' -• j ^ . 'X.'- x ;'. .0 , • A i’ . ■ f\ M ■ , •X-. 'X X X '.'"s y MONDAY. OCTOBER W . 1$64 Average DaRy Net Preie JRnn -1 •/' ittanirlfi^Bfor St>pnftq|"1|eralb X F«r the Wash Eaesd Th« WiBittiiR' Oet. IR 1964 ^ D. a WfBflhMf : Oaorgo M. Willard of Manchaa- ‘ A teatimonial dinner for Direc­ Tha Washington PTA wUl mset tar Ooat, Apron and Towti Supply, tor Harry Firato, and Felix Orem- tomorrow at 8 p. m. In the achool Catholic Groups 11,475 Phrtijr ( M r . aanrad an a group diacuaaion lead­ mo and C y Geoigietti, conatoblea, anhex. Mrs. John McEIraevy Of ’ Service Manager tetagbt. Linr 85-da ly^lrt f^OTTHt. waa bor^ er for the third day’a aeaaibna of all elected to'office in the Vecent Porter Street, who will be guest A M ES IT E d r i v e w a y s Msmber aT ths Aadtt Plan Observance Bureau af areulanai gaeenUI^ Atfr, ptaMM ■^.CMwila HoaplUi in the three-day regional eliiiic held town election, will be held tomor­ speaker, wlU give q talk on "The E x r n tL r in e t a u h r da, ii^ t 15 to kr. and by. the Linen Supply Aaan; .of row n ig ^ at 7 o'clock at the Itkl- Mentally Retarded Child.” . Execu­ Menchaster^A City of ViUage Charm V" -a Anierica in the Hotel sutler. New lan-Am«rlcan. Club on Eldridge tive board members ato reminded I Gradiag — NadSae Spread — Feraaa Set — Power B d M ,^t^[^aoman>, SM Wood- At a meeting at the K of C Aleei ParUag Lets •—Teanla Ooorte—■ Walks • l^ T a o t w a a hara on« York City, Oct. 15, 15 and 17. Street, Anthony Sadlak, con- of tha meeting at 7:30. & Home Friday evening a conunlttoe 16% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS VOL. LXXIV, N M $ *“ ■ *-----toutaa. The grataman-at-larga, will to the repreaenting all the Catholic (CtaaalOad AdvartWag an Paga 16) MANCHESTER, COifHn TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 9 ,1 ^ ' lU are Mr. and The DOrcaa Group of the South giiaat ape,aker. Aaseaaor Henry A. Mutrta will grroups of Manchester began to Terms arraaged If dsstted (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E C K f l^ Methodiat Church will meet in ALL INSTALLA'nONS SUPERVISED BY raomana, Sr., S15 bf guest speaker at the luncheon lay plana for a Holy Hour in honor 'V Wealey Hall Wedtteaday morning Xt Gamma Chapter of Beta meeting of the Manchester Board of.the Marian Tear now negrly at at 9:30. Sigma Phi will hold a meeting to­ of Realtors tomorrow at 12 noon an eqd. It will be sponsored^ by the DEMAIO BROTHERS ^ Mr. and Mra. Joat H. Beat and morrow night at 5 o'clock at the at the Manchester Country aub. combined Catholic groups and win ' ESTABUSHED 1920 Djitch Tied Bonn, Pans Suaan aarke, 6-year-oId daugh­ home of Mra. Horace Biaaell, 57 His topic will be "Assessments.” be open to the townspeople of CALL NOW— ANYTOCB Ike ^8 Arrival Place, a Orarch Bt, left ter of Mr. and Mra.. George aarke, • ^ V ^ twnPay tor a two waaka vaMtion Bretton Rd. President MUs Madeline Smith Manchester: MANOHR^^nCE Ml-i-7961 — HARTFORD CHapel 7-8617 120 W. Cantor 8t.; waa choaen one will conduct tha business start on. present were Tony Bonner, f to It. Patantoursh and Miami, of the winner, in a doll coloring To U. S. Spy Chiefs Hold " .|rte. Mr. and Mra. Beat are alao Group C o f the Center Congre­ chairman of the committee and '‘■^miM>nXSag thais Mth wedding an- conteat held at Brown Thomaon’a Mrs. WUUsm Brennan and Mrs. Edward O’Brien, co-chairman; '\ L She waa preaented writh a Ginny gational Church Will meet at the Time, Route Reset '/alTanary. church tomorrow night ,at 5 Frank Crocker are co-chairmen of Mrs. Geno AndreinI, secretary; Vogue doll Saturday morning at the committee in charge of the Mrs. Walter McNally, treasurer; P ro b e Case 10 o'clock on the children’a pro­ o’clock. Work will be done an artl- Mandiaatar Lodge N o 75, A.F. clea for the Holiday Bauar. rummage sale of St. Mary’s Wom­ James Mulready snd Michael Ben- Hartford, QcL J9 (/P)— gram. She .la a Brat grade pupil en's Auxiliary Thursday at 9 a. m. evento, contact chairmen; Mra. -----MTO GLASS Trhffic arrangements and the * and AJM., will Iu4d a apacial com- at the Waahihgton School. The Hagne, Netherlands, Talks on UN Role ■MBieatleR at the Maaonle Temple in the pariah house. Members who George Willard, Jr., publicity; route President Eisenhower Paris, Oct. 19 (^P)-—jPt«nch Mra. Sampson Spry, 612 E. Mid­ wish aiiiclea called for should con-. Mra. .Martin J. Regan, Jr„ Mra. Oct. 19 (JP) —iA high Dutch ' totoorrow night at 7:50. The Maa- dle Tpke., celebrated .her 88th FURNITURi TO ln will en ft ChM Following the degree niece. Mrs. George D. Shedd, Bol­ fled today. Chancellor. Kopnd Adenauer and Mra. Kenneth Jonea, 9 Plano and Mrs. Elmer W. Graham. ceived information from Jo­ Secret Service- agento and Hart-/ work there'artll be a aodU honr PI., and a daughter to Mr. and ton Notch, at the home of Mrs. Further plana will be announced today beganX 9erie8 t>f con­ and rarreahmeata. Shedd’s son-in-law and daughter, -The Highland Park School PTA seph S. Petersen, Jrn an em­ ford Police Chief Michael J. Gqd- Mra. Joaeph Tedford, 25 Putnam will htoet at tha school Wednesday Photon at a later date. ploye of U. S. National frey this morning wars ra-antag- ferences designed to enlist a Mr. and Mrs. Ward Krause, 87 WUUaia B. J.1L WHITE rearm oP^est Germany as a m Dafanaa Bnimen adto wiah St, both on Oct. 14 at the Hart­ Walnut Si. Over 20 relatives and night at 8 o'clock. 7710 guest Security Agency, but waa un­ ing th*. routs because of w^laat to bowl will meet tonight at 7 ford Hoapitol, and a daughter on friends from Bolton, Elmwood and speaker will be Mias Emily Smith, minute announcement ttot the an egdal partner in a western Hazel Toll Starts Battle for His Life Oct. IS at the St. Francla Hoapi­ leader of Senior Girl Scout "Troop William B. Teg brings to Morl- der the impresaion that prertdential plane will ./land aV Cairo Alert o'clock at Hoaa Oo. No. l, 8MFD. this town attended and temem- srty Brothsrs a complete back­ GLASS CG. defense system. tol to Mr. and Mra. Charlea Me- bered Mrs. Spry with p varied 1, who will talk tad show slides of Petersen waa authorised tu Bradley Field at 9 tomorrow /■'In Washington, meanwhile. Sec- Cooe, 545 Center S t the tro's recent tri^ to Europe. ground of experience in sH phases rTRuS'RMn'7 24 BIRCH ST. morning. Raaorvatlona for the fall pariah assortment of ^ t o . Femerly of give it out. *^tetary of State Dulles leaves for of oil burner service and installa­ ^ MEN Mid WOMEN ^ Tel. MI 9-7322 Originally tha m four angina In C an ada turitay dinner at the Second Oon- WlllimantlC, she came to Man­ The Dutch spokesman said Conatallation waw^lated to arrive Paris todWy to Join Western Euro­ For Unrest Anyone intereated in Joining the chester to live about a year ago, Mr, and Mra. Howard Dowd, 381 tion. pean diploipato in working out de­ gragatioaal Church Friday night at Altar Group of tho Ladiea of Aa- Center St., and thsir daughter, **We CuiH Hide Behind Petersen exchanged informa­ at Bralnard Fleid in Hartford at 0:50 aanat bo ntoda on or before and is enjoying fairly good health. For three years Bill taught this ^'Arthar Dnif Storts i 10 a. m. tailed arrtagemento for bringing aumption will meat at the Church Mra. Stuart G. PrenUce of Wp- Our Product” tion with a “high Dutch of­ West Germany Into tha anti-Com- Reaches 78 Wadnaaday. Thoaa whoaa laat name of the Aaaumption tonight at 5 subject at the State Regional Tecb- EXPERT FITTEftS A But laat night the White, HoUsC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Angelo, bura. Mass., have returned after k- ficial” who gerv^ in Wash­ munist defensive lUliancc. O n T r e a ty bafiaa artth the Inltiala A to F o'clock. vacation spent at the home of h l ^ School in Hartford. He spent hotiSed Chief Godfrey of the Adenauer flew in from Bonn in nay coataet Mra. Ouataya Bicholt- 6 Allen Dr., Vernon, formerly of ington during^Ti^orld War II snitch to Bradley—a larger field / their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aevta years as service manager for mid-morhing. Toronto, Oct. 19 '(/p)— Re­ aar, O JtoK MHl Noraian Bouther- A daughter. Jana Virginia, waa ~'ne Street, were honored with a and is now hack in the with more faellitiee. C^ro, Egypt, Oct. 19 (p) Irprlse housewarming yesterday and Mrs. Joaeph *H, Mavshtarn. one of^the largest fuel companies "I have come to Paris with a lief operations moved ahead fill; L to Mra. Nallia Bradley; bom Friday. Oct. 15, to Mr. and Jr., of Adrian, Mich., and their Netherlands. \ . Air advtace aecrat eerviceman great deal of hope that these next •—Britain voluntarily lavered ‘ Q to U, MTa Charloa Wilkiaa and Mra John M. Coughlin in New- afternoon by a group of 40 of in this ars^ He'll continue to to arrived in Hartford laat night with swiftl.v today in storm-rid­ their relatives and friends from two amall sons. On the outorsrd tedmical advisor to Hartford in­ e ' special govcramantol ear that few days will bring great advan­ another link of her empire to­ V to Sk Mra. Jack Mercer. ton-Wellealey Hoapitol, Newton, X Alexandria, Vs dled Ontario while the irrim this and nearby towns. Mrs. Jo­ trip they visited Niagara Falla. surance ad>L‘star Oct. 19 WIH carry tha President to the tages for peace for our peoples, for night by signing a treaty Trith Maaa The maternal grandparanto It was the first time w y of the (yP) — The Netherlands “ lurope and for the world," Ade- search for bodies went on in are Mr, and Mra Guy Wcacott of seph Meriarty, 41 Strong St, was In appointingas service L A S T W E E K ! nds wta Trinity College convocation and Effypt providing for with­ in charge of arrangements. She trio had seen the falls. ‘They alao manager, Moriarty brothers feel X reportedrted by anan^Quthpritative the Buahnell Park birthday party «r said. the hard-hit suburbs of west­ Stuibridge, Maaa The patemai found the foliage beautiful, both Weat German Otancellor drawal of all the 80,000-man grandpuanta are Mr. and Mr*. K. U an aunt of Mrs. Angelo, who they now offer the most^wtstand- sourcece today to Be the taun- tor Gov. John Lodge. The large ern Toronto. The death toll before her marriage waa going to Michigan and returning ing and complete fuel oir^rvlce conyertibla aedan la locked up at' waa'^Oeompanled by Waither Hal- British garrison from the V. Coughlin, 590 Woodland St by another route. try involved in the Petersen atein. hia^reign secretory. West from the final strike of Hur­ The baby alao haa a great-grand­ Dorothy Brennan of this town. available in the Manchester the S|ata Police garage on Wash­ Suez Canal zone within 20 The guests presented gifts for the espionage case. " . ington'gltvet. German'PoIH(cal Minister Herbert ricane Hazel/stood at 78 in •rm i, WUtB father, D. J. Coughlin of WethOra- Joseph S. Peteraen,^/4r., a long­ von BIanK«ntlmrn and National Canada. Six persons were months. fiald. The younger Coughlina re­ new home. «A buffet style luncheon aw la Secarity Patrol A few hours •arller, vtoiraee and other pastimes were enjoyed. time employe of th/e super-secret Mork than 500 poHoemen ahd Defense Chl^Tllepdor Blank. His listed as missing and pre­ HOLLAND RNISH cently moved from South Wey­ special sale! National Security /Agency^ ia a'b- talks with Mondes-France were flared at m youth maetiiw taUsd to mouth, Maaa„ to t ^ t h Coventry off-duty flrenita will form a secu­ 4 sumed drowned and nine the Gixa area near Caira to eala- Mr. and Mra. Henry L. PembSr cuaed of obtaMng government rity patrol along the route of the expected to conthme through din­ and John M„ who ia a graduate ner and possibly throuta tomor­ were classified as missing. brate the avent. Two pokUc boeee. of Boaton Univaraity, will bo aa- of Middleboro, Mass., are celebrat­ docume'nta an^lnformation on na­ ^sidential jMity; were atoned and aavan) paraom $1.19 kjsrxr**'BaUato ing their, golden wedding anniver­ i NATIOWAUY-rAMOUSl tional de(enX"with intent or rea- During the President's three row morning. A fund to aid those stricken in aociated with hla father in the The Preipler and the Chancelldr Friday ntght’a storm neared the were injured. Police, maktog aad- rooflng buaineaa. sary today. Mr. Pember ia the ,aon to believe" it Would to used tai hour visit in the city he will: •ral arrssto, blamed affanto of Uw brother of Mrs. Flora Grade, 95 H a l e * s the injury of this country or to the ■' Receive an honorary doctor of met shortly before 9 a. m. FST to million dollar mark yesterday, its Communists and tbs faaaUe Moe- LA. Center St. advantage of a foreign nation. laws degree at exercises on the the chateau of La Celle-Saint- first day. A goal of 10 million Officara of the' Daughtora of Li­ The^Jufltice Dept, and tha FBI Cloud on the outokirtiif Of Phris. do1la:-s was set. lem BrotheriMod for th* outbunl. berty No. 17, L o u . are reminded campus of Trinity where hia close A atote of alert was procialmad ^ Lewis H. Piper, head of the/hls- t a b l e p a d s have steadfastly refused to name MrSonal friend. Dr. Albert C. With only an Interpreter presSnt, Sitovlvors moved back into aome PAINT 00. to wear white to the meeting to­ they went immediatelv Into a pri­ by the pollee and th* army. tory depirtment at MancHesUr HARVEST the nation, but a person familiar Jacobs, la president. flood ravaged aresa and began to New Deal ter EgjrM .i Reg. $11.95 \ . by nafiic. ■5ist birthday party at 12:80 and the UN, toM aa andtence gathered cision must be made on the future two yean ago, signed at A* head <4) V VM am oaiplayod ootalde the State and malataia a legal The general reportedly came to laaHaaeilaaUaaee to CaaBeettcat Durgin of Kinfaton, Mass. A K -I aVM. M-. w— ^ >*e leavt at 1. The Presidential plane. here last alght for the opening of the German-speaking.- coal-bear­ f l o o d p e r il e a s in g of Ui* Egyptian dslegatlon attar . kwV M ' this .couRtry after the Dutch loet ing border state, now linked eco­ months of hard bargaining. second daughter bom to the cou­ Extra Leaves ^ _ celebration of Vnlted Nnttons Gallipolis, Ohio, Oci. 19 (g>» — Crank Notes Sent (5) If yaw are a -MM H — .MM. the iatatid of Java to tha JapanSae. nomically to France, before hla Heading the British algncra was atthe Armed Fercea. ple, Sept. 21. in Jordan Hospital, (Dwitlaacd ea Page Taa) Week. (Story on Fnge.Ten). Thla Ohio River town 272 miles Plymouth, Mass., has been named - — • — M . - i - W , » . - * « - ' The informant further wid that National Aaaembly will approve Anthony Nutting, young .British anything that .Pataraen might ...... - I T-. I..I .1 ' ■ . . . . . - ... . I the Allied program for bolstering below Pittsburgh expected the Foreign Office dtalomat who only Amy Lou. Their Urst daughter, bloated stream to crest here this Jennifer Ann, was bora Aug. 22. have’ done was out'of friendship western defenses with West Ger- thla week was proawtod .to Minls- FOR f o r m e r INFORIUTION for tha Dhtch general, and that ipsn manpower. aftermoon far below a 50-foot Ur of Stota. 1955, in the same hospital. The , Green Stamps flood stage. paternal grandparents are Mr,' It la not alleged that Petersen at The chateau of La Olle-Salnt- In the gjfalsd hall af Pharaohs in TEL W4Mn tr il-Mn? Given With Cash any time waa involved In any .fi­ Utah Jettisons aoud la an historic structure once The Ohio- River, which burst lU ParUamant Egyptian and British and Mrs. J. Harold Durgin of T t o J W H A U e o banka further upstream after Hopcdale, Mass. / '■ Salea nancial transaction in connection the home of Madame D# Pompa­ Cleveland, O ct.' testimony would lay rspresentoUves Jolnsd ia a wish with the case. -V.. dour. mistress of Louis XV. It rains which accompanied Hurri­ bare extra-maritai^ affairs of the o»(endant enlivened today for a nSw sra of frlsmtahip. REFOBUOMI HEADQUARTERS A federal grand Jury oonve'ned stands In the middle of a large cane Haxet created at Pomeroy, St Margarct-Mary Mothers a r - Ohio, some 22 miles upstream, the second day of\ the first degreeNnurder trial of Dr, Briteiv BflCora 2 f f ylMDOU TURNRKI WEST cle will meet tomorrow at 5 p. m. ^ ______yesterday to hear witnasaes to park on a hill overlooking Paria Signing of tha Urtaty cams 18 with Mrs. Alphonse Reale, 74 decide whether Peteraen should be from the west. last night at 42.7 feet. The flood Samuel H. Sheppard. 'Also injected into tbfi^trial, as selection .../ indicted. stage there is 4T feet. weeks after agrasasent waa Woodland St. \: ' • • V - The two tostora alto were to of a Jui-y progroa^, 'were\refer-r'~------^----- Continues In Out X . In Washington, the Netherlands It takes 4 7 feet of.water to ences — not fully explaincdX to reached la principle to broad torma Salt Luke City, Oct. 19 (/P) -Tha underground Miaalam b m Selected to make tito race waa rolled hla campaign into strbngly- ,yade only a tow bottom lands in REG. $4.98— 54x74 aggreuion againat 'Comn.unist "You cbiild have made no' other Republican Fairfield County aa these parts. ' /- ■ abeyance a aecond motion to move mons the 16-day.(old strike to hav­ have been attacking the China. But the United States stood 62-yca>-old Dr. Henryk' Aidous decirton. .God bless you for your the hearing out of aeveland and ing a serious effect on. exports, meat for agreeing to a pea entirely different < FUU BED SIZE ..... firm againat anv move to Inclutto' Dixon, president of Utah Stolp Connecticut Republicans prepared Sheriff (toarica E. Russell of ' a e e e • • courage and forthright action... to Welcome President Elsenhower Meigs Co.imty wild no appreciliblc Cuyahoga Ctouhty because of Cor­ endangers food supplies and turn tbe British.The Partia- Red China In auch a dcb'at\ Agricultural Oollega in Logan, anif In. your presence I’d like tb. apolo- rigan's claim that public opinion threatens widespread iinemploy- ment buikbng waa haavtiy guard­ Extra heavy quUted pads niled with pure white cotton that Win .into the big Democratic strong­ damage was anticipated. Officials The goea beforh conaiderad to be the only atrqng gltoc. , was Inflamed against the de­ ment in othei- industrias. ed againat any last minute effort tauader a pure white. Plaatle wrapped. GOP poaalbiUty in the populous, hold of Hartford. tha U.N.'s' 15-nation Steeriug^ But the. evening's climax ac­ The President arrives in Hart­ (OonUnned on Page Ten) fendant. 'Api^aling to tha.atrikers to re­ to obstruct tha signing. Naiwar bta Committee this afternoon to seek northern Utah areas of-the dis- tually came "When harfied party -COrrigan lost another round In turn while a government commia- accused the brotherhood of seek- th^t. The 6rst Includes all of Utah ford tomorrow for what ia ex­ ON THIS NEW an airing of two complaints! officials, after counting..! ballot pected to, be a three-hour stay. the chan£,'e of venu'e motion at tha Sion investigates their grievances, inp. to take over the gqvernmant. 1. ’s ciiargas that NS' except Balt Lake a ty and Its aur- that had given the to opening of today's court session. he said; K irsh roundtog metropolitan area. He receives an honorary degree tion'aliat ■ China—with U .' S. con­ He contended the airing last nigiit . "If the stoppage continues, (pMttaned an Page Tta) >4I|AVY WEIGHT Unfolding like something from at Trinity College and will deliver nivance—has made piratical at (CMthmed on Page Ted) a non-political talk, . by aeveland Radio station WHK effects will become progressively tacks on shippi<>g bound for the Then the President will visit a News Tidbits of a debate between two aeveland more serious and the economic KELYINATOR C-mmunist Cfiilnese mainland; gtsa.I birthday party on the atote newiQMipermen on' the " handling life of the nation wll) be endan­ 2. Russian clai.ns that the Colled fron AP Wires of the case tn newspaper- had con­ MATTRiSS COVERS United States ia git'lty o. aggres- capitol lawn, for GOv. John Lodge. gered.'. The lovernm'ent la. of Republican seeking reelaction. tributed to building up further an course, washing the situation AUTOMATIC vWASHBR rton In the viclntty of Foimoaa Late Adelaide Case No Red, unfavorable public attitude toward Biilletiiis (METAL SLAT) and Uie CHiina mainland. RibicoN will attend the Trinity National Foundation for Infan- Dr Shenoard ck ^ ly ajnl will take any., steps REG. $4.29 WITH convocation. Interrupting hia Fair- ! which may become necessary to Voted to Defer Actiea til# Paralyals contracts to buy"^ Yroa uiirAP w im BLINDS X field county tour "'out of respect enough Salk poho vaccine to trent Defense Atty. Fred Gurmone protect the national Interest." RUBBER BUTTONS ...v. .. .* $3.49 The Steering Comniittee voted Theological School Clints for the President." yesterday asked Howard Barrish. 191 Ships Idfed / . two' weeks ago to d-fer action on nine million talldrea aiid pregnant Tn opening his tour yesterday, women next year . . . U. S. Army thi first juror selected, whether . The nniain Atlantic liner port of f ig h t ON TBIBBTB PACT A. 'the piracy charge pending the Cambridge, Maas., Oct. 19 OP)— Ribicoff attended a tea: a lunch­ the young osteopath's alleged af­ Southampton was threatened with REG, S4.9B WITH outcome ' of rVe:.ch a'tempts to Dept, member Franklin L Orth Raaae. Oct. 19 (dV-ltalyta The Episcopal Theological School eon and. a dinner meeting. He fair with a pretfy hospital techni/ a shutdown by the strike, which Chamber af DepMias b ra to ta ^®RRER , • • • settle fha prablem in tolka be­ saya next war eould be wou in few krYow W A I H I says the Adelaide Case who p^Iines Ci^iuent chatted with Mayor Jasper Mc- montbs by throughly mobile and clan would have any beartn”' on the Communists are backing. The. te a fist-awtegtag bSMvl tataght SKCHUS-- tween Nationalis". auna and Rus­ L«vy. Socialist catjdidate for gov­ hia Judgment in the cake. vast London dock area la closed Extra heavy weight imbleached cettoa with i ^aUhouad.' U ^ T . : i VlT'® sia. But liiplomatie aourcaa said taught there before her death waa ba!ttle-r«ady ariny, aa Chrtsttan D enaacm ta^^ not a Commuaiat. ernor. in n diper near the a t y Secretary of Treasury George Today, while examining Mrs. and work'has been sharply cur- CBiHiwnlati eaUad eneh ether X the Soviets decided the time had Hall in the alternoon. Source* amid come for action. Tba achool issued a stoUmaht M. Humptarty '^ya "unemploy- "faerist.” The eatbniet fecoed ,\ yeatorday after Bella V. Dbdd. a . they talked over the campaign. ■ mept'to « matter of the grewteot (CeuUuued Ml rail* Tea) (Crattaned oa Pag* TM) temporary aiiipaaalin ad tha aaa- Russia's Andrei Vtehlneky atoa which had been drawtag biXHght tha aecond,’.more direct former Communist waa qiiotad After a. 6rMkfaat meeting with copeera to everj’one" In the Eiaen­ SUGHT IRREGULARS OF B9e 22x44 accusation againat' the United laat week in the Newark Star- county Democratic leaders this hower adminlatratioh . . . Large near- a veto at eaafidsnea m Ledger aa saytag an Adelaide raoming. Ribicoff started out for dairy bam on O at Olsmi Farm In Italy’s . eettleaaent wtth Yage- States last Friday, barely 24 hours ■lavia of tbe Triaste diapata after the U. N. Sacratartat had Case was linked to Communist- Shelton and other towns- Ip the Mansfield la ChaffeevUte aection front group*. county. is oompletoly dratroyi^ in $4,500 17 Firms in Insurance The Scania bna airsniy p n a ^ js circulated a similar oharga by Re,. alndlnr vote. MNSON MTS TOSEIS PUU.MZB f Li. CADACI1Y Chiha'e Premier Chou Bn-lai. Anothar Adelaide Case is the In • a apeed) prepared for the fire. Vi dedtai really clean — yet ii so gentle The Russian charge drew a slater/Of aifford P. Case. Repub-, breakfast meeting Ribicoff said he U. 8. Ambassador Loy Hender­ COAAMriLY AUfOMATIC licta candidato for the Senate in was "deeply concerned" over the son receives Distinguished Service TV CZAE BEqUBBTBD it ’s sefe lo t Ancit underthings. And prompt retort from Chief U. 8. Accused for False Ads Wnahlngton. Oct. 19 ip)' Bm . Open and Delegate Henry Cbbot Lodge, Jr_ New Jersey. , highway problems of Fairfield Award fer part in helping aego- M#fc i i ' iita autoaoatk Triuhar tke now this seoitciooal eutomadc can County. tiate settlement of Iranian , oU • . ______■ \ Hendrieksoa (E-NJ) today who branded it a "plain He." ^ ' (toae told i tclevirton audience I grated govern meat pillrlaf IT close Hke I/ each The U.N, Security Oouacll con- rtwrtly aftef the story appeared | “I want It clearly understood." crisis earlier this year . . ..Army whole coumry ie lalkiag about . . . By RTERLINO F. GKEEN ^char^tM it may issue ^orders for- televtaton pcagrami *r agpstat- be youts at a saving up to $70.00. in the Stor-Ledger that hla slater, i he said, "thta if I am elected gov- informs Sikotvtcy Aircraft Div, unofficial world's helicopter al­ aaeat of n ”TV csaF* to gnud draperiesl New pastel colera la heavy weight Can the Kclvinator doiwai Model 90 aulo- But act now. Therc’g only a limit^ (Ceattaned m Page Tta) ,, a teacher, never was a Commu-. against adythlng which might Ml quality—4Sght nist. He added: (pnntinwed on Phgn Tm ) titude record has been eet by Army weavsa ealy—la peach, plah, bhw, gnea aad efehld. tpday acc.q.ssd..l7 companies in.the Chairman Edward F. How- tend to fester Ja*Mlla daMn- y - atatic. It’i the washer that gm duty ^pianciqr at this special low, low price!' "ApparenUy Misa Dodd re-, avtotor flying Sikeraky laaft. health, hoapitol and accident in­ F*rc U.S; He^th Dept. Director boMa ray said the action is aimed at qnwscy an idem | ferred to another Adelaide Case |' surance busineaa of 'Yalse and lenged by tha TV I • m MRTY CLOTHK MAUY CUAN YIT II lAK FOB tW FINIST UMDMTNINOf Ives Set to-Reveal who wae a coUege profeaaor m I hope in not too distant futui c fi|(xxl mialeadinx advertis'ng.” false or deceptive advertising j- ■ , Two Editorg Blast tarta will ba available for early de- claims concerning the extent of drtchata la COMPLETE NCAUM r rt TM OMV WASHR DHTM IHISI mRH KATUXiSi New York aty and who died'In Tozether, the 17 firms—includ­ *>etal Scant to bring you the newest ftrsti Harriman Shocker 1948.” toeUan a( eaaeer, hardening of ar­ ing the''four largest in tha fiStil-.^ Inaurahce protection and benefits privacy ANOTHER SHIPMENT! Gov. Gregg, Award teries and other chronic disesaea imyable. . la atodytag what tapnat IwAch-VerticAl Blinds can be drawn back com* The alato turn, like Vcne- The Episcopal 77ico|og1cal Bodies of ato mountain climb- reprtMnt amtual premium pay­ eriaae shews mny bnra an I School hero where the other mi— ments of more then 300 mUUon iiawTey said In a atotemen.t thla pletely, or j»rt wgy, like draperiee. Each in- tiana. for control of light, REOLLAR $1.49 EXTRA HEAVY New York, Oct. 19 Sen. Irv- era dwept away by avalanche on first broad inquiry of ito kind .age crime. ^ ^ ^ dividual slat tilts for control of light and ventila­ ventilation and privacy. Case taught said in a atatement; Woodaockid, R. I., Oct. 19 (fl —■ mountain to Mexico are feund 'h| .dollara, or about 1-3 of the total FLANNEL RACK D R U . ing'M. Ivaa. the Republican candi­ "Wa who are coOeaguea of Prof.: health and accident policies writ­ grow out of "n flood of lettori" HUGH DUFFY DIBB Blind! draw Ilka dra- date for Governor, announced to- IV o Rhode Island newspaper edi­ crevasse near 17.t9T-foot auipmit. aant by policy holders who he 'aaid tion. yer^cal slats are much' cleaned. Easy to perias. Adelaide Teague Case at tha E ^ ! tors have protested the nomination ten oa individuals in the coun/^', . Bsaton. Oet. 19 Sae 5* will go on a statewide tele­ U.S. Bmi’. Prescott Bush |R* i complained tha' insurance cover­ oparate. For use throughout the home.,, or in copal Theological School, where ! of New Hampehire's Gov. H t^ Conn) saya adoption by Senate Of Among Uioh named in Daffy. 99. ana ad bai vision-radio network, tonight to she served from 1941 until her! FTC complaints- .which grew out age they, received eras not the time gteiala 'whaaetadttag ave^ »nd professions. Available in solid, NjO TAPES IRGNING BGARB CGVERS " a startling and shocking Gregg for a Freedoms Foundation uniform code of rules toV tnvesti- samo aa advertised.' death in 1948, aa a distUtguiahed award. taUng procedures "would do morh of a 10-month nationwide investi­ ago of .499. In 1994 rvn combinations, Kirsch Vertical Veno- With elasticjedxc,. Extes Jieavy weifhL rttuatioa” involving Averrt) Har­ gation — war* th* Bankers Ufe The PTC coraiptoints attacked tiana bring you new free­ riman, hia Democratic-liberal, rival. teacher of Christian aducatlon,' ' - They are - Paul L. - Smith, man­ to d is ^ dlsanHy aaseng loyal | u S-4866 iM)w, for full information driU with ffamnel biek. WiU even fit ex- kqow that tae was not a Com­ aging editor oC the Woonsocket Call Americana over methods' of fighting and Casualty Co. of Otiengo (the the .following alieged misrepreeen- fy. n.antira at su u dom :from cart. Metal Ybe abort, dramatic anh'osmce-. totion*: **'^®lutionary. new Vertical Metal trs aiie boards. Etah ...... siiHPce Rasiure. itas lad taMtas K drthu « « w p i I s*ir Ike isp rt Uw ah the chargci Harriman liimaelf She was always a fearlaas deraejr'a BepuhHoan cnadldato for land Associated Preaa News Exe­ Peopl* hM eharp rebnke for on* Use Oih ert ema gtisad la »ta i mK ntow fea imMh psis taap ' dtaw 6 doea Umsih champion of any whom she cutives Assn. (NEAPNEAI, and of Its branch prertdenta for, Invit­ Oinaha (Mutual of Omaha), Re­ typical advertiaiag claim, it', was could not be reached immediatetjr U. S. firnale, ia 'ahown-bst Klnga- serve Ufe Insurance Co. of .Dal­ charged, talks about “n o . auto- Green StsnipB Given With Cash SalM for commenL Hla campaign hga*!* thought unjustly traatad and act­ waed Scheal fer OlrU. In Craa- Michael J. Ogden, Mehsgtoff edi- ing Bryand Bowits to apeak at BUILT TO LAST ed conaiatonUy upon Chhatljtn tor of the Provldenee Jouraal-Bul- conferenco. las and UnHed Inamwa^ Ox of 'maUe; termination age. .you and Depend on the quality o t quartets had no immediate-betn- Mteh, n sohotb nf'Oetreit,( letin. Oilcago. your family are imvered from 1 Ott. 6 0 NDON ment. nwUVaa. aepacially ia charity 'to­ 10*7- 19)- She deeWhed ito make London public court of inquiry thla product nude by Gdv.< GnMjr^sras noaalMtod toat hears two British craahsd Ctonet Deoentivo PrncDcoa AHegod to 75.” Actually. FTC said, moat - Caentag. N-Tn, m f g . c o . FIndell • with famous Later, John P. McGrath, Dem­ ward others whether they ihdiii [way camaaent ahoet the eontre- indell ocratic campaign loaneger. Issued her faith or not” week for,« $1,000 caa)i award for jet aititosFa brake epen nnder Each firm .was charged with policies are -raaewabla eoly at 'op­ DP. Bdwtad D. f Kirsch parts. You esn ba teni lasr Tenns raray' over whether aha ever he- a oa freedom of tho proa* aaanre with pssasngers probably from .tbra* (o ftv* alMgedly de­ tion of tha cempaay and 'eaa ba aktod' ot-mm-.rVJt: aura theae blinda will last a atotomenl s'serttog "the upstaU T)m Utter Mias Case niso had Mfig.v' Police Mar* Wtdncfiday, Elem entaiy School Opin House 8eKe4ale4 ^loodmobile Unit MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDA Y; OCTOBER 19, 1954 Into N«W .H*h4quartcrs 17 Firms in Insurance P A G l Open bouse hours at the new Here on Thursda^r Wilfidm Buckley ' Beginning Tl-vmiay nuM- tbwn Court and Police Head­ EA.STW 0 OD flanktd with Ing at 8 o’clock, police aepwee quarters will be held on Sat­ lack Wckh Freiich Irked Mahers Observe geld and y4aow OiadM. will be started from the new Accused for False Ads urday from 9 a.m, to t p.hi, The next BloodmoMle Unit win "Oatlaw GormHtiSigmans Wedding , Engaged rW-Trr headquarters in the converted Bca Alcsasdcr Maher word' a co w ge Uad H 4 J |0 tf 4 idT IMucatlon voted and Sunday from 1 p.m. until be set Up in Woodruff Hall at Can­ gblffribbte. X MANCHESTER ^»Mi— Miy ^ name the new 18^, Almshouse. Police activities (Oenttaned f i ^ Page One) 6 p.m. ter Church niuriday, Oct. 21, be­ By Evasion of 50th Anniversary will be conducted /™m the old StoKoR** Miss Mary Therese Shexreceivad 'm any beautiful rMm ^tementiury achool op Vernon On Saturday, court ■will be tween 13:45 p.m. to 5 :30 p.m. Draptt bnaketaAf flowers and other gifts, AUTO PAPT^ headquarters u t ^ that time. edvertiaed "for each aickneas or A b o u t T o w n la aclar wMk daughter of Mr. and MrST Anthony ^ V rtt the William ■. Buckley opened for its A.-st session fol­ Mrs. Watts, Captain of the Day, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Maher, including ai^purto of gold from her Chief HerrpM O. Schehdel accident,” many poUclet pay noth­ lowing openln;; dsy cere­ tays that the nursery will ^ avsll- la calcr PklUs Coray. P. Slgmans. 40 BrpokUne Dr.. West Eng]^ Words eo Westland St., received the sons’ families'iand grandchildren. 379 BROAD M .. la heoer at ita aenior mam- says the teiehhone number will monies, which will begin at Hartford, became the bride of felicitations of a hoot of friends ing for losses dije to nervous, dis­ Our Lady of Victory Mothera IMditSdiU • i:tt4itS be the sapie at the new police orders, venereal disease, cMM- Circle will meet tomoivow at 8 9 p.m. Rsymm^ ®. Gorman, son of Mr. Sunday afteniixNi in recognition of * lley, who head* the hlatory station a temporary phone Paris, Oct, 19 (ff^v-Part of the their golden wedding annivereary, Cranksluiftg TanM i t o( Hartford Public will be installed at the present birth, deiital operatione aad ao on. p. m. with Mrs. Florence Roberts. BLOOOMONIE coiiiiiG snd,,Mfi. Walter P. Gorman, 42 French PreiM is worrieil that Eng- KM , Lockwood S t Mrs. Isabel Wad. "T BrMct far 7.Bralhm*f which occurred today. They were Natibnalitt Islands III Or Out Of The Uigh'BdhaoI. haa been a member hea^uarters until the switch­ 3. Maximum Dollar Limits, okfield St., at 11 o’clock this lilUi is creeping in to ctXrrapt the married otiT, Oct. 19, 19(M, in the f t the BoWd of Education aince board hss been inovsd to the Advertising claiiits et “up to $535 Madigan will be co-hostess. la CiacBiaflcssa aM 8«erca SaBaS Talcottville home of Mrs. Maher's I’a achoola were eenaoli- morning in St. Utomas the Apostle French language. Scouted by MlG^ new station. for each aurgical operation" are ZB A Members Church. West Hartford. The Rt. parents, the late Mr. and Mra. <1N2 tfA far flmr yeara Wednesday will be moving deceptive in many caaes, aald FTC, The aOQ bom in Hartford Hos- Moat indignant is the Dlmb^he James Wood. lM|Wa that had bean a member of plUI Oct 18. to Mr. and Mill. Rev. Moiuignor Raymond G, La- Matin, a fellow-traveling ha day and radio Communication because the full amount la payable Fontalne performed the oergmony. During the receiving hours from Talpeh. Formosa, Oct. 19 (ffV— the hlfh acbodl c(rinmittee. for only one or two relatively rare George Manley Johnson, 45 Bige­ To Quit Posts paper, which recites a whole 1 3 to 8 p.m. Sunday, more than KM The Nationalist government said l%e aunaetion that the reccntr between headquarters and th,e White chrysanthemqma and palms cruisers will be carried out by operations,’ low St., has been named Jeffray MANC-H ESTER of English words crowded into a relatives and friends called to offer two Chinehe Communist MIG jeU ly^epwMa achool be nimed after Thornton Johnson. . They have a decorated the churidv their good wishes. Sometimes the flew over the Tachen Islands 200 ■MUey bad originally beta made walkie-talkie until tranamit- Oovemgb DeMyed Given in marriage by her father, single talk by an editor to an au­ ting factlitiea are in place in 4. Starting T im e^ Coverage. two-yejr-old son, Bradley John­ Lupien Resigns After the bride had as hef maid of-honor guests overflowed to the outdoors, miles north of here today but fled dvrlag tha aummer, when he waa the Almshouse, son; ft thor: < ths. weather was so pleasant, and when NaUonalist antiaircraft guns In Bvape, .and arntn it waa'put Although soma compantos repre­ Two Years; Marlow Mias Carol J, Crawley of West English More Snqcinct principals and guests all had a opened fire. fbtwWHI h u t night, by sent insurance aa being effecUve t ' t ' -'/'//l Hartford. Matnin of honor mpos . ■ 'S ;- “The standing (reputation) of happy time. whan issued, said, coverage The American Legion Auxiliary Mrs. David T. Condon, also of . A Nationalist communique said M anldO antty, it obviooaly caught members of the incoming Board of sewing group will meet tomorrow Declining New Term TiyNIOHT; the House requires reraiting (that Mrs. Maher’s elster-in-law, Mrs. RemgBet"\ wsbb French), of your story. It lacks daughters-in-Iaw, Mrs. Bernice reconnaissance flights. ain tha achool'a name be put off for a time such as six months IN TWO TEKBIFI^ HITS Brookfield S t, waa best man for suspense- (the paper had. a hard Maher, widow of Harold P. Maher, The communique also aald shclU sembly, the authors of the Town for tubereulc^,^ heart disease. on articles for the annual sale, the the $^ning Bowd of Appeals,., re­ his brother. Head usher was Kd- until tha November meeting of the Charter and the Towm Oounael to date of which haa -been aet for time explaining this in few words). the rideet eon. Mrs. James Maher were exchangsd between the Na- School Hoard, “to let him think," WHIUro E. Buckley 5. Health Status of the Insured. signed after serving two years of “Hc\Wall(ed mund J. Gorman, brother of the You abuse the flashback (it had .a and Mrs. Raililph Maher served the | tionalist-held island of Quemoy. off attend. FTC charged maa^x companies Wednesday. Dec. 1, and the place, "TIm Mm " bridegroom, and ushers were Law- hotftorlty, declaring that “thera'a the American Legion Home. a ftve year term during last night’s ByNiffhr harder time with t)iis>. It lacks « P4.U guests. A thiae-tiered wedding i the Red China coast, and Red-held bean anough of a delay" in finding a fiame for the school, made the The Workshop is being planned state they do not requii^xp^ical able for the diiMrsiriff' naotbsm Marlaa Braaia nnee L Kane and Warren S. Ran- pep (piment ia about as good in JoBis P. R ^ ers cake centered the buffet table,'Amoy. V the I>ocal Affairs Committee of executive aession of the Board fol­ who plan to jM ints blood on Ja c k Wckk Jack Webb ■dall, both of Hartford. necessary motion and it w*as quick­ examination, but fail to ea^x^e iicaW hraSr Flench). Your book is too tcuf \ tinT League for the purpoee of policy does not cover any St. Mary’s Guild will meet at lowing the public hearing la* the Thursday. Junior Rod Cross The bride’s gown was of slipper Mr. and /Mrs. F r ^ ric k I. ly seconded and adopted. ~1^ a, m. Thursday in the parish Municipal Building. members will be on hand to super­ I ' (tough) and sexi. It sounds like a Buckley, a teacher for 43 years fOB^ng community underatand- traceable to a condition which STARTS TOMORROW oattn. "made with.bertha collar of i rimeque (remake) of an old tril- Rogers, S3 Wellington M .. an­ ing df Mencheater’a Town Char-, existed when the policy was Is- house of St. Mary's f Episcopal George MarloWr former chair­ vise theiittle ones. . AT REGULAR PRK Alencon lace encrusted with seed and the co-author of two high man of the Board, wjhoee term It'you. hsven’t made your ap- leur (thriller).’’ nounce the engagement oK tteir achool text books, said he waa ter. Afs^the end of the serieb of aued. Church. Members * will bring pearls and sequins, with a train. A Complained Dimanche Matin: “highly honored" by the Board's meetlngaKualyaing the Charter, it 6. Sale of a Plan. Some compa­ their own sandwiches aa usual. wUi expire on Nov, 1, told * the nbintmsnt yet. Mrs. Thompson or Marlon Brando fingertip veil of Skigliah illusion daughter, Janit Porter Rc^fei^to The hostesses, Mrs. James Kil­ Board would not xoneider ree^- Mrs. H art can be reached during “It ia very disturbing that it action. la hoped to reach aome apecific nies Imply, FTC said, that many r was attached to her cloae fit­ should be in the literary world mornos Stanyer Latham, eon Sherwood Robb, chairmen of the conclusions approval or recom­ benefits are obtainable from pur­ patrick and Mrs. William McCann, polntment He gave no reanofis for the day at Red Cross Headquar- "O flit WaftrfrMlf'' ting cap of imported illusion Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. LathahL the action. tsnk ------■' ■ ' ' Y-- with Alencon appliques and pearls. that the French language la so School Board, declared that "the mendation. S li^ conclusions will chase of a single'policy for a few will serve dessert, tea and coffee. Idas "Bflto Robin Cmsos" eolsr beaten around." East Brewster, Mass. school couldn’t be named for a be referred back to the participat­ centa a day, when actually aeveral Lupien said “personal rsasoas" She carried a cascade of white A graduate of Tufts College In more deeerving person.” and other ing organiaatlor^ before they are policies are required to get all the The Auxiliary to DAV No. 17 moUvatsd his rsMcnation at thU .roses with a white orchid in the Le Monde, m far more serious ■June, 1953, Mise Rogers la a mem­ Board membera lauded Buckley for announced. Bach Wganlsatlom in­ advertiaed benefits. will meet tomorrow evening at 8 time. . center. newspaper, protests mainly ber of Chi Omega sorority and o’clock at the VFW Home, Man­ This leavM two vacanclea on the .Both bridal attendants were at- against g c ^ French words being Phi Beta Kappa. She was former­ ithfigaoMytot the contribution he has made to cluding the League ^W om en Vot­ 7. Some advertisements offer education in Manchester. Superin­ era, will be free to decide which, regularly monthly income "even for chester Green. Members are re­ Board to be ftllsfi after the new tifed in ruby red cryatalised silk mashed out of shape for sign- ly “ •mploye o? Houghton Mif- NrOfJwMNUilt tendent of Schools Arthur H. if any of them. It will ffigdorae. The life,” FTC charged, but only in minded to bring canned food for members of the Board of Direc­ ballerina length gowns with V- making purposes. Teh, with a sign fiin Co. In Boston, and is how a niing, in commenting on the name of an organiaatlt^wrill not casea of total disability due to the grocery basket. Mrs Ruth tors take office Nov. 1. which la neckline. They wore matching of resignation, it agrees that some teacher in the Barbour School, Board’s aelection of a name for tha be uaed in connection With the Daddario will be in charge of the also the date of the first meeting Shoes and hats and ’ carried cas­ Ekiglish words are getting into Hartford. 3rj[«uhMdd4ifi. , accidental bodily injury are life­ cades of white button chrysanthe­ the language becdiise there are no new achool. said Buckley haa “wron conclusions writhout ita fo t,m a time payments made. social hour. of the Directors with the new J , ^ Mr. Latham attended Tufts Col­ li the respect and admiration of consent. members present. mums. French words of similar mekning. lege, where he was a member of One firm—the Life Insurance A reception was held at .the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and ARE YOU SORE YOU’RE HOWARD i. LAPKN everyone w'ho has ever met him." The following orgenlaations ^11 Reservationa for the roast beef For both men, last night’e hear­ “Living room" ia now mentioned Co. of America and its officers— dinner for the Men’s Club of the ing will be the last thSy wilt at­ Hartford Golf CTub. West Hart­ in apartment contracts and there will graduate from the U. S. Coast M Mala St. TM.'BO-t-fim participate: Chamber of Co: are charged with falsely repre- ford. the mother of the bride re­ Guard Academy in 1955. merce. Junior Chamber of Com­ South Methodist Church next Mon­ tend aa members of the Board be­ doesn't seem to be anything in USINt THE CORRECT 6RIND? League Sponsors senttng that it is an old, estab- cause no public hearings of the NOW PLAVINQ . V ceiving in a steel blue taffeta either the language or French No date has been set for the merce. Kiwania Club, Uona Club, day evening at 8:80 at the church la Tccbalcclar wedding. 52252?