
arXiv:2103.07227v1 [physics.pop-ph] 12 Mar 2021 otecasfiainb adse 16) Type-I (1964). according Kardashev by societies classification Type-II the the to to spec- total belong (IR) ’s energy host the the harnessing in visible trum. sphere be Dyson should - order - the (DS) spherical of AU) length-scale one the that of (having concluded huge con- has a to Dyson such energy, star whole host its to a sume enough around advanced is a As- build (1960). a Dyson that by suming proposed to so- been alien idea have ex- advanced cieties of for The techno-signatures search for (SETI). 2018) search the intelligence of Loeb revival & traterrestrial (Bialy the provoked ”Oumuamua” have and 2016) civilizations. alien be search of might may techno-signatures one Similarly, for principal, cosmos. in the from which megastructure visible Earth, possible a the of around prototype considered first be the might Earth as the of almost surface a over whole distributed the of satellites, a end of Such number the Musk. huge Elon at by 2020) announced program (McDowell decade 12000 reach the least to now aiming at to 400 up approximately and is satellites number total Starlink 60 of set first Introduction 1. h icvr fteTbyssa Byja tal. et (Boyajian star Tabby’s the of discovery The the launched SpaceX the 24 May on year Last rmteSae trikmgcntlaint h erhfo search the to megaconstellation Starlink SpaceX the From mhszdadterl fteFS eecp a discussed. was telescope headings: FAST Subject the spec of the role of the Efficiency and . emphasized huge Interferomet the Telescope techn of Large their pattern Very emission The of of detection obje instruments consequent the solid the that as and designed civilizations (either Type-I by planetary building of eew xrplt h dao anhn pcXsSaln satellites Starlink SpaceX’s launching of idea the extrapolate we Here .Kaaz erinNtoa srpyia Observatory, Astrophysical National Georgian Kharadze E. colo hsc,Fe nvriyo bls,08,Tbilis 0183, Tbilisi, of University Free Physics, of School pcXSaln;ST;Tcn-intrs Extraterrestr Techno-signatures; SETI; Starlink; SpaceX yeIcivilizations Type-I ABSTRACT sao Z.N. Osmanov 1 hlvki&Sgn(96 o atlnsi 0 is Earthlings for (1966) Sagan & Shklovskii un&Brygn 21)suideet of particular, effects societies. Earth- In in like studied biomarkers considered detectable as (2015) warming be context. global Berdyugina SETI can & the Kuhn still techno- in latter Type-I seriously the to compared signatures, II,III 2016, (Osmanov the 2017). hot and to around 2018). 2019) 2018, extended megastructures Berezhiani al. been & et (Osmanov has Zackrisson DSs idea 2009; original al. et Dyson’s (Timofeev Carrigan candidates to dedicated 2000; DS are techno- of papers Dyso- of identification Type-II,III series the a deserve in and interest signatures projects ener- special consumed SETI a total be- nian Therefore, higher Type-I much than gies. the easier of much cause is . civilizations host the III of energy which total society the tech use classifica- high to same able alien the is the is of Type-III framework tion the In Watts. where rmtesnt h at.Orsceyi con- is society Our therefore, energy, index, mentioned an Earth. the than the less to suming coming energy the total from the harnessing is civilization ept ihrdainitniyo Type- of intensity radiation high Despite Type- and Type-II of detection that clear is It P eoe h vrg anse oe in power harnessed average the denotes K r(LI a oetal observe potentially can (VLTI) er rlvraiiymto a been has method variability tral bsuai 31 Georgia 0301, Abastumani, = -intrs ehv shown have We o-signatures. t ra e fsatellites) of web a as or cts log a ie ATtelescope FAST life; ial 10 ,Georgia i, n td h possibility the study and ( P ) / 10 − 0 . ,itoue by introduced 6, r . 7, Our civilization consumes approximately 1.5 × that at geostationary orbit (R ≃ 36000km) the re- 1020 ergs s−1 (Kuhn & Berdyugina 2015), which quired mass becomes enormous compared to the is less than for Type-I society, 1.7 × 1024 ergs s−1. above considered. If one assumes 1% of an average growth rate of Another issue one should address, is to under- industry and the subsequent energy consumption, stand time scale required for launching such a huge one can straightforwardly show that our civiliza- mass of material. Roughly speaking, the civiliza- tion might reach Type-I in ∼ 1000yrs. It is quite tion can start launching material from the times probable that in 1000yrs the level of when its index was equal to ours, 0.7 (See the in- will differ from ours, likewise ours is different from troduction). Then, as we have already mentioned, the one of middle ages. Therefore, one can as- to reach the Type-I level, it needs 1000 yrs. The sume that Type-I alien society is able to cloak process will be feasible if the annual rate of growth their by a sphere-like (or ring-like) struc- of mass launching, µ, is a small parameter. If one ture to harness the total energy emitted from their assumes that the first year’s launched mass equals host star toward the planet. M0, then in 1000 yrs the total mass will be given In this paper we consider the possible obser- by 1000 vational characteristics of a planetary megastruc- M = M0 (1 + µ) . (2) ture partially or completely covering an Earth-like After taking into account Eq. (1) and the fact that planet located in the habitable zone. up to date there are 895 satellites each with the The paper is organized in the following way: in mass 260 kg (McDowell 2020), one can straight- Sec. 2, we introduce main theory and study the forwardly show that µ ≃ 0.021. techno-signatures of Type-I megaconstructions, Generally speaking, the megastructure might obtaining major results and in Sec. 3 we outline be constructed by advanced Type-I civilization them. from extraterrestrial resources without launch costs (Haliki 2020), but let us consider the worst 2. Discussion and results case: the Solar energy is stored and then utilized At first we consider the question: energetically to launch material on the orbit. how feasible is launching material to cover an area In this case energy required to launch material comparable to the Earth’s surface. As an example on the altitude H ∼ 500km is as follows we examine the construction designed by means GMM H of as up to now the strongest material, E ≃ p ≃ 5.7κ × 1027 ergs, (3) R2 our civilization is able to produce. Then, for the ⊕ total mass of the megastructure we obtain where Mp = ME is Earth-like planet’s mass and 27 2 ME ≃ 6 × 10 g is the Earth’s mass. M ≃ 4κπRpρ∆r ≃ On the other hand, power from the host star 17 ρ ∆r toward the planet is given by ≃ 2κ × 10 × 3 × g, (1) 0.4g/cm 1mm 2 L Rp 24 −1 ≤ P ≃ × ≃ 1.7κ × 10 ergs s , (4) where κ 1 is a dimensionless geometric fac- 4 r tor, Rp is the Earth-like planet’s radius (R⊕ ≃   6400 km) density, ρ, is normalised by the Graphene where L ≃ 3.8 × 1033ergs s−1 is the solar-type density and it is assumed that since the Graphene star’s luminosity and r ≃ 1.5 × 1013 cm is the ra- is 10 times stronger than steel the effective thick- dius of the habitable zone. Whatever the propul- ness of the construction, ∆r, is normalised by sion mechanism (electromagnetic launch or some 1mm value. As it clear from here, the total mass other mechanisms), it is evident from Eq. (4) that is less than the total storage of Earth’s Carbon, 24 the energy required to launch a thin shell around 1.85 × 10 by seven orders of magnitude and thus a planet can be extracted in approximately ten one can find enough material to build a construc- hours with 10% of efficiency of energy conversion. tion. Here we assume that the altitude is much If the megastructure is a web of many satellites or- less than R⊕. One can straightforwardly check biting the planet, then the kinetic energy should

