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Page 2 Vol. Xl OCTOBER, 1951 No. 10 $1 per year Paid circulation averages over 11,000 monthly, notarized. 100 per copy The Dialispublished thefirstof every Address correspondence and renewalsto month and serves radio fans in more than Editor of The Dial, KWTO, Springfield, 100 counties in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas Missouri. The Editor will be happy to an- and Oklahoma, as well as former Ozarkians swer your inquiries about past and present in other states who are old friends of Radio KWTO personalities and fill your requests Station KWTO. for pictures you'd like to see in The Dial. If the numbers 10-51 appear after your name on the address label at the top of page 20, your subscription expires with thisissue. PAUL GLYNN EDITOR'S COLUMN JOINS STAFF NEW STAFF MEMBER:-The DIAL's forward to making the DIAL an even better continued popularity with KWTO's thous- and more enjoyable magazine for each of ands of friends and neighbors has, during you. the past year, increased our production tasks A PROFOUND APOLOGY:-Undoubt- many fold. (Not that we're complaining .. edly regular DIAL readers willrecallthe far from it.)But. feature of last month's we're equally sure you'll Dial covering KVVTO's be glad to know that a part in the great Ozark Production Editor has Empire Fair.If you do been appointed to our you will remember the staff.He is Mr. Paul beautiful crochet work Glynn whose picture pictured on page three. appears withthisof- This lovelypanelin- ficial announcement. corporating our station's Paul hardly needs an popular colloquial invi- introduction as he has tation "Come on in and been a valued member sitaspell"wasthe of KWTO's News De- workofMrs. A.R. partment for nearly four Green of Stoutland, years. His training and Missouri.Mrs. Green background in the field had kindly lent us this of journalismwillen- piece in order that we ablehimtoprepare might display it during much of the copy that the fair.That we did future issuesofthe and thousands saw and DIAL will carry and admired her talented this combined with the work.Just how we so many tasksassociated carelessly failed to ac- with printing and pro- knowledgeherasits duction will enable us to spend more time maker when we used it as part of our story inplanning new featuresfor you.This we cannot explain but we are indeed sorry. October 1951 issue may serve as a sample We greatly appreciated her kindness and of his work. Working with the Dial's reg- along with all who saw the panel would ular columnists; May McCord, Charlie Wil- express our appreciation for her sharing it liford, George Earle, Floyd Sullivan, Chuck with us. May we at this late date offer our Hesington, and others, Paul has compiled sincere thanks to her? Well, October looks and produced this issue contents. We think it's a dandy and when you have thoroughly like a busy month with many new programs perused each page we know you'll agree. and personalitiesfor our schedules.Our It will be a pleasure having a fellow like Nov. issue will answer your requests for Paul on the staff and Miss Bettie Low, the "pics" of Jack Hunt, Jack Berch, Bud Col- Dial's Circulation Mgr., Paul, as our Pro- lyer, and others.See you then. Best Luck duction Editor and "Yours Truly" all look . Your Editor. OCTOBER, 1951 Page 3 BURGE POLIO UNIT DEDICATED "WELL DONE ! " AND NAMED "THE COTTAGE" It is a real pleasure to report to KWTO We told you that a minimum of ten thou- listeners that their overwhelming liberality sand dollars was needed to move and re- was culminated on Tuesday, August 7th, condition a building obtainable from O'Reilly 1951, in the presentation of the beautiful new Hospital.That was a lot of money. But "KWTO Polio Unit" nickels, dimes, dollars, at Burge Hospital.In and checks for twen- a fitting ceremony, at- ty-five, fifty and one tended by state, coun- hundreddollarsand tyandcityhealth more started rolling in. officials,members of Schools,churches, the Burge Hospital clubsand otheror- staff, board of direc- ganizations helped to tors and trustees, Mr. swell the funds, until RalphFoster,presi- at last $15,227.81 was dent of Radio Station accumulated, making KWTO and speaking it possible not only to for the thousands of move and recondition KW TO listeners, the building, but also made the presentation. tofurnishitwith Mr, Foster said, many vitallyneeded "Approximately a itemsfor physical therapy. year ago, a group from Ralph D. Foster - Lester E. Cox KWTO, headedby Much credit goes to jean Lightfoot Kappell,visitedthePolio S. E. Dobbs, general contractor who super- Ward at Burge Hospital and saw the over- vised the construction work; to Buchanan crowded condition. We stopped at each bed Brothers who moved the buildingfree