„ IntroductionIntroduction „ PARTPART II--PhasesPhases ofof StructureStructure FiresFires „ PARTPART IIII--RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction „ PARTPART IIIIII--TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations „ PARTPART IVIV--VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION

„ AA considerableconsiderable portionportion ofof thethe annualannual lossloss ofof lifelife andand propertyproperty isis aa directdirect resultresult ofof thethe lacklack ofof timely,timely, effectiveeffective ventilationventilation „ 80%80% ofof allall firefire fatalitiesfatalities areare duedue toto smokesmoke inhalationinhalation „ MoreMore thanthan oneone--halfhalf ofof thethe nationsnations firefire lossloss isis aa directdirect resultresult ofof smokesmoke andand heatheat damagedamage „ VentilationVentilation hashas aa directdirect effecteffect onon allall aspectsaspects ofof firefire fightingfighting strategiesstrategies PARTPART II


„ StructureStructure firesfires progressprogress throughthrough threethree basicbasic phases:phases: –– IncipientIncipient oror BeginningBeginning PhasePhase –– SteadySteady StateState oror FreeFree--BurningBurning PhasePhase –– HotHot SmolderingSmoldering PhasePhase „ PhasesPhases ofof FireFire


„ OxygenOxygen contentcontent approximatelyapproximately 21%.21%. „ CarbonCarbon dioxide,dioxide, sulfursulfur dioxide,dioxide, carboncarbon monoxidemonoxide andand waterwater vaporvapor produced.produced. „ TheThe flameflame temperaturetemperature cancan bebe aboveabove 10001000 degrees,degrees, whilewhile roomroom temperaturetemperature maymay onlyonly bebe slightlyslightly elevated.elevated. „ PhasesPhases ofof firefire


„ AdequateAdequate oxygenoxygen andand fuelfuel sustainsustain freefree-- burningburning andand firefire growthgrowth toto thethe pointpoint ofof fullfull involvementinvolvement ofof area/.area/room. –– MushroomingMushrooming –– FlashoverFlashover „ PhasesPhases ofof FireFire


„ MushroomingMushrooming –– SmokeSmoke andand gasesgases areare heated.heated. –– IfIf confinedconfined toto aa roomroom oror ,building, theythey willwill riserise toto thethe uppermostuppermost level.level. –– CoolerCooler airair isis displaceddisplaced downdown towardstowards thethe fire,fire, providingproviding oxygenoxygen andand sustainingsustaining combustion.combustion. –– AsAs circulationcirculation occurs,occurs, heatedheated smokesmoke andand gasesgases buildbuild internalinternal pressurepressure thatthat continuecontinue toto riserise andand spreadspread laterally.laterally. „ PhasesPhases ofof FireFire


„ FlashoverFlashover –– AA simultaneoussimultaneous ignitionignition overover thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe roomroom oror area.area. –– OccursOccurs whenwhen thethe heatheat fromfrom thethe firefire raisesraises thethe temperaturetemperature ofof thethe contentscontents toto theirtheir ignitionignition temperatures.temperatures. –– TheThe ignitionignition happenshappens inin anan instant.instant. –– EffectsEffects maymay bebe deadlydeadly toto firefightersfirefighters „ PhasesPhases ofof FireFire


„ IfIf thethe freefree--burningburning statestate remainsremains unun--vented,vented, thethe firefire progressesprogresses intointo thethe hothot smolderingsmoldering phase.phase. –– LowLow oxygenoxygen levelslevels withwith littlelittle oror nono flameflame production.production. –– TemperaturesTemperatures inin excessexcess ofof 10001000 degrees.degrees. –– DenseDense blackblack smoke,smoke, thatthat pressurizespressurizes thethe area.area. –– IntenseIntense heatheat continuescontinues toto vaporizevaporize lighterlighter fuels.fuels. –– TheseThese gasesgases greatlygreatly increaseincrease thethe chancechance ofof aa backdraft.backdraft. „ PhasesPhases ofof FireFire HOTHOT SMOLDERINGSMOLDERING PHASEPHASE

„ BackdraftBackdraft –– AA confinedconfined areaarea thatthat isis teemingteeming withwith pressurized,pressurized, heatedheated andand flammableflammable gases.gases. –– TheThe introductionintroduction ofof oxygenoxygen toto thisthis fuelfuel--richrich environmentenvironment willwill resultresult inin anan explosionexplosion ofof significantsignificant intensity.intensity. –– EffectsEffects maymay bebe deadlydeadly toto firefightersfirefighters PartPart IIII


