PRESENT: Cllr Steve Clarke (Acting Chairman), Cllr Morrison Wells, Cllr Haywood, Cllr Spicer-Short, Cllr Parish, Cllr Marshallsay, Cllr Spinney, Cllr Dragon.

There was one member of the public present.

PUBLIC HALF HOUR. No members of the Public spoke. Cllr Clarke opened the meeting by extending the Council’s condolences to Cllr Dru Drury following the death of Diana Dru Drury

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Dru Drury, Cllr Dando

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS: The Council adopted the Code of Conduct set out on the Communities and Local Government website at the 10th September 2012 Meeting (Page 155, para 3.7). Declarations of Interests received for all Councillors. All Councillors are granted a dispensation to set the Precept. Cllr Parish has submitted her declarations and dispensations to the Clerk and they have been sent to the monitoring officer.

3. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The draft minutes of the meeting held on the 11th of June 2018 were confirmed as a true record of proceedings and were signed.

4. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT: Cllr Brooks was asked about the impact of Christchurch’s judicial review? She replied the Council are continuing with planning for LGR as they have no other option. Should the case be found in Christchurch’s favour LGR could collapse. Cllr Brooks reported the Shadow Council is now in place and the Shadow Exec’ is in place. Several task and finish groups are still active and HR has started. Cllr Brooks is Vice Chair for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Apart from the Local Area Decision Making group, most task and finish groups have served their purpose and are no longer operational. She emphasised 80% of the Councils budget goes on adult and child care and that the Shadow Council are looking at future funding issues. A new section 151 officer Jason Bourne has been appointed to look at this and review the budgets. Matt Prosser has been appointed as interim head of Paid Service and the position of Chief Exec is out to advert. Cllr Brooks was asked about concerns raised at a recent DAPTC meeting about ‘highways working together’. She responded that TRO’s and legal procedures had halted some proceedings. There were comments raised at the meeting about ‘putting together a team and did the highways not have staff’. In this instance it was not simply a case of organising a highways team but of employing subcontractors. The reported issue of a discrepancy between the price advertised on the working for you document to paint central white lines and the actual quoted figure resulted because the price in the document refers to painting the side of the road and using DCC staff, which is obviously cheaper. To do the centre of the road a larger piece of hired kit and a gang of subcontractors would be required, which in turn would cost more.

5. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT: District Councillor Dragon reported aircraft noise over the Parish had been raised with him as a problem. He requested the parishioner kept a log; the results of which were quite outstanding. It is thought aircraft use the line from Kingston to Corfe as a marker and train to perform tricks in the air. They are not allowed to do this is in urban areas for various reasons and there are also restrictions over the sea. He has been recommended a website on which he can identify planes which can then be reported to the aviation authority. He asked how can Purbeck be a designated area of tranquillity yet also be a playground for aviators? At the last Council meeting PDC discussed the purchase of a house from a housing authority. The property would be used to house families moving between a B&B and a permanent home. Questions had been asked about how the maintenance would be managed, and would the house need refurnishing after each occupation? It was also


