A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists
L Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists. TTTEN & BOULGER, A BIOaEAPHICAL INDEX OF BKITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS COMPILED BY JAMES BEITTEN, F.L.S. SENIOR ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, BBITISH MUSEUM AKD G. S. BOULGEE, E.L. S., F. G. S. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, CITY OF LONDON COLLEGE LONDON WEST, NEWMAN & CO 54 HATTON GARDEN 1893 LONDON PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND HATTON GAEDEN PEEFACE. A FEW words of explanation as to the object and scope of this Index may fitly appear as an introduction to the work. It is intended mainly as a guide to further information, and not as a bibliography or biography. We have been liberal in including all who have in any way contributed to the literature of Botany, who have made scientific collections of plants, or have otherwise assisted directly in the progress of Botany, exclusive of pure Horticulture. We have not, as a rule, included those who were merely patrons of workers, or those known only as contributing small details to a local Flora. Where known, the name is followed by the years of birth and death, which, when uncertain, are marked with a ? or c. [circa) ; or merely approximate dates of "flourishing" are given. Then follows the place and day of bu'th and death, and the place of burial ; a brief indication of social position or occupation, espe- cially in the cases of artisan botanists and of professional collectors; chief university degrees, or other titles or offices held, and dates of election to the Linnean and Eoyal Societies.
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