, O. N 2, 274 Kennealy, Agnes ...... 2, 234^ 469. 23 Laporte, W.M 2, 163 Kennedy. S. A 1. 745 401. 31 Lashley. S. H 2, 210| Kenney. A. J ...... 2, 291 i, 155. 90 Lazelle, H. H 2, 441 Kenney. Michael 2. 100 524. 96 La Preux. Bettie 32 2901 Kensil, Geo. W 2, 293 917. 20 I Lathrop,N.M.D 1,

    Kent. Liu coin ^^ 5. 80 ! Layalette, W.A 2, 238 Keuyon, CM 2, 2G61 1, 019. 92 Law, Ellsworth 1, 979 Kepner, E 1. 9351 445. 16 Law, Mary A 1, 6031 693" Kerrigan, Mary 1,738 325. 82 1 Lawder, Frank 1, 546. 00 E. 6641 Kernan, James". 2. 184 i Lawson, A. M Kerr, George H 656 289. 40 Lawyer, Anna T 72 I Kerrott, E. M 2, 0671 1, 095. 76 Lear, Jos. H 2, 103 I Kersey, Katie C 2, 252 472. 92 Learned, M. L 1,233 i Ketcheson. E.B 7951 318. 20 Leary, Mary 2, 050 .50 Keyes. James H 8 2. i Leay'itt, Wm. M 226

    KeVser, H. D 2. 224 890. 00 i Leayy, Annie 613

    Kibbey, Hiram 2, 227 1,113.70 I Leay V, Jennie 790 Kiernan. Bernard 1. 935 576. 10 Le Cain, W. H 2, 147 I Kilroy. So])bia 990 185. 57 Le Cointe, Edith 1, 0.541 Kiug, A. H 2, 075^ 996. 24 Lee, Geo. H 2, 291 King. E. D. 1, 9381 775. 40 Lee, James 2, 553 King, Edwin M 103" 41.20 Lee, James A 2, 285 King, John F 2. 195 878. 00 Lee, James E 366 King. W. Marden 2, 185^ 874. 20 Lee, Martha 2, 280i King, J. Guest 2. 225 890. 00 Lee, E. W 2, 157 Kingsbury, A. E 2971 62.47 Lee, TTm. E 1, 967-1 Kinsella. M 2, 0451 494. 47 Lee. Wm. H 2, 1471 Kirby, Samuel G 24 12. 72 Leech, D. P 2, 184 Kirk. li. H 1,2231 305. 87 Leech, S. J 1,112 Kirkland, Wm 2.387 954. 80 Leeds, Chas. H 2, 309 Kitchen, A W 2, 051^ 500. 62 Leeds, John T 2, 274 Klapp, Daniel X 2, 044 817. 60 Leer, James 21 Klebold, Fred F 2, 1791 871.80 Leffler, Milton L 2, 286 Kleilw?r, Eose 2, 1331 490. 70 Lehman, Henry 2, 242 Klopfer, F. E 2,126 859. 00 Le Merle, A. M 1, 1261 Klotz. Amanda 32 7. 36 Lemmon, Vincent 2, 264 Knight, H.U 2, 266 906. 40 Leonard, Annie F 2, 229 Knight, Jno. E 958 383. 20 Leonard, A. G 121 Knight, Wm.K 8891 355. 80 Leonard, Dayid 1, 503 Kuapp, Harry C 857 344. 80 Leonard, Etta 838 Knapp, Jas. B 2, 169 962. 40 Leonard, E. A 2, 255 Knoble, Chas 19 8.55 Leslie, H. N 339| Knockey, C. A 2, 2021 881. 00 Letts, Felix 2, 200 Knowje's, G. E 2, 2751 426. 64 Leyey, John 2, 2741 Knowles, Wm. T 2,2711 908. 60 Lewis, Clarence 168 Knott, CM 2, 1651 867. 48 Lewis, EnunaC 1,862 Knott, Igns M 924 369. 60 Lewis, V. P 2,010 Koehl, Chaa. C 2, 252 425. 75 Lewis, Ida J 911 Koehler, C H 2, 277 910. 80 Lewis, J. T 2, 288 Kookogey, Samuel 2, 092 876. 80 Lewis, S. W 2, 283-1 Koon,H. E 2, 292^ 917. 00 Lewis, Thomas Koou, L. 2, 074 829. 60 Lewis, Winslow 676 Koontz, Thos. L 2, 239A 895. 80 Light, N. M 1,447 Krause, Chas. A 2, 168 880. 67 Ligon, John D 875 1291 Krause. W. C 207 82. 80 Lillie, W.F ! 2, 4621 Krener, Chas. H 2, 985. 00 Lincoln, Ida G ! 1, 524* Kiihner, Augustiis 2,459 1, 052. 40 Link, Garl 2, 3031

    Kukart, Leonard 2, 260 904. 00 Linton, W.A I 2, 2791 Laing, Wm. J 1, 915 766. 00 Litsinger, Elizabeth. 2, 263 Lake, C S 304 76. 00 Little, Annie C 892 Lambert, W.C 2, 198 1, 166. 86 Liyermore, W. H 643 Lamborn, Emma 2, 181 458. 85 Liyingston, S. P 1,4191 Laramond, Harry A 2,087 834. 80 Lloyd, Frank M 553 Lamson, J. E 2, 284 1, 027. 80 Lockwood, S.B.C.... 1, 266 Lanahan, Frank S 577 271.19 Logan, C. C--^ 2,119 Lanahaiij J....,,,,,,,. 1, H9 234.98 Lohmeyer, Eichard C 840 — .


    No. 26. Statement showing the numher of persons employed in the puhlic printing and binding {including Congressional Becord) during the fiscal year, e/c— Continued.

    TIME WOKK— Continued.

    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Houra.

    Long, Emma 233 d*,tQ no Matthews, Anna ... 221 $50. 83

    Long, Isabella M 2, 199 549. 75 Matthews, Effie V I 2, 129 399. 15

    Long, Jas. R 781^ 314. 52 Matthews, Julia i 1, 328| 265, 70 129. 00 Matthews, W. 1, 861. 70 Longfellow, M. W... 322^ W | 973^ Loiigley, E. E 2, 007 956. 32 Mattingly, J. M 1, 004 506. 08 Looniis, Wm H 2, 242 890. oU Mattingly, O. F 2, 050 1, 171. 83 Lorentz, Hugh A 1, 42.3 569. 20 Mattingly, Thos. J 2, 21.5J 1, 173. 93 Loughcry, George . . 248 116. 56 Maury, Lizzie 1, 294^ 595. 40

    Lougliran, Kate 1, 610 oui. so Maxson, Elmer E 2. 174 6 1 0. 30 Love, Clara A 2, 138 534. 50 Maxwell, John W 2, 335 936. 08 Lowd, AV.B 1, 768^ 841. 84 Maxwell, W. H 2, 232 891. 85 Lowd, W.Q 1, 319 527. 60 May, Thos. O 2, 218 887. 20 Lowderiuilk, U. S 2, 207J 1, 102. 75 Mayer, Geo. E 156 74. 88 Lowey, E. i} 2, 162 864. 80 Mayerstein, A. A 2, 392 1, 220. 06 LoAvey, Frank C 2, 236 894. 40 Meacham, C. E 2, 200 880. 00 Lowrey, J. H 14. 62 Meadows, C. W 2, 336 876. 00 Lowry", Eobert 2, 2(>0 1, 170. 00 Means, E. L 2SC)h 114. 60 Ludlow, W.W 2, 104 1, UdU. o4 Means, Lizzie 2, 218^ 465. 86 Luerssen, H. G 2, 473 976. 48 Means, Thos. H 512 128. 00 Lyman, W. B 2, 169| 938. 72 Meehan, Annie 2, 296 482. 16 Lj'on, G. A 2, 291 916. 40 Meehan, J 2, 291 916. 40 Lyons, Jennie 2, 215^ 465. 25 Meier, Charles 953 381. 20 Lyons, Thos.F 740 296. 00 Meley, Maggie 156 39. 00 Lytle, N. H 2, 177i 1, 029. 88 Mollis, J. C 2, 289 1, 052. 47 llacdonald, James H 402i 222. 00 Mellon, Charles B 2, 392 956. 80

    Macleod, S. J 1 , 234 366. 10 Menard, W. T 10 4. 00 M acnamara, Fred G. 960J 384. 20 Men den hall. E. E 1, 6661 799. 92 MacNamee. Herbert. 2. 192| 877. 00 Metcalf, F. S 2, 037 814. 80 Madden, Wm 2, 301 852. 02 Meyer, Leonard 1, 379 551. 60 Maddren, Josepb 2, 255 yuz. w Michael, John W 2, 300 1, 091. 70 Maddren, J. S 2, 255 902. 00 Michael, Theodore 2, 172 543. 00 Magee, Katie 2, 277-| 569. 25 Micheal, Sallie E 2, 288| 579. 12 MaGill, W. J 887 354. 80 Miller, Andrew N 1, 661 664. 40 Magruder, Mittie 1, 3511 340. 59 Miller, Chas. E 267 128. 16 Mahan, H. B 2, 470 1, 041. 53 Miller, Daniel 19 7. 60 Malier, Artliur F 2, 0821 834. 17 Miller, Estelle 650 149. 50 Mailer, Edward C 2, 285 914. 00 Miller, Emily E 832 191. 33 Maher, Thos. F 2,290 1, 148. 00 Miller, Frank 2, 340 936. 00 Major, Harry B 2, 256J 1, 051. 44 Miller, Frank F. S 2, 225 1, 066. 08 Maken, James 152 60. 80 Miller, George 2, 106^ 842. 60 Malone, Mary A 2, 285 428. 40 Miller, Isaac C 1, 155 288. 74 Maloney, AVllliam... 2, 435 961. 28 Miller, Jas. H 2, 201 884. 40 Mangan, Elizabeth. 8911 205. 04 Miller, J. W 287 122. 48

    Mangold, Martin 2, 326 1 , 262. 23 Miller, Lemuel E 2, 252 1, 064. 96 Manire, Jas. L 343 102. 80 Miller, Maggie 2, 2721 454. 50 Manning, Jennie E.. 104 26. 00 Miller, Martin 1, A96l 598. 60

    Manning, Mary C . . 362^ 81. 62 Miller, O. S 832 332. 80 Many, C. E 508| 203. 40 Miller, Wm. H 2, 271 1, 203. 03 Marble, Maria L 2, 268 521. 64 Miller, Wm. K 1, 6201 648. 48 Marcey, Ella 587 123. 27 Miller, Wm. S 1, 952 936. 96 Marceilus, K. G 1, 527 351. 21 Millett, C. W 1, 854 741. 60 Marcellus, Robt. H.. 549 219. 60 Mills, C. S 1, 9381 582. 27 143" Markey, Patrick H. 2, 080 832. 00 Mills, John S 1, 605. 78 Markley, Mary 624 152. 16 Mills, Marv 2, 2201 466. 30 296" Marr, John C 2, 2081 633. 45 Milton, 2, 574. 00 Marsh, E 1, 560 390. 00 Minor. Jane E 2, 364-^ 745. 16 Marshall, Wm 1, 8171 760. 92 Miner, F. E 1,030 412. 00 Marston, A. P 9 3981 1 274. 58 Miner, John 2 218 56Q fin 075"" ' Marston, George W . 2, 996! 00 Mitchell, Ella bib. 50 Marston, Hiram P... 2, 702 992. 44 Mitchell, E.E 2, 159^ 541. 85 Martin, A. A 714 318. 60 Mitchell, L. S 2, 2441 516. 23 Martin C. A 7961 382. 32 Mitchell, A7. A 1, 729 917.99 Martin Eobert C ... 2, 146^ 537. 75 Moran, C. A 2, 276 910. 40 Martin S 2, 109 485. 07 Moran, David H 2, 2141 885. 80 Martin AY. K 2, 207 883. 60 Moran, Katie 1,786 446. 50 Marvin D. J 600 240. 00 Moreno, Amelia 88 16. 50 Marye, T 1, 6371 662. 68 Moredick, Israel 57 14. 25 Mason, Geo. C 855 213.75 Morgan, Chas. A 2, 238 926. 35 Mason, J). H., jr 1,803 865. 44 Morgan, Henry 2, 2911 916. 60 Massey, L. A 1,8901 434. 70 Morgan, Thoiuas H 2. 1311 6.53. 34 Mast. Simon P 2, 544" 858. 60 Morgan, T. Turner 2, 346" 1,017.76 Masterson, John 2,089 839. 60 Morgan, W. D 895-1 418. 80 Masterson, Wm. L .. 72 28.80 Moriarity, Kate 2. 2211 532. 05

    Mathers, J. W , 2, 2931 1, 008. 00 Mollere, Emma 2, 28:i'" 479. 4.3 Mathers, L. Henry... 2, 447 1, 123. 56 Monroe. James B 1,0:;7^ 270. 27 Matile, James JE 2, 919. 90 Montgomery, F. C 1, 2291 491. 80 — .. . ? ...


    Xo. 26. Statement -shoiring the iinmher of persons einplojjfd hi the pxhUc prinfinr/ a)ul binding {including Congressional liecurd) during ilic lisfctJ near. ttc. — Continued.

    TIME WORK— Continued.

    Time Time employed. employed. Xame. Amoimt. Amount. Davs. Hours. Days.! Hours.

    Montgomery, J.H. 2. 172 $541. 00 McDaniel. Ida S 243 $560. 75 Mcnttredr. Kate K 2. 1.5'.l 539. 69 McDermot. J. F . ... 395 958. 00 Montz. O.'S 61 24. 40 McDevitt, C 311 693. 36 Moore. Cecelia A . 2. 024 425. 04 MeDniiald. Alex .... 324 581.00 Moore. Charles H 120 48. OO MeUonaid. C. R .... 62 593. 78 Moore, C. W 2. lis 875. 36 McDonald. Edwd. S 280 1. 140. 00 Moore. Geo. E 7. 92 McDonough. ]SIa]y.. 744 326. 94 Moore. Lizzie 2. 2

    . . :{44 937. Gil Magoie Morrison. Alex 2, McGee. 173 1 519.41 Morrison. C G . . 2. 170 888. 70 Mr(Till. Innocentia . 9T7* 494. 36

    . 601. ... Morrison. C. M. 2, 280 40 McGiiiins. Jno. F 309 I 928. 40 Morrison. E. F ... 89* 42. 90 3rc(T,ddrack, Marv . 228* 417. 84 Morrison, Frank. 2. 192i 877. 00 McGuwan. H.T 3461 145. 64 42" Morrison. .John R. 18. 90 Mc' Hiwan. .lerome A 010' 189. 37 Morison. Lindsev. 2. 6t'5 863. 38 McGrath. J. G 248* 899. 40 Morton. C. E 2. ".27* 940. 99 McGraw. Ella 519" 318.95 170" Mort -n! L. M .... 1. 561. Co ilcGnrk. Alfred J . 256 902. 40 Morrill. Mabel E.. 10.5 100. 95 Mclueriiey. Mary. . 343 72. 03 ii - Moi-row. Marv 1. 823* 419. -19 McKee. ( iji e 083 837. 20 232~ Morse. J. P 2. 1. 182. 94 McKee. ( 'tis AV 114* 518.56 Mo.•^ele^. 1). H ... 2. 042* 966. 32 McKclvv, Jolm A... 375" 1, 218. 20 180" Moss. \V. n 2. 872. 00 McKelvev. J. R 737 920. 58

    Motherhcad. .Jo'.ni ] . Gij9* 043. SO McKeuua. E. D 371 148. 40 7"'"^" Moulden. J. 1).... 1 80.5. 3G ilcKenna. James ... 119 532. 00 Mount. C. J 2. 0'.>5* 481. W ^IcKeinia, John 607 458. 96

    022" Si I Mowbray, J. H . . - 2. 808. McKeiizie. I) 567 1,458. 60

    Miixlcv. "t'asper C. H 1 . 0.58 423. McKie. Maiiiie 285 479. 84 Muckelston, Wm. H 2. 032 812. So MeKiiiuou.^E. H .... 194 880. 84 Mulquin, Mary A. 2 122 445. Co ML-KiiHion. James D 1331 853. 00 Mullan. Samuel E 2. 304 921. Cii MuKiiiuht. A. H.... 20i 9.72 Mullen. J. J 202* 117. 00 McLaiu. E.L 295* 527. 96 296" Mulroy, John 1 . 087* 509. 84 McLanaliau, "Wm ... 140. 16 Mundiieim. Albert 1 161. 47 McLane. Wm 992* 797. 00 Murphy. C S 2. 130 852. 00 McLaughlin, J. M .. 855* 410. 64 313' Murphy. Daniel . . 2. ].56 862. 40 McLaughlin. T.J... 1, 087. 11 Murphy, Katie A. 207 47. 61 McLelaiid. Jerome.. 2223f 106. 80 Murphv, Henrv P. 1. 947 934. 56 M(]\Iahon. James... 126" 450. 40 Murphy, H.S.\-.. 160 64. OO ^Ir^lahon. Jolm 950* 780. 20 Murphv, Ricliard . ^' -'"2 911 8S Me^NIanus. James ... 328" 157. 44 Murphy, AVm.H.. g 2 .5i ' ili Monical. Harrv.. 690i 655. 08 Murreli. .Julia 1 985 416 S5 McMuUeu, Ross 824 508. 80 Murray. D. L 1 100 7S McXamara, Bridget. 250i 472. 60 Murray, E. H 301 20 McXamara. Dennis . 16 9. 00 Miirrav. -Jos. V 90ii 30 McXamara. -Jennie. 129 451.79

    Mvers^E. G 1. 1 1 1 i McXamara. Maggie. 217 415. 62 ool ' 1 Myers. Helen A... 1 , 499* 281 . 11 McXamara. Martin . 280 570. 00 Myers, J

    . 182i McAulev. R. C. . ] . 919* 767. 80 McXeal. H.W 873. 00

    McBride. J. R 2. 285* 1. 211. 30 McXeir. Geo. A. R . 938* 1, 035. 87 McBride. S. F 2. 274* 900. SO McXeir. Thomas K 936i 408. 52 McCatferty, Arthur 2. 287| 915. 00 McXellv. A 447 773. 25 McCann, C. B 2. 371 948. 40 McXiclioIas.R 960 686. 08 McCarten. E 842 336.80 McPhersou. Robt. A 399 9.59. 60 McCartv, D. J 24 12.72 McQuaid. Geo. J 815 870. 64

    McCarthy. E 2.2-10 515. 20 McSorlev. Frank J . 860i 893. 04 McCarthy, .John .. 2. '•'.i-',h 598. 37 McWhirter. T. T ... 584 233. 60 ' McCarthy. J. A . . 2o| 9.72 Xaclimau, Philip 6 2. 40 McCathran, Donald 1, 535 537. 25 Xai-If. Laura 242 560. 50 McCloskt-y. C. 2.134 853. 60 Xalle. E. G 278* 517. 56

    McClure. The-o ] , 972* 844.31 Xallev. Marv 280* 478. 90 McConneU. D. S .. 2. ]70" 8C8. rO Xalley. AV. H 235" 894. 00 McCullip. Lizzie . 2. 166* 454. 9G Xally. .James 365| 629. 86 McCnllough. B. u.F 2. .590" 933. C7 Xash. Edward 989 395. 60 McCullouyh, liubert E. . 1.930 ^ash. G.J 3.34 933. 60 McCurdy. Geo. S ... .56 '22.40 Xaylor, A. G 143* 857. 40

    McCnrd\ . Wm. S . . . 96 38. 40 Savior. Janie 336* 81.40

    McCutcheoD , G eo . . 2, 102 1, 016. 47 Xeisou, M. A 962i 221. 37 — .. . .


    No. 26. Siatcment showiiig the vnmher of per^onfi employed in the pnMic printmri and binding {including Congressional Bccord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutiuaed. TIMEWOK K-Contiimed.

