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Edited by S P YADAV


Note from the Secretary General (05) Have we turned the corner in Tiger Conservation? (06) 2nd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation (07) Summary of Proceedings of the Meeting between the Global Tiger Forum (09) and State Forestry Administration of the People's Republic of China Summary Record of the 3rd Meeting of the Sub-Group on Tiger/Leopard (11) Conservation between India and Russia News from Countries (12) Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China India Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Russia Thailand Vietnam News from the USA (31) News from International Agencies/NGOs (36) (A) INTERPOL (B) TRAFFIC - International (C) Wildlife Conservation Society (D) 21st Century Tiger

News from National NGOs (39) (A) The Corbett Foundation (B) WWF - India (C) Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) (D) Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN) (E) Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) Tiger Mortality Statistics of India - July to December 2012 (45) Of the GTF (46) GTF Members (46)



The Global Tiger Forum was quite active during the last six months, reaching out to mem- bers, tiger range countries and others to strengthen conservation of wild globally. Several new members have joined the Forum, and range countries like China and Russian Federation have shown their interest. With the growing support and encouragement, the Forum is reassured in its mission and is embarking on some important initiatives as a part of its future roadmap, emanating from the action plans prepared by tiger range countries.

The Forum collaborated with the National Tiger Conservation Authority (India) and the Global Tiger Initiative (along with its partners and the World Bank) and organised a side event during the CoP 11 of CBD at Hyderabad, India, in October 2012. The theme of the side event - "Have we turned the corner on Tiger Conservation?" was well appreciated and attended. The event addressed three key areas - government response, launch of anti-poach- ing campaign and the way forward in tiger conservation.

Another important event was the second Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation hosted by the Royal Government of Bhutan in October 2012. A Nine-Point Action Agenda on Tiger Conservation was firmed up as an outcome, which included strengthening of front- line personnel, conservation of tiger habitat within and outside protected areas, sharing the benefits of conservation with communities for an active engagement, enhancing collabora- tion amongst tiger range countries for managing transboundary landscapes and corridors, combating illegal trade and demand, and supporting tiger range countries having low tiger densities for tiger restoration programs. Other important points included in the agenda were: stepping up and expediting national and donor funds to support ground action, devel- oping partnership with business and industry, implementing national awareness initiatives, besides evolving national action plans for a two year period by tiger range countries with cri- teria and indicators for monitoring the NTRP/GTRP. The Global Tiger Forum is commit- ted to assist the tiger range countries in implementing this important commitment.

The GTF participated in a meeting of officials held in Beijing in September, 2012, under the auspices of the State Forestry Administration (People's Republic of China). There was a consensus that the Forum should have an important role in international conventions for putting up a common voice of tiger range countries. It is heartening to note that China, an important tiger range country, is keen on the Forum.

A meeting of the Sub-Group on Tiger/Leopard Conservation between India and Russia was held at Moscow, in September, 2012. The Forum participated in this important meeting and its role was recognised by the Russian side while expressing intention to join the same in the near future.

This issue features details of the above meetings and the activities of the Forum.

Status assessment of wild tigers, their habitat and prey is important for all the tiger range countries. Equally important is to actively rebuild tiger populations in favourable habitats, while addressing human-tigerinterface. The Forum is in the process of firming up a roadmap and hopes to engage with tiger range countries in the near future.

Dr. RAJESH GOPAL Secretary General


CoP 11 of CBD Side Event: Have we turned the corner in Tiger Conservation?

(Above) Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan, Hon'ble Minister of Environment & Chairperson of the GTF pledging her support for forest guards

(Left) Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan,Hon'ble Minister of Environment & Chairperson of the GTF delivering the introductory remarks

he Global Tiger Forum organised a side event on est guards, as a part of a WWF campaign that recognizes :"Have we turned the corner in Tiger frontline staff who works tirelessly in harsh conditions to TConservation?" during the XI Conference of protect the tigers. Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity held at Bringing out optimism and hope in eventually turning Hyderabad, India, in October 2012, in collaboration with the corner on tiger conservation, the National Tiger National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), WWF- Conservation Authority (NTCA), WWF-India, Global India and Wildlife Institute of India (WII), which was Tiger Forum (GTF) and Wildlife Institute of India (WII) attended by delegates of the tiger range countries, experts, showcased state-of-the-art technology and new initiatives donors and several international and National NGOs that are being adopted to monitor tigers and other wildlife, working for tiger conservation. the recovery of tiger populations, and efforts towards halt- The event addressed three key areas - government ing illegal wildlife trade and poaching. A real time electron- response, launch of anti-poaching campaign and the way ic surveillance from Corbett was shown by the NTCA. forward in tiger conservation. After the introductory The Global Tiger Forum announced positive develop- remarks by Ms Jayanti Natrajan, Honourable Minister of ments from Russia in moving towards becoming a member, Environment & Forests and the Chairperson of the Global and also reported that China will become a GTF member Tiger Forum, Mr Nuritdin Inamov, Director of in the very near future. At the event Tiger Alive Initiative of Department of International Cooperation, the Russian WWF launched the CAT/S. Federation, addressed the audience which was followed by With the primary focus on tiger conservation all parties a report by Dr Rajesh Gopal, Member-Secretary NTCA at the Conference of Parties of the CBD sought to increase and Secretary General, Global Tiger Forum. awareness towards the programs, strengthen the implemen- As a special highlight of the event, the Minister and tation of already existing processes and launch advanced award-winning Indian film star Rana Dagubatti signed a methods for combating tiger poaching while increasing Cards4tigers postcard, registering their support to the for- their numbers worldwide.


ND Asia Ministerial Conference on 2 Tiger Conservation Thimphu, Bhutan, October 22-23, 2012

he leaders of the governments of the 13 Tiger Tiger Forum, said that we have moved on path of shared Range Countries (TRCs) met in November 2010, goal since 2008, with the Global Tiger Initiative. The Tiger Tat the International Tiger Forum in St. Petersburg, Range Countries have shown remarkable political commit- Russia, and declared their collective political will to take all ment in tiger conservation. However, time is running fast action necessary to prevent the extinction of wild tigers. to convert the St. Petersburg Declaration into reality with They set the goal of doubling the numbers of wild tigers concrete actions and whole-hearted support from donors globally by 2022 in the St. Petersburg Declaration on Tiger and international community. Conservation, and endorsed the Global Tiger Recovery Progress in reversing the wild tigers' decline toward Program (GTRP) as a road map to reach that goal, sup- extinction has been significant based on actions undertak- ported by international partners to mobilize needed exter- en by TRCs. Nonetheless, the threats to wild tigers and nal resources. their natural habitats are seen to be increasing. Tiger land- The TRC Ministers or their representatives who are scapes are economically and politically undervalued and charged with implementing the GTRP and its constituent their importance to human well-being poorly recognized. National Tiger Recovery Priorities, met on October 22-23, Building on the pledges of the St. Petersburg 2012, at the Second Asian Ministerial Conference on Tiger Declaration, the Ministers or the Heads of Delegations of Conservation in Thimphu, Bhutan, to reflect on advances the TRCs have identified an affirmative nine-point action thus far, enhance the action agenda through 2014, and re- agenda up to 2014 and ask partners to intensify their sup- emphasize their political will for tiger conservation demon- port to: strated at the International Tiger Forum. 1. Actively strengthen front lines: Urgently enhance While addressing the gathering in the inaugural session, rewards, recognition, and resources for frontline staff (in Mr S.P. Yadav representing the Secretary General, Global the form of numbers, institutional capacity, skills, tools,


technology, infrastructure, operating costs, and insurance ate the conditions essential for successful restoration, and against loss of life and injury) in all TRCs over the next find suitable sources of tigers in at least two different three years. national programs over three years. 2. Diligently conserve tiger habitat, inside and outside 6. Significantly accelerate the flow of national and protected areas, against current and future threats: external funds to support actions on the ground: Focus new Strengthen and continue programs to extend protected support on gaps and accelerate projects to implement areas, remove current encroachments in core breeding areas National Tiger Recovery Priorities (NTRPs) and fully fund and ensure full public disclosure through land-use plans, the Global Tiger Recovery Program by 2014. mapping current and future threats, application of the 7. Develop a new partnership with business and indus- principles of Smart Green Infrastructure, better science to try: Engage business and industry in habitat conservation, maintain quality habitats, smart patrolling to increase man- valuation of ecosystems, sustainable finance, and outreach agement effectiveness, and improved monitoring, with nec- to consumers and other stakeholders, with five pilots that essary programs and disclosure completed over the next minimize and compensate for impacts to be launched two years. across the TRCs in the next two years. 3. Significantly enhance engaging and sharing the ben- 8. Develop and implement comprehensive national efits of conservation with communities, making them part- awareness strategies and initiatives to instill pride and bring ners in tiger and habitat conservation and expanding shar- people closer to nature to counteract the negative impacts ing of benefits from conservation, expanding alternative on tigers from urbanization, disengagement of youth, livelihood programs, and promptly and adequately com- development, and loss of cultural heritage, and to widely pensating villagers for losses due to/caused by tigers in all disseminate the value of tiger conservation landscapes. TRCs in two years. 9. Develop national action plans for a period of two 4. Enhance and mainstream collaboration among years for each TRC with criteria and indicators to monitor TRCs in management of transboundary landscapes and NTRP/GTRP implementation. corridors, combating illegal trade, and eliminating illicit By issuance of the Thimphu Affirmative Nine-Point demand through bilateral/multilateral mechanisms and Action Agenda on Tiger Conservation, the TRC Ministers or with the support of organizations such as ASEAN-WEN, the Heads of Delegations re-confirm their commitment to SA WEN, INTERPOL, and others. collective action and political leadership, together with the 5. Support TRCs with low tiger densities to launch continued support of international partners to reach the goal tiger restoration programs: Build on lessons of success, cre- of doubling the number of wild tigers globally by 2022.



fter being elected as Chair of the GTF, the play a big role in the field of tiger conservation and Hon'ble Minister for Environment and Forests, enforcement. China has bilateral relationship with TRCs AGovernment of India wrote a letter to Hon'ble like Nepal, Russian Federation and India on tiger conser- Minister of People's Republic of China (PRC) in 2010 vation. The GTF has to play a bigger role at internation- requesting to join the said Forum to strengthen its effort al level in future. for tiger conservation at the global level. In response to The GTF delegation thanked the Hon'ble Minister the said letter, the Hon'ble Minister of PRC requested and SFA for convening a special meeting on the GTF. A for a special meeting with the GTF to discuss issues relat- detailed powerpoint presentation was made highlighting ing to tiger conservation and China joining as a member the GTF's mandate, goal, objectives, structure, function- of the GTF. Accordingly, on the invitation of the SFA, ing, present membership, category of membership, the GTF delegation visited Beijing and had a detailed membership fee, procedure to access GTF's membership, discussion with SFA covering GTF's goal, objectives, major activities undertaken, proposed future activities structure, functioning, procedure to access GTF mem- and the benefits which member TRC's get from the bership and concerns. GTF. It was stated that GTF provides a credible interna- The head of the delegation, SFA welcomed the GTF tional platform, supported by member TRC govern- delegation and appreciated the role of India and China in ments for tiger conservation, besides facilitating trans- the COP-14 of CITES held in 2010 at Doha, Qatar. It boundary initiatives between TRCs. It was stated that was emphasized that Tiger Range Countries (TRCs) are the GTF recognizes China as a major country and with doing a great job for tiger conservation but they are not its active support the GTF can play a significant role in getting due recognition at the global level. It was also immediate and relevant strategies identified in the Global recognized that the GTF is the only intergovernmental Tiger Recovery Program, utilizing the existing modules international body working for tiger conservation, and and mechanism. being an intergovernmental body, it is a credible organi- While appreciating the GTF's role, it was informed zation. It was stated that the TRC governments have to that China participated in the first meeting of the GTF


in 1994, and has taken strong action against tiger poach- (b) Decision making in the GTF:- It was informed ing, habitat destruction and illegal trade. Use of tiger that decision making on policy matter in the GTF is body parts in the traditional Chinese medicines has been democratic and all important decisions are taken by the completely banned since 1993, and efforts are on for GTF Executive Committee, where TRCs are consulted improvement of habitat and prey base for tiger conserva- for raising a common voice at the international level. tion in the wild. Further, it was stated that China is very After joining the GTF, China may contribute to the deci- positive in joining the GTF to strengthen it and use the sion making of the GTF as per the existing statutes and said platform as an opportunity to share experiences, rules by developing a consensus position on important lessons learnt, policies and other measures in the field of issues. The platform of the GTF may be used for show- tiger conservation. During the Global Tiger Summit, casing the excellent work done by China in antipoaching Hon'ble Premier Mr. Wen Jiabao had said that China is activities, controlling illegal trade and tiger conservation looking forward for cooperation with other TRCs. The efforts to the global community. Chinese side expressed some concerns which were While appreciating the position of China and GTF, it responded by the GTF delegates, as below:- was agreed that the GTF would prepare a Summary Record of the proceeding covering all points of discus- (a) Membership status of the GTF:- There are at sion and conclusion. It was agreed that the GTF should present 7 TRCs (including India) as Members of the play a more important role at the international forum to GTF, besides non-TRCs like U.K. and U.S. Fish and put up a united voice of TRCs. It was also agreed that Wildlife Service. Some other international NGOs like the GTF would provide all proceedings of its meeting to WWF, IFAW, TRAFFIC are also members, besides 7 SFA in English as well as in Chinese. The Chinese side national NGOs of Nepal and India. The IUCN has been stated that having obtained clarification on all their pre- given a status of "Special Invitee". It was informed that sent concerns, they are very positive in joining the GTF Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Malaysia as a member TRC. The GTF agreed to facilitate the visit have shown interest in taking GTF membership and and meeting of Chinese CITES Management Authority have been participating in the activities of the GTF. to Nepal and India in the near future.



uring the 3rd Meeting of the Sub-Group on informed that Tiger range countries like Nepal, Bhutan, tiger/leopard conservation between India- Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia, non- DRussia, the issue of The Russian Federation tiger range country like U.K., some international and joining the Global Tiger Forum was deliberated under national NGOs, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are agenda No. 8. Details of the deliberation were as follows: already members of the GTF. The IUCN is willing to cooperate, and has been assigned the status of a "Special 8. Global Tiger Forum (GTF) Invitee" of the GTF. A presentation was made by the Indian side on the Global Tiger Forum, interalia, covering mandate, struc- The Russian side recognised the important role of ture, working, decision making, current members, mem- GTF while intending to join the said Forum in the near bership fee, procedure for membership, programs run by future. It was informed that the Ministry of Foreign the GTF and their importance at the global level, being Affairs of the Russian Federation has given clearance for the only intergovernmental international organisation joining the GTF, however, further clearances are required working for the tiger conservation. The Indian side from other governmental authorities.




Tiger beaten to death in Khajura village from the Sundarbans mangrove forest. Khulna in search of food at dawn. Tigers recently frequented vil- BD News 24 Report (Source: Sensing the presence of tiger, lages adjoining the Sundarbans to BDNews24) 6 Nov 2012 hundreds of villagers came out of prey on farm animals because of their homes armed with sharp widespread deforestation, which has Khulna, Nov 6 ( weapons and wooden sticks and gave reduced their habitat. Royal Bengal Tiger was beaten to him a chase. At one stage, they Experts say poaching and rise in death by villagers in Dakop upazila trapped him near a homestead and salinity in the rivers that criss-cross of Khulna district, adjacent to the hammered the beast to death around the forests have caused gradual Sundarbans forests, on Tuesday 9am. reduction in tiger population. morning, raising concern over On getting the information, But forest officials cannot say wildlife conservation. Forest Department employees how many of the big cats perished Monirul Islam, Dhangmari rushed to the village and rescued the over the years. Station Officer under Chandpai carcass of the Royal Bengal Tiger The 2,300sq miles Bangladesh range of the Sundarbans, told from Chandpai range of the part of the Sundarbans is home to that the tiger entered Sundarbans - the world's largest about 350 tigers.


