Palestine <©A?Ette J
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\ י לתשומת לב ההנהלה חח׳יד I הה״ש »' ה;7׳ ש ה׳ | נידות-•;׳";, השטרות Palestine <©a?ette authority ין* ubii^en^ No. 1557 THURSDAY, 27TH FEBRUARY, 1947 / 217 i CONTENTS Page •-/!׳. \ GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointment of Greek Consul General at Jerusalem - - 219 Award of Efficiency Medal - 219 Appointment of Magistrate and Registrar to act as Judges of the District Court - 219 Notice to Intended Travellers to Belgium and Rumania 219 220 - ־ .Appointments, etc J• Lan d Valuers' Licences—Examination of Candidates for - - 220 List of Advocates, and Persons permitted to practise before Moslem Religious Courts, who paid Annual Practising Fees - - ,221 Sale of a State Domain - - - - - 232 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - 233 Destruction of Receipt and Licence Books - 233 Loss of a Palestine Savings Certificate - - - 233 Loss of Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books - - 234 Intended Destruction of Court Records 234 Citation Orders - 234 244 Notices of the Execution Office of Tel Aviv - - RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - 245 Financial Statement at the 30th November, 1946 - - - 246 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 30th November, 1946 - 248 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - , - - - - 249 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, ETC. - - 250 251 ־ ־ ־ CORRIGENDUM SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Forests (Declaration of Closed Forest Area) Order, 1947, under the Forests Ordin ance - - - - - 303 Port of Jaffa (Transport of Passengers and Luggage Charges) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Ports Ordinance - 303 Direction under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance to the Director of Public Works to remove a Structure erected in contravention of an Order 304 Jerusalem (Removal of Refuse) (Fees) By-laws, 1947, under the Municipal Cor porations Ordinance, 1934 304 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, re garding Acquisition for Public Purposes of certain Land by the Municipal Corporation of Haifa - 305 Gaza Municipal Council (Authorisation of Loan) Order, 1947, under the Muni cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - _ 306 Majdal (Construction of Streets) By-laws, 1947, under the Municipal Corpora tions Ordinance, 1934 - - _ 307 Nathanya (Construction of Streets) By-laws, 1947, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 - - - _ ' ' 313 Bat-Yam (Regulation of Stationary Vehicles) By-laws, 1947, under the Road Transport Ordinance - - - _ 318 (Continued) PRICE: 130 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Vi age El Bireh Local Council (Amendment) By-laws, 1947, under the Local Councils ־ - - Ordinance, 1941 - - •• . - 322 El Bireh (Construction of Roads) By-laws, 1947, under the Local Councils Ordin ־ ־ ־ - - - ance, 1941 323 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Detailed Schemes within the Samaria, Galilee and Gaza District Regional Planning Areas ----- 325 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in respect of the Urban Areas of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahur and Nathanya Urban Areas, under the Urban ־. - . ־ ־•••- Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 326 Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting and cancelling Permits for Publica tion of Newspapers - - - - - 329 Defence (Control of Books) (Revocation) Order, 1947, under the Defence Regula tions, 1939 - . - - . 331 Defence (Control of Bicycles) (Revocation) Order, 1947, under the Defence Regula ־ - - tions, 1939 - - 331 Defence (Revocation of Certain Food Control Legislation) Order, 1947,. under the ־ -• - Defence Regulations, 1939 - •-•..'•332'•. Food Control (Revocation of Certain Food Control Legislation) Order, 1947, under ־ ־.-...'•_ the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - ..-_.•332 Food Control (Rationing) (Amendment No. 2) Rules,. 1947; under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - .;. • - • > . _ _ 333 Food Control (Wholesalers' Returns) Order, 1947, under the Food Control Or dinance, 1942 - - - - - 334 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, appointing a Councillor of the Municipal Council of Ramie to be Mayor of the Council - - 337 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, prescribing the Date for .: 'Commencement of Revision of the Register of Voters by the Electoral Committee ־-' _ . for the Municipal Corporation of Tulkarm -._337 Notification of Commencement of Settlement in respect of Zir'in Village, under the "Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - * - - 337 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring-certain Localities in the •Sub- District of Haifa to be Areas Infected with Rabies - - - 338 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. BILLS PUBLISHED FOE INFORMATION.. Urban Property Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1947 31 Income Tax (Amendment No. 2) Bill, 1947 32 Company Profits Tax Bill, 1947 39 Rural Property Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1947 58 27th February, 1947 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1557. 