Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

September Vol. 639 Pretoria, 21 2018 September No. 41914



ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 41914 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The GovernmenT PrinTinG Works Will noT be held resPonsible for any errors ThaT miGhT occur due To The submission of incomPleTe / incorrecT / illeGible coPy. no fuTure queries Will be handled in connecTion WiTh The above.

Table of Contents

Legal Notices

BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ...... 13 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 14 KwaZulu-Natal...... 14 North West / Noordwes...... 15 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 15 COMPANY NOTICES • MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS KwaZulu-Natal...... 16 North West / Noordwes...... 16 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 17 North West / Noordwes...... 18 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 19 ORDERS OF THE COURT • BEVELE VAN DIE HOF Gauteng...... 20 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 22 KwaZulu-Natal...... 26 Limpopo...... 29 Mpumalanga...... 29 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 30 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 32 GENERAL • ALGEMEEN Gauteng...... 32 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 39 Free State / Vrystaat...... 40 Mpumalanga...... 40 North West / Noordwes...... 41 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 42


Form/Vorm J297 ...... 45 Election of executors, tutors and curators Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, voogde en kurators Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 46 Form/Vorm J295 ...... 46 Notice of curator and tutor Kennisgewings van kurators en voogde Gauteng...... 46

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Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 46 KwaZulu-Natal...... 46 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 47 Form/Vorm J193 ...... 47 Notice to creditors in deceased estates Kennisgewings aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels Gauteng...... 47 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 62 Free State / Vrystaat...... 66 KwaZulu-Natal...... 69 Limpopo...... 75 Mpumalanga...... 76 North West / Noordwes...... 77 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 78 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 79 Form/Vorm J 187 ...... 86 Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê Gauteng...... 87 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 103 Free State / Vrystaat...... 107 KwaZulu-Natal...... 109 Limpopo...... 117 Mpumalanga...... 119 North West / Noordwes...... 121 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 122 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 123


Form/Vorm J 28 ...... 134 Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is Form/Vorm J29 ...... 136 First meetings of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound-up or placed under provisional judicial management Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuld-briefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur Form/Vorm J 29CC ...... 149 Close corporations: first meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up Beslote korporasies: eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie Form/Vorm 1 ...... 151 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 2 ...... 157 Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 4 ...... 163 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 5 ...... 171 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 6 ...... 178 Application for rehabilitation Aansoek om rehabilitasie Form/Vorm 7 ...... 181 Notices of trustees Kennisgewings van kurators Form/Vorm 9 ...... 184 Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate

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Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ‘n skuldenaar se boedel

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Closing times for ORDINARY WEEKLY LEGAL A, LEGAL B and LEGAL C 2018 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

➤ 28 December 2017, Thursday for the issue of Friday 05 January 2018 ➤ 05 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 January 2018 ➤ 12 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 January 2018 ➤ 19 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 January 2018 ➤ 26 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 February 2018 ➤ 02 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 February 2018 ➤ 09 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 February 2018 ➤ 16 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 February 2018 ➤ 23 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 March 2018 ➤ 02 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 March 2018 ➤ 09 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 March 2018 ➤ 15 March, Thursday for the issue of Friday 23 March 2018 ➤ 22 March, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 29 March 2018 ➤ 28 March, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 06 April 2018 ➤ 06 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 April 2018 ➤ 13 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 April 2018 ➤ 19 April, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 26 April 2018 ➤ 25 April, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 04 May 2018 ➤ 04 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 May 2018 ➤ 11 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 May 2018 ➤ 18 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 May 2018 ➤ 25 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 June 2018 ➤ 01 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 June 2018 ➤ 08 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 June 2018 ➤ 15 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 June 2018 ➤ 22 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 June 2018 ➤ 29 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 July 2018 ➤ 06 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 July 2018 ➤ 13 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 July 2018 ➤ 20 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 27 July 2018 ➤ 27 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 03 August 2018 ➤ 02 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 10 August 2018 ➤ 10 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 17 August 2018 ➤ 17 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 24 August 2018 ➤ 24 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 31 August 2018 ➤ 31 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 September 2018 ➤ 07 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 September 2018 ➤ 14 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 21 September 2018 ➤ 20 September, Thursday for the issue of Friday 28 September 2018 ➤ 28 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 October 2018 ➤ 05 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 October 2018 ➤ 12 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 October 2018 ➤ 19 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 October 2018 ➤ 26 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 November 2018 ➤ 02 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 November 2018 ➤ 09 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 November 2018 ➤ 16 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 November 2018 ➤ 23 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 30 November 2018 ➤ 30 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 December 2018 ➤ 07 December, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 December 2018 ➤ 13 December, Thursday for the issue of Friday 21 December 2018 ➤ 19 December, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 28 December 2018

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List of tariff rates for pubLication of LegaL notices in the government gazette commencement: 1 apriL 2018

(LegaL notices from sources other than government Departments)

Pricing for Fixed Price Notices Notice Type New Price (R) J158 - Setting aside of Provisional Orders 37.82 J297 - Election of executors, curators and tutors 37.82 J295 - Curators and tutors: Masters’ notice 37.82 J193 - Notice to creditors in deceased estates 37.82 J187 - Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection 37.82 J28 37.82 J29 37.82 J29 – CC 37.82 Form 1 37.82 Form 2 37.82 Form 3 37.82 Form 4 37.82 Form 5 37.82 Form 6 75.66 Form 7 37.82 Form 8 37.82 Form 9 75.66

Sales in execution, Orders of the Court, General Legal, Public Auctions, Company Notice, Business Notices, Liquidators Notice) is priced based on the amount of page space the notice takes up at a rate of R151.32 per quarter page.

Pricing for Variable Priced Notices Notice Type Page space New Price Sales in execution 1/4 151.32 Orders of the Court 1/4 151.32 General Legal 1/4 151.32 Public Auctions 1/4 151.32 Company Notice 1/4 151.32 Business Notices 1/4 151.32 Liquidators Notice 1/4 151.32

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The Government Printing Works (GPW) has established rules for submitting notices in line with its electronic notice processing system, which requires the use of electronic Adobe Forms. Please ensure that you adhere to these guidelines when completing and submitting your notice submission.

Closing Times for ACCepTAnCe of noTiCes

1. The Government Gazette and Government Tender Bulletin are weekly publications that are published on Fridays and the closing time for the acceptance of notices is strictly applied according to the scheduled time for each gazette.

2. Please refer to the Submission Notice Deadline schedule in the table below. This schedule is also published online on the Government Printing works website All re-submissions will be subject to the standard cut-off times. All notices received after the closing time will be rejected.

Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

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Legal Gazettes A, B and C Weekly Friday One week before publication Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Tender Bulletin Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Gauteng Weekly Wednesday Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission deadline Eastern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Northern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication North West Weekly Tuesday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication KwaZulu-Natal Weekly Thursday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Limpopo Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Mpumalanga Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication

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Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

Gauteng Liquor License Monthly Wednesday before Two weeks before publication 3 working days after Gazette the First Friday of the submission deadline month Northern Cape Liquor Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 working days after License Gazette month submission deadline

National Liquor License Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 working days after Gazette month submission deadline Mpumalanga Liquor License Bi-Monthly Second & Fourth One week before publication 3 working days prior to Gazette Friday publication

exTrAordinAry gAzeTTes

3. Extraordinary Gazettes can have only one publication date. If multiple publications of an Extraordinary Gazette are required, a separate Z95/Z95Prov Adobe Forms for each publication date must be submitted.

noTiCe submission proCess

4. Download the latest Adobe form, for the relevant notice to be placed, from the Government Printing Works website

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8. Each notice submission should be sent as a single email. The email must contain all documentation relating to a particular notice submission.

8.1. Each of the following documents must be attached to the email as a separate attachment:

8.1.1. An electronically completed Adobe form, specific to the type of notice that is to be placed. For National Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette notices, the notices must be accompanied by an electronic Z95 or Z95Prov Adobe form The notice content (body copy) MUST be a separate attachment.

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16.1. GPW Account Customers must provide a valid GPW account number to obtain a quotation.

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1 7. 1. Cash customers doing bulk payments must use a single email address in order to use the same proof of payment for submitting multiple notices.

18. The responsibility lies with you, the customer, to ensure that the payment made for your notice(s) to be published is sufficient to cover the cost of the notice(s).

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19.1. This means that the quotation number can only be used once to make a payment.

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Copy (sepArATe noTiCe ConTenT doCumenT)

20. Where the copy is part of a separate attachment document for Z95, Z95Prov and TForm03

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The content document should contain only one notice. (You may include the different translations of the same notice in the same document).

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22. Requests for cancellation must be sent by the original sender of the notice and must accompanied by the relevant notice reference number (N-) in the email body.

AmendmenTs To noTiCes

23. With effect from 01 October 2015, GPW will not longer accept amendments to notices. The cancellation process will need to be followed according to the deadline and a new notice submitted thereafter for the next available publication date.


24. All notices not meeting the submission rules will be rejected to the customer to be corrected and resubmitted. Assistance will be available through the Contact Centre should help be required when completing the forms. (012-748 6200 or email [email protected]). Reasons for rejections include the following:

24.1. Incorrectly completed forms and notices submitted in the wrong format, will be rejected.

24.2. Any notice submissions not on the correct Adobe electronic form, will be rejected.

24.3. Any notice submissions not accompanied by the proof of payment / purchase order will be rejected and the notice will not be processed.

24.4. Any submissions or re-submissions that miss the submission cut-off times will be rejected to the customer. The Notice needs to be re-submitted with a new publication date.

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ApprovAl of noTiCes

25. Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice.

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governmenT prinTer indemnified AgAinsT liAbiliTy

2 7. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of—

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liAbiliTy of AdverTiser

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CusTomer inQuiries Many of our customers request immediate feedback/confirmation of notice placement in the gazette from our Contact Centre once they have submitted their notice – While GPW deems it one of their highest priorities and responsibilities to provide customers with this requested feedback and the best service at all times, we are only able to do so once we have started processing your notice submission. GPW has a 2-working day turnaround time for processing notices received according to the business rules and deadline submissions. Please keep this in mind when making inquiries about your notice submission at the Contact Centre.

29. Requests for information, quotations and inquiries must be sent to the Contact Centre ONLY.

30. Requests for Quotations (RFQs) should be received by the Contact Centre at least 2 working days before the submission deadline for that specific publication.

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pAymenT of CosT

3 1. The Request for Quotation for placement of the notice should be sent to the Gazette Contact Centre as indicated above, prior to submission of notice for advertising.

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3 7. The Government Printing Works reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the List of Fixed Tariff Rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation.

proof of publiCATion

38. Copies of any of the Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette can be downloaded from the Government Printing Works website free of charge, should a proof of publication be required.

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BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


Gauteng. (2) Biggie Best (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number: 1965/001331/07); (3) The retail business conducted by it as a supplier of household linen, home décor and accessories at Shop 16 Design Quarter, Cnr William Nicol Drive and Leslie Avenue, Fourways, Sandton and Shop 12 Bryanston Shopping Centre, Cnr William Nicol Drive and Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston Extension 7, Sandton under the name and style of “Biggie Best”; (4) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended, that Biggie Best (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number: 1965/001331/07), having their principal places of business at Shop 16 Design Quarter, Cnr William Nicol Drive and Leslie Avenue, Fourways, Sandton and Shop 12 Bryanston Shopping Centre, Cnr William Nicol Drive and Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston Extension 7, Sandton, will, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, sell to, and after the expiry of a period of not less than 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice, transfer to Coricraft Group (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number: 2005/014196/07), the retail business conducted by it as a supplier of household linen, home décor and accessories at the above premises under the name and style of “Biggie Best”. Fluxmans Inc (S Slom/00140213), attorneys for the Purchaser.; (5) Coricraft Group (Proprietary) Limited (Registration Number: 2005/014196/07); (7) Fluxmans Incorporated, 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, .

Roodepoort,Gauteng. (2) Saxolar (Pty) Ltd trading as Cash Converters Village at Horizon, Registration Number 2017/134099/07; (3) Cash Converters Village at Horizon, Shop 55, The Village at Horizon, Corner Sonop Street and Ontdekkers Road, Horizon View, Roodepoort; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Finvest Capital (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number: 2014/246469/07; (6) Not applicable; (7) Faber Goertz Ellis Austen Incorporated - 1st Floor, Block D, Saint Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston..

Unit 4 District. (2) PANZAVOX (PTY) LTD; (3) ERF 4454 KUDUBE, UNIT 4 DISTRICT MORETE, 4454 OLD GREAT NORTH RD, HAMMANSKRAAL, 0400; (4) NOTICE OF SALE OF A BUSINESS: Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act no. 24 of 1936 that it is the intention of PANZAVOX (PTY) LTD, to sell its service station business located at: ERF 4454 OLD GREAT NORTH ROAD HAMMANSKRAAL 0400 as a going concern to AMORABI (PTY) LTD, after the expiry of a period of not less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days from the date of last publication hereof. Dated at HAMMANSKRAAL on this 21st day of September 2018.; (5) AMORABI (PTY) LTD; (7) Phumzile Kgobe

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582 Carlswald North Lifestyle Estate, Tambotie Road, Midrand, 1685 10 September 2018.

Marlands, Germiston, 1401. (2) PERIKLIS PERIKLI Trading as MARLANDS FAST FOODS, Identification Number: 691102 5897 18 4; (3) MARLANDS FAST FOODS situated at Shop 1, Ereene Shopping Centre Corner 2nd Str and 3rd Avenue Marlands; (4) SALE OF BUSINESS; (5) MADELEIN YVONNE MARE, Identification Number: 711215 0056 08 9; (7) Rodrigues Blignaut Attorneys.

Lotus Gardens. (2) The Seller is Central Development Johannesburg Proprietary Limited; (3) The Seller is a Housing Developer; (4) The Seller is alienating its interest in residential property which it has developed. The townships which it is alienating is known as Lotus Gardens Extension 14 and Lotus Gardens Extension 16. The residential property so alienated does not represent a major asset of the seller.; (5) The purchaser is International Housing Solutions II SA Rental Trust 2; (6) 54 Peter Place, Peter Place Office Park Block C, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2191 ; (7) Van Rensburg Attorneys.

TOWNSGIP. (2) SELLER; (3) BUSINESS; (4) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936), as amended, to interested parties and creditors that it is the intention of the following shareholders, NICOLAI FAMILY TRUST, REGISTRATION NUMBER IT486/2003, and SANSAM FAMILY TRUST, REGISTRATION NUMBER IT2951/2005 with their collective chosen domicilium citandi et executandi at 539 Ontdekkers Road, Florida North, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, to sell and transfer their respective shareholding to the Shareholder which will then in turn be the owner of the entire shareholding in and to the business including all the business assets of the business known as ELITE PROPERTY GROUP INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2005/002651/07, to the following Purchaser IVAN PRETORIUS PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES CC, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2004/038824/23, with its chosen domicilium citandi et executandi at 15c Gibson Drive, Buccleuch, 2066, who will take over the shareholding and said business and continue trading for its own benefit and account, on the effective date which shall be 30 days of date of publication hereof at which date payment shall be effected in terms of the sale of shares agreement. Victor and Partners Attorneys, Jacaranda House, 1350 Gooseberry Street (Cnr Hans Street & Glover Road), Honeydew Grove. Tel: (011)831-0000. Fax: 086 504 5906. Email: [email protected] Ref: R Victor / Elite; (5) PURCHASER; (7) VICTOR AND PARTNERS ATTORNEYS.





Barkly East. (2) David Benjamin Naude, Identity Number 630806 5087 081, married out of community of property; (3) Remainder Farm Croagh Patrick No. 257 Barkly East, Portion 1 (St Patrick) of the Farm Croagh Patrick No. 257 Barkly East together with 20 cattle; (4) Sale of above farms and cattle; (5) Botha Broers Trust, Registration Number IT 968/1997; (6) Farm Coldbrook, Elliot, 5460; (7) Greyvenstein & Spence.


Winklespruit. (2) Silver Videos CC (Registration No. CK1996/027058/23); (3) The SPAR Tops business conducted by the Seller at 10 Winklespruit Road, Winklespruit, , 4126, under the style “TOPS AT WINKLESPRUIT”, as a going concern.; (4) Sale of the business to new owners.; (5) Buckley Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 2018/469639/07); (7) Cox Yeats Attorneys, 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban..

Winklespruit. (2) Warner Beach Supermarket CC (Registration No. CK1995/004390/23); (3) The SPAR supermarket

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 15 business conducted by the Seller at 10 Winklespruit Road, Winklespruit, Durban, 4126, under the style “SUPERSPAR WINKLESPRUIT”, as a going concern.; (4) Sale of the business to new owners.; (5) Jankyl Investments (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 2017/208542/07); (7) Cox Yeats, 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban..

Winklespruit. (2) Warner Beach Supermarket CC (Registration No. CK1995/004390/23) trading as Pharmacy at Spar Winklespruit; (3) The SPAR pharmacy business conducted by the Seller at 10 Winklespruit Road, Winklespruit, Durban, 4126, under the style “Pharmacy at Spar Winklespruit”, as a going concern.; (4) Sale of the business to new owners.; (5) Orange Sunset Investments (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 2018/483396/07); (7) Cox Yeats, 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban..




MADIBENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. (2) ANISMAR BOERDERY TRUST IT 6276/1998 (T); (3) ANISMAR BOERDERY TRUST (MASTER’S REFERENCE NO. IT 6276/1998), intends selling, its properties, more fully described as: 1. REMAINING EXTENT PORTION 2 OF FARM BEESTKRAAL NO.199, J.Q 2. PORTION 159 OF FARM BEESTKRAAL NO. 199, J.Q AND 3. PORTION 162 OF FARM BEESTKRAAL NO.199, J.Q; (4) which includes the business conducted in respect of the properties, as a going concern after the lapse of a period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to JOHAN VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 641211 5008 089) and ANNELINE CATHARINA VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 660708 0039 080) trading as BEESTEKRAAL HOENDERS who will after registration of transfer of the properties conduct the business within the properties for its own account; (5) JOHAN VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 641211 5008 089) and ANNELINE CATHARINA VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 660708 0039 080) trading as BEESTEKRAAL HOENDERS; (7) WWB BOTHA ATTORNEYS, BROOKLYN 446 CAMERON STREET, C/O CAMERON & JUSTICE MOHAMMED STREETS (012 346 3111)..

MADIBENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. (2) BRAAM DU PLESSIS FAMILIE TRUST IT 9742/1996 (T); (3) BRAAM DU PLESSIS FAMILIE TRUST (MASTER’S REFERENCE NO. IT 9742/1996), intends selling, its properties, more fully described as: 1. PORTION 161 OF FARM BEESTKRAAL NO.199, J.Q 2. PORTION 163 OF FARM BEESTKRAAL NO. 199, J.Q; (4) which includes the business conducted in respect of the properties, as a going concern after the lapse of a period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to JOHAN VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 641211 5008 089) and ANNELINE CATHARINA VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 660708 0039 080) trading as BEESTEKRAAL HOENDERS who will after registration of transfer of the properties conduct the business within the properties for its own account.; (5) JOHAN VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 641211 5008 089) and ANNELINE CATHARINA VAN DER MERWE (ID NO. 660708 0039 080) trading as BEESTEKRAAL HOENDERS; (7) WWB BOTHA ATTORNEYS, BROOKLYN 446 CAMERON STREET, C/O CAMERON & JUSTICE MOHAMMED STREETS (012 346 3111).


Goodwood, Cape Town. (2) I ESA Development Corporation (CC); (3) Asrin Property Developers, 382 Main Road, Tokai, Western Cape, 7945; (4) Sale of Land for property development purposesConditions: by no later than 7 (seven) days from Date of Signature: Purchaser to provide Seller with a resolution ratifying the terms and conditions of the Sale Agreement; Seller to provide the Purchaser with resolution authorising the Seller to enter into the Sale Agreement; written proof if registered for VAT; all FICA documentationSection 34 Advertisement of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936: between 30 and 60 days before date of transfer; (5) The Trustees for the time being of IHS Fund II SA Rental Trust 4; (6) International Housing Solutions (Pty) Ltd; 54 Peter Place, Peter Place Office Park, Block C, Cardiff House, Bryanston, Gauteng, 2191; (7) Cape Times , Die Burger, Tygerburger, Cape Argus.

Century City. (2) Pyro-Cote Proprietary Limited, 14 Park Lane, Century City, Cape Town, 7441; (3) Durban: address: Unit No 4, Chelsea Industrial Park, No 17 Chelsea Avenue, New Germany, Pinetown, Durban, South Africa. JHB address: No 8 Johnson Street, Alrode, Alberton, 1449, South Africa. Cape Town: Table Bay Industrial Park, Unit 2/1B,9 Milner Road, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, South Africa; (4) 1. Sale/ transfer of certain assets of Pyro-Cote Propriety Limited in respect of the Durban Business. 2. Sale/ transfer of certain assets of Pyro-Cote Propriety Limited in respect of the Johannesburg Business. 3. Sale/ transfer of certain assets of Pyro-Cote Propriety Limited in respect of the Cape Town Business; (5) Pyro Cote KZN Proprietary Limited, Pyro Cote Cape Proprietary Limited, Pyro Cote Jhb Proprietary Limited.; (6) N/A; (7) Erakis Investments 14 Park Lane,

This gazette is also available free online at 16 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

Century City, Cape Town, 7441.




NCETHEZO ENTERPRISE CC (Reg. No: 2007/221695/23) RE-INSTATING NCETHEZO TRADING ENTERPRISE CC a rule nisi do hereby calling upon the respondents and other interested persons to show cause, if any, on the 08 November 2018 at 9h00 or soon thereafter, why an order in the following terms should not be granted: 1.1 an order re-instating Ncethezo Trading Enterprise CC, Registration Number: 2007/221695/23 in terms of section 83(4) (a) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 read with section 26 of Close Corporations Act 69 of 1984; 1.2 an order directing the First Respondent, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa - (“the CIPC”) to re-instate Ncethezo Trading Enterprise CC, Registration Number 2007/221695/23 on the register of close corporations; 1.3 an order directing that upon reinstatement the assets of Ncethezo Trading Enterprise CC, Registration Number 2007/221695/23 would be bona vacantia S.D. Moloi & Associate Incorporated, Lungelo Nyuswa, Suite 701, 7th Floor, Cororate Place , 09 Dorothy Nyembe Stree, Durban, 4001, Tel: 031-301 2812/2950/2876, Fax: 031- 566 3231 , Email: [email protected].



OUD STARMBURG (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 1950/036833/07) APPLICATION FOR THE REINSTATEMENT OF COMPANY Please take notice that HENDRIK KENFIL LE GRANGE intends making application to the Commissioner of CIPC for the reinstatement of OUD STARMBURG (PTY) LTD, Registration Number: 1950/036833/07. Please take notice that any objection to the application must be lodged with the Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of the publication hereof ESMé COETZER ATTORNEYS, ESMé COETZER, 41 CENTRAL AVENUE, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP, 2572, Tel: 0184641321, Fax: 086 5757 918 , Email: [email protected].


LNOT LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc.

LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.

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Insolvent Estate Tseko Majafelo Rabotho Master’s Reference: G771/2017 INSOLVENT ESTATE TSEKO MAJALEFA RABOTHO

MASTER’S REFERENCE: G771/2017 NOTICE IN TERMS OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 21 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, NO 24 OF 1936 (AS AMENDED) Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 21 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended), by the Joint Trustees of the Insolvent Estate Tseko Majalefa Rabotho, Master’s Reference Number G771/2017 that they intend to recover, uplift and sell the immovable and movable assets said to be those of the Wife, married to out of community of property by way of ante nuptial contract, or those as mentioned and set out in para (13) of Section 21 of the Insolvency Act. Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys, D & T Trust, 426/428 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort, 1729 / D & T Trust, P O Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: 011 672 8700, Fax: 011 672 2228, Email: [email protected]. t

Insolvent Estate Ruimanuel Martins Dos Santos Master’s Reference: G821/2017 INSOLVENT ESTATE RUIMANUEL MARTINS DOS SANTOS

MASTER’S REFERENCE: G821/2017 NOTICE IN TERMS OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 21 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, NO 24 OF 1936 (AS AMENDED) Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 21 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended), by the Joint Trustees of the Insolvent Estate Ruimanuel Martins Dos Santos, Master’s Reference Number G821/2017 that they intend to recover, uplift and sell the immovable and movable assets said to be those of the Wife, married to out of community of property by way of ante nuptial contract, or those as mentioned and set out in para (13) of Section 21 of the Insolvency Act. Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys, D & T Trust, 426/428 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort, 1729 / D & T Trust, P O Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: 011 672 8700, Fax: 011 672 2228, Email: [email protected]. t

Henro Contracting (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 2013/162630/07 Master’s Reference: G822/18 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 375(5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever of D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716 and Simon Jiyane have been appointed Joint Provisional Liquidators of the above company. D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: 011 672 8700, Fax: 011 672 8700, Email: [email protected]. t

Showgroupworld (Pty) Ltd. Reg. No: 1996/000720/07 Master’s Reference: G1155/2016 ENQUIRY Kindly note that an enquiry has been scheduled for 19 October 2018 at 09h00 at the Germiston Magistrate’s Court. Eugene Marais Attorneys, Block B, Ground Floor, The Ambridge Office Park, 28 Vrede Avenue, Bryanston, Tel: 011- 7044831, Fax: 011- 7044837, Email: [email protected] Equitrust Insolvency Practitioners C.C., P. O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: 0116646107, Email: info@resolution. t

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Keralox (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 2017/219499/07 Master’s Reference: T222/18 NOTICE OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS HOLD ITO SECTION 386(1) OF THE COMPANIES ACT AND REGULATION 8(1) OF SCHEDULE III OF THE COMPANIES ACT. Ito Section 386(4) herewith notice that a meeting of directors of the aforementioned company in liquidation will be held before the Magistrate Springs on Friday 5 October 2018 at 10:00. The purpose of the meeting is to extend the powers of the Liquidator as contained in Section 386(4) of the Companies Act. Tshwane Trust Co, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186, Tel: 086 187 4926, Fax: 086 416 5737, Email: [email protected]. t

Marnus Laufs Boerdery (Edms) Bpk Reg. No: 2004/015770/07 Master’s Reference: T15/18 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria op 12 Oktober 2018 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. K van der Westhuizen & R Stockhoff Likwidateurs Tshwane Trust CO (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, Tel: 0861 874 926 t

Suncycle Investment Limited External Profit Co Ltd Reg. No: 1998/001467/10 Master’s Reference: T3480/17 NOTICE OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS HOLD ITO SECTION 386(1) OF THE COMPANIES ACT AND REGULATION 8(1) OF SCHEDULE III OF THE COMPANIES ACT. Ito Section 386(4) herewith notice that a meeting of directors of the aforementioned company in liquidation will be held before the Master of the High Court Pretoria on Monday 15 October 2018 at 10:00. The purpose of the meeting is to extend the powers of the Liquidator as contained in Section 386(4) of the Companies Act. Tshwane Trust Co, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186, Tel: 086 187 4926, Fax: 086 416 5737, Email: [email protected].



Spectrum Building Supplies (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 1997/014806/07 Master’s Reference: M20005/14 KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN LEDE EN DIREKTEURE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386(1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYWET EN REGULASIE 8(1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ‘n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mafikeng op 12 Oktober 2018 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. D Ismail Likwidateur Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, Tel: 0861874926, Fax: 0123334672


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Peter Starke Civils CC Reg. No: 2000/019221/23 Master’s Reference: C541/18 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 375(5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever of D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Chavonnes Badenhorst St Clair Cooper and Milani Becker have been appointed Joint Liquidators of the above corporation. D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: 011 672 8700, Fax: 011 672 8700, Email: [email protected].


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Case No: 2018/15509 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 23 August 2018, Honourable Judge Dlamini In the matter between: Mitch Property Investments (Pty) Ltd, Applicant and Laser Cut Varios (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

Having heard counsel for the Applicant, the following order is granted: 1.The Respondent is placed in provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court; 2.That a rule nisi is issued calling upon the Respondent and all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, on 4 October 2018, why: 2.1the Respondent should not be placed in final liquidation; 2.2the costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation; 3.Service of this order shall be effected as follows: 3.1by the Sheriff, or by his lawfully appointed deputy, on the Respondent at its registered address; 3.2by the Sheriff, or his lawfully appointed deputy, on the employees of the Respondent; 3.3by the Sheriff, or by his lawfully appointed deputy, on the trade unions of the Respondent’s employees; 3.4on the South African Revenue Services; 3.5by publication in one edition of “The Star” newspaper and Government Gazette. t

Case No: 32497/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Gauteng) Pretoria, 30 August 2018, Honourable Justice Kollapen In the matter between: Conymark (Pty) Ltd, Applicant and Shevonne Nel, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1.The estate of SHEVONNE NEL be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 1 OCTOBER 2018 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against her estate. 2.The provisional order be served upon the respondent personally. 3.The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper. 4.The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: HERMAN ESTERHUIZEN SMALMAN Address: 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria t

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CASE NO: 2018 / 23920 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG ON THE 06 AUGUST 2018, BEFORE THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE ISMAIL In the matter between: DS INTERNATIONAL (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (Applicant) and DISCOVERY WORLD FREIGHT FORWARDING (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (Respondent) DRAFT ORDER Having read the papers filed on record, having heard counsel for the applicant and after having considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent be and is hereby provisionally wound-up, returnable on 20 September 2018, in terms of which the applicant will seek a final winding-up order; 2. A copy of this order is to be served on: a. the South African Revenue Service; b. the Master of the High Court; c. the Respondent; d. the employees of the Respondent; and e. the Trade Unions representing the employees of the Respondent (if any) 3. A copy of this order is to be published in English in the Government Gazette. 3. A copy of this order is to be published in The Star newspaper and in Afrikaans in Die Beeld Koerant 4. The costs occasioned by this order are to be costs in the application. BY THE COURT, THE REGISTRAR t

Case No: 53285/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 8 August 2018, Honourable Mr Justice Weiner, AJ In the matter between: Badger Contractors CC t/a Badger Mining Contractors, Applicant and Renaissance SA Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Respondent

HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT 1.Provisional liquidation is granted; 2.Return date 22 October 2018. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: HES Address: EASTWOOD LAW CHAMBERS, 876 PRETORIUS STR, ARCADIA, PTA t

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Case No: 19015/15 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 29 August 2018, Honourable Mr Justice Strydom, AJ In the application of: Absa Bank Limited, Applicant and Heidi van der Merwe, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel(s) for the parties and having read the documents filed the court reserved its judgment. THEREAFTER ON THIS DAY THE COURT ORDERS JUDGMENT 1. The respondent’s points in limine are dismissed with cost. 2. The respondent’s counter application is dismissed with costs. 3. The respondent’s estate is provisionally sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master. 4. The rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the respondent and all other interested parties to show cause to this court on 18 October 2018 at 10h00 why the provisional order of sequestration should not be confirmed and made final. 5. A copy of this order shall be published once in English in the Government Gazette and Citizen Newspaper. 6. A copy of this order shall be served on the persons and/or entities envisaged by Section 11(2A) of the Insolvency Act, No 24 of 1936. 7. The cost in 1 and 2 supra, together with the cost incurred by the applicant in relation to the main application for sequestration and the respondent’s counter application as well as costs reserved on 8 March 2018 shall be part of the administration costs in the respondent’s sequestrated estate


N/A Case No: 2610/18 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division) Grahamstown, 6 September 2018, Before the Honorable Justice Jaji In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: Cash in bank account number 9332035972 held at ABSA, which is the proceeds of unlawful activity


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division Grahamstown) on 6 September 2018 in case number 2610 /2018 in relation to: Cash in bank account number 9332035972 held at ABSA, which is the proceeds of unlawful activity (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to Mbongeni Kani and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 23 appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: Marius Wolmarans, 5 Bertram Street, Grahamstown. 046 622 6611. [email protected] t

N/A Case No: 3084/2018 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, ) Port Elizabeth, 11 September 2018, Before the Honorable Justice Huisamen AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Plaintiff In re: R3 130 in cash seized on 1 February 2018 and held by the SAPS under Algoa Park CAS 13/02/2018 and held under Bethelsdorp SAP 13/105/2018 (the property)


The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Port Elizabeth) under case number 3084/18 in re:R3 130 in cash seized on 1 February 2018 and held by the SAPS under Algoa Park CAS 13/02/2018 and held under Bethelsdorp SAP 13/105/2018 (the property) (a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to MONWABISI TYOBELA and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given

This gazette is also available free online at 24 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: STATE ATTORNEY PORT ELIZABETH Mr Myburgh 29 Western Road Central Port Elizabeth Tel: 041 - 585 7921 Email: [email protected] t


Upon consideration of the Application, it is ordered that 1. Respondent be placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; 2. That a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon Respondent and all interested parties to show cause to this Court at 8H00 on Wednesday, the 14th day of November 2018 why Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation. 3. That a copy of Rule Nisi: (a) be delivered to the registered office of Respondent at 79 Graaff Reinet Road, Uitenhage, 6229; (b) be published in the Government Gazette, The Herald and Die Burger; (c) be mailed by registered post to all known creditors of Respondent; (d) be mailed by registered post to Respondent’s employees; (e) be delivered to South African Revenue Service, Young Street, Uitenhage 4. That the costs of this Application be regarded as costs of liquidation. BY ORDER OF THE COURT MAGISTRATE t

Case No: 2893/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION) PORT ELIZABETH, 4 September 2018, Madam Justice MAJIKI LUYANDA MCBRIDE SKOSANA LUYANDA MCBRIDE SKOSANA, Applicant In re: Application for declaration of presumption of death, MAKHOSONKE DITALA, (ID 760517 5803 08 8)

Having heard Advocate Gajjar, Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record. IT IS ORDERED 1. That a rule nisi issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, at 09:30 on Tuesday 25th September

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 25

2018 as to why an order in the following terms should not be granted: 1.1. that Makhosonke Ditala born on 17 May 1976 be declared to be presumed deceased; 1.2. that the costs of this application, including the costs of any publications in terms of paragraph 2 hereof, be paid by Applicant. 2. The aforesaid rule nisi shall be published once in The Herald in English, a local newspaper circulating in the Eastern Cape, and once in The Government Gazette, both in English and in Xhosa. t


IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) CASE NO: 933/2018 In the matter between: RIDGEPOLE PROPERTY (PTY) LTD, (Registration Number: 2015/407816/07), Applicant And REITY TRADING ENTERPRISE CC, (Registration Number: 2005/045536/23), Respondent MTHATHA ON 12 JUNE 2018 BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE TOKOTA J Ms Nyembezi for the Applicant No Appearance for the Applicant Having read the documents filed of record and hearing legal representative for the Applicant: IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. The respondent is hereby placed in provisional winding up at the hands of Master of the High Court; 2. Costs of this application be costs in the winding up. BY THE COURT. REGISTRAR t

Case No: 2893/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION) PORT ELIZABETH, 4 September 2018, Madam Justice MAJIKI LUYANDA MCBRIDE SKOSANA LUYANDA MCBRIDE SKOSANA, Applicant APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION OF PRESUMPTION OF DEATH MAKHOSONKE DITALA (ID 760517 5803 08 8) HEmva kokuva uMmeli Gajjar, igqwetha loMenzi-Sicelo, nasemveni kokufunda amaxwebhu afakwe kwingxelo. Kuyalelwe 1. Ukuba umthetho we-nisi ukhuphe isibhengezo esibiza wonke umntu onomdla nobandakanyekayo kule nyewe ukuba abonise izizathu, ukuba ukhona, ngo-09: 30 ngoLwesibini umhla we-25 kuSeptemba 2018 ezinobangela ukuba lemiqathango ilandelayo inganikezwa:- 1.1 Ukuthi uMakhosonke Ditala owazalwa ngomhla we-17 kuMeyi 1976 kuvakaliswe kuqinisekiswe ukuba uswelekile; 1.2 Ukuba iindleko zesi sicelo, kuquka neendleko zayo nayiphi na imipapasho ngokwemigqaliselo yalomhlathi ungezantsi, kufuneka zihlawulwe nguMenzi-Sicelo. 2. Ukuba umthetho-nisi okhankanywe ngasentla uza kushicilelwa upapashwe kanye kwiphephandaba lesiNgesi i-Herald, elifumaneka kwizithili ezingqonge iMpumakoloni, kube kanye nakwi-Gazette yasebuRhulumenteni, ngesiNgesi nangesiXhosa.

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COURT ORDER Case No: 12939/2016 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWA-ZULU NATAL DIVISION, ) PIETERMARITZBURG, 14 August 2018, HONOURABLE JUSTICE BALTON, J In the application of: CONSOLIDATED STEEL INDUSTRIES (PTY) LIMITED trading as STALCOR , Registration Number: 2006/031549/07, Applicant and NAIDOO, NEELAKANDAN, Identity Number: 700228 5149 08 3 and NAIDOO, PARVATHY, Identity Number: 750322 0185 08 2, Respondents In re: SEQUESTRATION APPLICATION NOT APPLICABLE Having read the Notice of Motion, and the other documents filed of record; and Having heard Counsel for the Applicant; It is ordered that:- 1. The Estate of the Respondents be placed under Provisional Sequestration and their assets be placed in the hands of the Master of KwaZulu Natal High Court. 2. A Rule Nisi is issued with return date 15 October 2018 calling upon the Respondents and any other party to show cause, if any, to the above Honourable Court, why their estate should not be placed under final sequestration. 3. Directing that the Order be served:- 3.1 On the Respondents by the Sheriff of the above Honourable Court; and 3.2 On all the known creditors of the Respondents by pre-paid registered post; and 3.3 On the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service. 4. The costs of this application are the costs in the administration of the Respondents’ insolvent estate. BY ORDER OF THE COURT RJ JOOSTE REGISTRAR STRACHAN ATTORNEYS t


IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Money Box Investments 138 (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 2007/029734/07) be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the KwaZulu-Natl High Court, Pietermaritzburg and that rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent company and all other interested persons to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on this 11th day of October 2018 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as the matter my be heard, why the Respondent company should not be finally wound up; 2. This order is to be served on the Respondent company at its registered address at 27 12th Avenue, Morningside, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal and that the order be published on or before the 21st day of September 2018, once in the Government Gazette and once in the Mercury newspaper; t

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Case No: CC-20180904-0049 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg) Pietermaritzburg, 21 August 2018, Honourable Judge Poyo Dlwati In the matter between: Jatin & Company ( India), Applicant and Aliffa Spices (Pty) LTD, First Respondent

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, Second Respondent In re: Rule Nisi ( Interim Rule) RULE NISI Upon reading the Notice of Motion, and the other documents filed of record; and Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant; IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Condonation is granted for the late filing of heads by the First Respondent. 2. The Application launched by the First Respondent calling for security in terms of Rule 47(1) is stuck off the roll. Mr M.Z Hassam is to pay the costs of that Application and the Application in terms of rule 7 is dismissed. Mr. M.Z Hassam is to pay the cost of that Application. 3. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondents and all other interested parties affected thereby to appear before this Honourable Court on the 9th day of October 2018 at 09h30 to show cause why a final order in the following terms should not be made: 3.1 The dissolution of the First Respondent, Aliffa Spices (Pty) Ltd (deregistered) be and is declared to be void; 3.2 The Second Respondent be and is hereby directed to restore Aliffa Spices (Pty) Ltd’s name to the register of the companies; 3.3 The assets of Aliffa Spices (Pty) Ltd (deregistered) are no longer bona vacantia; 3.4 It is declared that the liabilities of Aliffa Spices (Pty) Ltd (deregistered) immediately prior to its dissolution are declared to revest in the company; 3.5 The costs of this application shall be paid by the First Respondent. 4. The rule nisi contemplated in paragraph 1 above shall be published in English once in the Government Gazette and once in a newspaper circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. 5. The Rule Nisi contemplated in paragraph 1 above shall be served on:- 5.1 The Respondents; 5.2 The South African Revenue Service; 5.3 The Registrar of Deeds; 5.4 The Minister of Trade and Industry, Pretoria, and 5.5 The Minister of Finance. By Order of Court- R J ROOSTE REGISTRAR Afzal Akoo & Partners t



1. that the Rule Nisi do issue calling upon MAKINWA MEDIA MANAGEMENT CC (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”), and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 5th day of OCTOBER 2018 at 09h30

This gazette is also available free online at 28 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard as to why the Respondent should not be wound up; 2. that this order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent; 3. that the Notice of Motion and supporting documents together with the order shall be served on; 3.1 The Respondent at its registered office forthwith; 3.2 South African Revenue Services; 3.3 The Master of the High Court; 4. That this order be published on or before the 28th day of September 2018 once in the Government Gazette and once in the daily newspaper published and circulating in the KwaZulu-Natal.




1. That a Rule Nisi do issue calling upon Ashnamurgasen Pillay (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 8th October 2018 at 9h30 am or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard as to why the court should not order the final sequestration of the Respondent’s estate. 2. This order shall operate as an order provisionally sequestrating the estate of the Respondent. 3. This order shall be served upon:-

(a) the Respondent by way of publication in the Mercury Newspaper and by publication in the Government Gazette on or before the 28th September 2018, and service on the Respondent’s son namely Creason Pillay at 6 Circle Place, Queensburgh, Durban and / or via email; (b) The Master of the High Court, Durban and (c) The South African Revenue Services.


Case No: D5443/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU- NATAL LOCAL DIVISION- DURBAN) DURBAN, 3 September 2018, JUDGE BALTON In the matter between: ARSLO TRADING (PTY) LTD, Applicant and DHAR STEEL (PTY) LTD, REG NO: 2015/208703/07, Respondent UPON THE MOTION OF COUNSEL FOR THE APPLICANT AND UPON READING THE NOTICE OF MOTION AND THE OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED OF RECORD IT IS ORDERED 1. That the Respondent and all other interest parties, be in and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 4th day of October 2018 at 9:30a.m or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard as to why the Respondent should not be finally wound up. 2. That this order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent. 3. That this order shall be published on or before the 28th day of September 2018, once in the Government Gazette and

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 29 once in the daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu- Natal. 4. That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. BY ORDER OF COURT S DLAMINI, REGISTRAR 05/09/18 WICKINS LAW INC/jd


Case No: 2127/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (LIMPOPO DIVISION, ) POLOKWANE, 23 August 2018, HONOURABLE JUDGE KGANYAGO In the matter between: KGONA O TSOGE TRADING ENTERPRISE CC, Registration Number 2009/170977/23, Applicant and HLOMPHANANG LOGISTICS (PTY) LTD, Registration Number 2012/126970/07, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record, IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. A provisional order is hereby granted in terms whereof the Respondent is provisionally liquidated and placed in the hands of the Master with return date 30 OCTOBER 2018 in terms whereof any person may approach this Court on the return date to give reasons why the Respondent should not be liquidated. 2. The Order is published in the Government Gazette and in the local newspaper of POLOKWANE, the POLOKWANE REVIEW. 3. Costs in the application. BY ORDER OF THE COURT REGISTRAR


Case No: 1473/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (MPUMALANGA DIVISION (FUNCTIONING AS GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA - MIDDELBURG CIRCUIT COURT)) Middelburg, 20 August 2018, Honourable Judge BAM, AJ In the matter between: DON JOVI INVESTMENTS CC, APPLICANT and GEORGE LOUIS VENTER (IDENTITY NUMBER: 620821 5071 088), RESPONDENT DRAFT ORDER BY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES, THE COURT ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Applicant for sequestration be postponed to 8 October 2018; 2. The rule nisi issued on 30 July 2018 for 20 August 2018 is extended to 8 October 2018; 3. That this order be served forthwith on: 3.1 The Respondent by Sheriff at the offices of the Sheriff; 3.2 The Respondent via electronic mail; 3.3 The Respondent’s employees, if any; 3.4 The offices of the South African Revenue Services. By order of the Court. COURT REGISTRAR

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ANNEXURE A Case No: 15823/18 156 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION) CAPE TOWN, 31 August 2018, Honourable Ms Acting Justice Kusevitsky In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: In re: an application in terms of Section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 for the preservation of property described as a white Chevrolet utility motor vehicle with registration number CW21HHGP seized by members of the South African Police Service on 19 July 2016

ANNEXURE A NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions applied for and was granted a preservation of property order in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 in the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) on 31 August 2018 in case number 15823/18 in relation to: a white Chevrolet utility motor vehicle with registration number CW21HHGP seized by members of the South African Police Service on 19 July 2016. (a copy of the application and order can be obtained from the person mentioned in par 9 hereunder). This notice is addressed to all persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements and must be delivered to the office of the State Attorney at the address mentioned in paragraph 9, below. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: The State Attorney: Mr Z Karjiker, 5th Floor, 22 Long Street, CAPE TOWN. His contact details are as follows: Tel: (021) 441 9301. Email: [email protected] t

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N.A Case No: 14345/2018 1, OUDTSHOORN IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION, GEORGE) GEORGE, 11 September 2018, J WILLE PL COETZEE & OTHERS / REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, CAPE TOWN & OTHERS PETRUS LAUBSCHER COETZEE, 1st Applicant, AHS BOERDERY (PTY) LIMITED, 2nd Applicant and CECILIA PETRONELLA POTGIETER, 3rd Applicant and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, CAPE TOWN, 1st Respondent, THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES, 2nd Respondent, THE SURVEYOR – GENERAL, 3rd Respondent and THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN, 4th Respondent In re: ACQUISITIVE PRESCRIPTION N.A Having heard counsel for the applicants, it is ordered as follows: 1. That a rule nisi is hereby issued, calling upon first to the fourth respondents to show cause, on the 23rd of November 2018, why an order in the following terms should not be made final: 1.1. That it be declared that the first applicant has acquired ownership of the land described as “Gedeelte A (`n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 12) van die Plaas Gamtoosberg nr 70 geleë in die Munisipaliteit en Administratiewe Distrik: Oudtshoorn, Provinsie Wes-Kaap” as identified on the diagram attached to the founding affidavit marked Annexure “A” by the figures “A, B, C, D, e middel van Kandelaarsrivier, f, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P” by acquisitive prescription in terms of Section 1 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969; 1.2. That it be declared that second applicant has acquired ownership of the land described as “Gedeelte B (`n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 12) van die Plaas Gamtoosberg nr 170 geleë in die Munisipaliteit en Administratiewe Distrik: Oudtshoorn, Provinsie Wes-Kaap” as identified on the diagram attached to the founding affidavit marked annexure “B” by the figures “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, I middel van Kandelaarsrivier m” by acquisitive prescription in terms of Section 1 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969. (This order shall be subject to the proviso that the second applicant shall file a supplementary affidavit prior to the return date, setting out in detail in what manner he, together with his predecessors in title, acquired the uninterrupted use and possession of the land described in this paragraph for a period of more than thirty (30) years). 1.3. That it be declared that third applicant has acquired ownership of the land described as “Gedeelte C (`n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 12) van die Plaas Gamtoosberg nr 170 geleë in die Munisipaliteit en Administratiewe Distrik: Oudtshoorn, Provinsie Wes-Kaap” as identified on the diagram attached to the founding affidavit marked annexure “C” by the figures “A, B, C, d middel van Kandelaarsrivier e, F, G”, by acquisitive prescription in terms of Section 1 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969; 2. That the following relief shall stand over for determination on the return date; 2.1. That it be declared that the transfer of the said Portions A, B and C into the names of the applicants respectively, is not subject to the provisions of Section 3 of the sub-division of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970; 2.2. That the first respondent be ordered to register the said Portions A, B and C in the names of the applicants respectively, subject to compliance with the requirements of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, at the cost of the applicants; 2.3. That the Surveyor-General shall take whatever steps are required to give effect to the orders above, at the cost of the applicants. Further take note that: (a) The application will lay for inspection for a period of thirty (30) days from date hereof at the Applicants’ attorneys of record, being Duvenage Keyser & Jonck Inc, 84 Baron van Reede Street, Oudtshoorn and with the Registrar of the Court c/o the Clerk of the Court, Oudtshoorn; (b) If any respondent and/or interested party intend on opposing the application, such respondent and/or party is required to: (i) file its Notice of Opposition of the Application not later than twenty (20) days before 23rd November 2018; (ii) file its opposing papers in the Application not later than fifteen (15) days before 23rd November 2018. BY ORDER OF THE COURT REGISTRAR

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SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS Notice is hereby given by the Master of the High Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number; (2) the applicant; (3) the respondent; (4) the date of the provisional order granted; (5) the High Court Division; (6) the date of the discharge order. TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer; (2) die applikant; (3) die verweerder; (4) die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; (5) die Afdeling van die Hoë Hof; (6) die datum van die afwysingsbevel.


C449/2018—(2) Jordan Tyler Catterick, Applicant; (3) Garden Route Culinary (Pty) Ltd t/a Primi Piatti George, Respondent; (4) 17 July 2018; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 5 September 2018. C551/2018—(2) DELOS ANTIQUES CC t/a DELOS, Applicant; (3) D A G EXCLUSIVE FURNITURES (PTY) LTD, Respondent; (4) 13 August 2018; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 17 August 2018. 30/2018—(2) SONNEDAL DIARIES (PTY) LTD, Applicant; (3) AICHI TRADING CC, Respondent; (4) 16 January 2018; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (6) 17 July 2018. C551/2018—(2) DELOS ANTIQUES CC t/a DELOS, Applicant; (3) D A G EXCLUSIVE FURNITURES (PTY) LTD, Respondent; (4) 13 August 2018; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 17 August 2018.




Case/Application No: 40137 / 18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: SUNDRASEN MOONSAMY, Identity Number: 740222 5013 08 6, Applicant and MELOSHNEE MOONSAMY (born Munisamy), Identity Number: 801130 0187 08 4, Respondent In re: TO CHANGE THEIR MARITAL REGIME NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE NOTICE THAT application will be made on behalf of the abovementioned applicants on the 25th OCTOBER 2018 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system that applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft which is attached to the First Applicant’s Founding Affidavit and is marked Annexure “SM 2”, and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system. 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the Notarial contract. 3. This order: 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 months of the date of granting of this order; and 3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract. 3.3 Costs to be paid by the joint estate of the Applicants save where this application may be opposed, in which case the costs are to be paid by the person responsible for the opposition hereof. 3.4 Further and/or alternative relief.

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PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Notarial contract is available for inspection from: 25 SEPTEMBER 2018 at Atterbury Road 407, Menlopark, Pretoria, Gauteng, Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc. (Pretoria). Kindly place the matter on the Roll for hearing accordingly. Signed at Pretoria on this the 28th day of JUNE 2018. Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc., Heidelberg, Attorney for the Applicants, C/o Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc, 407 Atterbury Road, Menlopark, Pretoria, Tel (012) 460 4149, Fax (012) 460 4150. Ref: Mr Marais/mm/L505 To: The Registrar of the High Court, Pretoria. And To: The Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria And To: SARS, Pretoria. Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc. (Pretoria) (Marais/mm/L505, PO Box 35737, Menlopark, 0102, Tel: 012 460 4149, Fax: 012 460 4150, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A LOST/DESTROYED TITLE DEED (BY VIRTUE OF REGULATION 68 (1) AND (2) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 [ACT 47 OF 193]) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for a copy of the registered Title Deed T65016/2007 registered 17 May 2007, passed by PATRICK MOSWANKA MOSEKWANE (Identity Number: 6406035840084) and HILDA IKGOPOLENG MOSEKWANE (Identity Number : 650902 0849 08 3) Married in community of property to each other in favour FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED (Registration Number 1929/001225/06) for the amount of R850 000.00 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND RAND), in respect of PORTION 42 OF ERF 4702 GEELHOUTPARK EXTENSION 6 TOWNSHIP; REGISTRATION DIVISION J.Q., PROVINCE OF NORTH-WEST, MEASURING 1 021 (ONE THOUSAND AND TWENTY ONE) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T65016/2007. The mentioned TITLE DEED has been lost or destroyed and the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the application of the abovementioned Title Deed are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, at Corner Pretorius and Bosman Streets, Pretoria, 0001, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS 2ND FLOOR CHURCH SQUARE PRETORIA, Tel: 012 325 4185, Fax: 086 505 7375, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION IN RESPECT OF A LOST/ DESTROYED BOND FORM III Notice of Intention to Apply for the Cancellation of Registration in respect of a Lost/ Destroyed Bond (By virtue of regulation 68(11B) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937). Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Mortgage Bond Number B136546/2007, registered on 18/4/2007 passed by ADELLE MIA POTGIETER, IDENTITY NUMBER 7005060090083 for the amount of R2 800 000,00 (TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND RAND) in favour of ROGER SAMUEL ERIC MARTIN IDENTITY NUMBER 550901 5224 00 4 in respect of certain ERF 2203, MIDSTREAM ESTATE EXTENSION 25 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION JR, PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Christine Terre Blanche, cnr Saxby and Frederik Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Tel: 0126606000, Fax: 012 660 6001, Email: [email protected]. t

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Case/Application No: 31271/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) In the ex parte application of: CHAD JAY KAICER, First Applicant and SASHA-LEE KAICER, Second Applicant APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act (No. 88 of 1984) that application will be made on 18th OCTOBER 2018 on behalf of the Applicants for an order in the following terms: 1. That the Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a Notarial Contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s Founding Affidavit and is marked Annexure “CKJ3” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their matrimonial property system; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds, Johannesburg is authorised and requested to register the Notarial Contract; 3. This order- 3.1 Will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract; 4. Costs in the event of opposition; and 5. Further and/or alternative relief. JOHN BROIDO Attorneys, 17TH FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS 206 JEPPE STREET JOHANNESBURG 2001, Tel: 011 333 2141, Fax: 011 333 2222, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: Not Applicable IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GKM CONSULTING PTY AND JAN JOUBERT) APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION AND WATER USE LICENSE JAN JOUBERT, Applicant and GDARD, Respondent In re: APPLICATION FOR WATER USE LICENSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF TWO DOUBLE STOREY BUILDING ON MOOIFONTEIN FARM NO 14IR, PORTION 22 IN KEMPTON PARK WITHIN THE CITY OF EKURHULENI Notice is hereby given in terms of National Environmental Management Act, Act No 107 of 1998 and National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) that Jan Joubert, the legal owner of Mooifontein Farm No 14IR, portion 22 proposes the construction of two double storey building. Applicant: Jan Joubert Environmental Consultant: GKM Consulting PTY LTD Project Activities: Construction of two double-storey on Mooifontein Farm No 14IR portion 22 in Kempton Park, within Gauteng Province Listed Activity: Environmental Authorisation

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Listing Notice No 1, Activity 12 - The infilling or depositing of any material of more than 5 cubic meters into or the dredging, excavation, removal of soil, sand, shells, shell grit, pebbles or rock of more than 5 cubic meters from a watercourse, Listing Notice No 1, Activity 27 - The clearance of an area of 1 ha or more, but less than 20 hectares of indigenous vegetation, except where such clearance of indigenous vegetation is required for - (i) the undertaking of a linear activity; or (ii) maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance management plan Listing Notice No 3, Activity 12 - The clearance of an area of 300 square metres or more of indigenous vegetation except where such clearance of indigenous vegetation is required for maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance management plan Water Use License Section 21c - Impeding or diverting a watercourse, Section 21i - Altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse. The draft Basic Assessment Report and Environmental Management Plan will be made available for commenting at a date and location that will be communicated to all registered interested and affected members. For registration as an interested and affected member or to obtain further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned before the 22nd of October 2018 Contact Details: Grace Magaya, GKM Consulting PTY LTD. Contact No: 081 494 1611. Email Address: grace@ GKM CONSULTING PTY LTD, 74 3RD STREET, NORTHMEAD, BENONI, Tel: 0814941611, Fax: N/A, Email: grace@ t

Case/Application No: 27463/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) In the ex parte application of: CARINUS VERSTER, Identity No. 8610025180082), First Applicant and (

SIMONE DAHMS VERSTER (BORN DAHMS), (Identity No. 9111210310088), Second Applicant

NOTICE OF EX PARTE APPLICATION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG CASE NO. 27463/18 In the ex-parte matter of: CARINUS VERSTER (Identity No. 8610025180082), First Applicant and SIMONE DAHMS VERSTER (BORN DAHMS)(Identity No. 9111210310088), Second Applicant ______NOTICE OF EX PARTE APPLICATION ______BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that on the 8th day of OCTOBER 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the abovementioned applicants will apply to the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court, Johannesburg (cnr. Kruis and Pritchard Streets, Johannesburg) for an order in the following terms: 1. The applicants are granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit and is marked as annexure “CV4” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system; 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract; 3. This order: 3.1. will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within a period of two months of the date of granting of this order; and 3.2. will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract; Senekal Simmonds Incorporated, 19 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2008, Tel: 011-450-3084, Fax: 011-455-0888, Email: [email protected]. t

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Notice is hereby given that I, the Registrar of Deeds at JOHANNESBURG intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Certificate of Registered Grant of Leasehold Number TL36757/2011 dated 12 October 2011 in the name of MBANGO MICHAEL KUNENE, Identity Number 550625 5282 080 and CHARITY MANTSWENYA KUNENE, Identity Number 590321 0713 087, Married in community of property to each other, in respect of certain ERF 30187 DAVEYTON TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I. R., PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such deed of grant are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg within a period of 6 (SIX) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice.

DATED AT JOHANNESBUTG on this the 12th day of September 2018

______REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Andrew Lishivha Inc, 88 Marshall Street, Samancor House, 8th Floor, Johannesburg, Tel: 0118389110, Fax: 0867297755, Email: [email protected]. t

DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT/PENSION FUND KEYSTONE UMBRELLA PROVIDENT FUND PE GROENEWALD LUBBE INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Keystone Umbrella provident Fund pe Groenewald Lubbe Incorporated will be open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof, at the offices of: 1.The registered office of the fund, c/o Calibre Wealth Managers, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2.The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Ext 6, Pretoria. 3. The Randburg Magistrates Court, Shepherd Avenue, Randburg. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may, within a further period of 14 days following expiry of the aforementioned period of 30 days, lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. Len Marinus, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2901, Tel: 011 433 1395, Fax: 086 551 8838, Email: len@ t

DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT/PENSION FUND MULTI LINKED PENSION FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Multi Linked Pension Fund will be open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof, at the offices of: 1.The registered office of the fund, c/o Calibre Wealth Managers, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2.The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Ext 6, Pretoria. 3. The Randburg Magistrates Court, Shepherd Avenue, Randburg. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may, within a further period of 14 days following expiry of the aforementioned period of 30 days, lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P O Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 Len Marinus, 16 Denton Place, Kibler Heights, Mondeor, 2901, Tel: 011 433 1395, Fax: 086 551 8838, Email: len@ t


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FORM GG - LOST DEED DEEDS REGISTRATION ACT AMENDMENT NOTICE is hereby given in terms of the provision of Regulation Sixty-Eight made under the Deeds Registration Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of B026638/2008 passed by: ISAAC MADZIMURE and MAGGIE MADZIMURE in favour of FIRST NATIONAL BANK LIMITED Registration Number: 1929/001225/06 in respect of certain ERF 379 NEEDWOOD EXTENSION 5 TOWNHIP; WHICH HAVE BEEN LOST OR DESTROYED. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated Pretoria this 4th September 2018 Wendy Jefferies VAN DEN HEEVER ATTORNEYS VAN DEN HEEVER ATTORNEYS, 440 FARENDEN STREET CLYDESDALE, Tel: 0123437030, Fax: 0867309479, Email: [email protected]. t


DISSOLUTION OF PENSION FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of IRETIRE PENSION FUND: Gage Specialist (PF No. 12/8/36027/81) will be open for inspection for a period of 30 days of the publication hereof at the offices of: 1. Registrar of Pension Funds - Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road (Corner of Garsfontein and Matroosberg roads), Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria 2. Magistrates Offices - SALU Building M2 Francis Baard Street Pretoria central 3. Registered office of the fund - Acravest, Castle Walk Corporate Park, Block B, Corner Nossob and Swakop Streets, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge an objection in writing with the: 1. Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 2. Liquidator: Michael van der Westhuizen, Castle Walk Corporate Park, Block B, Kuiseb Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng (012) 345 2502, no later than 14 days after expiration of the abovementioned 30 day period Michael van der Westhuizen, Block B Castle Walk Corporate Park, Kuiseb Street Erasmuskloof, Tel: 012 3452502, Fax: 0866744517, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No T103193/2007 passed on 1 August 2007 by CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY in favour of BANGISIWANE EMMAH MATSHIANE, Identity Number 490814 0636 08 5, Unmarried, in respect of the Property known as: ERF 9183 ATTERIDGEVILLE EXTENSION 7 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.R, PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, MEASURING: 264 (TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR) SQUARE METRES, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria Deeds Office, Corner Bosman & Pretorius Streets, Pretoria, within 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette. RE MOREBODI INC, SUITE 401 BURLINGTON HOUSE, 235 HELEN JOSEPH STREET, PRETORIA, 0001, Tel: 012 321 0205, Fax: 012 321 0893, Email: [email protected] RE Morebodi Incorporated Attorneys, SUITE 401 BURLINGTON HOUSE, 235 HELEN JOSEPH STREET, PRETORIA, 0001,, Tel: 012 321 0205, Fax: 012 321 0893, Email: [email protected]. t

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(By virtue of regulation 68(11B) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937). Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of SB8293/2006, registered on 20/01/2006 passed by DANIEL BOAVENTURA ENOQUE TOMICENE DAVID IDENTITY NUMBER 660215 6029 18 0, HELIA CLARA MANINGUANE DAVID IDENTITY NUMBER 651029 0276 18 9, FRANCISCO HIPOLITO RODRIGUES BAPTISTA CARRILHO IDENTITY NUMBER 470912 5363 18 6 & GRACIETE MONTEIRO RODRIGUES CARRILHO IDENTITY NUMBER 510824 0220 18 2 for the amount of R1 036 000.00 (ONE MILLION AND THIRTY SIX THOUSAND RAND) in favour of FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED in respect of certain SECTION 161 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS44/2004, in the scheme known as 77 GRAYSTON DRIVE in respect of the land and buildings situate at MORNINGSIDE EXTENSION 55 TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY CITY OF JOHANNESBURG of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 114 (One Hundred and Fourteen) square metres in extent. Which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate as also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice, *being 14 September 2018/this being the first publication. Dated at Centurion this 7 September 2018 MC VAN DER BERG INC. (ANDREA VOSLOO), 1050 FREDERIK STREET, ELDORAIGNE, Tel: 012 660 6000, Fax: 0126606001, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE FOR LOST TITLE DEED GIVEN UNDER PROVISIONS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 I, the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of DEED OF TRANSFER ST95995/2007, in favour of DANIEL BOAVENTURA ENOQUE TOMICENE DAVID, Identity Number 660215 6029 018 0 , and HELIA CLARA MANINGUANE DAVID, Identity Number 651029 0276 18 9, Married in Community of Property to each other in respect of - Section No. 161 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 44/2004 in the scheme known as 77 GRAYSTON DRIVE in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at MORNINGSIDE EXTENSION 55 TOWNSHIP; Local Authority: CITY OF JOHANNESBURG, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 114 (One Hundred and Fourteen) square metres in extent. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Deeds Office Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette, being 14 September 2018/this being the first publication. Dated at Centurion this 7 September 2018 ANDREA VOSLOO, 1050 FREDERIK STREET, ELDORAIGNE, Tel: 0126606000, Fax: 0126606001, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 63879/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA) Section 21(1) of Act No. 88 of 1984 VALENTINE LWANDILE NDLOVU (Identity number: 9011160999080) and MORDECAI NDLOVU (Date of Birth: 15 April 1982) In re: Section 21(1) of Act No. 88 of 1984 EX PARTE APPLICATION:VALENTINE LWANDILE NDLOVU FIRST APPLICANT ANDMORDECAI NDLOVU SECOND APPLICANT

TAKE NOTICE that on the 20th day of November 2018 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the abovementioned applicants will apply to the abovementioned Honourable Court, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the applicants are given leave, in terms of Section 21(1) of Act No. 88 of 1984, to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is annexed to the application marked Annexure “VLN2”, which contract will after registration thereof regulate their matrimonial property system;

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2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorized to register the notarial contract; 3. This order - 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract; 4. Further and / or alternative relief. Applicants’ Attorney, Engelbrecht Attorneys, 14 Glenvista Close, Woodhill Estate Pretoriuspark Pretoria. Tel: (012) 993 5520 ENGELBRECHT ATTORNEYS, 14 Glenvista Close, Woodhill Estate Pretoriuspark Pretoria, Tel: 0129935520, Fax: 0867147949, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer TE92667/1995 dated 31 October 1995 in favour of HLAYANI SAMUEL MABASO, ID. 480424 5421 087, Unmarried in respect of Erf 628 BELA-BELA TOWNSHIP , Measuring: 264 (Two Hundred and Sixty Four) square metres in extent; which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette MACROBERT ATTORNEYS, MACROBERT BUILDING, CORNER JAN SHOBA & JUSTICE MAHOMED STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, Tel: 0124253495, Email: [email protected]. t

CANCELLATION OF LOST BOND Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA intend to consent to the Cancellation of Mortgage Bond B123610/2007 dated 27 July 2007 in favour of LINDEN LESLIE DE LANGE, Identity Number: 661128 5013 080, Married out of Community of Property in respect of Erf 92 HEIDELBERG KLOOF ESTATE (MIDVAAL) Township; Measuring 1709 (One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine) square metres in extent; and Erf 93 HEIDELBERG KLOOF ESTATE (MIDVAAL) Township; Measuring 1757 (One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven) square metres in extent; which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS at PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette. MACROBERT ATTORNEYS, MACROBERT BUILDING, CORNER JAN SHOBA & JUSTICE MAHOMED STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, Tel: 0124253552, Email: [email protected].


Case/Application No: 3033/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application of: Garry Allan Fitzpatrick 1st Applicant, Nikita Fitzpatrick 2nd Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT 88 OF 1984 KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that Application will be made on behalf of the abovenamed Applicants on Tuesday, 2 OCTOBER 2018 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an Order in the following terms: 1. that leave be granted to the First and Second Applicants in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act, Act 88 of 1984 to change their matrimonial property system from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property with the inclusion of the accrual system provided for in chapter 1 of the Act; 2.that the First and Second Applicants be authorised to enter into and execute a notarial deed on the same terms as the draft notarial deed annexed marked “GAF2” within two (2) months of granting of this order; 3.that the marriage between the First and Second Applicant be governed by the terms of the notarial deed from the date of registration of the said notarial deed in the Deeds Registry of King Williams Town; 4.that the rights of existing creditors of the Applicants as at the date of registration of the notarial deed be preserved; 5.further and/or alternative relief.

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Should you wish to oppose the application, you may do so by submitting written objections to the Registrar of the High Court at 2 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth and to the offices of Pagdens Attorneys, 18 Castle Hill, Central, Port Elizabeth no later than seven (7) court days before the hearing of the Application, alternatively, you may arrive at the High Court at 2 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth on 2 OCTOBER 2018 to oppose the Application. Should you wish to view the draft notarial deed, you may do so by attending the offices of Pagdens Attorneys, 12 Castle Hill, Central, Port Elizabeth or the Registrar of the High Court at 2 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, alternatively by requesting in writing a copy of the draft notarial deed before the date of the hearing of the Application. Pagdens Attorneys, 18 Castle Hill, Central, Port Elizabeth, Tel: (041)5027200, Fax: (041)5852239, Email: samanthaf@


SANLAM UMBRELLA PENSION FUND IRO STONECAP TRADING 41 (PTY) LTD T/A NESTLE ICE CREAM Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28(7) van die Wet of Pensioenfondse (Nr 24 van 1956), gegee dat `n voorlopige likwidasierekening, `n voorlopige balansstaat en `n voorlopige verdelingsrekening van Sanlam Umbrella Pension Fund iro Stonecap Trading 41 (Pty) Ltd T/A Nestle Ice Cream gedurende die tydperk van 21 September 2018 tot 22 Oktober 2018 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die Kantore van: 1. Gedragsowerheid van die Finansiële Sektor, Riverwalk Kantoor Park, Blok B, Matroosberglaan 41, Ashlea Gardens, Uitbreiding 6, Pretoria; 2. Wilhelm Kotzestraat 16, New East End, 3. Bloemfontein Magistraat Kantore, Kamer 248A, 2de Vloer, H/V St Georges & President Brandstraat, Bloemfontein Enige belanghebbende person wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekeninge en state moet skriftelik besware by die Gedragsowerheid van die Finansiële Sektor, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 teen nie later nie as 5 November 2018 indien. Lecia Gerber, 2 Strand Road, Bellville, Tel: 021 947 5589, Fax: 086 683 9238, Email: [email protected].



LOST TITLE DEED TSB SUIKER RSA BEPERK, Applicant and FRANCIS GEORGE HEX AND MIRANDA HEX, Respondents LOST TITLE DEED NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of Section Thirty Eight of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T 129340/2007 dated 18 September 2007. In favour of 1. FRANCIS GEORGE HEX, Identity Number: 690109 5234 08 7, Unmarried 2. MIRANDA HEX, Identity Number: 690510 0286 08 1, Unmarried in Respect of ERF 105 MALELANE TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.U, PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, MEASURING: 1 155 (ONE ONE FIVE FIVE) SQUARE METRES, HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER T129340/2007, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate of Registered Title are being required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit within 6 weeks after date of the first publication in the Gazette. ESSELENS ENGELBRECHT INC, 16 AIR STREET MALELANE, Tel: 0137900898, Fax: 0866467624, Email: karenza@ t

NOTICE OF LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for cancellation of the Registration of T82195/2007, registered on 25 June 2007, passed by WILLEM JOHANNES IZAK DAVEL, Identity number 431130 5021 08 8, and ANNA SUSANNA DAVEL, Identity number 510301 0134 08 5. Married in Community of Property to Each Other

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In favour of THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED, Registration number 1962/000738/06 In respect of: PORTION 21 OF ERF 1705 REYNO RIDGE TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.S., PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA, EXTENT: 345 (THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE) SQUARE METRES Which Title Deed has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Nelspruit at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, 1200 or Private Bag 11239, Nelspruit, 1200 at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, with a period of six weeks after the date of first publication hereof in the Gazette. JOHAN COETZEE INCORPORATED, 42 PLUMER STREET, WITBANK, 1034, Tel: 013-653 3500, Fax: 013-653 3525, Email: [email protected].



Case/Application No: N/A N/A N/A N/A and N/A In re: N/A LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T50762/2007 in favour of BASIDI INVESTMENTS HOLDING PROPRIETARY LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER 2001/005736/07 in respect of the following property: ERF 358 ZEERUST TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.P. NORTH WEST PROVINCE, MEASURING: 5710 (FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND TEN) Square Metres, HELD BY Deed of Transfer T 50762/2007 which, together with the Registry duplicate thereof, has been lost or partly destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (SIX) weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. JOHAN NEL ATTORNEY, 11 PRESIDENT STREET, ZEERUST, 2865, Tel: (018) 642 3341, Fax: (018) 642 3652, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED (IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT NO 47 OF 1937) Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at VRYBURG intend to issued a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Certificate of Consolidated Title Number T1183/1948BP dated 20 August 1992 passed by passed by MAFIKENG LOCAL MUNCIPALITY in respect of certain PORTION 1 OF ERF 853, MAFIKENG EXTENSION 8 SITUATE IN THE MAFIKENG LOCAL MUNCIPALITY, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.O., NORTH WEST PROVINCE, IN EXTENT: 3,7249 (Three Comma Seven Two Four Nine) HECTARES which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same writing with the REGISTRAR of DEEDS at VRYBURG within six weeks after the date of first publication in the Gazette. DATED at VRYBURG this day of REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Approved STEENKAMP INCORPORATED, 20 COOKE STREET, GOLFVIEW, MAFIKENG, 2745, Tel: 0183818383, Fax: 086 767 9647, Email: [email protected]. t

FORM OF PUBLICATION IN RESPECT OF LOST OR DESTROYED TITLE DEED IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of Title Deed No. T125333/2007 dated 11 September 2007 passed by JOHANNES THEODORUS FERREIRA in favour of JACOBUS HENDRIKUS VILJOEN, Identity Number 390122 5022 084, in respect of certain ERF 158 LEEUWDOORNSSTAD TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION HP, PROVINCE OF NORTH WEST, IN EXTENT 878 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT) SQUARE METERS, which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or

This gazette is also available free online at 42 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at PRETORIA this 13th day of SEPTEMBER 2018. REGISTRAR OF DEEDS PRETORIA DE KOCKS INC, P O Box 10105, KLERKSDORP, 2570, Tel: 0184623504, Fax: 0862653596, Email: aktes2@dekocks.



OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: HORTICARE (PTY) LTD (PF NO. 12/8/20246/13134) DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Horticare (Pty) Ltd will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Horticare (Pty) Ltd: Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fund’s Registered Office); and 3. Master of the Western Cape High Court, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the The Financial Sector Conduct Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0181 not later than 14 days after expiration of the above mentioned 30 day period. GM Hendrickse, GQH Acccounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600, Tel: 0218872343, Fax: 0866198909, Email: [email protected]. t


OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PENSION FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: INVELAPHI ENGINEERING CC (PF NO. 12/8/20237/3479) DISSOLUTION OF PENSION FUND. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Pension Fund: Participating Employer: Invelaphi Engineering CC will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria; and 2. Old Mutual Superfund Pension Fund: Participating Employer: Invelaphi Engineering CC : Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Fund’s Registered Office); and 3. Master of the Western Cape High Court, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 not later than 14 days after expiration of the above mentioned 30 day period. GM Hendrickse, GQH Acccounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600, Tel: 0218872343, Fax: 0866198909, Email: [email protected]. t

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Cape Town) In the application of: PETER GARETH FREDRIC MC EWAN and TASHREEQA MC EWAN APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21 OF ACT 84 OF 1988 TAKE NOTE that application shall be made on behalf of the Applicants, PETER GARETH FREDRIC MC EWAN (ID No. 7901035161084) and TASHREEQA MC EWAN (Born PETERSON) (ID No. 9101030258088) to the Western Cape High Court,

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Cape Town, on 12 October 2018 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. Authorising the execution and registration of a Notarial Contract having the effect of an Antenuptial Contract (a so-called `post nuptial contract’) in terms of Section 21 of Act 84 of 1988, in accordance with the draft attached to the Founding Affidavit of PETER GARETH FREDRIC MC EWAN as annexures “PM1” and “PM2”, within 60 days of the granting of such an order; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be authorised to register the Antenuptial Contract, marked Annexure “C” within 60 days from date hereof. 3. That such registration take place without prejudice to the rights of any pre-existing creditor; 4. Further and / or alternative relief. A copy of the application and the draft notarial contract can be inspected and objections to the granting of the application can be lodged at the offices of the Applicant’s Attorneys, BOSHOFF NJOKWENI INC, 10TH FLOOR, VUNANI CHAMBERS, 33 CHURCH STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001 Tel: 021 422 4855. BOSHOFF NJOKWENI INC, 10th Floor, Vunani Chambers, 33 Church Street, Cape Town, 8001, Tel: 0448735441, t

Case/Application No: 12861/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) In the ex parte application of: STONE TREE CONSULTING (PTY) LTD (Registration Number 2014/139973/07), Applicant In re: Application for the winding up of the Applicant ORDER AFTER READING THE PAPERS FILED OF RECORD AND HEARING COUNSEL FOR THE APPLICANT, IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the Applicant be placed in provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court; 2. That a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon all interested parties to give reasons, if any, on 9 October 2018 as to why: 2.1 the Applicant should not be placed in final liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court; and 2.2 the costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation of the Applicant; 3. That the service and publication of the provisional liquidation order and Rule Nisi granted in terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be effected as follows: 3.1 that a copy thereof shall be served on the Receiver of Revenue by the Sheriff or his deputy; 3.2 that a copy thereof shall be sent by pre-paid registered mail to all known creditors of the Applicant with claims in excess of R5,000.00; 3.3 that a copy thereof shall be served on the employees of the applicant and their respective trade unions, if any, by the sheriff or his Deputy; 3.4 that a copy thereof shall be published in one edition each of the “The Cape Times” newspaper and “The Government Gazette”. 4. The Registrar shall transmit a copy of the winding up order to the Sheriff of the province in which the registered office of the Company is situated and to the Sheriff of every province in which it appears that the Company owns business. 5. The Sheriff shall attach all property which appears to belong to the Company and transmit to the Master an inventory of all property attached by him /her in terms of Section 19 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936. DSC Attorneys, 10th Floor, Touchstone House, 7 Bree Street, Cape Town, Tel: 0861 465879, Fax: 0866601939, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: N/A N/A N/A N/A and N/A In re: N/A ALTERATION OF SURNAME IN TERMS OF SECTION 26 OF THE BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION ACT, 1992 (ACT NO 51 OF 1992) Radifa Daniels - 5505240102080 - 4 Gail Road, RETREAT, 7945 - Cosyn - Daniels CASSIM MOWZER ATTORNEYS, 4 PIET RETIEF STREET, GOODWOOD, 7460, Tel: 0218392592, Email: CONVEY@ CASSIMMOWZER.CO.ZA. t

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Case/Application No: 16638/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) Change of Matrimonial Property System in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No 88 of 1984, As Amended Ex parte application of : Reagan Gopi (1st Applicant) and Puvanasperi Gopi (2nd Applicant) In re: Ex parte application of : Reagan Gopi (1st Applicant) and Puvanasperi Gopi (2nd Applicant) Application for Change of Matrimonial Property System in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No 88 of 1984, As Amended EX PARTE APPLICATION OF : REAGAN GOPI (1ST APPLICANT) AND PUVANASPERI GOPI (2ND APPLICANT) APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF THE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY ACT NO 88 OF 1984, AS AMENDED BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) by REAGAN GOPI (First Applicant) and PUVANASPERI GOPI (Second Applicant) on the 18th day of OCTOBER 2018 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for the change of their existing matrimonial property system from one in community of property to one out of community of property with the accrual system in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No 88 of 1984, as amended. BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that any person wishing to oppose or make representations to the intended application is required, within 14 (fourteen) days of publication of this notice, to file a written objection with the Registrar of the above Honourable Court, Cape Town and lodge a copy thereof with the Applicant’s attorneys of record set out hereunder, or to appear in Court on the date of hearing of the application. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a copy of this application and the proposed notarial contract will lie for inspection at the offices of the Registrar and the Applicant’s attorneys. KORF ATTORNEYS, 6 FONTEIN AVENUE, BRACKENFELL, 7560. Tel: (021) 982 1421, Fax: 086 219 6874, Email: [email protected] M KORF (KORF ATTORNEYS), 6 Fontein Avenue, Brackenfell, 7560, Tel: 0219821421, Email: monica@virtuallawyers. t

Case/Application No: CASE NUMBER 430553 OCEANA GROUP PENSION FUND 12/8/14859 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(6) of the Pension Fund Act No. 24 of 1956, that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of OCEANA GROUP PENSION FUND (12/8/14859) will lie open for inspection for the period 21 September to 21 October 2018 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria, 0181, South Africa and 2. The Cape Town Magistrate Court, 7-11 Parade Street, Cape Town, 8000 3. The registered office of the fund: Oceana House, 9th Floor, 25 Jan Smuts Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001 Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, no later than 15 October 2018. HARRY JEDEIKIN, 11 IMAM HARON ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708, Tel: 021-6711643, Email: [email protected]. ZA. t

Case/Application No: 16758/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 The First Applicant is BRIAN LIEDERMAN and the Second Applicant is LYNDAL LIEDERMAN In re: In the ex parte application of BRIAN LIEDERMAN and LYNDAL LIEDERMAN NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 Notice is hereby given that BRIAN LIEDERMAN and LYNDAL LIEDERMAN of Unit 66 Plantation Road, Ottery, Western Cape, who were married in community of property on 2 February 2006, intend to apply to the above mentioned Honourable Court on 16 October 2018, for an Order ordering that their current matrimonial property system shall no longer apply and authorising them to enter into a notarial contract by which their future matrimonial property system is regulated. The application and proposed notarial contract are available for inspection at the offices of Nordien Law, 1st Floor, Millvale House, 6 Millvale Road, Milnerton, or at the office of the Registrar of the High Court, 40 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town.

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Should you wish to object to the said application you may do so by notice in writing setting out the grounds of your objection, which notice must be delivered to the aforesaid premises by no later than 16h30 on 11 October 2018. NORDIEN LAW PO Box 1186, Milnerton, 7435. Tel 021 551 5240. Fax 086 549 4234 NORDIEN LAW INC, PO BOX 1186, MILNERTON, 7435, Tel: 0215515240, Fax: 0865494234, Email: greg@nordienlaw. t

Case/Application No: 17050/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) In the ex parte application of: YOLANDE BARLOW (IDENTITY NUMBER: 7511080132086) and WILLIAM LISLE LEE (IDENTITY NUMBER: 7504295059087) In re: For their application in terms of section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984, as amended, read with section 88 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY REGIME Notice is hereby given that the above named Applicants will make application to the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) on 15 October 2018 at 10h00 for an order in terms of which their existing matrimonial property system of in community of property will be changed to out of community of property by executing and registering a notarial contract which will regulate their matrimonial property system. The application and proposed notarial contract will lie for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court and the below mentioned offices of the Applicants’ attorneys from 25 September 2018. Any interested party intending to oppose the application may direct their objections to the Registrar of the High Court and send a copy thereof to the Applicants’ attorneys, or appear in Court on the abovementioned date. Third parties’ rights before registration of the contract will not be prejudiced by the intended registration of the contract. CF HAASBROEK ATTORNEYS (021 595 3225) - D13 WENTWORTH HOUSE, MIDPARK BUSINESS VILLAGE, GREENS CLOSE, FRANS CONRADIE DRIVE, PAROW, 7500 CF HAASBROEK ATTORNEYS, D13 WENTWORTH HOUSE, MIDPARK BUSINESS VILLAGE, GREENS CLOSE, PAROW, Tel: 021 595 3225, Email: [email protected].



Form/Vorm J297


Interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the High Court of South Africa that meetings will be held at the places, dates and times specified for the purpose of selecting persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as Executors, or Tutors or Curators as the case may be, in regard to the matters listed below. Particulars for each matter appear in the following order: (1) File number, (2) surname and first names of deceased or minor or curatorship, (3) home address, (4) date of death, (5) place, date and time of meeting. Meeting in a place in which there is a Master’s Office will be held before the Master, elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Belanghebbendes word hiermee deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika kennis gegee dat byeenkomste op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik om deur hulle na gelang van die geval aangestel te word as Eksekuteurs of Voogde of Kurators, ten opsigte van die gevalle hieronder vermeld. Besonderhede vir elke geval verskyn in die volgorde van: (1) Lêernommer, (2) familienaam en voorname van oorledene of minderjarige of kuratorskap, (3) woonadres, (4) datum van oorlye, (5) plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In `n plek waarin in ‘n kantoor van die Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landros.

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300/2015—Executor: (2) JACOBS, ROSE; (3) 53 10th Avenue, Gonubie, EAST LONDON; Retired; (4) 29 September 2014; (5) MASTER, GRAHAMSTOWN, 5 October 2018, 10:00.

Form/Vorm J295


In terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 (as amended), notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as Curators or Tutors by Masters of the High Court, or of termination of such appointment (their having ceased in their respective capacity) The information is given in the following order: (1) Number of matter; (2) person under curatorship, or minor, and address; (3) curator or tutor; name and address of curator or tutor; (4) whether appointment or termination (cease in capacity), and date; (5) Master of the High Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965 (soos gewysig), word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van saak; (2) persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; (3) kurator of voog; naam en adres van kurator of voog; (4) of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; (5) Meester van die Hooggeregshof.


MC397/08—(2) Innocent Monday Silinda, Curatorship; 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (3) Curator: Constant Wilsnach, 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (4) Termination; 29 July 2018; (5) Pretoria.


MC49/2016—(2) Florence Anne van Staden, Minor; Guinea Fowl Valley Estate, 37 Burger Road, President Park; (3) Curator: Kathreen Barnard as Nominee of FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (4) Appointment; 12 June 2017; (5) Port Elizabeth. MC49/2016—(2) Gerhardus Stefanus van Staden, Minor; Guinea Fowl Valley Estate, 37 Burger Road, President Park; (3) Curator: Kathreen Barnard as Nominee of FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (4) Appointment; 12 June 2017; (5) Port Elizabeth.


CR22/2013PMB—(2) Bethwell Sifiso Ndlovu, Curatorship; Mdaka Reserve, Esikhawini, 3887; (3) Curator: Shenaaz Begum Habib, 311 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview,Chatsworth, 4092; (4) Appointment; 14 August 2018; (5) Pietermaritzburg. CR000070/17/DB—(2) MESHACH MARTIN, Curatorship; 67 ROYSON RIDGE 18 ROYSON ROAD AMANZIMTOTI; (3) Curator: DHENASAGREN NADARAJ MOODLEY, SUITE 205 PIONEER PLACE 330 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET DURBAN 4001; (4) Appointment; 1 August 2018; (5) PIETERMARITZBURG.

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CR363/2016—(2) Duduzile Pafa, Curatorship; 16263 Dyala Crescent, Phillipi; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road Durbanville; (4) Appointment; 24 August 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR20262/2014—(2) Saziso Nganyase, Curatorship; Pinga Sqaure, 5913, Nyanga; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, cnr Koeberg and Park Road Durbanville; (4) Appointment; 24 February 2017; (5) Cape Town. MC194/2006—(2) LEONORA MAUREEN THEUNISSEN, Kuratorskap; HUIS ANDRE VAN DER WALT, POSBUS 36, BELLVILLE, 7535; (3) Kurator: Werner Greeff, VisagieVos, 181 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood; (4) Beëindiging; 4 Julie 2018; (5) Kaapstad. CR457/2016—(2) Tshemese Bulelwa, Curatorship; WP 489 Monwabisi Park, Harare, Khayelitsha; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville, 7550; (4) Appointment; 8 May 2018; (5) Cape Town. CR26/2016—(2) Christopher Richard Delport, Curatorship; 50 Snyder Street, Sandbaai; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville; (4) Appointment; 23 August 2018; (5) Cape Town. MC111/2005—(2) ELIZABETH WILHELMINA PRETORIUS, Kuratorskap; MILLENIUMPARK SIEKEBOEG NOORDSTRAAT 120 OUDTSHOORN 6625; (3) Kurator: GERHARDT JOHAN ROUX, POSBUS 102 SONEIKE 7583; (4) Beëindiging; 30 April 2018; (5) KAAPSTAD. CR385/2017—(2) CHRISTOPHER GERBER, Curatorship; 13 WINDSOR ROAD, GORDONSBAY, 7500; (3) Curator: WILLEM ADRIAAN EKSTEEN, 1107 BESEMBIESIE RD, MONTANAPARK, 0159; (4) Appointment; 18 July 2018; (5) WESTERN CAPE. CR356/2008—(2) Betty Irene Franco, Curatorship; Sherwood House, 19 Sherwood Avenue, Kenilworth, 7708; (3) Curator: David Mark Barnes, Sprigg Abbott House, Unit D, Centurion Business Park, Bosmansdam Road, Milnerton, 7441; (4) Termination; 13 September 2018; (5) Western Cape.

Form/Vorm J193


All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address; (3) date of death; (4) surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; (5) name and address of executor and authorised agent; (6) period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge teen die onderstaande boedels het, moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur in dien binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui), van die datum van publikasie hiervan. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres; (3) datum oorlede; (4) nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; (5) naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent; (6) tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


006835/2018—(2) Simpson, Leslie, 22 October 1934, 3410225014180, 28 Galloway Avenue, Section 96, Douglasdale Retirement Village, Johannesburg; (3) 5 February 2018; (5) Legatus Trust, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 5541/18—(2) Jacobs, Maria Christina, 23 Maart 1929, 2903230055082, Howard street 211,Petoria North, 0182; (3) 30 November 2017; (4) n/a; (5) J Nortje Inc, 242 Lange street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Block B, 1st floor,Pretoria. 017531/2018—(2) MARAIS, JOSEPH PETRUS HERMANUS, 6 September 1948, 4809065079089, 74 BAILEY STREET, RANDGATE, RANDFONTEIN; (3) 8 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Truter Crous Wiggill Inc, Corner of Convent and Kenneth road, Nashet Building, Greehills, Randfontein; (6) 30. 17928/2018—(2) Erasmus, Susanna Elizabeth, 28 Mei 1949, 4905280047081, Oosthuizenstraat 6, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging; (3) 5 Junie 2018; (4) n.v.t. n.v.t.; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 8907/2018—(2) Kruger, Marthie Jacomina, 26 Januarie 1930, 3001260023085, 9 Kelly Brae, Cornwall Hill, Irene, Gauteng, 0187; (3) 1 Julie 2018; (5) AC Kruger, C/o Venter & Co Registered Auditors, 1375 Collins Avenue, Waverley, 0186.

