Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010


Capital Football Directory 2010-11...... 2

Chairman’s Report...... 3

Chief Executive’s Report...... 6

Director of Football’s Report...... 10

Competitions Report...... 22

Federation 5 Referees...... 25

Team Numbers...... 28

Women’s League Tables...... 30

Men’s League Tables...... 32

Chatham Cup ...... 50

NZF Womens Knock Out Cup...... 52

JPL - Promo...... 53

Appendix - Financials...... 60 Capital Football Directory 2010-11

President John Beldham Life Members D.J. Alexander, T Allsebrook, T E Bevan, G. Billing, C. Blaber, K. Boyden, D. Branton, I Bryce, P. Calder, D Cowpland, T Delahunty, K. Dobbie, J Dyer, K. Eckworth, S .Eckworth, I England, P. Farmer, D. Game, F. Hall, R Harries, B. Hassell, G. Herbert- Whittaker, N. Jarvis, J.B. Jurie, B. Klee, M. Kuijten, C. Lawrie, D. McCrorey, S.M. McCrorey, J. McMillan, D. Mann, A. Palmer, J. Perkins, J. Reid, T.Rigby, S. Sargent, M. Stone, B.I. Swarbrick, B. Tasker, I.Williamson Auditors Kendons Chartered Accountants Board Members David Meiklejohn (Chair until May 2010) Chris Canton David Taylor Jim Murphy (Chair from May 2010) Justin Lester Lisa Jones Matt Snaddon Warwick Jones (until May 2010) Staff Alida Shanks: Football Development Administrator (from January 2011) Andy Hedge: Football Development Manager Barry Tasker: Referee Development Officer (part time) Cliff Bowden: Operations Manager Daniel O’Brien: Horowhenua-Kapiti Competitions Administrator (part time) Emma Humphries: Football Development Officer (from January 2011) Gary Jenkins: Junior Development Coach (until February 2011) Glenda Schmitt: Administration Assistant (part time) Grant Herman: Chief Executive Jamie Cross: Competitions Manager Juan Propato: Football Development Officer (from January 2011) Mike Gibbs: Competitions Administrator (from January 2011) Robyn Tapp: Wairarapa Competitions Administrator (part time) Shane Buckley: Horowhenua-Kapiti Competitions Administrator (part time) Tom Randles: Junior Development Coach (until April 2011) Tracy Fleet: Finance and Administration Manager Johan Koustaal (NZ Football): Regional Coach Development Manager (until November 2010)

2 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Chairman’s Report


I am pleased to present my first annual report as Chair of the Capital Football (“CF”), Board and would like to start by acknowledging the work of my predecessor, David Meiklejohn and the support that he, the other Board members and CF staff have given me. Individually and collectively the commitment they all have to the game is incredible.

As you will be also be receiving Grant’s CE’s report, Andy Hedge’s football development report, competitions report from Cliff Bowden and a report from the Referees’ Committee, it is inevitable that there will be some repetition in my report, but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum.

The National Scene

Although our primary responsibility is to promote and manage the game in our own federation, it is important to recognise that we are part of the wider NZ Football family. There are times when that’s easy to do (for example, when we all enjoyed basking in the glory of the All Whites World Cup success) and times when it’s hard to do (as it was a few years ago when the Federations had to cop an increase in levies to bale out NZF from a potentially crippling financial crisis). One of the constant challenges in any organisation with national and regional structures is to strike the right balance in setting policies and programmes that promote national consistency while ensuring that regions retain the right to set their own priorities and manage their own part of the business.

The development and implementation of the Whole of Football Plan is an excellent example of how the national/regional interface can work, with the national body doing the initial research into international best practice and then engaging with the federations to develop the implementation plan and put the necessary resources in place to deliver on it. The game has been crying out for this type of leadership and collaborative approach and CF has been delighted to have Andy Hedge working closely with John Herdman at NZF on the technical and coaching aspects of the programme and Grant having input into the design of the funding, governance and reporting systems. This involvement means that we can be confident that we can make the plan work for the benefit of members and clubs in our federation.

Considering the global financial crisis over the last couple of years, it is to NZF’s credit that the financial and organisational restructuring that was started 3 years ago has not only enabled them to repay the $3m bank loan taken out at the time, but has also enabled funds to be invested for the long-term good of the game.

The media and public profile of the game has improved out of sight over the last few years. A lot of the credit for that is obviously due to the success of the All Whites, the Phoenix and our men’s and women’s age group teams appearing on the international stage. The behind-the-scenes management has also played a significant part in turning around the perception of a sport that was prone to shooting itself in the foot by internal squabbling to one that now has its act together and knows where it’s going. That doesn’t mean we won’t still have robust arguments periodically between the federations and NZF of course, but these days they are much more likely to be mature debates and not ‘us and them’ disputes.

3 The Local Scene

As mentioned in the introduction, I’ll leave the other reports to tell the detailed stories about our activities during 2010 and will limit my comments to Board- specific matters.

Board activity during the year has focused on a number of key issues; • Ensuring our strategic priorities are effectively managed • Lobbying for more and better grounds; including artificials (with particular reference to the Home of Football at Petone and the investment in the Wakefield Park development) • Oversight of the CEO’s organisational restructuring to support the Whole of Football Plan (“WOFP”) and to better deliver our competitions, management services and other core services • The review of the men’s competitions; including consideration of the review group’s recommendations and implementation of most of them • Consideration of the proposal to take an active role to ensure the continuation of the Team franchise in the ASB Premiership • Policy approval for the establishment of an under 17s men’s league • Approving amendments to the regulations governing the men’s leagues • The challenging issue of the relationship between clubs and colleges • Support for the establishment of a Club Reference Group • The decision to get on board with Goalnet.

I believe we have made significant progress in most of these areas but it would be fair to say that some of them are still ‘work in progress’; notably the work with Wellington and Hutt City Councils to complete the current artificial pitch building programme, the on-going club/colleges debate, bedding in the WOFP and Goalnet and the core services continuous improvement initiatives.

Some of the other things we know we need to focus on in 2011 are: strengthening our financial sustainability, improving our website, developing a transparent and equitable charging mechanism to cover the additional ground user costs associated with the artificial pitches, and refreshing our Business Plan to set a clear direction for the future development of the game in our region.

Over the last few years the Board and staff have endeavoured to provide opportunities for members and clubs to have a real voice in how CF is run. We’ve done this through a survey, the reviews of the men’s and women’s leagues, regular 6-monthly information evenings and we have recently kicked off the club reference group. We welcome your feedback and constructive suggestions.

4 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010


A sincere vote of thanks to my current Board colleagues, David Meiklejohn, Chris Canton, Justin Lester, Lisa Jones, David Taylor and Matt Snaddon. No egos there; just a group of people committed to the development of the game.

To Grant and the CF staff and volunteers – it’s been a challenging year with major organisational changes and unbelievably bad weather that created huge logistical problems for months on end. The unseen (and often unappreciated) hours that you’ve all put in to keep the show on the road has been fantastic. You are a bit like referees really; you often only hear from people when they think you’ve screwed up but don’t get noticed for the 95% of things you get right! On behalf of the Board and all fair-minded football supporters; thank you.

There’s always a risk in acknowledging people’s contributions because you can’t possibly name everyone who deserves a mention; so if you haven’t received a personal acknowledgement, please consider yourself covered by the generic “thanks to everyone who has worked to make Federation 5 the football capital of ”.

Very best wishes

Jim Murphy Board Chair Capital Football

5 Chief Executive’s Report

I am somewhat embarrassed to be writing this report, having said this time last year that I wouldn’t be writing another Annual Report at CF by the time the next Annual General Meeting was convened.

As it happened, I was asked by the Board to stay on until the end of the 2010 season. This was followed by the implementation of the Whole of Football Plan, which involved a restructuring of our office, and I decided to remain until this initiative was bedded in. Currently we are in the process of finalising our delivery targets with and our recruitment process is almost complete.

So, here I am still and I won’t be making rash predictions again.

2010 was a year of significant activity for Capital Football.

Our core business basically falls into two workstreams: • managing the regions competitions • player, coach and game development

with all the subsidiary work related to grounds, facilities, finances, equipment and funding to support the core business.

Cliff Bowden has reported separately on our 2010 competitions and Andy Hedge has reported on football development, but I would like to list some of the major highlights and developments during 2010 and the first quarter of 2011: • the completion of our 2010 club season. Normally this would just be seen as business as usual, but the 2010 winter in Wellington was a very wet one, and I congratulate Cliff and Jamie on their dedication and efforts in getting through the season on time. • the opening of the Te Whaea artificial pitch in Newtown. Wellington City Council deserves enormous credit for developing this facility, which proved to be our saviour during the 2010 season. • a comprehensive review of our men’s competitions. This was led by Chris Canton and the review team canvassed clubs widely in coming up with a very robust set of recommendations for improving the men’s competitions across all grades. Thank you to Chris and all of the review team for the hard work put into this review. • the alignment of our player development pathways around Regional and Federation Training Centres. Andy has reported on these separately. • the roll-out of the Goalnet player registration system to clubs. This process was commenced in November 2010, and at the time of writing, all senior clubs and almost all junior clubs in our region are using the system. • the running of a very successful Girls’ and Women’s Football Week in February. • the introduction of Summer Fun Football for girls’ only grades and for women’s 7-a-side teams. • the decision by the Wellington City Council to install two artificial football pitches at Wakefield Park. Work is now well underway on this and I thank the Wellington City Council for its foresight in developing what will be a wonderful sports facility.

6 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

• the great representation of football at the Wellington Sports Awards. To have , the Phoenix, Olympic, Paul Ifill as winners, and Jamie Cross, Tony Pignata, Simon George, Craig Hopkins and as finalists was outstanding. Congratulations to all . • the adoption by the Capital Football Board of New Zealand Football’s Whole of Football Plan and the commencement of its roll-out.

An obvious highlight during 2010 was the Football World Cup, and the unbeaten run of the All Whites. The very fact that, after their last pool game, we were disappointed that they didn’t make it to the knock-out stage of the tournament, is itself testament to how well they played and how we developed even higher expectations of them. The All Whites were great ambassadors for New Zealand and for football and gained due recognition at the .

Last year also saw the Phoenix reach the preliminary final of the A-League and we were able to enjoy a couple of almost sell-out matches at the stadium as they completed their season. The Phoenix continue to give football an invaluable presence in Wellington and I hope that they remain a fixture on our sporting landscape.

Congratulations to Miramar Rangers on winning the in 2010, thus completing a Capital Football “double” with Olympic being victors in 2009. Also congratulations to Olympic on winning the 2010 Central League, and to all those teams - senior and junior - that won their leagues or grades in 2010.

The operational start of New Zealand Football’s Whole of Football Plan meant that we had to look at the delivery of our Football Development programmes and assess how we could best structure the development arm of our office. It was clear from the outset that the staff activities under the WOFP would be very different from the coaching and development work that had been done in Capital Football over the past few years.

This meant that our Director of Football and Junior Development Coach roles would be replaced by a Football Development Manager and Football Development Officers whose brief would be much wider in terms of club relationships and management of volunteers, with less emphasis on direct coaching. Each Football Development Officer will manage a portfolio of clubs and schools in a defined territory with relationships extending across each club and interaction with school staff and volunteers.

Our existing Junior Development Coaches, Tom Randles and Gary Jenkins, were not successful in being appointed to Football Development Officer positions, Gary’s employment with Capital Football ceased at the end of February 2011 Tom leaves our employment at the end of April 2011 but, will return towards the end of 2011 to undertake some contracted coaching work in schools.

I want to pay tribute to Tom and Gary. Their work with Capital Football goes back many years and they are very respected and well-liked coaches. They became an integral part of our coaching infrastructure and were the inspiration behind scores of our junior and youth talent. On behalf of our Board and staff I wish them well for the future.

7 As part of the introduction of the WOFP, Johan Koutstaal, NZ Football’s Coach Development Manager for our region, transferred to to become NZ Football’s Community Football Development Manager. Johan undertook some valuable work while located with us and I congratulate him on his new appointment.

