1. Published by Tourist Information Center of National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanations appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. 7. The Subway Lines and Station Numbers are indicated in parentheses ( ).

Note: The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at .

Calendar Events to be enjoyed in April 2013


Date Mar. 23 ~ Apr. 7 Ueno Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival at Ueno Park, Taito-ku. People can enjoy viewing about 1,200 cherry trees in bloom even in the evening, as thousands of Bonbori (paper lanterns) are lit up from 5:30 pm to 8 pm. Some events are scheduled around Shinobazu-no-ike Pond in the park daily during the period. Note The festival period varies depending on cherry flowering. Access The JR Yamanote Line, the Ginza or Hibiya Subway Line to Ueno Sta. (G 16, H 17) 台東区 上野公園 うえの桜まつり 最寄駅 JR山手線、地下鉄銀座線又は日比谷線上野駅

Date Mar. 22 ~ Apr. 7 Chiyoda-no-Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival at Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku. One can enjoy a splendid view of cherry blossoms along the Chidorigafuchi path and in the precincts of Yasukuni Shrine until around 10 pm, as flowers are lit up in the evening. Note The festival period varies depending on cherry flowering. Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) , and then walk about 5 min. to Yasukuni Shrine & Chidorigafuchi. 千代田区 靖国神社 千鳥ヶ淵 千代田のさくらまつり 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線で九段下駅、徒歩約5分で靖国神社と千鳥ヶ淵

Date Mar. 23 ~ Apr. 7 Bokutei Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival at Sumida Koen Park, Sumida-ku. Some events are scheduled on Sakurabashi Bridge over the Sumida River on Saturdays and Sundays during the period. Note The festival period varies depending on cherry flowering. Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. (G 19, A 18) 墨田区 隅田公園 桜橋橋上 墨堤さくらまつり 最寄駅 銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅

Date Apr. 1 ◇ Tanashi Daruma Ichi, Dharma Doll Fair at Tanashisan Soji-ji Temple, Tanashicho, Nishitokyo in the suburbs of Tokyo. Stalls selling Dharma dolls are set up in the temple compound from around 9 am to around 5 pm. Access 30 min. by the Seibu Shinjuku Line from Shinjuku Sta. to Tanashi Sta. (North Exit), and then walk 5 min. 所在地 西東京市田無町 田無山総持寺 田無だるま市 最寄駅 西武新宿駅より西武新宿線で30分、田無駅(北口)下車、徒歩5分

1 Date Apr. 2 ~ Apr. 7 Gyoki, Buddhist Devotionals at Zojoji Temple, Minato-ku (near Tokyo Tower). In commemoration of Priest Honen's death, Bugaku (court dance with music) is performed at the main hall from around 12 noon to 1 pm, and Oneri-Gyoretsu , a procession including a parade of children in colorful attire takes place from 1:30 pm to 2 pm on the 5th, 6th and the 7th. When it rains, the whole events held outdoors will be canceled. Note Honen Shonin (1133-1212) : a Japanese Buddhist monk, the founder of the Jodo Sect of Japanese Buddhism. Access The Toei Mita Subway Line to Onarimon Sta. (I 06) or Shibakoen Sta. (I 05), and then walk 3 min. 所在地 港区 増上寺 御忌(ぎょき) 最寄駅 都営三田線御成門駅又は芝公園駅より徒歩3分

Date Apr. 5 Hono Ozumo (a dedicatory Sumo match) at Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku, features Sumo matches dedicated by some 200 Rikishi (Sumo wrestlers). The ritual starts from 9 am and the matches by Maku-shita (low-ranking) Rikishi start from around 10:40 am, and Maku-uchi (high-ranking) Rikishi including Yokozuna (grand champions) enter the ring from around 2 pm. This event is open to the first six thousand people. The admission is free of charge. Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) 所在地 千代田区 靖国神社 奉納大相撲 最寄駅 東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線九段下駅

Date Apr. 6 ~ May 6 Bunkyo Tsutsuji Matsuri, Azalea Festival at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo-ku. One can enjoy a view of azelea blossoms in the precincts of the Shrine. It features a parade of Mikoshi (a portable shrine) from 1 pm on the 7th, and performing arts such as Gongen-Taiko (Japanese drumming performance) and folk dance from 12 noon on the 28th, 29th, May 3rd, 4th and 5th. When it rains, the parade and performing arts will be canceled. Admission to the Azalea Garden is \200. When it rains between Apr. 8th and 12th, the garden will be closed. http://www.nedujinja.or.jp/tutuji/t.html Note The festival period varies depending on azalea flowering. Access The Chiyoda Subway Line to Nezu Sta. (C 14) 所在地 文京区 根津神社 文京つつじまつり 最寄駅 千代田線根津駅

Date Apr. 14 ◇ Shirasagi-no-mai, White Heron Dance in the compound of Sensoji Temple, Taito-ku. The dance is performed in front of the main hall of Sensoji Temple twice from around 11:30 am and 3:30 pm. When it rains, the dance will be canceled. Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. (G 19, A 18) 所在地 台東区 浅草寺 白鷺の舞 最寄駅 銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅

Date Apr. 20 ~ May 6 ◎ Fuji Matsuri, Wisteria Festival at Kameido Tenjin (or Tenmangu) Shrine, Koto-ku. There are over 100 wisteria roots in the Shrine's precincts, and they are usually in full bloom in this season. Various entertainments are scheduled during the period. http://www.kameidotenjin.or.jp/fujimatsuri/index.html Note The festival period varies depending on wisteria flowering. Access The JR Sobu Line to Kameido Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 江東区 亀戸天神社(天満宮) 藤まつり 最寄駅 JR総武線亀戸駅より徒歩15分