This gazette is also available free online at 48 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

18562/2018—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, JACOBUS PTRUS JOHANNES, 2 Oktober 1941, 4110025092084, 6 CUCKOO STREET, KLERKSDORP, 2570; (3) 24 Junie 2018; (4) MARIA JACOBA VAN JAARSVELD, 23 Oktober 1947, 4710230099087; (5) CLAASSENS VAN NIEKERK ING, ANDERSON STRAAT 97, KLERKSDORP, 2570; (6) 30. 017276/2018—(2) PAPADOPOULOS, DANIEL KLEOPAS, 2 March 1949, 4903025058083, 14 KORHAAN ROAD,SUNWARD PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) 11 June 2018; (4) SARA SUSANNA ELIZABETH PAPADOPOULOS, 29 October 1948, 4810290037082; (5) BEDER-FRIEDLAND INC, 204 ALTERYN, 6 CORLETT DRIVE, ILLOVO, SANDTON. 009463/2018—(2) LELLO, SUSAN JANE, 6 June 1961, 6106060151080, Unit 6, Vermont, La Montagne, Pretoria; (3) 26 February 2018; (5) SANET LOUW, 162 GENERAL HERTZOG ROAD, THREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING. 019417/2018—(2) Mbokazi, Rita Heltorine, 9 December 1969, 6912090538083, No 11, Twenty-Fifth Street, Cleveland, Melvern, Johannesburg; (3) 10 June 2018; (5) WN Mbokazi and PP van Jaarsveld, c/o Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys., Smit Jones & Pratt, Second Floor, Bulding C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193. 019758/2018—(2) Hakamela, Mkhacani Stanley, 1 February 1970, 7002015616088, 2524 Cape Dabchick Street, Protea Glen, Ext2; (3) 19 August 2018; (5) MATELA SIBANYONI & ASSOCIATES INC., 233 COLUMBINE AVENUE, MONDEOR, 2091. 27205/2014—(2) Seaman, Andre Desmond, 10 February 1951, 5102105004088, 8 Bromvoël Street, Birch Acres, Kempron Park, 1619; (3) 21 March 2014; (4) Anna Jacoba Hendrina Gesina Seaman, 26 September 1952, 5209260024080; (5) M.G Willemse - McKenzie Van Der Merwe & Willemse Inc., 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 1619. 005137/2016—(2) RABORE, MMUTLE JERRY, 31 May 1950, 5005315186084, 6068 ZWELISHA STREET, ZOLA EXTENSION 1, SOWETO, 1868; (3) 15 June 2006; (4) REBECCA PRISCILLA RABORE, 26 October 1949, 4910260236084; (5) REBECCA PRISCILLA RABORE, 6068 ZWELISHA STREET, ZOLA EXTENSION 1, SOWETO, 1868. 019430/2018—(2) EVANS, VIOLET PAMELA MAUD EVANS, 15 May 1926, 2605150023186, 64 KLOOF ROAD BEDFORDVIEW EXT 136 2007; (3) 12 August 2018; (5) C/O MOSS COHEN & PARTNERS, 23 WEST STREET HOUGHTON ESTATE JOHANNESBURG 2198 (P O BOX 659 JOHANNESBURG 2000); (6) -. 009511/2018—(2) VAN RENSBURG, ELMA JOHANNA, 12 July 1929, 2907120015080, 1280A STARKEY AVENUE, WAVERLEY, PRETORIA; (3) 7 August 2018; (5) JURIEN JORDAAN, 213 BRAAM PRETORIUS STREET, WONDERBOOM, 0182. 018901/2018—(2) Rapulane, Mankoko Minah, 12 January 1922, 2201120174083, Stand 8081B, Zone 6, Diepkloof 1862; (3) 27 November 2015; (5) Jenny Phillips Attorney, 7 Summercroft, off Arklow Road, Bryanston East Ext 3, Sandton 2152. 021854/2016—(2) LONG, MARY, 17 August 1923, 2308170030089, 75 STB Randjes Estate Randjeslaagte Rd Highlands North Johannesburg 2192; (3) 23 August 2016; (5) Miranda Feinstein, The Marc, Tower 1, 129 Rivonia Rd Sandton Johannesburg. 019671/2018—(2) PIENAAR, CAROL DELORES VIVIAN, 10 June 1965, 6506100025089, 12 MOORCRAFT GARDENS, FICCULUS STREET, KRUGERSDORP WEST; (3) 10 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ROBIN TWADDLE AND ASSOCIATES, FIRST FLOOR, UNIT 6 CONSTANTIA PARK, 546 16TH ROAD, MIDRAND,1685; (6) 30 DAYS. 006086/2018—(2) MHLANGA, MONGEZI RICHARD, 25 April 1971, 7104255546080, 5104 TYPHOON STREET EXT 2, BRAAMFISCHERVILLE 1724; (3) 1 March 2018; (4) NOCWAKA MURIEL MHLANGA, 15 February 1971, 7102150561089; (5) NOCWAKA MURIEL MHLANGA, 5104 TYPHOON STREET EXT 2, BRAAMFISCHERVILLE 1724. 016692/2018—(2) Bagus, Fuad, 16 February 1941, 4102165062084, 8 Bevan Avenue Newclare Johannesburg Gauteng 2093; (3) 22 June 2018; (5) A & A Accounting Services, 40 Sipres Street Bosmont Johannesburg Gauteng 2093. 016753/2018—(2) Badat, Miriam, 20 March 1965, 6503200095088, 10 Lepelaar Street Florida Lake Roodepoort Gauteng 1709; (3) 6 March 2018; (5) A & A Accounting Services, 40 Sipres Street Bosmont Johannesburg Gauteng 2093. 014534/2017—(2) MOEMA, ESROM PHILLIP, 19 December 1941, 4112195355085, 1013 BLOCK U MABOPANE GAUTENG; (3) 21 May 2017; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO PRETORIA. 009381/2018—(2) BAUER, ANNA MAGDALENA, 6 November 1950, 5011060018084, 7 FINUS ROAD VALHALLA; (3) 9 July 2018; (4) WYNAND FREDRICK BAUER, 20 October 1948, 4810205014085; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, Menlyn Main Campus Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street Waterkloof Glen Ext 2 PRETORIA 0181; (6) 30. 019700/2018—(2) JORDAAN, ALBERTUS JACOBUS JOHANNES, 20 Oktober 1960, 6010205024089, MANTEVREDE 124, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) 15 Augustus 2018; (4) JOHANNA CATHARINA JORDAAN, 20 Februarie 1966, 6602200205083; (5) SUSAN FOURIE, FOURIE & PIETERS PROKUREURS, STILSTRAAT 7, , 2520. 007998/2018—(2) SWAFFIELD, MARTHA, 28 Desember 1943, 4312280013082, VENTURALAAN 5, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION, 0157; (3) 12 Julie 2018; (5) LIZA VAN SCHALKWYK ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 9574, PRETORIA, 0001. 009595/2018—(2) MOODLEY, RAJ GOPAL, 1 February 1943, 4302015086081, 314 TAJ STREET LAUDIUM PRETORIA; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) BARNARD PATEL INC, 17 IVY STREET CLYDESDALE HATFIELD PRETORIA 0028; (6) N/A. 026961/2017—(2) Pistorius, Petrus Johannes, 21 Maart 1941, 4103215016088, Farm Doornkloof 393 J.Q. Maanhaarrand, Krugersdorp 1739; (3) 11 Maart 2017; (4) Anna Maria Pistorius, 4 November 1942, 4211040013087; (5) Vivian Vivier, C/O Rissik and Joubert street, Krugersdorp 1739. 9411/2018—(2) KABINDE, BUSHY ABRAM, 29 July 1952, 5207295295089, 2522 BLOCK GG SOSGANGUVE; (3) 22 March 2018; (4) VICTORIA MARTHA KABINDE, 6 December 1955, 5512060793089; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 15873/2000—(2) LUDICK, EDITH DAPHNE, 26 December 1927, 2712260187081, 212 8TH AVENUE, BEZUIDENHOUT VALLEY; (3) 19 September 2000; (5) NICOLE KATHERINE SINOVICH, 7A ST ANDREWS AVENUE, SENDERWOOD 2007.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 49

018972/2018—(2) Mbaya, Kathy Tony, 7 June 1955, OB0006307, 36 Taaibos Street, Noordwyk, Midrand; (3) 13 October 2017; (4) Mukisi Claude Chantal Mbaya, 18 August 1958, OP0053844; (5) NL Administration Services, PO Box 2259, Honeydew, 2040. 14132/2018—(2) Bouwer, Maria Magdalena Dorothea, 26 May 1951, 5105260097086, Little Falls , Roodepoort; (3) 7 May 2002; (5) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys, 27 Giraffe Avenue, Extension 5, Lenasia; (6) 30. 009220/2018—(2) THOBEJANE, RUDOLPH DENNIS MZAMO, 31 March 1965, 6503315524089, ERF 6 SONNEVELD STREET, BRAKPAN ,GAUTENG; (3) 11 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON , JOHANNESBURG. 001168/2018—(2) RAMFATE, SONNYBOY JOHANNES, 23 December 1954, 5412235358084, ERF 1,14 PARK STREET WENTWORTH PARK , WENROBERT & ZELDA COURT, 1739; (3) 7 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON , JOHANNESBURG. 4890/2017—(2) Mahlangu, Joyina Jim, 13 March 1942, 4203135506083, 41 Koper Street Bronkhorspruit Pretoria 1020; (3) 17 April 2016; (4) Sehli Anna Mahlangu, 26 August 1953, 5308260460086; (5) Sehli Mahlangu, 41 Koper Street Bronkhorspruit Pretoria 1020.. 014619/2018—(2) MONWANE, BAGELODI AGNES, 11 September 1952, 5209110610088, ERF 2113 MOEPENG STREET ,DOBSONVILLE ,GAUTENG; (3) 26 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON , JOHANNESBURG. 008292/2018—(2) NTSHABA, KENNY BUYISILE MUGABE, 2 April 1963, 6304025786088, ERF 9474 PROTEA GLEN EXTENSION 12; (3) 30 January 2018; (4) THOKO WINFREDA REGINAH NTSHABA, 10 November 1963, 6311100541080; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON , JOHANNESBURG. 015783/2018—(2) Mbuyisa, Hilda Nomsa, 19 January 1979, 7901190516080, 796B Crutse Street, White City, Jabavu, Soweto; (3) 30 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Sibongile Esther Mazibuko and Mthunzi Hector Mbuyisa, 796B Crutse Street, White City, Jabavu, Soweto. 018187/2018—(2) Sikhosana, Aaron Samuel, 27 September 1953, 5309275629087, 14783 Bhila Street, Etwatwa Ext 1; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) Vusumusi Molotjwa, 14783 Bhila Street, Etwatwa Ext 1; (6) 31 days. 006788/2006—(2) Rampitsane, Piet Molefi, 3 September 1959, 5909035678082, 16726 Tshepiso Sharpeville; (3) 16 August 2005; (5) Ntlana Emily Rampitsane, 16726 Tshepiso Sharpeville; (6) 31 days. 019043/2018—(2) FLYNN, ALBERTUS MATHUSE, 29 December 1966, 6612295016089, 23 VAN RIEBEECK STREET GERDVIEW JOHANNESBURG; (3) 19 January 2018; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 006959/2018—(2) BUSO, MALIBONGWE DEVILLIERS, 3 March 1967, 6703037036087, ERF 1135 TAMBO STREET, DAUNVILLE , GAUTENG; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) SOMILA SYLVIA BUSO, 25 November 1973, 7311250820085; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON , JOHANNESBURG. 010000/2018—(2) SIBEKO, SIPHIWE ELIJAH, 23 May 1966, 6605235509080, ERF 175 ELIDINGA SECTION , TEMBISA, 1632; (3) 29 December 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SW NKALA ATTORNEYS, NO 11 JOACHIM STREET, HADDON, JOHANNESBURG. 019511/2018—(2) KHAN, AADIL, 24 February 1969, 6902245120085, 31ST VINCENT STREET ELDORADO PARK EXT 9; (3) 20 August 2016; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 0000018927/2018—(2) Harvey, Clifford, 22 January 1960, 6001225070087, 5 Smuts Avenue Northcliff Johannesburg; (3) 16 June 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1620. 0000018939/2018—(2) Mafiri, Lenkwe Benjamin, 24 May 1926, 2605245137082, 495 Ramokonopi East Katlehong; (3) 19 April 2017; (4) Bafedile Annah Mafiri, 27 July 1934, 3407270278082; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1621. 17068/2013—(2) Wisane, Samuel Bongani, 1 May 1982, 8205015452086, 42 Marapo Crescent, Capital Park Ext 4, Gauteng; (3) 24 October 2013; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 0000018931/2018—(2) Kemp, Elizabeth Gertruida, 12 Junie 1950, 5006120122082, Gardernerlaan nr 22 Brakpan; (3) 2 Junie 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 019688/2018—(2) GOPAL, DIVESH, 27 July 1977, 7707275138082, Van Tonder Avenue, 41 Tuscany Lofts, Eden Glen, Johannesburg; (3) 18 August 2018; (4) VANESHRI RAJASAKRAN GOPAL, 1 June 1999, 7706010115082; (5) ARIZA VERMEULEN, 477/8 WHITERITE STREET, GRAIN BUILDING, BLOCK B, THE WILLOWS. 008908/2018—(2) KRUGER, MYRTLE DOROTHY, 12 April 1925, 2504130036089, 765 SKUKUZA STREET, FAERIE GLEN, EXT 24, PRETORIA; (3) 28 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) YOLANDA SAAIMAN, 134 MUCKLENEUK STREET WEST, NIEUW MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA. 009386/2018—(2) SQUIRE, LORAINE GERTRUDE, 30 November 1939, 3911300045080, JOLLIFY RING, MOOIKLOOF, PRETORIA, 0059; (3) 4 August 2017; (4) JOHN HENRY PYM SQUIRE, 29 August 1934, 3408295026084; (5) SBP ATTORNEYS, 181 ALLCOCK STREET, SUITE B, COLBYN, PRETORIA, 0083. 009547/2018—(2) Crauwcamp, Maria Johanna, 4 December 1929, 2912040013082, Apartment 356, Zambezi Retirement Village, John Holland street 531, Montana Gardens, Pretoria; (3) 9 August 2018; (5) Christo Coetzee Attorneys, 1009 Stanza Bopape Street, Hatfield. 18536/2018—(2) Susanna, Germana Ermanna Ida Giuseppina, 14 December 1939, 3912140033088, 167 St. Frusquin Street, Malvern, Johannesburg; (3) 19 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Gavin Mostert Attorney, 114A Boeing Road East, Edenvale; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 50 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

23754/2009—(2) STEYN, LOUIS PIETER, 29 June 1979, 7906295205083, ERF 3125 (SECTION 133 SS CONCERTO PARK) PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD X24; (3) 21 September 2009; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 2929913/2012—(2) STEYN, CHANTELLE, 3 September 1986, 8609030381081, ERF 3125 (SECTION 133 SS CONCERTO PARK) PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD X24; (3) 15 September 2012; (5) MARKUS LE ROUX & AMANDA LE ROUX, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 17848/2018—(2) Nkomo, Mike, 12 April 1976, 7604126266081, 18 Raleigh Street, 7 Ralton Corner, Yeoville; (3) 4 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Gavin Mostert Attorney, 114A Boeing Road East, Edenvale; (6) 30. 19213/2018—(2) Chunara, Ashia, 5 August 1948, 4808050536087, 36 Crimson Street, Lenasia Extension 13, Gauteng Province; (3) 18 July 2014; (5) Shakera Timol Attorneys, 1 Simla Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng. 19568/2018—(2) Muller, Heinrich William, 19 August 1935, 3508195114086, 33 Manie Steyn Street, Meyerton; (3) 9 October 2015; (4) Lorraine Ann Muller, 5 December 1946, 4612050161080; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 19563/2018—(2) Kruger, Anne Sherold, 8 June 1963, 6306080057081, 33 Steynberg Street, Roodepoort; (3) 24 June 2018; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 19574/2018—(2) Venter, Johan Hendrik, 18 July 1949, 4907185017086, Plot 3, Endicott, Springs; (3) 26 June 2018; (4) Christina Aletta Venter, 5 February 1956, 5602050072089; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 007659/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, LOURENS MARTINUS CORNELIUS, 2 Desember 1941, 4112025041087, 32STE LAAN 827, TOTIUSDAL, 0134,; (3) 15 Maart 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; (6) 30. 18920/2018—(2) Marais, Stefanus Francois, 4 July 1948, 4807045044082, 27 Marilyn Street, Klerksdorp; (3) 26 September 2017; (4) Lillian Magdalena Marais, 19 February 1955, 5502190064089; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 18935/2018—(2) Greyling, Christoffel Cornelius Arnoldus, 17 July 1941, 4107175029080, 14 Violet Street, Klerksdorp; (3) 28 July 2018; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 001358/2018—(2) Scallan, Siobvan Anne, 7 July 1986, 8607070013085, 3 Marico Avenue, Riverclub, Sandton; (3) 6 December 2017; (5) TELFER & ASSOCIATES INC., 1st Floor, Block E, St. Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston. 019553/2018—(2) Wyman, Lewis William, 17 October 1940, 4010175099089, 57 Wilgeheuwel Retirement Village,891 Sovereign Road, Wilgeheuwel; (3) 3 August 2018; (4) Elizabeth Caroline Wyman, 10 November 1969, 6911100191081; (5) N L Administration Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2259, Honeydew, 2040. 016298/2018—(2) MASEKO, NOLENE PEARL, 26 December 1967, 6712260265081, 22 SECTIONAL TITLE UNITE MONDEOR GREEN JOHANNESBURG; (3) 1 July 2018; (5) JACOBUS NICOLAAS SWART DU PREEZ - 7304275056082, 200 DESMIA CRESCENT ANNLIN EXTENTION 36 PRETORIA 0182. 10945/2017—(2) Diesel, Stanford Neil, 23 March 1951, 5103235045082, 6 Raylorn Crescent, 7 Le Roux Avenue, Glenanda, Johannesburg, 2190; (3) 20 March 2017; (4) Michelle Diesel, 13 April 1961, 6104130061082; (5) Rick Nathan Diesel, c/o Schindlers Attorneys - 2nd floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg. 9380/2018—(2) DU PONT, EUGENE HENRY, 9 June 1939, 3906095042086, 268 BENJANIN FRANKLIN AVE, EERSTERUST; (3) 8 August 2018; (4) VALERIE LILLIAN DU PONT, 1 September 1941, 4109010104086; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 17924/2017—(2) OBERHOLSTER, EILEEN, 20 June 1963, 6306200068083, 150 EDWARD STREET, WESTON AREA; (3) 24 March 2016; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 019914/2018—(2) Van Der Schyff, Lindsey Janet, 22 August 1950, 5008220153082, 87 Dublin Street, Kenmare Extension 4; (3) 7 August 2018; (5) RICHARD FRANK REED, RICHARD FRANK REED, 1 PENELOPE AVENUE, CNR GORDON ROAD, FLORIDA NORTH. 9713/2018—(2) Matsemela, Anna Aletta Tselane, 20 November 1930, 3011200250086, Erf 2846, Evaton West; (3) 26 April 2002; (5) JWAC Zurcher, 12 Rikie Postma street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911. 1018/2017—(2) Maimela, Mmabuti Johannes, 19 April 1961, 6104195307081, Erf 367, Freemanville, North West; (3) 27 December 2016; (5) Ilze Zurcher, 12 Rikie Postma Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911. 007580/2018—(2) MOGOBE, TIRHANI JOHANNA, 24 March 1964, 6403240566083, 948 BLOCK WW SOSHANGUVE; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) THEMBA GLADWIN MOGOBE, 833 MANSFIELD AVENUE MAYVILE CAPITAL PARK; (6) 30 DAYS. 006082/2018—(2) KRUGER, OCKERT CORNELIUS, 22 April 1956, 5604225096084, 361B Cameron Street, Muckleneuk Pretoria, Gauteng, Stand no: 00685; (3) 13 May 2018; (5) ADRIAAN KRUGER, P O BOX 8636, PRETORIA, 0001. 5865/2012—(2) Eskort, Mercia Magdaline, 31 March 1969, 6903310172084, Stand no. 2869, 516 Daisy Road Eerterust Ext 4; (3) 23 August 2010; (5) Ralton Adrian Olifant, Stand no. 2869, 516 Daisy Road Eerterust Ext 4. 12664/2018—(2) Jacobsohn, Martha Maria Elizabeth, 7 Junie 1936, 3606070075081, 10 Mini Laan, Kenleaf Mews, Brakpan, 1541; (3) 5 Februarie 2018; (5) Wynand Prinsloo & Van Eeden, Posbus 810, Middelburg, 1050. 128282015—(2) Mntambo, Arthur Vusumuzi, 11 April 1967, 6704115213085, 12318 stinkwood street, kagiso ext 6, mogale city; (3) 27 December 2014; (5) Leoney Geomey Jeanette Jose, 88 Marshal Street , 3rd Floor Samancor house; (6) 31 days. 018002/2018—(2) Nikoloudis, Kyriakos, 20 October 1944, 4410205133181, 13 Silas Street, Cyrildene; (3) 23 February 2018; (4) Eleni Nikoloudis, 22 March 1951, 5103220228180; (5) Eleni Nikoloudis, 13 Silas Street, Cyrildene.

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018601/2018—(2) KLUDOVA’CZ, TIBOR ANDRA’S, 21 December 1973, BB6400026, 34 BRITTANY, 18 KENT ROAD, DUNKELD, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 19 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) GRETCHEN BARKHUIZEN-BARBOSA, CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC., PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010. 27700/2017—(2) KRIVAK, MILAN, 12 June 1943, 4306125041084, 24 GLEELHOUT STREET, NOORDWYK JOHANNESBURG; (3) 5 April 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Kamesh Maharajh, 348 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia Santon. 018550/2018—(2) Motiki, Masetabela Maria, 1 September 1916, 1609010101084, Erf 592 Jabulani, Soweto; (3) 18 April 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Cranko Karp & Associates, P O Box 2585, Johannesburg, 2000. 015721/2018—(2) Maxwell, Kennedy William, 31 January 1939, 3901315020087, 17 Pinelands, 46 First Rd, Hyde Park, Gauteng, 2196; (3) 29 May 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) C. Fontaine, PO Box 651129, Benmore, 2010; (6) n/a. 015109/2018—(2) COOK, MICHAEL ALEXANDER, 27 September 1931, 3109275014088, Lourdes House cnr 10th Avenue and Wessel Road, Rivonia, Sandton; (3) 26 February 2018; (5) S.R. Robinson & Company, P.O. Box 2471, Rivonia 2128. 017895/2018—(2) Whittle, Alexandra Elizabeth Turner, 2 June 1961, 6106020054085, 25 Third Avenue Parkhurst 2193; (3) 28 February 2018; (5) Maitland Executors Limited, Maitland House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray, Cape Town 7700. 19089/2018—(2) LOUWRENS, RAYMOND MARTIN, 2 October 1947, 4710025088089, UNIT 415 OLIVEDALE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 34 LIMA STREET, OLIVEDALE EXT 34, 2188; (3) 22 June 2018; (5) ELSIE CATHRINE VAN DER MERWE AS NOMINEE OF MAITLAND EXECUTORS LIMITED, C/O MAITLAND EXECUTORS LIMITED, P O BOX 3741, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 017258/2018—(2) Weiner, Eda, 4 July 1937, 3707040046085, Inyoni Creek, Johannesburg; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) Michael Dansky, 3rd Floor, Framework House, 4 Boundary Road, Rouxville, Johannesburg. 017888/2018—(2) Dundas, Carol, 17 February 1966, 6602170072083, 9 Melrose Road, Sandown Estate, Johannesburg, 2196; (3) 19 February 2017; (5) Gerda Gerber as nominee of Maitland Executors Limited, Maitland House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray, 7700. 017276/2018—(2) PAPADOPOULOS, DANIEL KLEOPAS, 2 March 1949, 4903025058083, 14 KORHAAN ROAD,SUNWARD PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) 11 June 2018; (4) SARA SUSANNA ELIZABETH PAPADOPOULOS, 29 October 1948, 4810290037082; (5) BEDER-FRIEDLAND INC, 204 ALTERYN, 6 CORLETT DRIVE, ILLOVO, SANDTON. 0000018957/2018—(2) Sallie, Nazlae, 27 May 1947, 4705270160088, 3 Welman Avenue Newclare Randburg; (3) 9 March 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Pty, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1620. 0000019611/2018—(2) Smit, Phillippus Johannes, 4 April 1953, 5304045031086, Pretoriusstraat 35 Noycedale Nigel; (3) 30 Mei 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 007770/2018—(2) BRITS, RENET, 2 Mei 1944, 4405020025083, UNIT 147, PRETORIA OOS AFTREE OORD, FARM ROAD, EQUESTRIA, PRETORIA; (3) 19 Junie 2018; (5) Ronel Hill, Posbus 14491, Sinoville, 0129; (6) N.v.t. 0000018951/2018—(2) De Bruyn, Josephus Jacobus, 21 April 1944, 4404215083080, Plot 23 Louisrus Vanderbijlpark; (3) 22 April 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf as genomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heideweg 11, Kempton Park, 1620. 19080/2018—(2) Mtsweni, Sanki Isaac, 24 August 1945, 4508245428089, 8 Willoughby Street, Selcourt, Springs, 1550; (3) 26 May 2018; (4) Puseletso Patricia Mtsweni, 24 May 1953, 5305240694081; (5) Ivan Davies-Hammerschlag, PO Box 16 Springs 1560. 017228/2018—(2) NDLOVU, JACK MBULAWA, 26 October 1952, 5210265350082, 155 Dione Street, Tshepo Section, Tembisa; (3) 10 June 2018; (4) Poppy Sylvia Ndlovu, 21 February 1957, 5702210229080; (5) R P MOTSHABI, 56 Midland Estate, Eight Road, Noordwyk, Midrand; (6) 30. 019480/2018—(2) NELL, DANIEL MARTHINUS, 5 July 1943, 4307055020080, 62 RESERVE STREET, WENTWORTH PARK, KRUGERSDORP 1739; (3) 6 June 2018; (5) SUSANNA MARIA JOUBERT, 9 BEGIN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH 1739. 016275/2015—(2) NELL, MARLENE JOAN NELL, 10 October 1940, 4010100098081, 62 RESERVE STREET, WENTWORTH PARK, KRUGERSDORP 1739; (3) 30 April 2015; (4) DANIEL MARTHINUS NELL; (5) SUSANNA MARIA DU PREEZ, 9 BEGIN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH 1739. 9581/2018—(2) Minnaar, Abraham, 3 September 1944, 4409035038081, 448 Roots Avenue, Eersterust Ext 6, Pretoria; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 20083/2018—(2) CROUS, GERALD OCKERT, 26 December 1936, 3612265086081, 5 OAKDALE ESTATE, RANDA ROAD SANDTON JOHANNESBURG; (3) 22 August 2018; (5) ALBRE HOPKINS, 817 CROTS STREET, RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (6) 30 DAYS. 007569/2018—(2) JEWELL, FREDA DOREEN, 17 April 1917, 1704170028084, 258 CANOPUS STREET, WATERKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) 13 June 2018; (5) Snijder & Associates, 699 Pierneef Street, Deerness, 0084; (6) 30. 005674/2018—(2) KATRAKILIS, ALEXANDRA, 20 November 1945, 4511200025080, 36 SUGARBUSH DRIVE; THREE RIVERS; VEREENIGING; 1939; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) STAMATIOS KATRAKILIS, 12 May 1941, 4105125007081; (5) JAN PAULUS KOORTS AND HARALAMBOS KATRAKILIS, PASTEUR BUILDING; 40 SENATOR MARKS AVENUE; VEREENIGING; 1939. 012685/2017—(2) DE VILLIERS, WILLIAM MURRAY, 24 May 1932, 3205245035086, DIE WILGERS; GAUTENG; (3) 26 December 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WILLIAM MURRAY DE VILLIERS, 9 CANNON CRESCENT; IFAFI; HARTBEESPOORT; 0216; NORTH WEST PROVINCE. 013588/2018—(2) Castle, David Michael, 23 December 1955, 5512235011086, 172 4th Avenue, Edenvale, 1609; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) André Christo Du Toit, 73 Beyers Naude Drive Cnr Preller, Roosevelt Park, 2195; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

006448/2018—(2) Muller, Gert Lodewyk, 27 Julie 1964, 6407275052083, Breedlaan 7, Clarina, Pretoria; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (5) Legatus Trust, 3rd Floor Roan House, 263 Kent Avenue, Ferndale Randburg. 006448/2018—(2) Muller, Gert Lodewyk, 27 Julie 1964, 6407275052083, Breedlaan 7, Clarina, Pretoria; (3) 16 Maart 2018; (5) Legatus Trust, 3rd Floor Roan House, 263 Kent Avenue, Ferndale Randburg. 16781/2018—(2) Bruinenberg, Anne Wilhelminus, 31 July 1932, 3207315030187, 1 Golden Harvest Vilolage no. 21, Randburg; (3) 19 June 2018; (5) Jaco Burmeister as nominee of Lubbes Trust Pty Ltd, 20 Tecomaria street, Montana. 9626/2018—(2) Jones, Joan Christine, 19 February 1930, 3002190364185, 24 Escombe Ave, Rietvallei Park, Pretoria; (3) 8 August 2018; (5) Jaco Burmeister as nominee of Lubbes Trust Pty Ltd, 20 Tecomaria street, Montana. 004404 / 2017—(2) KGATITSWE, JOHN, 3 April 1947, 4704035487084, 675 KHOSA SECTION, KHUTSONG, CARLETONVILLE, 2500; (3) 7 Februarie 2018; (4) MASETOKISO MARGARET KGATITSWE, 26 Januarie 1948, 4801260514085; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 8965/2011—(2) NOGCANTSI, DENNIS MALUNGELO, 25 Oktober 1948, 4910285570089, 17 IDASTRAAT, CARLETONVILLE, 2500; (3) 9 Desember 2010; (4) PATIENCE NOGCANTSI, 3 September 1953, 5309030697080; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 11285/2018—(2) VENTER, SUSANNA MARIA, 27 Desember 1950, 5012270125081, CINNIBARSTRAAT 17, CARLETONVILLE, 2500; (3) 4 Februarie 2018; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500. 7938/2017—(2) EZENWA, THEOPHILUS OKWY, 2 February 1973, 7302027529083, 5 TOKAI AVENUE, ALAN MANOR, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 6 February 2017; (4) EZENWA EUNICE TEHLILE, 8 March 1980, 8003080832088; (5) EZENWA ATTORNEYS, 506 KLAMSON TOWERS, 151 COMMISSIONER STREET, JOHANNESBURG. 27257/2017—(2) KGWADI, PHILLIP, 25 November 1958, 5811255948080, 172 DORAN STREET, JEPPESTOWN, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 14 November 1997; (4) MARTHA KGWADI, 15 April 1965, 6504150867088; (5) EZENWA ATTORNEYS, 506 KLAMSON TOWERS, 151 COMMISSIONER STREET, JOHANNESBURG. 018539/2015—(2) Ndhlovu, Mncondo Solomon, 3 September 1933, 3309035178088, 7245 Orlando West; (3) 25 June 2013; (4) Bukeka Elbinah Ndhlovu, 4 March 1932, 3203040217082; (5) Christine Matebesi, 88 Tulpe, Heidelberg; (6) 30. 2349/2018—(2) WISE, KARIN LENA, 14 February 1962, 6202140177086, 4 COLIN GARDENS, COLIN PAUL STREET, EDLEEN KEMPTON PARK; (3) 14 September 2017; (5) BEZUIDENHOUT ATTORNEYS, 41 HIGHVELD ROAD KEMPTON PARK. 007736/2018—(2) Njoko, Albert, 20 April 1968, 6804200534108, 10006 at 13 Mulberry Street, Protea Glen, Ext 12; (3) 25 March 2018; (4) Cetries Ntombi Njoko, 10 June 1969, 6906100368085; (5) R Masilo Attorneys, 98 President Street, Old Mutual Building Suite 11 Germiston 1401. 008267/2018—(2) PRINSLOO, SALEMON JACOBUS, 10 September 1953, 5309105120083, PLOT 117 KAMEELDRIF , WES PRETORIA , 0068; (3) 11 May 2018; (4) GETRUIDA MARIA MAGARETHA PRINSLOO, 29 April 1956, 5604290054083; (5) ABSA TRUST, 1’ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL HEAD OFFICE, CNR AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BFN,9301. 002731/2017—(2) Wessels, Juliana, 26 Junie 1934, 3406260055088, 142 Monument Avenue, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 1619; (3) 5 Oktober 2016; (4) N/a N/a; (5) Mrs Magdalena Mare, 142 Monument Avenue, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, 1619. 14127/2018—(2) Hermanus, Desiree, 19 May 1958, 5805190130085, 65 Pinelands Street, Coronationville, Jhb, 2093; (3) 21 May 2018; (5) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys, 27 Giraffe Avenue, Extension 5, Lenasia; (6) 30. 019481/2018—(2) DE JAGER, LOURENS JOHANNES JURGENS, 7 November 1944, 4411075011085, 39 FISHER STREET, KRUGERSDORP WEST 1739; (3) 27 July 2018; (4) MARY DOROTHEA DE JAGER; (5) SUSANNA MARIA DU PREEZ, 9 BEGIN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH 1739. 11654/2018—(2) Ndabambi, Smuts, 15 February 1956, 5602155812082, 59 Phase 1, Alexandra; (3) 15 April 2018; (5) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated, 8th Floor Samancor House , 88 Marshall street , Johannesburg. 19111/2018—(2) Kennard, Maureen, 27 October 1942, 4210270045082, 1 Letabo Street, B16 Creek Retirement Village, Meyerton; (3) 14 May 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Rynhart Kruger as Director of Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044. 019400/2018—(2) Maqashalala, Madoda Lucas, 3 November 1963, 6311035245088, 3801 Ivory Park, Ext 6, Midrand; (3) 25 May 2018; (5) Andrew Lishivha Inc, 8th Floor, Samancor House, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg.. 011414/2017—(2) Mfabe, Thembane Kate, 2 February 1962, 6202021091083, 685 Thrush Street, East Bank, 2090; (3) 27 March 2017; (4) Sicelo Mfabe, 27 May 1953, 5305275735080; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 005377/2018—(2) VERMEULEN, JOHAN ANDRE, 10 August 1960, 6008105023086, PLOT 33 DWARS STREET, WALKERVILLE; (3) 4 February 2012; (5) GERDA HERMINA STEPHINA JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, NO 17 INNISBROOK MEWS. 012465/2017—(2) Mojapelo, Potata Albert, 10 October 1938, 3810105959083, Unit 1525 Zone L, Soshanguve 0152; (3) 23 June 2015; (4) Senti Mojapelo, 24 May 1947, 4705240201087; (5) Senti Mojapelo, Unit 1525 Zone L, Soshanguve 0152. 023404/2017—(2) Mashigo, Hanah, 2 November 1948, 4811020077083, 178 Westehoek Street, Geluksdal, 1550; (3) 19 September 2017; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 009719/2018—(2) Mynhardt, Dorothea Carolina, 30 November 1939, 3911300027088, Andries Bisschoff Gebou, Van der Hoffweg 427, Pretoria,0082; (3) 11 July 2018; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 53

016762/2017—(2) Roux, Jozua Petrus, 3 September 1985, 8509035008087, 28 Echo Straat, Secunda; (3) 6 November 2017; (5) Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street Moreleta Park, 0044. 19507/2018—(2) Skhosana, Sibongile Aslinah, 3 October 1946, 4610030477089, 17 Derby Avenue Springs; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) Izak Bosman as Director of Schumann, Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc, 32 Kempton Park, Kempton Park, 1619. 019824/2018—(2) Els, Carla Amanda, 26 June 1957, 5706260056087, 11 Park Flats Corner Vlei and Severite Street Krugersdorp; (3) 10 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Bianca Els, 11 Park Flats Corner Vlei and Severite Street Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 019114/2018—(2) Smook, Sheila Evelyn, 12 January 1941, 4101120012085, Unit 18, Jacaranda Retirement Village, Honeydew; (3) 16 July 2018; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 017815/2018—(2) Mcleod, James Stirling, 8 April 1949, 4904085127180, 23 Bafadi Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, Gauteng; (3) 21 May 2018; (5) GOLDBERG & DE VILLIERS INC, 13 BIRD STREET, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 009383/2018—(2) GROBLER, FREDERIK JOHANNES NICOLAAS ANDRIES, 12 September 1953, 5309125029082, 244 SWAAN STREET, JAN NIEMANDPARK, PRETORIA; (3) 19 June 2018; (4) BARBARA JACOMINA MAGRIETHA GROBLER, 14 October 1956, 5610140143083; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation street,Waterkloof Glen ext2, Pretoria, 0182. 012524/2017—(2) MARUMO, RAMAHLAKU CLITUS, 26 January 1957, 5701265446086, NO 7 MAANSTEEN STREET, BONNANE, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1907; (3) 24 August 2003; (5) LEIGHTEN MAPOGOSHE, 1576 MATLA STREET, ZONE 13, SEBOKENG, 1983. JHB017595/2018—(2) Schoeman, Johannes Francois, 16 Mei 1962, 6205165018085, Ankerweg 91, Dalpark UItbreiding 1, Brakpan, 1541; (3) 16 Junie 2018; (4) Anjole Schoeman, 15 Maart 1962, 6203150057085; (5) Liebenberg Malan Liezel Horn Inc, 61 Van der Walt Street, Dalview, Brakpan, 1541. 019977/2018—(2) KILIAN, GERTDINE, 4 Junie 1962, 6206040003086, ASTERSTRAAT 11A, HOMELAKE, RANDFONTEIN, 1759; (3) 11 Julie 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 015681/2018—(2) MATHIBELA, MDAWOLA JOHN, 31 October 1964, 6410315508080, 14 GESTERNTE ROAD, SUNWARD PARK, BOKSBURG , 1459; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) LORRAINE MATHIBELA, 10 February 1966, 6602100557088; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 19626/2018—(2) WOLMARANS, COENRAAD FREDERIK, 20 July 1953, 5307205131083, 4 STUMKE STREET, WITPOORTJIE, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) 2 July 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 019673/2018—(2) MEISWINKEL, MAGRIETA, 23 November 1941, 4111230038087, 6 CANNA STREET, ARCON PARK, VEREENIGING; (3) 1 Februarie 2018; (4) HEINRICH WILHELM MEISWINKEL, 10 Desember 1930, 3012105014189; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 018724/2018—(2) Mabitsela, Maponya, 16 April 1957, 5704165834088, 584 Phinda Crescent Phase 3Diepkloof Johannesburg; (3) 18 May 2018; (4) Ann Mabitsela, 18 September 1960, 6009180534088; (5) Ntombizodwa Catherine Nkosi, 9 FREDMAN DRIVE 6 MERCHANT PLACE SANDTON. 019931/2018—(2) JONES, ALAN GRAHAM, 2 September 1947, 4709025068083, 9 ROSEWOOD AVENUE, BARDENE, BOKSBURG, 1459; (3) 27 August 2018; (5) JESSICA JONES, 74 FLORA GLEN, ANCHOR ROAD, BARDENE, BOKSBURG, 1459. 19446/2018—(2) MASENYA, LETHEBE ISAAC, 19 October 1959, 5910195687087, 30223 EXT 11, MEADOWLANDS, 1852; (3) 16 May 2018; (4) MAMANYOGA NELLY MASENYA, 13 August 1966, 6608130327087; (5) LIESE PELSER, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0001. 9219/2018—(2) Schmidt, Albert Johann, 2 September 1946, 4609025072087, Huis Herfsblaar M31, Webbstraat nr. 1299, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (3) 31 Julie 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Hurter Spies Incorporated, 1st Floor, Afriforum Building, Cnr of DF Malan- and Union Avenue, Kloofsig. 28559/2009—(2) Kate Evelyn, Mphuthi, 10 January 1918, 1801100248087, 113 Zondi Township; (3) 14 December 1998; (4) TN/A N/A; (5) Nomthandazo Johanna Mphuthi, 113 Zondi Township; (6) 30. 019131/2018—(2) Thangavelloo, Vibushanan, 25 July 1956, 5607255086081, 19 Walnut Street, Bakerton, Springs; (3) 16 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Nicoleen Yolandie Keulder, 5 Merchant Place, 9 Fredman Drive, Sandton. 009387/2018—(2) LEBEPE, MMAPHEFO CATHRINE, 1 May 1955, 5505010316084, LETLHABILE NORTH WEST, BRITS; (3) 10 July 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2, Pretoria 0182. 019093/2018—(2) Smith, Patrick, 22 May 1945, 4505225084080, 63 Villa Toledo Troupant Avenue Magaliesview 2191; (3) 22 May 2018; (5) Ntombizodwa Catherine Nkosi, 9 FREDMAN DRIVE 6 MERCHANT PLACE SANDTON. 10613/2015—(2) Ramohlale, Mmamolai May, 26 September 1970, 7009260510080, 22 Lila Avenue, 12 La Bamba, Bronkhorstspruit; (3) 31 Maart 2015; (5) Thomas Wiliam Seymour Swanepoel, 729 Park Street Arcadia Pretoria. 019121/2018—(2) Condie, Jacqueline Fern, 1 December 1940, 4012010043082, Clonmore Manor 27 Clonmore Road Bryanston Johannesburg; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Ntombizodwa Catherine Nkosi, 9 FREDMAN DRIVE 6 MERCHANT PLACE SANDTON. 9158/2018—(2) WILLIAMS, DOROTHY, 10 June 1949, 4906100171085, 56 AMBER STREET, EERSTERUST, , 0022; (3) 24 July 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 020055/2018—(2) WILKINSON, MARJORIE HELENA, 23 February 1942, 4202230080085, 35 SOPHIA ROAD, FAIRLAND, , 2170; (3) 24 July 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 54 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

006331/2018—(2) VERMAAK, MARINA, 15 Augustus 1936, 3608150034087, JOUBERTSTRAAT 4, , LETSITELE, 0885; (3) 10 Junie 2018; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 020024/2018—(2) Friedman, Sadie, 20 June 1915, 1506200021082, 61 Klip Street, Observatory Extension, Johannesburg, 2198; (3) 7 June 2018; (5) Johanna Catharina Sophia Hageman, FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 012621/2016—(2) Cockerell, Eric, 6 July 1939, 3907065380183, 134 Sixth Avenue, Edenvale; (3) 8 January 2016; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 018727/2018—(2) Colley, Angela, 2 January 1934, 3401020101082, 125 Vos Street, Rensburg, Heidelberg; (3) 2 April 2018; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 9526/2018—(2) SYMEOU, KATINA, 25 November 1929, 2911250057086, BRONBERG ESTATE, 1036 OLYMPUS DRIVE, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0043; (3) 28 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CHRIS LEICESTER, 379 QUEENS CRESCENT, SUNWOOD PARK, BLOCK 3A, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; (6) 30 days. 17603/2018—(2) Van Den Bergh, Johannes Gerhardus, 28 December 1968, 6812285007086, 87 Faraday Blvd Vanderbijlpark; (3) 10 June 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) jaco HIll, PO Box 10 Park South 1910; (6) n/a. 027941/2017—(2) Nhlapo, Hazel Zodumo, 23 February 1964, 6402230287080, 26948 Extension 3, Kwa-Thema; (3) 3 January 2015; (5) c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporared, 1st Floor Central House, 81 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni, 1500. 015697/2018—(2) ROUP, PHILIPPA, 1 August 1936, 3608010030085, UNIT 12 STONEHILL, 7 STIGLINGH ROAD, EDENBURG, RIVONIA, 2191; (3) 7 July 2018; (5) TRACEY KAREN WILLIAMS, 7 SECOND AVENUE, ALBERTON NORTH, 1449. 010553/2018—(2) Leaf, Lorna Bridget, 1 November 1959, 5911010049081, 143 North Road, Regents Park, Johannesburg; (3) 19 October 1999; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Rosebank Corner, 2nd Floor, Parktown North. 013054/2018—(2) KOTZEE, DANIEL FREDERIK, 12 August 1929, 2908125036089, PLOT 427 KILLARNEY ROAD, BREDELL, GAUTENG,1630; (3) 13 November 2017; (4) ISABELLA ELIZABETH CATHERINA KOTZEE, 17 December 1934, 3412170020089; (5) DANIEL FREDERIK KOTZEE, PLOT 427 KILLARNEY ROAD, BREDELL, GAUTENG,1630. 4253/2018—(2) Greeff, Jurie Hendrik, 25 Desember 1938, 3812255051083, Bougainvilla Straat 538, Marble Hall; (3) 23 Januarie 2018; (5) Harry Solomon, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Montana Forum Gebou, 20 Tecomaria Straat, Montana, Pretoria. 4208/1999—(2) van Staden, Jacobus, 2 August 1928, 2808025029087, Richmond; (3) 29 December 1998; (5) Ilze Zurcher, 12 Rikie Postma Vanderbijlpark. 16959/2018—(2) VAN VUUREN, FLORENCE VAN VUUREN, 29 December 1945, 4512290073089, 42 MEYER STREET TRIOMF JOHANNESBURG; (3) 30 November 2016; (4) GERT CHRISTOFFEL VAN VUUREN, 29 May 1940, 4005295022086; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES THERON, POSBUS 6025, WELTEVREDEN PARK, 1715. 019660/2018—(2) BOWEN, KENNETH STEPHEN FRANK, 29 October 1956, 5610295171087, 13 ORPEN STREET SECUNDA; (3) 6 July 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, Privaatsak x 45 Lynnwood 0040. 009483/2018—(2) LE ROUX, PETRUS CORNELIUS JOHANNES, 27 Julie 1927, 2707275024089, PLOT 49PL HARTBEESPOORT 0216; (3) 17 Julie 2018; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 019623/2018—(2) COETZER, GIDEON BARTHOLOMEUS, 12 Oktober 1941, 4110125049083, 10 BYRN STREET, ELSBURG.; (3) 4 Mei 2018; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 10453/2018—(2) Engelbrecht, Johannes Christiaan Petrus, 8 September 1959, 5909085073085, 44 Paul Kruger Straat , Carltonville; (3) 6 December 2017; (4) Rhona Engelbrecht, 13 October 1962, 6210130067084; (5) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123; (6) 30. 6238/2017—(2) Van Wyk, Yvonne Sheila, 23 November 1930, 3011230076089, 81 Colordo Drive, Riverlea Johannesburg; (3) 28 November 2016; (5) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123; (6) 30. 020220/2018—(2) Griffin, Moira Janette, 14 February 1945, 4502140034084, 401 Sun Villa, 457 Jorrisen Street, Sunnyside; (3) 30 July 2018; (5) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf, Posbus 11808, Centurion, 0046. 018919/2018—(2) Thango, Muzikayifani Mbongeni, 23 October 1952, 5210235253085, 250 Chris Hani, Daveyton; (3) 18 July 2018; (4) Clementina Thango, 2 April 1956, 5604020321083; (5) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated, 88 Marshall Street, 8th Floor, Samancor House, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, 2107. 019619/2018—(2) BEUKES, CORNELIUS JACOB, 30 January 1936, 3601305017081, RANDPOORT RENAISSANCE 98, RANDPOORT, , 1759; (3) 24 July 2018; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009451/2018—(2) BALOYI, MIRRIAM MMATHOTO, 30 December 1959, 5912300766087, 1345 IEHUHU STREET, MAMELODI GARDENS, , 0122; (3) 7 May 2018; (4) HLABI DANIEL BALOYI, 8 August 1954, 5408085720084; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 019621/2018—(2) INGRAM, JOHN GEORGE, 11 Januarie 1936, 3601115080089, 1 PLINT STREET, DELMORE PARK; (3) 20 Junie 2018; (4) ANNETTE WILHELMINA INGRAM, 17 Februarie 1945, 4502170090089; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 002076/2015—(2) MADLALA, SAMUEL, 25 Februarie 1947, 4702255393081, 1919 BLOCK 9, THULANI SOWETO, 1725; (3) 24 Desember 2014; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria.

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018983/2018—(2) CRONJE, ALETTA GERTRUIDA SUSANNA, 24 March 1945, 4503240032085, 51 KILKODIL AVENUE, PETESFIELD, SPRINGS, 1559; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009450/2018—(2) MOLOKWANE, KGELEDI JOHANNES, 29 Junie 1936, 3606295215082, 4418 ZONE 00004, GARANKUWA, 0208; (3) 23 Julie 2018; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 8852/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, RACHEL GEZINA PHILLIPPINA, 17 Julie 1941, 4107170018088, MAROELANA W/S 11, BRAAM PRETORIUSSTRAAT 97, WONDERBOOM, 0182; (3) 5 Maart 2018; (5) LIESE PELSER, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 019615/2018—(2) MOEKETSE, MOTSHIDISI ALINA, 6 July 1964, 6407060556082, ROBYN AVENUE 15, WALDRIFT, , 1939; (3) 15 November 2017; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 015681/2018—(2) MATHIBELA, MDAWOLA JOHN, 31 October 1964, 6410315508080, 14 GESTERNTE ROAD, SUNWARD PARK, BOKSBURG , 1459; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) LORRAINE MATHIBELA, 10 February 1966, 6602100557088; (5) CD JANEKE, ABSA TRUST, P O BOX 383 PRETORIA, 0001; (6) 30. 7513/2018—(2) Abrahamse, Johannes Hendrik, 18 September 1956, 5609185068080, 147 Erich Meyer Street Pretoria North; (3) 12 March 2018; (5) Rodney Charles Denton-Cooke, 14 Glenvista Close Woodhill Estate Pretoriuspark. 018979/2018—(2) RYAN, NOEL MATTHEW, 25 December 1934, 3412255072088, 12 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN STREET, BEYERSPARK, , 1459; (3) 7 June 2018, 1 January 2019; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009555/2018—(2) SHONGWE, TIME ABRAM, 30 August 1961, 6108305531084, 1656 MAMELODI GARDENS, MAMELODI, PRETORIA, 0122; (3) 29 July 2018; (4) PAULINAH NANA SHONGWE, 19 November 1964, 6411190517089; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009544/2018—(2) THUMBRAN, VAUGHN ANTHONY, 18 March 1985, 8503185062085, HANS COVERDALE NOORD 649, EERSTERUS, 0022,; (3) 1 August 2018; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 019612/2018—(2) VAN DEN BERG, SUSANNA MAGARITHA, 18 November 1935, 3511180008081, SESDESTRAAT 51, NORTHMEAD, BENONI, 1501; (3) 14 Junie 2018; (4) DAVID PETRUS JOHANNES VAN DEN BERG, 11 Oktober 1932, 3210115032080; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 019624/2018—(2) NTSEARE, SEKANAKANA LYDIA, 22 May 1942, 4205220331087, 8011 KGAKGA STREET, TSAKANE, , 1550; (3) 25 June 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 018987/2018—(2) VAN GOEVERDEN, NAOMI, 8 June 1925, 2506080022084, SUMMERFIELD PARK RETIREMENT, 41 CARLTON STREET, RANDBURG, 2007; (3) 17 May 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 9289/2018—(2) VENTER, JOHANNES JACOBUS, 26 Augustus 1930, 3008265001081, SHILLINGSTRAAT 223, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA, 0186; (3) 27 Junie 2018; (5) LIESE PELSER, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 11058/2015—(2) PIETERSE, NICOLAAS THEODORUS, 4 June 1942, 4206045007084, PLOT 86, STEFANO PARK AH; (3) 5 July 2015; (4) TINA PIETERSE, 4 January 1945, 4501040035084; (5) BEZUIDENHOUT ATTORNEYS, 41 HIGVELD ROAD KEMPTON PARK. 006610/2018—(2) BAPELA, CONSTANCE BONTLE BAPELA, 2 January 1962, 6201020557086, 22 PEACOCK LANE, ALEXANDER, 2090; (3) 16 February 2018; (4) KOPENG , 28 February 1958, 5802285996082; (5) MERISE MONTEZ VAN WYK, Sanlynn Building; Block B; Ground Floor; c/o Sanlam Street & Lynnwood Road; Lynnwood. 019973/2018—(2) BOTHA, ABRAHAM ZACHARIAS, 8 Mei 1954, 5405085078083, AUSTINSTAAT 3, BRENTHURST, , 1541; (3) 24 Julie 2018; (4) ELARDA BOTHA, 13 Februarie 1960, 6002130029085; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009149/2018—(2) BRUYNS, PETRUS JACOBUS, 31 Augustus 1937, 3708315029087, SUIDSTRAAT 64, RAYTON, , 1001; (3) 15 Julie 2018; (4) LORNA BRUYNS, 15 Oktober 1940, 4010150013089; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 019613/2018—(2) CROFT, THOMAS WILLIAM ROGER, 7 July 1943, 4307075075080, 54 DE GRENDEL LANE, LONEHILL, , 2191; (3) 1 July 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 015193/2018—(2) Simani, Vuyelwa Alice Gladys, 15 September 1949, 4909150635082, 7505 Motsumi Street, Mohlakeng, Randfontein, 1759; (3) 6 February 2018; (5) Absa Trust Limited, P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 18985/2018—(2) MOGOROSI, TSHOLOFELO EMILY, 15 February 1944, 4402150192080, 7156 GEBA STREET, KAGISO, , 1754; (3) 14 July 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 009204/2018—(2) VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN, DANIELINA THEODORA, 22 August 1923, 2308220010081, PLOT 19, FISRT AVENUE, GERARDSVILLE, 0183; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 013792/2018—(2) REHBOCK, KENNETH GORDON, 15 May 1960, 6005155069084, 24 GARDEN STREET, TURF CLUB, 2190; (3) 12 April 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street, Waterkloof Glen Ext2, Pretoria, 0182. 009455/2018—(2) VAN TONDER, ANITA MAGRETHA, 15 Mei 1946, 4605150014084, WILDEKWEPERSTEEG 180, WONDERBOOM, , 0182; (3) 25 Junie 2018; (4) ANDRIES JOHANNES VAN TONDER, 31 Augustus 1944, 4408315023086; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 56 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

5108/2013—(2) TAWAKALI, REGINAH LULAMA TAWAKALI, 18 January 1970, 7001180044084, 11 Anthony Street, Naturena Extension 21; (3) 15 May 2012; (4) IDRISSAH JERRY TAWAKALI, 22 April 1968, 6804225081081; (5) BRIAN ALBERTS & ASSOCIATES INC., Unit 2 Block A, Rock Cottage Office Park, Weltevreden Park; (6) 30. 005106/2018—(2) STEYN, JOHANNES TOBIS WEIDEMAN, 11 November 1930, 3011115009080, 59 Nicolson Str. Pretoria; (3) 7 September 2017; (5) ELIZABETH SUSANNA MACDOUGALL, 59 Nicolson Str. Pretoria. 001891/2018—(2) Sumner, Robert Arnold, 16 July 1927, 2707165043181, 19 Denver Park, Louis Trichardt Street, Ext 10, Witbank, 1035; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 018150/2018—(2) TSALE, MABUTI ANDRIES, 8 October 1952, 5210085418085, 5 JACARANDA STREET, PROTEA GLEN EXTENSION 12; (3) 1 July 2017; (5) BRIAN ALBERTS & ASSOCIATES INC., Unit 2 Block A, Rock Cottage Office Park, Weltevreden Park; (6) 30. 019981/2018—(2) GREEFF, ANDRIAS TOBIAS, 24 April 1954, 5404245023089, ZWARTKRANS HEKPOORT ROAD 51, KRUGERSDORP, , 1739; (3) 14 Junie 2018; (4) CHRISTINA ELIZABETH GREEFF, 0818734010; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 013445/2016—(2) Terblanche, Cornelius Johannes, 3 July 1963, 6307035068082, 118 Robertson Street, Geduld Extension, Springs; (3) 13 March 2016; (5) Iréne Marléne Welling-Bekker, Jurgens Bekker Attorneys, 22 Plantation Road, Oriel, Bedfordview; (6) 30. -—(2) Zacharek, Joachim Franz, 27 Junie 1941, 4106275406180, 5 Short Street, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194; (3) 20 Julie 2017; (4) Renate Ursula Zacharek, 30 April 1944, 4404300407186; (5) Renate Ursula Zacharek, 5 Short Street, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. 006289/2018—(2) VAN BLERK, THOMAS JACOBUS, 3 Maart 1963, 6303035021080, OOSTHUIZENSTRAAT 36, BELA-BELA, 0480,; (3) 21 September 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; (6) 30. 018924/2018—(2) COETZER, DAVID BOSCH, 18 Januarie 1960, 6001185057082, 54 TAMARISK AVENUE, BRACKENDOWNS, 1448; (3) 7 Julie 2018; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 017952/2018—(2) Katz, Beatrice, 6 July 1924, 2407060004087, 45 Darryl Place, The Inandas, Rivonia Road, Johannesburg; (3) 23 June 2018; (5) Martin Saul Shapiro, 5th Floor The Fire Station, 16 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg. 008754/2018—(2) SIBEKO, ZWELIKUDE SAMUEL SIBEKO, 11 December 1946, 4512115516088, 105 SCARBOROUGH STREET, FERRYVALE, NIGEL; (3) 28 April 2017; (4) MATU ANNA SIBEKO, 10 February 1952, 5202100316089; (5) LEON ETSEBETH, 40 THIRD AVENUE, NIGEL 1490, GAUTENG; (6) N/A. 020173/2018—(2) Mehala, Mmatlou Harrison, 21 November 1937, 3711215207084, 7487 Zone7, Zonkezizwe, 1431; (3) 21 March 2018; (4) Mapula Johanna Mehala, 12 January 1958, 5801120295080; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 0379252014—(2) HEFER, JOHAN JOHANNES, 26 Augustus 1923, 2308265043088, MONTANA AFTREEOORD, MONTANA, PRETORIA; (3) 2 Augustus 2014; (5) WILLEM JOZEF ROBINSON HEFER, 387 RIVERSIDE, LEEWFONTEIN, PRETORIA. 013785/2018—(2) LOUW, MARTINA JANET WILHELMINA, 28 September 1936, 3909280009080, HOUSE 5, DRIE RIVIERE AFTREE-OORD, VEREENIGING; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) HANNES NICO BEKKER, 131 OXFORD ROAD, BEDFORD GARDENS, JOHANNESBURG. 008080/2018—(2) SMIT, MURIEL WILNA, 19 March 1965, 6503190129087, 453 VAN LEENHOF STREET, CHRISTOBURG, ERASMIA; (3) 11 July 2018; (4) HENDRIK JOHANNES SMIT, 30 December 1960, 6012305080086; (5) FERREIRA GREYLING ATTORNEYS, FERREIRA GREYLING ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 915-963, FAERIE GLEN, 0043. 018484/2018—(2) Qwabe, Fanelesibonge Sanelisiwe Christine, 5 March 1992, 9203050451088, Unit no. 46 Pebblestone Creek River Estate, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 22 June 2017; (5) Tracy Unsworth, Po Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 009494/2018—(2) STANTON, ROBERT, 15 Desember 1959, 5912155077085, 27e LAAN 574, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA, 0186; (3) 10 Augustus 2018; (5) Milda Stanton Prokureur, Posbus 23160, Gezina, Pretoria, 0031. 009460/2018—(2) ODENDAAL, MICHIEL BURGER, 16 Maart 1937, 3703165041084, PLOT 1, ONDERSTEPOORT, , 0110; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) MAGRIETHA MARIA ODENDAAL, 16 Junie 1938, 3806160034085; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 4967/2018—(2) Van Riet, Elsie Catharina, 26 Januarie 1936, 3601260031085, Ebenhaeser 610, Anna Wilsonstraat 211, Kilnerpark, Pretoria, 0186; (3) 13 Februarie 2018; (4) Johannes Van Riet, 23 Junie 1940, 4006235042085; (5) Wynand Prinsloo & Van Eeden, Posbus 810, Middelburg, 1050. 1800/1996—(2) Ledumo, Emmanuel Lehlonolo, 23 August 1940, 4008235166083, Zone 09 Meadowlands, Gauteng ,1609B,Johannesburg; (3) 8 June 1996; (4) Flora Makhimbali Ledumo, 5 June 1937, 3706050271088; (5) Baloyi inc attorneys, 22nd Floor Carlton Centre ,150 Commissioner street , Von welliegn street. 030090/2013—(2) CHAKA, RAMABAKA JOSEPH, 24 December 1938, 3812245286088, 926 DIAMOND STREET RANDFORNTEIN; (3) 2 June 2010; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 2849/2017—(2) GITTINS, BERYL MONICA GITTINS, 1 February 1937, 3702010080180, UNIT 72 GARDEN VILLAGE, 72 GARDEN ROAD, BORDEAUX; (3) 10 July 2016; (5) ASHLEY JOSEPH GITTINS, UNIT 1 HQ BUILDING, 2 ARBROATH ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW.

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023864/2016—(2) WILLIAMS, PETRO BASSIE, 10 October 1963, 6310106261081, NO. 7 DUNBAR STREET, BELLEVUE EAST, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 5 June 2016; (5) LOLIWE ATTORNEYS, SUITE 512 ELEPHANT HOUSE, 107 ALBERTINA SISULU ROAD, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 19928/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, BAREND JOHANNES JACOBUS, 2 Maart 1931, 3103025001081, FERN RIDGE 5, MAINLAAN, FERNDALE, RANDBURG; (3) 2 Februarie 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) VERA VIVIAN VOGELPATH, POSBUS 6685, WESTGATE 1734. 018700/2018—(2) LOOTS, MARGARET-ANN, 9 July 1946, 4607090046085, 330 SPROKIE AVENUE, FAERIE GLEN; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 009699/2018—(2) MATTHEE, JOHANNES WILLEM, 15 July 1945, 4507155092083, 498 Reier Road Kameeldrift East Pretoria; (3) 15 January 2016; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2091. 019554/2018—(2) GREYLING, CHRISTIAN ROY, 23 December 1938, 3812235050080, Badenhorst Unit F6 Van der Westhuizen street Larrendale Brakpan 1541; (3) 17 July 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2091. 018440/2018—(2) PRICE, GRAHAM HAROLD, 5 December 1935, 3512055082185, 36 BAIRD PLACE, PARHILL GARDENS, GERMISTON; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 019155/2018—(2) BENNETT, IAN BRUCE, 20 February 1950, 5002205033088, 10 SANI STREET, BENONI; (3) 24 July 2018; (4) TROY KATHRYN BENNETT, 27 February 1957, 5702270101088; (5) LORING BRUCE HUDSON, -; (6) 30. 015532/2018—(2) Collison, Nigel Aubrey, 24 February 1956, 5602245141088, 136 Dunning Road, Dunnottar, Nigel; (3) 20 January 2018; (5) Shabana Laher, Cnr 7th Avenue & 5th Street, Springs. 020215/2018—(2) Van Zyl, Hester Adriana Aletta, 5 September 1958, 5809050034080, 10 Newbury Crescent, Verwoerdpark X15; (3) 7 May 2018; (5) Crest Trust Holdings Incorporated, PO Box 11808, Centurion 0046. 017701/2018—(2) THOBEGA, GALELEMOGE MAGDELINE, 12 June 1974, 7406121364089, 47 HIGH STREET BRIXTON JHB; (3) 20 December 2016; (4) MOTHUSI SAMUEL THOBEGA, 10 February 1970, 7002106286080; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 017557/2018—(2) SHONGWE, VUSOUMUZI RODWELL, 7 July 1963, 6307075467087, 81 STERRE RD NANCEFIELD 1811; (3) 4 August 2018; (4) LUCKY SHONGWE, 19 April 1962, 6204190586083; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 019384-2018—(2) AHMED, EBRAHIM ISMAIL, 15 November 1970, 7011155179088, 11 WALTER STREET, FELLSIDE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 13 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ASIF KAKA ATTORNEYS (REF: EAI01), 10 LANGLEY LEVY STREET MONTGOMERY PARK 2195. 013262/2016—(2) DALKOS, IOANNIS, 20 February 1951, 5102205171183, 27 ELIZABETH AVENUE SANDRINGHAM; (3) 26 June 2014; (4) IOANNA DALKOS, 27 May 1967, 6705270833088; (5) ANDREAS KYPRIANOU, P.O. BOX 2747 MODIMOLLE 0510. 7669 / 2018—(2) TLADI, MANTSHO SAMUEL, 7 May 1950, 5005075145080, 6310 LETHEETSANE STREET (STAND 8675) MABOPANE -M, EXTENSION 2; (3) 30 April 2018; (4) BOITSHWARELO MONICA TLADI, 29 December 1954, 5412290077082; (5) THWANE ATTORNEYS, LIQUIDATORS & ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, SUITE P03, FIRST FLOOR, L.S. MOLOPE BUILDING, 696 MOTHUDI STREET, ZONE 16, GA-RANKUWA. 017775/2018—(2) MOTHIJOA, MOLIEHI ALINA, 11 June 1935, 3506110235085, 51/31 SMALL FARM EVATON 1984; (3) 16 July 2012; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 14903/2018—(2) MOKOENA, MALEGADIMANE RUTH, 17 January 1937, 3701170269088, 20 MOKOTSE STREET, DIEPKLOOF, SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 13 July 2006; (4) KAU JACOB MOKOENA, 7 July 1925, 2507075270084; (5) ETIENNE CLOETE, 1st FLOOR LAW CHAMBERS, SOUTHDALE SHOPPING CENTRE, ALAMEIN ROAD, SOUTHDALE, JOHANNESBURG. 008689/2018—(2) NEL, ALETTA MAGRIETA, 24 January 1931, 3101240046089, ROOM 22, MONTAMED CARE CENTRE AND CLINIC; (3) 11 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) PSG TRUST PTY LTD, 218 LOIS AVENUE, NEWLANDS, PRETORIA, 0181.. 1260/2018—(2) DE BEER, STEPHANUS, 11 September 1937, 3709115053087, 144 VAN JAARSVELDT STREET, DANVILLE, PRETORIA; (3) 16 December 2016; (4) DAWNE VERONA DE BEER, 9 April 1949, 4904090093088; (5) PJ ROOS, 90 JEAN AVENUE, DORINGKLOOF, CENTURION. 0193372016—(2) Jhetam, Mahmood, 23 May 1959, 5905230662087, 4 Abu Hurarah Street, Dadaville, 1936; (3) 16 January 2016; (5) Ebrahim Peer Attorneys, Al’s Hardware Building, 8 Industrial Road, Corner Main Reef Road, Amalgam, Ext 10. 018599/2018—(2) King, Brian Macgregor, 22 April 1940, 4004225079084, 31 Darrenwood Village, 1st Street, Linden, Johannesburg 2001; (3) 6 July 2018; (5) Mr Martin Saul Shapiro, 5th Floor, The Fire Station, 16 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196. 0018265/2018—(2) Chetty, Subramany Dhanapalan, 22 March 1948, 4803225131088, 2 Hilcrest Estate, Barbet Street, Halfway Gardens, Midrand; (3) 15 January 2015; (4) Estate Late Gonasagaree Chetty, 7 April 1956, 5604070171081; (5) HM Botha Attorney, PO Box 6106, Pretoria, 0001. 0138962017—(2) Jadwat, Mariam Bibi, 30 March 1926, 2603160053087, 30 St Dominic Street, New Castle, 2940; (3) 30 March 2016; (5) Ebrahim Peer Attorneys, Al’s Hardware Building, 8 Industrial Road, Corner Main Reef Road, Amalgam, Ext 10.

This gazette is also available free online at 58 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

023500/2016—(2) SETATA, MABUSHA EDWIN, 25 March 1959, 5903255465080, 1660 KHOTSO STREET DOORNKOP EXT1; (3) 6 October 2016; (4) MANTWA MERLYN SETATA, 15 March 1960, 6003150594081; (5) MANTWA MERLYN SETATA, 1660 KHOTSO STREET DOORNKOP EXT 1. 034454/2014—(2) MKHATHINI, SIFISO WISEMAN, 21 March 1966, 6603215635082, 25 REALGAR STREET ENNERDALE EXT 13; (3) 28 July 2014; (4) TINY SHIBE MOREMI, 26 June 1968, 6806260687086; (5) TINY SHIBE MOREMI, 25 REALGAR STRRET ENNERDALE EXT 13. 020195/2018—(2) HAVENGA, GERT FREDERIK DU PEEZ, 27 June 1972, 7206275031082, UNIT 16 LAVENDER LANE, EVANS ROAD, OLIVEDALE; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 005691/2018—(2) Letsoalo, Elizabeth Lidile, 26 May 1976, 7605260991087, 50 Nebraska Crescent, Cosmo city, Randburg; (3) 30 December 2017; (4) Makgale Isaiah Letsoalo, 21 June 1969, 6906215761083; (5) Donald Tshilidzi Mashele, 28 Von Brandis Street, Imas House, Suite 404, Johannesburg, 2000; (6) 30 days. 14050/2017—(2) OLIPHANT, BASEBI CAROLINE, 5 November 1951, 5311050720081, 1191 JACOBS STREET PROTEA NORTH SOWETO; (3) 14 June 2017; (4) MOLEFE ISAIAH OLIPHANT, 16 May 1951, 5105165547086; (5) MOLEFE ISAIAH OLIPHANT, 1191 JACOBS STREET PROTEA NORTH SOWETO. 15811/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Janett, 8 Januarie 1934, 3401080009034, Komatiweg 2505 Waterfall Country Estate Midrand; (3) 15 Mei 2018; (5) H CW Prinsloo, Prinsloo Prokureurs Posbus 7486 Pretoria. 009735/2018—(2) MODISE, BILLY ISAAC LETSHABO, 18 December 1930, 3012185211085, 58 STELLANY STREET WILLOW MANER PARK PRETORIA; (3) 20 June 2018; (4) YOLISA NOMBULELO MODISE, 29 May 1937, 3705290226084; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, Menlyn Maine Campus Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street Waterkloof Glen Ext 2 PRETORIA 0181; (6) 30. 012741/2018—(2) VOGELSANG, ARIE JOHAN, 19 May 1938, 3805195095186, 24 Kruin Park Retirement Village, Umgeni Road, Wilro Park, Roodepoort; (3) 5 May 2018; (5) GEORGE BOWEN ATTORNEYS, 8 MADDEN GROVE FLORIDA PARK 1709 PO BOX 6303 ANSFRERE 1711. 005574/2018—(2) BURN, GRAHAM JAMES, 31 August 1953, 5308315124083, KLIPDRIFT FARM MODIMOLLE; (3) 18 May 2018; (4) IRENE DOREEN BURN, 13 July 1954, 5407130031083; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001; (6) 30. 019646/2018—(2) STEENKAMP, JOHANNA WILHELMINA, 2 December 1958, 5812020001080, 26 COUTON AVENUE SPRINGS; (3) 6 November 2009; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE AS NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LTD, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO. 018034/2018—(2) Maile, Bassie Joki, 10 January 1959, 5901105924082, 22 Jock Oosterlaak Street, Homer, Vereeniging, 1939; (3) 13 June 2018; (4) Mampontsheng Elizabeth Maile, 1 January 1959, 5901010867087; (5) Caryn Myers, 3 Joesph Road, Silvamonte, Johannesburg. 7443/2018—(2) MAKITLA, CHARLES SEBYDIWANE, 12 April 1945, 4504125512084, 95 DENNILTON; (3) 17 June 2018; (4) MAKWANENG MAKITLA, 29 November 1946, 4611290245083; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 009075/2018—(2) BESWICK, ROBERT KENNEDY MURDOCH, 3 June 1940, 4006035041089, 66 OLIVE CRESCENT RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BRONBERG, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) 31 July 2018; (5) J BREWIS ATTORNEYS, 625 WINDSOR AVENUE, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG. 1362/2017—(2) LAWRENCE, PAULINE, 3 May 1946, 4605030029088, LALAPANSIE 103, BEN SWART STREET 987, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) 22 July 2016; (4) N/A; (5) LACANTE HENN INCORPORATED, 35 SELATI STREET, ASHLEA GARDENS, PRETORIA. 9694/2018—(2) MATLALA, WILSON, 18 July 1964, 6407185635084, 6090 KHUNOU STREET GA-RANKUWA UNIT 3; (3) 19 August 2018; (5) MLM KUTUMELA INC, PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; (6) 30. 007689/2018—(2) DHLAMINI, SIPHIWE ALFRED, 4 September 1957, 5709045764082, 6311 UMXHIGA STREET, VOSLOORUS, BOKSBURG; (3) 28 June 2017; (4) BEAUTY DHLAMINI, 10 February 1963, 6302100497084; (5) CHRIS FOURIE ATTORNEY, P O BOX 136123, ALBERTON NORTH. 016717/2018—(2) Vere-Russell, Felicity Jane, 14 December 1946, 4612140121086, 7 Hollyoak Gardens, Odendaal Street, Dayanglen Boksburg; (3) 23 July 2018; (5) DM Olsen, 4 Boschkop Avenue, Boskruin Ext 4 2188. 028081/2017—(2) Ogbu, Ify, 12 July 1969, 6907121118186, No: 1 Ixia Road, Brackenhurst Extension 2, Alberton; (3) 4 June 2017; (4) Patrick Uba Ibe, 2 June 1966, 6606026232080; (5) Patrick Uba Ibe, No: 1 Ixia Road, Brackenhurst, Extension 2, Alberton; (6) 30 days. 019278/2018—(2) De Klerk, Lesley Veronica, 29 June 1955, 5506290021188, 6 Grosskopf Street, Helderkruin, Ext. 11; (3) 7 August 2018; (5) Chanelle Taylor as nominee of Cornerstone Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd and Sean W de Klerk, Unit 19 Wild Fig Business Park, Honeydew. 15444/2018—(2) PHIPSON, ROSS COMPTON, 17 March 1969, 6903175109080, 103 ACACIA LANE MILLWOOD ESTATE 17 PETUNIA ROAD BRYANSTON; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) MICHELLE-CINDY PHIPSON, PO Box 26873, EAST RAND, 1462; (6) 30. 017947/2018—(2) Sabbioni, Maurizio, 5 March 1942, 4203055056184, 195 8th Avenue, Highlands North, 2192; (3) 24 April 2018; (4) Karen Verna Sabbioni, 26 November 1947, 4711260059082; (5) Arnold Shapiro, c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton. 19958/2018—(2) WILLIAMSON, FRANCES JOSEPHINE, 27 November 1936, 3611270017180, 71 Dakota Road, Impalapark BOKSBURG; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) DESMOND WILLIAMSON, -; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 59

19996/2018—(2) Grobler, Lydia Jacoba Cecelia, 4 July 1941, 4107040057084, 12 Karee Street, Birchleigh,1618; (3) 12 March 2011; (4) Albert Grobler, 22 March 1945, 4503225074086; (5) SHERINE JANSEN, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 019242/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Amelia Amanda, 4 April 1975, 7503040074086, 26 End Street, East Geduld; (3) 20 June 2018; (4) Wilhelmus du Plessis, 20 September 1971, 7109205054085; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620. 019566/2018—(2) Lebepe, Raesetja Cathrine Lebepe, 1 June 1985, 8506010660080, 167 Klipspringer Avenue, Roodekop; (3) 13 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) Mponeng Jennifer Lebepe, 167 Klipspringer Avenue, Roodekop; (6) 30 days. 016998/2018—(2) Symonds, Joan, 11 June 1937, 3706110039087, Unit 1, Glenzicht Retirement Village, 33 East Street, Oakdene, 2190; (3) 11 June 2017; (5) Arnold Shapiro, c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton. 7548/18—(2) Brits, DAWID JACOBUS, 8 November 1956, 561108538080, Magaliesmoot Plot 37, Herculess 0082; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 007799/2018—(2) BOYCE, GENIA STEPHANIE, 27 July 1948, 4807270018082, 4 IRENE ROAD, MELROSE NORTH, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 11 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DANA SIMONE BOYCE, C/O SWVG INCORPORATED, 3rd FLOOR, ONE ON NINTH, CNR GLENHOVE/NINTH STREETS, MELROSE ESTATE; (6) 30 DAYS. 7517/18PTA—(2) Esterhuizen, Stephanus Johannes, 12 September 1939, 3909125113083, Unigloed Woonstelv 306, Karriboom Straat, 1214; (3) 1 April 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, PO BOX 2174, DURBAN,4000. 16595/2018—(2) REED, JOHN MICHAEL, 22 April 1929, 2904225043182, 19 EAGLES CRAG CRESTWOOD DRIVE LONGHILL JOHANNESBURG; (3) 3 July 2018; (5) COLIN REEVES, 4 KILDOON ROAD SANDTON; (6) 30 DAYS. 8751/18—(2) Joubert, Aletta Petronella, 13 March 1924, 2403130013083, 21Kronkelaan, Magalies villas, Montana park, 0182; (3) 13 January 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 12118/18DBN—(2) Purmasser, Veerlal, 12 January 1951, 5101125089087, 58 Violet Place , Redcliffe , Verulam 4340; (3) 21 July 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 025555/2016—(2) HUGO, PETRIE, 18 May 1957, 5705185002085, 35 BURNHAM ROAD,HENLEY ON KLIP ,JOHANNESBURG; (3) 12 September 2016; (5) KEVIN BARNARD ATTORNEYS, POSTNET SUITE 578, PRIVATE BAG X8, NORTHRIDING, 2162. 016225/2018—(2) TYOBEKA, ERROL MANDLA, 9 July 1953, 5307095691089, 2 ROOIELS CLOSE, ZWARTKOP EXT 4, CENTURION, 0157; (3) 7 June 2018; (4) PALESA THEMBEKILE TYOBEKA, 9 October 1954, 5410090785086; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY)LTD, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 019133/2018—(2) BARNARD, MARIA LUISE, 5 April 1940, 4004050033081, A2 Leisure View Village, Private Bag X10027, Edenvale, 1610; (3) 24 June 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 009339/2018—(2) Storm, David Johannes, 17 March 1929, 2903175024085, House Janri, Ben Swart Street, Gezina; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (S100060), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001. 019608/2018—(2) Labuschagne, Noreen Barabra, 10 December 1947, 4712100030085, 10 Vorster Avenue, East Geduld, 1559; (3) 20 January 2017; (4) Anthonie Johannes Labuschagne, 13 October 1946, 4610135055087; (5) Snyman De Jager Attorneys, C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 009559/2018—(2) HASSEN, HALIMA, 8 April 1955, 5504088005085, 387 INDIGO STREET ,LAUDIUM , PRETORIA; (3) 10 July 2018; (5) SNYMAN DE JAGER ATTORNEYS, C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET, CENTURION. 19031/2018—(2) VAN AS, CHARLES JOHNSON, 2 August 1944, 4408025078081, UNIT 15, THE OLIVE, PENCHARTZ ROAD, HONEYDEW; (3) 5 August 2018; (4) DOREEN VAN AS, 13 December 1945, 4512130054083; (5) ROSSOUWS LESIE INC., 8 SHERBORNE ROAD, PARKTOWN.. 5626/2018—(2) Van der Merwe, Frederick Albertus Sadie, 19 January 1945, 4501195070084, 1 Haakdoring Street, Wilropark, Roodepoort; (3) 3 December 2017; (4) Hermine Van der Merwe, 28 October 1941, 4110280015002; (5) Naude Visser, 10 St James Street, Vredehoek, Cape Town. 019638/2018—(2) Bowman, Tina, 21 January 1980, 8001210301081, 7 Gamsberg Street, Vaalpark, Vanderbijlpark, 1947; (3) 4 July 2016; (4) Michael Bowman, 6 March 1974, 7403065038084; (5) Snyman De Jager Attorneys, C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 019606/2018—(2) Strydom, Ernest James, 20 June 1955, 5506205152086, 8 Rooibos Street, Van Dykpark, Boksburg, 1459; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Snyman De Jager Attorneys, C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 2499/2011—(2) WEST, DERRICK JOHN PATRICK, 28 March 1936, 3603285073084, UNIT 5 WILLOW BROOK VILLAGE, WILLOW BROOK, SANDTON; (3) 17 December 2010; (5) SHARON OHAGAN, PO BOX 1001 FOURWAYS 2055. 21982/2008—(2) WEST, ANN PATRICIA, 30 December 1936, 3612300074084, UNIT 5 WILLOW BROOK VILLAGE, WILLOW BROOK, SANDTON; (3) 17 August 2008; (5) SHARON OHAGAN, PO BOX 1001 FOURWAYS 2055. 015266/2018—(2) Human, Aletta Fredrika Johanna, 14 November 1937, 3711140036087, 10 Springbok laan, Duncanville, Vereeniging,1930; (3) 17 Junie 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Elia Christiaan Janse van Rensburg, 36 Chopin straat , Vanderbijlpark,1911. 015080/2017—(2) MIA, FARIK ISMAIL HASSAN, 11 September 1940, 4009115129089, 3 AGAPANTHUS AVENUE, LENASIA; (3) 18 March 2016; (4) SARAH BIBI MIA, 16 May 1947, 4705160112082; (5) COOVADIA ATTORNEYS, 175 PROTEA AVENUE LENASIA EXTENSION 7 P.O BOX 6019 LENASIA NORTH 1830; (6) 30 DAYS. 009554/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, JOHANNA FRANCINA CATHARINA, 11 October 1945, 4510110021080, 15 DE LAAN 886 WONDERBOOM-SUID,PROTORIA ,0001; (3) 5 July 2018; (5) ROMAN VALYRE CHAUSSE, C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046.

This gazette is also available free online at 60 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

6656/2018—(2) BEKKER, PETRUS JACOBUS, 18 Januarie 1943, 4301185042080, HUIS 31 WILLOW VILLAGE AFTREE-OORD, SPITSKOP STRAAT, LYNNWOODRIF; (3) 31 Augustus 2018; (4) FRANCINA CORNELIA BEKKER, 1 Julie 1944, 4407010023086; (5) DANIEL GERHARDUS KOLVER, POSBUS 8034, PRETORIA, 0001. 019641/2018—(2) MOTLOUNG, JOICE MALETSATSI, 27 April 1939, 3904270178080, 6675 KHUMALO CRESCENT ,RATANDA,1438; (3) 24 March 2018; (5) ROMAN VALYRE CHAUSSE, C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046. 019634/2018—(2) MSIZA, ABRAHAM DLANGAMANDLA, 19 March 1953, 5303195185080, 10628 NGCWABE STREET,GUGULETHU ,JOHANNESBURG; (3) 4 June 2018; (5) ROMAN VALYRE CHAUSSE, C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046. 016026/2018—(2) Van Huyssteen, Christiaan Frederick, 8 Julie 1933, 3307085015085, Panorama Estates Swanevelderstraat Ridgeview Ext 7 Krugersdorp; (3) 18 Junie 2018; (5) P J A Neuhoff, Bronkhorststraat 62 Groenkloof Pretoria. 027929/2017—(2) SMITH, JEREMIAH, 12 September 1952, 5209125161085, UNIT 32 SCHEME 102/2003 NEW BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 015495/2018—(2) ZULU, DAVID VUSI, 28 February 1978, 7802286089083, 21511 PROTEA GLEN EXT 29 SOWETO; (3) 9 May 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 9551/2018—(2) Theck, Walter Francis James, 27 September 1937, 3709275032087, 08, Morkel Street, Pretoria, 0157; (3) 19 May 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 19682/2018—(2) Wessels, Abraham Christoffel, 14 March 1937, 3703145042087, 50, Egret Street, Pretoria; (3) 3 July 2018; (4) Susanna Maria Wessels, 22 February 1939, 3902220034080; (5) Prishania Naidoo, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 6451/2018/DBN—(2) NAIDOO, SHANLEY, 14 April 1974, 7404145001084, 31 FERNACRES, 114 BELLAIRS DRIVE, NORTH RIDING, 2188; (3) 15 September 2016; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 8034/2018—(2) LEANDER, BASIL CEDRIC, 11 Januarie 1951, 5101115113087, RENATALAAN 48, EERSTERUS, PRETORIA; (3) 17 Maart 2018; (4) JOYCE MAGDALENE LEANDER, 2 April 1953, 5304020195088; (5) Jasper van der Westhuizen & Bodenstein Prokureurs, Posbus 781, PRETORIA, 0001. 006703/2018—(2) DIPHOKO, STEPHEN PHETO, 7 January 1972, 7201076010088, ERF NO 2533 KHUTSONG EXT 2 MAMELODI EAST, 0122; (3) 6 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) T SIKHALA ATTORNEYS, SUITE 302,3RD FlOOR, PREMIUM TOWERS BUILDING CNR LILIAN NGOYI AND PRETORIUS STREET; (6) NONE. 030090/2013—(2) CHAKA, RAMABAKA JOSEPH, 24 December 1938, 3812245286088, 926 DIAMOND STREET RANDFORNTEIN; (3) 2 June 2010; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 002989/2018—(2) OLIVIER, ANDRIES HERMANUS, 21 September 1936, 3609215032082, HAARHOFFSTRAAT 5, GROBLERSDAL; (3) 2 Maart 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) JACOBUS TERBLANCHE, POSBUS 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; (6) N.V.T.. 015495/2018—(2) ZULU, DAVID VUSI, 28 February 1978, 7802286089083, 21511 PROTEA GLEN EXT 29 SOWETO; (3) 9 May 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 011571/2018—(2) ROWJEE, JAGDISH MAGAN, 24 May 1962, 6205245227086, 21 TOPAAS STREET, EXTENSION 5, LENASIA; (3) 6 May 2017; (4) SHARMILA ROWJEE, 12 December 1967, 6712120202084; (5) SHARMILA ROWJEE, 21 TOPAAS STREET, EXTENSION 5, LENASIA. 024863/2014—(2) MAZIBUKO, NKOSIKHONA ISAAC, 5 January 1970, 7001056240089, 8531 MUTLA BESIYO STR LANGAVILLE EXT 6; (3) 30 June 2013; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 019028/2018—(2) KUNENE, MALOZI MINA, 1 April 1924, 2404010160085, 35 UMKUZE ROAD, MEADOWLANDS; (3) 24 November 2016; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR, ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 017730/2018—(2) SEKABALE, WELHEMINA SEIPATI, 3 February 1969, 6902030368089, 31 NKOMAZI STR LANGAVILLE EXT 4 1550; (3) 1 March 2018; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 018596/2018—(2) RADU, NOMPUMELELO EDNA, 25 September 1936, 3609250192080, 13126 NOVEMBER STREET ORLANDO WEST 1804; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 027929/2017—(2) SMITH, JEREMIAH, 12 September 1952, 5209125161085, UNIT 32 SCHEME 102/2003 NEW BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) SANELE SONKOSI, 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 008634/2018—(2) MOCHEKU, TEBELLO ISAAC, 26 June 1975, 7506265449081, 39 MKHIZE STR GOLDEN GARDENS SEBOKENG; (3) 7 March 2018; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 61

008754/2018—(2) SIBEKO, ZWELIKUDE SAMUEL SIBEKO, 11 December 1946, 4612115516088, 105 SCARBOROUGH STREET, FERRYVALE, NIGEL; (3) 28 April 2017; (4) MATU ANNA SIBEKO, 10 February 1952, 5202100316089; (5) LEON ETSEBETH, 40 THIRD AVENUE, NIGEL 1490, GAUTENG; (6) N/A. 019095/2018—(2) RICCHIUTI, PAOLO, 17 September 1932, 3209175025083, 33 MENDIP ROAD, HILL EXT, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 9 July 2018; (4) ELVIRA GIUSEPPINA RICCHIUTI, 3 January 1939, 3901030007088; (5) GRACE MARY HUGHES, 10 ANNA AVENUE, GLENANDA, 2091; (6) 30. 019541/2018—(2) WOEST, HENDRIK JACOBUS, 15 January 1931, 3101155024089, 16 ARNISTON, THE WILLOW ESTATE, KELLAND, RANDBURG; (3) 17 June 2018; (4) HONORINA MARTHA JOHHANA WOEST, 17 April 1936, 3604170055087; (5) GERARD HENDRIK HATTINGH, 105 VILJOEN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH, 1739; (6) 21 days. 24381/2016—(2) BAKER, STEPHANIE JANE, 23 January 1979, 7901230216089, 6 LOGAN AVENUE, BRYANSTON; (3) 25 March 2016; (4) LIONEL PHILIP BAKER, 29 October 1975, 7510295224084; (5) VERA VIVIAN VOGELPATH, P O BOX 6685, WESTGATE 1734. 026304/2016—(2) Payne, George Alfred Patrick, 11 May 1963, 4910095139081, 97 Skateboard Road, Weltevreden Park; (3) 22 October 2016; (4) Patricia Payne, 26 July 1961, 6107260131088; (5) Charlotte Marshall, 12 Linda road Constantia Kloof. 016920/2017—(2) Moig, ROBIN JOHN, 11 May 1963, 6305165178085, 35 1st Agaat Street, Ennerdale; (3) 19 September 2005; (4) Charmaine Moig, 2 February 1962, 6202020209082; (5) Charlotte Marshall, 12 linda road Constantia Kloof. 017617/2018—(2) MULLER, ADOLPH PETER, 4605165091085, FLAT Y, RUS ‘N BIETJIE, SPRINGS; (3) 12 May 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 019389/2018—(2) PILLAY, DESHARA SHAA`IRA, 25 August 1976, 7608250035089, 12 MULDER BOSCH COMPLEX , 36 CELIASTAD ROAD , BRENTWOOD; (3) 4 August 2018; (4) DENVER KARSHAGEN DENVER KARSHAGEN, 29 July 1977, 7707295036084; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 19215/2018—(2) MOFOKENG, MAFELEFELE ANGELINE, 3 October 1936, 3610030229085, 1429 CAMEL CRESCENT, DIEPKLOOF PHASE II, SOWETO; (3) 12 December 2016; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) MMATSEBETSO VERONICA ZULU, C/O ATTORNEY KEITH H LANG, 109 ECKSTEIN STREET, CNR KLOOF STREET, OBSERVATORY, JOHANNESBURG, 2198. 9807/2018—(2) PITTAWAY, MARY KATHLEEN, 28 October 1928, 2810240056085, 47 Wyvenhoe Gardens, Sunny Road, Lakefield, Benoni; (3) 22 March 2018; (5) ALAN LINDON PITTAWAY, 9 Woodmere Crescent, Virgo Street, Farrarmere, Benoni. 018999/2018—(2) KRAEMER, ANNA CATHARINA, 26 August 1951, 5108260081084, 11 CRADOCK STREET, FREEWAY PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) 23 June 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 019100/2018—(2) ERASMUS, DOUGLAS CHARLES, 20 August 1941, 4108205092082, PORTION 4, PLOT 176, KLIPRIVER; (3) 30 April 2018; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, P.O. Box 3434 BENONI 1500; (6) 30. 017737/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, RENIER JOHANNES, 5 June 1946, 4606055044085, 31 LORNA STREET, DECLERCQVILLE, KLERKSDORP, NOORDWES; (3) 26 May 2018; (4) MARIA ELIZABETH VAN DER MERWE, 3 April 1961, 6104030084085; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 013398/2018—(2) LETSELEHA, FUMANE JEMINA, 1 June 1951, 5106010570083, 30 MATWABENG SENEKAL 9600; (3) 6 November 2017; (5) Calteaux & Partners, 165 Van Riebeeck ave c/o Cook Eastleigh Ridge. 16859/2011—(2) Kabini, Mabuti Amos, 12 March 1965, 6503125639085, 20 Chamfuti Street, Pullens Hope, Mpumalanga; (3) 25 August 2011; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 019291/2018—(2) Nigrini, Michael, 15 July 1975, 7507155066084, 18 Illove Street, Wierdapark, Pretoria; (3) 31 July 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 013572/2018—(2) HOLTZHAUSEN, JAN HARTMAN, 4 October 1939, 3910045020085, WATERVAL BOVEN; (3) 30 May 2018; (5) ANDRE HOLTZHAUSEN, -; (6) 30. 012546/2018—(2) Pietersen, Christopher William, 19 March 1960, 6003195043086, 52B Hartzenbergfontein, Walkerville,1761; (3) 29 March 2018; (4) NA NA, NA; (5) Ann Shirley Reece, 52B Hartzenbergfontein, Walkerville,1761. 018034/2018—(2) Maile, Bassie Joki, 10 January 1959, 5901105924082, 22 Jock Oosterlaak Street, Homer, Vereeniging, 1939; (3) 13 June 2018; (4) Mampontsheng Elizabeth Maile, 1 January 1959, 5901010867087; (5) Caryn Myers, 3 Joesph Road, Silvamonte, Johannesburg. 3816/2010—(2) MUNNIK, JAN CHRISTOFFEL, 1 Januarie 1955, 5501015011085, BAMBOESKLOOF STRAAT NO 29, GLENHARVIE, WESTONARIA, GAUTENG PROVINSIE; (3) 28 Januarie 2018; (5) MARIA JACOBA MAGDALEN MUNNIK, ELKE DE KLERK VAN WESSEL OOSTHUIZEN PROKUREURS, SAXBY WEG NO 1018, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION. 19031/2018—(2) VAN AS, CHARLES JOHNSON, 2 August 1944, 4408025078081, UNIT 15, THE OLIVE, PENCHARTZ ROAD, HONEYDEW; (3) 5 August 2018; (4) DOREEN VAN AS, 13 December 1945, 4512130054083; (5) ROSSOUWS LESIE INC., 8 SHERBORNE ROAD, PARKTOWN.. 1100/2018—(2) KOYANA, NOPASEKA GLADYS, 13 April 1938, 3804130221080, 2201 SIMUNYE EXT 1, WESTONARIA, 1779; (3) 25 July 2009; (5) TRYNKO JOOSTEN MALAN, 245 VOORTREKKER ROAD, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, 1739. 12221/2016—(2) Nelson, Charlotte, 11 September 1950, 5009110003080, 505 Cabana Glen, 377 Manitoba Drive, Faerie Glen; (3) 2 Augustus 2016; (5) Patricia Jessie Kotze (Agent), Posbus 100868, Moreleta Plaza, 0167. 017399/2018—(2) MAGUBANE, ALBERT MANDLENKOSI, 21 September 1958, 5809215666081, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) THOLAKELE CHRISTINA MAGUBANE, 12 September 1965, 6509120524081; (5) SADERS ATTORNEYS, NO 1 FORST AVENUE, CNR LIME STREET, SUNNYSIDE, JOHANNESBURG.

This gazette is also available free online at 62 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

005260/2018—(2) NIEUWENHUIS, EWERT PIETER, 27 August 1957, 5708275011081, 636 GLIA STREET, DOORNPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) WHELLAN DU PREEZ, PO BOX 12840, CLUBVIEW, 0157; (6) 30. 019558/2018—(2) CHAMBERLAIN, EUGENIA ARTUR PHILLIP, 1 November 1969, 6911011024181, 136 VISTA DRIVE, GLENVISTA, JOHANNESBURG, 2091; (3) 7 May 2018; (4) JOHN ROBERT CHAMBERLAIN, 24 February 1948, 4802245217182; (5) SELINAH NALEDZANI, 279 COLUMBINE AVENUE, MONDEOR, JOHANNESBURG, 2091. 010551/2018—(2) COETZEE, MAGDALENA MAGRIETHA ELIZABETH, 2 July 1929, 2907020058081, WILROPARK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, UNIT 204, PHASE 4, HEXRIVIERROAD WILROPARK, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG; (3) 25 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MARINUS JOHANNES HESSELINK, 1ST FLOOR CRESTA CNR, CNR BEYERS NAUDE AND JUDGES, RANDBURG. 3891/08—(2) SMIT, DAVID MULLER, 21 August 1925, 2508215037086, UNIT 56, WATERVAL VILLAGE, FLORIDA GLEN, ROODEPOORT, 1709; (3) 12 June 2007; (5) BOUWER MALHERBE ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 21644, HELDERKRUIN, 1733. 7669 / 2018—(2) TLADI, MANTSHO SAMUEL, 7 May 1950, 5005075145080, 6310 LETHEETSANE STREET (STAND 8675) MABOPANE -M, EXTENSION 2; (3) 30 April 2018; (4) BOITSHWARELO MONICA TLADI, 29 December 1954, 5412290077082; (5) THWANE ATTORNEYS, LIQUIDATORS & ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, SUITE P03, FIRST FLOOR, L.S. MOLOPE BUILDING, 696 MOTHUDI STREET, ZONE 16, GA-RANKUWA. 007652/2018—(2) VAN WYK, WILLEM, 6 Oktober 1931, 3110065019089, SENIOR 2000 AFTREE OORD 13, THERONSTRAAT 101, CLARINA, 0182; (3) 28 Maart 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; (6) 30. 006430/2018—(2) MOOSAJEE, SALIM, 13 March 1959, 5903135128080, NO. 5 THORA STREET, 6TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR; (3) 4 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) OMAR MAHOMED ATTORNEYS, NO. 68 DITTON AVENUE, AUCKLAND PARK. 018148/2018—(2) MOSOMA, NKUTU ONISMUS, 4 May 1939, 3905045212088, 16018, JAMES DOUGLAS, DAVEYTON; (3) 18 July 2018; (4) MACHILE SARA MOSOMA, 13 November 1945, 4511130274089; (5) MAPHEFO HELLEN MOSOMA, 16018, JAMES DOUGLAS, DAVEYTON. 003948/2016—(2) KAMASE, MTUAKAZIWA ABRAM, 14 August 1950, 5008145252084, 1440 KAGISO TOWNSHIP; (3) 28 October 2015; (5) NGOMNE ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, 62 MARSHALL STR KHOTSO HOUSE 10TH FLOOR ROOM SUIT 01; (6) 30. 019110/2018—(2) TATLEY, VICTOR ROBERT, 24 April 1941, 4104245029083, 2305 DON PEDRO DRIVE, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, 32304, USA; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) LARA MAEV TATLEY, SUITE 204 BLOCK 4, OXFORD MANOR, 196 OXFORD ROAD, ILLOVO, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30.


004423/2018—(2) Hattingh, Jan Erns, 16 February 1953, 5302165091088, 406 Sunrise Drive, Sunrise on Sea, East London; (3) 9 May 2018; (4) Lidia Dorothea Hattingh, 9 May 1958, 5805090110088; (5) Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth; (6) 30 days. 002308/2018—(2) PYE, HARRY CLYDE, 3 August 1938, 3808035067084, MAYIPASE LOCATION, PO BOX 349, KING WILLIAMS TOWN, 5600; (3) 21 September 2017; (4) SARAH JOHANNA PYE, 18 October 1938, 3810180082082; (5) MARIA MAGDALENA JORDAAN, 4 PEARCE STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON 5201; (6) 30 DAYS. 520/2000—(2) SMITH, ADAM, 3 February 1924, 2402035050083, ERF 103 KRUISFONTEIN, HUMANSDORP, EASTERN CAPE, 6300; (3) 8 November 1999; (5) PAULA MARIA FELIX, CHURCH STREET 39, HUMANSDORP, 6300. 001563/2018—(2) Currie, Ruth Dolores, 13 May 1937, 3705130053086, 118 Kruger Gardens, Admiralty Way, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth 6001; (3) 5 June 2013; (5) Mark Angus Currie, c/o P O Box 733, Cape Gate. 7562. 001656/2018—(2) Coetzer, Charles Edward, 15 September 1947, 4709155049085, 712 Donkin Terrace, Bathurst 6166; (3) 1 November 2017; (5) Brandon Schalk Coetzer, c/o P O Box 733, Cape Gate. 7562. 002408/2018—(2) De Wet, Anthonie Christoffel, 2 September 1948, 4809025014085, Noord-Haasfontein Farm, Queenstown District; (3) 6 July 2018; (4) Gertruida De Wet, 2 September 1948, 4809020014080; (5) Barend Johannes Sahd, 8 Grey Street, Queenstown, 5319. 02353/2018MOHPE—(2) Greyling, Jacomina Christina, 14 September 1946, 4609140143086, Van Kerken Straat 12, De Mist, Uitenhage; (3) 9 Februarie 2016; (5) M S Strydom, G P van Rhyn Minnaar & Kie Ingelyf, Rhymin Gebou, Republiek Plein, Posbus 192, Uitenhage, 6230. 1007/2017—(2) Ngambu, Nontando, 17 July 1955, 5507170094089, 7 Circle Road, Amalinda South, East London, Eastern Cape; (3) 5 February 2017; (4) Radu Ngambu, 9 October 1946, 4610095156081; (5) Radu Ngambu (4610095156081), P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 0000005394/2012—(2) VAZI, THAMSANQA, 19 September 1943, 4309195472080, 31 MBATANI ROAD, KWAFORD, PORT ELIZABETH, 6200; (3) 17 August 2012; (4) NOMALUNGELO IRIS VAZI, 18 December 1947, 4712180160083; (5) Wynand du Preez, P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 4079/2018—(2) KITCHIN, DUNCAN MURRAY, 12 April 1940, 4004125023182, 30 BUCKINGHAM ROAD, KLEMSLEY PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 4 August 2018; (4) N/A; (5) ROBERT JOHN MONTGOMERY, PO Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

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002526/2018—(2) Simon, Ashlyn, 23 April 1992, 9204230131087, 18 Dodd Street, Amalinda, East London; (3) 13 May 2018; (5) Ashwell Shane Simon, c/o Drake Flemmer & Orsmond (E.L.) Inc, 22 St James Road, Southernwood, East London, 5201. 5759/2017—(2) Mitchell, Sylvia Joyce, 24 September 1933, 3309240008088, Stella Londt Home, Sundridge Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 19 June 2017; (5) Graeme Shinglewood Bell, P O Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214. 3917/2018—(2) Alexander, Wayne Brian, 22 February 1967, 6702225231088, 56 Harebell Street, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth; (3) 1 June 2018; (4) Sharon Amelia Alexander, 18 July 1966, 6607180097087; (5) Joelene Brown, 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 001808/2018—(2) TURNER, GRAHAM LAWRENCE, 25 August 1938, 3808255094180, 33A MOTH COTTAGE, NELSON AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, EAST LONDON 5247; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 2555/2018—(2) Wright, Esme Caroline, 24 August 1925, 2508240036087, 32 Third Street, Gonubie, Buffalo City; (3) 23 July 2018; (5) P R Heideman, PO Box 13169, Vincent, 5217. 3864/2018—(2) ZIBI, ZWENI AUSTEN, 13 October 1949, 4910135181085, MHLUMBA AA, SPHEZINI LOCATION, FLAGSTAFF, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 17 May 2018; (5) SILMA HAMDULAY as Nominee of Standard Trust Ltd, Standard Trust Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 553/2013—(2) GXOTHISWA, MBEKO DOUGLAS, 11 June 1941, 4106115481088, KALANKOMO A/A, QUMBU; (3) 8 January 2013; (4) WINNIFRED NOKWAKHA GXOTHISWA, 26 August 1951, 5108260008087; (5) Z.N DUMALISILE ATTORNEYS, NO.7 CRAISTER STREET, MTHATHA; (6) 30 days. 000010/2018—(2) WILLIAMS, NELISA COLLEEN, 30 October 1976, 7610300579082, 28 MAKINANA ROAD, TYUTYU NORTH, BISHO; (3) 3 December 2017; (5) THANDOLIHLE WILLIAMS, P O BOX 8289, NAHOON 5210. 4301/2018—(2) Hundermark, Esther, 24 June 1928, 2806240043081, Home Sweet Home, 4 How Avenue, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 26 June 2018; (5) Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 4294/2018—(2) du Toit, Theunis Jacobus, 31 May 1940, 4005315018080, 5 Chantilly Estate, Devon Road, Sherwood, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 0005852018—(2) Arderne, Stuart, 10 November 1970, 7011105001085, 6 Wellington Street, Highgate, East London; (3) 24 August 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Stirk Yazbek Attorneys, 18 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London. 3548/2018—(2) Hahn, Shiela Elizabeth, 6 August 1940, 4008060092086, 53 Van der Kemp Street, Parkside, Port Elizabeth; (3) 7 June 2018; (5) BNI Attorneys, 22 Pickering Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 3015/2018—(2) OLIVIER, NICO, 4 Junie 1946, 4606045026085, TEXASWEG 10, WILLOW GLEN, PORT ELIZABETH 6025; (3) 2 Junie 2018; (5) W H COETZEE, DR A D KEETWEG 64, JEFFREYSBAAI 6330. 2350/2018—(2) Coetzee, Sarah Magdalene, 22 August 1922, 2208220059080, 54 Van der Kemp Street, Parkside, Port Elizabeth; (3) 6 October 2000; (5) BNI Attorneys, 22 Pickering Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 4260/2018—(2) MASKELL, JEAN, 31 December 1931, 3112310030085, SETTLERS PARK, RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PORT ALFRED, 6710; (3) 13 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) PW HARVEY ANC CO (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 5675, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH, 6065. 3724/2018—(2) JAMES, ANN EGLENTINE, 2 January 1938, 3801020362081, 101 CALEDON STREET, KUNENE PARK, PORT ELIZBETH, 6001; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) PW HARVEY ANC CO (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 5675, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH, 6065. 004310/2018—(2) Walker, Alice Johanna, 22 Mei 1957, 5705220043086, Dr AD Keetstraat 122, Wavecrest, Jeffreysbaai, 6330; (3) 9 Julie 2018; (5) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 26262018—(2) VYE, OLWEN MARIAN, 8 January 1924, 2401080020082, NO 2, BEDFORD RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BEDFORD; (3) 19 July 2018; (5) FJ POTGIETER ATTORNEYS, 14 MARAIS STREET, PO BOX 20, ADELAIDE, 5760. 1435/2004—(2) Cupp, Jawahir, 16 April 1939, 3904160068029, 11 Arnold Street, Korsten, Port Elizabeth; (3) 14 April 2004; (4) Gasant Cupp, 24 January 1935, 3501245063023; (5) Pagdens Incorporated, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 3412/2018—(2) Brink, Marion Eunice, 9 May 1944, 4405090057180, 24 Fynbos Street, Stormsriver Village, Eastern Cape, 6308; (3) 22 March 2018; (5) Franci Joubert, Franci Joubert Attorney, Th3, Thesen Harbour Town, PO Box 2896, Knysna, 6570. 004092/2018—(2) Van Heerden, Austin Appollis, 13 December 1932, 3212135048088, 12 Koen Crescent, Cleary Estate, Port Elizabeth; (3) 26 June 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd (formerly known as FNB Trust Services (Pty) Limited), P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 002978/2018—(2) Barnard, Mary Margaret, 18 January 1926, 2601180037080, Nazareth House, Upper Dickens Street Port Elizabeth,6001; (3) 15 July 2017; (5) FNB Fiduciary Pty Ltd Joey Lourens, P O Box 27511 Greenacres 6057; (6) 30 Days. 3786/2018—(2) LETEBE, MPONENG CLEMENTINA, 1 May 1972, 7205011155080, TSOLOBENI ADMINISTRATIVE AREA , MO=T FLETCHER; (3) 11 March 2018; (5) NTHLOMOLENG ELIZABETH LETEBE, TSOLOBENI ADMINITRATIVE AREA, MT FLETCHER. 1908/2018—(2) VAN WYK, JAN CAREL, 25 June 1937, 3706255115080, 102 LONGMARKET STREET, COLCHESTER; (3) 2 January 2018; (4) CLAUDIA MARINA VAN WYK, 23 September 1944, 4409230088089; (5) LYNETT@LAW ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 204, UITENHAGE, 6230. 004474/2018—(2) Niselo, Zanoxolo Walter, 12 July 1954, 5407125725087, Lahlangubo Location, Kwaphahla Administrative Area, Engcobo; (3) 18 August 2018; (4) Mkambofeti Nowayinethi Niselo, 26 May 1962, 6205260821086; (5) Mkambofeti Nowayinethi Niselo, No. 18 Craister Street, Mthatha. 002665/2016—(2) RANDALL, RONALD, 6 March 1936, 3603065052084, 21 NELSON AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, EAST LONDON; (3) 1 May 2016; (5) LAILA TAMARA CONLON, 47 VINCENT ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON.

