Episode 1 - Edge Rider: Dave Barnett

Rocket Scientist – Healer – Mystic

Dave Barnett personifies what it means to be an Edge Rider: someone who lives with one foot in the physical world and one foot in the spiritual world. While every Edge Rider is unique, there are often many similarities to their journeys. Each person has been woken up or had their gifts activated, studied in order to hone their gifts so they are available on demand, received validation on their life’s purpose, and are now serving as a bridge for others while mentoring them to establish their own connections.

When Dave – a left brain, analytical rocket scientist – returned home for a High School reunion, a former classmate demonstrated how he could use his energetic intention to change the output of electrical objects. This event started Dave on a journey to investigate the metaphysical world for himself – from channeling and meditation to remote healing and muscle testing.

In this episode of Exploring the Spiritual Divide, host Bonnie Eaddy sits down with Dave to discuss how he identified his spiritual gifts, how he developed those gifts to assist others, and howhe balances his energetic healing work with his day job as an electrical engineer.

And in this Episode Guide, we bring you even more information on many of the topics Dave and Bonnie covered. What is Healing Touch? How many kinds of meditation are there? What is Muscle Testing? How can past lives impact us in the present?

Some of Dave Barnett’s earliest successes in forging his own connection with the spiritual world came from taking classes on channeling at The Tibetan Foundation.

The Tibetan Foundation began in June of 1982 and was based on the writings and work of Janet McClure, who channeled information from Djwal Khul - a spiritual being and who had been referred to as “The Tibetan.”

The Foundation’s mission is to disseminate the spiritual information received by channeling and to train others to channel for themselves. Training is held at their headquarters in Youngstown, Arizona and through their affiliate centers in Colorado and California. McClure channeled for 8 years before passing away in 1990. By that time, other channelers had become associated with the Foundation. These individuals now run workshops, hold lectures, and continue to publish her books today.

Ascended Masters are evolved spiritual beings who have formerly lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and free of the cycles of and karma, and have attained their “Ascension” which is the complete permanent union of the purified outer self with their True Identity - the unique Individualization of the spark of Almighty God residing in each person.

Djwal Khul had been channeled earlier by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky from 1831-1891 and by Alice A. Bailey from 1880-1949. He is described as a spiritually evolved, Ascended Master and Tibetan disciple in the Ageless Wisdom Traditions. His purpose in being channeled, per , was the revelation of esoteric teachings considered valuable for the continued training and teaching of spiritual aspirants in order to guide humanity towards the establishment of right human relations in order to prepare the way for the “Reappearance of Christ.”

Ageless Wisdom Traditions are teachings handed down to describe the evolution of consciousness in man and nature, including how the universe came to exist, how it operates, and man’s place within it. It is believed that the “Reappearance of Christ” is the emergence of a World Teacher () who will be the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy and will act as a guide and counselor for all humanity, regardless of religious affiliation. Having fully manifested within himself the Divine Will, Love, Wisdom and Intelligence of God, this teacher will lead us to the recognition of our own divinity and our true identity as souls.

Some early validations that the skills Dave had been practicing achieved results were provided through his classes in Healing Touch.

Healing Touch was the creation of Janet Mentgen, RN, BSN who described herself as an energetically sensitive nurse who saw positive effects when incorporating various energy based healing modalities when caring for her patients over her 43 years of nursing. What began as a goal to deepen and expand the connection between Janet and her patients became a training workshop, which then quickly grew into the Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization to encourage and advance the philosophy and techniques of Healing Touch Therapy. By 2008, the program’s extraordinary success was being used in a collaborative healing approach by hospitals, hospices, clinics, and schools of nursing all over the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia.

Eventually, the certification process was moved to its own board to certify practitioners and instructors, and the ownership was transferred to Janet’s children just prior to her death in 2005.

What is Healing Touch? Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners use their hands in an intentional way to impact the patient’s biofield, the magnetic field which surrounds the body, in order to rebalance the flow of this energy and to facilitate healing.

How is Healing Touch Performed? The scanning and rebalancing is typically performed while the client lies on a massage table with their clothes on. The practitioner uses his/her hands to assess your biofield and proceeds to clear and balance it as needed using either off body touch (near body but no direct contact) or a gentle, static touch over various areas of the body.

The practitioner’s intent is to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It is based on a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client’s health and healing.

