Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local and Regional Food in the South Baltic Region

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local and Regional Food in the South Baltic Region Interdisciplinary perspectives on local and regional food in the South Baltic Region Edited by: Anton Petrenko Bitte Müller-Hansen Interdisciplinary perspectives on local and regional food in the South Baltic Region Edited by: Anton Petrenko Bitte Müller-Hansen Kristianstad University Press Print: 2015 ISBN: 978-91-981338-6-8 Kristianstad University Press 2015:05 © Sarah Østergaard Brandt, Philipp Brinkmann, Indre Butiene, And-reas Diettrich, Andreas Håkansson, Bitte Müller-Hansen, Birthe Kofoed Mortensen, Janet Martens, Viktoria Olsson, Anton Petrenko, Britta Will, Björn Ylipää About cover pictures: Gunnarshögs gård Graphic design and cover: Mejra Ferhatbegovic, Kristianstad University Photographers: Hans Jonsson and Gunnar Nydrén Print: Taberg, 2015 About this book: this publication was partly funded by the EU South Baltic Program ISBN: 978-91-981338-6-8 Kristianstad University Press 2015:05 © 2015 Sarah Østergaard Brandt, Philipp Brinkmann, Indre Butiene, And- reas Diettrich, Andreas Håkansson, Bitte Müller-Hansen, Birthe Kofoed Mortensen, Janet Martens, Viktoria Olsson, Anton Petrenko, Britta Will, Björn Ylipää 2 Table of content Contributors ........................................................................ 5 Introduction Anton Petrenko ..................................................... 9 Part I: National perspectives on local and regional food from the South Baltic ....................................................... 21 Chapter 1: History, current state and future trends of local and regional food in Lithuania Dr. Indre Butiene .......... 23 Chapter 2: local and regional food in Denmark Sarah Östergaard Brandt ....................................................................... 33 Chapter 3: Local and regional food - perspectives from the south Baltic region of Sweden Viktoria Olsson ............. 43 Chapter 4: The current state and future capability of the local and regional food system in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania Philipp Brinkmann ................................................. 57 Part II: Social and economic benefits of local and regional food ...................................................................... 69 Chapter 5: The quality of local and regional food Viktoria Olsson and Sarah Østergaard Brandt ............................................... 71 Chapter 6: What makes local food attractive to consumers? Andreas Håkansson ............................................. 85 Chapter 7: Health aspects of local and regional food Dr. Indre Butiene ............................................................................ 95 Chapter 8: Is local and regional food an environmentally friendly food production? Dr. Indre Butiene ....................... 111 Part III: Best practices and lessons learned in local and regional food .................................................................... 119 Chapter 9: How to use networks successfully in the context of local and regional food production? Philipp Brinkmann ............................................................................ 121 Chapter 10: How to use Storytelling as a tool for regional food promotion Björn Ylipää ............................................... 131 3 Chapter 11: Learning from each other: Learning in Cooperations and Networks Andreas Diettrich and Britta Will 143 Part IV: Cases .................................................................. 155 Chapter 12: Local Food and Industrial Large Scale Production Andreas Håkansson ............................................. 157 Chapter 13: Networking and Quality work among local food producers in Scania, Sweden Bitte Müller-Hansen ...... 167 Chapter 14: Microbreweries in Denmark Sarah Østergaard Brandt and Birthe Kofoed Mortensen .............................................. 178 Chapter 15: Regional Added Value – A Case Study of a Company in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania - Philipp Brinkmann and Janet Martens ..................................................... 184 Conclusion Anton Petrenko .................................................. 188 4 Contributors Sarah Østergaard Brandt worked as an external lecturer in Nutrition and Health at University College Zealand. Her background is MSc in Gastronomy and Health from University of Copenhagen and BSc in Sports Science and Health from University of Southern Denmark. Her interests lie with sensory science and food quality. Philipp Brinkmann worked for Münster University of Applied Sciences/Germany and Justus Liebig University Gießen/Germany. He has a diploma- degree in “nutritional science and home econo- mics” as well as a master-degree in “public he- alth”. His interest lies on sustainability and pub- lic health nutrition. Indre Butiene is a lecturer of “Environment and health” and “Applied nutrition” at Health Sci- ences faculty, Klaipeda University, Lithuania. She has a background in biomedical sciences (PhD and MD in General Paediatrics and Paedi- atric Pulmonology-allergology). Her theses has been on prevalence and risk factors for food allergy and research interest is environmental impact on health, especially air pollution, climate change and nutrition. 