Government of Palestine
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©fficial a3ette OF THE Government of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 243 JERUSALEM 46th June, 4928. CONTENTS Pace I. DRAFTS OF ORDINANCES u) Proof of Foreign Documents Amendment Ordinance, 1928 308 (b) Tel-Aviv Local Council Validation Ordinance, 1928 308-309 (c) Commutation of Tithes Amendment Ordinance, 1928 309 (d) Supplementary Appropriation (April-December 1927) Ordinance 1928 310-311 ! II. REGULATIONS AND RULES (a) Regulations under the Railways Ordinance, 1927 ... 311- 312 ><(&) Rules under the Ports Ordinance, 1926-1927 312- 317 7(c) Rules under the Firearms Ordinance, 1922 ... 317 III. GOVERNMENT NOTICES (a) Notice under the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, 1927 318 ,,-.(b) Powers of Attorney 318 (c) Legal Prizes ... ... 319 (d) Dates of Examinations of the Jerusalem Law Classes 319 (<?) List cf Advocates who paid their annual fees 320-323 (/') Professional Licences 323- 324 (g) Alterations in Train Services ... 324 (h) Registration of Companies, Partnerships, etc. 324- 327 (i) Disposal of State Domains and adjudication of contracts 327 (j) Immigration and Emigration ... 328 (k) Change of names 329-331 (I) Financial Statements 332-335 (m) Sale of unclaimed goods and return of wrecks 336-341 (n) Summer Vacation of Courts, etc. 341 (o) Appointments, etc. 341-342 (p) Amendments to General Regulations ... 342 (q) Quarantine Summary 342 Price 50 mils. 308 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th June, 4928. The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order in Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order in Council, 1923. No. 28 of 1924 An Ordinance to amend the Proof of Foreign Documents Ordinance, 4924. Short Title. 4. This Ordinance may be cited as the Proof of Foreign Documents Amendment Ordinance, 4928; and the Proof of Foreign Documents Ordinance, No. 28 of 4924. (hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance) and this Ordinance may together be cited as the Probfof Foreign Documents Ordinances, 4924-4928. Amendment of 2. In Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance, the words Section 2 of Prin• "British Ambassador, envoy, chargé d'affaires and secretary of cipal Ordinance. embassy or legation exercising his functions in any foreign country, and every British Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul, Acting Consul, Pro-Consul, and Consular Agent exercising his functions in any foreign place" shall be substituted for the words "British Consul or Vice-Consul", wherever the latter words occur. ! An Ordinance to Validate Acts of the Tel-Aviv Local Council and to make provision for Determining the Boundaries of the ai'ea of Tel-Aviv for similar purposes. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice ot" the Advisory Council thereof:- ri||g| Short Title. 4. This Ordinance may be cited as the Tel-Aviv Local Council Validation! Ordinance, 4928. Confirmation of 2. The boubdaries of the township of Tel-Aviv, since the the Boundaries 41th of May, 492a, shall be deemed to be the boundaries defined of Tel-Aviv. in a order of the Assistant District Governor, Jerusalem-Jaffa District, elated 14th May, 4923, and marked un the map signed by him, subject to the modification of the southern boundary by the Order under the Determination of Areas of Municipalities Ordinance, 1925, !delimiting the municipal area of Jaffa, which was published in I the Gazette of the 16th January, 1927. Validation of Fm3. All rates, taxes and fees levied by the Local Council Taxes, etc. of the of Tel-Aviv in accordance with the provisions of the Tel-Aviv Tel-Aviv Local Township Order 1921 and the amendments thereto issued from Council. time to time, Within the area mentioned in the previous Section hereof shkll be deemed to be and always to have been validly imposed atad charged. Abrogation of 4. The arrangement dated 7th June, 1923, made on behalf arrangement with of the Local Council of Tel-Aviv with the Committees or re• certain Commit• tees concerning presentatives of trie Quarters known as Mercaz Mischari, Mercaz payment of rates, Mischari Hahadasli, Tchlenov Quarter, Model Farm and Ohel Moshe etc. which are included within the boundaries of the Township of Tel- Aviv, concerning the payment of rates and fees by the residents and land owners of such quarters, shall no longer have effect. I6th June, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 309 5. The fees charged prior to the date of this Ordinance Validation of by the Local Council of Tel-Aviv for building licences and for j^oge/^8•!•^ the opening of any shop within the area mentioned in Section Aw°se m 6~ 2 hereof shall be deemed to have been validly imposed and charged. 6. The District Commissioner, Southern District, may, on Variation of application by the Local Council of Tel-Aviv, from time to time ^n^^es of revise the definition of the boundaries of the area of the Local e" V1V* Council. 