Bailey and

by Niels BrØnzsted

Introduction In esoteric circles it is a well known fact that throughout the world and arrest the attention the modern esoteric teaching originates from of the highest minds."4 two chohans in the spiritual hierarchy, And later he introduces a message from (M) and Kuthumi (KH), who–with the consent the "chief himself” with the words: "An of their superior or "chief," as they prefer to abridged version of the view of the Chohan on call him, the Mahachohan or Lord of the T.S. from his own words as given last Civilization of that time–founded the night." This is the well-known Maha Chohan's theosophical movement in the end of the 19th Letter where we read the following excerpts: century. "The doctrine we promulgate being the only In the book called The Mahatma Letters we true one, must, supported by such evidence as find allusions to the hierarchical purpose of we are preparing to give, become ultimately this movement and the "division of labor" triumphant as every other truth. Yet it is between the masters and the exponents of the absolutely necessary to inculcate it gradually, movement. These letters are not really written enforcing its theories, unimpeachable facts for by the chohans. They are thought forms of the those who know, with direct inferences text precipitated on paper, and in most cases deduced from and corroborated by the evidence the chohan did not perform the actual furnished by modern exact science... precipitation himself but telepathically "For our doctrines to practically react on transferred the thought form to one of the the so-called moral code, or the ideas of senior disciples, as for instance H. P. truthfulness, purity, self-denial, charity, etc., Blavatsky, who then did the "magical" act. we have to preach and popularize a knowledge Master Morya writes: "On the 17th of of theosophy...” November next the term of trial "It is time that theosophy should enter the given the Society1 at its foundation in which to arena. The sons of Theosophists are more discreetly “preach us” will expire. One or two of likely to become in their turn Theosophists us hoped that the world had so far advanced than anything else. No messenger of truth, no intellectually, if not intuitionally, that the prophet has ever achieved during his life time doctrine might gain an intellectual a complete triumph, not even Buddha. The acceptance, and the impulse given for a new was chosen as the cycle of occult research. Others2–wiser as it cornerstone, the foundation of the future would now seem–held differently, but consent of humanity."5 was given for the trial. It was stipulated, however, that the experiment should be made The Two Amanuenses independently of our personal management; that there should be no abnormal interference It is also well-known among esotericists by ourselves."3 that the masters KH and M gave the Tibetan The master Kuthumi writes about the master, Djwhal Khul (DK), the task of purpose of The Theosophical Society: "The providing the necessary teaching, not only Chiefs want a ‘Brotherhood of Humanity,’ a because he has been a close friend and real Universal Fraternity started; an "messenger" for centuries and the focal point of institution which would make itself known one of the subsidiary ashrams within KH's 1

Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 major 2nd ray ashram, but also because he has I worked as a factory hand that I contacted specialized in occult philosophy and cosmic Theosophy. I do not like the word in spite of its law. He planned his work in three phases, and beautiful connotation and meaning. It stands as the first "amanuensis" the masters chose H. in the public mind for so much which it P. Blavatsky (HPB), a senior disciple in M's essentially is not. I hope to show, if I can, what ashram. She was, as they said, far from being it really is. This marked the opening of a new a perfect instrument but the best one spiritual era in my life."6 available. The results were HPB's pioneering Here we get the first fleeting glimpse of writings crowned by her monumental work AAB's attitude to theosophy–or perhaps we –which is regarded as the should say theosophists. This attitude is only foundation stone of modern occultism–and the natural considering the treatment she later founding of The Theosophical Society (TS) as received, but it is also a key point in this an organizational base for establishing a article, and we will later attempt to show how brotherhood of humanity and the promulgation it has influenced many readers of her books. of the ageless wisdom. But let us return to the autobiography where HPB was succeeded by other theosophical she mentions two important books: "I had just workers who carried on the work. But as the made the acquaintance of her great book The original impulse seeped down into "lesser Secret Doctrine. I was intrigued by it but minds" it was somewhat distorted, and the TS completely bewildered. I couldn't make head or turned into a forum of psychism and an almost tail of it. It is a difficult book for beginners for hysterical emotional of the masters. At it is badly put together and lacks continuity. the same time DK started focusing on his next H.P.B. starts with one subject, wanders off to "amanuensis," Alice A. Bailey (AAB), in order another, takes up a third at length and–if you to proceed with the second phase of his search–you will find her returning to her planned work. original theme sixty or seventy pages further The question now arose: could the new on.7 phase of the teaching be integrated in the "I had joined the Theosophical Lodge in theosophical work or would the developments Pacific Grove and was beginning to teach and within the TS make it impossible? We will get hold classes. I remember the first book that I back to that point later as it is the pivot of this started to expound. It was the great book by article, but in my view this was a major test to Mrs. Besant, A Study in . I knew the TS and probably one of the reasons why no nothing about consciousness and I could not "authoritative" statement from any of the possibly define it but I kept six pages ahead of theosophical leaders–who still had an open line the class and somehow managed to get away of communication with the masters–was made with it. They never discovered how little I concerning the work of AAB. The members knew. I know that no matter what the class should be free to choose or reject the new learned I learned a great deal."8 teaching on its own merit, and as we shall see We see that AAB right from the beginning they failed gloriously. realized the difficulty and complexity of The Secret Doctrine and also the clarity and Alice A. Bailey usefulness of 's work. But in 1918 a significant event occurred in her life which Now, let us see how AAB entered the work. seems to have turned the plans for a Fortunately we are in possession of her continuous revelation of the esoteric teaching autobiography so we can base our description in a different direction than the one which may on her own words. She says: "It was whilst I have been intended originally. On the surface, was passing through the difficult time in which and considering later happenings as well, it