asked why PDC were considering purchasing from a Housing association when the maintenance and running of the property would need to be passed back to a housing association? The July meeting of the District Council has been cancelled. Cllr Dragon was asked if he could comment on the recent response the Council had received from Ian Brewer of DWP? He stressed that DWP is run as a separate enterprise to PDC and that he is not aware that PDC had been asked for any resources from DWP. He will follow up with Peter Webb. Action: Cllr Dragon to make enquiries re DWP with Peter Webb. Had they asked PDC for further resources? 6. NATIONAL TRUST REPORT: James Gould reported on two fires in the village. One by Hartland Farm on Sleep Common which is thought to have been started by a discarded cigarette and a second on the hillside behind the railway bridge, which had started as a controlled burn by the railway. The Trust had received no information about the burn in advance. The National Trust warden Paul Bradley will be circulating information about fire prevention. ‘Secrets of the National Trust’ will be aired on channel 5 and will feature Corfe Castle on the 25th of July. James wished to stress that the parking at Uvesdale would soon be restricted. No designated spots had been granted by the highways authority and they are looking into chaining the area off. The PC advised James that a condition of the original planning application was that a wall was reinstated and requested that this be implemented. The parking there is dangerous and the Trust wish to remove this danger. Cllr Dragon raised that someone wishes to take over the lease on the now empty garage at Uvesdale and could James comment on the delay on the application? James was unaware but would be interested to receive the person’s details so he can look into it. James requested that people please ask if they wish to use the NT fencing at Castle View to place adverts. The Trust policy does not object on principle to people putting up signs but please ask and they will be removed after a week to be left in Castle View for collection. There is a Woman in Power exhibition in the castle involving Audio Points and telling the story of Lady Bankes. Please visit it and feedback comments to the National Trust. James will be unable to attend in September but will request Laurie or Nick do so in his absence. The National Trust took back the queries raised at the last meeting re. litter and have advised they will provided additional bins at peak times in the village and litter pick on Mondays and Tuesdays after peak weekends. Cllr Dragon asked whether tenants still receive National Trust Tenant Membership Cards? Action: James to discuss with building team reinstating the wall at Uvesdale as per original conditions of planning Action: James to advise whether tenants receive National Trust Membership cards? Action: Clerk to write to Railway requesting they do not practice controlled burning through the summer months and ask if they have considered spark arrestors to minimise risk of fire elsewhere? 7. PLAYGROUND REPORT: 7.a Painting of Equipment. Despite great efforts to seek tenders to complete the work to paint the playground the Council had received one quote to paint the equipment. The Council were happy they had fulfilled requirements of financial regulations by advertising for quotes in the Corfe Valley News and approaching several private contractors. It was resolved to accept the single quote of £1440 which was based on eight person days, to use the Councils paint as supplied and to paint all apparatus in the playground. The work must be done outside of the summer holidays so if it cannot be done immediately it must be carried out in September. Proposed to accept the quote of £1440.00 by Cllr Marshallsay, seconded Cllr Haywood and all agreed. 7.b Safety of Equipment. The Playground committee were asked is the equipment safe, concerns having been raised at the last meeting. It was confirmed that Cllr Grinstead was going to tighten the roundabout and the committee was confident it was not a hazard, Cllr Dragon advised he would double check as soon as possible as a precaution and if required fence it off. It was confirmed that the swing seats had been replaced and the see saw has been filled where it was split. 7.c Quotes for new apparatus. The clerk has gathered several quotes for new gym equipment. The quotes vary hugely in price and it has become apparent that to a decision on purchasing needs thorough research and consideration. The Council resolved to remove the existing damaged equipment, thoroughly research the best equipment to buy; visiting other parks and ensuring a longer lasting product is purchased. The Council then plan to replace all the equipment in one go.


It was noted an external playground inspection is provisionally booked for sometime in September. Cllr Morrison Wells highlighted the relative expense of the equipment only lasting over a few years and asked the Council to consider this and ensure new items have a 10 year life span. Action: Cllr Spinney and Cllr Dragon to look into removing the existing equipment. Action: Cllr Dragon to confirm he has inspected the roundabout or sought confirmation from Cllr Grinstead. Action: Clerk to continue to look for alternative quotes and manufacturers for the gym equipment and research any nearby locations where equipment is installed. To report back to playground committee.