„ TheThe firefightersfirefighters abilityability toto safelysafely andand efficientlyefficiently ventilateventilate aa buildingbuilding throughthrough thethe roofroof willwill dependdepend toto somesome degreedegree onon hishis understandingunderstanding ofof roofroof constructionconstruction „ ItIt isis essentialessential thatthat firefightersfirefighters becomebecome familiarfamiliar withwith thethe existingexisting andand newlynewly constructedconstructed buildingsbuildings withinwithin theirtheir responseresponse areaarea RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

„ ConventionalConventional VSVS LightweightLightweight CONVENTIONALCONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction ConventionalConventional ConstructionConstruction

„ StructuralStructural membersmembers dependdepend onon sizesize forfor strength.strength. „ LessLess surfacesurface areaarea exposedexposed toto „ TheThe largerlarger thethe sizesize ofof aa structuralstructural member,member, thethe longerlonger itit willwill taketake toto failfail whenwhen exposedexposed toto „ PotentiallyPotentially longerlonger burnburn timetime resultsresults inin aa greatergreater windowwindow ofof safetysafety forfor firefire fighters.fighters. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction ArchedArched TrussesTrusses

„ BuildingsBuildings builtbuilt duringduring thethe 19301930’’ss andand 19401940’’ss commonlycommonly usedused trusstruss

„ TrussTruss membersmembers havehave thethe samesame strengthstrength relationshipsrelationships asas lightweightlightweight onlyonly muchmuch stronger.stronger. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction BridgeBridge TrussesTrusses

„ BuildingsBuildings builtbuilt inin thethe 19201920’’ss--19401940’’ss notnot asas commoncommon asas thethe archarch „ RoofsRoofs varyvary inin sizesize andand slightlyslightly inin designdesign „ TopTop surfacesurface isis basicallybasically aa flatflat roofroof „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction ConventionalConventional ResidentialResidential „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction ConventionalConventional ResidentialResidential „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

RAFTERSRAFTERS ANDAND SPACESPACE SHEETINGSHEETING „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction ConventionalConventional ConstructionConstruction

„ FirefighterFirefighter ConcernsConcerns –– GenerallyGenerally soundsound constructionconstruction –– StrongestStrongest areasareas ofof thesethese roofsroofs areare ridges,ridges, hips,hips, valleys,valleys, overover trussestrusses andand wherewhere raftersrafters crosscross outsideoutside wallswalls –– SizeSize ofof structuralstructural membermember dictatesdictates firefire exposureexposure timetime priorprior toto failurefailure –– HeatHeat holesholes areare acceptableacceptable andand preferredpreferred withwith thisthis typetype ofof constructionconstruction „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

LIGHTWEIGHTLIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction LightweightLightweight construction:construction:

„ DoesDoes notnot derivederive itsits strengthstrength fromfrom size.size. „ StrengthStrength obtainedobtained fromfrom multiplemultiple membersmembers inin compressioncompression andand tension.tension. „ InvolvesInvolves thethe useuse ofof lessless firefire resistiveresistive materials.materials. „ ProvidesProvides lessless timetime toto ventilateventilate beforebefore thethe roofroof becomesbecomes unstable.unstable. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction LightweightLightweight ConstructionConstruction

„ GeneralGeneral RulesRules –– ExpectExpect earlyearly andand completecomplete collapsecollapse –– NoNo heatheat holesholes –– CutCut ventvent holesholes wellwell aheadahead ofof firefire –– 3/83/8--1/21/2”” deckingdecking offersoffers littlelittle resistanceresistance toto firefire –– TimeTime onon thesethese roofsroofs isis veryvery limitedlimited „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction MajorMajor typestypes ofof LightweightLightweight roofroof constructionconstruction

„ MetalMetal GussetGusset PlatePlate Trusses.Trusses. „ WoodenWooden ““II”” Beam.Beam. „ OpenOpen WebWeb Truss.Truss. „ OpenOpen WebWeb SteelSteel JoistJoist „ PanelizedPanelized „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction MetalMetal GussetGusset PlatePlate Trusses:Trusses:

„ CommonCommon inin residentialresidential andand commercialcommercial .buildings. „ UsuallyUsually 22”” xx 44”” lumberlumber buttbutt jointedjointed andand heldheld togethertogether byby metalmetal gussetgusset platesplates commonlycommonly knownknown asas ““ganggang nailnail”” whichwhich areare 3/83/8”” inin depth.depth. „ CharacterizedCharacterized byby aa toptop (compression)(compression) chordchord andand bottombottom (tension)(tension) chord.chord. „ SpansSpans upup toto 8080’’ withwith trussestrusses 22’’ onon centercenter „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction LightweightLightweight CommercialCommercial

„ MetalMetal gussetgusset plateplate „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction MetalMetal GussetGusset PlatesPlates „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction MetalMetal GussetGusset PlatesPlates

––BurnBurn testtest--structuralstructural collapsecollapse 1min.1min. 2020 sec.withsec.with directdirect flameflame impingementimpingement „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction MetalMetal GussetGusset platesplates

„ FirefighterFirefighter ConcernsConcerns –– GussetGusset platesplates increaseincrease charringcharring atat jointsjoints resultingresulting inin failurefailure –– BottomBottom chordchord oror webweb failurefailure causescauses trusstruss failurefailure –– OpenOpen spacespace betweenbetween chordschords promotespromotes firefire spreadspread „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction WoodenWooden ““II”” Beam:Beam:

„ TopTop andand bottombottom chordchord ofof 22”” xx 33”” oror 22”” xx 44””.. „ TheThe stemstem isis normallynormally 3/83/8”” plywoodplywood oror OSBOSB gluedglued inin „ CommonCommon spacingspacing isis 22’’ onon „ StrongestStrongest locationlocation isis wherewhere thethe roofroof meetsmeets thethe exteriorexterior .wall. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

WoodenWooden ““II”” BeamBeam „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction WoodenWooden ““II”” BeamBeam

„ BurnBurn testtest--structuralstructural collapsecollapse 33 min.min. 1515 sec.sec. WithWith directdirect flameflame impingement.impingement. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction WoodenWooden ““II”” BeamBeam

„ FirefighterFirefighter ConcernsConcerns –– StemStem hashas veryvery littlelittle relativerelative massmass andand burnsburns toto failurefailure quickly.quickly. –– ““PokePoke throughthrough”” constructionconstruction reducesreduces trusstruss strengthstrength andand promotespromotes firefire spreadspread „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb Trusses:Trusses:

„ WoodenWooden toptop andand bottombottom chordchord crosscross connectedconnected byby steelsteel tubetube webweb members.members. „ 2x32x3 oror 2x42x4 chordschords withwith spansspans ofof upup toto 7070’’.. „ NormalNormal spacingspacing isis 22’’ onon „ StrongestStrongest locationlocation isis wherewhere thethe roofroof meetsmeets thethe exteriorexterior wall.wall. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

OpenOpen webweb

““FreeFree hanginghanging”” bottombottom cordscords „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb Trusses:Trusses:

„ StructuralStructural collapsecollapse 44 min.min. 3030 sec.sec. WithWith directdirect flameflame impingement.impingement. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb TrussesTrusses

„ FirefightingFirefighting ConcernsConcerns –– ThisThis isis thethe mostmost lightweightlightweight ofof trusstruss constructionconstruction –– SteelSteel isis goodgood conductorconductor ofof heatheat –– OpenOpen spacespace betweenbetween cordscords promotespromotes firefire spreadspread „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb SteelSteel JoistJoist

„ SteelSteel toptop andand bottombottom chordschords usuallyusually 1/81/8”” angleangle ironiron „ WebsWebs 1/81/8”” angleangle ironiron oror 5/85/8”” solidsolid barsbars „ CorrugatedCorrugated metalmetal deckingdecking isis commonlycommonly usedused withwith thesethese trussestrusses „ OftenOften configuredconfigured inin aa ““panelizedpanelized”” fashionfashion „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb SteelSteel JoistJoist „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction

OpenOpen WebWeb SteelSteel JoistJoist „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction OpenOpen WebWeb SteelSteel JoistJoist

„ FirefighterFirefighter ConcernsConcerns –– SteelSteel exposedexposed toto heatheat cancan distortdistort andand failfail –– ConsiderConsider rotaryrotary sawssaws withwith carbidecarbide bladesblades forfor cuttingcutting steelsteel deckingdecking –– FireFire maymay traveltravel inin horizontalhorizontal openingsopenings ofof metalmetal deckingdecking „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction PanelizedPanelized ConstructionConstruction

