Irish Sea: an Introduction
E-ReFs an online guide to estuarine research © Estuarine Research Federation ( The Irish Sea: an Introduction James G. Wilson Trinity College Dublin – Department of Zoology Overviews: Boelens, R.G.V. (1995). An integrated science programme for the Irish Sea: Synthesis and recommendations. Department of the Environment, Dublin, 36pp. DETR (2000) Quality Status Report of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Irish Sea and Bristol Channel 2000. Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions, London. Dickson, R.R. and Boelens, R. G. V. (1988). The status of current knowledge on anthropogenic influences in the Irish Sea. ICES Cooperative Research report No. 155, Copenhagen. ISSG (1990). The Irish Sea.4 volumes. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Lee, A.J. and Ramster, J.W. (1981). Atlas of the seas around the British Isles. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Lowestoft Marine Institute (1999).Ireland’s Marine and Coastal Areas and Adjacent Seas: An Environmental Assessment. Marine Institute, Dublin, 388pp. DETR (2000) Quality status report of the Marine and coastal areas of the Irish sea and the Bristol Channel. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, London. Fishing and Fisheries: ICES STATLANT database at ISSG (1990). The Irish Sea.Volume 3: Exploitable living resources. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Moriarty, C. 1997. Fish and fisheries. In Nature in Ireland: a scientific and cultural history (eds J. W. Foster and H. C. G. Chesney). Lilliput Press, Dublin: 283-298. Nash, R. D. M. 1998. Exploring the population dynamics of Irish Sea plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., through the use of Paulik diagrams.
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