Cactus Stomp

Choreographed by Margo LaMotta Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner east coast swing line dance Music: “All I Want To Do” by Sugarland [CD: CD Single] “The Shoop Shoop Song” (It's In His Kiss) by [116 bpm / Mermaids Soundtrack] “Get Drunk And Be Somebody” by Toby Keith [128 bpm / White Trash With Money] “Hicktown” by Jason Aldean [121 bpm / Jason Aldean] “Too Much Blood In My Alcohol” by David Ball *(Scarborough City Dancers Music) Start dancing on lyrics

RIGHT TOE-HEEL, COASTER STEP, LEFT TOE-HEEL, COASTER STEP 1-2 Touch right toe next to left, touch right heel next to left 3&4 Step right back, step together with the left, step forward with right 5-6 Touch left toe next to left, touch left heel next to right 7&8 Step left back, step together with right, step forward with left

HIP SWAYS RIGHT, STEP, HIP SWAY LEFT, STEP 1-4 Step right forward and swing hips to the right, left, right, touch left together 5-8 Step left forward and swing hips left, right, left, touch right together

GRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE turn ¼ left 1-4 Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left together 5-8 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side making a ¼ turn to the left, brush right heel next to left

JAZZ BOX, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, STOMPS 1-4 Cross right over left, step back left, step to right side with the right, step forward with the left 5&6 Kick right front, step right back, step in place with the left 7-8 Stomp right, stomp left