„ ConsistConsist ofof large,large, laminatedlaminated beamsbeams spacedspaced 1212’’ toto 4040’’.. „ BeamsBeams cancan spanspan wellwell overover 100100’’.. „ PurlinsPurlins withwith metalmetal hangershangers onon 88’’ centers.centers. „ PurlinsPurlins maymay bebe timbertimber oror trusstruss designdesign „ 22”” xx 44”” raftersrafters 22’’ onon centers.centers. „ DeckingDecking isis usuallyusually 1/21/2”” plywood.plywood. „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction PanelizedPanelized ConstructionConstruction „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction


„ PanelizedPanelized roofs:roofs: –– StructuralStructural collapsecollapse 55 min.min. 2020 sec.sec. WithWith directdirect flameflame impingementimpingement „ RoofRoof ConstructionConstruction PanelizedPanelized ConstructionConstruction

„ FirefighterFirefighter ConcernsConcerns –– SteelSteel beambeam supportssupports weakenweaken andand failfail resultingresulting inin suddensudden collapsecollapse ofof largelarge portionsportions ofof roofroof –– FoilFoil insulationinsulation addsadds toto firefire spreadspread –– StrongestStrongest areasareas areare overover beams,beams, purlinspurlins andand perimeterperimeter ofof buildingbuilding ROOFROOF CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION

RoofRoof StylesStyles andand DesignsDesigns „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ThereThere areare threethree basicbasic stylesstyles ofof roofroof designdesign

„ PitchedPitched roofsroofs „ ArchedArched roofsroofs „ FlatFlat roofsroofs „ RoofRoof StylesStyles PitchedPitched RoofRoof DesignDesign

„ GableGable „ HipHip „ ShedShed „ BridgeBridge TrussTruss „ MansardMansard „ GambrelGambrel „ RoofRoof StylesStyles GableGable

„ BasicBasic AA--frameframe designdesign withwith thethe roofroof pitchedpitched inin twotwo opposingopposing planes.planes. „ MayMay utilizeutilize conventionalconventional oror lightweightlightweight „ CoveredCovered byby shake,shake, ,tile, rock,rock, composition,composition, etc.etc. andand supportedsupported byby sheathingsheathing oror plywood.plywood. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles PITCHEDPITCHED ROOFROOF LINESLINES „ RoofRoof StylesStyles PitchedPitched RoofRoof withwith dormersdormers „ RoofRoof StylesStyles HipHip

„ SimilarSimilar toto thethe gablegable roof,roof, butbut lackslacks thethe AA-- frameframe configuration.configuration. „ TwoTwo setssets ofof opposingopposing pitchespitches wherewhere thethe roofroof slopesslopes downdown toto meetmeet everyevery outsideoutside wall.wall. „ MayMay utilizeutilize conventionalconventional oror lightweightlightweight „ RoofRoof StylesStyles HipHip RoofRoof „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ShedShed

„ ThisThis stylestyle isis essentiallyessentially halfhalf aa gablegable roof.roof. „ MayMay utilizeutilize conventionalconventional oror lightweightlightweight „ RoofRoof StylesStyles BridgeBridge TrussTruss

„ EasilyEasily identifiedidentified byby itsits characteristiccharacteristic slopingsloping ends.ends. „ WoodenWooden trusstruss membersmembers areare 22”” xx 1212”” andand constituteconstitute aa heavyheavy gradegrade ofof „ RaftersRafters areare 22”” xx 66”” oror largerlarger andand coveredcovered byby 11”” xx 66”” sheathingsheathing andand composition.composition. BridgedBridged trusstruss concealedconcealed byby supportedsupported facadefacade „ RoofRoof StylesStyles BridgedBridged TrussTruss „ RoofRoof StylesStyles BridgeBridge TrussesTrusses „ RoofRoof StylesStyles BridgeBridge TrussesTrusses „ RoofRoof StylesStyles MansardMansard

„ ThisThis roofroof hashas aa doubledouble slopeslope onon eacheach ofof itsits fourfour sides.sides. „ TheThe lowerlower slopeslope isis steepersteeper thanthan thethe upperupper slope.slope. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ArchedArched RoofRoof DesignDesign

„ RibbedRibbed archarch „ LamellaLamella roofroof „ BowstringBowstring archarch GambrelGambrel

