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Kidney International, Vol. 21(1982), pp. 877—879 TECHNICAL NOTE

Choline activity along the rabbit nephron


Klinisch-chemisches institutund ForschergruppeDiabetes, Stadtisches Krankenhaus Munchen-Schwabing, München, Federal Republic of Germany, and Institut National de Ia Sante et de Ia Recherche Medicale, U246, C.E.N.Saclay,Département de Biologie, Paris, France

The kidney plays a major role in the homeostatic regulation ofSpringfield Mill, Maidstone, Kent, England). Choline was plasma choline levels. The choline filtered by the glomeruli iswashed quantitatively from the column with 6 ml distilled reabsorbed by the tubules at high plasma levels; however,water. Phosphorylcholine was eluted after one washing with 1 choline can be secreted by the renal tubule [1]. In additionml 0.01 Tris-hydrochloric acid, pH 8.0, with 2 ml Tris-hydro- choline is metabolized by renal tissue [2]. The choline taken upchloric acid 0.1 M, pH 8.0. Complete eluation was tested by an by the renal cell may either be oxidized to betaine or phospho-additional wash with 1 ml Tris-hydrochloric acid 1 M, pH 8.0. rylated to phosphorylcholine [3]. To the eluates was added 10 ml Scintigel (Roth, Karlsruhe, Phosphorylation is required for phosphatidylcholine biosyn-Germany), and radioactivity was determined in a Tri-Carb thesis which is the major phospholipid in most mammalianliquid scintillation counter. tissues including kidney [41. In this particular organ it seems to Recovery of added '4C-phosphorylcholine was over 90%. We be an important constituent of cellular membranes. Moreover,also made tests if betaine, another possible of renal certain phosphatidylcholine species can modulate the activitycholine metabolism, was absent from the phosphoryicholine of and therefore play a role in cell regulation [51. fraction. The addition of '4C betaine, formed by the incubation Cholinekinase, the that catalyzes the first step inof '4C-choline with oxydase (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) phosphatidylcholine synthesis, phosphorylates choline to phos-did not lead to any increase in '4C in the phosphoryicholine phoryicholine. Bean and Lowenstein [61 have shown that renalfraction. activity increases during renal development, as it Choline kinase activity was expressed as picomoles of phos- does after uninephrectomy [7] and in response to renal ischemicphorylcholine formed per minute per millimeter of tubular injury [6]. length. Values were also referred to micrograms of protein Because the kidney consists of different segments, these datacontent calculated from the values measured by Vandewalle et could not be attributed to a defined nephron structure. There-al [8]. Basic chemicals were of analytical grade from Merck fore, it seemed of interest to localize the first step in phosphati-(Darmstadt, Germany), enzymes and coenzymes from Boeh- dylcholine synthesis along the mammalian nephron. This en-ringer (Mannheim, Germany), unlabeled choline-chloride from zyme was determined in microdissected structures of the rabbitServa (Heidelberg, Germany). nephron with a radiochemical microprocedure for choline kinase. Results and Discussion Before studying the distribution of choline kinase activity in the different structures of rabbit nephron, optimal assay condi- Methods tions were re-evaluated for the present purpose in diluted Experiments were performed on adult New Zealand whitekidney homogenates and microdissected tubule segments. Cho- rabbits (1.5 to 2 kg) which were fed a standard laboratory dietline kinase was saturated with 1 m choline, 5 msi ATP, and 5 and had free access to water until the study began. Tubulesm magnesium chloride. Under these conditions phosphoryl- were dissected as described previously in detail [8]. Homoge-choline formation was linear with time and tubular length in nates were prepared from cortex and medulla of the contralater-proximal convoluted tubules and cortical ascending limbs of al nonperfused kidney [8]. After dissection tubules were trans-Henle's loop (Fig. 1). ferred to Eppendorf cups in 10 p.1 Hanks solution containing Structures of the distal nephron could be dissected only after 0.25 m calcium (dissection medium). The tubule was then collagenase perfusion. Therefore, the effect of this pretreatment mixed with 10 p.I of an incubation mixture slightly modifiedon enzyme activity was tested in proximal convoluted tubules. according to Weinhold and Rethy [9] resulting in a finalIn accordance with earlier observations with a l59 concentration of ATP, 5 mrs'i; magnesium chloride, 5 mM; Tris- hydrochloric acid, 50 mM, pH 8.0; and [methyl-'4C] choline chloride, 1 ms'r (sp act 45 mCilmmoles) (Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, United Kingdom). Samples were incubated at 370C for 90 mm. Reaction was stopped by boiling for 3 mm and 100 p.! Received for publication July 20, 1981 water was added to increase sample size. Of this mixture 100 p.l and in revised form October 12, 1981 were applied to a column (5 x 60 mm) containing 0.3 g 0085—2538/82/0021—0877 $01 .OC diethylaminoethyl-cellulose in water (DE 52, Whatman Ltd., © 1982 by the International Society of Nephrology 877 878 Wirthensohn et al