2 Date Apr. 21 ◇ Annual Spring Festival of Mt. Takao, Hachioji, features a procession of children in fancy attire, Yamabushi (mountain priests) in their traditional attire, and a corps of fife & drum. They start from near Takaosan Sta. of the cable car at 11 am for Yakuo-in Temple, and there Shishimai (lion dance) and Hashigonori (thrilling acrobatics on the ladder) by members of the old Edo Fire Brigade are performed from around 12:15 pm. Access About 1 hr. by the Keio Line from Shinjuku Sta. to Takaosan-guchi Sta. From there, 5 min. by cable car to Takaosan Sta. or 12 min. by chair lift to Sanjo Sta. (located on the top of Mt. Takao) and then walk to Jyuichi-chome Jaya. 所在地 八王子市高尾山 薬王院 高尾山春季大祭 最寄駅 新宿から京王線で約1時間 高尾山口駅より、高尾山駅までケーブルカーで5分又はリフトで12分山上駅下車、徒歩で十一丁目茶屋

Date Apr. 21 Daidai Kagura, sacred Shinto music and dance to pray for a good harvest of the year, in an annual Spring Festival of Shinagawa Shrine, Shinagawa-ku. Six kinds of Daidai Kagura are presented from 2 pm to around 4 pm in the main hall of the Shrine. Access The Keihin Kyuko Line to Shin-Bamba Sta. (North Exit), and then walk 1 min. 所在地 品川区 品川神社 太々神楽 最寄駅 京浜急行新馬場駅(北口)より徒歩1分

Date Apr. 21 Negi-no-Mai at Tenso Shrine, Ota-ku. Masked entertainers perform sacred dances to the tune of drum music to pray for a good harvest of the year in the precincts of the Shrine from 3 pm. When it rains, the dances will be performed indoors. Access The Tokyu Ikegami Line to Ontakesan Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 大田区西嶺町 天祖神社 禰宜の舞 最寄駅 東急池上線御嶽山駅より徒歩5分

Date Apr. 21 ~ Apr. 23 Annual Spring Festival of Yasukuni Shrine, Chiyoda-ku. Japanese traditional dance and martial arts are dedicated to the Shrine on the stage of Nohgakudo Hall daily during the festival period. Access The Tozai, Hanzomon or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Kudanshita Sta. (T 07, Z 06, S 05) 所在地 千代田区 靖国神社 靖国神社春季例大祭 最寄駅 地下鉄東西線、半蔵門線又は都営新宿線九段下駅

Date Apr. 29 ~ May 3 Annual Spring Festival of Meiji Shrine, Shibuya-ku. Major events held in the precincts are as follows: Bugaku (ancient court dance with music) from 11 am on Apr. 29th; Noh (classical masked drama) and Kyogen (Noh farce) from 11:45 am, and Japanese traditional music & dance from 3:45 pm on May 2nd; and Kyudo Taikai (Japanese archery meet) held at Daini-Kyudo-jo from 9 am to around 4 pm on the 3rd. Access (1) The JR Yamanote Line to Harajuku Sta. (2) The Chiyoda Subway Line to Meiji-Jingumae Sta. (C 03) (3) Daini-Kyudo-jo: The Odakyu Line to Sangubashi Sta. 所在地 渋谷区 明治神宮 明治神宮春の大祭 最寄駅 (1) JR山手線原宿駅 (2) 地下鉄千代田線明治神宮前駅 (3) 第二弓道場:小田急線参宮橋駅下車

3 TOKYO 東京 Hana Matsuri 花まつり

Date Apr. 1 ~ Apr. 13 Hana Matsuri, Floral Festival to celebrate the Buddha's Birthday is held at all Buddhist temples on the days centering around April 8, which is said to be Buddha's Birthday. At the temples, small images of Buddha are open to the public and Amacha (sweet tea) is poured over the images as an expression of devotion. Chigo-Gyoretsu , parades of children in fancy attire, pulling a papier-mache white elephant, a sacred animal associated with Buddha, are held at the following temples :

Date Apr. 7 Hana Matsuri at Ikegami Honmonji Temple, Ota-ku. "Hana-no-sei", a parade of children pulling a papier-mache white elephant leaves Tokumochi Kaikan Hall near Ikegami Sta. at 1 pm for the temple. Access (1) The Tokyu Ikegami Line to Ikegami Sta., and then walk 10 min. (2) The Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Nishi-Magome Sta. (A 01), and then walk 10 min. 所在地 大田区 池上本門寺 徳持会館 花まつり 最寄駅 (1) 東急池上線池上駅より徒歩10分 (2) 地下鉄都営浅草線西馬込駅より徒歩10分

Date Apr. 7 Hana Matsuri at Gokokuji Temple, Bunkyo-ku, features Chigo-Gyoretsu (a parade of children in fancy attire) from 2 pm to around 3 pm in the precincts of the temple. Access The Yurakucho Subway Line to Gokokuji Sta. (Y 11) 所在地 文京区 護国寺 花まつり 最寄駅 地下鉄有楽町線護国寺駅