At the same time I welcome Juan Propato, Emma Humphries and Alida Shanks to our Football Development team. They bring a wide range of skills to a football programme that, while ambitious, should bring many benefits to the development of our game. We have appointed Paul Grieg, currently the Community and Grassroots Co-ordinator and Academy Coach at Heart of Midlothian Football Club Scotland, to our third FDO position. Paul should be with us in a couple of months. Andy continues to provide great leadership to the football development team.

During 2010 we continued to work with the Hutt City Council on plans for installing an artificial field at Memorial Park. Some issues relating to Regional Council plans for flood protection have meant that we are looking at a slight realignment of the No1 and No 4 fields, and the finalising of the No 1 field as the preferred site for the artificial surface. In terms of FIFA policy we are required to wait until the English Park artificial field is completed before we can start work here, but current projections have the new surface at Memorial Park being ready for the 2012 season.

We are fortunate to enjoy very good relationships with the local authorities across the federation. Without their goodwill, patience and ongoing communication we would not be able to operate effectively in delivering football. Our ability to complete the 2010 season was significantly helped by the Councils’ and their contractors’ assistance and flexibility. We are indebted to them.

As I mentioned above our competitions team of Cliff and Jamie did sterling work in 2010 to ensure that all competition games were completed. The team has now been complemented by Mike Gibbs joining us as Competitions Administrator, meaning this area of our work is now fully staffed on an ongoing basis.

Tracy worked hard behind the scenes in her role as Finance and Administration Manager to keep our financial transactions operating smoothly and looking after our office systems and assets.

Glenda Schmitt worked with us on an as-needed basis during 2010 and, due to overall heavy workload throughout the year, was in our office for extended periods.

Barry Tasker joined us mid-way through 2010 as our Referee Development Officer to allow this valuable role to have a dedicated resource.

There are many other people and organisations I want to thank for their support and contribution to Capital Football.

David Meiklejohn relinquished the role of Chair at last year’s AGM. I thoroughly enjoyed working with David and thank him for guiding a novice through the football minefield on many occasions. David has continued to act as Treasurer and he has been an immense help to me and to Tracy with regard to financial matters.

I have also been fortunate in David’s successor as Chair. Jim Murphy is a very supportive Chair and I have greatly valued his knowledge and wise counsel. He has tempered my tendency to shoot from the hip and his knowledge of the game and its politics has been invaluable.

8 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Throughout 2010 the Board has been wonderful to work with and I thank them all. The game is served well by the calibre of our Board members whose expertise covers a very wide range of skills and experience.

I must also acknowledge the contribution of countless officials, volunteers, coaches and parents. Our referees ensure we have regulated games at many levels, the network of club volunteers takes over every weekend to put teams on the fields and armies of parents spring into action to transport young players to games. We rely on many coaches for our regional and federation talent centres. The selfless contributions from hundreds of people are essential for such a growing game. I hope we at Capital Football show our appreciation on an ongoing basis. At the very least I do so here.

We are grateful to the New Zealand Community Trust for its financial contribution to our operations. This assistance is vital for our work. Lotto and Football Central are valuable partners and sponsors and we value their commitment to working with us in addition to their support with kit and equipment.

Over 2010 we started working more closely with Sport Wellington and I am sure that as we move forward this relationship will become an important one for us.

Thank you to Chris Canton and Sauce for once again designing the Annual Report, and John Serepisos continues to defy tight deadlines in printing it – many thanks, John.

Finally, but not least, I thank Capital Football’s staff for their contribution to what I think was another successful year. Life in our office is not always plain sailing, with challenges and issues thrown up almost weekly. Our staff work long, often unsociable hours in order to get football onto the playing fields and to ensure that our juniors, youth players and seniors have the best possible experience of the game.

Throughout 2010 I received great support from our “head office” staff - Cliff, Jamie, Tracy, Andy, Tom, Gary, and Glenda. Also many thanks to Daniel, Shane and Robyn for their work administering football in Kapiti, the Horowhenua and the Wairarapa, and to Barry for his work since July on referee development. John Cain relinquished the role of Horowhenua/Kapiti Junior Administrator early in 2010 and had made a great contribution to junior football in that area.

I know that there is always room for improving our services to clubs and our other stakeholders. We will continue to look for these improvements, but I do believe that we have significantly lifted our game and that Capital Football staff provide value for money.

Whether this is my (second) last Annual Report remains to be seen. I think that Capital Football would be best served by a CEO with more football DNA than I have, but nonetheless I am still here. Whatever the future, I have undertaken to the Board that I will allow ample time for a handover to my successor.

Grant Herman CEO, Capital Football

9 Director of Football’s Report

Contents 1. Football Development Programmes 2. Veto Tournament, Newcastle, NSW 3. Coaching Courses 4. Schools

1. Football Development Programmes 2010 was a big year of change for how we deliver our Football Development Programmes. With the advent of the Whole of Football Plan and New Zealand Football deciding to invest their money into National Talent Centres instead of a National Tournament, we made a bold decision to change the structure of our Talent pathway from a Tournament focus to a Development one.

The process started with some feedback gained from the players, coaches and managers from the 2009 tournament. From this feedback we set up a meeting to work through the positives and negatives of the current structure and a potential new structure.

The new structure effectively replaced the District Representative Tournament with a longer term programme that included two Games Days between Capital and Central Federations and three ‘internal’ Games Days.

Feedback received was extremely positive for the new format that delivered a less pressurised environment for our young players to allow them to express themselves whilst representing their District.

The structure of the programme replicated the District Academy and Federation Academy set up in 2009 but to fall into line with NZF’s talent programmes the names were changed to Regional Talent Centres (District) and Federation Talent Centres.

Please see below for age groups and numbers attending.

Again without the support of a huge network of coaches and volunteers, and from our Administrative staff, Tracy and Glenda in particular, this programme could not have been delivered.

Andy Hedge Football Development Manager

10 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Federation Academy Term 1 2010


1997/98 16 1995/96 17 1993/94 17


1998 28 1997 30 1996 24 1995 21 1994 27


Federation Talent Centre Term 4 2010


1998/99 12 1996/97 26 NWYL 25


1999 25 1998 25 1997 26 1996 21 1995 13


Regional Talent Centre Term 4 2010

Hutt Wellington Western Horowhenua/Kapiti


1998/99 21 21 11 12 1996/97 13 13 15


1999 18 15 21 24 1998 19 18 18 21 1997 18 21 16 17 1996 16 19 14 14 1995 17 16 13

TOTAL PLAYERS 122 123 108 88

11 Team Lists, Term 4 2010. Federation Talent Centre

1999 Boys - Coach: Tom Randles, Assistant Coach: Dominic Rogerson, GK Coach: Tony Jamieson Mathew Benson, Logan Bly, Conor Butler, , Finn Carrington, Thomas Gold, Xavier Green, Nick Greenwood, Benji Hartfield, Harrison Knowles, Cameron Mackenzie, Tiahn Manuel, Jacob Massuers, Brett McBride, Jayden Patterson-Gunn, Kieran Shrimpton, Daniel Silas, Thomas Sule, Jeremy Watson, Oliver Whitehead, Dalton Wilkins, Ben Wood, Sam Wright.

1998 Boys - Coach: Jamie Milne, Assistant Coach: Mike Smith, GK Coach: Tony Jamieson Simon Belcher, Washington Bgoni, Jonty Bilderbeck, Michael Faber, Dan Fearon, Dhvanil Gandhi, Sam Gillespie, Mason Kelliher, Elroy Lederman, Ryan Matthews, Aaron McDonald, Sashka Nicoresti-Goode, Fraser Norrington, Owen Parker-Price, Nathan Perkins, Alexei Riordan, Joshua Rogerson, Jarrod Stant, Jaan Turia, Pesili Vaka, Mark Webber, Jacob Wittman, Liam Wood, Dominic Wooldridge.

1997 Boys - Coach: Guy Smith, Assistant Coach: Tim Spackman, GK Coach: Nigel Piper Logan Archer, Braden Becada, Jack Belchambers, Ryan Benson, Noah Billingsley, Hamish Booker, Gareth Bott, Kieran Brown, Ruairi Cahill-Fleury, Oliver Christie- Limbrick, Jordan Collicoat, Reed Collingwood, Jack Craughwell, James Fletcher, Callum Gillies, Matthew Hawke, Christian Johnson, Andrew Kelly, Cherbel Khouchaba, Henry Maurice, George Mowbray, Tom Paver, Tim Rawiri, Sasha Sneyd, Oliver Witkowski.

12 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

1996 Boys - Coach: Steen Videbeck, Assistant Coach: Tim Roach, GK Coach: Nigel Piper Robbie Bradley, Channing Carr, Sam Dewar, Tamupiwa Dimairho, Timothy Fenton, Tom Fisher, Jayden Grant, Callum Holmes, Quillam Janse, Ben Jones, Riley Kelliher, Clayton Lewis, James Marsh, Charlie Morris, Harry Moseley, Daniel Mulholland, Alex Palezevic, Jake Piper, Adam Roach, Taylor Schrijvers, David Silcock, Warkina Tujuba, Lachlan Waugh.

1995 Boys - Coach: Gary Jenkins, Assistant Coach: Simon Addy, GK Coach: Chris Pile Daniel Bowkett, Nejat Cam, Joshua Harmer, Jacob Harris, Mark Hemi, Mark Matthews, Shaun Melrose, Jordan Mulholland, Seb Ninness, Jonathan Pledger, Pier Simonetti, Kieran Spargo, Birhanu Taye, Jordan Valentic-Holden.

National Women’s Youth League Squad - Coach: Peter Royle, Assistant Coach: Mariko Kirkcaldie Renee Bacon, CJ Bott, Louisa Brauer, Corina Brown, Tamsin Brown, Kennedy Bryant, Cara Chung, Eleanor (Ellie) Cook, Maxine Cooper, Sandy Cumpstone, Ashlee Delahunty, Olivia Dunn, Demme Hartley-Tilley, Emma Humphries, Tessa Hunt, Rebecca Jeffries, Renee Leota, Georgia Lidstone, Ronisa Lipi, Emily McColl, Tessa Mcpherson, Evie Millyn, Kendall Morta, Louise Newman, Chelsea O’Callaghan, Ana Olsen, Briar Palmer, Maria Papp, Amanda Rasch, Erin Riordin, Megan Robertson, Emma Rolston, Kelsi Rutene, Ellen Stirling, Emily Stotter, Lucy Stotter, Lauren Sturgeon, Grace Surridge, Galya Taylor, Anna Wittmann-Wenzel, Tess Wolfreys.

Girl’s Federation Gold - Coach: Merrick Keenan Sarah Alder, Katie Barrott, Maddison Bibby, Lana Comerford, Kenzy Cooper, Alysa Darby, Katreena Drake, Kelsey Forman, Caitlin Foster, Emma Fulbrook, Hope Gilchrist, Christie Gray, Brianna Green, Mariana Ishak, Samantha Kendrick, Clara La Font, Kelsey O’Connor, Phoebe Parker, Sasha Pu’e, Jenna Reddy, Logan Roberts, Maddison Smith-Moloney, Nikola Szentirmay-Ross, Bailey Te Maipi, Rachel Vance, Rebecca Williams.

Girl’s Federation Black - Coach: Lorraine Bowring/Natalie Lawrence Mikaela Beynon-Hunt, Lucy Burnett, Clara Butler, Tayla Dale, Lena DeRonde, Jayme Lee Hunter, Emma Main, Antonia Marchesse, Carolyne O’Reilly, Julia Robertson, Asha Strom, Ella Vincent-Hyde, Ella Wilson.

Horowhenua/Kapiti Regional Talent Centre

Goal Keeper Coach: Callum Fordyce

Boys 1999 – Coach: Steve Rayner, Assistant Coach: Tony Cutting Alexander Antone-de-joux, Joe Ashby, Josh Battersby, Carlos Byers, Campbell Collins, James Cutting, Alex Gaimster, Jotham Harris, Beli Harvey-Boyd, Liam Jones, Lani Lambert, Joshua McDonald-Gay, Oscar O’Neill, Josh Pain, Mitchell Purcell, Louis Regnault, Max Ross, Jesse Skinner, Logan Voulaire, Cameron Warren.