„ PitchedPitched roofroof withwith twotwo plansplans onon eacheach sideside „ LowerLower plansplans areare steepersteeper thanthan upperupper planplan „ DifficultDifficult toto ladder,ladder, roofroof ladderladder usuallyusually requiredrequired „ LowerLower planplan maymay makemake upup interiorinterior wallwall GambrelGambrel „ RoofRoof StylesStyles RibbedRibbed ArchArch TrussTruss

„ SimilarSimilar toto BridgeBridge TrussTruss exceptexcept thatthat thethe toptop chordchord isis arched.arched. „ LargeLarge woodenwooden membersmembers ofof 22”” xx 1212”” toto 22”” xx 1414””.. „ RaftersRafters (2(2”” xx 66”” oror more)more) areare coveredcovered withwith 11”” xx 66”” sheathingsheathing andand compositioncomposition roofingroofing material.material. „ EarlyEarly collapsecollapse isis notnot aa primaryprimary concern.concern. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ArchedArched TrussTruss RoofsRoofs „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ArchedArched TrussesTrusses „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ArchedArched TrussesTrusses „ RoofRoof StylesStyles ArchedArched TrussTruss

–– ThisThis roofroof predictablypredictably failsfails inin sections.sections. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles LamellaLamella RoofsRoofs

„ EggEgg--crate,crate, geometricgeometric oror diamonddiamond--patternedpatterned roof.roof. „ RoofRoof deckingdecking isis 11 xx 66 sheathing.sheathing. „ CommonCommon onon gymnasiums,gymnasiums, supermarketssupermarkets andand recreationalrecreational buildings.buildings. „ TotalTotal roofroof collapsecollapse maymay occuroccur ifif firefire removesremoves moremore thanthan 20%20% ofof roofroof structure.structure. „ FailureFailure resultsresults fromfrom thethe ““dominodomino effect.effect.”” „ RoofRoof StylesStyles LamellaLamella RoofRoof „ RoofRoof StylesStyles LamellaLamella RoofRoof LamellaLamella ““TellTell--TailTail signsign””

„ Lamella continuous

„ Bridge truss “trailing ends” „ RoofRoof StylesStyles BowstringBowstring ArchArch

„ SimilarSimilar inin appearanceappearance toto ribbedribbed archarch andand lamellalamella roofs,roofs, yetyet significantlysignificantly different.different. „ MetalMetal tietie rodsrods withwith turnbucklesturnbuckles offeroffer laterallateral supportsupport andand ensureensure thatthat archarch roofroof doesdoes notnot pushpush thethe exteriorexterior wallswalls outward.outward. „ RaftersRafters (2(2”” xx 1010””)) areare coveredcovered withwith 11”” xx 66”” sheathingsheathing andand compositioncomposition roofingroofing material.material. „ PrimaryPrimary hazardhazard isis earlyearly failurefailure ofof thethe metalmetal tietie rodsrods andand turnbuckles.turnbuckles. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles FlatFlat RoofRoof DesignDesign

„ PopularPopular stylestyle forfor aa widewide varietyvariety ofof structures.structures. „ ItIt isis alsoalso thethe mostmost deceivingdeceiving „ AlthoughAlthough itit isis simplisticsimplistic inin appearance,appearance, itit variesvaries inin constructionconstruction methodsmethods andand isis oftenoften difficultdifficult (from(from thethe exteriorexterior appearance)appearance) toto visuallyvisually determinedetermine thethe methodmethod utilized,utilized, i.e..i.e.. Conventional/lightweight.Conventional/lightweight. „ RoofRoof StylesStyles FlatFlat RoofRoof DesignDesign

„ ConventionalConventional „ WoodenWooden ““II”” beambeam „ OpenOpen webweb „ OpenOpen webweb barbar joistjoist „ MetalMetal gussetgusset plateplate „ PanelizedPanelized (may(may bebe combined)combined) ConventionalConventional constructionconstruction FlatFlat residentialresidential „ RoofRoof StylesStyles FlatFlat commercialcommercial „ RoofRoof StylesStyles FlatFlat CommercialCommercial FlatFlat CommercialCommercial withwith highhigh parapetsparapets „ RoofRoof StylesStyles LiveLive RoofRoof LoadsLoads YouYou nevernever knowknow whatwhat youyou mightmight findfind PARTPART IIIIII


„ TheThe decisiondecision isis not,not, ““shouldshould wewe ventilate,ventilate,”” butbut rather,rather, ““whatwhat typetype ofof ventilationventilation shouldshould wewe useuse andand howhow aggressiveaggressive shouldshould wewe”” TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

