Pinnacles National Park

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Pinnacles National Park CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY – VASCULAR PLANTS PINNACLES NATIONAL PARK Achillea millefolium - common yarrow Brickellia californica - California brickelbush Achyrachaena mollis - blow-wives Brodiaea coronaria - harvest brodiaea Acmispon americanus var. americanus - Spanish clover Bromus arenarius - Australian chess Acmispon brachycarpus - short-podded lotus Bromus carinatus var. carinatus - California brome Acmispon glaber - deerweed Bromus diandrus - ripgut grass Acmispon maritimus - coastal lotus Bromus hordeaceus - soft chess Acmispon parviflorus - small-flowered lotus Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens - red brome Acmispon strigosus - Bishop's lotus Bromus pseudolaevipes - brome grass Acmispon wrangelianus - Chile lotus Calandrinia ciliata - red maids Adenostoma fasciculatum - chamise Callitriche marginata - California water starwort Adiantum jordanii - Calif. maiden-hair fern Calochortus venustus - butterfly mariposa lily Aesculus californica - California buckeye Calyptridium monandrum - common calyptridium Agoseris grandiflora - large-flowered agoseris Calystegia occidentalis - western morning-glory Agoseris heterophylla - annual dandelion Calystegia subacaulis - hill morning-glory Agrostis exarata - western bent-grass Camissonia strigulosa - contorted primrose Agrostis microphylla - small-leaved bent-grass Camissoniopsis bistorta - California sun-cup Ailanthus altissima - tree-of-heaven Camissoniopsis micrantha - small primrose Aira caryophyllea - silvery hair-grass Campanula griffinii - Griffin's bellflower Allium amplectens - narrow-leaved onion Capsella bursa-pastoris - shepherd's purse Allium cratericola - onion Carduus pycnocephalus - Italian thistle Allium crispum - crinkled onion Carex barbarae - Santa Barbara sedge Allium fimbriatum var. fimbriatum - fringed onion Carex cusickii - Cusick's sedge Allium lacunosum - pitted onion Carex nebrascensis - Nebraska sedge Allophyllum gilioides - straggling gilia Carex serratodens - bifid sedge Amaranthus californicus - California amaranth Castilleja affinis - coast paint-brush Amaranthus retroflexus - rough pigweed Castilleja attenuata - narrow-leaved owl's clover Amsinckia douglasiana - Douglas' fiddleneck Castilleja exserta - escobita Amsinckia intermedia - common fiddleneck Castilleja foliolosa - woolly indian paint-brush Amsinckia menziesii - harvest fireweed Caulanthus lasiophyllus - California mustard Anagallis arvensis - scarlet pimpernel Caulanthus lemmonii - Lemmon's caulanthus Anaphalis margaritacea - pearly everlasting Ceanothus cuneatus - buck brush Anthemis cotula - dog fennel/mayweed Centaurea melitensis - tocalote Anthriscus caucalis - bur-chervil Centaurea solstitialis - yellow star thistle Antirrhinum kelloggii - Kellogg's snapdragon Centromadia fitchii - Fitch's spikeweed Antirrhinum multiflorum - sticky snapdragon Cerastium glomeratum - mouse-ear chickweed Antirrhinum vexillocalyculatum - wiry snapdragon Cercocarpus betuloides - mountain mahogany Aphanes occidentalis - lady's mantle Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula - yellow pincushion Apiastrum angustifolium - wild celery Chamaesyce ocellata - valley spurge Arceuthobium campylopodum - western dwarf mistletoe Chenopodium album - lamb's quarters/white goosefoot Arctostaphylos glauca - big-berried manzanita Chenopodium californicum - California goosefoot/soap plant Arctostaphylos pungens - Mexican manzanita Chlorogalum pomeridianum - soap plant/amole Artemisia biennis - biennial sagewort Chorizanthe douglasii - Douglas' spine-flower Artemisia californica - California sagebrush Chorizanthe membranacea - pink spine-flower Artemisia douglasiana - mugwort Chorizanthe uniaristata - one-awned spine-flower Artemisia dracunculus - dragon sagewort/tarragon Cirsium occidentale - cobweb thistle Asclepias fascicularis - narrowleaf milkweed Cirsium occidentale var. venustum - red or venus thistle Athysanus pusillus - sand weed Clarkia amoena - farewell-to-spring Avena barbata - slender wild oat Clarkia breweri - Brewer's clarkia Avena fatua - wild oat Clarkia cylindrica ssp.cylindrica - speckled clarkia Azolla filiculoides - water or duck fern Clarkia epilobioides - willow-herb godetia Baccharis glutinosa - Douglas' baccharis Clarkia lewisii - Lewis' clarkia Baccharis pilularis - coyote brush Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera - four-spot clarkia Baccharis salicifolia - water-wally/mule fat/seep-willow Clarkia purpurea ssp. viminea - clarkia Barbarea vulgaris - common winter cress Clarkia similis - clarkia Berberis pinnata ssp. pinnata - California barberry Clarkia unguiculata - elegant clarkia Bloomeria crocea - golden stars Claytonia exigua ssp. exigua - common claytonia Boechera breweri - Brewer's rock cress Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata - miner's lettuce Bowlesia incana - bowlesia Clematis lasiantha - chaparral