Date Apr. 7 ◇ Hana Matsuri at Tsukiji Honganji Temple, Chuo-ku. Chigo-Gyoretsu (a parade of children in fancy attire) takes place from around 11 am in and around the temple. Access The Hibiya Subway Line to Tsukiji Sta. (H 10) 所在地 中央区 築地本願寺 花まつり 最寄駅 地下鉄日比谷線築地駅

Date Apr. 8 Hana Matsuri at Sensoji Temple, Taito-ku. Chigo-Gyoretsu (a parade of children in fancy attire) leaves Sensoji Kindergarten for the temple from around 10 am. Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. (G 19, A 18) 所在地 台東区 浅草寺 花まつり 最寄駅 地下鉄銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅 KANTO 関東

Date Late Mar. ~ Early Apr. Odawara Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival at Joshi Koen Park, Odawara, Kanagawa Pref. One can enjoy 350 blooming cherry trees in the garden even in the evening, as flowers are lit up from 6 pm to 9 pm daily during the period. Chigo-Gyoretsu (a parade of children in fancy attire) is held from 1 pm to around 2 pm on Apr. 7th. http://www.odawara-kankou.com/event/03/sakura1.html Note The festival period varies depending on cherry flowering. Access (1) The JR Tokaido Shinkansen or the JR Tokaido Line to Odawara Sta., and then walk 7 min. (2) 1 hr. 10 min. by Odakyu Railways' Limited Express, "Romance Car" or 1 hr. 40 min. by Odakyu Railways' Express from Shinjuku Sta. to Odawara Sta., and then walk 7 min. 所在地 神奈川県小田原市 城趾公園 小田原桜まつり (1) JR東海道新幹線又はJR東海道線小田原駅より徒歩7分 最寄駅 (2) 小田急“ロマンスカー”で1時間10分又は小田急線(急行)で1時間40分、小田原駅下車、徒歩7分 Date Mar. 29 ~ Apr. 7

4 Kanou-no-Yube, Cherry Blossom-viewing Festival at night, at Sankei-en Garden, Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref. This Japanese-style landscape garden has about 500 cherry trees. One can enjoy cherry blossom-viewing even in the evening, since the garden is lit up until 9 pm during the period. Admission to the garden is \500. Note The festival period varies depending on cherry flowering. Access (1) The JR Negishi Line to Negishi Sta. From there, 10 min. by bus to Honmoku Bus Stop, and then walk 7 min. (2) The JR Keihin Tohoku, JR Tokaido or the Tokyu Toyoko Line to Yokohama Sta. (East Exit). From there, 30 min. by bus to Honmoku Sankeien-mae Bus Stop, and then walk 3 min. 神奈川県横浜市 三渓園 観桜の夕べ 最寄駅 (1) JR根岸線根岸駅よりバスで10分、本牧下車、徒歩7分 (2) JR京浜東北線、 JR東海道線又は東急東横線横浜駅(東口)よりバスで30分、本牧三渓園前下車、徒歩3分

Date Apr. 7 Kanamara Matsuri, Fertility Festival at Kanayama Shrine (Wakamiya Hachimangu), Kawasaki, Kanagawa Pref. Mihitorisai , a ritual of lighting sacred fires with flint takes place from 10 am to 10:45 am. The Shrine is noted for its Menkake Gyoretsu , a parade of masked people carrying the sacred palanquins containing symbols of phallic gods, from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. Access The Keihin Kyuko Daishi Line to Kawasaki Daishi Sta. 所在地 神奈川県 川崎市 金山神社 かなまらまつり 最寄駅 京浜急行大師線川崎大師駅

Date Apr. 13 & Apr. 14 ◇ Narita Taiko Matsuri, Drum Festival in Narita, Chiba Pref. Sengan Hana-Daiko , drum-beating taken part in by about 700 parishioners in the compound of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple from 10 am to 10:30 am, and drum beating performances on Omotesando Street from 11 am to 5 pm, on both days. Naritasan Sennen Yobutai , a millennium night stage show of drum-beating under torchlights is held in the precincts from 5 pm to 7 pm on the 13th. A parade of drum-beating on Omotesando Street takes place from 3 pm to 5 pm on the 14th. http://nrtm.jp/ Access The JR Narita (Sobu) Line or the Keisei Line to Narita Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 千葉県 成田市 新勝寺及び表参道 成田太鼓祭 最寄駅 JR成田(総武)線又は京成線成田駅より徒歩10分

Date Apr. 13 ~ Apr. 17 ◇ Yayoi-sai Festival of Futarasan Shrine, Nikko, Tochigi Pref. This festival, with over a 1,200 year history, is highlighted by a parade of Hanayatai (twelve house-shaped floats, colorfully embellished with artificial cherry blossoms and paper lanterns) going through the town on the 16th and the 17th. Three Mikoshi (portable shrines) parade from Futarasan Shrine for Hongu Shrine, from 12 noon on the 17th. http://www.nikko-jp.org/index.shtml Access The JR Nikko Line to Nikko Sta. or the Tobu Railway's Nikko Line to Tobu-Nikko Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus to Sogo Kaikan Bus Stop or Nishi-Sando Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 栃木県 日光市 二荒山神社 本宮神社 弥生祭 最寄駅 JR日光線日光駅、又は東武日光線東武日光駅よりバスで15分、総合会館又は西参道下車、徒歩10分

Date Apr. 14 ~ Apr. 21 Kamakura Matsuri Festival at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura, Kanagawa Pref., an hour by train from JR Tokyo Sta. The highlights of the festival are as follows: on the 14th, a parade of Mikoshi (portable shrines) from 11 am to 1:30 pm along Wakamiya Oji Street, and Shizuka-no-mai (Japanese dance) on the Mai-den stage from 3 pm; and on the 21st, Yabusame horseback archery in the precincts of the Shrine from 1 pm. If it rains, all the events above mentioned will be canceled. Access The JR Yokosuka Line to Kamakura Sta. 所在地 神奈川県 鎌倉市 鶴岡八幡宮 鎌倉まつり 最寄駅 JR横須賀線鎌倉駅

Date Apr. 27 ~ May 6

5 Mashiko-yaki Toki Ichi, Pottery Fair at Mashiko-machi, Tochigi Pref., is held from 9 am to around 5 pm at several venues in Mashiko, such as Kyohan Center, Tsukamoto Seitosho and Togei Mura.

