Lionel William Stanton :M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and NEWTON is a quarter of s mile west; West Wood, I mil!} Oxford. Reginald Joseph Weld esq. of Castle, is north-west. lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is strong Parish Clerk, John Loveless. clay; subsoil, Bagshotr series. The chief crops are oats, Letters, through Wareham, arrive at 8030 a.m. Wool is the .barley, Wheat, turnips and with some land in pastnre. The nearest money order & telegraph office area is 2,004 acres; rateable value, £" 1,216; the population LET1'3R Box cleared at 5.20 p.m iD, 1881 was 129. The children attend the school at East Lulworth Stanton Rev. Lionel Wm. M.A. Vicarage IDowle Alfred, dairyman White WaIter, farmer,Westcoombe fI'm BuddenGeo.Alfd.frmr.EastCoombe frm Lucas James, shopkeeper is a parish and village, with a station vertically on the east, west and north sides. The northern, -on the London and South Western raIlway,S miles south- or highest point, is occnpied by the noble TIlins of the Keep east from Wareham, 21 south-east from Dorchester and 130 and principal buildings; the great gateway stands at the from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Corfe southern, or lowest angle; the Hutavant tower, the western ; Castle hundred,Wareham petty sessional division and county and the Queen's hall, or tower, near the eastern angle; the court district, Wareham and Purbeck union, rural deanery whole inclo"ing an area of about 3t acres, which is divided of Dorchester Purbeck portion, archdeaconry of and into three wards-the outer (by far the largest), the middle, diocese of Salisbury: it is situated nearly in the centre of and the inner ward: a bridge of four arches, crossing a deep the Isle or Peninsula of Purbeck, and derives its name and dry moat, connects the castle with the town. A full and origin from the ancient castle: its first charter, granted by admiraLle detai'ei account of the history of the castle is Queen Elizabeth, conferred on the inhabitants equal privi- gIven by 1\1r. T. Bond, in the last edition of .. Hutchings' Ie"o-es with the Cinque Ports. The church of St. Edward History of Dorset," and has been more recently revised and the Martyr, a. building of stone with green slate roof, was issue:! as a distinct volume. The earliest historical even' rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 1859-1860, recorded of Corfe is in connection with the murder of King from designs by Wyatt, in the Perpendicular style, and con- Edward the Martyr, A.Do 978. Elfrida's" house" stood sists of chancel and chancel aisles, nave and aisles, north here, and in March of that year, by her hand, or by her in· porch and an ancient embattled west tower with pinnacles, stigation, King Edward was assassinated on his horse at the with an interesting doorway and clock and a peal of 6 bells: door of her hospice: his foot being entangled in the stirrup, the chancel is enriched by a stained east window, in memory he was drag5ed away by the affrighted animal till it reaChed of Lady Charlotte Bankes ; a fine reredos has been added by the brook on the Wareham side of the mound, where the the Earl of Eldon, designed by the late G. E. Street R.A.: body of the unfortunate prince was found and taken 'to there are eight other memorial windows: the stained window Wareham, whence it was afterwards removed with grea' in the south aisle was erected by the rector in memory of pomp to Shaftesbury. William the Conqueror next appear. his youngest son and the other two to his eldest daughter; connected with the fortress, as' having caused the Keep 01' 1lhat at the west end is to Captain Sir GeoI'ge Hiddlecombe, great tower to be built, and the castle was used chiefly as • knight, who left money for the purpose: there is an orga.n, prison. Stephen, in his wars with Matilda, f()und the castl. and a very beautiful ancient font of Purbeck marble: the impregnab!e. John made it a royal residence and con· chancel, which is Early English, is built of the Purbeck stone siJered it the safest depository of his treasure and regalia; and Purbeck marble, which is effectively introduced in the here, also, he confined the Princess Alinor, sister nf hi. columns of the chancel (copied from those of the former victim Arthur, ill company with the two daughters of the -edifice) and other part~ of the interior: there are 600 sit- King of Scot.and. From Corte Castle, Edward n. was taken tjngs. The register dates from the year 1653. The living to BerkeJey by his murderers, Sir John Matravers, of Langton is a rectory, gross yearly value £680, includlng 70 acres of Matravers, and Sir John Gurney. Elizabeth sold the domain glebe, with residence, in the gift of W. R. Bankes esq. the to her favourite, Sir Christopher Hatton, who, in 1587, waa proprietor of Kingston Lacey, near Wimborne, and held made Lord High Chancellor: in 1635 it passed by putc~e since 1854 by the Rev. Eldon Surtees Dankes M.A. of Dni- into the p')ssessinn of the then Attorney-General, Sir John varsity College, Oxford, surrogate, prebendary of Salisbury B