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 may not appear that important, but in my view Bailey had risen from the ranks to prominent it was the beginning of the division still positions within the American section of the existing today between the two major sources TS, and later, in 1921, they started the "back of esoteric teaching: Theosophy and the "blue to Blavatsky movement." It was a reaction to books." AAB describes it in the following way: suggestions made by theosophical key figures "It was during this year, 1918, that I like Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater that discovered for the first time who it was that students should read a great many books by had come to see me in Scotland when I was a themselves and other theosophical writers girl of fifteen. I had been admitted into the before trying to tackle HPB's far more difficult Esoteric Section (E.S.) of the Theosophical work. Although the "back to Blavatsky Society and was attending their meetings. The movement" was appreciated in certain first time that I went into the Shrine Room I quarters it did not improve the relationship to saw the customary pictures of the Christ and the members of the esoteric section (ES) of the the Masters of the Wisdom, as the TS who were (and still are) in power and who Theosophists call Them. To my surprise there, supported the views of Annie Besant. But the looking straight at me, was a picture of my funny thing is that AAB in many ways had visitor. There was no mistake. This was the come to the same conclusion: that The Secret man who had walked into my aunt's drawing Doctrine was too difficult for beginners and room, and it was not the Master . I was that the works of (at least) Annie Besant were inexperienced then and rushed to one of the far better suited as an introduction to DK's senior people at Krotona and asked for the teaching.l0 name of this Master. They told me that it was In the meantime AAB had made her first the Master K.H. and then I made a basic contact with the Tibetan master, DK, and had mistake for which I have since paid the price. started writing for him. This was not Believing that they would be pleased and not unproblematic for she was almost allergic to intending in the very least to be boastful I said, work, so DK, and later her own master in all innocence, “Oh, then, He must be my KH, had to convince her that writing for the Master, for I've talked with him and been Tibetan involved the use of mental under His guidance ever since.” This person telepathy–for which she had a special gift–and looked at me and said, with rather a withering not the astral sensitivity which is usually inflection, “Am I to understand that you termed psychic faculty. This aversion to believe yourself to be a disciple?” For the first psychic work is also a key point of this article, time in my life I was up against the for in my opinion it swayed her attitude competitive technique of the Theosophical regarding another theosophical worker and Society."9 fellow disciple in KH's ashram, C. W. At that time seniority and not merit Leadbeater (CWL), to such a degree that it seemed to be the basis of an evaluation of strengthened the barrier between the ES people, and the fact that a newcomer like AAB members and herself-but this time from her claimed that she was visited by the master KH side. personally, and had been a disciple ever since, The antagonism was reinforced by the fact was quite unbearable for the workers in the TS that, through her affiliation with DK, AAB to whom such an event would be the most now produced esoteric material of a superior glorious thing ever to happen. From that point quality–so superior that Annie Besant's jealousy made a natural acceptance of AAB's representative in the USA, B. P.Wadia, work impossible, and the foundation of a recognized it for what it was and decided to barrier was laid from the theosophical side. publish it in –the journal of Nevertheless, AAB and her husband Foster the TS. AAB says: "Shortly after finishing the