This gazette is also available free online at 64 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

003708/2016—(2) FELITHI, MASASA, 9 July 1951, 5107095347082, GOLF COURSE, NGCOBO, 5050; (3) 9 June 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MBULELO QOTOYI ATTORNEYS, NO. 32 EAGLE STREET, MTHATHA, 5099. 4166/2018—(2) Nel, Naomi, 30 March 1951, 5103300050082, 21 Perth Street, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 2 August 2018; (5) Felicity Jane Watkins, Mazars Administration Trust, P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth. 6000. 2632/2018—(2) Raymer, Reina Laubscher, 13 December 1919, 1912130010080, Huis Welderdiend, Jansenville; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) Felicity Jane Watkins, Mazars Administration Trust, P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth. 6000. 5949/2012—(2) MABULAWO, NOMSA NOTHOBILE, 18 April 1965, 7209191054089, NGXOLORHA A/A LIBODE; (3) 30 April 2012; (5) VUYOLWETHU MABULAWO, NGXOLORHA A/A LIBODE. 001428/2018—(2) Claasen, Ronnie Graham, 27 March 1949, 4903275022086, 32 Saunders Road, Morningside, East London; (3) 27 February 2018; (4) Georgina Margaret Claasen, 27 March 1951, 5103270020081; (5) Silma Hamdulay, Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 5385/2015—(2) BUQA, SINCLAIR NDANDANI, 18 April 1965, 6504185861080, BONTSITHOLE A/A BUTTERWORTH; (3) 15 June 2015; (5) NTOMBEKHAYA GAMEDE, NO 55 MADEIRA STREET , MTHATHA. 004317/2018—(2) West, Johanna Elizabeth, 10 Augustus 1931, 3108100039088, 24 Vista Ribeira, Pierstraat, Suid- Einde, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 27 Julie 2018; (4) Henry Nesbit West, 15 Mei 1928, 2805155009087; (5) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 004332/2018—(2) Smith, Randy George Wade, 16 November 1966, 6611165197086, 52 Holman Drive, Park Ridge, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 12 July 2018; (4) Edith Jean Smith, 17 July 1967, 6707170158087; (5) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 004306/2018—(2) Simpson, Herbert Richard, 14 Oktober 1955, 5510145025089, Hoofstraat 106, Sentraal, Despatch, 6220; (3) 1 Julie 2018; (4) Linda Simpson, 30 Desember 1958, 5812300121087; (5) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 000799/2017—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, GUILIA, 2 November 1964, 6411020151083, 1 TULBAGH STREET, ALIWAK NORTH, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 2 January 2017; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street, Waterkloof Glen Ext2, Pretoria, 0182. 004342/2018—(2) Sterley, Daphne Frances, 11 February 1925, 2502110030080, 104 5th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 21 July 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO Box 27528, Greenacres; (6) 30. 003706/2018—(2) Dalton, Robert John, 2 January 1944, 4401025101086, 9 Nico Avenue, Uitenhage; (3) 18 June 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 1235/2018—(2) MEINTJIES, SAMUEL, 4 January 1927, 2701045044089, 115 GREENPOINT ROAD, BUFFALO FLATS EAST LONDON; (3) 4 February 2018; (4) MEINTJIES MINNIE, 16 December 1935, 3512160043080; (5) MINNIE MEINTJIES, 115 GREENPOINT ROAD, BUFFALO FLATS, EAST LONDON; (6) 30 DAYS. 004316/2018—(2) Welgemoed, Leon Smith, 3 September 1941, 4109305032083, Sonop Plaas, Kruis Rivier, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) 16 Julie 2018; (4) Susanna Maria Welgemoed, 8 Februarie 1945, 4502080018089; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Absa House, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6070. 004314/2018—(2) Snyman, George Frederik, 31 May 1985, 8505315039081, 237 Royalston Wildlife Estate, Kragga Kamma Road, Port Elizabeth; (3) 15 August 2018; (4) Stacey Lynn Eke Snyman, 20 July 1984, 8407200091089; (5) Christine van Heerden, 16 Carel Street, Bendor, Polokwane. 002235/2018—(2) BEST, MARGARET ADELAIDE, 22 August 1922, 2208220038084, 507 KENNAWAY COURT, INVERLEITH TERRACE, QUIGNEY; (3) 27 June 2018; (5) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS, 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON. 002622/2018—(2) Schoeman, Johannes Cornelius Bothma, 24 Augustus 1945, 4508245007081, Long Valley, Barkly- Oos; (3) 12 Julie 2018; (5) Greyvenstein & Spence, Colestraat 15, Posbus 13, Barkly-Oos 9786. 003136/2018—(2) SMITH, RONALD JOHN, 23 April 1960, 6004235184088, 5 CORELLI CRESCENT, WALMER HEIGHTS, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 25 May 2018; (4) SHERYL ANNE SMITH, 12 December 1962, 6212120087007; (5) SJ STRYDOM, P O BOX 34772, NEWTON PARK, 6055. 003822/2018—(2) STAPELBERG, CHRISTINA JOHANNA, 18 September 1970, 7009180331088, 7 MACDONALD STREET, KIRKWOOD, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 23 August 2017; (5) ETHA SMIT ATTORNEYS, 24 VAN RIEBEECK ROAD, KEMPTON PARK, POSTAL: PO BOX 7356, BONAERO PARK, 1622. 4481/2018—(2) VANA, XOLANI, 18 February 1983, 8302185712082, 3 MQAKOBA STREET, KWADWESI, PORT ELIZABETH, 6201; (3) 24 August 2018; (4) NKHOOA ELIZABETH VANA, 4 November 1982, 8211041257184; (5) NKHOOA ELIZABETH VANA, 3 MQAKOBA STREET, KWADWESI, PORT ELIZABETH, 6201; (6) 30 DAYS. 4203/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, ANNA, 6 Februarie 1927, 2702060073086, HUISGENOT AFTREE OORD, DYKEWEG, ALGOA PARK PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 5 Julie 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 4250/2018—(2) BILLET, JOAN ISABEL, 19 December 1936, 3612190050087, 52 GAMBIT CRESCENT, PALM RIDGE, BETHELSDORP,6059; (3) 29 March 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 706/2018—(2) HOOGH, ANNE ELIZABETH, 9 January 1964, 6401090066089, 18 Motor Lane, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth; (3) 5 December 2017; (5) Kitchings Incorporated, 48 Cannon Street, P O Box 136, Uitenhage, 6229. 005798/2016—(2) CLAASSEN, JACOBUS MARTINUS, 8 January 1948, 4801085067087, ERF 153 COWS CORNER, COLLEEN GLEN, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 19 September 2016; (5) BLC ATTORNEYS, 4 CAPE ROAD, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH. 004304/2018—(2) Bowles, Peter John James, 17 November 1956, 5611175150084, 62 Marine Drvie, Schoenmakerskop, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 27 July 2018; (5) Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057.

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002582/2018—(2) Kennard, John Howard, 18 August 1932, 3208185090186, 43 Grace Crescent, Beacon Bay, East London, 5241; (3) 15 June 2018; (5) Agent: PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, represented by Dr EC Nel, PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065. 002732/2018—(2) Tatanqu, Sindiswa, 1 November 1964, 6411010624081, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 24 Junie 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 3376/2018—(2) WRIGHT, JOAN FRANCIS, 22 July 1941, 4107220074081, ST JOHNS GARDENS, 2A CASSIA DRIVE, SUNRIDGE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 20 August 2018; (5) KEVIN KEITH HELM, CA Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Waterfront Bussiness Park, Pommern Street, Humerail, Port Elizabeth, 6045; (6) N/A. 003018/2018—(2) VAN VUUREN, JOHAN HENDRIK, 21 Januarie 1946, 4601215077083, MELCHOIR 14, KAREEDOUW, 6400; (3) 28 April 2018; (5) ROELLOF COERTSE, REITZSTRAAT 44, KROONSTAD, VRYSTAAT,9499. 004020/2018—(2) Harding, Norman Sydney, 6 March 1954, 5403065182082, 14 Cartmoor Street, Sherwood, Port Elizabeth; (3) 6 March 1954; (4) Eunice Cathrine Harding, 9 August 1955, 5508090044089; (5) GOLDBERG & DE VILLIERS INC, 13 BIRD STREET, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 004156/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Dempsey, 9 December 1991, 9112095017087, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 24 June 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 004303/2018—(2) Hayward, Charmaine, 1 December 1959, 5912010044080, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 6 August 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 002593/2018—(2) Grundler, Rosemarie, 8 December 1942, 4212080072082, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 6 May 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 004335/2018—(2) Mdaniswano, Mzukisi Roy, 27 May 1948, 4805275328084, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 6 August 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 001367/2018—(2) Baleni, Mildred Sendra Xoliswa, 3 December 1946, 4612030578080, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 21 December 2017; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 004057/2018—(2) Makuleni, Monica Nomonde, 14 July 1958, 5807140866081, 32 Mhlanga Street, Kwamagxaki, Port Elizabeth, 6201; (3) 2 July 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Absa House, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6070. 004320/2018—(2) Mackintosh, Gertruida Anna Magdelena, 15 April 1935, 3504150019089, 6 Kintyre Street, Kabega, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Absa House, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6070. 002622/2018—(2) Schoeman, Johannes Cornelius Bothma, 24 Augustus 1945, 4508245007081, Brownleestraat 27, Barkly-Oos, 9786; (3) 12 Julie 2018; (5) Greyvenstein & Spence, Colestraat 15, Posbus 13, Barkly-Oos 9786. 2911/2018—(2) QUMA, THUNYELWA MAVIS, 23 March 1957, 5703230525085, 536 EXTENSION 2, WHITTLESEA, 5360; (3) 20 June 2018; (5) BRENDA CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 3, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6140. 000229/2018—(2) Mafani, Matshawandile Mathews, 13 May 1955, 5505135755083, 41 Takane Street, Bisho, 5605; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) Nocebo Mafani, 30 December 1964, 6412300337087; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 002573/2018—(2) Pienaar, Lynette, 24 Oktober 1948, 4810240080083, Evatt Gardens 3, Barrow Avenue, Francis Evatt Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 3979/2018—(2) COTAMA, GOBINAMBA PATRICK, 9 March 1944, 4403095425080, TSILITWA LOCATION, QUMBU; (3) 16 July 2018; (4) NONTUTHUZELO VICTORIA COTHAMA, 23 January 1943, 4301230343087; (5) NAKANI ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 82 TSOLO. NO 30. AUBERT STREET, QUMBU; (6) N/A. 004334/2018—(2) Kilian, Gabriel Johannes, 23 April 1949, 4904235059085, Visagiestraat 25, Ben Kamma, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 22 Julie 2018; (4) Kathleen Lucella Kilian, 15 April 1951, 5104150053085; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 005008/2017—(2) QUANSON, JOYCE, 19 January 1934, 3401190100088, 28 Link Road, Morningside, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 17 February 2017; (5) Hugo Trust Services, Postnet Suite 90, Private Bag X0002, Sunridge Park, 6008. 004473/2018—(2) KNOETZE, PETER ROBERT, 8 September 1951, 5109085097081, 14 WENTZEL STREET, ROWALLAN PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6025; (3) 16 August 2018; (4) CHARMAINE KNOETZE, 17 March 1954, 5403170061080; (5) CHANTEL KAPP, 3 ROWAN STREET, ROWALLAN PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6025. 002575/2018—(2) Scheepers, Andre Johan, 3 Mei 1955, 5505035107088, Penrithstraat 29, Kunene Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) 31 Maart 2018; (4) Cecillia Jennifer Scheepers, 2 September 1957, 5709020074085; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 001172/2018—(2) MARAIS, GUSTAV ZIEHL, 17 Desember 1935, 3512175002089, 7 DEVON PLACE, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247; (3) 30 Desember 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Citadel Fiduciary (PTY) LTD, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9301. 002611/2018—(2) LOUW, HENDRINA MAGRIETA, 22 June 1933, 3306220013088, 18 KEAM ROAD, BAYSVILLE, 5241; (3) 12 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JOHANNES SCHOEMAN, THE HUB, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY 5241. 001380/2014—(2) FREDERICKS, MARTHA ELIZABETH, 23 December 1947, 4712230172088, 9 CROCUS AVENUE, COTSWOLD, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 21 March 2014; (5) VALENE PEFFER, 4 CAPE ROAD, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH. 004910/2017—(2) Vakele, Nowethu Patricia, 31 December 1960, 6012310888085, Ngqwala Location, Matyeba Administrative Area, Tsolo; (3) 7 August 2017; (5) Ncebakazi Cleo-Patra Vakele, Ngqwala Location, Matyeba Administrative Area, Tsolo District. 001950/2018—(2) Mtsha, Lungisa, 19 April 1949, 4904190706084, 3395 Zone 9, Zwelitsha; (3) 5 December 2017; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 66 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

001954/2018—(2) CAME, DOREEN GRACE, 18 April 1925, 2504180042086, 34 KENNERSLEY PARK, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY,EAST LONDON; (3) 7 June 2018; (5) BKR ESTATES (PTY) LTD, CLEVEDON HOUSE, 2 CLEVEDON ROAD, SELBORNE, EAST LONDON. 003285/2017—(2) MATROSE, NORINKI BEAUTY MATROSE, 7 June 1956, 5606071017080, 36 NHOSE STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6201; (3) 2 July 2017; (5) ZANDILE DIAMOND, 4 CAPE ROAD, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH. 1502/2018—(2) Mrwebi, Nkosinathi Eric, 14 September 1958, 5809145889084, 10 Recreation Road,Alice 5700; (3) 30 May 2018; (4) Nuzuko Beatrice Mrwebi, 18 October 1964, 6410180044088; (5) Thina Peteni Attorneys, 16 Arthur Street,King William’s Town 5600.


7333/2007—(2) MASHUNE, MOTSWADI JACOB, 11 August 1932, 3208115123081, 6170 Ramatsoele Street, Phahameng, Bloemfontein; (3) 1 July 2007; (5) Izak Jacob Steenkamp, 63 Krause Street, Oranjesig, Bloemfontein. 5141/2018—(2) Grobler, Roux, 3 Januarie 1989, 8901035047084, Waverleyweg 50, Waverley, Bloemfontein; (3) 7 Junie 2018; (5) Anton Herbert Taute, Maree & Vennote, Posbus 3293, Bloemfontein, 9300. 006459/2018—(2) TSHABALALA, MORAKANE LIESBET, 15 July 1973, 7307150578088, 8092 HOSPITAL VIEW, BETHLEHEM; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) T L le Roux, P/a Human Le Roux Meyerowitz Attorneys, 24 Naude Street, P O Box 563, Bethlehem, 9700. 4482/2018—(2) FOURIE, MAGDALENA ANDREA FOURIE, 9 Augustus 1953, 5308090184088, SWANNEVILLAS 32 PELLISSIER BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 16 Desember 2017; (5) MARTHINUS JOHANNES FOURIE, VILLA MARTI 20 BOENEEFSTRAAT LANGENHOVEN PARK BLOEMFONTEIN. 004926/2018—(2) Vermeulen, Ockert Cornelius, 4 Februarie 1960, 6002045071081, Olifantskopstraat 36, Vaalpark, 1947; (3) 29 Mei 2018; (4) Engela Gertruida Vermeulen, 14 November 1962, 6211140142081; (5) Joachim Frederick de Beer, NJ van der Merwe Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947. 006124/2018—(2) WOLFAARDT, MARIA JOHANNA HENDRINA, 23 November 1926, 2611230006084, MATTHEESTRAAT 46, ZASTRON, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 31 Mei 2018; (5) STEYN PROKUREURS, CHATEAU JANNEMAN, STAATSWEG 373, WELKOM, 9459. 7345/2018—(2) Fourie, Gertruida Elizabeth, 3 Februarie 1950, 5002030028089, Shandstraat 4, Hillsboro, Bloemfontein; (3) 23 Augustus 2018; (5) Yolanda Theron, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, 6 th Third Street, Bloemfontein. 010306/2017—(2) RAMAKATSA, MICHEAL KELETSAMAILE, 18 November 1952, 5211185444088, 4367 MMATSA STREET, THABONG, WEKOM; (3) 3 September 2017; (4) MPHO MARRIAM SELLO, 12 January 1966, 6601120910087; (5) LESANE SESELE, 31 SERINUS STREET, FLAMINGO PARK, WELKOM. 7133/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, WILLEM HERMANUS, 8 December 1945, 4512085019081, 7 SMIT STREET, PAUL ROUX, 9800; (3) 26 July 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 10295/2015—(2) Teme, Seapei Sophia, 28 July 1955, 5507280719088, House Number 2685 Unit One, Selosesha Township, Thaba Nchu; (3) 28 March 1994; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Obakeng Sharon Teme (ID No: 830107 0699 081), c/o Gous Vertue & Ass. Inc, 4 General Hertzog Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein; (6) N/A. 6841/2018—(2) MOLEFI, BULANI JOHN, 16 July 1936, 3607165137083, 9022; PHUTHADITJHABA; FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) 11 December 2015; (4) PULENG ROSINA MOLEFI, 19 October 1938, 3810190203082; (5) PULENG ROSINA MOLEFI, COETZEE-ENGELBRECHT INC, 51A STUART STREET, P O BOX 729, HARRISMITH, 9880; (6) 30 DAYS. 7263/2018—(2) DU TOIT, ROELOF PETRUS, 27 April 1935, 3504275006086, LOFTAL WONINGS, VAN HEERDEN STREET, WILGEHOF, BLOEMFONTEIN - 9301; (3) 8 August 2018; (5) JOHN DOUGLAS ANDERSON, CLAUDE REID, 165 ST ANDREW STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (6) 30. 5825/2018—(2) WEINBERG, JOHANNA, 28 Oktober 1954, 5410280019080, OLYMPUS RYLAAN 60, HELICONHOOGTE, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 11 Junie 2018; (5) SUSANNA JOHANNA OOSTHUIZEN, OLYMPUS RYLAAN 60, HELICONHOOGTE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 0045112018—(2) MAHLOKO, SEKGOLE ISAAK, 24 December 2016, 6904105613084, 10 KRUISEBESSIE STREET, LOURIER PARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 14 January 2018; (4) KAHUPA QUEEN IRENE MAHLOKO MAHLOKO, 24 December 1963, 6312245366086; (5) MAPITJA JOSEPH MACHAKA, 09 BONTEBOK, FAUNA, BLOEMFONTEIN. 7144/2018—(2) BAKER, RACHEL, 17 Junie 1927, 2706170031082, 51 EDELKROON WOONSTELLE, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) 29 April 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 7119/2018—(2) FOUCHE, MARTHA MARIANA, 26 Mei 1928, 2805260020086, GASCONYSINGEL 123, PENTAGONPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 25 Februarie 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 7347/2018—(2) BUTELEZI, MICHAEL, 13 June 1963, 6306135238082, 39 PAPENFUSSTREET, MOREWAG, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) 16 July 2018; (4) PRISCILLA MADILLO BUTELEZI, 11 February 1986, 8602111079088; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN.

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007231/2018—(2) ENGELBRECHT, WILLEM WOUTER, 3 Februarie 1939, 3902035036080, DENNEHOF 5 , LABUSCHAGNE STRAAT , FLEURDAL , BLOEMFONTEIN , 9301; (3) 4 Augustus 2018; (4) GERTRUIDA PETRONELLA JOHANNA ENGELBRECHT, 14 Mei 1946, 4605140044084; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 2012/2018—(2) DU PREEZ, LEILANI, 8 April 1972, 7204080024087, BULTFONTEIN AFTREEOORD, STOFBERGSTRAAT, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; (3) 8 Februarie 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 7025/2018—(2) TANDLER, CATHERINA ELIZABETH, 12 March 1930, 3003120030089, 51 CHURCH STREET, DOORN, WELKOM; (3) 31 July 2018; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 6795/2018—(2) VAN WYK, JACOBA MAGDALENA, 6 March 1950, 5003060121083, 55 Erleigh Boulevard, Welkom; (3) 4 August 2018; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 6490/2018—(2) SWART, JOHANNES ALWYN, 12 September 1943, 4309125100082, 68 Erleigh Boulevard, Odendaalsrus; (3) 17 July 2018; (4) Auguste Swart, 24 May 1944, 4405240028081; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 3031/2018—(2) Murray, Michael Armstrong, 15 September 1946, 4609155068087, 5 Kareestreet, Sasolburg, 1947; (3) 24 January 2018; (5) Jonk Attorneys, P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963. 9282/2012—(2) SEHAU, BOIKETSISO DANIEL, 28 April 1963, 6304285357083, 307 BOTSHABELO - H, BOTSHABELO; (3) 11 Augustus 2012; (4) LIESBETH SEHAU, 6 Desember 1966, 6612060669088; (5) JOHAN GERARDUS VAN ES, KELLNERSTRAAT 61, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 6998/2018—(2) TSEHLO, NOLIQWA LYDIA, 26 June 1964, 6406260239085, 1973 SECTION H2, BOTSHABELO; (3) 7 August 2018; (4) USIAS TSEHLO TSEHLO, 10 April 1957, 5704105815080; (5) HENDRIK JOHANNES BOOYSEN, 87 KELLNER STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN. 10963/2015—(2) KHIBA, MPHOBEDU JEREMIA, 7 August 1959, 5908075877083, HOUSE 45 TSHIAME-A, HARRISMITH 9880; (3) 16 August 2015; (4) MAKHOBOTSO NAGTALIAN KHIBA, 15 May 1962, 6205150749082; (5) DAVID BOTHA BEKKER, PO BOX 69 HARRISMITH 9880. 011181/2016—(2) BAASE, LIKELEDI FREDA, 12 Mei 1953, 5305120335086, 1520 EUREKA PARK, MELODING, VIRGINIA, 9430; (3) 26 Junie 2016; (4) MOKHOSI ARIEL BAASE, 2 September 1950, 5009025240082; (5) MOKHOSI ARIEL BAASE, 1520 EUREKA PARK, MELODING, VIRGINIA, 9430. 011181/2016—(2) BAASE, LIKELEDI FREDA, 12 Mei 1953, 5305120335086, 1520 EUREKA PARK, MELODING, VIRGINIA, 9430; (3) 26 Junie 2016; (4) MOKHOSI ARIEL BAASE, 2 September 1950, 5009025240082; (5) MOKHOSI ARIEL BAASE, 1520 EUREKA PARK, MELODING, VIRGINIA, 9430. 6241/2018—(2) BOTHA, ABRAHAM, 27 Desember 1928, 2812275025084, HOOGESTRAAT 21, DEWETSDORP; (3) 15 Julie 2018; (4) ESTHER ANNA BOTHA, 3 Junie 1930, 3006030016087; (5) HENDRIK VENTER, Kantoor 69, Suite 1, Eerste Vloer, North Cape Mall, 31 Jacobus Smitstraat 31, Kimberley, 8301. 4230/2018—(2) Mofammere, Ramosa, 1 October 1955, 053250172423, NTSIRELE,KHUBETSOANA,BEREA,LESOT HO; (3) 28 February 2018; (4) MAMOSIA AGUSTINA MOFAMMERE, 12 March 1963, RA873974; (5) Monyamani and Ngcangiso inc, office 3 Rea Hola Complex Botshabelo. 5163/2016—(2) Lani, Gadihele Dorah, 8 November 1969, 6911080613088, 3539 Nyokong Street,Bochabela location, Bloemfontein; (3) 6 February 2014; (5) Mavuya Attorneys Incorporated, 201 Cuthbert’s Building, 78 Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, Free State Province. 4980/18—(2) Moolman, Adolph Johannes Cronje, 20 Junie 1943, 4306205023085, Milnerstraat 35, Harrismith; (3) 22 Mei 2018; (5) Enslins Bethlehem Ingelyf, Posbus 357, Bethlehem 9700. 5270/2017—(2) Maree, Louie Christopher, 16 September 1943, 4309165029084, Die plaas Waterval, distrik Bloemfontein; (3) 25 Mei 2017; (5) Andreas Stefanus Carlo du Preez, p/a McIntyre van der Post, Barnesstraat 12, Westdene, Bloemfontein; (6) 30 dae. 6786/2018—(2) Small, Johannes Petrus, 15 Oktober 1961, 6110155008080, Lenastraat 27, Naudeville, Welkom, 9459; (3) 29 Julie 2018; (5) Johannes Petrus Daniël Botha, Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Heerenstraat 26 - 28, Welkom, 9459, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460. 006088/2018—(2) MATHEE, MACHIEL HENDRIK, 30 Maart 1945, 4503305011081, 20 CLARK STRAAT , REITZ, 9810; (3) 28 Junie 2018; (4) REGINA MARIA CORNELIA MATHEE, 17 Augustus 1949, 4908170015085; (5) MARTHINUS BLIGNAUT, SAREL CILLIERSSTRAAT 29, REITZ, 9810, POSBUS 6 REITZ 9810. 010894/2017—(2) OUWERKERK, NATALIE HELEN, 24 Januarie 1931, 3101240029085, 211 LONG ROAD BEDELIA WELKOM; (3) 6 Oktober 2017; (5) HENDRIK STEPHANUS LODEWICUS DU PLESSIS, 103 MURRAY STREET KROONSTAD 9499. 4848/2018—(2) VILJOEN, HELENA ALETTA ELIZABETH, 23 November 1954, 5411230032082, FANIE NAUDE SINGEL 34 KROONSTAD; (3) 26 Mei 2018; (4) MICHAEL PRETORIUS VILJOEN, 19 Oktober 1954, 5410195074089; (5) MICHAEL PRETORIUS VILJOEN, GRIMBEEK VAN ROOYEN & VENNOTE ING., POSBUS 1282 KROONSTAD 9500; (6) N.V.T.. 6448/2018—(2) LEKAOTA, PULE WILLIAM, 2 November 1965, 6511025546086, 143 Koppie Alleen Road, Doorn, Welkom; (3) 28 June 2018; (4) Mmamakhele Ellen Lekaota, 14 February 1968, 6802140529085; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 006871/2018—(2) Harris, Ferdinand Theodore, 19 Julie 1959, 5907195033080, Gemsbokstraat 46, La Provence, Bethlehem, 9701; (3) 1 Augustus 2018; (5) Willem Stephanus Botha, 1ste Vloer, Nedbank Gebou, Pres. Boshoffstraat 17, Bethlehem, 9701.

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6451/2018—(2) VORSTER, DAWID JOHANNES HENDRIK, 27 April 1947, 4704275048083, MANIERESTRAAT NR 12, HOSPITAALPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 8 June 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, C/O NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 7157/2018—(2) MOFOLO, MANTOA CHRISALDAH VIRGINIA, 31 December 1969, 6912310425087, 631 MOKGOBO STREET, MADIKGETLA, TROMPSBURG; (3) 14 June 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 4854/2018—(2) STONE, LAURENCE TREVOR, 9 April 1974, 7404095272081, 9 BIANCA STREET, HEIDEDAL, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, C/O NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 6758/2018—(2) Muller, Anna Maria Magdalena, 4 November 1935, 3511040050083, 1 Almal Place, Riebeeckstad, Welkom; (3) 22 June 2018; (5) Wynand Petrus du Plessis CA (SA), Posbus 68, Welkom, 9460; (6) 30. 007151/2018—(2) COETZEE, JACOBUS JOHANNES, 2 April 1953, 5304025005084, HAVEN OF ST FRANCES HAMLET , WELKOM ,9459; (3) 10 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1’ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL HEAD OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BFN,9301. 7510/2018—(2) AUCAMP, PIETER JOSUA, 7 Augustus 1925, 2508075029082, HUIS EDELKROON MEENTHUIS NO 41, MôREWAG, KROONSTAD; (3) 24 Augustus 2018; (5) GERHARDUS LOURENS HARTMAN, PRESIDENTSTRAAT 25, KROONSTAD, 9499. 7574/2018—(2) BOSMAN, JAN PETRUS MEYER, 4 November 1928, 2811045020086, ARBORETUM VERSORGINGS EENHEID, DISTRIK KROONSTAD; (3) 4 Augustus 2018; (5) GERHARDUS LOURENS HARTMAN, PRESIDENTSTRAAT 25, KROONSTAD, 9499. 007295/2018—(2) BENADE, PETER SMUTS, 28 December 1933, 3312285044083, 75 Westerbloem, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) 10 August 2018; (5) Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 2941/2018—(2) GROBLER, GERT CHRISTOFFEL, 31 Julie 1952, 5207315034088, VERWOERDSTRAAT 7 HARTSWATER; (3) 20 Januarie 2018; (5) WERNER VERMAAK, NO 7 WALDORF GEBOU/BUILDING, ELIZABETH STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 006995/2018—(2) Meier, Klaus Horst, 13 September 1937, 3709135001181, Asgard Farm Witkoppies, Ladybrand, 9745; (3) 17 Junie 2018; (4) Hazel Mildred Dawn Meier, 24 Januarie 1951, 5101240111089; (5) Anja Struwig, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 6950/2018—(2) EMANUEL, ELIZABETH, 10 Januarie 1947, 4701100465086, CORKWOODSTRAAT 7 LOURIERPARK BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) 16 Januarie 2014; (5) WERNER VERMAAK, NO 7 WALDORF GEBOU/BUILDING, ELIZABETH STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 4796/2018—(2) SIEMENS, LOUIS ARRIE, 26 October 1963, 6310265061082, 12 NEVILLE HOLMES, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 10 May 2018; (5) EUGENE GOUWS, 7 COLLINS ROAD, ARBORETUM, BLOEMFONTEIN. 006969/2018—(2) MASETI, XOLISWA GLADYS, 16 August 1967, 6708160433084, 15826 RODENBECK 1, HEIDEDAL EX 25, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9323; (3) 2 August 2018; (5) MASILO JOHN KOENANE, 119 ST ADREWS STREET, PRESIDENT BUILDING, OFFICE 310B, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 6393/2018—(2) BRUWER, GABRIEL DANIEL, 12 February 1940, 4002125017089, FARM FLORIDA, VAN STADENSRUS, FREE STATE; (3) 26 June 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) JACOB COENRAAD DE CLERK, c/o JC DE CLERK ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 212, CLARENS, 9707. 6717/2017—(2) MOBE, NKHOKHO, 23 April 1956, 5604235778085, 40 NORMAN STREET, RIEBEECKSTAD, WELKOM, 9459; (3) 17 May 2017; (4) MOTSHIDISI CHRISTINA MOBE, 29 August 1958, 5808290834085; (5) MOTSHIDISI CHRISTINA MOBE, 40 NORMAN STREET, RIEBEECKSTAD, WELKOM, 9459. 5248/2018—(2) NAUDE, PETRUS JOHANNES, 8 Mei 1945, 4505085059081, ONS GRYSE JEUG AFTREE OORD, SASOLBURG, 1947; (3) 4 Junie 2018; (5) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc, NJ VAN DER MERWE SINGEL 13, SASOLBURG, 1947; (6) 30 DAE. 10591/2017—(2) MADOLO, MAMOHAU MARGARET, 8 Junie 1970, 7006080399082, 5106 TUMAHOLE, PARYS, 9585; (3) 18 Januarie 2015; (4) MKHWAMBI KLEINBOOI MADOLO, 24 September 1968, 6809245342082; (5) JAN DANIEL DU TOIT, DOLFSTRAAT 63, PARYS, 9585. 10593/2017—(2) MADOLO, MKHWAMBI KLEINBOOI, 24 September 1968, 6809245342082, 5106 TUMAHOLE, PARYS, 9585; (3) 12 Februarie 2017; (5) JAN DANIEL DU TOIT, DOLFSTRAAT 63, PARYS, 9585. 003345/2017—(2) MASHILOANE, MABIDIKWANA NKENKE SIMON, 26 April 1972, 7204265357088, 291 EZENZELENI WARDEN 9890; (3) 10 August 2016; (5) ADRIAAN HENDRIK ODENDAAL, 6 ROWAN STR VREDE 9835. 009568/2017—(2) STRAUSS, JOHANNES JAKOBUS, 1 September 1946, 4609015043080, TORINGLAAN 9 BAINSVLEI BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 3 October 2017; (5) GHA McPherson on behalf of Momentum Trust Limited, IPC 90A, 268 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157. 007239/2018—(2) Saaiman, Daniel Cornelius Gerhardus, 16 Januarie 1963, 6301165068087, Paynestraat 9, Riebeeckstad, 9459; (3) 30 Mei 2018; (4) Susan Melinda Saaiman, 1 Februarie 1963, 6302010108086; (5) Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 7267/2018—(2) SMIT, JACOB CLOETE (JE27962), 18 February 1930, 3002185011080, 7 BOLERO, HEGAR CRESCENT, HOSPITAALPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, ABSA PROVINCIAL BUILDING, C/O NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY STREETS, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN.

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010884/2018/DBN—(2) PARMASUR, AJODHA, 28 December 1993, 3312285035081, 43 BELLEVUE ROAD, ISIPINGO BEACH, ISIPINGO DURBAN 4133; (3) 24 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) D Kuseeal Attorneys, Suite A10, First Floor, Rocket Towers, 290 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092; (6) 30. 002047-2018-DBN—(2) SHONGWE, BAXWAZILE JANETH, 1 January 1920, 2001010340087, 2128 - 33rd AVENUE, CLERMONT, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 10 April 1996; (5) JOHN HENRY BATCHELOR, 1A LOUDON HOUSE, LOUDON PARK, 8 ST. MARY’S ROAD, KLOOF, KWAZULU-NATAL. 002050-2018-DBN—(2) SHONGWE, FLORENCE, 24 November 1944, 4411240262084, 2128 - 33rd AVENUE, CLERMONT, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 12 September 2016; (5) JOHN HENRY BATCHELOR, 1A LOUDON HOUSE, LOUDON PARK, 8 ST. MARY’S ROAD, KLOOF, KWAZULU-NATAL. 005017/2018/PMB—(2) DU PLESSIS, SUSARA CHRISTINA HELENA JOHANNA, 24 March 1957, 5703240040083, 79 GELOFTE STREET, LADYSMITH; (3) 23 May 2018; (5) JUSTIN HEUNIS & CO, 5 POORT ROAD, LADYSMITH. 006197/2018—(2) STANDER, CATHARINA ELIZABETH, 18 June 1948, 4806180038081, 42 AMIEL STREET, AMIEL PARK, NEWCASTLE, 2940; (3) 13 August 2018; (4) CHRISTIAN STANDER, 22 January 1948, 4801225046082; (5) DBM ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 117 NEWCASTLE 2940; (6) 30. 2760/2009/DBN—(2) KARA, AHMED TAYOB, 18 September 1921, 800017782A, 56 MOONIEN ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, 4051; (3) 7 November 2003; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) ANIRUTH BEHARIE, 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 6014/2018—(2) STRUCKMEYER, FRANK WILLIAM, 30 April 1929, 2904305041080, 9 THORNYCROFT PLACE PRESTBURY PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 25 June 2018; (4) CHATRINA MAGDALENA STRUCKMEYER, 12 January 1936, 3601120052081; (5) Tatham Wilkes Attorneys, 200 HOOSEN HAFFEJEE STREET PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 30. 5554/2018/DBN—(2) ATHEEMULAM, FAITH, 8 January 1938, 3801080156084, 56 MOONIEN ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, 4051; (3) 3 April 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) BRYAN SYLVESTER ATHEEMULAM, 42 SKYLARK ROAD, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 5796/2018—(2) BARNELL, ANN ELIZABETH, 26 September 1938, 3809290028080, The Lodge, Woodgrove Retirement Village, 28A Howick Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 26 July 2018; (5) CLIVE ANTHONY WILLS, 307/309 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 5453/2018—(2) SMITH, SHIRLEY MIRIAM, 19 October 1933, 3310190009084, VIEW HILL FARM, CREIGHTON, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 2 July 2018; (5) RUTH LYDIA PIETERSE, 307/309 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 12766/2016/DBN—(2) GOVINDSAMY, PERUMAL, 21 September 1946, 4609215115084, 58 UMARKOT CRESCENT, MEREBANK, 4052; (3) 9 September 2016; (4) SARISPATHIE GOVINDSAMY, 8 November 1950, 5011080713086; (5) SARISPATHIE GOVINDSAMY, 58 UMARKOT CRESCENT, MEREBANK, 4052. 010333/2018/DBN—(2) Mncwabe, Nontokozo Ntombenhle, 7 July 1961, 6107070544082, Section 4, Millbert Court, Pinetown, Durban; (3) 17 February 2004; (4) n/a n/a; (5) JD Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban. 010904/2018/DBN—(2) Dawduth, Leelawathi, 16 September 1949, 4909160759088, 7 Calshot Crescent, Clayfield, Phoenix, Durban; (3) 1 June 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) JD Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban. 012890\2017DBN—(2) LE GRANGE, REECE CHRISTIAN, 6 April 1980, 8004065167086, 42 HAVELOCK ROAD, GREENWOOD PARK, DURBAN, 4051; (3) 12 August 2017; (5) KAREN CECILIA LE GRANGE, SUITE 8, 6TH FLOOR, THE SPINNAKER, CNR KING SHAKA AVE / ALBERT TERRACE, POINT, DURBAN. 12890/2017DBN—(2) LE GRANGE, REECE CHRISTIAN, 6 April 1980, 8004065167086, 42 HAVELOCK ROAD, GREENWOOD PARK, DURBAN, 4051; (3) 12 August 2017; (5) KAREN CECELIA LE GRANGE, SUITE 8, 6TH FLOOR, THE SPINNAKER, CNR KING SHAKA AVE / ALBERT TERRACE, POINT, DURBAN. 007590/2018—(2) POLLY, MAHALUTCHMI, 20 August 1952, 5208200158081, 3 ATHENA GARDENS, 32 BARVALE DRIVE, BAKERVILLE, NEWLANDS WEST; (3) 7 March 2018; (4) NAD POLLY, 9 May 1944, 4405095066087; (5) NAD POLLY, 3 ATHENA GARDENS, 32 BARVALE DRIVE, BAKERVILLE, NEWLANDS WEST. 12433-2018DBN—(2) ZUNGU, JABULILE ZETHU, 1 March 1953, 5303010293085, OBUKA RESERVE, EMPANGENI, 3880, KZN; (3) 10 March 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BUTHELEZI ZUNGU INC., P O BOX 2213, RICHARDS BAY , 3900. 6155/2018—(2) Leigh, Nichola Alice, 29 April 1966, 6604290047086, 271 Pine Avenue, Ferndale, Johannesburg 3201; (3) 26 May 2017; (5) J Leslie Smith & Company, c/o J Leslie Smith & Co, 332 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201; (6) 30. 006379/2018PMB—(2) NKOMENTABA, ZOLISWA, 24 August 1979, 7908240388089, 1 UMKHABA DRIVE, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) 25 July 2018; (4) NONE NONE; (5) CHANCE PHETHENI NKOMENTABA, ACUTT & WORTHINGTON INC, 71 WILSON STREET, DUNDEE, 3000 - P.O. BOX 42 DUNDEE, 3000,; (6) 30 DAYS. 6066/2018—(2) Ndwandwe, Thamsanqa Wilson, 9 June 1972, 7206095360082, Saxon Crescent, LA LUCIA; (3) 5 April 2018; (4) Philile Mirandah Ndwandwe, 7 August 1983, 8308070620082; (5) Siyethemba Mpumelelo Samkelo Ndwandwe, Saxon Crescent, LA LUCIA. 011780/2018/DBN—(2) OAKES, DIANE LOUISE, 21 July 1958, 5807210058080, 349 JOHN DORY DRIVE, NEWLANDS EAST, DURBAN; (3) 22 July 2017; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS.

This gazette is also available free online at 70 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

011785/2018/DBN—(2) MKHIZE, LEONARD, 23 November 1947, 4711235234083, STAND K57O UMLAZI; (3) 31 May 2018; (4) CASLINA NOMKHEMANE MKHIZE, 22 September 1947, 4709220621082; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 011790/2018/DBN—(2) NAICKER, MOSES, 20 September 1964, 6409205141085, 296 EQUALITY AVENUE, CROFDENE, CATSWORTH; (3) 23 December 2017; (4) GRACE NAICKER, 4 July 1965, 6507040189084; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 004922/2018/PMB—(2) WILLS, DOREEN, 15 January 1928, 2801150097086, 70 JABU NDLOVU STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 4290/2007/PMB—(2) Rambally, Bharath, 27 May 1940, 4005275118086, 60 Palmiet Road, Clare Estate, Durban, 4091; (3) 10 September 2006; (5) Attorney Logan Naidoo and Associates, 96 Cherry Avenue (off Ridge Road), Berea, Durban. 011923/2018—(2) Cook, Basil Frederich Cook, 24 April 1940, 4004245044084, 118 Waterfall Gardens, 39 Yellowwood Road, Waterfall, 3652; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) Craig Clark, PO Box 11281, Dorpspruit, 3206. 011911/2018—(2) Misselhorn, Anne, 17 November 1936, 3611170041082, 17 Grenacres Estate, 2 Edwin Swales Drive, Kloof, 3610; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Craig Clark, PO Box 11281, Dorpspruit, 3206. 5189/2013DBN—(2) MKHIZE, ZAMAMBO EUGINIA, 14 April 1985, 8504140235089, 161 JACOBA ROAD SS NORTON HEIGHTS UNION EXT 52; (3) 23 March 2013; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 6380/2018—(2) SMALL, RITA JOYCE, 10 July 1923, 2307100040085, FLAT 44, BENCORUM, 183 PRINCE STREET, DURBAN; (3) 3 July 2003; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 006120/2018/PMB—(2) STRYDOM, GERTINA STOFFELINA, 4 October 1936, 3610040009089, 22 MELVILLE STREET, DUNDEE; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) CARL AUGUST STRYDOM, 15 December 1933, 3312155021088; (5) COENRAAD FREDERICK TORLAGE, 55A GLADSTONE STREET, DUNDEE. 12390/2018—(2) Engelbrecht, Petronella Elizabeth, 7 April 1941, 4104070033085, 220 4th Street, Port Edward; (3) 14 August 2018; (4) Johannes Hendrik Engelbrecht, 20 July 1931, 3107205046089; (5) South Coast Executors & Administrators CC, P O Box 1513, Manaba Beach, 4276; (6) 30. 011943/2018—(2) ARBUTHNOT, NIGEL DARE, 6 January 1926, 2601065047089, 56 KINGFISHER DRIVE BALLITO GARDENS GOLF ESTATE BALLITO 4420; (3) 12 August 2018; (5) ANN WALTERS, 56 KINGFISHER DRIVE BALLITO GARDENS GOLF ESTATE BALLITO 4420. 19248/2018—(2) WIID, DAVID LOUIS, 23 December 1942, 4212235034086, 9 Kloof Road, Southport, KZN; (3) 4 August 2018; (5) ANTIONETTE SWANEPOEL, MRR 650 Trichardts road, Beyerspark BOKSBURG; (6) 30. 006879/2018—(2) MAYISELA, VUSUMUZI BENJAMIN, 29 January 1957, 5701295526089, UNIT 390A, 390 OLIVER LEA DRIVE, UMBILO; (3) 30 January 2003; (4) GEZEKILE ALTER MAYISELA, 4 January 1950, 5001040737085; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 011000/2018—(2) KARRIM, SHAIK MOOSA, 9 May 1959, 5905095137084, 148 CROSSMOOR DRIVE, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH; (3) 23 May 2018; (4) RAZIA NABAB KARRIM, 13 December 1963, 6312130744082; (5) RAZIA NABAB KARRIM, 148 CROSSMOOR DRIVE, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH. 001487/2017—(2) Cunliff, John Debarton, 15 September 1925, 2509155085085, Banners Rest, Port Edward, KZN; (3) 19 December 2016; (5) Kingsley Bernard Charl du Plessis, Kingsley Du Plessis Inc., PO Box 1034, Margate, 4275. 5359/2017/DBN—(2) XULU, PROFFESOR BEKI, 13 October 1976, 7610135552080, NO 6 ANFIELD CLOSE, NEWLANDS WEST, 4037; (3) 6 January 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) J SITHOLE ATTORNEYS, SUITE 101C, FIRST FLOOR, DOONE HOUSE,379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (6) 30 DAYS. 12283/2018/DBN—(2) REDDY, NARAINSAMY, 24 September 1944, 4409245106082, 12 BURLINGTON ROAD, SHALLCROSS, 4093; (3) 8 August 2018; (4) KANNAMAH REDDY, 5 July 1966, 6607050157086; (5) R MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INC, PO BOX 60353, PHOENIX, 4068. 011876/2018/Dbn—(2) Nagel, Anna Catherina, 21 October 1941, 4110210094085, 1169 Anglers Lane, Leisure Bay, 4240; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) Adele Van Den Bergh, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 011874/2018/Dbn—(2) Nagel, Andries Albertus, 17 October 1935, 3510175104087, 1169 Anglers Lane, Leisure Bay, 4240; (3) 14 December 2011; (4) Anna Catherina Nagel, 21 October 1941, 4110210094085; (5) Adele Van Den Bergh, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 011866/2018/Dbn—(2) Moser, Cecil Alexander, 27 September 1938, 3809275036086, 110 Tafta Park, 28 Greenwich Avenue, Bellair, Durban, 4094; (3) 15 July 2018; (4) Mary Moser, 12 July 1932, 3207120021082; (5) Adele Van Den Bergh, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 004711/2018/PMB—(2) Mkize, Sandile Kenneth, 6 September 1979, 7909065585080, 10 Cherrywood Circle, Mkamba Gardens, Lincoln Meade, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 9 December 2017; (4) Mpho Sylvia Mkize, 1 February 1986, 8602010822083; (5) Shepstone & Wylie Attorneys, Suite27 Calypso Centre, 2 Krugerrand Road, Richards Bay, 3900; (6) 21 Days. 7324/2010/DBN—(2) Dumisa, Nomabheka Ethel, 21 August 1944, 4408210407087, F379, Umlazi; (3) 28 May 2009; (4) Menzela Stanford Dumisa, 5 June 1929, 2906055255083; (5) Menzela Stanford Dumisa, F379, Umlazi. 11332/2009—(2) ZUNGU, KHETHOKUHLE BEKISABELO ZUNGU, 10 August 1954, 5408105391080, HOUSE J 1730, ESIKAWINI; (3) 20 December 2008; (5) WYNNE & WYNNE ATTORNEYS, WYNNE & WYNNE ATTORNEYS PO BOX 1 ESHOWE 3815; (6) N/A.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 71

010201/2018—(2) Ebrahim, Hoosen, 24 May 1963, 6305245195083, 6 Sunflower Road, Crossmoor, Chatsworth,4092; (3) 5 March 2018; (4) Hajra Abdul Ebrahim, 10 March 1968, 6803100001081; (5) Hajra Abdul Ebrahim, 6 Sunflower Road, Crossmoor,Chatsworth,4092. 009081/2018/DBN—(2) REDDY, ANBAN, 2 November 1972, 7211025091089, 4 CHARLSE WINSER ROAD, HILLARY, 4049; (3) 1 June 2018; (4) N/A; (5) Zeiler Jankey Attorneys and Conveyancers, 50 ST ANDREWS DRIVE, DURBAN NORTH. 01232/2018—(2) RAMJETTAN, KIDESH, 22 April 1981, 8104225187089, 51 WINDMILL PLACE, MUSGRAVE; (3) 22 August 2018; (4) UNMARRIED N/A; (5) BALRAJ RAMJETTAN, 144 BURNWOOD ROAD, SYDENHAM, DURBAN. 012466/2018—(2) Wills, Vivian Trewhella, 20 January 1929, 2901205049080, 1 Kerrie Place, Assagay, Durban, 3610; (3) 15 March 2018; (5) TRACY UNSWORTH, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 12284/2018DBN—(2) PERUMAL, DHANAPALAN, 12 February 1961, 6102125180081, 17 SUNGUM CRESCENT, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 9 August 2018; (4) RAGANEE PERUMAL, 10 September 1961, 6109100189086; (5) MESSRS R. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORPORATED, P.O. BOX 60353, PHOENIX, 4068; (6) 30 DAYS. 12163/2018—(2) FOUQUEREAUX, JOAN MARGARET, 12 March 1936, 3603120022080, 264 MUSGRAVE ROAD,CAISTER LODGE, BEREA,DURBAN, 4001; (3) 6 December 2018; (5) LINDA NIENABER, P O BOX 27511, GREENACRES, 6057. 6199/2018—(2) PAUL, JOHN MARSHALL, 10 June 1934, 3406105001081, 254 LEISUREDENE HIBBERDENE; (3) 9 August 2018; (5) P J Fourie, Barry Botha & Breytenbach Incorporated 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone. 012557/2018—(2) WRIGHT, GRAHAM, 28 August 1946, 4608285092082, 51 ELLIS BROWN ROAD, GLENWOOD, KZN; (3) 17 August 2018; (4) MARIE-CLAIRE WEINER, 24 August 1956, 5608240082086; (5) ANDREW MARK DUNSDON, BLOCK B, SUNBURY PARK, DOUGLAS SAUNDERS DRIVE, UMHLANGA, KZN. 5078/2018—(2) MAHARAJ, MANILALL MAHABIR, 5 March 1939, 3903055116083, 1 HAZEL ROAD SOUTH PORT; (3) 16 June 2018; (5) P J Fourie, Barry Botha & Breytenbach Incorporated 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone. 010092/2018DBN—(2) DHOOMA, MAHOMED, 18 January 1941, 4101185098086, 105 GRANADA STREET, SHALLCROSS; (3) 12 July 2018; (4) REHANA DHOOMA, 5 August 1944, 4408050429084; (5) GRINDLAY NAIDOO MARTENS ATTORNEYS, GROUND FLOOR, UNIT 30/32 CHURCHLL STAMFORD HILL, DURBAN; (6) 30. 8634/2018—(2) DOLPHIN, MURIEL ENIS, 8 April 1932, 3204080022085, 19 HARALDENE ROAD, GLENWOOD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 22 June 2018; (5) Anthony Dolphin and Associates, 3 St. Stevens, 278 Clark road, Glenwood, Durban, 4000. 011227/2018—(2) KWEYAMA, ZINTO MARTIN, 7 May 1934, 3405071540085, ZONE 4 DURBAN KZN; (3) 23 February 2018; (5) Yasmin Bibi Basha, P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA ,4320. 006184/2018—(2) BEENAWATHEE, RABICHAND, 1 October 1953, 5310010657086, 04 DORIS CRESCENT; (3) 11 November 2014; (4) ROOPLALL RABICHAND, 19 September 1953, 5309195235080; (5) ROOPLALL RABICHAND, 311 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 006031/2018—(2) ANDERSEN, EILEEN NORA, 20 February 1932, 3202200021086, 450 BULWER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 1 August 2018; (4) N/A; (5) ANDREW JAMES DICKASON, SUITE 8, 3-ON-CRESCENT, CASCADES CRESCENT, PIETERMARITZBURG. 008029/2017—(2) GOVENDER, VENI, 8 September 1950, 5009080199082, 18 BLUE BONNET CRESCENT, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 19 January 2015; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD, PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062. 11228/2018—(2) Harding, Brian Rowland, 26 September 1946, 4609265056089, Unit 543 Umdoni Village, Pennington, South Coast.; (3) 31 August 2017; (4) Winifred Gladys Harding, 12 June 1947, 4706120033087; (5) Mooney Ford Attorneys, P O Box 442, Durban. 010663/2018/DBN—(2) GARDINER, HOWARD ARTHUR BRUCE, 3 January 1944, 4401035325089, 19 FORESTVIEW, TOWNSEND ROAD, BALLITO; (3) 9 June 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD, PRIVATE BAG X14, MUSGRAVE, 4062. 008243/2018—(2) GANIE, SULEMAN ABDOOL AZIZ, 12 January 1959, 5901125088082, 84 WALLER CRESCENT,ROSEGLEN,DURBAN; (3) 30 April 2018; (4) FAREEDA GANIE, 21 September 1962, 6209210198082; (5) FAHEEM GANIE, 84 WALLER CRESCENT,ROSEGLEN,DURBAN. 6448/2017DBN—(2) SHABANE, FAKAZI AURELIUS, 19 August 1947, 4708195521087, Z 2070 NSUMPA ROAD, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, 4066; (3) 1 December 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) AURELIA FAKAZILE MOLEFE, Z 204, IPHUPHO GROVE, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, 4066. 5133/2017DBN—(2) YENI, PATRIC MANDLENKOSI, 30 March 1962, 6203305540084, OSIZWENI STORE, ADAMS MISSION, 4100; (3) 21 April 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MLULEKI BRENDON YENI, OSIZWENI STORE, ADAMS MISSION, 4100. 008454/2018—(2) MBAMBO, BHEKEZABANTU JONHSON, 8 November 1960, 6011085381086, 030316 INGWELE ROAD KWANGCOLOSI HILLCREST 3650; (3) 19 February 2018; (4) THEMBELIHLE REJOICE MBAMBO, 14 February 1969, 6902140535080; (5) DEENA MOODLEY AND ASSOCIATES, SUITE 205 PROTEA HOUSE 330 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET DURBAN 4000; (6) 30 DAYS. 2241/2018/DBN—(2) MPULO, PAUL TERESE, 19 April 1939, 3904190202085, B295 VENI YENI ROAD, UMLAZI 4031; (3) 19 December 2017; (5) BONGANI MDUDUZI KENNETH MPULO, C/O RF SOBEY ATTORNEY, 15 LEIGHTON PLACE, GLENWOOD, DURBAN 4001. 8396/2018/DBN—(2) MPULO, THOBOSHANA JOHANNES, 5 September 1932, 3209055121085, B295 VENI YENI ROAD, UMLAZI 4031; (3) 7 January 2004; (5) BONGANI MDUDUZI KENNETH MPULO, C/O RF SOBEY ATTORNEY, 15 LEIGHTON PLACE, GLENWOOD, DURBAN 4001.

This gazette is also available free online at 72 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

4964/2018—(2) DE VILLIERS, KAREL CHRISTIAAN, 23 October 1956, 5610235104081, DIAS ROAD 5, UVONGO, 4270; (3) 25 January 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HANSMEYER & VAN EEDEN INC., GROUND FLOOR, MARGATE SANDS BUILDING, MARINE DRIVE, MARGATE. 8773/2018/DBN—(2) SWANSON, NORMAN LEONARD, 18 July 1947, 4707185039084, NO. 8 MARANDELLA, 100 METHVEN ROAD, WESTVILLE 3629; (3) 29 May 2018; (5) BELINDA JOY SWANSON, C/O RF SOBEY ATTORNEY, 15 LEIGHTON PLACE, GLENWOOD, DURBAN 4001. 11056/2018 DBN—(2) RUNGANATHAN, DENZIL, 13 September 1986, 8609135058089, 30 ROUNDSIDE ROAD, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 21 June 2018; (4) YASODHA BISNATH, 4 October 1981, 8110040074089; (5) YASODHA BISNATH, 30 ROUNDSIDE ROAD, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, 4068. 8954/2018 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, LINGANATHAN, 29 November 1956, 5611295072085, 24 NETTLEPALM GARDENS, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 27 January 2018; (4) PAMELA NAIDOO, 21 April 1954, 5404210071089; (5) NIVESH HIRALALL ATTORNEYS, SUITE 16, REDBRO CENTRE, 16/22 PARTHENON STREET, PHOENIX, 4068. 2439/2017—(2) RAMSUROOP, LOLITHA SAHADEO, 14 September 1964, 6409140222081, EAGLE WING RETIREMENT AND CARE CENTRE - 14 SPENCER ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 4 January 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RUMANA MAHOMED OF RUMANA MAHOMED ATTORNEYS, SUITE 205 FNB HOUSE, 151 MUSGRAVE ROAD, DURBAN, 4001. 11832/2018—(2) Hurbans, Anilkumar Gopallal, 7 June 1941, 4106075078080, 471 Gopalall Hurbans Road, Gandhis Hill, Tongaat; (3) 14 July 2018; (4) Parbha Devi Hurbans, 4202200069084; (5) Livingston Leandy Inc, PO Box 4107, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (6) 30. 10731/2018—(2) Mason, Lesley Rhona, 26 November 1938, 3811260038085, 5 Palmer Strachan, Doone Villiage, 1 Beare Drive, Pinetown, 3610; (3) 12 July 2018; (5) Livingston Leandy Inc, PO Box 4107, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (6) 30. 7010/2018—(2) Chinnasami, Siva, 17 May 1947, 4705175097088, 18 Chartford Road, Sunford, Phoenix, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) 26 February 2018; (4) Vasantha Chinnasami, 15 November 1956, 5611150211083; (5) Louis M Podbielski, 1008 Sangro House, 417 Smith Street, Durban.. 004019/2018—(2) PREENATHAM, VERNON JAYAPRADHA, 26 March 1965, 6503265099082, 37 BENGROVE PLACE,GROVE END,PHOENIX,4068; (3) 31 December 2017; (4) SHERYL MARIAN PREENATHAM, 23 November 1965, 6511230589087; (5) SHERYL MARIAN PREENATHAM, 37 BENGROVE PLACE,GROVE END, PHOENIX, 4068. 5040/2009—(2) NAICKER, DAYALAN, 9 February 1955, 5502095102083, 9 CHARINGCROSS LANE, PARKGATE,; (3) 29 May 2006; (4) N/A; (5) JERUSHA CHETTY, 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA, 4320; (6) 30 DAYS. 3537/2016 DBN—(2) JOHNSON, LORRAINE PRISCILLA MAUREEN, 13 May 1940, 4005130111086, 604 WAVERLY, 54 MARGARET MNCADI AVE, DURBAN; (3) 24 January 2016; (5) Tomlinson Mnguni James Attorneys, Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga. 004953/2018—(2) Tabohane, Matli Archibald Reginald, 1 April 1941, 4104015658087, ERF 119 Umzimkhulu 3297; (3) 9 June 2018; (4) Nomfanelo Victoria Tabohane, 2 March 1950, 5003020697081; (5) Nomfanelo Victoria tabohane, Erf 119 Umzimkhulu 3297. 15789/2017—(2) Naicker, Indirani, 26 February 1946, 4602260112080, 10 Lucian Grove, Moorton, Chatsworth; (3) 21 February 2013; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Balakisten Naicker, c/o Avish Kalicharan & Associates, P O Box 67641, Highveld, 0169. 6732/2017—(2) Otto, Patricia Enid, 30 December 1929, 2912300058082, 118 Effingham Road, Greenwood Park, Durban; (3) 10 April 2017; (5) Attorneys Morris Brothers, P O Box 20037, Durban North, 4016. 14255/2017/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, GOPAUL, 23 December 1949, 4912235085083, 54 KRISHNA RABILAL ROAD, MEREBANK; (3) 8 September 2017; (4) DHAVAGIE GOVENDER, 25 October 1957, 5710250248084; (5) BILAAL BASHIR & ASSOCIATES, 1605 NEDBANK HOUSE, 30 ALBERT STREET, DURBAN. 008132-2015-PMB—(2) MTHEMBU, THEMBINKOSI MOFFAT, 6 March 1968, 6803065847080, 15 CUTHBERT STREET, DUNDEE, 3000; (3) 9 October 2015; (4) RAHIMA MTHEMBU, 23 September 1963, 6309230267089; (5) RAHIMA MTHEMBU, 15 CUTHBERT STREET, DUNDEE, 3000; (6) 30 DAYS. 8813/2018 DBN—(2) STEWART, JOAN IDA, 23 November 1933, 3311230082081, 43 ANTHONY CRESCENT, EMPANGENI, 3880; (3) 21 April 2018; (5) Tomlinson Mnguni James Attorneys, Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga. 004859/2018—(2) STEPHENSON, JAMES REGINALD, 18 June 1959, 5906185023184, 22 HONEYSUCKLE PLACE, GLENHILLS; (3) 23 February 2018; (4) PAULINE MARIE STEPHENSON, 30 April 1955, 5504300112006; (5) RYAN PAUL HOGARTY, 3 INGLISIDE OFFICE PARK, 29 HOWICK ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG. 12529/2018—(2) GOKOOL, SEWKUMAR, 30 January 1932, 3201305067085, 13 THE RIDGE , BYRNE COURT , LA LUCIA; (3) 20 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, 80 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; (6) N/A. 012135/2018—(2) Lang, Ian Rowland, 17 November 1927, 2711175059088, 100 Acutts Drive, Le Domaine, Hillcrest; (3) 15 July 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre, Ground Floor, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban; (6) 30. 011977/2018/DBN—(2) Roux, Mervin Clifford, 23 November 1952, 5211235205083, 1 Manta Place, Newlands East, Durban; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) Jodie Marie Abrahams, 1 Manta Place, Newlands East, Durban. 13158/2009/PMB—(2) Nzama, Irene, 21 April 1945, 4504210133085, 104 Les Van Wyk, Glenwood, Pietermaritzburg, Kwakiutl-Natal; (3) 17 November 2009; (4) Philani Nzama, 14 February 1987, 8702145960087; (5) Tenza Attorneys, MRT HOUSE, 11 STRANACK STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (6) 30 days.

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006018/2018—(2) Goronovsky, Jessie Natalie, 26 July 1938, 3807260039081, Unit 358 Amberglen, Howick, 3290; (3) 30 July 2018; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants , P O Box 235, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 011855/2018/DBN—(2) DANIEL, RAJAMMAH, 1 July 1952, 5207010121081, 17 ZIRCON CLOSE, BUFFELSBOSCH, SHALLCROSS, 4093; (3) 7 October 2011; (4) ABRAHAM DANIEL, 10 July 1950, 5007105128086; (5) ANIL RABINATH & ASSOCIATES, 299 UNDERWOOD ROAD, SARNIA, 3610. 00684/2017—(2) MDLALOSE, BONGANI BONGINKOSI, 14 August 1970, 7008145468084, H 3022 UMNQUMA STREET, ESIKHAWINI; (3) 18 February 2014; (4) NTOMBI FORTUNATE MTHEMBU, 28 August 1986, 8608280711088; (5) NTOMBIE FORTUNATE MTHEMBU, H 3022 UMNQUMA STREET, ESIKHAWINI; (6) n/a. 8994/2018—(2) Meister, Luella Anne-Marie, 18 June 1941, 4106180009087, 11 Hoog Street, Paulpietersburg, 3201; (3) 14 May 2018; (5) ASL Trustdienste (Pty) Ltd, Piet Aucamp, Trident Park I, 1 Niblick Way, Somerset West, 7130; (6) 30. 012127/2018/DBN—(2) AMM, LYNETTE DAWN, 28 April 1948, 4804280027088, 1 PUEBLO DEL MAR, 17 IMPATHLE DRIVE, PENNINGTON; (3) 11 July 2018; (5) CHANTEL BROMWICH, C/O 32 ARBUTHNOT STREET, SCOTTBURGH. 12000/2018—(2) MOODLEY, RUBEN, 23 January 1957, 5701235126081, HOUSE 1 ROAD 723 MONTFORD CHATSWORTH; (3) 11 July 2018; (4) SIVAGAMIE MOODLEY, 17 September 1965, 6509170102085; (5) K.DURAI AND ASSOCIATES, 331 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW CHATSWOTH.. 12132/18Dbn—(2) Van Wyk, Arlen, 22 August 1933, 3308225023088, 64 Park Cres,Forest Hills, Westville, 3624; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) Anna Hendrina Maria Magdalena Van Wyk, 28 June 1941, 4106280006082; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 9833/2018 DBN—(2) RAMPHUL, UBICKPARSATH, 16 October 1933, 3310165108085, 117 SWALLOWRIDGE ROAD, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 9 June 2018; (5) ISHWARLAL UBICKPARSADH, -; (6) 30. 4663/2018 DBN—(2) PARSADH, DULHARIE, 15 June 1944, 4406150177082, 125 CLARE ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, 4035; (3) 16 April 2017; (5) SANJAY PARSADH, 25 CLARE ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, 4035. 8471/2012DBN—(2) NAGOORAN, KALI, 26 November 1945, 4511265105082, 42 ROSE ROAD, STANGER MANOR, STANGER; (3) 6 November 2011; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NARRINE PERUMAL & COMPANY, 28 LINDLEY STREET, KWA DUKUZA; (6) N/A. 011797/2018—(2) BRUWER, PAUL LODEWYK, 29 February 1948, 4802295132083, 1 SECOND STREET,STANGER; (3) 16 May 2018; (4) EILEEN CLARA BRUWER, 21 December 1948, 4812210141085; (5) NARRINE PERUMAL & COMPANY, 28 LINDLEY STREET, KWA DUKUZA; (6) N/A. 6383/2018/PMB—(2) MAHARAJ, VINESH, 11 August 1964, 6408115157082, 10 TANJORE PLACE, BOMBAY HEIGHTS, PIETERMARITZBURG, KZN; (3) 15 November 2017; (5) SIVA CHETTY AND COMPANY, 378 LONGMARKET STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 010196/2012/PMB—(2) NGOBESE, PHUMOKWAKHE, 20 March 1952, 5203205533081, 821 KUNENE STAND, CUPRAH FARM, NYANYADU; (3) 30 September 2012; (5) Ngomne Estate Administrators, 234 Church Street, Permanent building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30 days. 5874/2018- Pmb—(2) RAMNARIAN, PARIKSHA, 21 March 1983, 8303210276085, 46 ROSEMARY DRIVE , VERULAM, 4340; (3) 6 March 2016; (4) VISHAN RAMNARIAN, 8 October 1982, 8208105155080; (5) Mischal Bhika and Associates, 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) N/A. 005801/2018—(2) Sishange, Ntombifuthi Margaret, 9 February 1947, 4702090472082, 384 Nicholson Road, Chesterville 4091; (3) 14 November 2014; (5) Susan Stanley (Verburg) Baker Tilly Morrison Murray, Baker Tilly Morrison Murray P O Box 1098 Westville 3630. 6101/2018—(2) Greenwood, Beryl, 22 February 1930, 3002220058187, Number 12 Parklands, Rethman Drive, Umtentweni, Province of Kwazulu Natal; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 6092/2018—(2) Edmonds, George Courtenay, 29 November 1951, 5911295073084, Section Number 5 Sijabula, Southport, Province of Kwazulu Natal; (3) 4 August 2018; (5) Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, 27 Wooley Street Port Shepstone 4240. 772/2018/PMB—(2) Hatting, Johannes Michael, 18 June 1941, 4106185056083, 18 Ernest Tooth Road, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 13 November 2017; (5) Herbert Helmut Schulz, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. 6761/1998/PMB—(2) RAMCHANDRA, BALDEO, 19 July 1920, 2007195058089, 712 CHOTA MOTALA ROAD, RAISTHORPE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 12 July 1998; (4) SANTHI RAMCHUNDRA, 4 July 1924, 2407040074085; (5) RAJESH BALDAW RAMCHANDRA, 51 KENNETH ROAD, OAK PARK, PIETERMARITZBURG. 12130/18Dbn—(2) Pohl, Angus Bernhardt, 20 December 1929, 2912205065083, K2B Sheffiedls Manor, Sheffield, South Africa, Ballito,4420; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) Johana Cathrina Pohl, 18 November 1942, 4211180040080; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 15006/2008—(2) SITHOLE, THOKOZANI, 11 May 1975, 7505115350085, 17 DISSOTIS DRIFT, AQUADENE, RICHARDS BAY, KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCE; (3) 15 June 2008; (5) MARISA MOREIRA RICCO, HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA. 012122/2018DBN—(2) Van Wyk, Johannes Stephanus Conradie, 17 November 1944, 4411175109086, Flat 126 Elgro, 37 Worldsview Road, Doonside, 4126; (3) 28 July 2018; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 12126/18Dbn—(2) Den Hoed, Ana-Maria, 9 March 1935, 3503090009184, Somerset Lodge Care Centre, 7 Hambridge Avenue, Umhlanga Rocks,4320; (3) 22 April 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319.

This gazette is also available free online at 74 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

12132/18Dbn—(2) Van Wyk, Arlen, 22 August 1933, 3308225023088, 64 Park Cres,Forest Hills, Westville, 3624; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) Anna Hendrina Maria Magdalena Van Wyk, 28 June 1941, 4106280006082; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, C/O Absa Trust,4TH Floor, Absa Ridgeside Office, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga,4319. 12125/18DBN—(2) Herwood, Ernest, 24 September 1932, 3209245089085, 10 Berkeley gardens , Moyeni road , Gillitts 3610; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001. 6017/2018—(2) Lewis, Marlene, 24 September 1939, 3909240054089, Unit 315 Amberglen, Howick, 3290; (3) 1 August 2018; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants and Auditors, P O Box 235, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 4424/2018—(2) Chanda, Rabichand Tilak, 15 May 1943, 4305155121089, 73 Cooper Street, Greytown, 3250; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) Beena Chanda, 5110230034086; (5) Nel & Stevens, 117A Voortrekker Street, Greytown,3250. 9210/2018/DBN—(2) PATHER, VELLIAMMA, 3 June 1939, 3906030067081, 8 TEMPLE ROAD, NAIDOOVILLE, CRAIGIEBURN; (3) 31 March 2018; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 5997/2018/PMB—(2) MAHLABA, DUNYISIWE ISABEL, 26 December 1926, 2612260152087, 510312 FISHING ROAD, EDENDALE, 3217; (3) 16 November 2011; (5) Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc, 12 Montrose Park, VCCE Office Park, 170 Peter Brown Dr, Pietermaritzburg; (6) 30. 006386/2018/PMB—(2) Green, Lynette Elizabeth, 5 September 1952, 5209050129081, 11 Sunbird Road, Ichanga, Hammarsdale, 3680; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 10705/2018/DBN—(2) RAMKISSOON, THOTHARAM, 8 May 1948, 4805085189080, 62A DINAPUR ROAD, MEREBANK, 4052; (3) 27 April 2018; (4) NEELA RAMKISSOON, 8 September 1952, 5209080228085; (5) MONOGRAN PILLAY, SUITE 101, UMDONI CENTRE, 28 CROMPTON STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 DAYS. 5899/2018—(2) GRANT-SMITH, ANNE ELIZABETH, 29 August 1945, 4508290073087, 2 WRAGG STREET VAN REENEN 3372; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) ANNA SUSANNA HUMAN, HUMANS ATTORNEYS 44 BESTER STREET HARRISMITH 9880. 012148/2018—(2) Freeman, Barbara, 19 May 1934, 3405190057081, 59 Eden Garden, Durban; (3) 26 July 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 9107/2016- Pmb—(2) RAMESAR, MALIGA, 10 July 1974, 7407100064088, 78 INNES AVENUE, NEWHOLMES, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 26 June 2015; (4) ANESH BRAMDAVE RAMESAR, 22 January 1974, 7401225223083; (5) Mischal Bhika and Associates, 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) N/A. 12354/2018/DBN—(2) PATEL, REVANTHA, 20 May 1997, 9705200130081, 916 SARNIA ROAD, 8 FLAMBOYANT SHADES, BELLAR, DURBAN; (3) 12 July 2018; (4) NONE NONE, N/A; (5) DHANALUTCHMI PATEL, 916 SARNIA ROAD, 8 FLAMBOYANT SHADE, BELLAIR, DURBAN. 012517/2018—(2) Rooplall, Harichand, 1 January 1931, 3101015075081, 733 House 60, Chatsworth; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 012193/2018/DBN—(2) Naicker, Muniamma, 6 November 1950, 3701300086089, 54 NIZAM ROAD, MEREBANK,DURBAN,KWA-ZULU NATAL; (3) 16 July 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SUBRAMONEY CHETTY, 54 NIZAM ROAD, MEREBANK, DURBAN. 009579/2018DBN—(2) MOODLEY, MUNSAMI, 25 December 1938, 3812255137080, 74 ROAD 36 , MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH , 4092; (3) 24 May 2014; (4) MAGALUTCHMEE MOODLEY, 15 February 1946, 4602150124088; (5) KUMARIE CHETTY, 412 ROAD 706, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092. DBN18352/2010—(2) Shezi, Robert Bambaliphi, 29 June 1960, 6006295353081, U156 Maqubana Road, Umlazi, 4031; (3) 22 September 2010; (4) Tsheleni Princess Shezi, 24 March 1963, 6303240871089; (5) Tsheleni Princess Shezi, U156 Maqubana Road, Umlazi, 4031. 012146/2018—(2) Pillay, Thachanamoorthie Balakisten, 21 October 1959, 5910215015087, 22 Amethyst Drive, Belverdere North, Tongaat; (3) 3 July 2018; (4) Dhanalutchmee Pillay, 6 May 1965, 6505060088087; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. DBN010497/2018—(2) Komo, Ntombitini Philomena, 27 July 1938, 3807270318087, 16 Lindenlee, 22 Shearer Road, Durban, 4001; (3) 13 January 2014; (5) Catherine Ntombemhlophe Mbambo, C1106 Munga Walk, Inanda, 4309. 9207/2018 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, PYDITHALLI, 8 August 1927, 2708085124085, 107 COLORADO CIRCLE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 29 December 2013; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD, P O BOX 343, PINETOWN, 3600. 005546/2018—(2) KHUMALO, BETTY KHONA EUGENIA, 12 September 1938, 3809120335089, B1011 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP, SIGWEGWE; (3) 5 September 2010; (5) Ngomne Estate Administrators, 234 Church Street, Permanent building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30 days. 2664/2008 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, SOMAMMA, 20 November 1936, 3611200195080, 14 DIBRUGARH ROAD, MEREBANK, 4052; (3) 22 April 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD, P O BOX 343, PINETOWN, 3600. 011301/2018—(2) Teetz, Kurt, 23 April 1932, 3204235084188, 110 Marine Drive, Brighton Beach; (3) 15 June 2018; (4) Monika Teetz, 18 January 1942, 4201180030082; (5) Karen Sandra Neal, Office Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga, 4051. 006296/2018—(2) STORK, SUSAN HERMIEN, 2 August 1945, 4508020012082, 3A CHAKA ROAD, AMANZIMTOTI 4126; (3) 11 June 2017; (5) MARIUS SWART ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 3074, SYMRIDGE, 1420; (6) 30. 004861/2018—(2) Giles, Robin Leonard, 24 October 1942, 4210245051082, 3 Inman Place, Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 8 June 2018; (5) Robert Ashley Griffin, 18 Collins Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

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8471/2012DBN—(2) NAGOORAN, KALI, 26 November 1945, 4511265105082, 42 ROSE ROAD, STANGER MANOR, STANGER; (3) 6 November 2011; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NARRINE PERUMAL & COMPANY, 28 LINDLEY STREET, KWA DUKUZA; (6) N/A. 010712/2018 DBN—(2) HAGEN, SHEILA, 6 October 1936, 3610060088088, 32 FOREMAN ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, 4091; (3) 7 October 2016; (4) HARALD HAGEN, 14 November 1941, 4111145079183; (5) Yvonne Boden: Nominee of Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320, KwaZulu-Natal. 10254-2018-dbn—(2) Wehrle, Neil Herbert, 15 January 1963, 6301155139088, 30 Valley Road, Doonside, Amanzimtoti,4126; (3) 9 July 2018; (5) Suzette Harriette Ratcliffe, C/O Brogan & Olive Attorneys, 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti.


005873/2018—(2) Grobler, Pieter, 11 November 1955, 5511115020084, Plaas Hooggelegen 82, Swartwater; (3) 26 Junie 2017; (5) Efficient Board of Executors, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 7074/2017—(2) ROOS, GIDEON DANIEL, 25 October 1965, 6510255209084, ST FRANCIS BAY; (3) 3 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) P J ROOS, P O BOX 4458, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, 0700. 7074/2017—(2) ROOS, GIDEON DANIEL, 25 October 1965, 6510255209084, ST FRANCIS BAY; (3) 3 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) P J ROOS, P O BOX 4458, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, 0700. 5670/2018—(2) Lunt, Ronald Eugene, 7 February 1934, 3402075006085, Macadamia 93, Tzaneen, 0850; (3) 18 June 2018; (5) Christiaan Gotliep van Coller, Plaas / Farm Jaffray, Tzaneen, Limpopo; (6) 30. 4795/2018—(2) Steyn, Christiaan Christoph Steyn, 20 Februarie 1946, 4602205017089, Dennestraat 6, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 0850; (3) 9 Mei 2018; (4) Johanna Elizabeth Steyn, 19 November 1948, 4811190033080; (5) Christiaan G van Coller, Posbus 801, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 0850. 5323/2018—(2) RYAN, DANIELINA JACOBA, 15 September 1918, 180150033085, UNIT 19, CARITAS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BELA BELA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 17 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JG ELOFF, C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS POLOKWANE, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713. 5323/2018—(2) RYAN, DANIELINA JACOBA, 15 September 1918, 1809150033085, UNIT 19, CARITAS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BELA BELA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 17 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) JG ELOFF, C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS POLOKWANE, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713. 0000006174/2018—(2) Mthombeni, Namvatwa Sophie, 14 April 1956, 5604140455084, No 168 Madola Stands Ward 16 Sehlakwane Groblersdal 1047; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Inc nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1620. 002562/2018—(2) Maswikaneng, Jaas William, 22 April 1940, 4004225269081, 159 Thabeng, Ga-Mapane, Nepo, Limpopo; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 002392/2018—(2) Sedutla, Sewela Sarah, 8 July 1960, 6007080613085, 1656 Goyapele street Molapo; (3) 21 March 2018; (5) Mankwana Suzan Sedutla, 1656 Goyapele street Molapo. 418/2018—(2) SMITH, DIVAN DIEDERICK, 21 November 1982, 8211215086088, THE FARM CONNAUGHT, ALLDAYS; (3) 23 April 2017; (5) KERN & DEKKER INC., LOUISE DEKKER. 1978/2018—(2) RAMAVHALE, MUSANDIWA PETRUS, 19 January 1940, 4001195415082, P.O. BOX 5498, THOHOYANDOU, 0950; (3) 19 August 2018; (4) TSHIMANGADZO WELMINAH RAMAVHALE, 22 September 1949, 4909220670085; (5) ANTON RAMAANO INC, HOUSE NO. 902, P. WEST, CNR UNIVERSITY & MPHEPHU DRIVE OPPOSITE VENDA PLAZA, THOHOYANDOU, 0950; (6) 30. 005218/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, DEBORA, 13 October 1960, 6010130006086, NO.6 KERK STREET,FLAT 1 ,LIMPOPO; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED, Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus, Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria, 0182. 1810/2017—(2) MUKHWATHI, MAVHUNGU ALFRED, 26 May 1954, 5405265182085, LAMBANI VILLAGE; (3) 11 August 2017; (4) MITHAVINI MINAH THOKO, 22 June 1960, 6006220823083; (5) MAVHUNGU MASIBIGIRI INC, P.O BOX 561 PHIPHIDI 0994. 9052/2017—(2) KUBJANA, KGALETSANG FRANS, 12 August 1968, 6808125304089, HOUSE NO: 332 ZONE 8 SESHEGO POLOKWANE; (3) 3 December 2017; (5) MOKOBANE ATTORNEYS, 30A BODENSTEIN STREET RS CHAMBERS OFFICE 2A&2B; (6) 30 DAYS. 004747/2018—(2) BEDFORD, THOMAS JOHANNES, 29 Januarie 1964, 6401295066082, NICTRU PARK 4 DIE MEERSTRAAT 125 BENDOR POLOKWANE; (3) 3 Junie 2018; (5) MARIE-LOUISE BEDFORD, POSBUS 906090, MAGALIESKRUIN, PRETORIA, 0150. 001247/2018—(2) MOGOBOYA, MATLHANE WILLIAM, 6 April 1965, 6504065506086, STAND NO 298 MUHLAVA CROSS VILLAGE LETABA 0870; (3) 6 February 2018; (4) MOSIBUDI FLORENCE MOGOBOYA, 1 November 1968, 6811010351082; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, ABSA TRUST LTD, BARCLAYS PRETORIA CAMPUS, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0001. 003959/2018—(2) DE LANGE, SUSANNA GERTRUDE, 4 Julie 1938, 3807040015088, 19de STRAAT 58 POLOKWANE 0699; (3) 2 Junie 2017; (5) FREDERIK HENDRIK ROOS, 62 DEVENISH STRAAT, POLOKWANE, 0699.

This gazette is also available free online at 76 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

5407/2018—(2) Matlou, Lesiba Piet, 3 November 1955, 5511035260083, Stand NO. C0002 N11 Road Tipeng Village,Rebone Steilop; (3) 25 July 2018; (4) Mokgadi Elisa Matlou, 13 February 1956, 5602130365081; (5) Madongoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 5348/2018—(2) GROBBELAAR, PIETER ANDRIES, 17 March 1950, 5003175032084, UNIT 2110 SS COUNTRY LIFE RETIREMENT VILLAGE 3636 STANLEY ROAD POMONA EXT 83 KEMPTON PARK 1619; (3) 23 January 2018; (4) MAGRIETHA ALIDA GROBBELAAR, 9 April 1956, 5604090003082; (5) JOHANNES ALBERTUS JACOBUS VAN DEN HEEVER, 2 LIMASSOL STREET ISMINI OFFICE PARK CNR OUTSPAN & HILLARY DRIVE BENDOR POLOKWANE. 6257/2018—(2) Legodi, Soldaat Malesela, 8 December 1954, 5412085343087, Stand NO. 413 Ward 41,Naledi Village,Ga-Mashashane; (3) 19 August 2018; (4) Anna Mmapelo Legodi, 4 October 1953, 5310040381087; (5) Madongoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 2555/2018—(2) Mathobela, Malose Cornelius, 29 October 1951, 5110295291084, Stand NO.407 Armoede Mokopane; (3) 26 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Madongoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 1714/2017—(2) MAHLAULE, NDUBAZI ELIAS, 16 April 1954, 5404165727081, HOUSE NO.554 ZONE 3, SESHEGO; (3) 22 September 2016; (5) MPHO MOKHITHI INCORPORATED, P.O BOX 4123 POLOKWANE 0700; (6) 30 DAYS. 1714/2017—(2) MAHLAULE, NDUBAZI ELIAS, 16 April 1954, 5404165727081, HOUSE NO.554 ZONE 3, SESHEGO; (3) 22 September 2016; (5) MPHO MOKHITHI INCORPORATED, P.O BOX 4123 POLOKWANE 0700; (6) 30 DAYS. 3777/2015—(2) KAPA, HENDRICK MOTHOKA, 6 August 1757, 5708065532080, MATSHWI VILLGE P.O BOX 547 MODJADJISKLOOF 0835; (3) 17 May 2015; (5) R MOKGOLA & ASSOCIATES, 15 BOTHA STREET P.O BOX 547 MODJADJISKLOOF 0835. 762/2016—(2) RAMATSEA WILLY, MAIWASHE, 2 February 1966, 6602026978087, STAND NR 209, MADODONGA, LOUIS TRICHARDT; (3) 24 March 2016; (4) MOKGADI ROSINA MAIWASHE, 28 November 1976, 7611280342087; (5) KERN & DEKKER INC., 105 KROGH STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920. 005860/2018—(2) MODIMOLA, RAMOKONE PAULINA, 26 February 1952, 5202260636086, STAND NO 30041 DITAUNG SECTION ABBOTSPOORT; (3) 4 August 2018; (4) SELLO MATHEWS MODIMOLA, 27 December 1950, 5012275657088; (5) MUGIVHI FP ATTORNEYS, 37 A VOORTREKKER STREET POLOKWANE; (6) 30 DAYS. 6448/2018—(2) MOTSINONI, MOHALE BERNARD, 27 July 1971, 7107270407089, HOUSE 915, MESOPOTAMIA SECTION; (3) 13 July 2018; (4) MOHALE BERNARD MOTSINONI; (5) JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, 50 BOUNDARY STREET, P O BOX 35, TZANEEN 0850. 002674/2018—(2) MATHE, MAJASANE JOHANNA, 8 December 1964, 6412080426084, HOUSE NUMBER 206, KUBU STREET MADIBA PARK; (3) 1 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MUGIVHI FP ATTORNEYS, 37A VOORTREKKER STREET POLOLKWANE; (6) 30 DAYS. 7737/2017—(2) MTHOMBENI, SWINEEL MARGARETH, 12 June 1952, 5206120726086, STAND NO.L 2255, NKOWANKOWA-B, TZANEEN; (3) 23 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MUGIVHI FP ATTORNEYS, 37A VOORTREKKER STREET, POLOKWANE, 0699. 006074/2018—(2) MAUNATLALA, MATHIPA JACKSON, 25 September 1961, 6109255684088, 493 UNIT B MANKWENG; (3) 29 July 2018; (4) MAPULA SELINA MAUNATLALA, 16 March 1965, 6503160365083; (5) MACHABA INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS, 95 GENERAL MARITZ STREET BENDOR POLOKWANE 0699. 002146/2018—(2) BRACKLO, JOHANNA HELENA BRACKLO, 15 Augustus 1939, 3908150056084, PLOT 68 PALMIETFONTEIN POLOKWANE; (3) 25 Januarie 2018; (4) LUTZ DIETER OSKAR GUSTAV BRACKLO, 16 Desember 1929, 2912165005087; (5) FREDERIK HENDRIK ROOS, 62 DEVENISH STRAAT, POLOKWANE, 0699.


003067/2018—(2) Mc Queen, Peter John Hugh, 11 December 1943, 4312115006087, 44 Yaverland Road, White River Estate, Nelspruit; (3) 4 March 2018; (4) Tonia Merilyn Mc Queen, 21 August 1945, 4508210473086; (5) Legatus Trust, 263 Kent Anvenue, Randburg. 003711/2018—(2) Cameron, Michael John, 18 June 1948, 4806185007081, Y2 Yaverland Road, White River, Mpumalanga; (3) 23 May 2018; (5) Heinrich Gehle, 75 The Oaks Road, White River, Mpumalanga. 003845/2018—(2) Betts, Jaculine Dorothy, 14 October 1936, 3610140008080, 19 De La Rey Street, , 2430; (3) 25 May 2018; (5) Daniel Francois Arnoldus Du Toit, Hilcrest Office Park , Cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Road , Lynnwood , Pretoria, 0081; (6) 30. 3948/2017—(2) HENDRIKS, HESTER ELIZABETH PETRONELLA, 25 July 1994, 4907250140086, 16 VAN DER MERWE STREET, BARBERTON, MPUMALANGA; (3) 7 January 2017; (5) PETRUS GERHARDUS LOURENS, 15 MARLOTH STREET, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA 1200. 1900/2018—(2) PERREIRA, ANGELA THERESE, 10 October 1928, 2810010311082, BELFAST OLD AGE HOME; (3) 25 May 2017; (5) PETRUS GERHARDUS LOURENS, 15 MARLOTH STREET, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA 1200. 3721/2018—(2) Lombard, Johannes Jacobus Izak Stephanus, 24 September 1931, 3109245009085, Rusplaas, Barberton 1300, Mpumalanga; (3) 14 June 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Jaco van Rensburg Konsult, Suite 3, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. 005827/2018—(2) RADEBE, SIJAMANE PETROS, 10 April 1936, 3604105148080, STAND NO 709 KANYAMAZANE; (3) 19 November 2017; (5) MUNTU CHARLES RADEBE, STAND NO 709 KANYAMAZANE.

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2083/2015—(2) BLANKENSTEIN, JULIANA WINNIE, 29 November 1941, 4111290111088, PORTION 1 OF FARM DISPUTE, WHITE RIVER; (3) 4 May 2015; (5) PHILIPPUS ERNST WOLFAARDT, 7 PALM STREET, WHITE RIVER, MPUMALANGA, 1240. 004089/2016—(2) Motha, Mafutha Alfred, 16 November 1958, 5811165617080, 8029 Extension 5 Wesselton; (3) 28 June 2016; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Theunis Christoffel Botha, Dr T C Botha Inc 16 Jan van Riebeeck street P O Box 894 Ermelo 2350; (6) n/a. 003776/2018—(2) Erasmus, Pieter Johannes, 29 January 1955, 5501295013082, Ptn 21 of the Farm The Rest 454 JT, The Rest, Nelspruit; (3) 3 July 2018; (5) FRL Eksteen, 5 Van Rensburg Street, Nelspruit, 1200; (6) None. 21388/2009—(2) Dhlamini, Mbono Phineas, 20 January 1930, 3001205205086, 53 Spearville, Emjindini, Barberton 1300, Mpumalanga; (3) 28 July 2009; (4) Lungile Charlothe Dhlamini, 26 June 1971, 7106261185183; (5) Renier Johan Oelofsen, 12 Judge Street, Barberton 1300, Mpumalanga. 003901/2018—(2) PUNGULA, MUZIKAYISE SAUL, 22 Desember 1936, 3612225206084, 861 MABUZA STREET, WESSELTON, 2351; (3) 23 Mei 2018; (4) NTOMBIZODWA WINNIE PUNGULA, 8 Mei 1944, 4405080400085; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 2323/2015—(2) Lwandle, Zazi Rabbi, 5 April 1956, 5604055730083, 15 Open Street, Barberton 1300, Mpumalanga; (3) 12 September 2014; (4) Thandi Rejoyce Lwandle, 5 July 1959, 5907050771089; (5) Jaco van Rensburg Konsult, Suite 3, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. 003889/2018—(2) Botha, Johannes, 21 July 1957, 5707215050084, 3 C Beetle Loop, NST 1200, Nelspruit; (3) 28 June 2018; (4) Louiza Petronella Botha, 14 March 1957, 5703140075080; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 7th Floor, Tower North, The Towers, 2 Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 003392/2018—(2) DAVIDS, GRACE FRANCES GERTRUDE, 19 February 2026, 2602190060088, 42 GRACE STREET, NELSVILLE, NELSPRUIT; (3) 6 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES DU PREEZ, 5 VAN RENSBURG STREETN PROFORUM BUILDING, NELSPRUIT. 001370/2018—(2) NGWENYA, JEREMIAH PAULUS, 11 August 1968, 6808115420085, 436 MASEKO STREET, SAKHILE, 2431; (3) 31 October 2017; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) SKINGI EMELINA NGWENYA, 436 MASEKO STREET, SAKHILE, 2431. 3618/2018—(2) ASHBURNER, RONALD, 26 August 1934, 3408265009086, PTN 11 OF THE FARM RIETFONTEIN 274 JT MPUMALANGA; (3) 23 July 2018; (4) ANNA MAGDALENA ASHBURNER, 19 January 1937, 3701190081083; (5) PETRUS LODEWIEKUS DU TOIT, RUSSEL STREET CHAMBERS, 26 RUSSEL STREET, NELSPRUIT. 001729/2018—(2) HATTINGH, DEBRA-LEE TRACY HATTINGH, 10 March 1970, 7003100078085, HAZEL CRESCENT 18 WHITE RIVER; (3) 21 February 2015; (5) CLEA HATTINGH ATTORNEYS, 30 ALIE VAN BERGEN STREET WHITE RIVER.