The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, thereby placing the client in a position to self heal. Who Usually Trains in Healing Touch? Courses are offered in schools with programs for nurses, massage therapists, body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, physicians, and other allied health care professionals. They are usually open to individuals who desire an in-depth understanding of healing work using energy-based concepts and principles, regardless of whether or not students are in a larger course program.

You can learn more at https://www.healingtouchprogram.com/.

As Dave progressed in his study, he found that energy work naturally lent itself to being done remotely or at a distance, thereby enabling him to assist clients who couldn’t be in direct proximity to him.

Remote or Distant Healing has been practiced in the East for centuries. These practices are now being clinically studied in places such as the California Pacific Medical Center to see if their results can be validated.

How Does it Work? It is interesting that, even though our Western Society believes we can pray (or in some cases curse) from a distance, most people are still quite skeptical about being able to send positive energies like love or healing remotely. This is a concept readily accepted by the Eastern world, however.

At the University of Paris in 1982, a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed an experiment showing that subatomic particles, such as electrons, can instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. In 1997, Nicolas Gisan duplicated these findings and concluded that some particles appeared to be communicating at speeds 20,000 times the speed of light.

Michael Talbot, in his book “Holographic Universe,” used this research to explain remote healing methods by suggesting that subatomic particles are able to remain in contact regardless of the distance separating them. Not because they are sending a mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion.

His hypothesis was that all things are infinitely interconnected by the creative energy of the Universe and because there is no real separation between it and God, then there can be no separation between one spiritual being and another. He suggested that, like subatomic particles, people can communicate through our intentions and energetic focus by tying into the divine energy of all things and using that divine energy to transmit healing.

What is the principle? The practitioner links into the vibratory energy signature of the client and, with the guidance of higher spiritual guides, works to shift blocks and rebalance the client’s energy fields in order to provide them with healing energy from the divine. How is Distant Healing performed? The practitioner works with the client prior to the session to set the desired intention for the session. Next, the practitioner ties into the divine flow of the Universe and pulls healing energy through their body while keeping the client’s intention in mind. Finally, the practitioner visualizes the healing energy flowing through them and being sent to the client.

The intention is to assist, feed, nourish, and balance the energies of the person requesting the session and to positively impact their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being to facilitate the client’s health and healing.

Dave mentioned that he had great difficulty with the traditional model of meditation, where the intention is to keep your mind clear, but gained very good results after working with guided meditations in just two weeks.

Did you know there are dozens of different types of meditation?

If you have been trying to meditate and the method you have been taught isn’t working for you, be sure to review these other methods and you may find a version that will be more beneficial.

There are 3 Basic Groups of Meditation:

1. Focused Attention Meditation - The intention is to focus your attention on a single object, whether this is your breath or a visual, until distractions become less and your focus is stronger. 2. Open Monitoring Meditation - Rather than focusing your attention, you keep it open, monitoring all aspects of your experience in a non-reactive mode allowing the thoughts to float by without diving into them. 3. Effortless Presence Meditation - In this state the attempt is to get to a true inner silence and deeper level of consciousness where there is no focus but only a repose of quiet, empty, steady, and introverted awareness. 8 Meditation Types and the Intention of Each

1. Zen Meditation - “Seated Meditation” • Practiced by: Sitting on the floor, on a cushion in the lotus position, or in a chair. • Important to: Keep your back completely straight from the pelvis to the neck. • Focus on: Your breath going in and out through your nose, counting the breath in your mind. Each time you inhale you count down from 10. When you arrive at 1, exhale slowly, then resume breathing from 10 again. • Intention: Remain as present and aware as possible without dwelling on any thought that may pass through your mind.

2. Vipassana - “Clear Seeing” • Practiced by: Sitting cross legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. • Important to: Keep the spine erect and ensure the back is not supported. • Focus on: The subtle movements of your breath, the sensations of your chest and abdomen rising and falling, the air passing through your nostrils and lips. • Intention: Keep all your thoughts on the sensations of breathing while allowing all other sensations to be noted in the most non detailed way possible as background noise. For instance, note that a sound is, “I am hearing,” rather than, “That was a motorcycle” or that pain is, “I am feeling,” rather than, “I am having back pain.” By not feeding into the details, the distractions will not be so difficult to move beyond.

