Inclusion, Collaboration & Engagement

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Inclusion, Collaboration & Engagement American Anthropological Association 107th Annual Meeting November 19–23, 2008 San Francisco, California Inclusion, Collaboration & Engagement Preliminary Program 2008 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM COUNTDOWN TO SAN FRAN C IS C O 107th AAA Annual Meeting | November 19–23, 2008 | San Francisco Hilton and Towers Inclusion, Collaboration & Engagement “Graduate Student Collaborations and tional labor politics and help us delineate an ethnol- Engagements in Environmental Change ogy of labor struggles. Research,” will stress how graduate students can The newly formed Society for Anthropological NOEL J CHRISMAN collaborate on integrative research programs Sciences will sponsor its first AAA sessions, AAA EXECUTIVE PROGRAM CHAIR focused on the human dimensions of environ- which will highlight various formal methods of mental change. collecting, analyzing and visualizing data from It is time to make your final plans for the annu- The Society for the Anthropology of the field, in particular methods of cognitive al meeting, November 19-23 in San Francisco, Consciousness and the Society for Latin anthropology and social network analysis. a beautiful city with much to offer. The Annual American and Caribbean Anthropology will The Society of Lesbian and Gay Meeting Program cosponsor the invited session “Black Atlantic Anthropologists will co-sponsor, with the Committee accepted and Caribbean Religions: Transnational Flows Executive Program Committee, a session titled more than 500 sessions and Local Histories.” This session will bring “Anthropology and Transgender: Rethinking this year. As always, the together researchers documenting the histories Inclusion, Collaboration and Engagement.” annual meeting promises of specific religious communities throughout Trans and non-trans anthropologists, historians, to be a great opportunity the region. lobbyists and community-based activists will to catch up on the work The Society for East Asian Anthropology constitute the exciting panel of speakers. and lives of old and new highlights its session “Reinventing the Chinese “Rethinking Race, Biology and Genetics” is friends and colleagues, State.” This panel shows, through five finely- an Executive Program Committee session that and to attend sessions, etched ethnographic portraits, that the Chinese promises to explore the difficult debate about the workshops, exhibits and meetings of commit- state has reinvented itself as an omnipresent biology and social construction of race. Papers tees and sections. On-site child care and a WiFi force. show a recognition that anthropology, despite its zone will be provided for your convenience. NAPA and the Anthropology and Environment long engagement with the complex relationship To whet your appetites, the Program Section have collaborated to produce “Researching of race, biology and genetics, has yet to formulate Committee is happy to provide you with a sneak a Moving Target: Anthropological Models and an effective and relevant response to the recent peak of some highly anticipated 2008 sessions. Methods in an Age of Unprecedented Climate surge of public interest in, and misconceptions “HIV/AIDS: Underscoring Needs for and Change.” Experienced researchers and practitio- about, these concepts. Challenges to Collaboration” is jointly offered ners will show how their work engages their “Multiple Indigenous Views of Anthropology’s from the Association for Africanist Anthropology research communities in collaboration, consulta- Future: Envisioning a New Anthropology” is a and the National Association for the Practice of tion and public debate about how to address global Presidential Session that will focus on indigenous Anthropology (NAPA). Presenters will analyze climate change locally. anthropologists, and their communities, who are why and how we must reconceptualize our theo- The Society for Visual Anthropology’s 2008 engaging in a new, collaborative anthropology retical understandings of culture and society, as lineup includes a diverse and engaging range of that is directed by, rather than directed at, their well as our approaches to health, development, papers, screenings and special events. Highlights heritage. community capacity building and international include the Annual Film, Video and Interactive There are two sessions to which the public will collaboration to address the HIV/AIDS crisis. Media Festival, which received a record number be explicitly invited: “Pulse of the Planet: Human “Radical Archaeology as Critical Anthropology: of contributions and promises to be one of the Rights and Social Justice in the 21st Century” and Papers Honoring Thomas C Patterson” is spon- best programs to date. “Implementing the United Nations Declaration sored by the Archeology Division. Papers will The Society for the Anthropology of North on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Role of examine such issues as the influence of archaeol- America will present “New States of War and Anthropology.” This latter panel will consider the ogy on anthropological