Tigers in Bhutan 2008. There is beginning to grow a find out where the tiger lives where Kristeligt-Dagblad Report private sector forward and more healthy populations, and how many (Source: kristeligt-Dagblad) tourists are allowed to visit the coun- there are. No one knows exactly. But 19 Nov 2012 try, which offers both a tropical and if it is true that there is a fairly large arctic climate and some of the population in the mountains, it Between China and India is Bhutan in world's rarest animals, including the would be a good argument to estab- the Himalayas. The approach to the tiger. Around the beginning of the lish natural corridors between tiger capital, Thimphu, is one of the worlds 20th century there were about countries Bhutan, Burma, India and most difficult, because the plane must 100,000 tigers in the world. Today, Nepal. One of the biggest threats to be twisted between the mountains all there are only about 3200th If this the tiger is shrinking of their habitat. the way down. Therefore, there are trend continues, the tiger be extinct Another major threat is poaching, only a few pilots who have permission in 10 years. Therefore it is important which we hear about in the broad- to landing gear in the country with to survey the remaining stocks and casts. The skin is sold as ornaments about 700,000 inhabitants. find out how good they have it. This and bones are used to make tradi- I have been there. It is a fascinat- is a British research team taken out tional Chinese medicine. Increasing ing country with a young democracy, to do in Bhutan, which we can fol- pressures on the world's largest cat as the former king introduced in low over three Saturdays. They must means that it is urgent to find ways to


save it, which the government of week spoke U.S. Secretary of State corridors so animals can move easily Bhutan is giving great importance as Hillary Clinton on the need for a across borders, and informing people the magnificent animal is also a strong global effort: "The illegal that you cannot cure diseases with national symbol. Other governments wildlife trade is a global problem, tiger bones. Succeeds research team to have also begun to do more. The leg- which calls for a coherent global identify tigers in Bhutan and they islation in Russia has just been tight- response ". The answer is more severe seem to be doing well. This is impor- ened so that it now punished harder to penalties against poaching, trafficking tant information to save the trade and possess tiger parts, and last and possession of tiger parts, natural Himalayas.


Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team been difficult to impose on ground. The unit confiscates meat, parts, live in Cambodia Back in the early 2000s, Suwanna animals and tools of the trade - guns, Maureen Nandini Mitra Gauntlett, founder and CEO of knives, vehicles, and snares. The unique (Source: EarthIsland) 16 Dec Wildlife Alliance, and a team of envi- thing about the unit is that it's finan- 2012 ronmentalists advised and helped the cially supported and monitored by new Cambodian government create a Gauntlett's organization, Wildlife Cambodia is one of Asia's five main "Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team" - Alliance. Over 10 years in, poaching in source countries for wildlife exported Southeast Asia's first Special Forces unit Cambodia is a fraction of what it used for traditional Asian medicine, exotic to fight the illegal animal trade. The to be. Gauntlett and Wildlife Alliance pets, and meat. It has one of the worst 14-member team is armed with AK- have also convinced the government to deforestation rates in the world. While 47s, has an informant network and cancel about 28 economic land conces- the country has laws protecting wildlife anonymous tip line, and runs investiga- sions over the years and saved over 2 and prohibiting their sale, they have tions and patrols by land, water and air. million acres of forestland.


organized by the Chinese branch of Heilongjiang province --the main Volunteers patrol for tiger the World Wide Fund for Nature, habitats of the Siberian tiger in poachers China Daily reported. China. United Press International "We wanted the volunteers to "If we don't take action quickly, Report (Source: UPI Asia) 10 learn more about the tigers through these big cats are likely to disappear Dec 2012 these activities, and to make sure from China," said Jiang Guangshun, more people know about the impor- deputy director of the State Forestry BEIJING, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Animal tance of conserving wildlife and pro- Administration Feline Research activists in China asked volunteers to tecting the environment," said Liu Center. patrol northeast mountain areas to Yi, who is with the fund's China "The border area between China learn about Siberian tigers and help tiger program. and the far-eastern part of Russia is protect the animals from poachers. The volunteers, divided into their main habitat. So protection The three-day project, part of an three teams, patrolled Lanjia forest work is also being carried out in this effort to make the public more aware in Jilin and the Nuanquanhe and area," Jiang said. "By doing more to of the plight of Siberian tigers, was Dongfanghong forests in protect these areas, we can build a


migration corridor to connect also increase the generic diversity of "The future of Amur tigers can Northeast China and Russia and the wild deer, whose density has only be secured if its prey population provide tigers with a larger and more been extremely low, enhance the is given time to recover. That's the comfortable habitat." population dynamics and eventually crucial first step," said Dr. Zhu Jiang, Photos document success of prey accelerate the wild population recov- head of WWF-China's Northeast recovery program for endangered ery," said Shi. Programme Office. Amur tigers More than 30 hand-picked cap- "The images show that it is pos- tive-bred red and sika deer were sible to increase the prey stock by released into the wild in Wangqing releasing captive-bred deer into the WWF Report on July 29 - Global Tiger Day - to wild. As the trial project develops, (Source: WWF) 3 Dec 2012 help repopulate the area with desir- WWF China is keen to promote the able prey for Amur tigers. model across the entire Changbai Jilin, China -- A group of captive- Mountains area to accelerate the bred red deer that were released into No space, no food for China's tigers restoration of a healthy and complete a nature reserve in Northeast China's Habitat degradation, deforestation, ecological system. That would con- Changbai Mountains four months poaching and a small prey base in the tribute to the efforts toward the goal ago have adapted to the area and suc- country's northeast have led the wild of doubling the population of wild cessfully integrated with wild deer, tiger population to decline from an Amur tigers by 2020," said Zhu. photos and a video clip by forestry estimated 200 to about 20 today Deputy Director of the workers show. within the past five decades. Wild Wangqing Forestry Bureau, Tang The images mark a major Amur tigers in China are mostly Lijun, said the authority is to progress in the effort to boost prey confined to the Changbai strengthen law enforcement on population for endangered wild Mountains area in Jilin Province and wildlife protection and enhance its Amur tigers, part of a tiger recovery Wanda Mountains in Heilongjiang cooperation with WWF China, trial project run by WWF China, the Province. especially on exploration on recovery Jilin Provincial Forestry Department The adjacent forested habitat of of ungulate animals' population, as and the Wangqing Forestry Bureau. the Russian Far East holds a signifi- part of its commitment to providing Three individuals, among a cantly larger population, between better living conditions for Amur group of five deer that were captured 430-500 tigers. tigers. in photos and a short video clip, But recent sightings show that WWF-China and its partners are were identified as captive-bred red the population is slowly moving carrying out a number of conserva- deer. Another was believed to be across the Chinese border and into tion measures to save the Amur tiger. wild, but the remaining deer could the country's Wanda and Changbai These include helping ungulate pop- not be identified due to its position mountains, part of the Wangqing ulations such as wild boar and roe in the pictures. Nature Reserve. deer to recover; stopping poaching "This is an indication that the A recent WWF-backed survey by helping local authorities carry out released deer have settled in the shows that the lack of prey is a major anti-poaching activities; and increas- wild," said Shi Quanhua, a pro- hurdle in supporting the settlement ing and connecting protected tiger gramme officer at WWF China's of tigers in Northeast China. The habitats so tigers can safely move Northeast field office who is in same survey shows that the number from one area to another. charge of repopulating the prey for of ungulate animals in the Changbai One tiger needs to eat the equiv- Amur tigers. area - especially favored prey such as alent of a medium size deer every "The merger of captive-bred deer red deer and sika deer - is too low to week to survive and without ade- with wild group is conducive to pop- support the recovery of the Amur quate food, the tiger population ulation growth in the wild. It will tiger population. rapidly declines.



Forest Rangers find 120 tiger Douglas Main (Source: Park are some of the only places in traps set in Jambi MSNBC) 14 Dec 2012 the world where these tigers remain, The Jakarta Post Report A camera trap caught video of a according to the release. (Source: The Jakarta Post) 21 mother tiger and her two cubs in a Nov 2012 protected Sumatran forest, the first evidence of breeding in this location, Govt urged to protect Batang Jambi: Forest rangers say that they conservationists say. Toru forest have found 120 tiger nets set by The footage was captured in Apriadi Gunawan (Source: poachers in Kerinci Seblat National Sumatra's Sembilang National Park. The Jakarta Post) 8 Dec 2012 Park (TNKS), which is the nation's Scientists from the Zoological largest park and spans parts of West Society of London (ZSL) have docu- Environmentalists in North Sumatra Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu and mented evidence before of the are urging the central government to South Sumatra. endangered species in nearby Berbak declare the 136,284-hectare Batang TNKS Area II head Dian National Park. Toru forest in North, South and Rusdianto said the tiger nets were set The video of these big cats shows Central Tapanuli a protected area, by poachers looking to capture tigers the mother and her two youngsters arguing that it acted as a buffer to resell their skin and organs. The walking past the camera. Scientists said against floods, erosion and landslides traps, however, pose a serious threat they estimate the cubs are less than a in the region. to the Sumatran tigers who live in year old, according to a ZSL release. Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari chair- the park and also to other protected "This is the best early Christmas man Sofyan Tan said it was urgent animals. present, and we are absolutely that Batang Toru was declared a pro- "We have brought three suspect- delighted to find the first evidence of tected forest because the damage in ed tiger poachers before the legal breeding in Sembilang," said Sarah the area had reached an alarming process. Two of them are village Christie, ZSL head of regional con- level that was threatening the ecosys- heads in Merangin and a civilian," servation programs, in a statement. tem and biodiversity of the region. Dian, who is also a field director for "We will continue working with Kusnadi said that of the total area the Sumatran Tiger Preservation leaders of both national parks as well of Batang Toru, only 18.58 percent Program (PHS), said. as the government to ensure the areas was protected while the remaining The Kerinci Seblat has the most are better protected and well 68.7 percent was productive areas Sumatran tiger population than patrolled." and 12.7 percent were mining and other national parks in Indonesia. The finding gives scientists some plantation areas. Data from 2011 census show there hope; there are only 300 Sumatran Underlining the urgency of are 165 tigers live in the national tigers, the smallest of the tiger species, declaring Batang Toru a protected park. estimated to be in the wild, according area, Kusnadi said the forest was a Rare tiger cubs proves breeding to the release. Camera traps have also biodiversity hot spot that hosted rare in Sumatran forest caught video of tapirs and sunbears in and protected species, including the nearby Berbak forest. orangutans, Sumatran tigers and Sembilang and Berbak National tapir.




Panna celebrates 3rd females as a part of founder popula- litters in 2012 with four and three successful year of Tiger tion to start with (two males and four cubs respectively. Thus Panna is rated reintroduction females). as the most successful tiger conserva- TNN Report (Source: Times Accordingly male tiger from tion project after a debacle, said the of India) 26 Dec 2012 Pench (T3) was brought in the month officer. of November 2009 which after staying BHOPAL: It is all smiles for the forest for a short while moved out of the staff, wildlife experts and scientists at park. Some say that it was for the first Tiger cubs seen in Sariska the Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) as it time that a 'homing' instinct was Rashpal Singh, observes the third successful year of observed in a wild tiger. T3 was always Hindustan Times the Tiger Reintroduction Project on moving in the southern direction that Jaipur, August 08, 2012 Wednesday. Devoid of tiger popula- was his home, where Pench was locat- tion that fell to poaching and other ed. It travelled more than 450 km dur- The Sariska Tiger Reserve, which had reasons, Panna is now a model in tiger ing that month long outing. lost all its big cats by 2004 to rampant reintroduction project with a popula- Once he was re-introduced in the poaching, has welcomed the first birth tion of 18 big cats (cubs and sub park for the second time there was no of a tiger cub on its soil after a four- adults). looking back. He met and mated with year wait. From zero tigers in Panna tiger both T1 and T2 and both littered in Even more exciting news for the reserve, the reintroduced 4 tigress have no time, the officer recalls. T1 gave reserve in Rajasthan's Alwar district is given birth to 17 cubs in less than birth to four cubs in the mid April the cub may have two siblings. The three years. Of this two cubs and a 2010 bringing smiles on every tiger speculation that a tigress had given sub-adult tiger died while another cub conservationist while T2 also gave birth to cubs proved true on Tuesday was abandoned. The population of birth to four more cubs in the month night, when forest officials checked a tigers in PTR increased to 18 in a of October 2010. trap camera installed in the Kalighati small span with 5 adults and 13 cubs With T4 (orphaned and hand region of the reserve, 130 km north- and sub-adult tigers. reared tigress from Kanha) altogether east of Jaipur. It was on December 26, 2009 a new chapter in tiger conservation A one-and-half-month old cub when the PTR officials rescued the T3 history was created at Panna. T4 was was seen following his mother, seven- (male tiger), who was moving outside an orphaned tiger cub of just 15 days and-half-year old ST-2 (Sariska the park area, and released him in the old along with two other siblings tigress), in the camera recording. park for the second time that paved when her mother was killed at Kanha. The cub's birth is the first success the way for further success in the tiger The park officials picked up litter of for the country's first tiger-relocation reintroduction project, said the park the three cubs of this mother and effort. director R S Murthy. hand reared them with a plan to rein- "I knew from her (tigress') appear- T1 (Tigress from Bhandhavgarh) troduce them into the wild. T4 was ance that she had given birth, but we and T2 (Tigress from Kanha) were first among them to be picked up for were waiting for confirmation. Now a brought into PTR in March 2009. this task and Panna was selected to jinx attached to Sariska has been But by the time they were shifted the experiment this new window of tiger removed. The department is now resident male tiger in Panna, left the conservation. geared up for protection of tigers," scene making Panna reserve a 'zero' T4 was reintroduced at Panna state forest and environment minister tiger park. reserve in the month of March 2011. Bina Kak said on Wednesday. She said Thereafter a comprehensive tiger It struggled in the initial months and 90 home guards would be deployed in reintroduction project was conceived T3 helped her to learn hunting in the Sariska. in technical collaboration with wild and her re-wilding process. After giving birth, the tigress kept Wildlife Institute of India and the The T4 later delivered two cubs in her cubs hidden. Sariska's district for- National Tiger Conservation the mid November 2011. est officer Sedu Ram Yadav said this Authority (NTCA). Subsequently T5 (sibling of T4) was was normal. "A tigress keeps her new- The Panna tiger reintroduction also released at Panna in the month of born in hiding for around two project envisaged reintroducing six September 2011. months. We were waiting to see a cub tigers in all including the earlier two T1 and T2 delivered their second to confirm the news. It is likely that