3. Meta Meditation - “Compassion” • Practiced by: Sitting cross legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. • Important to: Generate in your mind and heart feelings of kindness and benevolence. • Focus on: Begin developing loving-kindness towards yourself then progress towards others usually in the following order: • Oneself • A Good Friend • A “Neutral” Person • A “Difficult” Person • All four of the above equally • And then gradually the entire universe • Picture the person you want to build compassion with, then recite sentences that evoke a warm feeling and send out this feeling in a golden light from your heart to the other person. Examples are, “May you have happiness. May you be free from suffering. May you experience joy and ease.” • Intention: Develop feelings of wishing happiness and well-being for all. Very helpful for those who are closed off or who have been hurt.

Introduction to Compassion Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d_AA9H4z9U 4. Mantra Meditation - “Name of God or OM” • Practiced by: Sitting cross-legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. • Important to: Keep the spine erect and eyes closed. • Focus on: Repeat a mantra in your mind, silently, over and over again, being only aware of your breathing as it coordinates with the mantra. • Intention: The mantra is not an affirmation, it is a syllable or word used to focus. Some people use the name of God or tone with their voice where it is naturally comfortable. Once the mantra seems to continue on its own you can be silent.

Mantra recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoYrLM5rGX8 Hebrew mantra of ’ name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-yDZ7LVcbw

5. Shamanic Journey or Yoga “Sound” Meditation • Practiced by: Sitting cross legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. • Important to: Use background of a highly rhythmic sound like drums, tones, bells, bowls, or flute music and to cover the eyes with a scarf to minimize light. • Focus on: The sound and intent hearing of the sound while visualizing yourself in a comfortable place. • Intention: Use the rhythm to hear the OM of the creative force of the universe.

Tibetan bowls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5dU6serXkg Nature sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsYa4eZfqIU Mongolian shamanic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj4q0Mc08EY Native American shamanic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh-NAch49Mk Crystal bowls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCPoG3EGwVw

6. Christian Meditation - “Sitting with God” • Practiced by: Sitting on bended knees with the hands folded or in a chair. • Important to: Maintain focus on intention allowing other thoughts to drift by unattended. • Focus on: The message being read or prayed about through: • Contemplative prayer - involving the silent repetition of sacred words or sentences, with focus and devotion. • Contemplative reading - reading the Bible while in deep communion with God. • Sitting with God - a silent meditation, usually preceded by contemplation or reading in which you focus your mind, heart, and soul on the presence of God. • Intention: Allow your calm and peaceful state to allow messages and insights to be received from God.

5 Different Methods on How to Meditate on God using Christian Techniques: https://thechristianmeditator.com/christian-meditation-techniques/ 7. Guided Meditation - “Imagery” • Practiced by: Sitting cross legged on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. • Important to: Use headphones, as most of these are in the form of an audio file. • Focus on: Making use of the imagination and visualization powers of the brain to guide you. Your skills will develop and deepen as you practice. • Intention: Begin being familiar with imagery to allow the meditative state to bring you messages from your higher self and from God.

10 Best Guided Meditations available on YouTube: http://www.ilivethelifeilove.com/10-best-guided-meditations/

8. Sleep Meditation - “432 or 528 Hz Tuning - Megahertz Music” • Practiced by: Laying down or resting. • Important to: Use headphones, as most are in the form of an audio file. • Focus on: Really listening and setting an intention prior to your session. • Intention: 432 Hz is said to be the harmonic intonation of nature, so it is believed that listening to music at this frequency brings us back into balance and harmony. Whereas 528Hz music is said to resonate as bioenergy for health and longevity and to align us with heaven. Therefore the intention is to bring our natural vibration into alignment with the tone frequency of nature or spirit.

The Study behind Hz music and an example of 528Hz recordings: https://attunedvibrations.com/528hz/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MPRbX7ACh8&feature=youtu.be Dave uses Psych-K and the principles of Applied Kinesiology, or Muscle Testing, to work with his clients to remove past life and current life blocks from subconscious belief statements that no longer serve the client’s best interest.

What is Psych-K or Psychology-Kinesiology? Psych-K is an interactive process used to identify and change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting or self-sabotaging.

Although our subconscious is said to determine 95 percent of our reality, it’s often ignored when it comes to analyzing things that are holding us back or keeping us in patterns of behavior from which we cannot break free.

For example, if you are tested as having a weak response for, “Money comes easily to me,” you would perform one of a number of possible Psych-K balances. The response would change from weak to strong in a matter of minutes or even seconds. With your subconscious mind now agreeing with this belief, your reality will change.

