Cï)E Palestine #A?Ette
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Cï)e Palestine #a?ette No. 1422 THURSDAY, 5TH JULY, 1945 773 CONTENTS • Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES , Member and Secretary to the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Board, appointed - " - 775 ־ - - - - Call Day 775 Cancellation of a Licence to deal in Utility Textiles - - . - 775 Appointments, etc. - - - - _ 775 University of London—Pass List - - - - 775 ־ - Drawing by lot of Tickets of The Bearer Bonds - 776 ״•-.••••. - Médical Licences granted - - - .777 . Dentists' Licences granted - - - - - 777 ־ ־ ־- ־ Midwives' Licences granted - 777 "Pharmacists' Licences granted - - - - - -777 Medical Licence cancelled - - - - - 777 Land Valuers' Licences renewed - - - - - 777 Mails Lost - - - - - - 777 Hours of Public Business - - - - - 777 ־ - - Telegraph Service with the Channel Islands • '777 Use of abbreviated registered telegraphic addresses in telegrams addressed to destinations abroad - - - - - 777 ׳•-.._ - - - Telegraph Service with Italy .778 Palestine Sayings Certificates lost - - - - - 778 ־ Notice of Intended Destruction of Court Records - - 778 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - 778 ־.••־• - - Adjudication of Contracts - 779 780־ - '.־,•-. - ־ ־ Citation Orders ־ - ־ Notice to Claimants - - 782 Notices of the Execution Office—Tel Aviv - - - - 782 RETURNS 783 ־ - ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary Persons Changing their Names - - - 784 785 ־ - ־ - Sale of Unclaimed Goods Statement of Coins and Notes in Circulation at the 30th June, 1945 - 785 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE .SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCY, ETC. - 786 SUPPLEMENT• No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which farms part of this Gazette: — Courts Vacation Rules; (No. 2), 1945, under the Courts Ordinance, 1940 - - 727 Courts Vacation Order (No. 2), 1945, under the Courts Ordinance, 1940 - - 727 Defence (Courts Applications) (Amendment) Regulations, 1945, under the Emergency 728־ , - - - Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 Notices under the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, appointing 729־ - Military Commanders of the Area Comprising Jerusalem District Notices under the land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding the Acquisition of certain Lands in Tel Aviv and Bethlehem respectively, for Public ־ ־ - - - - Purposes 729 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 8), 1945, under the 731־ - ! ־ Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) (Application to Kiryat Motzkin) Order in Council 1945, under the Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, 1941 - - 732 Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) (Application to Kiryat Bialik) Order in Council, ־ under the Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, 1941 - 732 ,1945 (Continued) PRICE: 65 MILS. ... iév*f I\׳&r CONTENTS. Page (Continued) Municipal Corporations (Exemptions) Order in Council, 1945, under the Municipal Cor• porations Ordinance, 1934 - - - - 733 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, declaring that the Front Elevation of Buildings of certain Localities in Haifa, to be subject to a certain fixed ־ Architectural Design - - - - - 733 Benei Beraq (Water Supply) (Amendment) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils ־ - - Ordinance, 1941 - - 734, Notice under the Tithes (Commutation) Rules, fixing the date of Payment of Commuted ־ " - Tithes for a certain Locality - - - 736 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Parcellation Schemes within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - - 736 , Notice under the Land Registers Ordinance, 1944, regarding the Destruction of Entries in respect of certain Lands - - \ ' - - - 737 •׳ Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, re garding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods intended to be exported contrary to the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940 - - 742 ׳ Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of Lands of Al-Maliha Village, under •; the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - _ , ' _ 743 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Jerusalem District, under the Land ־•'.'.׳• Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 743) Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in Hittin Village, under the Land ׳ - - Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 744) Notice of Requisition of Lands by a Competent Authority, under the Defence Regula tions, 1930 - - - - - - 744 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. !׳׳.