clematis Brassica rapa - field mustard Clematis ligusticifolia - western virgin's bower Collinsia concolor - Chinese houses Eriophyllum staechadifolium - lizard tail Collinsia heterophylla - Chinese houses Erodium botrys - long-beaked filaree Collinsia parviflora - blue-eyed Mary Erodium cicutarium - red-stemmed filaree Convolvulus arvensis - field bindweed Erodium moschatum - white-stemmed filaree Cordylanthus rigidus - bird's-beak Erysimum capitatum - Douglas' wallflower Cornus glabrata - brown dogwood Eschscholzia caespitosa - tufted poppy Cotula coronopifolia - brass buttons Eschscholzia californica - California poppy Crassula connata - sand pygmyweed Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia - common eucrypta Croton setigerus - turkey mullein/dove-weed Festuca californica - California fescue Cryptantha intermedia - common cryptantha Festuca microstachys - Nuttall's fescue Cryptantha muricata var. muricata - Jones' cryptantha Festuca myuros - rattail fescue Cuscuta subinclusa - canyon dodder Festuca perennis - perennial ryegrass Cyperus acuminatus - rush Forestiera pubescens - desert olive Cyperus laevigatus - bull rush Fraxinus dipetala - California flowering ash Cyperus strigosus - false nutsedge Fritillaria affinis - checker lily Datisca glomerata - durango root Galium angustifolium - narrow-leaved bedstraw Datura wrightii - tolguacha Galium aparine - goose-grass Daucus pusillus - rattlesnake weed Galium parisiense - wall bedstraw Deinandra lobbii - three-rayed tarweed Galium porrigens - climbing bedstraw Delphinium californicum - California larkspur Galium trifidum var. columbianum - trifid bedstraw Delphinium decorum - yellowtinge larkspur Galium triflorum - sweet-scented bedstraw Delphinium hesperium ssp. hesperium - western larkspur Garrya congdonii - Congdon's silk-tassel Delphinium hesperium ssp. pallescens - western larkspur Gastridium phleoides - nit grass Delphinium parryi ssp. parryi - Parry's larkspur Geranium carolinianum - Carolina geranium Dendromecon rigida - bush poppy Geranium core-core - New Zealand geranium Deschampsia danthonioides - annual hair-grass Gilia achilleifolia - California gilia Descurainia sophia - tansy mustard Gilia achilleifolia ssp. multicaulis - many-stemmed gilia Dichelostemma capitatum - blue dicks Gilia capitata ssp. abrotanifolia - blue field gilia/globe gilia Dodecatheon clevelandii ssp. insulare - padre's shooting star Githopsis specularioides - common blue-cup Dodecatheon hendersonii - Henderson's shooting star Glycyrrhiza lepidota - wild licorice Draba verna - vernal whitlow-grass Gnaphalium palustre - everlasting Drymocallis glandulosa - sticky cinquefoil Gutierrezia californica - matchweed/snake weed Dryopteris arguta - Calif. wood fern Helenium puberulum - sneezeweed/rosilla Dudleya cymosa - spreading dudleya Helianthemum scoparium - rush-rose Ehrendorferia chrysantha - golden ear-drops Heliotropium curassavicum var. occulatum - Chinese pusley Elymus glaucus - western ryegrass Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia - hayfield tarweed Elymus multisetus - big squirreltail Herniaria hirsuta var. cinerea - gray herniaria Elymus triticoides - beardless ryegrass Hesperocnide tenella - western nettle Emmenanthe penduliflora - whispering bells Hesperolinon micranthum - dwarf flax Epilobium brachycarpum - panicled willow-herb Hesperomecon linearis - narrow-leaved meconella Epilobium canum - California fuchsia Hesperoyucca whipplei - Spanish bayonet Epilobium densiflorum - dense-flowered boisduvalia Heterocodon rariflorum - heterocodon Epilobium torreyi - narrow-leaved boisduvalia Heteromeles arbutifolia - toyon/Christmas berry Equisetum arvense - common horsetail Heterotheca sessiliflora - hairy golden aster Eremalche parryi - Parry's mallow Hirschfeldia incana - summer mustard Eriastrum densifolium - perennial eriastrum Holodiscus discolor - cream bush/ocean spray Eriastrum virgatum - virgate gilia Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum - California barley Erigeron canadensis - horseweed Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum - Mediterranean barley Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus - leafy daisy Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum - glaucous foxtail Eriodictyon californicum - yerba santa Hydrocotyle verticillata - whorled marsh pennywort Eriodictyon crassifolium - thick-leaved yerba santa Hypochaeris glabra - smooth cat's ears Eriodictyon tomentosum - woolly yerba santa Hypochaeris radicata - hairy cat's ears Eriogonum baileyi - Bailey's buckwheat Juglans hindsii - California black walnut Eriogonum elegans - elegant buckwheat Juncus balticus ssp. ater - wire rush Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum - long-stemmed buckwheat Juncus bufonius var. bufonius - common toad rush Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum - California buckwheat Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis - round-fruited
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