5 Dr. Andreas Diettrich is a Professor and Holder of the Chair of Business, Economics and Entre- preneurship Education at the University of Rostock, Germany. He is interested in teaching and learning arrangements as well as the profess- ionalization of teachers and trainers in vocation- al education and training. Andreas Håkansson is a lecturer in Food and Meal science at Kristianstad University, Sweden. He has a background in Food Engineering (PhD and MSc in Engineering from Lund University) and Economics (BSc in Economics from Lund University). His research interests include eco- nomical perspectives on consumer critique in the food sector and mechanistic investigations of large scale food processing equipment. His interest in local and regional food primarily stems from the relation to the critique of indust- rial food production. Bitte Müller-Hansen is Program Director of the Bachelor program in Food and Meal Science at Kristianstad University, Sweden. She has a back- ground as a consultant in Food Safety and Envi- ronmental Safety with MSc in Quality Manage- ment and Leadership and BA in Work Science. Her theses has been on the subject of small scale companies and especially women as entrepre- neurs. 6 Birthe Kofoed Mortensen works as an lecturer in Nutrition and Health at University College Zea- land. My background is Food Science from University of Copenhagen, KU Science. My interests are food quality including sensory sci- ence and nutrition. Viktoria Olsson is a lecturer in Food and Meal science at Kristianstad University, Sweden. Vik- toria is a food scientist, trained at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (AgrD and MSc in Food Science). Her scientific interest is directed towards food quality and its role in sustainable meal experiences throughout life. Anton Petrenko if REGFOOD project manager at University College Zealand and Lector in Inter- national Relations and Comparative Politics at University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University and Danish Institute for Studies Abroad. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Copenhagen and Northwestern University (2014), M.A. in Comparative Public Policy from Bowling Green State University and (1996), M.A. in European Studies from Central Euro- pean University (1994). His interests lie with comparative public policy of industrialized countries and regional development. 7 Britta Will is a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Chair of Business, Econo- mics and Entrepreneurship Education at the University of Rostock, Germany. She studied International Vocational Educat- ion (M. Sc. – 2013) and Business Educat- ion (Diploma – 2009). She is interested in aspects of internationalization and mobi- lity in Vocational Education and Training. Björn Ylipää is a part time Bsc Lecturer in Food and Meal science at Kristianstad University, Sweden. He has a background as an entrepreneur for over thirty years in the food and meal. After studies at the Culinary Arts and meal Science at the University of Örebro he started the com- pany Måltidsvision that Works with Storytelling by food and is now the crea- tive director at the company. 8 Introduction Anton Petrenko What is local and regional food and why is it important for the South Baltic? Processes of globalization have long been spurring the diffusion of “bulk” or large- scale production in the food sector of industrialized countries at the expense of local and regional food (Smil et al. 2001; Paarlberg, 2013). However, there has since recently arisen a renewed interest among customers, producers and authorities in local and regional food that is environmentally and economically sustainable (Fro- martz, 2006; McWilliams, 2009; Ronald & Adamchak 2008). This development presents an opportunity for the South Baltic region to promote local and regional food production and marketing and, thereby, contribute to its economic develop- ment and competitiveness. The new business opportunity for South Baltic region may be realized if core features of the South Baltic regional food are clearly articula- ted by re-coupling South Baltic regional and local food products with their unique regional and local identities (i.e. climate, geography, history and local craftsmans- hip). At the same time, the South Baltic regional food sector still needs educated and skilled workforce trained in regional and local food. This anthology seeks to relate to these opportunities and
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