Inside at the Studio of the Dial

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Inside at the Studio of the Dial IAL Page 2 JUNE, 1949 560 KC Vol. VIII No. 11 $1 per year 10c per copy Paid circulation for the month of May issue as o f May 26th, 12 .398 notarized. The Dial is published the first of every month and serves radio fans in more than 100 counties in M issouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma, as well as former Ozarkians in other states who are old friends of Radio Station KWTO. If the numbers 6-49 appear a ft er your name on the address label at the top of page 20, your subscription expires with this issue. * BABY OF THE MONTH Address correspondence and renewals to Editor of The Dial, care of KWTO, Donna Fay Haworth, three, younger daugh­ Springfield, Missouri. The Editor w ill be ter of Junior and Wanna Fay, is as fond happy to answer your inquiries about past of playing "dress up" as is her sister, Shirley and present KWTO personalities and fill Jean. Mother's feathered black hat on her your requests for pictures you· d like to see head, and a mirror in which to admire her­ in The Dial. self, produced this coy smile. * MILKING TIME AT THE WILSONS-AND THE WHOLE FAMILY "CHORES" " Slim's registered cows get more care than dentally, you'll not find Ada in the Foster a palace full of princesses," Ada Wilson birthday picnic picture on pages 10 and teases, but she's as proud of them as he 11, although she sent the angelfood cake the is. Morning and evening find all three guest-of-honor holds aloft. " Where's Ada?" of them, Slim, Ada and John Wesley, head­ Slim was asked. " Why," he said, "some­ ing for the barn, pails in hand, for milking body's got to look after those cows." They duty. His herd now numbers 50. lnci- had flipped a coin: Ada lost. JUNE, 1949 SPEECH-MAKERS OFF THE CUFF KENNON, KELTNER ... STUDIO GOSSIP MAKE ADDRESSES A rousing. korny, KWTO welcome to KWTO Goodwill Ambassadors this past still more new stars-Homer and Jethro, vet­ month have been Assistant General Man­ erans of radio, stage and recording, whose ager Leslie L. Kennon, who made a fine talk latest platter for King Record Co., "Money, at a Springfield Board of Realtors meet­ Marbles and Chalk" with Chet Atkins, is ing; Local Sales Manager Ray Keltner, selling like bubble gunm. They've recently who told students in the Drury Night School. been signed by Victor. H. &. J. play mando­ Advertising course how radio does merchan­ lin and guitar, do folk-singing, hillbilly, nov-· dising; Promotion Manager Mrs. Lon Kap­ elty and cornier m1mbers, have had 20 years' pell, who attended the Ozark Playgrounds experience . Ditto the welcome for Assoc. Convention at Rockaway Beach. promising young Betty Lou Jones, who sings, · Kennon told realtors that radio today ranks yodels, plays rhythm guitar, replaces Penny _second in the number of facilities installed Nichols, who's baby-having. Betty Lou is in American homes (next to cooking equip­ fresh from high school, and her family has ment) . and traced not only its Ozarks moved from Eureka Springs to Cabool . history'. but the whole fascinating history of Winners on recent · Man-on-the-Street con­ the "slow and tortuous progress in the tests: Mrs. Anna Ram'ey of Republic and Mrs. attempts of men to communicate with each Edward Uhlman of Buckhart, on the word other from a distance." He spoke of the fire puzzle; Wayne Stafford of Fair Grove, who beacons of the ancient Greeks and later, won a bicycle, over 800 other entries, for of the American Indian; of Pony Express, guessing the name of a famous person. telegraph, and finally, "in the revolving, revealing scientific age, radio, the grea'test Shorty arid Sue Thompson-. plan to build, of all media of communication ever known on their new 70-acre farm near Walnut1 or used by man." Grove, which has three springs, a cemetery· He discussed the role of radio as a com­ and fine pasture land. Meantime, they fish munity service; told how it is used "to pro­ the nearby Sac river constantly, took George mote goodwill and friendliness throughout and Dickie Earle down one we.ekend and the Ozarks, give aid to those in distress and caug-ht _seven catfish, the largest 25 pounds, pleasure to all . .. Nearly all of the faiths on limb lines. even though it rained catfish and creeds in this community are repre­ and dogs. The Herb Glazes and · Gene sented" ·on Springfield stations' programs. Lemmons ~ere in the party, which camped They are used by schools and colleges to out . Wayne and Gary Thompson are . publidze their activities, they offer