„ VentilationVentilation isis thethe firstfirst stepstep inin gaininggaining positivepositive controlcontrol ofof aa firefire building.building. „ VentilationVentilation allowsallows allall subsequentsubsequent operationsoperations suchsuch asas search,search, rescuerescue andand firefire attackattack toto bebe muchmuch moremore safesafe andand efficient.efficient. TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

„ LifeLife hazard/Searchhazard/Search andand rescuerescue „ LocationLocation andand extensionextension ofof thethe firefire „ TypeType ofof constructionconstruction (strengths/weakness)(strengths/weakness) „ MeansMeans ofof ingress/egressingress/egress TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

““AnAn aggressiveaggressive interiorinterior attackattack alwaysalways hashas anan increasedincreased lifelife hazardhazard riskrisk”” „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations LifeLife hazard/Searchhazard/Search andand rescuerescue

„ ImmediateImmediate ventilationventilation „ FacilitateFacilitate searchsearch andand rescuerescue „ RouteRoute heatheat andand smokesmoke awayaway fromfrom operationoperation „ AlwaysAlways considerconsider benefitbenefit toto attackattack crewscrews „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

LocationLocation andand extensionextension ofof thethe firefire

„ RiskRisk VsVs GainGain „ Offensive/Offensive/ DefensiveDefensive „ SelfSelf ventedvented „ CoordinationCoordination withwith firefire attackattack „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations TypeType ofof constructionconstruction

„ StrengthsStrengths and/orand/or weakness.weakness. „ Conventional:Conventional: HeatHeat holehole overover areaarea ofof involvement.involvement. „ Lightweight:Lightweight: VentVent holehole aheadahead ofof „ Time/ManpowerTime/Manpower constraints.constraints. „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations MeansMeans ofof ingress/egressingress/egress

„ LCESLCES „ IdentifyIdentify pathpath ofof traveltravel „ IdentifyIdentify workwork areaarea „ TwoTwo meansmeans ofof egressegress ” ”

What the ventilation group What the ventilation group “ “ needs most and almost never Tactical Considerations Tactical Considerations needs most and almost never has is the commodity of time has is the commodity of time „ „ „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

ToTo accuratelyaccurately estimateestimate thethe amountamount ofof timetime thatthat aa roofroof cancan bebe consideredconsidered structurallystructurally soundsound thethe followingfollowing factorsfactors mustmust bebe considered:considered: „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations TimeTime ConsiderationsConsiderations

„ TypeType ofof constructionconstruction „ HowHow longlong thethe firefire hashas beenbeen burningburning „ FireFire severityseverity „ YourYour experienceexperience „ FrequencyFrequency ofof trainingtraining „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations

““WeWe’’rere GoGo’’inin toto thethe roofroof””!! „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations VentilationVentilation SizeSize--UpUp

„ TypeType andand ageage ofof buildingbuilding „ TypeType ofof constructionconstruction „ LocationLocation andand extensionextension ofof firefire andand SmokeSmoke „ TypeType ofof roofroof „ SpecialSpecial HazardsHazards „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations BasicBasic equipmentequipment requirementsrequirements

„ MinimumMinimum ofof twotwo--personperson teams.teams. „ FullFull safetysafety clothingclothing andand SCBA.SCBA. „ PickPick headhead axeaxe andand powerpower saw.saw. „ RubbishRubbish hook,hook, pikepike pole,pole, oror otherother suitablesuitable tool.tool. „ CommunicationCommunication „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations LadderingLaddering

„ ConsiderConsider thethe areasareas thatthat offeroffer strength,strength, routesroutes ofof traveltravel andand nono horizontalhorizontal openings:openings: corners,corners, pilasters,pilasters, hips,hips, etc.etc. „ MinimumMinimum ofof twotwo laddersladders toto aa roof,roof, providingproviding aa primaryprimary andand alternatealternate wayway toto exit.exit. „ DetermineDetermine thethe roofroof lineline andand itsits effecteffect onon ladderladder operations.operations. AdditionalAdditional laddersladders needed?needed? „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations GroundGround andand RoofRoof LaddersLadders „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations ExtensionExtension LadderLadder „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations LadderLadder OptionsOptions ChooseChoose thethe rightright tooltool forfor thethe job!job!