the tigress has given birth to three cials arrested a 20-year-old youth seizures having increased over the cubs," he added. while cooking peacock meat. Stray years, the inference is that poaching ST-2 is second big cat, and the first dogs killed the peacock in forest area, has burgeoned exponentially. tigress, shifted to Sariska on July 4, said forest officials. The accused, "Now there is at least one seizure 2008, from Ranthambhore National Manoj, a resident of Bador village, has in every 10 days," said M.K.S. Pasha, Park. The first relocated tiger, ST-1, been charged under the Wildlife associate director of TRAFFIC-India, was poisoned to death in November Protection Act. the country unit of the wildlife trade 2010. Villagers whose cattle graze in monitoring network. the reserve reportedly killed ST-1 after There is alarm among conserva- it attacked their animals. Poaching | Wanted: tionists who see poaching devastating Rajasthan's former principal chief dead or alive wildlife and setting back decades of conservator of forests, RN Mehrotra, Ananda Banerjee (Source: Live conservation efforts. who pioneered tiger relocation in the 24 Dec 2012 Given the link with insurgency, state, said Sariska was resilient and had the situation is moving beyond the bounced back. "People should work The threat posed by poaching to scope of wildlife protection and man- together for success of tiger project in India's wildlife shows no signs of agement. Experts are describing it as a Sariska." receding; in fact it's only getting more social problem, with economic intense from all the evidence that's inequality forcing many into poach- come to light through various seizures. ing. 3 poachers nabbed with 232 Monitoring vast and remote habitats The illegal trade caters largely to crude bombs is difficult and things are only getting the traditional Chinese medicine mar- TNN Report (Source: Times worse with rebel groups also getting ket. The victims are tigers, leopards of India) 17 Dec 2012 into the illegal wildlife trade as a and bears for their claws, bones, bile, means of raising funds, especially in skin and whiskers; rhinos for their BHOPAL: In a major raid, the Panna the North-East. horns and elephants for their tusks, Tiger Reserve (PTR) officials have "Instead of kidnapping and extor- apart from many others. arrested three poachers with 232 tion, the various insurgent groups In April, TRAFFIC-India found crude grenades, bird traps and other have resorted to poaching wildlife and 3,389 online advertisements for hunting tools from near Ken Ghariyal making easy money," said Bibhab wildlife products such as tiger bones, Sanctuary in Panna district. Talukdar, chair of the IUCN Species elephant ivory, rhino horns and The accused, Munni Lal, 60, Survival Commission, Asian Rhino hawksbill turtle. In July, more than Manoj, 21, and Trilok Singh, 23, were Specialist Group. 8,700 birds, mammals and insects arrested from the Gumanganj range "The menace of terrorism is were confiscated. Around 4,000 peo- on Saturday following a tip-off while affecting people and wiping out what- ple were arrested in an operation span- they were laying traps and bombs for ever wildlife is left in this region," said ning 32 countries coordinated by wild boars and other carnivorous wild conservation scientist Goutam Interpol against the illegal trade. animals in the region, said PTR offi- Narayan, credited with saving the crit- Interpol pegs the total value of ille- cials. ically endangered pygmy hog from gal wildlife trade at $20 billion The recovery was made during going extinct in Assam, the only place (around Rs.1.1 trillion) annually. raids on their settlements at Mailwar it's now found in the world. Havocscope, an Internet database that village, they said. The arrest of Moniram Rongpi, tracks black market economies, puts Chemicals used to make crude leader of the Karbi People's Liberation the value of wildlife smuggling and bombs were also seized along with Tigers, and members of his group in poaching at $32 billion. bows, nets and bird traps. All three October confirmed suspicions about "Illegal wildlife trade today is a were charged under sections of Wild the involvement of international well established business with a vicious Life Protection Act and sent to jail. poaching syndicates with insurgent circle of well-networked operators The crude bombs comprised groups in Assam and other north-east- offering high gain with low-detection explosive material laced with meat and ern states. probability," Pasha of TRAFFIC-India rolled into balls, a bite of it could be The illegal wildlife trade is the said. "Earlier, it was just China, but fatal for tiger or any other big cat. third largest illicit commerce after now with economic growth and pros- After hours of scouting, experts drugs and arms, according to security perity in other South-East Asian coun- said miscreants might have laced experts. No one is sure about the exact tries like Cambodia, Thailand and arsenic sulphate/chlorate with meat. scale of the trade or its operations. Vietnam, prices have gone up three to Farmers generally use such bombs in Only when seizures take place do four times during the past year." the area to trap/kill wild boars that authorities and conservationists get a Officials at Wildlife Crime ravage their fields. sense of the extent of the damage that Control Bureau (WCCB), under the In a separate case, the PTR offi- poaching does. With the number of ministry of environment and forests,


declare that in cases related to trade of The Wildlife Protection Act was Board for Wildlife be obtained first. iconic species such as tigers, the enforced in 1972, banning hunting in Following the viewpoint of the offenders are more or less known. India. But poaching continues, by state wildlife panel and conservation- They mostly belong to the Bawaria organized gangs for illegal trade; by ists in NBWL, the Ministry has decid- tribe, while some are from the Bahelia indigenous people for food; by the ed to defer the Border Security Force and Paradhi tribes in and around cen- local mafia for exotic meat such as (BSF) proposal, official sources here tral India. Most are repeat offenders. venison, which is then sold in the said today. One of them, Bheema Bawaria, domestic markets; and by influential The reserve, covering an area of was caught with tiger skin and bones people for sport. approximately 550 sq kms, is situat- in Gurgaon on 1 August through a ed in western part of Mizoram along joint operation by the National Tiger the international border with Conservation Authority, non-govern- Panel defers BSF proposal for Bangladesh. BSF wants 1,520 mental organization (NGO) Wildlife road in Mizoram tiger habitat hectare land along the tropical SOS, WCCB, the Central Bureau of along a tiger habitat bordering forests of Dampa, which is home to Investigation (CBI), the Haryana Bangladesh rich flora and fauna. Forest Department and Haryana Press Trust of India (Source: Top BSF officials present in the Police. Bawaria had been absconding The Business Standard) 25 NBWL Standing Committee meeting since 2009 and has several wildlife Dec 2012 had emphaised "the strategic need of" crime cases pending against him. fencing the border. They had suggest- Poaching has been the main A high-level Environment Ministry ed that while fencing the area, they source of income for these tribes for panel has deferred a BSF proposal could leave the required corridors for generations, said a senior official who seeking permission for building a the movement of wildlife. didn't want to be identified. patrol road in Mizoram along a tiger BSF had also suggested that an "We need the help of social scien- habitat bordering Bangladesh. agreement could be signed with the tists here to show these people a new In its recent meeting, the Standing wildlife wing of Mizoram way of life. Today, it doesn't matter to Committee of National Board for Government for providing specific the Bawarias if they are in jail or out of Wildlife (NBWL) was informed that assistance for anti-poaching and jail as they don't have any other skills," the wildlife panel of the state govern- other wildlife protection-related this person said. "Living below the ment had "not agreed to" the propos- activities. poverty line, they have no other al to build patrol road in the Dampa Opposing the proposal, the con- options." Tiger Reserve, the biggest sanctuary in servationists in the panel had said WCCB officials are hopeful that Mizoram. that the people of Mizoram were in the next three-four years they will Earlier, the matter was considered very much attached as well as sensi- be able to curb the illegal trade, pro- by the Standing Committee, headed tive about their national parks and vided these nomadic hunting tribes by Environment Minister Jayanthi such areas could not be allowed to be can be encouraged to take up another Natarajan, wherein it was decided that used by BSF as construction of a livelihood. the recommendations of the State patol road would hurt wildlife.


Bad Medicine - using Tigers semi-autonomous enclaves, built on we came across two clouded leopard to make medicine leased territory, the laws of the coun- cubs hidden in a cardboard box. The Karl Ammann (Source: tries on either side of the border go species is classified as vulnerable by the Natural History Mag) Sept out the window. Gambling, prostitu- International Union for Conservation 2012 tion, drugs, and illegal wildlife con- of Nature. I took them out and played sumption become the main economic with them while the camera was Two years ago, acting as the presenter, activities. The wildlife-related enter- rolling, until the owner started I was filming with a German TV team prises, including the establishment of protesting and put an end to it. in a new casino town on the border bear bile farms, were what we were In the meantime our translator between Laos and China. In such looking into. As we walked the streets was approached by a truck driver, who


had his vehicle parked nearby and security prison near Hanoi; the We realized that wildlife traders in who had witnessed the commotion. authorities had then started looking these parts were not just dealing in one He told our guide that if we were for our translator. This was the first product line, but in any wildlife items interested, there were two tiger cubs a time he had returned to his home that would offer a good return. (As a few hours away that were for sale. He country, and he got an enthusiastic matter of fact, we had seen tiger bone gave us the address, and subsequently welcome from some of his family cake pieces and tiger claws and teeth we went off to find the place, toward members. Evidently wildlife and drug in a special sales display case in the the center of Laos. When we got there trafficking were in totally different lobby of the Vietnamese hotel where we found out that the cubs had been leagues when it came to national law we had been staying in Dien Bien sold to a Vietnamese buyer two days enforcement priorities. Whereas our Phu, and the hotel menu was full of earlier for $4,000. I decided to follow translator's brother got a twenty-year "forest food" items such as pangolin, up on that story on a later visit with a sentence for drugs, when it came to porcupine, and turtle.) It also became friend who was a cameraman. To learn discussing tiger and tiger-bone traf- clear that irrespective of the particular more, we hired the Laotian hunters ficking, nobody seemed the least bit products they sold-whether tiger, who had procured the tiger cubs. worried about any kind of law ivory, or rhino horn-the traders we Using a cow as bait, they had killed enforcement. met were all potential sources of infor- the mother tiger with a land mine and Our translator, who had also traf- mation on all of these items. then caught the cubs, which were sold ficked in wildlife and tiger bones in Since this was just at the start of the via family members living near the the past, introduced us to some of the national lunar New Year (Tet) festivi- main road. We also hired a well-known dealers in a nearby town. ties, one dealer invited us to his family Vietnamese who lived in Laos as a We were offered so-called tiger cake or quarters above his shop for a glass of guide and translator; he was going to jelly (a residue boiled down from tiger rice wine and then freely showed us try to help us track down what had bone), tiger claws and teeth, and also a tiger bone cake, claws, a rhino horn, become of the cubs in Vietnam. Our slab of rhinoceros horn marked as elephant skin, and other items. group first travelled to the area in Laos weighing eighty-nine grams, a little Oh, and what about the two tiger where the mother tiger was killed and over three ounces. The next morning cubs? We never found out what then crossed into northern Vietnam, we sent our translator back to the deal- became of them. Most likely they heading toward what those involved er who had the slab of what he said ended up on a tiger farm, where the thought was the most likely final des- was-and what looked like-rhino horn, fact that they were caught in the wild tination. It was then that we learned to buy $100 worth of it. The transac- was disguised. There they would be that our Vietnamese translator had tion was documented with a hidden fed until they became the right size, fled from Vietnam and settled in Laos camera. The dealer then also invited and then butchered for their bones, a few years earlier. His brother had our man to come to the kitchen, skins, claws, and other valuable parts. been arrested for trafficking heroin where a tiger skeleton was being The meat may also be sold, but it is and sent up for twenty years to a high- boiled down into tiger cake not a sought-after product.


Easy game for poachers on the country's rich wildlife. raised concerns about poaching activi- NST Report (Source: New Connecting the state of Perak and ties in Belum and Temenggor. Strait Times) 24 Dec 2012 Kelantan, the highway stretches up to Almost four times the size of 124km between Grik and Jeli. Singapore, the forests are home to 274 100 points along East-West Highway According to wildlife conserva- species of birds, 100 species of mam- for illegal hunters to enter Belum, tionists, there are more than 100 mals and 69 species of reptiles. It also Temenggor forests access points along the road for poach- contains 3,000 species of flowering Easy access into the Royal Belum ers to enter the forests. plants. state park and Temenggor forest As a consequence, seizures of wild Statistics from the international reserve along the East-West Highway animal parts in the northern part of wildlife trade monitoring network has allowed poachers to make a killing the peninsula and its borders had Traffic Southeast Asia (TSEA) showed


that 122,880 individuals had been dents from Palmetto Elementary Malaysian government to save the caught nationwide for possessing School influenced a government deci- tigers because of their beauty. endangered animals between 2001 sion more than 10,000 miles away. "I love their stripes, they're such and last year. The students wrote letters to the head beautiful animals. They're unexplain- TSEA senior programme officer of Johor National Parks in Malaysia to able. They're not all extinct yet, we Kanitha Krishnasamy said lucrative save an endangered tiger sub-species, just need to breed them and take care animals in the wildlife trade such as known as the Malaysian tiger. Their of them," an excited Ramirez said Malayan tigers, honey bears, Asian letters had a direct impact on the while standing in front of one of the elephants, pangolins and leopards Malaysian government's decision to endangered tigers at the Palm Beach could also be found in those forests. keep funding the conservation of the . "Since 2008, our information endangered tiger. There are approximately 350 to revealed that at least 400 wild animals The students work was honoured 500 Malaysian tigers still in the wild. had been poached and traded illegally at the Palm Beach Zoo. Zoo staff held Sixty are in captivity, and four of them in these two landscapes, including a special event for over 100 students, live at the Palm Beach Zoo. tigers, serows, gaurs, pangolins, sun where they thanked students for their Saving the Malaysian tiger is part bears, birds and deer." efforts and spoke about ways to fur- of the Palm Beach Zoo's species sur- Members of TSEA, together with ther preserve the tiger. vival program, where they work on the World Wide Fund for Nature- "You all are making a change - a expanding the population of endan- Malaysia (WWF-Malaysia), had dis- difference in the government and its gered species. Palmetto Elementary, covered and removed 150 snares from decisions to support the Malaysian which has partnerships with the zoo, the vast forests. tiger protection," said Andrew Aiken, enjoyed integrating the tigers into part In April 2009, a five-year-old male president of the Palm Beach Zoo. of the students' studies for the school tiger was caught in a snare set by Aiken hand-delivered the scrap- year. poachers near the highway and book full of letters to the president of The children were taught why the released by Perhilitan officers. The Johor National Parks Corporation in tigers were approaching extinction - tiger was found with tears in its eyes Malaysia, who was moved that the stu- mainly because of human develop- and suffering severe injuries. The cable dents thought tiger preservation was ment, economic expansion and wire from the snare had cut into its important enough to write the letters. poachers. flesh when the animal struggled to "The children are the future of Stacy Tepper, a fifth-grade math escape. It was then sent to Malacca conservation. Now officials in and science teacher at Palmetto Zoo for treatment but died two weeks Malaysia are thinking 'I have to pro- Elementary, included lesson plans later, much to the disappointment of tect this tiger for young people literal- about the endangered Malaysian tiger its rescuers. ly across the world,'" he said. "It's with science FCAT prep and reading showing the children compassion and and art curriculums, all for the sake of concern for all that's living on the letting the students see the change that Palmetto Elementary students planet, not just ourselves." they're having across the globe. honored for saving tigers The letters were heartfelt: "We "The students need to care about Attiyya Anthony (Source: Sun care about the tigers, we don't want to the world around them," she said. Sentinel) 20 Nov 2012 lose them to poachers," wrote fifth- "And because of this project they can grader Maya Resto, 10. walk to the zoo everyday and see that With the power of the pen, 86 stu- Jennifer Ramirez, 10, urged the they did something."