5244/2018—(2) BARLOW, NORMAN EWART CLEGG, 12 January 1936, 3601125015083, 20 MACADAMIA VILLAGE, IMPALA STREET, RUSTENBURG; (3) 26 June 2018; (5) VOLKER HELMUT JOHANNES KRÜGER, Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, @Office Building, North Block 04, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg; (6) 30. 314/2017—(2) Malebana-Metsing, Peter Ishmael Rocky, 23 August 1949, 4908235663085, 2130 Bethal Section, Rankuyana, Kanana, Rustenburg; (3) 23 November 2016; (4) Violet Tlhalefang Malebana-Metsing, 9 August 1952, 5208090839089; (5) Dupwest Inc., P O Box 254, Rustenburg, 0300. 2746/2015—(2) Bekker, Louisa Maria, 24 January 1935, 3501240005086, 14 De Mist Street, Stilfontein, 2551; (3) 19 March 2015; (4) Albert Maurice Bekker, 17 May 1933, 3305175003086; (5) Albert Maurice Bekker, c/o Meyer van Sittert & Kropman, 5 Roma Avenue, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571. 004267/2018—(2) GREYLING, HERMANUS CAREL, 18 February 1977, 7702185140088, 42 PIET RETIEF STREET, ZEERUST, NORTH WEST, 2865; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) AMANDA GREYLING, 8 March 1985, 8503080233088; (5) ADELE STEENKAMP, HEUVELZICHT OFFICE PARK 15, BUFFELDOORN AVENUE 104, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP,2570. 4139/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, ELIZABETH, 30 Maart 1930, 3003300059087, GRENSSTRAAT 20A, VENTERSDORP; (3) 28 April 2018; (5) GERHARD FREDERICK CORNELIUS LOOTS, GKL OUDITEURE, VAN VELDENSTRAAT 97, BRITS,0250. 4116/2018—(2) SCHOLTZ, CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES SCHOLTZ, 22 December 1956, 5612225024089, 11 WATTLE AVENUE, GEELHOUTPARK, RUSTENBURG; (3) 23 May 2018; (4) ELNA SCHOLTZ (BORN VAN DER MERWE), 10 November 1959, 5911100124083; (5) ELNA SCHOLTZ, 11 WATTLE AVENUE, GEELHOUTPARK, RUSTENBURG. 4525/2018—(2) CLAASSENS, MARY ELIZABETH, 1 Augustus 1951, 5108010131080, 4 MULLER STR KLERKSDORP; (3) 23 Julie 2018; (5) DS GREYLING, 55 ROOIBOS STR KLERKSDORP. 004238/2018—(2) BOTHA, SEITSHIRO MARUMOGOTLHE, 15 April 1955, 5504155314087, 7787 KATLEGONG STREET, IKAGENG EXTENSION 2, POTCHEFSTROOM, NORTH WEST; (3) 31 May 2018; (4) DIKELEDI ESTHER BOTHA, 20 June 1955, 5506200743087; (5) KARABO ANZER MOETSI, NO. 27 CHURCHILL STREET, GOLF VIEW, MAHIKENG, 2745. 015106/2018—(2) LUCAS, DUARTE PEREIRA, 12 Oktober 1965, 6510125793085, EERSTE STRAAT 9, FOCHVILLE; (3) 9 April 2018; (4) LYDIA PEREIRA LUCAS, 14 September 1971, 7109140236086; (5) Piet van Staden Prokureurs, 62 Eggo Janstraat, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2500.

This gazette is also available free online at 78 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

2378/2018—(2) VIVIERS, JAN DANIEL, 15 Oktober 1975, 7510155002083, BORNMANSTRAAT 18, SANNIESHOF, PROVINSIE NOORDWES; (3) 25 Januarie 2018; (4) n.v.t. n.v.t.; (5) WILLEM FRANCOIS VIVIERS, PRESIDENT BRANDSTRAAT 24, PARYS, 9585. 5063/2018—(2) JACOBS, ANDRIES LOUIS, 23 April 1947, 4704235024083, BODENSTEINWEG 7, WOLMARANSSTAD. 2630; (3) 23 Julie 2018; (4) HANNELIE JACOBS, 29 November 1956, 5611290007086; (5) Taljaard, Nieuwoudt & van Tonder, Posbus 287, Krugerstraat 33, Wolmaransstad. 2630; (6) 21. 5067/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, WILHELMINA CHRISTINA, 16 Februarie 1934, 3402160009085, PLAAS RIETKUIL, LEEUDORINGSTAD. 2640; (3) 30 Julie 2018; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) Taljaard, Nieuwoudt & Van Tonderi, Posbus 287 / Krugerstraat 33, Wolmaransstad. 2630; (6) 21. 5519/2018—(2) Swanepoel, Ida Valerie, 4 March 1936, 3603040042085, 4 Christie De Wt Street, Rustenburg; (3) 27 August 2018; (5) Walter Jakobus Vermaak, 12 Landros Street, Rustenburg, 0299. 004260/2018—(2) PIETERSE, ANNA CATHRINA MARIA, 22 Junie 1948, 4806220006080, 8 BAUHINIA AVENUE, GEELHOUTPARK, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) 10 Julie 2017; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 004909 / 2018—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, PIETER ENGELBERTUS, 16 Oktober 1930, 3010165032083, NOORDWES; (3) 26 Julie 2018; (5) FERREIRA EN KIE, EENHEID STRAAT 24, HARTBEESFONTEIN , 2600 , NOORDWES. 003991/2018—(2) De Waal, Doean Abraham Gerhardus, 22 December 1955, 5512225033082, 28 Cuckoo Drive, Rustenburg; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Limited, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 004587/2018—(2) SCHONKEN, HUGO FRANCOIS, 2 November 1936, 3611025020083, NELMAR NR 8; GREEFFSTRAAT 46; LICHTENBURG; 2740; (3) 13 Junie 2018 MARGARETHA ELIZABETH SCHONKEN, 8 Januarie 1950, 5001180074083; (5) LEN BURGER, 25 VOORTREKKER STREET; OTTOSDAL; 2610; (6) 30. 5664/2011—(2) YOUNG, JOHN CHARLES, 15 December 1959, 5912155123087, 1 Cochrane Street, Ventersdorp, North- west; (3) 15 April 2011; (5) Pieter Schoeman Attorneys, 5 Short Street, Potchefstroom, 2531. 003991/2018—(2) De Waal, Doean Abraham Gerhardus, 22 December 1955, 5512225033082, 28 Cuckoo Drive, Rustenburg; (3) 26 April 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Limited, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 004729/2018—(2) MAHLANGU, MATOEBA JACOBUS, 1 March 1958, 5803015465083, 8163 TLAAI STREET IKAGENG 2530; (3) 28 March 2018; (4) KENALEMANG JANE MAHLANGU, 19 January 1964, 6401190603088; (5) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU, 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAHIKENG 2745. 004155 / 2018—(2) WASSERMANN, JOHAN GEORGE, 18 Junie 1927, 2706185034089, BODENSTEIN STRAAT 15 , BAILLIE , POTCHEFSTROOM , 2531; (3) 9 Junie 2018; (5) FERREIRA EN KIE, EENHEIDSTRAAT 24 , HARTBEESFONTEIN , 2600 , NOORDWES. 004154 / 2018—(2) WOLMARANS, CORNELIUS JOHANNES JACOBUS, 18 Januarie 1932, 3201185005080, 38 SCEEPERS STRAAT , MEIRINGSPARK , KLERKSDORP , 2570; (3) 19 Junie 2018; (4) HENDRINA FRANZENA WOLMARANS, 19 Oktober 1936, 3610190004088; (5) FERREIRA EN KIE, EENHEID STRAAT 24, HARTBEESFONTEIN , 2600 , NOORDWES. 004152 / 2018—(2) GILBERT, RICHARD ALBERT, 7 Junie 1954, 5406075091086, LEIPOLDSTRAAT 15 , STILFONTEIN , 2550; (3) 24 Junie 2018; (4) ANNA FRANZENA GILBERT, 19 Januarie 1962, 6201190119089; (5) FERREIRA EN KIE, EENHEIDSTRAAT 24 , HARTBEESFONTEIN , 2600. 004196/2018—(2) BOTHA, MARIA CHRISTINA, 9 Februarie 1930, 3002090017081, EDNA STRAAT 41, SONGLOED, KLERKSDORP, 2571; (3) 7 Junie 2018; (4) N.A. N.A.; (5) DANELLE ABBINK PROKUREUR, 10 ERASMUS STRAAT, WILKOPPIES, KLERKSDORP, 2570. 006817/2018—(2) Monageng, Aaron Kibiti, 25 July 1941, 4107255455080, Stand 287, Morolong Section, Jericho, 0189; (3) 7 April 2018; (4) Meiki Rebecca Monageng, 26 August 1946, 4308260416089; (5) Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 004348/2018—(2) MOLEFE, ISAAC, 6 April 1986, 8604066197089, 6688 CITRINE STREET, FREEDOMPARK - PLATINUM VILLAGE, RUSTENBURG; (3) 24 June 2018; (4) MOLEBOGENG ERNESTINA MOLEFE, 22 May 1987, 8705220404087; (5) OFENTSE NONG, 230 JOUBERT STREET, RUSTENBURG. 00523/2018—(2) MONYEBODI, PETER, 9 January 1963, 6301095677080, 50 DANIEL STREET LICHTENBURG 2740; (3) 9 July 2018; (4) RUTH KEORAPETSE MONYEBODI, 11 November 1970, 7011110613080; (5) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU ATTORNEYS, 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAFIKENG 2745.


2135/2018—(2) VAN DER WALT, JACOBA PHILIPPA, 20 January 1946, 4601200006089, 3 VAN DRUTEN STREET, POSTMASBURG, 8420; (3) 6 April 2018; (5) BOOYSEN MACLEOD INC., GROUND FLOOR, CHAPWOOD CHAMBERS BUILDING, 15 CHAPEL STREET, KIMBERLEY, 8301. 1078-2018—(2) MEYER, CARL WALTER, 31 Januarie 1965, 6501315043084, Dagbreek Kontantwinkel, op pad tussen Upington en Groblershoop; (3) 22 Desember 2017; (4) SOPHIA MEYER (gebore Olyn), 28 November 1990, 9011281162089; (5) CP Pauw, Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Ing, 8ste Vloer, St George’s Wandelhal Nr 5, Kaapstad 8001.

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2527/2016—(2) SNYDERS, JOHANNA GERTRUIDA, 31 Mei 1935, 3505310040089, ERF 97, GROOT MIER; (3) 13 Augustus 2016; (4) ABRAHAM NICOLAAS SNYDERS, 10 September 1935, 3509105053083; (5) KOTZE LOW & SWANEPOEL (VERW: AJ SWANEPOEL), POSBUS 123 VRYBURG 8600. NC2584/2018—(2) Jansen van Vuuren, Christoffel Johannes, 25 Desember 1948, 4812255012084, Louwstraat 2, Upington; (3) 16 Julie 2018; (4) Susarah Isabella Maria Jansen van Vuuren, 3 April 1953, 5304030069083; (5) Loura Markram, P/A Wessels & Smith Ingelyf., Weidemanstraat 3, Posbus 2982, Upington, 8800. 2415/2018—(2) NORTJE, SCHRODER HENDRIK CHRISTIAAN, 12 Julie 1931, 3107125046086, EUREKAWOONSTEL NO 14, UPINGTON; (3) 28 Junie 2018; (4) HENELA JACOBA NORTJE, 22 Junie 1938, 3806220026089; (5) CORNELIUS JOHANNES CARR, POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800. 2567/2018—(2) MAZZONCINI, ALBERTO, 20 Februarie 1962, 6202205059088, Olympia Straat 27, Herlear, Kimberley, 8301; (3) 30 Junie 2018; (4) Elizabeth Mazzoncini, 28 Augustus 1962, 6208280024087; (5) Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor Imperial Terraces, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 2440/2018—(2) Rodighiero, Daphne Edna, 19 October 1940, 4010190042080, 41 Atlas str. Herlear, Kimberley, 8301; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) Paulus Retief Derks, GF Pieterse Ceronio & Derks, 14 Hertzog str. P.O. Box 82, Hartswater, 8570. 2899/2018—(2) SALMON, MARJORIE, 25 April 1926, 2604250026082, IMPALA-WEG 8, VERWOERDPAK, KIMBERLEY; (3) 25 Augustus 2018; (4) NVT; (5) HENDRIK VENTER, Kantoor 69, Suite 1, Eerste Vloer, North Cape Mall, Jacobus Smitstraat 31, Kimberley, 8301. 1559/2018—(2) GOUSSARD, JOHANNES STEFANUS, 20 Januarie 1946, 4601205634083, 1STE LAAN 46, OOSTERVILLE, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) 2 Mei 2018; (5) ALINDA MULLER, 1STE LAAN 46, OOSTERVILLE, UPINGTON, 8801. 2827/2018—(2) MARAIS, GERT JOHANNES, 25 November 1941, 4111255019086, PERSEEL 189 GROOTDRINK 8822; (3) 11 Desember 2017; (5) JOHANNES CHRISTIAAN MARAIS, MALAN & VENNOTE, POSBUS 27, UPINGTON, 8800; (6) 30 DAE. 0002493/2018—(2) WIID, FRANCOIS GERHARDUS JOHANNES, 20 Julie 1936, 3607205028086, SILWERHOF VILLAS NO 11, ERASMUS STRAAT, HOPETOWN, 8750; (3) 2 Julie 2018; (5) HJC Du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derde Straat no. 6, Bloemfontein 9301. 002766/2018—(2) Mooki, Majosefa Jemina Mooki, 8 April 1961, 6104080525086, Diamantstraat 97, Bellvue, Upington; (3) 19 Julie 2018; (5) Jacobus Cornelius Nel, Nel & Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800. 1939/2018—(2) VILJOEN, PAUL PHILIPPUS, 12 Augustus 1966, 6608125006084, PLAAS KLIPFONTEIN, COLESBERG, 9795; (3) 25 Mei 2018; (4) NVT NVT; (5) GERT HENDRIK SWANEPOEL, FORTÉ REKENMEESTERS, KELLNERSTRAAT 10, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 002695/2018—(2) Britz, Amanda, 23 May 1970, 7005230217087, 5 Bakenskop Street, Upington, 8800; (3) 14 June 2018; (4) Dirk Deon Britz, 19 October 1968, 6810195186081; (5) Anja Struwig, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 1931/2016—(2) LUKAS, SARA, 18 Januarie 1965, 6501180104086, DIAMANTSTRAAT 85, BELLVUE UPINGTON; (3) 26 Mei 2014; (5) CORNELIUS HERMANUS CARR, POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800. 002772/2018—(2) Pieterse, Elma, 7 February 1956, 5602070024086, 4 Ventershoek Street, Colesburg, Middelburg; (3) 25 May 2018; (5) Tracy Unsworth, Po Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 002835/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Elsie Johanna Jacoba, 24 February 1932, 3202240018084, 245 Voortrekker Street Nieuwoudtville 8180; (3) 2 March 2018; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551. WESTERN CAPE / WES-KAAP

007349/2015—(2) Gordon, Laurance Sameul Henry, 8 June 1954, 5406085038085, 7 Frederica street, Devon Park, Eersteriver; (3) 13 February 2015; (4) Christina Cecelia Gordon, 18 September 1954, 5409180053082; (5) Christina Gordon, 7 Frederica street, Devon Park, Eersteriver,7100. 013271/2018—(2) THIART, ANNA CHRISTINA HELENA THIART, 5 Desember 1935, 3512050008086, PARKSTRAAT 82, CITRUSDAL, 7340; (3) 7 Julie 2018; (5) GEORGE HENDRIK MARAIS, 83 VOORTREKKER ROAD, CITRUSDAL, 7340. 013633/2018—(2) GROVE, STEPHANUS PETRUS, 7 Desember 1943, 4312075031083, Klawervlei 6, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell; (3) 1 Augustus 2018; (4) LYNETTE KATHLEEN GROVE, 28 November 1948, 4811280043080; (5) ROELIEN ROODT, Fonteinlaan 6, Brackenfell. 12585/2018—(2) BAUGAARD, DANIEL CORNELIUS, 25 November 1961, 6111255042086, 61, 25TH AVENUE, ELSIES RIVER, 7490; (3) 18 December 2017; (4) ELAINE WILHELMINA BAUGAARD, 15 December 1963, 6312150167081; (5) DARROLL MARTYN GOLDBLATT, 75 WILLIAMS STREET, PAROW, 7500. 014405—(2) Van Wyk, Iris, 4 September 1942, 4209040003082, Room 043 Rusoord, Birmingham Road, Plumstead; (3) 29 August 2017; (5) Maurice Phillips Wisenberg Attorneys, P O Box 522, Cape Town, 8000. 017877/2015—(2) Giles, Johanna Sophia, 7 January 1953, 5301070116089, 44 Disa street, Boggomsbay, District Mossel bay; (3) 1 July 2014; (4) Derec John Giles, 14 May 1955, 5505145017086; (5) J.Spangenberg, 3 Biccardstreet, Polokwane, 0699; (6) N/A. 011835/2018—(2) MOOLENSCHOT, JACOBA JOHANNA CHRISTINA, 9 June 1931, 3106090057086, Noordhoek Manor, Retirement Village; (3) 18 June 2018; (5) Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001.

This gazette is also available free online at 80 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

010197/2018—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, STEPHEN PETER, 10 November 1944, 4411105173087, 16 ROOIKRANS STREET, BRACKENFELL, 7560; (3) 10 May 2018; (5) MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (EXECUTOR) and THYS MULDER ATTORNEY (AGENT), 18 MADISON SQUARE, MAIN ROAD, STRAND, 7140, WESTERN CAPE. 013754/2018—(2) RAYNAL, MARGARET, 26 August 1932, 3208260027087, COTTAGE J6 PEERS VILLAGE, 23 GENOA AVENUE, FISH HOEK, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 16 July 2018; (5) JUNE ROSE THERON, 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK & PEARCE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 013289/2018—(2) Williams, Sophia Johanna, 6 Junie 1939, 3906060022089, Walvis Bay; (3) 27 Januarie 2017; (4) Basil Simon Williams, 22 Desember 1934, 3412215055181; (5) AVENANT RAPPOPORT INC, 21 PASITA STREET, ROSEN PARK, BELLVILLE; (6) 31. 13388/2018—(2) Rossouw, John Christian, 15 November 1930, 3011155080082, 29 Prince George Drive, Grassy Park 7941; (3) 5 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Andre Deon Rossouw, 129 Prince George Drive, Grassy Park, 7942. CA14084/2018—(2) Kriel, Anna Magdalena Maria, 11 October 1931, 3110110042086, Edelweiss C110, Mountainview Road, Eversdale, Bellville; (3) 10 August 2018; (5) Paul Muller de Kock, PO Boxd 85, Strand, 7139. CA14115/2018—(2) Jonker, Catherina Maria, 10 July 1953, 5307100117088, 6 Dassie Crescent Struisbaai; (3) 12 August 2018; (4) Jacob Hendrik Jonker, 21 December 1945, 4512215069089; (5) Paul Muller De Kock, PO Box 85 Strand 7139. 13316/2018—(2) BROWN, ISABEL JANET, 2 January 1945, 4501020070085, 148 ST KILDA ROAD CRAWFORD; (3) 6 September 2015; (4) WALTER DENNIS BROWN, 23 January 1933, 3301235063087; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 013331/2018—(2) Van der Westhuizen, Magdalena, 27 November 1925, 2511270167087, Gerimed Aftree-Oord, Langebaan. 7357; (3) 23 Mei 2018; (5) Roux & Van Dyk, Hoofstraat 42, Moorreesburg. 010179/2018—(2) Hartmann, Gisela Luise Margarete, 26 May 1930, 3005260013186, 47 13th Avenue, Boston, Bellville, 7530; (3) 2 June 2018; (5) Etienne Du Preez van der Merwe from Van der Merwe & Van der Merwe Attorneys, 40 John X Merrimen Street, Oakdale, Bellville, 7530. 012832/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, JACOBUS LODEWICUS, 28 Januarie 1933, 3301285013081, ROTARY PARK AFTREE OORD, KAREE LAAN 89, SWELLENDAM, 6740; (3) 13 Julie 2018; (5) CHRIS TAYLOR PROKUREUR, 11 BUIRSKI PLEIN, JANSEN STRAAT, SWELLENDAM, 6740. 3114/2016—(2) Boltman, Mariam, 11 December 1931, 3108110050083, 300 6th Avenue, Lotus River; (3) 19 December 2015; (4) Omar Boltman, 20 March 1933, 3303205055085; (5) Albertus Gerhardus van Rensburg, Fourie Basson & Veldtman, Tijgerpark 5, Tygervalley, Bellville, 7530. 009622/2017—(2) VAN TONDER, Cornelius Andreas Petrus, 2 April 1935, 3504025008085, 205 Turnstone Close, Grotto Bay, Darling, 7345; (3) 29 Mei 2017; (5) Jacoba Adriana Landman, 205 Turnstone Close, Grotto Bay, Darling, 7345. 14812/2016—(2) Hindle, Darren John, 26 August 1967, 6708265003089, Portion 21 (Portion of Portion 1) of the Farm De Hoop, Number 23, Robertson, Western Cape; (3) 20 July 2016; (5) Laura Ames, Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century City, Cape Town, 7441. 012753/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, BRIAN VICTOR DU RANDT, 21 June 1952, 5206215008085, 2 OLD TRAFFORD ROAD, RNDEVLEI PARK, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; (3) 30 July 2018; (5) C GEORGE ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 870, WESTRIDGE 7802. 013282/2018—(2) Williams, Margaret Mabel, 18 July 1944, 4407180148085, 3 Anchor Close, Strandfontein Village; (3) 24 July 2018; (5) Rose Attorneys, 12 Hertzog Road, Bergvliet. 001419/2018—(2) Du Plooy, Stanley William, 19 September 1955, 5509195052084, 8 Rendevous Crescent Voorburg, Delft; (3) 2 March 2017; (4) Eva Du Plooy, 6 May 1948, 4805060641089; (5) Cohen Shevel & Fourie Attorneys, 40 McIntyre Street, Parow, Cape Town. 004248/2018—(2) THERON, MARIA ELIZABETH, 26 April 1928, 2804260019081, GYDOSIG 34, PRINS ALFRED HAMLET, 6835; (3) 19 Januarie 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ANNA LOUISA FOURIE, 19 DENNE CRESCENT, CERES, 6835; (6) 30. 004248/2018—(2) THERON, MARIA ELIZABETH, 26 April 1928, 2804260019081, GYDOSIG 34, PRINS ALFRED HAMLET, 6835; (3) 19 Januarie 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ANNA LOUISA FOURIE, 19 DENNE CRESCENT, CERES, 6835; (6) 30. 5346/2011—(2) STEVENS, IRENE MARY, 26 June 1914, 1406260159189, 21 BRENTONWOOD, BRENTON ON LAKE, KNYSNA; (3) 7 September 2010; (5) EDWARD CHARLES JEAREY, QUEEN STREET CHAMBERS, 33 QUEEN STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550. 26527/2014—(2) TOKWE, NKULULEKO PETER, 20 March 1971, 7103205810083, NDAKANA LOCATION, STUTTERHEIM, CUMAKALA; (3) 29 April 2014; (4) NELISA SWEETNESS TOKWE, 2 October 1976, 7610020799085; (5) CORNELISSEN INCORPORATED, 44 CHERRYWOOD CLOSE, PARKLANDS, TABLE VIEW. 13015/2018—(2) ENDER, WILHELM GEORG, 17 Februarie 1939, 3902175064181, 11 URSINIA AVENUE KLEINMOND 7195; (3) 30 Junie 2018; (4) EDELTRAUD ENDER, 21 Mei 1941, 4105210049188; (5) MARINA CLIFT PROKUREUR, DE HOOP PLAAS, 44D HOOF STRAAT, PAARL, 7646. 013610/2018—(2) During, Casparus Gerhardus, 15 Desember 1936, 3612155007080, Bosleliesteeg 11, Denneoord, George, 6529; (3) 1 Julie 2018; (4) Gertruida Anna During, 11 Januarie 1939, 3901140035086; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Absa House, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6070. 012764/2018—(2) GELDENHUYS, SUSANNA KATARINA, 9 Januarie 1944, 4401090078086, Jan Hofmeyerstr 38, Denneburg, PAARL, 7646; (3) 4 Mei 2018; (5) Christiaan Benjamin de Jager, BGR De Jager Boshoff, De Jager Boshoff Gebou, Kerkstraat 5, MALMESBURY, 7300.

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7652/2018—(2) LOTTRING, RUDOLF, 17 Julie 1952, 5207175161088, OUKRAAL 507, GOEDVERWACHT, PIKETBERG, 7323; (3) 19 Desember 2017; (4) ELIZABETH MARIA LOTTRING, 30 Junie 1954, 5406300147083; (5) MARINA CLIFT PROKUREUR, DE HOOP PLAAS, 44D HOOF STRAAT, PAARL, 7646. 013782/2018—(2) SOWDEN, ROBERT CUBITT, 17 February 1937, 3702175031085, 2 JASPER ROAD, NOORDHOEK, 7979; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) Christiaan Benjamin de Jager, BGR De Jager Boshoff, De Jager Boshoff Building, 5 Church Street, MALMESBURY, 7300. 14100/2018—(2) Marent, Albert Josef, 11 June 1933, 3306115060186, 1 Nursery Lane, Constantia 7806; (3) 11 June 2018; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town, 6th Floor, Mariendahl House, Newlands on Main, Newlands 7700; (6) 30. 004248/2018—(2) THERON, MARIA ELIZABETH, 26 April 1928, 2804260019081, GYDOSIG 34, PRINS ALFRED HAMLET, 6835; (3) 19 Januarie 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ANNA LOUISA FOURIE, 19 DENNE CRESCENT, CERES, 6835; (6) 30. 013618/2018—(2) Hendriks, Maureen Felicity, 13 Mei 1958, 5805130161083, Chapinstraat 28, Pacaltsdorp, 6529; (3) 3 Julie 2018; (4) Daniel Hendriks, 22 November 1956, 5611225134088; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, 2nd Floor, Absa House, Cnr William Moffett & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6070. 012323/2018—(2) EBING, DESMOND FREDRICK, 7 Augustus 1926, 2608075013084, TOWNENDSTRAAT 126, GOODWOOD, 7460; (3) 25 Junie 2018; (5) Absa Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 13186/2018—(2) GILL, JOHN ROBERT VICTOR, 22 February 1942, 4202225097185, RUSOORD, 1 BIRMINGHAM ROAD, PLUMSTEAD, 7800; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) ROSHANA SOLOMON, 26 FIRST AVENUE, FISH HOEK, 7975. 013609/2018—(2) STONE, ELIZABETH ANNE, 7 July 1943, 4307070129080, 3 KWAGGA STREET, GOEDEMOED, DURBANVILLE, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 20 June 2018; (5) JUNE ROSE THERON, 2ND FLOOR, BUCHANAN CHAMBERS, CNR WARWICK & PEARCE ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708. 014119/2018—(2) NAUDE-FLEISCHHAUER, LOURETTE, 1 January 1961, 6101010070084, 195 FIFTH STREET, HERMANUS 7200; (3) 26 July 2018; (5) E K FLEISCHHAUER, P O BOX 1655, HERMANUS 7200. 014405—(2) Van Wyk, Iris, 4 September 1942, 4209040003082, Room 043 Rusoord, Birmingham Road, Plumstead; (3) 29 August 2017; (5) Maurice Phillips Wisenberg Attorneys, P O Box 522, Cape Town, 8000. 13558/2018—(2) Windell, Maria Johanna Elizabeth, 7 Februarie 1975, 7502070157084, Retiefstraat 4, De Doorns, 6875; (3) 15 Julie 2018; (4) James Edward Windell, 11 April 1971, 7104115047089; (5) Pieter Botha Steenkamp, P/a Peritus Trust, Piet Retiefstraat 6, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720. CA13841/2018—(2) Borrill, Milton Frederick Clarence, 23 August 1950, 5008235073085, 2 Heron Close, Zeekoevlei, 7941; (3) 15 July 2018; (5) Abrahams & Gross Inc, P O Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000, Abrahams & Gross Inc, P O Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000. 000958/2018—(2) PITT, DORIS MAY, 30 August 1926, 2608300053087, G1 MIDMAR STREET, GROENVALLEI, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 8 February 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PETER JOHN PITT, G1 MIDMAR STREET, GROENVALLEI, WESTERN CAPE. 13574/2018—(2) HARTZENBERG, MARIETTE, 15 March 1948, 4803150124082, NO 8 BULIDA AVENUE, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; (3) 24 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CECIL KILPIN AND CO, PO BOX 61, STRAND, 7139 / 55 BEACH ROAD, STRAND, 7140. 014013/2018—(2) Eyssen, Sebastian John, 4 Januarie 1965, 6501045092088, Plane Straat 15 Hindle Park 7580; (3) 20 Mei 2018; (4) Dina Magrieta Magdalena Eyssen, 6108200236086; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 013992/2018—(2) Groenewald, Mara, 14 April 1927, 2704140028080, Moresonlaan 6 Valmary park 7550; (3) 25 November 2017; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 1822/2015—(2) Nash, Delsie Ann, 2 July 1946, 4607020155089, 21 van Breda Street, Constantia; (3) 26 December 2014; (5) Arne Nielsen, PO Box 44719, Claremont, 7735. 014127/2018—(2) September, Magdalena, 15 May 1941, 4105150096082, 2 Levic Place, De Gruchy Road, Heathfield 7945; (3) 21 July 2018; (5) David Paul Smit on behalf of De Klerk & Van Gend Inc., 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont 7700.; (6) 30 days. 013728/2018—(2) Norris, Betty Denise, 14 January 1933, 3301140002188, 13 Hazelwood Crescent, Wentworth Village, Sunningdale, 7441; (3) 6 August 2018; (5) Proactive Wills and Estates, P O Box 300, Milnerton, 7435; (6) 30. 016754/2018—(2) Caldeira, Lucio Da Silva Caldeira, 13 June 1947, 4709135042184, 43 Palmyra Road, Newlands, Cape Town; (3) 20 August 2016; (4) Maria De Gouveia Caldeira, 13 June 1950, 5006130014089; (5) Rina Caldeira Attorneys, 80 Corlett Drive Melrose North. 9189/2018—(2) NEWELL, GILLIAN MARGARET, 5 May 1949, 4905050092085, 37 THE ORCHARDS, UNIVERSITY DRIVE, PINELANDS; (3) 23 April 2018; (5) ELSIE CATHRINE VAN DER MERWE AS NOMINEE OF MAITLAND EXECUTORS LIMITED, C/O MAITLAND EXECUTORS LIMITED, P O BOX 3741, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 014433/2018—(2) Falconer, Sybil Jean, 28 February 1933, 3302280051084, 102 Summerly Court, 305 Main Road, Kenilworth, Cape Town; (3) 8 July 2018; (5) Francois De Jager, c/o FNB Fiduciary,P O Box 135, Cape Town 8000. 12060/2018—(2) Blanckenberg, Jacoba Christina, 27 Maart 1944, 4403270009089, Môregloedlaan 5, George; (3) 5 Junie 2018; (5) Millers Ingelyf, Beaconhuis, Meadestraat 123, George. 12271/2015—(2) GELDENHUYS, ALBERTUS BAREND WILLEM, 19 September 1950, 5009195026089, GOODWOOD; (3) 18 Julie 2014; (5) MARINA CLIFT PROKUREUR, DE HOOP PLAAS, 44D HOOF STRAAT, PAARL, 7646.

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13146/2018—(2) Van Rensburg, Josias Moller, 18 August 1946, 4608185079080, 50 Third Avenue, Boston, Bellville; (3) 29 July 2018; (4) Elise Van Rensburg, 6 August 1947, 4708060059080; (5) Marais Muller Hendricks Inc, 58 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River. 11274/2018—(2) BURGER, FREDERIK JOHANNES GERHARDUS, 1 Desember 1933, 3312015013085, 2 SUMMER PLACE, HARTENBOS; (3) 9 Mei 2018; (4) JOHANNA JACOBA ELIZABETH BURGER, 19 Oktober 1934, 3410190016087; (5) DANIE ACKER AS GENOMINEERDE VAN RAUCH GERTENBACH ING, P O BOX 3, MOSSELBAY, 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE; (6) 30. 008665/2018—(2) TODESCHINI, FABIO, 26 November 1940, 4011265059181, 55 DORP STREET, BO-KAAP, CAPE TOWN; (3) 22 May 2018; (5) Legacy Fiduciary Services and Estate Planners (SA), C/O LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES SA, P.O.BOX 36218; (6) 30. 013874/2018—(2) Kotze, Gideon Johannes, 14 August 1959, 5308145036085, 21 Retief Street, Bellville, 7530; (3) 26 June 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Absa Trust Ltd, Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 12068/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, ELIZABETH MARGARET, 8 Maart 1930, 3003080005086, HUIS STILBAAI, PERLEMOENLAAN, STILBAAI 6674; (3) 3 Junie 2018; (5) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN, ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, RIVERSDAL, 6670. 013590/2018—(2) Sissing, Margaret Josephine, 14 March 1948, 4803140625081, 54 Aintree Crescent, Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain, 7785; (3) 24 March 2015; (5) Robert Charles Attorneys & Conveyancers, Third Floor 33 Church Street, Cape Town, 8001. 13249/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, WYNAND CAREL, 6 Augustus 1955, 5508065072081, MARAISSTRAAT 3, RIVERSDAL 6670; (3) 21 Junie 2018; (4) ANNAMARIE PRETORIUS, 4 November 1957, 5711040088087; (5) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN, ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, RIVERSDAL, 6670. 009569/2018—(2) WHITTLE, GUY SPENCER LESREND WHITTLE, 17 April 1941, 4104175113089, 55 BEZUIDENHOUDT STREET, STANFORD, 7210; (3) 9 March 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) COENRAAD JOHANNES BIERMAN, VORSTER & STEYN ATTORNEYS, 16 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS, 7200. 13701/2018—(2) ANDRIANATOS, HENRIETTA CORNELIA, 14 August 1942, 4208140058087, ACVV TUISHUIS OUTSHOORN; (3) 26 July 2018; (4) JOHN ANDRIANATOS, 15 August 1937, 3708155068088; (5) James King, James King & Badenhorst Incorporated 144 St John Street - PO Box 1 Oudtshoorn 6620. 13300/2018—(2) TRUTER, MARIA MAGDALENA, 20 October 1928, 2810200002087, 65 PALGRAVE STREET GEORGE; (3) 11 July 2018; (5) James King, James King & Badenhorst Incorporated 144 St John Street - PO Box 1 Oudtshoorn 6620. 2391/2018—(2) FOSTER, MOGAMAT ASHRAF, 2 August 1961, 6108025243085, 27 FLEMING COURT, FLEMING ROAD, WYNBERG; (3) 23 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) TNK ATTORNEYS, P.O. BOX 53046, KENILWORTH, 7745. 014002/2018—(2) Olivier, Norma Alfreda, 23 September 1948, 4809230125080, Erasmus Smitstraat 51 Idasvallei 7600; (3) 7 Junie 2018; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 002050/2018—(2) Franse, Dawid, 16 November 1934, 3411165213089, Meerminweg 62, Avondale, Atlantis, 7349; (3) 11 September 2017; (5) Francois Peter Engelbrecht, Kamer 3, Claudesentrum, Wesfleursirkel, Atlantis. 014015/2018—(2) STOKES, MATTHYS MICHAEL LODEWIK, 3 Julie 1933, 3307035051081, STANFORDSTRAAT 48 ALBERTINA WES-KAAP 6695; (3) 17 Julie 2018; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 2836/2018—(2) ABRAHAMS, EBRAHIM, 22 July 1940, 4007225064089, 3 KUNENE WAY PORTLANDS MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 26 January 2018; (4) JANAP ABRAHAMS; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700. 12189 / 2018—(2) VAN SCHALKWYK, CORNELUIS MARTIN, 18 October 1937, 3710185074086, 87 LONGBOAT CLOSE ODIN DRIVE THORNTON; (3) 24 November 2017; (4) LORRAINE MARGARET VAN SCHALKWYK, 24 November 2017, 3710185074086; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700. 132682018—(2) Brümmer, Jan Jacobus Johannes, 11 Augustus 1948, 4808115047088, Fraterstraat 15, De Soete Inval, Paarl; (3) 22 Julie 2018; (5) Faure & Faure Ingelyf, Hoofstraat 227, Paarl, 7646. 014116/2018—(2) Stevens, Francis, 6 Oktober 1939, 3910060136089, Montague straat, 35, Saxonsea, 7349; (3) 30 Junie 2018; (5) Susanne Rall-Willemse, Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600. 012010/2018—(2) RUITERS, JAMES FLORENZ, 11 June 1960, 6006115198088, 49 GROENBERG STREET, GAYLEE, 7580; (3) 26 October 2016; (4) MARGARET ELSABEE RUITERS, 3 December 1962, 6212030820083; (5) MARGARET ELSABEE RUITERS, 49 GROENBERG STREET, GAYLEE, 7580; (6) 30. 014299/2018—(2) Bruwer, Ernst Jacobus, 2 Julie 1958, 5807025057087, De Hoop Farm, Robertson, 6705; (3) 13 Augustus 2018; (5) HESTER BLACKBURN, BLACKBURN COMMERCIAL (PTY) LTD, 371 MAIN ROAD, PAARL, 7646. 13058/2018—(2) SCOTT, ANNA SOPHIA, 28 Maart 1938, 3803280011085, SANTOS HAVEN AFTREE-OORD MOSSELBAAI; (3) 24 Julie 2018; (4) NVT NVT; (5) ANNA-MARIE PRETORIUS, OOSTHUIZEN MARAIS & PRETORIUS POSBUS 206 MOSSELBAAI 6500. 004235/2018—(2) FORTUIN, ALETTA MAGDALENA, 10 Desember 1935, 3512100032086, 12 LEERVIS STREET, SOUTHFORK, STRAND; (3) 26 Desember 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) OLD MUTUAL (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 009853/2018—(2) COOKSON, COLLEEN, 13 October 1959, 5910130128086, 18 PAARL STREET, VASCO, GOODWOOD; (3) 23 January 2018; (4) WILLIAM RONALD COOKSON, 19 January 1956, 5601195115084; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30.

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003506/2018—(2) FRANSEN, HANS, 14 June 1931, 3106145099083, 14 Kenmain Gardens, 2 Myrtle Raod, Kenilworth,7708; (3) 11 December 2017; (4) MARIE ANNEEN FRANSEN, 13 September 1936, 3609130068088; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 006686/2018—(2) Badenhorst, Dirk Cornelius, 9 Maart 1952, 52030900168, Windhoek, Republiek van Namibië; (3) 19 Januarie 2017; (5) Van Zyl Kruger Ingelyf, Suite A4-2, Avanti Gebou, Suid Blok, hoek van Carl Cronje Rylaan & Bill Bezuidenhout Laan. 14190/2018—(2) Dayimani, Vuyisile, 3 September 1953, 5309035504083, 2806 Moonlight Street-Thembani-Mbekweni; (3) 29 June 2018; (4) Sindiswa Beatrice Dayimani, 2 September 1949, 4909020395081; (5) Pinini Attorneys, Suite 708,7th Floor. 47Strand Street-Cape Town. 2739/2018—(2) BLOEMSTEIN, JOAN HILDA LILY, 22 December 1940, 4012220245089, 20 COLORADO STREET, PRIMROSE PARK, ATHLONE; (3) 29 January 2016; (4) PATRICK BLOEMSTEIN, 22 August 1940, 4008225078087; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 014208/2018—(2) ROTO, MICHAEL RICHARD, 1 May 1972, 7205015984089, 26 SWARTBERG STREET, WELLINGTON, 7655; (3) 11 April 2018; (5) JOSHUA MESHACK ROTO, 7 ST JOHN STREET, WELLINGTON, 7655. 12199/2018—(2) FIVAZ, MARK SAMUEL, 1 November 1936, 3611015097083, BELLIGANHOF WOONSTEL 12, CONDORSTRAAT 1, OUDTSHOORN, 6625; (3) 13 Junie 2018; (4) FIVAZ HESTER JOHANNA DU PLESSIS-FIVAZ, 15 Mei 1952, 5205150073088; (5) DUVENAGE KEYSER & JONCK INGELYF, POSBUS 104, OUDTSHOORN, 6620. 9874/2018—(2) Pekeur, Jasmine, 5 January 1969, 6901050205080, Twenty First Avenue 81, Elsies River, 7490; (3) 26 December 2016; (4) Pekeur Harol, 29 September 1968, 6809295668089; (5) Harol Pekeur, Twenty First Avenue 81, Elsies River, 7490. 005520/2018—(2) Achmad, Mogamat Moain, 15 January 1964, 6401155240082, 8 Agapanthus Crescent ,Park Town ,Athlone ,7764; (3) 24 September 2017; (4) N/A; (5) M B Ebrahim Attorneys, 6 Floor, Norlen House ,17 Buitenkant Street ,Cape Town. 005554/2018—(2) Abrahams, Nomzi Beauty, 24 April 1964, 6404240968089, 14 Oasis Crescent, Colorado Park, 7785; (3) 4 February 2018; (4) Sydney Abrahams, 2 November 1952, 5211025181080; (5) Basson and Petersen Attorneys Incorporated, 5 Floor, 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. 011685/2018—(2) ROOTS, LINDSAY, 26 November 1958, 5811265078084, 001145000 CON 5 OU WINGERDWEG, CONSTANTIA, 7800; (3) 2 May 2018; (5) BARRY JAMES GREGG, MICHAEL MATTHEWS & ASSOCIATES, SUITE D1, WESTLAKE SQUARE, 1 WESTLAKE DRIVE, WESTLAKE,7945. 013564/2018—(2) Marais, Gerhardus Petrus, 19 Maart 1934, 3403195018083, Protea Aftreeoord Nr. 40, Zetastraat, Mosselbaai; (3) 29 Junie 2018; (4) Aletta Katrina Marais, 7 Julie 1938, 3807070023085; (5) Floris Johannes Lordan, Posbus 1100, Hartenbos. 011975/2018—(2) VAN WYK, FRANK EDGAR HOLLAWAY, 18 July 1937, 3707185029086, 8 GERALD ROAD, PRINGLE BAY, 7196; (3) 10 July 2018; (5) TRACY PULLOCK, NO. 5, THE HAMPTONS, 440 DIAGONAL ROAD, PRINGLE BAY, 7196. 013674/2018—(2) Slinger, Hendrik, 5 Januarie 1969, 6901055276086, Delft; (3) 2 Augustus 2018; (4) Vanezza Slinger, 18 Maart 1978, 7803180133084; (5) AVENANT RAPPOPORT INC, 21 PASITA STREET, ROSEN PARK, BELLVILLE; (6) 31. 11004/2018—(2) ALLAN, JAMES MCCALLUM, 16 January 1951, GBR801255878, 3 RICHELIEU STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (3) 24 May 2018; (5) YVETTE ADELE CLOETE, 11A MOUNTAIN VIEW OFFICE PARK, 28 BELLA ROSA ROAD, ROSENPARK, BELLVILLE. 11000/2018—(2) ALLAN, WILLIAMINA ANDERSON, 22 March 1952, 5203220700186, 3 RICHELIEU STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (3) 7 April 2011; (4) JAMES MCCALLUM ALLAN, 16 January 1951, GBR801255878; (5) YVETTE ADELE CLOETE, 11A MOUNTAIN VIEW OFFICE PARK, 28 BELLA ROSA ROAD, ROSENPARK, BELLVILLE. 7704/2017—(2) NEWMAN, NEVILLE EDWARD, 31 May 1936, 9305315073083, 35 NEPTUNE CRESCENT, ROCKLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; (3) 21 January 2017; (4) VERONICA ROSA NEWMAN, 13 August 1942, 4208130069086; (5) Velile Tinto Cape Inc., The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708. 14248/2018—(2) Le Grange, Mark, 12 March 1971, N8037557, 31 Springvale Drive, Perth, Australia; (3) 14 November 2017; (4) Rindrahasy Harilala Le Grange, 5 October 1976, N8245635; (5) Johannes Hermanus Jacobs (Agent to Executrix), 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001. 011973/2018—(2) VAN WYK, YVONNE CAROLE, 19 December 1937, 3712190069085, 8 GERALD ROAD, PRINGLE BAY, 7196; (3) 19 October 2003; (4) FRANK EDGAR HOLLAWAY VAN WYK, 18 July 1937, 3707185029086; (5) TRACY PULLOCK, NO. 5, THE HAMPTONS, 440 DIAGONAL ROAD, PRINGLE BAY, 7196. 14337/2018—(2) Tredoux, Hendrik Gabriel, 23 October 1950, 5010235074089, 39 Voortrekker Road, Calitzdorp, 6660; (3) 23 June 2018; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19, Durbanville, 7551. 013994/2018—(2) SMIT, ANDREAS JOHANNES, 7 January 1944, 4401075109088, 20 VALLEY ROAD, AUSTINVILLE, 7580; (3) 4 March 2002; (4) PAULINE EMMA SMIT, 13 August 1942, 4208130395085; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 14 STRAND ROAD, BELLVILLE,7532. 13661/2017—(2) DOMINGO, FAREDA, 14 Januarie 1930, 3001140058087, 9 GEDULT ROAD, PENLYN EST, LANDSDOWNE; (3) 6 Augustus 2016; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 4657/2016—(2) Ekstraal, Dawid, 30 Desember 1929, 2912305078085, Beethovenstraat 9, Harmony Park, Pacaltsdorp, George; (3) 12 Maart 2016; (4) NVT NVT; (5) Louieza Van Briesies, 33 Victoria Street, George,. 013989/2018—(2) SMIT, PAULINA EMMA, 13 August 1942, 4208130395085, 20 VALLEY ROAD, AUSTINVILLE, 7580; (3) 26 June 2011; (5) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 14 STRAND ROAD, BELLVILLE,7532.

This gazette is also available free online at 84 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

7152/2018—(2) DE LANGE, JOHANNA MARIA, 10 September 1946, 4609100165087, 7 Weavers Way, Parelvallei, Somerset West, 7130; (3) 7 April 2018; (5) Nico Paul van der Watt, Suite 2.1 On the Greens, Golf Village, 2 De Beers Avenue, Somerset West, 7130. 014533/2018—(2) BICK, MARGERY EDNA, 28 October 1922, 2210280045082, WOODSIDE VILLAGE, RONDEBOSCH; (3) 10 August 2018; (5) YASMIN JADWAT, PINCUS MATZ HOUSE, WYNBERG MEWS, BRODIE ROAD, WYNBERG 7800. 14255/2018—(2) VAN RENSBURG, HESTER CATHERINA, 1 August 1930, 3008010022085, HUIS UITSIG, ME ROTHMANT STREET, ROOM 506, PAROW NORTH; (3) 9 June 2018; (5) JACOBUS JOHANNES PETRUS HORN, THE FORUM, 13 DRAMA STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130. 013852/2018—(2) Bock, Johanna Susanna, 12 September 1963, 6309120159081, Fairview Street 129, Penhill, 7100; (3) 28 November 2017; (4) Hein Cecil Nathan Bock, 15 December 1962, 6212155161081; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 014355/2018—(2) Zandberg, Gert Albertus, 1 September 1945, 4509015019082, 72 Geelhout Lane, Riebeeck West, 7306; (3) 17 Julie 2018; (4) Gezina Maria Jacoba Zandberg, 29 Junie 1941, 4106290034082; (5) FNB Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 014410/2018—(2) Johnson, Warren Brian, 9 July 1971, 7107095220089, 9 Corsica Crescent, Muizenberg; (3) 18 July 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Christine Marguerite Kennedy, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd. PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 014335/2018—(2) MERCKEL, MARK PETER, 16 November 1962, 6211165047082, 1 MARITZ STREET, SOUTHFIELD; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) YASMIN JADWAT, PINCUS MATZ HOUSE, WYNBERG MEWS, BRODIE ROAD, WYNBERG 7800. 14515/2018—(2) Mizon, Rupert Stanley, 2 December 1933, 3312025044088, Hermanus, Western Cape; (3) 7 August 2018; (4) Joan Mizon, 23 August 1934, 3408230027080; (5) Karen Du Plessis, c/o 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista. 018145/2017—(2) PETERSEN, ABEEDA, 9 September 1965, 6509090191085, 20 SALDANHA STREET , RUYTERWACHT 7460; (3) 14 November 2015; (4) EBRAHIM PETERSEN, 3 November 1958, 5811035094080; (5) K.B.GANGEN & CO.ATTORNEYS, 2NS FLOOR ,CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE , 5 SPIN STREET , CAPE TOWN; (6) 21 SEPTEMBER 2018. 13809/2011—(2) PRINSLOO, AVRIL BREDA CECILIA, 12 November 1958, 5811120109082, 2B WAPITI CLOSE, KENSINGTON, MAITLAND; (3) 18 September 2011; (4) LIONEL GILTON PRINSLOO, 9 May 1957, 5705095157086; (5) DEBORAH-LEE BOTES, 1ST FLOOR, GROVE EXCHANGE, 9 GROVE AVENUE, CLAREMONT. 014468/2018—(2) WILSON, MATILDA DAPHNE, 3 July 1926, 2607030097083, NO 9 CHIPHILL SIDE, SQUARE HILL, RETREAT; (3) 28 June 2013; (5) LESTER AUBREY WILSON, c/o Gunstons Attorneys, Block F, The Terraces, Steenberg Office Park, Tokai, 7945; (6) 30. 7311/2012—(2) Steenkamp, Martha Gertruida, 15 June 1935, 3506150028085, 11 Gouwsblom Street Vanrhynsdorp 8170; (3) 27 April 2012; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551. CA020517/2017—(2) Hilton, John, 5 May 1940, 4005055145184, 62 Admirals Way, Gordons Bay; (3) 27 July 2017; (5) MPV Boedeldienste Bk., Posbus 4603, Tygervallei. 7536. 013333/2018—(2) FISH, MELVYN THOMAS, 28 August 1963, 6308285253085, 41 GIANTS CASTLE, TAFELSIG, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; (3) 12 January 2016; (4) NONE NONE; (5) LUCINDA MITCHELLE FISH, 41 GIANTS CASTLE, TAFELSIG, MITCHELLS PLAIN,7785. 017992/2016—(2) Solomons, Paul Lucky, 5 November 1982, 8211055081082, 1 Durrel Street, Mandalay, Mitchell’s Plain, Western Cape; (3) 30 June 2016; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 013439/2018—(2) Adams, Yagiyah, 28 December 1937, 3712285109085, 3 Sussex Street, Woodstock, Cape Town; (3) 15 June 2018; (4) Fatima Adams, 27 March 1942, 4203270077080; (5) Bisset Boehmke McBlain, 3rd Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. 000636/2018—(2) Mali, Thandabantu Wellington, 8 May 1964, 6405085749088, 24 Cekeca Road, T3V3, Khayelitsha, Western Cape; (3) 13 January 2018; (4) Nomaxabiso Angel Mali, 1 April 1967, 6701040762087; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 014334/2018—(2) Ackermann, Jan Jacob, 22 September 1932, 3209225007081, Chrismar Villas D10, Jessiestraat 25, Chrismar, Bellville, 7530; (3) 14 Julie 2018; (4) Ackermann Hester Willemina, 19 Maart 1931, 3103190030089; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 014324/2018—(2) Hughes, Roysten Frederick, 22 April 1942, 4204225042088, 12 Ash Street, Heather Park, George, 6530; (3) 31 Julie 2018; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 013996/2018—(2) Burger, Johannes Jacobus, 5 Oktober 1940, 4010055086081, Bissetstraat14, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) 31 Julie 2018; (4) Anna Catharina Burger, 5 Julie 1965, 6507050066081; (5) Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 014350/2018—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, JACQUES RIAAN, 2 September 1979, 7909025061081, 10 Cardinal Road, Woodlands, Cape Town; (3) 7 May 2018; (4) SHIREEN VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 21 February 1974, 7402210023082; (5) SHIREEN VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Gunstons Attorneys, Block F, The Terraces, Steenberg Office Park, Tokai, 7945; (6) 30. 3374/2018—(2) BANTOM, ALEXANDER, 7 December 1929, 2912075094080, 10 JUNIPER STREET, BONTEHEUWEL; (3) 16 July 2011; (5) A. KHALFE & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 241, ATHLONE, 7760.

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1217/1998—(2) KAPREY, EBRAHIM JAINOODIEN, 29 May 1932, 3205295042081, 1 JOOLAY ROAD, GATESVILLE; (3) 2 March 1997; (5) A. KHALFE & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 241, ATHLONE, 7760. 11593/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, HESTER HELENA, 16 March 1932, 3203160043086, SIMONSBERG 5, KLARADYN, BRACKENFELL; (3) 24 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HENDRIK LANGENHOVEN VAN ZYL, Posbus 12105, N1 CITY. 013858/2018—(2) De Klerk, Petronella Louisa Jacoba, 20 Oktober 1930, 3010200097083, Elbastraat 11, Vrykyk, 7646; (3) 19 Julie 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 013797/2018—(2) KELLERMAN, MATTHYS LOUIS CHRISTIAAN, 23 Oktober 1946, 4610235055086, MERRIMANSTRAAT 23, WOLSELEY, 6830; (3) 20 Junie 2018; (5) Absa Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 012868/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Anja Magrieta, 2 Oktober 1977, 7710020080088, Laingstraat 14, George, 6530, Wes- Kaap; (3) 30 Junie 2018; (5) Adv G D Coetzee, Posbus 9970, George, 6530. 006240/2017—(2) ROOI, ADAM JACOBUS, 7 Maart 1954, 5403075019084, SANTA ROSA STRAAT 54 CERES 6835; (3) 22 Augustus 2015; (4) MAGRIETA FRANCIS ROOI, 24 Maart 1958, 5803240159089; (5) CHRISTELENE DU TOIT, 145 TULBACH STRAAT, WORCESTER 6850. 010950/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, JESSINA JEMINA, 9 March 1928, 2803090032082, 37 Friesland street, Avondale; (3) 17 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) HENDRIK LANGENHOVEN VAN ZYL, Posbus 12105, N1 CITY. 014403/2018—(2) Kleyn, Frederick William, 7 November 1942, 4211075078088, 107 Goulburn Street, Goodwood, 7460; (3) 22 July 2018; (4) Petronella Francina Kleyn, 9 June 1941, 4106090106080; (5) Leandri Spies, FNB Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 007423/2018—(2) TROUPE, GEORGE, 28 June 1947, 1947-06-28, 30 KLEPPER STREET, BOTHASIG.; (3) 4 April 2018; (5) CHARMAINE YVONNE LINDSAY, ATTORNEYS LINDSAY & WATERS, 15 RAATS DRIVE, PARKLANDS. 7441. 020626/2017—(2) KAGEE, ASA, 24 October 1934, 3410240100089, 5 BARBADOS CLOSE , MANENBERG , ATHLONE 7764; (3) 11 July 2016; (5) K.B.GANGEN & CO.ATTORNEYS, 2ND FLOOR , CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE , 5 SPIN STREET , CAPE TOWN , 8001; (6) 21 SEPTEMBER 2018. 013598/2018—(2) Botha, Karel Hendrik, 29 December 1949, 4912295114088, 4 Eastbourne Street Somerset Place Muizenberg 7945; (3) 22 March 2018; (4) Sophie Botha, 30 November 1950, 5011300105089; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551. 13557/2018—(2) TIRAN, SUSARAH JOHANNA, 9 November 1945, 4511090026081, HOOGSTRAAT 151, OUDTSHOORN, 6625; (3) 27 Junie 2018; (5) DUVENAGE KEYSER & JONCK ING, BARON VAN REEDESTRAAT 84, OUDTSHOORN, 6625. 013348/2018—(2) Haggerty, Jack Alfred, 2 September 1929, 2909025078080, 39 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, Cape Town; (3) 26 June 2018; (4) n/a; (5) Executor: PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd represented by Dr EC Nel, PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065. 013939/2018—(2) ROODMAN, THEUNIS WESSEL, 24 December 1952, 5212245057084, 80 Scheider Street ,Fraanskraal , Cape Town , Western Cape; (3) 5 June 2018; (5) PJ BLANCKENBERG -BUTLER BLANCKENBERG NIELSEN SAFODIEN INC, TANNERY PARK ,2ND FLOOR ,21 BELMONT ROAD ,RONDEBOSCH ,7700 ,CAPE TOWN. 014503/2018—(2) Bilas, Marleen Anita, 21 February 1942, 4202210022081, 8 Annvon Road, Diep River; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 011001/2018—(2) Groenewald, Lukas, 3 Mei 1937, 3705035066084, MARK sTRAAT 132, pAROW vALLEY , 7500; (3) 18 Mei 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441. 010547/2018—(2) LOMPA, WOLFGANG DIETRICH, 7 July 1937, 3707075058187, 102 PRINGLE ROAD, MILNERTON,7441; (3) 6 May 2018; (5) KARIN LEHMANN, c/o HOWARD & WAREHAM ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 2544, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30 DAYS. 013621/2018—(2) Pieterse, Stephen Nico, 4 January 1953, 5304015075089, 54 23rd Avenue, Elsies River , 7490; (3) 14 June 2018; (5) Morne Andre Van Niekerk as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441. 010772/2018—(2) Reeve, Adrian William Gunther, 20 May 1959, 5905205135085, 4 Arlington Place, Eversdale, Western Cape; (3) 23 June 2018; (4) Karen Reeve, 9 June 1958, 5806090070082; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 7654/2018—(2) VOLLMANN, PETER, 11 August 1978, 7808116016188, 26 REGENT STREET, WOODSTOCK; (3) 4 May 2018; (5) DE FREITAS ATTORNEYS, GROUND FLOOR, CANAL EDGE ONE B, TYGERWATERFRONT, CARL CRONJE DRIVE, BELLVILLE, 7530. 011237/2018—(2) Van Den Heever, Jacobus, 1 August 1951, 5108015071083, Blompot Farm, Bottelary Road, Koelenhof, Stellenbosch, Western Cape; (3) 13 March 2018; (4) Hermina Josephine Van Den Heever, 26 March 1946, 4603260111080; (5) Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (6) 30. 020179/ 2017—(2) Solomons, Henry James, 3 July 1940, 4007035092080, 109 Plantation Road, Ferness, Ottery 7708; (3) 28 September 2017; (4) Kathleen Solomons, 3 May 1939, 3905030134081; (5) CE Schoonraad, Legal Connection, 206 Belgravia Road, Crawford 7780. 014701/2018—(2) JANSEN VAN VUUREN, LIESL, 9 Desember 1973, 7312090004088, CUMMINGSTRAAT 28, WELLINGTON; (3) 16 Augustus 2018; (5) KOOS COETZEE PROKUREURS, DORPSTRAAT 14, POSBUS 555, VREDENDAL 8160. 11809/2018—(2) MOSHI, KHOLOSA FAITH, 26 November 1966, 6611260704083, 10 MAIN ROAD, GANSBAAI; (3) 10 June 2018; (5) T A WILLS, C/O POSTNET SUITE 85, PRIVATE BAG X15, SOMERSET WEST 7129.

This gazette is also available free online at 86 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

014330/2018—(2) Dirkman, Raymond Leslie, 26 November 1946, 4611265550087, Dawlishweg 25, Plumstead, 7801; (3) 27 Januarie 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 013933/2018—(2) OLIVIER, JOHANNES, 8 February 1936, 3602085015089, 40 KOORSBOOM STREET, RHEEBOK; (3) 31 July 2018; (5) RAUCH GERTENBACH INC,, LACHE HOUSE, 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE. 013661/2018—(2) De Kock, Angelika Maria Helene, 28 Desember 1949, 4912280009087, 40 Mahogany Crescent, Loevenstein; (3) 16 Junie 2018; (4) George Robert De Kock, 21 Januarie 1941, 4101215001084; (5) Standard Trust Bpk, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 013648/2018—(2) Koeslag, Johan Hermanus, 4 June 1940, 4006045002089, 39 Smith Road, Plumstead; (3) 15 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 010962/2018—(2) Duna, Tandabantu Gilbert, 21 April 1976, 7604215406085, 29 Vrede Street, Voelvlei, Sarepta, Kuils River; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) Elizabeth Vuyiswa Duna, 16 April 1962, 6204160724086; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 012766/2018—(2) Visser, Beverley Anne, 3 July 1954, 5407030171088, 10 Du Preez Street, Knysna Heights; (3) 29 June 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 013589/2018—(2) RUFINO, JOSE CRISPIANO VIRISSIMO, 25 October 1935, 3510255073087, THE ISLANDS, JAMAICA UNIT 27, MCGUINNESS STREET, DE TIJGER; (3) 23 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MARIA ALMERINDA HUGO, THE ISLANDS, UNIT 1141 HANNES LOUW DRIVE, DE TIJGER; (6) 30 DAYS. 014332/2018—(2) Briers, William Roland Hewett, 25 Desember 1956, 5612255115088, Eikelaan 4, Prins Alfred Hamlet, 6840; (3) 19 Julie 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 014548/2018—(2) COETZER, DIRK LLEWELLYN, 14 February 1945, 4502145029089, 145 HELDERBERG MANOR, ASRIN DRIVE, HERITAGE PARK, SOMERSET WEST; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) SILMA HAMDULAY, STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30. 014543/2018—(2) Ellick, Beatrice Mildred, 18 September 1970, 7009180052080, 12 Greenfield Way, Marinda Park, 7580; (3) 20 June 2018; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 002284/2018—(2) HOPE, CHARLOTTE PHOEBE, 25 August 1928, 2808250059080, Vue Du Cap Retirement Village, 39 Grey Avenue, Table View.; (3) 8 January 2018; (5) CHARMAINE YVONNE LINDSAY, ATTORNEYS LINDSAY & WATERS, 15 RAATS DRIVE, PARKLANDS. 7441. 014395/2018—(2) Rezant, Elmarie Elsabe90083, 29 June 1969, 6906290190083, 25 Mataro Way, Northpine, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) 25 May 2018; (4) Christopher Brian Rezant, 7 June 1961, 6106075062082; (5) NedgroupTrust (Pty) Limited, NedgroupTrust (Pty) Ltd , PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 6859/2002—(2) Williams, John Sidney, 17 May 1924, 2405175152080, 17 Spykerman Street, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 19 May 1997; (4) Rose Louise Getruida Abrahams, 22 November 1922, 2211220184080; (5) Charlotte Dyhanna Okkers, 19 Rolinde Street, James Town, Stellenbosch. 013032/2018—(2) ROWORTH, CORNELIA, 6 December 1959, 5912060135085, 7 SUSAN WAY, BRENTWOOD PARK, EERSTE RIVIER 7100; (3) 20 October 2016; (4) HAROLD CLAUD ROWORTH, 19 October 1956, 5610195072088; (5) HAROLD CLAUD ROWORTH, 7 SUSAN WAY, BRENTWOOD PARK, EERSTE RIVIER 7100; (6) 30 DAYS. 013391/2018—(2) HORNE, YVONNE JEANETTE, 5 August 1939, 3908050080085, 11 SEATON ROAD, SOUTHFIELD, CAPE TOWN, 7800; (3) 6 September 2008; (5) BRENDA ANNE MUNRO, GENERAL BUILDING, 8TH FLOOR, 42 BURG STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001. 013856/2018—(2) BOSMAN, PAUL JOHANNES DUPLESSIS, 15 Augustus 1945, 4508155098088, PIET FRANSMANSTRAAT 27, KUILSRIVIER, 7580,; (3) 20 Julie 2018; (4) DINA MARIA ELIZABETH BOSMAN, 16 Februarie 1942, 4202160070080; (5) Absa Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30.

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, (3) description of account other than first and final; (4) if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; (5) period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office; (6) Advertiser details.

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Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, (3) beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; (4) indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; (5) tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor; (6) Adverteerder besonderhede.


012337/2018—(2) Alves, Antonio Alexandre Pereira (3805255004086); Reuven Old Age Home, 31 West Turffontein Road, Unit 94, Rueven, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) NL Administration Services; PO Box 2259, Honeydew, 2156; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117914015. 010613/2017—(2) MORAKE, ITUMELENG ERIC (8709135898089); 2534 EXTENSION 45, ROSSLYN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) Mabuse Attorneys; Site 426 Unit E, First Floor ,Central Court ,Old Mutual Building , Mabopane; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0127011999. 19426/2016—(2) EKMAN, ALEXANDER HAROLD (7509105071081); 16 JOPIE FOURIE STREET MEYERTON 1960; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MEYERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR ROYAL PALMS BUILDING, CNR LOCH STR & PIERNEEF BLVD MEYERTON 1960; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163624108. 014462/2018—(2) SCHAAF, THERESE GLYNNIS (5407130026083); 17A ALBATROSS DRIVE FOURWAYS 2191; (3) First and Final; (4) ULRICH DEETLEF SCHAAF (4411095018185); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) M van Heerden; Van Heerden Attorneys, PO Box 12265, CLUBVIEW, 0014.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833240331. 012945/2018—(2) NAICKER, GOVINDAMAL (5010010784084); 106 JOHAN AVENUE, SANDTON, 2196; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, CNR OF NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: joey. [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 8692/2018—(2) Grün (born Henderson), Michel Joy (7002160044086); 46A Delphinium Street, Doornpoort, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 4132/2013—(2) Taskes, Thomas James (5408075076083); No 9 Lou-et Ave, Edleen, Johannesburg, 1621.; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350805. 004662/2018—(2) CILLIERS, ADRIAAN JOHANNES (4101095011088); WILRIA 3, FOUCHESTRAAT, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD; (3) First and Final; (4) CORNELIA DOROTHEA CILLIERS (4407240011083); (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; Email: veritas@; Tel: 012-6621399. 15093/2015—(2) BENNETT, DEREK SEYMOUR (5807245165082); 131 LAMP STREET, BLINKPAN, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) JOHANNA WILHELMINA BENNETT (6101250021086); (5) (MIDDELBURG, PRETORIA). (6) HARVEY NORTJE WAGNER & MOTIMELE INC; P O BOX 61, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA, 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-6562161. 9712/2017—(2) ROBERTS, ANNA MARIA (5108190115085); 12 TAMBOTIE STREET, VAN DYK PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (BOKSBURG, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6621399. 5496/2018—(2) HAVENGA, MATTHEUS JOHANNES (6403075021089); PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) DORATHEA ELIZABETH HAVENGA (7005020011088); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) JPA VENTER ATTORNEYS; 321 ALPINE WAY LYNNWOOD PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615700. 018056/2018—(2) Van Tonder, Andries Johannes (2411255009083); 8 Palm Avenue, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vanderbijlpark, Marshalltown). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 009660/2017—(2) Cordia, Guilliam Johannes Jacobus (4204195038082); Erf 130 Dal Fouche, 1559; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabet Magdalena Fouche (4705130042088); (5) (Springs, Pretoria). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680.

This gazette is also available free online at 88 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

019158/2017—(2) LEE, LEO CHONG (4206165041087); UNIT 13, LEOPARD ROCK, 61 EEUWFEES ROAD, SOUTH CREST, ALBERTON, 1449; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) R PRETORIUS; POSBUS 868, VEREENIGING, 1930; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0164211034. 017603/2016—(2) LEONG, MOOI SING (3608190060084); 14 ELM AVENUE, CRAIGAVON GARDENS UNIT 16, WITKOPPEN, FOURWAYS; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) R PRETORIUS; POSBUS 868, VEREENIGING, 1930; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0164211034. 25177/2014—(2) Du Plessis, Willem Adriaan (7705095026081); Duringstraat 52, Honeyridge Estate, Honeydew Ridge, Randburg; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pretoria). (6) Harry Solomon; Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Montana Forum Gebou, 20 Tecomaria Straat, Montana, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 548 6460. 003964/2018—(2) BOTHA, GERHARDUS JOHANNES (3404025090086); DIAMANTPARK 10, EESTE LAAN, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT; (3) First and Final; (4) MAGTILD JOHANNA BOTHA (4106120123089); (5) 21 DAYS; (BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6621399. 15920/2017—(2) VAN DER MERWE, ANNA SUSANNA (3703190001087); 322 NAGTEGAAL STREET, SILVERTON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6621399. 0054162016—(2) Africa, Carl August Henry (3807035062087); 34 Lavental Road, Uitsig, Ravensmead, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) Susan Lillian Africa (4809160655080); (5) (Goodwood Magistrate Court) (6) Moodley Attorneys Incorporated; 404 Princess Place, 5 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102140655. 17284/2016—(2) TAYLOR, FREDERIK PETRUS (3510185023087); 12 SAUNDERSON STREET, MEYERTON, 1960; (3) First and final; (4) EVA ALETTA TAYLOR (3906050007082); (5) (MEYERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, ROYAL PALMS BUILDING, CNR LOCH STR AND PIERNEEF BLVD MEYERTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163624108. 012270/2017—(2) Pautz, Joan Maureen (2806130009085); 3 Stellanine, 7 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) André Robberts, The Ashton CA (SA) Group; PO Box 1620, Groenkloof, 0027; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124603050. 016723/2016—(2) Smith, Eunice Felicia (7009130198082); 4 Derwent Street,Riverlea, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: nicky.botha@fnb.; Tel: 0873350819. 16673/2017—(2) GILLILAND, JEANETTE (3009010012084); ELDO GLEN FRAIL CARE, CENTURION; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6621399. 017601/2016—(2) JORDT, KAREL THEODOR (6105265121088); MOULTONLAAN 1408, WAVERLEY, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PETRA LABUSCHAGNE; PGL TRUSTEES DOREENSTRAAT 85 COLBYN PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123421240. 006441/2016—(2) LINDEN, BRIDGET LEONORA (3504250048087); 18 DRAKENSTEIN AVENUE, BOSMONT, JHB, 2093; (3) Amended First; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) Lulu Kritzinger Electus Trust; Po Box 12541 Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0763389560. 006328/2016—(2) LINDEN, HURBERT BASIL (3210155051081); 18 DRAKENSTEIN AVENUE, BOSMONT, JHB,2093; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) BRIDGET LEONORA LINDEN (3504250048087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Lulu Kritzinger Electus Trust; Po Box 12541 Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0763389560. 003029/2018—(2) Van Rensburg, Elizabeth Anna (5411280683081); 572 Luderitz street , Booysens , Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Zelda Vermeulen Attorneys; 258 Carinastreet, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria,0181; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0822199772. 7011/2018—(2) Van den Heever, Johannes Hermanus Fourie (6901085032087); 1005 Charl Cillier Street, Daspoort, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) Trudie Elizabeth Van den Heever (6802250044081); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 3682/2018—(2) VAN BEEK, BELINDA (5803230023089); 12 BOMBARDIER STREET, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) BEERT JAN VAN BEEK (5505205053088); (5) 21 DAYS; (WITBANK (Emalahleni) PRETORIA). (6) MARAIS BASSON INCORPORATED; 44 DUNCAN STREET WITBANK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 690 3968. 3779/2017—(2) NDHLOVU, PHILLIP JABULANE (5707285417080); 4106, LUBAMBO STREET, EXTENSION 7, KWAGUQA, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) POPIE MERIAM NDHLOVU (5707220276088); (5) 21 DAYS; (WITBANK (Emalahleni) PRETORIA). (6) MARAIS BASSON INCORPORATED; 44 DUNCAN STREET WITBANK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 690 3968. 3682/2018—(2) VAN BEEK, BELINDA (5803230023089); 12 BOMBARDIER STREET, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) BEERT JAN VAN BEEK (5505205053088); (5) 21 DAYS; (WITBANK (Emalahleni) PRETORIA). (6) MARAIS BASSON INCORPORATED; 44 DUNCAN STREET WITBANK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 690 3968. 3779/2017—(2) NDHLOVU, PHILLIP JABULANE (5707285417080); 4106, LUBAMBO STREET, EXTENSION 7, KWAGUQA, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) POPIE MERIAM NDHLOVU (5707220276088); (5) 21 DAYS; (WITBANK (Emalahleni) PRETORIA). (6) MARAIS BASSON INCORPORATED; 44 DUNCAN STREET WITBANK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 690 3968.

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20561/2014—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, FRANSIE (6105105034087); 171 Bokmakierie Road, Rooihuisskraal, Centurion; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Centurion, Johannesburg). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 007006/2018—(2) MORE, MORONGWE CAROLINE (5603031327089); 11 ORGIDEE STREET, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) THABO HENDRICK MORE (5503036223087); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7133. 27767/2014—(2) MAKHUBELE, NOKONWABA JENNIFER (7410040930087); 6 Langebaan Road, Helderwyk, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 31149/2015—(2) STOLTZ, BARBARA (4801310070088); 7 UMGENI ROAD, RIVER CLUB, SANDTON; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC.; PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)562-1250. 002920/2016—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, SARAH ELIZABETH CHRISTINA (3004070038087); 51 SATURNUS STREET, FOCHVILLE RETIREMENT CENTRE, FOCHVILLE, 2515; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (FOCHVILLE, PRETORIA, NORTH GAUTENG). (6) ACKERMAN SWART INC; P O BOX 125, FOCHVILLLE, 2515; Email: legal@asatt.; Tel: 018-7713359. 5509/2011—(2) MAKHUBELA, PHILLIP MORUDI (6009205566081); STAND NO. 4767/8, EKANGALA-B, 1021; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) LOUISE LORRAINE MAKHUBELA (6404260410087); (5) (EKANGALA, PRETORIA). (6) GEO KILIAN ATTORNEYS; LISULIA BUILDING, 55 KRUGER STREET, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, 1020; Email: lettie@; Tel: 013-9322911. 008636/2015—(2) MANGWANA, HAPPINESS NJABULO (8006266241081); ERF 2345 TAFELBOOM STREET EXTENSION 1, LEACHVILLE ,1541; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S W NKALA ATTORNEYS INCOPORATED; 11 JOACHIM STREET HADDON, JOHANNESBURG; Email: admin@; Tel: 0113317530. 24975/2017—(2) MONGALA, TAUAGAE DAVID (5202125761087); ERF 2345 THULANI EXTENSION 1; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S W NKALA ATTORNEYS INCOPORATED; 11 JOACHIM STREET HADDON, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113317530. 006529/2016—(2) SMITH, ROY BEAUMONT (4511165096183); 3 Platina, Jukskei Park, Gauteng; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Erna De Villiers; Hazelwood Gate, 14 Oak Tree Ave, Hazelwood, Pretoria, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 000639/2017—(2) BARNARD, ISABELLA ELIZABETH (5803140124084); 229 FISH EAGLE AVENUE LEEUWFONTEIN ESTATES DERDEPOORT PARK 0186; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA) (6) ROTHMANN PHAHLAMOHLAKA ATTORNEYS; 927 JUSTICE MOHAMED STREET BROOKLYN PRETORIA 0181; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124600220. 009386/2015—(2) Moremoholo, Monoapele Phillip (5509110783086); 0989 Dube Village Soweto; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Jose & Associates; 88 Marshall Street, 3rd floor samancor house; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011070-7004. 19905/2015—(2) Hlabane, Rose Lulu (5701160439087); 568 Vosloorus Ext 3; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) Jose & Associates; 88 Marshall Street, 3rd floor samancor house; Email: tebogo@jose-; Tel: 011492 - 0992. 010741/2017—(2) Jacobs, Linda (5012310138086); 2 Chardoux, 887 Pierneef Street, Villieria, Pretoria; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Trevor G van Niekerk Auditors; P.O. Box 2025, Groenkloof 0027; Email: tgvn@tgvnauditors.; Tel: 0123463631. 3249/2017—(2) PHOTSANE, PHORI PETRUS (5905245749085); ERF 19713 SEBOKENG UNIT 14; (3) First and Final; (4) NONGA ELIZABETH PHOTSANE (5906170675089); (5) (SEBOKENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S I ADMINISTRATORS (PTY) LTD; 12 RIKIE POSTMA VANDERBIJLPARK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 016932149. 021336/2017—(2) Jones, Richard Kenneth (3904095044087); 68 Buckingham Road, Kensington, 2094; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Valerie Jones (4303280023080); (5) 21 days; (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Johan Louw; 5 Vegkop Road, Hartenbos, 6520; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117874342. 2197/2014—(2) PEER, HAWA (3808220032083); 27 MUIRFIELD ROAD, GREENSIDE, 2193; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) OMAR MAHOMED ATTORNEYS; NO. 68 DITTON AVENUE, AUCKLAND PARK, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-839-2525. 012410/2018—(2) AUCAMP, HERHARDUS (3901165045085); 3 WELTOODT WOONSTELLE,WESTONARIA,GAUTENG 1779; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 4488/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, FREDERICK CHRISTIAAN (5609035072084); 34 RAY STREET, TRIOMF, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) NONE NONE; (5) 21; (JOHANNESBURG MAGISTRATE COURT, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - JOHANNESBURG). (6) SSLR INC; Constantia office Park, 14th Avenue, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116648528. 1353/2018—(2) Daubermann, Bernard John (4802195036087); Unit 28, Monte Luso, Blakeney Aveneu, Mulbaron; (3) First and final; (4) Deanna Louise Daubermann (5208060122086); (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Telfer & Associcates; P O B ox 70693, Bryanston, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-2672600.

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000773/2018—(2) MINTY, IAN DAVID (5506055107081); 178 JERICHO AVENUE, WATERKLOOF GLEN, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) WEAVIND & WEAVIND INC.; P O BOX 34, PRETORIA, 0001; Email: estates@; Tel: 012 346 3098. 006573/2017—(2) PATRICK, MOGANAMBAL (6702260013086); 59, St. Amant Street, Malvern, 2094; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MANGERA & ASSOCIATES; 77, 10TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR, JOHANNESBURG, 2092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118374506. 014742/2005—(2) PATRICK, ALTON TIMOTHY (6808165199084); 59, St. Amant Street, Malvern, 2094; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MANGERA & ASSOCIATES; 77, 10TH AVENUE, MAYFAIR, JOHANNESBURG, 2092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118374506. 004503/2017—(2) ROGERS, GISELA (5004070095085); 1 OAKMONT, JACKEL CREEK ESTATE, NORTH RIDING, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PAUL CASASOLA AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED; ASPEN BUSINESS PARK, BOSTON HOUSE, GROUND FLOOR WEST; Email: priyanka@paulcasasola.; Tel: 0870561004. 027221/2017—(2) MANCHE, ANNA (4904260224083); 1273 ZONE 9 MEADOWLANDS, SOWETO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) AMASUBAS ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, SAMANCOR HOUSE 10TH FLOOR, SUITE 1001, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-568-4742. 000514/2018—(2) Du Toit, Beryl (2908020024081); A219 Huis Herfsblaar, Webbweg 1244, Queenswood, Pretoria 0186; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Anna Petronella Glas; PO Box 28154, Sunnyside, Pretoria 0132; E-pos: ansa@; Tel: (012)3318336. 002394/2018—(2) CROUS, HERMINA CHRISTINA MARIA ISABELLA (3705040026081); 24 VILLA RENATA, ANNLIN, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) WEDUWEE WEDUWEE; (5) 30; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PTA Boedels Administrateurs; Posbus 14341, Sinoville, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 5431229. 0061652016—(2) Bos, Nicolaas Jan (2908135020081); 26 Wilgers Aftreeoord Trollope Straat Wilrow Park Pretoria; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) — (6) Danie Rothman; 16 Holtzhausen St Baillie Park Potchefstroom 2323; E-pos: johan@; Tel: 0828572358. 3898/2017—(2) DYKE, LESLEY DOROTHY (4312170031087); Residentia Foundation, Troye Street, Sunnyside Pretoria, previously Mirtehof, A103, Daspoort, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) JH DE VILLIERS; PO BOX 122, WOODLANDS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828072118. 25700/2015—(2) Meyer, Leon Willem (5602245014087); 1302 Eaton road, Henley on Klip; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Meyerton) (6) JWAC Zurcher; 12 Rikie Postma street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 016- 932-1494. 7579/2018—(2) Claassens, Gerhardus Petrus (4004185014089); Guldenbodem, Gedeelte 4 Rietfontein 395 JR, Distrik Bronkhorstspruit; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bronkhorstspruit, Pretoria). (6) PSG Trust (Edms) Bpk; Postnet Suite 96, Privaatsak X025, Lynnwood Rif, Pretoria, 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861-774-000. 29673/2014—(2) MOKONE, PULENG SOPHIA (3006020219089) (N/A); 9012 MAREKA STREET SHARPEVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FOUCHE’ ATTORNEYS; 23 JOUBERT STREET, VEREENIGING, 1930; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 016 421 4262. 5478/2018—(2) THORNE, BURNETT JOHN (5109285128082); 786 SPIOENKOP STREET, WAVERLEY, PRETORIA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) GRIESELDA HENRIETTE THORNE (5402250131086); (5) N/A; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PSG TRUST - J TERBLANCHE; P.O. BOX 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123610898. 31530/2010—(2) WRIGHT, FRANCOIS PHILLIPUS (5202175095006); 4 ELTHAM ROAD, DINWIDDIE, GERMISTON; (3) First and final; (4) CAROL ANNE WRIGHT (5505130121083); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FABER GOERTZ ELLIS AUSTEN INCORPORATED; 1ST FLOOR BLOCK D, ST ANDREWS OFFICE PARK, MEADOWBROOK LANE, EPSOM DOWNS, BRYANSTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105903378. 006986/2018—(2) BLIGNAUT, JACOBUS PHILIPPUS BENJAMIN (3302065023084); CONQUEROR ESTATES 17, VERDALAAN 787, MONTANA PARK; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CATHARINA SUSSANA BLIGNAUT (3606070017083); (5) 21; (pretoria, pretoria). (6) pta boedels administrateurs; posbus 15759, sinoville, pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 5431229. 005681/2018—(2) LAUER, HEBERT FRANZ (4003085074185); PLOT 81, KAMEELDRIFT OOS, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARIA DORETHIA ELIZABETH LAUER (4907250033083); (5) 21; (pretoria, pretoria). (6) pta boedels administrateurs; posbus 15759, sinoville, pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 5431229. 010164/2017—(2) SWART, PAUL JOZIA JOUBERT (5105235039080); MONROE PARK 7 KOORSBOOM STRAAT, MAGALIESKRUIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) HELENA ELIZABETH SWART (5301100013082); (5) 21; (PRETORIA NOORD, PRETORIA). (6) CJ VENTER PER CJV PROKUREURS; CNR ELIZABETH EN RAY STREET 20 ANNLIN 0182; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0618281973. 019318/2016—(2) DREW, LLEWELLYN (2702285039086); EKKLESIA, 2 PARKLANE, BLAIRGOWRIE, RANDBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, South Gauteng - Johannesburg). (6) Harris Dowden & Fontaine; P O Box 651129, Benmore 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-8847373. 015227/2016—(2) Edkins, Mary Maureen (3206080064082); 116 Garden Village , Garden Road, Bordeaux, Randburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randbug Gauteng, Johannesburg South Gauteng). (6) Sher Barkhan & Schauder; Cedarwood Office Park ,Block B , Ground floor, Mount Lebanon Road , Woodmead ,2191, Sandton; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118049640.

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028782/2017—(2) Davis, William Henry (2903305050083); 121 Second Avenue, Melville, Johannesburg; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Gauteng). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; P O Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216818652. 23390/2017—(2) Fourie, Louis (3612275045085); 116 Cornelis Street, Fairland, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) Ardre Fourie (3910040037084); (5) (Gauteng). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; P O Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216818652. 24539/2017—(2) Wegener, Neville Percival (4408265016080); 3 Bute Avenue Hurlingham, Sandton; (3) First and final; (4) Denise Wegener (4607290037082); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) A H Crowder; 16 Barry Hertzog Drive, Florida Park, Roodepoort, 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0848329396. 16591/2017—(2) MOLAO, DOROTHY (6010290717084); 165B KGAREBE STREET, NALEDI, JOHANNESBURG 1861; (3) First and final; (4) NA; (5) (Hazyview, Mpumalanga, Johannesburg). (6) Michael Dansky; 3rd floor Framework House, 4 Boundary road, Rouxville, Johannesburg, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-485-2799. 014613/2017 JHB—(2) VALLY, KEHROONISHA EBRAHIM (5306200164081); 16 DA GAMA STREET, CULEMBORG PARK, RANDFONTEIN, 1759; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DECEASED ESTATE ADMINISTRATION SERVICES (Mr Enver Khan); 51 13th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092 * P O Box 40, Johannesburg, 2000 * Tel : 011 837 7844; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118377844. 014166/2018—(2) MAGERMAN, ABRAHAM JOHANNES (5407065092084); 27 GEORGE WEINER STREET, ELDORADO PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) SENECA MAGDALENE MAGERMAN (5710020056080); (5) (High Court - Johannesburg). (6) FERHANA JADA ATTORNEYS; 272 ROSE AVENUE, EXTENSION 5, LENASIA; Email: munazzak@; Tel: (011)852-4809. 2904/2018—(2) Morris, Roy William (1903175011083); 134 Willowbrook Place, Sandown, Gauteng; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) A H Crowder; 16 Barry Hertzog Drive, Florida Park, Roodepoort; E-pos: tcrowder@ [email protected]; Tel: 0848329396. 006170/2018—(2) STEVENSON, IAN GRANT (4303015045085); 28 MONT PARK DRIVE, 46 MONT PARK, LEBONBO COMPLEX, MONTGOMERY PARK, EXT3 JHB; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 12624/2018—(2) Nxumalo, Ndlangamandla Simon (4108035458089); 805 Kekana Street Kwa-Thema Springs; (3) First and final; (4) Joyce Sesi Nxumalo (4411070423087); (5) (Springs, Johannesburg). (6) Ivan Davies-Hammerschlag; 64 Fourth Street, Springs - PO Box 16 Springs 1560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-812-1050. 32224/2011—(2) Du Plessis, Jacobus Daniel Stephanus (4506145036085); Garden Estate 835, Danpark, Brakpan; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Naomi Du Plessis (4504240034089); (5) 21; (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Mev H.J.C. du Plessis; Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4474394. 027965/2017—(2) HASSAN, DORIS DAVY KHATIJA (3202280315085); 122 GEMSBOKS STREET, LENASIA; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC.; PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)562-1250. 014684/2018—(2) SCOTT, HELEN OLIVE (2912090036082); UNIT 79 WITFIELD PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128. 006635/2018—(2) THOMSON, PETER JOHN (5312035161086); 6 MT YUKON CLOSE, MIDLANDS ESTATE, MIDSTREAM, CENTURION (PREV GEORGE, WESTERN CAPE); (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128. 019478/2017—(2) Taylor, Edward Anthony (3210285036184); 18 Stellenberg Place, Strathavon, 2031; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Valerie Nan Taylor; P O Box 296, Sunninghill, 2157; Email: nicole@watermark.; Tel: 011 883 0564. 009393/2017—(2) VAN BEUSEKOM, EUGENE (6104015057080); 7 COTSWOLD ROAD, FLORIDA HILLS, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA ANTOINETTE VAN BEUSEKOM (6012290090082); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ADV KAREN COETZER c/o KC TRUSTEES (PTY) LTD; 396 JAN SMUTS AVENUE, VALLEY CENTRE, SUITE 218, CRAIGHALL PARK. PO BOX 7313, FAIRLAND, 2030; Email: [email protected] and karen@; Tel: 0723075558. 5967/2018—(2) Jackson, Sharon (5301100205084); 925 Springfield, Gibson Street, Buccleuch, 2090; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Pretoria). (6) Aletta van Goeverden; Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630; Email: altavangoeverden@; Tel: 0828257135. 1331/2017—(2) Kinnear, George Richard (7107025200086); 06 Jacob Straat, Springs; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Pretoria). (6) Aletta van Goeverden; Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0828257135. 006204/2018—(2) DE BEER, SYBRAND ABRAHAM (4403235021088); AD CARE, OLIVE CRESCENT LEANDER STREET, OLYMPUS, PRETORIA; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SF; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 3677/2018—(2) De Beer, Johanna Aletta (4201070001086); 594 Jacobs Street, Gezina, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) - -; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Hantie Fourie - LUBBES TRUST; 20 Tecomaria Street, Montana; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 0125486460.

This gazette is also available free online at 92 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

924/2017—(2) Delport, Dawid Frederick (5610225014084); 68 Romyn Street, Rensburg, Heidelberg, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Christina Magdalena Delport (5610225014084); (5) (Johannesburg, Heidelberg). (6) Hantie Fourie - LUBBES TRUST; 20 Tecomaria Street, Montana; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125486460. 001992/2018—(2) Schoeman, Johannes Bernardus (5003235053088); 742 Bates Road, Moreleta Park, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Fairbridges Wertheim Becker; Ground Floor, 33 Fricker Road, Illovo, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-268-0250. 6646/2011—(2) NKUTA, MAQWAYIZA JOSEPH (4202185413083); 15 BANFIELDSTRAAT, CARLETONVILLE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NONDOMISO ABEGAIL NKUTA NOVUNGWANA; (5) (OBERHOLZER, CARLETONVILLE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PIET VAN STADEN PROKUREURS; 62 EGGO JANSTRAAT, OBERHOLZER, CARLETONVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0187886528. 21271/2010—(2) SOTHOANE, AUTHANIEL (6610106168081); 813 DITHOPI STREET, EXT 2 , VOSLOORUS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VOSLOORUS, PRETORIA). (6) PAT SITHOLE ATTORNEYS; 77 CNR TOM JONES & CRANBOURNE AVENUE , GRANDWAY BUILDING , FIRST FLOOR , OFFICE NO: 2 , BENONI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114214827. 010866/2018—(2) Van Der Berg, Johan (4611095089082); 22 Derby Laan, Springs, 1559; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Marshalltown). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 18198/2016—(2) Nomatayi, Mmbangiseni Hamilton (5809045701082); House 7024, Drive, Ext 3, Ratanda; (3) First and final; (4) Mashudu Judith Nomatayi (6206260104085); (5) (Heidelberg, Johannesburg). (6) Kruger & Scharf Prokureurs; PO Box 36041, Menlo Park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124601370. 010020/2017—(2) Kekana, Modikwe Elias (4303085430084); 6 Lefosa Street, Atteridgeville, 0008; (3) First and Final; (4) Mmametsing Violet Kekana (4411030407089); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Mlapisane Attorneys; 570 Fehsern Street 3rd Floor Steven House, Brooklyn Office Park, Brooklyn, 0181; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 433 6558. 022815/2016—(2) Hutchinson, Kenneth Robin (3912225040081); 92 Ivan Smuts Avenue, Silverfields, Krugersdorp 1739; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) Rubicon Trust Company Limited; 73 Beyers Naude Drive, Crn Beyers Naude & Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park, Randburg 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 646 0064. 022039/2017—(2) Davechand, Tharadevi Thupsie (5505070099083); 133 6TH Avenue, Edenvale, 1609; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) AED Attorneys; 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-033-8701. 007573/2018—(2) Joubert, Francois (3401015045088); Unit 233 Glenhaven,282 Annette Van Zyl Street, Garsfontein,Pretoria,0042; (3) First and Final; (4) Rosaline Joubert (3708030027085); (5) 21 Days; (Pretoria). (6) Duke Parker From Rynhart Kruger Attorneys; Posnet Suite #631,Private Bag x10,Elarduspark,0047; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 24029/2013—(2) Weber, Jacobus Adriaan (3708225020085); No: Japie Fourie Straat, Middelburg; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Susarah Magaretha Sophia Weber (4205260098083); (5) (Middelburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 6306/2018—(2) Koekemoer, Daniel Martienes (4312295020080); 27 Ysterhoutstraat, Birchleigh; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Kempton Park Magistrate’s Office, Johannesburg). (6) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc.; 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619; Email: keletso@schumanns.; Tel: 011-394-9960. 001136/2017—(2) Pita, Gabrielda Ressurreicao Rocha (7003295499088); 1303 Prima Vista, Dereham Drive, Mulbarton, Johannesburg, 2190; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 015596/2018—(2) Du Preez, Johanna Wilhelmina (3501220044089); 510 Featherbrooke Hills Retirement Village, Fetherbrooke,1746; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 Dae; (Krugersdorp, Masthalltown/Johannesburg). (6) Duke Parker Van Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; Postnet Suite #631,Privaatsak X10,Elarduspart,0047; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 27535/2013—(2) Janse Van Rensburg, Gerald (4605105025086); 92 Porter Avenue, Brakpan, 1541; (3) First and final; (4) Johanna Hendrina Janse van Rensburg (4303240009088); (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Sherine Jansen as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limeted ,c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc; 32 Kempton Road , Kempton Park 1619; Email: barend@; Tel: 0113949960. 006763/2017—(2) Van Tonder, Dorothea Wilhelmina (2903010033085); 242 Serene Straat, Garsfontein, 0043; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) — (6) Petra van der Linde; Tel: 0847346451. 002487/2018—(2) Piroe, Nolizwe Sylvia (7411130616081); 24 Molopo Street, Randlespark, Klerksdorp; (3) First and Final; (4) Kapeng Ruphus Piroe (6803076162081); (5) 21 Days; (Klerksdorp, Mafikeng). (6) Maluleke Seriti Makume Matlala Inc; PO Box 3217, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872321799. 009818/2016—(2) VICKERS, PAMELA MARJORIE (4808120025087); 430 NIGHTINGALE, SAN SERENO ESTATE, FLEMING ROAD, BRYANSTON; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RANDBURG, NORTH GAUTENG, PRETORIA). (6) ALLAN APPEL; P O BOX 130798, BRYANSTON, 2021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834088639. 014033/2017—(2) MOLALA, KOMANE ELEX (5109085298085); 22 KINGFISHER EXT 9, ETHWATHWA.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DAVEYTON, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: Info@; Tel: 012-3482665.

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003998/2018—(2) Carrim, Anver Abdul Carrim (5102055155088); 315, 5th Avenue, Laudium, 0037; (3) First and final; (4) Shirin Carrim (5310170051088); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Asger Gani; P.O. Box 9568, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123236460. 000719/2018—(2) Kinnear, Martha Louisa (4301030040081); 7 Zastron Street, Johannesburg South, 2197; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a (n/a); (5) n/a; (Master’s office Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Patricia Louise Mans c/o Botha Copo Attorneys; Meyersdal Eco Office Park, Block B, First Floor, Cnr Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0119. 14120/2018—(2) VILJOEN, HENDRIK BALTAZER (2502155011086); DORDRECHTSTRAAT 17, CROSBY, , 2092; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) KAREL GREEFF; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8406. 028465/2017—(2) VILJOEN, ANDRE WILLEM (6211035184081); REIGER STRAAT 13, CULEMBORGPARK, , 1759; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) SUSARA JOHANNA VILJOEN (6607040006088); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SANTIE HERBST; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8398. 4909/2018—(2) VERGIE, JOEY PETER LIONEL (5305215072081); 3 AVON STREET, RIVERLEA, , 2093; (3) First and Final; (4) SHIRLEY JOANNE VERGIE (5903230018087); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 3844/2018—(2) VENTER, JURIE JACOBUS (3808025023089); 1255 STOREY STREET, QUEENSWOOD, , 0189; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) FREDA VENTER (4404300023082); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) STEPHANIE FOGWELL; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1713. 6147/2017—(2) NKABINDE, BETTY DORAH (5704280739089); 3492 MASHABA STREET, KWA-GUQA, EXTENSION 5, EMALAHLENI; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WITBANK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HARVEY NORTJE WAGNER & MOTIMELE INC; P O BOX 61, WITBANK, MPUMALANGA, 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-6562161. 8671/2016—(2) SHENNAN, JACQUELINE ELIZABETH (3712160033087); 56 BOET KRUGER STREET MEYERTON; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MEYERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S I ADMINISTRATORS (PTY) LTD; 12 RIKIE POST,A VANDERBIJLARK; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169321494. 014973/2016—(2) JACKSON, PETER WILLIAM (6010175156085); 11 WILBER STREET, ESTERA, GERMISTON; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) UNA POSTHUMUS; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0315. 007406/2018—(2) De Vries, Willie (4804155560080); 44 SA Street, Mackenzieville, 1491; (3) Supplementary; (4) Susanna Anetta De Vries (5107060564083); (5) (Nigel, Johannesburg). (6) Absa Trust Limited; P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5018134. 018840/2017—(2) Goosen, Johanna Francina Claudina (6610310043088); Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) William Leith Goosen (6303215182082); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton place, Newton park, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 7805/2016—(2) VENTER, SAREL JAN HENDRIK (3406065022085); 989 HERMINA STRAAT, CONSTANTIA PARK, PRETORIA; (3) EERSTE & FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 021117/2016—(2) KRUGER, ANDRE (4804235030088); 9A CENTAURY AVENUE, REYNO RIDGE, WITBANK; (3) First and Final; (4) AMANDA KRUGER (5108160059081); (5) (MAGISTRATE OFFICE WITBANK, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT). (6) CILLIERS BARNARD INCORPORATED; 373 KINROSS AVENUE, FAERIE GLEN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0815483247. 008981/2018—(2) Brown, Jean Lilian (4508260071087); 136 Sneddon Street, Sydenham, Johannesburg; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 015561/2017—(2) Brito, Ena May (2907120058080); LOURDES HOUSE, NO.30, 10TH AVENUE, RIVONIA, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg: South Gauteng). (6) Leigh Petrie; c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc, P O Box 27013, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413914400. 002604/2018—(2) Deacon, Ronald (3110095049080); No 3 Koornboom Avenue, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, Roodepoort; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 008424/2016—(2) PRETORIUS, JOHANNA HELENA (5608250024085); 17 COMMISSIONER STREET, KEMPTON PARK.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KEMPTON PARK, PRETORIA). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 007099/2018—(2) BEETGE, TOBIAS JOHANNES (2612225042084); 318 HANS STRYDOM AVE LYTTELTON CENTURION; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SF; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 003551/2018—(2) MATHI, NYABI KATE (3408220145082); ERF 366 MABOPANE-X PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET ,CENTURION ,0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 016812/2017—(2) BOUWER, BENJAMIN (6203265108088); SMUTS STREET 101, RANDGATE, RANDFONTEIN, 1759; (3) First and Final; (4) JACOBA ISABELLA BOUWER (5703270138088); (5) (RANDFONTEIN, PRETORIA). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8675.

