Calf Canyon Checklist-08Jun19

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Calf Canyon Checklist-08Jun19 Checklist1 of Vascular Flora of Calf Canyon and Vicinity2 San Luis Obispo County, California (08 June 2019) David J. Keil Robert F. Hoover Herbarium Biological Sciences Department California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n ❀ Achillea millefolium yarrow ASTERACEAE o n Acmispon brachycarpus shortpod deervetch FABACEAE o n ❀ Acmispon strigosus strigose deer-vetch FABACEAE v n Acmispon wrangelianus California deervetch FABACEAE o n ❀ Acourtia microcephala sacapelote ASTERACEAE v 1 Please notify the author of additions or corrections to this list ([email protected]). Some of the native plants on this list were introduced to the preserve as a part of site management and restoration. ❀ — See Wildflowers of San Luis Obispo, California, second edition (2018) for photograph. Most are illustrated in the first edition as well; old names for some species in square brackets. n — California native i — exotic species, introduced to California, naturalized or waif. v — documented by one or more specimens (Consortium of California Herbaria record; specimen in OBI; or collection that has not yet been accessioned). Some of these species are historical records and no longer occur at Sweet Springs. o — observed during field surveys; no voucher specimen known R—California Rare Plant Rank 2 Highway 58 and Highway 229 corridors east of Salinas River Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n ❀ Adenostoma fasciculatum var. fasciculatum chamise ROSACEAE v n Adiantum jordanii California maidenhair fern PTERIDACEAE v n ❀ Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora large-flowered mountain- ASTERACEAE v dandelion n Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleura annual mountain-dandelion ASTERACEAE o i Aira caryophyllea silver hairgrass POACEAE v n Ambrosia acanthicarpa annual bursage, burweed ASTERACEAE v n Amorpha californica var. californica false indigo-bush FABACEAE v n Amsinckia intermedia common fiddleneck BORAGINACEAE v n ❀ Amsinckia menziesii small-flowered fiddleneck BORAGINACEAE v i Anthriscus caucalis bur-chervil APIACEAE v n ❀ Antirrhinum kelloggii climbing snapdragon PLANTAGINACEAE v n ❀ Antirrhinum thompsonii bush snapdragon PLANTAGINACEAE v n Aphanes occidentalis western parsley-piert ROSACEAE v n Aphyllon californicum subsp. condensum California broomrape OROBANCHACEAE v n Apiastrum angustifolium mock-celery APIACEAE v n Arceuthobium subsp. occidentale western dwarf mistletoe VISCACEAE o n Arctostaphylos glauca bigberry manzanita ERICACEAE o n ❀ Artemisia douglasiana mugwort ASTERACEAE v n Artemisia dracunculus wild tarragon ASTERACEAE v n ❀ Asclepias eriocarpa woolly-pod milkweed, kotolo APOCYNACEAE v n Astragalus douglasii var. douglasii Douglas's locoweed, FABACEAE v Douglas's milk-vetch n Athysanus pusillus dwarf sandweed BRASSICACEAE v i Avena barbata slender wild oats POACEAE v i Avena fatua common wild oats POACEAE o n ❀ Baccharis pilularis coyote bush ASTERACEAE o Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n Baccharis salicifolia mule fat, seep-willow ASTERACEAE v n ❀ Barbarea orthoceras American wintercress BRASSICACEAE v n ❀ Blitum californicum [Chenopodium California goosefoot CHENOPODIACEAE v californicum] n Bowlesia incana bowlesia APIACEAE v i Briza maxima rattlesnake grass, quaking POACEAE o grass i Bromus arenarius Australian chess POACEAE v n Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California brome POACEAE o i Bromus diandrus ripgut brome POACEAE o i Bromus hordeaceus soft chess brome POACEAE v i Bromus rubens red brome POACEAE v i Bromus tectorum cheat grass, downy chess POACEAE v n Calandrinia breweri Brewer's calandrinia MONTIACEAE 4.2 v n ❀ Calandrinia menziesii [Calandrinia ciliata] red maids MONTIACEAE v n Calochortus simulans La Panza mariposa lily LILIACEAE 1B.3 v n Calyptridium monandrum sand-cress pussypaws MONTIACEAE v n Calystegia longipes long-stalked morning glory CONVOLVULACEAE v n Calystegia malacophylla subsp. pedicellata woolly morning glory CONVOLVULACEAE o n Camissonia contorta contorted-pod suncup ONAGRACEAE v n Camissonia strigulosa strigose suncup ONAGRACEAE v n Camissoniopsis hardhamiae Hardham's suncup, ONAGRACEAE 1B.2 v Hardham's evening-primrose n Camissoniopsis micrantha small-flowered suncup ONAGRACEAE v i Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse BRASSICACEAE o i ❀ Carduus pycnocephalus Italian thistle ASTERACEAE v n Castilleja exserta subsp. exserta common owl's-clover OROBANCHACEAE v Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n Castilleja foliolosa woolly Indian paintbrush OROBANCHACEAE o n ❀ Castilleja minor subsp. spiralis annual Indian paintbrush OROBANCHACEAE v n Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneatus common buckbrush RHAMNACEAE v n Ceanothus leucodermis chaparral white-thorn, RHAMNACEAE v whitebark ceanothus i Centaurea benedicta blessed thistle ASTERACEAE v i ❀ Centaurea