Will Liberalization of For years, Myanmar, formerly known nation an international pariah, and Myanmar Bring Ruin to Its as Burma, has been under the control trade sanctions were established by all Vast Forests? of a strong military regime. The major world economies. Now, David A Gabel (Source: ENN) restriction on freedom and human Myanmar is undergoing a stunning 15 Nov 2012 rights abuses they imposed made the democratic transformation, its citizens


are granted more freedoms, and the eralized nation. This may lead to rapid of the New York-based Wildlife world is opening up to them. development of the northern jungles, Conservation Society (WCS). With this opening up comes a causing significant environmental The opening up to the world also relaxing of trade restrictions, which harm. means opening up to conservationists may unfortunately bring disaster to Charles Schmidt, writer for host of and NGOs looking to protect the jun- Myanmar's native forests. It was over publications covering the internal gles. It will have to work hard as tim- this long period of strong military developments of Myanmar, explains ber companies look to obtain rights control and lack of foreign investment some of the current plans underway. for logging. The economic value of which allowed the wild forests to be Both governments from China and Myanmar's vast resources is enor- protected. Now that things are chang- Japan, the largest economies in Asia, mous, particularly its massive stock of ing, the nation may not be able to are making plans to build transporta- golden teak, an extremely valuable control the economic forces from tion corridors through Myanmar's and beautiful hardwood used for mak- within and without, vying to exploit wild jungles, paving the way for future ing furniture. its natural resources. resource exploitation. The threat of Caution must be exercised by the Myanmar is a tropical country, resource-hungry China is always pre- new Myanmar government. Public home to dense jungles and abundant sent at the border, as is their appetite demand from its impoverished citi- wildlife. Its largest piece of wilderness for illegal wildlife trade. zens may be for exploiting the is the Northern Forest Complex, The good news is that the new resources and obtaining more revenue. 12,000 square miles sandwiched democratic government seems to be A scramble for resources must not be between India and China that is home taking environmental conservation allowed to ensue during this transition to the largest tiger preserves in the seriously. "They seem to be taking a period. NGOs and the international world. much more measured approach to community will have to play a signifi- The upcoming historic trip of environmental planning, even with- cant role in helping to implement an President Obama to Myanmar will out international pressure, and that's appropriate strategy for sustainable likely bring about an influx of foreign to be applauded," says Joe Walston, resource management, before it is too interests to the newly democratic, lib- executive director of the Asia program late.


coming to know of the tiger taking tion circles. It also underscores how Tiger inside school caught shelter at their locality. successful conservation efforts need after 12 hrs A large crowd had gathered to see sciences that takes into account both The Himalayan Times Report the park officials use various methods nature and humans. (Source: Himalayan Times) 23 to tranquilize the tiger. "As our planet becomes more Dec 2012 crowded, we need to find creative solutions that consider both human KAWASOTI: A tiger that had strayed Tigers in Nepal becoming and natural systems," said Jianguo from the nearby jungle into a school nocturnal to avoid humans "Jack" Liu, the director of the Center here was taken under control after a Wildlifeextra Report (Source: for Systems Integration and 12 hr long arduous effort. Wildlifeextra) 9 Oct 2012 Sustainability at Michigan State The spotted tiger had reportedly University. "Sustainability can be taken shelter in the Gandakai Tigers aren't known for being accom- achieved if we have a good under- Boarding School after attacking 30- modating, but a new study indicates standing of the complicated connec- year-old Bacchuram Hariyan of that the carnivores in Nepal are taking tions between both worlds. We've Kawasoti-5 on Sunday morning. The the night shift to better coexist with found something very interesting is tiger was finally taken under control at humans. The revelation that tigers and happening in Nepal that holds 6:15 in the evening by Chitwan people are sharing exactly the same promise for both humans and nature National Park officials who used a space - the same roads and trails - of to thrive." tranquillizer to take her under control. Chitwan National Park flies in the face Conventional conservation wis- Locals here were terrorized since of long-held convictions in conserva- dom is that tigers need plenty of peo-


ple-free space, which often leads to The new study was published in national park and the Khata wildlife people being relocated or their access the Proceedings of the National corridor, whereas the latest survey, to resources compromised to make Academy of Sciences conducted over a three month period, way for tigers. has found 37 individual tigers. Neil Carter, MSU doctoral stu- WWF says the increase in popula- dent and one of the paper's co- Five arrested with tiger parts tion "Is a result of the government's authors, spent two seasons setting Bikram Giri (Source: My commitment to doubling Nepal's motion-detecting camera traps. His Republica) 19 Nov 2012 tiger numbers and is proof positive analysis of the images shows that peo- that this goal is achievable if grassroots ple and tigers are walking the same Police have arrested five people includ- efforts by local communities and paths, albeit at different times. ing a woman on the charge of smug- rangers on the front lines of tiger con- Tigers typically move around at all gling tiger parts. servation are complemented by high- times of the day and night, monitor- A police team form the Byash level political support." ing their territory, mating and hunt- police station arrested Thakchu Lama In a recent survey by WWF of ing. But in the study area, the tigers , a local hotel owner and four others efforts to combat illegal wildlife traf- had become creatures of the night. from Gangabagar near Chharung on ficking, Nepal was one of just two People in Nepal generally avoid the Nepal-China border. nations to achieve tops marks for pre- forests at night. Essentially, quitting Police recovered a huge amount of venting trade in tigers, elephants, and time for people signals starting time tiger hide and bones from Lama´s rhinos. Though not eliminated, the for Chitwan's tigers. hotel. But, Lama´s involvement has nation has made commendable "It's a very fundamental conflict yet to be established. Lama, who orig- progress in preventing poaching, the over resources," Carter said. "Tigers inally hails from Humla, has been report noted. need resources, people need the same operating a hotel in Gangabagar. resources. If we operate under the tra- According to police sources, the ditional wisdom that tigers only can arrested four porters are the locals of 2 policemen face action for survive with space dedicated solely for Sunsera VDC of Darchula. Police sus- abetting smuggling of tiger them, there would always be conflict. pect the smugglers might have fled parts If your priority is people, tigers lose leaving the tiger skins and bones at the Bikram Giri (Source: My out. If your priority is tigers, people hotel after they were tipped off about Republica) 24 Nov 2012 lose out." the police raid. In Chitwan, tigers seem to be "We have arrested some people The Nepal Police has taken depart- adapting to make it work, he added. along with the tiger hides and bones. mental actions against two policemen "There appears to be a middle We will make them public after a few for allegedly accepting bribe from ground where you might actually be days" Police inspector at the District smugglers of tiger parts. able to protect the species at high den- Police office Darchula, Laxman According to DSP Kuber sities and give people access to forest Khadka, said. Kathayat, Chief of District Police goods they need to live," Carter said. Sources said a tiger skin procured Office of Darchula, the police head- "If that's the case, then this can hap- for Rs 250,000 in India sells for quarters has issued an official warning pen in other places, and the future of around Rs 650,000 in the Nepali to assistant sub inspector Jaman tigers is much brighter than it would black market and upto Rs 1.4 million Budhathoki, who has been accused of be otherwise." in Tibet. A kilo of tiger bone sells for helping smugglers to smuggle tiger Additional co-authors of the paper around Rs 100,000 in Nepal and skins and bones to Tibet through include Binoj Shrestha of the Institute around Rs 400,000 in Tibet. Tinkar border point. Another police- for Social and Environmental man has also faced a warning from the Research in Nepal, Jhamak Karki of headquarters but DSP Kathayat did Nepal's Department of National Parks Tigers Double in Nepal not reveal his name. and Wildlife Conservation and National Park Budhathoki, who is in-charge of Narendra Man Babu Pradhan of the Mat McDermott (Source: Chhangru Police Post in Darchula, World Wildlife Fund in Nepal. Tree Hugger) 31 Jul 2012 had allegedly allowed smugglers to The research was funded by the enter Tibet by taking bribe from them National Science Foundation, NASA, WWF reports some encouraging news on October 26. When the case of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for tigers in Nepal: In Bardiya smuggling and bribery was reported in Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation National Park the tiger population has the media, a probe committee was Fund and MSU AgBioReseach. It was slightly more than doubled in the past formed by the Darchula police to look part of the Partnership for three years. into the matter. International Research and In 2009 there were just 18 tigers The committee led by police Education. over the 400 square miles of the inspector Laxman Khadka had


found two policemen including Kadayat. of Ghamini, Mustang along with Budhathoki guilty and recommend- However, Budhathoki has refut- two tiger skins on Thursday night. ed department actions against them. ed all the charges. "I was not at the Gurung was held from a commuter "The recommendations were for- Chhangru post when the reported bus en route to Baglung from warded to the headquarters," said incident took place. I do not know Kathmandu along with the skins, DSP Kathayat. "The headquarters who helped smugglers when I was said Inspector Hari Prasad Sharma took actions against them as per the away in the district headquarters," at the Area Police Office, recommendations." Budhathoki said. He said it was Belchautara. On November 5 -- ten days after unfair to hold him guilty for an inci- He said the arrested youth and the alleged smuggling and bribery dent that took place when he was animal skins have been handed over took place -- two people were arrested not on duty. However, DSP to the District Forest Office on with four leopard skins and over 700 Kathayat maintained that Friday. Gurung said he was asked to kilos of leopard bones. Prem Tamang Budhathoki was held guilty as he was ferry the skin to Baglung by a person and Ganesh Lothyal, who were arrest- in-charge of Chhangru post. in Kathmandu's Swayambhu. ed in Rapla VDC-8 of Darchula dis- Inspector Sharma further said if trict, had also revealed that proven guilty, Gurung would be Budhathoki connived with smugglers. Tiger skin seized slapped with a fine of Rs 50,000 to "Tamang and Lothyal´s state- The Himalayan Times Report Rs 1 lakh or a jail term of five to 25 ments also helped the probe commit- (Source Himalayan Times) 21 years or both as per the National tee recommend departmental actions Dec 2012 Park and Wild Life Conservation Act against Budhathoki," said DSP Police arrested Karma Gurung, 18, 1971-72.


Man sentenced to 14 months Nov. 15, 2010. To defend himself, the Red Book of the International in jail for killing Siberian Belyaev said, he was forced to use a Union for Conservation of Nature. tiger rifle. Nevertheless, according to First time camera traps are used Pravda Report (Source: WWF (Russia), the professional to catch illegal activity Pravda) 13 Nov 2012 knowledge of the staff of the Department of Hunting Control A poacher from Russia's Far East was and the World Wildlife Fund Wildlifeextra Report (Source: sentenced to one year and two (WWF), who quickly reached the Wildlifeextra) 15 Nov 2012 months of hard labour for the mur- scene of the accident, helped to find der of an Amur tiger. In addition to the body of the tiger in the forest, Conservationists from the criminal penalties, the man will have but to clarify the true picture of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) to pay the fine of 575,000 rubles tragedy. will be the first to use camera traps ($19,000). In November of 2010, a resident specifically for catching trespassers. The sentence was brought down of the city of Ussuriysk, Sergey Camera traps are typically used to on Alexander Belayev today in the Burtsev, was fined 150,000 rubles capture images of endangered species courtroom of the Khasansky district ($5,000) for killing a female tiger in for conservation purposes. But in a court of the Primorye region. the summer of the same year. The bid to increase anti-poaching efforts, Additionally, the convict was hunter was arrested when he tried to special camera traps will be camou- deprived of his hunting weapon, sell the tiger derivatives. flaged and hidden in Russian forests from which he killed the Red Book Noteworthy, the price of a killed to record illegal entry by would-be animal. To crown it all, the man will tiger on the black market reaches poachers. never be allowed to hunt again, IA $50,000. There are only 450 tigers Data.Ru said. living in Russia's Amur region. The Lazovsky Nature Reserve and Zov Belyaev originally claimed that it rare predator is listed in the Red Tigra National Park was the tiger that attacked him on Book of the Russian Federation and As part of ZSL's 'Forest Eyes' pro-


ject, a total of 30 camera traps will be critical to their survival. said. "A couple of recent arrests show set up in Lazovsky Nature Reserve The new tiger territory was that at least 18 tigers were killed in and Zov Tigra National Park in the established as the government the last year or so." Russian Far East, equivalent to a unveiled plans to open 30 new Krever, who is part of a team total area a little larger than London. reserves and national parks in the helping to draft the bill, said it will The two protected areas are 15 to 20 next eight years as part of a federal probably be based on a list of species kilometres apart and separated by environmental protection program, particularly threatened by poaching public land used mostly for hunting which Natural Resources and rather than every species listed in the and logging. This results in people Environment Minister Sergei Red Book. taking advantage of the area between Donskoi announced Thursday. "That's mostly those favoured by the nature reserve and the national The 336 billion ruble ($10.9 bil- Asian medicine, so big cats like the park to trespass onto nearby protect- ) program for boosting environ- tiger, leopards and snow leopards; ed areas. mental protection by 2020 will focus bears, which are valued for their ZSL has been involved in Amur on four target areas: pollution reduc- paws and gall bladders; and musk tiger conservation in the Russian Far tion, biodiversity enhancement, deer, which are favoured for their East for nearly 20 years. With the improvement in environmental musk glands," said Alexei Vaisman of launch of 'Forest Eyes' conservation- monitoring, and research projects in Traffic, an organization dedicated to ists will work with the support of the Antarctica. fighting the trade. local Government to raise awareness of conservation efforts to protect the remaining Amur tiger population. Government to Crack Down Sergei Bereznuk - Hunting on Animal Trafficking the hunters Roland Oliphant (Source: Ananda Banerjee (Source: New Tiger Reserve Opened Moscow Times) 25 Oct 2012 Live 26 Nov 2012 as State Unveils $11Bln Environmental Program Legislation to criminalize trafficking Sergei Bereznuk has never seen a Roland Oliphant (Source: in endangered species or their body Siberian tiger in the wild. For some- Moscow Times) 21 Oct 2012 parts could be put before parliament one who has been championing the as early as next summer, Deputy cause of this variety of nearly extinct Environmentalists have welcomed Natural Resources and Environment big cats for 17 years, it isn't really a the creation of a new nature reserve Minister Rinat Gizmatulin said earli- curious confession to make. for Amur tigers in the Russian Far er this week. "In the Russian far east, it is eas- East as a key step toward preserving "The president's chief of staff has ier to meet a poacher than a tiger," the species. decided to draft a bill that basically Bereznuk, 52, a winner of Rolex The Sredneussurissky nature boils down to this: the criminaliza- Award for Enterprise, said in an reserve, which Primorye Governor tion of all stages of handling endan- email interview. Vladimir Miklushevsky signed into gered animals such as tigers, leopards Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris existence Friday, connects two exist- and snow leopards, including illegal altaica), also called the Amur tiger ing protected areas, creating a corri- production, trade, sale, storage and because it is found around the Amur dor between tiger populations on transportation," Gizmatulin said at a river in north-eastern Asia, have been either side of the Russia-China bor- press briefing. reduced to barely 500 in the taiga der. Presidential Chief of Staff Sergei forests of Sikhote-Alin mountains in The 72.7-hectare reserve con- Ivanov said earlier that he wanted to eastern Russia, bordering China and tains coniferous and deciduous forest criminalize trafficking in protected the Sea of Japan. There are no clear along the Russia-China border in species, which is currently only an estimates as to how many tigers Primorye's northwestern Pozharsky administrative offense. existed in the wild previously. district. At its southern end, it also The World Wildlife Fund Russia It was perhaps providential that has wetlands that host important estimates that poachers kill 50 to 60 Bereznuk was born in Tigrovaya, or nesting groups for storks. Amur tigers annually. tiger street, in Vladivostok, the main About 400 Siberian, or Amur, But estimates of the true extent city of Primorsky Krai, not far from tigers are believed to survive in the of the trade in endangered species are Russia's borders with China and wild, mostly in Russia's Primorye hampered by a lack of data, said North Korea. and Khabarovsk regions. Vladimir Krever, of WWF Russia's "It was my destiny to be connect- Conservationists say one of the most biodiversity program. ed to tigers," he says. "My first mem- serious threats the small population "All we have to go on is the occa- ory of a tiger is from the Jungle Book faces is genetic diversity, making safe sional arrest of a middleman selling, by Rudyard Kipling. I spent my links between breeding populations for example, tiger skins," Krever childhood in , ,


where there are no wild tigers, but I Vladivostok-based Phoenix Fund, team (his NGO collaborates with saw tigers in and I becoming its director. Under his Russian state agencies) is equipped remember the Soviet era movies such leadership, the organization has with an all-terrain vehicle, wireless as Circus and Striped Voyage, where grown into a leading conservation radio, video and photo cameras, tigers are featured as intelligent big non-governmental organization GPS, a rubber motorboat, a person- cats." (NGO) in Primorye province, devel- al computer and notebook, and pis- oping anti-poaching measures and tols for self-defence. In comparison, Tiger turn educating the local people about the India's forest guards who patrol tiger After graduating with an engineering importance of preserving the tiger. reserves are armed with only batons, degree from Vladivostok's Bereznuk provides anti-poaching except in Assam's Kaziranga, where Polytechnic Institute in 1982, teams with specially designed soft- they are provided with rifles. Bereznuk worked in imports and ware, a management information To check poaching, Bereznuk's exports, a typical occupation in the system (MIST) developed to gather team patrols hunting grounds by car. port city. But the turmoil in the erst- data on animals and poachers: The rangers check vehicles moving while Soviet Union in the early- "Through the MIST software, we out of the forest; motorboats patrol 1990s forced a career change. This analyse data collected on the field the river, and fishermen often have time, he turned to his longstanding and check the effectiveness of various rifles as they visit hunting cabins love for the Russian wilderness and types of patrolling," Bereznuk says. located near riverbanks. Raids on saving the Amur tiger became his Anti-poaching teams use global posi- logging camps are conducted in win- calling. tioning systems to record their patrol ter and rangers often find illegal rifles "I was 35 years old in 1995 when routes and inspectors document inci- hidden in logging vehicles. Night I made my career transition," he dents on specially designed MIST ambushes on logging roads and near says. "As deputy chief of Inspection data forms. MIST has the advantage farmstead fields are conducted from Tiger, special department of of providing regular and rapid infor- time to time, and the team uses all Primorsky Krai State Committee on mation on illegal activities and kinds of tactics to lure poachers, even Environmental Protection ranger performance, and, as it does- by imitating the stag's mating call (Goskomecology), I often met n't require sophisticated computer and laying a trap for would-be rangers with a great passion for tigers skills, it's easy to use, Bereznuk says. hunters. and strong commitment to nature Bereznuk is also working to conservation." Exemplary role strengthen action against illegal log- "I wondered about the driving His project is the first example of ging and stop habitat-destroying force behind their enthusiasm and using a cutting-edge, anti-poaching development like road-building, why they were ready to risk their method and raising environmental which contribute to the Siberian lives to protect nature. I learned a lot awareness through extensive educa- tiger's dwindling numbers. "We see from them," says Bereznuk. "That tional and outreach activities in the tiger as a symbol of Primorsky was a turning point in my life, when Russia's Far East. These include Krai. The province and the tiger are I decided to dedicate my life to developing educational materials, inseparably linked," says Bereznuk. nature and tiger conservation." films and holding annual Tiger Day "I want the world to remain beauti- From 1995 to 1999, Bereznuk Festivals in Vladivostok and other ful as long as possible so that our served Inspection Tiger as deputy regional centres. children can see tigers in the wild, director before joining the Bereznuk's six-member patrol not in cages." GTFNEWS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