׳.. REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS, PATENTS, DESIGNS, ETC. - .5 !July, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1422. _775 • ': \ "• v NOTICE. With reference to the notice regarding the appointment of a Board under the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Ordinance, 1944, which was published at page 886 of the Gazette No. 1361 of 21st September, 1944, it is hereby notified for general information that the Officer Administering the Government has appointed— , (a) MR. A. L. PETERS, Accountant General, to be a member of the Board in place of MR. L. LE BOUVIER, deceased, who ceased to be a member of the Board with effect from the 21st May, 1945; (b) MR. K. GAZMARIAN, to be Secretary to the Board in place of MR. A. S. BANKS who ceased to be Secretary to the Board with effect from the 9th January, 1945. - EOBEET SCOTT (F/41/45) / Acting Chief Secretary. .־• •• • •• . , : .CALL DAY . , . ׳ . ,׳•׳-;׳-׳•־ It is notified for general information that His HONOUR THE CHIEF JUSTICE has fixed Thursday tne 26th July, 1945, as the next regular "Call Day". The "Call" will be taken by His Honour in open Court at 9 a.m. Robes will be worn. 29th June, 1945. MEEVYN.J. E. MOEGAN .Acting Chief Registrar ׳ ־'׳••'.. (Gaz/5/40) ~7־~~~~~ ~ ~~~־ ~ .NOTICE ־־ ־ • ----־-־ ־ ־־־־־־־־־־־־ Licence No. R/3460 authorising Mr. Meir Feffermann, previously of Herzl Street, Rehovot, to deal in Utilitv textiles by way of retail, has been revoked on the 27th June, 1945. II. C. BIGGS Controller of Light Industries. APPOINTMENTS, ETC. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION IN ARTS, JULY, 1944. APPOINTMENTS. 2483 Siegfried Private Study The Officer Administering the Government Horowitz has appointed: — 2485 Abdul Malik Private Study MR. W. V. FULLER, Deputy District Commis Nashef sioner, District Administration, Haifa Dis 2486 Amin Tibi British Institute, trict, to act as District Commissioner on the Tulkarm. 28th June, 1945. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION IN SCIENCE, MR. W. J. A. LIVINGSTONE, Acting Assistant JULY, 1944. District Commissioner, District Administra 3154 Walter Kraft, Private Study tion, Samaria District, to act as District Com LL. 13. missioner, with effect from the 5th July, 1945, 3127 Missj Magdalena Hebrew Technical until further order. Kupferman College, Haifa, and MR. G. ELLISON, Deputy Controller of Posts, Private Study Department of Posts and Telegraphs, to act as INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION IN ECONOMICS, Assistant Postmaster General, with effect from ' ••• JULY, 1944. the 1st July, 1945, until further order. 3581 Amnon Rosenstein Private Study The Officer Administering the Government ; has approved the appointment of: — PART I. AHMAD EFF. FAKHRI-AL-DEEN KOKJA-ZADAH, 3580 Judith Rebecca Private Study Chief Clerk, Sharia Courts, to be Assistant David Inspector of Sharia Courts, with effect from the PART II. 1st May, 1945. 3695 William. Leighton Private Study INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION IN LAWS, TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT. SEPTEMBER, 1944. The appointment of MR. D.T. DONALD, Loco 2740 Avy-Ezer Private Study motive Foreman, Palestine Railways, termina Chelouche ted with effect from the 30th June, 1945. 2753 Wasfi El-Nimer Private Study RESIGNATION. 2743 Gerszon Ettinger Private Study MR. G. W. CATTAN, Assistant Engineer, De 2744 Michael Firun Private Study partment of Public Works, resigned from the 2745 Elieser Gruszka Private Study public service, with effect from the 1st July, 2746 Viktor Hazan Private Study 1945. 2747 Musa Jubrail Private Study Khuri RETIREMENT. 2749 Benno Lichtenberg Private Study SIR DOUGLAS G. HARRIS, K.B.E., C.S.I., 2750 Maiyim Zeev Government Law. CLE., Commissioner on Special Duty, retired Mayer Classes and Private from the public service, with effect- from the Study 25th June, 1945. 2751 Izaak Josif Mine Haskala College and Private Study : NOTICE. 2757 Isac Yahiel Private Study UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. B.A. GENERAL EXAMINATION, JUNE, 1944.. The candidates indicated below were success ful in the examinations of the University of SECOND DIVISION. London which were held under the supervision 1421 Anold Spanier Private Study of the Department of Education as follows: — THIRD DIVISION. INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION IN ENGINEERING, 1420 Lucian Otto Private Tuition. JUNE, 1944. Meysels 3407 Hans Hermann Private Tuition J. FAEEELL ' Meyer 27th June, 1945. Director of Education. 776 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1422. 5th July, 1945 NOTICE. GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE. 1 . BEARER BONDS. (SECOND ISSUE). First Drawing. On the 5th July, 1945, at the Rex Cinema, Jerusalem, the following numbers were drawn by lot: — (a) the ticket first drawn 179411 (b) the ticket next drawn 149485 (c) the two tickets next drawn 127020 157211 (d) the ten tickets next drawn , 101115 102782 104727 108777 109372 124286 127949 163712 187667 189989 (e) the twenty tickets next drawn 103680 112161 117975 124312 134322 136801 138963 149262 151252 153243 157903 162756 165756 170821 175870 176052 177331 193535 194228 196188 (f) the one hundred and twenty-five tickets next drawn 100007 102288 102922 103869 : 105157 106714 106824 107326 107470 107810 108383 110527 110657 111223 112185 112538 113718 113755 114426 116222 116915