13 Boys 1998 – Coach: Paul Cotter, Assistant Coach: Oggie Todorov Troye Aitkin, Jordan Calder, Liam Dewer, Mana Governor, Jack Hibberd, Jimmy Jamieson, Angus Morton, Edan Mourie, Callum Murdoch, Nikolas Neumann- Cornwall, Jesse Pearson, Billy Provan Monk, Josh , Shaun Rowland, Cameron Sanderson, Phil Thompson, River Vos, Liam Watson, Karlos Zammit.

Boys 1997 – Coach: Mark Vine, Assistant Coach: Jack Cotter Patrick Berry, Kees de Vre, George Gaimster, Harry Gawtrey, Sam Larmer, Zac Meads, Shannon Meres, Peter Moger, Ben Thomas, Brent Thomas, Luke Tracy, Joshua Vine, Sean Wilson, Jesse Wittmann.

Boys 1996 – Coach: Steve Stant Nick Ainger, Alex Bruce, Henry Calkin, Oliver Croft, Michael Dunnet, Shem Harris, Michael Hinton, John Hunt, Marko Kondov, Cameron Matheson, Hamish Mourie, Tanner Stant, Connor Vine, Jamie Vos.

Girls Squad – Coach: Steve Hearn, Assistant Coaches: Tessa Hunt and Sophie Abbott Sjaan Anderson, Hannah Devcich, Ngaire Dolman, Grace Donaldson, Hannah Furfie, Teresa Harford-Silas, Gabrielle Matheson, Jennifer Noble, Kerryn Penn, Niamh Whealen-Turnbull, Michaela Walker.

Hutt Regional Talent Centre

Goal Keeper Coach: Charlie Seaford/Jack Kemp

Boys 1999 – Coach: Pedro Garcias/Mark McAuley, Assistant Coach: Nathan Reddy Joel Ashforth, Joseph Basire, Daniel Bidgood, Aaron Burnskey, Alex Butler, Zion Clarke, Griffin Edward, Ryan Ellis, Donal Gahan, Max Harrison, Eddie Korent, Ryan Leman, Jack Mawdesley, Jordan Mills, Hamiora Paranihi-Nuku, Sam Patterson, Matthew Springay, Shea Stapleton.

14 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Boys 1998 – Coach: Alex McDonald, Assistant Coach: Paul Haswell Sam Ashforth, Daniel Blaikie, Patrick Coulson, Liam Crivello, Taylor Fortune, Sean Hanson, Liam Hare, Andrew Heaps, Daniel Kenny, Amitesh Lal, Ben Leith, Fletcher McGregor, Kurt Morrison, Connor Neale, Liam Reeve, Jonothan Stewart, Oliver Sutcliffe, Hamish Tustin, Franz van Beuskom, Ben Wolyncewicz.

Boys 1997 – Coach: Martin Pereyra Garcia, Assistant Coach: Jacob Paul Devon Batchelor, Daniel Caughley, Conor Coulsen, Daniel de Gans, Shaun de Roo, Nathan Dicken, Jadyn Fabling, Thomas Fitzgerald, Dylan Goddard, Jack Griffiths, Benjamin Horton, Callum Martin, Alex Nelson, Rory Smith, Josh Springay, Breth Stevenson, Hayden Taylor, Joshua Williams.

Boys 1996 – Coach: Bevan Stuthridge, Assistant Coach: Kevin Nash Jordan Anderson, Jeremy Barr, Matthew Fong, John Graham, Sam Griffin, Aitken Hawkins, Zhamza Heh, Alex McDonald, Keelen McEvoy, Cameron McLachlan, Kurt Mcguiness, Mitchell Nash, Mark Nicholas, Jack Ross, Connor Scott, Chris Smith, Glenn Winwood, Logan Wylie.

Boys 1993/94/95 – Coach: Herbert Nelson Matthew Austin, Clayton Bryant, Vana Chuntai, Matt Clarke, Sam Cook, Matthew Dicken, Trent Fortune, Hoani Hotene, Luke Jennings, Hamish McLachlan, Tavonga Mahowa,Taban Makoaa, Kurt Milderhall, Liam Ross, Micheal Sheat, Jarrod Shera, Shaquille Stirling.

15 Girls 1998/99 Squad – Coach: Cath Bryant, Assistant Coach: Kylie Jones Jemma Brown,Kassandra Clendon, Sian Feehey, Caitlin Hendry, Hazel Lockwood, Bonnie Jansen, Molly McFarlane, Tessa McFarlane, Madison Nydam, Rebecca Otte, Kelsie Summerall.

Girls 1994-1997 – Coach: Craig Darby, Assistant Coaches: Emily Stotter and Rebecca Jefferies Anna Atkinson, Kirstie Baker, Gemma Broughton, Sophie Calder, Olivia Carline, Georgia Crawford, Olivia de Ronde, Jessie Downs, Jessie Fussel, Samara Hill, Amalia Lipidis, Adele Lonergan, Sophie Macaskill, Maddy Nash, Whaea Ross, Olivia Ryan, Ashleigh Williams, Maddie Ahern, Olivia Browne, Natasha Campbell, Danielle Duggan, Ellen Fibbes, Olivia Gray, Bobbie Heath, Beth Kirby, Katie McKenzie, Lydia Milburn, Shannen Reynolds.

Wellington Regional Talent Centre

Goal Keeper Coach: Carl Van der Meulen/David Herman

Boys 1999 – Coach: Neil Leslie Jake Alderson, James Bellam, Michael Bergin, Matthew Bertschinger, Carlos Era, Jack Howarth, Hamish Jeram, Jamal Jeram, Jeremy Lee, Dylan Leigh, Joshua Mullan, William Newtown, Harrison Stewart, Tima Taylor, Oliver Whyte.

16 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Boys 1998 – Coach: Guillermo Schiltenwolf, Assistant Coach: Guiliano Serrao Kaleb Anderson, Max Carroll, Oliver Chiaroni, Tor Davenport, Johnny Gilbert, Isaac Hay, Darsey Hogan, Bruno Isaacs, Christopher Kotrotsos, Merlin Luke-Mini, Rohan Nathu, Callum Parker, Liam Sercombe, Samuel Telford, Lyon Willman, Michael Wypych.

Boys 1997 – Coach: Tom Hill, Assistant Coach: Michael Cowman Mohamid Aden, Charlie Attard-Gibbons, Ben Coates, Llewe Esau, Qais Fawzi, Lathim Grieg, Liam Hickey, Eric Keefe, Henry Lenihan-Geels, Christian Martin, James Moore, Callum Newton, Tyler Ngaia, Liam Quirke, River Rakena, Max Robinson, Anaru Tapsell, Scott Wesney, Ryan Williams, Alexander Withinshaw.

Boys 1996 – Coach: Richard Boyd/Rob Sansom, Assistant Coach: Izaac O’Hara Alvin Bartley, Joe Dale-Dickson, Jack Dawson, Alex Emrys, Thomas Gray, Fergus Griffin-George, Jarrod Jarvis, William Jeffries, Henry Jones, Ronan Kelly, Nic Linney, Max Lynch, Joshua Mann, Tom Mckenzie, Conor Ryan, Jaga Scott-Greenfield, Hugo Sissons, Nick Tooley, Zach Young.

Boys 1994/95 – Coach: Marty Andrews CJ Atkinson, Sam Collier, Sam Cone, Shea Gormley, Adam Love, Michael Mann, Asher O’Brien, Alex Ostapowicz, Prashant Prasad, Matthew Rountree, John Schmitt, Harry Smith, Adam Sutton, Hugh Sutton, Alex Thornton, Luke Wolyncewicz.

Girls 1993-1996 – Coach: Trevor Osten, Assistant Coach: Jacqui Goble Anna Bergin, Grace Boston, Ginny Burns, Maddy Chapman, Georgina Gatenby, Rachel Hercus, Courtney Johnson, Jean Kozyniak, Nicole Saunders, Caitlin Sercombe, Hillary Smith, Nicole Tobin, Rosalie Willis, Tasha Wypych.

17 Girls 1997-1999 – Coach: Elliott Taylor, Assistant Coach: Bruce Lewis Augusta Collet, Florence Comber, Emerald Deveraux, Islay Dickie, Meg Donnelly, Phoebe Edwards, Mckenzie Hughes, Brooke Jarvis, Josie Kozyniak, Emma Lewis, Martha Mallon, Evie Mills, Emma Pinet, Kathryn Prince, Rebecca Rogers, Trinity Scott, Mia Simmonds-Keate, Nina Smith, Georgia Taylor, Meg Ward.

Western Regional Talent Centre

Goal Keeper Coach: Ken Williams

Boys 1999 – Coach: Juan Propato, Assistant Coach: Triston Leigh Arian Asghari, Sean Beresford, Matt Cull, Finlay Dempster, Jordano Camargo Furlan, Calum Gibling, Tomas Guerrero, Noah Holtz-Clearwater, Cameron Hunn, Fazeem Khan, Nicholas Lane, Fraser Love, Charlie Mowbray, Cameron Philips, Matthew Pledger, Niwa Rickard, Lochie Shaw, Haydon Smith.

Boys 1998 – Coach: Steve Lowndes Harrison Brown, William Doherty, Matthew Doogan, Thomas Du Maurier, George Leach, Finn Lowndes, James Magallanes, James Maitland, Patrick Mitchell, Josh Phillips, Jared Priston, Matthew Robertson, Tom Scott, Jordan Soderberg, Cameron Wardlaw, Ben Watts, Zak Webb, David Wilson, Noa Woolloff, Cory Wright.

Boys 1997 – Coach: Hayden Flett, Assistant Coach: Kieran Purcell Alila Afutoto, Caleb Cullen, Joseph Demetriou, Thomas Donelly, Braydon Gibling, Joshua Hunn, Jordan Martin, Tyler McRobie, Pranav Narayan, Niklas Pechan, Luc Saker, Darren Simpson, Dylan Wood.

18 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Boys 1996 – Coach: Mark Bartlett, Assistant Coach: Hugo Barber-Dale Branden Amey, Thomas Apperley, Jonathan Arrell, Jesse Baxter, Nikhil Chand, Robbie Fraser, Declan Gallagher, Jack Gallagher, Stuart Hope, Rahul Issar, Sam Lowndes, Ryan Palmer, Adam Slocombe, Ezekiel Te Tau.

Boys 1994/95 – Coach: Nic Tonkin Xander Catalinac, Daniel Curran, Sean Gall, Matt Gotlieh, Liam Hadaway, Isaac Harper, Kadin Joslin, Joel Krijnen, Jean Luc Lazet, Mitchell Macrae, Karl McMeekin, Sam Parmenter, Joshua Rich, Finn Stenner Corbishley, Shane Tonkin, Ben Walshe, Joshua Wharton.

Girls 1997-1999 – Coach: Des Vincent-Dustow, Assistant Coach: Glenn Tims Hayley Dibley, Rebecca Foster, Marsha Futcher, Samantha Gard, Lauren Hansen, Miriam Hinder, Zara Kennedy, Moesha Masoe-James, Jaime Milne, Melissa Prattley, Kiera Quinn, Sianna Robertson, Micheala Ryan, Katie Shaw, Stephanie Wheble, Fern Anderson, Rachel Connell, Chelsea Empson, Bess Evans, Francesca Grange, Sasha Gray, Shama Masoe-James, Grace McRobie, Bettie Prasad, Brigette Russell, Zoe Tims.

Photos supplied by Neil Mackenzie

19 2. Veto Tournament, Newcastle, NSW As last year we were invited to enter an u13 Boys Federation Team into the Veto Tournament run by the Northern New South Wales Federation, Australia in October. Trials began in September and the final squad was picked after several trial games against District Rep teams.

The players performed well against much bigger opposition and certainly proved that there are some players in the group that have the potential to go on to International football.