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 first few chapters of , and was a book that proved to me the basic S olar I showed the manuscript to B. P. Wadia. untrustworthiness of what he wrote. It is a He got very excited and told me that he would book that outlines the future and the work of publish anything that "came from that source" the Hierarchy of the future, and the curious and printed the first few chapters in The and arresting thing to me was that the Theosophist, published in Adyar, . Then majority of the people stated to hold high office the usual theosophical jealousy and in the Hierarchy and in the future coming reactionary attitude appeared and no more civilization were all Mr. Leadbeater's personal was printed." ll friends. I knew some of these people–worthy, The whole situation became more and kind, and mediocre, none of them intellectual more unstable, and finally it resulted in a and most of them completely devastating convention where a new General unimportant."13 Secretary of the American section was "This was the situation which was elected–a man who shortly after deprived Alice rampant when the famous convention of 1920 and Foster Bailey of their positions in the TS took place in Chicago in the summer. I had and thereby forced them to find other never been present at any convention in my alternatives for their work together. This life and to say that I was disillusioned, appears from the following quotation, but at disgusted and outraged is putting it mildly. the same time we see how intense her dislike Gathered together was a group of men and of CWL really was: "All this time the situation women from all parts of the United States who at Krotona was getting more acute. Wadia had were presumably occupied in teaching and arrived at Krotona (as the representative of spreading brotherhood. The hatred and rancor, Mrs. Besant) and was stirring up trouble and the personality animus and the political we collaborated with him to the full in order to manipulation was so outrageous and shocking swing back the Theosophical Society to its that I made a vow never to attend another original impulse of universal brotherhood. We Theosophical Convention again in my life."l4 collaborated because at this time Wadia seemed sound and sincere and to have the Charles Webster Leadbeater interest of the society truly at heart. The cleavage in the society was steadily widening From the above it appears that CWL was a and the line of demarcation between those who key person in the subjective controversy stood for the democratic point of view and between the TS and AAB, a sort of scapegoat those who stood for spiritual authority and the personifying all that AAB was against and complete control of the Theosophical Society by tried to oppose. Therefore it seems reasonable the Esoteric Section was rapidly growing... to devote some time and space to this "Articles were given up to the attack or the controversial figure. So let us, as we did in the defense of some individual. A strong phase of case of AAB, begin with CWL's own description psychism was sweeping through the society of how he met with theosophy and entered the due to the psychic pronouncements of Mr. work. His autobiographical sketch is but a Leadbeater and his extraordinary control over small booklet, but it will have to suffice for our Mrs. Besant. The aftermath of the Leadbeater purpose: "My first touch with anything that scandall2 was still causing much talk... could definitely be called Theosophy was in the "Books were being published at Adyar by year 504 B.C., when I had the wonderful honor Mr. Leadbeater that were psychic in their and pleasure of visiting the great philosopher implications and impossible of verification, Pythagoras... carrying a strong note of astralism. One of his "Among other islands we 15 called at Samos, major works, Man: Whence, How and Whither, and it was there that we found the great


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 Pythagoras, who was then a man of advanced of Madame Blavatsky's departure for India... age and very near his death... "He suggested that I might go to Adyar for "His principal disciple at that time was a few months, to see whether I could work with Kleineas (now the Master ); and the Headquarters staff, and added the Kleineas was exceedingly kind to us, and significant remark: 'He who would shorten the patiently answered all our eager questions, years of probation has to make for explaining to us the system of the Pythagorean Theosophy'... philosophy. We were at once most strongly "I wished to say in answer to this that my attracted towards the teaching expounded to circumstances were such that it would be us, and were anxious to join the school. impossible for me to come to Adyar for three Kleineas told us that a branch of it would months, and then return to the work in which I presently be opened in Athens; and meantime was then engaged; but that I was perfectly he gave us much instruction in ethics, in the ready to throw up that work altogether, and to doctrine of and the mystery of devote my life absolutely to His service... I numbers. All too soon our vessel was ready for knew of no way to send this message to the sea (it had fortunately required refitting) and Master but to take it to Madame Blavatsky, we had regretfully to take leave of Pythagoras and as she was to leave on the and Kleineas. To our great and awed delight, following day for India, I hastened up to when we called to bid him adieu, the aged London to see her. It was with difficulty that I philosopher blessed us and said with marked induced her to read the letter, as she said very emphasis: "We shall meet again." Within a decidedly that such communications were year or two we heard of his death, and so we intended only for the recipient. I was obliged to often wondered in what sense he could have insist, however, and at last she read it and meant those words; but when in this present asked me what I wished to say in reply. I incarnation I had for the first time the answered to the above effect, and asked her privilege of meeting the Master Kuthumi, He how this information could be conveyed to the recalled to my memory that scene of long ago, Master. She replied that He knew it already, and said: "Did I not tell you that we should referring of course to the exceedingly close meet again?”l6 relation in which she stood with Him, so that Now we leap forward some 2,500 years in whatever was within her consciousness was order to reach the point in CWL's development also within His when He wished it." 17 where he starts to qualify himself for occult And now to his unfolding of psychic work. He is known to be one of the most powers: "It should be understood that in those prominent of our time, and that is days I possessed no clairvoyant faculty, nor exactly the problem as seen from AAB's point had I ever regarded myself as at all sensitive... of view. Not only did she mistrust his ''One day, however, when the Master clairvoyant research work, but she also Kuthumi honored me with a visit, He asked me tendered the notion that he used his powers to whether I had ever attempted a certain kind of gain control over other people–and notably connected with the development of Annie Besant. Therefore it is important that the mysterious power called kundalini. I had of we come to some understanding of how he course heard of that power, but knew very reached his point of evolution and how he used little about it and at any rate supposed it to be his abilities. absolutely out of reach for Western people. "It will be remembered that in a previous However, He recommended me to make a few chapter I mentioned a letter that I had efforts along certain lines, which He pledged addressed to the Master Kuthumi... I received me not to divulge to anyone else except with a reply eventually–but... not until the very eve His direct authorization, and told me that He