theory and articulations Policing,” which will focus on the relationship opportunities and challenges that the declaration between native communities and archaeologists. between war-making, states and policing, and presents for anthropology and anthropological “The Legacy of Daphne Berdahl” will be probe their convergence in the current global war practice. presented by the Society for the Anthropology on terror. This year, the concepts of inclusion, collaboration of Europe. Daphne Berdahl was one of anthro- The Society for Urban, National, and and engagement guide our meeting program. With pology’s leading scholars of Central and Eastern Transnational/Global Anthropology and Society more than 500 sessions from which to choose, Europe. Papers will assess her contributions to for the Anthropology of Work will co-sponsor those who attend the San Francisco meeting are such areas as the anthropology of borderlands, “Locating Labor: Anthropologists Engage Service bound to connect with research and colleagues that memory and consumption. Worker Struggles.” David Bacon, labor photojour- will provide useful feedback and new insights and One of the roundtables sponsored by the nalist and author, will put the actions of the San opportunities. I hope that you will find it to be a National Association of Student Anthropologists, Francisco hotel strike into the context of transna- truly valuable experience. 2 s e e WWW.AAANET.ORG f o r S E A R C HABLE PRELIMINARY PROGRAM a n d A B S T R A C TS COUNTDOWN TO SAN FRAN C IS C O 2008 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM What Every Student Should Preliminary Program Contents Know about the Meeting General Information 4 SETHA LOW community, and the first step in that is to know AAA PRESIDENT Guide to Section Names 5 each other’s names. You may feel uncomfort- able introducing yourself to people you haven’t SCHEDULE The annual meeting met before, but it is an important part of the can be a whirlwind— meeting. Be forthright and friendly, polite and Wednesday, Nov 19 6 trying to attend all understanding. If someone is unable to talk to the sessions you want, you when you greet them, hand them your card Thursday, Nov 20 12 presenting your own or try to catch up with them later. For some work, connecting with people, the meeting is the best time to talk; Friday, Nov 21 22 new and longtime col- for others, communicating after the meeting leagues, sharing ideas, might be better. Saturday, Nov 22 31 participating in section meetings, attending workshops, seeing the Ask for feedback Sunday, Nov 23 40 book exhibit and much more. All these aspects Have you met someone who is working in your of the meeting work towards the larger goal field or working on a related topic? That person Film, Video and Interactive of building and strengthening our community may be able to give you valuable feedback or Media Screening Program 45 of anthropologists. A key part of this is help- suggestions, but you won’t know unless you ask. ing graduate students join our community Your active participation in the meeting is 2008 Annual Meeting Program of scholars and professionals, and that is why very important both for the development of Committee 47 I’m writing this letter to you. your own careers and the growth of our dis- As many of the more seasoned members dive cipline. Not only do you as graduate students right into our sessions, meetings and, of course, bring a fresh perspective to the issues and chal- catching up with friends, it is easy for the lenges facing our field, but you are the future Distinguished Lecturer opportunity to meet emerging anthropologists leaders of the anthropological community at Saturday, Nov 22 | 6:30 pm–8:00 pm to slip past us. But there are a few straightfor- all levels, including the AAA. ward actions you as graduate students can take And please, if you see me there, come intro- to increase your network of colleagues and duce yourself. make the most of your meeting experience. AAA Business Meeting Agenda Go to sessions related to your work A challenge every year is deciding what sessions Thursday, November 20, 2008 to attend. One complicating factor is the desire 7:30 pm–9:30 pm to support your friends when they give their San Francisco Hilton Hotel own papers. While such support is important, Continental Parlor 5 Chair: Setha Low, AAA President be sure to balance it with activities that relate to your own work and research, where you can learn the most about current research, projects 1. Call to Order and theories in your field. To support your 2. Adoption of Agenda friends, review and practice papers with each 3. Approval of the Minutes of the 106th other before the meeting. AAA Business Meeting (2007) 4. Remembrance of Deceased Members Bring business cards 5. President’s Report by Setha Low It is important to be able to quickly give some- one your contact information. Also, it is easier 6. Recognitions to keep track of cards than random pieces of 7. Resolutions Previously Submitted Johnnetta Cole will present the 2008 paper. Distinguished Lecture titled “Race 8. New Business and Gender in the 2008 Presidential 9.
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