This gazette is also available free online at 94 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

2691/2018—(2) DEYSEL, PIETER COETSEE (4707305016087); 3 SUNBIRD AVENUE, PHALABORWA, , 1389; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PHALABORWA, POLOKWANE). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 015502/2018—(2) FOURIE, WILLEMIENA (4712190073086); KITZINGER LAAN 41, BRAKPAN, , 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTINUS STEFANUS FOURIE (4605045085083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LORRAINE SHONGWE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8412. 007865/2018—(2) IMMELMAN, MARIA SOPHIA ELIZABETH (2106020009083); 1266 BREYER AVENUE, WAVERLEY, , 0186; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) HADI NAMO; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8415. 14364/2016—(2) KEYSER, WILHELMINA MARIA (4509080074087); FESTENSTEINLAAN 654/1, BETHAL, , 2309; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BETHAL, PRETORIA). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8675. 05346/2015—(2) ROHLANDT, SHARRON PHYLLIS (5312240119085); 128 PRETORIA ROAD, RYNFIELD, BENONI, 1501; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FDP Administration Services; Posbus 33855, Glenstantia, 0010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3482665. 14846/2015—(2) OOSTHUYZEN, EWERT PETRUS (4112205143083); EEUFEESSTRAAT 23, HENDRINA, , 1095; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HENDRINA, PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 6737/2018—(2) SCHUTTE, ROSWITHA (3507200085083); 401 CLARK STREET, WATERKLOOF, , 0181; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA EAST, PRETORIA). (6) LORRAINE SHONGWE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8412. 016016/2016—(2) SMITH, CORNELIA ELIZABETH (4410050079083); MONUMENTWEG 93, NIMRODPARK, KEMPTON PARK, 1619; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) HERMANUS STEFANUS SMITH (3707295069089); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8675. 1416/2018—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, GABRIEL JOHANNES (4606155051089); KRISANTSTRAAT 14, FLORAPARK, TZANEEN, 0850; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MAGDALENA MARYNA MARIA VAN JAARSVELD (5608220074087); (5) (TZANEEN, POLOKWANE). (6) SANTIE HERBST; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: Santie. [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8398. 008692/2018—(2) FERREIRA, MATTHYS JOHANNES (4001135042087); TORNADOSTRAAT 11, RUITERPARK, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA FERREIRA (4404030052088); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: george.gates@absa.; Tel: 011 225 8675. 007662/2018—(2) HESS, STELLA (3710190051087); 986 TIPTOL STREET, SILVERTON, , 0184; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) LORRAINE SHONGWE; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8412. 355/2018—(2) MASHABA, RAKGADI FREDAH (5410020223083); 1171 ZONE B, MAHWELERENG, , 0626; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTGIETERSRUS, POLOKWANE). (6) KAREL GREEFF; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8406. 5743/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, PETRONELLA JOHANNA (2406030002080); JACK HINDON STRAAT 91, PRETORIA-NOORD, , 0182; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA - NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) KAREL GREEFF; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8406. 021444/2017—(2) SEGOE, DIKELEDI CATHRINE (4901090561080); 3035/66 EXTENSION 19 HERMILTON ROAD NATURENA 2095; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (66 MARSHALL STREET JOHANNESBURG). (6) TD MASHELE ATTORNEYS; 28 VON BRABDIS IMAS HOUSE FOURTH FLOOR SUITE 404 JOHANNESBURG 2001; Email: DONALD. [email protected]; Tel: 011-331-0177. 026684/2017—(2) Seabi, Sylvia (6007070676084); 951 Zwelisha Street, Zone 1, Diepkloof, Soweto; (3) First and final; (4) Mathembeng Ezekiel Seabi (5611015684086); (5) (ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG SOUTH). (6) BRIAN ALBERTS & ASSOCIATEES; UNIT 2 BLOCK A ROCK COTTAGE OFFICE PARK WELTEVREDEN PARK; Email: angela@brianalberts.; Tel: 0114756360. 002224/2018—(2) MEINTJES, HELENA CATHARINA (3904050056084); 24 UVONGO STREET, WIERDAPARK, CENTURION, 0149; (3) First; (4) PETRUS JOHANNES MEINTJES (4302275027080); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EW; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 13373/2017—(2) Watt-Pringle, Richard William Watt (2501085053085); 4 Riley Road, Albemarie, Germiston, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Patricia Anne Watt-Pringle (4110310039188); (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Krügel Heinsen Incorporated; Postnet Suite 184, Private Bag X7260 Witbank 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 653-6400. 28714/2017—(2) VILAKAZI, WALTER DANIEL BUTI (5708215827083); PO BOX 11595 SELCOURT ,GAUTENG,1567; (3) First and final; (4) JACQUELINE DUDUZILE VILAKAZI (6201260529084); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET, CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 11767/2011—(2) DE VILLIERS, JANETTE IANA (4611080115082); 245A Odendaal Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Reginald Charl De Villiers (4705045017084); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Macintosh, Cross & Farquharson; P.O. Box 158, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3424855.

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016482/2018—(2) WASSENAAR, JOHANNA ELIZABETH (4109245068080); KATJIEPIERING LAAN 80 EDELWEISS 1559; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) FRANCOIS JOHANNES WASSENAAR (3310295013080); (5) (MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: kelly. [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624. 14903/2016—(2) MAHLANGU, ISAAC BADANILE (6502025788083); 272 LUTHULI KWAMHLANGA; (3) First and final; (4) BANGISWANI SOPHIE MAHLANGU (7404140357085); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) DAVID ANTONY WARREN; PO BOX 11097, SILVER LAKES, PRETORIA, 0054; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0128091901. 3332/2015—(2) STAPELBERG, IAN (7411060133081); 4 CHRISTELLO HEIGHTS, CONSTANTIA STREET, VAALPARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) LATEGAN VILJOEN PRETORIUS INGELYF; 10A, CAREL DE WETWEG, BRITS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0122527534. 004958/2018—(2) VAN DER SCHIJFF, JOHANNA KRIEL (2510240020087) (nvt); Kamer 4, La Provence Siekeboeg, La Provence Frail Care, Granietstraat 1, Welgelen 7500 Prov Wes Kaap; (3) NIE VAN TOEPASSING NIE; (4) nie van toepassing nie nie van toepassing nie (nvt); (5) nie van toepassing nie; (BELLVILLE, PROVINSIE WES KAAP, KAAPSTAD). (6) Eksekuteur, Boedel Wyle JOHANNA KRIEL vd SCHIJFF - verw. T J Le Roux/L Nell/Bestorwe Boedels; PRETORIUS LE ROUX PROKUREURS, 3de vloer Hilda Law Chambers, Hilda Str 339, Hatfield, PTA Gauteng Prov; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0827262689. 24253/17—(2) SILVESTRIADES, ROSALEEN GERTRUDE (4008090052084); 37 BRAMBLEWOOD ESTATE, SUNDOWNER, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (Randburg) (6) MARINUS VAN JAARSVELD ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 1444, BROMHOF, 2154; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118865624. 6742/2018—(2) JANSEN, ZIRK BERNARDUS (4508305066084); DANIELSTRAAT 1293, MOUNTAIN VIEW, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) LETTA CHRISTINA MARIA JANSEN (5010190086086); (5) N.V.T.; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PSG TRUST - J TERBLANCHE; POSBUS 11073, HATFIELD, 0028; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123610898. 013194/2015—(2) SPUYT, ENVE FRANK (4902175083081); 245 LAWLEY STREET, WATERKLOOF, PRETORIA, 0181; (3) First and final; (4) GENEVIEVE JENIFER LAI THOM (5306080161082); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) DAVID ANTONY WARREN; PO BOX 11097, SILVER LAKES, PRETORIA, 0054; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0128091901. 015051/2016—(2) BEKKER, CORNELIUS JANSEN (2311145022082); UNIT 63 OOSTVALLEI RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 657 COLEY STREET, GARSFONTEIN, 0081; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JENNIFER BOOTH; FIRST FLOOR, DE VILLE CENTRE, MAIN ROAD, DURBANVILLE, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0210200444. 0379252014—(2) HEFER, JOHAN JOHANNES (2308265043088); MONTANA AFTREEOORD, MONTANA, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LANDDROSHOF JOHANNESBURG, MEESTERSKANTOOR JOHANNESBURG). (6) ROBIN HEFER; 387 RIVERSIDE, LEEWFONTEIN, PRETORIA; Tel: 0825550762. 14614/2006—(2) Mbonambi, Khulekani Qinisani (6607215383080); 10529 MMABATHO STREET, KAGISO, EXT 6, 1756; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kagiso, Johannesburg). (6) Sivu Shongwe Incorporated; 51 Main street, crn maclaren street, jhc building, 5th floor, johannesburg 2107; Email: [email protected] [email protected]; Tel: 011 8383 027. 21271/2010—(2) SOTHOANE, AUTHANIEL (6610106168081); 813 DITHOPI STREET, EXT 2 , VOSLOORUS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VOSLOORUS / BOKSBURG, PRETORIA). (6) PAT SITHOLE ATTORNEYS; 77 CNR TOM JONES & CRANBOURNE AVENUE , GRANDWAY BUILDING , FIRST FLOOR , OFFICE NO: 2 , BENONI; Email: info@patsithole.; Tel: 0114214827. 014651/2016—(2) SCHOLTZ, ANDRIES JACOBUS (2407015017085); 95 Sir George Grey Street, Horison, Roodepoort, Gautteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) JAN VERMAAK ATTORNEYS; B1 White Thorn Office Park, 606 Kudu Avenue. Allen’s Nek, Roodepoort; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 475 0946. 007884/2016—(2) MARISHANE, RERATILOE CHRISTINA (5002020672086); 278 CASTALETTO STREET,ELANDSPOORT,0183,ERF 3364; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) L MBANJWA INCORPORATED; 636 MAKOU STREET MONUMENT PARK ,PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123224660. 9115/2017—(2) Mafela, Joseph Dau (4206255561085); 48 2nd Road, Kew; (3) First and Final; (4) Andronica Mafela (5006160517084); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Sivu Shongwe Incorporated; 51 Main street, crn maclaren street, jhc building, 5th floor, johannesburg 2107; Email: [email protected] [email protected]; Tel: 011 8383 027. 007837/2018—(2) Grobler, Catharina Magdalena (5807220050085); 11 Amandel Street, Greenhills, 1759; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randfontein, Johannesburg). (6) Absa Trust Limited; P O Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: mariusch@; Tel: 011-5018134. 16587/2017—(2) BREDENKAMP, FREDERICK JOHANNES (2402035032081); 38 - THIRD STREET, ROSE MARY HAVEN, NORTHMEAD, BENONI; (3) First and final; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DU PLESSIS DE HEUS & VAN WYK; 72 WOBURN AVENUE, BENONI, 1501; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 748 4000. 013389/2018—(2) FISHER, PRIESCO MOHON (6110285165081); 6 CINNARBAR CLOSE ENNERDALE , 1830; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 22760/2014—(2) SINDANE, BOY BANGANI (8112215506085); 6621 MAHUBE VALLEY EXT 21; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MAMELODI EAST) (6) MLM KUTUMELA INC; PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 386-0717.

This gazette is also available free online at 96 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

015525/2018—(2) NORMAN, EDWARD EVOMY CHRISTIAAN (3409305071086); 8 SILVERSTREAMS RETIREMENT VILLAGE HEATHER STREET, MALANSHOFF; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street, Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 029659/2014—(2) Fleiser, Barry David (4608085069082); 3 Algoa Street, Wendywood, Sandton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-3254858. 15261/2017—(2) Fitzakerley, Graham (4001065077186); 12 Heritage Rock, 36 Boschfop Avenue, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) Joan Mary Fitzakerley (4303310062082); (5) (Randburg Magistrate’s office, Johannesburg Master’s office). (6) Thompsons Attorneys; 34 Greenhill Road, Emmarentia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)486-3362. 008900/2018—(2) Van Der Merwe, Magdalena Christina Susanna (5309100138080); 12 Roska, 183 Ben Viljoen Street, Pretoria North, 0182; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 8717/2017—(2) SMITH, JURGEN GEORGE (4102115016081); 474 ONTDEKKERS ROAD , 8 OCTAVIA, FLORIDA. 1709; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA FRANCINA SMITH (3911150007081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ML DU PLESSIS INC; PO BOX 21241, HELDERKRUIN, 1733; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117603373. 005001/2017—(2) NYANISO, PHINDIWE (7405220487080); 160 RIVEA STREET, DOORNPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA). (6) DYASON INCORPORATED; 134 MUCKLENEUK STREET WEST, NIEUW MUCKLENEUK PRETORIA GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 4523500. 014215/2018—(2) Potgieter, Petrus Wilhelm Jacobus (6405045112088); 18 Delphinus, 1439 Wilgeheuwel Ext 28, 1724; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Marshalltown). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 012438/2018—(2) KUHN, ELAINE ANNE (3909160047089); 90 BOTHA PLOTS SUNGATE FARMS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (RANDFONTEIN, Johannesburg). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 12971/2015—(2) ERASMUS, FRANCOIS CHRISTIAAN (3707105039082); GEMSBOKLAAN 71, MONUMENTPARK, PRETORIA, 0181; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) DANIE PRETORIUS; POSBUS 25555, MONUMENTPARK, PRETORIA, 0105; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0828595825. 007469/2015—(2) Kgopa, Siyai Elizabeth (2706110178084); Stand 8240, Mamelodi, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Moruti Joseph Kgopa (2712165120088); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Larisa Myburgh Attorneys; Email: larisa@lmyburghattorneys.; Tel: 012 344 4315. 7153/2017—(2) HOUTZAGER, LEENDERD GERARDUS (3009175091089); UNIVIN 809, PITSLAAN 170 WEAVIND PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) MARIA SOPHIA HOUTZAGER (3507180086085); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) DANIE KOLVER PROKUREURS; POSBUS 8034, PRETORIA, 0001; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861115274. 25415/2016—(2) OLIVIER, HELENA JOHANNA (3402110024085); 42 VAN RIEBEECK STREET, MODIMOLLE, LIMPOPO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WATERBERG (NYLSTROOM) LIMPOPO, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MESSRS J H VAN HEERDEN & COHEN; 88, 8TH STREET, SPRINGS, 1559; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-815-6324. 25895/2014—(2) LEBOTSE, NOMASONTO ONICA (4403240471088); 8125 SECTION N, MAMELODI WEST, PRETORIA, 0122; (3) First and final; (4) MABOTE JONAS LEBOTSE (3902015321080); (5) — (6) B CEYLON ATTORNEYS; SUITE 4, GROUND FLOOR, MONTANA FORUM BUILDING, 20 TECOMARIA STREET, MONTANA, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125480388. 1902/2018—(2) Botha, Barry Neil (4303095021089); 14 Nightingale Road Atlasville Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Boksburg, Marshalltown). (6) Petra Labuschagne; PGL Trustees, 85 Doreen street, Colbyn 0083; Email: petra.labu@; Tel: 012 342 1240. 7160/2018—(2) Sayed, Fathima Khatoon (2306160076088); 39 Lark Street, Extension 1, Lenasia 1827; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys Ref: RT/SAY301; PO Box 6039, Lenasia - North 1838; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0766900404. 012881/2018—(2) COETZER, CATHARINA LOUISA (3109180012086); 6 PORTER STREET, SUNNYRIDGE, GERMISTON; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON) (6) MARIUS SWART ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 3074, SYMRIDGE GERMISTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118282259. 011837/2015—(2) LAHEE, TERENCE SANSOM (4602015153181); 63 BRINK AVENUE, EXT 1 PARK RAND BOKSBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KEVIN BARNARD ATTORNEYS; POSTNET SUITE 578, PRIVATE BAG X8, NORTHRIDING, 2162; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0845058501. 9491/2018—(2) Kegel, Margaret Wilhelmine (2812300038086); Cottage 15, German Old Age Home, Napier Road, Richmond, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) Peter F Caldwell Attorneys; 74- 5th Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118881206. 000040/2018—(2) LETSOALO, MOELA CHARLES (5601105926083); 164 7th AVENUE ALEXANDRA; (3) First and Final; (4) BUYISIWE JAQULINE LETSOALO (6201030701088); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 027397/2017—(2) BOUMAN, MARTHA MARGARETHA (5809280145086); 91 CANAVON ROAD JUDITH’S PAARL JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253.

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023022/2016—(2) MOKHESI, DIKELEDI DINAH (4007260386082); 2561 OLD DOBSONVILLE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: reception@; Tel: 0114920253. 3143/2016—(2) Brink, Andries Petrus (4911095052084); 17 Kiaat Street, Phalaborwa; (3) First and Final; (4) Natalia Brink (5302230221181); (5) (Phalaborwa, Pretoria). (6) Heiko Draht Attorneys; No. 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 660 3427. 009076/2017—(2) SMYTH, LYNETTE CATHERINE PEARS (4601020071081); 106 Carlswald Estate, Midrand; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Commettre Accountants Inc; Suite 3, 42 Ingersol Road, Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria; Email: ilona@; Tel: 012-365-3587. 014226/2016—(2) De Villiers, Lesley Ann (5701070138084); 13, 7th Avenue, Edenvale, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Jacob Peter De Villiers (7211085132088); (5) (Germiston, Pretoria). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 3855. 00362/2018—(2) Ingels, Julia Elisa Maria (3506250012187); Unit 127 Bronberg Close, Extension 7, Pretoria, 0081; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Pretoria Magistrates Court, Pretoria). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2855. 21490/2017—(2) VAN MAZIJK, JEFFREY (4307315046081); 9 AZALEA ROAD, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ETIENNE CLOETE; 1st FLOOR LAW CHAMBERS, SOUTHDALE SHOPPING CENTRE, ALAMEIN ROAD, SOUTHDALE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116806402. 011968/2018—(2) WALE, SUSANNA MARIA (2610220042083); 307 TRAFALGAR SQUARE , PATRICK DUNCAN AVENUE , FLORIDA PARK; (3) First and final; (4) ANTHONY JOHN WALE (2208255008085); (5) (MARSHALLTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624. 22692/2013—(2) KHUNOU, COWAN TUMELO (6905255445085); 167 TYPHOON STREET ORMONDE VIEW; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SCHOEMAN SEJWANE GROBLER INC.; SUNSET ROCK, 212 DOREEN ROAD, AMAROSA, RUIMSIG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 958 1273. 23430/2017—(2) DEMMEL, MANFRED (3902125116180); 73 ISAL AVENUE, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (EDENVALE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP (PTY) LIMITED Ref: N SHEZI; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948651. 28204/2017—(2) LANGEVELD, MICHEAL (5906275175084); 9 GIBSON STREET, SOPHIATOWN,2092; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP (PTY) LIMITED Ref: N SHEZI; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948651. 008685/2018—(2) Tee, Hilda Gillian (3504030008088); 821 Church Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 012477/2017—(2) Mogale, Jane Matlhodi (5411240836084); 948, Block A, Pretoria, 0190; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 18699/2017—(2) Venter, Kathleen Linda (5303050223182); 30 Kurper Street, Bonaero Park Extension 3; (3) First And Final; (4) Gustav Josef Venter (5611215014084); (5) (Kempton Park, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: P Moodley; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948862. 018026/2018—(2) Erasmus, Jacobus Petrus (4209195030088); 6 Kimali, 38 Plantation Road, Springs; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: chantelle.joubert@fnb.; Tel: 0877366457. 7078/2018—(2) MULLER, ACHIM (5710095219084); 37 ERMELO ROAD, STRUBENVALE, SPRING; (3) First And Final; (4) ANGELIKA MULLER (6203090062088); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: T DU PREEZ; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948655. 007870/2018—(2) VAN DEN BERG, MICHIEL DANIEL BESTER (4105185032086); WITBANK; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (WITBANK, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 15020/2017—(2) Jongh Visscher, Teunis Jacobus (3311235014188); Eland Laan 14, Leeuhof, Vereeniging; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Pieternella Anna Jongh Visscher (3508010041183); (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing; Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 016-454-0222. 10727/2016—(2) DIPPENAAR, ALAN PETER (6207155164085); 49 Maluti Avenue, Northcliff Ext.25, 1709; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MICHAEL LOUIS JANSEN VAN VUUREN; Tel: 0836296817. 2035/2018—(2) HARRIS, INGRID ROSSOUW (4603210103088); 22 VILLA ROYALE, TROUPANT AVENUE, MAGALIESSIG,, BRYANSTON EXT 34, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG MASTERS OFFICE ONLY, JOHANNESBURG). (6) De Wet - Van der Watt (Sandton) Inc; PO Box 78159, Sandton 2146; Email: marcel@; Tel: 011-268-2152. 27909/2010—(2) MONKWE, NTENANI BETHUEL (6810015695089); NO 3739 UNONGOMOYA LANE, CLAYVILLE, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (TEMBISA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) M Ricco, Hack Stupel & Ross Attorneys, NN99; 2nd Floor Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123254185.

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27564/2017—(2) Dowse, Johanna Susanna (2505210069080); Frank Mynhardt Care Centre, Voortrekkerweg, Brakpan, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 026581/2017—(2) SADEO, UDIT (4005055068089); 26 TEABUSH ROAD, BAKERTON X2, SPRINGS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MESSRS J H VAN HEERDEN & COHEN; 88, 8TH STREET, SPRINGS, 1559; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-815-6324. 001933/2017—(2) MOKHUTHU, MOIPONI ELIZABETH (5012240297085); 7404 FUMANE STREET , MOLELETSI BLOCK D , KATLEHONG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 000546/2016—(2) MOLONGOANA, FANTISI PASCALIS (4807225310089); NO 7LEEUBEKKIE STRAAT , RUSTERVAAL VEREENIGING; (3) First and final; (4) ESTHER PULANE MOLONGOANE (4705140573080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: info@pgainc.; Tel: 0114632655. 10780/2018—(2) Alberts, Hendrik Abraham (3307235009087); Portion A, Farm Doornhoek no 195, Willemsdal, Greylingstad; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Balfour, Johannesburg). (6) Sivu Shongwe Attorneys; 51 Main street, crn maclaren street, jhc building, 5th floor, johannesburg 2107; Email: [email protected] [email protected]; Tel: 011 8383 027. 003717/2017—(2) Motsoari, Moliehi Dina (4610030270088); 276 Mxhasa Street Klipstruit Pimville 1809; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johanensburg, Johannesburg). (6) N.Mbileni, J.Tohlang-Nkopane Inc Attorneys; 752 Elias Motsoaledi Road Mofolo South 1801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0110391666. 007589/2018—(2) FOURIE, JOHANNES PETRUS JAKOBUS (6010125084080); WITBANK; (3) Amended First; (4) LEONIE FOURIE (6307300000087); (5) (WITBANK, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 008187/2018—(2) VAN WYK, DANIEL GEORGE (3611055052089); 3 LANGENHOVEN STREET, SECUNDA; (3) First; (4) MARIA ALETTA VAN WYK (4209290039083); (5) (SECUNDA, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 27061/2016—(2) van Zweel, Izak Hermanus Frederick (7102145109085); 42 Holdman street Minnebron Brakpan Gauteng; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Brakpan, Johannesburg). (6) Prinsloo Prokureurs; Posbus 7486 Pretoria 0001; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0834594074. 004334/2018—(2) MBULI, GODFREY THULANI (4801045627087); 831B MPHUTHI STREET , WHITE CITY JABUVU; (3) First and final; (4) NOMANGWE IRENE MBULI (5406300689084); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 005223/2017—(2) HENDRICKSE, ERNEST (6805235141088); 29 ANGVICK ROAD, VALHALLA, PRETORIA, 0185; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) PHILLIMON MALEKA; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS 193 BANCOR AVENUE WATERKLOOF GLEN EXT 2 PRETORIA 0181; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7131. 003717/2017—(2) Motsoari, Moliehi Dina (4610030270088); 276 Mxhasa Street Klipstruit Pimville 1809; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johanensburg, Johannesburg). (6) N.Mbileni, J.Tohlang-Nkopane Inc Attorneys; 752 Elias Motsoaledi Road Mofolo South 1801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0110391666. 001261/2018—(2) Bennett, Anna Hilda Elizabeth (2107260018081); Jacaranda Haven, 44 Charles Bramley Street, Baileys Muckleneuk,0181; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) MacRobert Inc. Attorneys; Private Bag X18, Brooklyn Square,0075; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124253561. 001933/2017—(2) MOKHUTHU, MOIPONI ELIZABETH (5012240297085); 7404 FUMANE STREET , MOLELETSI BLOCK D , KATLEHONG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114632655. 003606/2017—(2) HANDLEY, GRACE MUIR (4507080110182); COTTAGE 15, SUNSET PARK, HORTON ROAD, PORT ALFRED, 6170; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ALFRED, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) C B SLOANE CA(SA); 38 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2021 (P O BOX 55, WITKOPPEN, 2068); Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824464107. MOHJHB301562013—(2) FASANI (married surname: CREMONA), GIOVANNA (309499W); PLOT 21, VLAKFONTEIN, RIETVALLEI EXT 1, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RUSSEL WOLPE & COMPANY; 11 RIVIERA VILLAS, 19 RIVIERA ROAD, KILLARNEY, 2193; Email: RUSSEL@RUSSELWOLPE. CO.ZA; Tel: (011)646-3968. 4426/2018PTA—(2) Botha, Johannes Jacobus (4010075054085); Amandasig Aftree-Oord, Berglaan 1855 Woonstel 64, Amandasig, 0182; (3) First and final; (4) Gertuida Magdalena Botha (4206020045083); (5) (Pretoria). (6) A Hassim; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669463. 4182/2018—(2) THERON, BENNIE PETRUS (5306115194082); PORTION 66, KLIPFONTEIN 498 JR, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, GAUTENG.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, PRETORIA). (6) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS; 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STRAAT, MENLOPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 012-460-3244. 2141/2012—(2) Kitt, Peter Gareth (5509165194080); 76 2nd Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for Executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: diane@halldn.; Tel: 011 3254858.

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012512/2018—(2) AGULHAS, MYRA (4002120432085); 452 Makou Street, Rabie Ridge; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Tembisa, Johannesburg). (6) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated; 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1619; Email: petricia@; Tel: 011-966-7600. 14248/2017—(2) BUTHELEZI, MJANYELE THOMAS (5008115209080); 1168 Zondi 1 PO Kwa-Xuma, 1868; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) N Mbileni, J TOHLANG-NKOPANE INC ATTORNEYS; 752 ELIAS MOTSOALEDI ROAD, MOFOLO SOUTH, 1801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)039-1666. 10191/2018—(2) Roets, Dorathea Regina (3008260018080); 303 Village Walk, Cnr Kirscher & Dickinson Road, Brentwood Park A H; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated; 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park, 1619; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-966-7600. 08406/2017—(2) MALATJA, MOTOMM ELIAS (6310115692086); 609 MUVHUYU STREET, EXTENSION 5, VOSLOORUS, 1475, GAUTENG PROVINCE.; (3) First and final; (4) LORRAINE MADIRA MALATJA (7004070572081); (5) (PALMRIDGE MAGISTRATE COURT, MASTER OF SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MATEBANE ATTORNEYS; 149A & 151 COMMISSIONER STREET, OFFICE 619, 6TH FLOOR KLAMSON TOWERS, JOHANNESBURG, 2001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 081- 505 1523. 013650/2017—(2) THOMELO, KHANYILE MAMELLO (7907250869087); STAND 10477 ORANGE FARM; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; office 7 Wellford Place 31 Leslie Street Vereeniging; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 004416/2017—(2) MATHUNYE, LISHOBANA JACOB (6611145486088); 29 WAYNE FERREIRA UNITAS PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) PULENG ROSINA MATHUNYE (7312030371084); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; office 7 Wellford Place 31 Leslie Street Vereeniging; Email: reception@ngomneestates.; Tel: 0114920253. 013820/2018—(2) Van Schalkwyk, Cornelia Johanna (3110210032086); Residentia, Ons Huis, Florida, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (V5820); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 012799/2017—(2) Thompson, Dudley Keith (4801225093084); 6 Elandpark, 24 Corobrick Street, Pierre van Ryneveldpark Extension 2, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Helen Margaret Thompson (4701120068081); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (T5658); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 009370/2018—(2) Van der Westhuizen, Sophia Elizabeth (4404100004084); 20 Raven Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randfontein, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (V5612); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 9316/2016—(2) VICKERS, DENNIS LAWRENCE (2807035018080); 71 JACARANDA RETIREMENT VILLAGE, HANS STREET, ROODEPORT; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA MAGRIETA VICKERS (4110050037087); (5) 21; (ROODEPORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GOODES & SEEDAT; 222 RIVONIA ROAD, MORNINGSIDE CLOSE OFFICE PARK, MORNINGSIDE, SANDTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116561452. 007169/2017—(2) Shaik, Hoosein (2507235058080); 232 Allie Avenue, Eersterust, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Soraya Sophie Shaik (2602060023083); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (S8231); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 011230/2017—(2) Levin, Brian (5107185021084); Inanda Country Base, 1 Forrest Road, Inanda; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc.,; Private Bag x41, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: jfung@fluxmans. com; Tel: 0113281777. 008808/2017—(2) Naidoo, Thirumanie (5909080213082); 40 Mackay Avenue, Blairgowrie, Randburg, 2194; (3) First And Final; (4) Shunmugam Subramoney Naidoo (5711275178082); (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: CV; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 030622/2015—(2) Jansen van vuren, Gidion Louwrens (5606225119089); Kinglaan nr 7, Extension 1, Springs; (3) N/A; (4) Estelle Jansen van Vuren (6808140122086); (5) N/A; (Springs, Johannesburg). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809- 3057. 007884/2016—(2) MARISHANE, RERATILOE CHRISTINA (5002020672086); 278 CASTALETTO STREET, ELANDSPOORT, 0183, ERF 3364; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) L MBANJWA INCORPORATED; 636 MAKOU STREET, MONUMENT PARK, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123224660. 10548/2018—(2) VIVIERS, ANNA FRANCINA (5106030091086); 18 QUANTOCK STREET, SOUTH HILLS, JHB; (3) First and final; (4) PETRUS JOHANNES VIVIERS (4709085099085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NGL ATTORNEYS; BUILDING 3 WOODHILL OFFICE PARK, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL; Email: katlego@; Tel: 011-867-0476. 12258/2017—(2) Crafford, Christiaan Petrus De Wit (1909055001086); Kamer 174, Palms Renaissance Versorgingseenheid, Pretoriaweg 684, Silverton, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0184; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Pretoria). (6) Cornel Botha Prokureurs; Posbus 74035, Lynnwoodrif 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-8042456. 026146/2016—(2) VORSTER, SUSANNA CATHARINA (3508250062089); GOUDSTRAAT 16, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) PVE OUDITEURE; POSBUS 1340 VANDERBIJLPARK 1900; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0169818215/6. 007884/2016—(2) MARISHANE, RERATILOE CHRISTINA (5002020672086); 278 CASTALETTO STREET,ELANDSPOORT,0183,ERF 3364; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) L MBANJWA INCORPORATED; 636 MAKOU STREET MONUMENT PARK ,PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123224660.

This gazette is also available free online at 100 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

016463/2015—(2) Pietropaolo, Manuela Giuliana (6102240141083); 9 Iris Road, Brackenhurst, Alberton, Gauteng, 1449; (3) First and final; (4) Vincenzo Pietropaolo (5602235103189); (5) (Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg). (6) Schwim Attorneys; 1003 Rabie Road, Eldoraigne, Ext 1, Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827837807. 23381/2010—(2) Naidoo, Vellima (4801290145082); 30 Poppy Street, Extension 3, Lenasia; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Johannesburg). (6) Jurgens Bekker Attorneys; 22 Plantation Road, Oriel, Bedfordview; Email: wilma@; Tel: 011-622-5472. 014899/2016—(2) KLOPPER, SUSANNA CATHARINA PETRONELLA (4401300057086); 2 VALSBAAI STREET, ELANDSHAVEN, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg). (6) OTTO KRAUSE INC. ATTORNEYS; UNIT C9 CLEARVIEW OFFICE PARK, 77 WILHELMINA AVENUE, ALLEN’S NEK, ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116752881. 27367/2017—(2) Tender, Anna Helena (5108160105082); Senator Markslaan 64A, Vereeniging.; (3) First and final; (4) Pieter Martin Tender (4506095103083); (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) Schlebusch & Du Plessis; 41 Kruger Avenue, Vereeniging, 1930; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 016-455-5530. 005024/2018—(2) ZIKALALA, MANANE SOPHIE (3412120292085); 1699 DUBE VILLAGE, POST OFFICE, ORLANDO; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: LAURA DE CARVALHO; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112941794. 018493/2017—(2) DOHERTY, JAN STEPHANUS (4604305027083); 48 VIEWLAAN,ROTHDENE MEYERTON ,GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) ANTOINETTE JOAN DOHERTY (4604305027083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PORTIA; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD & SOUTH STREET,CENTURION; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -012-663-1680. 015020/2018—(2) van Schalkwyk, Andries Jacobus (8112135029085); 16 Yellowfish Street, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park, 1619; (3) First and Final; (4) Vennesa van Schalkwyk (8504100144081); (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: cherlee@; Tel: (011)575-4158. 002757/2015—(2) STIRLING, DEREK JAMES (3709275059080); 41 Louis Botha Drive, Florida Park,1710; (3) Second; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: T DU PREEZ; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948655. 004387/2018—(2) ANDREW, DONALD MALCOLM (4502145057080); 7 PAPILLON PLACE 45, SOUTHPANSBERG STREET, OAKDENE, 2190; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (FLORIDA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP (PTY) LIMITED Ref: N SHEZI; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948651. 5334/2018—(2) CANOT, ERROL RAOUL (3905185101083); 23 KAMEELBOOM STREET, ELSPARK, 1428; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP (PTY) LIMITED Ref: N SHEZI; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112948651. 011065/2018—(2) LOVERIDGE, JEANETTE VANIA (7004270010080); 7 JACONA ROAD, ALBEMARLE, GERMISTON; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: LAURA DE CARVALHO; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112941794. 3643/2018—(2) Foord, Johann Albert (4103145008080); Bougainvilla Old Age Home, Pretoria, 0182; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 005388/2018—(2) MOTLAUTSI, MANGAKA SELINA (3002270205084); STAND NO 1736 12 MOKWENA STREET MOLETSANE 1868; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 6715/2018—(2) Van Heerden, Michael Colenso (4812045046087); 6 Commando Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1632; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: P Moodley; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112945262. 8268/2018—(2) SCHMOMULLER, HELMUT KARL (4606195024187); 1 COSMOS SIMON BEKKER DRIVE, RANGEVIEW EXTENSION 4, MOGALE CITY; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (KRUGERSDORP, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: LAURA DE CARVALHO; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112941794. 008811/2018—(2) MAHLAKE, ABEL (4609035503089); 38 MAHLATSI STREET TLADI 1868; (3) First and final; (4) ANNAH MONICA MAHLAKE (4603180190081); (5) (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 7747/2017—(2) LABUSCHAGNE, MARIA MAGDALENA (6012030009087); Birdwood Estate, Ifafi, Hartbeespoort, North West Province; (3) First and Final; (4) ETIENNE CHRISTOFFEL LABUSCHAGNE; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) Couzyn Hertzog & Horak Ing (A Booysen); Middelstraat 321, Brooklyn, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 460 5090. 012270/2018—(2) Kotze, Benjamin (4308075039084); Plot 269 8th Street, Bredell, Kempton Park; (3) First and final; (4) Hester Kotze (5111170144083); (5) 21 days; (Gauteng). (6) Christo Bester; 2 Mont Pellier Glen, Erasmia, Kempton Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825646308. 2307/2010—(2) Milomo, Afonso Jose (6401145064188); 102 Victoria Street, Regents Park, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Caldeira & Associates; 1 Allum Road, Kensington, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116159241.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 101

008811/2018—(2) MAHLAKE, ABEL (4609035503089); 38 MAHLATSI STREET TLADI, 1868; (3) First and final; (4) ANNAH MONICA MAHLAKE (4603180190081); (5) (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 005388/2018—(2) MOTLAUTSI, MANGAKA SELINA (3002270205084); STAND NO 1736 12 MOKWENA STREET MOLETSANE 1868; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SONKOSI & NGALONKULU INC. ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, 3RD FLOOR, SAMANCOR HOUSE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 492 0327. 007868/2018—(2) MALEFANE, MONYADIWE ROSINA (4601080556088); 35 THINDISA STREET ATTERIDGEVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 004035/2017—(2) CLARK, JAMES JOSEPH FREDERICK (4803125078181); 5 ROSEMEAD MEWS, TOTTEHAM AVENUE, MELROSE, JOHANNESBURG, 2196; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) HARRY (FORMERLY XIAOYI) WONG (FORMERLY HUANG) (517580390(PAS); (5) (GAUTENG). (6) LIGHT & LIVINGSTONE INC; PO BOX 46079, ORANGE GROVE, 2119`; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115315420. 029875/2015—(2) SALIWA, PETRUS MAFA (6210025752089); 1600,5 CURRY BUSH STREET PROTEA GLEN EXT 1; (3) First and Final; (4) ROSALIA FUMANE SALIWA (6208250856088); (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 020527/2009—(2) NDLOVU, WILFRED SEELO (6809255605089); 361 AVENUE , BEZVALLY JOHANNESBURG 2094; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 2423/2012—(2) WRIGHT, JOHN PETER GRAHAM (3103055058084); 11 PHOENIX STREET , SELCOURT SPRINGS; (3) Supplementary; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: malebo@; Tel: 0117484500. 004626/2016—(2) TAULELA, PHASWANE HECTOR (4007015216089); 10611 PIMVILLE ZONE 3 TOWNSHIP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253. 5437/2018—(2) VILJOEN, HELENA EMELIA (3409070001086); AMANDASIG AFTREE-OORD NR 32, BERGHAANLAAN 1855, PRETORIA-NOORD; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA-NOORD, PRETORIA). (6) GERHARD FREDERICK CORNELIUS LOOTS; GKL OUDITEURE, LUDORFSTRAAT 97, BRITS, 0250; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-2523217. 025183/2017—(2) VAN DE VELDE, WILHELMINA HENDRINA (3810230023086); 811 CORLETT AVENUE, PRINCESS, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NATASHA KISSON; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-5754495. 18217/2017—(2) Abbott, Coleen PAtricia (6107240156080); c/o 209 Elston Avenue,Western Extension, Benoni; (3) First and Final; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) (Benoni, Johanneburg). (6) Nadia Bold c/o Gishen Gilchrist Inc; 209 Elston Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni, 1501; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114210921. 026330/2017—(2) Van Niekerk, Annette (4609290055080); 3 Villa Tipuana, Krugersdorp; (3) First and Final; (4) not applicable; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) J B HUGO & CRONJE INC.; P O BOX 115, KRUGERSDORP, 1740; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 664 6330. 12248/2018—(2) Levings, Albert Henry Patton (2510015023084); 51 Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg, 2195; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Peter F Caldwell Attoreys; 74 - 5th Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118881206. 012923/2018—(2) MARAIS, MATTHYS VAN AS (6307165101083); PLOT 52 JACKAROOPARK, WITBANK, 1034; (3) First and Final; (4) RACHEL MARIA ELIZABETH MARAIS (6308240117086); (5) (WITBANK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NATASHA KISSON; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: natashak@capitallegacy.; Tel: 011-5754495. 010588/2016—(2) MABENA, LOUIS (6201225878089); ERF 399 MHLUZI; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Hattingh and Scholtz Attorneys; 105 Viljoen Street, Krugersdorp North, 1739; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116653455. 009571/2018—(2) Grant, Kevin Fred (6312265029085); 42 Highlands, Galloway Avenue, Douglasdale, Johannesburg, 2191; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2855. -—(2) GOVENDER, JEFREY KEELAN (6811065187084); 7 SUMMERS STREET, HALFWAY GARDENS, MIDRAND; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) LYNETTE GOVENDER (7010020163087); (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ERNA DE VILLIERS; PO BOX 11287; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 006187/2012—(2) MASEKO, SIPHO MOSES (4603165488088); 91 CANAVON ROAD JUDITH’S PAARL JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114920253.

This gazette is also available free online at 102 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

12258/2017—(2) Crafford, Christiaan Petrus De Wit (1909055001086); Kamer 174, Palms Renaissance Versorgingseenheid, Pretoriaweg 684, Silverton, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0184; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Pretoria). (6) Cornel Botha Prokureurs; Posbus 74035, Lynnwoodrif 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-8042456. 008681/2017—(2) MOSS, ANNA MARIA (3509110002083); GLOBER STREET DERBY; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) GEORGE MOSS; TEDSTONVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833482258. 025892/2017—(2) SULIMAN, GADIJA (3102050077081); 25 WAGTAIL AVENUE, LENASIA; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NANABHAY INC; 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118372468. 014899/2016—(2) KLOPPER, SUSANNA CATHARINA PETRONELLA (4401300057086); 2 VALSBAAI STREET, ELANDSHAVEN, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Germiston Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg). (6) OTTO KRAUSE INC. ATTORNEYS; UNIT C9 CLEARVIEW OFFICE PARK, 77 WILHELMINA AVENUE, ALLEN’S NEK, ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116752881. 13527/2018—(2) Kruger, Mattheus Johannes (5404235216081); 18 Soetdoring Street, Bethal; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bethal Magistrate’s Court) (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2858. 13186/2018—(2) De Beer, Karel Johannes (4605265003089); Serenitas 139, Genl Hertzog Street, Bloemfontein; (3) First and Final; (4) Christina Catharina Wilhelmina De Beer (5009060003080); (5) (Bloemfontein Magistrates Court) (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston; Email: nicole@capitallegacy.; Tel: 087 352 2858. 841/2018—(2) Le Cordeur, David Stephen (5602125819084); 14 Ilala Street, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park Magistrates Court) (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2858. 10034/2018—(2) Natario, Antonio Aguiar (5002035156083); Unit 6 Ambra’s Garden, 18 Launceston Road, New Redruth, Alberton, 1449; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Alzira Maria Ferreira Natario (5708270136081); (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Mercantile Bank Limited; P O Box 782699, Sandton, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)302-0330. 8541/2018—(2) Le Cordeur, David Stephen (5602125819084); 14 Ilala Street, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park Magistrates Court) (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 352 2858. 0004882017—(2) Cunningham, Carol Jean (3006080039088); 301 Inyoni Creek, Cnr Modderfontein Rd and Wordsworth Ave, Edenvale; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Edenvale, Johannesburg). (6) Dhooge Law; 130 B President Pretorius Street, Rynfield AH, Benoni; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823484113. 016709/2017—(2) Horn, Agnes (2704270027183); Rm 30, Rynpark Frailcare, 6 Rynfield, Benoni; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: TM; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: imran.bhyat@standardbank.; Tel: 0112831100. 011692/2015—(2) NGWENYA, PETER (5109105261089); 730 MOSELEKE EAST TOWNSHIP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (JOHANNESBURG, 62 KHOTSO HOUSE 10th FLOOR SUIT 01 MARSHARLLTOW JOHANNESBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 62 Khotso house 10th floor suit 01 Marshalltown Johannesburg; Email: reception@; Tel: 0114920253. 8317/2018—(2) OLIVIER, ANNA ELIZABETH CATHERINA (6102040056085); 60 MEEU ROAD, BIRCH ACRES, KEMPTON PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) JACOBUS THEUDORUS LOURENS OLIVIER (6005165058085); (5) (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BAVIN INC; 11 HUGENOOT STREET, BEYERS PARK, BOKSBURG; Email: estates@bavin.; Tel: 011-894-5121. 016709/2017—(2) Horn, Agnes (2704270027183); Rm 30, Rynpark Frailcare, 6 Rynfield, Benoni; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: TM; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: imran.bhyat@standardbank.; Tel: 0112831100. 10034/2018—(2) Natario, Antonio Aguiar (5002035156083); Unit 6 Ambra’s Garden, 18 Launceston Road, New Redruth, Alberton, 1449; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Alzira Maria Ferreira Natario (5708270136081); (5) (Alberton, Johannesburg). (6) Mercantile Bank Limited; P O Box 782699, Sandton, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)302-0330. 16193/2015—(2) KHOAISENYANE, SOPHINIA MATEBELLO (5802040461083); EFR 2117-ANALEDI SECTION, SOWETO; (3) First and Final; (4) NONE NONE (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (PROTEA, SOWETO, PRETORIA). (6) PHUKUBYE ATTORNEYS; 339 BERHENS STREET, CAPITAL PARK, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 323 0284. 8137/2018—(2) LONG, EVELYN (5103060148084); 1012 NINA RAOD, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION; (3) First and Final; (4) BERNARD JACOB LONG (4709275183087); (5) (MAGISTRATE COURT PRETORIA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BAVIN INC; 11 HUGENOOT STREET, BEYERS PARK, BOKSBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-894-5121. 28335/2017—(2) POWELL, OCKERT JOHANNES (5505295088085); 4 BEGA AVENUE, NORKEM PARK EXTENSION X2; (3) First and Final; (4) ENGELA GERTRUIDA POWELL (5805250005086); (5) (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BAVIN INC; 11 HUGENOOT STREET, BEYERS PARK, BOKSBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-894-5121.

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002817/2018—(2) Barclay, John (5008165121185); 21 Mangold Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6057; (3) First And Final; (4) Ruth Jeanette Barclay (5610070134086); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; P O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925209. 001937/2018—(2) Smith, Bryan Owen (3607315011089); 37 W, Amatola Haven, Stutterheim, 4930; (3) First And Final; (4) Naomi Esther Smith (3901240005088); (5) (Stutterheim, Grahamstown). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; P O BOX 27428, GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925209. 002972/2018—(2) Swanepoel, Francoius Edgar (3811305083088); 39 Athlone Street, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First And Final; (4) Illona Daphne Swanepoel (4206260083083); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; P O BOX 27428, GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925209. 001935/2018—(2) Miller, John Care (5602135028080); 6 Cornwell Crescent, Gonubie, East London, 5257; (3) First and Final; (4) Johanna Jacoba Miller (5704280052087); (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Po Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925476. 3274/2016—(2) Mqikela, Siphiwo Birthwell (5301075716081); 4 Myburgh Street, Aliwal North, 9750; (3) First and final; (4) Notazi Lucy Mqikela (5606020557087); (5) (Aliwal North, Grahamstown). (6) Horn Kumm Fouché; PO Box 142, Aliwal North, 9750; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0516332444. 2658/2017—(2) BOWERS, MARY PATRICIA HEDLEY BOWERS (2808150045080); PARK DRIVE VILLAGE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) McWILLIAMS & ELLIOTT INC.; 152 CAPE ROAD, MILLPARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 - 5821250. 002236/2017—(2) JONAS, ABRAHAM JOHANNES (5512135050085); KNYSNASTRAAT 71, WILLOWMORE, 6445; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (WILLOWMORE, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Steyn & Van der Vyver Ingelyf; Knysnastraat 45, Posbus 10, Willowmore; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-923 1010. 3330-2017—(2) Els, Dirk Francois (2506125046080); 6 Seale Street, Komga; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Komga, Grahamstown). (6) Elliotts Attorneys; P O Box 67, Stutterheim; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (043)8322012. 1557/17—(2) Greer, Greta Mattie (5111110060084); 7 Flemmer Street, Steynsburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Steynsburg, Grahamstown). (6) J D Haydock Attorney; Postnet Suite 47, P Bag X1672, Grahamstown, 6140; Email: jdhay@; Tel: 0828252686. 003010/2017—(2) Mc Donald, Dorian Dennis (3607295027089); 18 Rooibos Avenue, Oviston, 9798; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Burgersdorp, Grahamstown). (6) Karin Wessels; 33 Kerk Street, Colesberg, 9795; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -. 001747/2007—(2) Austin-Day, James Beaumont (2702155029084); 31 Main Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906397. 3330-2017—(2) Els, Dirk Francois (2506125046080); 6 Seale Street, Komga; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Komga, Grahamstown). (6) Elliotts Attorneys; P O Box 67, Stutterheim; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (043)8322012. 850/2018—(2) Adriaan, Arthur Joseph (2904075042086); 16 de la Harpe Street, Komga; (3) First and final; (4) Margerie Olive Adriaan (4701070042089); (5) (Komga, Grahamstown). (6) Elliotts Attorneys; P O Box 67, Stutterheim; Email: komga@; Tel: (043)8311012. 3542/2017—(2) BOSCH-KOTZE, WENA (6002030090088); 27 PORTER STREET, CENTRAL, QUEENSTOWN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (QUEENSTOWN, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) BOWES McDOUGALL INC; 27A PRINCE ALFRED STRAAT, QUEENSTOWN, 5320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0458073800. 3544/2017—(2) KOTZE, JOENITA EMMA (6105130084081); 27 PORTER STREET, CENTRAL, QUEENSTOWN; (3) First and final; (4) WENA BOSCH-KOTZE (6002030090088); (5) (QUEENSTOWN, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) BOWES McDOUGALL INC; 27A PRINCE ALFRED STRAAT, QUEENSTOWN, 5320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0458073800. 001331/2018—(2) Rowe, Marjorie Louisa (3104160003080); 12 Mowbray Street, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; Email: aneshka. [email protected]; Tel: 0873350826. PE 3388/2017—(2) VAN DER WATT, Hendrik (3705135057082); Plaas Volmoed, Kareedouw; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) CW Malan Jeffreys Bay Incorporated; 15 Oosterland street, Jeffreys Bay; E-pos: karins@; Tel: (042)293-1053. PE 3388/2017—(2) VAN DER WATT, Hendrik (3705135057082); Plaas Volmoed, Kareedouw; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) CW Malan Jeffreys Bay Incorporated; 15 Oosterland street, Jeffreys Bay; E-pos: karins@; Tel: (042)293-1053. 4336/2016—(2) Rees, Graham (7210025259084); 7 Maitland Street, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) Supplementary; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited Ref: Lynne Louis; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988027. 5628/2015—(2) MADUBEDUBE, LAZOLA (8201045343080); 37 MSENGANA STREET, ZWIDE, IBHAYI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH, EASTERN CAPE). (6) CHRIS HARDING ATTORNEYS; 12 EASTBOURNE ROAD, MOUNT CROIX, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 373 1741.

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3479/2012—(2) STRICK, DERICK LIONEL (4408165017089); 88 BOTHA STREET, DESPATCH, EASTERN CAPE, 6220; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (UITENHAGE, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) PKF (PE) INC.; 27 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3985600. 2864/2016—(2) Bowker, Mary Lorraine (4002040026082); 52 Westbourne Road, Kenton-On-Sea.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Mazars Administration Trust; P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth; Email: frances.collier@; Tel: 041 - 5019712. 2864/2016—(2) Bowker, Mary Lorraine (4002040026082); 52 Westbourne Road, Kenton-On-Sea.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Mazars Administration Trust; P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth; Email: frances.collier@; Tel: 041 - 5019712. 2864/2016—(2) Bowker, Mary Lorraine (4002040026082); 52 Westbourne Road, Kenton-On-Sea.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Alfred, Grahamstown). (6) Mazars Administration Trust; P O Box 285, Port Elizabeth; Email: frances.collier@; Tel: 041 - 5019712. 000244/2017—(2) ADENDORFF, ESTHER FREESIA (2909020012084); SOMERSET PLACE, MILNER STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) WHITESIDES ATTORNEYS; 53 AFRICAN STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466227117. PE 4617/2015—(2) JOUBERT, GERHARDUS FREDERICK (4002065097083); GARANZIA VILLAS 23, DOGWOOD STRAAT, JEFFREYSBAAI; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) VERONICA YVONNE JOUBERT (4404240091082); (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) CW Malan Jeffreys Bay Incorporated; 15 Oosterland street, Jeffreys Bay; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (042)293-1053. 6075/2016—(2) Eldridge, Brenda Irma (4305140008086); 13 Fairway Greens, Saunton Road, Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Nelson Attorneys; 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3656463. 003340/2018—(2) De Jager, Jacobus (5206085067088); 59 Beethoven Avenue, Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Po Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: taryn.large@sanlam.; Tel: 0413925476. 003283/2017—(2) Pieterson, Leon Barend (4007025044083); Amala Health Care, 15 Gazelle Straat, Jeffreysbaai, 6330; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) C Anderson Prokureurs; 15 Da Gama Straat, Jeffreysbaai, 6330; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (041)373-1330. 000052/2018—(2) HARPER, DULCIE HELENA (2303010020085); 136 ADAM ROAD, CHARLO, PORT ELIZABETH,6001; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) PW Harvey & Co (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 5675, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413732710. 2265/2018—(2) Heath, Wilhelmina Georgina (4008280062083); Humanstraat 20, Despatch; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Vernon Harold Heath (4101255062087); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Conradie Campher & Kemp Inc; Hoofstraat 20, Despatch, 6220; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0419335111. 5628/2015—(2) MADUBEDUBE, LAZOLA (8201045343080); 37 MSENGANA STREET, ZWIDE, IBHAYI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH, EASTERN CAPE). (6) CHRIS HARDING ATTORNEYS; 12 EASTBOURNE ROAD, MOUNT CROIX, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 373 1741. 001734/2017—(2) PAGEL, THOMAS JOHN (3701225008085); 6 The Dunes, Dunes Road, Beacon Bay, East London, 5201; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ALICIA GEHRING; PO BOX 2475, BEACON BAY , 5205; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437262720. 766/2018—(2) Saunders, Mark Norman (5108305187086); No. 5 ID Mkizi Drive, Kilowatt Gardens, Zimbane, Mthatha; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mthatha, Mthatha). (6) Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc; P O Box 19272, Tecoma, East London; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437354276. 11122018—(2) MARAIS, WESSELS LERM (4101165009087); HUIS CORRIE DREYER, ADELAIDE; (3) First and final; (4) VERNA ESTELLE MARAIS (4008020043088); (5) (ADELAIDE, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) FJ POTGIETER ATTORNEYS; 14 MARAIS STREET, PO BOX 20, ADELAIDE, 5760; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466840012. 14952015—(2) FOSLARA, MTYHILELI (5011275120089); 27 MALLOCK STREET, ALICE; (3) First and final; (4) NOMATAMSANQA GLOIRA FOSLARA (5907280164089); (5) (ALICE, BISHO). (6) FJ POTGIETER ATTORNEYS; 14 MARAIS STREET, PO BOX 20, ADELAIDE, 5760; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466840012. 2402/2018—(2) HEINEMANN, ISABELLA (4304020049088); 19 BORDEAUX AVENUE, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6070; (3) First and final; (4) JACOBUS GABRIEL HEINEMANN (4106045017085); (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) J G HEINEMANN; 19 BORDEAUX AVENUE, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6070; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827047196. 3011/2017—(2) SMITH, PHYLLIS (2905130011081); 402 WESTWARD HO, FORBES AVENUE, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130. 1749/2003—(2) PANDY, GERALD (2505245077082); 24 ORIBI STREET, GELVANDALE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130.

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1564/2018—(2) BAYLEY, RONALD PERCIVAL (3410205012089); 16 VENUSIA VILLAGE, OMEGA ROAD, LINTON GRANGE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) GLORIA LORETTA BAYLEY (3803280060082); (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130. 002263/2018—(2) ELLIS, DAVID MATTHYSE CHRISTOFFEL (4612255046086); 20 SEYFRETT STREET, PARADISE BEACH, JEFFREYS BAY, 6330; (3) First and Final; (4) CORNELIA HENDRINA ELLIS (4807210148080); (5) (PORT ELIZAETH, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) AVL INSURANCE BROKERS CC; 104 HALLACK DU PARC, WHITEHEAD AVENUE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413731481. 5782/2017—(2) JOLLY, BRIAN ADRIAN (4409055083082); 64 Louis Botha Drive, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) N.A. N.A.; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) PKF (PE) INC.; 27 NEWTON STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3985600. 1238/2018—(2) Crouse, Johanna Christina Louisa (5608310003087); 13 Limburg Street, The Haven, Kabega, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) Barend Christiaan Crouse (6106235055083); (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 17th Floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087-352- 2950. 1880/2017—(2) Van Wyk, Susan Loraine (5707010048085); 170 Main Street, Despatch, 6220; (3) First and final; (4) Adriaan Johan Van Wyk (5509025026084); (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Metcalf & Co; 80 Frere Street, Cradock, 5880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0488813024. 3111/2012—(2) De lange, Robert Lawrence (4404055067086); 4 Salisbury Close, Salisbury Road, Selbourne, east London, 5201; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Absa Trust Limited; Absa House, 2nd Floor, cnr william Moffet & Overbaakens Road, Fairview, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3906396. 001887/2018—(2) Peterson, Robert Kenneth (5402035101081); 52 Heather Garden Square, Forest Hill, Port Elizabeth.; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) 21 DAYS; (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Limited (formerly known as FNB Trust Services (PTY) Limited); P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350819. 6463/2017—(2) NKCITHA, MZWANDILE GENERAL NKCITHA (6207106063089); LUXHOMI ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, COMFIVABA; (3) First and final; (4) NTOMBESIBINI NKCITHA (6904160983083); (5) (COMFIVABA MAGISTRATE COURT, MTHATHA). (6) GAMEDE ATTORNEYS; NO 55 MADEIRA STREET, MTHATHA, 5099; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 071 -944-9701. 001961/2015—(2) Malherbe, Marianna (4808210067080); Alfresco Farm, Dordrecht District; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Queenstown, Grahamstown). (6) Metcalf, Sahd & Co; 8 Grey Street, Queenstown; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045- 8394136. 1497/2015—(2) NGALO, SISTER SIZIWE (8612011036088); MANDILENI A/A, MOUNT FRERE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (MOUNT FRERE, MTHATHA). (6) Z.N. DUMALISILE ATTORNEYS; NO.07 CRAISTER STREET, MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 047 531 2055. 1397/2018—(2) Krause, Desmond Reinhard (5605255063084); Summerpride Farm, Kei Road, East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc; P O Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437354276. 000758/2017—(2) Bhana, Cythia Rosemary (4603220478082); 8 Calitzdorp Way, Victoria Park, Queenstown; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Queenstown, Grahamstown). (6) FNB Fiduciary; P O Box 27511, Greenacres 6057; Email: geraldine. [email protected]; Tel: 0877362558. 1095/2015—(2) CLASSEN, SUSANNA ELIZABETH ADRIANA (5403310046082); 5 WESTDALE COMPLEX, 87 SCHOLL ROAD, CAMBRIDGE WEST, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) DESMOND ARTHUR JOHANNES CLASSEN (5303045020081); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 0002720/2018—(2) Moss, Louisa Cornelia (2909060029089); 16 Anna Street, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (UITENHAGE, Port Elizabeth). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Nahwaal Ebrahim; P O Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988025. 000884/2018—(2) Moss, Eric Thomas (3212225030087); 5 Newsome Street, Fort Beaufort, 5720; (3) First And Final; (4) Louisa Cornelia Moss; (5) (FORT BEAUFORT, Grahamstown). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: H Janse Van Rensburg; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988028. 006387/2017—(2) Botha, Justin (5804075086082); 33 Lilac Street, Strelitzia Park, Uitenhage; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth; PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065; Email: natasha. [email protected]; Tel: 0413926900. 1022/2012—(2) DU PREEZ, HILLARY FLETCHER (5109150043085); LANGEWAG FARM, PATERSON, 6130; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ALEXANDRIA, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) GRANT THORNTON ADVISORY SERVICES CAPE (PTY) LTD; 6TH FLOOR, 119-123 HERTZOG BOULEVARD, FORESHORE, CAPE TOWN, 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)4178800. 5260/2011—(2) SITOFU, NTHANDATHU MILTON (2011205205086); 10217 MADIKANA STREET, KWAZAKHELE,PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) RAKESH SAM ATTORNEYS; 64 PICKERING STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-364-2550. 3766/2013—(2) SITOFU, NOZUKILE VICTORIA (4308110171082); 10217 MADIKANA STREET, KWAZAKHELE,PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) RAKESH SAM ATTORNEYS; 64 PICKERING STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-364-2550.

This gazette is also available free online at 106 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

2380/2018—(2) GROBLER, ROBINA EVELYN MARY (1909010037084); 32 GLENGARRY CRESCENT, HUMEWOOD, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) RUSHMERE NOACH INC; PO BOX 100, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 399 6709. 3926/2017—(2) ZITZKE, RODNEY CECIL (3606105022082); ERF 48, KWELERA MOUTH, EAST COAST RESORT, EAST LONDON DISTRICT; (3) First and final; (4) GRACE ZITZKE (3807220025089); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) CLARK LAING INC.; 18 STEWART DRIVE, BEREA, EAST LONDON, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 721 1556. 70/2003—(2) GAMIELDIEN, YUSOEF (3406185088081); 7 VARDY STREET, PARKSIDE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) RUSHMERE NOACH INCORPORATED; PO BOX 100, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3996700. 2512/2018—(2) Stumke, Donald Trevor (5411275135089); 30 Hibiscus Crescent, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) Claude Smith Attorneys; P O Box 3047, Riebeeckhoogte, Uitenhage, 6231; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0419220338. 2662/2013—(2) HUWA, NANCY NOKONWABA (3712240125085); HOLELA LOCATION ,CENTANE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (CENTANE, MTHATHA). (6) GRAHAM MPETO & ASSOCIATES; NO.26 MADEIRA STREET,MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0475322142. 001660/2017—(2) THOMPSON, ALAN GLYD (4404085047082); 260 PROTEA PLACE, MORGAN BAY; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) OHS; 26 PEARCE STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON, 5241; Tel: 0437072800. 020898/2014—(2) Dawson, Dorothy Mabel (2802190069085); 2 Harebell Street, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth; (3) n/a; (4) n/a n/a; (5) n/a; (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) Pagdens Incorporated; P.O Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415027200. 3208/2018—(2) Titi, Libazi Kathleen (5809250820080); 5 Soga Street, Kwa Nobuhle, Uitenhage, 6241; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) JS Levy & Levy Inc.; P O Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0419227911. 000901/2018—(2) OOSTHUIZEN, SUSANNA ELIZABETH (1802210005086); Elizabeth Jordaan Tehuis, Protea Street, Cradock, 5880; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Metcalf & Co; 80 Frere Street, Cradock, 5880; Email: metcalf@eastcape. net; Tel: 0488813024. 001160/2017—(2) Heyns, Marquard Petrus (4205315004086); Verbana Villas 5, Verbana Sirkel, Jeffreysbaai; (3) First and Final; (4) Anna Catharina Heyns (4408220039086); (5) (Humansdorp, Port Elizabeth). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: DS; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012551. 3125/2017—(2) Gamiet, Stella Doreen Eliza (3207310072085) (N/A); 78 Martin Street, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 6020; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Pagdens Attorneys; P O Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-5027211. 928/2018—(2) MOSS, LESLIE WILLIAM (3911015007086); 105 - 11TH AVENUE, GONUBIE, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) LORRAINE MURIEL MOSS (4109100045082); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) GREYVENSTEINS ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 754 PORT ELIZABETH 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-5015546. 3034/2013—(2) COETZER, MICHAEL ANDREW (6903035225084); WANSLEY FARM, W7, THORN VALLEY PARK, EAST LONDON DISTRICT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 1236/2018—(2) BAKKES, CORNELIA (2206060013084); JEFFREYS RUS OUETEHUIS, JEFFREYSBAAI; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (HUMANSDORP, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) GREYVENSTEINS ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 754 PORT ELIZABETH 6000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 041-5015546. 3292/2018—(2) Jansen van Vuuren, Reuben (3908185016087); F4 Dunant Park, Sewende Laan, Port Elizabeth; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Anette Janse van Vuuren (4304060057082); (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Conradie Campher & Kemp Inc; Hoofstraat 20, Despatch, 6220; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0419335111. GTN000473/2018—(2) GQOKOMA, XOLANI (7806285981083); 35365 PHASE 1 SCENERY PARK EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final; (4) GQOKOMA LINDIWE (7806120704088); (5) 21 DAYS; (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) CUMBERLEGE ATTORNEYS; 5 TECOMA STREET BEREA EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043- 721-1751. 1072/2012—(2) Nontshinga, Tatana Christopher (5407215742083); 6 Mqurunya Street, Kwadwesi, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) First and final; (4) Nombuzo Florence Nontshinga (5705210707088); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Mrs Nombuzo Florence Nontshinga; C/o Nash Vandayar & Associates, P O Box 937, Uitenhage, 6230; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0414870730. 2550/2005—(2) VISHILE, MAMKELI KHALI (6204135496083); 5 LYNHURST ROAD, HAVEN HILLS, EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final; (4) NTOMBIZANELE KAREN VISHILE (6710030729089); (5) 21; (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) MALUSI & CO. ATTORNEYS; 7 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437229316/7. 3208/2018—(2) Titi, Libazi Kathleen (5809250820080); 5 Soga Street, Kwa Nobuhle, Uitenhage, 6241; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth). (6) JS Levy & Levy Inc.; P O Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0419227911. 001172/2018—(2) MARAIS, GUSTAV ZIEHL (3512175002089); 7 DEVON PLACE, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (OOS- LONDEN, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Citadel Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4004048.

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001172/2018—(2) MARAIS, GUSTAV ZIEHL (3512175002089); 7 DEVON PLACE, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (OOS- LONDEN, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Citadel Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4004048. 3297/2016—(2) Markus, Simon Lionel (3010015036086); 277 Greenacres Village 12, Rochelle Road, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Joelene Brown; 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413653668.


1551/2018—(2) ERASMUS, LOUISE BLANCHE (3209120033083); Rosenheim Aftree oord, Huddsonrylaan, Bloemfontein; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Niel Pienaar & Medewerkers; Posbus 33243, Fichardtpark 9317; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0515014850. 10162/2017—(2) Britz, Eunike du Preez (3211090029083); Huis Immergroen, Piet Retief; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Piet Retief, Bloemfontein). (6) Anton Herbert Taute; Maree & Vennote, Posbus 3293, Bloemfontein; E-pos: anton@; Tel: 0514478648. 007427/2017—(2) Venter, Margaretha Susanna (3305030085088); Eliza Liddell Tehuis Biddulphstraat 33 Harrismith 9880; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) Balden Vogel & Vennote Ing; Posbus 22 Harrismith 9880; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0586221035. 014901/2010—(2) Motaung, Lehlohonolo John (4306135447081); 9983 Ntombela Street, Orlando West; (3) First and final; (4) Koba Alina Motaung (4102050257088); (5) (Bloemfontein, Bloemfontein). (6) TJ BothaSpangenberg Inc; PO Box 393, Alberton, 1450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119072004. FS61832017—(2) Oosthuizen, Frederik Albertus Josephus (7403285080080); Tevrede, distrik Frankfort; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Frankfort, Bloemfontein). (6) Claasen Prokureurs; Strydomstraat 11, Posbus 7, Frankfort 9830; E-pos: cvv@; Tel: 0588131131. 6010/2018—(2) KHAMBULE, EZECHEUS FANELE (6111165579086); 7885 CONSTANTIA MAOKENG, KROONSTAD, 9499; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) N.A.; (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) GRIMBEEK VAN ROOYEN & VENNOTE ING; POSBUS 1282, KROONSTAD, 9500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0562125197. 010942/2017—(2) VAN COLLER, ANDRIES PETRUS (3307045027089); No 15 RUSTICANA AFTREE OORD, GENL BEYERSSTRAAT, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and Final; (4) HEDWIG GERDENER VAN COLLER (4103060048087); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Che-réze Gouws; 21 York Road Waverley Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051 430 4331. 8714/2015—(2) SEGALO, LESHOMO MICHAEL SEGALO (5311195652082); MACHUISA STRAAT 11145, BLOEMANDA, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) GEWYSIGDE EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENING; (4) MATSHIDISO MERIAM SEGALO SEGALO (5906270694089); (5) 21 DAE; (NVT, MEESTER VAN DIE HOë, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300). (6) RINDA MYNHARDT, PHATSHOANE HENNEY; POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004058. 4374/2018—(2) CALITZ, EVA CATHARINA (2908180055081); LAVENDER LANE, ONS TUISTE, CNR VAN HEERDEN & WALTER SESULU STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; 1ST FLOOR, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 011173/2017—(2) Louw, Carl Wynand (3908035092080); Markstraat 3, Edenburg; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (EDENBURG, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) J J C KOCK; POSBUS 38, EDENBURG, 9908; E-pos: [email protected].,za; Tel: 0517431138. 7419/2017—(2) SCHERRER, ADOLF JOHANNES (4202095003081); BELLSTRAAT 26, HARRISMITH; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HARRISMITH, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BINDEMAN PROKUREURS; 6 BOMPART STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514300050. 004616/2017—(2) Oosthuizen, Fransina Petronella (3207200047080); De Wetstraat 7, Huis Silwerjare, Petrus Steyn, 9640; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Petrus Steyn, Bloemfontein). (6) Christie van Wyk; Sarel Cilliersstraat 26, Reitz, 9810; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0588633468. 11284/2017—(2) STEVENS, MICHAEL CHARLES (3712235106082); 1 BADENHORST STREET, WELKOM, 9459; (3) First and Final; (4) RANJINI STEVENS (5703190154082); (5) 21 days; (WELKOM MAGISTRATE COURT, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT: BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DW ATTORNEYS; UNIT 1, NEGOTIUM BUILDING, CNR DE KAAP & BUITEN STRAAT, WELKOM, 9459; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0570040004. 006158/2018—(2) SILVA, FRANCISCO (3310075115188); DONGES STREET 42 , KROONSTAD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624. 003458/2018—(2) Botha, Joefeus Catrina (3809010069087); Huis Edelkroon, Meyertstraat, Morewag, Kroonstad, 9500; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kroonstad, Bloemfontein). (6) Henk van der Walt Rekenmeesters (eksekuteur); Thesenstreet 7, Kroonstad, 9500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0562131650.

This gazette is also available free online at 108 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

001541/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, CATHERINE MARIE ADELE (3402240009089); SERENITAS 36, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NEWTONS, SCHALK WILLEM GOUWS; PARKWEG 27, WILLOWS, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514034100. 002800/2018—(2) GORDON, HENDRIK LODEWYK (4008205017089); DU PLESSISLAAN 25, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) First and Final; (4) JOYCE MARGARET GORDON (4407100013088); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) PIETER COENRAAD BRUWER; JACOBSTRAAT 31, UNIVERSITAS, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0515221318. 003645/2017—(2) MHLAMBI, MASESI ELIZABETH (5305300717087); 4749 EKSTENSIE 2, BOHLOKONG,BETHLEHEM,9700; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BETHLEHEM, FREE STATE, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREE STATE). (6) SAREL VENTER INC; 110 CAMBRRIGE STREET, BETHLEHEM,9700, FREE STATE; E-pos: elsa@; Tel: 0580500494. 2104/2017—(2) VILJOEN, ERNST JACOBUS VILJOEN (3803015013083); VILLA ALTEMIRA NR 5, BANKOVS BOULEVARD 52, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) FORTÉ REKENMEESTERS; 10 KELLNERSTRAAT, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514064350. 2104/2017—(2) VILJOEN, ERNST JACOBUS VILJOEN (3803015013083); VILLA ALTEMIRA NR 5, BANKOVS BOULEVARD 52, LANGENHOVENPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) FORTÉ REKENMEESTERS; 10 KELLNERSTRAAT, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514064350. 1542/2018—(2) MORKEL, DANIEL WOUTER (4209085101080); 25 GENL DAN PIENAAR DRIVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Claude Reid Inc Ref: John Anderson / Ina; PO Box 277, Bloemfontein 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514479881. 221/2014—(2) MALEBO, TIEHO BEN (5603155367085); 21 HARRISON STREET, DOORN, WELKOM, 9460; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Andrews Inc Ref: MAL1/1; P O BOX 3066, WELKOM 9460; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0573533303/9. 001960/2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, SAREL JOHANNES (2906295008086); WESTERBLOEM AFTREE-OORD 61, VAN HEERDEN WEG, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARIA ALETTA VAN DER MERWE (3103010026085); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABRAHAM JACOBUS DU PLESSIS; Du Plessis Prokureurs, President Reitz Laan 88, Westdene, Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4484539. 002076/2018—(2) Coetzee, Gert Jacobus (3803205028081); 13 Wasserfall straat, Aandrus, Bloemfontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARIA SUSANNA COETZEE (4303270040086); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CHRISTO DIPPENAAR ATTORNEYS; Suite 2, Reid plaza, 21 Reid strees, Westdene, Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (051)430 2370. 4854/2018—(2) STONE, LAURENCE TREVOR (7404095272081); 9 BIANCA STREET, HEIDEDAL, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA LIMITED, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010630. 005117/2018—(2) Rossouw, Wessel Jacobus (4705315055087); NO 18 Zomba Street, Welkom, 9459; (3) First and Final; (4) Johanna Catharina Rossouw (5004090054088); (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 5788/2018—(2) KOTZE, ANNA ELZIBIE (3402280048088); RESIDENTIA STIGTING, PAUL VAN GENTSTRAAT 8, PANORAMA, BETHLEHEM, 9701; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BULTFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 005649/2018—(2) Albertse, Anna Petronella (2712010040085); No 36, Groen Gang, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Kogilan Arumugam - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 3510. 9464/2015—(2) COMBRINCK, ANNA MARIA ELIZABETH (4307210038084); OKAPI 2, LECHWE AVENUE, FAUNA, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) STEYN-MEYER INC; 68 GOVAN MBEKI ROAD, THABA NCHU, 9780; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-8751290. 2681/2018—(2) BECK, ARTHUR WILLIAM (2512015025085); KROONSTRAAT, WELKOM, 3 GRANGE DRIVE, PITTSWORTH 4356, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BOKWA PROKUREURS INGELYF; 121 PRESIDENT REITZ LAAN, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: estates@; Tel: 0514486369. 495/2018—(2) Mokoena, Mohapi Piet (4808295571089); Perseel 7655, Uitbreiding 2, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9702; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Mmadipuo Maria Mokoena (5408100700087); (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0583070300. 1544/2015—(2) Lodewyk, Elizabeth (4102140099086); Medicanstraat 44, Bakenpark, Bethlehem, 9700; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@; Tel: 0583070300. 863/2018—(2) Busch, Mary Jean (3707050005088); De Leeuwstraat 31, Eureka, Bethlehem, 9700; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@dupbosch.; Tel: 0583070300.

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6781/2017—(2) PHARA, MANNINI ESTHER (6810100394085); 1417 SECTION H3, BOTSHABELO 9781; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BOTSHABELO, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DONOVAN THEODORE MAJIEDT; HONEY ATTORNEYS, NORTHRIDGE MALL, KENNETH KAUNDA ROAD BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-403- 6652. 767/2018—(2) Galloway, Jack John (4910235018088); 9 Eksteen Street, Odendaalsrus, 9480; (3) First and Final; (4) Maria Hendrina Galloway (6305170210089); (5) (Odendaalsrus, Bloemfontein). (6) Van Vuuren Attorneys; 114 Josias Street, Odendaalsrus, 9480; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 057-3981471. 003171/2016—(2) Barendrecht, Joan Lombard (3512300011088); 479 Villiers Street, Clarens, Free State; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Clarens, Free State). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MS; Private Bag X11, Suite no 22, Brandhof 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514034846. 6777/2015—(2) MAHON, CORNELIA MARIA (4007260021085); PANORAMA AFTREE OORD, RESIDENTIA, BETHLEHEM; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (MASTER OF THE FREE STATE HIGH COURT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DP DU PLESSIS INCORPORATED; 102 RIVER ROAD, LYTTELTON MANOR, CENTURION, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126646767. 7267/2018—(2) SMIT, JACOB CLOETE (JE27962) (3002185011080); 7 BOLERO, HEGAR CRESCENT, HOSPITAAL PARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA LIMITED, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010630. 004382/2017—(2) Heydenreich, Petro (6809200156089); 36 Mozart Street, Riebeeckstad, Welkom; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) Mariska Kotzé; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350807.


015469/2017—(2) Ramraj, Basdeo (4309155070080); C/O Changoor Estates, New-Guelderland , Stanger; (3) First And Final; (4) Humerdhum Ramraj (5110100023086); (5) (Kwadukuza-Stanger, Durban). (6) Lombard - Badenhorst Inc.; P O Box 18, 55 Canon Rogers Road, Estcourt, 3310; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0363523133. 10659/2010/PMB—(2) HOFFMANN, GRAHAM (3312115042083); FLAT 14, ROYAL GARDENS, 50 MARINE DRIVE, UMHLANGA ROCKS; (3) Supplementary Amended Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Indanda, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Personal Trust; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH, 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 006458/2018—(2) Patten, June Isobel (4406300133084); No. 18 The Castle, Assagay Road, Assagay, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) McGlashan McKeown Inc.; PO Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650; Email: susanne@mcglashans.; Tel: 031-7653747. 002283/2018—(2) Pinner, Nigel Arnold (5411185004185); 12 Castor Road, Oslo Beach, Port Shepstone; (3) First and Final; (4) Anne Mary Pinner (5902180056089); (5) 21; (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Legatus Trust; P.O Box17, Pinegowrie, 2123; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626. 1228/2013—(2) Gilmore, John Robert (4109255050085); Lot 92 Umvoti Road Albert Falls Cramond Pietermaritzburg; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) Alice Marlene Gilmore (4412180013081); (5) (New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg). (6) N Darnell; P.O.Box 1293; Email: Umhlanga Rocks; Tel: 0315705600. 4486/2015/PMB—(2) Dhanasar, Antha Devi (5710150152089); 578 Hibiscus Crescent, Dannhauser, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Dannhauser, Kwazulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Cronje, De Waal - Skhosana Incorporated; Cronje, De Waal & Van der Merwe Building, Lurgi Plaza, CBD, Secunda, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0176310417. 007289/2018—(2) SINGH, POOLMATHY (3409150324085); 15 WYNDENE CIRCLE, BONELA, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) JUNE DEBBA AND ASSOCIATES; 110 ELF PLACE, CLARE ESTATE, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0839892727. 132/2017—(2) MLONDO, ANTHONY (4103055406084); Mabhuyeni Area, P.O. Box 1803, Empangeni, 3880; (3) First and final; (4) VUYISWA ALBERTA MLONDO (4307180347085); (5) (Empangeni, Durban). (6) Ngwenya & Zwane Inc.; 5 Hospital Road ,Empangeni,3880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 035-792-4450. 7892/2017/PMB—(2) HERMON, COLIN CHARLES (3505215028080); 63 CHELSEA VILLAGE 8 SANDOWN ROAD PINETOWN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mason Incorporated Ref: MRS K KIDSON; P.O. Box 100, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333454230. 7982/2017/DBN—(2) CELE, REGINALD BONGINKOSI (6003175517083); 1930 KWAMAKHUTHA TOWNSHIP, P O AMANZIMTOTI, 4125; (3) First and Final; (4) NELISIWE PRINCESS CELE (6308040881089); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) DEHAL INCORPORATED; P O BOX 48293, QUALBERT, 4078; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3062202. 9109/2018—(2) SAHADEO, PURNEETHA (6104120119080); 29, ROAD 727, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NETISHA PANNALALL ATTORNEYS; P. O BOX 31373, MEREBANK, 4059; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314685882. 9110/2018—(2) SAHADEO, RAMANAND (5007085066082); 29, ROAD 727, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) PURNEETHA SAHADEO (6104120119080); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NETISHA PANNALALL ATTORNEYS; P. O BOX 31373, MEREBANK, 4059; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314685882.

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1469/2017/DBN—(2) MOODLEY, KISTENSAMY (5605135137082); 4 SHILLONG CRESCENT, MEREBANK, 4052; (3) Supplementary; (4) RUNGUNAYAGI MOODLEY (5207290082086); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NETISHA PANNALALL ATTORNEYS; P. O BOX 31373, MEREBANK, 4059; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314685882. 29/2018—(2) GOVENDER, SOOOBRAMONEY (4908155584089); 14 Starling Road, Newhaven, Umkomaas, KwaZulu- Natal; (3) First And Final; (4) Govindamah Govender GOVENDER (5604220146082); (5) (SCOTTBURGH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/TK/17DE1138; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700. 9549/2017—(2) SPENCER, PAUL ROY (4611155104185); Flat 140 Rosewood Estate 70 Loop Street Pietermaritzburg; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) Lorna Averil Spencer SPENCER (4711130100082); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company Ref: MMM/TK/18DE1001; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338459700. 4307/2018/DBN—(2) Nydoo, Runganaikloo (3409225203082); House 81, Road, 718, Montford, Chatsworth, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) Salatchee Nydoo (4007290404087); (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) JD Vedan and Company; 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314091397. 16957/2013Dbn—(2) PILLAY, COLLIN (6303175174087); 22 SPARTAK AVENUE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) DE JAGER ATTORNEYS; 1018 FREDENHARRY AVENUE, STRUBENSVALLEI, ROODEPOORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114757582. 3252/2017/DBN—(2) Sigamoney, Patrick Somasundram (4601095068087); 145 Pelican Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) Diane May Sigamoney (4810170110082); (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) JD Vedan and Company; 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314091397. 4866/2017(DBN)—(2) KHUMALO, NDABAKAZIBUZWA LIBORIUS (5601285469086); T1251 , UMLAZI, 4066; (3) First and final; (4) PHATHEKILE SITSUZANE KHUMALO (6207300687089); (5) N/A; (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEY VINAY YETWARU; SUITE 901, 9TH FLOOR, DENOR HOUSE, CNR. SMITH & FIELD STREETS, DURBAN, 4001; Email: vyetwaru@; Tel: 031-3053822. 284/2018—(2) Nkomonde, Vusi Elphas (5204275290081); A1684 Ntibane Street, Ezakheni, 3380; (3) First and final; (4) Duduzile Gladness Nkomonde (5207180764082); (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Christopher Walton & Tatham Inc; 133 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0366376741. 1563/2018/pmb—(2) BIDDULPH, ANNA CHRISTINA ELIZABETH (3705020037082); 40 BARRACK ROAD, LADYSMITH, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LADYSMITH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Justin Heunis & Co; 5 Poort Road, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0366376690. 009928/2018/DBN—(2) Lyes, Peter Edmund (4212305515188); Flame Lily Park, Flat 262, 565 Stella Road, Malvern; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 9465/2008/PMB—(2) King, Mary (1805030053087); 255 Underwood Road, Moseley Park, Pinetown, 3610, KZN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Johan Kruger and Associates; 20 Lauth Road, Manors, Pinetown 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-7096300. 000850/2017—(2) MULDER, CORNELIS MARTHINUS (5503175029089); 41 FRIKKIE MEYER, BARRY HERTZOG PARK, NEWCASTLE; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Newcastle, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: ESTATE/ ODETTE/H07428; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281319. 10107/2017 DBN—(2) Aziz, Ashraf (7908065145085); 68 Lotus Road, Temple Valley, Verulam, 4339; (3) First and final; (4) Shenaaz Aziz (8409150057086); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Vasantha Naidoo and Associates; P. O. Box 613 Verulam 4340; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0718506673. 2261/2015/PMB—(2) Dlamini (formerly Mncwabe), Jabulile Maureen (5312280259080); 342 Regina Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Strachan Attorneys; P O BOX 11678, Dorpspruit, 3206; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333423382. 001290/2017—(2) RAMESAR, RUDRADEVI (4407280115083); 8 George Street,Pietermaritburg, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ASHLEEN BAGWANDEEN INC; 190 MASUKWANA STREET,PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333424651. 001745/2014/DBN—(2) ALLY, MAHOMED RAFEEK (5806025124087); 352 FERNHAM DRIVE , UNIT 12 , PHOENIX , 4068 , KWA ZULU-NATAL .; (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) SHA SINGH & ASSOCIATES; P.O.BOX 50427, MUSGRAVE,4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0799228637. 3393/2017/DBN—(2) Bhoola, Jayanty (4105175096083); 62 Edgebury Road, Eastbury, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) Sivita Bhoola (4304200053082); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Ashlyn Kandhai Attorneys; 23 Coronation Road, Mithanagar, Tongaat; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 032-9443446. 9099/2004 pmb—(2) Petersen, Kenneth John (2906075044087); 43 Charles Horsley, Sunnydale Place, Eshowe; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) 21 days; (ESHOWE, Pietermaritzburg). (6) KISOON RAMASIR AND ASSOCIATES; SUITE 6, FIRST FLOOR, JANGNOOR CENTRE, 62 HULETT STREET, STANGER; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325514242/3. 5546/2017DBN—(2) SHARMA, SURESHWARPRASAD (4312045101081); 9 ALMOND ROAD, HAVENSIDE, CHATSWORTH; (3) First And Final; (4) GOVINDAMAH SHARMA (4109220075084); (5) (Chatsworth, DURBAN). (6) Aitken Lambert Elsworth Ref: JA; PO Box 5214, Rydall Vale Park 4019; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312027601. 3072/2017DBN—(2) TEYISE, NOMATAMSANQA CORDELIA (5904050815081); 118 BLENNY PLACE, NEWLANDS EAST, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) Thorpe & Hands Inc.; 4th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Off Anton Lembede Street, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313053641.

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2079/2017/PMB—(2) HARDING, WILLEM JACOBUS (5202065080084); 48 LOUIS BOTHA AVENUE, EMPANGENI,; (3) First and final; (4) HERSTER HARDING (5511190042086); (5) (EMPANGENI, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ATTORNEYS; STERLING HOUSE, 7 MAXWELL STREET, EMPANGENI; Email: vanderwesthuizenatt@; Tel: 0357721648. 2358/2017—(2) Stavrou, Takis (2503055058086); 15 Charalampou Kalaintzi, 2015 Strovolos; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc; P O Box 271, Pietermaritzburg 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333419100. 14920/2017—(2) Pole, Mildred (3702090019082); 25 Lynbrook, 11 Lilyvale Road, Pinetown, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) not applicable not applicable; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Adrian Pole Attorneys; P O Box 671, Hillcrest, 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-7656011. 6928/2018—(2) Baatjes, Valda Faith (5711200075080); 14 Stonebass Grove, Newlands East, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) Maurice Edmund Baatjes (5802245085083); (5) (Not applicable, Durban). (6) Prior and Prior Attorneys; P O Box 17338, Congella, 4013; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2050239. 005643/2015—(2) SOBHARAM, RUGBAR (5606235127080); 29 ELVED WRIGHT CIRCLE HAYFIELDS PIETERMARITZBURG KWAZULU-NATAL 3201; (3) First and final; (4) THRIVENIDEVI SOBHARAM (5804060045085); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) KESHRINA MAHABEER ATTORNEYS; 389 JABU NDLOVU STREET PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333420863. 9385/2017/PMB—(2) Read, Gwendoline Joan (1807020041189); CHARTWELL ESTATE, 12 RETIEF ROAD, WINSTON PARK, 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg & Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Ewing Executive Services (PTY) LTD; PO Box 1, Hillcrest, 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317655937. 1830/2018/PMB—(2) Oellermann, Erwin August (4305035018083); 7 Park Lane, Wartburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Schulz Attorneys; Box 33, Wartburg, 3233; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033(5031-429). 13753/2015—(2) Geerdts, Patricia Claire (3207050019080); Unit 4 Cambridge Gardens, 130 Peter Mokaba Road, Durban, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Kingsmead Trust (Pty) Ltd; No.5 Arundel Close, Kingsmead Office Park, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872886520. 7223/2018—(2) WOOD, AUBREY CHARLES (4002215035082); 56 COLIN STREET, UVONGO; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ESTATES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 505050. 17283/2013/DBN—(2) RIDL, PETER JOHN (4306235037089); 32 BROADWAY, WESTVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Goodrickes Attorneys; P.O. Box 5244, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)301- 6211. 007212/2018—(2) HADDON, BRYAN PETER FRANCIS (3201115109085); 1 CHESTERFIED PARK, 25 WEAR AVE, HOWICK. 3290; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HOWICK, DURBAN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: AAISHAH.DANIELS@WARWICKWEALTH. COM; Tel: 0800 505050. 007379/2018—(2) van den Berg, Freda Yvonne (3011250006081); 619 Eden Crescent, Sol Harris Crescent ,North Beach, Durban, KZN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Barbara Lynn Shelton; 6 Kombrinkshof, 15 Scholtz Road, Somerset West, 7130.; Email: [email protected].; Tel: 0218526481. 3116/2017 DBN—(2) Govender, Govindsamy (4212015117085); 24 Rainhill Close, Rainham, Phoenix, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) Goonasagaree Govender (5102170191083); (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Barkers; 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315807400. 2066/1999/PMB—(2) CHOWANI, KAILAS (211223); 5 FAIRSTONE ROAD, WHETSTONE; (3) First and final; (4) DECEASED N/A (N/A); (5) (VERULAM COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DLAMINI MICHAEL INC.; SUITE 2, 31 RUSSOM STREET, VERULAM; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325330288. 12714/2017—(2) NAIDOO, MANORMANI (4606008100084); 46 CHARTWELL DRIVE, UMHLANGA, 4319; (3) First and Final; (4) KISTENSAMY PERUMAL NAIDOO (4110015107082); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEYS HARKOO BRIJLAL & REDDY INC.; 155 MATHEWS MEYIWA ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 40000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 3032727. 7798/2016/PMB—(2) Preen, Donald Stephen (3712225013082); Lot 48B, Umfolozi; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Lower Umfolozi, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Schulz Attorneys; Box 33, Wartburg, 3233; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (033)503-1429. 006861/2018—(2) NARAYANAN, JEEVARUTHNAM (4004285068084); 474 ROAD 701, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and final; (4) KAMATCHEE NARAYANAN (5011130095088); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) SUBHASH MAHARAJ AND COMPANY; 322 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH; Email: sharonia@; Tel: 031-4012191. 003783/2018—(2) GOVENDER, SATHALINGAM (5708145130087); 57 WYLIE ROAD, FYNNLANDS, BLUFF; (3) First and final; (4) KALAIRANI GOVENDER (6112200231089); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) SUBHASH MAHARAJ AND COMPANY; 322 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DRIVE, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 4012191. 3069/2017/dbn—(2) Naidoo, Barbara (6003190189082); 177 Rosary Road, Kenville,4051; (3) First and final; (4) Gungiah Naidoo (4906225149081); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) D. Padayachee Attorneys; 38 Blenford Crescent, Sunford, Phoenix; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315076705.

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5019/2016 PMB—(2) GONZALVES, IRWIN MARCELLINO (8202085138083); No 2 Valley Road Marburg Ridge Port Shepstone; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Seethal Attorneys Ref: LS/PJ/E069; P O Box 76, Port Shepstone 4240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0396823108. 12225/2015—(2) BERNDT, ARTHUR PAUL FREDERICK (2712205080086); 12 MOFFAT LANE AMBERGLEN KARKLOOF ROAD HOWICK, 3299; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LIONS RIVER, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG). (6) MARIE-LOU BESTER INCORPORATED; 109 WESTWOLD WAY, SAXONWOLD, 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114860775. 1778/2018 DBN—(2) KHAN, JUNAID (7310015265081); 19 Kies Place, Shallcross, Chatsworth; (3) First and final; (4) BI BI FATIMA KHAN (7411290087081); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) RAMIAH & ASSOCIATES; 1 CAISTER COURT, 4 CAISTER CRESCENT, MUSGRAVE, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2026786. 3993/2015—(2) Mohamed, Roweda (4610100217084); Ext 12, 3 Deeside Road, Bonela; (3) First and Final; (4) Raffi Mohamed (6007135244084); (5) 21 Days; (Durban, Durban). (6) Aesha Ramchunder Attorneys; Suite 602B, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313077533. 4243/2015/PMB—(2) JAWAHIR, SANKER (3109195064080); 3 COGHILL STREET, DUNDEE,3000; (3) N/A; (4) RAJWANTHIA JAWAHIR (4207150064084); (5) N/A; (DUNDEE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) GEORGE POORAN & ASSOCIATES; 5 MADRESSA MALL, 81 WICK STREET, VERULAM, 4340; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325334460. 21000/2014—(2) NAIDOO, LUTCHMANA APPALSAMY (2107175138081); 26 BRENT ROAD PINETOWN; (3) First And Final; (4) ESTATE LATE APURUPAM NAIDOO (34010432086); (5) (DURBAN). (6) Livingston Leandy Inc; PO Box 4107, THE SQUARE 4021; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315367500. 5652/2018/DBN—(2) PERUMAL, MARI (3210030201083); 11 APOLLO STREET, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) Mc NAUGHT AND COMPANY; Suite 1, 555 Bluff Road, Bluff, 4052; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 4673810. 3426/2010—(2) DUKHIA, SHELIA (4303120083088); 34 BRAILSFORD AVENUE, PHOENIX DURBAN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (VERULAM, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) JERUSHA CHETTY of STRAUSS DALY; 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA - 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315705639. 8935/2013—(2) WARD, GRAHAM (3809015077184); 403 PARKVIEW ROAD, DURBAN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) JERUSHA CHETTY of STRAUSS DALY; 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA - 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315705639. 004807/2018—(2) THAMBIRAM, MARIMUTHU (3508145179080); 8 CAIRNBROOK PLACE, BROOKDALE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) MUNIAMMA THAMBIRAM (3808152073087); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 003804/2018—(2) NAIDOO, LINGAMAH (5703070159086); 46 CRETEMORE ROAD, STANMORE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) RUNGASAMY NADIOO (5210265078089); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 0913/2018/DBN—(2) Makin, Reginald John Walter (4507215043084); 181 Montrose Drive Ramsgate 4285; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Kerry Loukakis Attorneys Ref: KL/KH/M817001; 6 Viking Road, Margate 4275; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393173374. 001297/2018—(2) Mngonyama, Mandlakazi Pascalis (5704125796088); Mafabela location, Lourdes A/A, Umzimkhulu, 3297; (3) First and final; (4) Thandeka Gloria Mngonyama (6102110650080); (5) (Umzimkhulu, Pietermaritzburg). (6) SM Zwezwe Attroneys; Shop No.: 6 Cashbuild comlpex Umzimkhulu 3297. Box 726 Ixopo 3276; Email: zwezwesm@webmail.; Tel: 0392590226. 002272/2017—(2) SUKRAJH, BASANTH (5208055097087); 128 OLYMPIA WAY, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and final; (4) NIRMALADEVI SUKRAJH (5109180062089); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) AK ESSACK MORGAN NAIDOO AND COMPANY; 311 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333452304. 122/2009PMB—(2) Kubheka, Ncedile Dolly (7602240460085); 105 Hyde Road, Ladysmith, 3370; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Christopher Walton & Tatham Inc; 133 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0366376741. 007008/2016—(2) Mhlongo, Bongozayo (3710140305088); 155 Avoca Hills Drive, Avoca Hills, 4051; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) Snyman De Jager Attorneys; C/O Hendrik Verwoerd & South Street, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-663-1680. 004455/2018/DBN—(2) JOHNSTONE, JOAN (2902240063086); Birdsong, Hyper by the Sea, Durban North, 4051; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 009380/2017—(2) HARRIS, GARRY (5409205069089); 14 The Lakes, Mount Edgecombe Estate 2; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Verulam, DURBAN). (6) J H NICOLSON STILLER & GESHEN; P O BOX 51241, MUSGRAVE 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312029751. 0214/2018—(2) MNGOMA, WELCOME SIMEMO (8001225595081); NO. 29 PROTEA ROAD, ISIPINGO HILLS, 4133; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) NOKULUNGA CYNTHIA DUMA (8407150681087); (5) 21 DAYS; (UMBUMBULU, DURBAN). (6) MBELE, DUBE & PARTNERS; SUITE 5,002 5TH FLOOR, ZUMAYSHA HOUSE, 21 JOE SLOVO STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3046625/6.