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 would Himself watch over those efforts to see source of information is the only that no danger should ensue. comprehensive biography that has been "Naturally I took the hint, and worked written about him, for the writer was given away steadily, and I think I may say intensely, free access to the research library in the main at that particular kind of meditation day after centre of The Theosophical Society in Adyar, day. I must admit that it was very hard work Madras, India. But when the biography was and sometimes distinctly painful, but of course published it was not very popular in I persevered, and in due course began to theosophical circles because the author, achieve the results that I had been led to Gregory Tillett, not being a theosophist, was expect... I worked at it for forty-two days, and considered to be critical of, if not hostile to, seemed to myself to be on the brink of the final theosophy in general and CWL in particular. victory, when the Master Himself intervened The biography states very clearly what CWL and performed the final act of breaking was accused of: "First: the allegations. Initially through which completed the process, and he was accused of teaching masturbation to enabled me thereafter to use astral sight while adolescent boys, though this was quickly still retaining full consciousness in the extended to include teaching masturbation to physical body–which is equivalent to saying prepubescent boys, and to giving some form of that the astral consciousness and memory ‘indicative action', though the precise meaning became continuous whether the physical body of that in euphemistic phrase was never was awake or asleep. I was given to explained. In later years he was further understand that my own effort would have accused of committing sodomy with his pupils, enabled me to break through in twenty-four and of engaging in mutual masturbation with hours longer, but that the Master interfered them. Some of the allegations he admitted. In because He wished to employ me at once in a the 1906 trial he admitted that he had taught certain piece of work. as opposed to condoning, masturbation. He "It must not for a moment be supposed, also admitted that this might have occurred however, that the attainment of this particular with prepubescent boys, and boys who had not power was the end of the occult training. On sought his advice on sexual matters." 19 the contrary, it proved to be only the beginning But at the same time he explained in of a year of the hardest work that I have ever considerable detail his motives and the occult known... Several Masters were so gracious as background as to his behavior: "On 27 to visit me during that period and to offer me February Leadbeater wrote a long and various hints; but it was the Master Djwal extremely interesting letter to Alex Fullerton. Khul who gave most of the necessary In it he explained the principles behind his instruction. It may be that He was moved to approach: ‘The business of discovering and this act of kindness because of my close training specially hopeful younger members association with Him in my last life, when I and preparing them for Theosophical work has studied under Him in the Pythagorean school been put into my charge. Possibly the fact that which He established in Athens, and even had I have been associated with the training of the honor of managing it after His death. I young men and boys all my life (originally, of know not how to thank Him for the enormous course, on Christian lines) is one reason for amount of care and trouble which He took in this, because of the experience it has given me. my psychic education." 18 But CWL is also As a result of that experience, I know that the known for another thing. Throughout the whole question of sex feelings is the principal latter part of his life he was constantly difficulty in the path of boys and girls, and slandered and involved in public scandals very much harm is done by the prevalent habit concerning his sex life. Here the most reliable of ignoring the subject and fearing to speak of