**^ ^ ihed, reliable life insurance com­ must be made no later than to­ ZBA are ocheduled before Novem­ dress with a white sequin iri­ Habits that covers it. The French lytodd txip of coffee if yen don't Mancheater Bar Aasn., Cttleens pany and a pioneer in the accident ber. CLARK GABLE "BllAN WITH descent h ^ with matching hand­ Charter Program Committee, ManCtaeeter YWQA, morrow evening and no tickets will AVA GARDNER drift from the dining room to the and\health field. The corporation be sold at the door, according to A MILLION" bag. gun/^metal gray . shoes and 1. talon. The salon dafinitely ia not a Your grm r^ shelves Are filled with enn niarked FRIGIIMIRE Republican Town Committee, Uresarr Perk wmte^ orchid corsage. The mottier la le ^ than two years old. FTC an announcement made today by The telephone company will living room- 'S o living room now at Jeaat 8 diffinmt wayt. local organixationa have Democratic Towns Committee end said, a^d its volume of life in­ I I L L I '^ — Pla« — of ^thd'bridegroom received In a \ Robert G. Loomis, chairman of change the ring of )iour j^ n e if is legal. It ia in the dictionaries. . MANCHESTER How sure are you which one is the right grind for eapriim ^ intereat in partlc^tlng Local 88, Tegtpe Workers Union surance 4* “insignificant.” A hear­ it wakes the baby or sounds too LESLIE CARON "TAZA, SON OF turquojsi' taffeta . dress with in the ^Vorkahop,on the 'Town of America. ing in t ^ case will be held in th« committee. Art McGinley will . COCHISE’’ n>atching atiqeasorics and a pink 'Weekend has found a place be­ MILLWORK COMPANY your coff^maker? And how dften have you ac­ AiloffiaiicWMlMr be the speaker. much like your neighbor’s. But cause it has a tone of rest and 254 Broad S t—Tel. N1-9-S28S tually picked the wrong grind? Charter Miim spbnaored by the Additional organisations are in­ Wilmingtoi^Del., on Dec. 21. moke sure it wakes you. Wad.! Bom to Be Bad! ^ 'Rack HaScaa Camellia^ corsage. The guest book ii League of W ^en Votera of Man- vited to send representatlvee and The hearW schedule for the ^was attended by Mrs. William H. ...'-aT «jfit. recreation that fin De S^emqlne T o ^ ^ a ll the confusion and worry about grindi. The Holy Ghost Mothers arcle “HUMAN DESIRE" Caotlor TbaraJoy Howard of Hartford'.. misses. fChestcr. The nrat of three sea- may make arraagementa to do so other firms, .'hit In home office "Pl'SNOVEB’* Brftdfont BachrDch photo SEE US FOR HoMfi DID m siona will be held 'bn Oct. 25 at 8 with Mrs. Charles E. Jdcobeon, cities: ^ will meet tomorrow night at 8 “BLACK DAKOtAS" aiM When leaving to st(irt on a The big problem in the Monde •Uve4ff.^^ ' o’clock at the home of Mrs, "BLACK DAKOTAS" MRS. RAYMOND E. GORMAN article .la the American concern Chock full'o’Nuta h u perfected n ^ Newark, X p. m. at the Eman\ie) Laitheran Jr, of Wyjlys Street, Local Af­ American Hospital and Life In­ C H iiD P C N Cruise to Nassau, the bridjS chOM r.ENERAF. fairs Chairman for the League. Paulette Davagnon, 75 Oolumbua a. lavender tweed suit with huitch- with security- risks. “Risque de ALL MCTNOD tMN46 '^ h e e'••Mhee , • • N.J. Church. X surance Co., Dec. 20, San Antonio, S t tJ '' .‘ ^' Mj. iJ A' • > 2 CARTOONS The League has also ipvtted Tex. — ing accessoriex U|>on their retufn Robert McComb, . Kenneth Gron- 9, Troop 133 held an overnight aecurlte" in French means almost arientifirally designed to brew perfect oOffee by •*••(1 ( Mr. and Mrs. Gorman will reside lund, Charles Ryan, David Dra- camp at Camp Johnson in Bolton. the oppositq of sMurity risk and all methexu — percolator, drip or vacuum. • R American Life and Accident In­ •''**P’*P«nr A series of three meetings on, at 28B Garden Dr. peau, David Call,^ Billy Stewart Some of the requirements passed the paper finally decides the only NO JOB IS TOO BIG Clmck full o|Nuts ooeta a few pennies mor^ a surance ,Oo.i Dec. 14. St. Louis. the soomings of Nov. 4 and 18 and t l Mrs. Gorman attended St. Jo­ Gebrge Walker, Charles Hunter, At that time were flrebuilding, expression to cover the problem OR TOO SMALL. Automobile Owmera Safety In­ Doc. 3 on "The ABCs of Public seph's Academy, St. Mary*s-of- Bob ' Halvorsen, .Ricky Alnslie, is “peril 'pour la securite,” insisting FREE ESTIMATES pound—but will make many more cups of the meet «»4ttee then surance Go., Dec. 13, Kansaa Otjr. cooking, stalking and measuring,. heavenly cup of coffee you ever (IraiuL Education in Connecticut" will be _WHh Jack Webk. ia Tech. S:IC the-Woods QoHege, Ind., and S t James ValciuliS, Conrad Janssen,. Troop 133 will finish walking the it should be used to protect the w«Aher Bankers Mfe end Casualty Co.. held at tha Ann Street YWCA in Plat ••Ol’TMW- nTALLinif" la Joseph’s College. She it a member Jason Stankfield, Tommy Janssen, town boundaries on Oct. 23 reputation of the French language Dec. 15, ChicikgO, Tech, at S;U . t:M - Open 8 AM. to 8 P.5L Dally All-P, Hartford under the auspices of the of the Hartford Junior Women’s and Allen' Ridyard. j--,- for precision. Commercial Travelers Insurance BtaHi WcS., “T BrMci Far 7 nrat.** TELEVISION Cub Scout Pack 151 will meet •esW»_ Service Bureau for Women’s Or­ Ptaii “liaaiaB Dcitrc" Club (uid of the Hartford Golf Tuesday night at the Verplanck Sports •words have long slipped OMy Co., Dec. 17, Salt Lake City. au b . liie Commercial , Travelere ganizations in Hartford. Anyone in­ KASY FkKR PABKINO George Pinzel has'returned to School auditorium at 7 o'clock. into the language. Knockout is a ''*■***• kiTHI fid JU r <»Qin€iltlon#€lfi to o l Mutual Accident Assn, of America, terest^ msy register for the A graduate of Kingswood Troop 91 to again be Scoutmaster. The doors will open at 6:45. good French word and the infini­ Dec. 30. UUca, N. T. ■eries at the Service Bureau, 958 School lutd Holy Cross College, The troop also haa a new Junior Den projects on display will be tive “to knock out” has become DUBALDO Guarantee Reserve Life Insur- Main St., Hartford. PROGRAMS Gorman received his Master’s d'p Assistant Scoutmaster, Louis Al­ on this month’s theme, “Musical "knockouter.” knee Co. of Hammond, .Indu, and gree at New York University. At fonso. Ehcplorer Kenneth Grohtund Hoe-Down" and "Conservation.’’ But it happens in other lan­ MUSIC CENTER . Members and friends of Sunset iVldso Evaryday—All Rights Rasarvad—H. T, DlcKlhaon A Co., Inc. present he is engaged In the gen­ is reporting for Troop 91. Parents are urged to accompany MYf LOW PUCII its officers, Dec. 8 at Hamnumd. eral insurance business In, Man­ guages. Turks drafted many for­ 188 MIDDLE TPK. WEfiT AT YOUR Guarantee Trust Life Insurai^e Rebekah'and King David Lodge of their sons to each pack meeting aa eign words when Kemal Attaturk TEU M1-9-820S Odd Fellows will be welcome to at­ chester. He is a member of the no award or badge will be given OROCER’S Co.; Dec. 13; Chicago, Junior Chamber of Commerce and Troop 133, Second Congrega­ reformed their language. A usable 6 ^ 9 7 8 xllllnois Commercial Men’s Aasn.,'^ tend the Halloween party given tional Church, completed a six to aity boy unless he is accom­ word in Turkey ia seksipil, which GUERINI Defc. 10, Chicago. jointly by both lodges Friday, Oct. the Connecticut Assn, of Insur­ panied by a parent, guardian 'or ance Agents.. nille hike on Oct. 2. During the meant what it sounds like. MORESCI Lafialle Casualty Co., Dec. 14, 22, In Odd Fellows Hall. The hike 11 scouts pas'ed compass for den motheh Attendance of parents Chicago. . grand march Unscheduled to start Second Claas. will be taken at every pack meet­ Accord id is ing and an award will be given to Mutual Benefit Health and Acci­ at 8:30 p.m. Neff’s Square dance Add color oRd plocaiiro The troop at this time is busy Kemp's,Inc. dent Assn., Dec; 16, Omaha. band will furnish music. the den best represented... GIVE HER ^ Private I^tructions Prudence L l^ Insurance Co., fo lionio docor with • WKlking the Scaidh Wlndsor-Man- A successful paper collection was Dec. 9, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Thorn­ eolerfiil Motorola Fio.Mp B O Y SCOUT chester town liae. The ;lBoat excit­ held Saturday morning -by the Instrungiei^ and Supplies 7*3 jyialB Str^M I 3 ti|0 ing thing that hap happened so pack. All dent participated in CHANEL NO. Reserve Ufa insurknee Co., Dec, ton, 26 Wellington Rd., who re­ far it the finding of an old wolf 5 IT. Dallas. cently returned from a seven-day radio. gathering a aizable amourff.. of available at Orel F o r H ire Notes skull by one of the scouts. The paper,, which was picked up 'hy SALES ood SSRYICI Southern National Insurance Co., cruise to Nassau In the Bahamas skull was found on what is now Dec. 15. Uttle Rock, Ark, . and Bermuda, encountered three Cuomaater Herbert Huffield and WELDOirS ^ 7 X Travelers Health Assn., Dec. 1$, and an abandoned road in the north­ Louis Botti, whose truck was used 901 MAIN fiTRJEBT days of pretty rough .weather 277 litOAD western section of town. On Oct. in the collection. Omaha. caused by Hurricane Haxel.They •a-9-im United Insurance Co., Dec, 16, 'w’efe very much impreiued with News It's Pa u Avinuc-smakt with umtinenul ttyl- Chicago, TELEVISION ■ RADIO SALES aad X tagl It's rarm-prKtical with 60 oibic feet of "CROSS COUNTRY" the scenery on the Bermuda Is­ \ y SERVICE " Tin lure glad I found myMif ot O lands, and arrived in New York MANGHESTCR KNITTING MILLS raliabla, 'hara-to-ttay' Ford Daolar’t "All of ys con on lha Ford Oaolar't lot q u |0 M M . It's a long-distance family « r with STATION WAOON 10 hours dv’erdue owing to weather This Week la Sroutlng wara in good shopa. Evan if wa hod a tiny *TravenC8ck"atop Uie roof for extra luggage. conditions. Cbaaaal S UaraMriy S> Naw Raraa. Tuesday: Commissioners meet­ lot. My fo(wiar ownar hotad ' An American Motors Value Club Observes t:M f •> MEET MILLIE ing; Troop 47, South 'Sfethodist; fo lat ma go—but lika o miHton othao, •icrofch or dant—or g slight cough in lha It go« up milea on a gallon! ItV Air CUaaal » iuSiorS. Caaa. SHOW Get the faeti at your Nash Dealerl Read "Na Chll. Troop 65, Armory; Troop 126, ha couldn’t rasist buying o htiond-naw Ford. angina—whan thosa Ford machonta'-got Ihraugh Coadhioiied at tow coat. See it today! Mrs. Ruth J. Spencer, chairman J8>2«* *vMala. Casa. , Emanuel Lutheran; Squadion 35, the New Car X-Ray of 16 leadhtg maka. Charter Night of the card party Snd. food aale Chaaaal U Walcrbarr. Caaa. wilh US, wa wara iust lika naw. Wa lookad Chaoaal S Kalraka. Ab m . Center Church. snoppy wa could hova joinad Hia Moiwatl this evening in Woodruff Hall of Chaaaal.ft aariasflcld. Caaa. • :M ( AM) DANOKE Wednesday: Bkaic training West “Chew 'n Chat." the Manchester Center ^ Church house, hopes the ■■StraasIcbaM” _ Barry District; Trixip 122, Verplanck; Inc. -^449 CM ttr StrMt, MoncliMttr, MI-3«4079 branch of Toastmibters Interna­ variety of food prepared by^the $ m ( II OCTDOOB AOV. CLl'B ... .Jaact aas Sratt PatS Troop 120, St. James; Troop 133, tional, will observe the 30th anni­ SoroptlmisU will attract buyefs. <«»> WiWTEn.N TnKATKS drama—--Paaiily^VlaU-' <*•> BAR -M WKRTRRN PREA. «M) TO BE ANNOUNCED Second Congregattonal;' Pack 4, versary of Toastmasters Ihterha- whether or not they ore interested I #/ TKR — "OaaoMS at Soa- Center Church. tipnal snd Its own charter night in' the games. Mrs Julie McCarthy, Jawa-* , Thursday: Troop.124, Andover. a t the Manchester Country Club fiorist member in Rockville, will DRAGNET (Ut BOV-a R. R. CLl’B d p ' vin g instructions (U> Ol'T WKST WITR BILL Friday;xPack 3, Highiiand Park; on Wed Jedgy, Oct. Tt.^aCcording be in charge of the cake table. (All IINGLR ED’S S^M CCUB Yasr . Raaia Pack 2T, St. Mary's; Pack 112, to an announcement made today Aa announced, profits of the affair S>M IMI JOLLY OENK IWItb laaarcS Doal fiM Caatral Cart West Side Rec; Pack 153, Bowera; 4C, by'Raymond Cooper, president of will be used toward a scholarship ( u ! rnS?*’^ DoooY t i m e Pack 153, Waddeli./- the local Toastmasters CluV SsUsfav..on Guaranteed T h i s WEEK ONLY! Exposed When Thieves Take to be awarded a- student who will , 'il* 5 9 5 '- ® MB. SWEENEY Baturday: Cub Leaders’ Pow­ In 1924, Ralph C. Smedley or­ train to teach mentsilly retarded I' ISII HOOEBN BOHANCES LARSON DRIVING SCHOOL wow, Charter Oak (Council, Louiae • f i ) TRW IN TRE LIFE ganized a club he called the Toast­ children. (Mi NEWS AT a n . TEL Ml-9-8075 . Duffy School, West Hartford. ,. 100% VIRGIN WOOL masters, with tlie idea of aimpiy 4CI> COWBOY PLAYROl'SR Sunday: Scout Leadera’ training | ' N to > m g i n >et improving public speaking. Today 6:U (M> TRR early SROW- weekeniL , "Caotla la tba Oaaart" lt:tS ( S> irEl'TH OE CONSB- the organization has grown into „ qi'ENCKS approximately 1,700 Toastmasters (M) iJP E WITH PATREB All Scoutera should plkn to a'*'1 K M IT T IM G e n d s “Crossed Swords" wllh Errol Flynn Lcaa Aaiea J O H N U A V in Clubs, with some 50',000 members. aad Gina LoUabrigida nt 3:00, 7:57 SiM ( tl SPORT8COPE tend the annual Scout leaders’ bkn-11 It is now the fourth largest serv­ U SlN EW S )UI MEET MILLIE quet on Nov. 11. A fine dlnnet^ and PROTECTS “The Bonnty Honter" Randolph Scott (SAMI DEADLINE EDITION *40 > MABBIED JOAN ice group in number of clubs. TODAY: nt 8:35, 8:89, 9;2S ^ WATEBPBONT a good speaker are in the. plans. c a r The clubs are -designed to aid Site < SI WEATBER PORECAST ____ —Preataa Patter WORSTED HOUSEWIFE IN BIO PIITI'RE and members of the newly formed large Xor small. To help achie/c STMTS TOMORROW ISSI AEEA NEWS—8POBT8 »**• ALL STAB TREATER (SSI LOCAL NEWS 4SI) DEATH VALLEY D A Y ^ Explorer crew attended the Vale- Two aurly characters, F. C. that, purpose Dr. Smedley evolved WEDNESDAY thm 8ATUBPAT 4SI) arORIA NEW ! TONIOfl* DAYS . , Brown game at the Yale Bowl. 'The Oiit and C, D. ’Grime, were ar^ the procedure of having the mem­ ’ •** ■"-*• M'CKOCK U:SS (I S) ROBERT MOKTUOWkRY boya attending were: Richard. Mc- Kl'KLA PBAN A OLUC ' < PRESENTS: rested, yesterday in an attempt bers criticize one . another's MYSTERY DRAMA DONT TEU THE (HI PEATl'BK riLR Craroa ComH. Bill-Coletnan, 'piomas Base speeches. Each club is limited to for itse lf! to rob and destroy' the. hand­ OF THE YEAR! SURPRISE ENDING! ’«SI> WEATREB (ISdtl NEWS ler, John Haskell, Dennis Klotzer, SO members. So that' virtually, all (HI ALL AMERICAN GAME some carpet of ah attractive OPTRE.WEMi; of them participate in the speak­ (til TRUTH OR CONSk- suburban'housewrife. ing and disgussions of U.eir two- qCENCES hour meetings. CHARLES II: SI LA-—*- iT E SHOW------GHt. wrfao gave his' first name -.The Manchester chapter, which CLARK fy^xGABLE -r"Ba«ara af tke IxSita" '! • ’ m o o n l io e t t h e a t e r r'^sfATfoNffr''' "Buyan swormad fci every doy. . \ aaf^ber. Cutter, made this was formed earlier this year, has 11:1* "And whan our Ford Daolar (H J ^ R Y treater ^ LEADING BRA^S Flaa qnaltty 4 ply pore virgin wool yarn. In !S They knew wa wara oil statement to the Preea; “Don’t been 'holding aeml'mohtlily' meet­ LESPERANCE lt:M stuck Ihol A-l tobat on ui, wa stood "Wa sura moved fast to moke blame me for this. I couldn't ings since Sept, 8: Charter mem­ j f f * m______.0:M ( t> MYSTRRY. THEATER AIRMAIL - NOTES eolora. Ideal far afgbaaa, stoles and ahating 'top shopa' . They knew "Cksa la Dead Rea TaU" sweaters. . ,i~-. ■- -—■ ■ up 0 liHla prouder- room for the steady stream help It! People kept tracking bers of Manchester's "Chew 'n INSURANCE (Ml NIGHTCAP EDITION they'd be getting lha fairest ihe. into the house, on their Chat’’ chapter are: (Sll NEWS S WEATHER Arthur Drug Stores h was lika getting o medal— deal .in town. They knew our ford of ifroda-int (seams everybody . shoes. Then they kept walkfitg RIAL ESTATE 11:1k ( til MOVIE o medal for future Bernie R. Biiss, 112 S. Main St.; 1:IS (SINEWS . 100% VIRGIN WOOL Dealer slaked his reputation on is buying o naw Ford), Seams Td over me and I just had to rut. Anthony J. Bonner, Talcottiillej LA M TURNER MI-8-7828 superior service. the fibers and nap in the car­ every shinin'g one of us. And 4f»ay just got there and I was siKippad Robert D. Brennan, 28 Princeton^ MANCHESTER. CONN. right upl And my naw ownar pet!" 8t.; Timothy K. Bye; 19 Holi St.; ^Nostmnssr|»4oiifisrl knew our rpck-boltom prices it ot happy ds onybody should be Grime's first name was list­ Dr. William L. Conlon. 102 Lake- W ill hilp ytv war* pq^sibia bacowsa our Ford wood Circle.'S.; Raymond E. Coop- ! i <60 UTTLB SHOW S P O R T Y A R N who bought a used cor at o ed as Color Duller. Me had been I (ISAI1 JOHN DALY—News Daolar doesn’t depend on his noticed hanging around the er, Birch Mountain Road; James 1 « « ) HIORLIORT8 ^ D O N 'T M ISS used cor profits to stay raliabla Ford Dealer's-” M. Crowe, 28C Garden Dr.; Her- VICTOR MATURE —T aa CaMaa THE bouse for wreaks in the disguise in businassif of atmospheric soli. The charge man Dvorak, 252 Green Rd.; Gor­ I POLITICAL ^LEANED O l’T la jrestrrday’s arrest were 0. D. G rim e aad don Friedrick. 4 Campbell Ave, i IM> WEATRRRVANE brought against Grime was As- F. C. Grit. After rereivlng sentenre they muttered threats RUG PMRDE s -I aanlt writh Attempt to Kill Coi- Vernon; Robert Male. 34A Garden ) ( t l IT'S A PLPJUI'RE era. GrUne was found guilty in to do .further damage In this area. Dr.; Leo J. Havican. 103 Conway AND J' the wroret degree of bright col­ Rd.; Russell E. Holmes, 248 Green (Ml EDWARD8 AND T»R JVBWB ^ or destruction of nap. HEAVY SENTENCE GIVEN on the carpet and sentenced to Rd.; WUUam E. Kelvie, 83 ayde iTOi Painting Show exile. Rd-r N. WUllam Knight. 85 WhiU The Case of the Suburban i * •> NEWS CARAVAN Imported Holbiad Windmill Brand. Fkat color, motb- HERO HAILEB Authorities predict a bright S t; Edwin W. Lamb. RFD 2, Man­ Jeka Caaaaraa nwayaa IDateriNini pfMf, 4 ply virgin wool yarn. Perfect for socks and Carpet was satisfactorily new future with a longer life chester Road, Glastonbury. (Ml a o ETAPPORD PSBIlilCI ■ sweaters. 2s colom. Jtriia Lieavltt’s Triple Clcaiu- closed with Fiber Cutter Grit „for the carpet, housewife and John F. McGovern; Jr.. 178 Por­ ( SI HILTON RRRLR SHOW — Frid a y , O c t. 22 ing Proceaa waa given full and Color Duller Grime called .ail--except Grit and Grime. ter St.; Roger Maconiber, 148 Oaaata 1 ;00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. < lM tl t h e OOLDRBROS credit for ihe street Of' Grit 'EUkabeUi Dr.; Matthew M.^ Mori- , RONAU) MUMsadfi^OKt IROCSWa :H IMI CLCE TBISTY whtra you buy H that counlfil Grit aad GrUne. Why? Our T. Xinmhi0p Schauater, 32 Cumberlaad St.; StSA (SSI JO S r itF O E O lu i JIG SAW « ris Md Instruction in' * ?•’' "M aring ynm. Crlaap-aet, aaH-ahrtak. 'ineth- C Procaaa givaa three cieana- John J. Somers. 95 W. Middle (SO MEWS CAMAYAR S:M (HI MATIREB Hooking and Braiding" praaf. Far tacka ar bnby tMnka. Se caloK. . i tfigl to furniture and ruga. It 2 ^ 4 1 1 4 Tpke.; Thomas J. Sweeney, Jr., itene deep to get out Grit, it film s 139 Walker St; Robert B. Taylor. Matlnsss -waeiie ttem ughly to remove 195 Henry S t; William Robert d i v k i sr-M. Hookinff RqOipment For aa W rtbdftaere. -ecientifi- Spencer, -18 MarabUl Rd. Evaniags GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. Sale OPEN UNTIL ■ad bet water is Frsai 8:09 M ' «or mebuktra Triple 15% o r p FOB CASH AND CARRY Ah attractive woman ruins all COBURN- A 6A R Canto Early tiflit Refreshments Sefred our Ford Doaler 131 Front Street , Back of The Hartford Tim her work if she dro|^ a cigaret •sB siito BUiCK Kniiiinc niiui etubon restaurgnt shlna or throws Admiafion Only 50c * • tan bsg-lB tha' ash tray. nnFRANCIS’A WINSLOW 285 MAI.‘a I PHONE Ml-2-4571 us^ cars and E V R Y N IG H T •J /Read Herald Advp, DIU 0 N 9ALES and/SERVICE , " -.r- ,H ^ /■ - /r I f: , , m mR >» rduorr—MANcmssTHi ' ' ■ / , E r - / ■ - %V- • " -- 'r ■ iy~. ' - 'X, •■-I’ L. " • -c ’’ ' \ vX',.:- :v:’'-V ... ;»• , / •X.- f i^QB FOtm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAN( CONN„ TUESDAY, OC^BER 10,1954 » .. A MANCHESTER EVBjNlNG HERAl'D, MANCHESTER, CONN4 TUUsdAY, OCTOBER 19,19S4 PAGE FIVE '.t under fio^gb ts -ia 'lha aaeieiit Tyrone^ L u | d a church while thousands ( ■/ ■ S(^,v Fanu Price Issue Key Manche»tef staged n near riot ootstda. I t ' Coventry . of 42 croft. Both, officers and men t: W e^ asnnan govern- V End Marriage the first raartiago for MlMLCLwr belong to the U.S. Navy’s German mant'pqys for the projfct as occu­ Date Book tian, born of Dutch and Maxlean London Act Labor Servic* Unit B at Bremer- pation roqU. Pay rates grange parents in TkmptoO'^ M a x l eo. haven, dowuiward fRun the 700 -marks ■ •('V o l6wa Flection Race Over Careers Her real name W Blanca Roaa. Library Unit Being Formed OM Navy Supplies Mqn (9166.661 'm o tij^ y which Com-^ Friday, Oct. St ,Walter. She febrived her edu­ Ninety per cent of the officere mander John recel jives Bonn McLaughry has lila^a it plain ^dman't done. They get around to Rug SxhibiUon and Demonstra' Honywood, Oct' 19 (F)—The cation in X u x ie o , Venesucla. and 60 per cent of the men are 9 t O 0 VlUOUiS Q U K OOMUXIX that neither he nor the iLS.;Navy peace, taxes, budget balwicing, tion Braiding, Hooking, Tola and marriage o f Tyrone P o w e r. and Paleatlne,^Bouth Africa, Holland To Aii^ .Issues of ijffe^ciy vetefana of the old German Navy. D « jiblnM. Oct 19 W )—The can asauro the men of automatic foreign poh^, CPimm.-niam, pros­ Chnvaa painting. North Methodiat Linda Chriatlan, aolemnlxed llvt Slid Italy; aad for a time attended Blit the percentage of young nlet ofo f bun M d « f n —)>un on Ml ) . -V commieaions in any new Gei Church 1 to 9 p.m. yroro ago in Santa Ftnnceaco mediOiU achool in Palestine. New Fleet recruits ie rising. Ranks are the CsOed for aad dtHYordid Um hoof, thattbnt i»-4is-rla i UM>»W Into perity. sea force. But the oldtimers in Gillette aays he expects I to win Friday, Satorday, Get. SS, tS CattKdlc Church ia Rome, haa / T h e couple’e Joint anaouiace- Coventry, Oct. 19 (Spacial)-—)-rA n ' t k#n aoohK^Boya eame aa in the American Navy. proBiptly at bo- aztn ■n imporUnt election dey factor who played on the team thi^year labor servlcs unit confidently ex on the general laaue that here la a Community Players wUl present broken up. The two movie atsTO meat of their epUt-up said their "American Heritage’’ discilumton By RICHARD K; OMAUJCY Although the highest ranking oifi in lovn. and will be too old for next yaar> pact to get commissions. Many of vliwrfc. - “feeling of - ihatidiility for the fu­ ’*My 3 Angeia." " v blame the spUt on “ iaoompntibtllty two daughters, Romlnn Fraaoesca, group J a being formed at the fleer at present is a commander, jn the nntioa’s rraateat b o ( pro- p -ogram will receive diploipak Brettierhaven, Germany, Oct. 19 the young men signed up because ture and of double crosam in the Saturday, Oct. SI over cjueers’’ but say then me no 3, ai)d Taryn, R. will ramaia la tha Thia officer, Hans John, is shore 4nclns aUte, the farmer la fettinc Booth-Dimock Memorial Library. during a ceremony. A W esr Oerman navy will be of a love of-the sea - -and they look peat" HarvMt D ance, Mancheater immediate plaiu for dlyot^ custody o f Miss Christian. based here. Chiefs o f the two la a n ^ r bpga while hia eoeta atay Resldenta o f the town are invited League officialu have expreaaed on a future German Nqvy as their PlMlfHARmCY Lodge of Blka, State Armory. The ahapely Mlaa Christian wui TIM actreaa w ill continue to live able to take to tha seas 24 hours squsders plying' ouf of Traven- vp. Bia wtfe frequently can’t break “There la general uncertainty to Join to talk over important ia- appreciation to the community career. , everywhere, on the farma and In Alao, “ Kiddie Karhival’^ St. aUy in HoOyivooiYhnd puixue her in the fam ily home, tha garden of after fine! ratiflcetion of the Ism- inuende on the West Baltic 'are CAU>Mi.f.98l4 ertn on the a fu ahe carta to mar­ suea d i tbfi day. The aim is to dl»- for its support-of the program. Mary’s Parish House. 11 am. to 6 film career, ^ower la leaving for which hiu a life-sise nude atntue lieutenant commanders. ket M r pin and houaehold m on^. the cities.’’ he aaid in an interview. . cuss problems which face the Demonstration Night / d ^ rearmament agreeipent— p.m. . N ew York aa toon as he flnlahes o f her that was made fo r Power in thanks to the U. S. Navy. Moat.egaa are brlnginc 16 to 18 Martin clalma the one big Issue world today In the light of the The Young Motuers Club will In addition to sea'training, shor,e oanta a doaen and that’a far leaa ie the need for placing Republi- Monday, Oct. 96 hla curnnt movie, "Untamed.’’ to Italy while their romance wps to ' It won't be much of a fleet at Surprise Shower bloom. baaic documenta which conatltute have a toy demonstration at their schools for the Germans aTO^gbri- than the prtcaa o f a y e u ago. ceha In Oongreae to aupport Eiaen- Charter workshop aponsored by start^roneanala for "The Dark Is first, only some mine sweapera ducted at Bremerhaven. whbt^ Power’s divorce from Annabella oUr heritage. meeting topight 8:90, in the. VbnMaa Bat Unhappy hower. GUlette, he says, cancels Leans of Women Voters, Eman­ tight Enough." In which he will tenders, oilers end smell patrol Capt. J. G. McLaughry commands coat him 960,000 a year alimony. The group is open to all adults.- Nathan Hale Community Center. \ For Bride-Elect ■ Cren though they aren’t grum- the votea of the other Iowa Sen­ uel Lutheran Church, 8 p. m. o6-star on the stage with Kath­ There are no educational, require- craft. Neverthelesa it will be a the U. S. Naval Advance Base. arine Cornell. The actor la Tyrone Power lu. The puulic ia Invited. Navy. bUag loudly or Baying much about ator. RapuMiCan Bourke B. Hick- Nov. 1, S, S aad 4 V menta or fees. Books, Dims and On Committee The American officer in direct enlooper, Before the nmirlage. Power toM 'His great-grandfather was n cele­ U n ^ r the I.,ondon &greemnt. re- M is s ^ y ro O. Clemaon, dqughter : pMUca or poIlUcal leprtaala, New Ibigland Mobile Book >kir, brated Irish comedian, hla father ^® 3,000 tons or lass. up through the ranks. He sailM Wednboday, B ov. S day celebration of Gov. Lodge William H. Lisk. wsAhotiored wHh Aa a n au lt the Democrata ex­ half and different on half. And on work," KILUR d BY BtXOTRIO nOCK state ano' Jpcal library scrvicee, Wednesday Vv h e n President Mine IHveepem Ready aboard mine sweepers in the Kore­ 13 key issues In the House, he Annual all-daV “Holiday Fair," a' surprise -miscellaimoiM bridal pect to |«ofit at the polla and OOP Center ChurCh Women’s Federa­ Theirs was a year-long interna­ B r id g ^ r t , Oct. 19 — Robert F, under a grantvfrom the Fund for Dwight Eisenhower will be wel­ There is no 3,000-ton .yeisel for an War. hrowa a n plowed with linea of saya, Martin and H. R. Croaa, an­ tion. tional romance In Italy, Mexico, Broberg. 33, a part-tima employe Adult Education^ the new navy immediately avail- shower Friday evening. Oct. 16. comed at Bushnell Park in Hart­ Host of the GermaA officers The party was given by her^a{er- WIUIAMS wwiiy. other Iowa Republican voted to­ Spain and Hollywood. 'The church of the Cups Mfg. Co., waa killed Membership wlH'-be limited to ford. , sblc. But a fleet of.rebuilt Gernuin gether on half and split on half. Horoemaker’a Holiday program, have a fair" knowledge of ^gliah. in-law, Mrs. Carl E. Oemson, at Bealdao, there are (Ugna that C om lh i^ty ’’Y ’’, 9:30 a.m. sanctioned the marriage because by electricity last night while In- 30 persons to insure effective par- Mrs. Holway can be contected mine sweepers now watts for ratl- Others are picking the language OIL SERVICE Then h« runs through the Demo­ it had not recognised the civil cere­ atalling n welding machine. Medi­ her home, 149 Oakland St., and at­ aome aort o f a Democratic trend ' Tbarsday, Nev. 4 .__tlcipaUon by all member^>A mini­ for tickets to the Tolland County mation s X-day. These ships have up fast, along with their men. may he under way Ih thia part of cratic refrain that time and again mony which united Power with cal Ebcamlner Edwin R. Connon mum of six meetings will be held.' ^ e n operating vlth Germah crews tended by more than 30 relati-yea 341 BROAD STREET Harvest supper and sale, Salva­ Yo'ung Republican jhssn. semi- “ We.used to hire all our officers- and frienda ' faryw IMIL Democratic' votes saved vital ‘Aiuiabella, French actress. . pronounced him dead at the scene I The first w*'l be Nov. 8 at 8 p^'h). formal dinner danoe Saturday but under the American flag for TEL. MI-9-4548 tion Arm y Citadel. out of retirement,!’ Short saye. Mias Clemaon unwrapped her It might do no more than cut paita of the Blsenhawer program The Power-CIuiaUan ' nupUala after he failed to respond to arti­ E at the library. Subsequent m e «^ evening in the ITinciess Ballroom two years. Monday, Nov. 8 “Now we are bringing them up choice gifts which she found tn a gown aome dC^tbe uaual Republi­ from destruction at GOP hands. were performed June 27, 1949, ficial reaplration. g Ings will be Monday highta with at Rockville. Readlne.ss of the We.st German Charter workshop aponsored by from the ranks of the men under clothes basket decorated in pink can marglna v t victory. A tide of Gillette Age Factor two meetings scheduled per month Observe Annlversarj’ ~ “ ’ Republic to step into its own sea taane of Women Votera, Eman­ training.” and white, the prevailing shmver .:imforeaaen volume and apme real GUlette la 75, Martin 61, and on slternate weeks. Mr.'Wml Mrs. Hobart Beebe, Jr„ role has been made possible bv a uel Lutheran Church. 8 p. m. Herald Photo Occaaionally. Lt. tjg ) Wilfred colors. lAiter the hoatasM served s political upaeta would be neeiM some Republicans are whii^rlng Leaders will be Leon Labrle, dis­ More than 100 friends and rela-^ Tuesday, Nov. • obseivedHheir 25th wedding an­ quiet program instituted in 19.52 Devine of South Portland. Maine. buffet style lunch a. a tastehilly M r the Democrata to ahake any a bit about the Senator’s ege. He cussion leader, and Mrs,- Kenneth tlves gathered at the home o f Mr. by the U.S. NaVy and a handful of '{Ueada guUty’’ to being a Demo­ Annual Baaaar, North MethodUt niversary-atAhelr home at Beebe dress and a whits orchid corsage Who la assistant American officer appointed table, centered with a XU^bUcana out of lowa’a night By •luplterl.. A. Downing, librarian. ’They sug­ and Mrs. James Kilpatrick, 11 its oncers. crat and. to hbvlng been “ born Church, 2 to 9 p.m. Camp on Suniby. The party of 60 at the party. in charge of the unit, goes out on a shower cake. Hors d'oe-.ivres, party Bouae aeata and the gubernatorial Turaday, Nov. 11 gest registrations be made im­ guests were frbm Manchester, Lakewood Circle S., Sunday to Mr. Kilpatrick is engaged in the Two 10-boat squadrons of R- without any intervention on my mediately .with Mrs. Downing. She sweep. Otherwise, the R-boat sandwiches, cake and coffee U^ere manaion. part 76 years ago." But he ekye Boy Scout leaders annual ban­ ^thls really Is •Nonvich, Hartford,'- Cape Cod, help them celebrate their 40th ornamental ironwork and struc­ buats, each with a tender, regular­ squadrons get their sea orders and served. will answer questions and supply ly sweep the Baltic Sea to clear T et aome Democrata dp profeaa he doesn’t own a vdieel chair and quet, Masonic Temple, 6:30 p.m. ftocky Hill and Vernon. The couple, tural steel business, which has carry them out alone. Miss Clemron wtll become the applicants with, reading material wedding anniversary. World w ar II mines from sea A gUmbertng hope for electing a doesn’t need oiw, Tbnrtday, Friday. Saturday real coffee I formerly from East Hartford, have been in the faniily for four genera­ Flying the Stars and Stripes, bride of Mr. Lisk at a ceremony Iq to be discussed at the first meet­ resided in town for the past three, "Open house” party was ar­ tions. They were married in Rock­ lanes.. The R-boats sris 167 tons., Qovernor for the flrat time aince ActuaUy, leeuee are of compara­ Nev. 11, IS, It ing. they are numbered as U S. naval the Second Congregational Church years. Beebe is a native of Covem^ ranged for them by their children, ville by the Rev. Percy Thomas, have a top speed of 18 knots, carry I t iil a M a Oongreaaman for the tively lltUe aignUlcance in GU­ Fourth Annual Minstrel of RIondmoMIr Visit craft Uniforms, are American on -WednSiBday, Nov. 13. / ■ try. They have a son, Corodan, and pastor of the Rockville Congrega­ no armament at present, but are flrat time aince 1940. lette s bid for another term. If he Campbell Council, K. of C „ Ver­ A full unit of the Bloodmobile Mr. wid Mrs. William Kilpatrick, two grandsons, who reside in S t tional Church at that time. Mrs. equipped With radar. Trend or no trend, they expect wins, it will be largely on the baaia planck Auditorium. will be at the Nathan Hale Com­ Cqi^try;, Mrs. Lucille Freeman t* keep Democrat Ouy B. GU- of a strong personality and a atrik- Augustine, Fla. The couple re­ Kilpatrick, the former Elsa Kra- Their ta.sk la to widen present Friday, Satuidv, Nov. 16, SO munity Center Nov. 5 from 1 lanes and cut 'new ones for the letta la the Senate. Gillette haa ing appearance, that have made Rotary Club’s "Rotary Review,' ceived silverware, and a purse of- of Sou^^Vindsor and Mr. and Mrs. nert, was born in Rockville and p. m. to 6 p. m., Capt. Walter S. Kran Kilpatrick of Talcottvllle, safety of merchant shipping. paoeed ba can win In Iowa when friends in both parUea—along with Waddell School. Ketler, blood procurement chair­ money.. Mr. Kilpatrick .was born in Man- no other Democrat can come cloae, occasional votes aiding.with the - Home Again Many lovely gifts and flowers cHester, It is common knowledge that not , Sunday, Nov. Si man. said recently. A quota of ISO. many mines have been located for I t tfitiw ttopubUcan votea for him GOP. Mr. and Mrs. Edward.Skllton re­ were presented to them. Mrs. K il­ The couple has Tive grandchil­ Food and Cake Sale Marian Tear Pageant, under pints of blood Will be needed. Perr a long time. Most of the World to do it, and the Senator pulla Bveh so, both RepubUcans and aiuplcee o f Ladies o f Columbus, turned Sunday night from a nine- patrick wore a itise colored silk dren. \ sons can make kppointments with War II magnetic-type mines are ' them tn. Democrata are courting the farm Whiton Memorial, 4 and 7:30 p.m. day trip through Maine, Vermont, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 A Capt. Keller. Mrs. R obfri U Helms now aterile. and the moored mines The, GOP la cballuiglng thia vote ardently in this predominant­ a la In charge of obtaining nurses or and Montreal. Canada. Awarded the William M. Nichols 10 A. M. UN'HL SOLO OUT ly corii-hog state. R ev. Payne Talks presumably have already been Mrmlwble oimonent wlUi Thomaa ntirses sides to assist nt the pro­ Visitor In Town medal in 1929 for the moat out­ swept. And the thing that atanda ottt on B. Martin, a Bouae member for Miracles Accepted gram. Other persons able to assist Mr. and Mrs. James T. Laidlsw^ standing reaearch contribution of But with every day, the squad­ HALE'S DEPARTMENT STORE 16 yoera And it keepa pounding the Iowa farm front is that dip In can contact Capt. Keller. have visiting them his uncle and Hfere W ediiew lay -fhe year for hia work on the slruc- rons go to sea. young Germans get 943 MAIN STREET bard on the idea that Proaldent the price o f hogs. ’The price usu- Record cards of prospective aunt, Mr. .a n d ^ rs . George Chas- tiira of the sugar molecule. additional naval training.. ■' Xaeenbower needa a Republican aUy cornea down around thia time For Beatification donors are being brought up to sum of Tacoma. Waah:, wht/m the El Dorado. Ark. — Dave W Officially designated as Mine HOME BAKED CAKES, PIES, (OOKIIM. CASSEROLES, Oongreaa of year, but the 1954 decline began The Rev. Joseph PCjme -will be and gosh I date hy Ideal organisations. Per­ Laidlaw’s visited the past summer Davenpdrt, 64. who played with Sweeping RCsdlnesa Unit, there S^1,ADS, SPECIAL DISHES Democrat Clyde B. Herring la earlier than usual and uimaslneas sons contacted are asked to make during a trip to the West Coast guest spea'ker at the As.>agiie Report weekend at her home on Bunker Payne and his wife w^nt to Mon­ price falls another 91 to around Hamburg. Germany - - Heins the eon of a former governor and by the Vatican’s congregation ^ X . The L4ttlq League committee fi­ Hill Rond With Mrs. Alfred R. golia as mLnioiiariev in 1932 and UR. Senator; Boegh la the State’a 918 for 100 pounds. nancial report shows a total of Proulx and Mrs. Roland Colburn after seven years returned to Eng­ Aasmann, 65, former high ranking German naval officer injured in the attorney general. Flexible Prices CritMaed rites. The congregation met here $1,466 raised to take care of the as hostesms. land for one-year. In 1940 they rer- Denwente In Al-Ont Plght ■ Furthermore, there are Indica­ with Pope Pius Xn. past season's program. With re- Challenge Isniird bomb plot agalnat Hitler julv 20. turned to Mongolia »;here they re­ 1944. Died Friday. , And for the Srat time In yearn tions that more farm votera may Thoee for whom the miracles reipt of outstanding pledges. Mrs. Stciphen Ldyr.im, Democratic mained until the outbreak of war Democrata art putting up a Sght be dissatisfied than pleased with ware approved—a step, nornudly Albert J. Booth, secretary, salt! a candidate for tlie General As­ when they w^re taken to a concen- Detroit — H. 0, L. Jackson. 60, all down the line for etate and the administration’s fleiUble farm necessary In beatlflcation an Theie perfect, nourishing, form-^lresh Breokshie Iggs balance of $3.62 will be oil hand to sembly has invited J. LeRoy t'-ation camp for/3ii years. They author of nine books and a Detroit county oAces they ueed to let go price support system. Aasunta Pallotta, Italian nun who start next year’s program with. Schweyer and Arthrr J. Vinton. returned to England and shortly news columnist for nearly a quar­ Now! Golitakes ont tbe cnpfnl by dUault. Theee very offlcea In About thO'oMy w ay they can was a member o f the Franciscan can be served In dozens off ^vpetizing ways. So V The officials have received' a Republican candidate:^ for the leg­ thereafter came to this country. ter of a century. Died Monday. the atatehouae and court houaCa register dissatisfaction'^U b y vot­ Missionaries of Mary; Martin^ \franchlse for next ye.ar. A meeting islature, to a public debate on Since 1950 the Rev. Mr. Payne has Kansas City — Avthur Wishner. give the GOP a eoUd core of eup- ing fo r GUlette, even though the Noye, French member of the For­ serve them often - - - oiid save! will be held soon to elect officers i.s.4ugs of the day. In a letter Loy- been pastor at the Hartford Gos|>el 54, an organizer of civic organ­ port in any election. Senator In effect ctraddled the is­ eign MUaicmB Society of Parlo and xn'ii a committee for that program. zlm imggested tl.e debate be held Tabernacle. izations and latel.v manager of the Six differoit polla have attempt­ sue In Congress. Whereas Martin Placido Riccardo, Italian Behedlc- ■ Fiinds raised were over double at a tlnie, place and on issues i f A cordial Invitation Is extended Kansas City Philharmonic Orches­ ed to teet the Iowa political winda. voted for the flexible plan In the Une Monk. the anticipated budget enabling his opponehta, choice, and that a all to eitjoy this service. tra. Died Monday, OUlette la leading In three, Martin House, Gillette flrat voted against Tlia dates for their beetlflca- four majdg and three farm teams moderator be chosen. ^ Taunton, Mass. — Thomas S. In three, while Boegh ia In front It in the Senate then voted for the tions tn S t Peter’s Basilica have to plsv during the season. Funds The letter suggested a 16 or 3(T Moore, 63, former pre.sident o f the In Sve and Herring In one. administration farm biU in the been aet reapecUvely for Nov. 7, LA R G E SIZ E MEDIUM SIZE Sian provided .the building of a minute speech by eadh of his op­ Deaths Last Night International Asan. of Approved ’The hroadeat sampling o f senti­ form In which it flnaUy pasMd. Nov. 31 and Dec. 8. \ backstop on the 'upper playground ponents and himself. With each Basketball Officials and a scout s . sto bring you the new Super-Refined No-Not (gasoline that ment is the lowapolL of the Des It doesn’t neceasarily follow \ at the Robertson Sebooi, .ipeaker given a rebuttal "ftot to for the Detroit 'ngers of the Molnea Register. The tahy oh Oct. that farmers who don't like the Wlnhcrx of. Uie ,laoM league exceed five minutes. Thq meeting Roquete Pinto, 7 0 , anthropologist, American League. - -Dlall Mon- giM more power-with-protection than yoU’ye eVer known. h shewed Gillette and Boegh new farm law might voU to send Wries W «k the ' Oodgrtv. With 14 would then be .thrown open to educator and member of the Bra- |day. ahead. I t also Indicated that: democrats to the HouaS. They t ^ s and four defeaut. They pla< ed questions and discussion, he sug- stHan Academy of Letters. Died ' H it Springs. S. D. - Charles 8. first in both the first ami sci-oiid Seven of 10 lowans atlU *llke don’t know the Democratic Hoiwa garied. Mondaj^; Michaels, 66, fo.-mer grain report­ minds. Ctiaches v.‘cre Francis A . Um,*’ a majortty expect to hack candidates as well aa they do GU' Columbus, Ohio Dr. William er for the Chicago Tribune. Died ftepWblkmn House candidates. Since lette. Furthermore, five of the LECLERC c , Perrottl. John Risley, Oscar hfilx. Manchraler Evening Herald Co»’- Lloyd. Evarts. 83, professor emer­ Sunday. 196S come have turned troim the e ^ t Iowa House members-—the FUNBRAU HOME DOZ ler and David Roche. XHtry corrr*pondePt, Mrs. Charles itus St Ohio state University when RepWbHcan to the XMaoeratlo Pictures of th- major arid farm Ut^le, telephone Pilgrim J-6?,'I1. ddegatlon ta^wsU RepubUcan— he retired in 1941, Died Monday. Herpetology deals with snakes. p a ^ an better fo r pe.xcRU in their bucked the administration on the Une of work (this aott of itdb farm iaaue. FUNERAL la apparent among fanners), anlioe(right) that Thia offer includes material, labor, PT JA R heavy duty xippera and Sanf6rized welt- C Q T JA R New Members... . nuking deposits. GulHalsgs o u t this carbbt^orming “ dirty- offers more power-with-protection than you’ve ever -known. Inga. We have a aplendid assortment of I Finast Mayonnaise 2 9 49< . N, NEW FABRICS, VAT DYE. DURA­ 1 .who arrange^ for surgical-medical protection for themselves and their BLE. ALL NA'TIONALLY ADVER­ E 46-OZ TISED. DOLE families during the recent Statgwide Community Enrollment. S CANS Your aUp covers will be cut to order Juice 2 55< In-your home. Phone CH-7-7383. Wm call with full line of samples. N o ob.. AND Ugntion. of course! Remember, with us O' NABISCO RITZ or Ahheugh individual enrollment now is cloMd for at iM sf o year. yoffc antisfacUon is guaranteed 100%, wfwWv m ofv nuQf puv fOfi Crackers ^ SUNSHINE.Hi HO LBPKG 33< mors wViform Group Erirollment Is .Always Open! : -1. Fig Newtons NABISCO; TW IN-PAdC CKiidcsr rsspowts whsn hoot is nssdsd 39« ^ Those who work "by the piece," harried IsOTe technicians, skilled. saUried c r a fW w - Skilled tabbr CHOC, or VANILLA ICE BOX How about you? If you work for o firm with 10 or mero ompleyeos ^ come to Stephen’s for alip covers. Pdrhapa the best 4^^ CIsafiSr hsot, ns tmeks or toot COOKIES - OVAL CREAAAS PKG rMMM la tbM ^ e always seem to have Just'the color. Just the texture yoO' ood your company dooi, not hovo the CMS Froforrtd Contract, why Educator Cookies EASPBBIRY TARTS , 23< you time towaX^^ much'^ey^^ not End out todoy about this hotter plan — the' plan wh«bo bonofltt u a S o Mors hoobhful boot FMAST SWANSON'S - ' 2-OZ oro guofontood by your own doctor? VMiHa Extract BTL Lots wosto, lots othos Boned Turkey 29< Custom Reupholstering bNAST • GROUND FINAST - SECTIONS By Master Crnftamen Employan and group floods may obtain full information by Ihahiiy bbgnini " loss famoco tonriing Blade I ^ R«taforce and rebuild talaphoning or writing NilllfSUffil-ISnNEO INROILMJNT DSRARTMINT : 6UFWHIQX.*i ® «coN N Ecricur c o k e c o s t s CMS cbmi-burnini lu p t k il Any Chair f ron * 3 7 * “ MUCH LESS^THAN OTHfcR FUELS AND NIW HAVEN 9, CONNICYlCUT Leap demoostratioo: Instead o f trying- diflerence Gulf super-refining makes! to fight harmful deposits with so-called Wtet'a iMre, bnides giving your en- “ miracle additives*'-—inude your engine %yrKmortcon\fltttprotection, new Super-. —Gulf believes in presenting them from Refined Gulf NO-NOX gives you extra gas forming in the first place; removes the - m ileage in the short-trip, stop-and-go cause—the “ dirty-burning tail-end” —fit driving motorists do most ...n o knock. the refinery.. Just look at thd plates fn the p ^ ig n itio h —. instant starts and fast, unretouch^ photo above and see what a fiielrsaving warm-tf.