    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours

    Kelson, W. H 2, 2781 $569. 62 Patton, Lula E 1,437 Nesbit, H. A 7311 351. 12 Paudert,E. H 224 Nesmith, Mary 1, 193i 292. 05 Paul, E. A Newby, Mary 1, 736 325. 48 Payne, Ed 141^ Keweil. Geo.'W 969 449. 12 Payne, Henry ],978i Newman, Clarence 136 65. 28 Payne, S. S 2,208 Nichols, a.W 1, 237 431. 94 Peach, Estella 358 Nichols, I. T 696 422. 84 Peake, Chas. P 5 Nichols, J. r 622 298. 56 Pearson, Jos. W 2, 107 Nicholson, Irwiu A 756 862. 88 Peacock, G. W 9521 Nicols, Noel 8601 344. 20 Peckham, Emily 1,024 515" Niedfeldt, Herman J . 1, 606. 00 Peed,E.S 2, 201| Noel, John A 2, 280 1, 026. 00 Peirce, W. L 1, 8071 Nolan, Emma J 2, 271A 477. 01 Pemberton, Lou. M 1,867 Nolan, John J 1, 253 588. 91 Pemberton, M. V 664 Nolan, Mary 1,234 365. 70 Pendel, T. E 88 Norbeck, Wm. G- 340 136. 00 Perdue, M. M 8 Norris, Thomas E 2, 101 840. 40 Perkins, George M 2, 2881 Norton, Geo. F 8 3. 84 Perkins, Lewis 880 Norton, T. L 852J 393. 54 Perkins, ^Vm. F 1,969 Norton, Wm. H 2, 229 1, 003. 02 Perrie, Pattie 2,184 Nowlin, A. W. C 2,2141 882. 80 Perry, H. E 2, 1841 Noyes, Henry 1,814" 870. 72 Perry, AV. A 2, 285

    j Noyes, M 56 35. 62 Perryman, Sally G.. ' 7851 Nuber, J. L 2, 259| 409. 20 Persincfer, Jacob 2, 2.551 Oberholtz, F. C 1.445 722. 50 Pester, M. A 1, 758 O'Brien. Annie 401 117. 45 Peter, Thomas 19 2,141 O'Brien, John J 2, 236 894. 40 Petrle, L 2, 312 O'Brien, Mary 1,806 379. 26 Petty, LillieM 152 O'Brien, Mary E 2, 0801 436. 88 Pfeii. Heurjr 1,040 O'Brien, Nellie 8G3 349. 02 Phillip.s, Joseph F.. 543J O'Brien, Wm. J. C 2, 2191 928. 90 Phillips, Mary J 2,2311 O'Conuell, Daniel 2, 157 1, 351. 94 Phillips, Milton 2, 267" O'Connell, J 2, ll2h 1, 014. 00 Phillips, S.J 2,408 O'Connell, John 732" 351. 36 Phillips, Saml. L 2, 282 O'Connell, Eichard 1, 9071 763. 00 Phillips, W. E 6171 O'Connor, Joanna 2, 2671 425. 09 Phipps, E.M 896 O'Connor, Kate 871 200. 32 Pickleheimer, W. H. 2, 296 O'Dea, Lawrence 53 29.81 Pierce, Frank A 2, 288i Oder, B. E 661 198. 30 Pierce, Geo. W 2, 181 O'Gorman, Kate 908 208. 83 Piogott,L 2, 288 O'Hare, Annie 2, 3661 496. 95 Piggott, M 2, 143 O'Keefe, W. C 2, 284 571. 00 Pinkston, V.B 1,543 Oldfield, J. A 2,2171 887. 00 Pinn, Delaware 2, 782 O'Leary, Dennis J 2, 2.56 1, 111.84 Pinney, A. H 1,328

    O'Mealey, Katie 112 23. 52 Pipes, Jas. E , 208 O'Neill, Chas. I 2, 2491 1, 191. 97 Pittman, Geo. E 485 O'Neill, James B 2, 196 878. 40 Piatt, A. E 2,136 O'Neill, John 96 38.40 Piatt, J. H. 1, 301 O'Neill, M. A 1, 224 363. 20 Plumer, Josephine. 2, 178|

    O'Prav. Emma i 2, 3451 439. 77 Pluramer, Koberfc E. 2, 291

    O'Beiilv, John i 2, 2331 893. 40 Plunkett, Emily 534

    Orem, Chas. J ' 2, 260" 904. 00 Pocher, Simon 2, 268 Orem, Geo. W 2,267 950. 46 Pocock, Geo. W 2, 259 O'Eourke, J. W 308 123. 20 Poff, Annie 2, 2331

    O'Koiirke, Patrick . . 2,181 580. 85 Poist, Wm. A 915 Osborne, Minnie . ... 8941 205. 72 Polglase, Benj 1,736 O' Sullivan, Timothy. 2, 210j 889. 40 Polton, Geo. H 2,240 Otis, C. W 2, 155 1, 295. 28 Pomeroy, M. F 2. 1281 Outlaw, J. B 2, 232 558. 02 Popkins, Dora E 2, 284 Overocker, W. H 6551 262. 00 Poplowsky, Wm 2. 268 Owen, Will E 837" 401. 76 Porter, James E 2, 3471 Palmer, Jos. W 2, 248 1, 032. 97 Porter, K. A 1, 6141 l,55]i Palmer, W. T 1,5161 616. 60 Post, CM , Parker, J.B 2, 2151 553. 75 Post,L.H 2, 2941 Parker, Juo. E 1, 669 784. 43 Post, W. E 2,247

    Parker. W. H 2, 228 999. 44 Potter, A. W , 1,825 Parks, Noel B 514-1 205. 80 Potter. James 2, 528 Parsons, A. M 2, 288 917. 20 Potts, A. H 1, 7441 Parsons, CD 1, 760 905. 76 Powell,!. A 724

    Paterson, John H 2,255 902. 00 Powell, J. W , 287 Paterson, Lester S. . 1, 8141 870. 96 Powell, M. M 2, 257 Patterson, L. Hearn 1,200 487. 24 Powell, Eobt. F 616

    Patterson, L. H 1. 776i 941. 65 PoAvers, Geo. H , 6341 Patterson, Sarah A.. 2,112" 443. 92 Prat her, J. W 40 Pattillo, John H 1, 426 358. 90 Prather, Lloyd 55, 031 . . ...


    No. 26— Statement showing the numher of persons employed in the public printing and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, e^c—Contiuued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Kame. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    1 Pratt, B. H 2 $0. 80 Rickards, Sam l P... 2, 128 Presley, S. C 902 416. 76 Ricketts, J. H 2,282 Price, Clint 0 2. 277 940. .52 Ricketts, O.J l,749i Price, Geo. E 2, 291 572. 75 Ricketts, Wm. M.... 1. 8821 312 Price, Gr.ant 80 Riddick, E.P 2, 127i Price, Helen D 267. 65 Eiddle, A.E 2, 423 Price, R. L 16 3. 68 Riesberg, Henry 2, 3171 Pridgeon, John . . 2, 275 910. 00 Riley, Wm. C 728 Prior, Geo. G 2, 265 yuu. uu Ring, T. M 2801 Pritc hard, Frank . 2. 235 921. 50 Ringgold, D. C 2, 109 Proctor, A. B 2, 232 978. 32 Ritter, Bertba 1, 144 0 10 11 Proctor, Abner C . ^, 1-1 2 ooo. DU Robb, Annie E 2, 0461 Proctor, E. G 2, 218i^ 5.54. 61 Robb, John H 1, 8301 199" Proctor, Geo. H ... 901. 40 Roberts, Augustus L 2, Proctor, M. A 2 492" 523. 32 Roberts, D. J.. 11 Prosperi, John E . 2, 144 605. 20 Roberts, E. C 1, 275 Pryor, H. D 2, 023|^ 809. 40 Roberts E.H 347 Pulley, P. W 1 41.5 3-53 75 Roberts, F. C 1, 0681 Pumphrey, Bettie 43. 0.5 Roberts, Hortense 1,504 Puraphrey, E. P., jr Roberts, J. T 7091 Purcell, Jas. L 2 031 812 40 Roberts, James H 2, 670" Purdy, Chas. F 299J 139. 68 Roberts, W. A I.OOIJ

    Purdy, M. V 2 1 67 541 75 Robertson, W. M. . 617 Pyemont, Geo. E 1, iDUf 704 20 Robinson, A. W 1, 3401 Pyemont, J.W .352 168 90 Robinson, C. H 2, 007

    Qnarles, E. R 16 7. 68 Robinson, Jacob. . . 2, 297 Aa Quayle, Ellen B io 11 04 Robinson, Jennie. . 2, 261 Quein, J. C 161 "^0 Robinson, Josie W. 2. 3271 Quiglev, F. T 2, 130^ 894. 4.5 Robinson, Sarah E. 1,6291 Quin, :D. P 1, 977 9.30. 08 Robinson, Samuel.. 2, 2781 Quinn, M. A 2, 254 901. 60 Robinson, S. M 2, 182 Eadley, C. W 501'' 200 72 Robinson, Wm 1,759 Ramsey, Geo. j\I 1, 746 819. 46 Roche, E. J 911^ Ramsburg, G. iSuel 94 37. 60 Rocheford, Alice M. 2, 129 Randall, A. L 60 52 Rockwood, Isabel C 1,841 Randall, Jos 841 Rodgers, James W. 2,294 QO^ 80 Randall. J. S 2, 064i Rodier, P. Louis 2, 0571 9 900 1 OQQ QQ Rankin, John 11 Rogers, Franklin 2, 276

    Paper, E.W 787 O/ 1 . <0 Rogers, Geo. H . 249 Ratcliffe, Marv 7.50 J.4U. Oo Rogers, Thos. A 109 Rathoon,R. H 351 Rogier, Chas. G 2, 258^^ «oa 9n Raub, George M 2, 224 Doo. Rohr, J. A 352"

    Rawliugs, G. W 2, 255^ 00a. o ( Rook, Harry B 699 Ray, Daniel C 2, 319 OOO. /O Rooks, Junius 2, 286 Ray, Theo 1, 121 448. 40 Rosewag, G 1. 845i CQa 9n Raymond, Wm 2, 097 Ross, James H 2, 2851 Ready, Geo. L 899|^ 314. 82 Ross, Zidon E 2,111J Redfern, John 1, 715 806. 05 Eosser, Leonard Y. 2, 034 QQ7 HA Redfield, H. J 2, 2422- Eotenbury, W 1,969 Reed, Douglas 2, 048 512. 00 Eowan, C. W 2, 414 Reed, Jas. W 2, 090J 527. 02 Eowe, Frank 824

    Reed, Lewis i 2, 300^ 575. 12 Rowe, Margaret 6 Reed, O. 2, 324^ 929. 80 Eowe, Susie C 318 H |

    Reed, Wm.F I 2, 219| 1, 176. 33 Rowell, D. P 2, 288 Rees, Henry 1, 364 641. 08 Rowley, W. Seward 2, 252i 0791 Reese, James E I 312 161. 36 RoAvlson, Bessie A 2,

    Reese, William P i 2, 321^ 1, 162. 20 Eowzee, Milton E.. 1,726 Reid, Agnes H 1, 775 408. 25 Eoy, V. M 2, 294 Reid, Xate K 30 6. 90 Euby, Lncy V 1, 859 Reilly, Annie 2, 146 493. 58 Eudy, C. E 9281 Reilly, William B 2, 160 864. 00 Euggles, W. R ..... 1011 Reinberg, Win 2,105 526. 25 Rupp, Lucy 304 Reinmuth, Ed 1,647 658. 80 Ruppel, Lena 511 Reynolds, A. G 2. 008 963. 84 RuHs, E. L 1, 714i Reynolds, A. AV 2,139 855. 60 Russ, Mary E 2, 388 Reynolds, Harrv A 2. 2271 620. 40 Russell, Ciias 2, 131 Rhodes, CP 1. 508^ 603. 40 Russell, E. B 1, 5361 Rice, C. A 1,282 668. 18 Russell. E. J 2, 164 Rich, Bertie 1,608 369. 84 Russell, Hattie 788 Richards, A. D 1.710 507. 43 Russell, Lizzie A — 2, 1031 Richards, L. C 2, 502* 1, 051. 20 Eussell, Mamie 2, 245 Eichardsoji, E£6.e 2, 187^ 509. 60 Eyah, E. H 996* 2881 Richardson, Frank M. 2, 124| 965. 13 Eyari, John 1 — 1, Richardson, J. M. 2, 679 753. 96 Eyder, C. H 1, 6751

    Eichardson, Eachel A. ],789| 447. 37 Eyder, Francis , 2, 289 Eichardaon, W. H. 2, 395 m> 00 Rynex, Frank...... : 1, 5954 S. Mis. 25- — ..


    No. 26. StaiemcHt showing the 1110)11)0' of 2)e)'so)}8 emploiicd in the pnllic prinllng and hinding (including Congressional Becord) daring the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time ! employed employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days.j Hours. Days.; Hours.

    12 T. 2231 Sage, Katie 2, 272 $477. Sheridan, J i 2, 60 Sailor, Oscar H 2,08]| 832. Sherfy.H.K i 270 Salt. Joseph 2,469 617.25 Shernian, Geo. L 742 j 193i- Sandidge, D. M 2, 877.40 Sherman, Howard E. . . 80 j Sandoe, D. L 2, 266 1,419.21 Sherman, J. W 2,229 j Sansom, Dan. L 2. 160-1 1. 082. 31 Sherman, W. S ' 549J Sardo, A. E., jr 1, 103 441.20 Sherrill, E. B 986 | Sarr, George 1,260 511.68 Sbettle, Chas.P 0821 W i Sargent, G. W 499 264. 01 Shields, AY. E 496 | Satterfield, S. T 2, 279 569. 75 Shinnen, J. C 6161 j Saunders, H. C. 1, 317 329. 23 Shipman, Nellie H 1, 6741 j Saunders, Sue 2, 391-^ 634.83 Shippen, A. E 8

    | Sautei', Balsey E 2, 194 882. 43 Shober, J. Latham 5811

    j Sauter, E, 897. 28 Shober, Thos. Harry 2, 152 J | 460J Savacool, J. 2, 278 082. 51 Shock, Mary 1,870 W 1, i Savage, James 152 72.96 Shoemaker, B. E 1.065 j Savage, M. li 196* 78. 60 Shell, Alplieus 2, 3251 Sawyer, Chas. H 1, 939i 1, 175. 54 Slionio, O. A" 5961 I Sayles, J. T 2, 09l| 525. 37 Shomo, T. AY 2, 401

    Scanlou, Elorence 1.951^ 448. 84 Short, AY. A ! 96U 529" Scannell, Jos. A 1, 764^ 844. 16 Shreve, Nannie I Scannell, M.J 989i 395. 80 Shumway, O.H 2, 0131 j Schaefer, John P 2,119 995. 93 Shnrland, Geo 2, 237

    j Sclieerer, J. T 931 309. 70 Siggers, Geo 2, 008 Scliell, C. W 2, 281J 917. 80 Sikken,Ida 2, 0631 Schermerliorn, Catli'ne 2,218^ 475. 32 Silence, Annie AY 2,163 Scheuerman, H. A 2, lG7i 867. 00 Silence, Geo. P 2, 076 j S.-,liildroth, H. T 13 5.85 Silvers, M. A 2, 253-1 Schlegel, Kate L 2, 204 462. 83 Silvey, A.O 2, 1071

    | Scblick, Ered. J 2. 233 918.68 Simmons, Arthur 904 ! Sclimalhott; W. L 2, 296 1,216. 88 Simmons, E. AY | 2,261 Schmaling. Joseph W. 1,919^ 767. 80 Simons, Kate 845

    Schoepf, J.H 2, 261 973. 00 Sinclair, Peter , 1, 694 Schocneman, Geo. L 558^ 243. 14 Singleton, AYm. H.... 961 Schreiaer, H 2, 242 560. 45 Sinkfield, Sam. E 2, 009 Schutter, Louis 2, 3111 924. 60 Sinon, Susie V 1, 7901 Schwiug, Erank A 197 78. 80 Sipes, AV.H 605 Scott. E. L 2, 249i 1, 312. 25 Sipos, Paul E 1,988 i

    Scott, Erank 2.388 597. 00 Skeen,C i 2, l2^ Scott, James 2, 176 870. 40 Skeen, AA'm. D \ 828^ Scott, J. A 2, 2601 1, 201. 23 Slater, AY. P 2, 229

    j Scott, R.E 1. 327 398. 10 Slentz, Chas. E 893 | Scott, AVm 2, 163 865. 20 Slentz, T.S 222 | Scott, W. S 2,272 908. 80 Smallwood, J. H. B 2, 473 j Scribner, L. R 2, 281 798. 55 Smeltzer, J. E 1,778 Scriver, 263-1 j Addie 2, 475. 33 Smith, A. A i 9181

    Seaman, Hannah 2, 2531 563. 37 Smith, A. B ! 2, 1921 Searlos, Katie C 152 31. 92 Smith, Arthur H 2, 108 | Sebastian, AVm. H 762 190. 50 Smith, Bernavdiue 2, 0371 j Sefton, "Wm. C 2, 328 1, 164. 0(» Smith, Clias. Payne 2,3311 j Seibert, Erank 2, 288 915. 20 Smith, Clavboru 2, 0981 |

    Selbach, E. W 920 368. 00 Smith, D. Harris I 978 Sener, Elorence 2. 564. Smith, bi5 E 259i 87 E.C I 2, Sewall, Carrie 169. Smith, 967 V 737 49 E.G i

    Sexton, Grant 1,995 813.25 Smith, E. AY i 1,3.531 Seymour, Wm. S 2, 264 679. 20 Smith, Florence 2, 1901 | Shackellbrd, J. W 2, 252 573. 00 Smith, E.D 221 | Sbaefer, J ohn 2601 2, 344 586. 00 Smith, Jelf i 2, Shaen, Michael 2, 277 1, 070. 19 Smith, Jesse 2, 2791 j

    Shamwell, C. H 184 46. 75 Smith, J. E I 2, 288 Shannon, James E 1,496 703. 12 Smith, J. 2, 134 M i

    Sharps, Lloyd 960 240. 00 Smith, J. S I 1,800

    Shaw, A. D 103 70. 80 Smith, Kate L ; 1,831 ShaAV, Anna V 2, 317 535. 63 Smith, Moses, jr 2, 121-1 Shaw, Jed 279-1 2, 2631 905.40 jl Smith, E.S

    Shaw, O 42(11 ij AY. 2, 142 2, 1.088.62 Smith, A i

    334" ; Shaw, Sue P 1. 333.41 jl Smith, AY. P 2,234

    ' Sheati; W. S 2, 169 867.60 Smoot, E. D ' 2, 2081

    Shearer, H. C 2, 098 839. 20 Snee, Katie i 1,242 Sheep, J. D 848 211.99 Snyder, O. J i 770 Sheep, Nellie 2, 2552- 473. 65 Soilers?, G.AY 2,184 Shelton, Clias. E 536 242. 56 Somarindyck, G. A | 573 Shelton, Thomas 2, 2.S3i 570. 87 Songster," Thos 2, 2561 | Shepherd, Lydia "'ii3" 25. 99 Sopei*, S. D 1, 146 Shepherd, AVm 2,768 910.71 Sothoron, Jessie 1, 747

    j gJieridan, Geo. W . . „ . . 2, 099 882. 72 Soules, E. U, ...I 3,136 — ... 5 ...


    No. 26. Siafemoit showing the number of persons employed in the prJAic printincj and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal gear, etc. —Contiuueu.

    TIMEVrOEK— Coiitiuued.

    Time ' I Time employed. emjiloyed. Xame. Xame Amount. vs. Da Hours. Days. I Hours.

    SouthweU, C.H 59.5 $148. 75 Sweetman. Eichard 2.278* $911. 40 Southwell. Fred 367. 50 Swettland, M. E 2, 084* 521. 00 "-.'0521' South ^"ick. Harvey J 1. u>7. 76 Sydnor, Ellen F 2, 090* 480. 81 104" Spaeth. Chas. H. .... 1. 441. 60 SydnoT. M. C 2, 2591 474,49 Spear, Hiram 2. -js+i- 7'J9. 57 Symonds. .Arthur J. 1, 844 1, 154.13

    Speelman. M. li : - 'oe Svpliax, AVilliam B . 1,749* 699. 80 036" Speer. J . C 2. 170 Fabler, J. Thos 2, 381. 72 Speisser. M. E 2.269 d6o. 2o Taff. Andrew 2, 182 872, 80 Speller. T. E 2. 170 609. 48 Taff. John A 2^319 599. 69 Spencer. J. C 2.31U 1. 122. 36 Taft. H. A 1.993 878. 16 19" Spencer. Jame.s H . . 7. 60 Tafr, L.T 951 380. 40 Springs, M. E 1. >56+ 426. 95 Tagarr. Annie J 2. 178* 609. 98 Sprightly. P. S 2 124" 84:9. 60 Taibert. John 864" 210, 00 Springer. H. E O.'Oi 590. 42 Talbott. Emma S 304. 08 Spurgeon. T. C 918. 40 Talley, VT.C 2, 304* 921.80

    Stako. TTm 2, i .iiOL 800. 20 Tanner. AV. B 1,945| 917.28 Stanford. 2. 1091 867. 80 Taplev. AT. H 551 1, 360. 00 Stanhope. Stf lla 1. Mil" 39(1. ,ii Tar'kiuutuii. E. X ... 922 230. 49 Stanlev. il. J .. >42 193. 65 lavlor.'Aiinie 9.58 242.94 Stanlev. V 1.079i 743. 72 TaVlor. C.E 2, 537 1. 016. 24 Stansburv. W. H.... 1. :J18" 329. 50 Taylor. H. P 1,905 591. 00 Steed. J."X 2. 174 869. 60 Tavlur. J. Mvers 2, 265* 906. 20 Steele. Dora 364. 60 Tavlor. E. T"^ 31.00 Steele. Marv C 453. 21 Taylor, T. Buck. v.. 1,975 1, 180. 32 Steele. P. S 9 J0. 20 Taylor, Tiola A .... 645 148. 34 Stephens. Thad. H .. 6. 24 Tavlor. TVm. A 400 159. 48

    Stevens. H. W 2,362" I 1, 314. 70 Tavlor, AV. W 2, 195 878.40 Stevens. K 220. 22 Tebbetts. A. W 1, 712* 645. 00 Stevens. Marv T ?2i*i 65. 52 Tegethoff. C E 56" 26. 88 Stevens, M. V. B.... 912V ' 456. 25 Terhune. L. B 645 258. 00 Stevens .S. 1. 947* 547. 35 Terrett, Geo. A 2,161 618. 65 Stevenson. ( '.Solon. 35. 20 Terry. Mary F 953 219.19 Stewart. C. 2.260 703.44 Test, 2, 210* 884. 20 C I John M 344" Stewart.

