Arab Nationalism Journal of Integrative International Relations, 5:1 (2020) 1-32 Copyright © Department of International Relations UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya ISSN 2477-3557 (Print) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4785114 Arab Nationalism: Past, Present, and Future Hadza Min Fadhli Robby Department of International Relations, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta Email:
[email protected] Abstract This article would like to discuss the development of Arab Nationalism throughout history. Arab Nationalism is discussed intially as a part of resistance against Turkish and Ottoman power. The construction of enmity between Arab and Turkish nation became one of the most important feature of Arab Nationalism. However, the enmity against Turkish nation was not the only factor contributing to the Arab Nationalism. The existence of Arab nationalist movement and rise of Arab intellectuals gave the momentum for Arab nationalism to obtain a prominent place. As Arab nations declared their independence, there are aspirations which seeks Arab nations to be united into one country. One such ideal was brought up by Gamal Abdel Nasser, previously the President of Arab Republic of Egypt. Arab Nationalism experienced its hey-day during these days, but soon after, loses its charm after the war with Israel. This paper will also discuss the problems and reasons behind the decline of Arab Nationalism. Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan nasionalisme Arab sepanjang sejarah. Awalnya, nasionalisme Arab tumbuh sebagai sebuah konstruk dan perlawanan terhadap kuasa Turki dan Usmani. Namun, seiring dengan tumbuhnya pergerakan akar rumput yang memperjuangkan nasionalisme Arab dan kebangkitan intelektual Arab, gerakan nasionalisme Arab mulai mendapatkan pamornya di tengah masyarakat Arab.