Lithuania S Fight for Freedom .Pdf
LITHUANIA'S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM by E. J. HARRISON Fonnerly British V ice-Consu l in Kaunas and Vilnius Author 0/ " Li thuania Past and Present", " Lithuania 1928," etc. Or igin ally pub lished by THE FEDERATION OF LITHUANIAN SOCIETIES IN GREAT BRITAIN November 1944 Reprinted with Au thor's Permission by Till'; LITHUANIAN AMERICAN I N FOI~oM A TI ON CENTEH New York, Februa ry 194:> Reprodu ced, by permi s sion of the Columbia Uni versity Press, from Th e Economic Reconstruction oi Lithuania alter 1918, by Anicetas Simutis, New York, 1942. The total area of Lithu ania, including the Klai peda-Memel Distri ct, and the Vilnius region as spec ified in th e P eace Tr eaty with Russia of July 12, 1920, accounts for approx. 34.000 square miles with a popu lation a little over 4,000,000. The Klaipeda district it self comprises 1,100 sq. miles with 154,000 inhabit ant s. Th e Vilnius region embrace"s 12,448 sq. miles with a population of 1.600,000. Due to th e Po lish aggression of 1920, Lithu ania was left with ap prox. 21,500 sq. miles of territory and 2,500,000 in habitants,- an area larger _lW,WAT$ than Belgium, Holland, AlOTT 0 TIMI'OlAI'YCAl'lTM Den mark or Estonia. • DII'WCT YOWMI • emu TOWHS teAU' 1. 1000.000 INTRODUCTORY REM ARK S To THE A M ERI CAN EDITIO N Lithuania is the largest and most populated of the three Baltic States, the other two bein g Latvia an d Estonia.
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