Access (1) The JR Tohoku Shinkansen or JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Oyama Sta., and then change to the Mito Line to Shimodate Sta. From there, the Moka Railway to Mashiko Sta., and then walk 25 min. (2) The JR Tohoku Shinkansen or JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Utsunomiya Sta. (West Exit). From No. 14 Bus Stop, 1 hr. by bus for Mashiko and get off at Togei Messe Iriguchi Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 栃木県 芳賀郡 益子町 益子焼陶器市 最寄駅 (1) 東北新幹線又はJR東北本線小山駅より水戸線で下館駅へ、そこより真岡鉄道で益子駅下車、徒歩25分 (2) 東北新幹線又はJR東北本線宇都宮駅(西口) 14番バス乗り場より益子行きバスで1時間、陶芸メッセ入口下車、徒歩10分

Date Apr. 29 ~ May 5 Kasama-no-Toensai or Himatsuri, Pottery Fair at Geijutsu-no-mori Koen Park in Kasama, Ibaraki Pref., is held from 9 am to 5 pm every day during the fair period. Access 1 hr. 10 min. by JR Joban Line's Limited Express "Hitachi" (or about 2 hrs. by local train) from Ueno Sta. to Tomobe Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus or taxi to the site. (Free shuttle buses are available from North Exit of Tomobe Sta. to the site during the period.) 所在地 茨城県 笠間市 芸術の森広園 笠間の陶炎祭 最寄駅 上野よりJR常磐線特急"ひたち"で1時間10分 (または各駅列車で約2時間)、友部駅下車、そこより会場までバスまたはタクシーで15分(期間中は友部駅 北口より無料シャトルバス運行)

6 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanation appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event.

Note: The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at .

Calendar Events to be enjoyed in April 2013


Date Apr. 23 ~ May. 6 ◇ ◎ Hirosaki Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival is held in Hirosaki Koen (park) in Hirosaki, Aomori Pref. There are about 2,600 cherry trees on the grounds of and along the castle's moat in the park. Cherry blossoms are lit up from 6:30 pm to 10 pm daily during the festival period. http://www.hirosakipark.jp/78.html Note The festival period is subject to change depending on cherry flowering. Access The JR Ou Honsen Line to Hirosaki Sta., and then walk 15-20 min. 所在地 青森県 弘前市 弘前公園 弘前さくらまつり 最寄駅 JR奥羽本線弘前駅下車、徒歩15~20分

Date Apr. 29 ~ May. 3 ◇ ◎ Yonezawa Uesugi Matsuri Festival in commemoration of the famous warlord "Uesugi Kenshin ", Yonezawa, Yamagata Pref. On May 2nd, Buteishiki (a ceremony of prayer for victory) is held on the Matsukawa Riverside from around 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. On May 3rd, the highlight of the festival, Uesugi Gundan Gyoretsu , a procession of Mikoshi (a portable shrine) of Uesugi Shrine, floats and about 1,000 Samurai warriors goes through the city's main streets to the Matsukawa Riverside, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. And there, Kawanaka-jima Gassen (sham battle) is held from 2 pm to around 3:30 pm.

http://uesugi.yonezawa.info/?p=log&l=310255 Note Uesugi Kenshin (1530-1578): One of the warlords in the 16th century. Access The JR Yamagata Shinkansen Line or the JR Ou Honsen Line to Yonezawa Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 山形県 米沢市 松川河畔 米沢上杉まつり 最寄駅 JR山形新幹線又はJR奥羽本線米沢駅より徒歩10分


Date Apr. 1 ~ Apr. 15 Okazaki Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival & Ieyasu Gyoretsu at Okazaki-Koen Park, Okazaki, Aichi Pref. The latter of which, is a procession of Shogun Ieyasu and about 700 Samurai warriors, starting from Iga-Hachimangu Shrine at 1:30 pm and terminating at Otogawa riverbed at around 3:30 pm, and there a sham battle is held until around 4:30 pm on the 7th. Cherry blossom viewing at night is scheduled from 6 pm to 10 pm daily during the festival period. However, the period of lighting up cherry blossoms may vary depending on flowering. http://okazaki-kanko.jp/schedule/ieyasu.htm Note Ieyasu or Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616): The founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo (present- day Tokyo). Access (1) The Meitetsu Nagoya Honsen Line to Higashi-Okazaki Sta., and then walk 15 min. to Okazaki-Koen Park (2) From Higashi-Okazaki Sta., 15 min. by bus bound for Daijuji, and then get off at Hachimansha-mae Bus Stop to Iga- Hachimanngu Shrine. 所在地 愛知県 岡崎市 伊賀八幡宮 岡崎公園 乙川堤 岡崎桜まつり(家康行列) 最寄駅 (1) 名鉄名古屋本線東岡崎駅より徒歩15分で岡崎公園 (2) 伊賀八幡宮へは、東岡崎駅より大樹寺行バスで15分、八幡社前下車