    Sturgis, John R 100 52. 44 Thompson, (ieo. F . 2, 266* 1, 201. 23 Stntsiuan. Chas 3.84 Thomiison, J. I 2, 704" 912. 60

    Sullivan. Edward J . 330. 72 Thompson, J. L 02 24. 80 Sullivan. Eugene 1. 636 .569. 65 Thompson, AVm, E. 2, 206 1 133.00 I Sullivan. F. A 417. 18 Thomson, Alfred ... 805 371.44 Sullivan, Honora 962 l.-O. 37 Thomson. CP 2. 221 003. 70 '.'32 Sullivan. Harrv A . . 1. 769. 20 Thorn. Beni'. F 2,256 584. 80 Sullivan. J. 2. 148 537. 00 Thome. I. G- 603A 140. 87

    Sullivan. Josei)liine . 437* 109. 37 Thornton, John 1, 502 dOO. 80

    Sullivan, P.J l>2i 7::. 00 Thornton. Mary E . 783 164. 43 Sullivan. S B ] . 57u" 795. 79 Throckmorton, K. B 2. 006 461. 38 Sullivan, T. M 915. 20 Thrush. J. H. W .... 1, 880 752. 00 Summers, Chas. W . 1. 167. 00 Thurston, Henry ... 2, 110 844. 00 Summers, K. AV 925. U7 Tibbits, J. E 16 6. 40 Sutton. A. P 'lOO* 239. SO Tilghman, A. L 2, 198 549. 50 Sutton. H. S 926. 40 Tillfv, Huah G 1.001 611.90 Swain. Clieney 245 516. 35 Tisdale.^rT 2, 596 770. 25 Swain, Emma 409. 07 Tisdel, AViUard S ... 720 135. 00 Swain. 2--2. James F 1. i:!l 1 Tobey, AVm, H 2, 379 951.60 Swan. Eliza A 2.157 535. 11 Tumlinson, T. Arthur 1, 808 723. 20 Swan. W. A 2.563 S65. 00 Tomlinson, AVm 424 169. 60 Swann. Jennie P 2, H'2 441.41 Tompkins. Henriett 2, 184* 530. 99 Sweeney. Emma 2. 032* jiiQ. 08 Tompkins. H. F 345" 165. 60 Sweeney. Maggie 2. 001" 463. 56 Toner. .-Mice E 2, 205* 463. 24 142' Sweeney, Patrick .... 968 387. 20 Toner. Edward T . . 1, 474. 36 ''^77 SweeneV. Victoria . . 2 523.71 Toole, John F 870* 263. 10 339" Byveeuej-, H 1,1123.20 Tooniey, Depuis.... 2, 935. 60 1 — . ! !I . .


    No. 26. Sfairmoit slw)vivg ihe niimlyer of persons employed in the pnWic printinfj and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued. TIMEWOEK—Continued.

    Time Time employed. employed. l^ame. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    3:35i Topham, Mary J . . . 2, $537.16 Warwick, J. F 2, 190 72:!A- Torrey, E G 1, 689. 40 Waterman, C. A 2, 3771 Towers, J. V. R 2, 215.V 886. 20 Waters, Byron 1.765 Townsend, A. E ],818i 969. 10 Waters, Edwin R 2, 2531 409" Toy, James C 2, 663. 34 Waters, Thomas B 2, 093

    Toy, James M 2, 288 686. 40 Wallieu, Daniel ] , 9531

    Tracy, H. D i 2, 314 580. 14 Watkins, N 2, 2991 Tretier, Chas E 763 305. 20 Watkinson. Henry W. 2,121 Triple tt, Maud 94] i 216. 5i Watson, A. J....'. 56

    Triplett, T. M I 1,863 745. 20 Watson, Henry C 1, 327 Triplett, Wm. H 1, 547 541. 45 Watson, H. L 40 \ Trowns(*ll, Wm. C 2, 583 1, 034. 48 Watson, J. C 2, 020 Tucker, Lizzie 2, 071 476. 83 Watters, Lizzie 1,8731

    j J- Tune, L. A I 110 27. 62 Wa tts, Ellen L 1, O08 Tuohv, A. G 2, 165i 866. 20 Watts. Walter 2, 261 ! 90|- Tuoli'y, T. E ! 36. 20 Waugh, John S 2,054 494I Turberville, G. R. L . . . 2, 729. 55 Wayne, Edward M 96 Turk, Jos. P 221" 106. 03 Weaver, Geo. O 2, 204 I Turnburke, Pauline . . 2, 262 475. 02 Webb, Henry 16 Turner, Marv 2,217 509. 91 Webb, Walter H 2, 1971 Turner, Wm"; A. H 381 152.40 Weber, Fred E 35l| Tyrrell, Carie L 16 3.36 Weber, Henry Vv' 763

    Upperman, Emma ¥ - .. 56 11.20 Weber. John" 208 Underwood, H. C 2, 219 998. 53 Weber, Philip H.,ir... 2,104 Underwood, Rich?.rd. . 40 10.00 Weber, W. H 1,088 Unkefer, A. C 2, 215 556. 74 Webster, E. M 2, 164-1 431" Usilton, John W l,060i 617. 04 Webster, Geo. A 1, Ustick, Abner 1, 2931 685. 54 Webster, U. G 2,261 Vallee, Frank 1. 415 566. 00 Webster, W. F 571 Van Arsdale, Ida.. 2, 2151 46.5. 25 Weeks, L. D 22 2(!6i> Yarn ell, Viro inia M . . . 2, 551. 61 Weeks, Orva T 2,046 j 251i- Vandever, Wm . . 2, 914. 80 Wehrley, Saml 2, 320 Vail, E. 390 192. 00 Weidman, J. 336 E I M Yance, Alice E 2, 039 428. 19 Weiss, W.J 2, 276


    Van Horn, John F I 2,216 913. 92 Welch, Alfred B 1, 5.56-1 Van Lieu, A. O 787 181.01 Welch,Jas.A 2, 26r \ Van Meter, David J . . 34. 64 Wellborn, E. B 1, 8421 . 673' Vaugbn, Eva M 154. 77 Wells, Chas. W 2, 2.581 | Verity, J. V 2,014 966. 72 Wells, H. L 2. 274 \

    Verser, J. J i 873 305. 54 Wells, O. M 184 Vogelweyd, Nannie 1,368 344. 73 Welsh, C.H 2, 2411 j Vose, E. A 2, 268 521.64 Welsh, Edward A 1,334 j 120A - Wade, Chas ! 2. 848. 20 Werteu baker, Wm. W 2, 230 28.5i Wade, Margaret I 2, 479. 95 Weser, Rosa R 2, 234 j Wahl, L. C 1,141 536. 56 West, A. A 2, 096 I 139i 80 I Waite, A. R 2, 855. West, Charles S ! 2, 364^ | Wakefield, Samuel 2, 168 867. 20 West, F. A.. A : 96U Walde, 2, 132i- 953. 00 West, Marion T 6P8" Wm.G |

    Walker, Cbas. H i 2, 2941 917. 80 Westman, W. R ; 1,692

    Walker, W. H 1 979 244. 74 Wetraore, George W. . 2, 109 2. 292 Wall, S. R ; 2, 413 1, 085. 95 Wetzel. Minnie Wallace, Frank 2, 017i- 808. 50 Wevand, H. S 2, 134 Wallace, E. B 2, 291 1, 214. 23 Wheat, E. M 2, 331

    '' Waller, Edward- 2, 280 570. 00 Whelan, Mary A 1, 471 Waller, Elizabeth A...; 363 67.35 Wheeler, Geo" 2, 688

    Waller, John ' 2, 1674- 541. 87 Wheeler, Hazard 2.417 | Walmsley, M. E '\ 2, 2161 415. 53 Whitaker, J. T 2, 2741 ; ' 171 Walmsly, Edwin 2, 392 956. 80 AVhite, Bernard 1 2, Walsh, John E 2, 132 880. 88 White, Cora 2, 4721 Walsh, Katie 1,193 355. 05 White, Geo. F ! 1,205"

    Walsh, M 1,234 366. 10 White, Geo. K ! 2, 1671

    j Walsh, Mary 871 200. 33 White, John E i 1, 2871 Walsh, Rosa B 2, 104 483. 92 White, Margaret..,. 720

    Walter, J. Edward ! 1, 975 780. 20 White, Robt. H .... 2, 1374 Walters, Annie 40 9.20 White, W. F. P.... 2, 171| AValton, D. S 2, 245 898. 00 Whitehead, J. W... 2, 2671 Walton, H. S 439 214. 18 Whiteside, Henry.. .362 Walton, W. H 979i 471. 12 Whiteside, JohnH. 8861 Ward, Lillie 1,136 336. 45 Whit ford, Geo. A... 2, 392 Ward, R.E 2, 131 1, OIL 52 Whitlock, Chas.F.- 1,962 Warner, Annie E 701 17.62 Whitmer, E. F 493 Waruke, G., jr 1,281" 512. 40 Whitmore, W. S.... 2, 291 Warren, Chas. IST 2.291 916. 40 Whitney, Wm. A... 2, 202 Warren, Chas. M 2, 152 880. 50 Whittaker, W. H . 2, 0981 Warren, F. E 819 353. 12 Wiener, Josephine. 2, 21H Washington, Wm. H 2, 225 556. 25 Wjese, H.. 2, 147^ — ......


    Xo. 26. Siatemenf shoii huj the niimlyer of person-^ i-lif' jyii/hJir- printing and binding {including Congressional liecord) durin etf. —Contiuutd.

    TIMEWOEK— Contiuucd.

    Time Time employed. emi^loyed. Xame, Amount. JTame. Amount. Days. Hours. Da;^s. Hours.

    Wild. E. S 1. 6995 .$-1.5. 32 W Mar' 2 277 ?47S. 27 Wilty, P. W 09: 16 AViseUt-r. L. A 494 157. 60

    Wilkes. Louisa T ... WilhalL.Ji.;.- -1 .T . 2 2Hl':^ 1. 19S. 05 Wilkins. F. P WlThers. (ir-rn i.: - 1 u.4j 273. 62

    AVUkias. William - ^ - Wood. J. H 21, 50

    Wilkinson. Julia ir s Wood. .Jatue- AI . . . 1211

    . 1 Wilkinson. Mary £ . . 2. 1.56* ^Vm,;„1. .JoLu M 27 1 Wilkinson. Samuel . . 1. - AV-ud.M '1. Williams. Alice 2-l4i 'j-i Wood. P 2 2ui 261" Williams. Arthur J . . 122. 07 Woo dell. Juo. C 244 S97. 60

    • ATilUams. Chas. A Ly72 788. 80 Woodgate. Geo. J . 110 844. UO

    AVilliams, E.B 2. 2'J21 881.00 Woodward. Harry . 909 43*;. -2

    2. 22:;^- -35 . Williams. E. W 558. Woodward. L . .\ . Sl4. >iJ 5'.i Williams, E 519. SO Wooilward. M. K . - 1:44 4.'.'. AViUiams. G. £ 72. 00 AVoodside. Ed.r ... 524 2u9. 61.1 Williams. H. T 2. 169 687. 61 Wooten. AVade H . 664 J 199.35

    Williams. Logan 428 199. 36 Wor.sliam. W. W . . ] 314. 75 AVilliams. Margaret. . 2. 1171 486. 91 Woulfe. Maurice L 2.'1 421. 99 AVUliams. Nellie C 2. 2:Hi 430. 49 Wrisbt. B. C Williams. Robert 1. 492" 934. 24 Wright, B.F Williams S. T 2. i'22 505. 49 Wriirht. Ge-.r-c ,

    "4 ' 1 ^ 'J 1 1 . . Williams. S. L :j Wriiht. .John £_ ' - ^ ">. Williams. T. G 1 . 20 r:_hT. John ]N ...ir

    Williams. AValla« e K . 2. j'.'o 074. u7 AVriuht. Presrun B. 1

    Williamson. Edwd. L . 1. C'i^D^ 638. 20 Wriihr. S. 2. 3u4i 02 j C 03U. AViUiamson. Lizzie C. 92 > 232. 00 Wright. W.E 2. 256i 905. 99 AA illis. H.C 2. 240i- 89S. Wr„7, Cha>.P. P... 2, 2'4^ VM.l.SO ' AViLson. C. H 2. 45U' C12. Y - ^ A. C -"^}. iJO 1.217* V _-r. Chas 976i WiUou. G. S Yca'.iiaii. L'uia E . . 49 Wilson, J 326 Yerbr. M. -J 4li7. Ul

    . . 134A Wilson. J. Chris 2. 976. 50 Yin1 1. 026. 44

    Wilson. Maggie 441 131.85 Your. _ . ; . - 694. 22

    ~ ATilson. R. C 2. 2401 LI 87. 46 Youi._ v.. . 9]g. 23 241" Wilson. E. J 2, 904. ?S Y'ouu-. YM-: 1. 114, •J4

    . 4'i6" Wilson. AA'illiam . 4291 217.12 Young , L

    WUton. W. C 1.673 780. 27 Zeigler. .J. . 1, -ly Wimmer. Wilda — 1, 797 449. 24 ZiuLiiiermaii. i iL-M. -J AViuiie. £. L 2. 255* 901'. Zininiermaii. P'djT.

    AVinrer. CLas. E. . 624i 284. 00 Zucker, Hem-v 35.20 AVinters. li. M 2. OlOj 804. 2u

    PIECE WOPvlv.

    Xame. Xame. 2same. Amount.

    Abbott. C.E ('44.64 Ashby. Mary :-a' . i Basiter. I" rank A .*L 210.95 Abb-^ tt. W. R 722.05 l!axt(-r. loiit- T 153. 02

    Adam. A gne.> AY 183. 50 Atkinsou. jViu F . Barnhan. F. H 951. 65 Adams. Carrie 215. 27 liai oii, Rosa \' Eellev.-. Anna J 320. 76

    Adams. Clarence G. . . 1, 008. 77 Baker. Bettie B.>lli<..L.Scph SOU. 10 Adams. N'ellie R 408. 83 Baker. Emily 54i;'. E-]l.^r, Cha^.E 1.38

    Adamson, Mary B 150.35 Baird, Hattie D . . Ai;ne> 507. 99 Adie. Alice....' 230.17 Bailev, S lieatty. A.P 521. 30

    Alburtis. Jas. H L 204. 60 Baldwin. EdgiirM. \ '^t-dle. Irene G 140. 38 Alexander. H. E 613. a5 Ball. AY. A lltriider. CM 975. 00 Allan. Edna G 177.68 Banes, f "harle.- Benuelt, L. -J 63u. T9

    Allison. Irene i;5u. 71 Barber. Wils M . . BeiTV. George 156. u6 Allison. Matt L 777. 55 Barnuni. Mark H.. Bent'halh Frank H. ... 21s. 17 Allison, F. A .90 Barr. J. S .. 1. 4-: 455. 15 Ambrose, M 201. 27 Bardwell. Minnie. Bhi.-k.Xdlie 212. 16 Anderson. Edna S 316. 58 Barrett. -Julia Bhmd. Chira (') -3. 47 Andrews. C. A 425. 21 Barrett. AJ. p 6u2. Bloom. lliH-rr 77u. 46 Andrews, L. L 5o2. 05 Barrett. Mariuu II. 311. Bh)or. Yiftnria E .81 Anson. Eugene 494. 10 Barry. J 574, Eoggs. Zflla 12. jO Armstrong. F. A 453.36 Barton. C. A lionney. CD 61. 92

    Armstrong. Jnmes R . 1.32 Bartnn. E. j; Booth.' CaiTie A 5U1.S4 Armstrong. Harry 4. 85 Bateman. Wni. I... Borst. Kate C 86. 22

    . J Aahcom, Mary , 264.65 Ba^iter. B. H L 50 — ......


    No. 26. Statement showing the numJ)er of persons employed in tlic puhlic printiTKj and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Name. Amount. Amount.

    Eoteler. O. C $950. 05 Cavanagh, Annie M.. Dausch. Kate M

    Bott, Hiifio E 353. 86 Chamberlin, Mary . . 194. Davis. Cviithia Bottsfortf, Chauncy \l. 102. 90 Chambeilin, Mary M. 493. Davis. \V. A Bowen, A. W . . 1,482.95 Chandler, Lizzie 481. Davitt. Snbina

    Bowie, A.J 57.61 Charles, E. G 469. I)aou-licrt\ . S. H Bowie, Carrie C 532. 75 Chase, F 517. Day, Aii. e'M Bowliiiii, Aimie 274. 87 Chase, Will H 1. Day, Lillian Bovce, A 414. 98 Cheatham, Kate A . . 1,204. Decker, Kate Bov

    Brady, Jlosa 92. 21 Chritzman, B. L 588. Dennison, Clias. S . . . Brauuan. Mary A 384. 21 Claggett, A. L 641. Dcnnv, R, E Brasliears, E. A 1, 013. 80 Clarke, Albert S 1. Dent, Cai rie \

    Branson, Howard S. . 348. 24 Clark, Nellie 535. De Yautier Scinia. . Bree. John C G05. 45 Clarkson, M 258. Dikeman, M. G Breslin. J 513. 54 Clements, Ella E 464. niggs, N Breunin.iier, Jnlia 421.94 Clower, Harry W 393. Dixon, Alice M Brittain, Alice A 328. 62 Cobb, Carrie Buxton . 308. Dodge, Ida

    . . Brock way, Bert t H 888. 15 Cobb, AV.E 850. Dodye, Sarah i

    Brockweil, W. X 1, 241. 15 Cochnower, F. C 249. Doh'ertv. Joliii E i

    I 492. Brooke, D. C 207.12 Colbert, Maagie Dojinellv, E i

    Brooke, Jas. E 366. 30 Cole, M. M.^- 458. Donaldson, F. E I

    Brooke, TJios. H 47. 06 I Cole, Bessie 224. Doocy, J. W I ( Brooks, James H 607. 24 : 'Ollar, Lora E 1. Donohue, Margret ] Brooks, S 19.45 Coilins, Maggie J 4.58. Dorsey, Sadie W. j

    I Brown, A.N 744. 15 Collins, Minnie R 4.52. Dor.se v, W. F i I

    Brown, INIary A 231. 85 i Collins, J 243. Doten', Chas.O | Brown, ^lary E 331. 02 Collins, T. H 1. Dougherty, J. A \ j Brown, Marietta S 354. 17 Collins, Sara 478, Dove, Mai'V j F | Brower, AVilbur 637. 45 Columbus, A 278, Dow, M. E G j 1 Brubaker, Georgia E. 587. 22 Cooke, Adelia 273, Dowling, J. L I 3iryan, 444. 86 Cook, Ella 528, Lizzie Seleana I B Downie, Bnckland, E. 1,090. 00 Cook, Marv 69. Downs, A. S E I H Bnddington, Anna E. 214. 56 Cook, W. j 941, Downs, Ida L J Budlono-. E.M 243. 97 Cooley, John 359, Downey, Mary A II Buete, Ella H 461. 77 Cooper, Mary I*] 272, Dowden, Kate j Bull, Lillie E 223. 02 Conkliu, Jolin H.,jr.. 758. Doyle, Lizzie

    Buley, Frank li 910. 40 1! Coulee, C. C 286. Drew, Julius Bundy, Ella T 17. 74 Coulee, Fred A. 123. Dubant, Jessie M 239. 92 j E. 616. 55 Conner, Jas. 118. 506. 05 Bunker, N I D Dubant, Maude 345. 65 499. Burchtield. WillE.... j! Conner, Lizzie Dutrow. A 545. 07 Burgess, M. A 277. 36 Connor Joanna 502. DufiFv, Kate E 258. 69 Burgess, Josie M 26. 56 Conroy, .J. M 65. DutiV.EUa B 330. 85

    j Burnhani, W. M 12. 78 Conroy, L 484. Dutty, Chas. J 185. 46 j Burkholder, E 569. 51 Constantine, B. F 728. Dulin, Mary S 448. 70 |

    Burke, Cliancy 590. 37 Coder, M. G i 160. Dumble. Jessie F 1, 643. 55 Burke, Mamie H 524. 91 Corey, Elvira W 7. Dunninii'. Clavton H. 1.32 | Burke, Mary A 463. 40 Corbin, M 221 Dunham, Til lie 440. 90 j Burns, Lillian 89.89 Corn well, Louis W-.J 825. Duvall. Enmia, 429. 62

    Burns, Mary A 182. 88 Costin, C. B 109. Easter] ing,Thos. C - . 1, 082. 20

    Burr, 484.61 Costin, Lucy . . . 395. Eberle. Rebecca . . . 434. 26 Ada G. M | S Burr, J. A 233. 86 Cotti, E. A 103. Ebert, Lei tie S 199. 90


    Burrns, Anna 280. 40 Coughlan, Alice M...i 461. Eckdnll, Carl I 001. 58 Burr ass, Mary 12. 54 Cou^hlan, Mary 289. Edie.M. A 441. 89 i Burwell, O. K 382. 17 Coulson, A. S. 48. Edmonds, Sarali 370. 06 \ 1. 1, 35 Butler, Missouri 375. 63 Councell, W. F I Edmunds, Will M....! 447,

    Byam, Chas. P 882. 33 Covert, W.H 1, 0.50. Eoole,ston,M.E I 474. 60 Byrne, Mary E 476. 33 Cowan, Anu j 277. Elberti, Geo. AV 547. 85 \ Byrne, Mollie 6. 08 Craig, 1. 097. EUegood. J. 718. 80 A E \ j Byrne, Peyton L 20 Crapster, Ida S 233. Ellinger, Rachel.... 488. (,7 \

    Calvo, Mary E 573. 71 Cratty, Kate 397. Elliott. Josephine . 524. 32 Calvert, Geo. 664. 16 Crellin, Mary 277. Ellis, Ettie S 158. 22 A A j Campbell, Josephine. 25. 84 Cridei", Laura • 220. Ellis, Geo. H 443. 09 Campbell, E. H 985. 85 Croniu, Nellie 271. Ellis. G.I) 1, 016. 65 Cammack, M 396. 50 Cronielien, Sarah C. . 1, 035. Ellis, LR 30.31 Carpenter, Lizzie 240. 08 Crook, Alice 27. Ellis. Mabel 508. 74 Carpenter, W. II 1. 56 Cross, Annie E 571. Ellis, Titus F 521. 05 Carrico. Emma L 162. 24 Cross,.!. W 944. Ellsworth, Mary E 204. 82 Carrigan, Annie 464. 81 Culbertson, S. S 26. Elwood, Irene il . 36. 97 Carter, Belle 467. 21 Culhane, J 379. Emerson, M. J 841. 43 Carter, Eannie E 15.07 Curren, Ida I 238. Emmons, L. H 636. 37 Carter, Georgie I 258. 35 Dalkiu, Margaret 10. Ennis, Chas. H 723. 05 Carter, Jennie A 414. 31 Dalwick, Emly 306. Erck, Clara A 434. 20 Carter, .L W 1, 284. 20 Daly, Alice V' 242. Eskew, H. M 247. 77 Casper, E 595. 02 Dame, May 23. Etter, Laura Y 263. 56

    Cathell, Annie W.... 12. 83 Darby, Mary 373. Euaus, S. L , 832. 35 — . , .. |: .