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 it to young people. The first information about the quotation above, and the whole thing it should come from parents or friends, not resulted in his resignation from the TS. It also from servants or bad companions. Therefore I affected his personal friendship with Annie always speak of it quite frankly and naturally Besant. First she tried to defend him, but later to those I am trying to help, when they become she started to dissociate herself from him and sufficiently familiar with me to make it she even went so far as to suspect him of possible. The methods of dealing with the psychically "seducing" her. Eventually she difficulty are two. A certain type of boy can be forgave him and even reinstated him when she carried through his youth absolutely virgin and took over the office of General Secretary after can pass through the stages of puberty without Olcott. Let us see what the biography says: "By being really troubled at all by sensual 27 September Mrs. Besant's attitude was again emotions; but such boys are few. The majority changing, and she wrote a much friendlier pass through a stage when their minds are letter to Leadbeater. She was, however, still filled with such matters, and they surround concerned that she may have been under a themselves with huge masses of most ‘glamour', that is an artificial and illusory undesirable thought-forms which perpetually image, throughout her working with react upon them and keep them in a condition Leadbeater. This could explain why she of emotional ferment. These thought-forms are thought she had done great things in the the vehicles of appalling mischief since spiritual worlds with a man who was ‘earthly, through them disembodied entities can and sensual, devilish’. Leadbeater's next letter to constantly do act upon the child. The her, on 17 October, reassured her on this, conventional idea that such thoughts do not implying that this sort of doubt was likely to matter so long as they do not issue in overt have been fostered by the Black Powers."21 acts is not only untrue; it is absolutely the This question of whether or not Annie reverse of the truth. I have seen literally Besant was under a glamour is answered from hundreds of cases of this horrible condition, another source. It is a biography of Henry Steel and have traced the effects that it produces in Olcott, the president and cofounder of the TS, after life. In this country of India the much and the quotation refers to the conditions abused custom of early marriage prevents all around his deathbed. Naturally this may seem difficulty on this score. Now all this may be to be a dubious testimony to the skeptical avoided by periodically releasing that pressure, reader, but I think we should remember here and experience has shown that if the boy that we are dealing with a time when some of masturbates at stated intervals he can the masters showed themselves regularly, comparatively easily rid his mind of such either in their physical bodies or in thoughts in the interim and in that way escape materialized astral bodies, in order to carry out all the more serious consequences. I know that their business in connection with the TS, and this is not the conventional view, but it is quite probably also to make a convincing impression true for all that, and there is no comparison in on those who saw them–much the same effect the harm done in the two cases even at the which we see Sai Baba have today. Every time time quite apart from the fact that the latter it happened the people involved would make a plan avoids the danger of entanglement with signed statement as to the reality of the event, women or bad boys later on'.” 20 and the archives of Adyar are full of such Although this counseling is not much statements. So for a theosophist it is easier to different from that of thousands of believe that these things really happened than psychologists today it raised a storm of to explain a conspiracy to fraud involving so indignation that never really stopped. Later many different people. The book says: "On the the allegations escalated, as we have seen in evening of January 11 the two Masters paid


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 another astral visit to the bedroom of the dying instruments to do their work, they took the President. This time it was to give guidance on best available ones whose permitted it. another vital question. and Miss Also it must be made quite clear that the Renda were again present, and again the Masters were still behind and supporting the honorary secretary made a report for the Society–and that they had worked through records. both Mrs. Besant and Mr. Leadbeater, 'We three,' she writes, 'had been discussing precisely as these two had believed. the question of whether or not Mrs. Besant and Marie Russak ventured to tell the Masters Mr. Leadbeater had been under a glamor when that she felt Mr. Leadbeater would do they had been studying together...' 'Suddenly anything, make any , for the Society, we saw a light at the foot of Colonel Olcott's and asked if something could be done to help bed, which gradually took shape into a form, reinstate him. but very indistinctly.' The Master M. replied: 'He will be put to Colonel Olcott asked: 'Who is there?' the test;’ then added in a kindly tone 'He has Answer: ‘Cashmere.' been a light in the Society'." 22 H.S.O.: Oh! That is the name I always gave Many investigations of CWL's behavior K.H.' were conducted, and we will quote our source Answer: 'Yes, I am here–wait a few for one of the more serious ones: "Following the moments, the elements are troublesome.' press allegations, the police undertook another After a few moments both Master Morya investigation of Leadbeater and his activities. and K.H. appeared most distinctly, and spoke The results of their investigation have not clearly in natural voices. The Colonel asked the previously been published, except in terms of Masters if Annie Besant had been deluded, as general conclusions, and the documentary she feared, about her occult work with C.W.L. evidence collected by them seems to have been The reply was most emphatic; there had been unknown to others writing about Leadbeater no delusion whatever, both she and Mr. or the period. However, in the Archives of New Leadbeater had worked together on the higher South Wales there exists a file containing planes under the Masters' instructions. What complete documentation of the police enquiry, then about Leadbeater's teachings on sex? The and it makes very interesting reading. The Masters made it plain that they did not agree interest of the police in Leadbeater was with such teachings. But they pointed out that originally aroused in 1917 by Joseph Fusel, but if they were to wait for perfect human their investigations then found no evidence to instruments before giving out some of the sustain charges. From May to June 1922 they esoteric knowledge, no such knowledge would undertook a very thorough investigation. ever be given out. Statements were taken from the Martens, Mrs. H.S.O.: 'Has he (C.W.L.) been wronged?’ Kollerstrom, nine of Leadbeater's pupils, a Master M.: ‘Yes, but only in so far as the domestic servant of the Marten's, as well as matter was made generally public.' Jinarajadasa, and Nitya. As in 1917 H.S.O.: “I am so sorry, Master. What can I Leadbeater was said to be too ill to be do about it?’ examined by the police. The bulk of the Master M.: ‘Write and tell him that you evidence was inconclusive and unconvincing. It regret the sorrow that has been brought upon revealed a man with distinctly eccentric views him by the matter being made public...' on sex, but one to whom his pupils were so The Masters then went on to say that an dedicated that they were prepared to say article must be published for members of the nothing detrimental."23 Society, explaining fully that, as it was "From the evidence of the police enquiry- impossible for the Mahatmas to find perfect Leadbeater's pupils fervently denying any