219 NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Majesty's Exequatur empowering Monsieur GEORGE KAPSAMBELI to act as Greek Consul General at Jerusalem received His Majesty's signature on the 13th January, 1947. By His Excellency's Command, H. L. G. GURNEY 19th February, 1947. Chief Secretary. (N/6/41) THE EFFICIENCY MEDAL. His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to award the Effi• ciency Medal to the undermentioned officer of the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force :— Brigadier Percy Travers Goodwin. By His Excellency's Command, H. L. G. GURNEY 18th February, 1947. Chief Secretary. NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(b) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed the following Magistrate and Registrar to act as Judges of the District Court : SAM'AN EFF. DAOTJD, Magistrate, for a period of one month as from the 2nd' of March, 1947. ELIAS EFF. KHODEY, Eegistrar, for a period of one month as from the 20th of . February, 1947. M. COTRAN 21st February, 1947. for Acting Chief Eegistrar. PUBLIC NOTICES. ' I. A British subject in possession of a valid passport which has on the cover the inscription "British Passport" and in which the holder's national status is described > as "British subject" may travel to Belgium without a Belgian visa. c 2. This privilege does not extend to all British subjects, but only to those who hold the type of passport mentioned above. 3. Intending travellers, wTho are British subjects, should appreciate this dis• tinction and before travelling to Belgium they should seek advice at one of the offices of the Department of Migration or at a Belgian Consulate to ascertain if they may enter Belgium without a visa. II. British subjects who wish to proceed to Rumania are advised to make applica• tion for a visa for Rumania at one of the sub-offices of the Department of Migra• tion at Haifa, or Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv, or Jaffa, or Tiberias. The applicant should complete form M/113 and state his occupation and the object of his journey, length of intended stay and proposed place of residence, in Rumania, and furnish particulars of previous residence in Rumania, and the route by which he will travel, The validity of an authority to enter Rumania is of two months only. The , visa if granted will be telegraphed from Rumania to Palestine at the expense of the J applicant. British subjects arriving in Rumania are requested to report to the nearest British Consul without delay to obtain documents necessary to obtain a residence permit. In no circumstances should British subjects apply for visa facilities direct to Rumanian authorities. 220 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1557. 27th February•, 1947 APPOINTMENTS, ETC. TERMINATION OF SECONDMENT. APPOINTMENTS. I The secondment of MR. A. MAJOR, M.B.E., Cypher Officer, Secretariat, as Accountant and The High Commissioner has appointed: — Establishment Officer, Office of the Controller MR. L. T. STEVENSON, to be Deputy District of Light Industries, published in Palestine Commissioner, District Administration, Lydda Gazette No. 1358 of the 7th September, 1944, terminated with effect from the 10th January, District, with effect from the 12th December, 1947. 1946. MR. G. M. LEVACK, to be Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from the 4th February, RESIGNATION. 1947. • MR. S. D. TUCK, District Traffic Superint- MR. L. F. ROBERTSON, to be Senior Veterin | encknt, Palestine Railways, resigned from the ary Officer, Department of Agriculture and j public service, with effect from the 11th Janu- Fisheries, with effect from the 3rd January, i ary, 1947. 1947. MR. G. C. M. HEATHCOTE, to be Administra tive Officer, Secretariat, with effect from the RETIREMENTS, 8th February, 1947. LIEUT. COL. R. H. STABLE, D.S.O., Assistant Inspector General, Police Mobile Force, re MR. A. E. LIEBER, Temporary Administrative tired from the public service, with effect from Assistant, Department of Labour, to be Assist j the 18th February, 1947. ant Commissioner, Department of Commerce and Industry, with effect from the 27th Janu DR. R. OPLATKA, Assistant Senior Medical ary, 1947. Officer, Department of Health, retired from the public service, with effect from the 1st February, 1947. , MR. L. T. STEVENSON, Deputy District Com missioner, District Administration, Lydda Dis trict, to act as District Commissioner, Lydda District, with effect from the 21st February, CORRIGENDA. 1947, until further notice. The date of the termination of the appoint MR. S. CAVALCANTI, Clerk, Grade I, Office of ment of MR. S. J. HOGBEN,