    No. 26. Statement shorving ilie nnm'ber of persons emploi/ed in the puhVic printing and binding {including Congressional liecord) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutinued.


    K"ame. ISTame. Amount.

    Eiiler. John C ;i.42^.78 Good.-iir. Ella $55. 73 Hayne, Harry C $087. 15

    Evans. Mar^iarot A . 9.5S. 15 Goodrich. Louis P. 976. 45 Haynes, Lavinia F ... 70. 65

    S. . Evans. Cha^. M 112. 80 &omper.s. .J I 1, 217. 75 Haywood, .Jennie F 433. 16 Evans. Martin X 1. 14 Gorham. Mary E 529. 55 Hayworth, A. D 619. 25 j

    . Falkener. Kate A. 138. 86 Gordon, Alex . Iv 1 .84 Havenner. Annie 338. 61 FaiTell. Ellen 410. 10 Gosorn, Geo. T 6L 40 Hazelwood, Laura 220. 27 Feltham. Emily O... 82. 32 Grahill. Carl E 604. 50 Head, M. E 243. 95 j Field, Sadie 592. 77 Grady. Daniel 936. 90 Hearst, Ed 54. 24 i

    . Fitzgerald. Edward 158. 28 Graff"; C. W i 821. 96 Heath, John T 1.20 Ella M... 56. 47 J. 1. 86 Hefliier, Clara 499.11 Fitz Hugh. Graham. W i S Fitzpatnck. Mary E. 265. 87 Grant. Lizzie 100. 63 Heffner, Mary 69.15 Fisber, Amelia 466. 45 Grasse, Mary L 119. 78 Heinline, Chas. S 1.16 Fisher, Mamie E 25.81 Graves, Benj. B. F...| 1. 80 Heiser. Robt. L 1.02 Fithian, E. P 1, 108. 25 Gray. Carrie R 421. 60 Helm. E. E 465. 55 j

    Fizer. Adele .16 Green, Annie i 304. 52 Hendel, Wm. A 109. 40 360. 14 t'lemiug, Aimee C Green. Bessie M 199. 53 I Henry. Benj. F L 32 j

    Fleming. CM 667. 90 Green. Fannie : 221. 62 Henry, Chas. W L32 j

    Fleming. D.W I 743. 55 Green. M. E 10.49 Herbst, Minnie 219.59 I

    Flerainir. Kate I 426. 16 Greene, Mina M 283. 31 Hewin, Jennie E 445. 77 \ I Fleming, M 433. 60 Greenwood, Hannah. 331. 29 Hiatt, L. O 440. 79 j 354. 52 Hiorgins, Xannit- j Griffin, 125. 30 Annie 540. 18 Fleming. Hugh P ! I

    I Fletcher, Maria 13 ! 416. 21 Griffin, F. C 1.50 1 Hill, Chas. W 156. 43 458. 69 Hill, Folck, E. A Grimes, Laura L I 493. 97 I Jennie E 190. 84

    Foley, Katy 475.48 Grimes, W. E i 1, 249. 90 Hill, Mary E 475. 15 I

    157. 81 Grimes, 348. 42 ; Hill, Minnie 237. 72 Flvnn, Mamie Wm.TT ; Ford, Mary 219. 50 Grimlsey, P. 1,165.75 Hill, L 379. 39 A i j

    I 820. 55 Grinneli. 252. 61 John . 92. 10 Ford, Geo. A. E ! Himmelmau, C j Fordham, Sarah 547. 64 Griswold. M. J 326 32 Hitch cox, J 516. 37 j Foertach. Mary 24.49 Griswold. A 693. 15 Hod-e.A 126. 66 j

    . Forney. J. G i 978. 30 Groshon. Georgianna 469. 41 Hodge, Mary F 437. 33 Forsyth, C. E 897. 25 Grove, Annie L 979. 05 Hoffan. ^Margaret H.. 209. 99 |

    I Font, C. W 73. 08 Gudgin. Minnie F ; 394. 73 Hoke. L. A : 157.67

    Fowler. Jennie 269. 35 GiinrU-r. L. 1. 048. 45 ; Hoke. Ruth L 147. 12 A |

    Fox, .T.E 125. 70 Guvul. Mathilde I 425. 99 Holohan. 'Mary J 558. 35 I Fox, Thomas 424. 14 HacketT. Murray 1,029.40 Holland, Xellie 211. 08 j

    ' Frauci.s. A. C 477. 96 Hackraan. B. F 1,2.59. 05 I Holman. Sarah 114. 56 Franklin, Anna 311.71 Haines. Claude E . 1. 38 ' Holt. Samuel M 848. 60 Franklin. X. B .")79. UO Haius. M. L 66. 87 Holton. Hoyt 1, 028. 00 j i A Frazi'-r, Mary E 13s. S3 Halford, J. AA' 200. 54 Hoover. M.'^E 257. 31 j French, Ed. K 8.37. 91 Halpennv. ii. L. S 1, 053. 60 Hopkins, Edward R., 71.64 j

    French. AV. M 1 . 1 03. 28 Half, Anna B 219. 04 Herzog. Emma , 520. 49

    Freeman. Kat't- 245. 90 Hall, E. J , 871. 00 Houghtaling, Henry. 1, 094. 10

    Frost. Mary E 488. 14 Hall. Fred. , 342.35 Howard, Minnie E.". . 54. 80 , A L Frye.TTiirvr 1.175. UO Hall. a.VT 1, 059. 60 Howlin. \Vm. C 76d. 86 Frush. Emma 592. 58 Hall. Mattie G .... 451. 50 Hoyme. H. H 1, 040. 60 Fugitt, Harris- 1 A 192. 24 Halliday, Belle.... 525. 62 Hoynes. John 919. 80

    FulenNvider. Jno. E . .; 1, 023. 03 Halsey,"Katie 60. 94 Hubbel. Carrie A 344. 62 Fuller. Hubbel. A.G I 242. 51 Hamilton, ArtViur. 1.212.70 Mary 317. 34 Fulton, W. A .80 Hamilton. F. I) 1.20 Huflinan. Xeilie E 20. 28 I ^^' Furhu.sh, CO 1.50 Hamilton. . :SL . 904. 80 Hughes. .Mary F 241. 20 |

    Galhraith. ^m. J 747. 90 Hammona, K. H . 58. 26 Hughes. Eliza 417. 73 Gale, Edith 490.01 Hammond. .Sranlev 2o2. 27 Humble, H. H 541. 65 Gallagher, Ella :M.-..! 469. 57 Hamp.-ion. lr)wa . .. 1. 1.34.80 Humphrey. Oscar W . 1.02 Gallagher, Mary 525. 06 Handley, E.J 1,160. 10- Huntsberi-y. M. K 237. 77

    • Galleher. J. A . ^ 287. 65 Handebeau. Ellen . 556. 25 Hurdle, Edith 475. 88 Garden. J. H 80. 14 Hansford, Will R.. 1.38 Hurley, John F 1, 643. 40 Gardner, Fred \r 143. 82 Haradon. Fannie A 284. 57 Hurley, Jennie C 19.45 Garland. Jeff. 1) 57.'). 30 Hardy, Ella C 589. 39 HusseV, Annie 492. 77

    Garrett. Anna L 443. 40 Hard'ins,Mul]ie L . 420. 99 Hutton, Clara E 485. 61 Garrett. AVm. M 1.047. 55 Hardesty. K. C .... 1, 263. 90 Hutchinson, Amelia.. 98.37

    Garri.son. F. E 3. 20 Harner, C. A 587. 84 Hutchinson, Leona . . 280. 33

    Garwood. Emma L) - - 401.91 Harper, Delia 250. 56 Hutson, A 257. 70 . Gates. Florence 582. 52 -Jas. 20 Hyatt, X'ellie 173. 07 \ Harper. L L Geigan. .Joanna 499. 37 Harkins, A. J 242. 22 Hvde, Lucy 469. 12

    Gheen. Belle I 229. 43 Harleston, F 129. 70 Hyler, O. I) 1. 208. 50

    Gilford. Belle i 272.75 Harriniiton, H. L . 227. 89 Hysan, Georgie 287. 43

    Gillin.M. A i 569. 69 Harris. X. P 361.50 Irwin, James H 424. 35

    ' Gille.-^pie. S.F 1.02 Harris, J. M .90 Irwin, Margaret A . . 1, 381. 20

    Gilmore. Olive 1 ! 1. 045. 25 Harris, H 450. 61 •Jackson, Celeste T .. 510.73 Glasscott, .Josephine. 116. 26 Harris. F. V 393. 94 Jackson. Pauline 151. 39 Gla.sgow. Ellie C... 238. 87 Ha.stings.TV. T .... 990. 25 Jacoby, Callie 1. 012. 50 Glenn. Lewis A 144. 46 Hassler. Roy D.... 1.106. 67 Jarrard, H. D 1.20 Godfrey. G. M 258. 30 Haltigan.P'. J 573. 45 Jennings. Kate L 5.57 Golden. Annie T> 412. 90 Hatley. Frank M.. 232. 38 Jenkins. Z. T 1, 177. 30 Goldsmith. J.D 129. 08 Hawken. Aiiiies M 316. 32 Johns, AY. E., jr 71.30 Goodman, Cassie A . 237. 95 Hayes. Jas. S 47. 38 Johnson, Armtnta 131.86 Goodrell, H. B 359. 09 Hayes, M. E 484. 52 Johnson, J. E 101.40 — . . ..


    No. 26. Statement sliowing the numler of ijersons employed in the pnllic printing and binding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc. —Contiuued.


    Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Name.

    Johnson, Louis C . $874. 40 Linhart, May $486. Mitchell, $57. 71 j Emma

    .Tobnson, L. H 244. 89 Little, Annie C 196. I Mitchell, Lucinda S.. 434. 48 Johnson, T.M 326. 92 Lloyd, Ella T 493. Mitchell, MattieM... 494. 78 I

    Johnson, Susie E i 200. 73 Lockwood, S. B. C 397. Milstead, Maggie 169. 71 j

    936. 83 Logan, 1. ! ! 621. Johnston, J. M | G. C Moens, S 98 Jolmston, Walter L..! 273. 60 Loug,M. F 594. Mooney, Alice 587. 73 | I 995. GO Longfellow, A^' 606. 835. Jones, Edwin C i M. Moore, Charles H 3« I

    1, 041. 20 Longiey, E. 1. Moore, I 295. 08 Jones, C I E John F j ijr. 434. Joneti, ; 97 Lord, I) 280. Moore, Geo. 842. 89 A ! E

    [ Jones, W. F 26.3. 86 Loring, Annie 270. Moore, Jennie F 390 93

    j |

    Jones, M. L 143. 96 Lorentz, Mott L , 055. Moore, Laura 223. 44 \ A \ '

    , Jones, Lyditi E 49. 24 Lowrey, J. H 110. Montrose, Olive M \ 373. 74 j 30.5. 63 ! Jordan, fiabina Lowd, W. B i Montz, Orlando S 399. 05 j 447'. Joyce, Mary 427. 11 Luckett, Lucinda Montz, Rose i 71.01 ; |

    ' Jullieii, Ad'die 225. 07 Lusby, Ida C i 464. Moreno, Amelia 452.29

    1 Jiino, Chas. Y i 1, 303. 65 Lusby, C .578. Morgan, Ella L 487. 5* Kane, James 1.066. 13 Lynch, Ida J 437. Morgan, Nellie 445. 81 j |

    ; 1 Kane, Nora I 202. 84 Lynch, Hannorah 607. Morris, L. T 483. 71 Kankey, Virginia 462. 12 Lynch, Jennie 536. Morris, Reba 68. 50


    Kearon, Alice I 480. 47 Lynch, Mary T 589. Morrison, Cornelia A. 491. 94 |

    I Keating, Annie i 233. 48 Lyons, Thos". F 221. Morrison, E. F .80 \ '1! Keefe, Hannah i 7. 14 Lytle, N. H Morrison, John R 1, 050. 60 \ Keefer, H. 257. 56 Macdonald, James H. 806. Morrow, M. 503. 70 A j M j Keelan, John C 604. 00 Macleod, S. J 152. Morton, L. 1. 32 j M \ j

    Kelley, Jas. F , 50.10 Macnichol, Sallie 442. Moulden, J. B 1.26 \ j

    1 Kelly, Kate 435. 96 Madden, C. E ! 429. Mulcare, Ella 388. 20 62 26. 50 Kelly, Katie 349. Maddox, A. P Murphy, Henry P \ L


    Kenney, L. P 118.22 Mahoney, Julia i lyi. Murphy, H. F 107. 62

    Kent, Lincoln , 806. 82 Mahouy, Kane i 833. Murphy, H. S 177. 07 Kerney, Rosa B — 474. 78 Main waring, E. L 48. Murphy, Maggie 524. 73 j Kerr, Geo. H 5.40 Maley, John 678. Murray, E. H 663. 46 j

    Kidd, Mamie , 345. 64 Maloney, F. 946. Murray, D..L 1.74 T \ King, A. 1.44 Mankin, .A 95. Murray, Mary 1.84 H Wm A j King, Virginia 459. 98 Manning, Jennie E. . 414. Murray, M. E 583. 84 ]

    King, Edwin M 1, 220. 65 Mansfield, Julia E 580. Murray, Julia i 479. 27

    King, Mollie E I 71.43 Marschalk, \V. A 467. Myers, D. G 613. 00 niingsbury, A. E 359. 74 Marshall, E. \Y 349. Myers, Helen A 115. 37 | Kirby, Sainuel 1, 272. 55 Marshall, Libbie 361. Mylan, Susie 375. 52 G |

    K irkpatrick, Jas . F . . .80 Markham, M 220. McAuliffe, P. J i 795. 65 Klotz, Amanda 482. 48 Markley, Mary 385. McCabe. Hattie 326. 22 j Knoble, Chas 1, 163. 75 Martin, Minnie E 432. McCallum,P.M 923. 49 Kraft, 73.15 Martin, 30. McCampbell, N. 619. 06 Mary M S L \

    Lackey, Ella C 575. 07 Martin, Herman 809. McCann, Joseph ; 1, 472. 50 Lacoppidan, Mary 402. 74 Martin, A. A 490. McCarten, Kate 508. 61 |

    Laing, Aug. M 1, 237. 85 Martin, Bertie 150. McCarter, Annie S. . .i 217. 92

    Lalor, Martha F 507. 82 Marvin, D. J 828. McCarthy, J. A ! 412. 92 4.59. 09 Mason, D. 1. D. 1, 136. 65 Lane, Mary H McCarty, J i Lamar, Mary L 124. 74 Massey. Victoria P... 32. McClelland, Rose 246. 54 |

    Lamb, Edward 22. 08 Mathers, C. H 45. McCormick, Mary . ..\ 503. 93 Lauxman, H. M 415.28 Mathers, L. Henr;^' . . 1. McCord, Corneliii T..! 563. 46

    La Preux, Bettie 477.47 ! Mattingly, I M 264. McCullum, Ella 480. 02 j

    Lattiraore, Helen J - -j 369.15 Matthews, .Julia 62. McCurdy, Geo. S-... 1,124. 10 I 1. Lattin, Mary 439.60 I Matthews, F. 495. 340. 45 E i R McCurdv, W.S

    Lawder, Frank 102.42 Mattos, Richard N. . 824. McDaniel, AV. B 244. 10 I j

    Lawlor, Mamie ! 332. 09 Maxwell, Julia M 463. McDermott. Franlc . 526. 45 I Lawyer, Anna T 226.37 Maus, C 461. McDonough, Maggie 424. 83 j

    Leavy, Jennie 113.80 ! May, S.J 302. McGee, Agnes . 463. 16 j

    Learned, M. L i 264. 60 Mayer, Emma 475. McGinnell, Mary 425. 39

    Leane, Maggie 357. 97 Meals, Edna 472. McGivern, Marion . 479. 25 Leavitt, Wm. M 1, 273. 60 Means, E. L 11. McGowan, H. T 708. 00 LeCointe, Edith 198. 25 Menard, W. T 855. McGowan, Minnie F. 440. 93

    Leech, S. J 31.5. 28 Mendenhall, E. E 1. Mclnerney, Mary - - - 367. 85

    Lee, A. V 397. 90 Meley, Maggie 212. Mclntyre, Bell j. . . 424. 67

    Lee, M. V 450. 00 Middleton, Ella 239. McKean, W. S., \v. . 297. 96 Lendner, Maggie 506. 03 Miller, Chas. E...... 497. McKee, Otis W ...... 31.68 Lenhart, Joe M 9.58. 85 Miller, Daniel 922. McKnight, A. H.... 100. 00 } Lenman, M. E 459. 98 Miller, Frank F.S.... 1. McKevitt, Annie 504. 84 j

    Leonard, A. G I 1, 053. 15 Miller, J. W 900. McLane, J. S 16. 92

    Leonard, Etta ! 84. 83 Miller, Lemuel E 1. McLaughlin. J. M. . 1.32 Lf wis, Carrie 442. 18 Miller, 444. 253. 64 E | Lizzie McLean, M. E

    Lewis, Clarence 60 Miller, 338. . 354. 42 \ 1,040. O. S McLeland, Jerome

    . Lewis, F. M i 1,185. 35 Miller. AVm. K 241. McMahou, Agnes . 386. 97 .... Lewis, William E 1 1,139. 53 Miller, Wm. S 1. McMahon, James 361.68 Light, N. M 365. 05 Miller, EstHle 351. McNamara, Mary . . 412.42 Ligon, John 966. 85 366. McNeir, 371.65 D | Milligan, Kmnia Thomas K. Lillie, M. G 275. 31 Mills, E.C 482. McNerhany, Ida 398. 36

    j Liudsay, Mary 441. 87 Miner, Charlulte. . . . 520. McPhersou, Maude . 606, 45 | — ......


    No. 26. Statement sJiow'nig the nvmher of persons employed in the imhlic jyrintiny and hiuding {including Congressional llecord) during the fiscal year, etc.—Coutiuued.


    Name. Amount. X"ame. Amount. Xame.