U13 Boys Squad Coach: Scott Easthope, Assistant and GK Coach: Tony Jamieson, Manager: John Witkowski, Head of Delegation: Cliff Bowden. Logan Archer, Jack Belchambers, Ryan Benson, Noah Billingsley, Hamish Booker, Andrew Kelly, Oliver Christie-Limbrick, Jordan Collicoat, Reed Collingwood, James Fletcher, Callum Gillies, Cherbel Khouchaba, Daniel Mulholland, Tim Rawiri, Sasha Sneyd, Oliver Witkowski.

Results Game 1: 7-0 win v Alice Springs Game 2: 0-1 loss v Northern NSW Game 3: 4-0 win v FFT South (Tasmania) Game 4: 3-0 win v NNSW Country Game 5: 5-1 win v FFT North West (Tasmania) Game 6: 0-1 loss v FFSA (South Australia) Game 7: 1-0 win v Newcastle Select

Game 8: 3rd/4th Place Playoff 0-1 loss v NNSW Country

3. Coaching Courses New Zealand Football this year supplied a Regional Coach Development Manager, Johan Koutstaal. Johan’s task was to grow the number of Coach Educators in the Capital and Central Federations regions as well as to deliver actual courses.

Course Name No. of Courses Participants

Small Whites 32 427 Junior Pathway Courses 3 29 Youth Pathway Courses 6 74 Senior Pathway Courses 1 13

Total 42 543

20 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

4. Schools We visited the following Primary and Secondary Schools, during 2010.

Brooklyn School Cardinal McKeefry Chilton St James Clifton Terrace Model School Fergusson Intermediate Greytown School Hataitai School Heretaunga College Hutt Valley High School Karori Normal School Khandallah Public School Miramar Central Newlands College Newtown School Ngaio School Paraparaumu College College Queen Margaret College Rongotai College Roseneath School Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Silverstream School St Brigid’s School St Mary’s College Strathmore Community School Taita College Tawa College Trentham School Wainuiomata High School Wadestown School Wellesley College Wellington Easts Girls College Wellington Girls College Harcourts Council High Performance Primary Sport Wellington School Tournament, Wakefield Park Primary Sport Wellington School Tournament, Macalister Park Sport Wellington Primary School Festival, Westpac Stadium

21 Competitions Report

The 2010 season for the competitions essentially revolved around two areas - rain and Te Whaea.

Capital Football had the shared use of Te Whaea from the start of May with other codes. During the first six weeks the area was still a construction zone. Once it was completed, use of Te Whaea transformed the hours that our sport was able to be played. Games are now played midweek and up to 7:30pm Saturdays and Sundays. It is a credit to our sports people that clubs and teams have adapted quickly to this significant change.

In our Central League, Olympic won the title having last won the league back in 1991. It capped off a couple of great years for the club, having won the Chatham Cup in the previous year. Upper Hutt convincingly won the Football Central Premier League by 9 points from second placed . They went into the playoff against Maycenvale United from Hawke’s Bay and unfortunately weren’t able to gain promotion to the Central League.

Wainuiomata were automatically promoted to Football Central Premier League and Olympic also won promotion by beating 3-2 in a playoff.

It was great to re-establish the Women’s Central League which was kindly sponsored by Yellow Fever. Girls High School was an addition to the league and performed with credit. The winning of the league came down to the last games of the season with Marist coming out the victors. Brooklyn Northern United won the Women’s Premier grade and played off against the bottom Central League team, . Lower Hutt won and retained their position in the Women’s Central League. Marist also completed the local cup “double” by winning the Kelly Cup.

For all other grades, it was certainly difficult reaching the full 18 games for each team. A few grades didn’t achieve that target. Even then some games were played in driving rain with water logged grounds and muddy pools. The weather from June through to September, essentially, was WET. The season again culminated in the cup competitions where the finals were played with some intensity.

Horowhenua/ Kapiti split into 3 leagues and by all accounts the leagues were highly competitive. Paekakariki again won the top division. Following their league games, Horowhenua/Kapiti completed their Knockout Cup competition with the finals on September 11th.

In the Wairarapa after 13 games Carterton Wanderers narrowly won the league. A1 Homes Greytown cleaned up everything else, namely the Super League and the Knock Out Cup. Again a fantastic finals day was hosted by Greytown. The Trans Tararua Cup between Horowhenua/Kapiti and Wairarapa was again won by Wairarapa. Unfortunately the weather played its part and wiped out one whole weekend.

22 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

The Chatham Cup was once again a highlight for the Wellington region. The quarter- final was an intense local derby between rivals Miramar Rangers and Wellington United, played in front of one of the largest crowds of the season.

Miramar advanced winning 3-1 and it was great to host a Chatham Cup semi-final at . Miramar hosted Auckland’s East Coast Bays, 2008 winners of the Cup. Miramar goalkeeper, Phil Imray was sent off in the 18th minute and young Joe Morris, who was a student at Wellington College, had to step into his place. He was pivotal in Miramar winning 2-1 and going through to the final against , another Auckland team, at . A man-of-the match goalkeeping display including a 77th minute penalty save by Phil Imray, helped seal a 3-1 win and a fourth title for Miramar Rangers.

In the Women’s Knock-out Cup, Wellington Marist were looking to become the first side from the capital in 12 years to make the Final. They lined up against a star- studded team from with a glorious day at the Te Whaea artificial. Whilst Marist lost 4-0 they competed admirably and represented Wellington well.

Yet again there was a huge number of juniors playing this year from JPL/Promo down to 6th grade. The season was completed with the Super Sixes competition and a highly successful finals day and awards night.

The growth of the game is still strong in a number of areas and whilst it is fantastic, it puts pressure on our already over loaded grounds. The juniors‘ numbers were well up again. The highlight was the addition of three more teams to the fledgling U21 league which enabled two sections to be run. Special mention must be made to the Girls only Leagues. In 2009 37 teams were involved. In 2010 that grew to 67 teams which meant using both the Nairnville and Te Whaea artificials.

On the operational side of the competitions there were a number of changes. Cancellations were done differently. A decision was made to post cancellations on our website on Friday night. This gave players and coaches adequate notice prior to Saturday morning whether they were cancelled or transferred.

In addition, with the support of Newstalk ZB it was decided that rather than read up to 30 transfer notices, listeners were referred to the Capital Football website. Unfortunately the downside of this was having the website crash on three occasions. Hardly any wonder when in one weekend there were 300,000 hits! Capital Football therefore had our fixtures and cancellations hosted on the Sporting Pulse server which could handle the traffic volumes. Because of this Capital Football has ended up with a mish mash of two websites. This will be fixed in 2011.

A special mention here needs to be made of Jamie Cross. Having worked here for 2 years now I can confirm that putting together competition draws is indeed rocket science! Getting teams to grounds is an arduous task. Pairings of 1st and 2nd teams are taken into account, plus every club is paired with another when they play their home and away games. The number of home and away games for each club needs to be considered and for juniors there are specific requests around game times. Over 700 games a weekend need to be scheduled. Then it rains!

23 Our sport will need to continue to evolve particularly around when it is played. In 2010 Capital football introduced Summer Fun Football for girls’ only grades and for Women’s 7-aside teams. It may be that our more traditional leagues will need to be played in summer. With artificials this will be possible and the ability to play in potentially better weather will be appealing.

Finally, this report will finish with grounds. The Councils have been incredibly good to work with and Capital Football couldn’t play the amount of football it does without them. Growth will continue to put pressure on facilities and Capital Football will continue to work with councils to make more pitches available. There are a number of initiatives that are helping in this regard. The addition of two artificials at Wakefield will be incredibly helpful. Wellington City Council has removed a number of cricket wickets off football grounds and that will make a huge difference. Recognition that drainage and irrigation of grass pitches has to have close attention will mean these grounds should stand the playing pressure better during the winter season. Whilst 2011 will be a trying year for grounds, 2012 and beyond is very promising.

Cliff Bowden Operations Manager

24 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Federation 5 Referees

Capital Football Federation 5 Referees’ Committee Annual Report 2010

We are delighted to have the opportunity to share with all clubs an update from Federation 5 Referees.

The Committee The Federation 5 Referees’ Committee is a committee of Capital Football and ensures that the coaching, development, assessment and promotion of referees is managed consistently across the federation. The roles of the committee are to: • encourage and assist all officials to attain their maximum level of competence • recruit and retain the services of referees for all levels and divisions of football, e.g. men, women, college and youth • arrange seminars for referees, assistant referees, assessors/coaches to achieve uniformity in application of the Laws of the Game • arrange assessments of referees/assistant referees and produce reports • nominate referees/assistant referees to FIFA, all National Leagues, overseas exchange tournaments and the Capital Football lists • communicate with the Capital Football Board regarding matters concerning refereeing.

Membership is drawn from the three federation branches. We enjoy a close working relationship with the CF staff and Board, and the CE regularly attends our committee meetings. Our Chairman, Jim Murphy, is a member of the CF Board and also represents the federation on the NZF Referees’ Committee.

Recruitment and Retention This season has seen yet another increase in the numbers of new recruits, both men and women taking up refereeing , which is very pleasing to see. 17 new referees were recruited this season along with 8 new assessors. A small number of members have departed during the off-season, with reasons ranging from moving to other parts of the country, injury and two members returning to play football. We currently have 117 registered referees and 21 assessors (2 assessors are also active officials). This enables us to provide referees down to Capital 6 and all women’s divisions and assistant referees for Central League and Men’s Premier league. We also were able to cover the top two College Sport divisions, appointing 6 referees to these competitions week in week out, as well as the recently formed U21 league.

25 Referee Registration 2011 has seen the introduction of a NZ Football initiative for registering all members online (which has also been rolled out to all junior and senior clubs). Our Federation has piloted this scheme for Referees in New Zealand and other member Federations are now also becoming involved. Most of our returning members have now registered online and this database will ensure we are able to extract data for many different purposes including (for example), when accreditation is due, who has completed their fitness test, Life Members, Branch members etc.

A Club Based Referees’ database has also been set up for all new CBRs to register. This provides information including which area they are located, when they are due for reaccreditation and the member club they are associated with. This is a great initiative by our Referees’ Committee Secretary.

Referee Development A structured coaching programme based on FIFA and NZF guidelines has been developed by the Federation Referee Development Officer (Barry Tasker) and a coaching panel of senior referees and assessors is in place. The programme is delivered fortnightly at each of the three branches, using up-to-the-minute DVDs and training material from FIFA and the English Premier League. We have run a range of other courses throughout the year from beginners to advanced level, including Club Based Referee (CBR) courses, level 1 and 2 referee courses, an assistant referees’ course. During the year we sent 6 referees to the National Referee Development Academies and 4 more have been accepted for 2011 courses. One referee and four assistant referees were on the ASB Premiership and a further four were appointed to the National Youth Leagues covering both Women’s and Men’s. Eight of our members gained their NZ Badge last season.

26 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

New Zealand Football introduced compulsory reaccreditation for all Referees during 2010 and our first assessment day was held in February with a large number of our members attending. We now have 21 assessor/coaches who can be seen around the pitches on the weekends assisting in the development of our referees and providing them guidance and feedback following matches. All assessors are required to be accredited by NZF and must renew their accreditation every three years. They meet monthly throughout the season to attend to their own development needs.

Current and former Capital Football referees have again achieved major international honours this year. Jamie Cross and Jacqui Stephenson have both retained their FIFA status in 2010/11. Jamie refereed the All Whites v Paraguay match at the Stadium and Jacqui had a number of assistant referee international appointments; notably at the u17 Women’s World Cup in Trinidad and Tobago and the Algarve Cup in Portugal. Jacqui has recently received confirmation of her appointment to the big one - the Women’s World Cup Finals in Germany later this year. Many congratulations Jacqui - go well! We are also delighted to be able to report that two former Capital Football referees, Peter O’Leary and Mike Hester, represented New Zealand at the 2010 World Cup in , where Mike was the first ever NZ referee to take control of a finals game when he refereed South Korea v Greece. He followed that up with an appearance at the Club World Championship Finals in the United Arab Emirates.

While we all delight in the achievements of our elite referees, it is important to acknowledge the contribution that all our members make when, week in and week out, they turn out in all conditions to support the playing of the world game.