„ 20” straight is the ladder of choice for flat residential AerialAerial LadderLadder „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations ReadingReading thethe RoofRoof

„ WhatWhat isis thethe sizesize andand typetype ofof roof?roof? „ IsIs anyany portionportion ofof thethe roofroof sagging?sagging? „ AreAre therethere ventilatorsventilators oror smokesmoke vents,vents, andand areare theythey issuingissuing smokesmoke and/orand/or fire?fire? „ IsIs firefire showingshowing throughthrough thethe roof?roof? „ DoesDoes thethe roofroof utilizeutilize materialmaterial whichwhich maymay bebe difficultdifficult toto traverse?traverse? „ AreAre additionaladditional laddersladders needed.needed. (steep(steep pitch/)pitch/parapets) „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations DiagnosticDiagnostic MethodsMethods

„ IndicatorIndicator HoleHole

„ Curf cut – Chainsaw – Axe blade/pick

„ Triangle cut – Chainsaw – Axe

„ Leave a trail „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations CurfCurf cutcut usingusing chainsawchainsaw ApplyApply chainchain brakebrake andand plungeplunge sawsaw toto removeremove insulationinsulation TriangleTriangle indicatorindicator usingusing chainsawchainsaw TriangularTriangular indicatorindicator holehole usingusing anan axeaxe RemoveRemove insulationinsulation usingusing axeaxe handlehandle oror otherother suitablesuitable tooltool PANELIZEDPANELIZED WITHWITH INSULATINGINSULATING FOILFOIL „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations DiagnosticDiagnostic MethodsMethods

„ DeterminingDetermining thethe typetype ofof roofroof –– TheThe followingfollowing willwill assistassist inin determiningdetermining thethe typetype ofof roofroof surfacesurface thatthat willwill supportsupport aa ventilationventilation operation:operation:

„ PrePre--firefire planning.planning.

„ PlugPlug cut.cut.

„ AxeAxe bounce.bounce.

„ InspectionInspection cutcut (45(45 degree).degree). „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations PrePre--firefire planningplanning

„ AA valuablevaluable aidaid inin determiningdetermining whatwhat typestypes ofof roofsroofs areare inin aa companycompany’’ss districtdistrict „ VentilationVentilation operationsoperations areare simplifiedsimplified whenwhen personnelpersonnel havehave priorprior knowledgeknowledge ofof basicbasic typestypes ofof roofsroofs andand theirtheir „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations PlugPlug cutcut

„ AA smallsmall triangulartriangular piecepiece ofof roofingroofing materialmaterial isis removedremoved „ RevealsReveals thethe typetype ofof roofroof deckingdecking „ CanCan determinedetermine rafterrafter directiondirection „ MetalMetal joistsjoists areare 9090--degreesdegrees toto corrugationscorrugations inin metalmetal deckdeck roofs.roofs. „ RaftersRafters areare 9090--degreesdegrees toto thethe graingrain ofof sheathingsheathing „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations AxeAxe bouncebounce

„ UtilizedUtilized toto determinedetermine thethe directiondirection ofof woodwood sheathing.sheathing. „ StrikeStrike thethe roofroof atat 9090--degreesdegrees oror parallelparallel toto anyany exteriorexterior wall.wall. „ AxeAxe willwill ““stickstick”” whenwhen parallelparallel toto thethe graingrain andand bouncebounce whenwhen 9090--degreesdegrees toto thethe grain.grain. „ WillWill alsoalso determinedetermine thethe directiondirection ofof thethe raftersrafters underneathunderneath thethe sheathing.sheathing. „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations InspectionInspection cutcut

„ ApproximateApproximate areaarea toto bebe vented.vented. „ DetermineDetermine sizesize andand directiondirection ofof .rafters. „ IndicationIndication ofof firefire intensityintensity inin /trussrafter/truss area.area. „ 4545 deg.deg. ToTo outsideoutside wall.wall. „ OneOne footfoot pastpast structuralstructural member.member. „ CompleteComplete triangle.triangle. „ RemoveRemove piecepiece overover rafter.rafter. InspectionInspection CutCut InspectionInspection holehole 4545 deg.deg. ToTo outerouter wall.wall. ContinueContinue untiluntil rafterrafter isis rolledrolled CutCut triangulartriangular shapedshaped hole,hole, ensureensure allall cutscuts intersectintersect „ TacticalTactical ConsiderationsConsiderations InspectionInspection HoleHole PARTPART IVIV