    McQuaid, Geo. J $1.68 Poulton, Sarah E $208. 00 Rupp, Lucy $241. 79

    M(;Soiiey, Frank J . . 72. 04 Prather, Elizabeth C 441.51 Ruppel, I^ena 283. 12 McSween. W.H 3.84 Prat her, Mary A 479. 29 Russell, Annie 399. 81 McYille, Hattie 494. 71 Pratt, B. H 1, 275. 20 Russell, E. B lo.-;.. 80 McVille. Marv 485. 52 Pratt, D. M 287. 47 Russell, L. M 1, 413. 15 Xalle,E.G :^52. 38 Price, Grant 782. 83 Ryan, M. A 511.69 jSJ alley. Kate V 250. 63 Price, Helen D 351.73 Ryan, Mary H 28. 05 Na.ih, E. M 536. 83 Prober t, C. G 859. 65 Rynex, Frank 113.45 Ifeal. Thomas P 702. 59 Proctor, Mary U- ... 2. 12 Sangston, Mary C ... 488. 33 Xebb, Eai bara 453.80 Prosser, Daniel X... 936. 00 Sargent, G. W '. 841. 00 Xeeley, Ma.agie 997. 70 Purcell, M 469. 26 Sarr, Geo. W ...... 407. 24 XiclioLson, irwin A. . 699. 97 Purdv, Chas. F 542. 01 Saunders, Geo 1, 260. 60 Xicbols, J. F 1.44 Qnin; D. P 1.26 Savage, Kate 443. 79 j Xiernsee, M 1.84 Kabbitt, Ida 369. 20 Savacool, J.W L 50

    Xelson, Bertie 155. 99 t Eagan, Mollie E 983. 60 Saxton, Edward 869. 25

    Xelson. Jennie 160. 52 ; Pamsburg, G. Suel. . 1,196.60 Scanlon, Mary 106. 05 Xesbitt. H. A 44. 92 PandalL A. L 956. 10 Schaefer, Lizzie 400. 52 j Xesmirli. ;?»Iarv 2.18 Eandall, Emma 506. 37 Scheerer, Annie M . 482. 44 .'. Xewell. (r. W! 1.20 Ean.sdell, Lulu. . . . 399. 37 Schwing, Frank A . . 729. 15 Xe^vL.n, J. 94.14 Kalston, Pachel 133. 80 Schildroth, H. 1, 054. 70 D I T

    439. 59 . Xoble, J. L i Ranke, Ida 165. 67 Schoeneman, Geo. L 619. 43 Xolan, Marv 260. 16 Paper, E. W L 44 Searles, Katie C 465. 29

    I Xortcni. Geo. F 769. 44 Keardon, Mary A 274.94 Seebold, Henrietta. . 107. 17 X^orton. T. L 751. 91 Peaver, Maggie 221.25 Segerson, J. E 5Sv). 01 Xoyes. (J. E 272. 55 Eeid, Kate K 309. 52 Serrin, Rosanna E . . 427. 53 Xoyes, Henry 1.80 Reid, Helen F 454. 08 Shannon, Ben. J 875. 80 O'-Brien. Annie 404. 42 Reapsomer, Mary 601. 09 Shaw, David 1, 306. 95

    O'Brien. Xellie 434. 10 I Reese, James E 321. 90 Sheiry, Mamie 381.12 Br^'an. Minnie 529. 37 Reilly. Annie 497. 33 Shelton, Chas. 474. O ; C R 80 ... 0"Connell, Bridget 500. 88 I Reilly, Cora 483. 39 Shelton, Laura 445. 59 O'Connell, J 82.18 Reynolds, A. G 1.14 Shepard, E. J 1, 390. 55 OMJonnor, Annie E. . 498. 75 Rhodes, CP 151.40 Shepherd, L. A 452. 07 j O'Connor, Kate 453. 05 Rhodes, T. 977. 30 Shepherd, Lydia 187. 25 A I O'Donnell, 11 975. 65 Rice, T. S 902. 10 Sherk, Milton J 932. 70 O'Hara, Anna 442. 29 Rich, Bertie 114. 70 Sherman, Geo. L 1.127. 83 j O'Hare, Maggie 362. (j7 Richards, Mary J 488. 62 Sherman, Howard E 1, 344. 55

    O'Keefe, Katie C 135. 69 Richards, J . 834. 55 Sherman, W. S 689. 28 M I O'Learv, M 584. 29 Richardson, Hattie.. 190. 01 Shreve, Xannie 269. 73 O'Mealev, Katie 408. 78 Richardson, Mary E. 378. 84 Shields, Margaret . . 489, 84 O XeiJl, John 1,182. 65 Ricketts, O. J 109. 65 Shipley, Nellie 190. 62 j O'Xeill, M. A 220. 81 Ridgely, Rosa B 469. 40 Shober, J. Latham . 631. 14 j Oriiie, 230. 00 507. J. . 966. M. A Riecks, Alice 55 i Shober, Thomas 16 Orr, Kebecca 473. 73 Rinehart, G. A 1, 235. 15 Shomo, O. V 930. 79

    Orr, Sadie 177. 28 Ring, T. M 850. 30 ' Short, W. A 1.20

    Ortb, P. P 1, 717. 50 Riley, Annie E 344. 20 I Shott, E. E 1,293. 85 Ott, Aiiiiie 520. 20 Ripley, Henrj- L 805. 65 ' Shubbard, P. Kate. 225. 28 Owens, Marv 356. 01 Ritchie, E. J 426. 93 Sibley, J 258. 11 ! Pape, P. C.."^ 245. 38 Roberts, D. J 1, 283. 70 Sickels, Chas. E 1,009. 34 j Parker. Add 803. 95 Roberts. F. 46. 30 Simmonds, Xellie ... 4t9. 39 B C I Parker, Millie 460. 44 Roberts, John T 565. 15 Simmons, J. D . 1, 070. 70


    Parkinson, T. H 1,123.15 Roberts, 'W. A 31. 38 I Simons, Lucy 31.05

    Paterson, Lester S . . 1.32 Robinson, Clara J 482. 32 Sims, M. E 496. 01

    I Patterson, Addia 372. 35 Robinson, A. W 1.14 Simpson, Josephine . 978. 10 Patterson, L. Hearne. 268. 52 Robinson, Geo. 859. 15 Sinn, J. L 1, 189.30 W— I

    Paul, E. A 99. 10 Robinson, Hattie E.. 1, 277. 30 ! Sipes, W. H 634. 61 Payne, Ed 1,274. 06 Robinson, M. E 147. 68 Skeen, Wm. D 357. 31 I Paxson, Xellie J 419. 87 Robinson, Sarah E... 449. 02 Skelly, Julia 306, 90 Peake, Clias. P 960. 65 Roche, Anna E 403. 45 Slentz, Chas. E 647. 07 Pemberton, M. V 14. GO Roche, Walter T 748. 40 Slicer, Cora J 203. 56

    Perrynian, Sallv 107. 53 Rockwell, Millie J . . 454. 11 Smalley, C. E 1,219. 80

    Pe.ster, M. A. A 32. 95 Rogers, A . 437. 71 Smith, E. G 1.26 Peticolas, Pearl 584. 59 Roger.s, Geo. H 578. 23 Smith, F. D 1,080. 40 Peters, Bertie K 135. 94 Rogier, L 586. 16 Smith, Letitia 236. 65 Petty, Lillie M 292. 29 Roeder, C. H 1, 083.90 Smith, Lida L 269. 75 Phillips, Samuel .80 Roderick, W.V 1.364. 80 Smith, KateR 480. 86 Phillip.s, Thos 357. 05 Roland, A. A 686. 70 Smith, Mary A 411. 14 Pickrell, Helen M 69. 52 Rountree, Xettie 509. 52 Smith, Maggie K 520. 98 Pierce, W. L 31.75 Rons, Mary L 416. 73 Smith, M. J 594. 06 Pierre. Mary 497. 27 Rose, J.F .- 257. 27 Smith, R.S 892. 09

    Pigott, A 581. 95 Rosencrans, Frank . . 957. 01 Smith, Robt.M 960. 50 Pink.stou, V. B 1.08 Ross, Eno A 476. 37 Smith, Shelby 1.006,02 Pittnian. Geo. E 156.44 Ro.ss, M. A 238. 83 Smith, W. C 933, 10 Pitts, Allie Bassett .. 617.12 Rowzee, W. A 258. 82 Smoot, Kate V 563. 00 Piatt, Dollie A 877. 10 Ruby, Lucy V 31.88 Smythe, R. B 900. 22 Pomerov, Kalph 85. 00 Pucker, M. C .... 104. 33 Snee, Kjitie 249. 25 Pope, F 588. 46 Rudy, C. E 607. 50 Snowdon, Clarence . 102. 66 Port8, Annie 192. 93 Rugglea, W. R 1, 087. 12 Snyder, O. J LOS —— ......


    No. 26. Statement slioimng the nwniber of iiersons employed in the jpnWic xirintinq and Mnding {including Congressional Record) during the fiscal year, etc. —Coutiuned. PIECEWORK—Continued.

    Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Name. Amount.

    SomariiKlyck, G. A . $810. 48 Thomas, E $100. 23 Waters, D. J Soper, S. i) 134. Gl Thomas, Mary 485. 11 ^^'atkinson, Henry W. Spalding, M. T 593. 42 Tliomj)son, Emma B 213.29 Watson, Alexander J Sparks, Kebecca 400.91 Thompson, Fannie 212. 25 Watson, Eva Speaks, M. J 573. 17 Thompson, J. L 802. 85 Watson. H.L

    Speier, Henrietto. . 497. 50 Thompson, M. A . . 2G8. 72 Webb, Henry Si)encer, James H . 801. 85 Tliompson, Rose L. 346. 79 Weber, Henry W Sperry, Hannah B. 678. 75 Thompkins, Lottie . 420. 50 Webster, Geo. A

    Sprandel, Mary M. 228. 60 T h om son , A 1 fr ed . . 1.44 Webster, G Spriggs, M.E.' 29. 82 Thornton, Mildred . 468. 54 Webster, Jolm E

    Springer, H. E 718. 11 Thornton, Panlme . 127. 24 Webster, O. S Stanley, V .72 Tibbitts, J. E 1,043.95 Weeks, L. D

    Stanton, E. H 236. 34 Tompkins, II. F . . . 374.10 Welch, (Jeo.H

    St. Clair. Emma 153. 62 Tompkins, Kate A . 288. 41 Wellner, Mary

    Steele, Dora 242. 39 Toner, Edward T. . 331. 46 Wells, E

    Steele, Grace V 268. 74 Toole, D. C ., 342. 31 Welty, James L Stein, J. A 266. 78 Torrey, E. G 101. 65 Wetlierall, Lillian.... Stephens. Thad. II. 508. 88 Townsend, A. E 177. 95 Whaley, Maggie Stevens, Jennie 472. 48 Town.send, Robt. L. 126. 68 White, B Stevens, Mary T 334. 88 Traubel, L 735. 90 White, R. L Stevenson, C. Solon. 1,332.15 Trenis, Martiaa E . 470. 07 White, W. F. I»

    Stewart, Clara. . . , . 241. 88 Triplett, Maude 10.70 Whitehead, Carrie L . Stewart, Emma 659. 43 Truby, JSTellie 485. 59 Whitmee, Lizzie Stewart, Gertrude B 1.84 Trumbo, A 170. 28 Wiley, P. W Stewart, Lily 470. 52 Tucker, Lizzie 33. 81 Wilkinson, Nellie

    Stewart, Martha . . 426. 63 Tune, L. A 34. 28 Williams, B. F Stiles, H.L 193. 39 Tuohy,T.F...... 1, 092. 40 Williams, Emma D... Stivers, G. H 148. 92 Turnbull, Andrew . 1, 393. 70 Williams, Logan Stocks, Wm. C 1.56 Turner, Mary 34.04 Williams, Mary II Stockham, Annie M 151. 20 Turner, J. A. D 1,103. 15 Williamson, Jas. B . .

    Stolpe, Grace L 198. 93 Turton, Fannie. . .. . 402. 53 Wilson, J Stratton, L. C 214. 05 Tyrrell, Carie L.... 464. 30 Wilson, J. C Street, F. W 1, 112. 55 Upperman, Emma F 401.46 Wilson, J. Cliris Strong, Jane \V" 126. 72 Usilton, John W ... 652. 65 Wilson, H. F Struh'le, C. E 557. 29 Van Liew, A. O 111.51 Wilson, Jannette E. ..

    Strnm, Janie M 534. 73 Van Matre, Kate. . 497. 41 Wilson, Maggie Study, Chas.W .... 998. 50 Van Meter, David J 50. 15 Wilson, M. E Stnrgis, John II 1. 144. 90 Vaughn, Eva M 197. 71 Wilson, Mary E

    Sullivan, A 402. 45 Veritv, J. V 1.50 Wilson, Omar I

    Sullivan, E.J 17. 04 Wade^, M 238. 38 Wilson, Wm I

    Sullivan, John R . . .80 Wahl, L. C 2.04 Winter, Chas. E i

    Snllivan, Jose](hine 169. 05 Waite, Fannie AV . . 485. 36 Withers, Gertrude V.I Sullivan, Kosie 231. 04 Waller, Elizabeth A 305. 15 Wood, James M

    Sullivan, S. B 1.20 Waller, Katie , 289.71 Wood, T. B Sutor, L. P 938. 10 Walling, Rose 225. 88 Wood end, Emma F...

    Swann, Jennie P . . 15.59 Walsh, Katie 230. 49 Woodward, Harry Swart, C.E 527. 64 Walsh, M 219. 95 Woolsey, Emma

    Swearingen, F. C ... 453. 08 Walsh, Mary 350. 37 Wright^ Eunice W . . Swett, Ella A 451. 84 Walsh, Marv E 589. 73 Wright, Mavv E Swing, F. D 14. 28 Walsh, Rosie B 30. 47 Wright, Presttm B... Talbot, Maggie 172. 22 Walsmith, W. F 1.133.80 Wright, T. B. R Tanner, W^B 1.68 Walton, Virginia .. 354. 83 Wyman, Nannie Taylor, Annie 126. 76 Wander, Mary B . . 2.50. 92 Yerby, Virginia Taylor, J. Myers . . 32. 05 Ward, F. J..: 1, 112. 40 Young, E Tavlor, S. W 965. 83 Ward, Lillie 212.77 Young. H. D Ta'vlor, Viola A 331. 65 Ward, Richard F... 1. 68 Young, Scott K Tegethoff, C. R 107. 88 Warfield, Lillie 212. 09 Zeaman, Cora Terry, Kate S 400. 34 Warnke, G.. jr 563. 50 Zell, J. H Thayer, L. M 983. 95 Warner, Annie E. 2.54 Zook, Alice M Thayer, W. T 599. 22 Warren, F. E 371.16 Zucker, Henry Thoinas, C. I 172. 20 Waters, Annie..... 583. 81

    No. 27. Statement showing the numljer of persons emjyloyed in printing Arnual Hej.ort (1S90) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended Jnne 30, 1893, n-ith the length of time each has hcen employed and the amount each, has received. TIMEWORK.

    Time I'inK^ employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    A moss. James O 6 $2. 40 ' Ingram. T. G 00 $2. 00 8 3.20 JVIarshall, Vim QO 3. 20 Clark, J. Wilson 6 2.40 McDonough, J.J 00 3.20 Hall, John H 8 3. 20

    1 — .. . .


    No. 28. Statement sJioivhig the niiinher of persons employed in printing Annual Report {1891) of the Secretari/ of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893, with the length of time each has been employed and the amount each has received. TIMEWORK.

    Time Time emijloyed. employed. Name. Amount. Ifame. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Honrs.

    Wood, A. L I 1! $1, 104. 00 Gildav, Edward J 1, 399 $559. ()0 Abramsou, G 2;} 10. 81 Gillia'rd, Wm 1, 411 504. 40 Amazeeii, Clifis. 15. . 287 514. 80 Godwin, E. W 90 24. 00 Andeison. 1). F 317i 658. 70 Graham, A. W 771 385. 50 Aiider.soii, AI. L) 482" 444. 60 Granger, Sadie 96 24. 00 Andrews, L. I> 116 269. 58 Gray, R. A 77 19. 25

    Bakei-, Wm.H 112 44. 80 Gregory, Jesse W 81 9 i- 204. 87 Barrett, Julia 027h 230. 32 Grenacher, Chas 1, 362 353. 50 Earnett, Maj' 290" 296. 67 Hayden, Posey F ..... 108. 00 Eattley, Alice E 2921 297. 27 Ha'tton, I 1, 4091 352. 37 Eavlie', Jennie 8 1.68 Hasson, Frank 112 52. 64 Eeall. J. W 080 432. 00 Haskell, F. A 92 23. 00

    Bell, \y. P 044 261.00 I Harriss, Geo. E 16 4. 00 Benthall, Frank H.. 620i 142.71 Harries, J 696 261. 00 4()6i I Bentzler, Jno. L . . . 542.60 I HarreU, Wells C ] , 273 509. 20

    Eevler, Edward 277 510.80 i Harper, E. J 136 34 00 4(i4 Harford, 375 550. 60 Black, A.H 139.20 ! P.B 1, Blanil. Clara ,106 254.38 Hardesty, J. 1, 364 477. 40 O 1 K Jioa;os. Zella 807.1 201.87 Hamilton, Eoss 1, 496 394. 00 ! 29:i-i , Hall, 56. Bolland, Benj 323.86 I H 100 00 Olivia ,325" Henderson, Eelita 270. 03 Bond, J 304.71 i 1, 174j

    Eorst, Kate C , 262 277. 46 Hess, S 90 24. 00 10:11 E. 60 21. Bowie, A. J , 253. 77 Hickman, L 00

    Bullock, W.P , 520 456. 00 Hoft'mau, Florence 1, 352 422. 50

    2781 Hood, ! 40 10. Burk, T. T , 319. 62 A. E 00 353" 480 120. Burns, John J , 541. 20 Hood,M. C 00

    3751 36 Hooper, E. J i 288. 75 Biirruss.Mi.rv , 316. 1, 255|

    ^ Buscb, Wm. H 24 6. 00 Houck, Henry T 1, 3111 521 . 60 Carey, H.J 23 10. 81 Hughes, G. H 1, 1291 284. 52

    Carrico, Emina L . . 219 54. 75 Hume, E. H 94 23. 50 Carson, John T 24 6.00 Hyder, John 24 6. 00

    Cavanaugli, . lames . ,2975 405. 47 Jackson, F'l ank 56 14. 00

    Cawson, S\ S 370 171. 20 Jackson, W. W ! 96 28. 80 Clarke, \V. S 8 2. 00 Jnllien, Carrie T 5921 136. 27 Clements, James U. 24 9. 60 Keebler, Micliael 506 126. 50 Coleman, CO 95 23.75 Keefe, T 95 23. 75

    Colkless(!r, A. A ... , 323 304. 29 Keenan, J. H., jr 1, 302§ 521. 00 Collins, Daniel J.... 392 98. 00 Kemp, Fred, jr 112 39. 20 Conner, James D ,3531 541. 40 Kennedy, S. A 274| 63. 13 Conroy, J. M 6271 156. 87 Knight, John E 1, 311 524. 40 Conway, Tliemas... 88" 22.00 Laporte, W. M. 112 39. 20

    Core, M. H 2121 278. 87 Lewis, Ida J 1 , 354 311. 37 Cornell, S. M ,286 295. 74 Lohmeyer, Richaid C 1, 326 530. 40

    Cowgill, John 912 228. 00 Mangaii, Elizabetli . 1, 321 301. 88 Creed, J. AV 190 61.82 Marsh, E 378 92. 00 Crutchtield, 'E.^V... 96 24. CO Mason, Geo. C 1, 391 d^. 75 Davis, L. H 16 4. 00 Maury, Lizzie 8 3. 20 Deans, A. C ,340 536. 00 Miller, EmmaE 1, 272 292. 56 Dement, Lena 88 22. 00 Moore, Cecelia A 64 13. 44 Dishman. Wm 758 189. 50 Moore, R. W 1, 281 512. 40 Dods


    No. 28. Statement showing the numlyer of 2)ersons employed in in'mting Annual Beport {^1891) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time emjiloyed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Pratlier, J. AY 12 $3. 00 Taylor, Yiola A Pyouiont, Geo. E — 184. 20 Teiry, Mary E ],290| Quayle, Ellen B mi 192. 51 Thompson, David A. 1,379 Kandall, Jos 824 247. 20 Thorne, I. G 1.605 j Keady, Geo. 1,244 435. 38 Toole, John 9561 L ! F Kichardson, Eacliel A.' 478 119. 50 Triplet t Maude 1,324 12. Triplett, Kiesburg, Henry ! 48 00 AVm. H 740

    Hobinson, Sarali V. I 8 1. 6S Van Liew, A 84^ 311i Koche, E.J 1, 524. 60 Vaughn, EvaM 356,V j

    ' 264" Eotenbury, W 243 97. 20 Verser, J. J 1, Kussell, Clias ... 24 9. 60 AYalter, H. S 112 Kussell, Hettie 1,210^ 280. 24 Walters, Annie 8 Schaefer, Jobn P — 110" 51.70 AYarner, Annie E 81 Scott, Fv. E 960 288. 00 AYathen, Daniel 93i Selbach, F. W l,315i 526. 20 \Yatson, Henry C 792 Sewall, Carrie V 1, 070 246. 08 AYobor, AYm.H 824 Shaeu, Michael 112 52. 64 AYebster, AY. E 1, 501

    Sharps, Lloyd 1,298 324. 50 AA^elsh, Edward A . . 768

    Shoemaker, B. E 1,150 287. 49 AYost. Marion T , 1, 326 Simmons, Artliur. jr 1, 381 552. 40 AYest. E. A 1, 2.53 Smith. A. A 1, 3694 517. 80 AYhite, G.F 981

    Smith, E.W 417| 104. 37 AYhiteside, John H . 1, 353

    Stanley, M. J 1,234 283. 82 AYilkinson, Samuel . 934 Stevens, K 1, 265i 290. 06 AYilliamson, Lizzie C 1, .552 Stevens, S.W 48" 14. 40 AYilliams, Wallace K 96 Stoll, John 1, 317 526. 80 Withers, Gertrude V 88 Stoat, C. H 111 44.40 AYorshara, W. W 504 Sullivan, Jose])hiiie. 96 24. 00 Wright, S. C 8 Sweenev, Patrick — 1, 322^ 229. 00 Yeager, Chas .1, 317 Talbot, iJohn 1,301 325. 25


    Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Name.