1 Date Apr. 5 ~ Apr. 7 ◎ Shingen-ko Matsuri Festival in Kofu, Yamanashi Pref., about two hours by train from JR Shinjuku Sta. (Tokyo). On the 6th, Shutsujin-shiki (a ceremony of prayer for victory) is held in front of JR Kofu Sta from 5:25 pm to 6:30 pm. And then Jidai-gyoretsu (a procession of 1,500 Samurai warriors) leaves Kofu Sta. around 6:30 pm, going through the main streets of the city, and arrives at Maizuru-jo Koen Park around 7:50 pm. http://www.yamanashi-kankou.jp/shingen/index.html Note Takeda Shingen (1521-1573): One of the feudal lords in the 16th century. Access The JR Chuo Honsen Line to Kofu Sta., and then walk 5 min. to Maizuru-jo Koen 所在地 山梨県甲府市 舞鶴城公園 信玄公祭り 最寄駅 JR中央本線甲府駅より徒歩 5分で舞鶴城公園

Date Apr. 6 & Apr. 7 Inuyama Matsuri Festival at Haritsuna Shrine, Inuyama, Aichi Pref., features thirteen gorgeously decorated Yama (floats) with Karakuri Ningyo (mechanically manipulated dolls aboard) parading on the city's main streets from around 8 am to 9:45 pm on both days. All the floats gather at Haritsuna Shrine in the morning on both days, and then the performances of Karakuri Ningyo are given on the floats, one after another from 12 noon to 3:10 pm on the 6th, and from 10 am to 2:40 pm on the 7th. http://inuyama.gr.jp/events/23558 Access 30 min. by the Meitetsu Inuyama Line from Nagoya to Inuyama Sta., and then walk 15 min. to the Haritsuna Shrine. 所在地 愛知県 犬山市 針綱神社 犬山祭 最寄駅 名古屋より名鉄犬山線で30分犬山駅下車、徒歩15分で針綱神社

Date Apr. 13 & Apr. 14 Tajimi Toki Matsuri, Ceramic Festival in Tajimi, Gifu Pref., is held on Honmachi Oribe Street and some other sites in the city from 9 am to 6 pm on the 13th, and from 9 am to 5 pm on the 14th. Access The JR Chuo Honsen Line to Tajimi Sta., and then walk 10 min. (Free shuttle buses to the festival site are available from Tajimi Sta. during the festival period.) 所在地 岐阜県 多治見市 本町オリベストリート たじみ陶器まつり 最寄駅 JR中央本線多治見駅より、徒歩10分(陶器市期間中は、多治見駅より陶器市会場まで無料シャトルバス運行)

Date Apr. 14 & Apr. 15 ◇ ◎ Takayama Matsuri Festival of Hie Shrine, Takayama, Gifu Pref. This is one of the grandest festivals in Japan. Twelve gorgeously embellished floats parade along the streets in the city, escorted by people in gay attire from 9:30 am to 4 pm on both days. The festival reaches its climax from 6:30 pm to 9 pm on the 14th, when all the floats lit up with lanterns are drawn on Nakabashi Bridge and Kajibashi Bridge in the city. The performances of Karakuri Ningyo (mechanically manipulated dolls) are given on three of the floats from 11 am & 3 pm on the 14th, and from 10 am & 2 pm on the 15th. A parade of Mikoshi (portable shrines) starts from Hie Shrine at 1 pm on the 14th, heading for Otabisho (portable-shrine resting place) where Mikoshi stay overnight, and then parade back to the Shrine from 12:30 pm to 4 pm on the 15th. http://www.hida.jp/matsuri/ Access The JR Takayama Honsen Line to Takayama Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 岐阜県 高山市 日枝神社 高山祭 最寄駅 JR高山本線高山駅より徒歩15分

Date Apr. 19 & Apr. 20 ◇ ◎ Furukawa Matsuri Festival or an annual festival of Keta-Wakamiya Shrine, Furukawa-machi, Hida, Gifu Pref., is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. Nine gorgeously decorated Yatai (floats) and Mikoshi (portable shrines) parade along the main streets of the city from morning till evening on both days. Performances of Karakuri Ningyo (mechanically manipulated dolls) on the 19th and Kodomo Kabuki (traditional plays by boys) on the 20th are demonstrated on the floats. The main event of the festival is Okoshi-daiko , in which hundreds of partially clothed men parade on the streets beating drums and singing folk songs from 9 pm on the 19th through after midnight until 2 am on the 20th. http://www.hida-kankou.jp/event/15/article/ Access The JR Takayama Honsen Line to Hida-Furukawa Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 岐阜県 飛騨市古川町 気多若宮神社 古川祭 最寄駅 JR高山本線飛騨古川駅より徒歩5分

2 KINKI 近畿

Date Mar. 25 ~ Apr. 7 Kitano Odori, Japanese traditional dance by "Geiko " (professional entertainers) at Kamishichiken Kaburenjo Theater, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. A performance is held twice from 1:30 pm & 4 pm daily during the period. Admission is \4,000, or \4,500 (with a bowl of green tea)

