289 INDEX Adams, Mrs., 174 Baverstock, V, 191 Adept Brotherhood, ii, Beachwood Park, 242 Administration Building, 132, Bernard, Marie - see Russak, 138-43,154,189 (also called Mrs. Marie Krotona Court or Krotona Inn) Besant, Annie, xiv, 2,10-1,16-7, Adyar Bulletin, 205 29-39, 59, 79, 83, 88-93, 96-7, Adyar Corporation, 195, 208-9 99-101,189,193-5, 203; assigned Adyar Library, 250 guardianship of Krishnamurti and Alboar, Mr. de, 159 Nityananda, 45; assists at laying Alcott, A. Bronson, xiii cornerstone for the theosophical Alcyone - see Krishnamurti headquarters in London, 99; birth- Alexandria, xii day observed at Krotona, 175-6; Alfonso, Ricardo H., 159 considered by Warrington as his Ailing, Mr., 153 spiritual mother, 35-38; elected The American Theosophist, 131,148, President of the Theosophical 155,169, 212-3, 221-2, 242, 244, Society, 31; heir to Fuente legacy, 256-7 7; Herakles, 102; prophesied Ammonius Saccas, xii Point Loma would come to the Amphitheater, 132-3,136-7,146,154, T.S., 69-70,102; suggests that A.P. 156,191 Warrington come to England to Andrus, Mr. Elmer C, 173 see her and "the boys", 73; sum- Artel, Mme. Louise de, 221 mons served on her, 188; Articles of Incorporation, Krotona suspends Temple of the Rosy Institute of Theosophy, 232-5 Cross, 149; wins guardianship Arts and Crafts Guild, 214 case, 261 Arundale, Dr. George S., 70, 81, Bhagavad-Gita, 134 127,149-50,165, 220, 222, 229, "Bhaktis", 166 235-6, 240-1, Bhavanan, Swami, 124 Astrology, 149 Bibby's Annual, 229 Birth Chant of Omaha Indians, Baja California, 44, 53-5 140-1, 205 Baldwin, Mrs. Nellie H., 124,165, Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna (HPB), 190 ii-iii, vi, xiii, 24, 59, 68, 71, 80, Barnhart, Mr. W.E., 258-9 110,130,175,191; Collected Bases, Mrs. 169 Writings, vi 290 Boehme, Jacob, xii Chappell, Mrs., 257 Book Concern - see Theosophical Chidester, Davitt, 4, 26 Book Concern Christian Science, 195 Boys school, 155,167-8 Christmas at Krotona, 261 Bradlaugh, Charles, 175 "The City, the Hills, and the Sea", Brandt, A.O., 11, 85,102,104, 210-1 106,169,172 Cipher note, 36,198 Bright, Miss Esther, 150 Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Murphy, 63 British Medical Association Cleveland, Mrs., 174,191 headquarters, 99 Code words for Mrs. Besant, 117-8 Broenniman, Edgar, 102,168,174, Coenobium Laicum, 215 176 Coffeen, Henry A., 232 Broenniman, Mrs. Eleanor R. 80, Coffman, Mrs., 67 102,135,140-1,165-6, 202 Collier, Rev. Robert Laird, 2 Brotherhood (Arundale's organiza- Colony for Sixth Race - see Sixth tion), 235, 241 Race Colony Brotherhood (concept), i-ii, 140 Colville, Mr., 136 Brotherhood, Universal (secret Co-Masonry, 49, 61, 74, 81, 95, society) - see Universal Brother- 138-40,154,175; could broaden hood (secret society) masculine Masonry, 49 Brown bungalow or brown house, Coming - see Second Coming 121,165,173, 213 Congress of Religions, 170, 244 Bruno, Giordano, xii, 83 Consociate Family, xiii Brush, Mrs. 101 Cooper, Irving S., 153,158,183-4, Brush, Miss Gladys, 146,190 228, 230-1, 256, 258 Bullen, Mrs. 40,171,179-81 Cornerstone, Administration