    Adam, Agne.s AY ! $36. 22 Bull, Lillie E $192. 84 Conner, Lizzie

    Adams, Cai-rie • 51.24 Burgess, M. A 248. 51 Conroy, J . M

    Adams, Nellie R \ 26. 70 Burns, Lillian .46 Cook, Adelia 186. 69 Burr, .46 Cook, Adamsou, Mary B ; Ada EllaB

    | Adie, Alice i 50.98 Burr, J. A 225.41 Cooper, Mary E I

    Allan, Edna 192. 47 Burruss, A nna 234. 45 Corbin, I G j M Allison, 3. 11 Burwell, (). 67. 58 Costin, Irene \ K Lucy G. M j Ambrose, M 242. 83 Butler, Missouri G . 1.14 Cotti, E. A ..| Anderson, Edna S 15.24 Calvo, Mary 51.29 Couglilan, Alice ...I j E M

    Aiidrews, C. A i 13. 71 Cammack, M 52. 91 Coughlan, Mary

    i Andrews, L. L i 14.44 Carpenter, Lizzie 175. 54 Cowan, Ann E. 135. 34 Carrico, 78. 91 Crapster, Ida Armstrong, S ! A \ Emma L

    Ashcom, Mary 1 23.5. 50 Carter, Belle 9. 81 Crelliji, Marj' A 15. 28. Crider, Ashe, Annie.*. : 85 Carter, Eannie E 12 Laura Baird.Hattie D 118.99 Carter, Georgie I 257. 72 Cro.s.s, Annie E \ 18. 81 Carter, Jennie 152. 42 Culhane, J Baker. Bettie i A

    Baker, Emily I 55. 81 Casper, E 52. 19 Curi en, Ida I Bardwell, Minnie .46 ChamberJin, Mary. . 6. 52 Dalwick, Emly Barrett, Marion R 211. 65 Chandler, Lizzie .46 Daly, Alice V Barry, J 40. 34 Charles, E. G .46 Dausch, Kate M Bell, 'Agnes 1.81 Chase, F 21.31 Darby, Mary Belle w, Anna J 8. 33 Christmas, L. D 4. 07 Davitt, Sabina Black, Nellie 170. 42 Chritzman, B. L 52. 34 Day, -Alice M l)Ooth, Carrie A .40 Clark, Nellie IL 65 Decker, Kate Bowie, A.J 35.31 Clarkson, M 195. 20 Denny, R. E Boyce, A 164. 33 Clements, Ella F . . . 27. 77 Dent, Carrie A

    Branuan, Mary A . . 46. 05 Cobb, Carrie Buxton. 257. 59 De Vantier, Selma . .

    '. Breslin, J 26. 04 Cochnower, F. C 106. 18 Diggs, N . .

    Breuniuger, Julia . . 4. 32 Coder, M. G 230. 91 Dikeman, M. G Brittaiu, Alice A .46 Cole, Bessie 232. 00 Dodge, Ida Brooke, D. C 200. 98 Collar, Lora E 2. 95 Dodge. Sarah

    Brown. Marietta S. . 15. 74 Colbert, Maggie 127. 79 Donnelly, E Brown, Mars' A 224. 01 Collins, J 201. 78 Dougherty, J. A

    (ieoi r.o. (»:i Bi iihakei , -ia E 54 Collins, Minnie R 5. Dorscy, Sadie Buddinjitoii, Anna K 09 ( Jollins, Sara .4(5 Dowdeu, Kate Buete, EUaH M. 81 Columbus, A 227. 02 Uowuie, Lizzie — . . ..


    Xo. 28. Statement showing the numter of persons employed in priniinfj Annual Ixeport {1891) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year, etc. —Cuiitiuued.


    Bowling, J. L ,.$105, Higgins, Annie 3:18. 42 ililligan, Emma Lizzie 19. Hill, 70. 10 Mitchell, Doyle, L i Emma

    Du'ttV. Kate E 185. 00 I Hill, Mary E .46 Mitchell, Lucinda S.. 49. Diiffy. Ella B Hitchcox, J 15.31 i Moens, S

    I Duliri,Mary S Hodge, A 20.93 Montrose, Olive M . . Dunham, Tillie Hodge, Mary F .40 Montz, Eose Dutrow, A 48. 78 Hoke, L. A 249.08 j ilooney, Alice Dnvall. Emma 39.71 HoUand. Xellie 272.11 Moore, Jennie F Ebert, Lettie S 227. 01 Hollohan. ^lary 50.98 Moore, Laura J I A Edmunds. Sai ah 59. 69 Hoover, it. E 240. 10 Morgan, Ella S I Elliott, Josephine Howard. Minnie E 18.53 Morgan. Nellie S 41. Ellis, Ettie Hubbel, Carrie A 107.68 I Morris, L. T Ellis; Mabel 4. Rubbell. ]Nrarv 194.31 Morris, Keba ElIsM'orth, Mary E... 197. Hufiiuan, XlIUc 11.25 Morrow, M. M Egole.ston. M. E Hughes. Mary i' 92. 57 Mulcare, Ella Erck. Clara A 25' Hughes, Eliz'i .46 Murray, Julia Eskew, H. M 223 Hussey, Annie 4.73 Murray, M. E Etter, Laura V 248 Hutchinson, Lcona.. 135. 52 Murphy, Maggie Ealkener, Kate A Hutson, A 200. 08 Mvlan, Susie Farrell. Ellen 58 Kutton, Clara E .46 McCabe, Hattie Eield, Sadie 52, Jackson, Pauline 202. 02 McCampbell, !s. L Fisher, Amelia Johnson, L. H 223. 26 McCarten, Kate Fleming, Ainiee C Johnson, T. M 21.06 McCarter, Annie L . . Fleming, Karie Jones, G. A 2. .52 McClelland, Buse

    Flemming, Yi 60. Jordan, Sabina 218.43 McCord, CcrnoliaT. . Fletcher, Maria B 2. Joyce, Mary .46 McCormick, Marv Folck, E. A 16. Jullien. Adtlio. 203. 96 McCullum, Ella .' FoleA-. Katy Kankey, Yirginia 28.45 McGee, Agnes Ford"^, Mary C 22o! Keating, Annie 44. 37 McGinneli, Mary

    Fordham. Sarali 12. Kelly, Katie 50. 83 McGivern. Marion . . Fo-wlei-, Jeunie 224. Kerney, Bosa B .46 McGowan, Minnie F . Francis, A. C Kuld, "Mamie 52. 79 Mclntyre, Bell J Franklin. Anna 102! King, Yirginia .40 McKevitt, Annie Franklin. B 16. Lactey, Ella C 51.54 McLean, M. E Frazier, Mary 2. Lacopidan, Mary 24.26 McMahon. Agnes Freeman. Katie 113" Lalor, ilartha i: .46 McXerhany, Ida Fru.sh. Emma 15. Lamar, Mary L 120. 50 McPliersou. Maud Fugitt, Harriet A 166. Lane. Mary.' .46 Xallev.KateA^ Fuller. A. G 198. La Preux,"Bett;e 7. 63 Xa.sh.'E.M GaBagher. Ella M Lattin. Mary E 45. 86 Nebb, Barbara Gallagher. Marv 34! Lauxman, H. M 22.91 iSTelson, Bertie Gale, Editli...; 1. Lawlor, Mamie 145. 86 ^folan. Mary (iarrett. Anna L 7. Lawyer. Anna T 189. 97 O'Brien. Annie Gates, Floi ence 52. Leane. Maggie 47. 98 O'Bryan, Minnie

    Gheen, Bell 185. Learned, M. L 5.61 O" Connor, Annie E . . Gillem, M. A 48. Lee, A. V 63. 47 O'Connor, Kate Glascott. JosephiiK' .. 4. Lee,M. Y 2. 42 O'Hara, Anna < ."46 Glasgow. Ellic- ' 256. Lenman, M. E O'Hare. Maiiaie Goodman. Ca.ssie A ..! Leonard. Etta 45. 44 O Keefe, Katie Good.sir. Ella Lillie. M. G 228. 60 O'Leary, M | Grant, Lizzie • Lindsay. Mary 9. 50 O'Mealev, Katie O'i^eill, Gray, Carrie K ! Linhart. May 5.03 M. A Green. Annie Llovd. Ella T .46 Orme, M. A Orr, Green, Fannie. i Long, M. F 52.00 Eebecca Green. Be.ssie ]M Lorcl. D 243. 63 Orr, Sadie Grimes. Laura L Loring, Annie 197. 80 Ott. Annie Griswold, M. J 206, Lupkett. Lucinda .40 Owens, Mary

    Groshon. Georgiana . Lusby, C 57. 26 Pape, P. C Gudgin. Minnie F ... Lynch, Hannorah 51.43 Patterson, Addie .51. Hain.s.M.L Lynch, .Jennie 19 Pemberton.M. Y ! Han. Mattie (r Lynch, Mary T 52.49 Peticolas, Pearl |

    Halliday. Belle Macleod, S. J 127. 28 Petty, Lillie M, ! Halsey. Katie Macnichol, Sallie .46 Pierre, Mary Handiboe. Ellon Madden. C. E 4.10 Piggott, A

    Harding. MoliieL ... Manning, Jennie E . . 12. 59 Pitts. Allie Bassett-..i Hardy. Ella C 52. Mansfield, Julia E ... 17.44 Pope, F


    Harleslon. F 124. Markham, M 243.24 Ports. Annie I 9.43

    Earner. C. A 57. Marshall. Libbie 4. 32 Poulton, Sarah E ! 235. 83 Harper. Delia. 241. Marshall. E. .40 Prather, Marv A .46 Harris. H 2. ]^Iartin. Minnie E .46 Pratt, D.M..: 230. 37 Harris, F. V 101'. Mathews. -Julia 149. 44 Price, Helen D 19. 84 Havenner. Annie 47. May, S. J 218. 73 Purcell, M .46

    ' Hazlewood. Laura. . lU. Slaver. Emma .46 Babbitt, Ida 60. 22

    Head, M. E 207. ^leals.Edna 4.76 Ralston, Rachel i 2. 66

    ' Helfner. Clara S 140. :\[i,l,lletoii,Ella 213. 99 Ransdell, Lulrt 4. 52 Herljst, Minnie 229. Miller, Lizzie 157. 45 Reapsomer. ^lai y 52. 33 Hewin, Jennie E 3. Mills, E.C Eearden, M-ury —— . . .. V .


    No. 28. Sfatemeni sliowing the number of ijersons emploijed in prlnihifi Annual Heport {18D1) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year, etc, —Coutiuued.

    ri ECE WOEK—Continued.

    I^aiiic. Name. Name. Amount.

    Reaver, Mag^cie ^272. il Smith, Marv A $0. 46 Thornton, Pauline Ecitl, Jlelou 5. 03 Smith, KateE .46 Tompkins, Kate A.. lleily, Cora .4G Smoot, Kate V 19. 98 Toole, D. C

    Kicliardson, Hat tie. 157. 85 Snee, Katie , 15. 85 Trenis, Martha E liirhai dsoii, Mary E 62. 00 Soper, S. D 110. 39 Turton, Eannie Ilidgelcy, Eosa 14 . 25.89 Spalding, M. T 52.33 Tyrrel, Carrie L Eiecks, Alice .46 Sparks, Eebecca .46 I'pperman, Emma Ililev, Anuie E 60.38 Speake, Nannie M ., 4. 63 Wade, M Eito'liie, E.J 132. 80 Speaks, M. J 56. 97 Waite, Fannie "W Eobinson, Clara J. . .46 Sprandel, Mary M. 222. 10 Waller, Katie Eooers, A 163. 33 Stanton, E. H 254. 34 Walling, Eose Eogier, L 52.49 St. Clair, Emma 43. 55 Walsh, Katie Eose, J. r 251. 79 Stein, J. A 235. 44 Walsh, Mary Eoss, M. A 188. 45 Steele, G-race V 294. 75 Walsh, Mary E

    Eoiuitree, Nettie . . 5. 03 Stevens, Mary T . . 46. 84 Walters, Annie Eous, Mary L 25. 82 Stevens, Jennie .46 Ward, Lillie

    Eovvzec, AV. A 242. 05 Stewart, Lily . .. 1.76 Waters, Annie Eupj), Lncy 5. 79 Stiles, H. L 184. 66 Webster. G Enssell, Annie 46. 68 Stolpe, Grace L 230. 76 Wells, E'. Eyan, M. A 13. 30 Stratton, L. C 181.44 Welner, Mary Savage, Kate 62. 65 Stiong, Jane W 175. 26 White, B Scliaefer, Lizzie 71.64 Strum, Janie N 46. 69 White, E. L Segerson, J. E 57. 42 Sullivan, A 52. 64 Wilkinson, Nellie iSeward, Emma 51. 97 SuUiA an, Josephine 4. 73 Williams. jSmma D...

    Shelton, Laura 3.33 Sullivan, Eosie , .46 Wilson, Jannette E .. Shepherd. L. A .46 Swearingen, E. C... 4. 76 Wilson, Maggie Shreve, Nannie 45.10 Swett, Ella A 3.01 AV^ilson., Mary E Shubbnrd, P. Kate . 274. 52 Taylor, Anuie 114. 89 AN^ilson^ M. E Sibley, J 211.18 Thomas, E 58. 27 Withers, Gertrude V.

    Simmonds, Nellie . 3. 26 Thompkins, Lottie 1.18 Woodend, Emma E. . Skelly, Julia 219. 18 Thompson, Eaunie . 234. 10 Woolsey, Emm_a

    Slicei", Cora J 226. 15 Thompson, Emma B 237. 35 Wright", Eunice AV . . Smith, Letitia 218. 04 Thompson, M. A . . 254. 22 Wright, Mary E

    Smith, Lida L 242. 95 Thompson, Eose L . 41.70 Wyman, Nannie Smith, M. J 52. 49 Thornton, Mildred . .46 Young, E

    Smith, Maggie K . 52. 34

    No. 29. statement showing the number of persons employed in printing Annual lieport (189,2) of the Secretarg of Agriculture during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893, with the length of time each has been employed and the amount each nas received.


    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Name. Da vs. Hours. Day: Houi

    Abeel, A. T 197 $49. 25 Daniels, S. S m $19. 44 Allison, E. A 321 154. 08 Davis, S. M 50i 32. 13 Anderson, M. D 338 101. 40 Dement, Lena 280 70.00 l.aden, Tliad 64 30.08 Dickson, J. E 92 27.60 P>ailey, Edward 38 20. 14 Dishman, AVm 192 48. 00 Baker, AVm. H 64 25. 60 Dodson, B.M 269 67.25 Barton, C. A 107-1 51.60 Donn, T.M 72 43.20 Bastian, Chas. S 6 3.60 Dunning, H 64 25. 60 Berg, John E 40 25. 43 Earnest, A. T 273 68. 25 Boggs, Zella 279 69. 75 Etchberger, C. E 11 7. 00 Boyd, Wm. J 64 25. 60 Eord, A\^allace C 16 6. 40

    Brandner, Veronia . 68 14. 28 Eraser, Erank 96 38.40 Brewer, AVallacc 20 10. 00 Gilbert, H. A 128 64.00 Brooke, Thos. 11 1 87i 90. 00 Glenn, AV. G 40 16. 00 Bullock, W. P 3^4" 103. 20 Goldsmith, J. D 55. 26. 64 Cawson, E. S 160 80. 00 Godwin, E. AV 280" 70. CO Cherry, Clarence 288 72. 00 Graham. A. W 192 96. 00 Cohoo'n, AV. J 6 1.50 Graham, J. AV 102 48.96 Coleman, CO 342 85. 49 Granger, Sadie 258 64. 50 Collins. D;iniel J 96 24.00 Gray, E. A 247 61.75 Collins, T. H 561 27.12 Gregory, Jesse W 53 13.25 Conroy, J. 'SI 273 68. 25 Griffith, F. C 1641 78. 96 Coquard, Arniaud E. 64 30. OS Grosh, B. F 64 16. 00 Ci-utchfieia,E.Ay.,,, 192 48. 00 Haines, Claucle E 76 36.48 — . .. .


    No. 29. Statement showing the number of persons employed in printing Annual Report {1S02) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year, etc. —Contiuued.


    Time ! Time employed. employed. i^'ame. Amount. Kame. Amount. Days. Hoiirs. Days. Hoars.

    Hamilton. Eoss 2S0 .$70. 00 o EoLirke. Patrick 90 $24. 00 Harper, E. -J 280 70. OU Ucis. Chas. ^ 4 2.12 Harx^er. James L — 66. 24 Parker. John E 63 29. 61 Haskell, y. A 1^72 6S. 00 Pemberton. M. V 96 24.00 Hatley. Frank M.... 80.88 Powers, Geo. H lO-i 4.20 Heiser. Kobt. I 9 \ 96 Eandall, Jos 340-i- 102. 15 Hess. S 272 68. 00 liedfern. John 64" 30.08 Howes. E. L 16 6.40 Pvoberts. E. C 192 48.00 Hume, E. H 2-i/ 66. 75 Puss. E. L 31 12. 40 Humphrey. Oscar W 2u8 99. 84 Sardo. A. E...ir 288 115. 20 Hunter. C. H 22.40 Savacool, J. 83 39. 84 Hyder. John l'.»2 48. i:0 Sayles. J. T 96 24. 00 9:j. Jackson. . "W :;iOi 15 Seauuell, Jos. A 181J 87. 12 Jarrard. H. D tt3" 44. 64 Schoepf, J.H 2 .90 Jones. Jacob A 16 I.'. 4" Scott, J. A 32 16. 69 Jordan, Chas 23 6. ' Shoemaker. P. E 93 23. 25 Keete. T 2S0 70. UU Smith. E. (t 72 34. 56 Leonard, David 64 30. 08 Smith. E. AV 91 22. 75 Lonjiley. E. E 98 47.04 Smith. J. S 64 30. 08 Lvman. "W. 13 28.^ i:!. 68 Spri.i:hTley. P. S 44 17. 60 Marsh, E 2:3| 58. 37 Stevens. S. AV 344 94.00 Mattin-ilv.O.F 59 37. 53 Sullivan, Edward J 210 105. 12 :M:c Bride. S. E 11.20 Sullivan, Jos epl line 260 70.00 McCathran, Donald. 60.20 Tanner. W. P.... 136 65. 28

    Mcilonigal. Harrv. . jVl 102. 60 Tarkiugtou. P. !N 118 29.50 Me Nicholas, K...... 64 22. 4'-' Taylor. J. Myers 16 0. 40 iicSorley, Erank J . 149 Thomson. Altred 135. 36 "Mendenhall. E. E 37 17. 7'i Thrrn.L (x "'J6 24. 00

    Miller. Isaac C 192 48. 1 'U •J-.H.le. JnbnE 75. 75 :yliller. Wm. H 10. -a: r>Ti( k. Abner u" 7.42 Moore. Cecelia A 93 19. 5 . Warner. Annie £ 2i)bV 50.37 Morau. Katie SO 20. O'l A'athen. Daniel 95" 23. 75 Mouldeu, J. B 11.5 55. 2'-' Watson. Henrv C 172 60. 20 ?*Eulquin, Mary A 8 1. 08 AVeber, ATni. H 192 76. 80 Mulroy, .John 144 69. 12 AVebster. AV. F 190 76. 00 Murrell, Julia 96 20. 16 AVestman. AV. E 56 26. 32 XichoLs. G. W 17U- 60.02 AVhite. AV. F.P 81 43.74 XichoLs. J. F 2.JU 120. 00 AViltou. AV. C 64 30. 08 (VConuell. Danit-l 4-i^ 25. 7."> AVimnier. AVilda 256 64. 00 O'Couuell, John 41" 19. 6^ AVithers. Gertrude V.. 96 24. 00 O'Xeill. Chas. I 27 14. 31


    Xaine Amount. Xame. Amount. Ifame. Amount.

    Adams. Nellie Pv ...... $2. 93 Clarkson, M $7 95 Dodge. Sarah

    Adamson. Mars- B ; 1.47 Clements, Ella F 2. 00 Dorsey, Sadie Allan. Edna g: 15.34 Cobb. Carrie Buxton . e' 83 Downie, Lizzie \ Ambrose. 9.06 Cochnower. F. C 7 95 putiy. Kate E M | 3.62 4 86 Duvall. Anderson. Edna S 1 Coder. M. G Emma Andrews. C. A 4. 15 f 'ole. Bessie 17 19 Ebert. Lettie S Andrews. L. L '' 2. Collins. J 14 80 Ellis, Ettie S .. Asbcom. Marv ; 7.26 Columbus. A 6 83 Ellsworth. Alary E

    P.aker. Bettie". I 2.00 Couglilan, Alary 9 21 Erck. Clara A Barrett. Marion E ' 10.88 Cooke, Adelia 6 83 Eskew, H. M Beedle. Irene G 4.15 Cooper. Mary E 6 83 Etter. Laura V Pell. Ai:n>-. 1.86 Corbin. M 13 30 Fletcher, Maria B . . idaek. Xellie 16.63 Costin. C. B 1)8 Franklin. Anna Brooke. I). C 10.81 Costin, Lucy G. M 5 18 Ford, Mary C Brown, Mariei ta S c. 56 Cowan, Ann 9 21 Fowler. Jennie Brov.-u.Mary A 14.80 Crapster. Ida S 6 83 Fravser, Marv E Buddington. Anna E 18.30 Crellin, Mary A 5 35 Fugitt, Harriet A ... Burges.s". M. A 13. 80 Crider, Laura 8. 84 Fuller. A. G BuiT, J. A 9. 06 Culhane. J 14. 80 Garrett. Anna L

    Burru.-s. Anna 9. 21 Curren, Ida I 14. 25 Gheeu. Belle , j j- Butli-r. Mi->ouri ( . . . 3. 34 Daly. Alice T 55 Glasgow, EUie C

    - 2. 88 Carpenter. Lizzi 8.87 Davis. Cynthia I Gray, Carrie E Carrico. Emma L 7.50 Dent, Carrie A 12! 61 Green, Annie

    j Carter, G-eorgie 11.71 Dikemaij.M. G ..I 12. 60 Green, Fauuie...... —— . . . ..