8. MATTERS ARISING INCLUDING ACTIONS TAKEN FROM MAYS MEETING: 8.a Clerk to start list of organisations in preparation for Parish Meeting: The list is in progress. 8.b Clerk to formally request dropped curbs: It was reported that the request has been submitted. 8.e Clerk to respond to PDC that yes the Parish Council would wish to own the toilets but only on the terms set out by the Council: The Council are awaiting developments from the Policy Group Meeting which is scheduled for the 18th of July. It was noted that the Policy group cannot make a decision on this and that it will take until at least September. The aim of the meeting is to decide if the proposal needs to be put before the Shadow Executive or if it can be put before PDC first. 8.f It was resolved that the Council would like to explore in principle the possibility of purchasing a SID unit with another parish or a group of Parishes but only when the DCC service ceases to operate: The clerk has raised this for discussion at the SE Parishes Clerks and Chairs Meeting on the 20th July. The Clerk has discussed the idea on principle with LMPC who are interested. 8.g Cleaning of road signs in the Parish: The clerk has raised on the agenda at the next South East Clerks and Chairs meeting. 8.h Bollards to be installed in Gods Acre to restrict parking: It was reported that the Clerk has submitted a request 8.i Clerk has contacted Encombe Estate re Signs for the Car Park: The council resolved that the Clerk should make a response to Kingston PCC advising that they had researched the possibility of installing signs and had contacted the landowner. They respect his view that signs would not be appropriate in this instance and applaud him for the provision and condition of the car-park. Action: Clerk to respond to the PCC Kingston 8.j Suggestion to start a definitive list of Land Owners and tenant Farmers. The Council supported this suggestion and will endeavour to create a list that labels all major land with Rights of Way going over it, starting with the big estates. Action: Clerk to start definitive list of Land Owners and tenant Farmers

9. AGENDA ITEM 9. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANISATION- To respond to the Boundary review.. The Council received a report on the Boundary Review Proposals which set out where our Parish would sit within a new ward. Corfe Castle Parish would be in the Ward and although a geographically large Ward and onerous for a Councillor would be marginally under the standard number of electors recommended by 4%. The Council commented that the Parish of East Stoke does not sit as sympathetically with the needs and priorities of other Purbeck Parishes and would sit better alongside Wool, Wareham or Bovington. The Council wish to pass on these comments to East Stoke and seek their opinion on it. Cllr Brooks had advised that there was a possibility there would not be time to resolve the Boundary review prior to LGR in which case the ward would revert back to two Councillors per ward. Action: Clerk to pass comments to East Stoke ask about whether they feel their needs are not as aligned with the other Parishes in The Isle of Purbeck ward and more aligned with another area?

10. AGENDA ITEM 10. Resolutions in preparation for August Meeting: 10.a Payments; An anticipated list of routine and other payments to be made in August were presented to the Council. These were as follows: ALISON BURNETT Clerks pay and expenses 727.28 NEST Pension contribution 11.78 WAREHAM AND PURBECK Gods Acre Refuse collection - increased 60.00 SKIP HIRE charge 18/19


Line rental and unlimited anytime calls BRITISH TELECOM Est 40.00 and Broadband HMRC NATIONAL INSURANCE 9.48 WYBONE Payment for bins 5604.84 FUNCTION 28 Monthly hosting fee for website 12.00 Total estimated expenditure in August (including VAT) 6425.38 Resolved to make all payments as noted above. Proposed Cllr Haywood, Seconded Cllr Marshallsay, all in favour. 10.b Planning: The Council considered the proposal to delegate power to the planning committee to comment on August planning applications on behalf of the Council. Resolved: The Council unanimously agreed the planning committee could submit comments on the Councils behalf. Action: Clerk to contact local businesses re. Contributions to financing bins 11. AGENDA ITEM 11. YOUTH CLUB The Council commented that the recent report circulated by Cllr Spinney was very good. Cllr Spinney advised the Youth Club Committee are looking into other sources of funding and fundraising and are confident they will be able to manage the required contribution. Cllr Clarke reiterated that the Youth Club is expected to engage in their own fundraising. Cllr Dragon asked could the other Parish Councils be approached if children from their Parish attend the Youth Club. Resolved. Cllr Clarke signed the memorandum of understanding in the presence of the Council.

12. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: Item 1) Corfe Commons Rights holders . The Council resolved that they did not wish to purchase a list of rights holders. They felt Jonathan Kerhsaw had clarified the position of the rights holders well last month. Item 4 )Webbers Close Parking. The Council were sent images from a parishioner of cars parked at Webbers Close. A discussion ensued about the lack of enforcement of cars parked on double yellow lines. Councillor Brooks advised that wardens seen to be ignoring breaches of parking regulations should be reported to DCC. Action: Clerk to write to DCC and request enforcement and to reply to the Parishioner to advise on actions taken. Item 13) Surface Dressing. Cllr Spinney had highlighted defects and mess left after the surface dressing. He had had a meeting that afternoon with Cllr Brooks and Highways who feel the job has been done adequately and the new surface, whilst not aesthetically pleasing, keeps the skid risk down. Cllr Spinney advises categorically it has not been done to the required standard and he has received countless complaints from parishioners. He has no confidence the defects will be rectified. The Highways department have agreed to fill some holes in the turning circle at the end of Mead Road. They have no plans to improve any other areas but have offered assurances that the road will bed down as cars use the roads. Item 19) Neighbourhood Plan. The Council considered responding to the Bere Regis Neighbourhood plan. They will not comment. Item 23) Consultation- Marine Conservation Zones. The Council considered responding to the Marine Conservation Zone Consultation but felt it best to leave to PC and make individual representations should they wish. Item 26) Have Your Say About The Future Of Community Policing. The Council discussed the proposed merger of and Devon and Cornwall Police Forces. Vice Chair Cllr Clarke had prepared and circulated a paper proposing the Council objection to the proposed merger. The Council feel the timing of the consultation is flawed, that there is a complete lack of detail in the report. Crucial data about the costs and financial benefits of change and the impact on the Dorset taxpayer are not made known. Dorset currently has a directly elected Police and Crime Commissioner accountable through elections. The Police and Crime Commissioner has a sole focus on this geographically large County and the arguments for losing this direct accountability need to be very strong. Commenting on the Police Merger Councillor Brooks advised the methods of policing have changed hugely and the proposals are designed to target the resulting needs and make the force more efficient. The whole County is looking at forging partnerships which can serve residents better. She believes the County Councils view on the merger is to approve it. Resolved: The Council resolved to Object to the proposed merger.


Action: Clerk to circulate the response paper composed by Cllr Clarke to all neighbouring Parishes, to District and County Councillors the MP and to local media. Item 27)Ian Brewer Dorset Waste Partnership. The Council has received a response from Ian Brewer advising that they were implementing new measures which may help the frequency and efficiency of rubbish collections. Cllr Brooks commented that missed collections are occurring all across the county and were presenting issues. The smaller wagons have had maintenance problems and there have been battery thefts which have restricted collections in rural areas. The street cleansing operatives are said to be doing their best. Cllr Spicer Short asked how can bins in West Street be collected but not those 50 yards away in the rec? Why is there no organisation and structure? Why are agency staff not instructed where to collect bins from? The process is haphazard .

Action: Cllr Brooks asked can future correspondence raising issues with Robin Hildreth be copied to her so she can address unsatisfactory responses.


1. Application No:6/2018/0299. Mrs Jessica Starmer. 30 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EQ. Development: Remove existing chimney, repair and re-instate 2. Application No:6/2018/0312. Mr Richard & Mrs Susan Sedgley. Sue’s Cottage, 164 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EH Development: Replace existing boundary wall (listed building consent) 3. Application No:6/2018/0311. Mr Richard & Mrs Susan Sedgley. Sue’s Cottage, 164 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EH. Development: Replace existing boundary wall

No objections were raised to these DECISIONS ON OF PLANNING PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED 1. Application No: 6/2018/0161. Ms Jessica Starmer. 30 East Street Corfe Castle BH20 No Obj ND 5EQ .Development: Re-pointing to part of one wall on the north elevation of the house.(Listed Building Consent). 2. No Obj Application No: 6/2018/0203. Mrs Vanessa Forster. Brook Cottage, 5 East Street, Corfe A Castle BH20 5ED.Development: Replacement of various windows and doors. 3. Application No: 6/2018/0211. Mr & Mrs Jessop. 117 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EG.Development: Loft conversion to include the insertion of 4 rooflights, a double No Obj A dormer window with two Juliet balconies on the rear elevation and a replacement garage and porch. 4. No Obj Application No: 6/2018/0255. Mr & Mrs McManus. Land off New Line, Norden . ND Development: Erect a barn 5. Application No: 6/2018/0291. Mr Christopher Hughes. Wissett Cottage, 53 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EE No Obj Development: Take down existing chimney and rebuild. Remove tiles at abutment to ND

neighbours gable wall and fit lead soakers, replace tiles and provide lead flashing. Hack off and re render gable end.