Bid., Burnett, Dr. Mary Weeks, 102 132,138-43; theosophical head- Burnett, Mrs. 28 quarters, London, 99 Cornwell, Mrs. Laura A., 94,136, Caldwell, Dr. Mabel, 124 166,172,190, 231 Caldwell, Walter, 124,168,176 Courtright, Mrs. NA, 28,179-81, Campbell, Rev. CJ., 81 239 Carr, Mrs., 119-20 Crotona (Italy), iii-iv, xi, 12-3,138, Carnes, 26 216-7 Catholic Church, 171,179,181 Cuban schools, 67-70 Central Hindu College, 50, 58, 70, Cushing, Marie Elfrieda, 238-9 220 Chaffee, Miss Hattie A., 102 291 Damodar, 191 Fisher, Mrs., 74 Das, Bhagavan, 198, 200, 208, 214, Flogg, Mr. & Mrs. Elisha, 80 225 Founders Day, 191 Davies, Edgar, 149 Fruitlands, xiii Davis, Mrs. Kate, 186 Fuente, Mr., 7 Dennis, Mrs. Helen, 17 Fullerton, Alexander, 3, 25, 30-2, "The Difficulties of Clairvoyance", 36, 56, 58, 68,193-4,198; bequest, 224 82; legacy, 50 Doersam, Hugo, 148 Funds; Dollar-A-Month Fund, Penny- Dollar-A-Month Fund - see Funds A-Day Fund, Special Donations Drama: Halloween Play, 176-7; Fund, 187-8 Mission Play, 157; Oberammer- Fussell, Mr. J.H., 56,198-9, 203, 223 gau, 156 Duff, Mrs. Grace Shaw, 194, 236, Garnsey, Mrs., 153 241, 261 Gautama Buddha, xii, 47 Duyvis, Miss A., 202 Gerlando, Mr., 173 Glamor, 8,19 Eclectic School, xii Golden Chain, children's group, 174 Eddy brothers' seances, ii Graham-Pole, 253 Eddy, Mary Baker, 195 Greek Theater - see Amphitheater Eddy, Sarah J., 237-8 Griswold, Mrs. Sarah E., 102 Education as Service, 219 Elemental, 62-4, 66, 68,146 Hall, Mrs., 37 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xiii Halloween Play, 176-7 Encyclopedia Americana, 7 Haner, Mrs. Jennie L.K., 124 Encyclopedia of Theosophy, 249 Hanish, Dr., 179 Ensor, Robert W., 124,165,169,172, Hardy, Carlos, 79, 86-90, 94,101, 256 136-7,140,146,155-6,165,172, Esoteric Instructions by 191, 216, 243 G. de Purucker, vi Hardy, Oliver, 165,168,174,176 Esperanto, 49-50, 52, 96, 225 Harding, Mrs. S.M., 40 Exposition, World; in Chicago, 2, Hartman, Dr., 43 170; in San Francisco, 170, 244 Hastings, Charles, tract, 103-6, 113-4 Hathaway, Mrs. Lizie, 169 Fabian Society, 81 Headquarters, American Section, Fallows, Edward, 103-6 120,127-9,138,147,154,166-7, Fay, Miss Anna Eva - see Pingree, 206, 213, 232, 236, 262 Mrs. David H. Healing work at Krotona, 169-70 292 Health Home, 14,16 Jerome, Mrs. Clara, 151 Hebard, Mr. & Mrs. 174 Jesuits, 171-2,186,194, 239 Heindel, Max, 122 Jesus, Master, 19, 43 Helios - see Russak, Mrs. Marie Jewett, Mrs., 80 Herakles - see Annie Besant Jinarajadasa, C, 7-8, 21, 40, 46, 75, Herald of the Star, 231 149,158,162-4, 214-5, 225-31, 239- Hillyer, Mrs., 67 40, 245-7 The Hindu, 188-9, 205, 226 Johnsen, Julia E., 250 Hinton, Mr., 6 Jones, Captain Russell Lloyd, 167 Hodgson-Smith, Basil, 7,192 Jones, E.P., 27 Holbrook, Mr. Elliot, 64, 71, 93,146 Jones, Mrs. N., 74 Holbrook, Miss Isabel B., 102,115, Jorgensen, Miss, 148 134,138-9,147,155,165,169,172, Judge, William Quan, 2, 68,170, 175 191,193 Holbrook, Mrs. Minnie, 7, 21, 48, 71 K.H. - see Koot Hoomi Holland, Mr. C.F., 126,146-7,191, Kabalism, 149 236, 252 Karezzo theory, 21 Horoscope of Krotona, 141-3 Karma and