Tiger spotting: Only 250 in the previous century. the Thailand Office of the Thai forests, Lord of the The WWF reported that there Convention on International Trade Jungle were 350-700 Indochinese tigers left in Endangered Species and Wild Smith Sutibut (Source: in the wild, and of these, 250 are in Fauna and Flora (Cites Thailand) - Bangkok Post) 30 Jul 2012 Thailand. That makes Thailand home was asked by Si Racha Tiger Zoo to the biggest population of company for a licence to send its Yesterday - July 29 - was Global Tiger Indochinese tigers. Another 30 live in tigers to Sunya Zoo in China's Day, as designated by the World Vietnam and Cambodia, and an southern province of Hainan for Wildlife Fund (WWF). But how unknown number in Laos and feeding and breeding during many people are aware of that, consid- Myanmar. October and December that year. ering you only hear about tigers being Where have all the tigers gone, Mr Manop forwarded the hunted or trafficked, or only see them you might ask? Experts suggest that request to Mr Plodprasop, the Chief in . the tigers' natural habitat has been of the Royal Forest Department at People believe tigers to be fierce invaded by forestry offices, resorts, that time, approved it. However, and menacing animals. That's proba- tourists and cars. This invasion of for- prosecutors say the request "was bly because they are hunters at the top est area has resulted in the dwindling made for commercial purposes", and of the food chain. They are immense- number of tigers. so was not in line with the law. ly powerful, and can take down even a Herbivores such as deer and red Prosecutors say he approved the bull or an elephant that is several times muntjac are no longer as common as request to send the tigers abroad larger. They are acknowledged as the before, making it difficult for tigers to without considering whether such a Lord of the Jungle, but in fact they survive. move would violate the law. only hunt when they are hungry, and The conservation of tigers to pre- The Thai Wildlife Protection Act only select prey that is weaker. vent them from extinction is impor- only allows for exports of protected Tigers are intelligent, and try to tant as it is an indication of a rich eco- wildlife species under government stay away from humans. That is why logical system, which is, in turn, ben- agreements for research and conser- they are so evasive. I have been pho- eficial to humans. It is the preservation vation purposes. tographing wildlife for over 30 years, of life in general. The NACC found in 2007 that yet I've had very few encounters with Hunting is another threat to the the shipment of the 100 tigers was tigers. Each time, however, has been a tiger population. Its pelt is sought for commercial purposes as Si Racha memorable occasion... after as a status symbol for the wealthy, Tiger Zoo and Sunya Zoo are private and every single body part, even its entities. Plight of the tiger sexual organs, is sold at astronomical As a result, the NACC found Mr A survey of tigers in wildlife sanctuar- prices in the unfounded belief that Plodprasop guilty of malfeasance, ies in Thailand carried out in 1979 by they have medicinal or aphrodisiac while Mr Manop was also implicated the Royal Forest Department put the properties. Wildlife trafficking is still in wrongdoing. number at 400-500. However, a sur- alive and well in this country. Mr Plodprasop has insisted he vey by Dr Alan Rabinowitz, a big cat If no measures are introduced to did nothing wrong. In his earlier expert from New York Zoological put a stop to this illegal activity, then response to the NACC's resolution, Society who did a study on tigers at one day the ''Lord of the Jungle'' will he said the tigers were not from the Huai Kha Khaeng from 1987-89, and lapse into memory as the animal that wild and not native to Thailand, and surveyed the number of tigers there as ''once roamed Thailand but is now that Si Racha Tiger Zoo had import- well as other sanctuaries, put the num- extinct''. ed the tigers and raised and bred ber at only 250. them for 10 years before sending At the First Asia Ministerial them to China. The Chinese Conference on Tiger Conservation in Court to try Plodprasop in embassy suggested importing the January 2010 in Hua Hin, Prachuap tiger export case tigers in 2001. Khiri Khan province, the WWF Bangkok Post Report Mr Plodprasop was released on announced that there were only 3,200 (Source: Bangkok Post) 20 200,000 baht bail. The court set tigers left in the world, compared to Dec 2012 April 22, 2013 for the first hearing. 20,000 in the 1980s, and 100,000 in In 2002 Manop Lauprasert - head of


Tiger temple under investiga- nary care and regular abuse to gener- The magnificent animals are tion as Thai authorities ate money from tourists. believed to be Indochinese tigers, clamp down on captive tigers "Thai authorities are doing the but, due to the remoteness of the Wildlifeextra Report (Source: right thing to check captive tiger temple and the lack of available Wildlifeextra) 23 Sept 2012 facilities, because captive tigers are funds, DNA testing to determine the being found in the illegal trade that exact bloodline of the cats has never Thai authorities have swooped in on goes through this country," said been done. captive tiger owners in two locations Onkuri Majumdar, Freeland Senior The monks believe the tigers are to see if laws had been broken, Officer. reincarnations of past generations of resulting in one arrest in one case Theravada Buddhists, and they con- and a confrontation that could lead More than 1000 tigers in captivity sider the animals sacred. The cats to further action or lawsuits in The two incidents illustrate the reach 350 to 450 pounds in body another. Both actions demonstrate growth of private tiger facilities in weight in adulthood, and they are the serious challenges facing Thai Thailand. The trend presents serious fierce predators in the wild. authorities in dealing with the coun- challenges to those concerned about However, the tigers living at the tem- try's large captive tiger population. animal welfare and the growth in the ple roam freely about the grounds illegal wildlife trade. The current and even interact with the tourists Four tigers confiscated permitting system for tigers provides who come to visit. The seemingly In Pathumthani, two adult tigers and a loophole for traffickers to launder docile cats share meals with the two tiger cubs were confiscated in a tigers by using their permits as cover. monks, pad the trails of the sur- raid on a private apartment. Thai More than 880 tigers in 21 zoos are rounding forest, and lounge on the Nature Crime Police conducted the currently registered with DNP, but cool rocks to escape the heat of the raid after intelligence showed that the actual number of tigers in private midday sun. the owners were involved in the ille- hands is believed to be much higher. As the legend of the tame tigers gal wildlife trade. The tigers were While some facilities, such as the became known, people started bring- sent to a government care center. tiger temple, make their money from ing other animals to the monks. tourists, other operations holding Today, the temple is something of an Tiger Temple 100 tigers or more have long been animal sanctuary, operating quietly The temple is already mired in con- suspected to be breeding tigers for far from civilization. In addition to troversy after the Sun newspaper sale on the black market. the tigers, visitors may see camels, published a video showing the abuse deer, water buffalo, and gibbon that goes on at the temple, and how monkeys going about their lives in the tigers are baited and treated for Monk Shares Meal with the soothing confines of temple and the 'benefit' of tourists. Tiger and Lives to Pray the surrounding forest. The temple, a popular tourist another Day While the monks worship the destination, has seen its tiger popula- Wolff Bachner (Source: tigers as revered predecessors and the tion grown from 7 to 100 in the past Inquisitr) 16 Nov 2012 tourists thrill to be photographed eight years, raising questions about with the almost friendly carnivores, the sustainability of the temple's Thailand's Buddhist monks have not everyone is happy with the tiger management, and where the found a remarkable way to feed the . tigers are being sourced. tigers without becoming part of the Wildlife experts have expressed Responding to this latest media menu. The devoted monks of Tiger their displeasure over the tigers living coverage the Chief Executive of Care Temple have been living with the in close contact with humans. They for the Wild International, Philip wild jungle cats since they adopted are not happy with the idea of Mansbridge, said: "As we recently an abandoned cub in 1999 after it domesticating wild creatures, and highlighted in the launch of our new was brought to the temple by local they are worried about the safety of campaign, the villagers. Today, the number of tigers the monks and the visitors to the Tiger Temple is just one of thou- living on the temple grounds has temple. Tigers are unpredictable at sands of examples of how wildlife is risen to over 100, and it is not best and quite capable of killing or threatened and abused around the uncommon to see a full grown tiger severely maiming a human being. world to provide so called entertain- sharing a meal with a monk or walk- Animal conservation specialists ment for tourists. The Tiger Temple ing along calmly on a leash. are concerned about the unsuper- like many other animal attractions The Theravada Buddhist monks vised breeding of the tigers, which claims that it is a wildlife sanctuary, live in a remote forest temple in the they feel is diluting the bloodlines of when in fact the animals in its care Saiyok district of Thailand's the endangered Indochinese tiger. are subject to appalling conditions, Kanchanaburi province, a short dis- Recently, the monks were discovered inappropriate food, no real veteri- tance from the border of Myanmar. to have exchanged tigers with a tiger


farm in Laos. The trade violated sev- Many people find the image of a that should be roaming through the eral international laws and created fearsome jungle tiger eating from a jungle free, hunting at will, and the possibility of further dilution of monk's rice bowl to be quaint and killing their own food instead of pure strains of both Indochinese and charming, but animal rights activists putting on a dog and pony show for Laotian tigers. remind us that these are wild animals the tourists.


Tiger conservation: there is a ing its own wildlife protection laws. three different sub-species: way, but is there a will? In fact, it was doubt about Indochinese, Bengal, and Amur; there Thanh Nien News Report whether a viable rhino population are no pure-bred Indochinese tigers, (Source: Thanh Nien News) existed that stopped the provincial the sub-species native to Vietnam, 28 Dec 2012 government from going ahead with a Laos, and Cambodia. village relocation plan in Cat Tien. As Based on an analysis of their The killing of the last Javan rhino in it turned out, the province was right. DNA, mature males and females Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam's After all, why risk conflict with vil- would need to be selected to "breed implication in the slaughter of South lagers if there's nothing to save? in" this sub-species. This is a standard Africa's rhinos, and the scientific con- This point is crucial because not genetic management approach used in clusion that Vietnam has no remain- only has the poor performance of zoos and breeding centers worldwide. ing viable tiger populations have con- Vietnam's 10,000 rangers been The offspring of this founder pop- tributed to a mood of doom and exhaustively documented, but the ulation would be removed from their gloom among conservationists. dominant message is that there's noth- mothers at about one year of age and The fact is that government invariably ing left for them to protect anyway. moved to separate enclosures where prioritizes economic development Under these circumstances, why they would start hunting live prey and over biodiversity conservation, and should the government bother? have no contact with humans. until that changes, no amount of What would it take to inspire the This "re-wilding" approach has international support (or shame) will government to take action? What been successfully tested in South make a difference. would an appropriate goal, one that is Africa with Southern China tigers that Paradoxically, that is also a source both technically feasible and capable will soon be returned to a strictly pro- of hope. If the government is motivat- of capturing the public imagination, tected forest in China. ed to manage its protected areas better, look like? The offspring of the offspring it has the capacity to do so. One option would be to fence off would have been born in the wild and There are no major technical or Yok Don National Park and transfer would be regarded as 100 percent financial barriers to improving pro- Vietnam's 112 captive tigers (as of wild. Since tigers reach maturity at five tected area management and wildlife March 2012), currently housed in a years of age and a female gives birth to conservation. Vietnam retains large of mix of 11 government and privately two cubs every two years, the number areas of habitat that if properly pro- managed facilities, to semi-wild enclo- of wild tigers could increase rapidly. tected could be used to reintroduce sures inside the park. Abundant tigers, gaurs, bantengs, species. Located in Dak Lak Province and and other charismatic wildlife could, And its spending on protected covering 115,000 hectares, Yok Don as India has shown, serve as the basis areas on a per unit area basis is among lies on the border with Cambodia of a high-end tiger viewing industry. the highest in Asia. The problem is where the government is considering The open forest and the use of that the money goes to infrastructure, re-introducing tigers into Mondulkiri semi-wild enclosures would almost not conservation. Protected Forest. guarantee the chance of seeing tigers. And the incentives are sometimes Together, Yok Don and Currently, there is no realistic chance perverse: for instance, a park director Mondulkiri cover 300,000 hectares of of visitors to Yok Don seeing any of will be fired if a forest fire breaks out. prime tiger habitat that within 20 these animals. It has proven hard to convince years could form the world's most A limiting factor on the wild tiger government that it is worth the short- productive tiger reserve. population is likely to be the prey term political costs of strictly enforc- The 112 captive tigers are mix of base. WWF surveys show that in


Cambodia the prey base, comprising limbo with no solution in sight that is lion dong (tens of thousands dong) primarily of deer and wild pigs, is one- acceptable to all parties and offers any from a tiger," he said. sixth the density of India's. conservation benefit. According to him, tiger farming In Vietnam, prey is likely to be has become a "movement" in Do even thinner on the ground. The risk Thanh for two years. "We mainly buy therefore is that wild tigers would Who protects illegal tiger breeding tigers from Ha Tinh starve to death. The solution is to, farming? province, especially in Huong Son dis- first, strictly protect the existing prey Phan Song La (Source: trict. To buy baby tigers, we have to base, farm them in enclosures inside VietNamNet) 31 Oct 2012 make orders and wait for a period of the park, and possibly import banteng time." from Australia. VietNamNet Bridge - A tiger raiser in When asked ''More than a dozen Another constraint is weak law Nghe An disclosed to VietNamNet of households breed tigers but the enforcement. Given intense hunting that he bought baby tigers from Ha commune authorities do not know pressure (and the risks of tiger attacks Tinh. Besides Do Thanh commune, about it?'' on surrounding villages), a fence other neighboring communes also "Don't be worried about it! We would have to be built around Yok breed tigers. This man also answered have had "protection" from A to Z," Don, which has a perimeter (exclud- the question why local people could he answered. ing the international border with raise tigers for a year and sold them ''Do the commune government Cambodia) of about 150 km. Ideally, without being exposed by any govern- know about tiger farming?" I asked. the fenced area would be larger than ment agency. ''Certainly! They know it but they Yok Don to include additional tiger In Dai Thanh commune, many ignore because this is business. They habitat. other families bred tigers. Income said they don't care about business. At $10,000 per kilometer, the from farming tigers is huge, with tens Just not bring social evils to this com- fence, which would need to be ele- of US dollars from each batch. mune, not involving in drug traffick- phant-proof, would cost about $1.5 "We are farmers. We do not know ing; its okay,'' he said. million excluding labor. Since the bor- what to do to earn money so we have He said when they sold tigers; the der army is already present, it might to dare to breed tigers. On average, buyer usually asked them to take care make sense for the army to build the each household has a pair of tigers," he of tiger delivery. The price of tigers fence and patrol it. said. depends on the agreement between If Yok Don isn't possible, another This man stressed that only rich the two sides on the number of tigers option is Chu Prong in Gia Lai families could afford to raise tigers and where they were delivered. Province, which covers 50,000 because this job needs big capital, "We can supply these products hectares. Like Yok Don, it lies on the knowledge of tigers and especially any time. You do not have to worry Cambodian border. The advantage of "relationships" with local officials, to about transportation,'' he said firmly. Chu Prong is that is has more perma- be able to breed tigers without being Some time after our visit to Do nent water, which would support a "detected." Thanh, one of us got a phone call greater density of prey and hence According to his brother, those from H. He said his family just tigers, and a greater diversity of habitat who have money can buy a pair of bought a baby tiger, but it died. The types. Because it is not currently a pro- tigers while others can borrow bank tiger was 5kg in weight and was tected area there is no institution or loans and raise tigers together. frozen. The price of a living baby tiger management system in place to Therefore, they have the concept is nearly VND200 million ($10,000), reform or remove. "raising one and a half tiger" because but it is only VND20 million If successful, this project would two families together raise three tigers. ($1,000) for the dead tiger. not only make Vietnam a global lead- ''In this commune, my family has While writing these articles, we er in tiger reintroduction but also the highest number of tigers (four). I kept wondering why illegal tiger address the sensitive issue of Vietnam's have partners, so I bought four baby farmer took place for a long time but captive tigers. tigers, totalling nearly VND800 mil- it was not discovered? In 2006, a campaign led by lion ($40,000)," He said. According to our sources, it is NGOs and several government Profit from tiger farming is huge, obvious that the local authorities departments to confiscate these tigers he added. However, the profit already knew but turned a blind eye to and prosecute the owners failed after depends on the growth of tigers. The them. the prime minister publicly defended bigger they are, the more profit the And one more thing, the origin of the owner with the largest number of breeder earns. Those who have good the tigers, as disclosed by our source, is tigers on the basis that the constitu- understanding of and experience in from Laos. Baby tigers were transport- tion gives citizens the right and raising tigers usually earn more profit. ed from Laos to Huong Son district, responsibility to conserve nature. ''Deducting breeding costs, we can Ha Tinh province, to sell to These tigers remain in a legal earn profit of several hundreds of mil- Vietnamese breeders. Huong Son has