C o n n e c t i c u t ’" M e d i c a l S e r v i c e , i n c . COHPIETEIY IIBWI SUPER-R0 1 IIEO '' . ri. ;v4!rfMeii9 tr TNI coNxieTi.CMT iiAii Mitieai. seeiirr ’ . Ill WMITlrCTAVINUI^ 9. 0. 9ex Jilt • MW.HaytX f. ceaRtCTieuT ■r 4K •■yy:' N- ■ • y. - : . > til \ N f ; ...V, V': • • i V • • '.V' )• • v \ . X rA G S six lIANCHESl'EIk EVENING HEE a LD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TDESD a Y, OCTORER l»,il954 MANCHESTER EVENING H E R ^D , MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1954 P A G 8 8 E 5 aneW, isnd I confess I get a lltUt in tha UniteSsNations may be the record atamls aa exlradtnary. Ap­ Airs. Qsorga Psderson. Mrs. Regi­ Cdtium bia I t f ' a Beverly Wethorell, Chai-I^Geno- ImpaUdBt with the eemantie de­ cover up for thh-fact that Russia praising ;4t strictly, it is mors a Black-Eyed Sii^n WOTH—i«ia nald Lewis. Mrs. Frank Marehlsa, vese, Shirley Petersen and George bate for' And against coexistence. has persuaded Cofnmunist' Cliina record of how he aought office, Droodles WMAT—aib Mrs. C. Richard Carpenter, Mrs. Meyers. <' ,'v Conn^ticut and how ha caihpsigned. and bowr Daily. Radio ^oRtitti0 If^ald 'to r it is either coexistence or no- not to be violent in the field. „By r u O B Conics to Paraons Phone Service OM>rg« Grstoiw^. Mrs. KnuL M o tllfirfl O u h ■ ■' To Meet'. he treated hia electorate taa if it w no—lOM Bantrom. Mrs. Williun Jacobus^ VilUlf GREAT EA ^ R N sssmcomtaiiyi existence—until, the evil of the At any, rate, the thih^ which were intelligent) and hoa- he ad­ and Mrs. Hyland Tasker. They The Abe E/ Miller Post .Auxil­ ^ I K C . Yankee iary meet Wednesday at 8 501 HARTFORD ROAD — MANCHESTER dread design of imperial commu­ may he very sigpiflciuit iiKlhi dressed himself to ths respoasibilt- “Black-Eysd S u san / a- new Hie (oUowing program achsd-^^sts^^ To Be Improved will furnish tha transportation to Meelg Tonight ''I By A. H. O. ties of office than U is a ric'ord ■ _____ ■‘■'i" p. ra. a t the horn* of Mrs. Edward A. y/^U RT" tlNDSAYs Prop. nism Is clear for all to eee.” that, at the very mbment comedy by A. B. Shiffrtn, andlitar- ulez era -zu^Ued by the radio ” tha sarlM as naadad. Kuehn of Ellington Road. munist China seemed about of cpectfic McompUMinenta Per­ -;.Oolurobla, Oct. 19 (Special)— Elaetad Secratary WE SnsClAUZB IN Get what you can out of that. haps that is beca'use hs has spec­ ring stag* and screan ztar Vincent managsmapu Md are subject to Wapping. ow. 10 (Special)— He \calla coexistence “the only strike in the field, it has. Instead, .T3»e caltndAr tells us the elec- Telephone party line service will Misa Gwen TIbbita has been Maacheater Evealag Herald tiol ialized more in recognizing the Price, will have its worid premier chbage without nottca. )>e improved in December when a The 'monthly meeting of the course.” That might seem, a taken the Formosan issue to the two weeks from today. The complexity of problems than.in rformance at the Parsons tits - f • WHAY-;^Polleli NaUoiial Home elected secretary of the senior Wapping eerveapoadeat. Mrs. .^n- RjESfIDING Y O U R HOM E colu s wiiieh Appear in this re- local office is opened. Motheni Club will bji, held tonight United Nations. • | proposing glib or giamoroua sw1xxworks lines in town will be reduced to .On# V#ttT •*••««««••••••*••••••■• ■whd thlnft coex'stenCe * is Impos­ even in the shape' of a hot debate ernor was formidable, and glsmop- H art, “Black-Eyed 'Susan” will W^RC—People Are S'uiiny Tasker, talepbena HArrisen g-bggg. dren (Uid a prize vrtll be awarded ‘ WE FINANCE YOUR DEAL In what seemedHp be forlorn ^ WGTH—Treasury Agent foZr party wires.. Before action for the cleverest costume. HiOBtlM ■•••••••••«•••••«»•*•• 7.75 sible. So his qualification.' which does have some cmbarrAss- ova, ‘ and a tremendous credit to play five performances and then was taken the 630 telephone users Democratic year oXl948, D«ho- him. . . . •••***••••••••**«•••*«• 5.' We must follow tl\e course of ment for tis, rather^than' to have cratlc State ChatrmanMohn Bailey move to the PlymouUv Theatre in "V^ Y-Golns Forward With Windsor were polled and 94 percent ap> GOODRICH FIRM RXPANDS A scavenger' hunt, games and Boston for two weeks, prior to two WTIC—Dragnet refreshmenu will be other fea­ DEVELOPING ^ ••••• e^* t ••••• B#« criuclstence “untilX.And the "un­ the guns of the Seventh Fleet al­ offered the not-so-forlo’ WDRC—Stop th* Music proved the proposed action. weeks In Philadelphia and its New wSK h S j kS k T* ' » WGTH-SlIvcr Eagla tures. ready in action. tlon for Congress in Hartford York premiere on Dec. 16. ^ gCTM—Jack'# Waxworks New cables which will afford Shelton, Oot. 19 (F) —Thg B. F. til” seems to. be untit.'ws have County to Abe Rlbicoff. on C of C Officials 8 :*S - the improved service are now X Workshop Held THE I hisNM'n The comedy will be staged by WHAY-^olng Forward With Windsor (foodrich Spongs Products Divi­ ______J “ta> PIUllBS faced the inevitable nfet that if the-Conuiiunists have indeed terms. The year was not soI forloi_ ___ _ VMunk llrlBg Sqqa4 W K ^-Slo Polka Hop WTIC—Dragnet being Inatalled. -Monthly rates will sion has announced a 63,500,000 Tite Youth Fellowship held a I .Th« AMoctottd P IM 1* cxcliulvily 'Coexistence is impossible, which subsUtufed a batUe pf words and Exeeufing ka Air WldC the noted sctor-dlrector Gregory MALIW ^W f^Record Rsvltw WDRC—Stop Ihe Music be slightly higher and will go into workriK^ meeting Sunday night l^iaOMTflM » MBullVO«ptlU«d 10 tp.jito.iMM IB# IIM Ofol TwHlOliCWUODrapuMteatlfm ol after all. Truman was re-elected^ - Atteud Workshop Ratoil, who has just-returned from UsUnes ^ WGTH-Sllver Itogle expansion of the company's foam » all tftcpaielMs credited to it. would seem to mnke war inevit­ re^IUUons for a battle of guns, if Bowles was elected. And Rlbicoff The Skunk puts up with a lot of J[TIC-Wldd«r Brows effect after the conversion is com­ with Jeatv Ellison conducting the a Ntt etStrwtee c ra te d in tlUa p«iMp»r unfair abuse from people. Smart Europe and the filming of "The WDRC-Cxl Kolby X rubber production capacity. F. M. service. * alid______alee tit* loeu new* pdbUehedJ here. hei ran handamnely ahead of them *■ WHAY—Night Watch pleted. V Daley, president, said the expan­ 1 1 ^ 5 ^ able. they, as well m we. hr.v# decided both. . 11)* Manchester Chamber of alecks are always calling him Great Abdullah,” ih which he stars juTH--Jack'a W^works WTIC—Lux Radio Theater * AU riinta ^ rapubiicatlon of epe^l as well as directs. “Black-Eyed WDRC—Slop Ihe Muile School Menus sion, reflecting a trend to foam Plana wer«f made for the next *' dla^lchM P « i^ are alao teaerrcd. This is the same pure, wise to do something to ditiinUh the Before he even weiit to Wash­ Comme>ce was on# of the partici­ things such as "A Pungsnt Pussy "WHAY-SIU Polks Hop WCTH—E dw ard Arnold The menu for tjie Horace W. three months. The chairmen ara Susan” TV11I feature in its cast Kay JrisA •• WCCC—Record Review B:U- rubber by the furaituie and bed­ T Put! •errie* clleat of M. E A. tMrr> character who accuses the Re­ possibility that th* Formosan ington, Rlbicoff had sold himrelf pating organlsatioris in the local Cat.” or “Fur Bearing Umtnirger,” Porter School week follows; Tues­ ding industries, means "increasing Marilyn West, Edmund Watson. Chamber Ueaders’ Workshop, or ‘IThe Animal with a Built-in Medford, one of Broadway’s most ,WKNB—Requeat MaUnes WHAY—Night Watch 1 Jce, Inc. _ . publican administration of ”po- Issue can produce Uiat world war to the Damocratic organization in promising young actresses who WTIC—The Woroaa WTiC-^Lux Radio Theater day, potato salad, cold meat, apple- employment opportunities in- this Z PnbUihen - RepmenutlTei: The sponsored and conducted by the Rear Phew!” Actually, skunks are yVOKC—Cal Kolby ' ■, A Jaltue Mathew* S p e ^ Acenv — New litlcai expediency” in foreign the House as a likely member of won critical acclaim' for herself WDRC—Th* Norihe mice;' Wednesday, Boston ttoke area.” Tha new facilities will S '.' . ' ■ . which has l^ n refused In Korea th* House. Foreign Relations Com­ Chamber of Commerce of the friendly little creatures who make ^ WCITH—Ja ck 's w axw orks ' WC1H—Newareel \ tieanB, frankfurtr, rolls, coleslaw, root ASTARISIORN / f Tork.I Vl«f9 Chfeafo. ___ Patrolt_ - . and_Boat( last season in John Murrav An­ UssI fsc Bssdem ribbon win* 8:S S - occupy 460,000 square feet of floor | F ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Rf mCXBER AODIT bureau* OP policy. ' ' and in Indo-Chlna, that” is good mittee. In that post, he soon wxm United State^ and held in Spring- wonderful pets. My no-good broth­ jello; Thursday, shepherd pic, com cntcuLAnoNS. derson's “Almanac” ' and before dows . brgsr “light wslT WHAY—Wexlem Caravsa WHAY-r-NIght Watch space, he said. . SOUND TRACK--JMDY GARLAND anyone who is templet^ to news. But, so far^ aU this seem.s national recognition aa one of the field. Masr. yesterday. er' Duke once had a pet skunk who uss. l ^ t s d to rssist wstptaig; WCCJC—Record jlevlew WTIC-Lux Radio Th*ater souffle, carrot sticks, fruit cock­ r to ys bright new stars in the 1949 ses­ These Workshops are designed that in "Lullaby,” which starred .WKNB—Requeat MetlneS WDRC—Amoe 'n' Andy tail; Friday, macaroni cheese, Vinnn's Open Tues. n n d ^ u n - Until 9:0O P.M.—Wed. UatU 1:99 The Herald Prtnttnc Coraraiv, Ihe.. take Mr. Stovenson’a brillianUy primi^ly speculation, which can followed him everywhere. It even Mary Boland. In the title role Will re t Rtstovsbls iatnb la a it WTiC—Juit Plain Bill WGTH-C*l*brill*a ^ FOR THE KIDDIES ^ ea an tlnaiiolal reapmelbtUly f^ sion of Congress. He was serious, to acquaint Board members and went to school with. Duks and _WDRC-New*. zcalloped tomatoes, peanut butter HOT F OR R M BPIKO A typoaraphKapbnal error* appeannc in ad* edged criticisms too seriously at­ only receive actual confirmation be the young English actress Dsns reducs jamb width far vsria- S ;4S - ^ ^ Large Assortment ^ earnest, hard-working, intelligent. directors i4ith new techniques in would sit on the seat beside him. tions in wan thiekwsisss. ^ WUTH—8gt. PreatoB of the Yukoa WHAY—Night Watch sandwiches, cookies, Bread, butter * * h a m H u A eeiyeeael___^ta and other readme matter from a continued silence .^on * the Wynter. making her American w n c—Lux Radio Theater A In The Maacheater Mai Rrenlnt Herald. . tempt to find out whether * Mr. When he rought help, which he Chamber ^ 'ork and an opportunity This is how the expression “being WHAY—W eitera C aravsa and milk is served with each meal. Pacific Beach, Calil part of tha gun*. to discuss local problems. Among stage debut. William Motyneux is WDRC—Music Hall Mrs. Pell Is Head estate aign here says Pottert^n^s Stevenson is for or i^alnst thice did. be sought it from the best In a class by himseir’ first origi­ designing the scenery and cos­ M A N C H I S n R WCCC—Record Review WGTH-Chrlallan Science adrertlalnc cloamc hoora: minds available in Waahlngton. the subjects discussed were ''Team­ WKNB—Requeet Matinee M rSS- Mrs. Nathan Pell chairman of place.” j 130 CENTER ST.—-^fCorner of Chmrch)< -1 p. m. Prldar. in' Korea, for or against truca in nated. (Ehrentually- ws found out tumes. ‘ WTIC—Lorenxo Jonee WHAY—News: Night Watch -1 pi. m. Monday. They respected and hked him work for Better Goverment.” “Ed­ the Skunk had nothing to do with L U M K R C O . , WDRC—Cal Kbiby the local committee of women who f - i p. m. Tueaday. Ihdo-China, for or against leash­ Under The Rim ucation—An Investmeni in Peo? WTIC—McGee an^MoIly The conditions on which he had this situation. It ran away one day Fools rush in where signs say MS OMitor fit—Tbt MI-I-61U l[W UTH—Bgt. Preeton fit the Yukon WDRC—Mr. Keen ^viIl work on the PTA sponsored 1 p. m. Wednesday. ing or unleashing Chiang KaI- pie,” "Explaining your Business is WGTH—H arry Flannery matinee aeries to tie presented at ‘ m. nuraday.' Hazel was like a gigantic taken the nomination from Bailey and we atlll couldn't get within 20 Stop, Look and Listen” wd be­ * V ^ y —Hall of Records to lls- . X •y—1 a m. TTIday shek, for dr against Indian for­ were that lie should be free to run Good Businea?,” and uTlnanclng.” feet of Duke.). tVTlC—lOSO Radio Lana WHAY-Newe; Night Watch the Schaffer Auditorium in Willl- deaduae;. 10:*) a „ ___ wheal, spinning over lh« Atlantic The luncheon session was' ad­ come angels. -/■ ■ WDRC—Cal Kolby except Saturday — eign policy, for or against any one his ow'n type of campaign, free of WTIC-Glldereleeve ^ mantic this fall and winter. The seaboard, its outer rim some 300 dressed by Harry J; Kruss, mana­ . WGTH—Bobby Benioa WDRC—Moods for Romanes . X series is open to ail students in the X. t i m . of the real hot choices in this {.ersonalltles and free of the normal 6:4S— WGTH-Croeiroada miles from its hub. During most orand .of political argument, and ger of Internal affairs of the WHAY—{{all ot Records ' to ;S S - Willlmsntic area and is priced at Octobe.' IB country’s foreign poUcy. A nd.the Oiai'her qf Commerce of the W m c—lOTO lUdlo Lana WHAY-Newa; Night Watch 61.25 for-the five performances. of Friday, when its center was that he should also be the Judge WDRC-~Cal Colby WTIC—Election ISM answer, in all auch Inatancea, of his own conduct in office. . United States \.'hose subject was Tickets will be on sale, a t' tha •fill well south of Washington, we “Something Worthy Tc -Be Re­ ^ WGTH—Bobby Benion WDRC—Monde for Romanes t h e A m bi^ \ t C ritic seems to be that he is both for In his campaign, it was difficult WGTH—State of the Nation school today and tomorrow. Tha watched this outer rim revolving membered.” *"WHAY-News to :4 S - first performance will be held Lst- and against. to fix any partisan label upon hia Sn'IC—News WHAV—News; Nlfdit Watch If there are any wea^^spoU in over Manchester. And the sheer 'serious dkxiussiora of various The afternoon sessions • - k di­ WDRC—News urrdsy and wlIL be “Merry-Go- vided into two sections, one dis­ WTIC—Election 19M .our fOrelfn policy aa it hUKbeen Mr, Stevenson does have some grographlcal fact that a storm issues. To the best of his ability, WGTH—News WDRC—Moods for Romanes Round.” he delved into thqiZ iasuea trying cussing leadership problems and • :1 S - WGTH—Stole of Ihe Nation Miss Pell's commutes includes conducted by the fiiaenhower wisdom, and not even the center south of Washington was the other programs of work. WHAY-BpoUIZht Sports U :fS — to find facts, and reaaonable eon- HUNTERS WTIC-BtricUy SporU WHAY—News miniatratioir there are — strategies of a campaign can al- producing such a : sweeping,' clualirm. . * i ' Thoee,attending from the local WDRC-Zalman W TIC -N ew a Adlal Stevanxon found them in persuade him to hide all of majestic movement aa that which In his sandee td Congrew, his Chamber of Commerce' were Bruce WGTU-Pattereon WDRC—News , Watkins, Phillip Harrison, Tfiomas •:SS- W OTH-N ewa hia apeech out in San Pranciaco it. Sby^fter ho got through, Sat­ dominated Manchester skies, all Individuality wai blanketed, some­ ' T WHAY—Supper Serenade 11 : 18- what, as, generally speaking, he Colls, Russell Broderick and Mrs. WTIC—Georife Do It WHAY—Nit* Watch Saturday nlcht. In fact, he went urday litght, with the business pf day and evening, did even-more Martha Stevenson. WDRC-.G. Lombardo WTICvErwln Griswold iNY THREE went along with the foreign policy . . .OR BEWARE HUNTERSt WGTH—Bin Stem WDRC-Cal Kolby after them with a very sharp cursing thdv Elsenhower" admin­ than headlines could to tfonvlnce decisions of the day. That individu­ 6:«S- WGTH—Sports Report istration wherfSt did and when it us that 'this must be,/indeed, a WHAY—Supper Serenade U:SS- knife, and laid them bare'^'wlth ality erupted, however. In his Either way, hunters and ether WTIC—M tar X WIIAY-NH* Watch clarity and eloquence. Further^ didn't, he still dia''prod'ica one lit­ storm of magnificeiyt dimensions. ■defiance of various preaeure WDR3—K I'homaB w n c—Starlight Seraaads ANGELS” groups, including some strong in A Thought for Todap ^ WGTH-8. Oammell WDRC—Cal Kolbv more, he found one aingle key tle kernel of cleverneba^which w ■Moat.of the time; we seemed at sportsmen should carry Com* 11:48- Hponsored By also truth. his own district. U h a Y—Newt; Supper Serenade WIUY-Nlt* Watch whidi does fit a. great many of the very edg^ of the gigantic Hiv reports back to his constitu­ WTIC—Governor l-odge w nc-^torllght Sersnads HOLLISTER P.f.A. “Negotiation without strength, wheel, which Could not have ex­ /■l/ove’s Harvest prehensiva Liability lnsur> WDRC—Tenn. Ernie WDRC—Cal Kolby our foreign policy weaknesaea. ents had an atmosphere of refresh­ WGTH—F. Lewie. Jr. he said, “is madness. S ti^ tended very far to the north or ing candor. The empty space of man. OCT. 22.23 The trouble la, aald Stevenaon, The petty mind, the lonely heart. 1 :1 S -. BANK EX-OFFICER DiES without. negofigUon is ftiUUtyr .east beyond us. For the clouds His mien and attitude probably once to protect themselves WHAY—Newi; Supper Serenade that the adminiatratlon ,ha» been made his record in Congress seem Unknown, the soul would span JVTIC-M ubIc Collinsville. Oct. 19 (iPi—Miss HOLUSTER SCHOOL Negotiation on the basis of .t wheeled their way overhead The void to find a pilgrim's part WDRC—Tenh. F.rale Bessie'L.'Goodwin, retired secre­ "trying to conduct a responsible s little better than it actually was. 'against claims for hunting .WGTH—J. Vandercook 8:30 P.M. strength and'aoUdarity U the only neveK.did become welded into a H e' went to the voters of hia Beyond frontiers o f life' 1:S tary-treasurer of the OoIIinsville foreign policy and appease the WHAY—Newi; Supper Serenade policy which can hold out hope to mass. Even when tliey did finally district again in 1930, and gained And share the nobler human art Trust Co., died la st night. She re­ . TICKETS $1.00 extremist wing of the Republican Of easing pain and strife AND ALL sports accidants. WTIC-Newa ol ^ rld tired in 1947. paUent and > suffering mankind. bring a toilch of rain they were another spectacular victory. Spec­ WDRC—Choraliere partjr at the same time'. . ; tacular as it was, however. It was And grow to know the greater WGTH—O Heatter IW\Tm\ by extiemists they an­ But it could be that ha caipq still flirting wHh patclies of open about on a par with the run made goal. nounce ^m als exceeding their closer, tlMre, In thia expression of sky, with stars iiKthem. in ths sar.'.e cities and town? by The fruit not born of sod; Television ProRramB But fills 40 mile aivhour turn,- the late Brien McMahon, who had The harvest of immortal soul w illingnesi^ ability to act. Sec­ his owh belief and philosophy, to Filled with the love of God. O n P brc T wo Who put the ”New” of the rim of the wheebAyer our also. St Washington,.specialized In retary TJulledv^derhinde iihitei a viOid description of the Elsen­ the "high level”* attitude,, and who Marion M. Marry. A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY action on Indo-Ctoa and settles hower administiation foreign heads, w m atill,' at momenwMnore also campaigned with serlpjis. di­ Sponsored by The Manchester One bite will convince you that our variety of PIE for mild inaction vHth nothing to policy than he did In all his pre­ awa-lnspiring than direct rect dlsouaaion of grave ’ issues, Council of Churches. / perience at the hub may hav^ free of normal personalities or par- TURNOVERS are simply delicious and fresh from ahow for opr part in^the Geneva vious buainass of attacking that h barbs. A Georgia woman of 92 has ufed our oven. .... in New England.^ Conference but' the pr^sterous adniinistratUm on both sides of .been. For if this was the speed 1932, ai? candidate for United the phone only- once. Just like a and the power at the rim, at the R obert J. S mith boiut that we had refuifed to every issue. StateSs^SenStor, Rlbicoff extended party on pud line—but she’ll /hang SPECIAL ALL WEEK apeak to our adversaries, bee But. for the main portion of his edge of a 300 mile radius, one his appraach and hia appeal to the up one of these days. I N C O R, P 0 R A T E D could go dizzy imegining the whole stale.. Again it paid off— TV T0NI8HT! the R i^t Wing RapubUoani ha speech, Mr. Stavansen himself was but not, in the face of the Eisen­ — ^ ^ ------J- You did. Your father, his father before him —right back- auccessfully identified negotia­ x^mpllfylng som,ithlng he at- whirl far back r.t the center, and hower sweep, quite. enough. M AL ESTATE — INSURANCE to the day* of colonial settlement. No Yankee worthy of from that imagination, even be­ congressman ' tion with appeaseipent.'' tH^ted, rather accurately too. to But the fact that he could lead tag MAIN ST., gpOUND FLOOR —TiSL. MI-t-gMl the name ever hangs onto tradition at the expense of progress. That‘8 quite ft key. aqd it fits Vice-President Nixon. He twitted fore Hazel's destructiveness had his ticket everywnsra, end not rilfiOEVEMaESe just in Hartferd Coumy, was ob­ Arid you couldn’t find a better example than the rebirth all too well, if applied ‘to some .that i|idlvidual for laying one actually been chronicled, veto any b At LOW P^'ES “INSURAMtnUTHR alMCK le it” '** ’ ■ I TO M Try Them and You'll Buy .More vious foundation for hibvpresent of industry in New England. It’s making the rest of moments in our foreign, policy. thing or torelgn policy and then private feeling of reUef and candidacy for governor. DODD But whit about this paragon saying aoinethlng quIU the op- escape. In the present campaign, sKwe A Arthur Dn» Stores PASTRY the country sit up and take notice. of foreign policy virtue and wis­ poeite a mbufii laUr. The dif­ Somebody had to take it, and •ball observe when we get to m analysis of it. Ribiepff ha-' en- dom . who is talking ? Sihrely he, ference between^ Mr. Nixon and when such power strikes any­ ' AAdb A Jb 1 SHOP New ffictones, new processing facilities, new scientific research where there is no real escape any­ countereil difficulties not present SWISS as he accuses the Eisenhower.^ad­ Mr. Stevenson is th|it Mr. Steven­ in campaign for Washington of­ y WNHC-TV \ centers are springing up all over. 1 upulation has increased ministration of trying to play t^e son says both thlng^ in the same where, for anybody. ' Whatever fice. "and has made obvious compro- ,x IBS NO. MAIN MANCHESTER 12% in 8 year*. New England is on the move. could create this storm was ob­ miaes away from his previous foreign policy game'two Impos' .speech; on the same date, without ' TEL. MI-9-2fi6e You are going to town. viously still running the universe, stance before the voters. ' 7:30 p. m. sible ways, will make himself ^ v in g himself even a liiqnUi of But, that possible and perhaps SJid dwarfing All men toxether. unequivocally eWar on those grace between the one and - the inevitabfe dsveiopinent aside, hl» pR«Mcr#Uc 8lit« Ctfitral CommittM I (Formerly Kay’s Pastry Shop) And The Prudential Insurance Company is growing with you. issues he says the administration o th e r." . CharlM MAhoMy* Tr«Mur«f has flubbed. Surely he wUl tell Our confidence in the future of New England is firm, us, not only what we should hot Words Ifather Than Cans? and can be measured in part by ,the millions of dollars have donqi but whgt we should we have invested in this area. It now oeems well astablished, have donh. though still officially denied, that COMBINATION Now,^t least, as we listen to United States policy has curbed Right here in Connecticut, for example, you'll find important Etevehhm, wa are to khow wh(t ALUMINUM WINDOWS Chiang Kai-shek's- belligerency precision industries and one of the nation's foremost aircraft have been right, toward the Cblneee Communist centers” Connecticut is also a leading producer of silverware, are we T • SELF STORING # SAFiR HOME mainland. His atUcks on the In this same speech, w’e find • SAVE FUa • ECONOMICAL HOME and a pioneer in the application of atomic energy. '/ mainland, with American planW Next best tevenron criU6ising the These industries.are playing a big part in New England's and American bomba, made ta MONEY RACK IN 4-4 YEA|S ■ ower admin IstrAtlon for re- X • “march of progress,” To help Icbep your future bright, / parUcipanU in a llUk war w ^b FtIm s ch lew os $13.S0 for 24“k3I9'' wiRdow g too much on military couM, at any time, become a^lg we’ve invested more than 589,000,000 here to further trength and strategy. We also one. , > J expansion in every way possible. ' v . find him 'crifieixing the Eisen­ ( HEAVY DUTY DOORS AT SPECIAL PRICES | Nou' ; something else. Is / being hower administration for acono- seeing yeu hinted. It .s that we .ar^ not the But over and above that, our business is to offer every mizing in its appn^riafions to only one! who have d^e some­ the Air Force and ^he Xnuy. breadwinner the priceless comfort of knowing that his family thing to diminish tbyimmedlate We find Mr, Stevenson, rtiti. CALL BILL TUNSKY can have financial security if he should die tomorrow. possibilities ■ of wider warfare fSTIMAHS GLADLY GIVEN rising the Eisenhower aUmiiiistra- The Prudential representative in your community will show you along Uie Chinese cuAst, It is seen tion for thinking of fighUng in • PHONE MI-f.909S aa a poeatbillty thM Russia. In lU how to build.an insurance program that will guarantee you Indo-Chtha, and we find him recent diploiii!,^ negotiations money for food, clothing, rent of mortgage payments. For your criUclxing it for not fighting in with Commimlstr China, In which children's education. Or even your own carefree;retirement.'’ Indo-Chiiia. We' hever do get Russia made .A’arious: Important from Mr. Stevenson any idea-of concesaionx ^ {u big ally, may what he. would have .done about alM ’ha'A* ;ha’d*'lt clear that it Indp-China. didn’t wlah' to be dragged into a But he does attack us for not World w ar bvar Formosa. *^Co6l as a Cucumber*' negotiating fbout the truce in Both ,thoae nationa who would Inde-C^lna. And then he labels in s u r a n c e c o m p a n y of AMERICA he the principal comba^anU In- that truce "the greatest disaster new world war may, then,, have This expression CAKKOL M.SHASKS, Pftsant since the fall lNTIMttSA»CS pect, of course, that he would Chinese alltea that they want rc- ‘ originated iMth the sapcp iNit/SAHCs '• c'xour runioN * have gone for tj-uce ip Indo-Ghina. atraint; that they do not want But to admit that would be to earig belief thot their Otlneae partners to be drag­ giv# up the political delight of ging them into war. seeming to blame the ^publican cucumbers wer« The chief sign that Russia may administration fbr th* faU of In- lixye done thia bn her aide,, as u*e "cooling In the , do-Chlna, which he- accompliahes have done'it on our aide, comes in by the old bratorical device yf a UcUc which,, at first, seems’no fourth degree*' pretending not to blame them. ‘' particular tactic tov.-ard peace or and therefore were Wa find ^ . Ste%’snson rifpeat- concillaUQn. In fact, it wa* a tac­ Ing his aaaertion that militkrj' tic of a loud snarl. The tactic It­ powisr aione wUl not carry the recommended fo r . self has been the presenUUon to day, and then, in a wtnsome the United Nations of a Chinese ^ Tev^T-Suiprisingiti enougtCmanq of chAiijga. e( pace, saluting Secre­ Communist and Rt,sstan com­ tary buUas for U>a Manila pact plaint to the effect that the Un.it- these superstitions are still believed In tb>' which "has definite mlUtary . r t States, in • its Formosan role, vaJue.’^ ' enlightened age. is. engaged in aggression. And W# find Mr. Sterensem, .per­ Viihinsky presented .this charge haps In the cllmaUc triumph of to the United Nations with bit­ In all nustters pertaining to Illness^ consult I . bis own talented s’ubivsiehce, Ws ter, flamboyant ora .ory which WTj clever campaign talent for gour phgsician. He alone Is competent to sug> seems the exact opposite of any­ ■ .y m a -n c h e s t e r o f m c b pleasing both aides of .every posr thing paaccful.- Carmine T. Abbnatzesa Paul HUlery OofnaUua'V’. Oltoaig sible campaign argument, dis­ gest or prescribe treatment for the dbease. 2n0 Floor, 646 Mala 8L •Tet there are 'tiroes' arhar. a your George L. Cohen. Alexander R. Johnson ' John F. Olzary . For a better future for Maorhsofer cussing the thUtg calied^ coexist- ■n*rl may b r welcome. It can be Cali on us for prompt prescription service, ' Max Cohn •nee. , ' . , Harold Mclntooh V Carl E. 'Johnson Alphonsa Patltjaaa welcome if it is a loud substitute WUUam Copper ‘-f, “We exclude/ he .cays,'' "a* your family your for action. Frsquently, In public ‘ Antlidny J.. Ramisk SUB. Mgri. Ernest C.' Johnson PhUip H. t e k , •cations eftiter world dastruc-. I David S. Corr” I. end World affairs.' w* will find v;.'- Adolph R. Klttel Cbcatar H. •stotka Mm dr.world tynaiiy; wa ex- Prudential Agent* . James V. Tanl } Austin P, Coster aomebody iwhb has abandoned a Q uiiinV A cinde;\ia Muirt, preyaatlve. or tilt SwMtbMTM Nmw iMflMdl TIIEPHONE <«apfl«Y 1 ■ ■ . -Raymoad F. Day i Matwij Kuszdnk . Harding J. Ht|pltoBB \ f i ytolent eoursa of ariloo coveriag aacrendab-. a* offefliig any . poa- up ^with a'.lot of oratorical do- Waltaa £ Fox s," J Howrard E. -Lappen Francis X Si^ vhi alhle aoiwidaa. of. the pfedlii- J fiAnce. Aad* tha: violsnca with/ y : Robatt E. Hems ■) <-: OaorcO'J. NacsItowzU Hriuy W. I^BOt A w m of waaUn^xay^tioiL The which RuaMa praaents tha Chi- .'V I > ' 4 > ooaxlat- aiiaa Coximunist caaa agaiaat os ^ ...... ^ . ■ i f ) .*■■

X . / c - r f • VI ' X-- the fifth grade split," IteuSaid he Library Aui * , hoped "we are not going To pro­ Engaged Oklahoma Looking pose an addition that will be ^ e d liit Pr< House Nam Emcrgpnejr Doctort immediately or jgoing to plan ydar tJrged for Stole For State Industry TERMS AS WW AS - I ,- School Plons ^ h o o l A d d it ia to year, hand to mouth.” Mrs. Oscar Kreysig Inquired if a b^siciank of the Manches- ■sHartford. O ct 19 MV-Greater Hartford, Oct. 19 Gov. John By A new heating plant and all new Stale and local financial aid Tor AMESITE DRIVES B y B o a r ; Before Soard terr MpdierJ Assn, who will Is Voted Townspwple focilities would be required in con- Lodge says Oklahoma‘is trying to spond emergency calle to- libraria vras recomn.ended today attract some of Connectifcut's in-, The Manchestor Graen PTA will strucUng the proposed addition or by a aMdal State Committee on , No Money Down • 36 Monthi Interne RMidence at morrow Ternoo.i and evening "can we tack on to existing instal­ dustry but adds the Oklahomans SubcfRniiiitt©©:bYnniittd Meets Fri nre Terard Miller, Tel. hold Its first meeting of the year Bolton. Oct. 19 (Sp««Ul>—A^havo touir rooma cupied before Rural Public Libraries. to Pay • Pavinf • Drlv^waya Must Provide Sendees, lations?" Jensen replied the boilers are Jiist wasting their time. 60 HaynefilSL N q # MI D r.' Nicholas tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock in town iwoiHTig attoaded by about we’ve begun to. '^bulld,” he eon- The committee, headed by Lodge reported yesterday that • Parking Areaa day N ^ t; Robb Asks the school auditorium. Arthut H. were Mctional and that additional SUte Senator Charles McKew ’ Say lAtvahenY kdopx Marziaio. Tefc. MI 9-5694. TB Hdpl* bt tho Community Hall iihued. sections could be added. Oklahoma ia sending to Connecti- Titled ChapmaQ Hotise Illing. stipqrintendeht o f achooU, last nljrbt Totad to constnict an Miner also touched on conditions Parr of Chester, said the present 'cut 'a. "sales force" of bnrinesamen. M A N C H E Sm Motion Pro© Cost Breiidtdown will discuss "Problems o f Expan­ addition to tho Btamantary $dibol In response to questioning from program U hampered by a sion." in the oafeteda and said "some­ Robert Richardimn, Jensen said blit hOrpredicted the visit ''is not The U^amen’4 AuxUiary j6t Man- oeiiBiatlna: of six or more rooms, thing will have to be done about V. "Scanty" 340,000 annual budget MItelMl f -5224 FInU plana ibKVthe six-room replaced by Crabtf^. The ref­ both boilers can be used at the likely to 6* productive of anything W ith T%o8€ P ro cheater Meinorial Hoqpiua voted A short buatnaa* meeting will "^■nia aetionI ioarried in a standloc providing j^ lU on a l room to eat.’ for the State Bureau of Libraries more than social plecsantries.” V ------X Keeney Street elen^tary echool erendum at which th* 3450.000 precede Iliing's talk. The officers vote o f M>1B. R ftdlOwcd a report same time anit can alsO' bo used and by restrictions forbidding unanimously, at lta quai^riy mast­ bond iaaife for the actum was ap- He said m r e has been no provi separately. He also said that ex­ laxlge said he hstd ijeen informed ■ • S f in Drhiffwoy Constnictioii— C o l nw^Board of Educ^on Indl- Vrere unveiled for th\flrsi Ume ,for this year are Mrs, Thomas R. by Howard P. iucamt for tho com- Sion f o / a kindergarten in any of towns from contributing more 'to ing yesterday, to m v /to e name of p.-oved atipulated that school. cept in extreme weather, one boil­ Gov. Murray Johnsoti Of Oklahoma determlnattoii last night Brown, president; Mrs. Charles N. mlttaa which had,been studying the tawn'a planning and that kiii- local libraries. eaXpaita CSiapman House t«^d>e recenUy here last night at the i^ U p g of When built, be substantialiy^^in ac- Crockett, vice president; Stanley tha aood (o f anlargwnent of school er has done the Job of heating the A trial 380;000 State-supported is writing letters to Connecticut to permit a 3^,000 cut in iU the Board df Education, ' would be "necessary for school. industrialists asking them to wel­ acquired thteme pdisldence at 40 cordMce vrith the preliimnZry G^. Beat, treasurer and Xtrs. Albert facilltiea. Ihe committee report a fiiht class school." supplementary library service in THOMAS COLLA CONST. 00. budget to prevei^Tt from provid­ Haynes'8(. / plana prepared by L aw ren ce// E. Brown, secretary^ come the visiting Oklohama "sales- The piahs for the school, 'ikhich raoommonded the addition of four e continued saying "you have The committee's report was ac­ the Middlesex County area to as­ ing the oervieexthe memberz feel ■The AiixiUa^ has undertaken After the mMtlng, refreahmenfa cepted and the Committee dis­ sist the 26 libraries and the 60 iien" and to hear ther out. they must, under the law, make its architect, Walter Crabti While agreeing that the p l ^ rooms. The resolution submitted to 'rhaps heard it so often, you are .the financing of this purchase aniLi, provide faciUtles as the Schom will be served by the HospitMity the meetiag provided for an addt- charged with thanka First Select­ schools. This would make' pos­ Lodge quoted the letter at? say­ available to Mancheater .school Jr., says can be built for 3325,i Committee under the chaimumsISip ired of hearing it but there are man Robbins in reply to stated re- ^8*_yh*8 h Mils name, honors Board has asked for, Sherwood tiew o f four or more rooms. This still no facilities planned for an sible,"the inrrtase In reade'ship ing the delegation will be in Oon- children, y aa Helen Chapman, the flrS wiU next be presented at a meet­ Mrs. Ralph Caven. ‘ ■ was amended by Philip G. Doole; luctaace to the discharge of the and circulation of good books." nscticut during the week of Oct. r'v The Sdbool Board adopted a mo- presidemnt pt f-the Auxiliary,------and her I. chairman of the Board, In- auditorium.” He concluded his committee in view of the extent of ing of the subcommittee on the ed there were several mat- to provtda six or more rooms, remiarks by stating his apprecia­ Removal of the statutory limit 25 "to completely and accurately tloh qmbodying a declaion to pro- elater, MJm Mery Chapman, who school Friday night. ^ research already done by them, an­ inform industrial firms whose plan­ he Wanted to atraighten out n o) tbulk e o f the diaoiaaion in tion Of the comnUttee's work and of town aid to public libraries of ce^ 'W lth those projects it con­ ia a preMnt trustee ot the hospital The School Board'members ap- -prige Kiitzes nounced that of the five member 3 .nllb on the>towm's tax dollar. ning may Include the expansion of s u l s essehtlal to the school pro- ibtree. threei mill limit on present operations of the tremen­ .;|fi'am, with the understanding that and * aaid he has never re­ tion for. four rooms can only be one would be available for further . Joli Photo. her intsreatS t an*d^..b4r U"’ *- that the plans provided facilities At ^ousewarniing Ing the study committee/report reluctance or refusal to f a c e annual tax from city library-fund. Sally Palmer • " dous and Invaluabla assets Okla­ " If ff *•—the ' funds, — ■*- do ^ run out, the mem* / Panel bldsmaiou ceived ^breakdow n from the work on the building-committee. Increase from 3100 to 3M0 the homa affords.” y ^ b e r s will go to the Board of Di­ V Hausniaa Photo'' aubatantiapy the same as those which was the first item /f busi­ facts." Scheduled That/Calls The program of th* afternoon E lofo^B . MArr contained in the plans drawn bv architect on the school's coats— ness. There was comparatively Walter F. Elliott spoke briefly Attend Ifoweral amount o f state aid to any one Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Palmer of Lodge said most of the C on- , rectors to request additional «p- Was a panel discuasionlion unsigned to that is, how^much will go for con­ Mr. and lilra. Harry Kutz, who prcfpriatlons. ■ Arnold Lawrence. It was felt little discussion on tpe * Dooley to the effect that we are educating Mr. and Mrs. H. Fritz Noren of library for books and any other Weatvllla Avenue, Danbury, an­ nccttcut industrialists are "l,ht-ow- e*PWn to the gathering''the alma Mr. and Mrs. Oharlea B. Marr, struction, how much for site im­ lived at 97 '^orman 8t„ for a amen-tually the serv-er in Danbury. facts. And when it comes to the TO YOUR^MPLETE SATI^FACTIOM rectors, expressing their view/hat should attract the Interest and help plans. Hoatesses for the pakjy ix^re pils. She said that current flgures ago he operated a garage at the only state, the groilp said, where facts, Connecticut's advantages- their appropriation has cut Mrs. E ath ^ Cole Franklin, di' of all women in the community. parties, fa iW /o o k bocUcs, bridge t w s plans would be' substantial- Mrs. David R. Cole, 111 Norman * There was no opposition to the indicate 14 classrooms would be Hultlne. a graduate of Manches­ are overwhelming." Our catering-i^rvice is set up to be flexible enough to parties, rmfinttige. sales, a houa^ *ccordance, with School Robb and Illing, both School ' items on the agen- site now occupied by Cook's Ga­ lio provision is made for a reader ter High School and Wesleyan eo drastically *;that the education­ rector of the Pidtiic Affairs depart­ Mias Eva Johnson, assistant su­ Board members of the Keeney St., and Mrs. Sophie KrameY, 485 • required in 13SS, or IS if the pres­ rage in Manchester and made his to borrow through such a central accommoddte any size gathering. Why not call ua and al Jhrogram may be flxq^red'' and ment of the National YWCA, New perintendent of the hoepttal, gave tour ar4/such pCiqnanent projects Boaril requirements has loomed Hartford Rd. Miss Esteha and I the selectmen were University, is assistant, manager as th e^ ift Shop, thVpift Cart and Street School subcommittee, will to name a five man ent fifth grade has to be split; the home on East Middle Turnpike in bureau » book not available in his U8F.8 HER HEAD talk over the details? thal|-"it may be iimihasible to live York City,' -will apekk at the Com­ an Introductory bnckground of the ’•*'*'*, Lawrence was review the plans agqln before at­ Mias Anna Kutz, daughter* of the | same flgures would apply to 1954; own local library. of the Hartford office of the - within the budget.” Bttoy Photography. dismissed from , the project and Bebool, uUdihg Committee; the that town. SNETCO. Elizabethtow-n, Tenn. (JB — A munity Y tomorrow\at 8 p. m. hoapital for which the AuxUiary tending the Friday night meeting. honor guests, assisted in serving I 15 or Id, again depending on the The twin ^tiona came at the under the auspices ofo the local funcUons. The Manchester Hospi­ xJver the years, the 'Auxiliary the delirtoiia refreshments. * authorized to en- Meet Tonight No date has been set for the mother cat saved three kittens potential split, would be required ' School Board's monthly meeting ob architect to prepare pre- The Ladles' Benevolent Society WINDY ANSWER wedding. from a fire which destroyed an branch of the Mancheat^ YWCA. tal ia an accredited hospital and,, M given to the hospital sar>xom- ' plans and obtain costa for in 1957; Id in 1958 and 18 in 1959. will meet at, Congregational Waterbury (g'i —Mrs. John D. apartment house here.’ She carried durtatg ^discuasion on to revise its She ia well versed in the Work of approved for interne training; its forts.and conveniences ae bedUde She pointed out that there are them one at a time, up a pole and/ Garden Grove ProRTdwi to bring it within the the association aa it relates toj>ub- accredited standing means .that screens, tables and footstoolV proposed addition;-an appro- Church parish room tonight at 8 Verseckas complained to the City at the present tinoe 78 chUdren in were clogging a catch basin. Be deposited them in an cave trough i ARNOLD PAGANl, Prop, IL ^ ,5 4 3 appropriation that was lic relations, and her talk should the hospital and doctors co-operate chairs, trays, electric fans, infra­ atlop of 11.300 was v o M to O’clock for iU annual meeting. Works Board that water was over­ foi-e the Board could get aroiuid expenses of said plans and town who will be of school age in The WSCS of United Methodist flowing onto her property because which had some water standing in : PHONES: MI-.3-7364 or MI-3-8847 Rnklly granted by the Board of be most informative. to give the patient the best o f care, red lampa, a auction machine and to her complaint, up came a wind­ Directors. and a paUent in the bohpital can /the selectmen wore authorized to 1957 and 72 in 1959. In both cases, Church will hold its regular meet­ leaves and-twigs from an old tree it. Firemen later rescued the kit-i a Compressor, smorks frr volun­ this would .'Indicate the necessity storm and down came ^ e tree. tens. Atty. Harold Garrity sparked expect expert diagn oe^ and lab­ teers, landscaping of the konpital w e the necessary steps relative ing at the church at 8 o'clock oratory work, carefully kept rer- to s^te aid in financing the costs for three flrat grades In those tonlgfat. the School Board's action in the ground", furnishings for thr dCep .wntter. He aaid that tha Board orde, skilled uriesthesia and \ s f construction. yearst she said, and reminded the Tomorrow’s Seaatous Hospital Notes therapy lounge, and the recently meeting the flgures' were of chll had originally presented a budg- •utreiy coupIe4."vlth proficient acquired Chapman House. Bepert Is Brief / The Board of Finance will meet / e t "that we felt contained nothing nursing, care. / Howard Jensen's report for thp dren :"ln town at this moment hnd tomorrow night at the school at Patient* Today: 148>- Mrs. Merrill Rubinow announced ^that could be cut." ^V tow s History study committee .was very brief makes no allowance for an increase 8 o'clock. Harold J. Dwyer of ADMITTED YESTERDAY: th* present total o f 314 Auxiliary in population "If that is ao,” he said, "how Mrs. WiHiam J. Shea, reviewing members and, in stressing that and Untlted to a few statements. West Street ‘‘will present his plan can we operate oh 363.000 less?" Charles Whitney, 10 Pine St.; the h i^ t y Pf the Auxiliary, ex­ He said the report was bdsed on Robert E.. Oorton addressed the for a town-sponsored skating rink Raymond Zelesky. East Hartford; memherahip in open to ait women meeting regarding a graph he had He said the Board is charged with plained that the first working unit of the community, spoke of. the enumeration fla re s available and for board consideration at that the responsibility of ruhmng the Leland Carlson, 199 S. Main St.; bf the Auxiliary^ in 1920, were drawn based on a news story yes­ time. ways in which their ^volunteer that the oommlttee^ had felt it schools, and is obligated to pro John Sargent,-21 Maple St.; Mrs. ^ m t e r s Of the Emergency Com should consider t b ^ known facts terday comparing projection of A Civil Defense meeting of all Beatrice Vanderhoff, 66 Ardmore hours can be used, with the Gift vide certain services. yniittee of the R ed/>oae, but by Shop or the Gift Cart or in making sinee it was dlfBcdlt to pin-point 1950 enumeration flgurMi with personnel and interested persons Items Dropped Rd.; Mrs. Amelia U nderw o^ 1923, the organizatloH had grown tvendt. actusd enrollment flgures and sug­ will be held at the Community surgical dressings at the meetings Among the items that had to be Kefly Road, Rockville; Albert to 100 members, and was meeting each Monday afternoon. | F. Widddn Ifiner spoke first fol- gested that current estimates Hall tomorrow at 8 p. m. dropped from the budget were Diohe, RFD 1, South Coyehtry; weekly in five groups. Its first of- low ti^ahe report which recom- would be equally in error, iome major repairs, the replace­ Erika Krempaaky, 5 F r a i^ n St.; ficers were Miss Helen Chapman, At the concUuion of the panel 1 neiided an addition of four, rooms. Need Far' Two CTasses Monclieater Evetitog Herald ment of tubing for boiler in the Ellen LeBlanc, 286 Bldwell St.; Mrs'. Henry Nettleton, Mrs. Oeerge discuasion, there was a aliort ques- I pS sgroed It was diffieult tp pin- Oooloy said he felt the trend Belton emrreepoadent, Mre. Jeoeph heating plant, some new equip­ Linda Senna. 31 Ploiieer Circle; Mzy* Mrs. William C. Cheney and tion and answer period before the ! at trends but he felt it was **a had been ostabUshed that there IFItalla, telephone MKeheU 3-5545. ment, and a aocial worker, a teach­ Mrs. Ruth Furray"Glaston'bury; Mrs. Carl Bengs. She spoke of the meeting adjourned. Mrs. C. Elmore ' ' statement to say past planning would be two classes in every er and some custodial service. Mrs. Elsie Bedell/M Griswold St.; ways in which" the modem hospital Watkins and Miss Mary Chap- I fallen short of needs.” He grade giving a total of Id class- MUs Ellen Chm'ch, 126 Pearl St.; auxiliary can be a "helping hand," man poured at the tea which was ! In the meantime, however, the a, feature of the social hour that said ^ e Board of Education o f >0000 for the sight grades and Board approved the revised budg­ Mrs. Julia Bpiron, 3 Preston Dr. with the practical aaaistance of which ^ is a . member as is Jen­ that a six room addition would be To Demonstrate ADMITTED TODAY: Carl Bax* bandage making, as a moral aid in brojight a pleasant conclusion to et as presented by Illing last the atfemoon's meeting. sen, had recently indicated a belief reqored to provide the rooms and flight, but declared it was doing ter, 1 6 ^ Benton St.; Michael Ute giving ot oelf rather than that the twt» clasatooma now being ^ a c e for the library. He felt that Use of Machine so only to provide a bookkeeping Kearny,' 21 Norwood St. money alone, as an aid in nurse used in the baswnSnt BuMld be current basement space used for w h at recruitment, apd,. especially. In 83IOGOY HAUL convenience for the* auperintend- GAS ICHARGED YESTERDAY: considered o i ^ w temporary ax- ^ e r purposes might be diverted augmenting good public relations Pasadena, Calif. ' (J’) —A thief ! Mrs. .’ay E. Rubinow of 49 PiU ent. The members said its ac­ Jphn White, 31 Dr. G.‘ Daniel Os- broke A window screen on an of- i pedieney. He poimsd out that the by the school buiUUng committee tion "In no sense” indicated ap­ between the hospital and the com­ kln 6 t will give a television demon­ len, Jr., 98 Walnut St.; Frank munity. flee building, reached in. and: present fifth gmda^may at any for expanded cafeteria facUlUes. proval of the budget as’ eut. Flach, 148 Lyness St.; Joseph date readi an anrollmqnt of more stration of the proper use of s Ueto Projects gr^bed for valuables. All he got, | In response to a.^quesUon by voting machine over Channel 30, In another matter last nixht. Caron, RFD 1 . Rockville; Mias than 38 pupils and th a r m have to Harry PeUerln as to how long four Mrs. PhlUp Newcomb listed the the Stanford Research Institute * WKbfiB-TV, on Wednesday, Oct. Garrity recommended that Joan Gozdz, RFD 3. Coventry; many moneyrcatring projects of in your home tl| is w inter bp split into two claasroonUl ac­ reported, was a notebook of smog | rooms would suffice, Jansen said 20 at 3 p.m. This program has Board of Eklucation p.-o)^e In- Richard Berthiaume, 102 Summer the Auxiliary. wMeh incluc’ed cording to a poUey sstaMiahQd by ^ committee's proJecUon had control records—"flowmeter cali­ been arranged through the cooper­ aurance tor high scho^ athletes St. . dances, food sales, tricky tray bration charts." the Board o f Education this sum- figured Uiree yeara which would give them greater mer. These two facts meanean thfM ation o f the television ctat’on and DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. potot. Miner reiterated the Hartford Comity Oocncil Of protection in case or injury than Herbert Bavler and son, RFD 2, Tli^ Hoftferd' Gas Company’s now rodtictd rato maltM new dassrooma would be requirea his statement that it had been the is provided under the insurance In addition. Miner reminded the the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Rockville; Mrs. Maurice Allen and ewcmisus of opinion of tha Board Rubinow is state voters service now in force. son,' Pinnacle Road. Rockville; carofTM oiifomoHc 90s hous* IW0H119 avoitaMt to ML meeting, “we will graduate one ^xEducatkm the two basement chairman for the League. Seeks More Osverage eighth grade la June and enroll Mrs. Raymond Griswold, 111 aasdrpoms were temporary and Mrs. Allan Bourn of 129 Parker television Garrity, a member of a com­ Chambera St.; Mrs. Charles ,Moz-, two first grades in September," re- that it was desirabU to get the St. is radio and television chair­ mittee named to stuyly the "pro­ zer and son,' 57 Wadsworth' S t./ quirlng a fourth additional class­ ChUdren out of the basement Ea- man for the Hartford Couhty Coun­ tective conditions relating to high •3 IMVIlia lOWSTONN room. 'Thus, you might say we Mrs. Robert Becker and son, Bo( tahUshlng yie immediate need of cil. school football," aaid present cov­ ton; Mrs, Harold Burnett, 47 E WI'VI NU IIOVM IT'I UHI Mil TNiSin erage provides a .maximum recov­ Middle Tpke.; Alex Grtmaski/ 96 ery of 3500 in case of death, or TNM Mail IT TM T9VM J a n U x o I Spruce St., Rockville; Mrs, Iforry *ny injury, plus paying for spnve Crowther, Willlmantlc; Joseph done > medical coats. Einbinder, 30 a yd e Rd.; Mrs. rm 4 np nom us C O N VERSION IU R N E R He regards this an much loo r* ...tfit u wvf ' * K'.y Archie Buck and son. \Ternon Ave­ little, and aaid he had asked In- nue, Rockville; Mr.*. George SIoss- •uranceman John Lappen to in- berg, 96 Milford Rd. TAKiAUUS . , veetigate the posalbiilty of finding "S ' * « * / a policy that would .pay «a much $ * M 350.000. Other Board mem­ RIDE THE 00 for bers agreed that a 3500 maximum Lodge Spoiisoriiig War too low, but said the cost of premiums on a 350,000 policy, if Popular Dancing one could be found, might be pro­ Easily installed in your present furnace, this hibitive. Sn V E R LAME They suggested that a search be Round and *qu*re dancing and Janitrol Gas Conversion Burner has 28 out­ made to determine whether poli­ the popular “ bunny hop" are being cies might be found that paid held -every Saturday night this BUS UME standing features including new, revdiutionary *N*nnal Installs- ^ maximum benefits of anywhere fall in Orange Hall, under the tlen average *isn from 35,000 up to 325,000. sponsorsMp of the Orange Lodges. lETWEEN MANCHESTER and HARTFORD combined jgas valve and pressure regulator . . . henae tor hod 0ILUXE DIf.CAtr BIATfR V Approve. Appointment These dshees sre proving. Very water ayatoin.- In *pfi-sonnel matters last night, ^pular, especially among teen­ Via SILVER LANE remarkable electronic pilot. new t y ^ burner agers. w iih ih 0 D a a l P u ip o m H andlm WiM Mwau the BoSi^d accepted the resigna­ tw Iweiy hoINn tion of Mr*. Nancy Evans Mott, a Music for dancing is provided by baffle . , . smartly designed casing. Ask your The self leqUv aew Idee hi homa econoiqics 'teacher in the "Rockie s River Valley B oys" The MINIMUM FARE IOc-THROUini\ FARE Me M yearn.L Dae-Wkiil Is ae atdhi high school, sitd approved the ap­ prompter is Jimmie"Sully'' Sulli­ heating contractor or the Hartford Gas Com­ .. ,11 rafnainh on amitoir new ariaslple ..X pointment of Mis* Bonnevle.ve H. van, and the oth^r members of the lOR INFORMATION CALL MI»c ImUX-8979 la b»LIFE — Fevver moving “Videotown” survey shows that ai^ss the sea/a h . earthquake in A S1LENT--Gas bums without noise. vey solely for the benefit of its clients. parts means I w wear and tear—longer television, set owners are spending M e x i^ ji tennis match in Austra­ SLIP COVERS You have complete freedom from ,a life and far less depreciation. Lower more time with 'their newspapera lia, a fire oQ ^tow n, or a T V pro­ 3 noisy heating plant. -Pe. SET first cost, too. than ever before! gram' in the IiVijig room— it’s the YCAfilY INCREASt 0 3 TIMI SPENT ★ CLEAN—Gas is a pure concentrated It is clear that every medium newspaper that tells it all. READING NEWSPAPERS ★ LOWER RATE — Wiicn you heat Do Tour Chrirtm^^hSppni^Novr«T fuel Ail impurities removed. Leaves no ■ —^including TV, the newcomer— No wonder people are reading lower heating IriOVR ashes, nor dirty by-products of combus­ simply whets people's appetites their newspapers morel No wonder ,3Q«OV(t IM2 rate for cooking, water heating, all other 1*51 tion. Less housework and cleaning bills. for the full story. advertisers, are finding newspapers toovit gas usage. - MMX In their newspaper they’li find more productive than evm^l^orel tl^whole story alxjut the fight they DEFENDAtLE * . laclodes: Fabric, La­ saw on TV last night.. . about the i ^ THERE’S A JANITROL GAS UNIT FOR EVERY HEATING NEED' A Small DapotH Holds Any Gift bor,' Weiling, Zippera. entertainers they watched , , . the Chart is based on it^ormation on Hrotlono toy-Awoy debate they saw...or the educational drawn from, **Vi(leotown sur­ Gaarantegd fit and i* » 1*51 Visit Oiir Tosrland/ program that was so interesting. vey by Cwmingham & Walsh, New 1*52 I*5J woriunanahip. *** JS****^ MANCHESTa-S Xklsi ASK. YOUR CHEATING CONTRACTOR OR LASftiST DISPLAY OF TOYS ' pfopsrad ky BI7BEAV OF ADS'EaTISING. Ameriraa New»paper PablislM-ni Asioclstloa, KAUTIRIL NEW FAU FAIRIC SELECTION ami pubUshed ia Um iaterfotz'of fuller uadentaadtag wl aewspapers Gafl MltrikeU 9-87aa for Frae Snaple Shwatag • 1 DRAm iES and CORNICES MADE TO ORDER Miuiffihester Divisimi ■nrtferfi On* Ce. YOUR HREiSTONE DEAtER IN MANCHESTER ' JEwmit0 CLASSK DECORATORS »A IN STREET TEL. M I-S -7^ V r 41 OAKSmn^TILM I.9.2730 Hsaehestor Office, €87 Main Street, O p ^ n o iw la y Eveniags T u d Sotorday Mominga Tor Appliance DeaiciiatraUoii aod 8ola» r r t— - tJ'"' ■ j , I" K A O B lB it MAS^CHESTER e v e n in g HERALD; M^CHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY/OCTOBER 19, 1954 ^JliK C ftE ST gtf EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTgR, C O ^ .. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1964 f*AGE ELEVEN- Failiires, /Achievements Dutch Tied Hazel Toll Voting Timey R^s Urge UN Bpdrd of Appeals Cleclfs M^f^^Renovate Union Scliool May Recome Serviceable Warehouse Sidetvalks up ake Action on WHY THEY SAY: Cited in Record of UN • S. Spy Tn Canada Way for New Lodge^ hion School To Stress Nsvsr b« Witheuf Deaths f ■; w6m eS. A g g r e s s i ^ • Hartford, Oet. 1* (B—Demands Fsthsff John's Medieino" F o r A ction laat night, three were granted-with Probe Case Paul J. McOoiiald Reaches 78 Bis$eU Street Location Repair Found Cheaper for higher pay, greater retirement In many homes Father John's Med­ Delay two being scheduled for rehearing. icine is alSrajrs on haniT'-:- becauM Paul J. McDonqla 1S6 State Two puUlc Kaarli«s .will start (Coatiaaed from * ^ Liquor SqleS^ranted; These were requests,,prevlouaiy Ilian Demolishing Old benefits, forther liberalisation of (OonUaned from Pkga One) denied or tabled* for .Ydrther study its uie has beeonw a habit fi*em m t iSt'., Hartford, d i^ at his home ^ (Oaatlama* (ron f t g a Om ) . off tha meeting tonight of tha sick leave and fringe benefits are ^seneration to an- Oi|[aiiintion; Speaker Sunday nig atdSred similar ^orgaa by/Red Oh^-^^ght Requests in which some' new facta came to North End Structure In Plans for ambasay had no immediate com­ Board o6 Dtractora, tha - praoant expected to draw major interest St 'other. Today Born in .Manchester, he had of other downstream towns also light. The Boanl’a procedure ia to Hails Action in Korea ment on the report except to say esdna in I960; but threw out a • ------' X the Connecticut State Employe mothers are fiv- lived in Hdrttbrd for the past 10 Board’a lost regular maathtg be­ The Mancheater Lodge of EUka schedule' a rehearing and readver- T he old Union School on N. Aaan. (invention opening Saturday It waa "quite important” and pr^cted little overflow. Reipln^ rtKiusat that it condemn inc it to their \Motln( a loH of confidence in years. ^ H e was a veteran of fore U leaves office at the and of had iU way/cleared to seek a club ttsing Where they feel there is Sch(x>l St., considered by some morning at Hotel Statler. New CD Post would, be taken up with Ambaa<- Autumn rains tors the river the. United States. . enough^,fiew information concernr children because/ Ow UtolM Nations, both li the Worid'^war I. tha month, liquor license by action of the Zon­ North End residents a nuisance Some 52 resolutions have been their motherti sador J. H. van Roijen.. from its bsmks Sunday in Pitts­ / tj, 8. Sources aaid Lodge would ing Uf applioftion to consider It as drafted for submission to the 2.|lay e leavea a sister, Mrs. Mary 'A e new Board, on which there ing Board of A r e a ls last night gave it to them I V n t ^ Slatw and In hie own coun­ The proposed construction of a Government lawyers maintained ^rphy of this town. burgh and 400 families svseuated fight any attempt to loVite a Red aim) Mt a new requeat. which should b^ demolished, may conclave, most cMllng' for greater are five members of the preaent be repaired and put Into condition when they w m { try, W. Onnstay-Gore, M.P., and skywatcb observation post atop atrict. secrecy, refusing to name Funeral services will be held to­ at< Wheeling, W. Va. Tha creat at Chinese delegation her^: but there when the board granted the re-, < If the. Board , f^la there are po state employe -benefits. A 13:page any of the three witnesses alresi was conoidarable ape^'iatton a# to new facia or further study Is'hot as,a warehouse and site for a young. a m e m b e r 't h e Ehigliah delega­ the police station, debyed because morrow morning at 7:30 at the Wheeling was 44.7 feet, nearly group, will hold its organizational quest for an exceptloit to the booklet containing these resolu­ Thituntttual heard or those still to be call maetlng Nov, l , how much support the United warranted, they will act, oh a re­ Highway Dept, workshop, if the tions will be dlatHbuted early to tion to th e 't^ te d Nationa, at­ the Board of Directors has been Talarski Funeral Home, 380 Ma­ nine feet above flood stage. for its proposed clubhou;^ a t^ -4 t) family confidence unable' to agree on an allocation The grand Jury la conaidlenng States could muster. quest, one way or the/<^ther, as results of a study by the Board delegatea. , tributed that loditto two principal charge that Peterson, 40, V $7,700- ple Ave., Hartford, with a requiem Tonight’s public hearing ache- Bisaell St. soon as possible^ , ' of Director’s commitfhe on mun­ ia the result of for it, has struck another snag. Its fiood force apparently spent, Delegate Devided ' Features of the convention will proven merit. Try caueea in a apeech^re last night. a-year research analysr with the Mass in St. Patrick's Church at the river leaked info soma low­ duled for $ p. m. In the Municipal Four of thq^ live had previously icipal buildings guides the Board's Theodore Fairbanks, chairman 8 o'clock. Burial will be in Sol­ Building will be on the mafallatloii One delegate said many eoun- ? Appearing in Utvor 'ot the/ap- be tha Saturday night dance in the' it, for yourself. It has been used 1. A reaction to the 'OreroptiniiS' of the Board's committee on Muni:> National Security Aaft^y until he lands downstream when alerted trlM which oppose seating Red i plication, H o rn / J. Firato and been ' dehfod 'and requests for re­ declsi<>h. hotel's Capitol Ballroom and the waa fired BeveraU.WMk8 ago. ob­ dier’s Field, Northwood Cemetery, of sidewalks on'Unlon Street and China In the U.N. would hesitate consideration on these applications Theodore Fairbanks, chairman Sunday evening banquet which will hr millions for over 99 years. tlc atmoephere in Which the UN cfpal Buildings, said today his Wilson. farmers had hastily picked their ah ordinance which would keep 'i George Lessner pointed out thati' tained documents^dealing with na­ late corn. Occupants of lowland to stop her from having a say In were discussed in executive session of that committee, sqld today his hear Istlka from Gov. Lodge and waa ocganlMd. group will recommend to the Friends may call at the funeral the polls en at town elections | / the Lodge atobd In a different tional defenae/"with Intent Or rea­ areas had cleared some basements charges which affect her own soil. V ' position than most liquor outlets lait, night. i‘ group would report on the schc8>l other State officials. 2. The belief that all Interna­ Board tonight that action be home tonight from 7 to 8 o’clock. trom • a.m. to S p.m. instead qf tional dlploaiacy could effective­ tabled. son to beUeyS" they would be used but feareiLno first fioor dsi^ ge. Actually tha question of invit­ In that it'would b^somewhat re- Johii Schuetz, who had made ap­ to the Board tonight since it is CfonXiderable politicking is likely to the advantage o f a foreign na­ from. 6 a.m. to a p.m. aa in the plication for permission to convert ly be carried out in public. The chairman said the commit­ At Beipre in Washington Coun­ last town election. * ■ Naylor Modlo ing Red China would not. arias in ■'^•(rtricted'^In its patrons. the present Board's last meeting. at the convention, since it comes Speaking for hla first time bc^ tion which has never been idehtl- Mrs. Catherine Murphy E. Jill Fowler the steering committee, .but would a one faiBily House to a two family Part of the building Is now only a little over a week before; tee had discovered in its inspec­ fled. ty, Ohio, Police Chlet Elarl W. Coot of Walka T l ^ stand, , taken In the public ' fore ah American audience, the tion Thursday of the police station Mrs. Catherine Murphy, 193 ■Walker reported the crest at 37.5 rest with the body delegatsd to , h e ^ n g , w »a also the gist of the dwelling, a't^2S8 HackmaUck St., being used for warehousing by the No'v. 2 election. Although I Caruso's Uonvictlon of the charge carries The Union Street walks woul(l Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. M. Fowler in Residence'-Zone AA and Rural, neither major political patty has' Oonaervative member of Parlia­ thkt the roof would require a lot Porter St., mother of Paul MuijJhy feet, about 1.5 feet above fiood coat the 19 abutting property own­ handle the issue If it gets on the presented by Attorney local firms and state agencies, but DRIVE-IN ment and active UN delegate, ad of sharing to support an observa-, a maximum penalty of 10 years in and Mrs. Leo McCdffrey, both of of 433 Center St., wish to announce agenda—presumably the assem­ may have his application reheard complaints about activities in the The Union School on N. School Street, abandoned years ago as a school building m a y ^ a i‘its promised a pay boost for State em- stage. ers $1,724 and the town $862 for , ' W. patid Keith, representing the and readvertised. dreased about 75 persona gathered tion post and that the exit doyvn prison and a $10,000 fine. this towm, died at the Manchester the engagement of their daughter, bly’s 60-nation main political com­ / I ^ g e . He also pointed out that old structure have been frequent. gables anfl cupola if the town follows a Board of Director.'s committee recommendation that it be put ployee, both have said they will 340 Middle Tumptke Wert The National Security Agency, Walker said the rivei^wouid have five-foot walks and $1,512 and E. Jill, to Francis P. Mordaaky, Reginald Baker hqd hia applies^ do all right by State workers. in the auditorium of Verplanck through the building would pe a Memorial Hospital this''morning. to hit a 40-foot level to be danger­ $7M for four foot walka. mittee. the group has tried for a long The Board's co.*nmlttee has Into shape aS a serviceable warehouse. Some persona who live near the structure want the tovwi to ■i , School in the opening exercise of flr e ^ p ; ■ y whose exact functions have never A former resident of Providence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francia Mor- The political committee, meaif- tion reconsidered a ft ^ h e wrote a betlmat^ it wlU cost roughly $15,- tear it down. Lewis R. Wiiite, Glastonbur}', it ous. Beipre is 184 miles down­ T h e Inovo to change the polling dosky of Stafford. y tilha without success to find a letter to the Board liY which he Have You Tried Our United NaUona Week. His visit Paiibanka said the g r o w felt an been disclosed, reportedly deals R. I., she had lived in Manchester While, continued its disarmament suitable location for ah Elks' home OfiOsfo put the old school in work­ general chairman of the affair, With secret codes, among . other stream from Pittsburgh. h ^ rs grew out of disaatisfaction Miss Fowler ia a graduate of aaid he would meet any conditions waa arranged by the United Na­ dutside Are escape would have to for- about seven years. with the early cloalng Oct 4. A debate as the western blg powers and the Bissell Street spot seems able (xmdition as. a warehouse. Tlie ^ings. Besides hbr son and daughter in The Clnclnhatt Weather Bureau Mancheater High School, '83, and set by the ZBA if he were g if t e d effort of man so far to save him­ create a better public underatand- H.AZEX C IT m U T I E S tions Aaan. of Manchester and thp be built and the cost yvould be pro­ said the fiood danger ia expected new sute law provides the hours awaited word from 'Vlshlnaky on , Ideal lA.light of future plana for cost of detnollshing It would be Jaycees to Hear self and the World from the curse HOT CAKES WITH Brltiah-Amerlcan Club. / hibitive. He aald the^committee has Manchester, she leaves five other is now employed in the Medical proposals to transfer the 'talkadb permission to hold ceramics clO ^ s greater, Eltirbanks said today. ing of its alnis, achievements and to diminiah downstream, Ohio at elections, such aa Manchester’s Index Bureau of the Connecticut the area''Nby the Town planning at 318 Hackmatack St., in R ^ - of war and to ,>romote condition ■ problems. 1 call also upon other The Tiaiting diplomat po|hted under Investlgatioh .the possibility sons,''one other daughter sad 12 town election, will be $ to * but a closed-door subcommittsev-VlsH- CommlS8loifi\ 'X ; Work Kuggested Hartford, Oct. 19 (jPi - Connect­ grandchildren. tributariea are at a low SUge and Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Hart­ dence Zone A and Rural Residence- Dodd on Monday of peace and well-being for all town officials, representatives of icut's utility companies have' re­ out that for centuries b efM the of locating the jxMt on the roof of ,riso seta forth a method whereby insky promised a reply in a Yew , The committee, which has care- nations,/and FRESH BROUND fOnhation of the United^vations, Arrangements for the funeral, not adding much more water to tlie ford. Mordaaky ia a graduate of the days to western suggpraonsjfo re­ He said the parking area at the Zone. civic, educational and religiuoe- or­ ported to the Public Utilities Com­ the Lincoln Sdhool at the Center or the town can change the hours if proposed location'would accomo­ folly inspected the structure, pro­ WHEREIAS. our national gov­ even in ancient history^jlMple had on the municipal garage on Har­ Cairo Alert which will be held in Providence swollen river, said the bureau. University of Conn., ’54, and la store negotiationa. to a UN. dis­ Originally he had said he wished pokes that the gables and cupola ganizations, agencies of the press, mission-that Hurricane Hazel waa The river crested at 40 feet last it wishes. The Board will have to now in partnership with hiq broth­ date about 3p cars and this, in con­ to sell some of these ceramic ar­ Tickets are sti^ available for ernment believes that the United radio, televlslbn and motion • pic­ hated war and w e ^ unable to rison Street Friday, are incomplete., pass an ordinance to make the armament commission /Subcom­ be rkmoyed and that windows in responsible for 106,830 service in­ SAUSA8E PATTIES? night Juat above Ravenswood, W. er on their Pine Rise dairy farms. junction with parking facilities ticles at that location, but the/ZBA the Jaycee d ln n ^ at which Con­ Nations deserves -our continued tures, as well as all citizens to co­ terruptions to industr}’, commer­ ellbiinate i t The V ii was formed He said the question o f tuing the change. mittee. , / the warehouse portion be bricked gressman Thomas J. Dod(l. Dem­ loyal support and that lu success . on the morrow or a terrible war school, however, had not yet been Va , and remained atationary, Ra- The wedding date has not been A group that included Britain. nearby, would be adequate for objected to this. His request was up with used brick from a small opera tis in appropriate o>>eervan.ce cial users and residences. But Served at all hoar* of the d a j For Unrest /venawood is about 30 miles up­ Acting aa Water Commiasionera, set. BOW. granted for one year, provided no ocratic candimte for re-election depends not only on the effort- of of the Doje'thrLOul our town. and everyone opeoted it to solve dbcuased with the Board of Edu­ the Board will continue Its consid­ France, the United States, Russia building adjacent to the school. its own members, but equally on Hszel was a lady compared to her and Right. all the arorldyproUcms, he said. cation. stream from Pomeroy, Ravena- ' Firato said, speaking for hlm- finished article waa offered for sale from the F^st District, will be IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I older lister Carol who caused 224.-! Funerals eration of a new sewage disposal and Canada conducted unsuccess­ at that location. If the building ia Improved aa a the guest speaker, according to those of ail the people of the mem­ The a a e o ^ chief cause. Ormsby- The original proposal waa to wood'a only reported damage was ful talks on disarmament In Lon­ aelf, that he felt If the time came warehouse, Fairbanks said, the have hereunto ret my hand thia 000 service interruptions. All of | plant for the town’s ayatem. Final for expansion it would probably be John F. Howard, whose prior the Jaycey^ Social Committee. ber countries, and 18lh day of Oct.„ A. D. 1954. Ck>re a a ^ was a new idea, the construct the poet on the police On T reaty to iQw-lying fields. plans have been drawn for the Two Editors ^l8st don last summer. rental rates should be raised to the utility companies reported j WE ARE NOWOPEN Dispute Damage Estimates feasible In that area also. ”11118 application was for permission to Congi^sman Dodd will apeak WHEatElAS. the General As­ .'’ herwood G."- Boivera j Idea OtM if all international diplo­ station roof at what Town En­ Thomas W. Brady, Jr. firat of two steps in the conatruc- In the political committee yes­ use an office In a garage at Oak­ the current market rate. 'That service completely restored by m a c y / ^ carried out in the full gineer James H. Sheekey esti­ At Wheeling, city officials chal­ terday 'Vishinaky answered de­ waa hot the cose with some of the to Javeees and their guesta fol­ sembly of the United Nations ha.s Mayor, Town of Manchester Saturday night. 4 A.M. to MIDNIGHT (CoaUpned from Poga Oae) - Private funeral services for Uon by Metcalf and Eddy, a Bos­ Gov. Gregg Award land and N. School Streets for move he said, would eVentually pay lowing the regular monthly din­ of the public of the world mated would be a cost of 53,000. lenged a large damage estimate. ton firm of engineers. Cost of the mands from small nations that the other locations considered. reaolved that Oct. 24. the annlver- Thomas W. Biady, Jr., son of Mr, The State Liquor Commission business purposes in Residence for the repair. ner bf ■ the Jaycees at the Man- m ry of the ettpetive date of the wanted peace, entangle- The Board, however, allocated and Mrs. Thomas W. Brady, Sr.. One official aaid reports of the first step is about a million dol­ big powers abandon veto rights . The building would haVe to be only $1,000. ' There are many in Britain, too, grants liquor licenses but zoning Zone A. may have his application c.h^ter Country Club on Monday, United Nations (Jharter, should Bta leading to war would be who dialike the treaty. A group of 115 Brookfield St., were held this damage were "exaggerated.” lars. (Coattnned from Page On«) and reach unanimous agreement ".ompletely rewired, at. ip es­ aUmlnated. regulations must be met before readvertised and reheard at some Ofct. 25. Dirtne/ is scheduled for be dedicat^'each year to announc­ Asked later to allocate an addl- 40 Conservative members of par morning at 9:30 from the W. P. The Wheeling Newa-Register “rhe commiasionera will also con­ to disarm. He said the veto re­ future date. timated coat of $1,800, b)it'the '"Public diplomacy was' con- tionsd $1,000, the Board referred said the flood caused "no very this action can be taken and that /7;45 p. m. ing the varied aiina and many ac- liament announced their oppoai Quiah Funeral Homv and at ID sider the purchase of construction committee is Dr. George D. Hum- mains >K> long as the -Security Garage Allowed present boiler could be used after atanUy being contrasted with the question to the municipal serious property damage.” The equipment for the Water Dept, to phrey, president of the Unlveralty Council veto is in the U.N. chapter. la the reaaqn for the application to Tickets for the dinner may be compUshmenls of the United Na­ tion, saying it was another atep o’clock' In St. James* Church. The ihe ZBA, Both Michael Orfitelli, who It is repaired and converted for oU: obtained through the Democratic tions; •“secret diplomacy," he pointed buildings committee which made Rev. George HughM V'as the cele­ paper made its reply to an esti­ be used chleQy on a project to of Wyoming. The boiler conversion would cint ou t an investigation Thursday, In weakening'Britain’s w orld As for the other new applica­ wished to erect a four bay garage ifown Committee or George T. La NOW. TlJBaiEFORE, DO T power. brant and Mrs. Jane Maccarone mate by the Army Corps of Engi­ eliminate sewage congestion in the ’’Governor Gregg was critical of at 27 Warren St. in Residence about $3,000, the municipal bulldr "Public diplomacy for many neers, which set flood damage at Florence Street area. the press—especially the , Provi­ tions, before the Board, two were Bonne, Jr., Manchester Road, Gias-^ PROCLAIM Sundav, Cct. 24, 1954 Loss of the big base in the qrganist and aoloist. The Rev. Ed­ Utah GOP Dumps tabled and eight granted of those Zone B and Peter Gallnsso, who Ing subcommittee ha.s estimated. tonbu'^. ea U.NITED NATIONS DAY in things does not work at all well,’* gar Farrell read the committal $6,700,000 for the- Wheeling area. Dlacuas RIght-of-Way dence Journal and the Associated wished to erect a sign not in ac­ Extensive inside carpenlrw work Ormsby-Gore asserted. atiategic Middle East will cer­ Wheeling City Manager Robert Another matter to come before Preaa— for revealing that certain heard l6|t night. The Manchester Junior Chamoer Manchester, and I ,urge all the tainly be a military setback to the service at the grave in St. James' cordance with zoning regulations and some out.*dde repair -ire also of Commerce voted unahimousty people of our toivn and our neigh­ DODGE Tias done it .^.better wait! Ne BarghMag Power Ribicoff RoUs Cemetery. L. Plummer said, "I can't con­ the Board ia the much-diainiased Vorking newspapermen were on ‘Hero’ for Dixon •'AppHratlnns Tabled at 9 W. Middle Tpke., had their re- contemplated in the progress re­ West. But both Britain .and the ceive of any such figure as that." right-of-way from Hackmatack the payroll of the Rockingham New applications heard last to send representatives to the bors to obsen-e that Day in ways ^In public diplomacy,, the -^diplo- Bearers .were ’ hlllp Mcrcier, uesta^econsidered and granted port which the group/\\1ll make that will show their faith and jr im­ inat from both sides states his United States hope to gain there­ There was no immediate com­ Street to the site of the Keeney Race Track in New Hampshire," night and tabled were those of I.,eague of Women Voters "(Charter by a closer friendship with Egypt Raym ond/ Geever, Charles Van Surtpg the executive session last tonight to the Boardy Workshop,” Atty. John Fitzgerald, port of the United Nations and terras, the prOas advertises them Campaign into Buskirky'qnd Charles Hogan. ment from the engineer's office at Street School. General Manager Smith said in a letter to Dr. Hum­ (boatlaaed from Page Oaa) Oole Motors for an extension of and the Arab states, who have Pittsburgh. ” Richard Martin met yeaterday with njght following the public hearing.* About three fourths of the first Jaycee president said today. Fitz­ and the public forms an opinion. phrey. "We thought the press permission to. sell and repair used Gallasao must erect his sign 15 bben proclaiming their neutrality Col. E ^ a r B. Sykes, West Vir­ Charles Ponticelli, owner of land had done a good Job of cleaning its Dixon by an unofficial 73 to 19, floor, all of the aycond floor and gerald also Stated that, in the Jay- If the delegate from either aide cars at 436 Center St., in Business feet from the street line to m(»et part of the basement are not used then gives way even a little bit, he Big GOP Area In the Cold. War. ginia Civilian Defense director, the town wants for ‘he right-of- own house, and should be com­ learned that Dixon had left Salt Zone II; and H. P. Homl and Sobs, 'cee'a opinion, the (Charter Work­ way, and Atty. George C. Leaaner, the conditions laid down by the for warehousing; One portion of shop i.s a community project /la soundly criticbed by hb people, Ih a statement prepared for the aaid not more than 25 to 50 fami­ mended, not condemned. After the Lake City some time before with for permission to erect a aigfi that ZBA. Originally his request was lies actually evacuated ' their Ponticelli’s counsel. vehement rebuttal (from editors the building Ir/used for the High- worthy of the participation qt all Ormsby-Gore aald. In a democra- (OaallaMd beia Bags 0*a) signing ceremony, the Egyptian Bonn, Paris a parting announcement that he does, not meet zoning regulations tabled for further study. 'way Department's sign shop and r, it may mean he b not re­ and British delegates said the homes. Others, he said, may have The three discussed considers- present), Gov. Gregg apologized. at 52 McKee St., in ^sidence civic minded organizations. left voluntarily or rode out the tioha in connection with the town's "A t any rate, we New England would not accept. it would by' Improved to provide Jack Shea, Frank Anderson, and Sacted. In a dictatorship, he b emor, the full speed ahead sign, treaty was "designed to ertsiblish ^ 2fona B. lucky if he SKapes with hb life. AngIo-Elgyp‘ i.-n relations on a new flood with friends on higher acquisition of the land and Lesoner editors are disturbed that a promi­ Fraiitic telcplionlng fliuQly lo­ an adequate workshop and storage Jack Spencer will represent the AN^efiemoNi* It’s Flalr-Fashiorted... will be up, not only for quick com­ Chiefs Hold ground. waa to review those coiialdera- nent public official can be so con­ cated the educator in the home Three new applications granted Theater Showing for lum b^ and other material^ the Jaycees. The speaker said the result of basis of cooperation." were for aigna to be erecte(l that cdMWii pletion of the Greenwich-Killing- The Wheeling Intelligencer aald, tlona in a letter which may arrive fused about the -meaning of free­ of a son in Ogien. Then, while committM feels. pubUc diplomacy b Uiat neither ly throughway, but for the Isau- The delegations have labored in­ differ from zoning regulations. side has any bargaining power, tensively to achieve a clear and "Virtually all the mayora of other in time fo be available to the dom of the press—or. rather about some 92 members of the 178-n.an UN Film Here Whep asked if it wquid be neces­ "When it cornea -to detailed diplo­ ance by the State of long-term towna and municipaLusa in the Board tonight. the right of the people to know." GOP State Central Committee They were made by F. Vichi. for a sary to have a supervisor on the bonds to finance _a large-scale in­ comprehenalve agreement which Unity Talks sign at 360 Main St., in Business Mayor Proclaims macy," he asserted, "it b much constitutes a cdiiatructive measure Wheeling area agreed that ouUide Gonsidtaat Proposed Ogden in his letter to Dr. milled about 11 a room on the ______building at all times after the con- better to do it privately, terior road program to end traffic reports of evacuations and dam­ A proposal that a consultant be Humphrey also referred to floor - below, - t. >' state officials Zone III; E. J. Holl for one on the In connection with UN Week in '’erkloh Fairbanks said his person- muddles in every part of the in the cause of peace." the state­ "When agreements have been (Pontinued from Page One) ages had been exaggerated.” hired to review final plans’ for the Gregg’x apology and quoted Gregg took tn-ns piending vlth Dixon, south aide of E. Middle Turnpike , ■ al opinion offhand la that there Siiiidav UN Day State.” ment said. "They now express, on new high school will be (i^acuased / e a s t of Ferguson Road; and the Manchester, the State Theater has ^ have to be a night reached they should then be made behalf of their governments, their further as saying to the editors his wife Lucille, and then Dixon known to the public and widely He said ‘'throughways are only again. At its last meeting, acting that they had "educated the Gov­ to change his mind. Manchester Food Corp., for a free ■kindly agreed to show the UN'fllm^ watchman on duty. If firmk are to a partial solution to our highway rincere desire to work closely and occupation of Germany, restoring on a request from the Board for aUnding sign at 304 Tolland Mayor Sherwood Bowers has publicised," he said. actively together in fulfilling the Ike’s Arrival Place, ernor of New Hamp.shire.’’ Ironically, the coll, was taken In "A Village Awakens,” a 10 minute i charged commercial rates for designated ne.xt Sunday as United muddles in Connecticut. German sovereignty and West iU opinion, the School Building "If the Governor of New Hamp­ the campaign headquarters of tlie Tpke., in Business Zone II. warehousing, they ahould haVe "I'm quite convinced,’’ the speak­ ’This is especiaily true in Fair- agreement and so to promote a reel, on Thursday, Friday, Satur­ Nations Day and Issued a procla­ er said, "that we must have two Germany’s role in the western de­ voted against recommending on shire waa ’educated' by. his listen­ Democratic par* •—the only tele­ In these three coses the Board some protection, he said field County where the. new new spirit of understanding and Time, Route Reset overall consultant at thia late day and Sunday of this week..The Recently a group of residents of mation concerning the event. Citi­ methods—private and, public di­ friendship between their peoples." fense setup. ers, I question whrther this speech phone Immec'iately available in felt the signs were needed for the / throughwey will aid east-west stage in the plans, but did not ex­ businesses in question and'would film is being shown througb the the area appeared before the Board zen's qf the town will be urged to plomacy." - • _____ Talks Followup London Act Is sntitled to consideration for an the hotel where the meeting took cooperation- of William g^^rath, ob.*tervFlhe day in ways to demon­ traffic, but will not help workers (Coi tlnued fruia Pag*^ One) clude the possibility of asking pro­ award.” Ogden wcote. "It is not in­ place. not be detrimental to the aohes ■with the requeat that the building Sees World lim kl Their conference was a curtain theater manager. ' strate the importance of the .cele- and shoppers getting to factories fessional advice on specific prob- conceivable that the award be Taking turns at the telephone ■where they would be located. be torn down becauae it served as Speaking on another aspect of ralaer on other talks designed i'o lema foat might arise/ The film deplete the (ireek Vil­ h and stores in the metropolitan Britain Warns Columbine, is scheduled to take made to the editors who im> 'edu­ were Sen. Arthur V. Watkins (R- a haven for vagrants and danger ! bration. complete agreements reached at On Permloslon Extended lage of Desphina which had little the UN’s position in world affairs. centers from the interior towns to off at 1:45 for'New York. the agenda for dlscuaaion is cated' the Governor." Utah), chalrmah of the recent spot for children who climb bn its-) The coming iS*eekend marks the ■ Ormsby-Gore said the trend of the north." the recenl London conference the question of changing the flacal Other application.*) granted were communication with the surfound- roof and get into' the building , adnlversary of.the founding of the ' STREET Foreign Minlstcr.'s of , United congressman Thomas J. Dodd. ccmimlttee to investigate censure those of Mra. Lillian Smith, for CORNIil0 SOON I events is away from national He advocated an Intergrsi pat Dock Strikers year to avoid haring to borrow irg country for cen(Xirles through through broken windows. organization in San Prancisco. HARTFORD States, Great Britain, France and Democrat seeking reelection, an-- charges against ben. McCart! a two year extension of .petmls- sovereignty. "There is no hope tern for the State's entire road money to run the town until tax lack of a road. ExeSpt in the olive PROCLAM T iO N OPEN THURSDAY EVE.MNUS West Germany hope to agree to­ nounced today that he and Mrs. Change Scheclulc (R-W lsl' tJtali Gov. ,J. Bricken plon to conduct a beauty parlor PE.\NV-ANTE CRIME whsttever for mankind," he ■yatem. paymenU begin coming In. The Lee, and Jack V. McLea of R(X>se- season, the men ha()' little work Concerning United ’ ’ atfOTs Day seited if we insist on extreme na­ "The highway program must be On Troops Use morrow on amendments to the Dodd would attend the convocation Board has informally discussed in her home at 29 Kensington St., the rest o f 'the yeat. The people Monrovia. Calif. (yP)—Police re­ in Manchester honoring the President. veit,; a membeir of the U8AC Residence Zone A; and Mrs. Mae ports listed the theft of two sticks tional sovereignty, put into high gear," Ribicoff said, two-year-old Bonn treaty restor­ the question several times. Of Sunday Buses Board of Trustees. of the village got together and BE IT KNOWN TO ALL He noted the contraction of the "by adoption of the following two- ing sovereignty to West Germany, After receiving an nonorary. de-' The ^ a r d wlU be asked to Holden, who wishes to use n drive- decided that, in order to develop of gum. valued at one-cent ench. PEOPLE, that (Continued froon Page One) free at Trinity, the President will At length, Dixon accepted bis wray, located .in Residence Zone A from a gum machine. Police .sild world as the result of improve­ point program: and ending the occupation. The waive requirements for bidding in party's call.whls nominatton was a connection with the outside WHEREAS. The United Nations ments in .transportation and eoJB- "1. E^itablisbment of a three- Bonn treaty originally was pegged drive to the speakers stand in the competition for a communication Next Sunday will see the be­ at 81 Oakland St., for access, to world, they heeded to build a road) it was the smallest local theft on Organization . eems to embody the tailed at Liverpool, Britaip’a sec­ park, directly across from the ginning of new Sunday schedules announced and the committee the Industrial Zone at the rear. record. municatloh and the accelerated man highway planning commis- to the ill-fated European Defense system at the new police and voted it unanimous. so, with thh advice and assistance most determined and promi.-lng •sion to handle the planning, loca- ond biggest port. Community (EDC) and must be Statler Hotel, at 12:30. for buses of the Connecticut Co. The Board felt unusual cl/cum- pace of that contraction in the Nearly 35.000 o r BriUln'a court building at a cost of $856- • Strlngfelloiy,’ a first-term repre­ of the United Nations, they set lost two centuries. He said the tlorL and construction priority altered now that EDC is. dead. • He will cut a 400 pound birthday .75. operating In Manchester. The sUncea in Mrs. Smith’s applica­ about building this road. 76.000 dock workers are off the changes are for Sunday bu.sea sentative in the 83r.d . Congress, tion. and the fact that Mfs. Hold­ afford a modern new contraction W'as progressing, "at a promems now handled by the Thursday, the four foreign min- cake in honor of Lodge's Sist precipitated tlie pre election crisis Ail oVer Greece now such roads i highway commissioner. Job and 193 ahipr are Idle at their lartera, plus five otheni from Cana­ birthday and then in a 10 minute only, weekday schedules to re­ en's driveway w m the ohiy means pace and to a degree which is stag­ moojringa. Saturday night When he dra­ are being built, the people them -' gering.” "2. Establishment of a new high da. the Netheralandbi, Belgium, speech will add some frosting to Bible Conference main unchanged. of entering a busirieaa enterprise selves deciding what they need' The tradea'Union Oongreas—Bri Buses from the Center to South matically annoiLiced via radio and sewing machine at Sears low price The "slightest wabble" in the way financial policy that wUl per­ LAixembourg and Italy, plan to the Connecticut campaign. television that he had been liv­ that had been there.fdr some time. most then going ahead with the SEARS tiah eqi^valent of the American Manchester will leave hourly from economy of the United States -has mit issuance pf long-term, low-in- draft details of a revised Bruarela Ehetenaive preparations are un­ Opens at Church ing k lie aa a war hero fc yaaia. Justified their action in these encouragement and aid of the TRASH ROEBUCK ANOCO tereat bonds so that we may AFL S>f (?IO—denounced the dock treaty. Under this plan West Ger- derway today for the Preoident's 6;40 a. m. throughout the (lay un­ cases. / ' United Nationa. far-reaching effecU'in the world, strikb today. It accused. Uie strlk- til 12:40 in the morning. The disabled veUran, 32, mar­ he declared. quickly catch up with the urgent man.v and Italy will be added to visit and the mammoth out-door Other new, applications granted need fol* improved interior roads eri of bringing "the whole trade the five chartef" members—pritaln, Those from the Center to Depot ried and the father of two, con­ were those o f Katherine Wagner, He likened the preaent-'world of celebration. The EHble Oonference at Eman­ fessed that his story of a behlnd- in every county in the State." union movement into-diarepute.” France and the Benelux cointrlea PlatfoiliVa, . public address Square by way of Main Street and for permfokion to coihplete a nations to the feudal system. He uel Lutheran Church conducted by the-llnes mission into World War TREAWRES • In other Democratic party de- In Southampton, leaders of -the —to form a .sbven-pow'er pact. a>’8tems and other fccllltlea are then to Manchester. Gti^n ■ 'vis. porch alTMdy begun at 190 Oak­ Sadiak to Speak said there was no unity in feudal wildcat strike competed w It h the Rev. Reuben Ford of Minhe- Woodbrldge Street will nm hourly II Germany — a story that had times unUl a central authority de­ velopmenu. State Chairman John Gn ,Friday, the North Atlantic being set up in b«Ui the park and land jSiL In Residence Zone A, M. Bailey called on State Demo­ union officials, who are opposing Treaty Organization (NATO) apolia, opened last evening. Yx>m 7 a. m. until midnight. helped win him national promi­ whicb ia closer to the sideline, than veloped. Ormsby-Gore asserted a the State Armory on Broad St., nence — waa a hoax. At Testimonial cratic town chairmen to send party the walkouts, for the backing of foreign ministers are expected to where the event will he held In Tonight at 6:30 the Youth sup­ Buse.8 from the Center to Man­ xoning rules allow. An error central authority in the world is - Hia announcenrent came a few lawyers to an "election clinic" at 2.052 stevedores. Whether the vote West Germany into the Allied case of rain. per in Luther Hall will be followed chester Green via E. Center Street was made when plans were drawn needed for collection action. Hartford Wednesday night. Southampton workera would re­ Defense system. and then to Depot Square by way days after the Army Times, ai. Antoni ’ Tribute to U.8. section fop Cblldr^ by a aervice at 8 p. ib. In the for the porch and it has been dis- N. Sadiak, (R), con- kUMMAGE ■Bailey sa id ’^a full and accurate main on the Job waa in doubt. All these expected actions are Of Woodbridge Street will begin unofficial Washington publlcatlo.1 . gre^maJi-at;Ularge will be guest As an example of collective ac­ A large roped off ..action will church. Pastor Ford will apeak to­ / covered that to change the de­ 7/ V ' knowledge of election procedures Anxious owners of the liner subject to parliamentary ratifica­ at 7:20 a. m. and run hourly until printed a copyrighted' a tor; sign would work hardship on the sp^ker tonight tonig at a testimoniai tion against agression he cited could mean the dlffer^ce between be reserved for Hartford public night on the "Heart of Salvation." questioning hla tale of cloak-am - dinner given Queen Elixabeth brought the 83,- tion In the nations concerned. and paroc’iial schx>01 children who 11:20 p. m. applicant, an the BOard ( granted glwn ih honor of three; intervention in Korea. He said victory and defeat." OOO-ton ship in stern first yesterday Tomorrow at 2 o'clock, a meet­ dagger deering-do. Stringfellow ,r. Fromineijt local Itallan-Americans.i the lAague of Nations failed be- The Saar, a ited States. a part of Germany. Its inhabitants employes extended iunch^oura to the theme "God of Power.” Center via Main Street, buses In Dixon, Republican leaders fe' Residence Zone A. the GOP now,is waging.. Amid the mountiijg tension on are German in culture and lan­ Will run hourly from 7:33 a, m. to they had the atrongeat poaaib' and Florence Streets to greet and Statee which, he eald bore the Seely-Brown spoke at meetings see and hear the President. The In many of the iservicea Pastor The last new application grant­ blunt of the puniahmanl in Korea, the .waterfronts,- a second big guage. ' . other! are Travelers." Connecticut Ford illuatratea his talk srith 11:33 >. m. replacement for Stringfellow i ed was for a two yeag extension apeak with Poliah-Americana and UTH METHODIST CHURCH In Lebanon and Old Saybrook last strike by more than 20,000 of Lon­ Adenauer and Mendes-France Those from Manchester . Green oppose ' the Democratic candidal other friends. He expects to arrive and "People in England^know it." night. Mutual and ConnecUmt General. beautiful colored crayon drawli^s. of permission to Aime Latulippa there at 9 p: m. he'said; ■ ' / don's 45.000., bus drivers and con­ have not disclosed their plans ,for GOP National Committeeman for the Center via E. O nter former Congressman Walter K to continue a landscape gardening The testimonial' dinner for Har­ As other examples of eqUeCtjve ductors collapsed in a back to work approaching the problem, but the Meads Alcoin, General - chairman Street will run hourly from 7:13 Granger o f Cedar City.* business at 780 Vernon St, In Ru­ movement. / German Chancellor is expected to a. m. to 11:13 p. m., with one more ry Firato (R) Incumbent reelected jiuRSDAYg OCT. •cUon, he cited' the work of a Woman Arrested o f the affair, today,-' announced Public Records Grange, who served six terms i*' ral Residence Zon4 to the Board of Directors, Felix ^ UN Peace Team in eliminating Busmen who quit work last week seek political freedom for the re­ that Ueut. Gov, EaWard N. Allen at 12:10 a. m. the House of Repreaentativea, lo f. BMaJfoheaei iitrrilla warfare incidents m in defiance of union, orders agreed gion's pro-(^nnan parties. Mendes- Operation of buses on W. Mid­ out In 1952 when he ran againz Gremmo, (R ) and Cy Georgettl. will be master of/ceremonies of Of five appllcatlona hSard at (D) both elected constables, will 9:00 A. M. k e n ' On- Lareeny Count yesterday to resume operations dle Turr^ike at Broad Street will MORE France is believed to favor a form Warraateo Deeds greace. staving Off a w4r between the half-hour prp^-'sm. Watkina for the Senate. He is con- earlier meetUijgav and rediacUaaed get underway at 7 p. m. India and Pakistan over Kashmir, while union leaders negotiate with of Europeanisation under the new Prim Hall, a/H artford postal Thomas . J. Lewie to Frederick be discontinued on Sundays., .atdered a strong vote-getter in the and avoiding an AnM>-‘lsael war. Mrs. Adeline Esieeck, 19. 130 tran.sport bosse.s on grievances lii- western. European union. worker, will lead the throng in Lewie and Jaaaie H. Lewie, pro­ First District’s tirban areas. SEWING M A C H I S M He also credited the little pub­ Peart St., waa arrested yesterday volving pay and working condi­ To Sfiidy Arms Agency singing : the Star Spangled Ban­ perty on Flqlcy ,St. “ But Dixon, too. is aaid to have X licised work of non-political UN by Sergeant George McCaughey tions. The workers are asking a In a'cldltlon to the Saar problem, ner. T^e Most Rev.-Henry J. . Town of Manchester to 'Thomaa Three Dog Bite a strong following in Logah, Op- bodies such m UNESCO, the and charged with larceny, accord­ minimum of 10 ponnds ($28) a Adenauer and Mendes-France were O'Brien DD, archbisiiop of the J. Leule, property on Finley den and Provo, the largest towr ■UN CSiildren’s Fund, the World week, about $4 more than tWy are Roman Catholic Diocese of, Hart­ in the district. A mild-manneret ing to police. to discuss a French proposal for a Street. . . . Cases Reported NEW . . . NOT REBUIL7S HesHh orgeiilsation. They reported she has been ac­ now being paid. ford, will give the invooatlon. Howard R. LitUa -and Estelle J. amiable man, he took over as hea View OB. China continental a r tn a production cused of stealing articles in the agency to supervise the import, About midway through the pro­ U ttle' to Kenneth - A. Cloutier, of USAC in Logan last year, afte ■ We have a great respect for your clothes 7n ansrwer to questions from boarding house where> she lives. gram, Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman property on Autucim- Street. The right handa, and especially almost 20 yearsdn Ogden as presi­ production and distribution , of dent of Weber College. tee floor, Ormaby-Gore said Red She has been released under $500 Crank Notes Sent of Temple iSeth larael will offer a the areas around the fingers, of REG. 119.95 C3tina should eventually be admit­ heavy armament among member prayer tot peace. Exeontor'a Deed local male youngsters must hold REG. 99.95 bond. states. Thomaa J. Lewie, executor of Party leaders quoted Dixon aa ted to the United Nations but not At the close of the President’s a special attraction for members citing hla desire to remain at Utah i^hen we take over the joh of dry cleaningr we realize jmtll the unsettled conditions in Sheppard Jurors Other iteriis on the agenda in­ will of Bertha L Lewie to Elgin State and family objects are be­ talk, the Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray, Zaturaky and Harriet B. Zatursky, of Manchester's more undisciplined Korea havt been resolved, and cluded . Joint development of the Episcopal Biahop of Connecticut, canine popiilgce. ' hind his reluctance to make the our^j^esponsibility— and cherish the confidence our Cqs* that agreements for mutual de^ Moselle . waterway system, co­ property on Finley Street. race. CABINET (OontiBued from Paga Oae) will pronounce ■ benediction. Ibomas J. Lewie, executor of At least, a person would have ROTARY fanae made outside the machinery Police Arrests ordination of freight rates and in­ 1 A replica of the State Capitol difficulty escaping auch a con­ Dixon’s career also includes tome^place in us. Modem, scientific methods assure o r or the United XAtiorui ore In «c- dustrial prices and liberalization will of Bertha L Lewie, to Town aervioe ^ aa aupertntendent of Elizabeth A, Borke .or pooaible frill top .the six foot high birthday of Mancheater, property on Fin­ clusion on the basis of dog bite eordance wi’Ji the UN Charter jur>- duty, Garroone said; of French import reatrictlona. cake to be-presented to the Cov Incidents reborted at Maacheatw acnools in Provo and ak a banker. thorough but jrentle cleaning. The. equipment we use STYLE and a realistic heceaaity. A South 'Coventry man ■ was ley Street. Ha la also prominent In affairs o' ‘ PORTABLE charged for the second time with ■ 'Testimony' in thl ■ trial may Usually reliable apurces reported emor and to be cut by tha Presi' 4)Hltelaiaa Deed Memorial Hospital this morning. Ormsby-Gfire was Introduced by divulge that 'Sam Sheppard jBia.v Mendes-France is proposing a dent. It aUrted yesterday when Rob­ the Church of the Latter-Day is the best tponey can buy. And above all, our cleaning Edward Bushnelt, vice-president of operating a motor vehicle. while George 8. McKinney to 0 11 v e Saints (Mormon), aa a member o hia license was under suspension have had affairs w 1th some women French-German partnerakip in ert Hamilton. 7. son of Mr. and VNAM and general chairman other than hia wife," commerce and'induBtryMiU a foun­ McKinney Woodruff, property on Mra. High R. Hamilton of 64 Wad­ the General Board of the church's - is done in ouXown plant where we can always control Atiractlv. walaut fiairted PAY ONLV-5.00 DOWN ON EITHER o f UN Week. The visiting speaker following , hflf arrest early ihia Combiiu^ Circles Oxford Street Deseret Sunday School U»ion- momihg, police rejMrted. , He asked- Mrs. ^ r k a .whether dation for future European unity. dell Rd., waa biUen on hla right hardwood, eabtawt. MACHINE, BALANCE ON EASY TERMS la a graduate of Eton, and Oxford that would influence her in carry- He was pictured as anxious to hand. Utah’s population la predomi­ the proven Nesrs\Model quality. Unlreraily. He w u qn obaervaUon Police aaid George O. Dolloff told In.r.hut her duties as a Juror. Alexandw* Jarils to Abrahaih nantly Mormon.' ttem he had hia..license suspended achieve some dramatic economic Planning Banquet The next victim was John Ken- pilot during Worid War II. In ' £ '’‘“ «cutlon objected, anil agreement which woUld enable the M.' Eakin, Daily Queen Store ael, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ private life he manages twp farms in Apyil. 1951 and waa arrested for P lio ii* ' operating ivhiie Jt was under sua- Judge Blythlo auatained the objec­ French and West German govern­ building’ on'W . Middle Ttimpike. ert Kensel of 41 Dearfielcl Dr/ Re Try Us On>n. ^ u r Next Dry Cleaning Job • Hear*. Roebock aad C*. -* . • and raioea dairy cattle: tion. . •> ments to persuade their respectlva Bididiiig Feraalts pension in May. 1953. Cbmbinad Cjatholie Mothers O r- suffered a bite on the thliin finger About Town • ,-66'^State Slroat ^ / . I Before hie talk, a brief memorlel GarnuMie argued that whether or parliaments to accept the sacri­ clea at their meeting last night in To Raymoitd Schaller for Rua of his right hand. C H .9 -5 4 0 1 service wea conducted honoring According to'police. DoUoff was , I Hartford $. Cuaa. '' ' ' ■ \ .driving a par recently purchased not the potential Jurors had a fices Inherent in any compromiae St. Bridgat'q Churih set the data sell Cravriord-at ux, m , 6-room Meanwhile, this morning, Ste­ t h ^ who dted in the cause of the •'blaa'' on. certain mattera should on the Saar. .; of Wedheaday, Nov. 3, for.(heir an-- (Iwelllng . .on Goodwin Street $12,' H m annual fall mqetlng o f the f o r f r o o Uhited NaUods in Korea: at a local dealer's and was using phen MonUIla, 3. eon of Mr. and Connecticut State Federation oi • Gentlemen: Please send me further infor-. • be Jaken up-before the Jury waa Mendes-France waa reported nual-fall banquet. It w&t bq heldfQOft deUer’a plates loimed him'until he awom. Mrs. Stephen MonteUa of 118 Hor- Womena Ouba'will ba bald at the ■ I matlon-, describing Ken mo re Sewing Ms- I could get proper onea? ready (b suggest:' at the Garden Grow, Keenay To Elmer Prevost for alterations land SL, was the latest jtfetim of . chines. Mrs. Borke, a brunette Cleveland Norwich Inn in Norwich on Thura- The arrest waa made by Patrol-' 1. A close akaociation of French Street at 7 p.m, and additions to dwelling at S3 the finger-biting outburst. Ha was housewife, was accepted as the Mrs. Henry Wlttke, 9 Bank St.. Naw 8L. $400. ' day,- Ckt- 36, regutratlon froca man John Turner and Dolloff has and West German capital and bitten on the right forefinger. 6:45 to 10:60 a. m. - . V 4 ' : j Pewonal Nb^cct | second juror. technicians In the. development o< \/Ul bp in c h a i^ U Ubketa. Mra. To Robert Brady for Robert NEW MODEt ^ HOME TRIAL n a m e •*f^*****»*aafo * * e a * e*e oeooeaa«6 been released under $200 bond. AU three^ lads were treated at She U ithe wUe oC a RcWblic French overskaa-areas, including Rene Lavoie, 93 Lenox St,, was Brady at ux, aUeraUbna and ad­ ■ a ' • - ■ V - I Leoo aeannekJ. 3), 2$8 Green Steel Corp. engineer and the moth, the hoapital - ghd discharged in . T ^ CannectiruO Pareqt Tbachsr w* WVW* wow* y J waa axrested yesterday by the building of.Joint aircraft fac­ appointed chairman ot the decorat­ dition to dwelDng at 42 Over­ good ahap^- ■ LAUNDRY t DRY CLEANING I BTREET OR RR • eodebeeeataaa * e d e a a | In MtBMriaifi er of two teenage children. tories in North Africa. . ing committee. Mra. John Daniels. land St.. $500. . Aaan. Safety Coofcrenel will be '^-**or mail this coupon fttfolm an Raymond Peek and h M Wednaoday. Oct. 37, at the I The state took leas than half an 2. A long tarm traqe 'accord un­ 200 Woodland St., is alao working TO Georgo Martin for alUrationa for free literature tJiarged With Speeding. hour to accept her, but the de­ „ K C BIAS BAN URGED Hotel Bend in Shrtford f i ^ 7 to OUR D E inm Y NOW EXTOIDS TO c ir r a o a a o STATE '• a a a o a o o a • der which' Ftance would, accept on tha comoUttee. . and addttlona to dwaUlng at 4 Waeklagtee, Oct. 16 tfW Tha 10 p. in. . ■ I reported tha arrest fense, OonUnuing Ua- axtenaive much more Cermsm manufactuped- f Lawraace HMvisidaa. The Marian Taar pUgriraaga- Fraaton t>r., $500. JaaSIea Dipl, aald lodajnlhe B om 0 background axamlnaUon « f p m - gooda vhUe tha Weal, Gerfnana BOLTON • JCOLUMBU 2 i_ 57 Baldwin chargad with■ will be held np Nov. 36. imd is in To IlMmaa Haneghka for Thoms hoe eonae for the hrtaeatafo CMe- paettve Jurors, raqulrad about aa amiUi' take tha gbowing Frendi ekpum Mrs. Stanley Zatkowaki. Mothers O n U 80 StaU SU Hartford, * atop qigB. Ha waa ar. at aa Hanaghaa at ux. altaraUons aad Meroe Cewaiariap (■%) la wia IMM at the home of Mrs. WH- ANDOVER • CJOVENTRY Ifeghaw. Atbart F o ^ hour and a half to oaUMy ttaalf a^rtoiltuial surplus —. mootlF 171 Thaoapaoa Rft, wtw aaay ba ad^ tlona to dwoUlag at J$3. Bol- ' O t Open Daily 6:30 A . 36. to 8 ^ P- M. rasted by PatrolmaB l y —r NaaL tbat aha la not Magad. ^ . hMoie a Bat hoa oa laeW a a fi UuB ttaJeor, 166 Ohk b l . io b w : ■ T' ' -, - :^0Btaatad for laianeiattHi. j t a Bt:, 9600L , ^ * aaBaa of — F at 6 pi- at' ■ Ffoeapt Tlntfa. 6:30 A. X . E b ^ F.JL .'■■■* T ■ T SEARS 'A/. r ■ r. '■ I . ■ x / ■W 'i ■ (I y-../ V - ' .. ■. .. ' /.V X. -' -• ' • ■ >-

\ ' ■ •. -■. ..V. ><• ^ \ - V ' " ■{■■■■ I ■ " - y : ■ ■ ■ , PAOBTtrEI.V> MAN(;HESTER EVISNINP h e r a l d , MANCHES^^ER, CON^I., TUESDAYI ,0CT0B|SR 19,1954 V..-. MANCHESTER HERALD. MANCHESTfeR, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19? 1954 fOCgMCBVllXB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX FACE THIRTEEN PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VBRMEER Answer to Prsviout Putllo Rockynie-V erhon 'Cinema Performer P F i* n Ives Set to Reveal •fOTMMMMiati ** W H ISK Y B i U -” W o RTI.E 37 H urt in C rash i l l S^nse and N onsense Johnspn-Gunsten Wedding . I - • E i l ^ / L K ! ! • tO fN H I tX E liX A L Te h p e e a n c e Wo r k e r s a r k j u s t a b o u t \A C K 088 S6 Social InsecU H arriiuan Shocker RCAPV TO CIVE UP ON H>M Of Crack Express 1 Cinema 87 Au|mehta>^ Congr^gatiqnalists Greet ■ 1 Ffch Vior iMi FlfMali 1 Get a caab.teea qoicidy an the friendly basis that made Atsanaf performer, 58 Pronobn I’ve often thought it. r a t h e r happy with hia wife in tha coun­ . 300 24.23 r 19.25 1 : motion begrudgli^gly,..' will give the People would be only too glad to - / ------V ■■ ■ have created a. litUe synthetic day in the collision of a crack Wa­ *199 ,... 30.79.1 l•Tllr aaviai. pieturet 1 Dire^lon church, that helps their aoula to ■Rockville, Oct. 19 (Spevlal)— bash passenger train and a work n attend to their own business—If, drama. He knows that FraiUt : -V : n - A \min al.MM cotii SM.iO. «I»m Phone first for a loaa in - atm ! 8 He Is a 3 Ages live. Sometimes a quarter 'or a the government would i^ve it qiie Fall Fellowehip Supper of the train, both moving at slow Bpetd.i,. prvwOtfT >3Mi* tWHOewthse trip. Emplayed man and womea^ 3 Lacerate with dime (seldom a dollar at a time): Roosevelt (Democratic candidate on the St, Loiis approach to a uf comedy—^ I -^Dan Bennett Union Oongregational CflHirch will Dr-Elect lmt«ltM4ii« of IIO.EH Mtk. married or tingle, wsicetae. Writes 12 troquoian the teeth ‘ I f asked to give a trifle more, they for attorney general Kwilf con­ Mtssiasippi River bridge. or come in te iRmmttt teSmfl SH' 4 Insect 25 ■•Ethcjiald Isle" 3B Meadow / cry indignantly, "What for?" (To be held this evening at 6:30 at Moat of the injured were treated Indian It often ahowa a fine command tinue his revelifttana Of corruption X-' ^A^eeee 4 13 Vehicle SMeaturea of 26 Memorandum 40 Antenna run a church ia an expense, not to of language to say nothing. which time there will be an in­ among RepublicaitTcaders and ia for cuts, bruises and shock and re­ $38 te 8808 ae SIgeeiere Aleen' 14 Sumatran land 27 Enthusiaiitc 41 Female horica be met with doled out cents). Yet formal reception in honor of MIm desperately peAklng to divert at-^ leased from area hoepitals. TV’elve these same folka will go and buy Antoinette Bierce, the new direc­ ware kspt for further ooserVation, squirrel ahrew 6 Feline animal ardor' 42 Lance Bing Croaby—3*y, you look thin tention from them. l j ' — IS Cloy 7 Shuddered 28 Small plot of 43 Festive a car and never bat an eye. And Judy. tor of Rellgioua Education. "tVhatever he says tonight, we but none was reported tfi serious " 5 ^ 1 \ ; 18 Route (ab.) 8 Beginning ground 44 Tart . get a television set, wiUtout one The program will Include raggest that he bear in mind the condition. g e / i M m a i fFINANCE i CO. miserly regret. Or go to movies J u ^ Garland—I'vo been diet­ tur«i fhown by the Rev. C r a ^ ■pie Wabash Jrain. the Cannon- I’LL JUST TURN IT 17 Seed covering 9 Ancient Irish 29 Military 45 Rip " ' ing. For two weelta, nothing but B(tooniUon of hia political -men- every night, with not a monetary Whltiltt who is known nationally tofc^om Dewey, who laet niglit ban en route^ifo St. Louie from ^ MAIN MAN€HEiTKR LITTLE MbW . T H A T _ If African fly capital assistant 47 Girl's name ' fright. Or give a party at the Rita, carrot Juice, and believe me. the for hia educational and .:hurch DetroiL ,wAa pulling seven cars iOsMental state, 10 Indigo 30 Soothsayer 48 Seines doctor waa (unaxed vrticn I went deptoHd the Tnet-xing degree of but nmiA' was derailed by the arc^ f MltcheU 8-43Sf * Aak ter the YES MANagW ~ D E A R ! Without enduring sundry fits. It DEck to «ee him. work in Southern coIleipB. Thoae IcresDqjislWlty in polltlcrl cam­ OKN TOUISOAT EVININCS UNTIl 8 FaL MBf mldiers tl Chest rattle 32 Wave, as a - 49 Ruifian ntwi seems we hold God very small, in charge of the program feel that depL It continued on into the HOLD 32 Flaky fort 19 Perch sword agency Bln^ Croeby— R«EUy? W hat dtd paigns.-" UwsneSt IS relSnm «f eH ensiiSiiii H— IT to putTlia upkeep last of all. To­ with the present anti segregation Ives lapt lUght abruptly cut Lbula etgtion after the wre 3 3 B a ^ I I 21 Hops’ kiln 35 Mythical king 52 Scottish he say? laws, this will be a timely subject. Only one track on the Joer A lO H T bacco, liquor, cars,, and shows. We Judy Gerland—Whera’d you get abort an upataUscampalgn tour to implement 24 Horae's gait i of Britain aheepfold don't care hoW our money goes! Mrs. Ruatell Merk la in charge return here.- Speeulation imme­ Bridge, across the MWi^ippl t h e r e 24 D o^rln^ We'll spend to beautify our face; those cra-e-sy pink eyes? of the supper and the Ho^tallty diately developed inNpoIiUcal cir­ River in North St. Louis, X as be­ TI Measures ~ i r r IT r but not to spread (To^’s.' saving Committee with Mrs. Paul Aral, cles that soma surpriMspiove was I t ►K*- ing uetd because of repair "work. cloth grace. We love our neighbor-^yes, ' A bachelor is a man who never Jr., in, charge of arranging the re- planned. A Terminal Railroad Assn, switch 28 Dance step indeed! But only when he's not in makes the same mlatake once. ceptibn for Mias Btorca. . Several straw polls bein^v con­ engine pnd the work cSi were on, 31 River (Sp.) need. Let’s pray that all of us Ia Memoriom ducted in the etate have im the track when ,the passenger' J ij J>IuJuL d iru t 32 Internal decay may be more mindful of God's Visitor—That is Black Moun- The Union Congregational Ives to be trailing. train came across. in fruit ‘ charity. —Karl Flaater. taln? Church has been given a Book of The announcement was issued at .X Ssveral of ^ passenger car* 33 Prevarication r Native—Yes, sir—highest moun­ RAmembranca In memory of Frank - a. m. in Republican headquar­ were-pulled ^ c k to the Rlinol |P WORLD'S EC6n OMY V tain about Lake George,. side bacause/of difficulty in reach­ i H fit t»» t9t > i o ^ n - s 4 34 Worthless Overdrawn Ziebarth by hie mother, Mrs. Chris­ ters \nf William W. Tyler, Ives’, ing Uiem from the SL Louis aide table scrap 7T I check my figures once again Vlsitoi^-Ahy atory or legend tine Burns; hU wife, Mrs. Made­ press aide. ^ connected w-lth that mountain? "Senator Ives has canceled his of the river. 38 Nail F And, facing certain stubborn facts, line Ziebarth and his son, Frank Herman Coeppe, 66. of Decatur, CHAMPION OUT OUR WAY BY J. R WILLIAMS 36 lyuit drink W Decide that I., it's very plain. Native—Loti" of ’em. Two loverji Ziebarth, Jr. campaign appearances scheduled OLK tfOAKUlNG HOUSE J»Tth ^ iH^ORUOOPLB once went up that mountain, and In this book will be recorded all for today to prepare » r a tele­ III., the -Wabash engineer, was 37 Golfer'a Must borrow cash to pay my tax. 'f . Hooka Johnston, Jr. treated for minor injuries and re­ mound —Florence .lansaon never came back again. mempriai gifts, The church reglr- vision broadcast tonight (8:30- a WALI.rFLAME — PRES.SURE BCRNER8 Visitor—Indeed! Why, what be­ trar. Mrs. E di^nd MsgdsfrsAi is 8:45 p.- m„ WRCA-TV and a state­ leased from a hospital. 38 Operated Hooks Johnston, Jr., son of Mr. a CU.M PIAiTB HEATING UNITS (?/1HETIM6>tW 39 Tardier You can’t be safe by accident. came of them? • to be notified concerning any gift wide NBC television and radio net­ a LNSTALLED BV FACTORY TRAINEO MEN CO^^^ OfO, FOCK OV6R THINK yoOR < Native—tWent Jown on the other which has been given so that a and Mrs. Hooks Johnston, 295 work)," the statement said. 41 Male side. Schendel to H ost a FORCED WAR.M AIR — STEAM — HUT WATER THE Su c k / y c a w e VW0UTA1H4CT 42 View He—Do you ever expect to find complete list may bemads. Cooper Hill St., will be installed "The Senatof will discuss in re­ tfOT TWO MON’E& _ ONS.MXJRHeHO 43 Type of gun the perfect man ? ' Back to Sebbpl as vice president of the Ck>nnecti- vealing detail . . . a startling and Friend—So you were asked fOr .shocking situation Involving the LEFT AMD I TAkCe- wiaeePscFfia 48 Father or She—No, but it's loads of fun Happy daya retu.-nsd for eight- cut Pilgrim . Feilowahip when more C hiefs of Police w M opinion of that amateur's play­ year-old Wayne OhandlerXester- Tammany-Democratic candidate FO R STRETCH- mother w hunting! than 3,0(K) young people of Con­ A i PtAiN A5 yPUR INS H A TS / ing. What do you think of it? day when the youngster waivback for Governor.” 80 Genua of Master Musician—He plays In with his chums in the second gtsda gregational Christian (Jhurclies Harriman. former Federal Mu­ Chief Herman O. Schendel has | FOCARTY BROTHER naplea One married man—I'm very tual. Security administrator, was announced that the usual monthly 31 Anger happy—I have a wonderful home, the true spirit of Christian charity.- at the Vernon Elementary Sch^l. gather at Bushnell Memorial in Friend—What do you mean? WAyne fell off a horse recently Hartford on Sunday for the annual nominated' with the support of kaai'H'ii-ri nieeting of the Connecticut Police Authorized Dealer , . S3 Notion a good job, and the finest wife in Master M u s I c I a n—His right breaklrCg his left arm and was Carmine de Sapio, Democratic na- Chiefs Assn, will be held Oct. 28 84 Row the country. rally of Congregational Christian 5T hand does not know what hia left kept’ out of rchooi for a week. young people. Uoiial committeeman and Itead of MRS. LEONARD AXEL JOHNSON®*''''*''' in the new police headquarters on . 256 CENTER STREET 88 Body of water :^o th er man—Who wouldn’t be hand'ja^dolng. Tammany Hall, the powerful New E. Middle 'Dimplke. Bound Over Young people from all over the MANCHESTER TEL* M1.9-453fl Bonds wars set a t 83,50Q»each state will gather for this mseting. York county party organiaatton. Miss Doris Louise Ounaten.i^ class of 1948, attended the Unl- The chiefs will have lunch at the for Attlllo SavelH, 39, and VVlIllam The Democratic candldatRSItke building and be shown around BUGS BUNNY Which will begin with a aihgspira- Ives, returned here from an up­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene veralty of Connecticut hefrfle 24 HOUR SERVICE C. Merriam. 30, both of Hartford, tioh at 3:15. The program will also Baimard Ounsten, 332 Oakland 8t„ Tour years in the U. S. the station by host Schendel. Po­ and they were bound over to the state trip early today and sched­ lice heads from all over the state include an address by the Rev. uled a campaign tour of the city ^OON'T 5TRSTCH > SLUMMV HANSf Superior Court on Conspiracy Oliver Cowell of Central Congre­ will attend as well as members of OUT ON THAT ONK during the day! Mr. and Mra, Axel Johnson,' 31 I Development r*o, the FBI. COAL-• COKE-FOEL OIL ra a sta .. VM M NP ? HBA'W UPON MS., charges by Judge Robert J. Pigeon gational Ourch, Worcester. Althougli the straw ^>o1Is thus MOVI.YALAZY a HOW’S eiTHBR- In the City CJourt session yester­ Alaas., fornier.director of national Cambridge St., were united In mar- | ' ’ . —^——------—■■ P E L IN f! I'AA TAKIN7 TH AT? 1$ r AAUST FINISH far have been Unfavorable,. Ives AflV N A P ! day 'afternoon. youth work for the denomination, eald -last night that the upstate riage Saturday, Oct, 18 at 4 p. m. TH BBNCH8S iNT^SOMtONK Mrs. Doris Ssvelli, 37 of El­ a dramatic priaentatlon, preaen- W IN TBR r — — ’^ V C A LU IN S campaign was progressing satis­ In Emanuel Lutheran Church. The O ld N orth V illage lington, Ufa estranged wife, wAs tatlon of offerings and pledges, factorily and declared, "wherever ceremony waa performed by can­ ♦TOQASlV ^ 1» given a 10 day suspended jail sen­ singing by youth bhplra and the I’ve been, It looks fine.” dlelight by the pastor, the Rev. INTRODUCING GORHAM" THEM E " f r o m THE NEW AMERICAN tence. on a charge of laacivlous installation- of offlcera-elect. Earlier in a speech at Albany, Carl E. Olson, who was assisted Title of Bazaar carriage and placed . on probation A . junior at MancheMer High the Republican candidate referred by Dr. George Aua of St. Paul, for three montha School, Johnston ia now serving as to the atraw votes with: Minn, Organist Charles S. Wakeley \ MODERN SERIES OF Candidatea to Spekic president of the Hartford East "I never fight so hard as when played the traditional bridal music "The Old North Village" is now Several candidatea will attend Assn. Last yekr hs was president my hock Is to the wall. . . . We're Md' accompanied 'Riiger'' Liucks! Jrhi-h of the Junior Hl-Y and of the Cen­ . "Q p "”' which will come to life th ough- JOW’D the meeting of the Women'a Re­ coming through—polls or no polls tener, whoee eoloa were 'O ______Perfect, Methodist Chu^h 53 LIKE A PAIR * publican aiib of Vernon thU eve­ ter Church CYP Club. -with a sweeping victory." Love," 'The I*ord’s Prayer and the THE OOLiPEtSH eowij«> r COFFUHKS, SOSTER^ ning at 8 at the VFW Home on Wedding Benediction. on Tuesday. Nov. 9, from 2 until 9 p. m.. when the annual baxaar Elm Street. There Will be short nlng at 8 at i^akontc Hall. A Hal­ The brid^ who wee given in will be held. ALLEY OOP Poor Doc! talks, by. Robert L. Keeney of loween party will follow the busi­ Late M iss Case marriage by her father, wss at­ BY V.T. HAMLIN Somersvilte, candidate for State ness. aeasion. I tended by her eiaier, Mias Carol Ayeaqto.st was held to name the X ■ "v. Senator;- Franklin G, Welles and The Busy Bbes of this city are tow4i,ana\Sunday Miss Pamela Ja- I DdNS / BUT J. Gunsten. as maid of honor. qulth of Union Street wss chosen >\WTHtNS WHILE/ C lOD Y HE Dlim KEN WINSTON Luther H. White, candidates for meeting today at the home of Miss H ^ld as No R ed Brideamaids were Miss Norma A. BY JERRY SIEGEL and OGDEN WHITNEY reelectlon as representatives; and Ann Grous on the subject of Ounsten, another sister. Miss the wlnneJ by judges Mr*. Jessie female (uSTOAa fxNCWWHV Evr;-ett Paliiska, candidate for Balanced Meals. Georgia D. Dolan and Mra. John Sweet, 3Urk Holmes and Melvin .HBWOJLDNT jVliONG KEEPS/ONLY ON I HE WAS Judge of Probate. Plans for the Home Demonalration Agent (CooHaned from Page Oaa) K. Snuffer, sister of the bride­ Cox. ' ? GETTINfl coming campaign will be discuss­ Cora Webb led a group of Tolland groom. "The Old Nprfh Vlllsge" Is now ^ INTERFERE. P i AROUNP.' A FROM HIM! i INTO! ed and a social hour will follow homemakers on the subject of ment was signed by Angus Dun. Lt. Clifford W. Johnson of Otis being assembled into complete with refreshments served. "Color In Your Home." 1 1 the Bishop,of Washington; Richard S. Air Force Base, Cape Cod, was little sliops by Edwin Nolan and Evening School home of Mrs. Bertha Zangbl in Ernrich. Bishop of Michigan, and best man for his brother and bis ^^ommlttee. The “Opry The opening, session of the Eve­ Tolland last night. Charles L. Taylor, dean for the iiahera were John K. Snuffer. War­ H^hIm " will be the scene for some ning School will take place this Miss Webb will speak on the faculty. ren O. Johnson, Richmond W. Mor­ Id time entertainment and L^n evening at 7 with classes in ale- subject of "Interior Decoration" Mias Adelaide Case, sister of the rison and Robert F. Turek. Holmes wUl act as town crier for \. mentary typewriting, woodwork­ tomorrow at the home of Mrs. New Jersey Republican senatorial The bride's gown, of whitrbylon the attractions as well as auc­ ing and sewing. As the registra­ Carl Schramm of Coventry and candidate, is a physical education tulle and Alencqn lace,Was fash­ tioneer for some ‘of the valuable tion ill. all classes is heavy, those kgaln in the evening af *8'-When instructor a t Kingswood School for . ioned with a short^M ved. fitted donations. / the Loi.gview Homemakers will Oirta. an exclusive preparatory j plJdice.'wrdeV who plan to take these courses school in suburban Detroit.**»aI4 ' V -neckline■ andaj a wide and have not registered are asked meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil lace bertha trinimed with pearls Nelson In Jlllington. She has declined to answer news to be at the school at 8:45 p. m. men’s questions s b ^ t the case, but and aequlns.^ The bouffant akirt Oige. WUIglMABiBSn A fee of 85 for materials will be Ths Cente~nial Committee of terminateicr high charac­ mauve a^-essoriea. Both mothers ...WHO STATE THAT THERE IS chased and when the book is filled- ter,, her loyalty as a cititen, or her wore camellia corsages.^ ,, "lob" E* Fifnlmmons ... CONTKOVBRSr OR ..SO A MDICE FROM THE nAST>.THAT OF 1 BnCKEY FINN the . person in charge will have a » H « R TO THE DRAKE , DtSOUSSON SHALL AFTER x^P roofl BY LANK LEONARD W ith Two Coiiiitg compeUnce. and stabllitv as a The ceremony was followed by _LAW£S AND ECNTLEMEN.. ESTATE DESPITE MR. HIMSELFiPWVErj bond made out in the child's name. teacher, and these are the basis . I have ben Ilvinn in the fRY DECEASE, ARISE OR T^T T^SLEESON 6 GUR.TY OF ^ A definite stamp sale day is set in a reception for 200 guests in W tU i^ WHICH GLEESONS CLAIMS AND t GROW, TOOCHINS ANY of her continuing membership In Luther Hall of the church which Manchester and East Hart- Mlf.a.E£80N 50 Quote from the wills >PER«TRATIN6 A StSANTIC SWMDLi ON WOSELWILJCFORtr_____became^ MPmrrREAp each ecTWOl with the fbUowing Howard Warnock, 52, of no cer­ our faculty." OF NY LANDS OR thousands of INNOCENT PEOPLE/ schedule: :> was artistically decorated with fordxarea for many years and AN AimKNTK AWMERWfS... UNQUOTE.; INTERESTED INAS OtNtE ^ANVMPER tain address, wtf charged with OF THE WILL OF Meple Street School. Tuesday at fail foliage. have spent most of this time AN AMATEUR RtPER-MFACTIM -TWSMORNMG? V breaking and entering without BED CAN GO SOFT For a wedding trip to Washing­ SIR FRANCIS DRAKE VERIflEO SnU. A MEMBER OF THE NAnONAL 9 a. m. wnh Mrs. Salvino Yet* permission, s violation of Sec. aelltnK "Hudsons in Hartford er THE BRITISH AUTHORJT “ ‘ and Mrs. Edwin Pease In charge; ton, p. C.. and iVii'ginla, the bride INSURED SECURITY SrOPlfOUSEAM)HUITASSOCMnON! 8412, and being a common'drunk­ Naugatuck ($>) —A mattress you la w:earing a cocoa brown suit CountyVI am now able to offer THE lOIMTBROOK MFER NADTNE St. Bernard's School. Tuesday at 1 ard- following his arrest by. _ Pa­ _ can make as firm or as soft as p. m. »dth Mrs. Edward J. Con­ with mink collar, dark brown ac­ ydb the best deal in the county WNaE STORy TNISMORNMGf trolman William Pearson la st' you like has beqn perfected by a cessories ■ end orchid corasgs; On nors In charge; . Vernon Elemen- n i ^ , f Arm here. You sleep on a stir- for a lim itH'tim e only on a tarv School. Wednesday at 9 a- m‘. their return they will live at 31 'According to police. Warnock 'face Of foam rubber supported by Cambridge St. and receive their new Hudson or used" c$r. EXTRASAVING HOURS . with Mra. Robert Tucker In'oharge; got Into the offices of Or. Thomas an "envelope of air. joined to Ist- Northeast School. Thursday at 8 friends after Nov. 1. Healy and Dr. John Shea at 249. ■eral cylinders of air," the firm TOe bride was graduated Jrom Col mo of yovr a: m. with Mrs. Eugene Dickinson Main SL by removing a screen -aay All Are Yours At Manchester Sevings and Loan w ar*. PiW«a> SQUAD CNR WORH ALIBI ^ 0 DID'. T8B GAS STA- ^ G e t h d u r . H lu e SCHOOL t h a n k s i u a£ N This DiRBCTlOM w i^ T w o r k ! :i*?*J!!?.?'*RTAKE\ A FEW MLBS OUTl 1H6y ^ ATTENDANT WHERE STUOeNTACTlvnv', t d u . d o u - 7 t h is REPORT SEEING NO SUCH AlOSaDV ELSE - - BOTH STOPPED JDST X CAROS WHILE TM EY ^ CARO ADMITS TtR) — .r*awi SMK THE OTHER BEFORE THE ACClOGNTl HOT, CHUMS/ ^ ^ ■r>,all football CAR AND BASKETBALL SAVE ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME aa4 T iI t a k e GAMES ~A SUBSCRIP­ ONE/ TION •©'•SKiDOo:.- T w a SUPER SOCK. ENJOY THE FINE SAVINQS DIVIDENDS HOPS- HERE wrags or» imtirtel Up fo $10,000 by Him F«d«ral. Soviiifs cnnI Looe lasarM ca