VENTILATIONVENTILATION METHODSMETHODS „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods HeatHeat holehole

„ CloseClose toto areaarea ofof involvementinvolvement „ MostMost directdirect pathpath forfor heatheat andand smokesmoke „ DangerousDangerous procedureprocedure „ NotNot recommendedrecommended withwith lightweightlightweight „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods

HeatHeat HolesHoles overover thethe firefire nearnear thethe peakpeak „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods

HeatHeat holehole flatflat roofroof „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods DirectionalDirectional OpeningsOpenings

„ StripStrip ventilationventilation openedopened aheadahead ofof thethe „ DesignedDesigned toto changechange thethe horizontalhorizontal directiondirection oror extensionextension ofof fire,fire, heatheat andand smoke.smoke. „ ReducesReduces oror curtailscurtails horizontalhorizontal spreadspread „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods


““MakingMaking thethe CutCut”” „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods CenterCenter RafterRafter TechniqueTechnique

„ MostMost universaluniversal cuttingcutting techniquetechnique „ BuildingBuilding blockblock ofof mostmost allall ventvent holesholes „ HoleHole sizesize easilyeasily increasedincreased /extended/extended „ SectionsSections areare cutcut soso thatthat theythey areare nailednailed toto onlyonly oneone rafterrafter CenterCenter RafterRafter CenterCenter RafterRafter CenterCenter RafterRafter „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods CenterCenter RafterRafter CenterCenter RafterRafter LouverLouver CenterCenter rafterrafter holesholes cancan easilyeasily bebe extendedextended „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods DicingDicing TechniqueTechnique

„ HeadHead cutcut acrossacross severalseveral raftersrafters „ DiceDice cutcut betweenbetween raftersrafters „ DeckingDecking cancan bebe pulledpulled backback oror louveredlouvered

MultipleMultiple raftersrafters cancan bebe rolledrolled andand markedmarked toto allowallow forfor dicingdicing laterlater DiceDice cutcut betweenbetween raftersrafters PanelsPanels cancan thenthen bebe louveredlouvered oror removedremoved MultipleMultiple centercenter rafterrafter cutscuts allowallow forfor variousvarious sizesize ventvent holesholes „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods LouveringLouvering TechniqueTechnique

„ CanCan bebe usedused withwith mostmost deckingdecking materialmaterial „ AfterAfter cuttingcutting deckdeck positionposition asas toto formform ““louverslouvers”” toto facilitatefacilitate smokesmoke removalremoval PanelPanel louverslouvers workingworking fromfrom purlinspurlins againstagainst constructionconstruction „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods ““JJ”” HookHook

„ JJ hookinghooking withwith thethe appropriateappropriate tooltool separatesseparates deckingdecking fromfrom thethe centercenter rafterrafter „ CreatesCreates pilepile ofof deckingdecking atat basebase ofof holehole „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods RubbishRubbish hook,hook, pikepike pole,pole, axeaxe oror otherother appropriateappropriate tooltool cancan bebe usedused „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods PullPull--backback MethodMethod

„ CanCan bebe usedused onon allall deckingdecking typestypes „ CompletelyCompletely removeremove deckingdecking fromfrom ventvent openingopening „ PreventPrevent deckingdecking fromfrom fallingfalling intointo ventvent holehole „ PreferredPreferred methodmethod forfor heatheat holesholes ““PullPull backback”” deckingdecking toto openopen ventvent holehole andand createcreate workableworkable pilepile ofof materialmaterial „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods PanelizedPanelized ConstructionConstruction

„ AlwaysAlways workwork fromfrom primaryprimary structuralstructural membersmembers „ VariationsVariations ofof aa ““centercenter rafterrafter”” cancan bebe usedused onon mostmost allall roofsroofs PanelizedPanelized roofroof showingshowing beamsbeams andand purlinspurlins „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods PanelizedPanelized schematicschematic PanelPanel louverlouver PanelPanel louverlouver „ VentilationVentilation MethodsMethods LouverLouver fromfrom aa beambeam LouverLouver stripstrip fromfrom aa beambeam SpecialSpecial ThanksThanks ToTo

FireFire StationStation 170170 ForFor theirtheir dedicationdedication andand hardhard workwork RoofRoof OperationsOperations PowerPower pointpoint CreatedCreated byby

FirefighterFirefighter SpecialistSpecialist CraigCraig ReedReed