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007800/2017 DBN—(2) Dookie, Muriel (2610230083085); 4 Orville Place, Austerville; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS Ref: .158017.KB; PO BOX 50171, MUSGRAVE, 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 350 7800. 6840/2017—(2) RITCHIE, GEORGE (3010065106086); 30 Blessing Ninela Road, Hillcrest, 3610; (3) First And Final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) Lester Hall, Fletcher Inc; Private Bag X7016, Hillcrest 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0861277727. 013556/2017—(2) KHAN, RAHIM (4907275091082); 159 BELMONT ROAD, REDHILL, DURBAN, KWA-ZULU NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEYS D.K. SINGH, VAHED & PARTNERS; 88 HARVEY ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 -3039271. 1102/2011 DBN—(2) PARTAB, PRAWESH (5604085127086); 919 JAN SMUTS HIGHWAY, SHERWOOD, DURBAN; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY) LTD; 80 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5724000. 4859/2017/PMB—(2) Wallis, Joan Dorothy (2804220218187); 15 Umdoni Road, Sea Park; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 031 2668858. 3206/2018 DBN—(2) MOODLEY, ANTHONY MUTHUSAMY (6907265166082); 77 ROUNDSIDE ROAD,CANESIDE,PHOENIX; (3) First and Final; (4) SHARON MOODLEY (6803200032085); (5) (VERULUM MAGISTRATES COURT, DURBAN). (6) MAGGIE PILLAY ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3003, 151 JUNIPER ROAD, OVERPORT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-207-5630. 7060/2017DBN—(2) ROYSTON, VICTOR (3612245126080); 85 EVERTON ROAD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) SHIRLEY ROYSTON (3903230261085); (5) (CNR SOMTSEU & STALWART SIMELANE STREET, DURBAN, KWAZULU NATAL, DEVONSHIRE PLACE, DURBAN). (6) M P LUTGE INCORPORATED; 162 CLARENCE ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-303-7122. 1870/2016/PMB—(2) PILLAY, POOBATHIE (291009003187); 121 ALLANDALE DRIVE, ALLANDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SANGHAM INCORPORATED; 188 RETIEF STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333941807. 8236/2011 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, LUTCHMI (2401060057088); 43 CATFORD CRESCENT, CLAYFIELD, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) NIVESH HIRALALL ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 60271, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315003401. 3830/2017/DBN—(2) DHUNPATH, HIMADHARIE (5407150262089); 3 SANKER ROAD, OTTAWA, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, NO 23 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 2914/2013/PMB—(2) Mphahlele, Moloko Mmakedisi (6209170068085); 10 Remington Park, 555 Alexandra Road, Pietermartizburg; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) VZLR Inc; Monument Office Park, 1st Floor, Block 3, 71 Steenbok Avenue, Monument Park, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-435-9444. 004475/2018/DBN—(2) PILLAY, PHILLIP CHARLES (7005265119083); 6 BURNE ROAD, ATHLONE PARK; (3) First and final; (4) EVADNI PILLAY (7301120115089); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, NO 23 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 003880/2018—(2) GOVENDER, SAGREN (6212065057080); 18 MOUNTVIEW DRIVE, VERULAM; (3) First and Final; (4) DEVI GOVENDER (6408230075086); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 22030/2018—(2) GOUNDEN, MUNIAMMA (4308260328086); 57 CHARTFORD DRIVE, SUNFORD, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) KOMARSAMMY GOUNDEN (4103225405081); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 004931/2018—(2) BIDDASSEE, RAMKLEWAN (4003155070089); 13 HEATHBURY PLACE, EASTBURY, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) MAYAWATHIE BIDDASSEE (5007060063088); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 005899/2018—(2) PARAVATHAM, VELLIEAMAH (5007230667081); 113 EQUALITY AVENUE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 001590/2018—(2) TANNER, CHARLES EDWARD (3304105049087); AMBER VALLEY FRAIL CARE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HOWICK, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Thorpe & Hands Inc.; 4th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Off Anton Lembede Street, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313053641. 003500/2017—(2) Mbiko, Mlimi Wilfred (5301017855088); Makhaleni location, Umzimkhulu, 3297; (3) First and final; (4) Cornelia Bongiwe Mbiko (6310160030083); (5) (Umzimkhulu, Pietermaritzburg). (6) SM Zwezwe Attroneys; Shop No.: 6 Cashbuild comlpex Umzimkhulu 3297. Box 726 Ixopo 3276; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0392590226. 15338/2017 DBN—(2) SOBHA, DHANESARIE (5812120016087); 43 FICUS ROAD CHELMSFORD HEIGHTS TONGAAT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) VENI MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 6B RUSSOM STREET BRINDHAVEN VERULAM; Tel: 0325330035. 10891/2017—(2) Oosthuizen, Johannes Stefanus Swart (3802265056081); 8 Winifred Close, Winkelspruit, 4126; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Durban, Durban). (6) Wendy Bothma Attorneys; 12 Dingwall Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828076518.

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12863/2015/DBN—(2) MILNE, HELEN ANN (3407260058080); 20 CHARTWELL RETIEF ROAD, GILLITTS, PINETOWN; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, NO 23 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 00381/2012/PMB—(2) Wilson, Robert Francis Kinghorn (3204085013089); Flat 61, St Anton, 35 Beach Road, Doonside, Amanzimtoti.; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Master of the High Court Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) C/o Stowell & Co; 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-845-0618. 008347/2018/DBN—(2) WELDHAGEN, TERESA MARY (5808080112080); 9 SYLVANDALE, 354 ROLAND CHAPMAN DRIVE, MONTCLAIR; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD; RIDGESIDE CAMPUS, NO 23 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000. 004815/2018—(2) REDDI, PERUMAL (4809185173085); 321 GROVE END DRIVE, GROVE END, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) GOONAM REDDI (5209140189087); (5) NONE; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) REV RAJ CHETTY; P O BOX 60995, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834095604. 7211/2017 DBN—(2) MAPHUMULO, BABAZILE ALZINA (4305010370087); F 1952 NTUZUMA TOWNSHIP, P O KWAMASHU, 4360; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 30; (NTUZUMA, DURBAN). (6) SHEMBE ATTORNEYS; 501 B CORPORATE PLACE , 9 DOROTHY NYEMBE STREET, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313064802. 1136/2012 DBN—(2) Nombika, Sabatha Andrias (5606055865082); 36 Karridale Drive, Shulton Park, Amanzimtoti; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Patience Ntombezinhle Nombika (5908310730089); (5) (Amanzimtoti Magistrates Court, Durban). (6) S.D. Moloi & Associates Inc.; Suite 701, 7th Floor, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street; Email: nomvelo@; Tel: 0313012812. 14490 2010DBN—(2) MTETWA, FABAGIYA SIMON MTETWA (5011185684083); OBANJENI RESERVE, UNDER INKOSI ZULU, MTUNZINI; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) —; (5) (MTUNZINI, DURBAN). (6) NT MSHENGU & ASSOCIATES; 85-ON-FIELD, 11TH FLOOR. OFFICE NO.1101A, 85 JOE SLOVO STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)304-8738. 2355/2018-DBN—(2) Dladla, Khethuyise Ephat (1506105071083); Lot 543 KwaMsane Township, MTUBATUBA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MTUBATUBA, DURBAN). (6) SENGWAYO ATTORNEYS INC.; 30 JAN SMUTS AVENUE, OFFICE 1B, ORIOLE CENTRE, MTUBATUBA, 3935; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0355500430. 9571/2015—(2) HEAN, COLIN JEAN (4511075152084); 33 SIXTH AVENUE, MORNINGSIDE; (3) First and final; (4) ROSIE ELIZABETH HEAN (5007030042006); (5) (DURBAN). (6) TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS; SUITE 201,RIDGE 6, 20 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-566-2207. 2193/2018—(2) MBATHA, NONHLANHLA BEATRICE (5905151115081); B1157 SIKHINDI ROAD, KWAMASHU; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) ISOLEZWE- INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER; 18 OSBOURNE STREET, GREYVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 308 2004. 1610-2018DBN—(2) MPANZA, KHUMBULANI (6403315246082); KWESAKWABIYELA RESERVE, EMPANGENI, 3880, KZN; (3) First and Final; (4) IGNATIA SEBENZILE MPANZA (6411220361086); (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) BUTHELEZI ZUNGU INC.; P O BOX 2213 RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357892372. 4271/2018/DBN—(2) MAGWAZA, MANGENHLIZIYO (4003035742089); NGUDWINI AREA, ESHOWE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) THOBILE MILRED MAGWAZA (7509190947088); (5) (ESHOWE, DURBAN). (6) CHARLES PILLAI LIASIDES AND ASSOCIATES; 37 OVERPORT DRIVE, OVERPORT, 4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031/2071437. 14938/2011/DBN—(2) DE BRUIJN, ADRIANA CATHARINA LIJDIA (NJ5833056); 13 HOLMAN STREET, HARDING; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (HARDING, DURBAN). (6) NEIL BOWLES ATTORNEY; 6 HAWKINS STREET, HARDING, 4680; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0394331505. 001192/2018—(2) Bisschoff, Maria Johanna Magrietha (4102120022082); Plaas Cloete, Hluhluwe, KZN, 3960; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Andries Adriaan Bisschoff (3910095021082); (5) (Mtubatuba, Durban). (6) Naomi Esterhuizen; Plaas Cloete, Privaatsak X6002, Hluhluwe, KZN, 3960; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (035)5620130. 9095/18DBN—(2) Calitz, Martinus Johannes (5807185084087); House No 213, Drakensberg, Ward 20,Newcastle , 2940; (3) First and Final; (4) Wendy Joy Calitz (6809030116089); (5) (DURBAN). (6) KASMEERA BUDHOO (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 007876/2018 DBN—(2) Funga, Diana Grace (2302140012087); 142 Waterfall Retirement Village, 38 Yellowwood Drive, Waterfall, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) Albert Frederick Funga (2412115031085); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) ASHIE MOODLEY (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: ASHIE.MOODLEY@ABSA. CO.ZA; Tel: 0313669444. 3914/01—(2) Moses, Mannie (6505145154086); 52 Murray Gardens, Glendale, Malvern; (3) Supplementary First And Final; (4) Bernadette Kamalaveni Moses (6004020225088); (5) (Durban, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Nomthandazo Gumede; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741580. 21452/2014 DBN—(2) MEMELA, MZIWENKOSI (6401225403082); WARD 16 NKUNZEMPUNGA , MANDENI , PORT SHEPSTONE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) YVONNE SINGH & ASSOCIATES; SHOP 66 WHITEHOUSE SHOPPING CENTRE , 3333 CHRIS HANI ROAD , PHOENIX; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 5027285. DBN13180/2016—(2) Myeza, Sipho Steven (6211035624086); G162, 6 Usaku Grove, Ntuzuma, 4359; (3) First and final; (4) Faith Nonhlanhla Myeza (6710220560088); (5) (Ntuzuma, Durban). (6) DM Govender Attorneys; P O Box 5528, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)3077911.

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003492/201/PMB—(2) Ndaba, Phakamani SIphamandla (8211305882081) (n/a); Sandlwana Area, Nquthu, KwaZulu- Natal; (3) n/a; (4) Nomfanele Ndaba (8308081586082); (5) n/a; (Nqutu, Pietermaritzburg). (6) D.S Gumbi Attorneys; Office no 1, Ithala Centre,Banango Road, Nquthu; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0342718724. 003090/2018—(2) ZUNGU, EDMUND MDUDUZI (7001175416081); no. 558 G SECTION, NTUZUMA, KZN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21days; (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Ngomne Estate Administrators; 234 Church street, permanent building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0330040020. 7609/2012-Pmb—(2) Ahir, Dawparesath Ramouthar (2001265154084); 84 Surat Road, Ladysmith, 3370; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) N/A; (N/A, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mischal Bhika and Associates; 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827722290. 015561/2017/DBN—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, MAGRIETHA JOHANNA (5606140051086); 6 ANGELIERS ROAD, NAPIERVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) RUDOLF JOHANNES BEZUIDENHOUT (5305235007083); (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) YUGANDRIE MAHARAJ & ASSOCIATES; 280 JABU NDLOVU STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201, P.O. BOX 7997, CUMBERWOOD, 3235; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333458787. 17274/2012 DBN—(2) SEEDAT, AHMED (5203065184082); 273 BULWER ROAD, GLENWOOD, DURBAN, 4001,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN MAGISTRATE’S COURT, DURBAN). (6) SIZA KHUMALO ATTORNEYS; SUITE 307 DOONE HOUSE, 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4000.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 305 3262. -—(2) MAHER, BERYL ETHNEE (3207270033085); 25 CAMPBELL ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DIEDRICKS ATTORNEYS INC; 90 (C) ROBERTS ROAD, CLARENDON, PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3429808. 03027/2018—(2) NDLOVU, NTOMBINTOMBI BEAUTY NDLOVU (6104290613086); DUBE VILLAGE ESIKHAWINI KWAZULU NATAL; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NONE NOT APPLICABLE (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) MTHIYANE AND PARTNERS; N0. 14 BELLINGHAM PARK PENNY LANE STREET RICHARDS BAY 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 035-7897217. 004904/2018—(2) MOODLEY, GOVINDASAMY (4109245089086); 5 CAMELIA PLACE, CRAIGIEBURN, UMKOMAAS; (3) First and Final; (4) ROOKMONEY MOODLEY (4502050130088); (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) LEON PILLAY & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 150B, 1ST FLOOR, MANSION HOUSE, 12 JOE SLOVO STREET, DURBAN; Email: leonpillay@; Tel: 0313052493. 9519/2016 DBN—(2) SHEZI, NOKULUNGA FRANCINA S (5001200658089); HOUSE NO 21740 EMZINYATHINI AREA UMBUMBULU 4105; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (UMBUMBULU, DURBAN). (6) M.D. XAKUSHE ATTORNEYS (AGENT); SUITE 702B, 7TH FLOOR CORPORATE PLACE 9 DOROTHY NYEMBE (GARDINER) STREET DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313014484. 004559/2018 PMB—(2) Eldridge, Clara Irene (2803250032088); 8 Conifer Drive, 28A Howick Road Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARIZBURG). (6) ASHIE MOODLEY (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 4296/18Dbn—(2) Mkhize, Bonginkosi Isiah (6110085612084); 6 Urbandale Avenue, Newlands West,4037; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Delisile Patricia Mkhize (5912270800080); (5) (Durban). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; 4th Floor Absa Ridgeside, 33 Richefond Circle,Umhlanga,4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669460. 015607/2017/DBN—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, RUDOLF JOHANNES (5305235007083); 6 ANGELIERS STREET, NAPIERVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) First and Final; (4) DECEASED DECEASED; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) YUGANDRIE MAHARAJ & ASSOCIATES; 280 JABU NDLOVU STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, P.O BOX 7997, CUMBERWOOD 3235; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333458787. 7142/17PMB—(2) Bodenstein, Hendrik Frederick (4709035080086); 106 Repens Woonstel, John Parksstraat, Newcastle, 2940; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) KASMEERA BUDHOO (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 006730/2018 DBN—(2) Mostert, petronella Johanna (4208250046088); 1 Coronation Parl, 80 Coronation Road, Malvern, 4093; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ASHIE MOODLEY (ON BEHALF OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED); PO BOX 2174, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 2114/18PMB—(2) VAN ZYL, Martha Louisa (4701290037083); 24 Karel Landman Street , LadySMITH 3370; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LADYSMITH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS, 291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 2114/18PMB—(2) VAN ZYL, Martha Louisa (4701290037083); 24 Karel Landman Street , LadySMITH 3370; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LADYSMITH, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS, 291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 3515/18DBN—(2) Reddy, Vijendaran (6012045147088); LOT 1743,12 VAN NIEKERK STREET , MARGATE 4275; (3) First and Final; (4) SAVATHREE REDDY (6508150217087); (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS, 291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669444. 006843/2009/PMB—(2) Peter, Dennis Erick (4811295153080); 10 Kennedy Crescent, Ixopo, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) Peter Rosemary Ann (5009100222088); (5) (Ixopo, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Stowell & Co; 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-845-0500. 7591/2016—(2) RODRIGUES, PIERRE MARIO (7305125036083); 5 MYRTLE, 246 FRERE ROAD, DURBAN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (KWADUKUZA, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) De Wet Leitch Hands Inc; P O Box 160, Ballito, 4420; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329460299.

This gazette is also available free online at 116 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

14015/2017/DBN—(2) Singh, Govindram (4610065181085); 77 Saffron Drive Chiltern Heights, Shallcross, 4093; (3) First and Final; (4) Premila Singh (5809050074086); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) Phakamani Bhengu; Suite 101 Umdoni Centre, 28 Crompton street, pinetown, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 701 7475. 11119/2017/DBN—(2) DUBE, NOKWETHEMBA ETHEL (4903210564085); WARD 1, AMAHLONGWA MISSION, KWA SIBIYA, SCOTTBURGH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) Phakamani Bhengu; Suite 101 Umdoni Centre, 28 Crompton street, pinetown, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 701 7475. 1078/2017—(2) KLEYNHANS, OLIMPIA NERINA (5105170028080); 2 MYRTLE MANSIONS, 246 FRERE ROAD, DURBAN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (KWADUKUZA, DURBAN). (6) De Wet Leitch Hands Inc Ref: MCN4/0002; P O Box 160, Ballito, 4420; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329460299. 3399/2017/PMB—(2) MADONSELA, SIBUSISO MADONSELA (7902035327089); PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) NA; (PIETERMARITZBURG, DURBAN). (6) NTUTHUKO ZONDI ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 2022 PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333451866. 8206/2018/DBN—(2) Holland, Ida Katharina (2403130196185); No 3 Royce Haven, Bendigo Road, Southport, KZN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Moors & Dlamini Attorneys; P O Box 73, Port Shepstone, 4240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0396822403. 8780/15DBN—(2) PILLAY, WOLGANATHAN SUBRAMANY (4708185139080); 16 DUNNOTTAR AVENUE, ASHERVILLE, DURBAN.; (3) First and Final; (4) JAYALUTCHMI PILLAY; (5) 30 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEYS ANAND - NEPAUL; 9TH FLOOR, ROYAL TOWERS, 30 DOROTHY NYEMBE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313274600. 4259/2017—(2) Josiah, Douglas Hillary (3310075082081); Unit 3 Kentley, 4B Morrison Road, Queensburgh; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) South Coast Executors & Administrators CC; P O Box 1513, Manaba Beach 4276; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393122080. 14015/2017/DBN—(2) Maraj, Roopchunder (3210305044085); 43 Fireuga Gardens, Reservoir Hills, Durban,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) Phakamani Bhengu; Suite 101 Umdoni Centre, 28 Crompton street, pinetown, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031- 701 7475. 009803/2017—(2) Adams, Aitkin Joseph (6906065163083); 10 Corenelius Road, Sydenham, 4091; (3) First And Final; (4) Tessa Marche Adams (7609030186085); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Annie Padayachee; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 7653/2016—(2) Sebastian, Flynn Mathew (4709205196084); 74 Woodpecker Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First and final; (4) Sylvarani Sebastian (4901230132081); (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Asad Ameen & Company; 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (033)345-1319. 9216/2013-Pmb—(2) Ahir, Harrichand Dawparesath (5910105023084); 84 Surat Road, Ladysmith, 3370; (3) First and Final; (4) Janey Ahir (6502040163080); (5) N/A; (N/A, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mischal Bhika and Associates; 192 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827722290. 1813/2018—(2) Wallett, Joan Berthe (3111210017085); Unit 106 Amberfield, Howick, 3290; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST; PO BOX 235, HOWICK, 3290; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333302164. 163/2018—(2) GREGORY, DENNIS ANTHONY (5104065038080); 15 Edward Street, Uvongo; (3) First and final; (4) Bonita Gregory (5112310018088); (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) De Kocks Ing; P O Box 10105, Klerksdorp, 2570; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0184623504. 194/2018—(2) MARAIS, JOHANNA MARGARETHA (2903300023085); 15 Edward Street, Uvongo; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) De Kocks Ing; P O Box 10105, Klerksdorp, 2570; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0184623504. 4723/2009(PMB)—(2) Moothal, Mummy (3109120174087); 27 Brebham Gardens, Westham, Phoenix, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) 21 days; (Verulam, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Simrithi Sharma & Associates Inc.; 7 Emeraldglen Road,Silverglen, Chatsworth, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314030387/71. 002242/2018/PMB—(2) MTHIYANE, MZAMENI JACONIA (3703025163086); UMLAZI LOCATION DURBAN KZN; (3) First and final; (4) NONHLANHLA HLENGIWE MTHIYANE (6701090531085); (5) (DURBAN MASTERS OFFICE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) M.MAGIGABA INCORPORATED; 144 CLARENCE ROAD BEREA DURBAN 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313033137. 009962/2017—(2) DE LANGE, ESTELLE ELIZABETH (4902110005082); 63 DOLPHIN CRESCENT BLYTHEDALE BEACH 4449; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (STANGER, DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 5439/2018—(2) CURRIN, MARGARET ROSE (3409070056080); BETHANY GARDENS, 22 HOOGVORST STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 days; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD; 1st FLOOR, EAST-WING, DEODANT BUILDING , 12 PAYNE STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317011477. 31604/2014 DBN—(2) Skhosana, Ntokozo Leon (8701015377083); Flat 116 Himalaya House, 237 Yusuf Dadoo Street, Durban, 4001; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Hajra Patel Incorporated; 2nd Floor, The Centre Building, 106 Avondale Road, Greyville Racecourse, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 306 2262. 6982/2018—(2) JONES, ELLIE MAY FERGUSON (2002290006083); 1302 KINGS HALL, 80 ALIWAL STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 days; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD; 1st FLOOR, EAST-WING, DEODANT BUILDING , 12 PAYNE STREET, PINETOWN, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317011477.

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29523/2014 DBN—(2) GATES, ANN (4201120113188); 108 VALLEY VIEW ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) JIMMY SHANKALND; 26A GLENUGIE ROAD, CNR LAUTH AND GLENUGIE ROADS, MANORS, PINETOWN 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317012035.


5406/2015—(2) BHAMJEE, ESSOP (3705015086086); 141 ORIENT DRIVE, POLOKWANE; (3) First and final; (4) KHATIJA BHAMJEE (3908050074088); (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) J BREDENKAMP INC; PRIVATE BAG X7, POSTNET SUITE 51, PARKVIEW, 2122; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0110238701. 1196/2018—(2) VOGEL, JOHN THOMAS (8302095018083); PORTION 222, DOORNSPRUIT, 0699; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE). (6) PRATT LUYT & DE LANGE ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 827, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: lizette@; Tel: 0152970186. 8136/2017—(2) Lerminez, Jaques (4403135153189); 5A Kruger Street, Groblersdal, 0470; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Groblersdal, Polokwane). (6) M Wentzel Ing; Konstabel Straat 1, Groblersdal, 0470; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (013)2624388. 8823/2017—(2) Buys, Yvonne (2701270006084); Unit 52c, Kokanje Retirement Village, Kokanje; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Modimolle) (6) Jasper Martin Buys; Postnet suite 205, Private Bag, X 1007, Lyttelton, 0140; Email: martin.buys@; Tel: 0828058341. 5150/2015—(2) LEBELO, KHOLOFELO SARAH (7610020531082); 33 IMPALA STREET, MOKOPANE,0600; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) MAHATI GABRIEL LEBELO (6709205397086); (5) (MOKOPANE, POLOKWANE). (6) AJ COETZER & DE BEER ATTORNEY; 19 VAN RIEBEECK ROAD, MOKOPANE, 0600; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-491-7025. 7731/2016—(2) MAMOSEBO, MASHIKARA JOHN (6412245750089); 1947 ZONE F LEBOWAKGOMO; (3) First and final; (4) RAESIBE JOHANNAH MAMOSEBO (6711090320082); (5) 21; (LEBOWAKGOMO, POLOKWANE). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 1690/2018—(2) LATANI, AZWIHANGWISI LUCAS (5212085148084); TSHIVHULANI LOCATION; (3) First and final; (4) MBILUMMBI SYLVIA TSHIKALANGE (5803030225082); (5) (THOHOYANDOU LIMPOPO, ThHOHOYANDOU LIMPOPO). (6) MBADI NS CONSULTANTS; P.O Box 449, SIBASA, 0970; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833339474. 1958/2018—(2) TSHISHONGA, MBULAHENI PETER (6904255081082); STAND NO: 1058 THOHOYANDOU M; (3) First and final; (4) MASHUDU VERONICA TSHISHONGA (7409291117089); (5) (THOHOYANDOU, THOHOYANDOU). (6) MADALA PHILLIP ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 3411 THOHOYANDOU 0950 LIMDEV BUILDING OFFICE NO 84 MPHEPHU DRIVE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (081)269-4329. 8424/2017—(2) MAPHOSA, BONITA (6205180276189); HOUSE NO 59 STREET POLOKWANE; (3) First and final; (4) ZIFUNDISWA MAPHOSA (6112195151185); (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) NKP MANAMELA ATTORNEYS; 58 SCHOEMAN STREET OFFICE 302 3RD FLOOR RENTMEESTER BUILDING; Email: admin@nkpattorneys.; Tel: 015-291-1174. 7066/2017—(2) MONYAI, PHUTHI THABITHA (5609090634083); STAND NO 704 MAKGOFE VILLAGE MOLETJIE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SESHEGO, POLOKWANE). (6) NKP MANAMELA ATTORNEYS; 58 SCHOEMAN STREET OFFICE 302 3RD FLOOR RENTMEESTER BUILDING POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291- 1174. 8789/2016—(2) MAGWAI, MAKWENA PATIENCE (8105220315088); HOUSE NO: 76 MOGOTWANENG GA MATLALA LIMPOPO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (SESHEGO MAGISTRATE COURT, POLOKWANE). (6) MOKOBANE ATTORNEYS; 30 A BODENSTEIN STREET RS CHAMBERS OFFICE 2A & 2B; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152957854. 2987/2017—(2) RIKHOTSO, KHUBANA (2006180184082); HOUSE NO 1061 SECTION F GIYANI 0826; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GIYANI, POLOKWANE). (6) ZITHA A.M ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED; OFFICE NO 19 GIFT BUSINESS CENTRE, 1701/1 KHANIMAMBO STREET, NKOWA-NKOWA, 0870; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0817259566. 285/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, CORNELIS ARNOLDUS (5702035086087); FARM BANDELIERKOP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LOUIS TRICHARDT, THOHOYANDOU). (6) KERN & DEKKER INC.; 105 KROGH STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0155160136. 3105/2016—(2) MOKWENA, MATOME ALBERT (5001275421082); STAND NO: 10195 BOTLUDI VILLAGE MADJADJI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (TZANEEN MAGISTRATE, POLOKWANE). (6) MOKOBANE ATTORNEYS; 30A BODENSTEIN STREET POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 295 7854. 4323/2018—(2) Pretorius, Willem Hendrik (2903245020089); Plaas Ecarte, Ellisras; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ellisras, Polokwane). (6) Menno Glas; Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555; Tel: 0149400982. 005400/2018—(2) SMALBERGER, JOHAN WILHELM (4102215015082); PIET POTGIETER MONUMENT TE HUIS, MOKOPANE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MOKOPANE, POLOKWANE). (6) Sanlam Trust LTD (WB); Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-470-0330.

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1797/2018—(2) MOTSOMANE, MAHLABA DORCAS (4906130628088); STAND NO 270 MATHIBELA PHASE 1; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LEBOWAKGOMO, POLOKWANE). (6) NKP MANANELA ATTORNEYS; 58 SCHOEMAN STREET OFFICE 302 3RD FLOOR RENTMEESTER BUILDING POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015- 291-1174. 8986/2017—(2) MOILA, KEDIBONE MARCIA (8203230674089); STAND NO 1401 MOKWASELE VILLAGE - MODJADJI; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GA - KGAPANE, POLOKWANE). (6) NKP MANAMELA ATTORNEYS; 58 SCHOEMAN STREET OFFICE 302 3RD FLOOR RENTMEESTER BUILDING; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-1174. 762/2017—(2) BONNEMA, HENDRIK PIETER (5402165093082); FARM BEAUFORT, LEVUBU, 0929; (3) NVT; (4) nvt nvt; (5) NVT; (TZANEEN, POLOKWANE). (6) LE ROUX ING; SCHOEMAN STRAAT 7, POLOKWANE, 0699; E-pos: leroux@; Tel: (015)491-3993. 119/2014—(2) STRYDOM, SUSANNA ELIZABETH (4712310149089); 41 GREY STONES FARM, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) Third and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (TZANEEN, LIMPOPO, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO). (6) STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS; RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK, 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0153074458. 004268/2016—(2) SALOOJEE, ZUBEDA (4507040111080); 254 ROSHNEE AVENUE, NIRVANA, POLOKWANE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE, PRETORIA). (6) AKRAM & PEER CA (SA); 43 VOORTREKKER STREET, NEWCASTLE, 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343128274. 001232/2018—(2) MORATHO, FANNIE MOTEE (5409235712088); HOUSE NO 252 MADIBA PARK, POLOKWANE; (3) First and Final liquidation account; (4) MAKGANA KEGAUGETSOE STELLA MORATHO (5412270690086); (5) 21; (SESHEGO, Polokwane). (6) RAMAILA MATJIE QUEEN; 53 Landros Mare Street, office 105 NBS Polokwane; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0609882579. 283/2017—(2) Rammutla, Kwena Seema Abios Saul (6003225860087); House 388, Zone 2, Mahwelereng; (3) First and Final; (4) Sebokwana Selina Rammutla (6610100416080); (5) (Mokopane, Polokwane). (6) EJ Honiball Attorneys; 127 Hooge Street, Mokopane; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0154914273. 2786/2018—(2) KGAPANE, NCHAUPA DANIEL (5411135514085); STAND NO: 200 MAPHALLE VILLAGE, NYAKELLANG SECTION; (3) First and Final; (4) MAPHUKO MERIAM KGAPANE (5503030570087); (5) 21; (KGAPANE, POLOKWANE). (6) PMK TLADI & ASSOCIATES; 20 SCHOEMAN STREET, JUSTICE PALACE, POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-295-2034. 808/2018—(2) NDOU, THAMANE MARRIAM (6212190475082); TSHINO VILLAGE, STAND NO 248, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) MUVHUSO NDOU (9404285602087); (5) (THOHOYANDOU, THOHOYANDOU). (6) MAKAMU MASWANGANYI MUNYAI INC; 103& 112 OLD MUTUAL BUILDING, MPHEPHU DRIVE, MAIN ROAD, THOHOYANDOU; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-962-0223. 2138/2018—(2) Makoti, Makomele Jack (5602185431085); Stand No: 317 Mafefe Village, Polokwane; (3) First and Final; (4) Mahube Lucy Makoti (5605150741081); (5) 21; (Seshego, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 8523/2017—(2) Mohlala, Mogasi William (5307205541083); Stand No: 876 Newstan, Motetema,Sekhukhune; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Sekhukhune, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 8961/2015—(2) Manganye, Hlengane Jerry (3301185124087); Stand No:340 Malamulele, Giyani; (3) First and Final; (4) Elizabeth Mokgadi Manganye (4703190285085); (5) 21; (Giyani, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 8626/2017—(2) Maboko, Makoshe Francina (6305220756081); Stand No: 10182 Madibong Village,Jane Furse; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Sekhukhune, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 755/2018—(2) Maboko, Phokoane Stephen (5809245445084); Stand No: 10182 Madibong, Jane Furse; (3) First and Final; (4) Makoshe Francina Maboko (6305220756081); (5) 21; (Sekhukhune, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 2104/2018—(2) Noko, Lesetja Samuel (5701205304080); Stand No: 1358 Lebowakgomo-S; (3) First and Final; (4) Maggie Raesibe Noko (6709070256086); (5) 21; (Thabamoopo, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 24026/2014—(2) Shirindza, George Rodgers (6803035977082); Stand No:1655 Section E, Giyani; (3) First and Final; (4) Pouline Rhulani Mthombeni (7007130447087); (5) 21; (Giyani, Polokwane). (6) MJ MAPONYA ATTORNEYS; 49 LANDROS MARE STREET,POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 2734. 1342/2018—(2) RAPHALA, MAMETSI DAVID (5612035277083); ERF 210 LENYENYE - A; (3) First and final; (4) MMAPULA LAURIAH MASHAPA (6210190566082); (5) (LENYENYE, POLOKWANE). (6) MOABELO ATTORNEYS; SUITE 4, 33 JOUBERT STREET, POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-3590. 2786/2018—(2) KGAPANE, NCHAUPA DANIEL (5411135514085); STAND NO: 200 MAPHALLE VILLAGE, NYAKELLANG SECTION; (3) First and Final; (4) MAPHUKO MERIAM KGAPANE (5503030570087); (5) 21; (KGAPANE, POLOKWANE). (6) PMK TLADI & ASSOCIATES; 20 SCHOEMAN STREET, JUSTICE PALACE, POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-295-2034. 8902/2017—(2) MOKETLA, MAKOMA VIOLET (5110300594084); WELVERWATCH, PORTION 3 AND 7, TARENTAALRAND; (3) First and final; (4) PATAMEDI REGNETH MOKETLA (4405065496082); (5) (NKOWANKOWA MAGISTRATE COURT, POLOKWANE). (6) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0127486210.

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8902/2017—(2) MOKETLA, MAKOMA VIOLET (5110300594084); WELVERWATCH, PORTION 3 AND 7, TARENTAALRAND; (3) First and final; (4) PATAMEDI REGNETH MOKETLA (4405065496082); (5) (NKOWANKOWA MAGISTRATE COURT, POLOKWANE). (6) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0127486210. 6470/2015—(2) MAKGAHLELA, MAELE JOSEPH (4510305323085); STAND NO. 157 TJATJANENG GA MOTHAPO; (3) First and final; (4) MOKGERE LINA MAKGAHLELA (6310220576083); (5) (MANKWENG, POLOKWANE). (6) MATHABATHA LEKOLOANE ATTORNEYS; 19A GROBLER STREET, DADA HOUSE SUITE 404, POLOKWANE; Email: khullydeps@gmail. com; Tel: 015 2300 043. 119/2014—(2) STRYDOM, SUSANNA ELIZABETH (4712310149089); 41 GREY STONES FARM, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) Third and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (TZANEEN, LIMPOPO, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO). (6) STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS; RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK, 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN, LIMPOPO; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0153074458. 8333/2017—(2) MODIKA, NUWEJAAR NATHANIEL (5101016678089); 12128/75 CHESSWOOD AVENUE, PROTEA GLEN EXTENSION 8, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) MAGDELINE MODIKA (6003240688083); (5) (TZANEEN, POLOKWANE). (6) J BREWIS ATTORNEYS; 625 WINDSOR AVENUE, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129982067. 1954\2017—(2) MATHEBULA, HATLANI WILSON (5910055699081); STAND NO. 573A, WATERVAL, ELIM HOSPITAL; (3) N/A; (4) DANISA ELSIE MATHEBULA (6205051018082); (5) N/A; (ELIM HOSPITAL, POLOKWANE). (6) MM MAHAPA ATTORNEYS; 58 MARKET STREET, MIMOSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE 1,2 &3,POLOKWANE, 0699; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152914564. 004598/2018—(2) MANAMELA, ANDRIES CHUENE (5611035250082); STAND NO 3195,GA MANAMELA,MOLETSI; (3) First and Final liquidation account; (4) RAMADIMETJA BETPHINA MANAMELA (6911230421085); (5) 21; (SESHEGO, Polokwane). (6) RAMAILA MATJIE QUEEN; 53 Landros Mare Street, office 105 NBS Polokwane; Email: mdmaboks@gmail. com; Tel: 0609882579. 002865/2018—(2) PHALA, MAKOMA ELIZABETH (6805280348083); HOUSE NO 549 UNIT A MANKWENG; (3) First and Final liquidation account; (4) RAMOKGOBEDI PHINEAS PHALA (5803155719083); (5) 21; (MANKWENG, Polokwane). (6) RAMAILA MATJIE QUEEN; 53 Landros Mare Street, office 105 NBS Polokwane; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0609882579. 8480/2017—(2) MAVUNA, MAPULA LUCAS (5208165768080); STAND NO. 299, GA-MAKIBELO, MOLETJIE; (3) N/A; (4) MOLORO ESTHER MAVUNA (6801300481087); (5) N/A; (SESHEGO, POLOKWANE). (6) MMMAHAPA ATTORNEYS; 58 MARKET STREET, MIMOSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE 1,2 &3,POLOKWANE, 0699; Email: mmmahapaatt@gmail. com; Tel: 0152914564. 3409\2017—(2) PHATUDI MPHAHLELE, NAMEDI MALEKE (5006205674080); STAND NO. 59, UNIT A, LEBOWAKGOMO; (3) N/A; (4) MAGALANE MABEL PHATUDI MPHAHLELE (5708270885083); (5) N/A; (LEBOWAKGOMO, POLOKWANE). (6) MMMAHAPA ATTORNEYS; 58 MARKET STREET, MIMOSA BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE 1,2 &3,POLOKWANE, 0699; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152914564. 8902/2017—(2) MOKETLA, MAKOMA VIOLET (5110300594084); WELVERWATCH, PORTION 3 AND 7, TARENTAALRAND; (3) First and final; (4) PATAMEDI REGNETH MOKETLA (4405065496082); (5) (NKOWANKOWA MAGISTRATE COURT, POLOKWANE). (6) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0127486210. 6259/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, JAN HENDRIK (4411225018089); FAR KLEINBEGIN LEGKRAAL DENDRON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) KOOS ROOS PROKUREURS; 62 DEVENISH STRAAT POLOKWANE 0699; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0761483117. MPUMALANGA

002268/2016—(2) PRINSLOO, SOPHIA (3409270017080); 3 Sparaxis Street, Robertse Estate, MIDDELBURG, Mpumalanga; (3) First and Final; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) 21; (MIDDELBURG, NELSPRUIT). (6) TERBLANCHE - PISTORIUS INC; 9 JOUBERT STREET, P O BOX 2128, MIDDELBURG, 1050; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -. 915/13—(2) CHRISTIE, ANDREW GEORGE (4511035099086); 30 FINSBURY SINGLE, LYDENBURG, 1120; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (LYDENBURG, NELSPRUIT). (6) JACOBS ATTORNEYS; 50 KANTOOR STREET, WEEKS ARCADE, LYDENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0132352308/9. 1457/2018—(2) Smith, Dirk Petrus (4712165034089); 86 Nelson Street, Sabie, Mpumalanga; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Sabie, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga). (6) Seymore du Toit & Basson Attorneys; 12 Murray Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (013)752-4459. 004781/2017—(2) Marima, Bathabile Joyce (4806150505085); Stand No 953A, Thulamahashe, Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga Province; (3) First and Final; (4) Musipa Mackson Marima; (5) 21; (Bushbuckridge, Nelspruit). (6) Tarwa Attorneys; Suite 03, Ground Floor, Nelbro Building, 39 Brown Street, Nelspruit; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-752-6364. 002641/2018—(2) VAN NOORDWYK, NICOLAAS JOHANNES (4012205010086); 9 CORNELIUS STREET, DEL JUDOR, WITBANK; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WITBANK, NELSPRUIT). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128.

This gazette is also available free online at 120 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

002872/2018—(2) PAVIER, MARTHA CHRISTINA GYSBERTINA (2710010006080); 4 VERONICA STREET, WITBANK,1035; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WITBANK, NELSPRUIT). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue & Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 4367133. 2159/2015—(2) Breytenbach, Jacobus Daniël (2510055017087); 67 Steenkamp Street Witbank Mpumalanga 1035; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Witbank Mpumalanga, Nelspruit Mpumalanga). (6) Danie Sauer Incorporated; PO Box 1339 Middelburg Mpumalanga 1050; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0132827258. 000869/2018—(2) Van Niekerk, Helletje Hendrika Maria (2804190013089); 44 Schnetler Street, Trichardt; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Secunda, Nelspruit). (6) GB Jordaan; Jordaan & Coetzer Inc., Unit 6B, First Floor, Grand Palace Building, Heunis Street, Secunda; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 017-634-2102. 001376/2018—(2) POTGIETER, CHARMAINE (6601140063081); 10A MEERKOTTER STREET, REYNO RIDGE, WITBANK, 1049; (3) First and final; (4) LOUIS POTGIETER (6006125003088); (5) (WITBANK, NELSPRUIT). (6) M. DAVEL, C.o VAN RENSBURG KRUGER RAKWENA INC. (MAT15105); PO BOX 5, WITBANK, 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-656 9600. 1282/2018—(2) Van Den Heever, Johanna Jacoba Maria (4006140005086); Plot 102 Jackaroo Park, Witbank; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Witbank, Nelspruit). (6) Krügel Heinsen Incorporated; Postnet Suite 184, Private Bag X7260, Witbank 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 653-6400. 18928/2013—(2) VAN ECK, FRANCO (8511265089084); 41 BERGSTREET, LYDENBURG, 1120; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LYDENBURG, NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT: PRETORIA). (6) DU TOIT VAN DEN HEEVER; 18 SCHRODER STREET, UPINGTON, 8801; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543324585. 137/2017—(2) WILLE, DEBRA ANNE (6704300016087); 10 JACANA STREET, SHEFFIELD ESTATE, WITRIVIER, 1240; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (STANDERTON, NELSPRUIT). (6) VAN DER MERWE AUDITORS Ref: LVDM/ch; PO BOX 450, STANDERTON 2430; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0177122124. 21447/2014—(2) TECKLENBURG, WESLEY ERNST (2708245013087); UNIT J6 RUBICON RETIREMENT VILLAGE, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA; (3) First; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Nelspruit). (6) Jaco Janse van Rensburg; Suite 3, Mabuza House, 99 Jacaranda Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825684969. 004024/2017—(2) SHONGWE, LETTA NTOMBI (5011250441088); 4A ARAGONIET STREET WEST ACRES EXT 13 NELSPRUIT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Nelspruit, Nelspruit). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 001464/2016—(2) Ndlovu, Promise Jabulile (8406050720086); ERF 2819, Azure park, West Acres EXT 51, Nelspruit 1200.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Nelspruit, Nelspruit). (6) Thobela Attorneys; 15 Paul Kruger St, Suite 207 Belmont Villas Building, Nelspruit 1200.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-752-4512. 3099/2015—(2) NKOSI, BERTHA TOPIE (4204230106084); ERF 2546 MHLUZI MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MIDDELBURG, NELSPRUIT). (6) WDT ATTORNEYS; RUSSEL STREET CHAMBERS, 26 RUSSEL STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137522119. 15683/2018—(2) Els, Marthinus Johannes (6503015011080); 21 Van der Hyde Street, Bethal, Mpumalanga; (3) First and final; (4) Marie Els (6201270135088); (5) (Bethal, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 002759/2018—(2) Van Zyl, Jacob Bernard (5207045130081); 03, John Baker Street, White River; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (White River, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 004709/2017—(2) Theron, Jacobus Christiaan Daniel (3604195032087); 3 Peter Hullet Place, Nelspruit; (3) First and final; (4) Willemina Maria Theron (3911100028088); (5) (Nelspruit, Nelspruit). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (T5702); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 002383/2018—(2) Roos, Jacobus Johanes Hercules (3310295039085); 113, Lilian Ngoyi Street, Witbank; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (eMalahleni, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: Msnyman2@fnb.; Tel: 0877366457. 000291/2018—(2) Sambo, Louis (5706215879088); 374 Kuifkop Lane, Hazyview, Nelspruit; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Zanele Ellen Hlabane (6209010516087); (5) (White River, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 2330/2017—(2) LUUS, WILLEM TOMAS (2403305047080); 30 MOPANIE STREET, WHITE RIVER; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WHITE RIVER, NELSPRUIT). (6) WDT ATTORNEYS; RUSSEL STREET CHAMBERS, 26 RUSSEL STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137522119. 026179/2017—(2) VAN HEERDEN, MARTIN JOHANNES (3010145031080); 57 VAN SCHALKWYK STREET, TRICHARDT; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 2092/16—(2) NEL, ANNA FRANCINA (3402010056088); STAND 2107 WHITE RIVVER; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (WHITE RIVER, NELSPRUIT). (6) CLEA HATTINGH ATTORNEYS; 30 ALIE VAN BERGEN STREET WHITE RIVER; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0879850808.

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555/2018—(2) Pieterse, James Alfred (5012245051081); Stand 121, Olifantsnek, Rustenburg 0299; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Susanna Elisabeth Pieterse (5504300093081); (5) (Rustenburg, Mmabatho). (6) Zietsman-Horn Inc; 208 Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg 0299; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 014 592 0221. 3299/2013—(2) VOS, JOHANNES CASPARUS (4808115123087); 5 GRUNTER STREET, LITTLE FALLS, RUSTENBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) VAN VELDEN-DUFFEY INCORPORATED; Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145921135. 4204/2018—(2) KRUGER, ANNA MARIA ELIZABETH (6509270023082); 11 SCHEPERS LAAN POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MMABATHO). (6) DAWID STEFANUS GREYLING; 55 ROOIBOS STR KLERKSDORP; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 071 876 8826. 4078/2017—(2) ESTERHUIZEN, STEFANUS HERMANUS (3512295005087); 17 SABIE STREET, RANDLESPARK, KLERKSDORP, 2571; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTHA CHRISTINA JOHANNA ESTERHUIZEN (4712160006082); (5) (KLERKSDORP, PRETORIA). (6) NILSEN, STEENKAMP & KOEN ATTORNEYS; 25 BUFFELDOORNROAD, WILKOPPIES, KLERKSDORP; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0184627868. 013633/2017—(2) Yazbek, Hector Ivor (3009135005088); 51 Latham Street, Irenepark, Klerksdorp 2571; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a (n/a); (5) n/a; (Klerksdorp, Pretoria). (6) Owen L’Ange Attorneys; P O Box 6657, Flamwood, 2572; Email: owen@; Tel: 0184684455. 924/2018—(2) Olivier, Francois Gysbert (2604165034080); Plot B6, Elandskraal, Mooinooi; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Rustenburg, Mmabatho). (6) Dupwest Ing.; Posbus 254, Rustenburg, 0300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 014 592- 9241. 12594/2013—(2) Setae, Thapelo Moses (7103056294080); 3436 Unit 10 Mmabatho; (3) First and Final; (4) Mmakgakego Magdalen Setae (7409050999081); (5) (Mafikeng). (6) CHRIS MARITZ ATTORNEY; PRIVATE BAG X 2103 MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (018) 3813025. 5911/2017—(2) Dippenaar, Louwrens Marthinus (4608135040083); Landbergstraat, Bailliepark, Potchefstroom; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Memory Magdalena Dippenaar (4708200040081); (5) (Potchefstroom, Mahikeng). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514005928. 1633/2016—(2) Thebyane, Kabelo Kenneth (6410175858088); Mogwase Township, Mankwe; (3) First and Final; (4) Welhemina Alfrida Thebyane (6702070715086); (5) (Mankwe, Mafikeng). (6) Gumbo & Co. Attorneys; P.O BOX 1390, Mogwase, 0314; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (014)555-5283. 005632/15—(2) Molefe, Nkomeng Rebecca (5203300764086); Lekutung Village Mankwe; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mankwe, Mafikeng). (6) Gumbo & Co. Attorneys; P.O BOX 1390, Mogwase, 0314; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (014)555-5283. 004238/2017—(2) RAUTENBACH, ANNA DOROTHEA ELIZABETH (3206040005084); HUIS ETOPIA 9 VENTERSDORP 2710; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JAMES JACKSON RAUTENBACH (3003245014080); (5) (KLERKSDORP, MMBATHO). (6) PETRUS JOHANNES FERREIRA; POSBUS 24 HARTBEESFONTEIN 2600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824658565. 002726/2018—(2) STRUWIG, MARTHINUS JACOBUS (2601085010083); TIENDE LAAN 50c,LICHTENBURG.2740; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LICHTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 1847/2018—(2) VOS, ANDRIES JOHANNES (4601255097082); 6 REIGER STRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM, NOORD- WES PROVINSIE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) LOUISA JOHANNA VOS (GEBORE HERBST) (5809290079085); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAFIKENG). (6) YVONNE DE BEER; POSBUS 457, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; E-pos: YVONNE@YDB. CO.ZA; Tel: 0828283657. 004066/2018—(2) Bisschoff, Anna Catharina (4209080060083); 66 Baldwin Street, Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Brits, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; Email: mcewan. [email protected]; Tel: 0124700069. 004342/2015—(2) MOSIME, RAPULA ELIAS (5701115923086); HOUSE 9672 PAARDEKRAAL; (3) First And Final; (4) MAPULA BETSEBA MOSIME (5610110958080); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) VAN VELDEN-DUFFEY INCORPORATED; Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145921135. 017635/2016—(2) Lubbe, Michelle (8007070012080); Santolina Laan 157, Klooftuine, Rustenburg; (3) First and Final Insolvent; (4) Hendrik Arnoldus Marthinus Lubbe (7209205120082); (5) (RUSTENBURG, Pretoria). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 17444/2016—(2) Dickson, Ralston Clifton (4310295072085); No: 6 Boog Straat, Nelspruit; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (, Pretoria). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 5138/2017—(2) VAN ROOYEN, JOACHIM FREDERIK (4110105093085); 25 Buckle Street, Ellaton, Klerksdorp; (3) First and final; (4) Regina Johanna Van Rooyen (5102090089086); (5) (Klerksdorp, Mmabatho). (6) DE KOCKS INC; P O Box 10105, Klerksdorp, 2570; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0184623504.

This gazette is also available free online at 122 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

2540/2018—(2) KAGISO, RAPULA EPHRAIM (5202026269081); STAND NO E170 SERIBE SECTION LEKGOPHUNG NORTH WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) PONATSHEGO EVELYN KAGISO (5310280838085); (5) (ZEERUST, MAFIKENG). (6) SANTIE HERBST; [email protected]; Email: ABSA TRUST LTD,BARCLAYS PRETORIA CAMPUS,BLOCK A,337 PTEROLEUM STREET; Tel: 0112258398. 5538/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, JOSIA (4012245016085); CHRISTIANASTRAAT 30, CHRISTIANA; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY BEZUIDENHOUT (4311240033081); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 003994/2018—(2) MOTLOGELWA, LUCAS MASILELA (6005215908081); HOUSE NO.1332 ZEERUST; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) OLEBOGENG KAREN MOTLOGELWA (6402070850088); (5) (ZEERUST, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018- 381-8691. 007381/2016—(2) JUBILEE, LEBOKO ANDRIES (6810165571080); HOUSE NO. 1569 DIKGATLONG SECTION MADIBOGO 2772; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-381-8691. 003823/2018—(2) MTOTOBA, KHOLEKHILE DAVID (5211135337085); 1309 MOTLHABENG VILLAGE MAFIKENG 2735; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) GOBONWANG PAULINE MTOTOBA (5108210654089); (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-381-8691. 4081/2016—(2) NYOKONG, RAMOKO SAMUEL (2606025157084); 217 SEKHULE STRAAT, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 1589/2017—(2) MAEMA, RAMMIDI AMOS (6202166058087); STAND 4128 UNIT 1 TEMBA; (3) First and final; (4) PAULINA MAEMA (7505190702085); (5) (TEMBA) (6) MLM KUTUMELA INC; PO BOX 4 PHILIP NEL PARK 0029; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 386-0717. 5538/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, JOSIA (4012245016085); CHRISTIANASTRAAT 30, CHRISTIANA; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY BEZUIDENHOUT (4311240033081); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 4081/2016—(2) NYOKONG, RAMOKO SAMUEL (2606025157084); 217 SEKHULE STRAAT, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 5538/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, JOSIA (4012245016085); CHRISTIANASTRAAT 30, CHRISTIANA; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY BEZUIDENHOUT (4311240033081); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 4081/2016—(2) NYOKONG, RAMOKO SAMUEL (2606025157084); 217 SEKHULE STRAAT, IKAGENG, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAHIKENG). (6) SCHEEPERS & AUCAMP PROKUREURS; 71A DU PLOOYSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0182971217. 002416/2018—(2) BUTLER, DONOVAN GAVIN ARTHUR (9011265130086); BUCKLE STRAAT 3, KLERKSDORP, 2571; (3) First and Final; (4) ZONIQUE BUTLER (8911300073087); (5) 21 DAE; (LANDDROS HOF KLERKSDORP, MEESTER VAN DIE NOORD-WES HOE HOF, 44 SHEPPERD STRAAT, MAFIKENG). (6) CM DE KLERK PROKUREURS; 16 ELVIRA LAAN, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0181100629. 000593/2018—(2) BORNMAN, JACOBA CATHARINA ELIZABETH GERTRUIDA (2810160008082); SEVF LICHTHUIS , LICHTENBURG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LICHTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) PETRUS JOHANNES FERREIRA; EENHEIDSTRAAT 24 , HARTBEESFONTEIN , 2600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082 803 5871. 3625/2016—(2) NAKEDI, TSIETSI ZEBEDIA (5808085229087); 3866 GYPSY STREET, UNIT 12, MMABATHO, 2745; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) Smit Stanton Inc; P O Box 397, Mafikeng 2745; Email: shamiela@smitstanton.; Tel: 0183810180. 006152/2017—(2) Ferreira, Stephanus Jacobus (5808235025088); 13 Gouritz Street, Stilfontein; (3) First and Final; (4) Annette Ferreira (5705010059086); (5) (Stilfontein, Mmabatho). (6) Standard Trust Ltd; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0658613660. 1493/2006—(2) MOSIMANE, TLHOGISANG WILLIAM (6711070785080); NO 6228 KGANTLAPAME CRESCENT, MMABATHO-14, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MMABATHO, MAHIKENG). (6) MRicco/We Hack Stupel & Ross Attorneys, NN66; 2nd Floor Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123254185.


022211/2014—(2) Faber, Catherine Johanna (2903060005082); Huis Spes Bona, Loch-Roperstraat, Douglas, 8730; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Douglas, Kimberley). (6) De Villiers & Bredenkamp Prokureurs; Posbus 9, Douglas, 8730; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-2981814. 2217/2016—(2) JORDAAN, JOHANNES LODEWIKUS ADAM (2406085017082); DIE PLAAS LUMIER, KAI GARIB; (3) Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening; (4) —; (5) (UPINGTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) LANGE CARR & WESSELS INGELYF; POSBUS 6, UPINGTON, 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543375000.

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000476/2018—(2) HATTINGH, JOHANNES PETRUS HATTINGH (3403185013086); Andalusia Hof 13, Jan Kempdorp, 8550; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARTHA JACOBA HATTINGH (3707120015083); (5) (JAN KEMPDORP, KIMBERLEY). (6) ESSELENS & VENNOTE; ENDSTRAAT 40, JAN KEMPDORP, 8550; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-456-0248. 001399/2018—(2) JAFTA, WILLIAM SENTLE (6511255693087); 9 ILVA ROAD KIRSTENHOF KIMBERLEY 8330; (3) First and final; (4) NONZWAKAZI CONSTANCE JAFTA (6705290388089); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1ST FLOOR CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: kelly.joodt@absa.; Tel: 0514010624. 1559/2018—(2) GOUSSARD, JOHANNES STEFANUS (4601205634083); 1STE LAAN 46, OOSTERVILLE, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) VENTER & VENNOTE; SWARTMODDER WEG 46, UPINGTON, 8801; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0544950030. 2234/2017—(2) KARSTEN, ANNELIZE GERDA (5711130034082); 19 STRUWIG STREET, WARRENTON,8530; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (WARRENTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST; 1st Floor Provincial Office, Cnr Nelson Mandela and Donald Murray Avenue,Bloemfontein; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010624. 3385/2017—(2) STANDER, ELIZABETH (2411130004085); HUIS SPES BONA, LOCH ROPERSTRAAT, DOUGLAS, 8730; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) NVT; (5) (DOUGLAS, KIMBERLEY). (6) CJ STANDER; LOVIUS BLOCK, EERSTELAAN 31, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (051)430-3874. 1855/2018—(2) IMMELMAN, HESTER WILHELMINA (3205020005080); 8 VAN DER MERWE STREET, SURTHERLAND; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SUTHERLAND, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA LIMITED, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: jose.els@absa.; Tel: 051-4010630. 2570/2010—(2) BROWN, DESMOND RAYMOND JAMES (4812055054088); 11 MAUDE STREET, KIMBERLEY; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) JOYCE BROWN (5202120094088); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) HENDRIK VENTER; Office 69, Suite 1, First Floor, North Cape Mall, 31 Jacobus Smit Street, Kimberley, 8301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538384700. 2109/2018—(2) BOTHA, THEODORUS ERNS CORNELIUS (3501035026081); 9 HUGO STREET, MONUMENT HEIGHTS, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and final; (4) JOHANNA PETRONELLA BOTHA (3606200025089); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA LIMITED, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST FLOOR, NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010630. 738/2018—(2) BARNETT, WALTER TRINITY (6106175073088); HEUWEL STRAAT 10, PRIESKA 8940; (3) First and Final; (4) EMMIE BARNETT (7208300223080); (5) 21; (PRIESKA, KIMBERLEY). (6) Aquila Trustees [Pty] Ltd; P O Box 5438, Tygervalley, 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824673667. 907/2018—(2) MABIJA, THEMBA THEODORE (5304125411083); 326 TUMELO STREET, IPOPENG, KIMBERLEY,8345; (3) First and Final; (4) FELICITY ANNA MABIJA (5406060826082); (5) 21 DAYS; (KIMBERLEY). (6) Towell and Groenewaldt Attorneys; c/o Towell and Groenewaldt Attorneys, Rugby House, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley, 8301; Email: estates@; Tel: 0538326851/2. 15252/2015—(2) BOTHA, ALLAN PETER (8509045060086); Gelukplaas, Springbok, Northern Cape; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Springbok, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) VENNS ATTORNEYS; PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3553 172. 191/2018—(2) MARITZ, ELIZABETH MAGDALENA (3301100004083); EUREKAWOONSTEL NO 84, DU TOITSTRAAT UPINGTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (UPINGTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) LANGE CARR & WESSELS INGELYF; POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0543375000.


001810/2016—(2) HEYNS, CHRISTIAAN CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES (3004205036089); 78 WINGERD DRIVE, VREDEKLOOF, BRACKENFELL; (3) Amended First; (4) SUSANNA MARIA MARTINA HEYNS (3103280016089); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) FPS ATTORNEYS, F P STEYN, EXECUTOR; 8 GERT KOTZE STREET, BRACKENFELL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9820665. 000869/2018—(2) Skaife, Lorna Maysie (3006020046086); 8 Barracuda street, Hunters Home, Knysna; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: H Janse van Rensburg; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988025. 3816/2018—(2) Booyens, Martha Maria Wilhelmina (4810310072085); Italeniweg 19, Hartenbos; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 dae; (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad). (6) DEKKER PROKUREURS; KLEINE LIBERTAS, KERKSTRAAT 33, MOSSELBAAI; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 3773/2018—(2) Laubscher, Lucia Van Heerden (2806220006082); Santos Haven Aftree-oord 82, Mosselbaai; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 dae; (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad). (6) DEKKER PROKUREURS; KLEINE LIBERTAS, KERKSTRAAT 33, MOSSELBAAI; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 10419/2016—(2) Ludick, Jennifer Dorothy (6102050149085); 69 STRAAT, BERHARD CRESCENT, LAVENDER HILL; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) NVT NVT (NVT); (5) (Wynberg, Kaapstad). (6) Roodt Gildenhuys Ing.; Fonteinlaan 6, Brackenfell; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219822542.

This gazette is also available free online at 124 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

011377/2017—(2) FRIDAY, PETER (3812225113088); BURGERSPARK 18, DE WAALSTRAAT, BRACKENFELL, 7560; (3) First and Final; (4) CAROLINA MAGDALENA FRIDAY (4504170061086); (5) (KUILSRIVIER, KAAPSTAD). (6) ROODT GILDENHUYS INGELYF; FONTEIN LAAN 6, BRACKENFELL; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219822542. 15114/2017—(2) Tshabalala, Lehasa Peter (7208095683084); 24 Disa Street, Protea Park, Mossel Bay; (3) First and Final; (4) Nthofela Christina Tshabalala (8008300712085); (5) 21 days; (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Dekker Attorneys; Kleine Libertas, 33 Chruch street, Mossel Bay; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 004163/2018—(2) Fortuin, Leonard Johannes (4305095059084); Resernestraat 8, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) First and Final; (4) Lea Fortuin (4904260079081); (5) (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Limited, private Bag X60571, Greenares, 6070; Absa Trust Ltd, Absa House, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffett & overbaakens Road, Fairview, 6071; E-pos: leciaa@absa.; Tel: 0413906397. 8188/2018—(2) FREDERICKS, STEPHEN MICHAEL (5305065213082); Maracaibo Straat 12, Malibu Village, Blue Downs, 7100; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Warielda Fredericks (5706120159089); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd; Imperial Terraces, 3rd floor, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530 l PO Box 3883, Tygervalley, 7536; E-pos: berenise. [email protected]; Tel: 021 914 4925. 9625/2017—(2) NIEUWOUDT, CAREL (6906085155085); Kathleen Straat11, Oakglen, Bellville, 7530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Gina Nieuwoudt (7608210168087); (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd; Imperial Terraces, 3rd floor, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530 l PO Box 3883, Tygervalley, 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 914 4925. 5116/2011—(2) OOSTHUYSEN, MARY LOUISA KATHLEEN MARGARET ELIZABETH (3508030045081); Worcester; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Wilna Roux Prokureurs Ingelyf; Baringstraat 27, WORCESTER 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233422098. 4428/2018—(2) MOTSHEHWA, DAVID MATLI KOOS (7107105822080); 146 NCGWALAZI DRIVE, LITHA PARK, KHAYELITSHA, 7784; (3) First and final; (4) PHINDILE ANNA MOTSHEHWA (7502180862086); (5) (KHAYELITSHA, CAPE TOWN). (6) GOLDBLATTS; 75 WILLIAMS STREET, PAROW, 7500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219395138. 197/2018—(2) VINE, CHRISTINE MARY (4504190093184); 698 NORTH STREET, WILDERNESS, 6560, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) 21; (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys; P O Box 471, Sedgefield, 6573; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-3432126. 017877/2015—(2) Giles, Johanna Sophia (5301070116089); 44 Disa street, Boggomsbay, District Mossel Bay; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) J.SPANGENBERG; 3 BICCARDSTREET, POLOKWANE, 0699; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 1570. 019925/2017—(2) CILLIERS, ABRAHAM FRANCOIS (3305125037085); HOEKO, LADISMITH, 6655; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LADISMITH, KAAPSTAD). (6) BGR DE JAGER BOSHOFF; DE JAGER BOSHOFF GEBOU, KERKSTRAAT 5, MALMESBURY, 7300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224821167. 12780/2017—(2) FOWLS, LILIAN BEATRICE LOUISA (1911140156180); UNIT 3, SEDGEMEER PARK, SEDGEFIELD, 6573, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (Knysna Magisterial Court, Cape Town). (6) Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys; P O Box 471, Sedgefield, 6573; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044-3432126. 005245/2018—(2) MULLER, JOHANNES CHISTOFFEL (5308175073081); 12 DOPPRIUM STREET, GROENKLOOF, GEORGE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUCH GERTENBACH INC; 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044 6019900. 28391/2014—(2) KROUKAMP, NORMAN (5110255106082); 78 ORCHESTRA STREET STEENBERG; (3) First and Final; (4) LETICIA KROUKAMP (5308090037088); (5) 21 SEPTEMBER 2018; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) DIE BURGER; 4TH FLOOR BLOEMHOF BUILDING, 112 EDWARD STREET, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877401087. 1214/2018—(2) SEARLE, WARWICK THORMAN (3107115007080); Morning Star Farm, Geelhoutboom, District George; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUBENHEIMERS INCORPORATED; PO BOX 21, GEORGE, 6530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044 8732043. 000477/2018—(2) KROUKAMP, LETICIA (5308090037088); 78 ORCHESTRA STREET STEENBERG; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 SEPTEMBER 2018; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) DIE BURGER; 4TH FLOOR BLOEMHOF BUILDING, 112 EDWARD STREET, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877401087. 63432018—(2) Gruneberg, Vilma (3402130050086); 5 Leeb Street, Prince Albert; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Prince Albert, Cape Town). (6) Esau Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc; 5th Floor Sunclare, Dreyer Street, Claremont; Email: ghlburman@; Tel: 0216742170. 001919/2018—(2) TEASDALE, PENELOPE (4401030130088); 178 HERITAGE MANOR, HERITAGE PARK, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) LOR DEA TRUST CC; 8 PICARDY STREET, EVERGLEN, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219766902. 5923/2017—(2) Ramgobin, Mawalal (3211105064083); 15 Mariashof Edgemead 7441; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks; Posbus 3392 Tygervallei 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219433000. 001966/2018—(2) Smit, Helena Hendrika (5605080103089); Springbok Woonstelle 7, Worcester; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Malan Lourens Viljoen Ingelyf; 9 B Gardner Williamslaan, Paardevlei, Somerset Wes; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218531535. 0014172018—(2) Naude, Naomi (2101260017086); 20 Tara Close, Summerwood, 24 Woodlands Close, Pinehurst, Durbanville, Cape Town.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) A Armatas; 39 Riverview, Baviaanskloof Road, Hout Bay, 7806; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 083-4683216.

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0182252017—(2) Thiart, Dina Magdalena (5205210079083); 64 Galjoensingel, Yzerfontein, 7351; (3) First and Final; (4) Alan Gerhardus Thiart (5105125074080); (5) (Malmesbury, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, B Arendse; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4166048. 16276/2017—(2) KNIPE, EDWARD BERTRAM (3610125129083); OAKHAVEN OLD AGE HOME, ZUURBERG ROAD, HEIDEVELD, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) WALKERS INC; PO BOX 254, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 464 1421. 24966/2014—(2) BAM, LUKAS (4204035064082); 2 FORMOSA STREET, PORTLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7785; (3) First and Final; (4) MARGARET BAM (4708150073082); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) C GEORGE ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 870 WESTRIDGE7802; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0213740843. 19338/2016—(2) BENJAMIN, LESLIE (4711165026087); 6 KWEPER AVENUE, BRIDGETOWN, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) VALENCIA CHRISTINE BENJAMIN (5510170053089); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) SALIE AND SALIE ATTORNEYS; 169 TARONGA ROAD, CRAWFORD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216972093. 19338/2016—(2) BENJAMIN, LESLIE (4711165026087); 6 KWEPER AVENUE, BRIDGETOWN, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) VALENCIA CHRISTINE BENJAMIN (5510170053089); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) SALIE AND SALIE ATTORNEYS; 169 TARONGA ROAD, CRAWFORD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216972093. 015663/2017—(2) Fisher-Jeffes, Donald Leonard (1906035043089); 507 Grosevenor Square, College Road, Rondebosch; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited- Fabiola Marques; Nedgroup Trust (Pty )Limited , P O BOX 86 ,Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166283. 015663/2017—(2) Fisher-Jeffes, Donald Leonard (1906035043089); 507 Grosevenor Square, College Road, Rondebosch; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited- Fabiola Marques; Nedgroup Trust (Pty )Limited , P O BOX 86 ,Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166283. 007090/2018—(2) Vermeulen, Reginald Cecil (4804155088082); Heldberberg Manor Retirement Village, Asrin Road, Heritage Park, Somerset West; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited- Fabiola Marques; Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, PO BOX 86, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166283. 003276/2017—(2) LLOYD, HESTER JOHANNA (2105040006087); WITTEBOOM STREET , HARTENBOS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) Louma Jansen; 132 Mitchell Street , George , 6529; Email: louma.jansen@; Tel: 0448745022. 1769/2015—(2) GALLANT, PHILLIPINA FRANCINA (3204040072089); KUILSRIVER; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) HENNIE OOSTHUIZEN ATTORNEYS; 28 BELLA ROSA STREET, 7 MOUNTAIN VIEW OFFICE PARK, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219147370. 1738/2007—(2) GOLIATH, CECILIA (5912240136086); 15 VELDVY CRESCENT, ROOSENDAL, DELFT, 7100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) ETIENNE LOUW AND ASSOCIATES; P O BOX 1784, BELLVILLE, 7535; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219461287. 1856/2018—(2) MOSTERT, CHRISTINA MARIA (4106080096085); 129 VOORTREKKER STREET, LAMBERTSBAY; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOHANNES CHRISTIAAN NICOLAAS MOUTON (3209085061087); (5) — (6) KOOS COETZEE PROKUREURS; 14 DORP STREET, VREDENDAL 1860; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0272131869. 8357/2018—(2) Kana, Willem (5611265183086); Cavalleria Laan 15 Scottsdene Kraaifontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Rachel Lilian Kana (6312300177089); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Mostert & Vennote; 9de Laan 192 Kraaifontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219883702. 005447/2017—(2) Van Rooyen, Monica (3906230033081); Oude Westhof Oord, Van Riebeeckweg 26, Van Riebeeckshof, Bellville, 7530; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Crawfords Prokureurs; Posbus 25, Beaufort- Wes, 6970; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 023-4142161. 20844/2017—(2) THERON, ANDRE (5003095121082); 40 SWALLOW DRIVE, SEDGEFIELD, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) B JEAN HUGO ATTORNEYS; 257 JORISSEN STREET, MOONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP 1739; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119545501. 015542/2017—(2) PRETORIUS, PETRUS SCHUTTE (4011275020082); 12 Valk Street, Monte Christo Retirement Village, Hartenbos, 6520; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Diederick Pretorius; 261 Broadbury Circle, Irene Ext 10, Centurion, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834140097. 021138/2017—(2) CROSS, PETER MURRAY (3108315072189); 1 CABLE CLOSE, MARINA DA GAMA, CAPE TOWN, 7945; (3) First And Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 2275, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214606300. 16684/2017—(2) De La Rey Swardt, Christiaan Cornelius (3002235225086); 14 Saffraan Avenue, Denneoord, George 6530; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (N/A, Cape Town). (6) Adv. Barend van Zyl; P.O. Box 3023, Knysna 6570; Email: bvanzyl@; Tel: 044-302-9500. 5543/2018—(2) MARLIE, WARELDIA (4407070079085); 34 ST JOSEPH’S ROAD, LANSDOWNE, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG MAGISTRATES’ COURT, MASTER’S OFFICE, CAPE TOWN). (6) SALVATORE PUGLIA ATTORNEYS; UNIT 302, 3RD FLOOR, THE COLOSSEUM BUILDING, NO 3 ST GEORGES MALL, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214252286/7. 8464/2018—(2) CRONJE, JOHANNES ABRAHAM (5207265072088); OLEANDERSTRAAT 9, VREDENDAL 8160; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOHANNA MAGRIETHA CRONJE (5302210064080); (5) — (6) KOOS COETZEE PROKUREURS; DORPSTRAAT 14, POSBUS 555, VREDENDAL 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0272131869.

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20090/2017—(2) Wiggett, Michiel Eksteen (5209115128086); Bergstraat 30, Montagu, 6720; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Montagu, Kaapstad). (6) Pieter Botha Steenkamp; P/a Peritus Trust, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720; E-pos: peritustrust@; Tel: 0236143100. 23545/2014—(2) THEART, JOHANNA MARIA FREDERIKA (3106170032082); CAROSINISTRAAT 5, LAAIPLEK; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (LAAIPLEK, KAAPSTAD). (6) MISHA HESSE; STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 988 9637. 014199/2017—(2) Cilliers, Johan (5006125024085); 22 Yellowwood Flat, Herons Way, Knysna; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Knysna & Pretoria, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Ltd; P O Box 5562 Cape Town 8000; Email: vannessa.nicholas@; Tel: 021 4012611. 018441/2017—(2) BODKIN, DAVID MARTIN (6009285113085); 54 GLEN OAK ROAD, WELCOME GLEN, SIMONSTOWN, 7975; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ANNAMARTH BODKIN (6411290036089); (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) LAUBSCHER & HATTINGH Inc.; 1st FLOOR, IMPERIAL TERRACES, TYGER WATERFRONT, BELLVILLE; E-pos: pieter@lhattorneys.; Tel: (021) 9442400. 7644/2018—(2) Hales, Noel Trevor (5712175048086); Alcor Place 402, Voortrekkerweg, Parow, 7500; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: kristle@; Tel: (021)887-1021. 011622/2006—(2) KOEGELENBERG, JOHANNES DANIEL (4305015021081); 30 WES STRAAT, PORTERVILLE, 6810; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LANDROSKANTOOR, PORTERVILLE) (6) LOUW & CRONJE INGELYF; 82 VOORTREKKERSTRAAT, PORTERVILLE 6810; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 022-931 2110. 010920/2017—(2) PRETORIUS, IZAK JOHANNES (6510225109083); LAKE VIEW FARM, WOLWERIVIER ROAD, RONDEVLEI, WILDERNESS, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) JOHN DAVID MYBURGH; 8 SEBASTIAN CRESCENT, AURORA, DURBANVILLE, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219754542. 012594/2017—(2) HARE, ELIZABETH ANNE (2411150068002); ST JAMES RETIREMENT HOTEL, MAIN ROAD, ST JAMES, CAPE TOWN, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) ES TACON CA (SA); 101 FOREST GLADE, TOKAI ROADF, TOKAI, CAPE TOWN, 7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217150044. 17443/2013—(2) Du Bois, Keith Alexander (5207045202088); 20 Solyet Court, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708.; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Lauren Haupt; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877365239. 012785/2017—(2) Pienaar, Pieter Andries (4108225038089); Hillcroft Unit2, 109 High Level Road, Green Point; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Inkundla Kamantyi Cape Town, CAPE TOWN). (6) LG Trichardt Incorporated; 4 Eben Olivier Street, Brackenfell, 7560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219811979. 019070/2017—(2) Barnes, Clyde Owen (4104185064082); Wayside Village, 21 North Way, Rondebosch, 7720; (3) First and final; (4) Maureen Elizabeth Courtney (4009270075085); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) RAUCH LAW; UNIT 8, 10 PEPPER STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218111363. 012179/2017—(2) CUTHBERT, JOCELYN ACHESON (3610120026086); 72 ST MICHAEL’S VILLAGE, CORNELIUS STREET, WELTEVREDEN PARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, CAPE TOWN). (6) C VENTER ATTORNEY; 8 PICARDY STREET, EVERGLEN, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219794458. 003526/2018—(2) DIXON, DAVID (3007095047082); COTTAGE 77, HELDERBERG VILLAGE, PRIVATE BAG X19, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) WARWICK TRUST AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: AAISHAH.DANIELS@ WARWICKWEALTH.COM; Tel: 0800 505050. 5746/2018—(2) Gouws, Jeanne Gabrielle (5204210105089); 17 Manatota Heights Melkbosch Village Melkbosstrand; (3) First and Final; (4) Andre Auret Gouws (5012085010080); (5) (ATLANTIS, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 7th floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522950. 2065/2018—(2) Murray, Douglas Andrew (2206075039082); 601 Aloe Close, Pinewood Retirement Village, University Drive, Pinelands; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; P O Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216818652. 17265/2017—(2) Albiero, Vittorio (2504145066089); 54 Daniell Road, Milnerton, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) - -; (5) 21; (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Tanya Nockler Attorneys; c/o Broekmanns, 3rd Floor, Piazza on Church Square, 39 Adderley Street, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 082 375 3830. 004325/2018—(2) FAKIER, RABIYA (3612160085089); 45 YORK ROAD , CRAVENBY ESTATE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) PARKER HOLT INC; 5 ERNEST ROAD, RYLANDS ESTATE; Email: parholt@; Tel: 0216379002/3. 15119/2016—(2) GOLDMAN, PHILIP (2906015057082); 43 GENEVA PLACE, 21 LONDON ROAD, SEA POINT, 8005; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) TARLEYS TRUST (PTY) LTD; P. O. BOX 3882, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215550220. 014534/2016—(2) HARLFORD, RUDOLF ROLAND (5608095172081); 117 RYBURG ROAD, HANOVER PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) BENITA HARLFORD (5708140167084); (5) 21 DAYS; (N/A, CAPE TOWN). (6) INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS (PTY) LTD, CAPE TIMES; PO BOX 56 CAPE TOWN 8000; Tel: 0214884898. 012412/2018—(2) HERMANUS, DAISY KATHLEEN (3211300225083); 22 MEYRICK AVENUE, PLUMSTEAD, CAPE 7800; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE, CAPE TOWN). (6) DEREK JOHN HANSLO; PO BOX 4490 CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4618270.

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016617/2016—(2) Hope, Anna Catharina (5807050038085); 32 Populier/Rivier Street, Hopefield, 7355; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Hopefield, Cape Town). (6) Christine Kennedy; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 135, Cape Town, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 6459. 1317/2015—(2) Thysse, Loretta Constance (3205300008085); Willowstraat 14, Heatherpark, George; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (-, Kaapstad). (6) EE POHL; SYMINGTON & DE KOK, P.O. BOX 12012, BRANDHOF 9324; E-pos: epohl@; Tel: 051 505 6668. 019018/2017—(2) Koopman, Ivor Leslie (7005285220085); 37 Rooibok Road; Soneike; 7583; Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Andiswa Madolo; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 0256. 3869/2018—(2) VISSER, MARTIN JOHN (5208245007087); KERKSTRAAT 28, STILBAAI 6674; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (RIVERSDAL, KAAPSTAD). (6) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN; ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, POSBUS 16, RIVERSDAL 6670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0287132424. 003135/2018—(2) Wallace, Patrick Edward Lyle Wallace (2911155100189); Anchusa Court, Howard Drive, Meadowridge, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Bisset Boehmke McBlain; 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214419800. 12390/2017—(2) Thomas, Edward Vincent (4907035106089); 12 Acasia Avenue, Bridgetown, 7764; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Messrs Karbary Attorneys; P. O. Box 47 Gatesville, 7766; Email: estates@; Tel: 021-6972370. 10144/2015—(2) VAN RENSBURG, CECILIA JOHANNA (2905140060086); 208 DEVONSHIRE HILL, GROTTO ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, 7700; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) MALCOLM SNOWBALL & ASSOCIATES; PO BOX 28237, BOTHASIG, 7406; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021) 4178800. 003768/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Sarah (3701070093083); 2 Telford Way, Edgemead, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) James John Van Wyk (3603295077083); (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd, B Arendse; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021--4166018. 006013/2018—(2) Coetzee, Christo (4711045054085); 41 Strand Meadows, Vredehoek Street, Strand, 7140; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Cape Town). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town Ref: Rob van Dyk; P.O. Box 44774, CLAREMONT 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216740390. 3133/2018—(2) KIDD, MICHAEL DOUGLAS (3107315061085); 13 BALMORAL ROAD, PLUMSTEAD 7800; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) — (6) ANDRE JOHAN LAMBRECHTS; 74 MARECHALE WAY, WOODBRIDGE ISLAND, MILNERTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 5510334. 14355/2016—(2) Van Niekerk, Willem Adriaan (3504105025082); Paddockstraat 3, Vanrhynsdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Aletta Maria van Niekerk (3508230010083); (5) (Vanrhynsdorp, Kaapstad). (6) HAJ Lombard en Kie; Posbus 142, Vredendal, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0272132024. 004611/2017—(2) CHAPMAN, LINDA (4906280059084); 1 MAKRIEL STREET, PEARLY BEACH RESORT, 7221; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (BREDASDORP, CAPE TOWN). (6) Steyn Attorneys Inc Ref: SWS/LMYBURG/17036; P.O. Box 72, Worcester 6849; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233428404. 194432017—(2) Carlyle, Stewart Smith (3002235064089); Fairmead Court 108, Rondebosch; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Kaapstad). (6) Faure & Faure Ingelyf; Hoofstraat 227, Paarl, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (0218711200). 3593/2018—(2) Williams, Karel (6205295119084); 17 Lyra Way, Ocean View; (3) First and final; (4) Laina Vallery Williams (6312230149083); (5) (Simon’s Town, Cape Town). (6) Guthrie Colananni Attorneys; 102 Fish Hoek Centre,Main Road,Fish Hoek; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217826012. 10942/2017—(2) HUNT, ALAN (2404245100088); 6A BEECH ROAD, TOKAI; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) KEITH JENKINGS ATTORNEYS; 7 SUNNINGHILL ROAD, WYNBERG, 7800; Email: keith@jenkslaw.; Tel: 021-7621516. 4992/2018—(2) Neft, Helena Johanna Aletta (3103210003082); Nelsonstraat 93, Goodwood, 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: aletta@; Tel: (021)887-1021. 009519/2018—(2) Myburgh, Petrus Geliermus Johannes (6304105138085); 95 Kimberley Street, Goodwood, 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) Tania Charlotte Myburgh (6807100331088); (5) 21; (Goodwood, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166064. 019627/2016—(2) CONRADIE, DOROTHEA MARIA (3008010005080); Van Langverwag Aftreeoord 220, Morkelstraat 12, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) Eerste Likwidasie; (4) —; (5) (N/A, Kaapstad). (6) Bax Kaplan Russell Ingelyf; Clevedon House, 2 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0437068400. 015526/2017—(2) BOWEN, KEITH WILLIAM (4403065084081); HOUTBAY YACHT CLUB, HARBOUR ROAD, HOUTBAY; (3) First and final; (4) SHIRLEYANNE DENISE BOWEN (5608140134086); (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) DAVID ANTONY WARREN; PO BOX 11097, SILVER LAKES, PRETORIA, 0054; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0128091901. 019361/2017—(2) SEPTEMBER, Joseph Cornelius (2311105054083); 95 Bonfoi Way, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7802; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, Cape Town). (6) ESI Attorneys; P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219435111. 007939/2018—(2) BUCKLEY, MARGARET JOYCE BELL (2504040048083); BLUE MOUNTAIN RETIREMENT VILLAGE, GEORGE, 6530; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) LOGAN-MARTIN INC; 20 WOODMILL LANE CENTRE, MAIN STREET, KNYSNA, 6570; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0443821115.

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000602/2018—(2) STEENKAMP, MAY ELVA (3404110033082); 6 PARC DU CAP, PARK ROAD, TOKAI, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CHENNELLS ALBERTYN ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 78, NEWLANDS, 7725; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216858354. 007498—(2) HAY, ANDRé (3503040008088); SERENITAS 45, STRAND, 7140; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, KAAPSTAD). (6) MICHIEL GEORGE LOCHNER; LOCHNER & VENTER CONSULTING CC, POSBUS 7114, NOORDER- PAARL, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-8721005. 15313/2017—(2) LOMBARD, PAULIMA ELLEN (4204170125086); 42 PINE CRESCENT, PINE PLACE, MELTON ROSE, EERSTE RIVER, 7100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) F. SALIE ATTORNEYS; 66 LANG STREET, KUILS RIVER, 7580; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)9035244. 6759/2018—(2) Lakay, Henry (2708275211080); 23 16th Avenue, Ravensmead, Parow, 7493; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville Magistrates Court, Cape Town). (6) A V Dawson & Co. Attorneys; 7 Link Road, Belgravia, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219448800. 1287/2015—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, CORNELIA JOHANNA (2804190205081); 1 FIFTEENTH AVENUE, FLORIDA, RAVENSMEAD,7493; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0860117520. 012796/2017—(2) Cullis, Ferial (6510190513087); 22 Catamaran Crescent, Strandfontein, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) Victor George Cullis (5807275135088); (5) (Mitchell’s Plain Magistrate Court, Cape Town Masters Office). (6) Patel Petersen Incorporated; Unit 14, First Floor, 220 Ottery Road, Ottery; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217624997. 005853/2017—(2) Theron, Petrus Lodevicus (5610015051080); Hartenbos Park, Wassenaarstraat, Hartenbos; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Lizette Theron (6207070020081); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Die Burger; E-pos: nbasson@; Tel: 0860117520. 006546/2018—(2) WALTER, ELIZABETH LOUISA (3511090035083); ROBARI LODGE, NEW STREET, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOEN). (6) MORKEL & DE VILLIERS INC; THE FORUM, 13 DRAMA STREET, SOMERSET WEST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218509700. 008011/2018—(2) Evans, Neville (3909085089083); 92 Jannie Rossouw Street, Windsor Park, Kraaifontein, 7570; (3) First and Final; (4) Elizabeth Maude Evans (4812070066083); (5) (Kraaifontein, Cape Town). (6) Ryan Rooza; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0877362706. 10078/2016—(2) KANGELA, STWAAI JAMES (4303165385083); 676 BLOEKOM STREET, RHEENENDAL, DISTRICT KNYSNA; (3) First and final; (4) HESTER ELIZABETH KANGELA (4506230127088); (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) MOSDELL PAMA & COX; 15 TIDE STREET, KNYSNA 6571; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -44 382 5333. 016028/2016—(2) Basson, Nicholas Jacobus (4509285078081); 4 Protea Circle, Malmesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) Basson Anne Lillian Dorothea (5005030058089); (5) (Malmesburg, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited : Gail Terhart; Nedbank Clocktower Building, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4166200. 7003/2018—(2) Witbooi, Wendy Catherine (6111260149082); Hughesstraat 10, Belhar, Elsiesrivier; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Derrick Witbooi (5907295037080); (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Fourie Basson & Veldtman; Tijger Park 5, Tyger Valley, Bellville, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219292600. 011103/2016—(2) JOHANNES, JACOB (3910045047088); 5 MOFFATSTRAAT, IDAS VALLEI, STELLENBOSCH; (3) First and final; (4) GLADYS JOHANNES (3503300096088); (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) St Adens National Estates & Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Tyger Valley Chambers 3,; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 9499297. 000852/2017—(2) MEECH-NOYES, DULCIE (3501270074085); 40 KLEINZEE STREET, BRACKENFELL; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Cape Times; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 4884898. 013233/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, HEINRICH ENRICO DU PLESSIS (7102145150089); 119 LIQUAT AVENUE, BELHAR, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) DEIDRE CHANTEL DU PLESSIS (7503200179089); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) LUCAS DYSEL CROUSE INCORPORATED; 6 VAN DER BYL STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; Email: melodie@ldcrouse.; Tel: 021 9752870. 000852/2017—(2) MEECH-NOYES, LIONEL ERNEST (3404205065080); 40 KLEINZEE STREET, BRACKENFELL; (3) Second and Final; (4) DULCIE MEECH-NOYES (3501270074085); (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Cape Times; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 4884898. 000852/2017—(2) MEECH-NOYES, DULCIE (3501270074085); 40 KLEINZEE STREET, BRACKENFELL; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Cape Times; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 4884898. 006796/2018—(2) SCHOLTZ, DIANA MARY (3907290041089); 179 HELDERBERG SUPPORT CENTRE, SWALLE STREET, SOMERSET WESDT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) LOR DEA TRUST CC; 8 PICARDY STREET, EVERGLEN, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219766902. 15043/2017—(2) Taylor, Denis James (2406045064083); Unit 15 , Alphenvale , Constantia , Cape Town 7800; (3) FIRST; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, Cape Town). (6) Mildred Curr Attorney; PO Box 121 , Somerset Mall 7137; Email: mildred@mildredcurr. com; Tel: 021-7611478. 005334/2017—(2) GQAMANE, ZANOBANI DANIEL (4809115538084); 326 Ngethu Street, Zwelethemba, Worcester; (3) First and Final; (4) DAISY GQAMANE (6003280578087); (5) (Worcester, Western Cape, Cape Town). (6) Mdladlamba Attorneys; 3rd Floor, 83 Albertina Sisulu Road, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113337496. 010795/2018—(2) Padiachy, Patrick Govender (5208195077080); 36 Michael Hendricks Street, Charlesville; (3) First and final; (4) Gladys Sophia Padiachy (5106240098087); (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Rahin Joseph Attorneys; 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop street, Cape Town 8001, PO Box 10013, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-422-3151.

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9866/2018—(2) Segers, Ralph (4304295025086); 49 Durmont Crescent, Gordons Bay; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Strand, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED Ref: Y Nordien; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: yumnahn@; Tel: 0214166262. 16538/2012—(2) Mostert, Sophia Jane (3611020302080); 5 Koper Circle, Vanguard Estate; (3) First and final; (4) Christopher Henry Mostert (3512225185082); (5) (Athlone, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219190490. 1552/2012—(2) JANTJIES, JULIUS JAKOBUS (4401105098087); 3 EVORY OAK STREET, BELLVILLE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) ALIDA JOHANNA JANTJIES (3908220062088); (5) 21; (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) BDP ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 3835, TYGERVALLEY, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219417777. 6480/2015—(2) Smit, Andries Johannes (5710195159081); Alfstraat 5, Kenridge, 7550; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476484. 11865/2018—(2) Rushworth, Stephen James (4706025163088); 52 First Crescent, Fish Hoek, 7975; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Simon’s Town, Cape Town). (6) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes; 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975; Email: cynthiar@; Tel: (021)784-1580. 013897/2017—(2) LOUW, NICOLAAS EVERHARDUS (3203055056086); KAREESTRAAT 6, MOORREESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MOORREESBURG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CHRISTIE FOURIE INCORPORATED; 3 HANDEL STREET, BRACKENFELL, 7560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219816454. 000044/2018—(2) Cookson, Christian David (4106295066089); 33 Zinfandel Road, Pinot Blanc, Burgundy Estate; (3) First and Final; (4) Cookson Alice Doreen (4401310005083); (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited : Gail Terhart; Nedbank Clocktower Building, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4166200. 20727/2017—(2) WIESE, AUGUS CHRISTOFFEL (5311285181083); GOUSBLOMSTRAAT 10, VANRHYNSDORP, 8170; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MATHILDA MARIA WIESE (5806200095086); (5) (VREDENDAL, KAAPSTAD). (6) MARNUS NEL; WATERKANTSTRAAT 5, VREDENDAL, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0272131000. 89562018—(2) WOOLLS, KAREN ELIZEBETH (7001310114088); 1 SAREL HAASBROEK CRESCENT WELGELEGEN 7550; (3) First and final; (4) EDWARD APPELFORTH WOOLLS (7205075164085); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) THORA DU TOIT & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 93 ODENDAAL STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: INFO@THORADUTOI. CO.ZA; Tel: 0219760333. 008825/2018—(2) Truter, Dalena (3110120050087); House Magnolia, 4 Baxter Street, Sanlamhof, Bellville, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Van Zyl Kruger Attorneys; Suite A4-2, South Block, Avanti Building, cnr Carl Cronje Drive & Bill Bezuidenhout Ave, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0211804553. 002350/2017—(2) Cupido, Blanche Enid (4410180455088); 3 St. Linus Close Seawinds; (3) First and Final; (4) Leonard Edgar Cupido (3809245255089); (5) 21; (Wynberg, CAPE TOWN). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166064. 676/2015—(2) WILLIAMS, BOBBY (5202055101080); 11 ZENITH WAY, ROCKLANDS, MITCHELL’S PLAIN; (3) First and final; (4) BARBARA WILLIAMS (5206150132080); (5) (MITCHELL’S PLAIN) (6) INFINITY EXECUTOR SERVICES; PO BOX 391, MUTUTAL PARK, 7450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0812126217. 014264/2016—(2) DAMON, WILLIAM ROBERT (3906055049089); 1 MARLIN STREET, STRANDFONTEIN 7798; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702. 018167/2015—(2) FRIESLAAR, ABDURAGMAN (6601265111087); 14 ARIES ROAD,SURREY ESTATE,ATHLONE 7764; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) K.B GANGEN &CO; 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE,5 SPIN STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214619702. 7735/2009—(2) KENNIFORD, ROBERT WILLIAM (4111075079088); 27 VREEM STREET, BOTHASIG, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and final; (4) LORETTA YOLANDA KENNIFORD (5106140120080); (5) (INKUNDLA KAMANTYI (CAPE TOWN) CAPE TOWN). (6) KNOETZE LAW INC.; UNIT 8, CANAL EDGE 4, FOUNTAIN ROAD, TYGERWATERFRONT, BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN // MO BOX 211; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219126002. 009518/2018—(2) Muller, Bertram Desmond (5405115242089); 15 Caproni Street, Rocklands 7798; (3) First and Final; (4) Sylvia Daphne Muller (5007070021084); (5) 21; (Mitchells Plain, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST LIMITED Ref: C Fester; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166064. 15148/2017—(2) Oraai, Dawid (3012135175083); 88 Lugmag Avenue, Factreton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: info@roopapotgieter.; Tel: 0219190490. 012684/2017—(2) GOUDGE, EDWARD ERNEST (4004255464180); NO 80 SANTOS HAVEN, HEIDERAND, MOSSEL BAY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MOSSEL BAY, CAPE TOWN). (6) HERBIE OOSTHUIZEN & ASSOCIATES; 71 MONTAGU STREET, MOSSEL BAY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446018700. 004498/2018—(2) Kotze, Gert Johannes (3904235017084); Seesig Singel 18, Vredenburg, 7380; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Vredenberg, Cape Town). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: Pauline. [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4784. 009226/2017—(2) Swigelaar, Magdelena (2811070075088); 68 Cradock Road, Retreat, 7945; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Basson and Petersen Attorneys Incorporated; 5 Floor, 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 081 289 2463.