news, horse-crazy, especiaJly since they saw the weather and farm service features, send out movie. "Red Pony," and have been prom­ word of closed schools, report on road con­ ised one of their own as soon as the family ditions, . promote the fine activities of the moves to the farm . Listen for Breakfast Red Cross Bloodmobile, State Division of Club news of a novel charm bracelet-at Health and the like. a big bargain! . Funniest sight at the ".All of these services," he reminded, "are Foster birthday-nic: Joe Slattery running a provided without cost to the people of the "gauntlet of strings." He was allowed to Ozarks." He also discussed variety in study the strings, held at various heights, radio · fare, ·radio's usdulness in building (Continued on page NINETEEN) prosperity through advertising. "Over one million listeners," he concluded, " are inter­ C<;)YER CONTEST locked in the forward-march program of * this great community." From the wild , guesses as to the identity Keltner, at the Drury session, toid the of last month's cover character, this is cer­ students of Adelaide Haseltine Jones of the tainly a fine way of familiarizing our reac\ers reliance of rural areas, especially, on radio, with KWTO faces. No, it wasn't Zed and of the time, thought, research and staff Tennis, Chuck Bowers, Dale Parker. It used by KWTO to tailor programs to fit was Buster Fellows, dreaming over his fiddle each specific type of audience. He explained in a fine fettle of spring fever. Winner of that KWTO maintained an unusually large the free Dial subscription is Kathryn Pease, staff for a -mid-western station, not only who wrote the best entry of the 95 we re-. talent, but news and continuity writers. This ceived. Her story: "Dream on, Buster. It's is done not only ,to serve the listeners, but ; wonderful world. whether you're fiddlin' . to do the best possible job for the advertiser. or fishin'!" Page 4 JUNE, 1949 DEAR DIAL: FROM THE FILES QUESTION COLUMN ... A DIAL REVIEW Q. I would like to see the pictures of 7 Years Ago Tliis Month Slim Wilson and family and George Rhodes Howard Lee Arthur is radio veteran of and family in the Dial. (Mrs. A. S., Buf­ eight years at the age of · 16 (now here in falo.) Springfield) . The Schaffer Sisters are A. You'll find one request filled on page featured in the spotlight (Ann now at WKY, two, the other in July or August. Oklahoma City, Dora in Cincinnati) . •.. Q. How long has Aurit Martha been Mike Dosch returns to KWTO staff (now married to Mr. Baty? (Mrs. T. M. D ., liv!ng in Strasburg, N . D ., on his farm) . Birmingham, Ala.) 6 Years Ago This Month A. A little over a year and a half. Lonnie and Thelma Robertson buy a new Q. What has happened to Lou Martin, suburban home in Springfield (now in Pitts­ Goo-Goo and the Haden Family? (L. S. H.) burg, Kansas) ... Hugh Aspinwall joins A. Lou Martin has taken a job with announcing staff (now at KMA Shenandoah) : KOAM, Pittsburg, Kan. Goo-Goo is still 5 Years Ago This Month in Springfield, but I don't know what his plans are. The Hadens are devoting full Milt Dickey helps swell Navy's rolls (now time to a family business. at KCMO, Kansas City) ... Popular an­ nouncer Don Harvey returns to KWTO Q. Did Shoo get to be at the Dial Edi­ (now in Hollywood doing movie work). tor's wedding?- (D. J. G., Hartville.) A .. ,No.t:,onlyr,wassthe-·cat··at-the wedding, 4 Years Ago This Month but he prowled around the fireplace during Blessed event in Bailey Family (a girl the entire ceremony, esthetically sniffing name Rhea Beth) . .. Bill Ring in spotlight at the flowers. Wartime restrictions removed and Q. How old is each member of the Mat­ KWTO resumes "Man on the Street" pro­ thews Quartet? (Mrs. A. M . M ., St. Jam~s.) gram, with George Earle. A. Bob Money and Hubbard, 20; Monty, 3 Years Ago This Month. 21; Bill, 26; Culley Holt, 24. Coast-to-Coast Network show. KORN'S­ Q. What color is Joe Slatt~ y's hair? A-KRACKIN' to visit Ozarks towns week­ (Mrs. R. C., Springfield.) ly starting June 29 . Dial snapshot section A. Sandy-red_. pictures Dick Witty (now at WLW) . Q. Would like to see pictures of Buster ·2 Years Ago This Month and family in The Dial. (Mrs. L. H. W ., Bob Rector featured in Stars of the Stars Sedalia.) (now in radio in Miami, Oklahoma) . .. A. It may be a mont!) or so after such Betty Hindman in the spotlight (here in requests come in before we can fill them, Springfield) ... Bill Chatham is newest but all are kept on file and worked out addition to KWTO news department. as soon as it is possible to .
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