long been considered one of the drafted a national program on tiger Muong Nhe Nature Reserve and the hotspots of wildlife trade. preservation to 2022. National Parks of Pu Mat, Vu Quang, This program aims to protect and Chu Mom Ray and Yok Don. develop the community of wild tigers The plan also suggests solutions to Vietnam has less than 50 and tigers' preys in Vietnam, in order prevent and punish acts that violate the tigers, says ministry to contribute to the goal of doubling rules on preserving tigers' and tigers' Phuong La (Source: the number of tigers in nature in the food sources and illegal trading activi- VietNamNet) 26 Apr 2012 world by 2022. ties of products from tigers and tigers' Under this plan, management and preys. According to the latest report of the protection of the forest where is the In Vietnam, tigers are illegally trad- Ministry of Natural Resources and home to wild tigers will be tightened. ed because body parts of tigers are used Environment (MoNRE), Vietnam has Tiger camps will be also under strict as medicines (tiger bone glue) and sou- between 28-47 tigers in the wild and supervision. venirs. they are facing high threat of extinction. A system to supervise the commu- Hanoi police have recently The number of tigers in cages is nity of wild tiger and caged tigers will detected several tiger-related cases. only 112 and this situation is not be set up. On January 9, police caught in the proven to be able to support preserva- Under the draft, at least one wild act--a restaurant in Thanh Xuan dis- tion of wild tigers. tiger conservation area would be set up trict processing tiger bone glue. To preserve tigers, the MoNRE has and the potential locations include Police seized two tiger skeletons. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GTFNEWS

NEWS FROM THE USA Partnership Meeting on Wildlife Trafficking November 8, 2012

uring the meeting on wildlife is rivaled in size only by But the truth is they cannot solve Wildlife Trafficking held at trade in illegal arms and drugs. this problem alone. None of us can. DWashington DC, USA, on Today, ivory sells for nearly $1,000 This is a global challenge that spans 8th November 2012, Hillary per pound. Rhino horns are literally continents and crosses oceans, and Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, worth their weight in gold, $30,000 we need to address it with partner- USA, welcomed Congressman per pound. ships that are as robust and far-reach- Moran, the Deputy Administrator What's more, the increasing ing as the criminal networks we seek Steinberg from USAID, Naoko Ishii wildlife trafficking has serious impli- to dismantle. of the Global Environmental cations for the security and prosperi- Therefore, we need governments, Facility. She thanked Under ty of people around the world. Local civil society, businesses, scientists, Secretary Bob Hormats for his com- populations that depend on wildlife, and activists to come together to mitment to this issue, along with either for tourism or sustenance, are educate people about the harms of Under Secretary Maria Otero and finding it harder and harder to main- wildlife trafficking. We need law Under Secretary Tara Sonenshine tain their livelihoods. Diseases are enforcement personnel to prevent and Assistant Secretary Kerri-Ann spreading to new corners of the poachers from preying on wildlife. Jones, and many others here in the globe through wildlife that is not We need trade experts to track the State Department, and particularly properly inspected at border cross- movement of goods and help enforce all the conservation and wildlife ings. Park rangers are being killed. existing trade laws. We need finance community and the private sector And there is good reason to believe experts to study and help undermine who have been involved in this issue that rebel militias are players in a the black markets that deal in for many years and have done worldwide ivory market worth mil- wildlife. And most importantly, per- extraordinary work and for attend- and millions of dollars a year. haps, we need to reach individuals, ing the meeting. She remarked that So, many of us are here because to convince them to make the right unfortunately, we now find ourselves protecting wildlife is a matter of pro- choices about the goods they pur- with all of that positive effort that tecting our planet's natural beauty. chase. started 30, 40 years ago being affect- We see it's a stewardship responsibil- Now, there's no quick fix, but by ed by changes that we have to ity for us and this generation and working closely, internationally, with address at every level of the interna- future generations to come. But it is all of these partners, we can take tional community. also a national security issue, a pub- important steps to protect wildlife in She stated that some might be lic health issue, and an economic their environments and begin to dry wondering why a Secretary of State is security issue that is critical to each up the demand for trafficked goods. keynoting an event about wildlife and every country represented here. So with these goals in mind, the trafficking and conservation, or why We all, unfortunately, contribute State Department is pursuing a four- we are hosting this event at the State to the continued demand for illegal part strategy. Department in the first place. It was animal goods. Wildlife might be tar- First, on the diplomatic front, we because, as Bob Hormats has just geted and killed across Asia and are working with leaders from pointed out, and as the public service Africa, but their furs, tusks, bones, around the world to develop a glob- announcements reinforce, over the and horns are sold all over the world. al consensus on wildlife protection. I past few years wildlife trafficking has Smuggled goods from poached ani- spoke with President Putin, become more organized, more lucra- mals find their way to Europe, Ambassador, when we were together tive, more widespread, and more Australia, China, and the United at the APEC summit in Vladivostok. dangerous than ever before. States. I regret to say the United He has been a staunch, vocal, public As the middle class grows, which States is the second-largest destina- supporter of Russian wildlife. And I we all welcome and support, in tion market for illegally trafficked think it's fair to say his personal many nations items like ivory or wildlife in the world. And that is efforts over the last years have made rhinoceros horn become symbols of something we are going to address. the lives of tigers in Russia much wealth and social status. And so the Now, several conservation groups safer. There's still poaching, but at demand for these goods rises. By are here with us today, and we great- least there is a commitment from the some estimates, the black market in ly appreciate their invaluable work. highest level of the Russian


Government to protect the wildlife governments to enlist the support of of Russia. In fact, when I was in people. As part of this effort, Under Vladivostok, there were posters Secretary Tara Sonenshine, our everywhere with tigers on the pic- Under Secretary for Public tures on the lampposts and walls and Diplomacy, is spearheading a global everywhere we looked, reminding outreach campaign which we will people that this was an important launch December 4th on Wildlife issue to Russia and the Russian Conservation Day. Our embassies Government. And I worked - I had will use every tool at their disposal to the great privilege of working with raise awareness about this issue, from President Putin and the other leaders honoring local activists, to spreading there to make sure that the leaders' the word on Facebook and Twitter. statement that was issued included, We want to make buying goods, for the first time ever, strong lan- products from trafficked wildlife, guage on wildlife trafficking. endangered species unacceptable, Now, Undersecretaries Bob socially unacceptable. We want Hormats and Maria Otero have met friends to tell friends they don't want with African and Asian leaders to friends who ingest, display, or other- discuss the immediate actions need- wise use products that come from ed to thwart poachers. Next week, endangered species anywhere in the President Obama and I will person- world. ally bring this message to our part- Third, we're launching new ini- ners in ASEAN and the East Asia tiatives to strengthen and expand Summit when we meet in Phnom enforcement areas. USAID has Penh. already provided more than $24 mil- We are also pressing forward with lion over the past five years on a efforts to protect marine life. And range of programs that combat last week, we joined forces with New wildlife crimes. Last year, they Zealand to propose the world's launched the ARREST program, largest marine protected area, the which is establishing regional centers Ross Sea region of Antarctica. And of expertise and expanding training we hope to gain support from the programs for law enforcement. We international community as this really want to work with all of you, important proposal moves forward. and we want both from countries We're strengthening our ability that are victimized by trafficking to to engage diplomatically on these countries where consumers are the and other scientific issues. Building end-buyers of such products. countries. To build on these efforts, scientific partnerships is an impor- Finally, this is a global issue, and today I'm calling for the creation of tant tool in addressing such global it calls, therefore, for a concerted a global system of regional wildlife challenges. That's why I'm pleased to global response. So I hope every gov- enforcement networks to take advan- announce our three new science ernment and organization here today tage of those networks that already envoys, Dr. Bernard Amadei of the will join the Coalition Against are operating and the lessons we have University of Colorado, the founder Wildlife Trafficking. That is the learned from them. The sooner we of Engineers Without Borders; Dr. global partnership for sharing infor- get this off the ground, the better, Susan Hockfield, the former presi- mation on poachers and illicit and to that end, the State dent and currently faculty member traders. We'll also be convening Department is pledging $100,000 to of the Massachusetts Institute of meetings with traditional stakehold- help get this new global system up Technology; and renowned evolu- ers like NGOs and governments and and running. tionary biologist Dr. Barbara Schaal with less traditional stakeholders like I want to mention one last step of Washington University in St. air and cruise line companies to dis- we're taking. Trafficking relies on Louis. But it's working to create a cuss new potential partnerships. porous borders, corrupt officials, and scientific consensus and very preem- Some of the most successful ini- strong networks of organized crime, inent scientists from across the world tiatives we've seen so far are the all of which undermine our mutual speaking out that is one of the regional wildlife enforcement net- security. I'm asking the intelligence important steps that we are urging works. These networks are critical to community to produce an assess- partners to join with us in doing. strengthening protection efforts and ment of the impact of large-scale Secondly, we are reaching beyond enhancing cooperation among key wildlife trafficking on our security


interests so we can fully understand other sorts of threats to people and wildlife, the people who live with what we're up against. When I was governments. them, and the people who appreciate in Africa last summer, I was quite So I think we have to look at this them everywhere. alarmed by the level of anxiety I in a comprehensive, holistic way. And So let me thank you all for being heard from leaders. It is one thing to there's something for everybody. If here. I really appreciate the turnout, be worried about the traditional you love animals, if you want to see a and it means a great deal and the fact poachers who come in and kill and more secure world, if you want our that so many ambassadors are here take a few animals, a few tusks, a few economy not to be corrupted globally representing their countries - and I horns, or other animal parts. It's by this kind of illicit behavior, there is particularly want to thank our col- something else when you've got heli- so much we can do together. After all, leagues, the Ambassador of Kenya, copters, night vision goggles, auto- the world's wildlife, both on land and the Ambassador from Indonesia, for matic weapons, which pose a threat in our waters, is such a precious taking a leading role in this effort. to human life as well as wildlife. resource, but it is also a limited one. It We want to hear your ideas. These Local communities are becoming cannot be manufactured. And once are our ideas, but we really are solic- terrified. Local leaders are telling it's gone, it cannot be replenished. iting your ideas - what works, what their national leaders that they can And those who profit from it illegally can we do better, how can we make a lose control of large swaths of territo- are not just undermining our borders difference. Let's put the poachers out ry to these criminal gangs. Where and our economies. They are truly of business and build a more secure criminal gangs can come and go at stealing from the next generation. So and prosperous world for all of us, their total discretion, we know that we have to work together to stop them and particularly for children genera- begins to provide safe havens for and ensure a sustainable future for our tions to come.

2012 December 33




INTERPOL operations in Operation Prey enforcement actions, POL stands ready to support mem- Asia lead to seizure of live tiger range countries are better pre- ber countries in enhancing the gov- tigers and other protected pared to participate in future activi- ernance and law enforcement capac- species ties of Project Predator. This will be ity for the conservation of the further strengthened by an upcom- world's wildlife heritage," concluded LYON, France - The second and ing training session in Nepal orga- Mr Higgins. third phases of INTERPOL's nized in collaboration with the Due to the various uses of ani- Operation Prey, targeting the illegal South Asia Wildlife Enforcement mals as status symbols or for their trade in wildlife and animal prod- Network (SAWEN) and the medicinal properties, many creatures ucts, led to the seizure of 40 live INTERPOL National Central are now on the brink of extinction. tigers and tiger parts, along with Bureau in Kathmandu. To avoid this irreversible situation, other protected species and the arrest "Today, as some of our member INTERPOL is calling for an adjust- of more than a dozen individuals. countries observe Wildlife ment in behaviour to restore the Held in September and October, Conservation Day, we applaud Asia's region's economic, natural and social Operation Prey II was conducted in law enforcement cooperation and independence by stamping out Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, collaboration against this highly demand and breaking the criminal Thailand and Vietnam, followed by complex wildlife crime," said David supply chain of these illegal prod- Operation Prey III in Indonesia and Higgins, Manager of the INTER- ucts. Malaysia. Aside from tigers, authori- POL Environmental Crime Project Predator continues its ties also seized pangolins, protected Programme. work to protect the world's wild snakes and bushmeat. Operation "With cohesion growing within tigers thanks to the ongoing support Prey is one of many initiatives under the international compliance and of the US Agency for International the framework of INTERPOL's enforcement community for the Development (USAID) and the UK Project Predator. conservation of tigers, snow leopards Department for Environment, Food Thanks to the targeted and other Asian big cats, INTER- and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).


Judges to get tough on enormity of these crimes. engagement in combating illegal wildlife traffickers in The Roundtable held in Melaka, wildlife trade. The formation of spe- South-East Asia Malaysia, from 7-10th December cialised environmental courts and the TRAFFIC Report (Source: 2012, brought together senior judges imposition of appropriate penalties TRAFFIC) 14 Dec 2012 from the highest courts of Brunei were also stressed upon to demon- Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, strate the role of the judiciary in envi- More than 30 Chief Justices and their Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, ronmental enforcement. designees attending the ASEAN 2nd Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and TRAFFIC reiterated that current- Roundtable on Environmental Law Viet Nam. The event was supported ly prosecutions mostly involve lowly and Enforcement last week agreed by the Federal Court of Malaysia and runners and mules and the major that the establishment of environmen- the Asian Development Bank (ADB). players are not pursued, investigated tal courts was vital in creating a more Their comments came during a or brought to book. TRAFFIC also systematic method of dealing with discussion following TRAFFIC's pre- noted that institutionalised corrup- environmental crime perpetrators. sentation at the roundtable, in a ses- tion, complacency and complicity They also acknowledged the level sion on the current state of the envi- were key factors identified as further of criminality that went into the illegal ronment in ASEAN countries. fuelling the illicit trade in wildlife and wildlife trade and noted that judge- TRAFFIC highlighted the need emphasised the need for higher con- ments meted out should reflect the for greater enforcement and judicial viction rates of illegal wildlife goods


users, which would inevitably lead to a The Philippines highlighted its The Malaysian judiciary also reduction in demand. efforts, which include special proce- illustrated its endeavours in the field ASEAN Chief Justices and senior dures in environmental cases, and pro- of environmental justice with the members of the judiciary shared infor- posed that standardised judicial mod- establishment of the Environmental mation on environmental challenges els be formulated. The Rules of Court in September 2012. The and rules of procedure in environmen- Procedure for Environmental Cases, Court is aimed at improving the tal arbitration, acknowledging the dif- which came into force in the administration of environmental ferences within their respective legal Philippines in 2010, aims to ensure cases at both Sessions and Magistrate systems. The panel also recognized the effective enforcement of remedies courts. Judicial training programmes that environmental law is a rapidly and redress for violation of environ- catering to judges have also been put expanding field and it is an over- mental laws and to enable courts to in place. whelming task for judges to keep monitor orders and judgements in The discussions concluded that abreast of the development of envi- environmental cases. as a key institution in all systems of ronmental law as well as technical and Indonesia noted that while the governance, the judiciary is essential scientific advancements in these areas. establishment of environmental courts to the effectiveness of environmental Other topics included rules of evi- is crucial, it is also imperative that suf- legislation, and that the development dence for environmental cases, special ficient training and skills be provided of environmental jurisprudence is remedies and recourse, and other to prosecutors and judges handling fundamental in upholding justice innovative environmental processes. cases of this nature. and environmental sustainability.