2 be added to the aforementioned value, leading to VLTI instruments2 in 1 hour is of the order of ten times more total energy, which, energetically 2.3 × 10−18ergs s−1cm−2. Therefore, potentially is quite feasible for Type-I alien societies. one can monitor the spherical volume with radius For a uniformly distributed spherical mass such of the order of R0 = 260 ly. In the Solar neigh- a construction will not require any energy to sta- bourhood the stellar number density, n, is of the −3 bilise it. Unlike this scenario, if instead of the order of 0.138 star pc (Latyshev 1978), which sphere one uses a ring, the planet will be charac- means that the total number of could be terised by the out of plane stability, whereas for 3 4πR0 5 in-plane displacements the dynamics is unstable N ≃ n ≃ 3 × 10 , (9) 3 (Osmanov 2016). In this work we have discussed that such rings may have sense only if the power with approximately 1000 G-type (Solar-type) required to maintain stability is small compared to stars. Although the flux method cannot distin- the total received power, leading to the following guish emission from the planet and the megas- condition for maximum displacement from equi- tructure, it allows to find objects in the habitable librium zone. For identifying the candidates of megacon- 3 4 struction one can use the spatial resolution of the 1/2 3 / 0.37 P 2Rp telescopes. ξ << ≃ 0.07, (5) R M GM p   p ! The VLTI telescope has the maximum angular resolution, θm, of the order of 0.001 mas (milliarc- where ξ ≡ d/Rp and d denotes the displacement of second - please see the technical characteristics of the ring from the equilibrium position. We would the VLTI instruments. By taking into account this like to emphasise that such a precision is not diffi- value, one can obtain the maximum resolving dis- cult to achieve: in the Lunar laser ranging experi- tance ment1 the distance is measured with the precision 2R −10 Dm = ≃ 280 ly. (10) of the order of 10 . θm By assuming that the whole emission incident From the aforementioned two critical values, it on the megastructure is absorbed, one can easily is clear that planetary-scale megastructures inside show that the temperature is given by 260 ly might be detectable.