Access 30 min. by municipal bus No. 50 or 101 from Kyoto Sta. to Kitano Tenmangu-mae Bus Stop, and then walk 3-5 min. 所在地 京都市 上京区 上七軒歌舞練場 北野をどり 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 50 又は101で北野天満宮前下車(30分)、徒歩3~5分

Date Mar. 30 ~ Apr. 5 ◇ Yakushiji Shuni-e Hana-e-shiki, Flower Offering Ceremony at Yakushiji Temple, Nara, Nara Pref. This festival symbolizes the arrival of spring. The interior of the temple's main hall is lavishly decorated with a variety of flowers. Various events are scheduled such as Chigo-Gyoretsu (a procession of children in fancy attire) from 1 pm on Mar. 31st, Noh performance from 1 pm on Apr. 2nd and Oni-oi-shiki (rites of dispelling the five rampaging devils) from around 8:30 pm on Apr. 5th. http://www.nara-yakushiji.com/contents/hanaesiki/ Access The Kintetsu Kashihara Line to Nishinokyo Sta., and then walk 2 min. 所在地 奈良市 薬師寺 金堂 薬師寺修二会花会式 最寄駅 近鉄橿原線西ノ京駅より徒歩2分

Date Apr. 1 ~ Apr. 30 ◇ Miyako Odori, Cherry Dance, performed by Maiko (apprentice entertainers) and Geisha (professional entertainers) at Kobu Kaburenjo Theater, Gion, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. A performance is held four times, from 12:30 pm, 2 pm, 3:30 pm and 4:50 pm daily during the period. Admission fees are as follows: \2,000, \4,000, or \4,500 with a bowl of green tea. http://www.miyako-odori.jp/odori_en.html Access 25 min. by municipal bus No. 206 from Kyoto Sta. to Gion Bus Stop, and then walk 5 min. 所在地 京都市 東山区 祇園甲部歌舞練場 都をどり 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 206で祇園下車(25分)、徒歩5分

Date Apr. 4 ~ Apr. 8 ◎ Kyoto Gosho Ippan Kokai, Kyoto Imperial Palace, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. Some halls and precincts of Kyoto Imperial Palace are specially open to the public from 9 am to 4:45 pm daily during the period. Please enter by 3:30 pm. Admission is free of charge. http://www.kunaicho.go.jp/e-event/kyotogosho.html Access Subway Karasuma Line to Imadegawa Sta. 所在地 京都市 京都御所 京都御所一般公開 最寄駅 地下鉄烏丸線今出川駅

Date Apr. 5 ~ Apr. 14 Hana-akari Himeji Yozakura-kai, night cherry blossom viewing & Himeji-jo Kan'ou-kai, cherry-blossom viewing are held in , Himeji, Hyogo Pref. The site for night cherry blossom viewing in Nishinomaru Teien Garden of Himeji Castle is specially open to the public (free of charge) from 6 pm to 9 pm daily, only during the festival period (Please enter by 8:30 pm.). On the 6th, music of Koto (Japanese 13-stringed harp) from 10:30 am and Taiko (Japanese drum-beating) from 2 pm are demonstrated under the cherry blossoms in Sannomaru Hiroba (park). When it rains, Koto & Taiko music performances will be postponed to the following day. http://www.himeji-kanko.jp/event/index.php?act=detl&id=453 Access The JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line or the JR Sanyo Honsen Line to Himeji Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 兵庫県 姫路市 姫路城 花あかり姫路城夜桜会と姫路城観桜会 最寄駅 JR山陽新幹線又はJR山陽本線姫路駅より徒歩15分

3 4 Date Apr. 6 ~ Apr. 21 Kyo Odori, Traditional Kyoto Dance at Miyagawacho Kaburenjo Theater, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. A performance is held three times starting from 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm & 4:30 pm daily during the period. The tickets sell at \2,000 or \4,000, at major travel agencies. http://www.miyagawacho.jp/kyoodori/ Access Take a municipal bus (Shibasu) No. 205, No. 4 or No. 17 from Kyoto Sta. to Kawaramachi-Matsubara Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 京都市 東山区 宮川歌舞練場 京おどり 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 205、 No. 4又はNo. 17で河原町松原下車、徒歩10分

Date Apr. 13 & Apr. 14 Ochamori, serving tea in a giant bowl at Saidaiji Temple, Nara, Nara Pref. Tea is made with huge tea utensils and served in a giant bowls from 9 am to 3 pm on both days. Admission is \3,000. Access The Kintetsu Nara Line to Yamato Saidai-ji Sta., and then walk 3 min. 所在地 奈良市 西大寺町 西大寺 大茶盛 最寄駅 近鉄奈良線大和西大寺駅より徒歩3分

Date Apr. 13 ~ Apr. 16 ◇ ◎ Nagahama Hikiyama Matsuri Festival of Hachiman Shrine, Nagahama, Shiga Pref., is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Cultural Assets. It features thirteen beautifully bedecked floats on which Kabuki plays by boys are performed, being exhibited along the streets in the city daily. The highlight of the festival comes on the 15th, when four floats of them proceed from Hachiman Shrine to Otabisho (portable shrine resting place), while Kabuki plays are performed on the floats at the several sites continually from 10 am until 8:30 pm. http://nagahamashi.org/bunka/event/index.html Access The JR Hokuriku Honsen Line to Nagahama Sta. 所在地 滋賀県長浜市 八幡宮 長浜曳山まつり 最寄駅 JR北陸本線長浜駅

