OE Library Critic V19 1929-1930
THE O. E. LIBRARY CRITIC PnblUhti moDtblj it 1207 Q St, N. W., W iikiiglin, D. C. OY The O. E. Library League VoL XIX August, 1929 No. 1 y to r lx Bub8crl;i't*nn. U nited S ta tu and forclgo. flrty M U . Single copies, (Ite cent». Issues earlier tlian Juoe, 1826; one or two copies, Ote reals; more than tiro copies, tiro rents each, single or mixed Issues, INNOCENT CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL INNOCENTS In the April CRITIC was published a letter to lion. C. C. Young, Governor of California, from Judge Franklin A. Grif fin, dated January 20, 1928, appealing for justice in the case of Mooney and Billings, convicted in 1917 on the basis of perjured evidence of participation in a bomb outrage in San Francisco in 1916. It was Judge Griffin himself who presided at the trial. Notwithstanding the appeals of those directly concerned in the convictions Governor Young took no action and in November, 1928, Judge Griffin wrote a still stronger appeal, which I give below: San Francisco, Cal., November 14, 1928. Honorable C. C. Young, Governor of California, Sacramento, California. My dear Governor: When you discussed the Mooney case some weeks ago with a group of citizens at Berkeley you told us that until then you had believed Mooney and Billings guilty of the Preparedness crime. Some days afterward when you sent a message to the State Federation of Labor at Sacramento you said again that you believed them guilty. I believe that you are as anxious as any other citizen of California, to see justice done to these two men and will give serious attention to the documents in behalf of their pardon.
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