Jim Murphy Federation Referees’ Committee Chair

27 Team Numbers

Seniors Juniors 10 09 10 09

Horowhenua Kapiti

Foxton - - 3 4 Kapiti Coast United 7 7 32 32 Levin 5 5 4 22 Otaki 3 3 13 13 Paekakariki 4 4 5 7 Waikanae 9 8 17 17 Manakau 1 - - -

Totals 29 27 74 95

Hutt Valley

Eastbourne 4 3 17 18 Lower Hutt City 12 15 36 35 Naenae 7 7 12 11 Petone 16 13 41 35 Saint Bernard’s - - 1 - Stokes Valley 8 8 18 14 Stop Out 10 9 27 26 Upper Hutt 10 12 54 56 Wainuiomata 7 6 17 18

Totals 74 73 223 213


Carterton 4 4 14 12 Chanel - - 3 1 Douglas Villa 4 4 22 17 Eketahuna - - 2 3 Featherston - 2 5 4 Greytown 2 - 10 9 Kuranui College - - 1 - Makoura College - - 1 - Martinborough - - 3 4 AFC 4 4 1 1 Masterton Intermediate - - 3 1 Masterton Primary - - 6 5 Opaki School - - 5 4 Rathkeale College - - 4 0 Solway School - - 6 5 Wairarapa College - 1 6 0 Wairarapa Evergreens 1 1 - - 2 2 0 2

Total 17 18 92 68

28 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Seniors Juniors 10 09 10 09


Brooklyn Northern 15 14 27 21 Hataitai School - - 10 8 Island Bay 16 15 37 34 Marist 12 12 - - Miramar Rangers 8 10 45 44 Olympic 7 7 9 10 Rongotai College - - 2 1 Scots College - - - 1 Seatoun 9 9 13 14 St Patricks Town - - - - University 18 18 - - 20 20 55 43 Wellington College - 7 6 Wellington High - - 1 1 Wellington Indian 1 - - - Wellington United 14 13 12 10

Totals 120 118 218 193

Western Zone

Aotea College - - 1 - Bishop Viard College - - - 1 North Wellington 23 21 49 46 Onslow - - 75 68 Porirua Leste 1 1 5 5 Porirua City 4 4 - - Pukerua Bay - - 9 7 Tawa 12 10 31 29 Western Suburbs 10 8 42 39

Totals 50 40 212 195

Total Teams 290 280 819 764

Historical Team Statistics Seniors Juniors

2008 271 802 2007 253 737 2006 247 750 2005 237 760 2004 235 740

29 Women’s League Tables

Yellow Fever WCL:


Marist 14 10 2 2 59 17 32 Upper Hutt City 14 10 2 2 53 16 32 Massey 14 9 3 2 57 28 30 Waterside Karori 14 8 0 6 46 23 24 Seatoun 14 7 1 6 40 35 22 PN Girls High School 14 3 0 11 18 61 9 Wellington United 14 2 1 11 9 55 7 Lower Hutt City 14 2 1 11 12 59 7

Yellow Fever WCL Playoff:

Lower Hutt City 3 Brooklyn Northern 0

Yellow Fever WCL Playoff:

Brooklyn Northern 0 Lower Hutt City 3

Lower Hutt City won 6-0 on Aggregate

Football Central Women’s Premier:


Brooklyn Northern 14 12 2 0 47 9 38 Waikanae 14 10 2 2 39 9 32 Tawa 14 7 2 5 29 22 23 Marist 14 6 3 5 20 22 21 University Gold 14 5 2 7 24 27 17 Miramar Rangers 14 4 3 7 17 23 15 Upper Hutt City 14 3 1 10 16 40 10 14 0 3 11 5 45 3

Women’s Results For Round 1: Women’s 1: P W D L GF GA Pts

Eastbourne 6 4 1 1 12 4 13 Petone Pure 6 3 2 1 8 6 11 L-Hutt Zimmers 6 3 1 2 11 10 10 Stop Out 6 3 0 3 12 5 9 Nth Wgtn Blue 6 2 1 3 5 9 7 Nth Wgtn Villa 6 1 1 4 7 13 4 Brooklyn Northern 6 0 4 2 6 14 4

30 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Women’s 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wgtn Utd Goldens 7 5 1 1 16 5 16 Seatoun 7 5 0 2 24 9 15 Wgtn United Clash 7 4 0 3 26 9 12 Marist Novas 7 4 0 3 14 13 12 University Green 7 4 0 3 10 11 12 Petone 7 2 0 5 6 22 6 Stokes Valley 7 1 2 4 5 11 5 Paekakariki 7 1 1 5 6 27 4

Women’s 3: P W D L GF GA Pts

Porirua City 6 5 0 1 18 7 15 Island Bay United 6 4 1 1 17 12 13 Karori Classics 6 3 2 1 28 11 11 Kapiti Coast United 6 3 1 2 23 14 10 North Wellington 6 2 1 3 12 13 7 Naenae 6 1 1 4 6 11 4 University 3rd XI 6 0 0 6 3 8 0

Women’s 4: P W D L GF GA Pts

Waikanae 7 7 0 0 38 3 21 Stop Out 7 6 0 1 51 5 18 Wainui Ziggyz 7 5 0 2 39 9 15 Brooklyn Northern 7 4 0 3 17 23 12 Tawa 7 3 0 4 24 20 9 Petone Pulse 7 2 0 5 17 25 6 Wgtn Utd Radlers 7 1 0 6 9 39 3 Wainuiomata 7 0 0 7 2 73 0

Women’s Results For Round 2: Women’s 1: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 7 7 0 0 18 1 21 Eastbourne 7 4 1 2 18 8 13 Nth Wgtn Blue 7 3 1 3 8 8 10 Petone Pure 7 3 1 3 8 9 10 Wgtn Utd Goldens 7 3 1 3 8 9 10 L-Hutt Zimmers 7 3 0 4 13 9 9 Seatoun 7 1 2 4 5 13 5 Nth Wgtn Villa 7 1 0 6 4 25 3

Women’s 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Brooklyn Northern 6 6 0 0 22 2 18 University Green 6 4 0 2 13 9 12 Wgtn United Clash 6 3 1 2 9 10 10 Marist Novas 6 3 0 3 23 12 9 Porirua City 6 2 2 2 18 10 8 Island Bay United 6 1 0 5 7 36 3 Petone 6 0 1 5 4 17 1

31 Women’s 3: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 7 6 0 1 21 4 18 Karori Classics 7 5 0 2 32 14 15 Kapiti Coast United 7 4 2 1 19 9 14 North Wellington 7 3 2 2 17 14 11 Waikanae 7 3 1 3 14 16 10 Naenae 7 1 2 4 8 13 5 Stokes Valley 7 1 1 5 9 29 4 Paekakariki 7 0 2 5 6 27 2

Women’s 4: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wainui Ziggyz 7 7 0 0 40 7 21 Wgtn Utd Radlers 7 6 0 1 30 11 18 Petone Pulse 7 5 0 2 30 11 15 Tawa 7 3 0 4 21 22 9 Brooklyn Northern 7 3 0 4 20 21 9 Wainuiomata 7 2 0 5 11 28 6 University 3rd XI 7 1 1 5 9 22 4 Petone Pumas 7 0 1 6 5 44 1

Kelly Cup Final:

Marist 2 Brooklyn Northern 0

Executive Plate Final:

Upper Hutt City 5 Waikanae 0

Women’s Premier Cup Final:

University Gold 4 Marist 2

Women’s 1 Cup Final:

Stop Out 1 Petone Pure 0

Women’s 2 Cup Final:

Both teams were in breach of the playing regulations - no result

Women’s 3 Cup Final:

Karori Classics 6 Kapiti Coast Utd 2

Women’s 4 Cup Final:

Wainui Ziggys 3 Petone Pulse 0

32 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Men’s League Tables

Lotto Central League: P W D L GF GA Pts

Olympic 18 16 1 1 68 26 49 Miramar Rangers 18 15 0 3 60 21 45 Wairarapa United 18 11 1 6 41 28 34 Petone 18 8 2 8 38 38 26 Lower Hutt City 18 7 2 9 37 43 23 Western Suburbs 18 7 1 10 28 37 22 Napier City Rovers 18 7 0 11 40 44 21 Tawa 18 5 2 11 27 51 17 Palm Nth Marist 18 4 4 10 25 48 16 Team Taranaki 18 2 3 13 25 53 9

Inter-Federation Play Off:

Maycenvale 3 Upper Hutt City 0

Inter-Federation Play Off:

Upper Hutt City 1 Maycenvale 4

Maycenvale won 7-1 on Aggregate

Mens Central League Play Off:

Maycenvale 1 Team Taranaki 0

Mens Central League Play Off:

Team Taranaki 0 Maycenvale 4

Maycenvale won 5-0 on Aggregate

2010 O’Brien Shield Monday 5 April

Olympic 7 Petone 2

Sunday 18 April

Olympic 3 Miramar Rangers 6

Saturday 24 April

Miramar Rangers 2 Tawa 1

33 Saturday 8 May

Miramar Rangers 2 Team Taranaki 1

Saturday 22 May

Miramar Rangers 7 Lower Hutt City 0

Saturday 26 June

Miramar Rangers 0 Olympic 3

Sunday 11 July

Olympic 3 Tawa 2

Sunday 8 August:

Olympic 7 Team Taranaki 1

Saturday 28 August:

Olympic 4 Lower Hutt City 1

Football Central Premier League:


Upper Hutt City 18 14 1 3 43 16 43 Wellington United 18 10 4 4 55 24 34 Waterside Karori 18 10 4 4 41 27 34 Stop Out 18 10 2 6 48 29 32 Miramar Rangers 18 9 2 7 37 25 29 Island Bay United 18 8 2 8 29 33 26 Marist 18 7 2 9 28 29 23 Western Suburbs 18 6 2 10 31 56 20 Kapiti Coast United 18 4 2 12 36 54 14 Naenae 18 1 1 16 16 71 4

Capital Premier Cap 1 Play Off:

Kapiti Coast Utd 2 Olympic 3

34 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Capital 1: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wainuiomata 18 13 2 3 43 25 41 Olympic 18 12 3 3 69 25 39 Karori Dreamers 17 9 3 5 42 35 30 Lower Hutt City 18 8 4 6 44 37 28 Miramar Rangers 18 8 4 6 43 49 28 North Wellington 18 8 2 8 38 31 26 Wellington United 18 7 5 6 30 24 26 Petone 18 3 5 10 16 35 14 Island Bay United 17 2 4 11 22 46 10 Brooklyn Northern 18 1 4 1 14 54 7

Capital 1/2 Play Off:

Brooklyn Northern 0 University 1st XI 0

Brooklyn won 5-3 on penalties

Capital 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wellington United 18 12 4 2 35 15 40 University 1st XI 18 10 6 2 31 14 36 Tawa A 18 11 2 5 49 24 35 Stop Out 18 8 4 6 28 23 28 Uni Gossies 18 5 6 7 27 36 21 Upper Hutt City 18 6 3 9 27 38 21 Olympic 18 6 2 10 30 37 20 Tawa B 18 5 5 8 22 34 20 Marist 18 5 4 9 24 30 19 Karori Vistas 18 2 4 12 22 44 10

Capital 3: P W D L GF GA Pts

Seatoun 18 12 2 4 42 21 38 Waikanae 18 10 3 5 41 28 33 Island Bay 18 8 4 6 24 29 28 Lower Hutt City 18 6 9 3 27 27 27 Petone 18 7 5 6 31 27 26 Douglas Villa 18 7 4 7 38 31 25 Kapiti Coast United 18 6 6 6 28 23 24 North Wellington 18 6 2 10 25 36 20 Karori Cougars 18 2 9 7 19 27 15 Brooklyn Northern 18 2 4 12 15 41 10