Cofporotioii— ON AgM cy of Mm U. S. G#vk

?IC FLINT Call To Police . BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY » j T H E s i u k T o r MARTHA, WAYN! The Answer ' ' BY WILSON SCRUGGS . ATTHiAOMiNt MOk,AN8TBRSMNX,Z O pM DoHy 9 o.im to S p.m. ^,«C 0(«B d6 ASAm OWT X? ^ Z M W«Nn«N6' CANSNPUAfutVSKy- JUST , so u - ZPCXEOlT ) HMM-OOTOU ;WHaHOMWI-- ir*«AR J SUPPOCE « WMAMseloys 9 im ii. to Noon th«n zm fu n s b o u '’ WHERE DO, \OOULO KMC 'WKTKSR^ArneAcT WCNTAWgp » r i K>HEg& I ODOPISO ’ TiMraaloys 9 o.m. te • p.|n. 0PIIMBUNDZN6 C^LTHyOMCE, TOJL- IT? j Sotimloys 9 8Mtt. te Noon

^avmgg & ^oan MiHfceitsf Saviap‘1 Leaa AoMaMiii—tiaUlalBJ ' ■ Y Yi. M r\r - h ■■ ■ \ - -'A, ■ * ‘^J , .V ■ I ■■ -/ 1)^ • ^ ■ ■ ■■■-■■■■,



SIC LEAOl'E < 1 ) X eCSu't «*TTle« «i)- r>. HcCuin ears T. H»rtte ...... IJl « — 317 o. Mcc«im Macaulej Scores for Boston Celtics Ctambcr* ...... 110 101 8g'309. Rod Preservers Story of PhUadelmia Athletics ...... 107 — ,113 MO Tol4l« 308 18S ^1* A.. _.. _/■ • \ l^ouraiu ...... 113 ,107 13!) 348 Teams Unable to Meet Smw ...... 113 101 83 306 H. ban>*n By AL MrCLANR ieeto ...... 87 100 SOS H. Haiucn Distance Heaver Flailing Editor i--€ohnie Mack Tetala ...... 663 603 371 1636 ToUla 180 183 3» To get a raglly professional _ Wait M a Taaani <•» ;’s Scheduled looking vamish Job on your fishing Operating Expenses Weantl«"...... 73 86 101 363 (First of a threa-part acriea) 87 88 (4) roda la not eaay.' their 84-year history they have 73 68 333 H. Kiilal- Before you begin, decide wheth­ Philadalphia, Oct. 19 OP) — A p itc^r. Rube Waddell, helped the H. Rteley 1^ baaaball r.a died when the Phlla- been eithar champioa or doormat. A’a Udta their first Araariban By OAYIlE TALBOT d^are baaed on premise thet 101 108 336 er you want to retain the color Pljludelphla won nina American NfW York, Oct. 19 (^-^Seven — — 81 Tetala ...... 173 193. 193 557 Bout Causes Confusion of the winding thread because a dflphia Athletics passed from con­ league Bur. There waa no. World 4.200 fans showed up each day the 88 87 196 (8) trol of tha Mack family. The lAagut pennants and flva World Series the% American League clubs have A’a played at home. Unfortu­ T- Shaahan. color preseipter will first have to champlonahlps. On tha other 1 to learn that, after all. Tetala 467 473 IBo D. Bh'ahan be applied to all wrappings. This name of Mack meiant aa much to I't 1 nately for the four Other down- New York, OcL 19- (JP) —JSox- ‘ ’nils -set o ff. Ketchum, who tie- many baaeball fans—young and hand, tha A'a flniahed in the sec­ won again. Th|Ui time, the lata doonted Mill to play 77 at-heel members of the American Smary Tavara (1) Tetala ...... ISO 168 160 468 Ing’a three-knockdown rule which, gan acreaining at Scalso and rac­ may be white shellac (which will ond divialon 81 times; 18 in last gantta against the nriladelphia ranaad ...... in darken the color slightly) or clear old—aa did that of any itaT of Albert (Chief) Bender waa the League, it didnT artuaUy figure 101 except for ahamplonship bouts, ing around tha ring looking for the gams. / place. backbone of the tbam. The Chief iUc» In Cbnnie Mack Stadium out that tidily. They really, got Xolum^ir ..... 137 113 (1* Chrlstenberry Meanwhile, Ben- aircraft dope. aeaaon. Tltla meana that, in X^Tallaa ...... 83 - 88 A. Lovaioy CotRalius McGllllcuddy, known Became a Reality pitched the A thletics'^ thelf only it wheiw the chickena got tha ax. Rlrflold ...... 80 100 H. Lo,% ajoy . 83 83 345 autemaUcally ends a bout aftsr « them had taken off Dreyer’e right Dope must be applied on a clear, The A’a became a rekjity in 1901 J cases, they win come aWay larpela ...... 84 — J64 ' 88 379 fighter haa hit tha deck three dry day. otherwise It will "blush" tha world over aa Con^e Mack, victory—a ahutout—In'xthe World draSStoK a daficit for the trip, and / < Tkree Ctubs Dmw Hill ...... \. — 83 glove. For that he and Ketchum aUrtad tha AthleUca at an Amer­ when Ban Johnson decided to mova Seriaa against tha nW York An Inspection of the doy-by- Tetala ...... 178 166 180 ~624 tlmea in one round appeared were suspended and ordered to ap­ and become opaque white. Special hia independent minor lakgue into for the pronounced ah-. < 8) color preservers are available ican League team in 1901, and for Giants. It was a Scries of shutouts. of JvMlation around tha day attendance figures for the club Tetala ... 494 604 674 1573 R. rairfiald doomed today—-at leaat in New pear before ChristenbSrry Friday. the big time. He c^oee l$aick, a which haa Jrist been rescued from Baaa'a Tavara (8) P. Fairfield At that time Chrlstenberry said he that exhibit none of the foregoing 80, yaare, until he stepped down Giants’ hurlera blanked the A’a Itratten ...... 114 107 80 311 York State. limitations. ^ M team. nuuUi^r,' the tall, former'Pittaburgh Pirates Catcher four times. an apparently rpey future dla- GolDlk ...... 134 91 102 337 Tetala ...... will also taka up the three-knock­ and manager of the Milwaukee . 29 Osnta a Tlehet J. MarUo ...... 113 103 124 338 171 303 3U8 682 “The automatic three-knock- down rule. TYahsparent windings are ob­ Straight-backed \son of a boot­ the year 1910 brought tha flrit closea .that the A'a . still have a down rule must go," thundered team, to take over the American of the fabulous AUUetlca teams. Thri vialUng club in the Amer- eubstantial following as long ao O'Rallty ...... 101 104 131 326 K6) Why he told Greycr’s comer tained by varnishing alone. Three maker breatlidd life into hia be la paid oiff at the'rate Ta«ga7t ...... lU 113 114 .33$ E. Salalia Robert Christenbarry, chairman o>r four applications of varnish loved club. ' League’s battle against the Na­ The “$100,000 InflekT became a they play the Cleveland Indiaria. .v;. they would have to continue, Scal­ tional Leagua in Philadelphia. ^ houeehold word. Stuffy Meinnta. roxtanataly 29 cents for each 673 617 651 1641 A- Salalta . of the New York State Athletie so never did explain. And when should be ^ v e n the silk windings Qk^y Boy Remaina soM. Tha iuatarlesa Athletkw the Chicago White Sox and the Commission, “knockouts muat be prior to the first application to From /the time the grand old . The S8-year-old Mack brought i Eddie Collins, Jack & ury and New York Yankees' PhUiy fans Toula __ ...I... 137 147 iBl 668 newsmen asked Chrlstenberry, he years of baseball experience to hia^ Frank (Home Run) Baker graced campaign recently closed VILLAGE QUSXEU 14) left to, the discretion of the re'f- only said; tha rod. man nive up hia managerial du­ a total of only 823.900 fans still like baaeball. hut they are Bfaa, a> A. Llek ...... 88 81 eree. I believe it is difficult to new Job. He acquired one quarter ^ e infield from first to third re- highly selective. X Xeda,rTf!f. W. Utk ...... 91 102 “Sae PStey, ha’s the referee." Use Good Brush ties, the club rapidly went down i thalr home tumatUes, and PontiUe ... differentiate between a knockdown I h^financially. He remained as of the original 500 shares for an ifiectlvely. On tha'mound, Bender, The Yankees packed hi two Scalso then apparently decided A good brush and absoliite After the coating la applied, art estimated $10,000. The balance ot Eddie Plank arid Jack Cociba were it raqirirea only a little simple A. Xeera . ..Nj,.'.'.,-.. Totals ...•• 177 183 196 655 and a half push.” . that he had acted correctly In the cleanliness are imperative to ob­ the rod sections aside to dry in Iriksident, turning over the busi- lOUe to show why the popu­ crowds of more than 19,000. The Hack ...... I • 8 »V«^a a a a ‘ Chrlstenberry fotind himself in­ the stock went to a wealthy Cleve t/hMilng pUchea past befuddled White Sox attracted one gathering \ Sialden .. first place and ordered ^he fight taining a good varnish surface. room or cabinet temperature of r riesa operaUona to hia three eons land man, Charles Somers. Before bittV*' lar chr waa "On to Kaiwaa <5lty!" ELKS LEACtE volved In a comic opera aittiation stopped since he waa not overruled The brush should be I t to Ai Inches least ,75 degrees F. C^iilllng wi / —Roy, Earle and Connie, Jr. Then down the total, we find of -more than 16,000,. and the In- Tetala ...... 417 437 399 1363 Colgate (8) X afU r last night’s schedtHsd 10- the first season ended, Benjamin Thb A’a won the pehnant and diei|a'> ftrequently pulled Yietween •taaak'a ager and aSrand were suspended. hurt, he certainly was in for a the bH)sh across the wire-never first. Three well-biT^hed applic - waa a builder of champions, and a but came o i ^ win the National to eupport It here more Orioles on their second time Tetala ...... "T sot " i i i i » 4 Duchemln ...... - . . w 99 184 fort waa a aeven tpuch'down bar­ going-over if he continued. He was wiping i> against the edge of either fourth that yaar with a record of three-game ecrieeL Thte around? Aakaaaa Paint tl> Roaal ...... 98 _ 104 Referee /B etsy Scalto pleaded tlona will sufflce./'nie sheen mr-" destroyer of them. He ruled al­ 74 victories and 62 defeats. Some­ LeagiM pepuant The experts didn’t U t t l « ^ ...... 76 83 91 250 Roglla ...... :. Ill iJS 106 336 rage against tbe ^Mbington Red- “Gon’bBut me on- the spot," and up at two the first two knock­ container. > be removed by /'rubbing the rr ' most single handedly over the concede/Ute Braver a chance count lotting it out cf Phlladel Yanks Affected C ltffe rd ...... 83 *7 87 367 DeSimone ...... 118 113 124 364 akina. tN E A l./ downs, although he took the man­ ■Aj»T>Iy to the rod, especially where along the line, the late John agalri. ' Just for Instance, only 1,092 Tboraaon...... 89 75 83 267 Minney .... 103 — 103 the/1,000 or so spectators, along section with a.^aste made of ro" rise, and. finally the decline, of McGraw,. one of baaeball’t great against; Mack’s prwjd Athletica in E ^ Ed M a ^ e y of the Boatm CelUca la ahown throwing a lefthanded hook-ahot ftmn^tfie nivot C o rm ie r ...... SO 76 83 348 Goldstein .. with the televiaion audience. datory eight-count;The loser did around and bCqeath guides. Brush tenstone and'linseed oil,' follows' tha Athletica. Prom ef $1,464 •paid their u way Into the A’a park 107 148 352 all-time managers, nicknamed the thc/series. But when the dust had ?i?*V**^ night at the''Hartford Armory. A crowd ot nearly SJMOsmtched to see X a h o n e y ...... 83 79 84 356 Weren’t' quite aura exactly what get In a couple of gbod blows to Aut well. Wipe arush across wire by careful Alping to remo'Varthe His energy as a young man en­ over the 1914 World cham­ th6 two NBA baskottNDll rtvsla In n 6xhibltl^. Others in the photo include Ja.ck ■ iikt nh At the end of a. typical three- I a game against the Orirtes Totals ...... 606 836 "M liisi had^ happened; the head. Dreyer weighed 14914, Worth (a Million) Luts shifted frequently to reimve excess. Athletics, “White Elephants.” ^ o d JJune uil 4. The visitors hauled ^ ^ ^ Ita te ...... I H *899 *448 U68 Yale (6) froih T quarterback to fullback to residue. abled him to help win a place in Today, 54 years later, the Atlf- pionship, the Braves had scalped the MU Jack (18) with back to carnet and Odie Spear. ji?k Co^^ game aeoalon In the Quaker Ctty Leone ...... — 78 150 McQill to Face The beat explanation la that Tiscareno 14514, the A’a four games to none. aia WHO won, w to w . \ ^ then, the vlaitingi'club’s road aec- doFn all of $316.68. Washing­ Woods...... Parieway All Calm - make Duka stronger than aver. major league baseball for the letlca remain "Whlta ESepharifs," OUlaa'a (16) Beauregard Scalso caused the confusion him­ (NEA). . > fledgling American League at the Eatire Team Sold retary carried off a check) for ton once played to 1,412 paid, and Bute ...... 83 83 87 self. He properly declared Grey­ At Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, badly in need of repair. Maok was ao nettled and flabber­ $3,654 during the part season. That tharewere three straight days late Nlelaon ...... 78 85 Lea Colgate Next all waa calm. Paddy 'Young out- turn of the/CenturY- . Hia genius First Pennant ta Ladoux ...... 83 82 Saalela ..... er the winner under the rule stop­ as a baaelNdl leader produced some gasted by this humiliating defeat la, he toted that amount away from in J u ly when the official figure Arthur .. ...;...... 88 74 Naretto ..., / ------TOint^ . Jesse Turner, and both Mighty Sooners Hold The A'a won their that pennant he atartled the baseball world by the park. After ka had bailed hia atajred uridcr 2,000. Toward the Edmunda ...... 103 104 ping a fight When one fighter la flghters were pleased with their of the . greatest teams of all time. In 1902, despite Iqas of the great Royals Down TotaU ...... 641 631 489 1471 /'New ^laven. Oct. 19—It’a get­ knocked down three times In one Yet, by the same token, hia fail- breaking up hie team. He started Knig ea^s Coach, little group out of the hotel he hstd end even the Yankees were feel­ Tetala ...... 430 437 462 1319 ting ao that the price of a Yale round. performance. Young, whd is aim­ Mays L e^ ue second baseman/Napoleon Lajoie, by selling Oolllna to Chicago for only $1,464 to show for three dajrs ing the bUgkt Their final three Aarrla (4) ing for another shot at middle­ qre to recognise new trends led and four other-dtars, under a ruling of taveat and teare. Sartoion .. ECean (II football victory is a week of Instead of leaving well enough to the deatnicUon of the thing he $50,000. In three years the entire Celtics, 99-95 gemes wereXwttnesaed by a total I...... 79 88 107 384 Creamer' ...... 96 r i anxiety ahd concern over the phy- weight king Carl (Bobo) Olson, Perch as Best Team by the Pennsylvania Supreme team was gone at a total price of That doemi’t sound too bad until of 8.598. \ 1 BloodiJloodcoed ...... 83 83 83' M7 Pitcher ., .99 89 j alone, Scalso glanced toward said ha realised, he needed some loved best all his life—the Ath­ Churl. IMCk had raided the Na- R o h rb a ch ...... 86 100 96 283 Horan ,.. -.106 alcal welfare o{ I>ennl8 McGUI. Chrlstenberry, who waa at ring- Slug^gKing $180,000. Mack had started his May Ge nick Tryout you stop to consider that plaj^ Unlese the club’s aew ownem ■ Srearn ..., ...... 103 71 83 366 115 ^ _ more work before he was ready New York, Oct. 19 (P) — Okla-« Iosif letics. tlonM/League for the players and salariae go right on even adwn a Ruddell ...... 104 Ainbuloa . ifi 416 1 13iat waa the case'today aa the aide, for advice. Conversely, There was almost no middle game of boom and iHist. In Exhibition actuaUy can purchase, two or no 103 316 DeCantta 134 jiAdefeated Elis leveled thrir sights for another championship fight, N ^ York, Oct. 19 (/PV^Willle homia continued to ride out the Cadets gained the moat ground, UmBenior Circuit obtMned an in­ (Tomorrow; How Mack rebuilt club la only beating the A’a Aa three exdUng new playeri before Blanchard The spectators Immediately be­ but waa pleaaed with the way his ground with the Mack-led Ath­ junction. The flrat of man; Mack- By BA fOST ToUla ... 463 461 481 1395 at undefeated Colgate. Young “Mr. gan shouting their disapproval, so (Tlie Wallop) Mays, the ^few storm upsets and hold down-its going from No. 18 to No. 9. , to hia greatest team—and broke tt •'• dobs. I sure wish some of my play­ no taam makes Ke payroll ptddic, next eeason, ndiieh is doubtful, it Totals ... Bhccitement" had to retire from punches were landing. York Giants' sensational out-' letica. For the better part of- developed stars, the eccentric up again.) By EARL YOST “MagnificenL..Jle waa Just mar­ ers could do the things that ha there la no wmv ofcompatlMr ac­ ...... etsv608/ ooa803 620 1631 Scalso went to Greyer> comer Turner, of all things, acknowl­ perch as the No. 1 college football Notre Dame, still striving for velous,” explphied Coach Joe Lap- is dUfieult to sss how the A’s can CBAVAT LEAOL'B Bkidmerc Jiy the Cornell rout with ah ankle in- fielder, raptured the National national honors. Jumped fron Professional basketball, on the does. ’ curately what tha tab for a long nope to better their attendance. Team Ha. 1 (4) Wall ...... yW \94 104 293 and told Manager Willie Ketchum edged that he was )>eaten, put League alufTgin; Utle for 1954 in teafit in tha country today. so-called National Basketball As­ chick of the New York Knicker- If Knight is good and was ao Baimatt...... 93 98 Enrico ...... — IW and second Ted Benthom: eight to sixth after ^ n 1 p p 1 n , 00 weekend in Philadelphia comes to, A new manager won’t do It, nor Tracy ...... Reardon . 100 .TO! ^'^-raya showed' no fracture— added, he thought he made a good a close competition with Duke The mighty Sooners, who sociation level, came to Hartford bockemAfhen asked by the writer imprearivb, why isn’t he given a but you wouldn’t want to plek It ...... 118 93 T think you'll have to con- fight of it. He did. Toting weighed Michigan Statd;. 20-19, and Miss - abou>-'lhe play of Bobby Knight. will all tha g ^ intanUons la the Wilaen ...... 83 M 'Blaaonette 97 97 131 .318 which had been horrendously fear­ Bnlder of Brooklyn and Qncln- trampled bh Kansas 65-0 last sippi advanced ffom -seventh 1. 1 last night and most fans wish they chance to make the Knicks? up. ' worid. Kansaa (hty might have .Boprenaat ...... 93 122 HlltnskI .. ,.....,4....107 1065 W 320 tinue.’’^ • 165, Turner 1.5814. nati'a Ted Kluszcwak;. Saxton to Start Jail had stood in bed. In a deplorable Knicka stopped off in East tall, balding Lapchick, at 6-4 One E. DIeta. Jr...... 9 7 130 Bell ...... -. 97 ed at first. The indications are that week, polled i,891 poinU in the fifth as a result of Its 34-7 victory ' AU the figures we have given been luCUer than It karwe. Bangaton ... McGill will respond to treatment Mays Has .687 Mark exhibition marked by football tartford last Sunday afternoon to of the "giant’\iUayers during his .....^.*.86 131 Totals ... Associated Press' -weekly poll of over Tulane. blocks, continual beefing and play an exhibition basketball game «6 m - 630 ftl3 enough to be of some aervice in • Slugging averages .— based on sports writers and sportscaaters. Alabama MakeABid JOE MUUMMJN won the Men’s day as pivot wl6» the Celtics, siq)- Tetala 87? 665 610 1844 the impending battle between Foniitr Virciala CoMh Claims fanity by the playera againat Frankie's Drive-In. Knight pUed the answer.\“Kplght, I un­ - Taam He; 4 (9) total ba.aes and times at bat- They attracted 115 first place Colorsflo heads the Second lo. Town Tennili Singles crown last fight which luted as long/ka the performed with Frankie’s in a SiSKiy ...... <•...... 86 93 83 360 two gridiron giants of the compiled by the Associated Press votes of the 212 cast. - while Alabama, which had been fa Sunday d«eatlng veteran Al Whit­ Sentence After Fight derstand, is the properly of the Tedford ...... 86 87 80 253 M |t^:bell ‘N am ed come Saturday. showed today that Mays pro­ bout on television, the^J^hester losing cause 101 to 93, before a Boston Oltica. I would like to have Overconfidence BeatJnjuns I ^ r r ...... 99 106 87 »3 Ouo Will Tumble down the list since )>eing upset b ". ney Ip straight sets, 6-3, 6-4 and Royals outlajted th e /^ sto n Cel­ capacity crowd at the new Beat him. -I’m pretty sure he could fit RatietUHenetta ...... 83 110 80 983 \ 81 Yards Saturday duced 377 total bases iii 565 at i The next three teams — Wis­ Mississippi Southern in its opener, 6-a. •' Whitney held commanding PleaaantviUe, N. J., Oct. 19 ^ shade under the 147 pounds he KIM achmIdt < ... « 91 106 378 Let^ face it. This determined College Football ^Monster ^ tics, 99 to 95, at the Hartford Ar- Hartford High gym. In with my sqjsd. You'^know, wo "StrlcUy a tear, he earned 15 times for a sur­ more than 1.000 votes on the basis The leading teams with first camp near Summit, N. J. that eveh the players had trouble dribbling ■ wris superb, his ball /-''The rtrlngy Hartford youth who Burha ... Owner Eddie Shore of the Spring- piled up 378 total bases, the most of 10 for first, nine for second and place votes and season records j-'i TICKETS for Friday nlght'a he saya.be’a going to taka some­ The 28-year-oId champion not for their taam’e 6 to 0 lose to Web­ by their ctuh. "Some wertu ita ter­ Zwlck ...... 88 .93 lOT 386 field Indiana of the. American prisingly effe^ve 81 yards. This in the majors, in 584 tries for a 1 thing with him to keep him warm following the ball,' let clone the handling left little to be desired, la perhaps the cleverest and most ster, Mass, last Saturday after­ ...... 'lOS 89 Js 282 boosted his ground gaming total By LEN ZEIDENBEBG ■^lengths" to recruit players. to on down the line. parentheses (Points )>ased bn,.^o baakatball game in Wlllimantlc only was confident of victory but spectators. Tha public address sjrs- and he canned 30 points, topa for crowd-pleasing performer in New rific, then, like Saturday's contest Grimn ...... 109 113 /90 .111 Hockey League today'named 'Wil- .647 average. Kluscewskl was' Wiaronsin had 42 firsts and for first place, 9 for eecond', etc. ; between the Boston Celtics and — Kid, Gavllan’a welterweight said, “I’m going to surprise the noon in the season’s finale at M t it leaves much to be dealied." they Peraona ., 100 106^ 11.1 318 Uam “Red” Mitchell. 39, of Lind for the four gameAJo 283 yards, or Robert P. Fuller, a^former U ni-, Aa a result, he said, the aim to third with .639 on 366 total bases crown. was terrible. Perfect vision the day. ~ England not In the NBA said. "1 Nebo. Bunco .... no 116 114 340 an average of Just about seven and verslty of Virgin!^ football coach I field a winning team becomes 1,732 points; UCLA 23 firsts and 1. Oklahoma (115) (4-D1l.8ri Rochester Royals may be pur­ whole world." was needed to see the lone score- The Hartford Negro who haa would give anythin).’ to play one ahotac their heads In ograement. Xagnuaen 102 /95 119 316 aay. Ont.. former Chicago Black- in 573 at bats. 1,590 poinU and Ohio State eight 2. Wisconsin (42) (4-0) 1,7:'? chased at Nassiff Arms. .Naasiffa “What you’ve got to do, you've Dtaappetattag Game one-half yards every lime he starts who is now aseotiiated with the | paramount to the academic aapects Rot to. dp,” said the 24-year-old Expects Knockout board in the hall to the rear of the starred with several Manchester season in the. (NBA) league." "It Briggs praised fuUbMk CharHe Tetala .... hawka player, aa Indian coach. Included among Snider’s 199 firsts, good for 1,387 points. Eith­ 3. UC7LA (23r' (,5-0) l,.5r will meet Frankie’s Drive-Iri In That could only mean thkt he Bobby had a tryout with the waa a very disappointing Burdick who enjoyed his heal day 616 610 6X 1853 Mitchell played with New Ha­ off on a leather-lugging mission. Lydall and F o u t^ Paper Co. and; of college and that, he aaid, “is the New Yorker. "I’ve got to pay that scoring table. There wasn’t any teams in recent years was by far balloaii game," they both agreed, “ea- .Team Ha. <6) He is also the team's high scorer Colonial Boards, rapped big time wrong alantif safeties were 39 double^. 10 er Wisconsin or Ohio State will 4. Ohio .State , (8 ) ^ (4-0) 1,3.' the preliminary at 7 o'clock in the expected to knock out Ithe cocky official scorer or timer and Coach the best num on the floor. Rochester RoyaM aeveral years ago of the season agafnst the Bay E DIeta. 8r. 86 104 134 ven. Conn., and Providence, R.I., triples and 41 home runs. take a tumble this week when the 5. Mississippi / Windham High School gym. penalty in New York arid got to pecially after beating favored D avtea...... 86 81 94 with 30 points and has scored at yesterday as a| As an example, he tingled out (9) (.5-0) pti get It over with.” challenger who nevw/^^aa been Lea Harrison of Rochester worked Lapchick, star center with the but was cut from the squad before Middletown the week previous. For State eleven. He etorted the bell LoFebvra ...... 76 of the American League In the 30a least once in all four of the Yale Klu.s*ewski ollected 187 hit two Big 10 powerhouses collide at 6. Notre Datfie (3-1) 78, stopped before. SpxhJn. as a mat­ himaplf" into a lather and looked the season started. He then went 13 times and pidked up 45 yards ...... / , . . . 97 105 95 287 before going to Chicago in the Na­ moMter that haa grown far the University of Maryland, where, whilb pacing the Major Leagues Columbus, Ohio, barring a tie, of 7. Arkansas MEN’S GYM CLASS wUl be Asked whether the Impending Original Celtics 30 years ago and some reason the boya did not play wins. (4) (4-0) 70 ; term affeteted him mentally, the ter of fact, haa Jwen floored only mqre like a street-comer barker for puuiy years a successful col­ to the fabulous Harlem Globetrot­ together, bjit erlth an open data But the bOacYcoach waa quick to tional League. Elsewhere, in the four-game . ii _! .1'* “ ***• P>»y«H are continu- in homers vitli 49. Ted also had | course. 8. Minnesota (4-0) 6.’'S held- this evening at 7:30 at the twice—by Vligll Akins and Bud Jthan a leader of men. He fouM ters before coming back to play point out/"Our backs are etm Dummy $6 88 $5 280 It a a w e of the tail wagging dualy under the watchful eye of a 26 doubles and 3 triples. strong, muscular youngster re­ lege coach at -St. John’s in Brook­ next Saturday we hope to find out The new coach Joined the team statistics,' reliabls Jim Armstrong the dog, ^-Fuller told the regular coach from Friday a f t e r h ^ un- The rest of the lop 10, howdver. 9. Army (3-1) 68. East Side Rec. Volley ball and plied: Smith in 47AIghU. He beat Akins fault with everyone. lyn, waa cornered after the game. in Manchester. runnlng>iriuch too high and there­ fetala ...... 56l~8M~6W ITO for practice this morning. The has posted 146 yards to trail Mc­ Minnie Minoeo of the Chicago was well-scrambled from a week 10. \Vest Virginia (9) caliathenlcs will be followed by a and drejjKwlth Smith. His only Free to Tiy Out within the next two weeka why we fore ^riocord oppoeing tacUere an weekly luncheon meeting of the ui after, the game Saturday and White Sox took American League (3-0) 3.50 >Flgbts Tomorrow It definitely waa no place to The main purpose of the conver­ were lacking in our teiun play,” club indicated both MItcheU and Gill, while, following, in order, are KiWAitii Club th€ Country Oub. who have *io alcip any claaata they ago. There are four members of Second Ten swimming period. ere by split decision to Gil bring a youngster and tell him It sation was to find out what weak­ About his contract with Boston, target." XIXEO DOCBLES Phil Mathias. 120 yards; Jim slugging honors with a .535 the select club — Arkansas. Min­ 11. Colorado ^2y (.5-0) "No; I’ve been training for four and Del Flanagan in the Knight said he never had any and Both coaches thought the In­ wnuiin the next two weeks, aev- (6) Shore would accompany thu team in which consideration of football may have ach«duled for laU Frt- months for Gsvilan. Those two waa a game of basketball and how nesses Bobby had if any. and why dians looked better onenaively ...... 68 .- 61 81 210 on ita next awing, beginning Wed­ Lopes, 104; Steve Ackerman, 77; needa dlcUte a college’a poUciea. day or Saturday^ morning. average. Thfr apeedy outfielder- nesota. Army and West Vlrgihla. 12. Alabama (4-1) LOCAL FANS planning to at­ e town of the two victors. it should be played. Typical of pro had never signed with owner Wal­ *®kl players wUl be given a chance ...... 116 98 87 301 third baseman compiled 304 total postponements were annoying he wasn’t - playing - _ in the big show though they couldn’t ecore^’lt nesday night at Oeveland. Shore Connie Corelli. 67; A1 Ward, 53. All recorded upset victories, and 13 Purdue ( 2- 1- 1) tend Sunday's footbali game ih Maybe he give me trouble for games, there waa beefing from the ter Brown... Last night in Hart­ at the Tuliback slot. BunUek Is Tremendous BuaiMas Only Solution baies In 568 at bats., Minnie I’ve set my mind on beating five rounds," said GavUan of Sax­ with one of the NBA ckjbB. waa a game of inchea.” BrigY* •*- IN 159 . 168 611 haa been serving aa owner, mana­ All of the backs average better He termed college football a now are Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10. res­ 14. Virginia Tech (4-0) Greenfield, Mass.,' between the time the teams came on the floor “He sure does a lot of things ford. Cbach Red Auerbach of the hampered by a leg. injury and (4) than four yards per carry. The only solution to the prbblem slammed .29 doubles, 18 triples pectively. 15. Georgia Tech Merchants and the Greenfield kid and nothing la going to Mrind ton. “T fight all style fighters. I Celtics produced a list of playera plained. "If Joe Curry’s -twH had Brlgge doesn’t want to he caught W4mer ger and coach during the first fotir "tremendous business" and cited of over-emphasis. Fuller said, keste and 19 circuP, blows aii.ong 182 (4-1) in my way tomorrow ntaiuT in until the final buzzer. The officiala good.” Lapchick said. "1 tlihik he been three inches hjjgher, Norm Werner. games of the season. The team won 'Jn paasing. experienced and Purdue, Duke, Penn State, and 16. Miami (TIa.) (4-0) Lions are urged to purchase tlieir know what I’d do. But I want to overlooked many violations and from the NBA office. Knight waa shorthanded: "The fujlback poei- poised Bob Brink is the team's figurea to Show the proportlona to with the presidents of the colleges hits. I Navy all dropped out of the top Convention Hall (PhiladHphia). know what he can do. After five would help a club like ours.’^, listed on the "N^otlatli^-LLst" of Hohenthal would have caught it. tlon is wide open," Briggs de­ two games and lost two. which the game haa grown. He 17. .Southern Cal /, (4-1) tickets from the Manchester man­ when they called a rule infraction, A reporter asked, “What have Instead Bartletea^lbaek inter­ Tetala 318 309 187 614 leader with 16 completions in 29 and universities. He conceded that Mickey Mantle, the New York 10 on the basis of befeaU. Duke 18. Florida agement. Ducats may be had at "I’m not under ea'flmatlng rounds I find out. Then it will be the Rochester playera in particu­ Rochester: Coach Lae Harrison of clared. "Everybody who weata a pitches. His tosses have accounted aaid in 1951 gate receipt! at col­ they are now hamstrung by the Yankees' 'switch-hitting outfielder, (3«2) Gayllan, either, Aldt of people say like Johnny Bratton at Chicago the reports been on Knight?" the Royals told the writer that cepted and ran 60 yards for a shot at It will g^ It during the ,1, Q- What is “peel blocking 7 " ^ took the longest slide, from No. 6 19. Duke ( 2- 1- 1) Nasaiff Arms, Walnut Grill and at lar went Into hyaterica Including for 192 yards. His alternate, Dean lege football games totalled $130,- “old grads ” and would face a dif­ waa runner-up to Minoiro with a to No, 19, as a result of lt| 28-14 he's slipping hut that’s not ao. (Gavilan drubbed Bratton). Maybe Told He Couldn’t Shoot RtUght had been dropped and waa next two weeks" A. PVey .... A. UnefflM race from their 000,000, ma compared with 151 ,r .*23 mark. He had 163 bits and 16 20. Texas Christtah (3-2) WlUla'a Grill, He’s a great/fightar. I'm confi­ the once great ^ b b y Davies. "Well, I have been told that he H. Prey .... ______poaltloBa, ttllhout bothering an.v- Loiicks. the sophomore - sharp­ ficult fight, but said they could ------he go to hospital before he go to Davies and Bobby Wanzer were fr^ to try out with any team he A lib t^'w aa very diaappotntad The two hard-working mentors shooter. is 13 for 29 good for an 000.600 for profeaaional 'baseball appeal to thep arenta of the atu- doublet;- 12 triples and 27 homers dent though; IVe got the 'strength Jail." couldn’t shoot. But he did all right wished He added that hq would in Uta'performance of hia veteran plan a rugged review of funda­ Tetala ...... 303 262 219 463! *•>«>». Usually and $9,o6o,0()0 for profeaaional ih hta extra-base output. . TERRY MESSENGER, bowling and styM to beat him. both sent to early showers after today. He hit with two-handers •8) I In the flat. There the halt earlier, even 200 yards. denta attending the schools. With Stanek’s in the VUIagp Told what Gavilan said, Saxton each getting tacked with two tech­ notify \league ■ head<}uartera of. lineX *We ~ were much betUr mentals. blocking, tackUng and R. Denahua n^wn to Biislneas football. Stan Muaial of the St. Louis likes to sat his own pace, grinned. from the outside and- he dropped K n i^t'a release. \ rigalnat Middletown.** he thought. dummy scrimmages «»i«g aU of ...... !* s S? outruns the incoming To build and maintain a na­ "If the college presidents pre­ Charmers League last nighf, nical fouls. in one-handera from tha side. To­ F. Donahue . ....j^j92_M _^i| with the aid of a plteh- Top receiver on the Yale efub Is sented this problem to the public," Cardinals finished fourth in the Phils* Unknown Manager him fight bla way and he can "I'm glad he feels that way," It woukth^t surprise the wtii “Saturday, our line waa murti too their plays during the next fmv tional football contender. Fuller National League with .607, re turned in a fine 126 single. Mc­ lat anybody. But Tm going to Husky Bob Brannum, the mus­ day waa the first Ume that I've high on defense and we weren’t Totals .... 174 170 169 613 out, gets hehud them. sophomore end Paul lajpala, who he said, the pressure groups of Kinney and DeSimone rolled 3! said Saxton, “It’U make It a great one.lota if Knight was playing^is days “We’U wind up Friday after-- scored at lea.st one TD in ev^r>' said, it costs between $356,000 and suiting from 359 toal bases in 591 keep after him every ascond- Of fight He’s been bidding all the cleman of the OIU, and Fred seert. him and I like everything he season in Modi charging across the line of scrim­ noori with a good two hour aerlm- $400,000 a year. But it can. pay alumni, many of whom sit on the triples in the Elks League, And Diute of Syracuse, alao got the freshman game last year ahd lias Boards of ’Trustees, “would be tries. Stan had 41 doubles, 9 tri­ Key Man in Yankee Chain the way. marbles tor these four months. I mage. BarUett was finding it easy mage at M t Nebo." they coochid- off, he added, with a auc^asful ples and 35 home Jama. . Hartley had • 136 singteyUd a “What you put Into anything is heave ho for their fight. It waa a to cut down our guards and they •d. -tallied in two of the four Yale overw’helmed." 851 triple In the same I want them now and Fm gonna'get beaut. There were no knockdowns varsity games to date. He has team -which wins a major bowl bid Muflal alao boosted his lifetime I ------what you get Out ft a kid takes them Wednesday night.” UConn 11 Back Sally L of^^ecls^ (Hd an exCallept. Job of trapping Ttoee Oemee Left grossing between $600,000 and •lugging average two pointa to „ «>* Minora. Al Lopex and Paul money out of hia piggy bank — and the score cards of the Judges our tackles. Mmply because they plucked, 10 aerials for 131 yards. were not needed. Both remained in Manchester stlU has visions of AUhough McGill and Mathias $700,000. ' . A National League record Bmith is named manager of Richards earned their strlDes down mNNER-BfEBrnK^ of Chapter well, then there's jeaa in there. wefen’t getting dowri low enough.' winding up the year with « JWO Fuller, who coached In both the Last N ight *s Fights Two of the State Board of Ap­ those Y ale’s T op B acks the game unUI the half gnd then To Fiindam entalg Tenyi^New L ^der Peer Blarktag were^hureing leg Injuries, the rest fo^lO-year men. | G>e PhilUes arid a lot of people ask j below ' I’ve put everything Into both were sent to the sidelines. record but that might prove more of Jhe\squad got right down to high, school and college ranks for Ekldie .Mathews of Milwaukee, proved Baae^air Umpires will be four months and J1 feel good and Yka likeable line coech didn't difficult than anticipated. Al­ 11/years and before tbqt played who finished second a year ago. ‘Vnioo^V: / Earned Return Trip, held Thunday night 6:15 at Boston pUj-ed without two of / • , ■■■> — \ thkta any of the Indlaria were out- bihilnessHodsy for the invasion of Loe Angeles—Don Grant. 166. ready. Some people think that be- To Face Colgate ita rookie finds, Togo Palazzi and Storrs. Oct. 19. (45— Ck>ach Bob ^ujtusta, Ga.. Oct. 19 (45— i though they 'etui have an engage­ guard on the 1939, ’40 ahd, 41 Vir­ was fifth in' ’54 with a ,601 mark. You d think that a guy would i Ceaey Stengel, Charley Grimm, Mtirphytaltaataurank’' ^ cauae I’m going 15 rounda for the Ingalls told his './kt’eas Univeirsity stanOing In Saturday’s- losing ment with wtnlees Windham (0-6). Colgiate. Elis scouts- all four of Los Angeles, outpointed Charley have to first put on an advertis- Charley Dressen. Bucky Harri.«i ______------;------Frank Ramsey, both with the Col­ SOuth Atlantic League, sonta them who watched Colgate dump ginia teams for wrhlch Bijl^udley The, hprd hitting third baseman first time that I’U be handicapped. of CTonnectiCut football teamvcmii yesve.vt - ■ ____ batue although he thought Sid they also meet a strong Bristol starred, said he was a fir^ be­ Green, 161 >4,. Lm -Angeles, 10. slammed 20 doubles. 4 triples and Ing campaign to qualify as k hen- filJ! Haney earned return lege All Stars, 'Dartmouth thlkiiasl week-end. are ■Salt Lake City—Rex Lsyne. 