Everything in Psych-K, from establishing communication with the subconscious mind to testing a belief statement and determining which balance to use to make the change, is performed with muscle testing.

What is Muscle Testing or Applied Kinesiology (AK)? The theory of AK was developed in 1964 by George Goodheart, Jr., a Michigan chiropractor. Applied kinesiology is commonly practiced today by chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopathic physicians, naturopaths, and nurses.

Practitioners observe a patient’s posture, gait, and range of motion and eventually test the muscle strength by either making strength/weakness statements or by placing objects like vitamins or foods suspected to be allergens in the patient’s hand to test them. By evaluating all of the aspects of health with muscle testing, a true picture of the overall problem emerges. Therefore, Applied Kinesiology understands the triad of health. This theory states that all problems have structural, chemical, and electromagnetic/emotional components to them. With manual muscle testing, the practitioner may evaluate all three aspects of a single problem. When each facet of a problem is addressed correctly, the body can heal at optimal rates.

How is Psych-K and Muscle Testing Performed? The client extends their arm straight out in front of them and attempts to resist as the practitioner uses two fingers to push down on their wrist while making a statement.

Strong or true statements enable the client to resist the pressure while weak or false statements cause the arm to cave downward under the same pressure. Therefore questions are used until the core belief statement creating whatever issue bringing the client into session that day is identified.

Once a self-limiting belief is found, the practitioner will have the client repeat new and desirable strong belief statements and then perform the muscle test again.

If the response is strong, the subconscious agrees. If the response is weak, the subconscious disagrees and a different strength statement will be chosen until the muscle test delivers a strong response. Dave realized there was a need to assist others in identifying their spiritual gifts after seeing how many people were confused after being told at psychic fairs that they were strong in a spiritual gift with no idea what the terminology meant, what to do about it, or where to go next.

Spiritual Gifts Worksheet The following is an example of the Spiritual Gifts Worksheet created by Dave and outlines the most common spiritual gifts that he tests for.

In a client reading, Dave will go through the entire spreadsheet, explaining what each gift means, defining how each is generally used, and, if the client scores high on many of them, would help the client determine which gifts to look into first.

In his spiritual gift identification, Dave uses a scale of 1-1000 and is accustomed to seeing clients rank between 200-700 on this scale. He considers anything above 290 as something worth pursuing. Anything scoring over a 400 is probably something the client already does without cognizant awareness.

To get a much better understanding of what each term means and how it might be used today, make sure you watch this month’s Behind-the-Scenes video (available to $20+ Patrons). This 20-minute video shows Dave providing our show’s director, Mari Wolf, a spiritual gifts reading in which he gives a detailed explanations of each gift. Dave mentioned that he uses the spiritual gift worksheet and his Psych-K testing to assist clients with Past Lives and notes his acceptance of Reincarnation.

What is Reincarnation? Reincarnation is the belief that the same soul or spiritual body is reborn into new lives. It is a concept widely accepted by the major Eastern religions, many of them associating karmic law with the chain of births and deaths linked by reincarnation. In this cycle, good actions create good karma and evil actions create negative karma.

Karma is not assigned or regulated by any God but is earned by an individual and passed down through subsequent lives. Good karma can eventually earn a person a higher vibrational existence beyond pain and suffering and which casts off earthly pursuits like pleasure, power, well-being, and virtue. Whereas bad karma keeps you reincarnating until it is fully cleared.

What are Past Lives? How can they impact the Present? Although many people accept the concept of reincarnation - that we are eternal beings, animating many different human bodies and personalities across the ages - most may not readily realize the profound, complex, and subtle ways that our past life experiences impact our current life and personality.

With past life therapy, clients retrieve their own memories of their prior lifetimes with the help of a professional psychotherapist. By unearthing and processing the memories, we release the experiences that are blocking effectiveness in the current life, as well as reinforce the talents and lessons carried forward from prior personalities.

Working with our prior lifetimes can lead to significant transformations in how we view ourselves and the world. Clients report a new perspective: a greater realization of the eternal nature of their being and their connection to others as well as a greater appreciation for the energy that underlies all life.

If you would like to learn more about Dave Barnett or get in touch with him, you can find him online at:

Website: http://davethemystic.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/David.Barnett.HolisticBeliefs