    No. 29. Slaternciit showing the number of persons employed in printing Annual Report {1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture during the fiscal year, etc. —Contiuucd. PIECEWORK-Continued.

    Name. Amount. Name. Amount Name.

    Griswold, M.J $4. 57 Loring, Annie $5.26 Shelton, Laura Gudgin, Minnie F ].G2 Luckett, Lucinda .90 Shubbard,P. Kate.. Hains, M. L 10.54 Macleod, S. J 3. 66 Sibley, J Hall, Anna-B 3.01 Madden, C. E L 98 Simons, Lucy Hall, MattieG 2.64 Markham, M 13.30 Skellj', Julia Harleston, F 5.26 Marshall, E. W 2. 42 Slicer, Cora J Harper, Delia 10.32 May, S. J 4. 57 Stolpe, Grace L Hazelwood, Laura 14. 80 McCarter, Annie S . . 17. 19 Smith, Letitia Head, M. E 10. 99 McClelland, Rose 7.28 Smith, Lida L Herbst, Minnie 18.93 McLean, M. E 7.95 Soper, S. D Hewin. Jennie E 2.06 Middleton, Ella 17. 19 Sprandel, Mary M.. Hodge, Mary F .64 Mitchell, Lucinda S . 5. 56 Stanton, E.H Hogan, Margaret H .. 3. 19 Moore, Laura A 7. 38 Steele, Grace V Holland, Nellie 17.19 Morgan, Nellie 2. 33 Stine, J. A

    Hoover, M. E 18.89 Morrison, Cornelia . . 2. 12 Stevens, Mary T . . HnLbel, Mary Nalley, Kate V 48.88 Stiles, H. L Hntson, A Nelson, Bertie 13. 25 Stratton, L. C Jackson, Pauline Nelson, Jennie .45 Swett, Ella A Johnson, L. H O'Hara, Anna 2. 00 Thompkins, Kate \ Johnson, Susie E O'Keefe, Katie C 13. 55 Thompson, Euin)a B

    Jones, G. A O'Mealy, Katie 2. 00 Thompson, Fannie . Jordan, Sabina Orme, M. A 13.30 Thompson, M. A .. JuUien, Ad die 12. 87 Orr, Sadie 14. 29 Thompson, RoseL.

    Kankey, Vii-ginia 2. 29 Pape, P. C 7. 95 Trenis, Martha E . Keating, Annie 12.29 Petty, Lillie M 15. 19 Turton, Fannie

    Kingsbury, i\ . E 5.26 Pierre, Mary 2.02 Wade, M Lacoppidan, Mary L52 Ports, Annie 14. 80 Walling, Pose Lamar, Mary L .66 Poulton, Sarah E 13.30 Warfield, Lillie LaPreux. Bettie 49. 13 Pratt, D. M 6. 67 Williams, Enmia I), Lattin, Mary E 6. 83 Kalston, Racliel 13.55 Wilson, Jaunette E. Lauxman, H. M 2.02 Reaver, Maggie 14. 80 Wilson, Mary E Lawver, Anna T 15. 89 Richardson, Mary E.. 48. 88 Wilson, M. E,. Lee,'M. V 4. 78 Roche, Anna E 7. 32 Woolsey, Emma Lillie,M.G 13. 26 Eose, J. F 13.58 Wright, Mary E Lindsay, Mary 21.50 Ross, M. A 9. 06 Wyman, Nannie

    Little, Annie C 3. 05 Rous, Mary L 2.02 Younc, E , Lord, D 6. 83 Eowzee, W. A 15. 47

    No. 30. Statement showing the number of persons employed in printing Decisions of Department of the Interior regarding public lands and pensions daring the fiscal year ended June 30, 1S03, with the length of time each lias been employed and amount each has received. TIMEWORK.

    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Adams, Wm. R 16 $4.00 McCullough, Eobt. E 16 $6. 40 Austin, Ernest E, 16 6. 40 McGurk, Alfred J. . 16 6. 40 Brueckner, Chas. O.- 16 6. 40 Payne, Henr^^ 32 8. 00 Burus, Joseph A 16 6. 40 Peach, Estella 32 6. 72 Cromelien, Amelia E 32 6. 72 Pridgeon, John 16 6.40 Engel, Geo. W 16 6. 40 Prior, Geo. G 16 6.40 Farrell, John A 16 6. 40 Robb, John 32 12. 80 Francis, Henry 16 6.40 Sailor, Oscar H 16 6. 40 Hardy, Theo. '. 40 16.00 Schlick, Fred J 16 6. 40 Hardy, Theodore \l . 16 6. 40 Scott, Wm 16 6.40 Harrison, J. W 40 16. 00 Stockman, Jas. A 14| 5.80

    . , Knott, CM 16 6. 40 Van Horn, John F . . 16 6. 40 Mills, C. S 11 3.30 Webb, AValter H 16 6.40 Morgan, Henry 47i 19. 00 Weber, Philip H.,jr ., 14 5. 60

    Morrison, Alex 16 6. 40 Williams, E. B , 48 19.20 —— . . . ..


    No. 30. Statement shoicing the numher of persons employed in printing Deci-^ioyis of Department of the Interior regarding public lands and pensions, etc. — Continued. PIECETTOEK.

    Name. Amount. Xame. Amount. Xame.

    Bailey, S .$0. 70 HaUiday. Belle $0 70 Mclntyre. Bell J $1.90 Bard-^veli, Minnie 3-5 Herzog, Emma McKevitt. Annie .35 Booth. Carrie A .70 Hewin. Jennie E 13 5G McTille.Hattie .70 Breslin, J 3.86 Hill. Marv E 70 Xoble, J. L .35 Brittain, Alice A .70 Hitchcox. J 1 95 Orr, Eebecca .70 Bryan. Seieana .35 Hughes. Eliza 70 Prather. Marv A .70 Brims, Lillian .35 Hurdle, Edith 35 Prather. Elizabeth C . .35 Bnrr, Ada .70 Hutton. Clara E 70 Pur. -ell. M .70

    Cart-er. Belle LOO Hyde, Lucy 35 Eeillv, Cora - .35 Chamberlain. Mary M. .70 Ja'ckson. Celeste T.. 35 Eeillv. Annie C .35

    Chandler. Lizzie. . . .35 Kelly. Katie 35 Eierks, Alice .35 Charles, E. G- .70 Kerney. Eosa B J 5 Eidgely. Eosa B 3.85 Christmas, L. D IB. 56 King, 'Virginia 35 Eoljinson, Clara J Collins. Sara .70 Lalor, Martha E 35 Eobinson. Sarali E

    Conner. Lizzie .70 Lenman, M. E 35 Eockwell. Millie J.... . 60 Decker. Kate .35 Lendner. Maggie 35 Eogers. A 2. ]0 Denny, E. E .35 Llovd. EUaT 35 Eyan. M. A 3.86 Dowden. Kate .70 Lusby. Ida C 35 Sangston, Mary C .70 Dongherty, J. A 2.11 Macnichol. Sallie 70 Sclieerer, Annie M . . .70 Doyle, Lizzie 1. 58 Martin. Minnie E... shepherd. L. A .70

    Dubant, Mande . 35 Maxwell, Julia M... 35 Shields. Margaret .70

    Dunham, Tillie . 35 Mayer. Emma Smith, Kate 11 .70 Dulin. Mary S .35 Meiev, Maggie 35 Smith. Mary A .70 Edie. M. A .35 Mills, E. C 70 Sparks, Eebecca .35

    Elliott, Josephine 3.80 Miner. Charlotte 35 Stevens, Jennie , 35 Ealkener. Kate A .70 Mitchell. Mattie M.- 35 Sullivan. Eosie ,35 Fisher, Amelia .70 Morgan, EUaT 35 Taylor. Viola A .35 Elemincr, Katie .70 Morris, L. T 35 Ti-rry, Kate S .35

    Foley. Katy .35 Morro^v, M. M 3 S6 Thornton, Mildred . - Francis. A. C .70 Murphy. Maggie A'an Matre, Kate Gallagher, Ella M.-. .35 McCarten. Kate 35 Vauubn, Eva M Grimes. Laura L .70 McCullom, Ella 70 ^\'alters, Annie Groshon. Georgianna. .70 McDonough. Maggie 35 White, R. L

    Guyol. Mathilde .35 Me Give rn^ Marian . 70

    No. 31. Statement shoicing nnraler of persons emploi/fd in publication of the Eleventh Census Beports during the fscal //tar ended June 30, 1803, with the lengtli of lime each has been employed and the amount each has received. TIMEWOEK.

    Time Time. Kame. employed. Amotmt. Name. employed. Amount. Days.j Hours. Days,; Hours,

    Abbott, Lizzie 40 $10. 08 Bright, M. A 240 $60. 00 Aden, James 120 30. 40 BroTvn, F. B 1, 7311 692. 60 Anderson, Fred A. 24 11. 52 Burke, Maggie 48 12.10 1 '>57i 503. 00 Burgess, TT, E 1,947 778. 80 Auracher. Christian C 192 76. 80 Burnside. John 62 24. 80 Baden. Thad 3.58 168. 26 Callaghan, Mary — 632 132, 72 Bailev. Edward 9C6 366. 40 Camp. W. M . . .\ 1,731 692, 40 Baker. Karl H 18 9. 54 Carlyle. E. V 234 93, 60 Baker, Wm. H 291 116.40 Carpenter, Annie ... 415 104, 58 Baker, W. S 381-1- 202.19 Carpenter, F. A 180 72,00 1 Barnes, 855 342. 00 Carter, Jos 14. 25 Geo. 0 I

    Bass, Wm. M 32 IG. 96 : Cavrson, Chas. C i 356 170. 88

    Bates, Geo. W 177 44. 25 I Chase, A. H 8 3. 20 Baylie. Jennie 448 112. 90 Chiplev.J.F 1. 922i 769. 00 I Beamer. Fannie 4471 112. 78 Chisolm.E.F 24 9. 60 I BeU, W. P 197 49. 25 Clague. AVm, H, H 692 276. 80 Berg, .John 164 86.92 Clarke, Joseph S 790 418. 70 E ; 666 ValtL-r 2301 Black, A. H 199,40 ; Clark, T 57. 62

    Blush. Eosa 8 2, 02 ! Clayton, Thos. J 96 24. 00

    Boll. Emma G . 8 2,02 Coe"; Geo. X 691 276. 40 j 1,4.59 656. 77 64 25. Boone. Geo. E J ! Cole, Ira E 60 733. 1. 833 20 j Colhoun, Ales 115 46. 00 VTro. 310 124. Boyd. J 00 I Conner, Francis B 108 102. 00 Brace, Minnie W 870i 200. 21 Connolly. John F 36 19. 08 j Bradley, John E I 102* 54. 32 Coquard, Armand E . . 400 188. 00

    ! Brady, -James T I 73i 18. 37 ! Corridon. Joanna 83.51 175. 45 Bright, J. E 404 25 E.,jr 26 13. I Comman, 78 806J 1 \ S. Mis. 25- — . J


    No. 31. Statement showing number of persons employed in puhleiation of the Eleventh Census Reports during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.

    TIMEWOEK -Continned.

    Time Time employed. employed. UTame. Amount. Fame. Amount. Days. Hours. Days. Hours.

    Cornwell, Louis W 14 $5. 60 Jones, F. H 227 Cremen, Delia 192 40. 32 Jordan. James W 300 357i Cromelien, Amelia E. . 75. 07 Kablert. J. H Croiiey, Araanda J 627 144. 21 Kaiser, E. L Cross, J. AY 178i 71.40 Kearney, S. P 16 Darnell, E. G- 641i 399. 99 Keebler, Michael 93 Davis, Alfred 757 302. 80 Kelly, Arthur 8 Davis, May V 40 10.09 Kitchen, A. W 56 Dement, Elizabeth 208 43.68 Klapp, Daniel N" 188i- Denham, D. H 32 12. 80 Knight, AVm. K 538^ Dexter, W. H 923A 416.25 Lambert, W.C 86 Dillon, Frank 283 70.75 Lancaster, Isaiah 116 Donn, T. M 192 76. 80 Lane, Emma 317 Donohoe, James 480 144. 00 Lanman, Frank E 858 Donohoe, S. T 223i 89. 40 Lawson, E. A. M 231 Donovan, Jeremiah 406 162. 40 Leary, Marv 184 Doyle, James 92 32. 20 Lee, Wm.H 80 Duify, Magffie 16 4. 04 Leonard, David 464 Duniap, O.F 217 86. 80 Lincoln, Ida G 442^ Dunning, H 376 150. 40 Livermore, W. H ,523^ Earnest, A. T 96 24.00 Longfellow, M. "W 50 Eddy, Orrin 629 250. 80 Lowd, ^Y.q 871A

    Edwards, Flora . 112 28. 23 Lj man, W. B 2 098-1- Eggleston, J. M 1, 380 552. 00 Lyons, Thos. F , Ellison, Geo. C 22 8. 80 M"^agruder, Mittie 16 Emerson, Maude II 106 22. 26 Manv, C. E 7291- Evans, H. Clay 16 8.00 Marshall, Wm 455i Evans, V.M 96 24.00 Masterson, W. L 37 Finch, Geo 537i 215. 40 Matthews, W. W 17 Fitzgerald, C.C 389" 97.25 Mattingly, O. F 14 Frailey, Robt. T 821 328. 40 Maxson, E. E 104 Furbershaw, J. H 24 11.52 Meyer, Leonard 752 Gallagher, A. J 279 58. 59 Miller, Martin 767^ Galleher, J. A 96 43. 20 Mills, John S 10 Garrette, Chas. F 311 155. 50 Moran, Katie

    Garland, Jeff D 20 J 8.20 Morgan, T. Turner Glenn, J. F 704 281. 60 Moore, C. W 56 Gorman, John C 680-1- 272. 20 Mori arty, Kate 8 Grant, J. F 2181 98. 32 Motherhead, John 0... 872 Greenman, E. L 24" 9. 60 Murphy, C. S 352 Greenwood, James 840 336. 00 Myers. E. G 76 Grinnell, A. E 22 11.66 McCullip, Lizzie 92 Hager, Emma 363 76. 23 McDonough, J. J 744 Hall, John H 520 211. 68 McEntee, Thos 1381 Haltigan, P. J 575^ 230. 20 McGee, Maggie 48 141i Hambright, Frank H . 1, 456. 60 McKenna, E. D 883 Hamlet, J. C 518" 129. 50 McKinnon, Jas. D 140 Handiboe, J. A 1, 776 710. 40 McNeir, Geo. A. K 343 Hanlon, Mary. 144 36.29 McXelly, A 749i Haworth, Thos. W 258i 103. 40 McNicholas, R 285 23i Hayes, Mamie 5. 27 Mchols, G.W 147i Hayes, Mary 224 47. 04 Noyes, Henry 191i Heinline, Lida C 815 187. 44 O'JBrien, Marv 109 Hering, T. F 234 93. 60 O'Brien, Mary E 152 Hiagins, John J 317i 127. 00 O'Connell, D.' 20 Hilt Harry S 152 72. 96 O'Neill, Chas. I 8 Holtz, Theo 480 120. 00 O'Rourke, J. W 808^ Honesty, MoitIs 346i 88. 92 O'Eourke, Patrick 64 Hopkins, F. H 1,594 637. 60 Parker, John E 375 Hopper, Nellie 428 89. 87 Parks, Noel B 523* Hudson, Fred 446 133. 80 Patterson, L. H 333I Huggins. J. T 9431 377. 40 Payne, Henry 232 Hullett, A. G 48 19. 20 Peach, Esteila 100 Hunter, C. H 267 93. 45 Pendel, T. F 192 Hutchinson, "Wm 387 96.75 Perkins, Wm. F 320 Irving. Amos 1, 126i 281.61 Pfeil, Henry 72 Jacob, Samuel 1, 656 496. 08 Pierce, Geo. W 32 Jackson, Frank 287 86. 10 Pipes. Jas. E 117 Jackson, Mary 8 2. 02 Porter, E. A 628 Jenkins, Henrv C 56 14. 00 Prather. Lh)yd 1 Johns. W.E.,jr 23i 12. 45 Prosperi, John E 8 Johnson, Edwin 16 7.68 Pumphrey, E. P., jr 95 Johnson, F. E, 16 7. 68 Quein, J.'C 747i Johnson, Geo. S 589* 235. 80 Eadley, C. W 689.1 Johnson, Eichard F 104" 26. 00 Eanisey, Geo. M 328 Johnson, W. F 1,826 730. 60 Eedfern, John 335 — ... -.. .. .


    NO. 31. Statement slwwing number of persons employed in publication of the Eleventh Census Reports during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Time Time employed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Hours. Days.' Hours.

    Reed, Jas. W 168 $42. 00 Swain, Emma 270| $00. 80 Eees, Henry 37 17. 39 Sweeney, Maggie 208 52. 42 Reid, Douglas 240 60. 00 Tali, Andrew 83 33. 20 Rhodes, CP 31 12. 40 Taylor, T. Buckey 165 87. 45 Rlcketts, 0. J 72 32. 40 Thompson, Wm. E 8 4. 00 Robb, John H 408 263. 20 Thomas, E. H 95J 50. 61

    Roberts, Augustus L. 81 42. 93 Thomas, Emanuel . . . . 104 26. 00 Robinson, C. H 232 58. 00 Thomas, Wm. A 120 30. 00 Robinson, Sarah E 4261 89.56 Tompkins, Henrietta.. 64 16. 13 Ross, Zidon E 58 30. 74 Turner, Wm. A. H 1, 717J 687. 00 Russ, E. L... 730| 292. 'JO Unkefer, A. C 248 62. 00 Ryan, E. H 1, 408-1 563. 40 Ustick, Abner 853^ 452. 35 Sauter, Harry R 144 69.12 Vance, Alice R 226 47. 46 Scannell. M.J 1, 1241 449. 80 Vogelweyd, Nannie 8 2. 02 Sherfy, H. K 311 124. 40 Warren, Chas. M 100 42. 40 Sherman, J. W 108 48.60 Waters, Byron 134 62. 98 Shinnen, J. C 5U9 603. 60 Watson, J, C 184 88. 32 Sikken, Ida 120 25. 20 Weber, Henry W 16 7. 20 Silence, Annie W 8 2. 02 Weber, John 4561 182. 60 Sinon, Susie V 391 98.81 Welborn, E. B 4451 133. 65 Slentz, T. S 2, 046 818. 40 West, Marion T 190 47. 50 Smith, A. B 13 6.89 Westman, W. R 432 203. 04 Smith, D. Harris 361 191. 33 Whitmer, E. E 1, 899* 759. 80 Smith, E. W 88 22.00 Wild, E. S 751 30.20 Smith, J, S 480 225. 60 Wilkius, William 56 14.00 Smith, Kate L 63 21.84 Williams, T. G 1311 52. 60 Sothoron, Jessie 512 129. 03 Wilton, W . C 480 225. 60 Spaeth, Chas. H 872 348. 80 Wisener, L. A 1, 655^ 662. 20 Stanford, VV. W 124 49. 60 Wood, M 94 37. 60 Steele, J^. S 19 7.60 Woodgate, Geo. J...... 1911 76.60 Stevens. M. V. B 1,462 731. 00 Woodward, L 83^ 73. 40 Stocks, Wm. C 192 76. 80 Zimmerman, Robt. H . 406 162. 40


    Name. Name. Amount. Name. Amount.

    Abbott, W.R $349. 90 Brannan, Mary A.. $33. 31 Chandler, Lizzie $35. 88 Adam, Agnes W 5. 65 Bre.slin, J 29. 07 Charles, E. G 35. 88 Adams, Carrie 4.93 Breuninger, Julia . . 19. 94 Chase, F 29. 07 Adams, Nellie R 25.74 Brittain, Alice A 27. 60 Chisolm, R. F 40. 35 Adamson. Mary B . . 11.73 Brockway, Bertt H. 319. 15 Clark, Nellie 19.65 Allan, Edna G 7.27 Brooke, 1). C 34. 74 Clarkson, M 43. 16 Ambrose, M 40. 02 Brooks, J. H 59. 40 Clements, Ella F 15. 12 Anderson, Edna S . . - 24.19 Brooks, Thos. H 14. 50 Clower, Harry W 14.80 Andrews, C. A 20. 97 Brower, Wilbur G . 236. 00 Cobb, Carrie Buxton 9. 10 Andrews, L. L 46.22 Brown, A. N 325. 74 Cochnower, F. C 34. Ol) i I.^). 94 Armstrong, F. A 6.48 i Brown, Mary A 15. 98 Coder, M.G G. -18 Ashcom, Mary 40.77 ! Brown, Marietta S 22.58 Colbert, Maggie

    Bacon, Rosa v 26.68 ! Bryan, Seleana 33. 12 Cole, M.M...- 33. 12 Bailey, S 27.60 l^uddington. Anna E 19. 56 Cole, Bessie 13.81 I Baldwin, Edgar M. . 296.85 Budlong, E. M 25. 30 Collins, J 17. 66

    . . Banes, Chas 363.25 I Buete, Ella H 4. 93 Collins, Maggie J 40. 49 Baird, Hattie 6.48 Bull, Lillie E 2. 23 Collins, Minnie R . .. 21. 04 Baker, Bettie 19.39 Bunker, E. N 173.75 Collins, Sara 36. 34 Bardwell, Minnie 35.88 Burchheld, Will E .. 247. 60 Columbus, A 9. 10 Barrett, Mnriim R . . 2.41 Burgess, M. A 9.02 Conklin, John H., jr 268. 00 Barnum, Maik H., jr_. 291. 15 Burr, Ada 36. 34 Conner, Lizzie 36. 34 Beedle, Irene G 26. 58 Burr, J. A 44. 63 Coolej^, J ohu 62. 35 Bell, Agnes 26.21 Burruss, Anna 2. 91 Cook, Adelia 9. JO Bellis, Joseph 291.20 Burwell, O. K 35. 47 Cook, Ella B II. 07 Bellew, Anna J 27.02 Butler, Missouri G-- 26. 20 Cool£. Mary H 11.04 Bender, CM 410. 45 Cammack, M 31. 54 Cook, W.J 365. 30 Benthall, Frank H. . 22.54 Carpenter, Lizzie .... 42. 13 Cooper, Mary E 9. 10 Black, Nellie 6. 57 Carrico, Emma L 28. 90 Corbin, M 40.61 Booth, Carrie A 36. 34 Carter, Belle 23. 04 Cornwell, Louis W., 338. 20 Boteler, O. C 417. 35 Carter, Jennie A 6. 48 Costin, C. B 24. 58 Boyce, A 6. 48 Carter, Georgie I 9. 27 Costin, Lucy G. M.. 25. 72

    Boynton, G. W 370. 05 Cavanagh, Annie M. 34. 96 Cotti, E. A 1 , 3. 04 Bradburn,0. N 298. 20 Cliamberlin, Mary M 36. 34 Coughlan, Alice M . 6.48 Brady, Rosa 14. 72 Chamberliu, Mary. . 5.44 Coughlan, Mary 9. 03 — . . . .. , .....