This gazette is also available free online at 132 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

014272/2017—(2) APPLEBY, LESLEY (4109230069085); 4 OXFORD STREET, HOUT BAY, WESTERN CAPE, 7806; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) B A HENWOOD; P O Box 15581, Vlaeberg, 8018; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214610942. 009077/2018—(2) DE VILLIERS, PAUL JACOBUS (4401275110084); Halfkoordstraat 18, Kleinbaai, 7220; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (GANSBAAI, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED; PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166280. 812/2017—(2) COETZEE, MARIA ELIZABETH (5012030025084); KERKSTRAAT 124, STRAND, 7140; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, KAAPSTAD). (6) ASL TRUSTDIENSTE (EDMS) BPK : AANDAG ARNOLD SCHOLTZ; POSBUS 99, SOMERSET MALL, 7137; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218401600. 019638/2016—(2) Sellwood, Catharina Johanna Magrieta (3608300020085); 17 Arundel Street, Hermanus, 7200 / 6 Hoffman Street, Pearly Beach, Gansbaai, 7220; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Cape Town). (6) Andiswa Madolo; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 0256. 012360/2017—(2) MORY, YVONNE MAY (4005110086084); 29 TULBAGH STREET, MONTE VISTA, CAPE TOWN, 7460; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUCH LAW; UNIT 8, 10 PEPPER STREET, CAPE TOWN 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218111363. 18141/2017—(2) DIENER, PIETER JACOBUS (4609135043085); 3 Zwaanswyk Way, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) Cluver Markotter Inc Ref: SMG/mt; P O Box 12, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218085600. 004317/2018—(2) NICKEL, BERNHARD GEORG (6407025459182); 20 HELDERSPRUIT ROAD, HELDERBERG ESTATE, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) EDWARD JAMES TURNER; SUNSHINE TOUR HOUSE, 1ST FLOOR GOLF VILLAGE, DE BEERS AVE, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218500170. 6289/2017—(2) HANEKOM, GERTRUIDA FRANCINA (2611160024081); SCHENKFONTEIN PLAAS, EENDEKUIL; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PIKETBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) FOX CRONJE INGELYF; KERKSTRAAT 33, PIKETBERG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0229212103. 9934/2017—(2) Maans, Johannes Agmat (6611065010082); Leeu Gamka Hostel Leeu Gamka 6950; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Prins Albert, Cape Town). (6) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd; Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214925094. 011788/2017—(2) HUBBARD, ANDREW JOHN (6007185072088); 2 Central Rd, Sunset Village, Sunset Beach, 7441; (3) First And Final; (4) Ina-Grit Hubbard HUBBARD; (5) (CAPE TOWN, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) Gunstons Attorneys Ref: GG/PR/Hubbard; P O Box 31151, TOKAI, 7966; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217027763. 005735/2017—(2) Snyman, Rend Willem (4606035066083); 13 Pulteney Road, Kelderhof Country Village,Somerset West, 7130, Cape Town; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Francois De Jager; C/o FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 135, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356468. 4329/2016—(2) LATIEF, SUKAINA (3511200059080); 16 Sixth Street, Kensington, Maitland, Cape Town, 8000; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) VISSER & PARTNERS - BELINDA; 45 FIRST AVENUE, BOSTON, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9488280. 390/2018—(2) FABRICIUS, PAULUS ADAMUS (2204135044085); JABULANI RETIREMENT VILLAGE, G01, REIBEECK STREET, TYGERDAL, 7460; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) GLOUDINA SUSANNA FABRICIUS (2912230048088); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) MOSTERT & BOSMAN ATTORNEYS; 71C VOORTREKKER ROAD, MALMESBURY, 7300; E-pos: pieterb@; Tel: 0224872544. 7007/2018—(2) Claassen, Andries (5409145053086); Farm Goedgeloof, Breërivier, De Doorns; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) Tygerberg Trustees (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 5483, Tygervalley 7536; Email: elizna@tygerbergtrustees.; Tel: 021-914 0712. 41492018—(2) Human, Johannes Hendrik (3009155026089); Van der Bylstraat 4, Bredasdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Landdroskantoor, Kaapstad). (6) Luttig Badenhorst Fourie Prokureurs; Posbus 21, Bredasdorp; E-pos: info@lbflaw.; Tel: 0284241119. 010515/2017—(2) Marwick, Philip John (5007125098087); 2 Pretorius Street, Morgenster, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Lesley Reis; 2 Pretorius Street, Morgenster, Brackenfell 7560; Email: lesley. [email protected]; Tel: 0824486335. 0178622017—(2) KRUGER, HENDRIKA JACOBA (3112190042085); 2 NEL STREET, PORTERVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORTERVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) THORA DU TOIT & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 93 ODENDAAL STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219760333. 010702/2018—(2) Viljoen, Elizabeth Maria Magadelena (3312070044082); 62 Smith Street, Parow, 7500; (3) EERSTE; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: LH; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: Lyn.Hamer@; Tel: 0214012484. 679/2015—(2) WILLIAMS, BARBARA (5206150132080); 11 ZENITH WAY, ROCKLANDS, MITCHELL’S PLAIN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELL’S PLAIN) (6) INFINITY EXECUTOR SERVICES; PO BOX 391, MUTUTAL PARK, 7450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0812126217. 010709/2016—(2) Rinkwest, Darrel Adam (3006145057083); 4 Durham Way, Matroosfontein, 7490; (3) First and final; (4) Angelina Amelia Rinkwest (3209050050081); (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) A J Hamman & Associates; 1 Liedla Street, Kuils River, 7580; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824921828.

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011075/2018—(2) MURRAY, LORNA RHONA (4005260087080); 36 FIRST CRESCENT, FISH HOEK, 7975; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) SURIANNA THOMPSON; ABSA TRUST LTD, GROUND FLOOR, BRIDGE PARK WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY, 7440; Email: SURIANNA.THOMPSON@ ABSA.CO.ZA; Tel: 0113544675. 005496/2018—(2) FOURIE, GERTRUIDA CHRISTINA (3106210027084); SALFORD PARK 4, SALFORDSTRAAT, OAK GLEN, 7530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS; 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 553 1238. 018860/2017—(2) BRUWER, VINCENT (3202135023082); MORGENZON LANDGOED, PAARL, 7646; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PAARL, KAAPSTAD). (6) ASL TRUSTDIENSTE (EDMS) BPK : AANDAG ARNOLD SCHOLTZ; POSBUS 99, SOMERSET MALL, 7137; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218401600. 00769/2018—(2) Davidson, Eunice Borrius (2611200038083); Bonheur Sickbay, Fountaine Bleau Retirement Village, Welgelen, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) n/a; (5) (Cape Town). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth; PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413926900. 9065/2018—(2) Buitendag, Angela Matilda (5006030032082); 46 Stirling Street, De Kelders, Gansbaai; (3) First and final; (4) Edward Buitendag (5109265055081); (5) (Hermanus, Cape Town). (6) Kets Attorneys; 64 Kerk Street, Kuils River; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)9060270. 12437/2017—(2) KNOETZE, LOUIS HENRY (4606175163088); 3 PIET RETIEF SQUARE, YSTERPLAAT 7405; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) MS L. BARLOW C/O FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS; P. O. BOX 536, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214057403. 20114/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Willem Johannes Christiaan (6302155198082); 11 Oxford Street, Goodwood; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Brits Dreyer Inc; P O Box 213, Bellville, 7535; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219461127. 021023/2017—(2) Hattersley, Jean Valerie (2408290052086); 3 Montrose Close, Sunnydale, Sun Valley, Cape Town; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Simon’ Town, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: PM; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012484. 10619/2018—(2) Allen, Aletta (3410050077088); Lupinstraat 5, Sarepta, Kuilsrivier; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks; Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219005300. 010586/2017—(2) KOTZÉ, ANNELIZE (6308200017086); BYRONWEG 5, HOHEIZEN, BELLVILLE, 7530; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) HENDRIK NICOLAAS KOTZÉ (6309225127082); (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) MHI PROKUREURS; DURBANWEG 295, BELLVILLE, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219108412. 000910/2018—(2) RHEEDER, MAUD JOSEPHINE (2605190061089); NELSONSTRAAT 84, GOODWOOD, 7460; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) JURGENS JOHANNES TUBB; P/A MHI PROKUREURS, DURBANWEG 295, BELLVILLE, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219108412. 014570/2018—(2) Tylcoat, Valmai Cecelia (4112250057089); 91A Harveston Retirement Village, 30 Penchartz Street, Honeydew; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST PTY LIMITED Ref: C FESTER; PO Box 86, CAPE TOWN 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166064. 001882/2018—(2) ELLMANN, MILDRED GWEN (3008060052081); 6 LETRUS STREET, EDENPARK, KUILSRIVER, 7580; (3) Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) JURGENS JOHANNES TUBB; C/O MHI ATTORNEYS, 295 DURBAN ROAD, BELLVILLE, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021 9108412. 009339/2018—(2) Fourie, Stephan (4410205026088); Uniestraat 94, Strand, 7140; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 0198442017—(2) KELLY, JUNE MARION (3308020046086); NO GLENBRAE AVENUE TOKAI; (3) First and Final; (4) ROBIN GRANT KELLY (3306085059085); (5) 21; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) MALCOLM GESSLER INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; NO 183 MAIN ROAD, RONDEBOSCH THE ALBION SPRPING CUBE MEWS; Email: gessler@netactive.; Tel: 021 7131583. 000281/2012—(2) RICHARDS, ROBERT THOMAS (3905315036084); 11 WATERFORD AVENUE, LOTUS RIVER, GRASSY PARK, 7805; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) JURGENS JOHANNES TUBB; C/O MHI ATTORNEYS, 295 DURBAN ROAD, BELLVILLE, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9108412. 018006/2016—(2) CLARK, RONALD LESLIE (3905015006080); 39 TENTH AVENUE, FISH HOEK; (3) First and Final; (4) MAUREEN DOROTHY CLARK (4107150073087); (5) (SIMONSTOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc Ref: LK/LL; Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc., 1 Sarel Cilliers Stree; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219443000. 006390/2018—(2) LOUWRENS, JACOBMINA MARIA (3909060034088); 48 BAYVIEWWEG, SALDANHA 7395; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) ARNOLDUS JOHANNES LOUWRENS (3601145027084); (5) (VREDENBURG, CAPE TOWN). (6) BSM ATTORNEYS; 13 DANA STREET , BRACKENFELL 7560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219817230. 19152/2017—(2) VAN HOUTUM, HENRIETTE LOUISE MARIA (3701140078189); 7 Welmoed Way, Schonenberg Estate, Somerset West; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Hennie van Rooyen; Hennie van Rooyen Attorneys, Ou Kollege Building, 35 Church Street, P O Box 318, Stellenbosch, 7599; Email: hennie@hvanrooyen.; Tel: 0218871937. 006845/2017—(2) Kleynhans, Hendrik Andries (6009185089088); 31 Bishop Road, Sunningdale; (3) First and Final; (4) Elaine Kleynhans (6512220175085); (5) (N/A, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MV; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0734791138.

This gazette is also available free online at 134 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

001631/2018—(2) BEAUMONT, MAURICE WALTER (2812155059187); 26 PARIS ROAD, FISH HOEK, 7975; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) SURIANNA THOMPSON; ABSA TRUST LTD, GROUND FLOOR, BRIDGE PARK WEST, BRIDGE WAY, CENTURY CITY, 7440; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544675. 012952/2017—(2) WILLIAMS, DELORES UNA (4712280221082); 140 PETUNIASTRAAT, SCOTTSVILLE, KRAAIFONTEIN 7570; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) BSM ATTORNEYS; 13 DANA STREET , BRACKENFELL 7560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219817230. 009528/2018—(2) Lawrence, Yvonne (1804070038082); Helen Keller, Lily Drive, Pinelands; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MV; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: Marcelle.Venter@; Tel: 0734791138. 3378/2017—(2) Taljaard, Frederick Barry (2801255018086); 15 Vergelegen Avenue, Morningside, Somerset West 7130; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town, Western Cape). (6) Kulenkampff & Associates; 2nd Floor, 57 Caledon Street, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218515155. 10319/2017—(2) Harrison, Maria Barendina Fredrica (2406130013086); 17 Good Hope Park,157 Beach Road, Mouille Point; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MV; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0734791138. 8541/2015—(2) Davids, Gerald Demas (4807315082085); 69 Banjo Walk, Belhar; (3) First and final; (4) Enid Elizabeth Davids (4802070072082); (5) (Bellville, Bellville). (6) CLYNTON STEVEN POOLE ATTORNEYS; 32 RIVER CRESCENT, FOREST PARK, EERSTERIVER; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832269353. 11711/2018—(2) CLAASSENS, JACOBUS GERHARDUS (4010285023086); 321 KLEINHOEWE, JACOBSBAAI, WESTERN CAPE; (3) NONE; (4) —; (5) NONE; (VREDENBURG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Daniel Johannes Rudolph Schutte; Citadel Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, 35 Markgraaff Street, Bloemfontein, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004129. 019863/2017—(2) BLAKE, WARWICK LAYTON (4910045084080); 5 EIKENHOF CLOSE, RIEBEEK WEST, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (MALMESBURY, CAPE TOWN). (6) MOSTERT & BOSMAN ATTORNEYS; 71C VOORTREKKER ROAD, MALMESBURY, 7300; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224872544. 11711/2018—(2) CLAASSENS, JACOBUS GERHARDUS (4010285023086); 321 KLEINHOEWE, JACOBSBAAI, WESTERN CAPE; (3) NONE; (4) —; (5) NONE; (VREDENBURG, CAPE TOWN). (6) Daniel Johannes Rudolph Schutte; Citadel Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, 35 Markgraaff Street, Bloemfontein, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004129. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES/ INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS

Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date upon which and (4) division of court by which order is made and (5) upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum waarop en (4) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en (5) op die aansoek van.


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E000025/2018—(2) TERTIUS JOHAN FERREIRA (810703 5062 08 7), residing at and with principal place of buisness at 7 Scoeman Street, Cookhouse; (3) 7 August 2018; (4) Eastern Cape Division: Grahamstown; (5) MADELI FERREIRA. S21/2018—(2) Brockett Bros CC t/a Brockett Sports (2008 / 173565 / 23), Registered office at 79 Graaff Reinet Road, Uitenhage; (3) 6 September 2018; (4) Magistrate’s Court for the District of Uitenhage; (5) Michael Anthony Scott and Kathleen Hoy. S19/2018—(2) Lorcom 164 (Pty) Ltd (2006 / 026398 / 07), Registered office at 66 Ring Road, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth; (3) 7 August 2018; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) Viaan Francois Velleman and Ronald Steward Ingram. S 22/2018—(2) AGL FUNERAL EQUIPMENT CC (2008 / 066804 /23), Registered Business address at Hibuscus Crescent 60, Fairbridge Heights, Uitenhage.; (3) 28 August 2018; (4) Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (5) RFS Repatriation Flight Services. B98/2018—(2) Harold Heather Consulting CC (2003/022777/23), Close Corporation in voluntary liquidation; (3) 16 August 2018; (4) CIPC; (5) Special resolution for voluntary liquidation in terms of section 352(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 was duly registered on 16 August 2018. B97/2018—(2) DMMB Group (Pty) Ltd (2015/006912/07), Company in voluntary liquidation; (3) 16 August 2018; (4) CIPC; (5) Special resolution for voluntary liquidation in terms of section 352(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 was duly registered on 16 August 2018. B92/2018—(2) E F Plastics (Pty) Ltd (2013/138485/07), Solvent company in liquidation; (3) 30 July 2018; (4) Special resolution; (5) CIPC. B80/2018—(2) Integrity Trading 456 (Pty) Ltd (2016/265707/07), Company in liquidation; (3) 6 September 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Ivan Stols Vervoer CC Reg no:1999/042388/23. B00/2018—(2) JJJA StrydomTrading (Pty) Ltd (2016/511916/07), Company in liquidation; (3) 30 August 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Petronella Maria Adriana Strydom. 2016/265707/07—(2) Integrity Trading 456 (Pty) Ltd (2016/265707/07), 49 Farm Dayspring, Jaan Haak Road, Sasolburg; (3) 4 October 2018; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Ivan Stols Vervoer CC. N204/2018—(2) MRO AGENCIES CC (1998/004773/23), 30 RIVERGLADES, 15 LOWER BRIDGE ROAD, DURBAN NORTH, 4051; (3) 17 August 2018; (4) SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION N195/2018—(2) LAS PALMERAS PROPERTY CC (2005/051482/23), 9 TUSCANY, 2 PETAL CLOSE, SUNNINGDALE, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4051; (3) 3 August 2018; (4) SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION N194/2018—(2) GREEN LEAF CORPORATION (PTY) LTD (2014/214674/07), 523 WEST AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, GAUTENG,2194; (3) 31 July 2018; (4) SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION N164/2018—(2) KRISHNA NAIDOO (850521 5060 088), 150 BOMBAY ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 18 July 2018; (4) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG M000074/2018—(2) Willem Andreas Goosen (6806015009), 25 Atoombaan Avenue Delareyville North West Province; (3) 26 July 2018; (4) NORTH WEST HIGH COURT MAHIKENG; (5) Compulsory Sequestration. C230/2018—(2) ORANJEZICHT CITY NPC (2014/162636/08), UNIT 1, 10 HIGGO ROAD, HIGGOVALE, 8001; (3) 18 May 2018; (4) CIPC; (5) ORANJEZICHT CITY FARM NPC. C280/2018—(2) Herman Dreyer (620324 5013 08 5), 4 Rood Street, Apartment 2, Malmesbury, Western Cape; (3) 17 May 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Cornelius Johannes Neethling. C480/2018—(2) Rene Nienaber (761027 5225 08 3), 107 Villa Della Fonte, Arum Road, Bloubergstrand, Western Cape; (3) 15 August 2018; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Ex Parte Application . C448/2018—(2) ERNST JACO DU PLESSIS (780418 5152 087), 12 JORDAAN STREET, RAWSONVILLE, WC; (3) 10 July 2018; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA- WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE . C468/2018—(2) CORNE FERREIRA (840501 5209 086), 15 CHESTERFIELD WAY, PARKLANDS, WC; (3) 24 August 2018; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA- WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. C547/2018—(2) NICO BREEDT (820817 5121 087), BONDHEUWEL PLAAS, GRAAFWATER; (3) 6 September 2018; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE.

This gazette is also available free online at 136 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

Form/Vorm J29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, or being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, the nomination of liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973 and considering the statement of affairs of the company, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date of the provisional and date of the final order, and (4) special resolution and (5) division of court by which order is made, and (6) date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, of gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, of nomminasie van likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, en die oorweging van die verklaring van die sake van die maatskappy na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en (4) spesiale resolusie en (5) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en (6) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

T1153/18—(2) PETHA PNP GUARDS (PTY) LTD (2013/142009/07), PLOT 122 CHURCH STREET BRONKHORSTSPRUIT; (3) Final Order: 26 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BRONKHORSTSPRUIT. T122/18—(2) DANIEL ALBERTUS & JEANETTE VILJOEN (451021 5050 08 3 & 550611 0025 08 8), 79 RINGWEG THREE RIVIERS VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 15 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE VEREENIGING. T1324/18—(2) WILLEM HENDRIK CHRISTOFFEL & ANNALENE STEENKAMP (740628 5034 08 0 & 720918 0011 08 2), 65 DRAKENSBERG STREET VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. T495/18—(2) JOHANNES PETRUS VAN EEDEN (570311 5048 08 8), 21 O’HARE STREET JANSENPARK BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 6 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 11:30, MAGISTRATE BOKSBURG. T71/18—(2) JOHANNES HENDRIK & LINDA DE KOCK (681109 5186 08 0 & 620703 0240 08 4), 47 STARLING STREET KELVIN ESTATE SPATAN KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 14 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 137

T641/18—(2) SANJAY & PRAVENI DOOKIE (830313 5026 08 6 & 880621 0153 08 8), 541 19TH AVENUE RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T71/18—(2) JOHANNES HENDRIK & LINDA DE KOCK (681109 5186 08 0 & 620703 0240 08 4), 47 STARLING STREET KELVIN ESTATE SPATAN KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 14 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T1405/18—(2) SPITSKI DISTRIBUTION (PTY) LTD (2011/102478/07), 2 BLUMBERG STREET INDUSTRIA WEST JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T823/18—(2) NJIKAM WHOLE TRADING (PTY) LTD (2017/004089/07), 35 ROSEWOOD BERGER ROAD VORNA VALLEY; (3) Final Order: 16 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T33/18—(2) ICT INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING AND TRAINING WORX (PTY) LTD (2013/231574/07), 14 SADDLE DRIVE, WOODMEAD OFFICE PARK, WOODMEAD; (3) Final Order: 3 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T712/18—(2) DAVID GEORGE & MEGAL GRACE STELLA MARNEY (530526 5024 08 1 & 611010 0173 08), 491 VELDKORNET ROAD STREET WOLMER PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T955/18—(2) DEAN ROYSTON & MICHELLE ANN HUFKIE (740621 5049 08 3 & 770331 0089 08 3), UNIT 77 NONTH ON LEVER CNR 6TH & LEVER ROAD 1709 MIDRAND; (3) Final Order: 28 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T2725/17—(2) PETRUS JAKOBUS VENTER (750327 5013 08 0), PLOT 62 870 DR SWANEPOEL DRIVE MONTANA PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T1941/17—(2) CHISLALA WILLIAM & CONSTANCE MWALE (721108 5972 08 7 & ZN 128366), 89 MARIE LINDE ROAD CROYDON; (3) Final Order: 17 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T1733/18—(2) ULTIMATE FENCING MATERIAL (PTY) LTD (2014/158941/07), RABARBERSTRAAT 21 KAREN PARK AKASIA PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T3603/15—(2) TINY MATHOKA MODITJA PHUKUBYE (860825 0315 08 4), 4439 BLOCK B MABOPANE PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T521/18—(2) GIDEON PETRUS JOHANNES & SANET PRETORIUS (711208 5078 08 3 & 760501 0011 08 7), 10 ARNOLD BENNET STREET VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 17 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. T645/18—(2) JOHANNES HENDRIK HOLTZHAUSEN (820730 5058 08 6), 485 LOUISE STREET PRETORIA TUINE; (3) Final Order: 23 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T503/17—(2) SHANE PAUL REICH (8510025104084), 55 SAN LORENZO 2 WATAMU ROAD SUNNINGHILL UITBREIDING 86 RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T705/18—(2) SEAN FREW (750304 5065 08 9), 38 LOBATA STREET KEMPTON PARK EXTENSION 4; (3) Final Order: 25 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T1271/18—(2) LOURENS PETRUS OBERHOLZER (7201305020080), 30 D ORANJE RIVER STREET, MEYERTON EAST, MEYERTON; (3) Final Order: 25 June 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE MEYERTON. T953/17—(2) WALDA MARAIS (710920 0181 08 1), PLOT 108 HONINGNESTBRONS ONDERSTEPOORT PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 12 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T1065/18—(2) CHARMAINE MYBURGH (7712130116083), 6 ALASKA STREET SELCOURT SPRINGS; (3) Final Order: 30 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE SPRINGS. T2174/17—(2) EDWARD JOHN LEONARD & PAMELLA THERON (660720 5107 08 5 & 691002 0152 08 2), FLORA GLEN UNIT 26 ANCHOR ROAD BARDENE; (3) Final Order: 21 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T555/17—(2) CHRISTO & MONYA SUZETTA NAUDE (7611030244088), BOTHA PLOT ROAD 119 RANDGATE RANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 24 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDFONTEIN. T985/17—(2) CONRAD & SANDRA WEWEGE (8805205021086 & 8404010133086), 261 8TH ROAD BREDELL KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 7 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK.

This gazette is also available free online at 138 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T1191/17—(2) RONELDA CECILIA OOSTHUIZEN (6309260143085), GOUKAMMASTRAAT 634, ERASMUSKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 28 March 2018; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T3864/15—(2) REGINALD WILLIAM & SHELLY-ANN BINGHAM (7004035295083 & 7904100023080), 6 COBRA PLACE ELANDSRAND BRITS; (3) Final Order: 9 December 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T73/18—(2) MATHYS JOHANNES & RONEL LIEBENBERG (7810195139089 & 7905280035083), 3 TIENIE KRUGER STREET MINNEBRON BRAKPAN; (3) Final Order: 13 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE BRAKPAN. T1963/17—(2) CRE8FX SHADE SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (2013/070625/07), 71 SUNRISE CENTRE 2ST FLOOR CNR OF VAN RIEBECK HENDRIK POTGIETER ROAD EDENVALE; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE GERMISTON. T161/16—(2) RICARDO MARIO JOHN BLOCK (8308230102088), 712 CENTURY PLAZA JOUBERT PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 10 February 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T4772/08—(2) THOSETJE ERNEST MASHWENE (7807185655082), 102 COLLEGE MANSIONS VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Provisional Order: 9 October 2008; (3) Final Order: 6 November 2008 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T191/18—(2) PORNOPLEX (PTY) LTD T/A ONE STOP LIGISTICS (2014/081585/07), 323 LYNNWOOD ROAD MENLO PARK PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 4 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 21 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1811/18—(2) FANTASTIC ONE MOBILE (PTY) LTD (2013/148319/07), 562 MAIN ROAD, ERASMIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 12 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1515/17—(2) QUENTIN PRESTON KOEBERG (6301195034083), 11 MOUNT MORENCY FLORIDA HILLS ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 18 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT. T1071/18—(2) CHRISTO & CATHARINA ELIZABETH ERASMUS (7509205022083 & 6507190030086), PLOT 19 ZONKOLOL CULLINAN; (3) Final Order: 28 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE CULLINAN. T22885/14—(2) INGPLAN AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2004/002579/07), 86 VAN RIEBEECK STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) Final Order: 14 March 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2674/15—(2) ZWANTESA TELECOMS SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (2010/014526/07), 22 DEVONSHIRE AVENUE BRYANSTON; (3) Provisional Order: 21 August 2015; (3) Final Order: 15 September 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T475/18—(2) APPEN LIFT TRADING (PTY) LTD (N/A), 83 CENTRAL STREET HOUGHTON; (3) Final Order: 19 January 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T233/18—(2) MATILDA MAGDALENA PIETERS (660715 0103 08 9), 1005 WEAVER STREET MONTANA PARK PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 10 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T1152/17—(2) JASON WOLVERTON (7610155185084), 4 WATERFRONT EBOTSE SAREL CILLIERS STR BENONI; (3) Provisional Order: 5 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 14 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI. T904/18—(2) VERONICA JOAN MINNITT (600410 0094 08 1), 3 OAKRIDGE MAPLE DRIVE NORTHWORLD; (3) Final Order: 21 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T695/18—(2) HELANZA COETZEE (780124 0050 08 2), 241 ROSANNA STREET GROOTFONTEIN COUNTRY ESTATTE PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 13 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 23 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1074/18—(2) DANIEL ERNST DE VRIES (550615 5116 08 5), BRAAM PRETORIUS 87 PENDULA FLAT NO 1 ANNLIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T20485/14—(2) CORNELIA MARIA ADRIANA BOSMAN (760721 0059 08 0), 153 9TH STREET NABOOMSPRUIT; (3) Final Order: 24 June 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T3563/15—(2) DANIEL JACOBUS & TERSHA DE KOCK (750307 5177 08 5 & 790724 0154 08 7), 24 HEFER STREET RISIVILLE MEYERTON; (3) Final Order: 26 January 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE MEYERTON. T831/18—(2) DIETER WALDEMAR DEDEKIND (770907 5071 08 3), 79 7 TH STREET NORTHMEAD BENONI; (3) Final Order: 8 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 139

T1994/17—(2) MARIA ELIZABETH SUSANNA CROUS T/A VOORTREKKER MONUMENT GIFT SHOP (640826 0005 08 6), 5 KOESTER STREET ROOIHUISKRAAL CENTURION PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 January 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T665/18—(2) RUDI JACOBUS & QUINETTE SNEYDERS (770331 5110 08 2 & 810821 0188 08 5), 413 LOUIS TRICHARDT BOULEVARD VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 19 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. T22582/14—(2) RAMUDZULI ELIAS & MULINGONI SALUME REJOYCE RAVELE (501112 5790 08 1 & 610717 0130 08 9), HOUSE NO 50 RALIPHASWA VILLAGE MAKHADO; (3) Final Order: 30 July 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T321/18—(2) BAREND DANIEL BADENHORST (721127 5101 08 3), 24 HEFER STREET RISIVILLE MEYERTON; (3) Final Order: 8 March 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE MEYERTON. T901/18—(2) MARIA ELIZABETH HURTER (640724 0018 08 6), 40 McGRATH AVE WITPOORTJIE ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 21 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT. G756-2018—(2) VELE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2014/25332/07), 72 GRAYSTON DRIVE, SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G474-2017—(2) CHANTI TRAVEL (PTY) LTD (2003/006406/07), AFRICAN ACCESS PARK STAND NO 210 AVENUE NORTHRIDING; (3) Final Order: 25 April 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G654-2018—(2) WESTWEIGH SYSTEMS (PTY)LTD (2005/017919/07), 565 NUPEN CRESCENT, HALFWAY HOUSE 1685; (3) Final Order: 22 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, KEMPTONPARK MAGISTRATES COURT. T953/18—(2) HELGA MONTEIRO FERREIRA (770727 0418 08 3), 13 GENEVIEVE STREET FARRARMERE BENONI; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI. T902/17—(2) FRANCISCUS SCHALK KOENRAAD & CECILIA PETRONELLA VAN DE GEVEL (730629 5205 08 6 & 720108 0186 08 0), 12 DAVY STREET MINNEBRON BRAKPAN; (3) Provisional Order: 13 April 2017; (3) Final Order: 3 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE BRAKPAN. T874/18—(2) JOHANNES JAKOBUS VIVIERS (800430 5003 08 3), 8 TERBLANCHE STREET MIDRAND; (3) Final Order: 9 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T3654/16—(2) CHRISTELLE ERNA DU TOIT (800405 0054 08 3), 31 VILLA GRISTIAAN MANIE STREET ELARDUSPARK; (3) Provisional Order: 13 February 2017; (3) Final Order: 6 July 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. G567-2017—(2) EK HYDRAULICS (PTY)LTD (1982/006834/07), 10 ARCADIA AVENUE SELWYN; (3) Final Order: 13 June 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATES COURT. T1350/18—(2) TA GUEULE (PTY) LTD (2008/026321/07), SUITE 116 THE HILLSIDE BUILDING, 318 THE HILLSIDE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PTA; (3) Final Order: 4 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3398/16—(2) RISNARI CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (2013/170842/07), 176 VON WILLIGH STREET, CLUBVIEW, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 5 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2510/16—(2) RAMLALL: KEVIN AND SARIKA (870608 0237 08 8), 124 8TH AVENUE, EDENVALE, MEYERTON; (3) Final Order: 23 September 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MEYERTON. T0100/18—(2) DESTO (PTY) LIMITED (1994/001962/07), 40 OLD WARMBATHS ROAD, HAMMANSKRAAL, PTA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2666/17—(2) GRAHAM DEON (820201 5299 08 8), 632 BESEMBESSIE AVENUE, MONTANA PARK, PTA; (3) Final Order: 12 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3048/17—(2) FENNER: EMANUEL AND LERISSA AUDREY ROCHELLE (751205 5057 08 4 AND 760521 0159 08 2), 595 31ST AVENUE, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2658/15—(2) VAN VUUREN: HILDA (790102 0116 08 5), 13 LOUIS TRICHARDT STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 2 November 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T0558/18—(2) MORRIS: IAN VERNON (670207 5192 08 3), 107 ST AUDLEY ROAD, BRYNSTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 24 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG.

This gazette is also available free online at 140 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T598/18—(2) BAY TOWER PROPERTIES 65 (PTY) LTD (2013/143377/07), 670 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0558/18—(2) MORRIS: IAN VERNON (670207 5192 08 3), 107 ST AUDLEY ROAD, BRYNSTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 24 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0456/17—(2) HOLT: MELONY YVETTE (670112 0151 08 6), BLOCK R, FLAT 18, TURF AVENUE, ELDORANDOPARK; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1488/18—(2) RADINGWANA: PODILE PATRICK (900823 5855 08 1), 1213 MARINA STREET, BOOYSENS, PTA; (3) Final Order: 16 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2347/17—(2) PIETERSE: SUSAN (760727 0046 08 4), 286 KAREL TRICHARD AVENUE, MOUNTAIN VIEW, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1616/18—(2) OOSTHUIZEN: GYSBERT VAN ROOYEN (660412 5038 08 6), 19 DE MIST STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 30 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 30 July 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T1661/18—(2) AIRBRAKE DOCTOR (PTY) LTD (2013/143093/07), 821 PARK STREET, CLYDESDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1109/18—(2) RICHARDS: LOUIS (730508 5111 08 2), 118 A JUSTIN SINGLE, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 7 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3300/15—(2) COETZEE: TERTIA (671025 0005 08 7), 1 CADOZA STREET, MELVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 30 October 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1028/18—(2) DE VILLIERS: VAUGHAN MARK (630404 5016 08 6), 33 CABILDO, BULTAF CRESCENT, ZWARTKOPS, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 24 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1465/17—(2) BEADICA 438 (PTY) LTD (2013/002134/07), SHOP 16C, MIDDLE MALL, CNR JAN SMUTS AND WILLIAM NICHOL DRIVE, CRAIGHALL, JHB; (3) Final Order: 4 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1467/18—(2) CPRO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (2008/018284/07), STAND 558, MOOIPLAATS, PRETORIA EAST; (3) Final Order: 19 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2347/17—(2) PIETERSE: SUSAN (760727 0046 08 4), 286 KAREL TRICHARD AVENUE, MOUNTAIN VIEW, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1620/18—(2) SPARTAN SPARES (PTY) LTD (2016/428413/07), 71 VIKING ROAD, GLEN LAURISTON, VALHALLA, PTA; (3) Final Order: 3 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1427/18—(2) KUNNEKE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2016/233059/07), CNR KOEDOESNEK AND GRYSBOK STREET WATERKLOOF RIDGE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0589/18—(2) COETZEE: GEORGE WILHELM AND ROLENE (821118 5040 08 1 AND 880403 0093 08 9), 783 ERNEST STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 23 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1489/18—(2) RANTSODI: PRISCILLA QUEEN (811125 0464 08 5), 227 LILLIAN NGOYI STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1150/18—(2) TARAQHI TRADERS (PTY) LTD (2016/158443/07), UNIT NO 3, 3RD FLOOR, 108 ROBERT SOBUKWE STREET, SUNNYSIDE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1376/18—(2) LATHEIFF: ESTER ALIDA (550414 0018 08 2), SOL PLAATJE HOUSE, 222 STRUBEN STREET, PRETORIA CENTRAL, PTA; (3) Final Order: 17 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T778/18—(2) LOCHNER: LEONARDUS PIENAAR (790524 5050 08 6), PORTION 8, GRAHAM ROAD, TIEGERPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 25 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1189/18—(2) JOOSTE: URSULA (650131 0059 08 5), UNIT 5, NOORDTUINWOONSTELLE, 253 KONAVLE STREET, SINOVILLE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 12 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 141

T2030/11—(2) MARAIS MERINA (630818 0135 08 0), PLOT J, 35 BRITS; (3) Final Order: 17 June 2011 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T1668/18—(2) MCDONALD: DEREK (7612305564085), 327B CHAPPIES ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2040/18—(2) DIAMOND DUO PROPERTIES 81 (PTY) LTD (2003/030431/07), 358 STONEWALL STREET, FAERIE GLEN, PTA; (3) Final Order: 7 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1690/18—(2) DE KRAMER: THEA (7310040004083), 39 COLUMBIA, PARAMOUNT ESTATE, DRIVE-IN DRIVE, HAZELDEAN, PTA; (3) Final Order: 14 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2780/15—(2) MASHA: MAMPHETO SYDNEY (790219 5640 08 1), STAND 139, TSHETSHANE, SEKHUKHUNE; (3) Final Order: 17 September 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: POLOKWANE. T1740/18—(2) GERHARDT: ANGELIQUE (850813 0010 08 9), 629B AVENUE, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 15 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1936/18—(2) LOWTHER COMMUNICATION (PTY) LTD (2011/005291/07), 280 BROOKS STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 2 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1806/18—(2) MOREY’S INTERNATIONAL PROCUMENT (PTY) LTD (1973/009972/07), CNR KOEDOESNEK AND GRYSBOK STREET, WATERKLOOF RIDGE, PTA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1817/18—(2) GEBHARDT: CHRISTOPHER JAMES (850210 5026 08 9), 27TH AVENUE 629B, VILLIERIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1663/18—(2) ZERDI CYCLES (PTY) LTD (2007/030023/07), CNR JOHN VORSTER AND AKKERBOOM STREET, ZWARTKOPS, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 10 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1780/16—(2) GOUWS: ERROL JOHN AND SOPHIA WILHELMINA FREDERIKA (540615 5103 08 2 AND 550105 0130 08 9), WATERBOK STRAAT NO 4, MEYERTON UITBREIDING 6; (3) Final Order: 13 July 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MEYERTON. T1556/18—(2) SLABBERT: MARETHA (720404 0126 08 9), SS HILLVIEW, UNIT 25, AMBERFIELD, CREST ESTATE, 14 SPARROWHAWK, STR, ROOIHUISKRAAL PTA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1000/18—(2) ADENDORFF: MICHAEL HERMANUS (710215 5197 08 7), 90 TAFT AVENUE, BRAKPAN; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 19 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: BRAKPAN. T1666/18—(2) VAN DALEN: BEATRICE (510503 0535 08 4), 25 TINA HOF, CNR PIETER BOTHA AND PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD AVENUE, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 7 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3317/17—(2) DU PLESSIS: GERARD JAQUES (671221 5027 08 1), 92 VAN VELDEN STREET, BRITS; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T1558/18—(2) CLESTE-MARIE VALENTINE (690710 0245 08 3), COTTAGE 1, 229 OAKS AVENUE, CHARTWELL AH, PTA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3050/17—(2) KUSCUS: XAVIER BENEDITO AND ANDREA ELIZE (830206 5280 08 5 AND 840919 0102 08 2), RENEILAN COURT, UNIT 15, 123 JOHANNESBURG ROAD, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T1979/18—(2) LUNGISA CIVILS (PTY) LTD (2015/369329/07), UNIT 74 TANNERY INDUSTRIAL PARK, DERDEPOORT WEG, SILVERTON, PTA; (3) Final Order: 20 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1068/18—(2) BUBYWANE: RAMODUBJANE KATLEGO (851010 0685 08 0), 197 STORK AVENUE, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 31 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3259/17—(2) FOURIE: BORTHOLOMEUS (611024 5166 18 8), 7 ALDINO MEWS, VICTORY AVENUE, GLENVISTA, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. G821-2018—(2) ROHALLION FARMS (PTY) LTD (2007/008343/07), NO 3 ST PETER ROAD, HOUGHTON ESTATE; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB.

This gazette is also available free online at 142 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

G224-2018—(2) TOWER BRIDGE KZN (2007/014931/07), 66 CORPORATE OFFICE PARK, VON WILLICH AVENUE, CENTURION, GAUTENG 0157; (3) Final Order: 29 January 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, PRETORIA- NORTH MAGISTRATE. G343-2014—(2) WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL PROPS (PTY0 LTD (2009/018272/07), 75 MALIBONGWE DRIVE, LINDEN EXTENSION 2194; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G932-2017—(2) SIYAKHULA GREEFSPAN SOLAR (PTY) LTD (2015/242268/07), 4TH FLOOR GLOBAL, 28 STURDEE AVENUE, ROSEBANK, GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 4 August 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G321-2018—(2) O.B.T ENTERPRISE (PTY) LTD (2014/044395/07), 16416 MOUNT FLETCHER STREET KAGISO EXT MOGALE CITY GAUTENG 1754; (3) Final Order: 22 February 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G1134-2017—(2) RETSOGILE MAINTENANCE SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2002/027726/07), 73 ELAND STREET, KRUGERSDORP, RENT-EN-DAL; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. T759/16—(2) ELOFF: JOHANNES LODEWIKUS AND HELENA CORNELIA (531103 0052 08 4), UNIT 3 CHANTELLE PARK, BALTIMORE STREET, PIERRE VAN RYVELD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 May 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G432-2018—(2) ADAMS ERIC MARTIN (7201145226087), 2 ST MICHAEL ROAD NEW REDRUTH ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 6 April 2018 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, PALMRIDGE MAGISTRATES COURT. T1186/18—(2) PRAYPROP (PTY) LTD (2007/02842/07), BDO PLACE, 457 RODERICKS ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PTA; (3) Final Order: 18 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2427/10—(2) MALAKA: MPHO MCCROY (7909275694086), 3 SIMMER COURT, DRIEHOEK ROAD, GERMISTON; (3) Final Order: 18 June 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: GERMISTON. T0498/18—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN: CHEMONE (760601 0001 08 6), 524 HENRIETTA STREET, DORANDIA X10, PTA; (3) Final Order: 6 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G1134-2017—(2) RETSOGILE MAINTENANCE SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2002/027726/07), 73 ELAND STREET, KRUGERSDORP, RENT-EN-DAL; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:30, KRUGERSDORP MAGISTRATE. T0289/16—(2) HOLTZHAUSEN: ANDRE (740615 5146 08 9), 33 RUIMSIG MANOR 2 VAN DALEN ROAD NORTH WILLOWBROOK, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T2820/17—(2) BLIGNAUT: JUAN (840223 5067 08 9), 20 BEDFORD STREET, DEL JUDOR; (3) Final Order: 2 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0637/18—(2) MITCHELL: SHAUN TERRENCE AND CHARMAINE (780210 5001 08 7 AND 761126 0119 08 3), 401 B EQUESTRIAN ROAD, POORTVIEW; (3) Final Order: 27 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0280/14—(2) ORTELL: FRANKLIN AND MELANIE LIESEL (821002 5229 08 6 AND 731216 0253 08 6), 2673 HIBISCUS CRESCENT LENASIA SUID; (3) Final Order: 22 April 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0840/18—(2) KALTENBRUNN FAMILIE TRUST (IT 6808/98), AGSTE LAAN 65A, ALBERTON; (3) Final Order: 9 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PALM RIDGE. T0427/18—(2) RYAN: RYNO (650128 5330 08 1), 138 CRANBERRY STREET, MAGALIESKRUIN, PTA; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2180/15—(2) STRYDOM: MAURITZ ANDRE AND JAQUELINE ANNA (670502 5190 08 1 AND 660627 0075 08 6), 39 TANGLEWOOD, SUWARD PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 14 October 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 11:30, MAGISTRATE: BOKSBURG. G113-2016—(2) PAUL MADLALA (760225 5890 083), 564 LUVUYO STREET, PHUMULA EXTENSION 21 ROODEKOP; (3) Final Order: 24 October 2013 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATE. G269/2016—(2) INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES GROUP (PTY) LIMITED (2007/001234/07), 214B LOUIS BOTHA AVENUE ORANGE GROVE JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 2 March 2016 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG. G113-2016—(2) ZAKHELE WILFRED MAZIBUKO (831119 5535 086), 1377 GWALAGWALA STREET, MALULA PARK, BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 18 September 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 11 October 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE.

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G313-2018—(2) TYRES 2000 ( JET PARK) (SA) (PTY) LTD (2001/023026/07), 62 LOWER GERMISTON ROAD, HERIOTDALE 2094; (3) Final Order: 6 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. T1869/18—(2) MATAYO TRADING 63 (PTY) LTD (2009/002783/07), 322 RUIMTE ROAD, RASLOUW, CENTURION, PTA; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3177/17—(2) VAN BREDA: ELIZABETH MARTHA (820118 0004 08 3), 16 6TH STREET WEST, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 5 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2636/16—(2) HOLTZHAUSEN: LOUIZ ANDRIAS (851001 5034 08 5), 339 BAKENKLOOF STREET, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 September 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3057/16—(2) DALTON: IZAK STEPHANUS (680302 5252 08 2), 11 UKULO PLACE, SKYFSKIET STRONG, WELTEVREDE PARK,; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T22057/14—(2) SCHOEMAN: MARTIN AND CHANTELLE AMANDA (750221 5099 08 4 AND 910719 0391 08 0), 13 ROSAHOF, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 3 November 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T2950/17—(2) OLCKERS: MARTINUS JACOBUS GERHARDUS AND PETRONELLA FREDRIEKA CATHARINA (761112 5002 08 6 AND 701015 0029 08 2), 1402A MOULTON STREET, WAVERLEY, PTA; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T599/17—(2) HAWKSTONE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2000/00446110/07), CNR, VICEROY AND REGENCY AVENUES, ROUTE 21 OFFICE PARK, IRENE; (3) Final Order: 13 April 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. G714-2018—(2) IAN FULLER AGENCIES (PTY) LTD (1982/004030/07), 27 BORDER ROAD, DROSTE PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 22 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. T22057/14—(2) SCHOEMAN: MARTIN AND CHANTELLE AMANDA (750221 5099 08 4 AND 910719 0391 08 0), 13 ROSAHOF, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 3 November 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T1289/18—(2) CRIMSON KING PROP 21 (PTY) LTD (2005/009862/07), 9 CICEL STREET, SATARIA, NORTHAM; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1610/18—(2) EVERLAND FEEDS (PTY) LTD (2015/054220/07), PLOT 89 LOUISE WEG, MONAVONI, CENTURION, PTA; (3) Final Order: 10 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1450/18—(2) BESTER: CHANEL (781219 0008 08 7), 186 BLUEBELL STREET, WATERKLOOF GLEN, PTA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1450/18—(2) BESTER: CHANEL (781219 0008 08 7), 186 BLUEBELL STREET, WATERKLOOF GLEN, PTA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0479/15—(2) ALUMNI TRADING 264 (PTY) LTD (2009/015046/07), 86 JAKARANDA STREET, HENNOPSPARK, PTA; (3) Final Order: 12 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0950/18—(2) BOUWER: CARLE FRANS (840311 5104 08 3), PLOT 41R ZWAVELPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETOR. T0289/16—(2) HOLTZHAUSEN: ANDRE (740615 5146 08 9), 33 RUIMSIG MANOR 2 VAN DALEN ROAD NORTH WILLOWBROOK, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T21158/14—(2) NEL: PHILLIPUS JOHANNES GARNETT BENNETT (850919 5118 08 0), COEN VERMEULEN HOSTEL, MUSINA; (3) Final Order: 21 August 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: MUSINA. G344-2016—(2) LA SERENITE (PTY) LTD (2015/272325/07), 71 ERASMUS ROAD, EDENGLEN EDENVALE 1609; (3) Final Order: 31 March 2016 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. T1726/18—(2) LBC LENCO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (2008/028182/07), STRATFORD OFFICE PARK, FIRST FLOOR BOCK 5, VALLEY ROAD BOARD ACRES,; (3) Final Order: 22 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1389/18—(2) THERON: HENDRINA JACOBA MARIA (770126 0063 08 2), 3 MALHERBE STREET, CAPITAL PARK, PTA; (3) Final Order: 2 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 144 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T0950/18—(2) BOUWER: CARLE FRANS (840311 5104 08 3), PLOT 41R ZWAVELPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETOR. T1727/18—(2) POLYTECH INTERIOR SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2002/027268/07), ERASMUS FORUM A, 434 RIGEL AVENUE SOUTH, CNR STOKKIESDRAAI, ERASMUSRAND, PTA; (3) Final Order: 11 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3289/12—(2) NKADIMENG MATONE CONSTANCE (681130 0925 08 2), UNIT 14, FLAT 202 TRANSBURGER, 308 JACIB MAREE STREET, PTA; (3) Final Order: 23 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3626/10—(2) LANGE: ANNEMARIE (810826 0241 08 1), 40 SCHILBACH STREET, PARYS; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0950/18—(2) BOUWER: CARLE FRANS (840311 5104 08 3), PLOT 41R ZWAVELPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETOR. T0090/18—(2) BUDRICKS: ADELE (730424 0046 08 5), PORTION 16 TULLAHOMA COMPLEX, RUDD STREET, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KRUGERSDORP. G309/2018—(2) Jankay Shareblock (Pty) Ltd (1953/000673/07), Investment Holding Company; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2018 (4) —; (5) Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. T4969/11—(2) GREEN: SHAUN (890614 5076 08 9), 28 CRADOCK STREET, GEDULD UITBREIDING, SPRINGS; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2011 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: SPRINGS. T1530/18—(2) WAGENAAR: RIAAN (7810095057084), NO 7 SOETDORING COMPLEX, CORNER OF PETRIC AND ORKNEY STREET, CLIFFENDALE , PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3529/16—(2) PHALA: RONALD GEORGE (N/A), 19 VLEI UIL PLACE, MONTANTANA PARK, PTA; (3) Final Order: 18 April 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1529/18—(2) JEFFREYS: SARAH KATHLEEN (8305250181083), 7 WONDERBOOM ROAD, GLEN MARAIS, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T0850/17—(2) VAN ROOYEN: LETITIA (8705100104088), 53 PELIKAAN STREET, KWAGGASRAND, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 13 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0956/15—(2) SWART: DANIEL JOHANNES AND NADIA (781024 5075 085 AND 840428 0055 08 4), 11 BELLINGHAM STREET, MOOINOOI; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. G666/18—(2) INSOLVENT ESTATE: THE ANLI TRUST (TRUST NO: 3420/94), 12 WILLOWBROOK OFFICE PARK, BLOCK B 651 VAN HOOF STREET, RUIMSIG; (3) Final Order: 24 May 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, THE MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT. T0956/15—(2) SWART: DANIEL JOHANNES AND NADIA (781024 5075 085 AND 840428 0055 08 4), 11 BELLINGHAM STREET, MOOINOOI; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T2350/16—(2) FISHA: LESIBA GLEN (900814 5520 08 0), 10039 BOLDINA CRESCENT, THE ORCHARDS EXTENSION 88, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 7 September 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T2240/15—(2) NEL: ILONA (720122 0009 08 5), 10 BENMAR VILLAS, CANARY AVENUE, HORIZON VIEW, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 5 August 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T2188/15—(2) MARAIS: ETTIENE (621007 5102 08 6), 5A NIEUWERUS STREET, VREDENBURG; (3) Final Order: 29 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2959/17—(2) R AND H HOULIERS (PTY) LTD (2015/043293/07), 06 GEMSBOK PLACE, SUNNYSIDE, GERMISTON NORTH; (3) Final Order: 2 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 November 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: GERMISTON. T2328/16—(2) JOUBERT: ZACHARIA FRANCOIS AND YOLENE (730723 5138 08 0), 20 SYBRAND VAN NIEKERK STRAAT, MEYERTON; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: MEYERTON. T1517/18—(2) MCLARDY: MICHAEL (851111 5080 08 5), 8 BERGER ROAD, VORNA VALLEY, MIDRAND, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T3583/03—(2) CHANGEOVER INVESTMENTS 120 (PTY) LTD (2002/00042/07), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) Final Order: 19 September 2003 (4) —; (5) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 4 September 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG.

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T2240/15—(2) NEL: ILONA (720122 0009 08 5), 10 BENMAR VILLAS, CANARY AVENUE, HORIZON VIEW, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 5 August 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T1827/17—(2) DE VILLIERS: DEON AND GESINA CHRISTINA SUSAN (680820 0022 08 7), UMKOMAAS STRAAT 4, BOETRAND, KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 2 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KLERKSDORP. T1227/18—(2) DU TOIT: JACOBUS JOHANNES (671107 5087 08 6), 2 BATELEUR STREET, ROOIHUISKRAAL CENTURION, PTA; (3) Final Order: 21 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1139/13—(2) VON WIELLIGH LINDIE (820111 0008 08 9), 85 THE EAST VILLAGE, BRONBERG STREET, BOARDWALK, PTA; (3) Final Order: 18 April 2013 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0860/17—(2) BESTER: MICHELLE (640428 0089 08 5), VAN DER HOFF ROAD EXT, RIETFONTEIN, HARTBEESPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 5 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1616/18—(2) OOSTHUIZEN: GYSBERT VAN ROOYEN (660412 5038 08 6), 19 DE MIST STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 30 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T1100/17—(2) ROODT: DIRK FREDERICK (771125 5047 08 1), 17 ELSABIE STREET, WILKOPPIES; (3) Final Order: 4 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: KLERKSDORP. T1528/18—(2) BURGER: KURT ROBERT (690913 5062 08 7), 27 JOAN HUNTER STREET, EDLEEN, EXT 3, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 26 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. T1318/18—(2) LABUSCHAGNE: MARIUS AND CATHARINA ALETTA (800626 5110 08 9 AND 880224 0114 08 3), 112 BUITEN STREET, RANDPOORT, RANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDFONTEIN. T1318/18—(2) LABUSCHAGNE: MARIUS AND CATHARINA ALETTA (800626 5110 08 9 AND 880224 0114 08 3), 112 BUITEN STREET, RANDPOORT, RANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: RANDFONTEIN. T3200/16—(2) MPHEPHU: TSHENGEDZENI RALPH (681205 5648 08 5), UNIT 15 DOOR NR 15, BROOKEDALE, RIVER BELLS STREET, RIETVLEI RIDGE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2260/17—(2) BECK: JACOBUS GIDEON AND MARYNA ADRINA MARIA (780227 5054 08 0 AND 811111 0184 08 9), 22 MITCHELL AVENUE, THE ORCHARDS, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) Final Order: 13 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: PRETORIA NORTH. T3416/16—(2) LOURENS: WERNER (800307 5023 08 1), 3 BUSHWILLOW CRESCENT, SERENGETI GOLF ESTATE, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 12 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. G101-2014—(2) DU PLESSIS JACQUES & RENE DU PLESSIS (6609305 129084 & 72010263086), IF SPREEU AVENUE MACKENZIE PARK BENONI; (3) Final Order: 29 November 2013 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 17 October 2018, 10:00, BENONI MAGISTRATE. G762-2013—(2) CORP ZONE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (2002/028074/07), ALBATROS BUILDING 17 JOUBERT STREET, VEREENIGING; (3) Final Order: 4 July 2013 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING MAGISTRATE. G925-2012—(2) VISSER DINA JOHANNA WILHELMINA (750322 0008 086), 7 MALICHITE STRAAT, KLOOFENDAL; (3) Final Order: 17 July 2012 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G410-2016—(2) PERCEPTIONS PACKAGING AND DESIGN (PTY) LTD (2001/028330/07), 883 VLAKHAAS STREET, CONSTANTIA KLOOF, ROODEPOORT GAUTENG 1709; (3) Final Order: 13 April 2016 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB(FOR ELECTION OF LIQUIDATORS ITO OF SECTION 377 OF COMANIES ACT AS AMENDED). G797-2012—(2) MARIA CORNELIA DELPORT (710817 0297 083), NO 1 WINSTON AVENUE, RIVONIA SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 24 July 2012 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G733/2010—(2) QUICK LEAP INVESTMENTS 234 (PTY) LTD (2002/000424/07), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) Final Order: 24 March 2010 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, ROODEPOORT. T3289/12—(2) NKADIMENG MATONE CONSTANCE (681130 0925 08 2), UNIT 14, FLAT 202 TRANSBURGER, 308 JACIB MAREE STREET, PTA; (3) Final Order: 23 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0090/18—(2) BUDRICKS: ADELE (730424 0046 08 5), PORTION 16 TULLAHOMA COMPLEX, RUDD STREET, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KRUGERSDORP.

This gazette is also available free online at 146 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T1344/15—(2) NEL: CARL ADRIAAN (631221 5099 08 9), 144 ANNIE BOTHA AVENUE, RIVIERA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1344/15—(2) NEL: CARL ADRIAAN (631221 5099 08 9), 144 ANNIE BOTHA AVENUE, RIVIERA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 14 May 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. E000014/2018—(2) BITTERSWEET TRADE AND INVEST 71 (PTY) LTD (2011/010569/07), with registered address at 9 Devereux Avenue, Vincent, East London; (3) Provisional Order: 2 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) —; (5) EAST LONDON CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, East London. E000015/2018—(2) JAN GEORG MICHAU (491106 5017 08 3), residing at 45 Hospital Street, Cradock; (3) Provisional Order: 8 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 12 June 2018 (4) —; (5) Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Cradock. N194/2018—(2) GREEN LEAF CORPORATION (PTY) LTD (2014/214674/07), 523 WEST AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, GAUTENG,2194; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION.; (5) —; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. N164/2018—(2) KRISHNA NAIDOO (850521 5060 088), 150 BOMBAY ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) Final Order: 18 July 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG. T293/17—(2) WYNAND JACOBUS BOTHMA (770108 5001 08 5), EXTENSION 55 CALIFORNIA 507 LT LETSITELE TZANEEN; (3) Final Order: 20 April 2017 (4) —; (5) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (6) 8 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE TZANEEN. T2509/16—(2) VAN DER MERWE: CHRISTO DE VILLIERS (660508 5042 08 3), 67 FIFTH STREET, LICHTENBURG; (3) Final Order: 21 September 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: LICHTENBURG. T21069/14—(2) SENEKAL: JOHANNES JACOBUS LUDIWICUS AND BEVERLEY COLQOUN (530421 5097 08 1 AND 581105 0076 08 7), 18 CARITAS VILLAGE MOFFAT STREET, BELA-BELA; (3) Final Order: 14 August 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BELA-BELA. T21069/14—(2) SENEKAL: JOHANNES JACOBUS LUDIWICUS AND BEVERLEY COLQOUN (530421 5097 08 1 AND 581105 0076 08 7), 18 CARITAS VILLAGE MOFFAT STREET, BELA-BELA; (3) Final Order: 14 August 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BELA-BELA. T1361/18—(2) JAN HEINRICH ABRAHAM (841003 5055 08 9), PLAAS SPIOENKOOP DAVEL; (3) Final Order: 5 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE ERMELO. T1731/18—(2) GREENHOUSE INSURANCE BROKERS (PTY) LTD (2011/011798/07), BLINKWATER MEULE KANTORE 57 WALTER SISULU STREET MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 19 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION PRETORIA; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE MIDDELBURG. T1323/18—(2) DAWID SCHALK JANSEN VAN RENSBURG (8803115013087), 16 BLOCKMORE STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 27 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION PRETORIA; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE MIDDELBURG. T341/18—(2) JS COOLING (PTY) LTD (2010/123410/23), 11 BOSBOK STREET, VOLKSRUST; (3) Final Order: 19 June 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE VOLKSRUST. T1322/18—(2) JUAN-PIERRE & TANJA PRINSLOO (840420 5004 058 4 & 870225 0103 08 5), 11 SLANGKOP STREET SECUNDA; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE SECUNDA. T1175/18—(2) WESSEL & NADIA WESSELS (7808285026083 & 8108280006084), 1 JOUTE STREET, MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION PRETORIA; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE MIDDELBURG. T2811/17—(2) SM OOSTHUIZEN (PTY) LTD (2013/202671/07), CLARE STREET, SECUNDA; (3) Final Order: 26 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE SECUNDA. T0756/17—(2) DE BEER: GERHARUDS AND MARIA MAGRIETHA (820206 0099 08 6), 33 XANZERAC, SECUNDA; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: SECUNDA. T2876/16—(2) SHELFNEL 48 (PTY) LTD (2006/029718/07), 11 BONLURE ESTATE, NAAUPOORT, WITBANK; (3) Final Order: 31 August 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: WITBANK. T0816/18—(2) QUALITY STEEL CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (2014/244388/07), NO 7 WATERFALL AVENUE, RIVERSIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK, MBOMBELA; (3) Final Order: 11 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: WITBANK.

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T2587/17—(2) TAELO 10 PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (2011/119758/07), 90 AURORA STREET, STEILTES, MBOMBELA,MP; (3) Final Order: 29 January 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 November 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: NELSPRUIT. T1547/18—(2) BURGER: RIANA (800925 0224 08 9), FARM UMFULANI, HAZYVIEW, WHITE RIVER; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 08:00, MAGISTRATE: WHITE RIVER. T816/18—(2) Quality Steel Construction (Pty) Ltd (2014/244388/07), 7 Waterfall Avenue Riverside Industrial Park Mbomela; (3) Final Order: 5 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Witbank. T816/18—(2) Quality Steel Construction (Pty) Ltd (2014/244388/07), 7 Waterfall Avenue Riverside Industrial Park Mbomela; (3) Final Order: 5 April 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Witbank. T583/18—(2) WILLIAM ROBERT CHARLES BURLEY (810216 5100 08 8), PLOT 48 PALMIETFONTEIN KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T585/18—(2) CASPER HARM POTGIETER (850717 5120 08 4), 41 SMIT STREET FLAMWOOD KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 25 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T761/18—(2) EL-ZANDRI CHANTELLE VAN JAARSVELD (861127 0012 08 7), 35 HUGO STREET RANT-EN-DAL KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 7 April 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. T861/18—(2) JAN HARMES BOTES (710322 5043 08 7), 4 HOWTH STR KENMARE KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 24 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. T1356—(2) NWK BOERDERY (PTY) LTD (2001/006285/07), SCHOLTZS STREET 81 LICHTENBURG; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE LICHTENBURG. T1353/16—(2) AMANDA WEPENAAR (7791290006080), KABANA PARK 3 DESMOND TUTU STREET KLEKRSDORP; (3) Final Order: 1 July 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T3915/15—(2) DALEEN BANN (6610060025087), 209 JOUBERT STREET XANELLE HOF BRITS; (3) Final Order: 15 December 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BRITS. T2985/15—(2) RED CORAL INVESTMENTS 126 (PTY) LTD (2007/006565/07), 3A OLEN AVENUE POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) Final Order: 25 August 2016 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE POTCHEFSTROOM. T834/18—(2) DAWID JOHANNES SCHOLTZ (910331 5161 08 6), FARM GROOTBOSCH ROAD BETWEEN KLERKSDORP & WOLMARANDS STAD; (3) Final Order: 8 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T1225/18—(2) EMMARENTIA HORAK (780612 0201 08 5), 87 MILTON AVENUE ORKNEY; (3) Final Order: 20 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T205/17—(2) BAREND JACOBUS & MELISSA MOSTERT (770209 5152 08 2 & 780419 0060 08 5), 7 KERNITE STREET CARLETONVILLE OBERHOLZER; (3) Final Order: 2 March 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE OBERHOLZER. T018/13—(2) TARISA GERALDINE BRONKHORST (881212 0602 081), PRIVATE; (3) Voorlopige Bevel: 25 Februarie 2013; (3) Finale Bevel: 25 Februarie 2013 (4) —; (5) NOORD WES (BRITS); (6) 8 Oktober 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT BRITS. M000069/2018—(2) Amorie Claudine Korb (7204270053086), 139 Kock Street, Rustenburg North West; (3) Final Order: 5 July 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH WEST HIGH COURT MAHIKENG; (6) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate,Rustenburg. M000059/2018—(2) Hair And Beauty Warehouse Rustenburg (Pty) Ltd (2016/396067/07), 44 Von Weilight Avenue, Rustenburg North West 0190; (3) Final Order: 18 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Voluntary Liquidation; (6) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate,Rustenburg. M000060/2018—(2) TEB Investments (Pty) Ltd (2012/076802/07), 13 Cecil Rhodes Libertas Mafikeng North West 2745; (3) Final Order: 18 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master,Mahikeng. M000055/2018—(2) XYD Sand And Stone (Pty) Ltd (2016/292628/07), Plot 1075 Vyfhoek Potchefstroom North West 2531; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Potchefstroom. M000079/2018—(2) Lumba Holdings (Pty) Ltd (2010/015907/07), 12 Holtzhausen Road Baillie Park, Potchefstroom North West 2531; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Potchefstroom. M000077/2018—(2) Rocaware(Pty) Ltd (2012/007844/07), 43 Ross Street Potch Industria Potchefstroom North West 2531; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Potchefstroom.

This gazette is also available free online at 148 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

M000078/2018—(2) Waltpro (Pty) Ltd (2011/113364/07), 43 Ross Street Potch Industria Potchefstroom 2531; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Potchefstroom. M000073/2018—(2) Aurex Mine (Pty) Ltd (2015/275953/07), 73 Platan Avenue Flamwood, Klersdorp North West 2571; (3) Final Order: 17 August 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Klersdorp. M000076/2018—(2) Matlosana Mining (Pty) Ltd (2005/027421/07), 73 Platan Avenue Flamwood, Klersdorp North West 2571; (3) Final Order: 27 March 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) Special Resolution; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Klersdorp. M000066/2018—(2) Jacobus Wilhelmus Piek (7009285071084), 74 Safari Avenue, Rustenburg North West; (3) Final Order: 2 August 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH WEST HIGH COURT MAHIKENG; (6) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate,Rustenburg. M000067/2018—(2) Phillippus Jacobus Wilhelmus Buys (7605085125085), 6A Pecan Street, Meiringspark Klersdorp, North West; (3) Final Order: 16 August 2018 (4) —; (5) NORTH WEST HIGH COURT MAHIKENG; (6) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate,Klersdorp. T830/16—(2) NAGEL: FREDERICK CHRISTIAAN (500419 5033 08 5), 25 GERT SCHEEPERS STREETS, BRITS; (3) Final Order: 15 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T3428/11—(2) MANNSBERGER: BERND MICHAEL AND MAUDEEN (500712 5087 18 9 AND 631206 0121 08 7), 1 SENORITA LAAN, BRITS; (3) Final Order: 7 September 2011 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BRITS. T0408/18—(2) BENSCH: CHARL (740527 5329 08 8), 3 COMET STREET, HELDERKRUIN, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 22 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:20, MAGISTRATE: KRUGERSDORP. C280/2018—(2) Herman Dreyer (620324 5013 08 5), 4 Rood Street, Apartment 2, Malmesbury, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 17 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Malmesbury. C290/2017—(2) KIT ELECTRICAL(PTY) LTD (2013/214697/07), UNIT 15,TRADE PARK, POTGIETERS STREET GANTS,STRAND,WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 12 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 5 July 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE STRAND. C562/2017—(2) MARCUS WIESE (2001/00951/07), 63 MIDDEVLEI,CARMINE DRIVE,BURGUNDY ESTATE,WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 13 September 2017; (3) Final Order: 13 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 5 October 2018, 11:00, MAGISTRATE BELLVILLE. C92/2018—(2) LEON GERRIT JORDAAN (6903330 5030 08 1), 42 BLUE CRANE CRESCENT, WELLWAY PARK EAST,DURBAN VILLE ,BELLVILLE,WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 10 April 2018; (3) Final Order: 10 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 5 October 2018, 11:00, MAGISTRATE BELLVILLE. C480/2018—(2) Rene Nienaber (761027 5225 08 3), 107 Villa Della Fonte, Arum Road, Bloubergstrand, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 15 August 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court Cape Town. Ref-C425/2018--—(2) GFH Cape Town (pty) ltd (2016/357892/07), 21 Station Street, Unit 9, PAARL,W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 3 July 2018; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 8 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court -PAARL. C770/2017—(2) CHRISTIAAN MARIUS & ALISON MOLLER (740422 5072 088 & 800816 0061 087), 36 VICTORIA STREET, WINDSOR PARK, KRAAIFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 7 September 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 3 October 2018, 09:00, KUILS RIVER MAGISTRATES COURT. C507/2018—(2) MARK ANTHONY VAN HOOGSTRATEN (700111 5243 082), FARM 111, RUSTENBERG ROAD, STELLENBOSCH; (3) Provisional Order: 2 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 6 September 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, STELLENBOSCH MAGISTRATES COURT. Ref-C438/2018--—(2) Patrick Desmond & Christina Claassen (700725 0246 087), 152 Oostelike Avenue, Oudtshoorn Central, OUDTSHOORN, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 3 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 3 August 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court -OUDTSHOORN. Ref-C305/2018--—(2) David Rino Viviers (840422 5090 089), 9 Twinpeaks, Oak Glen,BELLVILLE; (3) Provisional Order: 30 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 5 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court- BELLVILLE. C458/2018—(2) CUTTING EDGE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2010/114650/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Provisional Order: 24 July 2018; (3) Final Order: 18 September 2018 (4) —; (5) —; (6) 3 October 2010, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, STRAND. C2/2018—(2) ADAM MAJIET (810607 5053 08 9), DUNHAVEN HACKNEY STUD ON ERF 1185 SCHAAP ROAD,SCHAAPKRAAL,OTTERY,WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 19 December 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE WYNBERG. C436/2018—(2) JR MOCCASINS CC (2006/134657/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION BY CREDITORS.; (5) —; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, OUDTSHOORN MAGISTRATES COURT.

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C435/2018—(2) JR SHOEMAKERS CC (2002/021800/23), CLOSE CORPORATION; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTOIN BY CREDITORS.; (5) —; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, OUDTSHOORN MAGISTRATES OFFICE. C448/2018—(2) ERNST JACO DU PLESSIS (780418 5152 087), 12 JORDAAN STREET, RAWSONVILLE, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 10 July 2018; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) — EX PARTE.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA- WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 11 October 2018, 09:00, WORCESTER MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C468/2018—(2) CORNE FERREIRA (840501 5209 086), 15 CHESTERFIELD WAY, PARKLANDS, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 24 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 24 August 2018 (4) — EX PARTE.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA-WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN. C468/2018—(2) CORNE FERREIRA (840501 5209 086), 15 CHESTERFIELD WAY, PARKLANDS, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 24 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 24 August 2018 (4) — EX PARTE.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA-WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN. C273/2018—(2) BIOGREEN DIESEL (PTY) LTD (2015/104979/07), 4 LUMXMI STREET, ATHLONE, INDUSTRIA 2, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 8 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 17 July 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATE COURT. C533/2018—(2) CINNAMON TREE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2013/095157/07), 7th FLOOR, 36 LONG STREET, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 24 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN. C343/2018—(2) PETRUS JACOBUS JOHANNES ELS (6712145259085), 15 DE DAM STREET, VIERLANDEN, DURBANVILL, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 24 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 28 June 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE COURT. C468/2018—(2) CORNE FERREIRA (840501 5209 086), 15 CHESTERFIELD WAY, PARKLANDS, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 24 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 24 August 2018 (4) — EX PARTE.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA-WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN. C283/2018—(2) K2017006243 (SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2017/006243/07), DEVONSHIRE HOUSE, 13 REYNEVELD STREET, STELLENBOSCH, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Final Order: 17 August 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT COURT; (6) 3 October 2018, 10:00, STELLENBOSCH MAGISTRATE COURT. C547/2018—(2) NICO BREEDT (820817 5121 087), BONDHEUWEL PLAAS, GRAAFWATER; (3) Final Order: 6 September 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 8 October 2018, 09:00, CLANWILLIAM MAGISTRATES COURT. C583/2017—(2) GOODALL INDUSTRIAL (PTY) LTD (1980/001631/07), 1 WATERFORD STREET, CENTURY BOULEVARD CENTURY CITY, CAPE TOWN; (3) Provisional Order: 31 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 31 July 2018 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (6) 5 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. C222/2018—(2) K2014156569(SOUTH AFRICA)(PTY)LTD (2014/156569/07), 15 BENGAL STREET,ALANTIS,CAPE TOWN,WESTERN CAPE; (3) Final Order: 9 September 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE ATLANTIS.

Form/Vorm J 29CC


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) and 77 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 356, 375(5) (b) and 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that persons indebted to the under- mentioned Close Corporation are required to pay their debts to the liquidator forthwith unless otherwise indicated and that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of Close Corporation; (2) name and description of Close Corporation; (3) name and address of liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting and (5) period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith.

This gazette is also available free online at 150 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 356, 375(5)(b) 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat persone wat enigiets aan die onderstaande Beslote Korporasie verskuldig is, onmiddellik die skuld aan die likwidateur moet betaal, tensy anders aangedui is en dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregs hof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; (2) naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; (3) naam en adres van likwidateur; (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

T1420/17—(2) VALOTORQUE 77 CC (2011/040378/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) PULENG FELICITY BODIBE AND THUTHUKA THOMAS SIZUYISE KHUMALO, GROUND FLOOR SOUTHDOWNS RIDGE OFFICE PARK, CNR JOHN VORSTER AND NELLMAPIUS DRIVE, IRENE, CENTURION.; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1418/17—(2) CHILLIE CHILD BUSINESS CONSULTING 116 CC (2011/09552/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) PULENG FELICITY BODIBE AND AMANDA RANDALL, GROUND FLOOR SOUTHDOWNS RIDGE OFFICE PARK, CNR JOHN VORSTER AND NELLMAPIUS DRIVE, IRENE, CENTURION.; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1418/17—(2) CHILLIE CHILD BUSINESS CONSULTING 116 CC (2011/09552/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) PULENG FELICITY BODIBE AND AMANDA RANDALL, GROUND FLOOR SOUTHDOWNS RIDGE OFFICE PARK,CNR JOHN VORSTER AND NELLMAPIUS DRIVE,IRENE,CENTURION; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2643/17—(2) Snyman Business IT Solutions CC (2003/040545/23), in Liquidation; (3) JF Engelbrecht & NC Van Eeden, 117 Phula Lodge, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. 2007/143880/23—(2) KoshAuto CC (2007/143880/23), Dealer in second hand car sales; (3) Z.A. Dlamini, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Klerksdorp. G1148/17—(2) TRUMPER TRADING 50 CC (2004/090952/23), 15 KRUGER AVENUE, NESTPARK, BAPSFONTEIN; (3) ELSIE WAGNER, 384 GORGE STREET, ERASMUSKLOOF EXT 4; (4) 16 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T2045/18—(2) Pronto People CC (2000/006903/23), 19 Viney Street, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom; (3) K van der Westhuizen & RE Maphaha, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Potchefstroom. G750/2017—(2) C & W INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIERS CC (2011/054873/23); (3) G.I Smit & J. Stroh, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T0300/09—(2) SS Workgroup Solutions CC (1998/051869/2003), 601 Lannea Vavenue, Doornpoort, Pretoria; (3) Z Cassim & LW Theunissen, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0631/18—(2) T AND T TRAINING AND CONSULTING SERVICES CC (2005/173463/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) MOHAMMED HOOSEN MOTALA, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES, 3202; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PRETORIA. T3225/17—(2) VS Boerdery CC (1992/027935/23), In liquidation; (3) Joachim Hendrik Botha, Puleng Felicity Bodibe & Rynette Pieters, c/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Boxx 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate: Potgietersrus (Mokopane). T1978/18—(2) Africa Information Image Management CC (2005/154860/23), 35B Selati Street, Ashley Gardens, Pretoria; (3) JZH Muller & EJ Jacobs, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G1139/17—(2) The Southboys Marketing and Promotions CC (1997/023902/23), 41 Hulda Road, Kibler Park, Johannesburg; (3) JZH Muller & K van der Westhuizen, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood 0186; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T1840/18—(2) Dicha Boerdery CC (2008/228762/23), 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (3) JZH Muller & CJ Roos & AL Vilakazi, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria.

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T1230/15—(2) JBC Properties CC (2003/052168/23), Cnr. Pongola & Malvina Street, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park; (3) CA Starbuck & JE Saffy, Po Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, The Master Pretoria. T910/17—(2) Ideal Carriers 224CC (2009/028538/23), (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/RG Mahomed, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Vereeniging. T910/17—(2) Ideal Carriers 224CC (2009/028538/23), (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/RG Mahomed, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Vereeniging. E000027/2018—(2) Nyosana Nursery & Ground Maintenance CC (2002/034080/23), (in liquidation); (3) Deborah Joubert, De Jager & Lordan Inc. and Greig Michael Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC, 25 Retief Street, Alexandria 6185 and 1 Digby Road, Framesby, Port Elizabeth 6001; (4) 5 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Fort Beaufort. D120/2018—(2) SOJUDAS SECURITY SERVICES CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK2009/016715/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (4) 15 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, VRYHEID. D22/2018—(2) SMALL AND ALL DEALERS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK2002/072755/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) KR KNOOP, 181 A BURGER STREET; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N173/2018—(2) Best Grade Wholesale CC (CK2008/025252/23), In Liquidation; (3) K R Knoop & D Van Der Merwe, 181 Burger Street, Pietermartizburg, 3201; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. C451/2018—(2) PROPFRAN 132 CC (2006/0581250/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) SE LE ROUX-MARX & LL REDDY, PLANET ADMINISTRATORS, P O BOX 1995, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (4) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. C260/2018—(2) HYDROVEND CC T/A CONTAINER TRANSPORT SERVICES (1991/013890/23), 64 Roeland Square, Roeland Street, Cape Town; (3) n/a, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 12 October 2018, 09:00, HYDROVEND CC T/A CONTAINER TRANSPORT SERVICES. C414/2018—(2) Chapatti Trading 14 CC (2007/115776/23), 3 End Street, Belgravia, Bellville, 7530; (3) CB St Clair Cooper & LG Mpakati, CK Trust, P. O Box 3065, Tygervalley, 7536; (4) 5 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville. C522/2018—(2) Pizkat 1 Properties CC (In liquidation) (2004/042322/23), Property Owning; (3) CM Hathorn and K van der Westhuizen, P O Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 5 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Simons Town. C431/2018—(2) CHRIS DE HART ARCHITECTS CC (2002/042535/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) MH RICCIARDI & NAG OMAR, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, STELLENBOSCH MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C574/2018—(2) The Business Zone 2601 CC (2010/077945/23), General Trading; (3) Elizna Lourens and Chantal Sharon Francis, Tygerberg Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 5483, Tygervalley 7536; (4) 5 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court Bellville.

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and address of trustee or liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting; (5) period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

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Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal, tensy anders vermeld. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, tyd en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou; en op ander plekke voor die Landdros.

G20516/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: BOTES ANDRIES MICHAEL & ARLENE (840519 5103 083 & 821215 0087 081); (3) JIMMY BALOYI, P.O.BOX 12076 HATFIELD 0028; (4) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT OF RANDBURG. T1418/17—(2) CHILLIE CHILD BUSINESS CONSULTING 116 CC (2011/09552/23) (In Liquidation); (3) PULENG FELICITY BODIBE & AMANDA RANDALL, CNR JOHN VORSTER & NELMAPIUS ROAD, IRENE, CENTURION; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1420/17—(2) VALOTORQUE 77 CC (2011/040378/23) (In Liquidation); (3) PULENG FELICITY BODIBE & THUTHUKA THOMAS SIZUYISE KHUMALO, CNR JOHN VORSTER & NELMAPIUS ROAD, IRENE, CENTURION; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T426/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATHINUS CHRISTOFFEL OELOFSE (681110 5038 081); (3) Elsie Wagner, PO Box 802, Newlands, 0049; (4) 16 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. G615/2018—(2) Far East Sourcing (Pty) Ltd (2012/099908/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Terence Morrison, 40 8th Avenue Parktown North Johannesburg; (4) 31 October 2018, 10:00, South Gauteng Master of the High Court Johannesburg; (5) n/a. T3440/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: BRIAN SHAUN ANNANDALE (921126 5345 086); (3) Elsie Wagner, PO Box 802, Newlands, 0049; (4) 17 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PALMRIDGE. M14/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Esterhuizen Elvin Wayne & Genevieve Cicilia (770914 5079 082 & 800103 0071 088); (3) JD Pema, Waverley Office Park, 15 Forest Road, Bramley; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, Master Mahikeng. G1360/2013—(2) Hobbes Finance (Pty) Ltd (2009/015692/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JD Pema, Waverley Office Park, 15 Forest Road, Bramley; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. T2687/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: I/E KHUMALO KHALIPHANI (6811250348087); (3) AW Van Rooyen & N Kruger, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 1 November 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T22293/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Du Plessis, Willem Abraham (710204 5024 08 7); (3) AW Van Rooyen & JW Yzel, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Nigel. T3570/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carla Loume Trust (IT 404/2000); (3) AW Van Rooyen & H Barnard, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0948/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Shannon Martin Venter (880730 5131 088); (3) GN Ngobeni, P O Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T2643/17—(2) Snyman Business IT Solutions CC (2003/040545/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JF Engelbrecht & NC Van Eeden, 117 Phula Lodge, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Pretoria. T2852/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jaques Kent (760617 5139 085); (3) M Gumbo, P.O. Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059; (4) 18 October 2018, 09:30, Vanderbijlpark. G270/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Colin Patrick Gordon (700326 5177 087); (3) A.D. McQuarrie & C. van den Heever, P.O. Box 8, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 17 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T1578/15—(2) Kosh Auto CC (2007/143880/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Z.A. Dlamini, P.O. box 8, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Klerksdorp. G1148/17—(2) TRUMPER TRADING 50 CC (2004/090952/23) (In Liquidation); (3) ELSIE WAGNER, 384 GORGE STREET, ERASMUSKLOOF EXT 4; (4) 16 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T642/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: DEAN LENARD & ELIZABETH OTTILLIE ORD-HUME (760718 5024 085 & 871006 0135 080); (3) M S MOTIMELE, P.O. BOX 55166, WIERDA PARK, 0149; (4) 2 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA.

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G511/2017—(2) SUNEDISON GREEN POWER SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation); (3) R K POLLOCK & P T T MFOLOE, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041; (4) 17 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T0326/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: SMIT, BETSIE (690410 0145 082); (3) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND & QUINTON SIMON JOSEPH, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167; (4) 11 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. G0704/18—(2) MOOIHOEL COLLIERY (PTY) LTD (1964/004218/07) (In Liquidation); (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 7 August 2018, 00:00, GAUTENG. G0705/18—(2) NATAL COAL PROSPECTING AND MINING COMPANY (PTY) LTD (1964/003471/07) (In Liquidation); (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 7 August 2018, 00:00, GAUTENG. G911/2017—(2) SEDG4 (RF) (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation); (3) R K POLLOCK & O C KOIKANYANG, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041; (4) 17 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. G729/2017—(2) TIMCIT (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation); (3) R K POLLOCK & S M SEIMA, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE VEREENIGING. T0308/2018—(2) Pomene Enterprises Services and Engineering (Pty) Ltd (2012/069563/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Terence Morrison, 40 8th Avenue Parktown North Johannesburg; (4) 5 November 2018, 10:00, North Gauteng Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T1222/18—(2) DISCOUNT TYRE GROUP (PTY) LTD (2017/224763/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE) & NTEBALENG CHRISTINA MOROBANE, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1223/18—(2) DISCOUNT TYRE SILVERTON (PTY) LTD (2016/291176/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREVIOUSLY PIETERSE) & MOSA MOLEDI, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T43/07—(2) Carick Investments (Pty) Ltd (1993/005980/07) (In Liquidation); (3) C M Cloete, Xirimele Trustees PTA PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T21221/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: DE VILLIERS, ELBIE (5709170159082); (3) MARYNA ESTELLE SYMES , MARGUERITE ROUX, 30 CANBERRA AVENUE, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG; (4) 31 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OFFICES PRETORIA. T0594/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: JM & JG Masilela (8403305578088 & 8605220356081); (3) R Stockhoff & M van Rooyen, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1094/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chill Rite Air (Pty) Ltd (2009/014908/07); (3) R Stockhoff & L Limbada, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1227/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: C Ruthven (7301030118082); (3) R Stockhoff & M Becker, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2140/2016—(2) Duo Dental Suppliers (Pty) Ltd (2007/020483/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Nicholas Timkoe, 1 Digby Road, Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 6045; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, CNR Paul Kruger & Madiba Streets, Pretoria, 0002; (5) 30. T0809/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: NDLELA BUSIZWE NHLAKANIPHO (8405135302084); (3) J N MAHANYELE, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16; (4) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. G536/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: SONJA NORTMAN (861209 0117 080); (3) JH DU PLESSIS & R MOOLLAJIE, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 5 October 2018, 09:30, The Magistrate Krugersdorp. G513/18—(2) SCOPSERVE SOUTH AFRICA (SSSA) (PTY) LTD (2013/174352/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & MO MOEKETSI, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 2 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G1160/2017—(2) Setesize (Pty) Ltd. (2013/187883/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Mrs. T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore- North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 1 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G310/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: WILLEM ANDRIES AUGUSTINUS GOUWS (4311065082007); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 29 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - JOHANNESBURG. G883/2011—(2) Upbeatprops 154 (PTY) LTD (1998/018923/07) (In Liquidation); (3) TV Matsepe & MA Lekala, 26/28 Aliwalstreet, Bloemfontein, 9300; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court Vereeniging; (5) N/A. G402/2016—(2) ALMEZEST (PTY) LTD (2012/050540/07) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & C.J Pick, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. G750/2017—(2) C & W INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIERS CC (2011/054873/23) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & J. Stroh, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. G462/2018—(2) ICON CARRIERS (PTY) LTD (1991/003469/07) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & P.H Lebepe, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 10 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Heidelberg. G1343/2016—(2) C & W TEST (PTY) LTD (2012/148390/07) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & M.M Masilo, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. G311/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: ELIZABETH CASSANDRA GOUWS (4503280092080); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 29 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - JOHANNESBURG. T7425/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: PIETER THEUNIS CHRISTIAAN JOUBERT (740418 5058 085); (3) M L LEDWABA, P.O. BOX 55166, WIERDA PARK, 0149; (4) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PRETORIA NORTH. G1341/2016—(2) W & C ENGINEERING(PTY) LTD (2012/148491/07) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & K.G Mashogo, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 10 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Heidelberg. G1342/2016—(2) XYZ INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD (2012/148506/07) (In Liquidation); (3) G.I Smit & D.D Masilela, P.O Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733; (4) 10 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Heidelberg.

This gazette is also available free online at 154 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T0300/09—(2) SS Workgroup Solutions CC (1998/051869/2003) (In Liquidation); (3) Z Cassim & LW Theunissen, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Pretoria. T2925/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Candice Bronwen Klopper (760107 0117 08 8); (3) AB Tayob (co: Z Cassim), 461 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, Brits. G507/2018—(2) Move-On-Up 169 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (2004/000748/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Cloete Murray, Jacobus Marthinus Oelofsen and Tshepo Medupe, c/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate: Vanderbijlpark. T0443/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicoleen Gunter (860415 0051 08 5); (3) NC Morobane, 461 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate, Brits. T2744/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Hendrik Marthinus Jooste (670117 5064 08 5); (3) AB Tayob, 461 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3213/16—(2) Shrenuj South Africa (Pty) Ltd (2005/010997/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Zaheer Cassim & Sonia Saffy (Prinsloo), 461 Fehrsen Street Brooklyn 0181; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T1287/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: I/E: Joubert Debbie (7405310218080); (3) P M Mahlangu, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 31 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T410/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steven Ferns (851216 5022 08 4); (3) Cloete Murray & Mohammed Imraan Petersen, c/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 18 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court: Pretoria. T3225/17—(2) VS Boerdery CC (1992/027935/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Joachim Hendrik Botha, Puleng Felicity Bodibe & Rynette Pieters, c/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate: Potgietersrus (Polokwane). T607/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: JANSE VAN RENSBURG CORNELIUS PHILLIPPUS & HENDRIKA ADRIANA (650205 5074 081 / 650918 0009 080); (3) GDS RAMALHO, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16; (4) 4 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T26/17—(2) Knead Bakery (Pty) Ltd: in liquidation (2013/236747/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Joachim Hendrik Botha & Faheem Gani, c/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G636/2018—(2) Venmop 275 (Pty) Ltd. (1989/003464/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Mrs. T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore- North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 4 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T0119/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Coetzer Werner; (3) CM Cloete and TA Cameron, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042; (4) 19 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Meyerton. T1840/18—(2) Dicha Boerdery CC (2008/228762/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JZH Muller & CJ Roos & AL Vilakazi, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T3121/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christiaan & Marliza Breedt (C: 801223 5164 08 1 & M: 821121 009 08 5); (3) Lizette Opperman, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186; (4) 23 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T1840/18—(2) Dicha Boerdery CC (2008/228762/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JZH Muller & CJ Roos & AL Vilakazi, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G429/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: HARRIS; ROBERT WASHINGTON (7102285275084); (3) B DAYA, Po Box 12224, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 5 October 2018, 08:00, MAGISTRATES COURT BRAKPAN. G1139/17—(2) The Southboys Marketing and Promotions CC (1997/023902/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JZH Muller & K van der Westhuizen, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G150/18—(2) K2015018547 (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LTD (2015/018547/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & OSB Mothle, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T1978/18—(2) Africa Information Image Management CC (2005/154860/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JZH Muller & EJ Jacobs, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G279/18—(2) THE ADVISORS COLLECTIVE (PTY) LTD (2014/203945/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & A Van Wyk, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 4 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G514/18—(2) OPUS DEFINED (PTY) LTD (2013/165772/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & KA MOETSI, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T222/18—(2) Keralox (Pty) Ltd (2017/219499/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JZH Muller & AW van Rooyen & D Appavoo, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Springs. G532/18—(2) PROLITH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2007/019803/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & S Moodliar, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 2 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T2045/18—(2) Pronto People CC (2000/006903/23) (In Liquidation); (3) K van der Westhuizen & RE Maphaha, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Potchefstroom. T1230/15—(2) JBC Properties CC (2003/052168/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CA Starbuck & JE Saffy, Po Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, The Master Pretoria. G357/18—(2) FLUIDITY TRADING & INVESTING (PTY) LTD (2006/032713/07) (In Liquidation); (3) JH du Plessis & ME EDWARDS, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg; (4) 3 October 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Randburg. T15/18—(2) Marnus Laufs Boerdery (Pty) Ltd (2004/015770/07) (In Liquidation); (3) K van der Westhuizen & R Stockhoff, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3480/17—(2) Suncycle Investment Limited External Profit Co Ltd (1998/001467/10) (In Liquidation); (3) K van der Westhuizen & ST Kekana, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001; (4) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria.

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T0621/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Izak Daniel Petrus & Tracey Lynne Strauss (6306155129088 & 6402140171085); (3) MJD Breytenbach/TS de S Mathebula, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Nelspruit. T910/17—(2) Ideal Carriers 224 CC (2009/028538/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/RG Mahomed, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Vereeniging. T910/17—(2) Ideal Carriers 224 CC (2009/028538/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/RG Mahomed, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master Bloemfontein. T3380/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: NEL, FRANCOIS ABRAHAM (790625 5087 083); (3) H A Plaatjies, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Limited, P O Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1525/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Unitrade 828 (Pty) Ltd (1998/020762/07); (3) MJD Breytenbach & D Ismail, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0763/18—(2) ISTC Integrated Solutions (Pty) Ltd (2013/155304/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Francois Uys, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2395/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: RL Delport (820223 5062 084); (3) R Stockhoff & AP De Oliveira, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T2096/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: QV Minnaar (680421 0092 085); (3) R Stockhoff & MA Christian, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0383/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: PC Phaahla (550805 5426 081); (3) R Stockhoff & AD Draai, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0643/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: KS & R Dookie (680119 5270 082 & 680413 0028 086); (3) RN Kharivhe, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0351/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: NM Smit (820812 0094 082); (3) R Stockhoff & F Langford, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE PALM RIDGE. T0322/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: J Botes (751109 0158 089); (3) R Stockhoff & AG Khammissa, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE MEYERTON. T3573/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: LM & AF Viljoen (610317 5036 082 & 631112 0022 087); (3) R Stockhoff & AS Rambevha, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE VEREENIGING. T2673/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: LC Robbertse (650908 0115 086); (3) R Stockhoff & KS Mahlangu, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1846/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: HP Jansen (730309 5161 080); (3) T Nonyane & R Stockhoff, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T20856/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: JF & NR Makhwela (Koto) (710420 5646 089 & 730324 0985 086); (3) G Govender, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1918/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: CS Buchner (781226 5011 081); (3) R Stockhoff & SJiyane, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1071/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: ELMARIE ELIZABETH PUTTER (7209040060089); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Helene Speelman-Rose, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2816/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: C Olivier (751203 0152 083); (3) R Stockhoff & B Qangule, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1163/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AA De Klerk (720904 5020 088); (3) R Stockhoff & JC Kloppers-Lourens, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0703/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: T Bekker (750625 0151 080); (3) R Stockhoff & MI Higgins, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T0741/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: HENDRIK PETRUS KRIEL (6608075037081); (3) Ziintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Lisl Anna Loubser, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T739/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: LEON FREITAG (8411065217086); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Matome Thato Makwela, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 16 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2158/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: BJ Stander (660904 5107 085); (3) R Stockhoff & AS Rambevha, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. T1793/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: RUDOLPH PHILIP GREEFF (5702085096085); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Surenda Naidoo, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Witbank. T3056/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: ALLEN DUBE (7203106688081); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Cheryl Anne Jones, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3387/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: GABRIEL PETRUS MALINDA HELENA DELPORT (5702085096085 & 6012100034080); (3) Zintle Vathiswa Ngogodo & Karabo Anzer Moetsi, Suite 7, 1st Floor, Waterfall View, Waterfall Park, Bekker Road, MIDRAND, 1686; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2446/17—(2) Insolvente Boedel: SUMIEN CECILY VAN BLERK (850219 0293 084); (3) JOHANNA WILLEMIA YZEL & POGISO TUMISANG TIMOTHY MFOLOE, YZEL TRUSTEES, P. O. BOX 30122, WONDERBOOMPOORT, 0033; (4) 24 Oktober 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (5) 2018-10-24.

This gazette is also available free online at 156 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

S9/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: NJO DU PLESSIS BOUKONTRAKTEURS TRUST (IT301/2010); (3) CBStC COOPER & PQ NAIDOO, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (4) 10 October 2018, 14:00, MASTER PORT ELIZABETH. E000002/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: DEON BURGER; (3) MS C A SCHROEDER, MR C H PHILANDER, P.O Box 432 East London 5201; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Offices East London. B69/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mofokeng, Sabata Joshua and Phindile Patience (7304145358080 and 8206150759087); (3) DT Majiedt, Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9300; (4) 12 October 2018, 09:30, Magistrate’s Court, Bethlehem. B24/2018—(2) LATEOPROX (PTY) LTD (2017/031386/07) (In Liquidation); (3) TME KWAPE, P O Box 2190 JHB 2000; (4) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE WELKOM. N201/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicodemus Thokozani Phumelelo Brombo Mkhize Ntshangase (N201/2017); (3) Marlene Retief and Glen Usher, c/o 12 Gifford Crescent, Salt Rock, 4392; (4) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg. D120/2018—(2) SOJUDAS SECURITY SERVICES CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK2009/016715/23) (In Liquidation); (3) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320; (4) 22 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT, VRYHEID. D25/2017—(2) RIDGESIDE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2007/028828/07) (In Liquidation); (3) K R KNOOP, P O BOX 181 PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. D22/2018—(2) SMALL AND ALL DEALERS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK2002/072755/23) (In Liquidation); (3) K R KNOOP, P O BOX 181 PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. D56/2018—(2) RIVERHILL PROPERTIES CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (CK2004/085700/23) (In Liquidation); (3) K R KNOOP, P O BOX 181 PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; (4) 17 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. T2843/15—(2) BELTON PARK TRADING 117 (PTY) LTD (2011/001674/07) (In Liquidation); (3) F LANGFORD & MF KGANYAGO, ARDBEG TRUSTEES, POSTNET SUITE 162, PRIVATE BAG X1, THE WILLOWS, 0041; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER, NELSPRUIT. T446/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jan Gerhardus & Hester Magadalena Christina van Helsdingen (6501275055086 & 7010050106089); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 15 October 2018, 09:30, Magistrate, Lydenburg. M27/2018—(2) Johan Beukes Vervoer Pty Ltd (2015/018212/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Miss Stacy Saffy, Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9300; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court, Bloemhof. M000036/18—(2) DEON BEUKES VERVOER(PTY) LTD (2015/018164/07) (In Liquidation); (3) J STROH, P O Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059; (4) 19 October 2018, 10:00, Bloemhof. M20005/14—(2) Spectrum Building Supplies (Pty) Ltd (1997/014806/07) (In Liquidation); (3) D Ismail, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria; (4) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Mafikeng. C29/2018—(2) FAST GRAIN SA [PTY] LTD (2014/282942/07) (In Liquidation); (3) LIEZEL VENTER- C.T. MAREDI, P.O. BOX 50861 - WEST BEACH - 7449; (4) 5 October 2018, 09:00, THE MAGISTRATE KNYSNA. T1002/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: JACOBUS & MARTHA MAGRIETHA SOPHIA LIEBENBERG; (3) DANIEL SANDILE NDLOVU, P O BOX 675 CAPE TOWN, 8000; (4) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT SPRINGS; (5) PAID. C346/2018—(2) Fusion Properties 16 CC (In Liquidation) (2002/033415/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CM Hathorn and Elizna Lourens, P O Box 1139, Cape Town, 800; (4) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Goodwood. C369/2018—(2) Tongue Twisters Voice Agency CC (In Liquidation) (2011/066685/23) (In Liquidation); (3) CM Hathorn and BL Mbolekwa, P O Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 12 October 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town. C70/2018—(2) Bright Idea Projects 1810 CC (2007/243276/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Elizna Lourens and Laila Enver Motala, Tygerberg Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 5483, Tygervalley 7536; (4) 5 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Office Bellville. C395/2018—(2) POERNER BITUMEN PTY LTD (2014/2877298/07) (In Liquidation); (3) EUGENE NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 24 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT GOODWOOD. C631/2017—(2) SOUTHERN SHOWCASE (PTY) LTD (2014/049563/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MH RICCIARDI & ALD MOHOHLO, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 11 October 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATE’S COURT. B22/2018—(2) AOD JEWELRY (PTY) LTD (2009/008057/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARYKE LANDMAN, RAUCH GERTENBACH TRUSTEES, LACHE HOUSE, 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE; (4) 3 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, BLOEMFONTEIN. C194/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: TREVOR ERASMUS FAMILY TRUST (IT1328/2010); (3) GD WALLACE & AM AYOB, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 11 October 2018, 09:00, MITCHELLS PLAIN MAGISTRATE’S COURT.