206, That’s not so. I think 111 be better New Haven, Oct 19 (45—Three ^ Great SKootiiig terday: “We’n back to the o v ^ the "GranJmother ot l«»oked good on defense eleven and high scoria West liever in the educational values of 40 homers among 138 aiUetiea for dler of baseball' players. 1 trips by attracting attention In off with IB rounds.” of Yale's top footb-^ backs suf­ inginr daydav of pranra tlce,tloa Sept, ih^and thathe Minors.”Minor*" called big mitBill •*.Ter­ SS \ did-\substitute Center BnicS Haven Ifigh. unanimous in tnytr . opinion that Balt Lake City, outpointed Willie 286 total bases. ^ rthe minora - • There wav aoma great shooting the Red Raiders will prove the college sports but decried the m- Bean. 218, Los Angeles, 10. T h e Yankees knew all Saxton finished hia training, yes­ fered shin-injuries Saturday when let’s start the;. season ah' over ry to become ita president and he creasing emphasis placed on foot­ AI Rosejtiof C3eveland< the Amer^ Mayo Smith and that w a s “g o ^ Smith terday vlth some light exercises tije Bulldogs Bwaroiied O or^ll 47- h wever, and riot by the policemen again." Ingalls' put the squad strongest opposition the Ells have ball. Brooklyn (Eastern Psrkwsy)'—r spent all but 73 games < h is r»i- or National Guardsmen in the hall. accepted promptly. Whiskey Does Not Have met to date. Paddy Young. 185. New York, lean League lea-Jer in 1933, wound in the at Lauma Byrd’s Train­ 21. They were sophomore Dcfinla back qn fundanientrila after it League directota . yeaterday Only 'Skilled Perform up third this time at .306. Warii- 4bJ># congratulated for once more ' ing Camp. After it was over he McGill and veterank^Jim Arm­ Jack Coleman, lYanzer, Art waa hanie,' ita fourth straight de­ outpointed Jesse Turner, IS884, St. e.Mii. ' . .* __iii "* Kot into that many games wfih apoelqtra. Jack McMahan and voted unanimoual/ for the man ’Today." he said, "only the moat Louis, 10. ' ington’g Mirkey Vernon waa'fourth 0 1 stepped on the scales and weighed strong and Phil kAthlas. They feat Saturda* by Maine, 41-18. Who won a place in baseball’a Hall TAKER ONE BIG OXE slulled player gets a cliance to with .492 followed by Yogi Berra the Athletics In the war ypir of put their uniforms on yesterday Boria Nachsmtkin of Syracuac all The Huskies go up against an­ To Be High In Price! Wilmington. Del. tiD—-Gains- New York (St. Nicholas Arena) I 1945, batting a rousing .M * of Fame for' hta career 'with the- piay,” He said the days when a of the Yankees with’ .486. Rosen' as Yale mm t’.rough - a light drill, hit for double figures vriille Bob other tough one ntxt Saturday New York Giants. boro Girl won only one rack at boy who w-anled to play morely —Gerald Dreyer. 1491,, South piled up' 236 total bases, Vernon but were, kept out of action. Ed' pouiy, BUI fSiHwinan, Gene Omley/ when .they face, undefeated, Uni­ Africa, stopped Ramon Tiscareno, I The story of Smith’s rise is Iden- i Yankil** chlt?«to thr Bta A il made hlmaelf immortal ^law a^ Park this year , but was , had to draw Jhe. equipment has 294 and Berra'284. Ileal to that of WiUter Alston. w'ho‘ i ,„f2«. SEFTTO TANKS AND O’Donnell, 'Vale’s supervisor of and Ed Macauley throw in 13 or versity of pelaware at Wilming­ a first base nan tor the Giants, the leading money-winning tbor- long since passed. 14584, Los Angeles, l. CllmaxM Big Year ' ...... ‘Whom he played/With the Port­ BLUGOED SEWERS conditions. Says the three will be more pdinta eodi for Benton. Obn- ton. Del; HAD HOW FUlSCHMANN’S HIGHER Montreal Bobby Courchesne, did mighty weU under extremely tor. basebaU pitcher with the and then succeeded the lata John oughbred of the meeting. 1116; FHiHer placed a large ahare of Larry Doby of Ctleveland. the distressing circumstances In his land Coasters'In 1948. MACHINE CLEANED available for Colgate next Satur­ McGraw as their manager. $$4-$28 TEL. MI-S-81tt four-year-old Bern-1 the blame for the present situation 131, Holyoke,, Mass, .-outpointed' Junior blrc'vJt’a home run king first season with the Dodgers. Turner came to New York si AND INSTALLED day, if needed. Braves, played well off the boards /W A T C H e n s h r in e d Dexter Connors. 138. Halifax. 8. and looked good abooUng. Worthy Retired from batabw for the M A IN 8 T . MANCHESTER PROOF GIVES YOU MORE borough emned $101,800 by tak-jon the “old gratU” who.exerted with 32. 'wraa sixth Jn the slugging They are minor league' bxllplay- the Yankees’ pitching coach unde 1 I09...A n g e 1 ea (NEA)—Jack past 13 years,-TVrry is an auto­ ,j. Castle Handicap. 1 strong pressurca on. their “alma Sydney—Billy Peaetkk, 11814, averages with .483. Btcngef, and-Smith was asslgnc ' McKINNEY' BRO& Q. The University of Santa Patterson, former Connecticut Mooberry. track coach at Wash­ era who qualified aa managers In Sewerage Dispoeal Co. mobile dealer in Jacksonville, world a richest race for fillies ahd j maters to produce winning football Philadelphia, outpointed Pierre The slugging championship cli­ the minors. ’ to the Am ster^m . N. Y„ club r ' Clara haa dropped football. When star, also played with Barton. The ington State CktUege, sealed hia Fla. . EHjdVMENT.. . AT USS COSTI *"**■*•• I teams and would go to "any Ooasemyna, 11884, 8ydney,iJ2. maxed a big year for Majk. his the Class C Cankdian-Americs'' 1S0-1S2 Peari SL—MI-S-8S08 did It begin playing? / CelU had only^ eJtht men and Stop-watch after clocking Roger / The day of the major league Rochester 14. - He will take office about Nov. first full one with the Giants. player becoming a big league League. After two years there A. The Broaeoa begaa la 1902. BanriUter in hU 3:58.8 mile at 1. He succeeds Dick Butler as WARD WEEK SALE To get m ott cojoj-meot in a whiskey, Willie, in service during part of managed w i^u t previous experi­ he won pennants with Nbrfolk rf Vancouvar and sent it to the president of the Class A Sally. BIG RACiNO THRHA. 1962 and .all of 195$, also won his Wlwn a person pays attention to look at the “ Proof.*.: fo r “Proof^r tells ence U Juar about past. Eddie the B Piedmont in 1951 and ’.I", Raima Athletic Foundation with- Butler resigned recently to 1^ Miami UP)—Jockey Sammy Bbul- league’s batting drqwn with Stanky easily could be the last. spent the last two summers wUii the law he’s driving a car, but '6ut being reaet- It is now on view come prwldent of the «*i«t AA s whiskey s “'strength.” Todpy, most metis, leading rider at Hialeah in .346 Mate. Too msaiy of them have failed dis- Birmiiigluim of the AA Southern when be speeds he's aiming it at Helms HaU. Texas League. 19!^ can saaily recall Ms top rae-. Association. , NEW fading blends are iib m 6 ^ than §6 ing^ thrill. Hia flral trlnner, Stepln-' T . J - ^ I melly. V Proof. But Flcischmann’e 15 a full 90 BRAKE thedark. aet up a daily double reMrivS** .**’®!?* Ownera now insist tha- even the Key Manager _ Smith quickly became a key 10-inch Proof! .And this meankthst you get Which pnM $3,015.40. rhanager In the Yankee chain, had more flavor—and enidyment in every Blrdle Tebbetts last 'season fur­ a way with youngsters. He de­ ChMttrfitM drink. ther demonstrated the adviaability veloped Bob Grim at Amsterdam; Dunlop Faittory Seconds SPECIAL of this. Stan Hack waa brought transformed Bill Skowron, now -a SUPPOkTEI lELT Almost ing Automotive W^iiskies ire tpied by the U. S. Cor- Includes Unlng and labor—THE BEST BRAKE JOB IN TOWN up from Loe ' Angeles'to replace first baseman, from . ^a third______basc- 1*70.15 DUNLOP DE LUXE ...... $12.75 Phil Caverretta.' who hopped "kian into an outfielder I t Norfolk , f IT 7AK K i m m o o u OUT .« M e n t on A e basis «*f Proof. And ELECTRICITY IS OUR lUSINESS , ^ - straight from the players’ ranks He had a hand in the development ^ OTlHOOtSMi- *70.15 DUNLOP GOLD CUP ...... $13.95 M fhou^ ^ttschm an tf pAys $ J .bs more We have prevision equipment for test nnd repnir at genemters, BOWLING to the drtvar'a seat I*lnky Higgins, of three highly-regarded catchers 710.15 DUNLOP GOLD CUP...... $15.*5 pw casp in takes t b ^ ordinary 86 •sUrter motors, vnitage regulntors. ... who- takes over the Red Sox ih the —Gua T’riandos, Lou Berberat and spring, served his apprenticeship Hal Smith. 7*0.15 DUNLOP GOLD CUP ...... $1*.95 Proof blends, ,Hrischniann'i com you ------fi"!— EVERY DAY IS CHRISlfMAS IF YOU tRADE HERE X WMteWollleEiWwdTIrw ^ than mail) lower Proof brands. We give Consumerq Profit Shnring Green Stamps FREE with Try FIcischmann’s today — youjf ’ ench 19c purehase. LEAGUES 10:95 *70.15 DUNLOP GOLD C U P...... MACHINE SHOP that it s the besi jyirnded ichiskey Ord«r yMir *S4-'S5 bowRig tri 1710.15 DUNLOP GOLD C U P...... SERVICE n value in America! YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORI CENTS HERE I am nowr relebmtlng 25 yenrs of service la Mencheelert., ns pMIW '^TW WfVNP^IIv V| AMESITE DRIVEWAYS THESE PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX , you can look for hergnins here for tha reet of the year. k " Dmanv msTAuio M A ^ OTHER TIRE BARGAINS ja ^ D E H N STORES FOR AUT JILL REBU1LT8 REDUCED I GiwUag — Marhhia Bpread F om a Bat — Power Rolled Also: Parktag Lq4a ■— Teaais Coufta Walks ' 124lMir Eiifraviibg $«rvic« SERVICE dr $4.03 $2.53 18% FOR CASir TRANSACTIONS ’ 65i PARK ST., HARTFORD «K> 4;s QUART Tsraaa astaaged If deatred . ' 191 CENTER STREET PINT A IX DCBTALLAXiOXS SUPERVISED BY VANS STRTIOn Td JAckaoR 7il8H J' ,. VANS /*-.'• • V- - 5 m d a iiC i a i f HorfFord Rd Mancht -.rii C ■•.r DEMAIO BROTHERS 477H ait(ordl7d Mtiti-hi-', t..C nn MANCHESTER _ 1929 CHURCH CORNERS I- '■ t«TRAL $MRIT$ PreaeriptioB Pbamacy 1 abort Tenaa f77 MAIN STREET OAIX NSIR AHYTOIE TELEPHONE MItebdl EAST HARTFORD ■akgllfrMii*9P«9«R.! ntriUiHfi eoiM RATiiimmmm. n.r. MANCHESTER m » S t ; MI-*-1St$ — HARTFORD i IT-M lt ^ MU MaiR $tTMt T E LM IT C H E LL 3*5168 Td. JAdtioR 8-lU l m M . Mitchell S'^Sn 4i VT Y Y JE S D A Y , O G T O B E B 1J», 1 9 5 4

Businass Locations Hoqses For i Wsnted—Real j ^ l ^ b r o n however, has to snatch tlrao a t Uhlan. N. X ; M»9 Jotm iBort of LADY’S Black velvet coat, ftta aim For Rent -reccfs or noon intarmiasloM 73 UNNMORE Drive—PinelEeMW DEUGHTFUL i^m l^ HBK Hartford: Mrs. Mfttthew Wen- 13-14. Sacriftca for $28. Alao lady'a get his instruction complete. graynak of Amston; Mrs. Joseph 1988 Sedan, power- groan fittad flarod coat, aUe 9-ii, OFFICE TO Rent, Hartford Road, sacUen, 6% room Ctepa Cod Agency a iitfa , Ulde, very cloan. Tutooe combfna- WANTED—A carpenter, part or MOVING OUT of Btite, m prices Hazers Damage Receptlea Plnnned Gudeahh of North Windham; and Original price $80. Worn four naar McKea St, Ideal for prnfaa with one car garage. Amaaite hemaa. For tioa. Douglaa Moton, 888 Main, full time. Wm. Kanehl, SIO Center RED CEDAR clothes poles In­ a rs ' marked low. Kelvtnator r - atonal man. MI. 90989 af|ar 9 drive. Rear porch, hot water oU state list with us. . Imritationa have been sent out Miss Mary Kowalski of Norwich. St. Ml. $-7778, , . stalled. Call MI. 99787. frlgerator, $100; Thor Glad-iron, timaa, $80. Remember no charge by the PTA to members and She also Icavaa six sons, Adam of for looking. Phoiio MI. 3-8$it. P*]lls heat. Vary attracUva home both MI. 9-3918. In Town Slight GUARANTEED ONLT DOUGLAS wlU seU you a $20; . very good, clean gat-oil Inside and out, Exclualvo with others,'to attend a special recep­ Columbia; August of Southhridge, IwHiittiiMh t o o l m a k e r s Wanted. Apply The RUG BRAIDING made easy:^ range, 4-4, $100; tubular skates, tion for the staff of teachers of the FOR ONE YEAR late model car as low as 8148 MUSES Wn6E color fur trimmed FOUR ROOM Office suita, excel* Elva Tyler, Realtor. MI. 94489. IF T(jtL1i)Hta a businam for sole, Maas.: Lao of Cblchester; Jooeph down. We do not aak you to take Newton Co., 88 Elm Street, Man­ struction booklet, 28 cepts. Rug Biu 10, |l; writing dssk, $8; dress school, the principal nnd oupertn- ■r. .CLASSIFIED ADVT. fitted wthter codt. Good condition. lent decor, complete (acuities, or^Wiah to^buy one, call MI; Hebron, OcL 18 (Special)— of Amston; Thaddaus o t Willlman- a loan from a bank or finance chester. wool and remnanta priced right form, medium, $3;. T cushion street and roar parking, moder­ TOUR HOME custom built to your after 6, «kU MI. >7800. Wa tendent. !,V' DEFT. HOURS 1962 DODGE CO)SdNET R6ckvllle<.95708. Gen's, Rug Shop, Stm 13. MI; 9-8881, U ttla .or BO damage has been ra- " Thta 4-doOr aedan i a equipped company to cbmpleta your down English lounge, $5. Make an offer ate rental. MI. 919lD or MI. plans. Pick your lot, over 1 acre,- spcctallaa In raetaurMita, bars and Tills is tho rtgulSr masting of L payment. PoaiUvely only 8148 EXPERIEN CED Help wanted In 55 Talcott^ve,, Rockville, Conn. on these: 80” x 77%’’NkK>r and- S MM. poitad ragardlag the unwaicome the PTA. which feziturea the ra- 8:15 A. M. tQ 4:S0 P. M. with everything In the way of ac- garage and sarvicq ataUon. .Full GIRL’S WINTER coata, (two) large ahada trees, high air ^ kage store. JoapEt. Mariconl, down buys a 1949 car. 8196 bum « caatng, small corn Bheitar and near bus, exceUent location vtelt o< "HaSiG." tWrd Hurricane in cepUon. Entertainment and s6cl0 ceaaoriea. Locally owned and pur- and paH Ume Jobs. . References ONE QUARtBR H. P. motor, in dnaaaa and oUier Itema. alao 7 Real Estate Broker. 1960, 8390 buys a.U63. No additlbn- com grinder, encycloqiedli^v^BriU and 8. Call MI. 9-8814. . ' STORE O FF center Street Suit-, plate down ..payment IVJMOv Bteiut Six weeks. Not^evan troea hour be In cluuge of Mrs. a if - v COPY CLOSING TIME chaaod here hew. raqulrad. See Van fdr Interview excellenl - condition. Call MI. able .for oMca or antali businaaa. WAMtNfD - ford R. Wright, and n plaaoing al aida notaa or loana. We guaran­ at Van’s Service. 4T7 Hartford tanica. All in excellent conol^on. (terlton W. Hutchlhn.^, 98133, oufrarad, but prouably moat of the FOR CLASSIFIED ADVt. tee to aell under the chove terms 3-^748. Inquire 36 Clinton St. \ Ayattable on or about Nov. 1. 9-4894. ^ tbroffSaally, bush program has boon fdannod. A akit 1951 PONTIAC Road. No telephone c a lls .. Havo many cask fjtecaptlbla ones had been blown MON. THRU FRL with notes aa low as 840 monthly.' BOY’S CHICAGO roller shoe Rooms Without Bbsr6 S$ Heat and eladtricity furniabed. wUl be proaontod, foUasriim ai hriof Chieftain "S’* 8-door. Original Good credit la our only require­ NEED AN ELECTRIC stove «r^ CaU MI. 9-8199 or 97809 after 7. ------Movo right In. ___ _ . __ lagaa - ammgHL (te w In the two former big businoas meeting, Ifiioaa the 10:30 A. M. 29,828 miloB. Radio, heater, hy^a- 184 PER W 8^, part skates, sise 7. Used twice, $20. otonBO; Many of tlie townspeople ment. Douglaa Motors, 888 Main. hours daUy, a. m. or e-«< T.V. set? Only a few left. 8839 Amarican/’rolOnlal. Six sunny -Pteaaa a k iia e o im L; Qrastedte, n^ea will he Mrs. Everett B. Por­ DILLO matic, back-up lighta. MI, 3-S2S9 before 10, after 8 :30. roonu/Uvlng room 29' long, firo- ant up ..until midnight keeping SATURDAY 9 A. M. and aU day Saturdaye. W a ___ G.E. stove, $338.88; G.B. T. V. NOW AVAILABLE Raaltor, S-8S7S. 2SS ter, Mrs. John E . Horton, Mra. STUDEBAKER 1981 four door, console, regular $389, 8339.96. Honses For Rent 65 . tile , bath, city water and Hoary atraoL what gum rd ttey could of their Ralph V. Secord, Mre. aifford R. 1962 PLYMOUTH hire 4 men who want to earn ex­ property. A Huie before midnight IS TOUR ffoini ooonouiTioN w ax radio, heate^ overdrive, low mile­ tra income. Profir' sharing basis Building Materials 47 Carpenter tool kite, regular 884.95, ror. Tree shaded lot. Good Wright, Mra. Albert B. BUIafd, Thla 4-door Crahbrook ia one In age, $838. MI. 9-1678. After 6 MI. $15 each. Brunner's, TalcottvjUle. RoohiB for two single men SEVEN r o o m alngla with throe., Talue, $15,800. H. B. Grady. Brok­ a torrential raih aet in and was Mrs. George Warit, Jlro. John BeU, ■BXmBCOATED a hundred. People talk about uaed 9-4393. (Manchester ..afta). Apply in per room ofnea oh Bast Center I Let|iU Notiteg^ K eon. PersQhnel Division, Martin- Knotty Ptoe Paneling per ft. 19c Open evenings 'til 9. AU day Sat­ er, ManchOstor. MI. 3-8009. blown northward in. heavy sheets. and Mrs. Douglaa H. Porter. cara like thla but rarely ever aee — urday ’U1 5. In a six room furnished spart- Ideal for home and office ft Trees thrashed and sthiggled with The, akit will ahow what the Diol MI-3-5121 Parry C6re,, 185 Albany Ave., feaalonM man. A v aU aM *^ ' of MANCHESTER—Gerard Street. TBB STATB 4 p m en N aEnni] them. Fully equipped. Hartford, Thunday, 7:80 p. m. Flush Doors...... e a c h $7.80 a m’UfO B 430ITBT X the violent winds, but even the old teachors hava to contond with dur­ Aato Accessories—T lra 6 sharp. UNIVERSAL Wringer tjrpe waEi- in^nt. (Complete kitchen, IMng Octobor-lB. Tol. M im ^oot, MI. Center entrance Colonial 9 rooms, maple fronting William Ham- ing a dky of school. / 1951 FORD CUSTOM "8” S h a k e s ...... per sq. $12.95 et-. Good condition, reasonably 8-8147, or write Box"W , Monchoa- firoplaca, lavatory down, bath up, M JSKemjkCK^^T^toLnnu. 1959 ilacS, which liacl )>ecn Con- FORD Dr. Oiarlea M. Larcomb, a for­ BATTERIES — 80% off. Square priced. Call MI. 9-8738. room, private bedrooms. O n- tar. - combination windows, garage,' Arinaad Sr., w CDacord. In / W e have a 4-door and a 3-door. ROUTE SALESMAN Sheathing ...... per M $90.00 the County liorcaaM ...... PISInUtf to the SUte Highway mer achopl Bupervioor in t M n n a , Both cart equipped and in excel­ type as low as 94.90 ax., long type lovely lot. Richard D. llsy a , now or (erm orlr of DepL^ftood Its ground. Power was n teacher In the Lebanon high L a s t 1^ 9«Nmd 87.98. Written guarantee. OMa Here Is a rari opportunity to DEALER lent mechanical condition. Flooring ..i..from per M $190.00 tral location. Plenty of park- HAMUN STREET—SubatantlM 49 Hnin Streft. la Msnch*at»r.jCiaunty not oK.;durthg the storm, though •cKotU, wlU extend 'greetings to w n x PSaiSON who p lc M up Motora. ML 94M0. Join the nation's number one food REFRIGERATOR, In good condi­ ______itrbsB Fior Rest 66 2 famUy, 8 rooms and bath each of Hartford, State of CouiecUcut...... industry. Look at these kdvsnt. Defendant. CIrll Docket No. 9419. aome ItndxMocked up with canned teachera, . auperintandant and fro m chanf* pune Iw miiwko at 1960 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL Red Cedar tion. Inquire 180 Center St. Ing- side, double garage, large lot, ask­ Thla U an actloa at law wherein the heat and ator^ water in contain­ ages: ' OWttapNBUBY, Throe room rent. *■ praaldent of See Him For Values Stencheater Savlnss Batik, Satur­ Closet Lining ...... per M $210.00 ing 816.500. Plaintiff auea the Defendant for dam- ers in anxiouS>preparetlon. Early the PTA. Refreshinenta will be I DE LUXE Auto Repairtnf— Psinting 7 1. —Permanent lifetime work. GLENWOOD Stove, three piece 4Hitar. In­ ahire have b^ n ' unaucGeaaful, whereby ON^THESE TOP VALUE USED CARS Sollmene, Inc., will i^va you a . North Haven, Connecticut DINING SET. cheap If taken at quire SUte Tallor^Skbp. 8 BlamU bporUnent wlUi private bath. In­ the Plaintiff by Motion, now sranted the part of the more timid resl- The sermon of the Rev, John G. moinu fteatauBant, Route >9. Bol­ cars. Parts and labor $49.96. Tou may qualify If you are 21 Shown By Appointment Only by the Court. bSa been allowed to danta. , written one year or 12,000 mile once. IS Wadsworth St. St. Call MI. 3-7tte daya, or MI. quire first floor, A ^. 9, give noUce of thla action by thla pub­ Beck at the HSbron and OUrod ton. Ree^ticnB, banqueta, oifan- to* 32, In . go^ health and enjoy Telephone CHeatnut 8-2147 98047 ovonijiga. . PTA Drive 1152 FORD RANCNWAfiON labUoa dtameta invited. For reoer- guarantee on their cara. No fancy No money down. $4.90 month­ WELLES AGENCY lication. all original pleadlnga are on Congregational churches Sunday, advettlaing. Tou the buyer do the outdoor^ork. interview Saturday. ^TOUR ROOM unfurnished Single file In the office of the Cletk of aald Mra Charles Keleti, who heads Eadiot heater and averdriva. ^-^vatiana contact Charlie or Marie ly. All work guaranteed. O ct 23. f ^ Musical Instrnmciite S3 / Coventryr-PI-2.6872 Court, for aald. County, and may be was “A Harveat of Friendahip." advertlaing when you purchase a LARGETtOOM next to. bath, vl- house In Coventry, $68 per month; the drive for PTA membership has c u e . Ml. b-4tM. Diamonds— Watch Call PI, 3-8005, or CH. 9-0660. ezamined by Interetted partlea: Sunday -School Superintendent car hare. MOTOR s a l e BERGREN’S d a i r y MUSIC Instrumental rontal. Com­ cirUtsT Esat Center gnd Summit MANCHESTER—Seven rooms plus IT 18 o r d e r e d that the PlalnUff issued a circular letter renUnding •Albert B. Billard annoimcea that 1 I» OHEVROLET GLlIB OOUPE LOST—Spayed female Boaton Tei^ . < FARMS ' J e w e iiy 4 8 plete line of Instrulnentg. Rental Streeta. Private famUy/ Parking sun porch, 2-car attached garage, notify the Defendant to appear before reoldenU that October is member­ Sunday School eessions wiU be held Ford, Chevrolet, etc...... '.fl34.95 / » a c e . GenUeman /praferred. THREE-ROOM apartment for ront aald Court at Concord. In aald Coun­ 'rier, Mack and white markii%a, Pontiac, Oldamoblle, etc . . 1174.05 , East Hartford applied to purchase price. Repre- IM baUia. Built 1949. Excellent ty. on the fourth Tuetday of NovetA- ship month for .the 38.4HX) local In the future at 11 a. m.. instead Radio andf heater. SOLIMENE, Inc. LEONARD W. TOST. Jeweler, re- senUng Olds, Sermer, Bach.. Ped- Phone MI. 92638. With garage on Bolton Roa^ Ver­ vlcinOT of Olcott St and Love No Money Down. $2.00 Weekly '‘But I do think of you. Pot! I ... tho vfoathor burotu non. Conn. Centrally located. Near condition and locaUon. $17,200 ^ r, 19M. and ahow cau«e, if any there PTA unite in the United Statu. of 11:15. Thla change went Into U n ir R a w ^ ^ MI.vS-SOM. / Direct Factory Dealer For Dodge ^ rs , adjuste wmtehea expertly. ler and Bundy. Metter’s Mtiaie' from owner. JO . S-n54 or Coven-' be. why ihe damagea aaked for ahould Mora tHan 800,000 people will New Motor Guarantee. now taking thorn to ntm o thoir tftor you!" Reaeonable pricee. Open dally- s i n g l e , ROOM for woman heat, church stores and bus line. AU' not lie granted, by publlahing thta cita­ effect for the flm Ume last Sun­ f$SI GHEVROI.ET GONVERTIILE and Plymouth Help Wsnted ■ Studio, 177 McKee. MI. 3-7800, try F L . 2-8820. tion In the Manchester HeraJd. A newa- be renewing their memberahip in day. LOST — Black Cocker Spaniel, 634 Center St, Manchester Thursday evehlngs. ite Spruce near Chaney'a. Call MI. 8-4388 or modara conveniences. Oil hast, Ri^Ot heater, power gMe. ’ COLE MOTORS Msle or Femals 37 224 Chartar Oak St. gas and., electricity. Adidta only. paper pubtlahed at Mancheater afore- tbeqa units. Those receiving this Sunday School at the GUead anayed female. Anawera to Patty. street Mitchell 9-4387. PIANO TUNING and voicing. Opni^ MANAIESTER—Beautiful expaiid- aald ...... once each week, three auc- letter are urged to renew member­ AvaUabte' now. Box L. Herald. ceaaive weeki at Intervala of not leat Church wm be at 10:15, before the S a 7 » < m . MI-S-BIOl-Opm 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 436 Center Street Business Services Offered 13 Private InstTBctioBi 28 plete rebuilding, ropalring.^ re­ able Cape Cod Including garage. ship or If not now a member to 11:15 morning service. SELL SHOES styling. Keys recovere$I; 34-hour $12,900. Unuaual six room HdUy- than aeven daya. Ihe lait publlcatton tar 1IS1 TORO GONVERTIIU BEFORE TOx/ Decide to buy a MI-9-0980 ' LK3HT HOUSEKEEPING room for be not le u tluui fourteen daya beibra' join this faU. I0 8 T -1 :k Cocker Spaniel, bald T O im TARN Shc», 80 Cottage Fuel and Feed 49-A service. All work guaranteed. The wood ranch, has sveryUting In-- Id fourth. Tuesday of Novribber, fiettled In Bectory Radio And heater. new or used car drop in and see rent. Ladica preferred. MI. 3-5824. ______W«nte6 To Rent 68 In her letter Mra. Keletl goes on The Rev. Richard D. Clark, who ' end. Anawera to BRAKE RELINE special. Most all RpBBISH, ASHES and nlscellane- St, MI.-92888. Free instruc­ Openings for both full and part- Piano Shop. Phonea MI. 99329. eluding air-conditioning. Owner to say that the PTA te Interested cka" PIbaae phone MI. 8-7908. Dick or Milt at Dlckenaoa Motor SEASONED Hardwood for flre- 9-8074. sacrificing. Sale price $17,800. Atleat: • officiated Sunday a t fit, PeteCa cara, 813.98. Tour choice of lining. ous removed. Ml. 9-8949. tion \wlth each yarn purriiase. FURNISHED ROOM, well heated, r e p o r t e r HENRY P-CAU.J11IAN. Clerk. In tho welfare of all children, Reward. Sales at Cantar and Cooper Sta. time help. Experience preferred but lace, furnacea, etc., delivered in HERALD . Wife and Houses of all kinds from $8000 and Episcopal Church, is now settled 1KI FORD nOKUP No money down, 81 weekly. Cole Store\hours — Mon. through Sat., Rlancheater $18 cord, $9.50 half reasonable. Ml. 3-8958. 421 East son, desire four room, unfurniahed Paul K. Nourle. BUquire. and hopes that those receiving the W. Motors, 438 Center. 9:48 Am. to 8 p.m., Thursdays Weartfiff Apparel— F u n 57 Middle TumpUe. up. The Ellsworth Mitten Agency, M Middle Street. Mahchealer, N. H. in the rectory, which la to be his New patart.' "-< Itn iN D —A place «here yon can not eeaentlal. Apply In person or cord. Edw. Yeomana. PI, 2-7279. rent. Whitney Jacobs. CaU Ml. Realtors. MI. 3-6980. Attorney for Ptalntitf. letter are of the seme mind, and home here. As he Is a single man Household Sem eee untU 9 p.m. 3-5121 untU 4:30. MI. 98637 after by joining the PTA will help de­ buy Beniat and TiofAvTatna and ROOM FOR genUemih. AU con- DISTRICT o r COVENTRY, M.. Pro- he asks parishioners who may haie Suaan Bataa KUttlnf aceeaaoriea. MODEL A FORD coups. 116 Ben­ Offered IS-A call MI-9-7777, Mr. Glass. SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ 8:20 p.m. ' SIX ROOM Caps Cod, two unfin-' velop the best pouible cooperation Auto Driving School 7-A t r a i n e e s Earn whUe you learn. place - furnace, etc., $18 cord. BLACK SEAL fur coat, size 88-40. veniences. Private entrance MI. bate court, October U. 1964. pieces of furniture which they do 1MI OeSOTO FORDOR R'a Tour Tam Shop. 80 Cottafo ton S t lahsd, fireplace, oil heat, piaster Estate of Lillian E. Parker, late of between tlte school, the parents not need, and which would help CURTAINS Laundered, 11 years QuaUfy\ for key Jobe in Industry ML S-9183. Price $15. Inquire 80 Church S t 9-0140. RENT OF four or five rooms for Coventry, in said Dtalrict; deceaied. Very clean. SL TU. MI. 8-9M8. AUTO IHUVING Instruction from same place, same eervica. 91 as a draftamao, tocH designer, ma­ WERBNER’S SHOE STORE walla, storms, screens, amesita Upon the application of Twlla L. and the community. Dues in the him along, to donate them to his three adults, Ctell after 6 p.m. drive, shaded lot near school, organization are 50 cents per year. 1981 FORD 4-door aedan. CaU your home. Inaured dual control Main St., or MI. 9-1077. chinist, \or tool maker. No prevl- MI. 8-0888. Hobby,bby, praylMprsylro that aa per appUcaUon use. At present he ia keeping what car. Larsen Driving School. Ml. 828 Main Street ' FURNISHED room for rent. Mrs. stores and bus. Only $11,000. Ckurl- on til* mor* fully appuri. It Is The membership drive will, close is proverbially known ni Mroelor’s FOUND—Brown and white female. MI. 9-4083 after 8 p.m. ojua nor\speclal education neces­ Garddn-T-Farm— Dsiry ORDERED: That uId uid ■appllcalloit be 1»1 OHEVROLET SEDM 9-4078. f l a t FINISH Holland window sary. 0.\ I. approved. Write for Aesessops’ Notice Rolaton, 39 Hazel St. MI. 8-8707. ton W. Hutchins. MI. M 132, MI. O ct 31. hall, but aeeitif to like the rectory, Can Dof Warden. MI. 8^840. Pteducte 50 9-4994. hurd and dvlrrmlord atat Uie ______Pirobate Power gildev redlo end heater. 1947 f ^ T S L E R , good condlUon. shadek, made to measure. All free information. Box O. Manches­ Each person liable to pay BusineaB Property For Sale 70 Office. In Covvniry In u id dlitrict. on New Board Head church, and town, and prontlsea AUTO ORIVINO Instrucuon. All metal Venetian bllnda at a new ter Heralr SUnations Wanted— VERY CLEAN bedroom for relia­ ------^------thv 9 M day of Oictobrr. A.D. 1964. at At a recent meeting of the to get about and make cells on rO U N D -Black and white mon- No raaaonable offer refused. MI. PROPERTY TAXE.S in this town MANCHESTER — Beaut'ful five 10:30 o'clock In tho forrnooa, and that 9-8488. 144 Birch St. loaaons on inaured dual control low price. KCys made while you F c a u la 3 8 ble gentleman. Parking. 238 Oak CHOICE MAIN Street business Board of Education Clarkson L. parishioners in the near future. FOR THE DEAL QF THE crel, female. CaU Dog Warden. car. CapaMe experienced instnib- CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn is hereby noUfied that he is re­ St. Phone 9-1320. room ctUonial located in nice, public notico bo givon of the pondonev ML 8-4840. wait. Marlow'a or garden. Tel. MI. 3-6971. quired by law to return to the block for sale. 40’ frontage. No of u id application and tho limo and BaUey of A ms ton Lake was X Se.iee fiterta TEAK ON A '56 FOKD SEE 1941-40 OLDER , Fords tor. Oordner Auto School. Ml. TOUNO MOTHER would Ilka chU- quietxhelghborhbod^ Has every­ placo of hearing thrroon. by publiihlng Assessors on or before tho first GENTLEMAN, room next to. bath, leaaea in affect at present time. If elected chairman of the board, to .^A Special t ies of monthly FOUND-Black Cocker Spaniel, fe­ other good tratiaportatloa. Good 9-4010, JA . 7-8480. w e a v in g of burns, moth holes dren to care for daily In home. In­ GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes, you are looking for a new locatioh thing btcludUig garage and is in a ropy of Ihie order one time In some meeUngs on the eubject of *’Cbl- quire 338 Center St. . business day of November of this private entrance. Ck>untry setting. excellent condition. This one vou nowepaptr having a circulation In uid take the place of William I. Etorst, male. CaU Dor Warden; ML credit enables ua to accept 88 and torn clothing, boieery rune, guaranteed to be No. 1 potatoes year, a written or printed ' list or for a aound investment caU Mr. Dlitrict. and by posting a ropy thereof who recently sent in his resigna­ lectibles,’’ will start this svenlng, down. Dougtea M o ^ , 888 Main ORIVINO Instructions rrom your handbags repair^ stpper i Parking. Phone MI. 9-6884. should se-E FuU pric« $14,200. ih c on tho public ilgn-poat In the Town of 8-4840. FIRST AMD MOOIM teottgagaa MOTHER OP 4 year old will care and mealy. Call Hathaway. MI. properly signed and sworn to, on Werbner at the Jarvis Realty Co. tion. with Ralph V. Secord of the 8t* home. Dual-control tnaureo car. placement, umbrellas repaired, 9-8438. t EUsworth Mitten Agency,. Real­ Coventry In u la Dlitricl. at loait five standard or automatli:.. Call Man- bou^t fbr ow own account Fast. for pre-school child In her home a form suppl'ed by the Arseasors IN PRIVATE Home, clean, com­ MI. 8-4111 for Information. tors. MI. 3-69%. daya before aaM day of hearing. Bailey is one of three Democrats Gilejul section p i Speaker. Secoid men’s shirt collars revered and canfldenUai Jaervtce. Mancbaater daUy, MI. 9-8598. fortable, well heated single room ELIZABETO LACEK. Clerk. on 'the board, which is composed who is the candidate for Judge of 1847 BUICK aedanatta, $348. 1947 cbaatai Orlvlna Acadamy. PL and approved by the Tax Com­ Court of Probate. DILLON AnDoonccBeiits replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ 8-7349, ToU trea. Investment Pprp., 344 Main street missioner of all the TAXABLE for gentleman. References ro- MANCSmkTER preen—Six room Diatrict of Coventry. of nine members. He is also execu­ Probate on tho-Democi-atic ticket, Ford aedan, 1981 C h ev ^ et aedan ing Shop. ML 98419 Household Goods 51 quirad. MI. 98188. FkiTM sn6 L»nd For Sato 71 ia a sowewiiat new comer in town. with powergUde, very nice, 8898. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires PROPERTY BOTH REAL AND ranch, porch, attached garage, ^ tive secretary to Dr. Albert N. WB CARRT Tioga yama at the MORTLOCK’S DRIVINO School. .position as houseworker. Live in utUitias. Near new School, $18,000. DISTRICT o r COVENTRY, Pro- He ie librarian of the Eaat Hart­ SALES and SER^ aame pricea aa the miU. Save 1963 nymouth sedan, Uke new, REXfT A portable sewing machine ELEICTRIC RANGEIS, gae vangee, PERSONAL belongs to him and DAIRY FARM 168 acreS, 48 acros bat* Court. October 16, 1164. Jorgensen, president of the Uni­ Lost oonfldencs quickly restored and reasonable salary. Ckili MI- oil and gaa combination, in good subject to taxat'on in said Town BEAUTIFULLY furnished spacious Warren E . Howland, Realtor. MI. versity of Connecticut. ford library, commuUng to hia 319 MAIN STREET MAN( time and money by abopplng at 9948. Oakland Motor Salea, 88T for your sewing, also all make room with complete light bouse- of sxcellem tillabls soil. Farm U E itate of Lillian B. Parker, lali- of by a skilled, courteoua instructor. Help Wante^^Femalt 35 94984. working order. From $20 . |80. La- on the first day of October. 8-8800. MI. 8-8711. \ Coventry. In Mid Dlitrict. deceaied. Bailey and Major Howard E. duUqs there. Tour Tam Shop, 80 Cottage St. Oakland St. CaU ML 9-0486. Opm machines repaired. Sichel, MI. keeping facilities available. WUl trfctor equipped and has nsw Upon the appllcstloa of Thomai M. Mr. and Mra Secord left for TOL ML 8-8888. eveninga. License Included. Insured, duel e-9419. Flamme Appliance Co., 18 Oak St. It will be necessary fbr all barn. 87 hsod of dairy cattls. Porter were appointed to repre­ controlled standard and hydrama- rent single of double. Children ac­ TWO-FAMILY House, 7 and 8^ Bobby, praying that ai per applica­ Swampscott, Masa., Sunday, to at­ places of BUStNElSS to file inven­ cepted tlimited). Central. Reason­ Sugar orchard is equipped. This three-car garage, extra tatge lot. tion on (He more fully appeari. it li sent the school board in the dis­ the Home Of Fine Uked Cars 1947 NASH 800, four door sedan. tle cara. ML 9-7898. Dogs-^’-^rds—Pete 41 FRANK’S IS buying and eeUlng tories. TEN PER CENT WiU be ORDERED: That uid application b« tend seaaions of a library con­ WANTED able. Mrs. Dorsey, l4 Arch St. farm situated in Orleans, Ver­ Price $9,500. Small down \pay- heard and determined at tne Probate cussion of insurance coverages, vention. Good condlUon, 8360. CaU. MI. DRAPERIES AND bed dust ruf good uaed furniture and antiques, added to each list not given in and P e m M i s t h e n e w MANCHESTER Pet all except atovea and electric re- mont. Just off Route 5. Fries ment. J 0 . 9-5761. JA. 2-6074. \ Office, in Coventry In Mid dlitrict. on with the ^ard of Education slid Awaiting Word 9-8887. fles made to order. MI. 9-0808. Center, 886 Main S t, invitee you sworn to according to law, on or. ONE OR two furnished rooms (of $23,000. Down $7,000. Ctell MI. the 33rd day of Cictober, A.D. 1964. at Board of Finance. WANTEX) — Ride from vicinity Garages— Service— Storage 10 frigeratora. 420 Lake St, (>pen ■ before said first business day of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, and that diaries C. Sellers and family, Women ‘for part time morning to visit peta of aU kinds. Ckm- to 8. MI. 9-6880. two with light housekeeping fa­ 6-5347. O FF EAST C EN tER , ^ finished, public notice be given of the pendency , To Visit ReUtivea Main and Woodland to Travelera. 1943 FORD V-8, 3 door. $98. 1947 November. culties and bath. Ml. 9-4778. rooms. Full basement. Oil fired* now living in Carlisle, P a , were in Dodga H-ton ptek-up, 8338. 1947 necticut bred Parakeets; MI. ■ aald application and the time and Mrs. Caroline L. Neill, who has Boura 8-4:80 p.m. Ml. 9-2788. 9-4278. Hours Monday through The Board of Assecsors of the furnace. Liberal financing. A ice of hearing thereon, by publiihlng the path of "HaMl." leat of the Ford club coupe, 8376. 1949 Ford GARAGE FOR Rent. Knighton St. Building— Contracting 14 employment Pleasant and in­ BARGAINS In new and used appli­ spent the summer at her local three recent destructive hurri­ Friday, 10 to 8:80, Saturday 0 to ances. Terms and trades. James Town of Bolton, Conn., will meet LARGE, Pleaaant room next to Honoea For Sale 72 real buy at $11,300. Madeline a Xopy of thi* order one- lime In lom * residence in the Gilea^ section, has W A im C D -^ d e to O. Fox A Co., 3-do6r, n good buy at 8886 Oak­ Town. Box M. Herald. bath, private home. Call after 6 per having a circulation in Mid canes of the past few weeks. Sel­ GENERAL CARPENTRY— Altera teresting work. Start earning 8; Wednesday closed at 2 p.m. ~ A. Woods Appliances, 383 Center on the following dates to receive Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642 or t. and by polling a copy thereof left town for a visit with her son \ Hartford, houra 9 to 8, from vicin­ land Motor Salea, 887 Oakland St. A H. Green stamps. tex lists on the assessment of p.m. 17j_Pearl. 91146. on th^publlc lign-poat In the Town of lers, a member of tho faculty of ity of Broad and Woodland Call MI. 8-0488. Open evenUige. tions, additions and new coiuMruc St. MI 9-1918. MANCHESTER and daughter-in-law: Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson College, ia a former lo­ tion. Dormers, porches, garages October 1. 1954. CnvenirV In Mid Dlitrict. at le n t five Stvaeto. MI. 9-1488. Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 immediately. Apply Wednes­ ROOM TO RENT near Center, LOCKWOOD STREET— Ons-balf daya before laki dav of hearing. Robert R. Neill, in Schenectady, cal resident, when he was connect­ and rooms finished at reasonable NEW ZEALAND white rabbits. VERY PRETTry light walnut din­ At Community Hall, Wed. Oct. ELRO STREET—An older 7- ELIZABETH t,ACEK, Clerk, heat and hot water. Gentleman duplex, 4 rooms down plus one N. Y. Mrs. Neill, who is the widow ed with Wesleyan University, JUd W Aim SD RID E by lAUable driver, BICTCLES, new. used, bought and prices. Workmanship guaranteed. Proven does, some with yoqng. ing room set, in excellent condi­ 27. Thurs. Oct. 28. Fri. Oct. 29, court of Probate. of the late Rev. J . 8. Neill, for day morning 10 to 12, room Complete stock for sale. Make tion, |4S. MI. 9-5090. preferred. 37 Foster St. ML 3-8311. fliushed room up. Excellent con­ :t of Coventry. dletown. to Hartford, leaving Woodbridge sold. Repairing and rebuilding. Free estimates. Robert M. Alex Sat. Oct. 30 1 to 7 t*.M. and Mon. room home, full basement, oil heat, many years rector of St. Mary's Free pick up and delivery within ander. Tel. Ml. 97716 reasonable offer. MI. 8-7384. Nov. 1, 2 to 8 P.M. dition. Steam hast with oil burn­ His son, Horace W., is a student and Mather Streeta at 8:18 a.m. DeCOBMIER MOTORS No. 5, 875 Main Street. HOT POINT wringer washing ma­ automatic hot water. Niro lot with er. $8,500. Jam es J . Rohan A Son, DISTRICT O F COVENTRY, aa.. Pro- Episcopal Church, Manchester, lias at Buckley Univeraity, Lewisburg, THE Tel. MI. 9-iosS. two mile radius. Manchester PLEASE NOTE! NOVEMBER Teneinenta 63 bate Court. October 16, 1954. been a, frequent vlaitor at the c a b in e t m a k in g —Wi also do chine, in exceUent condition, .$28. 1 IS THE LAST DAY. Realtors, 817 Hartford Road. Tsl. Eatale of John Willnauer of Coventry, Pa. The family has not as yet Cycle Shop, 168 West Middle Turn GOOD HOME for two kittens. MI. 9-8090. Business Locations one ear garage and ameoite drive. In Mid Disirici, a minor. Douglas Library and has attended MANCHESTER Bandwagon SAYS: “These fine cars are pike. MI. 9-2098 or 9-3S02. all typea of.j:arpentry work, re­ Lists m ust be filed during the MI, 97433. been heard from since the advent Phone MI. 0-1244. Upon the application of T h erru Will­ St. Peter’s Church services. of ’’Hazel." The damage done atartbif to roU. CUmb aboard the cream of the Crojj," modeling, alteratlona, etc. Good WE HAVE a position open for a month of October. CONVENIENTLY located. 5 rooms, Immediate occupancy. Price re­ nauer. praying that ai'per application young woman to act aa saleswom­ ANTIQUES bought, sold. FXirnl- EAST SIDE— Two-famlly brick on file more fully appeari. It ii ■fhe Rev. Mr. Neill is biiried In through ihe above area waa re­ with ytmr neighbors to elect an workmanship, and reaaonablo ture, glass, china, pewter, prints, BoIt-"i Board of AsMSSort" heat and hot water. Adults $110 with five rooms on each floor. OH ratea. EaUmates gladly given, an-bookkeeper. 'This position in- duced to 113,000. ORDERED: That Mid application be the cemetery of St. Peter’s in the ported as severe. RelaUves and outsUndlng candidata to ^ e State Business Services Offered 13 TWO-YEAR old pedigreed Beagle. books, stamps, coins, jewelry, Edaon P. Hetrick, Chatrn^aii' monthly. MI. 9-6954. • hot water heat downstairs, oil heard and determined at the Probate rear df the church, and has often Senate. I&ig the bell for John 1964 FORD 4-DR. SEdI n CaU Dick at PL 34698 or John at voLyes some selling, some book- Call MI. 94082 after 6 p.m. John VanZa-der ^ Office. In Coventry In Mid dlitrict. on friends here hope that the Sellers STONE, BRICK, fireplace and «e Ml. 8-5769. keeplitg and a fundamental knowl- .guns. B&iley's Antiques, 382 'Steam heat upstairs. Two-car ga­ the SSrd. lay of October. A.D. 1964. 'at officiated here at the church family did not-undergo much'if Vote DemocmUc. CreaUine model. PracUcally new. Main S t MI 3-5003. H. Fritz Noten ' TH REE ROOM Apart ih.e n t, rage. Asking 814.800. Elva Tyler. 