Asian tiger population is ment. tiger population in Russia - the main making a comeback Tiger numbers have been rising group of endangered Amur tigers- Becky Oskin (Source: steadily in Thailand's Huai Kha with tiger habitat in China's OurAmazingPlanet) 27 Dec Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary since Heilongjiang Province in the 2012 2007, with a record 50-plus tigers Wandashan Mountains. The refuge counted last year, the WCS said. The ensures that tigers can move across 3,200 tigers are estimated to be living sanctuary is part of the country's the border between Russia and in wild, while only 2,500 are actively Western Forest Complex. This core China in this region. breeding. spans 7,000 square miles (18,000 An estimated 3,200 tigers are square kilometers) and is home to an living in the wild, with only 2,500 Camera trap images reveal tiger estimated 125 to 175 tigers. breeding adult pairs, according to numbers rebounding across Asia, In India's mountainous land- TRAFFIC, a monitoring group especially in south-western India, scape of Nagarahole and Bandipur funded by the World Wildlife Fund where young tigers are leaving pro- national parks, tigers have reached and the International Union for the tected reserves due to population saturation levels, with more than Conservation of Nature. Tigers have pressure, according to the Wildlife 600 individuals caught on camera lost 93 percent of their historical Conservation Society. trap photos in the past decade. range, which once sprawled across The WCS attributes the rise in Young tigers are leaving the parks Asia from Turkey to Russia and different tiger groups to better law along protected corridors and enter- south to Bali, according to the enforcement and protection of addi- ing a landscape with a population of group. tional habitat. For example, a notori- a million people, the group said. "Tigers are clearly fighting for ous poaching ring was busted in Conservationists also worked their very existence, but it's impor- Thailand last year, and the gang with government officials in Russia tant to know that there is hope. leaders have been given prison sen- to create additional protected areas Victories like these give us the tences of up to five years - the most for tigers. The country declared a resolve to continue to battle for these severe punishments for wildlife new corridor, called the Central magnificent big cats," Cristián poaching in Thailand's history, the Ussuri Wildlife Refuge, on Oct. 18. Samper, WCS president, said in a conservation group said in a state- The refuge links the Sikhote-Alin statement.



Summary of Projects support- technology such as MIST to collect crime, not just the victims of them. ed by 21st Century Tiger in patrol data systematically prevention There was a need to update the 2012 of forest fires. film to keep pace with the changing dynamics of the trade. This project Dangku Landscape Protection - Anti-Poaching Activities in Lazovsky involved EIA obtaining interviews Sumatra Reserve/Zapovednik - Russia with enforcement officers (forest, This new Zoological Society of Fully funded by Dreamworld. police & customs), and wildlife crime London project coordinates with Phoenix support a nine man anti- experts from India, Nepal, China and landowners and the government to poaching team cooperating with Vietnam who have a wealth of experi- mitigate detrimental impacts on the wildlife managers' teams of Hunting ence in the detection, investigation Dangku landscape and leave corridors Management Department, public and enforcement of activities related of untouched habitats across industri- environmental investigation teams, to wildlife crime. EIA consulted with al land to ensure the survival of the forest managers and police officers. WPSI and the CITES Secretariat, Sumatran tiger. The team is specially trained and Chief of Enforcement Support and equipped to conduct anti-poaching produced a high quality and invalu- Kerinci Seblat Tiger Protection patrols and to investigate human-tiger able awareness and training tool for Project - Sumatra conflicts. enforcement officers in the frontline. Funded by two separate grants includ- Teams have focussed closely on Saving the Majestic Tiger - China ing a substantial grant by coastal areas, where they have spotted International Fund for Animal Dreamworld. Fauna & Flora poachers hunting deer from boats at Welfare conducted consumer aware- International are committed to main- night and only landing when an ani- ness campaigns to educate China's taining a sustainable and effective con- mal is killed. They have run boat youth and reach out to schools with a servation program in one of Asia's patrols and set up observation posts in specific educational campaign on tiger most important national parks. bays where poachers are likely to show conservation focusing on the link up in an attempt to stamp out these between consuming tiger parts and Environmental Education - Russia activities. the decrease of wild tigers and urging This tiger education and outreach Chinese consumers to reject tiger programme from Phoenix comprised Amur Tiger Conservation in Zov parts. in-school and outdoor activities. The Tigra National Park - Russia project was situated in Primorsky The overall goal of this project is to Protection in Pang Sida National region of the Russian Far East with the increase effectiveness of anti-poaching Park - Thailand main focus of activities in the efforts related to Amur tigers in Zov This project was conducted by FREE- Krasnoarmesiky district where Udege Tigra National Park through funding; LAND Foundation in conjunction Legend National Park was established Phoenix supplemented these funds to with park based staff of Thai three years ago. strengthen anti-poaching and habitat Department of National Parks, protection activities in this park. Wildlife and Plant Conservation Anti-poaching in Northern Primore (DNP). - Russia Combating the Asian big cat trade - The primary aim of this project Fully funded by Dreamworld, Global was professional development for Phoenix conducted anti-poaching The Environmental Investigation park rangers to build capacity to pro- patrols in three northern districts of Agency constructed a film guide for tect wildlife populations, especially Primorye. Federal and regional bud- enforcement officers located in India, tigers. Pang Sida has been largely gets only cover basic needs so this pro- Nepal, China and Vietnam. In 2006, overlooked as a serious site for tiger ject funds regular anti-poaching teams EIA released a film guide for enforce- conservation in Thailand receiving in multi-agency cooperation, funding ment officers. The film illustrated to very little support, but it could prove spares for vehicles and fuel, new field the professional enforcement commu- to be a viable source population crit- equipment, spares and repair parts, nity that the Asian big cat trade was ical to Thailand's efforts to conserve feeding stations for ungulates, using indeed a form of serious organised tigers.




Securing tigers through con- and Axis Bank Foundation since July mauling and killing, respectively. flict mitigation and communi- 2012. The programme aims to train A total amount of Rs 5,61,550/- was ty development 700 local youth every year in different disbursed as interim relief, while, an trades like Hospitality and Resort additional expenditure of Rs. 62,867/- The Corbett Foundation, through its Operation, Tailoring and Sewing, was incurred as operational cost, activities in three Tiger Reserves- Mobile Repairing, Computer which included hiring of manpower Bandhavgarh, Kanha and Corbett, Operation, Lantana and Bamboo and vehicles for kill inspection. aims to spread the good word about Handicraft making, to be trained as Villagers from about 250 villages tiger and nature conservation by way Naturalists, etc. The PUKAAR pro- located in remote areas in both the of various programmes, gramme also looks at providing job north and south zones of CTR are most important being that of Rural opportunities subsequent to the train- being benefitted from the scheme. Medical Outreach Programme for ings. local communities. TCF provides pri- From July to November, a total of 3. Rural Medical Outreach mary health care and medical facility 105 local youth were trained in Basic Programme and thereby ensures their valuable Hospitality and Resort Operation To accomplish the desired goals of support for the larger goal of tiger from Bandhavgarh, Kanha and tiger conservation, it is imperative to habitat conservation. Various aware- Corbett. After its completion, most of get the support and cooperation of ness programmes concentrating on the trainees got recruited by various local communities towards the conser- wildlife as well as environment conser- resorts operating around the Corbett, vation of tiger. The goal of TCF's vation are arranged in schools and vil- Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Medical Programme is to establish a lages for generating interest and sup- Reserve. Over 125 youth have been relationship of mutual trust between port for not just conservation but also trained from the above locations in local people living in and around tiger the betterment of the locals. Thus Computer Operation, Sewing & reserves and organizations and people TCF aspires to achieve the aim of con- Tailoring and Mobile Repairing work. working for tiger conservation by servation by working for the people extending humanitarian assistance. It and in the truest of sense is an organi- 2. Interim Relief Scheme (IRS) was realized that if the local communi- zation that links both the important One of the major causes of conflict in ties were to be won over to the cause aspects of conservation, local commu- Corbett is depredation of livestock by of conservation some reciprocal ben- nities as well as the government. tigers and leopards. This creates efits would have to be provided to resentment among people against them. TCF believes that healthy 1. Launch of "PUKAAR" both wildlife and the forest depart- individuals alone can contribute to a The Vocational training for local ment. Simmering resentment among healthy environment. Villagers from youth local populations has often resulted in approximately 230 villages located in Forests are the lifeline for local com- retaliatory measures like poisoning of and around the Corbett, munities living in and around them. the carcass to kill the carnivore respon- Bandahvagrh and Kanha Tiger The communities are very much sible for livestock depredation. With Reserve are getting benefitted from dependent on the forest resources for the objective of alleviating this conflict this scheme. TCF also conducts a everyday needs as well as sources of situation, TCF launched the "Cattle Tuberculosis Eradication Programme livelihood. This immensely pressurizes Compensation Scheme" in 1995 to as well as regular campaigns on the forests and negatively impacts the give ex-gratia financial assistance to health awareness. During July- quality of habitat. This anthropogenic the owner of the cattle killed by a tiger November 2012, a total of 13,606 pressure is one of the major factors in or leopard in and around the buffer patients were treated by the Medical the decline of tiger populations. To zone of CTR. The programme was team of the Corbett Foundation, and reduce this pressure it is essential to adopted by WWF-India in 1997. an expenditure of Rs. 3,26,801/- was provide the locals with alternate Under the scheme, from July- incurred on purchase of medicines. source of livelihood and therefore November 2012, TCF has already Additionally, an expenditure of Rs. TCF initiated a vocational training recorded 394 cases of cattle depreda- 5,93,625/- was incurred as opera- programme "PUKAAR" that is a joint tion by the tiger or leopard. Out of tional cost in running the pro- venture of The Corbett Foundation these, 73 and 321 were cases of cattle gramme.


4. Wildlife and Environment Biodiversity Day, World Ozone Day, resources, causes of depletion and Awareness Vulture Awareness Day, International how we can save them in the present To pass on knowledge of importance Tiger Day and Wildlife Week, where scenario. of tiger and nature conservation to over 3000 students from schools locat- local communities is the key to ed in and around the Corbett, 4.3 Interactive session with achieve the goals of conservation. Bandhavgarh and Kanha Tiger students: The TCF all divisions regularly Reserve participated in the celebra- In the month of October and organize various awareness pro- tions. Kids were taken to Zoos, November, TCF- Bandhavgarh grammes to create awareness among Museums and, Interpretation Centres awareness team visited 20 schools the different sections of the human and on Nature walks located in around the Bandhavgarh society. From July to November, Tiger Reserve and had interactive various programmes comprises of 4.2 Awareness rallies: sessions with school kids on various Power Point presentations, movie To create awareness among mass wildlife and environment conserva- shows, Rallies, Art Competitions, media, TCF organized wildlife tion issues such as Importance of Workshop were organized in the Awareness rallies in the Bandhavgarh Tiger Conservation, Functioning of schools and villages. and Kanha Tiger Reserve. In the ral- various ecosystems, Consequences of lies participants prepared poster on natural resources depletion, How to 4.1. Environmental Day importance of wildlife conservation save the natural resources, Climate celebrations and raised slogans on wildlife, forest Change and Global warming ext. TCF has been regularly celebrating and natural resource conservation. Through this programme we target- environmental days like World At the end of the rallies, TCF repre- ed 5000 students and motivated Environmental Day, World sentatives addressed the participants them towards the conservation of Endangered Species Day, World and explained importance of natural tiger and nature.


WWF-India's tiger conserva- trapping in six tiger landscapes. In of trees, and a proposal to start com- tion initiatives 2012, more than 24 sites including mercial logging. WWF-India con- (June-December 2012) Tiger Reserves, Protected Areas, and ducted a rapid biodiversity survey, other source areas were monitored, and submitted the results in a report WWF-India's work for tiger conser- and the results of these surveys to the Madhya Pradesh State Forest vation aims to maintain and restore helped in assessing the present status Department, advocating for a com- tiger habitats and critical corridors of tigers in those areas; understand- plete ban on timber extraction. while protecting the tiger and its ing the human tiger conflict; increas- Based on this report, the Forest prey base in the tiger landscapes ing the protection status of forest Department stopped further tree within India, eventually leading to complexes and better planning for felling activities, and during 2011- an increase and stabilization in criti- developmental projects in healthy 2012, camera traps captured images cal tiger populations across the coun- tiger habitats, and proving the viabil- of tigers using this corridor. Further, try. One of the crucial elements in ity of important wildlife corridors WWF-India has also been monitor- tiger conservation for WWF-India is connecting source tiger populations. ing cattle kills, those killed by big monitoring tigers, co-predators and cats in the Kanha-Pench corridor prey base to assess their population Protecting critical wildlife corridors through camera traps, and the data is and status in Tiger Reserves, In the Central India Satpuda Maikal used to provide interim relief to Protected Areas as well as important Landscape, the Kopijhola forest owners of killed cattle. In the last wildlife corridors and potential tiger block under the South Seoni Forest one year, 131 people have been paid habitats outside the core areas and Division, covering an area of about interim compensation through this understand their movement among 182 sq. km., is an important con- scheme and as a result, no retaliatory these. stituent of the Kanha-Pench corridor killing of tigers has been reported. In partnership with the National connecting two important tiger This monitoring has also helped Tiger Conservation Authority source populations in the Kanha and in identifying 10 individual tigers (NTCA), State Forest Departments, Pench Tiger Reserves. using this corridor. Similar cattle kill and local NGOs, WWF-India mon- Regular monitoring in this forest monitoring and interim relief itors tigers annually through camera block revealed indiscriminate felling schemes have been introduced in the