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 sexual irregularity–one must assume either question is apparently foreseen and replied to that they all, or at least some, were lying or in the fifth volume of 's A Treatise that all the evidence accumulated by on. the , The Rays and The Leadbeater's enemies was a fabric of lies. The Initiations,25 where it is written:26 ‘I f t h e s e n e w only boy to give even a hint of something phases of the teaching have been later given to suspicious was one who had been flown from the public by other occult groups, it will have Chinchilla in Queensland at the expense of the been because the information was gained by Loyalty League to give evidence. He said he those who have read the books put out by had left the LCC because he had a feeling A.A.B. for me or who are directly and 'something was wrong' and 'undue familiarity' consciously in touch with my Ashram. An occurred between Leadbeater and some of his instance of this is that book by C.W. pupils. As far as the case against Leadbeater Leadbeater on The Masters and the Path which was concerned, it was a waste of the money was published later than my book, Initiation, spent on his traveling expenses."24 Human and Solar. If the dates of any given So it seems that CWL may have been wrongly teaching are compared with that given by me, persecuted. But whatever the truth is there is it will appear to be of a later date than mine. I no doubt about his close relationship with his say this with no possible interest in any own master, KH, and the Tibetan master DK. controversy among occult groups or the From the time he unfolded his clairvoyant interested public, but as a simple statement of faculties, and the rest of his life he was closely fact and as protection to this particular work of affiliated with DK's ashram (as we shall the Hierarchy'."27 presently see), and could always ask the advice But the "ultimate" statement as to the of DK in regard to his occult research work. integrity of CWL comes from the Tibetan This is why many of his books are considered master himself, and I have often wondered esoteric classics–they are still the best in their how AAB could maintain her strong animosity fields although they can of course not compare towards Leadbeater after receiving the to DK's teaching. This is confirmed by still following statement from DK: "Many advanced another source: "One possible origin for some occultists have mistaken the raising of the of the material in (Leadbeater's) The Masters sacral fire or of the solar plexus force to a and the Path, and for materiel on the Occult position above the diaphragm for the gifting of Hierarchy and Initiations lies in a wholly the kundalini' and have therefore regarded unexpected source. Although she was regarded themselves or others as initiates. Their as 'misguided' because she had both left the TS sincerity has been very real and their mistake and claimed to be inspired by a Master, Alice an easy one to make. C. W. Leadbeater Bailey held a fascination for some frequently made this mistake, yet of his Theosophists from the time she began her sincerity and of his point of. attainment there independent career outside the Society in is no question."28 1920-1. Leadbeater owned, read and regarded highly her earlier works, and although she was Conclusion criticized officially within the Society for 'falsely’ claiming to be in communication with It has been the purpose of this article to D.K. and others, Leadbeater did not criticize throw new light on what I call the her. The material in her first ‘inspired' book, "intermediate" theosophy–that is the Initiation, Human. and Solar, bears an theosophy "between" HPB and AAB–and interesting similarity to some of Leadbeater's particularly on one of its spokesmen, for it work, in content though not in style. One seems to me that many modern readers of wonders which came first. "In fact, the AAB's works have adopted her attitude (or