9:00 o’clock In the forenoon, and that servicea. mem work. .Call MI 9-8481 or Ml ' edge of bookkeeping la necessary. COCKER SPANIEL puppies, red screened porch. Heat, lights and T. J. CROCKETT, Broker any damage. Color solid green, tioaded and then Realtor. MI. 9-4469. public notice be given of Ihe pendenev Mrs. Nelli Is in hope to visit her WANTED—Ride to Hartford, cof some including Fordomatic. Save $-5042. . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, re­ We are an old rellaMe. progres­ and buff. Various ages. A.K.C. hot water. References required. of Mid appllralinn and Ihe ilpxn and Word has been received of the nar Prospect St. and Farmington pairing and remodeling, garages, TAKE A RIDE TO Phone: Office MI-3-5418 place of hearing thereon, hv pubtlihing son. Jam es S. Nelli, Jr., in Cali­ O F a T H E 8700 on thla fine car. Only $400 sive concern and this la a perma­ registered, H. Chase, Harmony ALBERTS IN HARTFORD Write Box K, Herald. WEST s id e :—Caps Cod. 6 rooms, death, in the Amston section, ^ Ave. Houra 9-8. CaU MI, . 9-4083 DOORS OPENED, keys fitted etc. No Job too small. G o ^ work- a copy of thla oyder one llijte In lom * fornia later on. Mra. Sophia Kowalski, wife of down. nent opportunity for the right per­ Hill, Hebron Rd., So. Bolton. MI. SAVE YOURSELF A „ Residence M l-9 7781 2 unfinished. Full basement, fire-. niwiBsper ' having ■ clrciitt ilatlon In Mid aftar 8 p.ih. copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, manahip. A. J . Touinaud, 181 son. We wiU train you. Good start­ 3-6427. Diilribt. and by polling a cop.v thereof Mnsio Inatnictinn John Kowalski,' which . occurred guns, etc., repaired. Shears, COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS Idace, garage, near bus. Priced Lake St. MI. 3-7692. ing salary. Salary and commie:' Business Lbeationa LARGE SIX room home, new Tim­ rig)H. Must be sold in the next on the public »lgn-pnit In the Town of A tentative arrangement ha^ Sunday morning at the Harrington CLASSIFIED S li1 1962 PONTIAC CLUB kmvea, mowers etc., put mto con­ 3 COMPLETE . Coventry In Mid Dlitrict. at leait five been made a t the Elementary sione after training. 40 hour week For Rent 64 ken oil hot water fiirnaro, storm tWb days. E A E Realty, E J. days before Mid Hay of hearing Convalescent Home. Colcheater. AatoBobiles for Sale 4 COUPE dition for coming needs. Braitb- CEHERAL Construction, altera­ with pleasant surroundinga and PURE BREED Cocker Spaniels, 8 ROOMS OF BRAND NEiW For Sale windows, screens, fully inoulated. School which makes it possible for Mrs. Kowalekl was born in Poland. tions, remodeling, plastic tile, FURNITURE Dupree.. MI. 9'-6297. a iff Burdick. THOMAS T;. WELLES, Judge. BEFORE TOD Buy a ______XhceepUonally nice. A one owner walte, 82 Pearl street. Ideal workiiw conditions—all em­ weeks old. MI. 9-7384. plastered Walla, full cellar. Excel- J 0 . 3-4480. Phone any Ume Court of Probate, instruction in music to be con­ Besides her- husband she leaves counter work, garage, etc. No Job ploye’s benefits and vaesdon with MONTHLY PAYMENTS MANCHESTER—Main street store tb' Dlitrict of Coventry. tinued. The accordion teacher, five- daughters, Mrs. John Malafy Sea Gorman Motor Salea. Bulcli car.~ Tu-tone grey. Loaded indudinclud- RUBBISH and ashes removed. Gen too emaU. Eugene GIrardin, 18 $17.63 Salas and Sarvioa. 385 Main tng dual range h;hydrainaUc. Only pay. For Interview caU at Sinter (or rent. MI. 9-5144. ei MANCHESTER — Cosy Cape Cod. erai cleaning of atUcs, ceUan and Trotter St. MI. 9-8504. Sewing Machine Oo,. 833 Main Live Stock— Vehicles . 42 Beautiful Westinghouse Electric BIDW EU’S^ ■It Full roller. Plastered walls, city stra et MltriMU 9-487L Opan eva- 8395 down. y * yards. Coll M and M Rubbish re­ Refrigerator nlnga. v St. between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.hi. WE BUT OOW8, calves and baaf MI. 8-8132, 8-4894. water and sewer. Storm windows, Report Fitzgerald moval. MI. 9-9787. afternoons 3-4:30. Eteautiful Bedroom Suite SODA SHOIPE scroens, Venetian blinds. Lot 61 x 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DR cattle. Also horses. Plela Bros. Beautiful Living Room Suite A Set For Him 1960 CHEVROLET Styleltna da COMPLETE -Re p a i r s by Stuart Roofing—SidtRg 16 Tel. ML 97408. 261'.' Near bus and achool. Good SEDAN s a l e s g i r l for afternoons and Beautiful Dinette Set ANP value, $11,500. H. B. Grady, Brok­ Off Danger List luxa two door, jet Mack finish, R. Wolcott on tvrtnger and auto­ Tops In Separates *53 FORD original 34,000 mUea. Like new. Ju st completely overhauled. A FOR THE BEST qi Bonded b i^ Sundays.'Apply In person. Swiss Beautiful "De Luxe" Range er, Manchester. MI. 3-8009. FOR MAJOR AUTO REPAIRING matic washing mrchinea, vacuum up roofs, Bblngle roofe, gutterh. Pastry Shop, 183 N. Main St. '53 DOOM 1980 Oievrolet Stylellhe, de luxe gleaming black beauty. Only $195 cleaAera, motors, small appli­ PUREBRED Nubian does, $18 Instead of Westinghouse Electric LUNGHIONETTE Retired Police Sgt. Michael Vietoria. conductora and loct repaln ------a ----- L.B— ^ - a - club coupe. Immaculate indde ances. Welding. 180 Main Street call each. WillimanUc. HA. 3A416. Refrigerator If 'You Prefer Fitzgerald la off the danger list, lauaaeolate. oae- down. Coughlin, MttcbeU B-Ttm. 'WANTED—Girl for general lann- Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum 527 MAIN ST. b ' T W and out in wonderful condlUon. Phone 10 94m . dfy work. Steady job. Good pay. Lots For Sale 73 Mra. Fitzgerald re'ported this oeraer car. Light and-a F ^ Other Articles ■■ '\ morning. Stricken suddenly F ri­ Blue finish. 1949 CSMvrolet four 1949 CHEVROLET CONV. ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. Apply New System Laundry, 44 Diaeai hoiX' dark UONDEH’S T.V. Service, available Wanted—4*et»— EVERYTHING SEVERAL-CHOICE buildiitg lots, day, Oct. 8, the day before he w m deior. Jet black finish in nice con- Alterations and addlUons. Cell- /Harrison St. high elevaUon, all improvements, PAY AS YOU DRIVE gteea tap. wUte V d diUon throughout. Douglaa Motors. CLUB ^ U P E any time. Antenna converalons. tnga Workmanship guaranteed. Poultry and Supplies 43 ONLY $488.26 / Inquire Okarles W. Lathrop to have been honored at a- testi­ wall tlrea, radic, esMtae^ 88SMain. i^hUco factory aupervlsed service. Free, atorage until wanted. Free "A " and "AA’’. sone. 8. A. Beech- monial dinner, he was rushed to Absolutely Immaculate in and A. A. Dion. Inc.,' 3W Autumn PART TIME women, 833 per week, Agcacy, lac. . ler. Agent. Phone MI; 3-6989. ilSE o u s EASY beater. Tel. Ml. 91444. profit qharingxWork hbure of own FOR SALE, fresh klUed broUen, delivery. Free set up by our own Hartford Hospital, where he Is 1949 MERCURT club coupe, raxlio, out. Custom. red leather Interior. street MItch*U V4840. too East Center fit. Loaded with equipment Only $198 Choice. For interview apply in fryen and roasten. Mn. RoberU, ,reliable mle St. Manchester Night-calls. Guaranteed service. PIANO MOVING — refrigeraton, By Order of tko Court'vf Cansmoa Ploaa built, six room home, 6 years old. ■FuUy equipped. Excellent MI. 9-2380. also Ught thipklng, any Ume. LOAM, FIneat quality, prompt de- October , a t P. M. Steadaid Time fireplace, ceramic Ule bath plus '50 (}ulck reliable, efficient service. Uvary. Aak about our quanUty 21 1984 .2 traneportaUon. PIONEER PARACHtrrE A eertain piece or parcel of .laad with the bnlMlags thcreen. lavatory, oil hot water heat, ex­ • 4 f \ ANTIQUES Retlnlabed. Repairing MI. 9-9329, 98074. pricea. Ttl. Ml. 99401, or WUli- 2370 cellent condition, two-car garage.: 1981 Studebaker Champion 3-Doer dope oo any furniture. mantle HA. 8-0493. oonaisflag of a alngln dwelling of six (9) rooms with gnmge, Pick up your knitting needles PACKARD 1947 MERCURT club coupe Lus­ Tteman, COMPANY sltnnted on the Easterly side of Brewster Street In the 'Awn of. High elevaUon. bus line, subur-! CHRYSLER Sedan^Economical, excellent trous Glbde green finish. Nearly 189 South Main S t Phone MI. MANCHEISTEH — Package DeUv- and start now to make this aet ban. Reasonably priced. Carlton 1950 6-4ioor aedaiu meohanlcaUy. ExcepUonal ex­ 8-8648. ery. Local Ugnt truckmg and FOLOINO, De luxe CoUier a tr^ er. Coventry, Coonty of Tolinnd, and Mlate of ConnecUent for "your man”. The socks and 8170 new white wall Ures, Fully equip­ Mi4 AH follows! 1928 W. Hutchins. J 0 . 95132, 9-4S94. ' WladMtr-^grat bhM> with whita terior appearance. ped. This car has had excellenf package delivery. Refrigeraton. ExcaUent condlUon, $13. MI. front -of' sweater are a pretty HARD,TOP CONVERtllLr^ CLEAN — AU EQUIPPED Forest Street 91908. Begfamlag at a point Two Hundred (999) feet from sertea; two-taae eras Urea aad 1980 Chevrolet De Luxe 4-Door cars to former, local o a ^ r , with BULLDOZEH AND Loader work. -waahen and stove moving a natural, browm and green argyte So sm art and young—so won­ COLUMBIA LAKE; Extra fine gray. 6-ftoar UKraaaate Landscaping and grading. Reaaon- apecialty. ML . ^ and n M ^ Anson F . 'nMrp. away. Make an:*offer. > 0. 97089. Hnndrrd ( ) feet mora’ or leoai 11*13; matarinl requlraaronta; 12,. 16, 18. 16. 20. Bise 12. skirt 1847 CHEVROLET Four door tu- Inquire 99 (3iaatnut St. 199 diagram of design and stitch mus- apd Real EMate, Columbia Conn. tone paint: Very, very clean. Must Phone MlUEeU 96788. SOUTH by land now or formerly o f Cbnrieb Snnfofd Bl own t 1-6 yards' 56-inch; weakit, 2 Tel.' l^lIimanUc HA. 99S06. ICaaor Otbara To Oboiaas From PaintiiMp—Papering 21 men like you. Oiily sober, trntkma. yards. - , , •ppredatedi See AIX KINDS of antenna work. CaU and Etaelyn Brown, Tw# Ifun^bd (2M) Ibot, leoa; Send 25c in colas, your pama. Fort his pattern, send SOc In A A’' i A/k k OiMgat Tbmia' Bank Ratas Bob Oliver, O n ter Motor Sales, Art Plnney, TV Antenna Special- EUCTERIOR .AND Interior reliable men interested in ONE DOG HOUSE, two large win- .Euldresa and the pattern nunffier 481 Main St. and paperhanging and ceUing jfcwa. MI. 92921? WEST by Brewster Strent; One Hnadred (199) foot mom or coins, your* name, addraaa. siaa WsRtgi-r-Besl E8Ufe 77 “ t, Sales and Service. Venr fair to ANNE CABOT, THE MAN­ dedred. aiid the pattern number OLMMOBILC m o t o r s a l e s prices. Tet ML 8-4772. work. Reaaonabla prices. CaU be­ ^ a per^nent job will 1^ MAMCMCSTta aaui FORD De hixis convertible. MATCHING EDISON crib, ward- CHESTER EVENING HERALD, to SUE BCBNETT. TIB MAN- READY BUYERS waiUiH. For Im- tween 8 a.; m. u d 12 a ; m. ML TO EE SOLO ON THE PEEMISES Afi A WHOLE TO THE meffinto netton list your MI-9-0483 New tires and top. Good engine, 90689. robe and high chair. Alao oar- RIQHESr BIDOEB 1188 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW c h e Mt e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . WnUNQ mSTALLA’nON and re­ considered. Contact ' . Tdffiffi $8, N.Y. With the Al.b^ J. Gatto peebnsned and primed. $175. Call pair of amaU electric appUancee riaga. Good condition. > 0 9 1994. TERMS—19% eaob or oertllled ehoek nag teo US# AVE. AMERICAS. NEW “*^ ***P '8 . 7 :80. 81 Adams St. • T -t p.ni. The cidorful 19M Needlework- TO RE 18. N. Y. tors. CM. •'venlno TO. -’4‘BRU N N EIk'ft HA and flxturea^CSarence O. Smith, PAINTING—Ehcterlor and Interior, C. F . CHARBbNNEAU, Jr. pmvnl or tho ante by the Conrt. 90168. JA . a Knooi St. Pbane Ml. 8-8428. paperfaanging. ceOUiga refinMnd. te tko n^iavat of tfte Conrt of Album imataina 58 pages of lovely Basic Faahloo, fall and winter c h b Vroi ~ MI-948S2 F U Q t r o in e . dSaigifs. "hew-to" aectiona On 'WaUpiper bosks on request BeU- For terPier Infermatten cnD i. 59 conUins a wealth of Sewing tF READY to toy —ii P A £ f(A fi0 TAICCTTV/U£ PURNITURE Rtohir * Service: mates glvOn. FUUy Ineared.'^GeU weetflework, -helpful pOom lUuatra- ideas for every woman who eewe ___ ijn_ i aatate. . mOftEERESm o etn iaa a t r a i v ^ TEl.MI.}-J | 91 Tek^oDd 10-94^ R. Price.. MI. ■tern )fblimQM^r^$3^90817. Complete repelring, .•eflniiAing, WAMfiri> — ''W ariM ded ...... ’ AnOKNIY I. GEOKGE GOKSKY tlona and directions, for eight gift for herself nnd her family. S e a t '^onouft Howard Hastings, ^ ' on aU t y M c t furniture. and eothMer m a ^ F tv e day week. pntfaraik 2ft cents. 29 centa a ouMor jrour copy. Agency, Ml. 9U8T. H i w f e CKrn^R 8t.> CQ^ HAinVOBD/l^OE Wi ------Ooadx, Prop. Formerly «e WatktaW Brae. T u Tx l 97449; V f *T^r V r* HI >i)ii»i t'ii'i<>»3 ., ,'. ' z-^ ■ • ■ ■'' -'' ^ ' ■ • ■ •• ■ ' '• V ■ -» '•'' .. N - . ]' . ■' :*^ '. ■' ‘. 'v. * r-> ’ *r ■* ., ‘ \ ■r .-. \ ■'N, — 'v; B ; X ' . . . : . -■. i ¥ X V A G S ^ in ^ X N ^fO lSD A Y , OCTOBER 19. 19B4 jfiknr^pjst^r ,.''V; ATorsfo D»Uy Ne( Press Rub UtraUk rar tha Waak.Eadad O et Id, IBM H r a f T « t l M r Delta Chapter No. Sl.^^yal HV.B. W r n tim . I Arch Masons, wlU hold a business to use th an hour, la aallM. Cavi- \ iAboulToWn tron. Its application to flantiatry Partly eliudy. meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 iStavens-Cartdlin Wedding Dentists Hea^ followa growihir .JnduatriaJ Uae 11,475 in the Masonic Temple. The busi­ alghfl. Law -Btar < L__j IFWini ’. Circle will hold iU ness-meeting will be followed by the cutting principle. Includini: the^ Mamhar of tha Audit _____tomorrow Bight O ct«tar the usual refreshments and social Teacher Speak shaping pf fins in the tough metal Ihiriiau af Clrcnlatlaa gawemlly fair, littta •t t o’clo^ et the home of MTe. hour. used in Jet turbine engines to ra- SMenor SUrrett, M Femdale Dr. sist tha tremendous heat. Manche$Ur^A City pf VMage Charm Ail membera ere requested to come John Kleperis, 37 :aln St., a Dr. Omen Demonstrates Patients who have had teaUt In HeUoween costumes. Following third-year student ... electrical prepared with the method say It ia' YOt. LXXIY, NO. 17 the bu^neea meeting refreshments palnleks. There is no friction best ••/PilCa.M ) ■ by Mrs. Alice fios ^gineerlng at the Univereity of New Drilling Method MANCHESp;R, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1954 (TWENI^MEIGHT PAGI^ QI TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE will be agreed Connecticut, has been elected ad­ such as generated by the tradi­ vUle end Mrs. MergareU McMUl- jutant recorder of the Arnold Air To State Dental Assn. tional drill, or the discomforting ten. -T Society at the university. The bone-conducted noise. No metal society is made up of advanced Dr. Irwin Resnick, Dr. Raymond tquehea the teeth. Jamea A. Warren, eon of Mr. and students In the Air Force ROTC Mosser and Dr, Edwin Lojeaki Will : Method Now limited * • Mrs, R4dupqd by Gov. Lpdgo who said the will meet a t the pbet home tonight Hartford,lT«ao4#ra«*sl Oct. OA20 —Presi­ sssasasaAwiU,countiy was "biassed with_la*. having,__ a t ^ o'clock. The Bpard of Gover­ This sets up ultrasonic sound waves (waves pitched too high for dent Eisenhower wished Gov. this man as President.” phis deloili os nors will meet after Ihe regular Elactric The President, who had Just ar­ X ^ By MAR\1N L. ARRQWSMITH CASH ■ONUI AWARPt. poet pleating. \ the human ear to detect) which John Lodge a happy nirth- .___ \ act aa Uny trip hammers, raining rived at the Park from Trinity Ha|iford, Oct. 20 (IPH-President Eisenhower sAid today HALE'S day and gave him a Presi­ College where he received an hon­ the .world has arrived at a point where theire ia no longer an The Keeney Street School ^ A blows into a special liquid placed $29 AOowince For Your over the area to be cut away. The Maakat dential pat on the back in his orary degree, appealed relaxed alfemative of victory or defeat in war, but only '‘degree of will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Headtiuatitrs and cheerful when he stepp^ to OM Vacuum GeaiAr the school. The film, "The Littlest special liquid contains microscopic bid for reel4ction today at destruction.” . particles which, when bombarded FOR AfAw A u-m m \- the governor's mammoth, the ^public address system micro­ Angel,” will be Shown. by the sound waves, rapidly wear le w m a phones. “After that Introduction,^ Speaking informally, to a police-estimated crowd of 7,500 outdoor birthday party at he SsUd, "my natural question is. rsons at Trinity College convocation ceremonies, the ^resi- down the tooth structure in the JulL . .P a . . « .m m Mystic, Review WBA ' members shape of the head transmitting the Bushnell Park. Well, who*, birthday is this any­ APPUAUrCE DEPT. S'aliot PboUx w ay?" . SHit called on the youth of America to take the lead in ere urged to attend the District waves. The head can be shaped as \ "I came up here to tell you what ifKping a sense of spiritaal values. OAK ST. E^CTRANCE . rally and program this avening in ^MRS. ROBERT CARL STAVENS desired. ■ a great governor you have,” the He was grreted w'srmly by the Odd Fellowa hall, whether or npt The electronic apparatus, which - President told the crowd, esti­ crowd and received another burst He called such values the real salvation from “the threat they are planning to be present White camatioiia^and palmstpink strapiees cryatalctte dress K is said any denttst^could learn mated a t 60,000, which had as­ of applause when he said: ”I 0 1 destruction.” at the supper. Mrs. Grace Best formed the setting it the South I with a stole of the same material sembled in the park across from thought I came Up here to tell you Eiaenhnu'er received an honorary itwlMUIAUea of Hartford state field director, Methodist Church Sktur^ay after- “.^K®**®** to the dress and with the Statler Hotel. a little bit of what a great gover­ doctor of lawe degree at cere- ^ and officers and members from monies (narking the colleger 132nd noon at 2 o'clock for th e^d ln g mother of • ^y-*o-waah, fkmoraua Then, looking over the crowd, nor you have.” ^isenhower Text other reviewa are- expected. I he said that this outpouring of Then he added, "I;neyer, I think, year. Ha flew here from Washing­ of Miss Joyce Anne C sn ^ in . StinahiBa YaBow. PuDy said happy birthday Vo anyone in ton this morning and was going on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ^ h m “ hM^^ Connecticut residents "means that Page 16 a. Hallihan. 32 Highland St. and motners wore orchid cor- in the estimation of all these peo­ front of such a big Crowd, and I to New York for two major RUMMAGE ot this qmetaoolar low prioal FUa mngh or doubla bad! ple he, aa'the first ciUxen of your can't sing happy birthday, ao I Spseches—one tonight, the other llrtM^edietely following the cere- state, does a worthy Job In your have to stick to the words." tomorrow night. Susanna Stavens and the l^e nlony & reception for 125 guests OPEN TONIGHT UHDL 9:00 aarvlce. He also paid ths governor a Fomis Atteatioa on GOP Street. Thejv^ held in the church parlors SALE President Eisenhower, speaking compliment on his youthful ap­ Hie address here and the two in candlelight ceremony w m per-j wltK. white carnations used as the pearance, saying he was "aston­ New York were billed as non- Scelba Wins More Dollar Bargains fomed by the Rev. Dr. Fred R. j cent^ieces fdr the tables. KVfrUyVfwfOf*. IN 8U E P ITEMS FROM A ta I-Z-Z-S *off the cuff in a ceremony that AT THE \ , . THURSDAY. OCTs 21 lasted Just under half an hour, said ished that Gov. Lodge la 51. Ha politlcsl by,the White House, but' Wgar. “ ‘nl^er of the Church.' When leaving on a wedding trip ' 'TA.M. Wodian and AI the governor had been given some­ looks to me, 41.” coming in the midst of the eon-' Backing for Phllp N. Treggor, minister of, to Bermuda by plane the bride, SL€EP thing more valuable on this, his In his introductory remarks. gressional campaign as they doi music at the church, was organist l wore a beige suit with'brdwn cob- St. Mory'o Porioli Nous* Othar AppKdHCM fllst birthday, “than gold or silver Gov, Lodge said he waf "deeply they gave the President—as Vice' BRIDGWAY MlUS and accompanied the soloist, Har-, ra shoes and bag, brown hat and Locust Street Entrance or anything material.” touched” by the turnout and added, President Nixon recently eaid---an " Trieste Move old Baglin, whose numbers were gloves, and squiirel stole. Upon Anspleeis S t Mary’s CENTER "I can live a long time and neVar opportunity to focus atteation on ■Because,” "I Love You Truly,” their return on Nov. 1 the young “The affection that inspired this hava another birthday like this BOYS' and GIRLS' WomeaCs AnxIUacy -riM JW JUUea gathering I venture to say, Is the the Republican administration in and "The Lord's Prayer.” couple will reside on Lake Street. S39 MAIN n . PHONE MI.9. 433S one." tha campaign horns stretch. Roma, OcL 20 (F) A brnwliag A graduate of Manchester High most valuable commodity—unseen Lt. Gov. Edward N. Allen, who Given in marriage by her father, as It Is, it is bound to be felt by Bieenhower got a roaring wel­ Caiambar of Deputies gave Pram- the bride wore a gown of candle­ School in the claiss o t 1950, the served as toastmaster, presented come from crowds which linad the SLIPPER S ^ light satin, made with boat bride is employed as-,a payroll him today and in the future.” ier Mario Scalba a 295-265 vote ef a President Elsenhower was Intro- alrast in the neighborhood of the SHaesSH t a i l , UVi to S neckline panelled in re-embrolder- clerk at Pratt and Whitney Air­ (Co*tiniie4 ea Page Twa) college, and from those along tha confldenca today on Italy's agraa- ed alencon lace and graced with craft Corp., Airport D«^>t. 'The route from the airport. ineat with Tugoelavla for tha dl- a sweeping cathedral train. Her bridegroom is a graduate of Rock­ Th* citation which accompanied vUlon of Oia Triaata torHtary. MEN'S ville High School in the class of veil of imported illusion was at­ the honorary doctor of laws de­ Fights batwaan Communists and tached to the crown of seed- jtearla 1944, served with the U.8. Army gree he received praised the Presi­ in Europe and is now in partner­ Scribe’s coalition govsmmont aup- and net. She carried a Btble^lth dent in this way: poriers broke 'up tha aaaaion twlea a white orchid maj^epfind stream­ ship with his brother as sin ar­ Briton Reports Gain "This supreme commander, who WORK. tesian well 'contractor. and It was t^arly dawn before the ers of stephanotls'^lkitached to it. In the hedgerows of Normandy vote was taken. Six deputies and Miss Patricia tkindlln, 32 High­ The bride's gift to the bride­ wielded the mighty thundecbolt of groom was lug^ags mn( his to flva ushers wtira injured in the RUBBERS j [ land fit-, ^'as maid of honor for Zeus and now like a light-giving fighting. Stzee • to. 18 her 8ls(ei\ aiie wore a floor-length her, a honey-dyed squirrel clutch Prometheus is giving 'atoms for stole. The maid of honor received In Arms Slash Plan ■ Jted IssM Starta Bsmwl cotillion, bh)e net gown with taf- P*kc*’ 1® make American memor­ The fiaUcuffa s ta rte d when Values to $4.88 fetta Jacket and headpiece of blue a cigarette lighter end the flower able in the promotion df the good girl a pearl and gold necklace and Christian Democrat . Depoty X net with a band of flowers. She life, has accomplished achieve­ Giuaappa Tognl accused the Com- SPECIAL BARGAIN TABLE carried an arm'bpuquet of red bracelet aet. The best man re­ United Nations, N. Y.,rconfidence is to acrept a disarma- ments which have a home in tha B O W AND OntLS* NATIONAIXY ADVERTISED ceive! a wallet and key case, the Oct. 20 (/P)—British Delegate —ment ‘ ------treaty which" ...... ' limits aov- munlsU of "serving another na- roaea. arelgnty. tnindi of men; they stir us to fix Uon other than Italy,” and ef hav- The .flower girl. Mias Penelope ushers, w-aileU and the. ring Sfliwyn Lloyd' said t^ a y our eyes on’ the greatness of SIsea bearep, a wnist watch, Munro said his country could America, caiuing us to remember la g among thair number “a h»t i t Hallihan, lister of the bride, was progress has been made to­ not accept a disarmament system former Faecist spies." Tha Cbm- 18 to 8 attired in s yellow net floor4ength that it was won by men with cour­ ward establishing a world­ whlcfi is subject to a veto.- He age, with the knowledge Ot Iheir m u^t members charged from SHOES gown. She wore a band of mixed urged that tha problem be. sent Herald Photo. thrir banchas aad grappled with $1.09 flowers -for a headpiece and car­ / • wide disarmament program, Isvevt lyeaMeat Elsenhotrer witi) the I the right. In the foregrouad Is Hm temous Owea M‘J ^ i “Mime duty* and with a sense of honor in urters in an oCfbr to reach T o |^ ried a mixed bouquet. When You Buy Your MEW but agreement still must be back to a disarmament Subcom­ J. **?5*" ^ l^ kenorary deipaa he received this moralag. the goldea eeremoalal lastrumeat, was carried at the head af action. Richard Stavens. Beeixebub SEE mittee for further study and ex­ Dr. AMart C. Jaceha, frialty prealdeat. stands rofied aad smillag at | the academic proceaaloa U the c w m o a L l^ tfa r^ , Chamber Prerident Giovanni Clarenca H. Anderson lor reached on essential points. pressed hope that by next year Such an Athenian has coma into Gronchi suapandad tba aasaton Road, South Windsor, was i>e8t Lloyd, who leaves' later today our midst to inspira.us so that we for 40 minutes. man for his brother. Ushers w-ere the people can achieve their desire fbr London to taka up a new post of peace with security. may rear every mbiiumenta of Arthur Mayo of Windsor Locks, LOANS aa Minister of Supply, told the virtue and freedom, and thus make Tosumad his spaacb whan brother In la.w of the bridegroom, on second mortgagee and auto­ In the debates yssterdsy, U. S. Gas Fumes Kill the ^ m b er was called back but mobiles. Also Insnranee. U. N. Assembly’s Political Com- 10 Puerto Rico our country an education for the and Emil G. Stavens I-ake Street, Delegate James Wadswoilh took West Opens Talks world.” the leftlsU and Christian Damo- 188 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST TEL. MI-9-6404 mittea that east and west have a sceptical apprpach when he said brother of the bridegroom. Master CONNECTICUT VALLEY achieved something together and Eight Elderly Won Hlgheet Reepeet craU clashed immadUtely la a fist Michael John Stavens. Lake that Americans ”suii]pact,the So­ Reds Held for fight in front' of the speaker's ,x OPEN DAILY 9 A- M .> 9 P. M. — FREE PARKING Realty and Investment Co. kELVINATOR . hava put themselves in position to viet Union of planning world The Preeident was preeentad to r Street, nephew of the bridegroom, stand. Gronchi suspaadad 74 East Center Street discuss the problem. conqueet behind their facade of his degree es "our ’Ike’ who has was ring bearer. .i— Tci. MI-t-4568 Men in Detroit Ion -again and daputlas with . The mother of the bride chose a CItea Soviet Shlfta disarmament statements.” Qn Bonn Freedom Plotting on UoS. won Jhe highest respect for his "* nosea and haada wato Ha aisld. the Russians have tried Sohrtiaa .Appears Near \ ' V ' ■ huinflity, friendly sincerity, and aid. ELECTRIC R A I ia i to meet Western views in certain \ ■ ■ , Integrity: our love for his toler- Viahihsky was reported, to have Detroit, Oct, 20 (F)—Deadly car­ San Juan, Puerto Rico, O ct 30 «Portadly tarist- ways. He said tha Russians no handed to Western delegates last bon monoxide gas fumes, seeping Paris, \O c t. 20 (IP)—Thewquarter# of the North Atlantic , fince, human understanding and mg on completion of the debate longer insist on a bah on 'atomic (F)—FBI agents arrested nine falrivuM in handling every prob- night ths Soviet answer to ques­ from a faulty chimney, last night threerep WehtornWpktarn nrtu-prepowers sataaf '17-eaty. Organization. •W tha of confldenca *nf it and hydrogen bomba before any­ tions about-Joining a Western res­ Dulles, arriving earlier by plane Puerto Rican Conununist \p m i n tatM u OronriU raeon- thing eiea is dona on disarmament killed eight occupanta of a multl- down todayw ith the leader In his off-the-cuff address here olution calling for the S-poWer from Washington fbr a serie* of today in a pre-dawn sweep vl^ad vened tha Omdiw and also have accepted the princi­ atory rooming house on the edge of the Bonn Republic to meetings expected to enlist a re­ Eisenhower declared: * lubcommittee. Informed sourcea as. a crippling blow at Communist hour deUy. Thb. saaeioB r ^ ple of disarmament by stages. said that tha -problem appearad of Detroit's downtown district. transform West Germany armed West Germany both- aa a •Tline Uras when there could be malned moisy but tbrbaUot Ym sir, we will psy the ca* The general debate in the Po­ near solution, but that It had not from a former enemy into an member of a revived Brussels party apparatus on this island. An­ disputee among hatlons and each was taken. IWednesda]^ Only! litical Committea went Into its Nine other roomers were rushed treaty and NATO, called upon Al­ other Puerto Ri,pan Rei* leaderw as could mobilize for itself an army tire coat of inatjaiation yet been definitely settled. to downtown receiving hoepitals The vote of confldenM approved final stages. Seventeen more del­ equal and nearly sovereign lied leaders to transform "Ihe seized -simultaneously in New or n fighting force which It could whflB yon buy ftmr new Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister for emergency treatment. Th*ir nation. • • York. tha agreement reached on the LOIN GENUINE egates remain to be heard from Andrei Y, Vishlnaky has held the hopes of London" Into "the real­ sand out, and having met th.e other hltteriy dUputed area batwaan before the committee will decide condition was aaid to be "tem­ A historic session to end the ities of Paris." The nli)e leaders were arraigned fighting force upon the fliM of Kcivfnator Electric Ranfa recent spotlight in the debate with porarily seriouB.” .X ■ quickly b^ore Federal CatnmU- Italy and. Yugoslavia at tha head whether to caU for a naw com- speeches which th a . Soviet bloc AUied occupation'of West Germany In a brief statement at ' Orly battle,- a decieion wae reached, aad of tha Adriatic Saa. Tha agraa- at LaFtamRi^'s;, H ere!a im tttea of five powers to take up ■One of the 'vlcUina-svaa'identi­ and put -German \mahpower, into sioner paftion Julia on charges of tha natione and their political termed' conciliatory. fied as Mufoc Emine. 75, of De­ Airfield, the. Secretary cited the violating tlCe Smith Act by advo­ \ lonfcr say ntoi. tfi pat. ap. Ccret negotiations- on . disarms' The disarmament debate Western Defense began ,4h the agencies and Institutions obeyed LAMB ment. troit. Hospital attendanta sold Palais da Chaillot. ' . cating and teaching' overthrow of that decision, and presumably the (Ceatfanad an Paga Tan) (Contlaiird on Page Elghteea) with «M fsahien^ coek^ sumed in the wake of a doubleAet most of the viettma were clad only U. fi. Secretary John Farter Dul­ the United SU U s Goyemment in srlnni Before Uoyd spoke, Leslie Knox back for dogged Russians attempts In night clothes making positive wlpner derived eome advantage BHllioda. Come ia and orifer Munra of New Zealand said that ler. British Foreign Secretary Sir Puerto Rico iw fqrce and vlolance. frqm the contest. to air aggression charges against identification difficult. Anthony Eden and French Pre­ Bond for elych V the nine ar­ \s vtT Soviet Delegate Andrei Y. Vishtn- tha United’ Statee. After hMgllng Police said .34 persons occupied rested here w as' ( b ^ at 825,000. ‘'Those dsye have gradually left year, oew KririMt^ today. ■ky had statad there must be con­ mier-Foreign Minister Pierre Uen- us. Profeaaional armies, profes­ for nearly three hours. Uim U.N. the three story rooming house. des-France met West Gamany's None filed any plea upon arraign­ K ' X . Iliis offer expiirto Nor. ifU fidence In working out disarma­ Steering Committee voted 13-3 last Quick action by Joseph Filjackow- ment, and the commi^oner or­ sional navies, have given way to BiiUetms ment. Munro said the best way Chancellor-Foreign Minister Kon­ News Tidbits the nation in arins: a.nd now^ we aki, 58, owner of the building, was rad Adenauer to take this step. dered a hearing . Nov\ 9 ^ show froBi tht AP WIrta “Leit” Rivard for tha Soviet to show signs (CaatlaMd aa Page Elghteaa) credited with saving additional Called from AP Wires probable cause. Atty. Santo^m a- ihave' had in these modem days, :X Uvea. Mendea piref Id Arrive deb, repreiienting the CdnununisU Bctriice given to ’iu wespona that Model ER-92 |4 Filjackowski told police he dis- Mendea^Prance was the first to mean not only is tha whole naU«v- arrive, 10 minutes early. He. was leaders, told reporters he would ' w«ar. BONN a o r k R Most of Us hare a healthy respect for I88,006 ONLY i.... .cov'ered the gas. fumes shortly be­ Social research is launched by seek their release later this weak in arms, but the whole nation ^ Paris. Oct. St iRWTha atg •\ fore. midnight whan he ■ returned followad by Adenauer, Eden, and constantly exposed to the threat DuUaa. . ) tobacco Industry's Sclenllflc Ad­ bn ground that the Smith' Act is Throe wcatara pewvra aad the from a church servic^>He said he not applicable. in Puerto Rico in Of daetriKtlon." To many, of us it represents eur home, our car and our per- Indicts Petersen Eden smUed brightly as report­ visory, Board in .effort to ptn down R ^ Repuhlle agreed tedny ea found one of the victlmsljtngln a ♦•baeco’o e*'act effect on human view of It* ’present status as 'a The President then went on to bathroom on the third floor. Tfren ers and photographers shouted commonwealth. say: •oapa te traaefaini Went flee- aonat possessions; it exceeds our income over a five year PRICE INCLUDES Hello,, sir.” The greeting was a life .. Trade group says health In­ •SAmr ftmn an eeenpled ax- he said he started banging on surance business "is making every In-Washington. FBI Director J. "We have arrived at that point period and Is^ighei^ than our current bank balance. Tet. do doors to arouse sleeping roomeis. e to the- -knighthood be Edgar Hoover said 'the arreets my friends, when *yar does not eaamv aattea la a foR gedged . • Delitcry " t IiwtaBation ‘ On Defense Data Leaks receivM'iilIx>ndon Juat before his effort to have advertising conform nearly eeveteiga aa- you k n o w 'i h a ^ *25.000 a\vard in a liability suit U not too 'Two Detroit Fire Dept arson departure. to highest' standards” and will co­ would Cripple the party apparatus prevent a possibility of victory or tten. < in Pwrto Rico, adding that the defeat. War would prcasint to us unlikely these da^-^Unless you have the protecUon of COM­ squads answered an lUarm turned The meetingplace in the operate with state and U.3. offl- • 1 year f ^ ^ n r l e e fiiut In by residents of another home. ciala toward that end. group, not directly cbimecrrit with only the alternative In dagrea of LEAN TRIMMED Joaaph 8. Patarseh, Jr, was in- pSlace which rervSg»,4 he head- the Communist party in the BOSTON SHERIFF tNOICTKO PREHENSIVE p e r s o n a l LtABlLlTY insurance, you ara removal of year oH rsaga. sen was aiTasted Oct 8, In addition, police scout ears and. ------ilii. Chechoslovakia W ees to accept destruction. There could be ao dictad today on three charges of Official confinnation late yester­ Iftiited States, haa agitated along truly successful outcoms.” Boatoa, Oct 96 Shi'itR flirting with a poasible financWl loss every day—in fact every unlaa-fully handling gevernment ambulances converged on the Iona of U.aC wheat as its Prederiek R. SnHIvaa af Saffelk day foliowtd discloaure by a non- ficene.. of American .aid to victims ' a - minute. ' ' Other Modab From defense secrets. H* promptly (Coatlamg aa Page Elghteea) CMBsty was ladtclad teday an a plMded .’’not guilty.” govemment aourca that the Neth­ Firemen conducted a- room-by- 700 at Underwood immer's E h m ^ an floods (O M dtaw davl^ Ntaotoan) eharge at afghgeare hi rannre SMOKED SHOULDERS $169.10 (atate tax extra) erlands ifithe nation which figures room search for victims wd sur­ ..ro rm er'!^ ctm ier Urho Kekkon- ' One charge is t^ t Petersen, 40. tion wttk tke Aug. 38 rerape af 1716 premium for this broad prOUcUbn is stilt only: long a trusted ampicya of the In the chargdTHigmnst Ihs long­ vivors. They admUistered oxygen Set Nov. 5 Walkout en accepts reqBhst^rom President Elmer ''Trigger'* Burke fraas tha time employe of tbe-huah-hush Na­ on the spot to several who had Juho Paasikivi to fo?hv-new Finn­ couaty Jait Buper aecret National Security tional Security A genc^ ^ been overcome by the fumes. Most ish government. BombshfII tr Dili? Agency,' used classified informa­ of the__ building occupants were C MODEL ER-tS—Today's most advanced time-savinr ftaturea ara tion in a manner prejudicial to this ™Official statements____ .. in WaSMng- Bridgeport, Oct; 20 F)—Nearly Daring Texan attempts unsurc.„ TV SEE.V lOENTAL POISON , $10,000 tw and Th* Hague aaid tha Nath.: '00 Underwood Corn, employes fully to weal* M-hirh rabies lead Washlagtaa. Oct- M iF ) Mra. .offered in this de luxe model e Large 3-element oven; "AutomaUe 'tOsfithHi^ aa Pnga TWeaty-two) have aet midnight Nov. 5 aa a . Cook” control • Exclusive Picto-Heat controls a Qulck-haating 7-haat ihg to top of Delaware River Clara Lagan af Lea Aagalna strike deadline at a union meeting Bridge in Philadelphia . „ . U.S. York Politicians Weigh piualdrat af tha Natlsaal Aaw, •eurface unlU and super-fast Rorket Unit a ThermoaUUcaUv con- ' Tha Indictment did- not mention { DUtri^ Judg**!iubarrp^*iSi after voting unanimously to.ba^ trolled Wanner comparment a fl auart Scotch Kettle with 7-haat Dept, of Justice charges It Amer­ far Better Badle aad Tsisvirisa, $25,000 the Nethertands. which has ac- j»,terday^t timl a “no conteget, no work” 'ulti­ ican concerns and t Swiss orgtn- t*M a Senate iiitriannlttie ta. • ■ ■ -I . up-down unit a Mlnute-Hmer a Fufi width'storage drawer a Screw- l^ e ii AtaRe,jKnight matum. isaUoos with vtolaUoaa af iMmrnuui type leveling legs a Magnificent hfgh-back|^rd styling *"*“""*■ •“>i^»'ce.m« jX Ives Shocker on Harrimah day that tilrvialra crinm shewn Ws win welcome the opportunity to tell,ybu more about the fiV*” *”* a ^ I>onJpiMui,‘ Ga AlGXcadrU drv The meeting was~chlled yeatar- Anti-trust Act id . JeweJed . vetch are serilag ap **msatal paiMn’' The. Dutch government sa^ it cleaner, asked for a ^ ^ T ^ tS By British. Qiieeii day by. officers of Local 267, JUK- trade. ’ . ' to yeung. Amsrim broad coverage this policy affi assumed Petersen had authority to CIO, "to bring employes up to date Qmatruction foreman’s effort, to , *** Ives la a radio and talevisioa give out the Information. In a con- Judge'a instructions. ‘Tha court re­ j . . Irviag M. Ivaa, RapubUcaa candl- ^ speech last aight. ■ ' porter read tha Instructions to the on''Contract negotiations.” The shield his ex-wlft in drunken driv­ Ifitd PUPILS FERE BOan .j^tiation of 'the cloae tooperatipn. Juran this morning. London, O ct 30 (FJ—Queen union and. company are negoUat- ing cases cotis him lA-j-eap per­ data for govamor, aaya a ahlppiag RapubUcaa and Democratic lead- l^raa. Maas^ Oct 26 (jft-. 'W ring World War.H. XUxabcUt n today knighted Fcr-- ing on terms-of the local's first iod term in. Dm Moines under firm WKo hatfad by his opponeat. ara today faced the qucatloo—was Nearly l,i Tha first of the throe chargee ^ Persona. Jr„ eign Secretary Anthony Eden In Avarall Harriaua, paid tIU.OOO to Ivea’ speech a bombshcU or a dudT APPUANCE aad John F. RsUly, of ttia JurtJca bontrset with 'tiU typewriter Iowa Supreme Cbort, ruling... “VOL'B against Petersen relates to copy.- Order of the^I^or. England’s manufacturers. Sen. Ralph E. Flander*.,.J^R-Vt) a crooked Judge to ‘obtain"pter^-.Harrimaa, former New Deal and PEACE or MIND 18 OUR BUSINESS’* 'ing aad taking information relat- Dept’s Internal Bacurity divishm oldest order of chiwliy.. J« a^ la New York Harbor back. Fair'’Deat-dip>bmat aad Sacrataiy High! ftalsbcd presenting their evideaoe Robert Canell, Iqcal - p ^ says he is disturbed by usa-^f after »»X to intelUgenca communica­ The ceremony inves^«,Eden reported thfit contract- negotia- 'Tlberal'’ by one segment o: injha iMOi. of Oommarc* aceeaed lyea of a tions. .U tha grand Jury ia mldnfternoon. w ith the Instgim 'of a. Knight Cbm: 'IpMjy™ an. Democratic . Liberal "baaeleas” attack in a "desperate autherities reieetved a - 974 LEONARD 0 /RIVARD A8ENDY, In . COMPANY Tha govemmant lawye then la*t tiona which began in June “arc no GOP'vs,.^plthet of conteiiipt," wamiag that a ansa X . Netherlands Iaval>-ad penibn was conducted a t Buck- tttf$her along today than foUowing PaH y'aw teaa, denies emphatical- effort to Jkolster S .faltering cam- IS OAK ST. the grand Jury room to return only InAhAfn PaIaca. Sen. Langer. (R-ND) says ca rpiaiBg of the atiaadal — buiM-up. aMi unlawfully cofiaaalad doeu- ummoapproeadurfi Tha request far •*»*«aent to rannn'arfatarfi Ger­ Last Thursda I OrfAftUAd crow ^ «h X many. ship 'meeting a whlch flr* bsuko in IMO-bakf the First, bo out riiort ta'upaUta And ' u eqi^ of tha i e h g * inatructioaa egOed firilowlagliifiiiuter Gamsl A apotUght to d arb i the bitter g u b ^ campaign tour and made a ay*- PARKlNe Until yaaterday tha idantlty af foUoared. Tlw lMMr.paiaa after yamw-in a walkput that begM ia the paint gktkar at Egypt'sE p rp fs ParilaaisBt Uw BHttsh aarSSir^ zpqpyihT^apartawnt dad quickly notorial rampattt-docJha Nov. ttrieus drive.fMm Al­ W a Natharlaads as tha natiaa re- M ildi^'-.tq BSisbfmti esTsbfmU sigataig af alactioiL ^ bany tadfew York with word that treaty eaffi^ -Rritiah pccupatkw _ T h a ataty abbtif-SsaaSa to tj; two of Suet CaiuU ZoetOb TunnuaF<«aMln4 plan «BS teM r