1.4 •PCT2 • CAL 1.2

30 r =0.982 • PCT 1.0 o CAL >-

C.) 0.8 'U 20 'U CC, 0.6 . CU) 0 S . 00.4 10 . r=0.847 I. 0.2

I I 0 I I I I 0 30 60 90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time, mm B Tubulelength,mm

Fig. 1. Choline kinase activity as a function of incubation time (A) and tubular length (B). Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) and cortical ascending limbs of Henle's loop (CAL) were dissected and incubated as described in the Methods section. For the time dependence experiment each value represents the mean of five tubules SEM. Each point of the tissue dependence (B) represents one sample of one to three dissected seg- ments of the same structure. lower choline kinase activity was found in tubules isolated after collagenase treatment (P < 0.05). •0 Samples were frozen to release intracellular enzymes, but 1.5 this did not increase significantly choline kinase activity in E i 0. proximal tubule segments. This indicates that the proximal U) tubular choline kinase may be accessible to its substrates 0 already in the absence of freezing. A similar observation was 1.0 0. made with hexokinase [8] and adenylate cyclase [10]. : > In the final procedure all segments were measured after 0.3 I,'C collagenase treatment and one freezing and thawing cycle as UI described by Vandewalle et al [8]. Figure 2 summarizes the choline kinase activities in the different segments along the rabbit nephron. Enzyme activity was present in all structures examined. When referred to i: I millimeters of tubular length highest activities were found in N- 8 19 14 13 14 20 19 16 18 16 proximal convoluted tubules decreasing toward the pars recta PCT1 PCT2 PR TDL MAL CAL DCI CNT CCT MCI by about 34%. Choline kinase activity was lowest in the thin descending limbs of Henle's loop with only 13% of the activity Fig.2.Distributionof choline kinase activity along the rabbit nephron. Choline kinase activity was measured in single dissected nephron of the proximal convoluted tubule. A slight increase was found segments as described in the Methods section. Activity is expressed as in the medullary and cortical ascending limbs which furtherpicomoles per millimeter tubule length per minute (hatched bars) and as increased to the medullary collecting tubule where cholinepicomoles per micrograms protein per minute (open bars) calculated kinase activity reached 80% of the proximal convoluted tubulefrom the protein values measured by Vandewalle et al [8]. Values represent means SEM with the numbers of segments dissected in four value. different kidneys given below the bars. Abbreviations are: PCT1, early A similar distribution pattern was obtained when the valuesportion of the proximal convoluted tubule; PCT2, midportion of the were referred to protein content. Due to the lower protein proximal convoluted tubule; PR, pars recta; TDL, thin descending limb content per millimeter, the distal structures and the thin de-of Henle's loop; MAL, medullary ascending limb; CAL, cortical scending limbs exhibited relatively higher values. ascending limb; DCT, distal convoluted tubule; CNT, connecting tubule; CCT, cortical collecting tubule; MCT, medullary collecting Our results obtained in single dissected structures weretubule. higher than those in homogenates from the contralateral non- perfused kidneys. Kidney cortex contained 0.347 0.059 pmoles/p.g protein/mm (N =4)and medullary tissue 0.167 0.029 pmoles/g protein/mm (N =4).This indicates that The presence of choline kinase in all nephron segments microdissection leads to a relative enrichment of choline kinaseenables the nephron to incorporate choline into phosphatidyl- as observed earlier with other tubular enzymes 18, 11]. choline. Because choline kinase has not been found to be rate- Choline kinase activity along the rabbit nephron 879 limiting for phosphatidyicholine synthesis [12, 13, 141, no 2. ACARA M: Effect of ethanol on the renal excretion and metabolism further conclusions can be drawn from the present results of choline in the isolated perfused rat kidney. Drug Metab Dispos 7:113—117, 1979 regarding the distribution of phosphatidyicholine synthesis 3. SUNG C-P, JOHNSTON RM: Evidence for active transport of choline along the rjamma1ian nephron. The relatively high percentage in rat kidney cortex slices. Can JBiochem 43:1111—1118, 1965 of phosphatidylcholine in cortical and medullary rabbit kidney 4. WHITE DA: The phospholipid composition of mammalian tissues, slices [151 indicates that all segments may synthetize this Chapter 16 in Form and Function of Phospholipids, edited by ANSELL GB, HAWTHORNE JN, DAWSON RMC, Amsterdam, Else- phospholipid. vier Scientific Publishing, 1973, p. 441 Summary. 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