APN/2018/0002 23/05/2018 19/06/2018 Mr Keith Richards Woodlands Corfe Road Corfe R Castle Norden BH20 5DT Erect 2 barns for light agricultural use

TREEWORKS APPLICATIONS Number: Location: Proposal: TWA/2018/105 142 East Street, Corfe (T1) Lawson Cypress - fell; (T2) Pittosporum - reduce by 3- Castle, BH20 5EH 4ft from the tips of the branches and shape over - Corfe

Castle Conservation Area No objection was raised to this TREEWORKS APPLICATIONS GRANTED: TWA/2018/087 Acorns, Calcraft Rd Corfe Castle. Reduce Entire Crown by 2m, remove rubbing and crossing branches.



14a. To approve spending retrospectively on paint for the telephone kiosk. This was authorised by Cllr Clarke so that the job to repaint the Mead Road phone kiosk could be completed. £49.07. To also retrospectively approve a new printer for the clerk. The Previous printer broke and a superior replacement has been purchased.

14b: ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT CORFE CASTLE GARDENING Contribution towards planting scheme 200.00 CLUB FRIENDS OF CORFE CASTLE Grant to help fund storeroom project 484.00 BRANCH LIBRARY NEST Pension contribution 11.78

HMRC NATIONAL INSURANCE 9.48 WAREHAM AND PURBECK SKIP Gods Acre Refuse collection - increased charge 18/19 60.00 HIRE ALISON BURNETT Clerks pay and expenses 727.28 reimburse paypal payment for 123REG 2 years domain ALISON BURNETT 23.98 renewal for ALISON BURNETT Replacement printer ink and lead 185.14

RUSSELL CARR Paint for Defib telephone kiosk 49.07

FUNCTION 28 Monthly hosting fee for website 12.00

LOWTHER Grass cutting- first quarterly payment 555.00

DAPTC Annual Subscription 471.85 PURBECK YOUTH AND First payment for 2018-19 academic year 1442.00 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BRITISH TELECOM Line rental and unlimited anytime calls and Broadband 42.27

BURDEN BUILDING To repair and repiant the bus shelter at SERVICES LIMITED halves cottages 315.00

Total Payments for the month: £4273.85 Paid In HMRC VAT recovered from 2017-18 PURCHASES 1,253.28

Interest 0.69 Total monthly receipts £ 1253.97 Cllr Dragon queried whether the PC is happy the area around the West Street toilets is approved for planting. Yes it is. It has been approved in an email by PDC and they have advised the grass cutting contract has at least five years to run.


It was resolved to make all payments as noted above and approve noted emergency payments retrospectively. Proposed Cllr Haywood, Seconded Cllr Marshallsay, all in favour.

Bank Balances - (BT and Nest DD for July already debited) Interest Bearing Account £52,520.60 Cheque Account £15,334.16 Total balance- £67,854.76


Summary of DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee Meeting- June 27th Wareham Town Hall. Cllr Dragon attended as CCPC representative and the Clerk as Secretary. The Clerk raised the concerns reported re. an Affordable Housing grant from DCLG. It was asked what arrangements are being made to manage the outstanding balance of £810,000 in the period up to 31.03.19? PDC have responded it will not and cannot be ring fenced for Purbeck; there is no way in which the District Council can instruct the new authority on how to spend money. The money can only be accessed as and when it is needed and it cannot be stockpiled as such by CLT’s. The legality of putting the money into an unspecified pot at the Unitary was questioned as allocated money should be spent on the purpose for which it is granted. The Parish Council are concerned about this as the CCCLT have invested a lot in the process of starting a project and only have £50,000 offered at this stage. Other CLT’s are not in this position and have no guaranteed offers.

The meeting closed at 20.46. The next Parish Council meeting will be held on September 10th in Corfe Castle Town Hall.