Reincarnation Legion, Hotchener, Henry, 19, 33, 50, 56,167, 256 193, 236, 241, 253-5, 258, 260-1 Keach, Calvin E., 41-3 Howard, Mrs. Maude L., 185 Kern, Mrs. Mildred E., 190 Huddlestone Gardens, iii Kingsley, Bruce Gordon, 134,145, Huntington home, 78 190 Hypatia, 162 Kirbys, 214, 240-1, 243 Knights of Columbus (K of C), 186-7 The Inner Group Teaching of Knudsen, Mrs., 169,190 HRBlavatsky to her personal Knudsen, Augustus F., 11,102,104, pupils, 1890-1891, vi 106,134,136,148,155,166, 169, Ingelman, 167 172,175,191 Initiate(s), 35, 72,130,177, 217, 255 Knudsen, Ruth, (Augustus' daughter) Initiation, v-vii, 46-7, 67,125,130-1 169,177 Isis Unveiled, 2,10 Kochersperger, Mrs. Clara, 40,151-2 Koot Hoomi, 11, 43, 212 Jacobs, Miss Sarah, 19, 260 Krewer, Mr., 252-3 James River, location for a Krishnaji - see Krishnamurti community, 19 Krishnamurti, 40, 58, 70, 73, 81, Japanese temple gong, 238 83, 97-8,101,112,118,123,125, 293 177,188,199, 219, 229, 258, 261; Lippert, Mr., 174,176,190, 201 first initiation, 46; second initia- Lohrli, Mr. Gottfried, and tion, 125,130 Mrs. Anna, 148 Krotona: as educational center, 166; Lohrli children, Gottfried, Anna, Krotona Service (ritual), 246-9, Helen, 148,168,173 258; spelling with C or K, iii-iv; Lotus Circle, children's group, Krotona Court, also called- 138,174,191 Krotona Inn, 216, 238-9 Lotus Journal, 229 Krotona Library, 202, 233; Lund, Haviland, 106 catalogue, 250-2 Lund, Miss, 148 "The Krotona Plan", 106-9 Lutyens, Edwin, 99 Kundalini, 66-7 Lutyens, Lady Emily, 127,150 Kunz, Alma, 169,172, 209 Kunz, Arno, 124,165,168-9,173,190 MacAdam, Mrs., 169 Kunz, Fritz, 7,102,115,136,140, Mahacakra Order, 178-9 146,155,165,168-9,172,191-2, Maitreya, Lord, 46, 243 198, 221, 249, 256, 261 Manning, Mr. & Mrs., 27, 74 Kunz, Litta, 169,174,176, 216, 221 Marble quarry, 41-3 Kuznik, Dr., 102,135,138 Marsh, Mr., 174 Marsland, Miss, 112 Ladies Home Journal, 219 Martin, 27 "Land of the Heart's Desire", 190 Masonry, 49, 74,149,187; Lands; A.P. Warrington received gift see also Co-Masonry of land in Westminster, Canada, Mazdaznin Society, 171,179 181, 209; Mary Baker Eddy and McAdam, Mrs., 148 Christian Science, 195; power of McFarland, Mrs. Mary C, 94,166, attorney to Warrington for all 191 lands in U.S., Canada and McGovern, Mrs. Janet B., 110-12 Mexico, 207-9 171,179,185-7 Lane, Charles, xiii McQueen, Miss, 33 Leadbeater, C.W., 3, 5-10,12,17-19, Mead, Frank, 189-90 20-35, 52, 56-7, 59, 79,102,157, Mead, G.R.S., 28, 34, 43-4 191,194, 203-5, 215, 224-5, 243-4, Medhurst, Rev. C.S., 99 248, 260 Membership application, Theosophi- Lee, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas, 67 cal Society, 160-1 "The Light of Asia", 136 Mercury, 3 The Link, magazine for E.S. The Messenger, 52, 64, 94,116,124, members, 23, 48 163,165, 230, 252, 258; confused 294 with The Theosophic Messenger, Order of Rising Sun, 70 241 Order of Service, 35 Middleton, Mr., 54-5 Order of the Star in the East Minor, Professor John B., 2 (OSE), 70,100,118,134,138,140, Minto, Lord, 101 154,156,172,194, 231 Mission, St.
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