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 dare we say prejudice:') towards C. W. own occult research and presented their Leadbeater without questioning it, and that findings and conclusions in a language far seems to be a contributory cause of the very better suited to the modern scientific and unfortunate breach between the two major technological minds of our time. It is the work, aspects of the esoteric teaching today–aspects not only of Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater which should really constitute one integrated and , but also prominent whole. Asked about theosophy many Bailey writers like Bhagavan Das, I. K. Taimni, J. J. students answer: H. P. Blavatsky and The van der Leeuw or Laurence & Phoebe Bendit Secret Doctrine–and nothing more. So we which, pieced together, form the best really have two categories of esoteric readers: background as an introduction to the Bailey those who read theosophy but wouldn't dream work. But at the same time we should also be of reading AAB, and those who read AAB but aware that these writers do not have the same refuse to acknowledge the value of the spiritual depth as HPB and AAB and that intermediate theosophy. their concepts therefore tend to be somewhat But ideally we should be able to "clear-cut"--too materialized to use the words of discriminate between the teaching itself and DK. Here too AAB partly agrees: "The the people who have been channels for that indebtedness of the world to Mrs. Besant for teaching. There is no question in my mind that the work that she did in making the basic the teaching is a continuous revelation where tenets of the T.S. teaching available to the each step forward rests on the previous steps. masses of men in every country, is something This means that theosophy is the basis of the that can never be repaid. There is absolutely Bailey teaching–whether we like it or not–and no reason why we should overlook the that it is necessary to have some stupendous, magnificent work she did for the comprehension of basic theosophical ideation Masters and for humanity."30 in order to fully comprehend the “blue books.” So if the student wants firm ground under Many fundamental concepts are neither his esoteric feet he needs to study the defined nor explained by the Tibetan because intermediate theosophy, because here concepts knowledge of them is taken for granted. And like a chakra, an , a , a , a here it is important to realize that today, more chain, a race or a are defined and than a hundred years after its publication, The explained in a way that is quite indispensable Secret Doctrine does not offer satisfactory for those who seek to establish a clear picture explanations to most of the basic concepts, and of the overall teaching. This may not seem so it is therefore not an easily accessible important to people who primarily see the introduction to the more advanced teaching as a means to service. But we know presentation–the new theosophy–in the books that the life of the disciple is also meditation by Alice A. Bailey. AAB herself stresses this and study and that these three disciplines are point: "In many ways today H.P.B.'s book The really interlinked and indispensable to each Secret Doctrine is out of date and its approach other. In other words, the teaching is also a to the Ageless Wisdom has little or no appeal science, and the deeper our comprehension of it to the modern generation. But those of us who is, the better our service becomes. really studied it and arrived at some Naturally this does not mean that we need understanding of its inner significance have a not study The Secret Doctrine. On the basic appreciation of the truth that no other contrary, for in many ways this work is still book seems to supply."29 one of the most profound and spiritual books It is the theosophical workers succeeding ever written. It simply means that first things HPB who, basing their ideas on The Secret come first, and that it is our responsibility as Doctrine, extended the teaching through their ambassadors of the teaching to make this clear


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 to our fellow students. To ignore theosophical involved is checked by both. Secondly: Exact writers like Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater or reading of the is said to be Geoffrey Hodson who worked "between" HPB exceedingly difficult as regards the and AAB would correspond to ignoring a identification of and time periods–there Torkom Saraydarian, a Douglas Baker, a are no nametags or signposts. Both writers Michael Robbins, or a Gordon Davidson knew that and therefore they did not claim the between AAB and the disciple who is going to information to be entirely correct. Thirdly: The continue the work of DK in the beginning of book deals primarily with the past–and not the the next century. future as AAB suggests. It means that there is Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater were a wealth of images of actual sceneries which initiated disciples who worked in close are probably described in a reasonable collaboration with the masters at a time when manner, and therefore the book gives us an some of these chose to be easier to contact atmosphere of past time cycles that no other physically than they are today. And Geoffrey book (to my knowledge) conveys. The section Hodson, being an initiate of the third degree about the future is also fascinating although, of and having many of his works dictated by the course, more uncertain. But the Tibetan does master Polidorus Isurenus,31 takes up a actually substantiate the information about a position in connection with the revelation of future "colony," so maybe Leadbeater wasn't the teaching corresponding to that of AAB. all that wrong: "Other groups will work Moreover he was directly instrumental in entirely in what might be termed preparatory bringing about a closer relationship between work for the future colony."32 "Disciples a n d the human and angelic kingdoms in line with advanced egos receive instruction at this time what the Tibetan has said about the for two purposes: (1) To test out their fitness participation of the devas in the preparation for special work in the future, the type of that for the externalization of the Hierarchy and work being known only to the guides of the the reappearance of the Christ. race. They test for aptitude in community living, with a view to drafting the suitable ones Literature into the colony of the sixth sub-race..."33