melitensis tocalote, Maltese star thistle ASTERACEAE v i ❀ Centaurea solstitialis yellow star thistle ASTERACEAE o n Centromadia pungens subsp. pungens common spikeweed ASTERACEAE v i Cerastium glomeratum annual mouse-ear chickweed CARYOPHYLLACEAE v n ❀ Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides birch-leaf mountain- ROSACEAE o mahogany n Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula common yellow pincushion ASTERACEAE v n Chaenactis glabriuscula var. lanosa sand buttons, woolly yellow ASTERACEAE v pincushion n Chenopodium pratericola desert goosefoot CHENOPODIACEAE v i ❀ Chondrilla juncea skeleton weed ASTERACEAE v n Chorizanthe membranacea pink spineflower POLYGONACEAE v n Chorizanthe rectispina straight-awned spineflower POLYGONACEAE 1B.3 v n Chorizanthe staticoides Turkish-rugging spineflowe POLYGONACEAE v n Cirsium occidentale var. venustum Venus thistle, red thistle ASTERACEAE v n Clarkia cylindrica subsp. cylindrica speckled clarkia ONAGRACEAE v n Clarkia modesta narrow-petaled clarkia ONAGRACEAE v n ❀ Clarkia purpurea subsp. quadrivulnera fourspot clarkia ONAGRACEAE v n Clarkia speciosa subsp. speciosa red-spot clarkia ONAGRACEAE v n ❀ Clarkia unguiculata elegant clarkia ONAGRACEAE v n Claytonia parviflora subsp. parviflora narrow-leaved miner's lettuce MONTIACEAE v Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n ❀ Claytonia perfoliata subsp. perfoliata common miner's lettuce MONTIACEAE v n Collinsia bartsiifolia var. davidsonii Davidson's Chinese houses PLANTAGINACEAE v n ❀ Collinsia heterophylla common Chinese houses PLANTAGINACEAE v i ❀ Conium maculatum poison hemlock APIACEAE o n ❀ Cordylanthus rigidus subsp. rigidus thread-leaved bird's-beak OROBANCHACEAE v n ❀ Corethrogyne filaginifolia California-aster ASTERACEAE o n ❀ Crassula connata common pygmyweed CRASSULACEAE v i Crassula tillaea moss pygmyweed CRASSULACEAE o n ❀ Crocanthemum scoparium California rush-rose CISTACEAE v n ❀ Croton setiger turkey-mullein EUPHORBIACEAE o n ❀ Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosa coastal cryptantha BORAGINACEAE v n Cryptantha corollata coast range cryptantha BORAGINACEAE o n Cryptantha flaccida flaccid cryptantha BORAGINACEAE o n Cryptantha intermedia var. intermedia Nievitas cryptantha BORAGINACEAE v n Cryptantha microstachys Tejon cryptantha BORAGINACEAE v n ❀ Cuscuta subinclusa canyon dodder CONVOLVULACEAE v n ❀ Datisca glomerata durango root DATISCACEAE o n Datura wrightii western jimson weed SOLANACEAE v n Daucus pusillus American wild carrot APIACEAE v n Deinandra kelloggii Kellogg's tarweed ASTERACEAE v n Deinandra pentactis Salinas River tarweed ASTERACEAE v n Delphinium parryi subsp. blochmaniae Blochman's larkspur, dune RANUNCULACEAE 1B.2 v larkspur n ❀ Dendromecon rigida bush poppy, tree poppy PAPAVERACEAE v i Descurainia sophia Eurasian tansy-mustard, flix BRASSICACEAE o weed Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n Diplacus aurantiacus var. longiflorus long-flowered bush PHRYMACEAE v monkeyflower n Diplacus fremontii [Mimulus fremontii var. Fremont's monkeyflower PHRYMACEAE v fremontii] n ❀ Dipterostemon capitatus subsp. capitatus blue-dicks, schoolbells THEMIDACEAE v [Dichelostemma capitatum subsp. capitatum] n ❀ Dudleya lanceolata lance-leaf dudleya CRASSULACEAE o n Ehrendorferia chrysantha golden eardrops, golden PAPAVERACEAE v dicentra n Elymus glaucus subsp. virescens blue wildrye POACEAE o n ❀ Emmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora whispering bells HYDROPHYLLACEAE v n ❀ Epilobium brachycarpum tall willow-herb ONAGRACEAE o n ❀ Epilobium canum subsp. canum California-fuchsia ONAGRACEAE v n ❀ Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum common willow-herb ONAGRACEAE o n Epilobium densiflorum dense-flowered spike- ONAGRACEAE v primrose n Equisetum telmateia subsp. braunii giant horsetail EQUISETACEAE v n Eriastrum luteum yellow woolly-star; POLEMONIACEAE 1B.2 v i Erigeron canadensis common horseweed ASTERACEAE v n Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus common leafy fleabane daisy ASTERACEAE v n Eriodictyon tomentosum woolly yerba santa NAMACEAE v n Eriogonum baileyi var. baileyi Bailey's buckwheat POLYGONACEAE v n Eriogonum elegans elegant buckwheat POLYGONACEAE 4.3 v n ❀ Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum long-stem buckwheat POLYGONACEAE v n Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum leafy California buckwheat POLYGONACEAE o n Eriogonum gracile slender wooly buckwheat POLYGONACEAE v n Eriogonum roseum wand buckwheat POLYGONACEAE v Scientific Name Common Name Family Rare n ❀ Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum common golden-yarrow ASTERACEAE v n Eriophyllum multicaule many-branched woolly-daisy ASTERACEAE v i ❀ Erodium cicutarium redstem filaree GERANIACEAE v n Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum western wallflower BRASSICACEAE v n ❀ Erythranthe cardinalis [Mimulus cardinalis] scarlet monkeyflower
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