35 Capital 4: P W D L GF GA Pts

LH Ancient Ones 18 15 1 2 55 18 46 Petone Armanis 18 14 2 2 60 25 44 Island Bay HHH 18 9 4 5 33 28 31 Uni Scarfies 18 8 2 8 41 42 26 Wainuiomata 18 8 1 9 30 33 25 Wairarapa United 18 6 3 9 46 45 21 Island Bay United 18 6 3 9 44 48 21 Naenae 18 5 6 7 28 33 21 Stokes Valley 18 4 3 11 33 79 15 Eastbourne 18 1 3 14 26 45 6

Capital 5: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa Devilz 18 15 0 3 73 16 45 Island Bay Massey 18 9 5 4 32 28 32 Brooklyn Northern 18 8 5 5 47 35 29 Karori Sealords 18 9 2 7 40 34 29 Upper Hutt City 18 8 4 6 46 32 28 Upper Hutt RJ’s 18 7 5 6 50 36 26 Wgtn United Arms 18 7 2 9 30 43 23 North Wellington 18 7 1 10 41 45 22 Miramar Rangers 18 3 2 13 34 74 11 Marist Inter 18 3 2 13 28 78 11

Capital 6: P W D L GF GA Pts

Marist Town 14 10 3 1 48 20 33 Karori Magpies 14 10 2 2 61 22 32 Wainui Undertakers 14 9 2 3 36 22 29 North Wellington 14 7 4 3 47 30 25 Lower Hutt Sangham 14 6 1 7 45 48 19 BNU Pilsner 14 3 3 8 31 33 12 Petone Chicago 14 2 3 9 21 44 9 Miramar Rangers 14 0 0 14 13 83 0

Capital 6 Cup Final:

Marist Town 3 Karori Magpies 1

Capital 6 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Marist Town 3 2 0 1 10 6 6 North Wellington 3 2 0 1 11 8 6 Petone Chicago 3 2 0 1 4 7 6 Lower Hutt Sangham 3 0 0 3 5 9 0

36 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Capital 6 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori Magpies 3 3 0 0 14 4 9 Wainui Undertakers 3 2 0 1 12 6 6 BNU Pilsner 3 1 0 2 6 9 3 Miramar Rangers 3 0 0 3 2 15 0

Capital 7: P W D L GF GA Pts

University 4th XI 14 9 2 3 34 26 29 Uni Stallions 14 7 5 2 32 21 26 Marist Cobras 14 7 4 3 38 28 25 Lower Hutt City 14 6 3 5 42 37 21 Wgtn United Elite 14 5 3 6 30 33 18 Nth Wgtn Varsity 14 4 5 5 31 29 17 Uni Raiders 14 4 0 10 23 45 12 SV Killer Bees 14 2 2 10 31 42 8

Capital 7 Cup Final:

Uni Raiders 2 Nth Wgtn Varsity 3

Capital 7 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Uni Raiders 3 3 0 0 9 4 9 Marist Cobras 3 2 0 1 9 6 6 University 4th XI 3 1 0 2 5 7 3 SV Killer Bees 3 0 0 3 4 10 0

Capital 7 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Uni Stallions 3 2 0 1 8 6 6 Lower Hutt City 3 1 0 2 11 14 3 Wgtn United Elite 3 0 0 3 8 14 0

Capital 8: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 14 13 1 0 83 15 40 Naenae Hypocrites 14 8 2 4 43 21 26 Olympic 14 8 2 4 32 12 26 Tawa Saintz 14 5 5 4 30 22 20 Marist Skins 14 5 4 5 25 19 19 Petone Dreamers 14 3 2 9 15 43 11 Karori Aces 14 2 3 9 21 65 9 Wgtn Utd Terrace 14 1 3 10 8 60 6

Capital 8 Cup Final:

Tawa Saintz 0 Olympic 3

37 Capital 8 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa Saintz 3 3 0 0 9 2 9 Western Suburbs 3 2 0 1 11 6 6 Marist Skins 3 0 1 2 4 8 1 Petone Dreamers 3 0 1 2 3 11 1

Capital 8 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Olympic 3 3 0 0 15 2 9 Naenae Hypocrites 3 2 0 1 9 3 6 Karori Aces 3 1 0 2 5 16 3 Wgtn Utd Terrace 3 0 0 3 3 11 0

Capital 9: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa AC United 14 13 0 1 48 13 39 Stop Out 14 10 1 3 44 20 31 Upper Hutt Saints 14 9 1 4 45 31 28 Wgtn Utd Legends 14 7 1 6 40 26 22 Tawa Bears 14 7 0 7 35 30 21 Seatoun Gulls 14 5 1 8 23 43 16 Wgtn Utd Salmon 14 2 1 11 20 50 7 Petone Stewsmums 14 0 1 13 11 53 1

Capital 9 Cup Final:

Wgtn Utd Legends 1 Tawa AC United 0

Capital 9 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wgtn Utd Legends 3 2 1 0 10 2 7 Stop Out 3 1 2 0 6 3 5 Seatoun Gulls 3 1 1 1 7 9 4 Petone Stewsmums 3 0 0 3 0 9 0

Capital 9 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa AC United 3 2 1 0 11 3 7 Upper Hutt Saints 3 2 0 1 6 5 6 Wgtn Utd Salmon 3 1 0 2 6 12 3 Tawa Bears 3 0 1 2 4 7 1

38 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Capital 10: P W D L GF GA Pts

Uni Beavers 14 10 2 2 51 16 32 Petone Chuggers 14 9 4 1 34 12 31 Brooklyn Northern 14 5 6 3 30 25 21 Naenae Speights 14 6 3 5 28 25 21 Karori Rovers 14 5 1 8 24 40 16 Nth Wgtn Victory 14 4 1 9 21 36 13 Island Bay JJs 14 4 1 9 26 45 13 IBU The Reds 14 4 0 10 24 39 12

Capital 10 Cup Final:

Uni Beavers 7 Island Bay JJs 3

Capital 10 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Uni Beavers 3 3 0 0 16 2 9 Nth Wgtn Victory 3 2 0 1 6 11 6 Brooklyn Northern 3 1 0 2 4 7 3 Karori Rovers 3 0 0 3 4 10 0

Capital 10 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Island Bay JJs 3 1 2 0 10 7 5 Naenae Speights 3 1 2 0 4 2 5 Petone Chuggers 3 1 1 1 8 6 4 IBU The Reds 3 0 1 2 3 10 1

Capital 11: P W D L GF GA Pts

Olympic TFTs 14 11 3 0 45 8 36 Karori Tonners 14 9 4 1 41 20 31 Stop Out 14 8 2 4 46 45 26 Karori Stags 14 6 2 6 51 38 20 Uni Rangers 14 3 4 7 26 42 13 UH Marauders 14 3 3 8 32 40 12 Nth Wgtn Phat Boys 14 2 3 9 23 45 9 Brooklyn Northern 14 2 3 9 19 45 9

Capital 11 Cup Final:

Stop Out 1 Karori Tonners 2

39 Capital 11 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 3 3 0 0 12 6 9 Karori Stags 3 2 0 1 14 9 6 Olympic TFTs 3 1 0 2 6 7 3 Brooklyn Northern 3 0 0 3 5 15 0

Capital 11 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori Tonners 3 3 0 0 14 0 9 Nth Wgtn Phat Boys 3 1 0 2 7 10 3 UH Marauders 3 1 0 2 6 10 3 Uni Rangers 3 1 0 2 8 15 3

Capital 12: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori Meke 14 12 1 1 45 17 37 Uni Unicorns 14 10 1 3 50 27 31 Upper Hutt Army 14 6 3 5 30 27 21 Western Suburbs 14 5 2 7 36 45 17 Petone Stonecutters 14 5 1 8 33 36 16 Lower Hutt SGs 14 4 3 7 22 28 15 LH Roundballs 14 3 4 7 21 27 13 Olympic 14 3 1 10 23 53 10

Capital 12 Cup Final:

Western Suburbs 3 Karori Meke 7

Capital 12 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 3 2 1 0 9 5 7 Upper Hutt Army 3 2 0 1 9 4 6 Lower Hutt SGs 3 1 0 2 3 10 3 Olympic 3 0 1 2 2 4 1

Capital 12 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori Meke 3 2 0 1 12 4 6 Petone Stonecutters 3 2 0 1 7 6 6 LH Roundballs 3 1 0 2 3 4 3 Uni Unicorns 3 1 0 2 5 13 3

40 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Capital 13: P W D L GF GA Pts

LH Ballkickers 14 11 1 2 59 17 34 Seatoun 14 10 1 3 46 20 31 Porirua City 14 9 3 2 43 13 30 Brooklyn Northern 14 6 2 6 20 29 20 Karori Irish 14 5 1 8 22 29 16 Uni Wanderers 14 5 1 8 17 56 16 University Brow 14 3 2 9 17 30 11 Karori Swifts 14 1 1 12 14 44 4

Capital 13 Cup Final:

Seatoun 4 LH Ballkickers 0

Capital 13 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Seatoun 3 3 0 0 23 3 9 Porirua City 3 1 1 1 8 6 4 University Brow 3 1 1 1 5 7 4 Uni Wanderers 3 0 0 3 1 21 0

Capital 13 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

LH Ballkickers 3 3 0 0 9 2 9 Karori Irish 3 2 0 1 4 3 6 Karori Swifts 3 1 0 2 4 6 3 Brooklyn Northern 3 0 0 3 1 7 0

Capital 14: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori Kittenz 14 13 1 0 88 22 40 Uni Honey Badgers 14 9 1 4 51 37 28 Karori Stevedores 14 8 2 4 47 35 26 Island Bay Piglets 14 5 3 6 45 40 18 Marist Loaded 14 6 0 8 41 50 18 Stokes Valley CINA 14 3 4 7 33 50 13 Nth Wgtn Sinners 14 4 1 9 30 49 13 IBU Rampage 14 1 2 11 29 81 5

41 Capital 14 Cup Final:

Island Bay Piglets 4 IBU Rampage 2

Capital 14 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

IBU Rampage 3 2 0 1 14 7 6 Uni Honey Badgers 3 2 0 1 14 7 6 Stokes Valley CINA 3 2 0 1 12 12 6 Marist Loaded 3 0 0 3 5 19 0

IBU Rampage beat Uni Honey Badgers in the Cup games

Capital 14 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Island Bay Piglets 3 2 1 0 22 9 7 Karori Kittenz 2 1 1 0 7 6 4 Karori Stevedores 2 1 0 1 8 13 3 Nth Wgtn Sinners 3 0 0 3 4 13 0

Capital 15: P W D L GF GA Pts

Olympic 14 11 3 0 54 13 36 Island Bay Hotspurs 14 9 2 3 34 27 29 Western Suburbs 14 8 2 4 34 30 26 Wainui Halfbaked 14 8 0 6 35 27 24 Nth Wgtn Fiji 14 6 4 4 44 27 22 Uni Goldenrods 14 3 1 10 27 62 10 Lower Hutt DDs 14 3 0 11 23 46 9 Brooklyn Northern 14 1 2 11 25 44 5

Capital 15 Cup Final:

Olympic 3 Western Suburbs 0

Capital 15 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Olympic 3 2 1 0 9 3 7 Brooklyn Northern 3 1 1 1 6 8 4 Island Bay Hotspurs 3 1 0 2 4 6 3 Wainui Halfbaked 3 0 2 1 5 7 2

Capital 15 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 3 2 0 1 13 5 6 Lower Hutt DDs 3 2 0 1 10 6 6 Nth Wgtn Fiji 3 2 0 1 6 5 6 Uni Goldenrods 3 0 0 3 0 13 0

42 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Capital 16: P W D L GF GA Pts

Trust House Seatoun 13 13 0 0 81 7 39 Naenae Nighthawks 13 10 1 2 42 16 31 Porirua City 13 8 1 4 48 30 25 Uni Cycles 13 7 2 4 37 24 23 Eastbourne 13 7 2 4 41 33 23 SV Destroyers 13 7 2 4 38 31 23 Brooklyn Pints 13 6 1 6 25 26 19 Nth Wgtn Bombers 13 5 3 5 34 45 18 Petone Prowlerz 13 4 2 7 28 46 14 Stokes Valley 13 4 1 8 34 39 13 IBU Vauxhalls 13 2 5 6 23 44 11 UH Slayers 13 3 1 9 33 63 10 Wgtn Indian Sports 13 2 2 9 24 50 8 Nth Wgtn Stella 13 1 1 11 14 48 4