For those who want to explore the practical Bibliography consequences of this article I append a list of the theosophical works I consider to be the Annie Besant most important as a preparation for the study A of the Tibetan's work through Alice A. Bailey. A Study in Karma The list does not include the works of H. P. Death–and After Blavatsky and The Mahatma Letters, which Karma may be regarded as the primary sources of Man and his Bodies teaching in the first phase of the theosophical Reincarnation movement. But the list does include Man: Whence, The Evolution of Life and Form How and Whither despite the "review" given by The Pedigree of Man Alice A. Bailey in her Unfinished The Seven Principles of Man Autobiography. Naturally, some of what AAB The Spiritual Life says is quite true, but there are mitigating Theosophy and the New Psychology circumstances. Firstly: The book is really Thought Power written by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater together, which means that the occult research Annie Besant & C. W. Leadbeater


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 Man: Whence, How and Whither Man, the Triune "* The Supreme Splendor* Thought Forms *Dictated by the great angel Bethelda At the Sign of the Square and Compasses** C. W. Leadbeater Illuminations of the Mystery Tradition** The Call to the Heights** Invisible Helpers The Christ Life from Nativity to Ascension** Man Visible and Invisible The Concealed Wisdom in World Symbology** Some Glimpses of Occultism The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, Vol. The 1–4** The Chakras The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights** The Devachanic Plane **Dictated by the master Polidorus Isurenus The Hidden Life in Freemasonry The Hidden Side of Things Laurence & Phoebe Bendit The Inner Life Our Psychic Sense The Life after Death The of Man The Masters and the Path The Transforming Mind The Monad This World and That The Other Side of Death The Science of the Sacraments Bhagavan Das The Science of Peace W. S c o tt Ellio tt The Science of the Emotions The Story of and the Lost J. J. van der Leeuw A. E. Pow ell in Exile Compilations from works by A. Besant, C. W. The Conquest of Illusion Leadbeater and others. The Fire of Creation The Etheric Double The I. K. Taimni The Glimpses into the Psychology of The Man, God and the Universe The Solar System Science and Occultism Self-Culture Geoffrey Hodson An Occult View of Health and Disease References Basic Theosophy Clairvoyant Investigations 1. The Theosophical Society. Fairies at Work and at Play 2. The Mahachohan. Light of the Sanctuary–The Occult Diary 3. The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett - in Man's Supersensory and Spiritual Powers chronological sequence. Theosophical Occult Powers in Nature and in Man Publishing House, Quezon City, Metro Manila, The Kingdom of Faerie Philippines, 1993, p. 124. The Kingdom of the Gods 4. Ibid.,p.39. The Science of Seership 5. Ibid., pp. 477 & 478. The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men* 6. Alice A. Bailey: The Unfinished Be Ye Perfect* Autobiography. Lucis Publishing Company, The Angelic Hosts* New York, Lucis Press LTD., London, 1951, p.


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999 133. 7. Ibid.,p.137. 8. Ibid.,p.138. Niels BrØnsted, teacher/ translator, lives in 9. Ibid.,p.155. Denmark and is a lifelong student of the 10. See the quotations from pp. 137 & 138 Ageless Wisdom. He is a founding member of above. the Theosophical Union. in Denm ark. 11. Ibid., pp. 166-67. 12. This will be discussed later. 13. Ibid., pp. 169-71. 14. Ibid., p. 173. 15. CWL at that time and his brother. 16. C. W. Leadbeater: How Theosophy came to Me. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India, 1930, pp. 1-3. 17. Ibid.,pp. 49-51. 18. Ibid., pp. 131-33. 19. Gregory Tillett: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley, 1982, pp. 279-80. 20. Ibid., pp. 79-80. 21. Ibid., p. 90. 22. Howard Murphet: Hammer on the Mountain--Life of . The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton Ill, USA, 1972, pp. 306-7. 23. The Elder Brother, p. 197. 24. Ibid., p. 199. 25. P.250. 26. That is, where the Tibetan says. 27. Sir John R. Sinclair: The Alice Bailey Inheritance. Turnstone Press Limited, Wellington, Northhamptonshire, 1984, p. 20. 28. Alice A. Bailey: Esoteric Psychology Vol. II. Lucis Publishing Company, New York, Lucis Press LTD., London, 1942, p. 303. 29. The Unfinished Autobiography, p. 214. 30. Ibid.,p. 172. 31. See Light of the Sanctuary--The Occult Diary of Geoffrey Hodson, The Theosophical Publishers, Inc., Manila, Philippines, 1988. 32. Alice A. Bailey: Letters on. Occult Meditation. Lucis Publishing Company, New York, Lucis Press Ltd., England, 1950, p. 69. 33. Mary Bailey: A Learning Experience. Lucis Publishing Company, New York, Lucis Press Ltd., London, 1990, p. 20.


Bailey and Theosophy J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e XIII • N o.1 • 1999