Date Apr. 14 Yoshino Tayu Hana-kuyo, a festival in commemoration of Yoshino Tayu , one of the most famous female entertainers in the 17th century, is held at Joshoji Temple, Kita-ku, Kyoto. A magnificent procession of Tayu (female entertainers) starts from Genkoan Temple, 200 meters west of Joshoji Temple, at 10:20 am and arrives at Joshoji Temple at around 11 am. When it rains, the procession will be canceled. Access The Karasuma Subway Line to Kitaoji Sta. From there 15 min. by municipal bus (Kita-No. 1) to Takamine Genkoan-mae Bus Stop, and then walk 1 min. 所在地 京都市 北区 常照寺 源光庵 吉野太夫花供養 最寄駅 地下鉄烏丸線北大路駅より、市バス北系統No. 1で鷹峯源光庵前下車(15分)、徒歩1分

Date Apr. 14 Yasurai Matsuri Festival at Imamiya Shrine, Kita-ku, Kyoto. This festival is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Cultural Assets, and originates from a legend of this Shrine having abated a serious epidemic in ancient times. At 12 noon, a parade of parishioners holding Furyu-kasa (big umbrellas decorated with flowers), devils and children dancing to the accompaniment of Japanese drums and gongs, starts from both Konenji Temple and Kawakami Dai-jingu, and arrives at Imamiya Shrine around 3 pm. And then, Yasurai-mai (Shinto dance with music) is performed in the precincts of the Shrine. When it rains, the procession will be canceled. http://www.imamiyajinja.org/eng/imamiya_ENG/Yasurai_festival.html Access 15 min. by the Karasuma Subway Line from Kyoto Sta. to Kitaoji Sta. From there, take a municipal bus No. 204 or No. 205 to Funaoka-yama Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 京都市 北区 今宮神社 光念寺 川上大神宮 やすらい祭 最寄駅 京都駅より地下鉄烏丸線で北大路駅まで行き(15分)、そこより市バスNo. 204又はNo. 205で船岡山下車、徒歩10分

5 Date Apr. 14 Taiko Hanami Gyoretsu, Cherry-blossom viewing Procession of Daigoji Temple, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto. It features a parade of about 300 people clad in gorgeous costumes of the Momoyama period (1573- 1603?) marching under the cherry blossoms in the compound of Temple, from 1 pm to 3 pm. http://www.daigoji.or.jp/events/events_detail2_e.html Access (1) The JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Yamashina Sta., and then take the Keihan Bus No. 22 or No. 24 to Daigo Sanboin-mae Bus Stop. (2) 10-15 min. walk from Daigo Sta. on the Tozai Subway Line. 所在地 京都市 伏見区 醍醐寺三宝院 太閤花見行列 最寄駅 (1) JR東海道本線山科駅より京阪バスNo. 22又はNo. 24で 醍醐三宝院前下車 (2) 地下鉄東西線醍醐駅より徒歩10~15分

Date Apr. 14 ◇ Annual Spring Festival of Shiramine Jingu Shrine, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, is highlighted by a game of Kemari , played by the Shrine priests, who loft a small ball with their insteps from around 11:30 am to 12 noon. When it rains, the Kemari will be played in the Haireiden hall.

http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~siramine/page007.html Access The Karasuma Subway Line to Imadegawa Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 京都市 上京区 白峯神宮 春季例大祭 (淳仁天皇祭) 最寄駅 地下鉄烏丸線今出川駅より徒歩5分

Date Apr. 21 ~ Apr. 29 ◇ Mibu Kyogen, a medieval pantomime, designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties, at Mibu-dera Temple, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. Mibu Kyogen , thirty pantomime skits, have been handed down. Five of which are performed from 1 pm to 5:30 pm daily during the period. Admission is \800. Access 25 min. by municipal bus (Shibasu) No. 26 or No. 28 from Kyoto Sta. to Mibudera-michi Bus Stop, and then walk 3 min. 所在地 京都市 中京区 壬生寺 壬生狂言 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 26又はNo. 28で壬生寺道下車(25分)、徒歩3分

Date Apr. 28 ~ Apr. 30 Shunki Kagura Sai, Spring Festival at Naiku (Inner Shrine), Ise, Mie Pref. Performance of Jingu- Bugaku (ancient court dance & music) is dedicated to the Shrine on a makeshift stage at Naiku, twice from 11 am and 2 pm daily during the period. When it rains, the places and hours of the performances are subject to change. http://www.isejingu.or.jp/whatsnew/detail.php?uid=89 Access (1) 1 hr. 30 min. by Limited Express of Kinki Nippon Railway (Kintetsu) from Nagoya to Ise-shi Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus to Naiku-mae Bus Stop. (2) JR Rapid Train (Kaisoku) "Mie" from Nagoya to Ise-shi Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus to Naiku-mae Bus Stop. 所在地 三重県 伊勢市 伊勢神宮(内宮) 春季神楽祭 最寄駅 (1) 名古屋より近鉄特急で1時間半、伊勢市駅下車、バスで15分、内宮前下車 (2) 名古屋よりJR快速"みえ"で伊勢市駅まで行き、バスで15分、内宮前下車