Masters 1: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 14 10 2 2 50 20 32 IBU Originals 14 9 4 1 41 19 31 Marist Cavaliers 14 8 3 3 41 20 27 Porirua City 14 7 2 5 37 37 23 North Wellington 14 5 3 6 33 35 18 Eastbourne 14 4 5 5 26 39 17 Brooklyn Northern 14 0 4 10 17 43 4 Miramar Rangers 14 1 1 12 17 49 4

Masters 1 Cup Final:

Porirua City 0 Marist Cavaliers 3

Masters 1 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Porirua City 3 3 0 0 12 5 9 Western Suburbs 3 2 0 1 8 8 6 Brooklyn Northern 3 0 1 2 6 8 1 Eastbourne 3 0 1 2 3 8 1

Masters 1 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Marist Cavaliers 3 2 1 0 8 2 7 IBU Originals 3 2 0 1 5 5 6 Miramar Rangers 3 1 0 2 4 7 3 North Wellington 3 0 1 2 1 4 1

43 Masters 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Nth Wgtn Whiskeys 14 10 1 3 34 22 31 WU Diamond Dreamers 14 9 3 2 54 16 30 Brooklyn Northern 14 10 0 4 36 17 30 Nth Wgtn Vindaloos 14 7 2 5 31 25 23 Karori Fossils 14 3 4 7 35 38 13 Stop Out Reds 14 3 4 7 23 38 13 LH Longballs 14 3 3 8 24 40 12 Karori Turtles 14 2 1 11 16 57 7 Masters 2 Cup Final:

Brooklyn Northern 5 WU Diamond Dreamers 1

Masters 2 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Brooklyn Northern 3 2 1 0 11 4 7 LH Longballs 3 1 2 0 8 5 5 Karori Turtles 3 1 0 2 8 10 3 Nth Wgtn Vindaloos 3 0 1 2 2 10 1

Masters 2 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

WU Diamond Dreamers 3 3 0 0 8 0 9 Nth Wgtn Whiskeys 3 2 0 1 5 2 6 Stop Out Reds 3 1 0 2 3 7 3 Karori Fossils 3 0 0 3 3 10 0

Masters 3: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa Grizzlies 14 12 1 1 80 26 37 North Wellington 14 12 1 1 51 10 37 Tawa Vets 14 8 2 4 45 24 26 Seatoun 99s 14 8 1 5 53 26 25 Tawa Blues 14 5 0 9 19 40 15 Wainui Pacifica 14 5 0 9 34 57 15 Western Suburbs 14 2 0 12 22 62 6 Island Bay United 14 1 1 12 15 74 4 Masters 3 Cup Final:

North Wellington 4 Wainui Pacifica 1

Masters 3 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

North Wellington 3 3 0 0 17 1 9 Tawa Vets 3 2 0 1 12 6 6 Western Suburbs 3 1 0 2 6 16 3 Island Bay United 3 0 0 3 1 13 0

44 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Masters 3 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wainui Pacifica 3 1 2 0 9 6 5 Seatoun 99s 3 1 2 0 6 4 5 Tawa Grizzlies 3 1 1 1 6 6 4 Tawa Blues 3 0 1 2 2 7 1

Masters 4: P W D L GF GA Pts

Naenae Pace 14 10 2 2 51 23 32 Nth Wgtn Onslows 14 9 2 3 39 23 29 Uni Bombers 14 8 1 5 40 30 25 Seatoun PPL 14 6 4 4 23 25 22 Seatoun Originals 14 5 3 6 36 44 18 Stop Out Black 14 5 0 9 26 38 15 Brooklyn Northern 14 2 4 8 20 36 10 Western Suburbs 14 2 2 10 27 43 8 Masters 4 Cup Final: Uni Bombers 0 Stop Out Black 0

Uni Bombers won 4 - 1 on pens

Masters 4 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Uni Bombers 3 2 1 0 7 2 7 Seatoun Originals 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 Naenae Pace 3 1 1 1 5 6 4 Brooklyn Northern 3 0 1 2 2 6 1

Masters 4 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out Black 3 3 0 0 6 3 9 Nth Wgtn Onslows 3 2 0 1 7 4 6 Seatoun PPL 3 1 0 2 4 4 3 Western Suburbs 3 0 0 3 2 8 0

Masters 5: P W D L GF GA Pts

S/Valley Mentors 12 8 2 2 41 16 26 WU Newtown Diamonds 12 7 3 2 44 16 24 Petone Relics 12 7 1 4 32 17 22 S/Valley Snakes 12 6 2 4 36 23 20 Miramar Rangers 12 3 2 7 20 29 11 Marist Classics 12 3 2 7 22 41 11 Stop Out McCreadie 12 2 0 10 10 63 6 Masters 5 Cup Final:

WU Newtown Diamonds 1 S/Valley Mentors 1

S/V Mentors won 4 - 2 on pens

45 Masters 5 Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

WU Newtown Diamonds 2 2 0 0 8 3 6 S/Valley Snakes 2 1 0 1 7 6 3 Miramar Rangers 2 0 0 2 1 7 0

Masters 5 Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

S/Valley Mentors 3 3 0 0 15 4 9 Petone Relics 3 2 0 1 9 3 6 Marist Classics 3 1 0 2 3 9 3 Stop Out McCreadie 3 0 0 3 2 13 0

Mens Under 21 A:


Wests Rovers 6 3 2 1 12 6 11 Petone 6 3 1 2 13 10 10 North Wgtn City 6 3 1 2 16 19 10 Porirua Leste 6 1 0 5 8 14 3

Mens Under 21 B:

Round 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 6 6 0 0 41 4 18 Wests Knights 6 4 0 2 21 9 12 Waterside Karori 7 4 0 3 26 30 12 North Wgtn United 6 2 0 4 9 14 6 North Wgtn Rovers 7 0 0 7 3 43 0

Ivan England Final: Petone 1 Kapiti Coast Utd 1

Kapiti Coast won 2-1 AET

Ivan England Semi Finals: Island Bay 2 Petone 4 Wainuiomata 0 Kapiti Coast United 1

46 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Horowhenua/Kapiti Men’s Final Tables 2010

Division 1: P W D L GF GA Pts

Paekakariki 1 15 11 1 3 45 18 34 Waikanae Reserves 15 11 0 4 50 25 33 Otaki Purutaitama 15 7 1 7 19 27 22 Otaki Black 15 7 0 8 19 27 21 Kcu 2nds 15 6 0 9 19 36 18 Levin 2nds 15 2 0 13 15 32 6

Division 2: P W D L GF GA Pts

Kcu Masters1 12 11 1 0 42 15 34 Waikanae Geezers 12 8 1 3 34 15 25 Paekakariki A 12 5 3 4 33 28 18 Kcu 3rds 12 4 1 7 21 30 13 Waikanae Leaders 12 3 3 6 19 20 12 Levin Sport 12 2 3 7 12 31 9 Levin Masters 12 2 2 8 23 45 8

Division 3: P W D L GF GA Pts

Waikanae masters 14 10 3 1 48 23 33 Manakau 14 10 1 3 47 21 31 Otaki Combined 14 10 0 4 57 30 30 Kcu Barbarians 13 7 0 6 32 33 21 Waikanae Youth 14 5 2 7 34 30 17 Paekakariki Harlequins 13 5 1 7 25 33 16 Waikanae Strollers 14 3 1 10 19 40 10 Levin Vets 14 0 2 12 18 65 2

Knock Out Cup Finals Paekakariki 1 1 Waikanae Reserves 2

Lawrie Plate Levin 2nds 4 Paekakariki A 2

Bowl Competition Otaki Combined 1 Kcu 3rds 0

47 Wairarapa Men’s Final Tables 2010



Sports Arena Ctn Wanderers 13 12 1 0 65 9 37 A1 Homes 13 11 2 0 73 11 35 Trevs Sports Mstn Athletic 13 10 1 2 52 23 31 Good Beginings DV 13 9 2 2 44 19 29 Redbacks 13 7 1 5 38 47 22 Carterton skulls 13 6 3 4 51 30 21 Laser Electrical DV 13 5 3 5 26 29 18 McAuleys Masterton 13 4 2 7 32 48 14 Mstn Gladstone Lions 13 3 3 7 25 43 12 White Swan Greytown 13 3 2 8 21 34 11 Evergreens 13 3 2 8 33 48 11 Wai Funeral Services 13 2 1 10 15 49 7 Farmlands Mstn Presidents 13 2 1 10 23 54 7 Carterton Social 13 2 0 11 17 71 6

Super League


A1 Homes 3 3 0 0 15 3 9 Trevs Sports Mstn At 3 1 1 1 8 8 4 Sports Arena Ctn Wan 3 1 1 1 5 6 4 Good Beginnings DV 3 0 0 3 2 13 0

Presidents Cup


Redbacks 3 2 1 0 11 7 7 McAuleys Masterton 3 2 0 1 10 8 6 Carterton Skulls 3 1 1 1 8 10 6 Laser Electrical DV 3 0 0 3 5 9 0

48 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Presidents Cup

Masterton Gladstone Lions

Knock Out Cup

Redbacks 2 Carterton Skulls 2

4 – 3 to Skulls in penalty shoot out

Services To Soccer

Karl Burling

Referee’s Team Of The Year

A1 Homes Greytown

Referee’s Club Of The Year


Club’s Referee

Peter Wenham and Lindsay Wright

Trans Tararua Cup

Winners Trans Tararua Cup 2010 Wairarapa

49 Chatham Cup

Preliminary Round - Monday 5 April:

Eastbourne 1 Rongotai College 4 Paekakariki 0 Wellington College 1 Porirua City 0 Levin 6

Qualification Round - 24/25 April:

Upper Hutt 3 University 0 Wellington United 3 Island Bay 1 Wainuomata 0 Rongotai College 1 Seatoun 0 Marist 4 Naenae 1 Douglas Villa 0 Brooklyn Northern 0 Levin 0

AET 0-0 Levin 4-3 on Penalties

North Wellington 0 Waterside Karori 4 Wellington College 4 Waikanae 0 Stop Out 1 Kapiti Coast United 1

AET 1-1 Stop Out 4-2 on Penalties

Round 1 - 15/16 May:

Miramar 9 Naenae 0 Rongotai College 0 Marist 3 Petone 1 Lower Hutt 2 Upper Hutt 1 Stop Out 0 Western Suburbs 4 Levin 0 Olympic 3 Tawa 1 Wellington United 5 Waterside Karori 1 Wairarapa 7 Wellington College 0

Round 2 - 7 June:

Miramar 3 Wairarapa United 2 Western Suburbs 2 Lower Hutt 2 Wellington United 2 Olympic 1 Upper Hutt 3 Marist 1

50 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

Round 3 - 19 June:

Upper Hutt 2 Palm Nth Maris 1 New Plymouth Rangers 0 Wellington United 4 Miramar 3 Lower Hutt City 2

Round 4 - 3/4 July:

Upper Hutt 0 Wellington United 4 Trent Watson 42’ Emiliano Tade 82’, 90’, 90+4’

Napier City Rovers 1 Miramar Rangers 2 Andy Pickering 84’ Gary McDermott 44’ John Sutherland 59’

Quarter Finals - Sunday 25 July:

Miramar Rangers 3 Wellington United 1 Campbell Parkin 20’ OG 51’ Tim Schaffers (Miramar) John Sutherland 37’ (pen) Dave Johnston 78’

Semi Finals - 15 August:

Miramar Rangers 2 East Coast Bays 1 Eagar 35’ (pen) Peat 19’ (pen) Parkin 55’

83rd Chatham Final - 12 September:

Bay Olympic 1 Miramar Rangers 3 Nathan Strom 34’ Tim Schaeffers 12’ Campbell Parkin 20’ Michael White 75’

51 NZF Women’s Knock Out Cup

Preliminary Round - Sunday 23 May:

Brooklyn Northern 2 Wellington United 0 Seatoun 4 Upper Hutt 2 Marist 4 Waterside Karori 1 Miramar Rangers 0 Lower Hutt 1

Round 1 - 13 June:

Seatoun 1 Lower Hutt City 0 Brooklyn North 0 Marist 4

Round 2 - 27 June:

Seatoun 0 Marist 3

Quarter Final - Sunday 4 July:

Marist won by DEFAULT Red Sox Manawatu

Semi Finals 29th & 30th August:

Marist 0 Three Kings 4

52 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

JPL - Promo

10th Promo: P W D L GF GA Pts

Tawa K9s 14 13 0 1 76 18 39 Miramar Rangers 14 12 1 1 61 19 37 Eastbourne 14 10 2 2 41 13 32 Karori 13 10 0 3 57 30 30 Onslow Bankots 14 8 1 5 36 20 25 UH Maidstone Sports 13 6 3 4 41 28 21 IBU Sharks 14 6 2 6 40 33 20 Petone 14 5 3 6 32 40 18 NW Bombers 14 4 3 7 25 41 15 Stop Out 14 3 3 8 24 50 12 Levin 13 3 2 8 15 42 11 KCU 13 3 1 9 21 40 10 Western Suburbs 14 2 1 11 14 41 7 Lower Hutt City 14 0 0 14 14 82 0

11th Promo A: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 11 10 1 0 36 11 31 Karori 12 7 3 2 30 10 24 Island Bay 12 7 2 3 20 9 23 NW Pumas 12 6 2 4 30 22 20 Lower Hutt City 12 6 2 4 21 18 20 Miramar Rangers 12 5 4 3 26 17 19 UH Newbolds 12 5 3 4 19 21 18 Waikanae 12 5 1 6 23 28 16 Tawa Pumas 12 3 5 4 14 15 14 Petone 12 2 4 6 14 25 10 KCU 12 2 1 9 20 35 7 Stop Out 12 2 1 9 8 30 7 Onslow Warus 11 2 1 8 12 32 7

11th Promo B: P W D L GF GA Pts

Eastbourne 9 5 3 1 13 5 18 Lower Hutt City 9 4 3 2 10 10 15 Western Suburbs 9 4 3 2 10 12 15 Onslow Ravis 9 4 2 3 15 9 14 Upper Hutt PSC 9 4 2 3 17 12 14 NW Rhinos 9 4 2 3 12 9 14 Karori 9 4 1 4 19 10 13 BNU Turbines 9 2 3 4 8 10 9 Island Bay 9 2 3 4 12 17 9 KCU 9 1 0 8 5 27 3

53 12th JPL: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 9 8 0 1 40 10 24 Miramar Rangers 9 7 1 1 32 12 22 KCU 9 6 2 1 36 16 20 Karori 9 6 0 3 20 11 18 Upper Hutt City 9 4 0 5 14 16 12 Western Suburbs 9 3 2 4 18 16 11 Onslow Kanpurs 9 2 2 5 13 24 8 IBU Sharks 9 2 2 5 15 39 8 Lower Hutt City 9 0 3 6 8 24 3 NW Phoenix 9 1 0 8 12 40 3

12th Promo Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori 10 9 0 1 54 9 27 Miramar Rangers 10 8 0 2 56 10 24 Waikanae 10 5 1 4 33 23 16 NW Jets 10 4 1 5 22 24 13 Lower Hutt City 10 3 0 7 10 41 9 KCU 10 0 0 10 7 75 0

12th Promo Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Western Suburbs 6 6 0 0 38 3 18 Petone 6 5 0 1 34 5 15 UH Car Sales 6 3 1 2 20 13 10 Douglas Villa 6 3 0 3 17 26 9 BNU Broncos 6 2 0 4 14 22 6 Wainuiomata 6 0 2 4 6 29 2 SO Van Baarle Constr 6 0 1 5 3 34 1

12th Grade Cup: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 5 5 0 0 23 8 15 Miramar Rangers 5 3 1 1 10 7 10 Western Suburbs 5 3 0 2 9 9 9 Karori 5 1 1 3 9 13 4 Upper Hutt City 5 1 0 4 3 7 3 KCU 5 1 0 4 10 20 3

12th Grade Cup Final:

Stop Out 5 Miramar Rangers 3

54 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

12th Grade Plate: P W D L GF GA Pts

Lower Hutt City 5 3 1 1 15 5 10 IBU Sharks 5 2 3 0 12 4 9 Onslow Kanpurs 5 2 2 1 5 4 8 NW Phoenix 5 2 2 1 10 13 8 Western Suburbs 5 1 2 2 7 9 5 Karori 5 0 0 5 2 16 0

12th Grade Plate Final:

Lower Hutt City 5 IBU Sharks 2

12th Grade Bowl: P W D L GF GA Pts

Petone 5 4 1 0 18 3 13 UH Car Sales 5 4 0 1 18 4 12 Douglas Villa 5 2 0 3 12 18 6 Miramar Rangers 5 1 1 3 9 8 4 NW Jets 5 1 1 3 4 15 4 Waikanae 5 1 1 3 6 19 4

12th Grade Bowl Final:

Petone 4 UH Car Sales 0

12th Grade Shield: P W D L GF GA Pts

BNU Broncos 4 4 0 0 19 3 12 SO Van Baarle Constr 4 3 0 1 7 5 9 Lower Hutt City 4 1 1 2 10 9 4 Wainuiomata 4 1 1 2 11 13 4 KCU 4 0 0 4 3 20 0

12th Grade Shield Final:

BNU Broncos 4 SO Van Baarle Constr 0

55 13th JPL: P W D L GF GA Pts

Onslow Bandipurs 9 9 0 0 42 6 27 Tawa Hurricanes 9 6 2 1 20 9 20 Petone 9 5 3 1 17 5 18 Karori 9 5 2 2 18 13 17 IBU Sharks 9 4 2 3 17 15 14 Miramar Rangers 9 3 2 4 17 21 11 KCU 9 3 0 6 12 28 9 Wairarapa/Carterton 9 2 1 6 12 20 7 Upper Hutt ADVKIT 9 1 0 8 10 27 3 Nth Wgtn Reds 9 1 0 8 8 29 3

13th Promo Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Lower Hutt City 8 8 0 0 27 6 24 Wainuiomata 8 4 1 3 18 17 13 Western Suburbs 8 4 0 4 17 17 12 KCU 8 1 2 5 10 23 5 Onslow Ngatotos 8 1 1 6 11 20 4

13th Promo Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 10 9 0 1 49 10 27 Karori 10 7 1 2 28 16 22 Upper Hutt United 10 3 2 5 16 31 11 Tawa Raiders 10 3 1 6 17 27 10 Petone 10 3 1 6 17 31 10 IBU Piranhas 10 1 3 6 15 27 6

13th Grade Cup: P W D L GF GA Pts

Onslow Bandipurs 5 4 1 0 19 2 13 Petone 5 3 1 1 18 4 10 Tawa Hurricanes 5 3 1 1 10 5 10 Karori 5 2 0 3 7 18 6 IBU Sharks 5 1 0 4 8 13 3 Miramar Rangers 5 0 1 4 1 21 1

13th Grade Cup Final:

Onslow Bandipurs 3 Petone 0

56 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

13th Grade Plate: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wairarapa/Carterton 5 5 0 0 18 5 15 Upper HUtt ADVKIT 5 3 0 2 17 13 9 Lower Hutt City 5 3 0 2 15 12 9 KCU 5 2 0 3 12 13 6 Stop Out 5 1 0 4 5 13 3 Nth Wgtn Reds 5 1 0 4 9 20 3

13th Grade Plate Final:

Wairarapa/Carterton 2 Upper Hutt ADVKIT 1

13th Grade Bowl: P W D L GF GA Pts

Karori 4 3 1 0 11 4 10 Wainuiomata 4 2 1 1 9 7 7 Tawa Raiders 4 2 0 2 9 9 6 Western Suburbs 4 2 0 2 7 9 6 Upper Hutt United 4 0 0 4 4 11 0

13th Grade Bowl Final:

Karori 2 Wainuiomata 1

13th Grade Shield: P W D L GF GA Pts

Onslow Ngatotos 4 3 1 0 16 7 10 KCU 4 2 2 0 11 2 8 Naenae Dolphins 4 1 2 1 7 7 5 Petone 4 0 2 2 8 14 2 IBU Piranhas 4 0 1 3 6 18 1

13th Grade Shield Final:

Onslow Ngatotos 1 KCU 2

14th JPL: P W D L GF GA Pts

Lower Hutt City 8 7 1 0 25 7 22 Wellington College 8 6 1 1 25 8 19 Stop Out 8 5 1 2 33 8 16 Miramar Rangers 8 5 1 2 28 8 16 Onslow Imrans 8 5 0 3 31 13 15 Tawa Orcas 8 3 0 5 23 20 9 KCU 8 2 0 6 14 36 6 UH Parapine 8 1 0 7 5 44 3 Levin 8 0 0 8 3 43 0

57 14th Promo Gold: P W D L GF GA Pts

Miramar Rangers 6 4 1 1 11 6 13 Karori Tim Browns 6 4 1 1 14 13 13 Porirua Leste Pukeko 6 3 2 1 19 10 11 Lower Hutt City 6 3 0 3 11 12 9 Western Suburbs 6 2 1 3 11 7 7 Petone 6 2 1 3 10 14 7 Rongotai College 6 0 0 6 5 19 0

14th Promo Black: P W D L GF GA Pts

Stop Out 6 5 0 1 36 8 15 Eastbourne 6 5 0 1 18 11 15 WCFC Bertos 6 4 0 2 27 11 12 NW Dragonz 6 4 0 2 25 17 12 Onslow Kamlas 6 2 0 4 17 20 6 Douglas Villa 6 1 0 5 20 22 3 UH Steve McNabb Elec 6 0 0 6 5 59 0

14th Grade Cup: P W D L GF GA Pts

Wellington College 5 4 0 1 18 8 12 Lower Hutt City 5 3 1 1 10 6 10 Onslow Imrans 5 2 1 2 12 13 7 Miramar Rangers 5 2 0 3 5 7 6 Stop Out 5 1 3 1 5 8 6 Tawa Orcas 5 0 1 4 6 14 1

14th Grade Cup Final:

Wellington College 2 Lower Hutt 1

14th Grade Plate: P W D L GF GA Pts

KCU 4 4 0 0 18 4 12 Levin 4 3 0 1 10 7 9 Miramar Rangers 4 1 1 2 3 5 4 UH Parapine 4 1 1 2 2 8 4 Stop Out 4 0 0 4 2 11 0

14th Grade Plate Final:

KCU 5 Levin 1

58 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

14th Grade Bowl: P W D L GF GA Pts

Eastbourne 4 3 0 1 11 4 9 WCFC Bertos 4 3 0 1 12 9 9 Porirua Leste Pukeko 4 2 0 2 17 6 6 Karori Tim Browns 4 2 0 2 11 15 6 Lower Hutt City 4 0 0 4 7 24 0

14th Grade Bowl Final:

Eastbourne 4 WCFC Bertos 5

14th Grade Shield: P W D L GF GA Pts

Petone 5 4 1 0 27 11 13 Douglas Villa 5 3 1 1 15 13 10 Rongotai College 5 2 3 0 11 9 9 Western Suburbs 5 1 1 3 15 17 4 NW Dragonz 5 1 1 3 11 16 4 Onslow Kamlas 5 0 1 4 11 24 1

14th Grade Shield Final:

Petone 5 Douglas Villa 1

59 Appendix

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated Financial Statements For the Year ended 31st December 2010

60 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’) Financial Report For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

Contents Page

Audit Report 2

Statement of Financial Performance 3

Statement of Movements in Equity 4

Statement of Financial Position 5

Notes to the Financial Statements 6

1 Auditor’s Report

2 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’) Statement of Financial Performance For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

3 No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’) Statement of Movements in Equity For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

4 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’) Statement of Financial Position As at 31 December 2010

5 No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2010


6 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

7 No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

8 Capital Football | Annual Report | 2010

No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2010

9 No. 5 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated (trading as ‘Capital Football’)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2010