1 4 It is worth noting that a monolithic DS will be P / T ≃ ≃ 280K, (6) less stable compared to concentric rotating rings. 16σr2   In this case very interesting observational features might arise. By means of the non-relativistic leading by means of the Wien’s law to the emission Doppler effect, the observed wavelength is given peak in the IR spectral band with the following by (Carroll & Ostlie 2010) wavelength b λ = ≃ 10µm, (7) λ ≃ λs (1 + v cos θ/c) , (11) T

where σ denotes the Stefan-Boltzmann constant where by λs we represent the original wavelength and b ≃ 2898µmK. The average value of the flux emitted by the ring, θ is an angle of velocity di- can be estimated as follows rection measured in an observer’s frame of refer- 2 ence, v denotes the corresponding velocity and c P 17 100 ly 1 2 F ≃ ≃ 1.6×10− × ergs s− cm− , is the sped of light. Without going into geometric 4πD2 D   details, to make the orders of magnitude, we con- (8) sider diametrically opposite sides of the ring rela- where the distance to the extrasolar system, D, tive to an observer moving with velocities υp ± vI , is normalised by 100 light years. The Very Large where υp denotes the orbital velocity of the planet Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) could detect such around a host star and v = GM /R is the or- fluxes. In particular, the limiting flux value of the I p p bital speed of the ring around a planet. Then, for p 1Data is avalable from the Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis 2https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/paranal/telescopes/vlti Center: http://polac.obspm.fr/llrdatae.htm

3 the diametrically opposite sides of the ring from in 1000 years, which is enough to build a planetary Eq. (11) one obtains megastructure for collecting the required material.

1/2 Launching has been analysed from the point of λ c R M⊕ s ≃ ≃ 1.9 × 104 × p × . (12) view energy costs and it has been shown that en- ∆λ 2υ R⊕ M I  p  ergy required to construct a megastructure is small compared to the total energy received from the In this regard, one should note that up to now star. the VLTI has the highest resolving power RP ≡ λ/∆λ = 25000 for λ ≈ 10µm (which corresponds We have shown that the construction will be to the blackbody radiation with T = 300K) 3 and visible in the IR spectrum, which might be de- since RP > λ /∆λ, such orbital motions of the tected by VLTI instruments up to the distance s ∼ 3 ring might be detected by the spectrographs of 260 light years, with 10 Solar-type stars. the VLTI instruments. Similarly, if instead of a We have also emphasised that the spectral vari- solid mega-construction one uses a web of satel- ability method might be an efficient tool to detect lites, the same method might be used. It is worth either orbital rotation of the solid megastructure noting that the observational pattern might be or internal motions of small satellites. characterized by absorption lines of the the It has been estimated the possibility to de- megastructure is made of. Therefore, in principle, tect the radio emission operating on the Hydrogen the emission fingerprint might carry information atom?s frequency. It has been found that for rea- about the matter, but this is not the scope of the sonable parameters FAST can detect such radio current paper and we do not consider it. sources from relatively large distances. One has to note that the SpaceX starlink satel- lites use radio communication. Therefore, a rea- Acknowledgments sonable question might appear: is it possible to The research was supported by the Shota Rus- detect their radio signals by means of the China’s taveli National Science Foundation grant (NFR17- FAST telescope? By taking into account that its 587). system temperature is Tsys ≃ 20K and the illu- ≃ 2 minated aperture area, A 7108 cm (Li & Pan REFERENCES 2016), one can conclude that the minimum spec- tral flux density, kTsys/A, which can be distin- Bialy, S. & Loeb, A., 2018, ApJL, 868, 5 guished from noise is of the order of 6×10−24 ergs s−1cm−2Hz−1. On the other hand, by assuming Boyajian, T.S. et al., 2016, MNRAS, 457, 3988 that only 1% of the incident Solar energy is used Carrigan, R. A., 2009, ApJ, 698, 2075 for interstellar communication, one can find that if one uses the Hydrogen atom’s frequency, 1420 Bradley W. Carroll & Dale A. Ostlie, An Intro- Hz, the FAST telescope can detect such isotropic duction to Modern Astrophysics and Cosmol- sources up to the distances of the order of 160 pc. ogy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Making use of simple geometry we have per- UK, 2010. formed our calculations for solar-type stars with Dyson, F., 1960, Science, 131, 1667 Earth-like and it is clear that the similar estimates can be straightforwardly performed for Haliki, E., 2020, IJAb, 19, 474 Type-I civilizations living in the systems with dif- ferent parameters. Kardashev, N. S., 1964, Soviet Astronomy, 8, 217 Kuhn, J.R. & Berdyugina, S.V., 2015, IJAb, 14, 3. Conclusion 401 Extrapolating the idea of SpaceX’s Starlink Latyshev, I.N., 1978, Soviet Astronomy, 22, 186 constellation we assume that an alien society with index K =0.7 (our civilization) will reach Type-I Li, D. & Pan, Z., 2016, Radio Science, 51, 1060

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