CHUGOKU & 中国・四国

Date Apr. 5 ~ Apr. 7 Haru Matsuri, Spring Festival or Oshiro Matsuri at Matsuyama-jo Castle, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref. One could enjoy cherry blossom viewing in & around Matsuyama Castle during the festival period. On the 6th, Daimyo & Musha Gyoretsu , a procession of a feudal lord & Samurai warriors, starts from Matsuyama-jo Cable-car Sta. at 11:40 am, marching along the O-dori shopping street of the city, and arrives at the intersection with Chifunemachi-dori (street) at around 1 pm. Many more events are scheduled during the period. Access The JR Yosan Line to Matsuyama Sta. From there, about 10 min. by streetcar to Okaido Stop, and then walk 5 min. to the castle. 所在地 愛媛県松山市 松山城 松山春まつり 最寄駅 JR予讃線松山駅より市電で約10分の大街道下車、松山城へは徒歩5分

6 Date Apr. 15 ◇ Hi-watari Shiki, rigorous religious practice of walking on burnt charcoals, at Daisho-in Temple, Miyajima-machi, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Pref. The ritual to pray for protection from illness and disaster starts from 1 pm, and Hi-watari Shiki takes place in the temple's ground from around 2 pm to 3 pm.

http://www.miyajima.or.jp/english/event/calendar02.html Access (1) The JR Sanyo Honsen Line to Miyajima-guchi Sta., and then walk 5 min. to Miyajima-guchi Pier. From there, 10 min. by ferryboat to Miyajima Pier, and then walk 20 min. to the temple. (2) 30 min. by streetcar or by bus from Hiroshima Sta. to Hiroshima Ujina Port. From there, 30 min. by hydrofoil to Miyajima Pier, and then walk 20 min. to the temple. 所在地 広島県廿日市市宮島町 大聖院 火渡り式(火渡り神事) 最寄駅 (1) JR山陽本線宮島口駅より徒歩5分の宮島口桟橋から フェリーで宮島下船 (10分)、徒歩20分 (2) 広島駅より市電又はバスで広島宇品港下車(30分)、高速 船で宮島下船(30分)、徒歩20分

Date Apr. 15 ~ Apr. 18 ◇ Tokasai, Peach-blossom Festival & Shin-Noh, Noh performance at Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima- machi, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Pref. Tokasai Bugaku (ancient court dance with music) is dedicated to the Shrine from around 6 pm to around 8 pm on the 15th. Shin-Noh (classical masked drama) is dedicated to the Shrine on Noh-butai (Noh stage) from around 9 am to around 4 pm on the 16th & the 17th, and from 9 am to 3 pm on the 18th. http://www.miyajima.or.jp/english/event/event_tokashinnou.html Access (1) The JR Sanyo Honsen Line to Miyajima-guchi Sta., and then walk 5 min. to Miyajima-guchi Pier. From there, 10 min. by ferryboat to Miyajima Pier, and then walk 10 min. to the Shrine. (2) 30 min. by streetcar or by bus from Hiroshima Sta. to Hiroshima Ujina Port. From there, 30 min. by hydrofoil to Miyajima Pier, and then walk 10 min. to the Shrine.

所在地 広島県廿日市市宮島町 厳島神社 桃花祭と神能 最寄駅 (1) JR山陽本線宮島口駅より徒歩5分の宮島口桟橋からフェリーで宮島下船(10分)、徒歩10分 (2) 広島駅より市電又はバスで30分広島宇品港下車、そこより高速船で30分宮島下船、徒歩10分


Date Mar. 30 ~ Apr. 3 ◎ Imari Haru-no Kamamoto Ichi or Imari Kamamoto Matsuri, Ceramic Fair at Ohkawachi, Imari, Saga Pref., is held at the Ohkawachi-yama area in the city from around 9 am to around 5 pm during the period. 30 Kamamoto (kilns) in this area participate in this event. http://www.imari-ookawachiyama.com/2013_haru/index.html Access (1) 1 hr. 30 min. by JR Limited Express "Midori" from Hakata Sta. to Arita Sta., and then take the Matsuura Railways (the Nishi Kyushu Line) to Imari Sta. From there, 10 min. by bus to Ohkawachi-yama Bus Stop. (2) From Hakata Kotsu Center, 1 hr. 40 min. by Highway Bus to Imari Bus Center. From there, 10 min. by bus to Ohkawachi- yama Bus Stop. 所在地 佐賀県 伊万里市大川内町 大川内山(窯元群) いまり春の窯元市 最寄駅 (1) 博多よりJR特急"みどり"で有田駅まで行き(1時間半)、松浦鉄道・西九州線に乗り換えて伊万里駅下車、そこよりバスで10分、大川内山バス停下車 (2) 博多交通センターから高速バスで1時間40分、伊万里バスセンター下車、そこよりバスで10分、大川内山(おおかわちやま)バス停下車

Date Apr. 29 ~ May. 5 ◇ ◎ Arita Toki Matsuri, Ceramic Fair at Arita-cho, Nishi-Matsuura-gun, Saga Pref. The fair is held along "Kyudo " route (about 5 km), which connects Kami-Arita Sta. and Arita Sta., from around 8 am to 5 pm daily during the fair period. http://www.arita-toukiichi.or.jp/open.html Access 1 hr. 30 min. by JR Limited Express "Midori" from Hakata to Kami-Arita Sta. or Arita Sta. on Sasebo Line. (Walking from Kami-Arita Sta. is an easier access to the fair site as a long downward slope extends to Arita Sta.) 所在地 佐賀県 西松浦郡 有田町 有田陶器市 最寄駅 博多よりJR特急"みどり"で1時間半、佐世保線の上有田駅又は有田駅下車 (有田駅まで下り坂なので、上有田駅より歩いたほうが良い)