7. Article 9 of the Order under the Local Councils Ordin- RePeaL ance, 1921, constituting the Local Council of Tel-Aviv which was published in the Gazette of 1st June, 1921, is hereby repealed. An Ordinance to amend the Commutation of No. 49 of 1927. Tithe Ordinance, 1927. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Commutation of Short title. Tithes Amendment Ordinance, 1928, and the Commutation of Tithes Ordinance, No. 49 of 1927 (hereinafter called the Prin• cipal Ordinance) and this Ordinance may together be cited as the Commutation of Tithes Ordinances 1927-1928. 2. Section 5 (2) (a) of the Principal Ordinance shall be Amendment of deleted and the following shall be substituted therefor: Section 5 of the ° Principal k.^. Ordinance. "The names of the persons who are reputed owners of lands within the boundaries of the village, other than lands planted with fruit trees or lands which, during the whole of the period of years in respect of which the average aggregate amount of tithe is assessed, have been planted with non-titheable crops, and " 3. At the end of Section 5 (3) (a) of the Principal Ordin• ance the following words shall be inserted: "provided that, if it shall not be possible to make the apportionment in the proportion of the potential productivity in terms of wheat, the apportionment shall be made in the pro• portion of the potential productivity in terms of such other crop as the District Commissioner may determine, and . ." 4. The words "begin to" shall be inserted before the Amendment of word "revise" in Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance. 310 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 16th June, 1928. NOTE ON THE SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATION (APRIL-DECEMBER, 1927) ORDINANCE, 1928. The Supplementary Appropriation Ordinance gives legislative sanction for expenditure not covered by the Appropriation Ordinance for the| period. i The expenditure (or the period amounted to £P. 1,944,397 or £P. 20,464 over the estimate. The Schedule to the Supple• mentary Appropriation Ordinance shews the excess expenditure under each head aggregating to £P. 166,265 : and these excesses are mainly accounted for by the transfer of unproductive ex• penditure defrayecjl in previous years from loan funds. On the other hand, savings under other heads amounted to £P. 145,795. The revenue for the period amounted to £P. 1,739,380 or £P. 33,062 under !the estimate. The main decreases occur under Railways (£P. 50,210) and Posts and Telegraphs (£P. 7,129). On the other hand, receipts from Customs shew an increase of £P. 26,243. The decreases under Railways and Posts and Telegraphs were partly balanced by savings on the expenditure of these services, !and would have been more than balanced but for the extraordinary charge to Railway funds of approx• imately £P. 31,989 in respect of the writing down of the book value of Railway stores. The grant-in-aid is based on a percentage of the actual ordinary and extraordinary expenditure of the Transjordan Frontier Force, and as the expenditure for the period was below the estimate, the grant-in-aid was proportionately lower. SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATION (APRIL-DECEMBER, ¡1927) ORDINANCE 1928. An Ordinandi to legalize certain payments made in the nine months ended 31st December, 1927, in excess of the expenditure authorised by the Appropriation (April-December 1927) Ordinance No. 44 of 1927. WHEREAS the Appropriation (April-December 1927) Ordinance, 1927, made certain provision for the expenses of the Government of Palestine for the nine months ending 31st of December, 1927, and it is necessary to make certain addit• ional provision for the public service for that period, BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :- Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Supplemen• tary Appropriation1 (April-December, 1927) Ordinance, 1928. Appropriation of 2. The sums of money set forth in the Schedule £P. 166,265 for hereto having been expended for the services therein mentioned the 9 months ended the 31st beyond the amounts granted for those services for the nine December, 1927. months ended 3 st December, 1927, by the Appropriation (April-December 1927) Ordinance 1927, the same are hereby declared to have been duly laid out and expended for the services of the Government of Palestine for those nine months, and are hereby approved, allowed and granted in addition to the sums mentioned for those services in the said Ordinance. 16th June, 1928. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 311 SCHEDULE TO SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATION (APRIL- DECEMBER, 1927) ORDINANCE, 1928. £P. Pensions 184 Public Debt and Loan Charges 7,073 Judicial Department 12,990 Audit Department 13 Department of Agriculture and Forests 17 Gendarmerie (Palestine Section) 27 Gendarmerie (British Section) 147 Public Works Extraordinary 145,814 £P.