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Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) the number of estate/company; (2) the name and description of estate/company; (3) the date, hour and place of meeting and (4) the purposes of meeting. (5) Any additional annexure or resolutions. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (4) die doel van byeenkoms. (5) enige additionele aanhangsels of resolusies. In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

T923/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: APIE VAN NOORDWYK TRUST (IT482/94); (3) 9 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) PROOF OF CLAIM; (5) 8. That: the Trustee / Joint Trustee be and is hereby authorized to institute or defend legal action and/or employ the services of a tracing agent or debt collector in order to collect debts owing to the estate or in respect of any other matter affecting the estate including the holding of Enquiries in terms of the Companies Act, 1973 / Companies Act 71, 2008 and/or Insolvency Act 1936, as amended, as he/they may deem fit, and for such purposes to employ the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel of his/heir choice and to pay the costs out of the funds of the estate as part of the costs of administration which accounts do not have to be taxed but a fee approved by the Liquidators / Joint Liquidator or Trustee / Joint Trustee will be payable. T2741/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thembelihle Cornelius Mthethwa (760627 5416 08 6); (3) 2 October 2018, 10:00, Master’s Office, Pretoria; (4) proof of claims. T1400/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: NJWM HESSELL (871118 5182 082); (3) 31 October 2018, 09:00, MIDDELBURG MAGISTRATES COURT; (4) PROOF OF A CLAIM. T3311/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Patricia Victoria De Swardt (630514 0035 087); (3) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria; (4) To prove further claims and adopt Resolutions - attached.; (5) 1. That all actions whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustee and also as set out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 2. That the Trustee be and is hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned in the Insolvency Act no. 24 of 1936 of 1973, as amended. 7. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised to engage the services of a representative to trace assets, make an inventory and take possession thereof, all costs incurred in relation thereto, to be costs in the Insolvent Estate. 8. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate, whether as going concerns, or otherwise, or whether separately or jointly, with any other person or corporate entity, and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee, in his sole discretion, may decide on and particularly, in his sole discretion, should they decide to sell or otherwise dispose of any such asset, jointly with any other person or corporate entity, on the method and quantum, of division, of the total consideration, by public auction, tender or private treaty, and on such terms and conditions as he, the Trustee, in his sole discretion may deem fit and other costs thereof which he, in his sole discretion cannot pass over, to be costs of sequestration. That the Trustees is furthermore authorised, in his sole discretion, to abandon any assets for which he can find no purchaser or which is not practical to sell, the costs of which are the costs of sequestration. 11. That the said Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his discretion, to compromise or admit any claim

This gazette is also available free online at 158 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 against the Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated, or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee, damages claim or any other cause whatsoever, as a Liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon by both the creditor concerned and the Trustee, and to accept payment of any claims due to the Insolvent Estate. 12. That the Trustee be authorised to sell to the Insolvent, a member of his family or anyone else, household furniture and firearms at valuation thereof, on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may determine, or alternatively sell the assets by Public Auction or private treaty. That the sale of the movable assets by public auction prior to the holding of the second meeting and without the Master’s consent, be hereby ratified. That the Trustee is authorised to return to the Insolvent such essential wherewithal or as much thereof as he, in his sole discretion, deems necessary to sustain living. 17. That the further administration of the affairs of the Insolvent be left entirely in the hands and at the discretion of the Trustee. T1984/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MARITZ, ANINE (PREVIOUSLY WEYERS) (900405 0199 08 5); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; (4) Claims to be Proven. T2020/17—(2) GKQS and Tenant Services (Pty) Ltd (2007/001379/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claim. T835/15—(2) Optabilis Developments (Pty) Ltd (2007/004153/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of claim. T21091/14—(2) Insolvente Boedel: MARIA HENDRIENA ROUX (590110 0030 083); (3) 12 Oktober 2018, 09:30, LANDDROSHOF KRUGERSDORP; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T0194/17—(2) Insolvente Boedel: RALDO BOTHMA (850415 5036 083); (3) 11 Oktober 2018, 09:00, DIE LANDDROSHOF RANDFONTEIN; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. G904/12—(2) EO Zondo and M Trading Enterprise CC (2007/011718/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) To prove claims; (5) 7. THAT the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the assets of the Company by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. T0891/13—(2) Insolvente Boedel: MARTHA MAGDALENA VAN DEN BERG (690429 0228 086); (3) 8 Oktober 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. G1262/2016—(2) BATTERY TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation) (3) 2 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. T0979/15—(2) Insolvente Boedel: CHRISTIE JONKER (751208 5082 086); (3) 11 Oktober 2018, 08:30, DIE LANDDROSHOF GROBLERSDAL; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. G672/17—(2) Toddlers and Kids Warehouse (Pty) Ltd (2013/158054/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 9 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Kempton Park; (4) Prove of claims. T2015/16—(2) Rigaflo CC (2009/185282/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Klerksdorp; (4) To adopt resolution; (5) 7. THAT the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the assets of the Company by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Liquidator / Liquidator and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. T2486/13—(2) Insolvente Boedel: ELIZCE DAUBERMANN (820909 0157 081); (3) 8 Oktober 2018, 10:00, MEESTER VAN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF PRETORIA; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T44/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATJIE, MOHUBE MOSES & MOKALABATE FANCY (700407 5536 081 & 791207 0954 085); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; (4) Proof of Claims and Adoption of Resolutions; (5) 13. THAT the Liquidator / Joint Liquidator and/or Trustee / Joint Trustees be and are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Company / Close Corporation and/or Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated or un-liquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. 29. THAT the administrating trustee/liquidator is authorized to, when after all payments of all final dividends and administration costs, that should there still be an amount of less than R 3 000.00 available in the estate account, being credit interest received on the account, to take such a credit as a refund for costs with regards to, photo copying of documents, double lodging of missing documents at the Masters office, telephone calls, time spent on administration, etc.; T3407/11—(2) P & Z PETROLEUM CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2004/034727/23); (In Likwidasie) (3) 10 Oktober 2018, 10:00, LANDDROSHOF MIDDELBURG; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. G515/13—(2) Dytro CC (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Roodepoort; (4) Proof of claims. G240/2014—(2) Myvar Transport Investments (Pty) Ltd (2003/017079/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Palm Ridge; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS.

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T3850/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: JHL DE VILLIERS (7012085196085); (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP; (4) To prove claims. T484/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: M OTTO (7806055005089); (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) To prove claims. C739/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: JF CAMPHER (860711 0028 085); (3) 10 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE OUDTSHOORN; (4) Proof of further claims. T3071/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Prinsloo, Wayne (3) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Nigel; (4) Proof of further claims; T1219/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: SW WEST (7601125234086); (3) 9 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK; (4) To prove claims. G1145/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: The Flor Trust (IT 1172/91); (3) 10 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg; (4) GENERAL MEETING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION/S: (1) THAT all the resolutions proposed at the Second Meeting of Creditors will be re-introduced and Creditors will be provided with the set of resolutions to vote on.. T2368/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Yolandi Van der Walt (8006040008087); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Cullinan; (4) Further proof of claims.. T3215/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: BOLTON, NATASHA (8801260103083); (3) 4 October 2018, 10:00, Master, Pretoria; (4) Further proof of claims. T3311/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Patricia Victoria De Swardt (630514 0035 087); (3) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria; (4) To prove further claims and adopt Resolutions - attached.; (5) 1. That all actions whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustee and also as set out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 2. That the Trustee be and is hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned in the Insolvency Act no. 24 of 1936 of 1973, as amended. 7. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised to engage the services of a representative to trace assets, make an inventory and take possession thereof, all costs incurred in relation thereto, to be costs in the Insolvent Estate. 8. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate, whether as going concerns, or otherwise, or whether separately or jointly, with any other person or corporate entity, and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee, in his sole discretion, may decide on and particularly, in his sole discretion, should they decide to sell or otherwise dispose of any such asset, jointly with any other person or corporate entity, on the method and quantum, of division, of the total consideration, by public auction, tender or private treaty, and on such terms and conditions as he, the Trustee, in his sole discretion may deem fit and other costs thereof which he, in his sole discretion cannot pass over, to be costs of sequestration. That the Trustees is furthermore authorised, in his sole discretion, to abandon any assets for which he can find no purchaser or which is not practical to sell, the costs of which are the costs of sequestration. 11. That the said Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated, or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee, damages claim or any other cause whatsoever, as a Liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon by both the creditor concerned and the Trustee, and to accept payment of any claims due to the Insolvent Estate. 12. That the Trustee be authorised to sell to the Insolvent, a member of his family or anyone else, household furniture and firearms at valuation thereof, on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may determine, or alternatively sell the assets by Public Auction or private treaty. That the sale of the movable assets by public auction prior to the holding of the second meeting and without the Master’s consent, be hereby ratified. That the Trustee is authorised to return to the Insolvent such essential wherewithal or as much thereof as he, in his sole discretion, deems necessary to sustain living. 17. That the further administration of the affairs of the Insolvent be left entirely in the hands and at the discretion of the Trustee. T0952/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Niemand, Diena Johanna Magdalena (610808010080); (3) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate: Bronkhorstspruit; (4) Proof of claims. T2390/15—(2) Imega Hardware CC (1998/04157/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T3478/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Alan Duncan White (7510035123083); (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (4) A SPECIAL AND GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD FOR PROOF OF CLAIMS AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS; (5) 1. That all actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustees and also as set out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 8. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell of in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate. G469/2017—(2) West Rand Pumps CC (1992/029140/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 5 October 2018, 09:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp; (4) Further proof of claims..

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G1363/2012—(2) FITNESS ESSENTIAL BRANDS CC (2009/007052/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 2 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; (4) Further Proof of claims. Resolutions to be adopted.; (5) Resolution 5, 6, 8 & 9: 5. That the Liquidator is hereby authorised to engage the services of Auditors and/or Accounting Staff Services to investigate and write up the books of the Company to the date of liquidation and to produce an audited balance sheet as at the date and to complete any necessary income tax and other Government returns, and to attend to all the accounting processes of the estate including but not limited to the drafting of Liquidation and Distribution Accounts and that all costs so incurred shall be costs of liquidation of the Company and paid for by the estate. 6. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the movable assets of the Company by public auction, private treaty of public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any or more of the assets shall be determined by the Liquidator and that all costs incurred in relation thereto be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. 8. That in the event of any assets which is subject to a Mortgage Bond, pledge or other form of security not realising sufficient to pay the claims of the secured creditors, plus the pro rata share of the costs of administration in full, the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised in his discretion to abandon or sell such assets to the creditor concerned at an agreed valuation, subject to the payment by such creditor of a pro rata share of the costs of administration in terms of Section 89 of the Insolvency Act, as amended. In the event of the Liquidator having obtained a competent valuation for these purposes, the costs thereof shall be an administration expense and paid for by the estate. 9. The Liquidation be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his sole discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors. G456/16—(2) LENTICULAR CLOUD TRADING (PTY) LTD (2013/132697/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate Randburg; (4) Further Proof of Claims. Resolutions to be adopted.; (5) Resolution 5, 6, 8 & 9: 5. That the Liquidator is hereby authorised to engage the services of Auditors and/or Accounting Staff Services to investigate and write up the books of the Company to the date of liquidation and to produce an audited balance sheet as at the date and to complete any necessary income tax and other Government returns, and to attend to all the accounting processes of the estate including but not limited to the drafting of Liquidation and Distribution Accounts and that all costs so incurred shall be costs of liquidation of the Company and paid for by the estate. 6. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the movable assets of the Company by public auction, private treaty of public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any or more of the assets shall be determined by the Liquidator and that all costs incurred in relation thereto be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. 8. That in the event of any assets which is subject to a Mortgage Bond, pledge or other form of security not realising sufficient to pay the claims of the secured creditors, plus the pro rata share of the costs of administration in full, the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised in his discretion to abandon or sell such assets to the creditor concerned at an agreed valuation, subject to the payment by such creditor of a pro rata share of the costs of administration in terms of Section 89 of the Insolvency Act, as amended. In the event of the Liquidator having obtained a competent valuation for these purposes, the costs thereof shall be an administration expense and paid for by the estate. 9. The Liquidation be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his sole discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors. G284/2017—(2) Crumbs Distributors (Pty) Ltd. (2013/131879/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 4 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg; (4) Further proof of claims. T44/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATJIE, MOHUBE MOSES & MOKALABATE FANCY (700407 5536 081 & 791207 0954 085); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; (4) Proof of Claims and Adoption of Resolutions; (5) 13. THAT the Liquidator / Joint Liquidator and/or Trustee / Joint Trustees be and are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Company / Close Corporation and/or Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated or un-liquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. 29. THAT the administrating trustee/liquidator is authorized to, when after all payments of all final dividends and administration costs, that should there still be an amount of less than R 3 000.00 available in the estate account, being credit interest received on the account, to take such a credit as a refund for costs with regards to, photo copying of documents, double lodging of missing documents at the Masters office, telephone calls, time spent on administration, etc.; G118/2017—(2) ACTIVE PACKAGING (PTY) LTD (2001/005684/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 15 October 2018, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg; (4) Further proof of claims. G618/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Johannes Vorster (6905235269085); (3) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Proof of further claims. T1560/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Theodorus Ignatius van Ryneveld (5112305060087); (3) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims.

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T2251/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christo & Liandri Thomas (8904225033088 & 9002180143080); (3) 12 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Brakpan; (4) Proof of further claims. T3040/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joseph Jacobus Dirk Steyn (5007175048081); (3) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T616/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Billy Alfred & Charon Gilbert (5903185074085 & 6302310085085); (3) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T2700/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johan & Selma Bothma (8904225033088 & 9002180143080); (3) 15 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T1341/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Francette Heystek Zwanepoel (7006040125080); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, The Magistrate Klerksdorp; (4) A SPECIAL AND GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD FOR PROOF OF CLAIMS AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS; (5) 3. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised to engaged the services of Attrorneys, Accountants and/or Counsel and/ or Recording Agents, as he may deem necessary. 11. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised and empowered, ins his sole discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated, or unliquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) or any other cause whatsover, as a Liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) or any other cause whatsoever, as a Liquidated cliam in terms of Section 78 (3)_ of the Insolvency act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon by both the creditor concerned and the Truste3e, and to accept payment of any claims due to the Insolvent Estate. T3373/16—(2) Beastwood Trading 29(Pty) Ltd (2010/012303/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 9 October 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T190/15—(2) Tshireletso Business Engineering(Pty) Ltd (2002/007402/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T3319/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lodder, Marlize (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims; T3109/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AS MUSWEDE (790303 6172 086); (3) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) Proof of further claims. T3309/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: JC ELS (820625 5074 085); (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI; (4) Proof of further claims. T1591/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: JN MAYER (630314 5029 080); (3) 8 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) Proof of further claims. T2246/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: TL HOLTZHAUSEN (901127 0148 081); (3) 12 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) Proof of further claims. T2791/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: WW PRETORIUS (591123 5073 080); (3) 11 October 2018, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK; (4) Proof of further claims. T3373/16—(2) Beastwood Trading 29(Pty) Ltd (2010/012303/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 9 October 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T3071/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Prinsloo, Wayne (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Nigel; (4) Proof of further claims; T190/15—(2) Tshireletso Business Engineering(Pty) Ltd (2002/007402/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 10:00, Master: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T190/15—(2) Tshireletso Business Engineering(Pty) Ltd (2002/007402/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 October 2018, 10:00, Master: Johannesburg; (4) Proof of claims. T44/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATJIE, MOHUBE MOSES & MOKALABATE FANCY (700407 5536 081 & 791207 0954 085); (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA; (4) Proof of Claims and Adoption of Resolutions; (5) 13. THAT the Liquidator / Joint Liquidator and/or Trustee / Joint Trustees be and are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Company / Close Corporation and/or Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated or un-liquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors. 29. THAT the administrating trustee/liquidator is authorized to, when after all payments of all final dividends and administration costs, that should there still be an amount of less than R 3 000.00 available in the estate account, being credit interest received on the account, to take such a credit as a refund for costs with regards to, photo copying of documents, double lodging of missing documents at the Masters office, telephone calls, time spent on administration, etc.; T.198/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: OUDAN SAMUEL NGOBENE (6808175505080); (3) 2 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA; (4) 1. Receiving Trustees Report. 2. Adoption of Resolutions.. G1301/2005—(2) M W Yard ( PTY) LTD (1979/006886/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Randburg; (4) General Meeting of Creditors to adopt resolutions and take further instructions; (5) N.A S13/17—(2) Masakeni Construction (Pty) Ltd (2004/033631/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 17 October 2018, 14:00, Master Port

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Elizabeth; (4) Special Meeting of Creditors for the proof of claim/s.. B2/2018—(2) HIGH POINT TRADING 337 (PTY) LTD (2012/196774/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER BLOEMFONTEIN; (4) TO PROVE CLAIMS. N184/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JACQUELINE ELIZABETH McALLISTER (681229 0041 083); (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) Proof of further claims. N57/2018—(2) GALTREY’S PLANT HIRE CC (1988/030752/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) PROOF OF FURTHER CLAIMS. N1/2018/PMB—(2) LOGISTICS 23 PTY LTD (2002/017485/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) SPECIAL MEETING OF CREDITORS. N30/2018/PMB—(2) DLDMIC ENGINEERING PTY LTD (2014/263259/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 28 September 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) SPECIAL MEETING OF CREDITORS. N208/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hassan Abed Cassim (Identity Number: 800128 5024 089); (In Liquidation) (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) To prove claims. N86/2016/PMB—(2) AIREY SCOTT CC (2004/109740/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 28 September 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) SPECIAL MEETING OF CREDITORS. D20/2018—(2) SPARE PARTS MANUFACTURING PTY LTD (2015/101344/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT DURBAN; (4) SPECIAL MEETING OF CREDITORS. D20005/2014—(2) MINZO TRADING (PTY) LTD t/a SUPA QUICK MTUBATUBA (2007/025415/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 5 October 2018, 10:00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) To prove claims. T588/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mzwandile Blessing Mthembu (8506225276086); (3) 12 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Bethal; (4) Proof of further claims. M41/2013—(2) RCIA Property Traders CC (1992/013962/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Ventersdorp; (4) Proof of claim.. M23/16—(2) E & R Vervoer (Pty) Ltd (2013/181520/09); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate Rustenburg; (4) GENERAL MEETING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION/S: (1) THAT the Joint Liquidators are authorised to investigate the affairs of the estate and that this meeting be postponed for the purposes of an enquiry.. M000105/2017—(2) Mankwe Safari and Heritage Tours CC (M000105/2017); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate Rustenburg; (4) proof of claims. adoption of resolutions *annexure A.; (5) 5. That the joint liquidators are authorized to sell all movable and immovable property which may be found, by auction or private treaty and that the costs incurred be paid as administration costs. 10. That the joint liquidators be authorized to compromise and admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatever, in terms of section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, read with section 339 of the Companies Act and section 66 of Close Corporation Act at such an amount as may be agreed upon between the creditor concerned and the liquidator provided that proof thereof has tendered at a meeting of creditors. 11. That the sale of 769 T-Rex Street Erf 769 Mogwase Unit 2 Mogwase be and is hereby ratified. M000105/2017—(2) Mankwe Safari and Heritage Tours CC (M000105/2017); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 October 2018, 08:30, Magistrate Rustenburg; (4) proof of claims adoption of resolutions *annexure A; (5) 5 That the joint liquidators are authorized to sell all movable and immovable property which may be found, by auction or private treaty and that the costs incurred be paid as administration costs. 10. That the joint liquidators be authorized to compromise and admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee or any other cause whatever, in terms of section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, read with section 339 of the Companies Act and section 66 of Close Corporation Act at such an amount as may be agreed upon between the creditor concerned and the liquidator provided that proof thereof has tendered at a meeting of creditors. 11. That the sale of 769 T-Rex Street Erf 769 Mogwase Unit 2 Mogwase be and is hereby ratified. C121/2018—(2) MOKWENA SURFACING (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation) (3) 16 October 2018, 09:00, THE MASTER, WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. C99/2017—(2) Astrotail 141 CC (In Liquidation) (2009/210487/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 4 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West; (4) Proof of claims. C344/2018—(2) Melissa’s Waterfront CC (In Liquidation) (2008/159353/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Stellenbosch; (4) Proof of late claims. C270/2018—(2) Melissa’s The Food Shop CC (In Liquidation) (2007/173976/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Stellenbosch; (4) Proof of late claims. C189/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: DEARY - ALISON HEATHER (6309200023082); (3) 11 October 2018, 09:00, THE MAGISTRATE WYNBERG; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS..

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C784/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Walter Henry & Helene Wilma Williams (3) 5 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Court, Ceres; (4) PROVING OF FURTHER CLAIMS ADJOURN FOR ENQUIRY. C114/2018—(2) BASSIES BIKE REPAIRS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation) (3) 4 October 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT WYNBERG; (4) TO PROOF CLAIMS. C774/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: THE RVAF TRUST (IT932/2004); (3) 5 October 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville; (4) Further proof of claims. C274/2018—(2) Melissa’s Central Kitchen CC (In Liquidation) (2004/042213/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 3 October 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Stellenbosch; (4) Proof of late claims. C830/2017—(2) K2014121304 (PTY) LTD t/a THE DROS RESTAURANT (2014/121304/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 08:00, WORCESTER MAGISTRATE’S COURT; (4) Proof of claims. C50/2016—(2) Steadystreams Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (2015/295737/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 4 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Somerset West; (4) Further proof of claims. C659/2017—(2) JADU LOGISTICS CC (2005/084540/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 October 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Worcester; (4) Further proof of claims. Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/ company; (3) description of account; (4) account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, (5) date, (6) period (if longer than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) beskrywing van rekening; (4) rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, (5) datum; (6) tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).


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T1757/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: ERG DE LUCA (690102 5174 080), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A G30/17—(2) ROSEBANK OPTOMETRISTS CC - IN LIQUIDATION (2008/110836/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; N/A T0206/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: RONEL SCHOFIELD (6412150164086), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; THE MAGISTRATE WHITE RIVER T1361/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANTOINETTE DAVINA DE PINHO (8209290876084), (3) FIRST ANF FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; THE MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT G1079/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE LATE SUNIMAN ABED (4710025008053), (3) THIRD & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT; N/A D258/2010—(2) General Veterinary Suppliers (Pty) Ltd (1997/002274/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Master Durban; Master Durban; (5) 5 October 2018 T22621/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: GJ ERASMUS (760623 5063 085), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; MIDDELBURG T227/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: KNE Structural Engineers Construction CC (2010/169716/23), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Germiston; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. G1957/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: African Legend Indigo (PTY) Ltd (2000/029469/07), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Randburg; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. T21682/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Compaan Rachel Maria Johanna (730220 0029 08 3), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. T2862/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joubert Maria Catharina (870817 0026 08 2), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. T3053/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Visagie Lynette (690113 0067 08 8), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Boksburg; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. T2401/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gavin Tolmay (640406 5145 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; Magistrate Boksburg T1247/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Albertus Fourie (7503115086080), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T1192/16—(2) Aquarella Investments 281 (Pty) Ltd (2005/035690/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A G85/2014—(2) THINK TOYS CC (1997/045048/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG; n/a T2644/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Leus Hester Jacoba Magdalena (660804 0016 08 5), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Master of the High Court Nelspruit; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. G429/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kewe Investments CC (1989/002952/23), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; -; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. G0233/12—(2) GITTY INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2007/008235/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG G0516/13—(2) CIRCLE SEVEN TRADING 680 CC (2002/105732/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIFTH LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; KEMPTON PARK G0373/17—(2) CALZANETTO SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD (2006/000685/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG T677/14—(2) Lulama Women Investment CC (2001/049392/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Polokwane; N/A

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G1063/16—(2) Market Demand Trading 254 (Pty) Ltd (2005/0191533/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Palm Ridge T1930/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Melanie Koen (7109260108081), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Johannesburg; N/A G325/2018—(2) JB AND NG PROPERTIES [PTY] LIMITED (2006/006080/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER IN THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG.; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018 G933/2017—(2) ZEERUST PROJECT INVESTMENT 1 (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; RANDBURG T1295/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Robert Pollard, (3) First & Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None T1045/13—(2) Prices Candles Natal (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria and Johannesburg; None G2288/09—(2) Hallmark Web Based Systems CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Johannesburg; None T1550/13—(2) Arrowtrade 104 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria and Johannesburg; None T2767/16—(2) Dyason Design and Print (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None G195/16—(2) Directflo (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Krugersdorp T0455/18—(2) Xcel Information Technologies (Pty) Ltd (1982/003111/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T3400/17—(2) Masken Consulting (Pty) Ltd (2015/139154/17) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T22935/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Theodoros Holiasmenos (500101 5061 107), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Randburg T3796/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ISOLOMUZI STEPHEN MTHEMBU (8212225760084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA AND THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; - T1234/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: M B Alderson, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg T3358/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: D Grobler, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Randfontein T1074/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: L J & A S Kriel, (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Boksburg T134/11—(2) Litaba Transport CC (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Middelburg T2001/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: W J Lombard, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Kempton Park T728/18—(2) Mnr Warehousing and Distributors CC (1997/062322/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T22407/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: C Y Matschke, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Vanderbijlpark T3357/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: J G Meiring, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2628/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: L P van der Watt, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T1797/05—(2) Insolvent Estate: D J Van Deventer, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None

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D101/11—(2) Real Time Investments 506 CC (In Liquidation), (3) Amended Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Durban; The Master of the High Court, Durban T2345/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: C van Wyk, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T3141/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: J J & A L Venter, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Barberton T8231/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: G J C & J Visser, (3) Second Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T1289/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: FJB & L VAN DER MERWE (730629 5174 084 & 770923 0075 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark T187/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: SJ GUNTER (850409 5165 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Brits T2030/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: BPF STRYDOM (570826 5027 089), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Springs T2451/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: WW McCLAGGAN (831012 5076 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark T103/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: JJ & HS JANSEN (610127 5063 089 & 630428 0086 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T2630/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M HEYDENRYCH (840405 0045 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T1656/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mark Botes, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Secunda T103/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ & W ERASMUS (690924 5061 086 & 780913 0130 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Barberton T2622/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: G J & C C M Geel, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2978/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: H J D Kriel, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T3393/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: C Roth, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Benoni T21659/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wiets Oosthuizen, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018 G808/2016—(2) Agattu Trading 233 (Pty) Limited (2010/017327/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall; (4) Johannesburg; N/A G726/2017—(2) PSV PROJECTS (PTY) LTD (2014/157439/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First liquidation and distribution account; (4) Johannesburg; Insolvency Magistrate Palmridge; (5) 21 September 2018 T1321/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Schoombie, Tielman Christiaan (8108165139083), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Standerton G107/2016—(2) MAESTRO ITALIAN RESTAURANT CC (2003/053204/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; N/A T1688/11—(2) LOMBARD FAMILIE TRUST (IT:8686/04) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; N/A T2699/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Plaatjies, James Daniel (6701225116083), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution account; (4) Pretoria; na T1439/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: BADENHORST HENDRIK ADRIAAN (721028 5030 084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A G17/09—(2) B & M CEILINGS CC (2005/126849/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATE BENONI G1895/10—(2) NORKIM MINING SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2003/011737/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATE RANDFONTEIN

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G1272/2016—(2) LIZZIES MAIDS CC (2000/031242/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT T2039/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: ADEN STANLEY FRIEDMAN (821015 5045 08 8), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Roodepoort T2161/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: DUARD SIEMENS (800725 5042 084), (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE, DISTRIBUSIE EN KONTRIBUSIE REKENING; (4) PRETORIA; . T4977/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sallidor Jacobus Delport (7610165055087), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate Brakpan T22561/14—(2) Cheg Trading 151 Pty Ltd (2004/016781/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Second Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate Vanderbijlpark T247/10—(2) Terraworks IT CC (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T0732/18—(2) Isando Service Centre CC (1991/012055/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T1396/17—(2) Trauts Eye Investments 106 CC (2005/143593/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria T2498/17—(2) AAA Concrete (Pty) Ltd (2000/010841/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T3002/17—(2) Business Venture Investments No 898 (Pty) Ltd (2004/011140/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T1953/2015—(2) COPPER SUNSET TRADING 220 (PTY) LTD (2006/011224/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Master Polokwane G953/2015—(2) Steamfoshol Hire CC (2004/111827/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Delmas T815/17—(2) Den & Pine (Pty) Ltd (1978/001361/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T0856/18—(2) Zeteon CC (2009/213589/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; Pretoria North T3403/17—(2) GVR Manufacturing CC (2007/038240/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T2443/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tiyani Beuken Mabunda (820930 5513 086), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T0769/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rory Ashley Magrath (720610 5057 083), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T3444/17—(2) Masinketa Coal Mines (Edms) Bpk (2003/028132/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T3435/17—(2) Omega Cosmetics (Pty) Ltd (2008/020130/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n.a. T0147/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: JS DU PLESSIS (8709210066080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T3215/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petrus Jansen & Karlien van der Westuizen, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018 G657/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Salomie Aletta Strydom, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Roodepoort; (5) 21 September 2018 T2354/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hilliat Francois & Audrey Teresa Solomons, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018 T4923/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thomani Silas & Azwihangwisi Brenda Raphalalani, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018

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T2772/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johanna Maria Pieters, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Krugersdorp; (5) 21 September 2018 T2971/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mphikiseni Isaac Nkosi, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Boksburg; (5) 21 September 2018 T1266/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joseph Vuisiwe & Ponto Allowcia Mbele, (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 21 September 2018 T1713/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M KRUGELL (760720 0266 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Ermelo T1397/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Magda Lehmann, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Roodepoort; (5) 21 September 2018 T1176/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Malan, HP & TD, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; Master Johannesburg T1713/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M KRUGELL (760720 0266 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Ermelo T913/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: MM JOUBERT (820611 0054 082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T0373/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: D HERBST (741205 0130 087), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Vanderbijlpark T2201/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M Venter (830213 5002 089), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Benoni T141/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: REDUAN ISMAIL ABRAHAMS (6802275279084), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A T3513/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: A BREEDT (750324 0031 084), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Roodepoort T3484/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: AJ & PS DE VILLIERS (531218 5100 081 & 551228 0034 082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Middelburg T2352/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: J CONRADIE (550226 5007 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T22623/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: ERASMUS LOURENS FRANCOIS (7002195004089), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; N/A T810/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: S SCALLY (840920 6025 186), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T372/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: TL HUMAN (761106 0287 089), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A E000048/2016—(2) The E Manufacturers (Pty Ltd with registered office at 9 Schoof Street, Wilsonia, East London. (2007/035847/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Grahamstown; East London C1157/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Jacobus Van Der Spuy (5510295043080), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Dullah Omar building, 45 Castle Street, 8000; - E000014/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Grant Duncan Bristow (6910315216089), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Grahamstown; Cathcart E000019/2017—(2) BORDER RUGBY (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) GRAHAMSTOWN; EAST LONDON S20081/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: BRENT GABRIEL GALLANT (7511075161082), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Port Elizabeth; - B74/2017—(2) MERIMATE TRADE 1110 CC (2011/032481/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) BLOEMFONTEIN; NONE; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 14. D51/2017—(2) SAWA TECHNOLOGY CC (2005/132407/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION-, DISTRIBUTION- AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) DURBAN; -; (5) 21 September 2018 N64/2016/PMB—(2) CHRIS DE BEER PROPERTIES CC (2004/019945/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG; PINETOWN

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N172/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: J & J Rubber Linnings (PTY) LTD (1999/017695/07), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg; -; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. D205/2016—(2) WESTEMA NATAL CC t/a WESTERN TRADING (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) DURBAN; n/a N20075/2014—(2) NATAL MIDLANDS PROPERTIES PTY LTD (1987/002666/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG and DURBAN; - T2211/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ockert Jacobus Johannes Breedt (4307305049087), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Modimole T21131/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Susanna Louisa Myburgh (5804130017080), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Polokwane; n/a T2787/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Stephanus van Heerden (6810305266088), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Polokwane; n/a T2788/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Renette van Heerden (6903180085085), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Polokwane; n/a T21130/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gideon Petrus Myburgh (4909165063088), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria and Polokwane; n/a T2035/15—(2) Magnavolt Trading 73 CC (2000/054170/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Mokopane T1641/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Melanie Brasher, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Witbank; (5) 21 September 2018 M000032/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: LOUISE ELIZABETH GIBSON (790105 0025 08 1), (3) SECOND & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MAFIKENG; VRYBURG; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 14. M106/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: KWM Financial Services CC (2006/059501/23), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Mafikeng; Magistrate Klerksdorp; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 21 September 2018 - 05 October 2018. M84/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: MALAN JJ, (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER’S OFFICE MAFIKENG; MAGISTRATE RUSTENBURG; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) UNTIL 8 OCTOBER 2018. C490/2016—(2) Spring & Trucking CC (In Liquidation) (1991/027127/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C338/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JACOBUS GABRIEL DU TOIT (6804085093085), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuilsriver; (5) 21 September 2018 C736/2016—(2) D Sher CC t/a Aromatic Apothecary (In Liquidation) (1988/10888/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Verulam C265/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Eduardo Natividad Ureta (6103185285182), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a C292/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Charles Cillers Potgieter, (3) Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; none C565/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Williams Familie Trust, (3) Second Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Ceres C808/2009—(2) Kingvest 2 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (In Liquidation), (3) 4th Supplementary Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington C141/2018—(2) STRATOVEST 111 (PTY) LTD (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (2002/022600/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; STELLENBOSCH; (6) NOT APPLICABLE. C362/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Gerhard La Grange, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C327/2018—(2) DOT STEEL (PTY) LIMITED (2000/011401/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) Cape Town; Stellenbosch C330/2016—(2) West Dunes Properties 176 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (In Liquidation), (3) Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington

This gazette is also available free online at 170 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

C68/2017—(2) Synerygy Interiors (Pty) Ltd (2015/222135/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Master’s Office Cape Town; Magistrate Bellville C938/2009—(2) Edrei Property Finance Limited (in liquidation) (In Liquidation), (3) 3rd Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington C20267/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Keith Ian Abrahamse (580857 5095 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; - C20395/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ella Christina Hough (750605 0077 089), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington C182/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ivan John Cilliers (600131 5073 082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Goodwood C934/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Enrico Frederick & Gwendeleen Hannah Arendse (790705 5156 086 & 811031 0149 082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Atlantis C20149/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frederick Wilhelm Malan (800730 5004 084), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuils River C20295/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frederika Skinner (680429 0066 082), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C20292/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lindsay Stoneley (800220 0066 080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; George C569/2017—(2) CHARLE’S WAIN TRADING 112 CC (2002/087764/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; N/A C335/2017—(2) Qinisa Consulting (Pty) Ltd (2006/037236/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C865/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate The Trinity Trust, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; none C286/2017—(2) United Dealership Brokers (Pty) Ltd (2005/005489/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) Cape Town; George and Springs C287/2017—(2) Badger Administration (Pty) Ltd (2002/027264/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) Cape Town; George and Springs C181/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lubabalo Lindile and Ncediwe Amelia Mayekiso (680803 5472 08 3 & 711123 0872 08 5), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg T0325/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: MELODY MARLENE MARAIS, (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; PRETORIA NOORD; (5) 21 September 2018; (6) 14. C732/2015—(2) MSJ Electrical (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a C769/2009—(2) A&S King Makelaars (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Eighth Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington & Ceres C126/2017—(2) Martin Delport (Pty) Ltd (1984/003593/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C487/2012—(2) TEXTSTREAM [PTY] LTD (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; N/A C717/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bianca Van Wyk (870305 0215 087), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Goodwood C20077/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marc Lee Viljoen (760727 5141 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; - C20397/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Douglas Charles & Yolandi Van Der Merwe (800828 5041 088 & 880721 0045 084), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; George C125/18—(2) Losberg Staal CC (1999/031985/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Fochville C149/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: The Molco Development Trust (IT2679/2004), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Paarl

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C834/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Abante Trust (IT 2784/2010), (3) Sixth Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C861/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Trading Alpha Trust (IT1715/2008), (3) Seventh Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C237/2018—(2) Indocape Properties (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a C800/2015—(2) Waterstone Wines (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Second Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Strand

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company and (3) account; (4) date when account confirmed; (5) whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and (6) name and address of trustee or liquidator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE

Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en (3) rekening; (4) datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; (5) of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en (6) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

T2975/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: ALEXANDER CHARMAINE ELIZABETH (5504230161081); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 31 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) IMRAN DINATH & SYLVAN CORNELIUS AFRICA, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD PRETORIA 0081. G568/16—(2) VLG TRADING CC (2010/083805/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 16 August 2018; (5) None; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK 1460. T302/15—(2) SILBER FOURIE AND NEL INCOPORATED (2006/027959/21) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK 1460. T2707/02—(2) Insolvente Boedel: E P TOXOPEUS (6012265182088); (3) EERSTE EN FINALE LIKWIDASIE DISTRIBUSIE EN KONTRIBUSIE REKENING; (4) 31 Augustus 2018; (5) KONTRIBUSIE GEVORDER; (6) A V HAMMAN, Posbus 2862 Montana Park Pretoria 0159. T1327/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: NIEMAND, MARIA CHATARINA (6911020058089); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (Previously PIETERSE) & SIMONE LIESEL MARGARDIE, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. T2058/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: RL & T NAIDOO (7710105117 086 / 840922 0302 082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) ELSIE WAGNER, 384 GORGE STREET, ERASMUSKLOOF EXT 4.

This gazette is also available free online at 172 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T2339/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Coetzer Martha Sussanna Christina (550228 0107 08 7); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) MR Benninghoff / SJ Lapporta, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G880/2017—(2) ECS CC (2006/018635/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. T2975/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: ALEXANDER CHARMAINE ELIZABETH (5504230161081); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 31 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) IMRAN DINATH & SYLVAN CORNELIUS AFRICA, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD PRETORIA 0081. G2950/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Padiachy Nadarajan & Sarris (590524 5166 08 2 & 570215 0136 08 9); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 19 February 2016; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) W Van Rooyen & M Mohamed, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T3310/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Horn Rachel Lia (600607 0060 08 3); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 10 September 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / A Van Wyk, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T3861/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jansen Van Vuuren Hendrik Petrus & Ulindi (771231 5064 08 2 & 820705 0047 08 6); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / B Ngutshane, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T2254/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacar (PTY) LTD (2006/038327/07); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / MV Magagane, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T22555/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Siswana Mavis (620320 0894 081); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / SV Mahlangu, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T2458/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: W Lubbinge (pty) ltd (1964/000311/07); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Paid Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / G Govender, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T4458/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Donovan East (7508055069087); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) R Steynsburg, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T5808/01—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Lodewikus Griffen and Cornelia Susanna Griffen (6804155117087 and 5903070232087); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JS Koka, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G624/2017—(2) Ardbel (Pty) Ltd (2013/033918/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 8 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A.D. McQuarrie, PO box 8, Johannesburg, 2000. T568/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maringo Charles Khakali (560810); (3) Amended First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Cornelia Carolina Mienie-Viljoen & Adel Doreen McQuarrie, Wilbecar Likwidateurs cc t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. T0268/4—(2) Insolvent Estate: Badenhorst Johannes Albertus & Ann Rosemarie (740208 5112 085 & 910910 0294 081); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 28 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Gunvanrai Muggan, Wilbecar Likwidateurs cc t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. T3963/15—(2) Sitefab CC (2000/017201/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) PJC Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T5852/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johan Du Plessis Montaldos (4805025028083); (3) Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) PJM Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T22900/14—(2) EJ Exclusive Auto Sales CC (2006/058011/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) R Steynsburg, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G897/2017—(2) WATERLOO PROJECT INVESTMENT 1 (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 August 2018; (5) None; (6) R K POLLOCK & M LANDMAN, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041. G896/2017—(2) VENUS ENERGY (PTY) LIMITED (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 August 2018; (5) None; (6) R K POLLOCK & K KEEVY, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041. T1118/15—(2) Emerald Sky Trading 109(PTY) Ltd (2004/030803/04) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) F Gani (CO: AW Van Rooyen), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G150/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Woodridge Country Estate Trading (PTY) Ltd (2001/016562/07); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) No Dividends Payable, No Contribution Levied; (6) AW Van Rooyen / BCN Pema, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.

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T22774/14—(2) Vlamtur Construction ( Transvaal ) (PTY) LTD (2003/000383/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Mark Abraham Christian, Wilbecar Likwidateurs cc t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. T2003/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frylinck Gerhardus Fredrickus (760617 5221 081); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 20 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Elizabeth Margaret Edwards, Wilbecar Likwidateurs cc t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. G0151/09—(2) CYMBIAN ENVIRO SOCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2001/010625/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SUPPLEMENTARY SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) N. KLEIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. T1980/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: BOTHMA, TRACY (840810 0067 08 8); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (Previously PIETERSE), PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. G0352/16—(2) MATEMEKU GROUP (PTY) LTD (2002/004858/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 30 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Z. KAJEE, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. T2769/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: VAN DER MERWE, LEIGHTON (730625 5051 083); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (Previously PIETERSE) & GERDA MARYKE VAN TONDER, PO BOX 101980, MORELETA PLAZA, 0167. G1571/11—(2) METACHEMICA (PTY) LTD (1999/021557/07) (In Liquidation); (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 31 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. T1936/16—(2) NDJOVU MINING CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD (2013/016066/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 August 2018; (5) None; (6) PC LESSING & KS MAHLANGU, PO BOX 12200, HATFIELD, 0028. G206/2016—(2) WAHELE INTERIOR CONTRACTS CC (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 August 2018; (5) None; (6) K CHOW & T C LOURENS, P O Box 1671 Houghton 2041. G1156/2016—(2) Rara Avis Property Investments (Pty) Ltd (1997/020801/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) H Kaplan & HJ De Beer, PO Box 4078, Rivonia , 2128. T3533/2016—(2) HENQUE 2544 CC (2000/003847/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 29 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) D.T. MAJIEDT, M.E. SELLO, HONEY ATTORNEYS INC, PO BOX 29 BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. T1522/11—(2) Mercedes Properties (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JA Fisher, PO Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T3927/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charmaine du Plessis (7104020046087); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) HY Ismail (CO: Z Cassim), PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. G617/2017—(2) Highland Night Investments 25 (Pty) Ltd (2001/023697/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H Kaplan & S Moodliar, PO Box 4078, Rivonia , 2128. T0469/18—(2) AMT Auto Electrical & Electronics CC (1991/003576/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & P A F Bezuidenhout, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1979/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Michael Coenraad Erasmus (4710065012080); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 27 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) DM Botha and MJ Cronje, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. T3660/16—(2) M & B Pressure Investments (Pty) Ltd (1996/000317/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M Sibiya, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T344/14—(2) Crocodile Civils (Pty) Ltd (2003/010898/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 31 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J Z H Müller & M B Kgariya (CO: J S Koka), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2012/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jan Harm Badenhorst (8112085127087); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 20 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M Stander (c/o DM Botha), Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. T4581/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Andries Roux & Maria Salome Hugo (671013 5024 089 & 680125 0007 080); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 11 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A N Ndyamara & T V Matsepe, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1408/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: AE EDDIE (810105 5053 084); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Stockhoff & MK Malema, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 174 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

G93/2009—(2) VEGEPAK (PTY) LTD (1978/003990/009) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 August 2018; (5) NO DIVIDENDS PAID, NO CONTRIBUTION COLLECTED; (6) E.M. MOTALA AND T.A. MAKHUBELA, NO 3, 12 AVENUE, HOUGHTON, 2198. T2782/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: E S Van Wyk (7809250210082); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution; (4) 27 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) S Williams and CE Oosthuizen, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. G16/2016—(2) KTT Worx Custom Stainless CC (2002/027838/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution; (4) 30 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) S Williams and YAS Patel c/o Z Cassim, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. T1899/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: WALTER RICHARD & TANYA CASSELL (8610165012087 & 8906280039082); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) C M LEDWABA, PO BOX 55166, WIERDA PARK, 0149. G20423/2014—(2) THE FIRM SECURITY CONSULTANTS CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 23 May 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I Smit, PO Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733. G20927/2014—(2) CEDAR COUNTRY INN (2008) CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 26 July 2016; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) G.I Smit & M.F Kganyago, PO Box 21709 Heldekruin 1733. G1100/2015—(2) ERTA (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 23 May 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I SMIT & L.S KGATLE, PO BOX 21709, HELDEKRUIN, 1733. G728/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: RICKEY JACOBS; (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) G.I Smit, T.M.E Kwape & H.J.T Eloff, PO Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733. G359/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: TSHILILO OBED MANAGA; (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 3 July 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) G.I Smit & B.M Ngutshane, PO Box 21709, Heldekruin, 1733. T705/16—(2) KASIMIRA TRADING 28 (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 25 April 2018; (5) None; (6) G.I Smit & M.P Raath, PO Box 21709 Heldekruin 1733. T3117/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kathleen Annette Labuschagne (6004270017086); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim and P de Oliveira, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T4078/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jan Thapeli and Joyce Mamoean Zongwane (6607275349088, 6611280884089); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. G204/2005—(2) Sweet Junxion (Pty) Limited (2003/002127/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution; (4) 28 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) GC Gainsford and JD Pema, C/O KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. T2180/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Hendrick Loots (6801225039085); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 20 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim and MS Mphahlele, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T1990/08—(2) Logistics Technologies (Pty) Ltd (1971/011779/07) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) Z Cassim and EM Motala, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T672/07—(2) Insolvent Estate: Willem Johannes Jacobus van Zyl (6704185127082); (3) The Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 28 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim and EW Prinsloo, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T2564/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tess Potgieter (8304220085086); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 27 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) AS Rambevha (CO: Z Cassim), PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T6662/09—(2) AJ Theron Slagter (Pty) Ltd (1985/000378/07) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 27 March 2018; (5) None; (6) Z Cassim and D Ismail, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T4135/12—(2) Badenhorst Development Trust (IT4702/2005) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 9 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T4453/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maethinus Wynand van Wyk (7708285116084); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 March 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Z Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T5186/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Louisa Johanna Slater (7509220029089); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 22 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim and R Pieters (Lombard), PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T4592/08—(2) Vis Gladius Security (Pty) Ltd (2005/034361/07) (In Liquidation); (3) The First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 19 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Z Cassim and M Roux, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. N40/2008—(2) Central Bridge Trading 143 CC (2004/06572/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 14 May 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contribution is being collected; (6) Z Cassim and KR Vengadesan, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T3858/15—(2) Aziza Trading 6 CC (2005/16825/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 30 July 2018; (5) None; (6) AB Tayob (CO: Z Cassim), PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T3907/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Paul Anthony Jennings (7012075105088); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) NC Morobane (CO: Z Cassim), PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 175

T3609/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Riekert Johannes and Philippina Johanna Kleynhans (6502075029081, 6803220947080); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 28 August 2012; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contribution is being collected; (6) Z Cassim and WN Jacobs, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T2320/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Annelien Marie Burger (5406180082087); (3) The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 13 February 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) TJH Hermanus and JZH Muller and Z Cassim, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T20343/17—(2) Inter Africa Carriers (Pty) Ltd (2012/013675/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) C Murray, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1124/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pretorius, Hendrik Jacobus & Wilna (6604015088084 and 7403280175083); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 10 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A Wagner (co: C Murray), P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T5129/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Msibi, Zachara Gudlimpi (6503145358088); (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd (CM/RS), P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1971/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Weber, Roger (6106175037083); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) NG Patel (co: C Murray), P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T20453/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rayman, Muhammes Reza (7207175278088); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C Murray and WN Jacobs, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T173/02—(2) JACOBS DRANKWINKEL CC (97/35678/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 22 August 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Ranel Trust, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16. T1653/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ferreira Dirk Johannes & Brenda May (6606155086083 & 7005270199088); (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 22 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Elizabeth Margaret Edwards and Nawaal Cloete c/o Xirimele Trustee PTA, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T2005/2006—(2) Insolvent Estate: Opperman, Martha Jacoba Etresia (770402 0053 08 8); (3) First And Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Cornelia Maria Cloete & Khashane La Mmapowana Manamela, C/O Xirimele Trustees PTA, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T2454/2016—(2) Rommel’s Mobile Services CC (1998/055804/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First And Final Liquidation Account; (4) 31 August 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) Daniese Elaine Steyn and Madeleine Abrahams, C/O Xirimele Trustees PTA, PO Box 495 Garsfontein 0042. T556/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Athol Raymond Marriot-Watson (6106055117088); (3) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 9 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contribution is being collected; (6) YAB Ismail, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T2054/17—(2) Agatha Properties CC (2009/148101/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 31 August 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & S Staffy, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2914/17—(2) Bronberg Building & Hardware CC (2004/021581/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & S Smit (Brown), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3636/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christoffel Jacobus van Niekerk (5504105024083); (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 18 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) DM Botha (c/o ML Mhlongo), Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. T4157/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Biopelo Divine Dichabe (811130 0496 087); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M M Malebye (CO: J Z H Müller), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. B80/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: K & T Broers Boerdery BK (1996/063825/23); (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 29 June 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) DM Botha and SM Johnson, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675 Sunnyside Pretoria. T3606/16—(2) Frans Swart Produksies CC (1995/024136/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 12 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M H Phaleng, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3474/17—(2) Anaboom Wildsplaas CC (1990/024872/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 September 2018; (5) None; (6) J Z H Müller & L F Kaaba, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1198/17—(2) Gerh-Jo Trading CC (2003/034395/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & H A S Moosa, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2202/16—(2) Goodies for Pets CC (2003/037473/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) T Essop (CO: M Mohamed), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 176 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

T2751/16—(2) Onra Elektriese Kontrakteurs CC (1991/033824/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & H Barnard, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T796/17—(2) Invenire CC (1989/041159/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & J F Barnard, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3470/17—(2) Livin Comfort Electrical Appliances (Pty) Ltd (2002/012760/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & S J Kalianjee, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. G1008/2015—(2) Phutuma Medical Suppliers CC (2007/216873/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 4 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A N Ndyamara, T H Nonyane & Z A Dlamini, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T110/14—(2) Q-Tique 131 Pty) Ltd (2008/013460/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) I J Boshoff & J S Koka, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3404/17—(2) R and J Cronje Brothers Investments (Pty) Ltd (2012/103591/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) None; (6) J Z H Müller & D Appavoo, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2132/17—(2) Twin City Bloemfontein (Pty) Ltd (2006/011102/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 21 August 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T961/17—(2) Zayith Media Solutions (Pty) Ltd (2012/036696/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & T G Hlungwani, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1786/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Naude, WP; (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) C Van Diggelen & TA Cameron, Forum Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 3127, Pretoria, 0001. T2960/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Brasem, TP & DB; (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contribution is being collected; (6) C Van Diggelen & BJE Buthelezi, Forum Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 3127, Pretoria, 0001. T0387/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M TISANE (600922 0610 086); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 6 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Stockhoff & TO Manzini (CO: AW van Rooyen), 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T41/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Raymond Richard Swart (850914 5018 08 3); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 13 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Louise Muller, PO Box 38991, Garsfontein East 0060. T4112/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: INKOLEKO TRADING 672 CC (2006/222203/23); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) R Stockhoff & EJ Jacobs, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T190/15—(2) Tshireletso Business Engineering(Pty) Ltd (2002/007402/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 19 July 2018; (5) None; (6) Louise Muller, PO Box 38991, Garsfontein East 0060. T0815/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: BF & Q AGRELLA (750128 5190 088 & 911010 0045 085); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 4 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Stockhoff & M Moldi (CO: JF Engelbrecht), 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T41/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Raymond Richard Swart (850914 5018 08 3); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 13 July 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Louise Muller, PO Box 38991, Garsfontein East 0060. E000050/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: L L RUBIDGE; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G.M VOIGT & MR J L JACOBS, PO Box 432 East London 5201. E000016/2017—(2) PENDULUM DEVELOPMENTS CC (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 16 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) MR G M VOIGT, MRS C M LEDWABA, PO Box 432 East London 5201. S18/2016—(2) Eastern Province Rugby (Pty)Ltd (1998/016927/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Distribution Account; (4) 29 August 2018; (5) Preferred dividends are being paid; (6) Danie Acker and Deidre Basson, c/o Lache House, 120 York street, George 6529. E000005/2016—(2) KOKSTAD WOOD & BOARDS CENTRE CC (In Liquidation); (3) THIRD LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 30 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MS C A SCHROEDER, MS A AYOB AND MR K C MONYELA, PO Box 432 East London 5201. E000036/2016—(2) MAGNITUDE ARMITURE WINDERS CC (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G.M VOIGT & MR Y EBRAHIM, PO Box 432 East London 5201. E000040/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: V G REDDY; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 16 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G.M VOIGT & MRS K FONTEIN, PO Box 432 East London 5201.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018 No. 41914 177

E020006/2014—(2) STANZA FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2000/021070/07) (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 20 August 2018; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) MR G M VOIGT, MRS J BROWN, MRS H N BULUBE, Po Box 432 East London 5201. E14/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: R W BARNES WEBB; (3) SUPPLEMENTARY LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G.M VOIGT & MR M MOODLEY, PO Box 432 East London 5201. S5/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: S J J PRETORIUS; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MS F I J KHAN, PO Box 432, East London, 5201. N155/2009—(2) DESIGNED 4 STORAGE CC (. 2006/125738/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 3 September 2018; (5) Contribution being collected; (6) Neil David Button and Manogh Dayanand Maharaj, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200. N50/2010—(2) CO-ORDINATED AGENDAS CC (1998/023680/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS; (6) TARYN JANE NEIZEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. N46/2016/PMB—(2) THE STEWART MACKENZIE FAMILY TRUST (IT1412/2000) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 June 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTION COLLECTABLE; (6) MARCEL EDWIN NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. N179/12—(2) SMARTLY FABULOUS TRADING AND INVESTMENTS CC (2006/202468/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 2 July 2018; (5) CONTRIBUTION COLLECTABLE; (6) TARYN VALERIE ODELL, PO BOX 13446, CASCADES, 3202. N182/2017—(2) PAJU 1 INVESTMENTS CC (1996/050601/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 23 August 2018; (5) Contribution being collected; (6) Neermala Ramchandra, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200. D147/2012—(2) UKHOZI CONSTRUCTION KZN PTY LTD (1998/007692/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 September 2017; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTION COLLECTABLE; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446, CASCADES, 3202. N197/2012—(2) BLUEGRASS TRADING 1122 CC (2011/044256/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 November 2016; (5) CONTRIBUTION COLLECTABLE; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. N95/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: SAMEER SATHAR (7404175113080); (3) THIRD AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 30 August 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. N206/2013/PMB—(2) IMPERIAL CROWN TRADING 143 PTY LTD (2006/020250/07) (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO CREDITORS; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202. C605/2017—(2) LANGFORD POWER (PTY) LTD (2008/009184/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 20 June 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CB ST CLAIR COOPER, C/O CK TRUST, P O BOX 3065, TYGERVALLEY 7536. C55/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Yvonne Shirley Oberholtster (5311080119080); (3) Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 20 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JJ Steenkamp & SJ Lapoorta, JJS Administrators (Pty) Ltd, MSC House, 1 Mediterranean Street, Cape Town, 8001. C1038/2016—(2) NJ Gnobi Properties CC (2005/050252/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 24 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JJ Steenkamp & LA Loubser, JJS Administrators (Pty) Ltd, MSC House, 1 Mediterranean Street, Cape Town, 8001. C406/2017—(2) Pearl Coral 1470 CC (In Liquidation) (2010/143064/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 17 August 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JJ Steenkamp, CB St C Cooper, E Wagner, JJS Administrators (Pty) Ltd, MSC House, 1 Mediterranean Street, Cape Town, 8001. C897/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: WILLEM NICOLAAS VAN RENSBURG (6212255042082); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CB ST CLAIR COOPER, C/O CK TRUST, P O BOX 3065, TYGERVALLEY 7536. C850/2009—(2) Edrei Investments 1 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (In Liquidation); (3) 3rd Supplementary Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Surplus paid; (6) TP Glaum, R Pieters & W Hufkie, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. S7/2017—(2) Algoa Oil and Pipeline Services (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 September 2018; (5) Award to Shareholder; (6) C P van Zyl, c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, 7446. C48/2017—(2) RBA Building Projects (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 29 August 2018; (5) Concurrent awards being paid; (6) SM Gore, KC Monyela & E Makhese, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C616/2017—(2) Kanaan Eiendomme (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 7 September 2018; (5) Secured awards being paid; (6) TP Glaum & MJ Baker Maseko, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

This gazette is also available free online at 178 No. 41914 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 SEPTEMBER 2018

C535/2012—(2) Sbongile Engineering CC (2006/174880/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 12 September 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Engelbrecht,AB October & CP Van Zyl, Planet Administrators CC, P O Box 1995, Cape Town 8000.

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for his or her rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite his or her name. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) number of estate; (2) full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; (3) date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; (4) division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; (5) ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om sy of haar rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor sy of haar onderskeie name aangedui is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel; (2) volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy/haar geboortedatum en identiteitsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; (3) datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en woonadres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; (5) rede van aansoek.

T2852/09—(2) Steyn, Keith, 23 September 1965, 6509235015082, Accounts Clerk, Mitchell House, Pretoria., 19 Marais Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng., Married out of Community of Property; (3) Provisional Date: 21 May 2009, Final Date: 9 June 2009, 8 Big Charles Street, Mooi Kloof, Pretoria Gauteng., Accountant, Silverlakes, Gauteng.; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Division Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124 (2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936. T0054/11—(2) Ramasala, Florence Nteseng, 6 May 1977, 7705060655088, Automotive Industry Develop Centre, 30 Helium Road, Rosslyn, 384 Waterbok Street, Theresa Park, Akasia, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 3 February 2011, 111 Lebanon, Mabopane, Winterveld, Unemployed; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 15 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T4896/10—(2) OLIVIER, CATHARINE BEATRICE, 30 July 1971, 7107300200082, Administration official, 19th Street 73, Menlo Park, Pretoria, Married out of community. OLIVIER, na, , na; (3) Final Date: 23 November 2012, 92 The Grove, Parktown Estate, Pretoria, Gauteng, Administration official; (4) Gauteng Pretoria, 15 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Artikel 124(2). T4327/11—(2) SWANEPOEL WILHELM ADRIAAN, WILHELM ADRIAAN, 7 October 1969, 6910075054089, TECHNITION, CARLIENPARK 31, POLIGOON 327, MEYERSPARK PRETORIA, IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. SWANEPOEL WILHELM ADRIAAN, Magrietha aletta Elizabeth, 10 February 1973, 7302100028083, TECHNITION, na; (3) Final Date: 19 October 2011, 689 CORRINE STREET, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA, TECHNITION; (4) Gauteng Pretoria, 22 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Artikel 124(3). G.412/2017—(2) GOVENDER, DASLAN, 23 October 1982, 8210235144083, IT TECHNICIAN & SPECIALIST;FLAX PAY GLENAGLES BUILDING FAIRWAY OFFICE PARK 52 GROSVENOR ROAD,BRYANSTON EXT91, 291 TELFORD COURT, HYPERION DRIVE, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG 2188, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. GOVENDER, SHETAL, 31 August 1985, 8508310230085, UNEMPLOYED, 291 TELFORD COURT, HYPERION DRIVE, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG 2188; (3) Provisional Date: 12 May 2017, Final Date: 14 June 2017, 1892 SWALLOW CRESCENT LENASIA SOUTH JOHANNESBURG, IT TECHNICIAN & SPECIALIST; (4) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION JOHANNESBURG, 15 November 2018, 10:00; (5) NO CLAIMS HAVE BEEN PROVEN AGAINST THE SEQUESTRATED ESTATE WITHIN SIX MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FINAL SEQUESTRATION ORDER. NO ASSETS HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED SINCE DATE OF SEQUESTRATION BUT FOR, CERTAIN BELONGINGS WHICH HAD BEEN BOUGHT IN CASH.., N/A. T2081/2016—(2) Sonnekus, Rudolph Heinrich, 25 December 1993, 9312255012080, Store Manager, 19 Danehill, Farrow Road, Equestria, Pretoria, Gauteng, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 10 August 2016, 19 Danehill, Farrow Road, Equestria, Pretoria, Gauteng, Production Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 18 December 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act.

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G656/2015—(2) Schentke, Barry Mischa, 9 October 1980, 8010095205085, IT Technician, 46 Kirkness Avenue, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, Gauteng, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 22 June 2015, 46 Kirkness Avenue, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, Gauteng, Staging Engineer; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Johannesburg, 12 December 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T3234/2015—(2) Loots, Cheryl Doreen, 15 June 1967, 6706150120083, Care worker, 1261 Walter Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, Gauteng, Widow; (3) Final Date: 20 October 2015, 876 Louis Trichardt Street, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng, Administrative Clerk; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 28 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T1584/2017—(2) Pfahl, Frederick Theodorus, 27 September 1989, 8909275063083, Rolling Operator, 7 Orchid Avenue, Arconpark, Vereeniging, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 14 July 2017, 79 Ring Road, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, Gauteng, Operator; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 31 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T20262/14—(2) Hayes, Robert Charles, 22 July 1979, 7907225014082, General Manager, 07 Smith Street, Modimolle, Married out of Community of Property; (3) Final Date: 29 April 2014, 34 Redwood Place, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, Self employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act.. T0255/12—(2) Van Heerden, Andries Hendrik Gustavus, 8 July 1978, 7807085146083, Lecturer Tuks, 6A Burke Avenue, Swartkops Centurion, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 17 February 2012, Villa Anjarika, Unit 2, Annlin, Pretoria, Unemployed.; (4) Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, 7 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Application in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936. T2621/15—(2) SETAI, NONO MATEBELLO ROSE, 27 January 1980, 8001270301088, MUNICIPALITY OFFICIAL, MARLIN PLACE 974 MARLIN STREET GARSFONTEIN PRETORIA, NA; (3) Final Date: 4 November 2015, MARLIN PLACE 974 MARLIN STREET GARSFONTEIN PRETORIA, MUNICIPALITY OFFICIAL; (4) GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 6 November 2017, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act (Law No 24 of 1936): One year has already elapsed since the date of confirmation of the Applicant’s first estate account.. T912/13—(2) DU PREEZ, JOHANNES DANIEL, 6 July 1960, 6007065075003, TEACHER, 1968 BALIOL STRAAT HENLEY-ON-KLIP DISTRCT VEREENIGING, IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. DU PREEZ, SUZETTE, 17 June 1962, 6206170061086, C.A.D. OPERATOR, 1968 BALIOL STRAAT HENLEY-ON-KLIP DISTRCT VEREENIGING; (3) Final Date: 2 May 2013, 1968 BALIOL STRAAT HENLEY-ON-KLIP DISTRCT VEREENIGING, UNEMPLOYED MAN - SPOUSE: C.A.D. OPERATOR; (4) GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 6 November 2017, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act (Law No 24 of 1936): One year has already elapsed since the date of confirmation of the Applicants’ first estate account.. T0095/16—(2) CARTMELL ( MARX AT THE TIME OF SEQUESTRATION), ERIKA, 23 April 1972, 7204230187081, ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK, 119 ALLAN WEG GLEN AUSTIN DISTRCT RANDBURG, NA; (3) Final Date: 10 March 2016, 119 ALLAN WEG GLEN AUSTIN DISTRCT RANDBURG, RECEPTIONIST; (4) GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 6 November 2017, 10:00; (5) In terms of section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act (Law No 24 of 1936): 6 Months have elapsed since the date of the applicant’s sequestration and no claims have been proven against the applicant’s estate.. T17089/13—(2) Steinberg, Rosa Louisa, 9 October 1971, 7110090074089, Administration official, 1 Parkwood, Orange Blossom, Orchards, Divorced. Steinberg, na,; (3) Final Date: 19 July 2013, 1 Parkwood, Orange Blossom, Orchards, Administration official; (4) Gauteng Pretoria, 5 December 2018, 10:00; (5) Artikel 124(3). T1409/13—(2) Malefane, Sipho Lloyd, 21 August 1970, 7008215510088, Operational Manager, Miracle Retail Park, c/o Old Johannesburg and Lenchen Avenue, 59 Blue Crane Manor, Blue Crane Street, Meyersdal, Alberton, Married in community of property. Malefane, Nombulelo, 12 December 1979, 7912120398085, HR Officer, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, Johannesburg, 59 Blue Crane Manor, Blue Crane Street, Meyersdal, Alberton; (3) Final Date: 14 August 2013, 29 Bonza bay, Elandshaven, Alberton, Unemployed; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Pretoria, 5 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be made in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act. G536/18—(2) NORTMAN, SONJA, 9 December 1986, 8612090117080, Employed as a Business Administrator with TM Wellness International, Unit 76, Honeyvale Complex, 52 Robin Road, Krugersdorp, MARRIED; (3) Final Date: 13 April 2017, Unit 76, Honeyvale Complex, 52 Robin Road, Krugersdorp, Part-time employment, Outsurance Limited; (4) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG, 6 November 2018, 10:00; (5) SECTION 124(3) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936.. T21902/2014—(2) De Villiers, Abraham Johannes, 7 October 1953, 5310075101087, Manager, KS674 Ameland, Vlakpan Wildboerdery, Marble Hall, Limpopo, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 23 October 2014, KS674 Ameland, Vlakpan Wildboerdery, Marble Hall, Limpopo, Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 24 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T3877/2011—(2) Walker, Brett, 19 May 1974, 7405195125087, Manager, 37 Malabor Road, Lynnwoodglen, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 17 January 2012, 37 Malabor Road, Lynnwoodglen, Pretoria, Gauteng, Project Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 29 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T286/2013—(2) Van Zyl, Mattheus Johannes, 12 November 1966, 6611125196087, Supervisor, 738 Watermeyer Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 25 February 2013, 738 Watermeyer Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria, Gauteng, Senior Clerk; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 28 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act.

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T4005/2010—(2) Nair, Dhanasageran Sunkeran, 31 October 1964, 6410315115084, Software Programmer, 12 Jameela Village, Nita Street, Rynsoord, Benoni, Gauteng, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 1 August 2012, 12 Jameela Village, Nita Street, Rynsoord, Benoni, Gauteng, Software Programmer; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 21 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. G912/2013—(2) Pitzer, David Claassens, 15 December 1966, 6612155096080, Maintenance Fitter, 243 Stockenstroom Street, Boksburg, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 5 September 2013, 243 Stockenstroom Street, Boksburg, Gauteng, Fitter and Turner; (4) High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Johannesburg, 7 December 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T614/2015—(2) Wolmarans, Quintin Leonard, 23 June 1980, 8006235067088, Auto Electrician, Plot 38, Flat 33/30 Melodie, Hartbeespoort, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 18 March 2015, 72 Meintjies Street, Hartbeespoort, Auto Electrician; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 28 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T0880/11—(2) Marais, Sherwin Yul, 18 September 1974, 7409185068083, Employee, Modderfontein, 28 Flamingo Villas, 800 Vermooten Street, Grobler Park, Married. Marais, Shenaz, 19 September 1967, 6709190512087, Unemployed, 28 Flamingo Villas, 800 Vermooten Street, Grobler Park; (3) Final Date: 31 March 2011, 52 Keurboom Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 5 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2). T2433/2016—(2) Wepener, Melissa Ann, 18 September 1981, 8109260169082, Detective, Marble Hall, H31 Elandsdrift, Marble Hall, Limpopo, Single; (3) Final Date: 14 September 2016, H36 Somerhoek Boerdery, Marble Hall, Detective, Welkom; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 6 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3). T0283/10—(2) Masemola, Madula Lefentse, 5 August 1981, 8108050373086, sales and communications manager, Kosmosdal, 42 Villa Toulouse, Martial Eagle Avenue, Eagle Trace Estate, Dainfern, unmarried; (3) Final Date: 16 December 2010, 65 Grovetree, van Heerden Road, Halfway Gardens, unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 7 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2). T3443/10—(2) Hugo, Nicola Catherine, 2 November 1967, 6711020415085, Personal Assistant, Centurion, 333 Trevor Gething Street, Garsfontein, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 14 September 2010, 1280 Breyer Avenue, Waverley, Employed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 8 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2). T1882/15—(2) Smith, Hendrik Petrus Jacobus, 29 August 1975, 7508295124080, General Foreman, 49B Voortrekker Street, Hendrina, Married in community of property. Smith, Anneke, 14 December 1984, 8412140074088, Unemployed, 49B Voortrekker Street, Hendrina; (3) Final Date: 1 July 2015, 1 West Street, Elandsfontein, Alberton, Production Manager / Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 1 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation. T21901/2014—(2) De Villiers, Hester Michele, 5 December 1970, 7012050059086, Administrative Clerk, KS674 Ameland, Vlakpan Wildboerdery, Marble Hall, Limpopo, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 22 October 2014, KS674 Ameland, Vlakpan Wildboerdery, Marble Hall, Limpopo, Unemployed; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 28 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T21041/2014—(2) Thompson, Gerhardus Andrias, 8 March 1978, 7803085262087, Electrician, 4 Kruger Villas, Buiten Street, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Thompson, Linda, 20 March 1979, 7903200001087, Homemaker, 4 Kruger Villas, Buiten Street, Krugersdorp, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 6 August 2014, 9 Andante Gardens, Figulus Street, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, Electrician and unemployed; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 17 January 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. S20067/14—(2) Alexander, Clint Derrick, 24 November 1969, 6911245248085, Lt. Colonel, Diepsloot, 64 Silver Oaks, Wren Street 20, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Married. Alexander, Barbara Maudie, 13 March 1969, 6903130014086, Registered Nurse, Pretoria, 64 Silver Oaks, Wren Street, 20, Die Hoewes, Centurion; (3) Final Date: 25 November 2014, 14 Kriel Street, Hillside, Port Elizabeth, Unemployed; (4) Eastern Cape Division, Port Elizabeth, 6 November 2018, 09:30; (5) Section 124(3). M33/2012—(2) Engelbrecht, Marthinus Ryno, 20 February 1970, 7002205233082, Winding Engine Driver at Bakubang Platinum Mine, Plot 363, Waterkloof, Rustenburg, North West Province, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 3 May 2012, No. 162 Hexriver Estate, Rustenburg, North West Province, Winding Engine Driver at Shaft Sinkers; (4) High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 15 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act, Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended). M20035/2014—(2) Otto, Carel Jacobus Stephanus, 20 May 1978, 7805205114080, Unemployed, No. 20 Morgenson, Cuckoo Avenue, Rustenburg, North West Province, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 28 August 2014, No. 7 Villa Wisteria, Azanza Avenue, Boschdal, Rustenburg, North West Province, Construction Man at Shaft Sinkers; (4) High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 1 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(5) of the Insolvency Act, Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended). M75/2015—(2) Botha, Chantelle Cheries, 14 May 1988, 8805140132089, Employed as an Account at EZ Legal Solutions (Pty) Ltd, No. 87A Kock Street, Rustenburg, North West Province, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 29 October 2015, No. 87A Kock Street, Rustenburg, North West Province, Employed as an Account at EZ Legal Solutions (Pty) Ltd; (4) High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 22 November 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act, Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended). C339/2008—(2) Erasmus, Melana, 5 Maart 1971, 7103050026082, Tax Compliance Officer, Western Cape Millionsure Tax Consultants (Pty) Ltd, 53 1 Avenue, Boston Bellville, Western Cape, 33 Springfield Street, Oakdale, Bellville,, Divorced; (3) Voorlopige Datum: 24 Junie 2008, Finale Datum: 8 Augustus 2008, 12 Galtonia St Vredekloof Heights, Unemployed; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, 25 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (5) 10 Years has lapsed.

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C20373/2014—(2) THERON, KONRAD, 16 August 1981, 8108165051080, Vehicle technition, 4 Alpha House, De Villiers street, Strand, Married in community of property. THERON, SHANEENE LIEZEL, 18 June 1981, 8106180217082, Unemployed, 4 Alpha House, De Villiers street, Strand; (3) Final Date: 7 October 2014, 4 Alpha House, De Villiers street, Strand, Vehicle technition; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 6 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. C664/2012—(2) BREDENKAMP (PREVIOUSLY VAN HUYSSTEEN), DOREEN DIANE, 5 August 1963, 6308050159087, Senior Bookkeeper, 8 Kings Manor, Tosca Crescent, Sonstraal Heights, Durbanville, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 20 September 2012, 21 Symphony Villas, Schubert street, Sonstraal Hoogte, Durbanville, Bookkeeper; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 6 November 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate; (2) name and description of estate; (3) date of sequestration order; (4) division of the High Court by which order is made; (5) date of confirmation of final account,and (6) name and address of curator. KENNISGEWINGS VAN KURATORS

Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel; (3) datum van sekwestrasiebevel; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; (5) datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en (6) naam en adres van kurator.

T3539/09—(2) FIRM FAVOURITE 34 (PTY) LTD (8607140826086)(In Likwidasie); (3) 2 Mei 2009; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; (5) 17 September 2017; (6) H M Hamman, POSBUS 2862 MONTANA PARK PRETORIA 0159. T2370/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sipho Theodore & Jacqueline Nokuthula Ndabula (490514 5718 086 & 670327 0493 086); (3) 15 August 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 21 June 2017; (6) JF Engelbrecht & S Marais, P.O. Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. T2370/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sipho Theodore & Jacqueline Nokuthula Ndabula (490514 5718 086 & 670327 0493 086); (3) 15 August 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 21 June 2017; (6) JF Engelbrecht & S Marais, P.O. Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. T2563/10—(2) Bestciv Properties cc (2005/010710/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 28 May 2010; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 1 December 2014; (6) Ronelle Marx & SG Khammissa, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T4577/11—(2) Uys Dirk Cornelus (780412 5111 083); (3) 10 May 2011; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 14 September 2016; (6) Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T843/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kotze Freda (640124 0002 083); (3) 25 April 2013; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 21 January 2016; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Ignatius Clement Mikateko Shirilele, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T4084/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bothma Johann (720428 5101 086); (3) 8 December 2010; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 14 October 2014; (6) Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Barend Petersen, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T3528/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Niemand Jess & Luan & Chantell (800613 5073 087 & 860102 0011 083); (3) 19 April 2010; (4) Master Of the North Gauteng High Court Ptetoria; (5) 9 September 2013; (6) Elizabeth Wiland Prinsloo & Yusuf Ebrahim, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T2872/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Julies Karen Albertus & Denise Jacqueline Desiree (790107 5114 084 & 700218 0255 084); (3) 8 August 2012; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 3 September 2018; (6) Jan Smit Venter & Hashim Yunus Ismail, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T3885/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nkuna Pauletta & Lazaro Dayson (701209 0388 081 & 670422 5238 089); (3) 2 May 2015; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 5 May 2017; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Hannelie Barnard, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001.

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T3160/10—(2) Sailing Queen Investments 50 CC (2005/064015/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 4 May 2010; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 28 June 2012; (6) Van Staden PJC & Mphahlele MS, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1986/08—(2) Romanesque Property Investments 39 (Pty)Ltd (2006/008883/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 27 June 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 7 December 2015; (6) Koka JS & Hamman HM, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T4774/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Robinson GJ (4809175051085); (3) 19 November 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 13 September 2010; (6) Karsten R & Botha DM & Rasethaba SM, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. G1513/09—(2) Shumba Building Contractors CC (1999/061659/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 15 June 2009; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 3 August 2012; (6) Haywood M & Ismail YAB, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T2340/07—(2) Reverse Mortgage Company (Pty)Ltd (2005/005691/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 11 November 2007; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 4 October 2016; (6) Van Staden PJM & Motala EM & Ceylon B, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T2681/07—(2) Silverlake Trading 162 (Pty)Ltd (2005/0020891/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 16 November 2007; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 20 July 2011; (6) Haywood M & Bester EL, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T2158/13—(2) Nyathi General Services & Labour Hire CC (1996/049578/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 24 April 2013; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 31 October 2016; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Mmtalou Hellen Phaleng, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. T2720/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Basson Jacobus Petrus & Lana (700224 5285 084 & 700621 0015 087); (3) 6 December 2010; (4) Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (5) 10 September 2013; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Karen Keevy, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. G256/05—(2) Sigano Trading CC (2003/048675/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 7 February 2005; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 27 July 2006; (6) Koka JS & Mckenzie WS, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1738/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Scholtz JWH & EE (7308145010088); (3) 11 July 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 3 February 2014; (6) Haywood M & Van Der Westhuizen K & Makhubele TAN, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T829/07—(2) Blue Cell (Pty) Ltd (2000/028651/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 9 May 2007; (4) Transvaal Provincial Division; (5) 17 October 2016; (6) A D Wilkins, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T5351/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: HEINRICH & CLAUDIA RENEE ACKERMAN; (3) 24 August 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 28 September 2012; (6) F VAN ZYL, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T7520/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: BRENT JACK AIKEN; (3) 4 December 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 8 March 2013; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T236/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHANN WILHELMUS & SURITA BAASDEN; (3) 13 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 April 2011; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T5571/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: LEONI BAILEY; (3) 26 August 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 30 March 2012; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1366/15—(2) BLUE DISA TRADING 801 CC (In Liquidation); (3) 11 February 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 27 November 2015; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T8232/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: DENNIS & SUSANNA MAGDALENA EILEEN BOTHA; (3) 14 January 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 3 February 2016; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. t5481/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: LEON & MARIA DOROTHIA MAGDALENE BOOYSE; (3) 28 August 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 June 2013; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T3516/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: GERHARD STEPHANUS & LEONIE ALBERTINA BOTES; (3) 29 May 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 May 2013; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T4498/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: COLLIN ANTHONY BEKKER; (3) 23 July 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 November 2014; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T3721/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: JACOBUS JOGEMUS & LOUISA MARIA WILHELMINA BLOM; (3) 16 July 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 29 July 2011; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T6346/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ALETTA GERTRUIDA BARNARD; (3) 9 November 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 1 October 2015; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T2038/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: SANDRA BRINK; (3) 15 June 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 4 September 2014; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T6446/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHANN & LINDA DESIRE BURGER; (3) 15 October 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 26 November 2012; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T766/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: GAVIN & SUSANNA MAGDALENE BUTLER; (3) 27 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 February 2011; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1190/13—(2) Tswella Trading 63 CC (2005/017207/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 16 April 2013; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 20 November 2013; (6) Venessa Bekker & Farouk Sharief, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T30/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: DL PEARMAIN; (3) 22 April 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 July 2017; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T7661/09—(2) CARMI TRADING & TRANSPORT SERVICES CC (In Liquidation); (3) 20 October 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 19 February 2015; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T998/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: MICHAEL FRANCOIS & ANGELIQUE DE BEER; (3) 13 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 2 February 2012; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria.

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T3046/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: EDWARD DE BRUYN; (3) 24 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 22 June 2011; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T2029/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ELIZABETH ALIDA DE LA REY; (3) 27 May 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 July 2011; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T1516/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: PETRUS JACOBUS DELPORT; (3) 27 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 29 March 2012; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T7850/09—(2) DESERT STAR TRADING 441 (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) 13 November 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 9 November 2016; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T860/07—(2) Insolvent Estate: TERRENCE & NOMASONTO KATE DUBE; (3) 7 June 2007; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 28 January 2016; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T2358/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ENGELBRECHT ME; (3) 22 May 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 28 July 2013; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T3458/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: C ELS; (3) 3 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 14 November 2011; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T5675/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: PIETER HOEKSMA; (3) 25 November 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 23 May 2012; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T904/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANDREW DANIEL & FILDA CYNTHIA JANSEN; (3) 13 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 29 January 2015; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1598/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: ERROL CHRISTO KRIEL; (3) 9 April 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 4 July 2013; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1658/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN HENDRIK KUNNEKE; (3) 17 April 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 29 October 2012; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T568/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: DE & R LABUSCHAGNE; (3) 27 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 30 April 2013; (6) T OOSTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1628/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: PJ & R LOMBARD; (3) 9 April 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 12 June 2014; (6) JP FOURIE, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T5778/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: MC MATETE; (3) 11 September 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 26 September 2012; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2897/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: WAYNE LESLIE MILLS; (3) 19 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 15 March 2011; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1668/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: P OHLSEN; (3) 28 April 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 October 2013; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T2119/09—(2) QUICKBUS 67 CC (In Liquidation); (3) 31 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 12 May 2010; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T3935/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: JC & DD WOOLEY; (3) 7 October 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 30 August 2017; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T8096/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHAWN ANTHONY & ELANDIE MAGDALENA BUTLER; (3) 18 December 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 27 November 2015; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1958/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHS EVANS; (3) 30 July 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 June 2013; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T3128/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: F JACOBSOHN; (3) 4 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 5 June 2014; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T965/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: EMMA REBEKKA HATTINGH; (3) 13 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 17 September 2012; (6) A STRYDOM, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T1368/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: JA & JM KUHN; (3) 27 March 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 25 May 2011; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T2818/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: GA MEYER; (3) 5 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 20 August 2013; (6) T OOSTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T4518/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: MS & R NAIDOO; (3) 30 July 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 8 December 2014; (6) F VAN ZYL, 203 Soutpansberg Rietondale Pretoria. T30/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: DL PEARMAIN; (3) 22 April 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 July 2017; (6) K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, 203 Soutpansberg, Rietondale, Pretoria. T3401/01—(2) Insolvent Estate: Stoltz, Johannes Rudolph & Salomie Dorothea (ID No: 510317 5018 081 & 550920 0039 082); (3) 19 June 2001; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 18 October 2002; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T1020/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cronje, Hendrik Abraham (ID No: 751229 5009 085); (3) 9 May 2008; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 28 April 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T4632/09—(2) Indigo Hair Studio CC (Reg No: 2000/042100/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 19 August 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 22 July 2010; (6) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T1218/99—(2) Insolvent Estate: Visagie, Hannes Willem (ID No: 650531 5093 080); (3) 11 February 1999; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 23 February 2001; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T692/06—(2) Royal Anthem Investments 122 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No: 2003/007511/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 25 April 2006; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 6 August 2009; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126.

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T1946/06—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Staden, Michael Johannes & Willemina Yvonne Natasha (ID No: 790905 5279 082 & 801008 0100 085); (3) 16 March 2007; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 3 June 2008; (6) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T2450/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Fourie, Phillipus Jacobus & Aletta Elizabeth (ID No: 540324 5086 088 & 55709 0145 086); (3) 20 May 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 21 July 2011; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. G20498/2014—(2) CONSOLIDATED MEAT INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD (2010/25115/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 19 June 2014; (4) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 8 November 2016; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T732/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: MOHIDEEN, CA & AC (7904015075084 &8409190127089); (3) 16 April 2014; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 14 August 2017; (6) M.E. SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T648/17—(2) R G King Industries (Pty) Ltd (2014/176789/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 7 March 2017; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 17 July 2018; (6) K van der Westhuizen & N E Ramapuputla, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T20709/14—(2) Rapid Profiling CC (2008/224698/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 23 April 2014; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 31 August 2016; (6) J Z H Muller & B Kruger (Co: MJD Breytenbach), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T1796/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rowann Rothmann Hattingh (810507 5043 082); (3) 18 May 2012; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 7 November 2016; (6) Johannes Jurie Beetge & Jana Christa Buys (Co: Adriaan Willem van Rooyen), Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T797/17—(2) Fifth Dimension Auto Assessors CC (2005/050546/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 23 February 2017; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 13 April 2018; (6) Kobus van der Westhuizen & Hannelie Barnard, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. B20036/2014—(2) WILDBREAK 1027 BK h/a WELKOM MEAT CENTRE (IN LIKWIDASIE) (2002/013567/23)(In Likwidasie); (3) 23 Julie 2014; (4) BLOEMFONTEIN; (5) 23 September 2015; (6) HD BADENHORST, P/A PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. C108/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wikus De Beer; (3) 12 February 2015; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 22 July 2016; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Thabisile Cylvia Dlamini, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. C1099/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Companie Clarise Celeste (821227 0230 082); (3) 8 December 2009; (4) Master of the Western Cape High Court Cape Town; (5) 14 December 2016; (6) Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Thienadayalin Moodley, PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 001. C624/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Zuleiga Arieff; (3) 15 June 2012; (4) Western Cape High Court; (5) 2 June 2014; (6) Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche & Mohames Cassiem Rawoot, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner / debtor of his or her making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his or her estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, Identity No, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and partner Identity No, partner occupation, partner addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.

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Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker/ skuldenaar kennis gegee van sy of haar aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy of haar boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

Vladislav Valentinovich Balan, 880526 5979 082, Unemployed, 1 Wekker Street, East Village 20, Moreletapark, Pretoria, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 24 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, 25 June 2018. Francois Ammiel van Zyl, 7705135222088, Plumber, 3 Floreamus, Auintus van der Walt Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) Deysel Attorneys, 80 Lyttelton Avenue, Clubview, Centurion. Bhupendrasing Nimare, 83050574401087, Company Secretary, Loft 9, Carlswald North Estate, Midrand, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, District of Midrand; (4) Deysel Attorneys, 80 Lyttelton Avenue, Clubview, Centurion. Bhupendrasing Nimare, 83050574401087, Company Secretary, Loft 9, Carlswald North Estate, Midrand, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, District of Midrand; (4) Deysel Attorneys, 80 Lyttelton Avenue, Clubview, Centurion. Aucamp, Pieter Jacob, 7507305045085, Businessman, 368 Britz Weg, Akasia, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng, Pretoria, 9 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) MW Nothnagel Attorneys, Benchmark Office park, Suite 4B, 1 Larch Nook, Centurion. Pieter Zacharias Olivier, 530328 5023 08 4, building supervisor, 12 Wattle Street, Northmead X 4, Benoni, Married in community of property; Louisa Johanna Catharina Olivier, 530629 0180 08 8, sales assistant; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) -, -. Maria Magdalena Cary, 651106 0095 08 0, administrator, 42 Laurence Lane, Irene, Centurion, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Jacob Johannes Pretoruis, 710817 5084 08 0, technician, House Nr 5, Acerkman Saag Meule, Lydenburg, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, Mashishing; (4) -, -. Gertrud Louw, 701228 0019 08 2, personal caretaker, 8 Vaal Street, Groenkol, Middelburg, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, Middelburg; (4) -, -. Walter Wahl, 721129 5202 08 5, diesel mechanic, 125 Opaal Street, Lyttelton, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Chantelle Munro, 890209 0013 08 6, unemployed, 5 Edwards Drive, Eldoraigne, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) -, -. Petronella Catharina Fourie, 630114 0048 08 9, administrator, 115 - 4th Avenue, Eloff, Delmas, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, Delmas; (4) -, -. Renier Kritzinger, 8106175001087, Bestuurder, 1377 Lawson Laan, Waverly, Pretoria; (2) Aansoek: Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018; (4) -, -. Willem Hendrik Botha, 770211 5005 08 8, Unemployed, 525 Elfranco Malan Street, Garsfontein Ext 8, Pretoria, Married out of Community of Property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 10 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Wessel Oosthuizen Attorneys, 1018 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 21 September 2018.

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Willem Hendrik Botha, 770211 5005 08 8, Unemployed, 525 Elfranco Malan Street, Garsfontein Ext 8, Pretoria, Married out of Community of Property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Wessel Oosthuizen Attorneys, 1018 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 21 September 2018. Redelinghuys, Karen, 7201210019096, Businesswoman, 9 Vestness, Valhalla, Pretoria, Married; Redelinghuys, Mariska, 7608090064083, Businesswoman, 9 Vestness, Valhalla, Pretoria; (2) Application: Gauteng, Pretoria, 16 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) MW Nothnagel Attorneys, Benchmark Office park, Suite 4B, 1 Larch Nook, Centurion. Liebenberg, Lucas Jacobus, 8803105045081, Businessman, 6 Eva str, The Reeds, Centurion, Pretoria, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng, Pretoria, 16 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) MW Nothnagel Attorneys, Benchmark Office park, Suite 4B, 1 Larch Nook, Centurion. RENE DE BEER, 690619 0055 08 9, WERKLOOS, NICKLAUSSTRAAT 44, SILVER LAKES, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, GESKEI; (2) Aansoek: Noord-Gauteng Afdeling, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, N/A; (4) Kruger & Co Inc. Prokureurs, Clublaan 105, Waterkloof Hoogte, Pretoria, Gauteng, 13 September 2018. GERT STEPHANUS NEL, 8402175124080, Maintenance Manager, 629 Jan Bantjies Street, Montana, Pretoria.; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 22 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Tshwane North; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. GERTRUDE VON BENECKE, 6407240849084, Finance Assistant, 504 Protea Place, Corner Mary Road, Veri Avenue, Risidale, Randburg, Staffing Operator; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Randburg; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. ANDRE NEL, 8303125155085, Bluekey Seidor, 8 Jacaranda Street, Northmead, Benoni.; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Benoni; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. ROLAND LOOCK, 860207 5008 08 1, MASJIEN OPERATEUR, KORAALBOOMSTRAAT 156 BULTFONTEIN PRETORIA GAUTENG, ONGETROUD; (2) Aansoek: Noord-Gauteng Afdeling, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, N/A; (4) Kruger & Co Inc. Prokureurs, Clublaan 105, Waterkloof Hoogte, Pretoria, Gauteng, 13 September 2018. MICHAEL JACOBUS WILLEMSE, 850524 5001 08 6, ELEKTRISIEN, PLOT 286 LOERIELAAN KAMEELDRIFT OOS PRETORIA GAUTENG, GETROUD BUITE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOED; (2) Aansoek: Noord-Gauteng Afdeling, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, N/A; (4) Kruger & Co Inc. Prokureurs, Clublaan 105, Waterkloof Hoogte, Pretoria, Gauteng, 13 September 2018. Lionel Melville Smith, 410124 5033 08 1, Driver, 45 Kritzinger Road, Alberton, Gauteng, married in community of property; Hester Gerbregter Smith, 451017 0016 08 7, Housewife; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 11 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Johannesburg, Alberton; (4) M Neethling Attorneys, Alberton, 12 September 2018. PIETER CHRISPARUS DE LANGE, 4905265656088, EMPLOYED, 24 Loerie Oord, 20 Madelief Place (street), Dorandia, Pretoria, Married in Community of property; FLORENCE ANN HILDA DE LANGE, 5908170209083, UNEMPLOYED; (2) Application: High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 24 September 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria North; (4) B Bezuidenhout Incorporated, 149 Anderson Street, Brooklyn. Andreas Petrus Kroch, 780703 5014 084, Business Development Specialist, 3319 Snow Gum Close, Amberfield Ridge, Centurion, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 17 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 17 April 2018. Alida Maria Swart, 720807 0293 08 1, Office Manager, 1234 Rooiels Street, Moregloed, Pretoria, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 16 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 25 April 2018. Schonken, Andries George, 7204125166083, Supervisor, 36 Woltemade Street, Culemborgpark, Randfontein, Gauteng, Married in community of property; Schonken Belinda, 8004300015082, Raw material co-ordinator, N/A; (2) Application: Gauteng, 10 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) Starbuck Attorneys, 54 Parker Street, Riviera, Pretoria, 0186, 11 September 2018. CORNELIA ETZEBETH, 7906270064089, Unit Manager, Bloekomdraai, Terruneur, Kempton Park; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 22 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. JULI JOUBERT, 8602130015089, Accountant’s Assistant, 536 11th Avenue, Gezina.; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 22 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018.

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WISEMAN SANDILE NGCOBO, 7601245443088, Security Officer by the Department of Health, Civitas Building, 222 Thabo Sehume St, CBD, Pretoria.; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 22 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. MQINELENI ROBERT NTOMBELA, 5107265557080, pensioner, 529 Christoffel Street, Pretoria West, in community of property; SAMKELISIWE ZAKHONA NTOMBELA, 5801170690081, unemployed; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. CORNELIA ETZEBETH, 7906270064089, Unit Manager, Bloekomdraai, Terruneur, Kempton Park; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 22 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria, Kempton Park; (4) SCHEEPERS PROKUREURS, Suite 5, Annlin Forum Building, 3 Dorothea street, Annlin, 31 August 2018. Lizelda Janse van Rensburg, 740213 0079 08 1, Administrateur, 89 Tipperary Mews, Tipperary Weg, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 17 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 30 Julie 2018. Shirin Dawood, 640301 0075 08 3, Rekenmeester, 18 Dan Weg, Glen Austin, Midrand, Gauteng, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 17 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 30 Julie 2018. Petro Marais, 740813 0032 08 7, Regional Executive, Plot 78 Bootha Holding, Randfontein; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Johannesburg, Randfontein; (4) G.D. Ficq Attorneys, 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort, 14 September 2018. Mariska Charmaine Kemp, 750726 0035 08 1, Police Officer, 2 Kiaat Park, Manganese Street, Nelspruit, Divorced; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Pretoria & Nelspruit; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 25 April 2018. Alisia Van Heerden, 8105140012088, Personal Assistent, 31 Theron Street, Ermelo, Married Out of Community of Property; (2) Application: Mpumalanga Circuit Division, Middelburg, 12 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Mbombela, Ermelo; (4) Esmeraldo Attorneys, 149 Cowen Ntuli Street, Middelburg. Stefan Breytenbach, 8302245055084, Detective, 8 Weeber Street, Groenkol, Middelburg, Divorced; (2) Application: Mpumalanga Circuit Division, Middelburg, 12 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Mbombela, Middelburg; (4) Esmeraldo Attorneys, 149 Cowen Ntuli Street, Middelburg. Michael Johannes Stoffberg, 8205145135080, Installer, 250A Joubert Street, Rustenburg, Married out of Community of Property; (2) Application: North West Division, Mahikeng, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 25 September 2018, Mahikeng, Rustenburg; (4) Esmeraldo Attorneys, 149 Cowen Ntuli Street, Middelburg. JOHAN BERNARD VAN NIEKERK, 880526 5131 08 0, Farmer, 29D Merriman Street, 31 Artacasa; (2) Application: North- West Division, Mahikeng, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Mahikeng, Koster; (4) G.D. Ficq Prokureurs, 11 Dieperinkstraat, Roodepoort, 1724, 14 September 2018. Petula Soraya Links, ID: 830408 0146 08 5, ‘n Sersant, Middeltonstraat 6, Ladismith, Wes-Kaap, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Meester Kaapstad, Ladismith; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 1 September 2018. Brandon Llewellyn Tala, ID: 8306285213081, ‘n Toesighouer, Denneboom 11, Belhar, Wes-Kaap, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 2 September 2018. Charlotte Elmarie Lucas, ID: 771009051084, ‘n Nasorg hoof, Devilliers laan 96 Durbanville, Wes-Kaap, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Weskaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, 18 Oktober 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Meester Kaapstad; (4) Riaan de Kock, 16, Sesdelaan, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 2 September 2018. MERVYN GEORGE SARSTEDT, 8403215134089, a unemployed man, 3 Chebec Crescent, Sun Valley, Fish Hoek, Single; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrates Simonstad; (4) Riaan de Kok, 6de Laan Nr 16, Melkbosstrand, 14 September 2018. CONRAD JOHANNES TERBLANCHE, 8607015128089, a unemployed man, No 7 Eland Street, Ladismith, Western Cape, Single; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrates Ladismith; (4) Riaan de Kok, 6de Laan Nr 16, Melkbosstrand, 14 September 2018. GERHARD HANEKOM, 8110275012085, a carpenter, 12 Melina Street, Rosendal, Bellville, Married ANC; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 18 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Master Cape Town; (4) Riaan de Kok, 6de Laan Nr 16, Melkbosstrand, 14 September 2018. JOHANNES HENRICH VERCUIL, 5902225033085, a unemployed man, Kleinbron Mews 17, Kleinbron Estate, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, Divorced; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 19 October 2018, 10:00; (3) 21 September 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrates Court Kuilsrivier; (4) E GENIS, 7de Laan Nr 2 Melkbosstrand, 14 September 2018.

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