of and saw, firsthand, the results of this dread- charge; to McLean Construction Company ed thing called Polio. We looked into an iron for doing the foundation work, gratis; to the lung and heard a blond -headed, three -year - Charles C. Meek Lumber Company for do- old boy calling for his grandma. Right then nating material; and to other firms who gave we made up our minds to do something about generously of their products. it. We decided to go to the listeners of The Shrine Mosque was donated rent- KWTO and tell them of the great need for free for one night and the stage hands union additional space to take care of the Polio donated their services in order that the drive problem." could be climaxed with a mammoth auction And so KWTO came to you listeners. (Continued on page FOUR) Page 4 OCTOBER, 1 9 5 1 THE COTTAGE magnanimous response to an imminent need. This addition to "The Cottage" was not a (Continued from page THREE) moment too soon. Already, its facilities are of everything from live pigs to fine furni- in active service in relieving the overcrowded tureandhundredsofhandicraftitems. condition that previously existed. From the Thanks go to the many firms in Springfield bottom of our hearts we thank all of you who and the Ozarks who donated items for this have had a part in making this dream come auction;alsotothenationaladvertisers true." who gave flour, feed and cereal. The new unit to the Cottage now makes The entire KWTO personnel, entertainers, possibleaclassroomfor boys andgirls news department, program, continuity, ad- convalescing from infantile paralysis to re- vertising and business office, took great joy ceive special school work under the direction in handling the details of the Drive, keeping of the Springfield School System.It pro- a perfect record on the moneys received and vides a reception room, examination rooms, seeing the program through to its successful a medical supply room and physical ther- conclusion. apy rooms where patients are taught to walk As Mr. Foster said further in his presen- again.All these rooms can be converted tation address, "Itisgreat to live in the quickly to hospital rooms for patients as the Ozarks where so many understanding people need demands. live.It is wonderful to be able to present And so, thanks again to you loyal and this building to Burge Hospital as a result liberal friends of KWTO, we point to a of 3.628 cash contributions received from 73 job well done, and say, "God bless you for counties.The Burge Hospital has many all of it!" many friends by their decision to tackle the Pictured below is Mr. Hal Burgin, Busi- Polio problem, and on behalf of those sym- ness Adm. for Burge Hospital and Ruth pathetic people of the Ozarks who responded Wiley, Supervisor of the Polio Unit.Pic- to the appeals made over KWTO, we are tures on adjoining page of children currently exceedingly happy to present these additional being treated at the Cottage and various folk facilities so that Burge Hospital may better associatedwithhospitalandinterested perform the task of alleviating the suffering friends were taken the night of dedication. and after effects of In- fantile Paralysis. May its doors ever be open to receive persons who have had the misfortune to be stricken with Polio. And may God bless its facili- ties and its personnel in this heavenly - appointed task." It was decided by the officersof Burge Hos- pital, after the addition of the KWTO Polio Unit tothealreadyexisting building,so named the completedcenter,"The Cottage" in keeping with the picturesque setting it presents. Mr.LesterE.Cox, president of the Board of Trustees at Burge Hos- pital in his speech of ac- ceptance, said, "Our faith inthepeopleofthe Ozarks has soared to new heights. Their generosity has been overwhelming. We, the members of Burge Hospital's official family,assureyou we shallneverforgetthis OCTOBER, 1951 Page 5 L. to R.:-Pic. No. I. Richard Turner, 3 yrs., Seymour; Jackie Chandler, 1yr., Hartville; Stanley Hale, 2. yrs., Billings.2. School is in session at the Cottage.3. Dr. Daniel L. Yancey; Dr. Urban J. Busiek; Rev. A. J. McClung; Dr. T. H. Stubbs; Lester E. Cox; Jimmy Cook; Ralph D. Foster.4. Dr. Busiek, Physical Therapeutist, Polly Vaden and Dr. Stubbs.5. Supervisor, Ruth Wiley and Pam MacArthur, age 4. 6. Jackie "The Colonel" Chandler and Polly Vaden. Page 6 OCTOBER, 1951 COLUMN OF COMMENT "FAIR AND WARMER" . BY C. C. WILLIFORD Yes. "Gone fishin' " - there's more than judgment, bestlarge and small bouthed magic in those two little words for it means bass fishing this country ever saw. We a day or two on Nature's Heart, away had no limit imposed by law on the catch from the strife and turmoil of this war torn in those days-we did no still fishing- and threatened old earth.