Terai, North East, and Sundarbans Forest Division, Sundarbans surveys will be used for policy inter- to mitigate human tiger conflict. Biosphere Reserve vention and strengthening lobbying In the Terai Arc Landscape, cam- As part of the Phase-IV tiger estima- efforts with local and national gov- era trapping in the Kosi corridor tion, WWF-India and the authori- ernments. In 2013, efforts will be helped in identifying 15 individual ties of the Sundarbans Biosphere made towards joint monitoring of tigers using this corridor despite high Reserve, West Bengal conducted the tigers in trans-boundary landscapes pressures from unregulated tourism first ever tiger estimation exercise in such as the Manas Conservation infrastructure development. The the 24 Parganas (South) Forest Complex in India and Bhutan, the study also identified the paths used Division. Of the 1,682 sq. km area Sundarbans in India and by tigers within this corridor to pass of the 24 Parganas (South) Forest Bangladesh, and the Terai Arc in between the Corbett Tiger Reserve Division, the field team surveyed India and Nepal. and Ramnagar Forest Division. 982.56 sq. km over a period of more For the first time in history, WWF-India will present detailed than 1,080 work days, covering monitoring activities will be con- analysis of these results to the State diverse habitats such as beaches, ducted in all Tiger Reserves, Forest Department and provide rec- mangrove swamps, and tidal flats. Protected Areas and forest complexes ommendations for regulatory mea- The camera traps captured images of of the Terai Arc Landscape jointly by sures to be implemented on tourism more than 20 individual tigers from the governments of India and Nepal, along this corridor. this forest, which falls outside the in partnership with local NGOs. In Protected Area network, including India, the monitoring activities will Monitoring tigers across borders the presence of a 'melanistic' leopard cover Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, In October 2012, WWF-India joint- cat never recorded before from this Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, ly with partners from Bhutan and area or from anywhere else in the South Kheri Forest Division, India released a report, Tigers Across world. The outcome of this intensive Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, Borders, an outcome of the first camera trapping study has helped Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, Suhelwa combined tiger monitoring study the forest administration in taking a Wildlife Sanctuary, and Valmiki undertaken by Bhutan and India. decision to declare about 556 Tiger Reserve. In Nepal, the Citwan The Trans-boundary Manas of west Sundarban forest as West Parsa complex, the Banke-Bardia ConservationComplex (TMCC) Sundarbans Wildlife Sanctuary, as complex and the Sukhlaphanta straddles Indo-Bhutan border from the area was found to have a good Laljhadi Basanta complex will be Ripu Reserve Forest in India in the tiger population with associated covered. The study of this scale will West to Bhutan's Khaling Wildlife wildlife. The National Tiger help the governments of both coun- Sanctuary in the East and Jigmi Conservation Authority also suggest- tries to plan joint conservation SingyeWangchuck National Park in ed that the study methodology and strategies, and help in establishing the North. The report, released by standards maintained by WWF- wildlife corridors across borders. the Agriculture Minister of Bhutan, India during the survey should be In 2013, 35 sites will be moni- Dr. Pema Gyamtsho during 2nd replicated by all bodies conducting tored across 7 landscapes. These are AMC meet at Thimpu, identified 14 such surveys in the Sundarbans. as follows: individual tigers in the area sampled, Terai Arc Landscape: Ramnagar four of which was common to both The road ahead: Tiger monitoring Forest Division, Ramnagar-terai parks. in 2012-2013 West, Nandaur Valley, Kilpura The study proved that this com- WWF-India will continue tiger Khatima Surai Corridor, plex is an extremely unique and rich monitoring activities in partnership Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, landscape with a variety of wild cats with the state Forest Departments, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, South and a host of different prey species. and the National Tiger Conservation Kheri-Kishanpur-Pilibhit, Valmiki- This could be the only landscape in Authority as part of the annual Phase Suhagibarwa. the world with eight species of cats IV monitoring exercise, to generate Satpuda Maikal Landscape: co-existing in the same area! The base line information on tigers and Satpuda Tiger Reserve, Phen eight species includes the tiger, leop- prey at a national level in Tiger Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanha-Pench ard, clouded leopard, marbled cat, Reserves and forests outside the corridor, Balaghat North and South golden cat, leopard cat, jungle cat Protected Area network in 7 tiger Forest Division, Satpuda-Melghat and fishing cat. A total of 102 pairs landscapes. Monitoring activities corridor. camera traps were used in three will also look at co-predator densities Sundarbans Landscape: 24 ranges covering 400 sq. km. during a such as that of the leopard, clouded Parganas (South) Forest Division, survey period that spanned for 5,955 leopard, hyeana, and fishing cat, sta- Sajnekhali Wildlife Sanctuary. camera trap nights. tus of corridors, dispersal informa- North bank Landscape: Manas tion on tigers, and identification of Tiger Reserve, Bornadi and Tigers in 24-Parganas (South) tiger recovery sites. Results of these Khalingduar Wildlife Sanctuary.


Kaziranga Karbi Anglong Parambikullam Tiger Reserve, Pakke Tiger Reserve, Eastern Landscape: Marat Longri Wildlife Coimbatore Forest Division, Arunachal Forest Division, Mouling Sanctuary, Kaziranga Tiger Reserve, Nilgiris South Forest Division, National Park. Dampa TigerReserve Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Indian Tiger Landscape: Western Ghats-Nilgiris Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Kalakad Ranthambhore Kailadevi corridor, Landscape: Sathyamangalam Mundunthurai Tiger Reserve kailadevi, Ranthambhore Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, Anamali, Western Arunachal Landscape: corridor.


WPSI Tiger Conservation prey species. logue with local communities about Awareness In 2011, the Wildlife Protection their wildlife-related problems. It has Society of India (WPSI) started a tiger proven to be extremely popular, par- Central India, with it rich and exten- conservation awareness programme ticularly in villages that are devoid of sive tiger habitat, remains a target for that is proving to be an excellent tool electronic entertainment. The aim is tiger poachers. The states of to create awareness among communi- to reduce tiger poaching and human- Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh ties and forest staff that live and work wildlife conflict by raising awareness hold the dubious distinction of having in the tiger landscapes of central India. and by addressing any antagonism the maximum number of recorded Operated with the cooperation of the between local people and the author- wildlife crime cases in India. However, Forest Department, the programme is ities. Lists of genuine grievances are this problem can be considerably helping to curb poaching and to also handed over to the Forest reduced if there is a better understand- address a number of other issues. It Department. ing and awareness of the problem. also gives an opportunity to advertise Since April 2011, more than Villagers who live in the remote WPSI's Secret Information Reward 3,125 villagers around Bandhavgarh, fringes of tiger habitats usually do not Scheme which has helped to curb prey Kanha and Tadoba Tiger Reserves realize how rare wild tigers have species poaching. have attended the film shows and become or how they might benefit The programme uses two audio- tiger conservation awareness pro- from protecting tigers, instead of help- visual vans, each painted with a band gramme. It has succeeded in reduc- ing to kill them. They sometimes assist of tiger stripes, that have an indepen- ing the feeling of animosity towards poachers for a monetary award, by dent power system for use even in wildlife, helped speed up compensa- providing food and shelter and by remote areas that do not have elec- tion claims, reduced corruption, and guiding them through the forests to tricity. The vans are systematically generated a significant amount of tiger kills or to areas frequented by taken to all the villages fringing tar- poaching information. The people in tigers. Another critical issue is the geted tiger reserves to screen a local these areas now eagerly look forward rampant poaching of tiger and leopard language wildlife film and to dia- to visits from the WPSI vans.


Wildlife Trade Monitoring Sometimes the information leads to dle men are involved for a single June - December 2012 artificial wildlife products where we product, it is difficult to carry out lose our resources and time. A single sting operation. Field Monitoring Activities: tiger skin could have 5 middlemen Sometime the middlemen on All field monitoring actions do not trying to sell the same product. And behalf of poachers/traders invite us to turn into success stories. Although the middlemen make sure that 'buy- see the product at far location which WCN field network is well estab- ers' do not get close to the source could be 200 km away from lished, information from different because their chance of getting com- Kathmandu. Once we reach the place sources has some truth bearing. mission is zero. So when many mid- in the evening, they promise us to


Wildlife trade monitoring operations of June-December, 2012 ten percent are successful. WCN has a Successful Wildlife Trade Monitoring Operations of June-December, 2012 track record of being successful in Month Location Persons Days Total more than thirty percent of surveil- Man days lance. June Sallaghari, Bhaktapur 9 1 9 June Phaperbari, Makawanpur 8 1 8 Wildlife Trade July Sunachari divide, Manahari, Makawanpur 13 3 39 September Balaju, Kathmandu 11 1 11 a. Tiger skin September Chanlakhel, Kathmandu 14 1 14 With the support and direct intelli- November Bhandara, Chitwan 8 1 8 gence provided by WCN, Nepal December Malekhu, Gajuri-2, Dhading 8 1 8 Police seized a tiger skin from December Manmaiju, Kathmandu 12 1 12 Bardaghat, Nawalparasi. Four people Total 109 were arrested in connection with the sale of the skin. This assignment took Unsuccessful Wildilife Trade Monitoring Operations of June- December, 2012 us more than six weeks. Information Month Location Persons Days Total Man days was collected from Kathmandu and June Jhapa 2 10 20 Dhading and the seizure took place in June Morang 3 5 15 Nawalparasi 200 km away from July Makawanpur 1 7 7 Kathmandu. July Narayanghat,Chitwan 3 8 24 August Banke, Bardia, Kailali and Kanchanpur 3 15 45 b. Tiger bones August Sindhupalchowk 1 10 10 A team comprising of Central September Goldhunga, Kathmandu 2 10 20 Investigation Bureau and WCN left October Narayanghat, Chitwan 1 10 10 for Hetauda, close to Chitwan October Birgunj, Parsa 2 3 6 November Kapilvastu 9 3 27 National Park and Parsa Wildlife November Kavre 4 2 8 Reserve was later joined by the anti- December Kohalpur, Banke 3 5 15 poaching unit of Chitwan National Total 207 Park. It took 3 days to arrest a person associated with the tiger poaching. There were 10 poachers with 2 sacks containing tiger skin and bones. If the show the goods tomorrow. But tomor- wasted when we find the wildlife enforcement agencies had patience the row never comes. In few crime cases, product to be spurious. There is no whole poachers along with the tiger we have been made to wait for a week law in the country that can take action skin could have been seized. The error with enforcement agencies (Nepal against such products. The enforce- in this case was that transaction was Police, Crime Branch or Central ment agencies can arrests and seize the being done on the main road with Investigation Bureau). The excuse is product but eventually the traders are both sides having forest. The poachers that the business will be conducted released on bail. Of all monitoring simply vanished into the forest leaving next day and then someone from the cases, our success rate is about 30-35 behind a sack containing tiger bones. poachers' side falls sick, and they need percent. WCN has a track record of According to our field intelligence, money in advance which we can never producing thirty percent of surveil- the tiger was poisoned because it had retrieve. Such syndromes are very lance turning to successful seizures. killed a goat and the villagers poisoned common amongst traders and poach- One man day means 12 hours it. This happened 2 months back. The ers as they want higher profit by wast- involvement at the field and some of search for the skin is still on. ing our time. These days to increase the successful stories are given below our efficiency we ask images of the in a table format. c. Tiger skin and Red Panda Skin product to be sent through email All field activities have been sum- WCN field unit were in contact with attachment. The middlemen are com- marized in the table below. To con- a business man from Kathmandu who puter savvy and the photos are for- duct a single operation it takes more knew a tiger skin was available in warded immediately through MMS. than 20 days of developing relation; Balaju, Kathmandu. The owner want- field surveillance of 5 to 7 days, fixing ed this deal to be done secretly because Controlling crime dates for transactions of wildlife prod- the product belonged to a former All the monitoring activities enlisted ucts, 3 days. This depends largely on bureaucrat. The business man wanted in the given figure below are the work the middlemen, wildlife agents and his commission. With the support of of WCN producing results. To con- brokers who initiate the dialogue for CIB, a tiger skin and a red panda skin duct a single operation takes many selling the product. Sometime we act were seized along with the business days of surveillance and depends large- independently through our own man Kirti Narayan Man Singh on ly on our monitoring unit. Our time is source. Of all monitoring cases only September 24, 2012.



Seven arrested for tiger killing had been poached and the skin CWRC. "Presently the tiger is in good and illegal trade in south removed. This was the fourth tiger health and has become very popular at India skin seized in Karnataka this year. the Bhopal Zoo because of its charis- matic looks. It is expected to con- Mysore, October 22, 2012: The tribute to the National Tiger Karnataka Forest Department and Hand-raised tiger travels from Conservation Breeding program in Karnataka Forest Criminal Assam to Chhattisgarh the Zoo," he added. Investigation Department, with the Kaziranga (Assam), August 31, "Rehabilitation of hand-raised assistance of Wildlife Trust of India 2012: tigers is not popular in India as there (WTI), seized a tiger skin and bone are reports of the released tiger losing from the BRT range (Biligiri A female tiger cub, hand-raised at the fear of humans," said Dr NVK Ashraf, Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Chief Veterinarian, WTI. "Raipur Sanctuary). Seven suspects were arrest- Conservation (CWRC) in Assam, is Zoo expressed their interest to have ed over a two-day period. The skin being moved to Nandan Zoo in the tiger cub and they formally sent a was about a year-old and belonged to Raipur, Chattisgarh today. letter through CZA (Central Zoo a four year old male tiger, 6.91 feet in The cub was found alone by forest Authority) following which we length. guards, who picked it up to avert arranged for the transfer of the cub." The accused have been booked chances of predation on October 21, The 2100 km journey from and are currently under judicial cus- 2011 while patrolling in Burapahar CWRC to Nandan Van Zoo which tody. The prosecution is being assisted Range of Kaziranga National Park. started this afternoon will be complet- by Voice for Wildlife. The Assam Forest Department team, ed in four days. The Karnataka authorities had assisted by International Fund for "The tiger has been confined in a been aware for some time of a profes- Animal Welfare - Wildlife Trust of specially-designed crate and is on its sional gang trading in tiger parts, India (IFAW-WTI) staff made various way to Guwahati by road. It will operational in the area. After a stint of attempts to reunite the cub with its spend the night in Assam State Zoo information gathering using a decoy mother for the following four days by and will be transported to Raipur by customer, the authorities received con- keeping it in a make-shift shelter at the train," said Dr Rathin Barman, firmation of a tiger skin in the gang's site where the cub was found. Five Advisor, WTI. possession, near the Kollegal range. camera traps were deployed to record "The cub will be loaded on a ded- They laid a trap and apprehended the any movement of animals around the icated parcel van of the Saraighat main suspect Somman with his gang, shelter where the cub was kept Express tomorrow morning, that will of four others, near Kunthur village, overnight. Though some tiger move- depart Guwahati at 12 noon," said Dr about 60 km from Mysore on ments were recorded in the vicinity by Jay Kishore Jadiya, Forest Veterinary Thursday evening. the camera traps, none was recorded Officer, Nandan Van Zoo. "Two forest The gang members confessed to near the make-shift cage. As the cub guards and two animal keepers will be killing the tiger with poisoned meat was getting weak, it was shifted to the travelling together with the cub to near the BRT WLS. They also IFAW-WTI run centre for hand-rais- ensure the safety of the tiger," he revealed the names of the other two ing on October 26. added. people involved in the illegal trade "This is the second time that a "The cub is in good health and has and poaching along with them, who hand raised tiger is being moved from been screened for diseases and para- were subsequently arrested on CWRC outside Assam. Last year we sites," said Dr Abhijit Bhawal, the Friday. sent a male adult tiger from CWRC to CWRC veterinarian who along with This was a successful operation Van Vihar Zoo in Bhopal," said Sanjib Dr Reetika Maheshwari and Dr with the enforcement agency being Kumar Bora, Director - Kaziranga Nupur Buragohain hand raised the able to trace the spot where the tiger National Park, and Project Leader - cub.







Of the GTF

1. Five officers, one from Bangladesh, two each from Bhutan and Vietnam, sponsored by GTF supported from the RTCF grant of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, have successfully completed the 3 Months Certificate course of training in Wildlife Management at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, on 31st January 2012 and have returned back to their countries.

2. The GTF and IFAW/WTI jointly organised a "Tiger Watch" programme in India between 4th to 15th February 2012. Under this programme two Russian Wildlife Inspectors visited tiger reserves in India and learned about tiger conservation efforts in India.

3. The GTF sponsored one Indian participant in the PROTECT-Managers Course organised by FREELAND Foundation at Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2012.

4. Technical Staff of GTF visited Indonesia on 123-26 April 2012, and assisted them in finalizing their National Tiger Monitoring Framework and in setting up GTF National Core Group

5. The Global Tiger Forum in collaboration with the National Tiger Conservation Authority, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, the Global Tiger Initiative and the World Bank organised the 1st Stock Taking meeting of Senior Officials and Experts to Review the Implementation of the Global Tiger Recovery Programme at New Delhi, India, between 15 - 17 May 2012.

6. GTF delegates participated in the 1st meeting of South Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN) at Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 4-6 June 2012.

7. Mr S.P. Yadav, DIG (NTCA), represented the Secretary General, GTF, in the High- Level Event: Global Tiger Initiative: Outcomes and Challenges, held at Washington D.C., USA, in June 2012.


Category A: Tiger Range Countries. Category E: National Non Government Organisation 1. India 2. Bangladesh 3. Cambodia 4. Nepal 5. Bhutan 1. Ranthambhore Foundation, India 6. Myanmar 7. Vietnam 2. Tiger Research and Conservation Trust- India 3. Wildlife Protection Society of India Category B: Non Tiger Range Countries. 4. Wildlife Trust of India 1. United Kingdom 5. Corbett Foundation, India 6. National Trust for Nature Conservation - Nepal Category C: International Non Government 7. Wildlife Conservation Nepal, Nepal Organisation. 8. Centre for Wildlife Studies, India 1. International Fund for Animal Welfare 2. TRAFFIC International Category F:Associate Members 3. WWF International 1. The US Fish and Wildlife Service Special invitee status Category D: Honorary Individuals. 1. IUCN

46 December 2012