Unrevised Hansard Mini Plenary Session – Old Assembly Chamber Wednesday, 16 May 2018 Page: 1 Wednesday, 16 May 2018
UNREVISED HANSARD MINI PLENARY SESSION – OLD ASSEMBLY CHAMBER WEDNESDAY, 16 MAY 2018 PAGE: 1 WEDNESDAY, 16 MAY 2018 ____ PROCEEDINGS OF MINI-PLENARY SESSION – OLD ASSEMBLY CHAMBER ____ Members of the mini-plenary session met in the National Assembly Chamber at 16:17. House Chairperson Ms M G Boroto took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayer or meditation. APPROPRIATION BILL Debate on Vote No 10 - Public Service and Administration: The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Ms M G Boroto): Guests in the gallery, we appreciate your presence. You are very welcome to share with us in this session. The only thing is the Rules of the House do not allow you to participate in any form like clapping of hands, taking photos. We just need to make you aware of that. The MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION: Hon House Chairperson, hon Deputy Minister, hon chairperson and members of the UNREVISED HANSARD MINI PLENARY SESSION – OLD ASSEMBLY CHAMBER WEDNESDAY, 16 MAY 2018 PAGE: 2 portfolio committee, CEOs and commissioners of entities, directors- general, esteemed guests, ladies and gentlemen, media practitioners, in recently returning to this crucial portfolio as Minister of Public Service and Administration – remember, I was the Deputy for a long time - I was delighted when hon President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his maiden 2018 state of the nation address, boldly, but graciously set the tone and scene, by translating directly the envisaged groundbreaking public sector reforms from the social vision of the National Development Plan. In carving out the work for the Public Service and Administration portfolio for the financial year 2018-19, the President said the following, and I quote: Growth, development and transformation depend on a strong and capable state.
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