    No. 31. Statement showing numiber of persons employed in publication of the Eleventh Census Reports during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Name. Amount.

    Cowan, Ann $6. 82 Freeman, Katie $6. 27 Hyson, Georgie Crapster, Ida S 9. 86 Frost, Mary E 28. 97 Irwin, James H Crellin, Mary A 27.02 Frush, Emma 19. 99 Jackson, Celeste T. Crider, Laura 42.96 Frye, Will W 442.50 Jackson, Pauline...

    Croniu, N^ellie 2.13 1 Fugitt, Harriet A 6. 57 Johnson, L. H Culhane, J 8.55 i Fuller, A. G 38. 51 Jones, E. C Curren, Ida I 16.82 Galbraith, Wm. J . . 337. 10 Jones, Edwin C Dalwick, Emly 23.62 Gale, Edith 14. 63 Jones. G. A i Daly, Alice V 32.66 Gallagher, Ella M... 34. 96 Jones, M. L Darby, Mary 47.18 Galleher, J. A 82. 10 Jordan, Sabina

    Dausch,E;ate M 32.78 ! Garden, J. H 12. 42 Joyce, Mary Davis, Cynthia 27. 02 Garland, Jeff D 178. 75 Jullien. Addie

    Day, Alice M 16.71 Garrett, Anna L , 27.01 Kankey, Virginia . Day, Lillian 10. 97 Geigan, Joanna 32.97 Keatinii', Annie Decker, Kate 3L 74 Gheen, Belle 40.12 Kelly, Katie Degges, H. O 53.55 Gifford, Belle 3.68 Kelly, Kate Denney, R. E 34. 50 Glasgow, Ellie C 5. 25 Kerney. Rosa B —

    Dent, Carrie A 15. 09 Golden, Anna L , 42.50 Kidd, Mamie

    De Vantier, Selma. . 43. 04 Goodsir, Ella , 2.41 King, Virginia Dikeman, M. G 17. 66 Grant, Lizzie 4.96 Kingsbury, A. E . . , IL 07 27.02 Lacoppidan, Mary.. Diggs, N Gray, Carrie R j Dodge, Sarah. 4.47 Green, Annie 9.10 Lalor, Martha E I Doherty, John E 327. 45 Green, Fannie 9.02 Lamar, Mary L Donnelly, E 39. 42 Green, Mina M 21.62 Lane, Mary Donohue, Margret .. 29.10 Greenwood, Hannah. 7.88 La Preux, Bettie Dorsey, Sadie 42. GO Griffin, Hugh P 30.25 Lattin, Mary E Doten, Chas. O 392. 40 Grimes, Laura L 36. 34 Lauxman, H. M

    Dove, Mary E 32. 20 Grimsley, P. A , 466. 10 Lawlor, Mamie Dowden, Kate 33. 12 Gr iswold, M. J 4. 63 Lawyer, Anna T ... Dowling, J. L 6. 47 Griswold, W. A 44.40 Leane, Maggie Downie, Lizzie 42. 66 Groshon, Georgianna 34.96 Learned, M. L Downey, Mary A 5. 06 Gudgin, Minnie F. . 25.80 Lee, A. Y .'. Doyle, Lizzie 26. 42 Guyol, Mathilde 34. 04 Lee, M. Y Duoant, Maude 36. 34 Hains, M, L 4. 44 Lendner, Maggie... Duffy, Ella B 27.54 Halford, J. W 13. 75 Lenman, M. E Duffy, Kate E 38.00 Hall, Anna B 24. 08 Leonard, Etta Dulin, Mary S 31.28 Hall, MattieG 27. 02 Lewis, Carrie E — Dunham, Tillie 32. 20 Halliday, Belle 36. 34 Lewis, "VVilliam E . Duvall, Emma 44.79 Haltigan, P. J 307. 25 Lillie, M. G

    Ebeit, Lettie S 13.29 Hamilton, W.M , 354. 60 Lindsay, Mary Edie, M. A 32. 66 Harding, MoUie L. . 14. 98 Linhart, Mary Edmunds, Sarah 35. 09 Harleston, F 15. 66 Little, Annie C Eggleston, M. E 33.58 Harper, Delia 6. 86 Lloyd, Ella T Eiberti, Geo. W 246. 60 Harris, F. Y 4.80 Lord, D Ellinger. Rachel 35. 88 Harris, H 27. 02 Loring, Annie Elliott, Josephine 28. 57 Havenner, Annie . . 31.79 Luckett, Lucinda.. Ellis, G. D 407. 85 Hawken, Agnes M. 27. 60 Lusby, Ida C Ellis, Titus F 320. 60 Hayne, Harry C 471. 70 Macleod, S. J Ellis, Geo. H 62. 25 Haywood, Jennie F. 36. 56 Macnichol, Sallie. . Ellis, Ettie S 7. 20 Hazelwood, Laura... 12. 02 Madden, C. E Ellis, Mabel 16. 92 Head, M. E 38. 55 Maley, John Ellsworth, Mary E 42. 23 Heffiner, Clara S 6. 48 Manning, Jennie E. El wood, Irene M... 1.60 Helm, E. E 84. 90 Mansfield, Julia E. Ennis,Chas. H 348. 35 Herbst, Minnie 18.39 Markham, M Erck, Clara A 40. 49 Herzog, Emma 34. 04 Markley, Mary Eskew, H. M 9. 13 Hewin, Jennie E 27. 04 Marshall, E. W Etter, Laura Y 9, 10 Higgins. Annie 24. 29 Marshall. Libbie . . Euans, S. L 304. 25 Hill, L 37. 55 Martin, Herman

    Ealkener, Kate A 8.28 Hill, Mary E 24. 84 Martin, Minnie E .

    Farrell, Ellen 34.45 Hitchcox, J 29. 06 Massie, Victoria P . Eisher, Amelia 35. 88 Hodge, Mary F 20.66 Matthews, F. R Fitz Hugh, Ella M . . 5.52 Hogan, Margaret H. 6. 69 Maxwell, Julia M . Fleming, Aimee C . 8. 50 Hoke, L. A 2. 04 May, S. J Fleming, D. W 275. 75 Holman, Sarah IL 88 Mayer, Emma Fleming, Katie 34. 04 Holland, Nellie 17. 66 Meals, Edna Fleming, M 34.21 Hoover, M. E 9.27 Meley, Maggie Fletcher, Maria B 27.02 Hoyme, H. H 423. 35 Menard, W. T Folck,E. A 22. 57 Huhbel, Carrie A... 6. 48 Middleton, Ella Foley, Katy 35. 88 Hubbel, Mary 2. 22 Miller, Daniel Ford, Mary C 36.51 Hughes, Mary F 4.80 Miller, Lizzie Fordham, Sarah ... 12. 66 Hughes, Eliza 34. 96 Milligan, Emma Forsyth. C. E 309. 45 Hurdle, Edith 33.58 Mills, E.C

    . Fowler, Jennie 2. 18 Hussey, Annie , 5.44 Milstead, Maggie

    Francis, A. C 36. 34 Hutchinson, Leona.. 6. 48 Miner, liailotte . ..

    Franklin, Anna ... 8.83 Hutson, A 45.26 Mitchell, Mattie M . Franklin, N. B 11.07 Hutton, Clara E 34. 04 Mitchell, Lucinda S Frayser, MaryE... Hyde, Lucy 35. 42 Mitchell, Emma ...... , ..


    No. 31.- -Statement slioicing the number of persons employed in puhUcation of the Eleventh Census Reports during the fiscal year, etc. —Continued.


    Name. Amount. Name. Amount, Name. Amount.

    Montrose, Olive M . . $30. 49 Prather, Elizabeth C $28. 52 Steele, Grace V

    Moore, John T ...... 35. 10 Pratt, D. M , IL 25 Stewart, Lily Moore, Jennie F 27.03 Prosser, Daniel N . 341. 35 Stewart, Clara Moore, Laura E 32. 29 Purcell,M 36. 34 Stewart, Martha Moreno, Amelia 34. 50 Rabbitt, Ida 24. 27 Stevens, Jennie Morgan, Ella L 35. 88 Ralston. Rachel 8. 83 Stevens, Mary T

    Morgan , Nellie 24. 58 Randall, Emma 8. 17 Stein, J. A Morris, L. T 36. 34 Rausdell, Lula 16. 25 Stiles, H. L Morrison, Cornelia A. 14. 64 Reaver, Maggie 15. 98 Stolpe, Grace L Morrow^, M. M 29.06 Rearden, Mary A.. 11.04 Stockham, Annie M. Mulcare, Ella 33. 40 Reilly, Cora 33.58 Strong, J ane W Murphy, Maggie 35. 88 Reilly, Annie C 28. 98 Stratton, L. C Murray, Julia 2L 04 Reid, Helen F 17.56 Sullivan, Rosie Mylan, Su.sie 27. 72 Rhodes, T. A 387. 40 Sullivan, A Myers, Helen A 16. 56 Richardson, Mary E 32. 83 Sutor, L. P Myers, D. (t 73.30 Richardson, Hattie 6. 48 Swearingen, F. C McCabe, Hattie 28. 70 Richards, Mary J. . 35. 88 Swett, Ella A McCalluni,P.M 415. 20 Ricketts, O. J 171. 95 Taylor, Viola A McCarten, Kate 32.66 Ridgely, Rosa B 28. 75 Taylor, Annie McCarter, Annie S . . 15. 70 Riecks. Alice 28. 06 Terry, K. S McClelland. Rose 23. 02 Riley, Annie E 30. 08 Thomas, E McCullum, Ella 34. C4 Ripley, Henry L 361. 90 Thompkins, Kate A. McDonougli, Maggie 35. 42 Ritchi3,E. J .80 Thonipkins, Lottie.. McGee, Agnes 6. 47 Robinson, Sarah E . 35. 42 Thompson, Fannie..

    McUinnell, Mary 6. 48 Robinson, Clara J . 36. 34 Thompson, Emma B. McGivern, Mary 36. 34 Robinson, Geo. W . 421. 35 Thompson, M. A

    McGowan, H. T 34.75 Roberts, W. A , 19. 00 Thompson, Rose L.. McGoAvan. Minnie F . 30. 77 Roberts, J. T 274. 10 Tbornt(m, Pauline .. Mclnerney. Mary 12.82 Rockwell, Millie J . 34. 50 Thornton, Mildred..

    MclntyrerBell eJ 26. 43 Roche, Walter T . . 270. 40 Toole, D. C

    McKevitt, Annie 35. 88 Roche, Anna E , 34. 44 Tompkins, H. F

    McLean, M. E 40. 34 Rogers, A , 6. 48 Torrey, E. G McMahon, Agnes 34. 46 Roland, A. A 208. 75 Traubel, L McNaniara, Mary 41.75 Ross, M. A 44. 30 Trenis, Martha E . .

    MciSTerhany, Ida 30. 48 Ross. Eno A , 20.38 Turner, J. A. D McPherson, Maude. . 2. 06 Rose, J. F 9. 27 Turton, Fannie McVille. Hattie 36. 34 Rous, Mary L 27. 00 Tyrrell, Carrie L

    Nachman, Philip 312. 45 Rountree, Nettie . . 5. 44 Upperman, Emma F.

    KaUy, Kate V 44. 00 Rowzee, W. A , 9. 27 Usilton, John W Nash, E. M 24.29 Rucker,M. C 14. 26 Vaughn, Eva M Neal, Thos. P 46. 50 Rupp, Lucy . 24. 44 Van Liew, A

    Nebb, Barbara 40. 20 Russell, Annie , 34. 94 Van Matre, Kate

    Nelson, Jeunie 25. 72 Ryan, Mary H , 3. 71 Wade, M Nelson. Bertie 8.83 Ryan, M. A 29. 06 Waite, Fannie W Noble, J. L 36. 34 Sangston, Mary C . - 36. 34 Waller, Elizabeth A. Noyes, C. E 26. 14 Savage, Kate 34. 47 Walling, Rose O'Brien, Annie 6. 47 Saxton, Edward 348. 55 Wal.sh, Mary O Bryan, Minnie 6. 47 Scanlon, Mary 27. 11 Walsh, Katie O'Connell, Bridget.... 38.69 Schaefer, Lizzie 34.38 Walters. Annie

    O'C'onnor, Annie E . . 18. 10 Schwing, Frank A 305. 05 Ward, Lillie.. O'Connor, Kate 17. 42 Scheei-er, Annie M . 35. 42 Warren, F. E O'Donnell, H 390. 50 Searles, Katie C 39. 87 Warren, Chas. M O'Hare, Maggie 35.49 Seariu, Ro.sanna E. 5. 44 Warfield, Lillie O'Hara, Anna 45. 22 Shannon, Ben J 295. 05 Weber, Henry AV O'Keefe, Katie C 8. 83 Shepherd, L. A 33. 58 Welty, Jas. L O'Mealey, Katie 30. 24 Sheiry, Mamie 27. 61 Wetherall, Lillian... O'Neill, M. A 6.47 Shelton, Laura 15. 40 Whaley, Maggie

    Orr, Rebecca 36. 34 Shields, Margaret . . 14. 50 White," B Orr, Sadie 15. 61 Shreve, Nannie 14. 96 AVhite, R. L Orme, M. A 40. 21 Shubbard,P.Kate.., 15. 70 Williams, Emma D. Ott, Annie 21.04 Sibley, J 42. 43 Williams, B.F Owens, Mary 34.18 Sickels, Chae. E 65. 55 Williamson, Jas. B . Pape, P. C 42. 60 Simmonds, Nellie 16. 89 Wilkinson, Nellie

    Parker, Millie 33. 58 Skelly, Julia , 9. 10 Wilson, Maggie Parker, Add B 439. 35 Slicer, Cora J 15. 98 Wilson, Mary E

    Patterson, Addia 26.50 Smith, Letitia , 17. 66 Wilson, Jannette E.

    . Peake, Chas. P 402. 70 Smith, Lida L , IL 25 Wilson, M. E Pemberton, M. V 4. 60 Smith, Kate R 36. 34 Wilson, J

    . Perryman, Sallie G. 7. 36 Smith, Mary A , 30. 36 Wilson, J. C Petty, Lillie M 10. 94 Smoot,Kate V 29.44 Withers, Gertrude V Peters, Bertie K 18. 98 Smythe, R. B 35. 55 Woolsey, Emma

    Phillips, Thos 73.65 Soper, S. D , 18.12 Wright, T. B. R Pierre, Mary 27. 03 Sparks, Rebecca 34. 50 Wright, Mary E

    Pitts, Allie Bassett... n. 07 Spencer, James H . 387. 05 Wright, Eunice W . Ports, Annie 8. 8;! Sprandel, Mary M. . 39. 44 Wyman, Nannie .Poulton, Sarah E 37.14 Stanton, i5. H 13.75 Toung, E Prather, Mary A 36. 34 Steele, Dora 2. 13 Zell, J. H — ...... ,


    No. 32. Statement showing the number of persons employed in printing second edition oj Growth of Industrial Art during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893, with the length of time each has been employed and amount each has received. TIME WORK.

    Time Time emjiloyed. employed. Name. Amount. Name. Days. Hours. Days Hours.

    Bowen, Adelia A... $12. 00 Huffman, Nellie 75 Boyd, Wm. A 28. 80 Jones, Lydia E 48 Bryerton, Maggie . 48 12. 00 Jordan, H 80 Clarke, John 64 16. 00 Kelly, W. T 48 Clarke, W. S 87 21. 75 Kinsella, M 48 Cooper, Joseph W. 67^ 20. 25 Montgomery, J. H 176 Doyle, James 176 61. 60 Oberholtz, F. C 88

    Fearson, Robt. L . . 80 20. 00 Purdy, M. V 80

    Goings, Missouri... 48 12. 00 Rowl'son, Bessie A . . 48 Harris, Florence M. 48 12. 00 Russell, Lizzie A 48 Holtz, Theo 96 24. 00


    Name. Amount. Name. Amount. Name.

    Brannan, Mary A $27. 29 Frush, Emma ^12.44 Owens, Mary

    Brealin, J 17. 71 Goodman, Cassie A . 8. 47 Patterson, Addia. . Bur well, O.K 25. 35 Havenner, Annie 7.51 Peters. Bertie K.... Carter, Belle 8.89 Hiagins, Annie 15. 08 Pitts, Allie Bassett Cammack, M 28. 10 Hill, L 22. 80 Price, Helen D Chase, F 15. 08 Hitchcox, J 17.71 Rabbitt, Ida Clark, Nellie 12. 57 Kelly, Katie 24. 51 Randall, Emipa Cook, Ella B 12. 57 Kidd, Mamie 23.79 Ri

    Page. No. 1. Financial statement of the "business of the Government Printing Office for the tiscal year ended June 30. 189^. and the condition of the appro-

    priations July 1. 1893 9

    2. Eecapitnlation of statement of condition of appropriations July 1, 1893 11 3. Classified statement of payments by appropriations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893 12 4. Showing ex|>enditures for labor, material, paper, lithographing, and engraving during fiscal years 1886 to 1893, both inclusive 13 5. ShoTs-ing the disbursements on account of Salaries and Contingent Expenses in the Office of the Public Printer 14

    6. Showing the disbursements on account of Public Printing and Bind- ing (except Congressional Eecord^ 14 7. Showing the disbursements on account of Paper for the Public Print- ing (except Congressional Record^ 23 8. Showing the disbursements on account of Congressional Record 27 9. Showing the disbursements on account of Lithographing and Engrav- ing (except Congressional Eecord) 28 10. Showing the disbursements on account of printing Annual Report (1890) of the Secretary of Agriculture 33 11. Showing the disbursements on account of printing Annual Report (1891) of the Secretary of Agriculture 33 12. Showing the disbursements on account of printing Annual Report (1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture 34 13. Showing the disbursements on account of removal and storage of cer- tain material. Government Printing Office 34 14. Showing the disbursements on account of printing Decisions of

    Department of the Interior regarding Public Lands and Pensions. . 34 15. Showing the disbursements on account of publication of the Eleventh Census Reports 34 16. Showing the disbursements on account of printing second edition of Growth of Industrial Art 35 17. Showing the documents printed by authority of law or by order of either House of Congress, the approxiniate cost of printing and binding them, and the manner in which they were distributed 36 18. Showing allotments, etc., for the Executive and Judicial Departments and the approximate cost of the work executed for the same 50 19. Statement of the distribution of the bound and unbound volumes of the Congressional Record for the second session of the Tifty-sef oud Congress 50 20. Statement of contracts made (by direction of the Joint Committee on

    Printing) for supplying printing aud other paper from March 1, 1893, to February 28. 1894 51 21. Statement of contracts made for materials, etc. (except printing paper), during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1893 54 135 136 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER.

    No. 22. Statement of contracts made for lithographing and engraving for the fiscal year ended .June 30, 1893 61 23. Statement of proposals received by the Joint Committee on Printing

    for furnishing paper for the public printing from March 1, 1893, to February 28, 1894 63 24. Statement of proposals for supplying materials, etc. (except printing paper) 70 25. Statement of proposals for lithographing and engraving 94 26. Sliowiiig nviinber of ])('rsons employed in the Public Printing and Bind- ing, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each 100 27. Showing tlie number of persons employed in printing Annual Report (1890) of the Secretary of Agriculture, the length of time each was empioj ed, and the amoiint earned by each 122 28. Showing the number of persons employed in printing Annual Report (1891) of the Secretary of Agriculture, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each 123 29. Showing the number of persons employed in printing Annual Report (1892) of the Secretary of Agriculture, the length Of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each 126 30. Showing the number of persons employed in printing Decisions of Department of the Interior regarding Public Lands and Pensions, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each 128 31. Showing the number of persons employed in publication of the Elev- enth Census Reports, the length of time each was employed, and the amount earned by each 129 32. Showing the number of persons employed in printing second edition of Growth of Industrial Art, the length of time each was employed,

    and the amount earned by each • 134

