DORCHESTER R.D.C. Buckland Newton Recreation Allotment Woolfords Water VG 27. Buckland Newton Parish Pound VG 62. Charminster The Square VG 61. Cheselbourne Village Green VG 23. Frampitom .:. The Green VG 68. Tolpuddle The Green VG 66. Winterbotme St. Martin Village Green VG 32(&). R.D.C. Public Pond VG 65. East Orchard Village Pound VG 59. Sflton Stroud Common Recreation Allotment VG 31(6). R.D.C. ... Netmead VG (a)(6). Recreation Allotment VG 28. ... Okeford Hill VG 51. WAREHAM AND PURBECK R.D.C. Arne VG 58. Castle Poole Harbour VG 58. Bloxworth Green including Doddy's Green VG 53. East ... Village Green VG 45. ... The Green VG 46 VG 47. East Stoke Stockwood Common Recreation Allotment VG 29. Poale Harbour VG 58. Morden Churchland Green VG 26. The Green VG 37. Wood Wool Pound VG 24. Woodbury Common VG 60. Wareham St. Martin Poole Harbour VG 58. Studtend Poole Harbour VG 58. WlMBORNE AND CRANBORNE R.D.C. Alderholt Grass Triangle VG 33. Bridleways 25 VG 34. Sandleheaths Road VG 35. Footpath No. 30 VG 36. Colehill Wooded Site VG 52(a). Sturminster Marshall Timber Green VG 40(&). Trafalgar Green VG 42(fc). BLANDFORD BOROUGH: Recreation Ground VG 55. The Ham VG 56. POOLE BOROUGH: Poole Harbour VG 58. WAREHAM BOROUGH: Poole Harbour VG 58. Wareham Town Pound VG 63. WEYMOUTH BOROUGH : Alexandra Gardens VG 54. Radipole The Green VG 57. (a) Rights of common are registered in respect of this land or part of it. (6) Claims to ownership are registered in respect of this land or part of it. (327)

DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL Objections COMMONS REGISTRATION ACT 1965 The period for objecting to registrations made after 30th June 1968 began on 1st May 1970 and Common Land and Town or Village Greens Pro- ends on 31st July 1972. The period for objecting visional Registrations and how to object to them to registrations made before 1st July 1968 ended Registrations on 30th September 1970. Every objection must The second and last period for applications for be made in writing on the special form of objection the registration under the above Act of: (CR Form 26) available free and post free from (a) land which is common land or a town or me at my office (address as above) and must reach village green ; the County Council as registration authority at that (b) rights of common over such land ; and address not later than 31st July 1972. (c) persons claiming to be owners of such land ; Registrations are independent of each other so that, for example, a registration of land as common ended on 2nd January 1970. land made before 1st July 1968 and not objected The County Council is the registration authority to before 1st October 1970 became final and definitive for the registration area of which particulars are on the latter date, but if registrations of rights over given in the First Schedule hereto. The Register that land, or claims to ownership thereof, were of Common Land and the Register of Town or Village made after 30th June 1968 objections to such regis- Greens for this registration area, containing all trations can be made in the second objection period. registrations made under the Act, and notes of all Every objection which is not rejected is noted objections so far made, are available for inspection on the register as soon as possible after receipt and free of charge at my office at County Hall, Durham particulars are sent by me to the person (if any) (Room 19, Floor 1) between the hours of 9 a.m. on whose application the registration was made, and and 4.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays. A table to certain other persons directly interested in the giving brief information about registrations made registration. In addition, copies of register entries after 30th June 1968, is set out in the Second of objections are sent to local authorities holding Schedule hereto. In addition, each ^ocal authority copies of the registrations to which they relate. other than the County Council has available for The noting of any objection on the register does inspection copies of all registrations affecting land not mean that it is officially admitted to be correct, in its own area and copies of register entries of and it has no immediate effect on the registration. ••all objections so far made affecting such land. The effect is that, unless the registration is can-