H a Le *S Special Sale!
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' -• j ^ . 'X.'- x ;'. .0 , • A i’ . ■ f\ M ■ , •X-. 'X X X '.'"s y MONDAY. OCTOBER W . 1$64 Average DaRy Net Preie JRnn -1 •/' ittanirlfi^Bfor St>pnftq|"1|eralb X F«r the Wash Eaesd Th« WiBittiiR' Oet. IR 1964 ^ D. a WfBflhMf : Oaorgo M. Willard of Manchaa- ‘ A teatimonial dinner for Direc Tha Washington PTA wUl mset tar Ooat, Apron and Towti Supply, tor Harry Firato, and Felix Orem- tomorrow at 8 p. m. In the achool Catholic Groups 11,475 Phrtijr ( M r . aanrad an a group diacuaaion lead mo and C y Geoigietti, conatoblea, anhex. Mrs. John McEIraevy Of ’ Service Manager tetagbt. Linr 85-da ly^lrt f^OTTHt. waa bor^ er for the third day’a aeaaibna of all elected to'office in the Vecent Porter Street, who will be guest A M ES IT E d r i v e w a y s Msmber aT ths Aadtt Plan Observance Bureau af areulanai gaeenUI^ Atfr, ptaMM ■^.CMwila HoaplUi in the three-day regional eliiiic held town election, will be held tomor speaker, wlU give q talk on "The E x r n tL r in e t a u h r da, ii^ t 15 to kr. and by. the Linen Supply Aaan; .of row n ig ^ at 7 o'clock at the Itkl- Mentally Retarded Child.” . Execu Menchaster^A City of ViUage Charm V" -a Anierica in the Hotel sutler. New lan-Am«rlcan. Club on Eldridge tive board members ato reminded I Gradiag — NadSae Spread — Feraaa Set — Power B d M ,^t^[^aoman>, SM Wood- At a meeting at the K of C Aleei ParUag Lets •—Teanla Ooorte—■ Walks • l^ T a o t w a a hara on« York City, Oct. 15, 15 and 17. Street, Anthony Sadlak, con- of tha meeting at 7:30. & Home Friday evening a conunlttoe 16% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS VOL. LXXIV, N M $ *“ ■ *-----toutaa. The grataman-at-larga, will to the repreaenting all the Catholic (CtaaalOad AdvartWag an Paga 16) MANCHESTER, COifHn TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 9 ,1 ^ ' lU are Mr. and The DOrcaa Group of the South giiaat ape,aker. Aaseaaor Henry A. Mutrta will grroups of Manchester began to Terms arraaged If dsstted (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E C K f l^ Methodiat Church will meet in ALL INSTALLA'nONS SUPERVISED BY raomana, Sr., S15 bf guest speaker at the luncheon lay plana for a Holy Hour in honor 'V Wealey Hall Wedtteaday morning Xt Gamma Chapter of Beta meeting of the Manchester Board of.the Marian Tear now negrly at at 9:30. Sigma Phi will hold a meeting to of Realtors tomorrow at 12 noon an eqd. It will be sponsored^ by the DEMAIO BROTHERS ^ Mr. and Mra. Joat H. Beat and morrow night at 5 o'clock at the at the Manchester Country aub. combined Catholic groups and win ' ESTABUSHED 1920 Djitch Tied Bonn, Pans Suaan aarke, 6-year-oId daugh home of Mra. Horace Biaaell, 57 His topic will be "Assessments.” be open to the townspeople of CALL NOW— ANYTOCB Ike ^8 Arrival Place, a Orarch Bt, left ter of Mr. and Mra.. George aarke, • ^ V ^ twnPay tor a two waaka vaMtion Bretton Rd. President MUs Madeline Smith Manchester: MANOHR^^nCE Ml-i-7961 — HARTFORD CHapel 7-8617 120 W. Cantor 8t.; waa choaen one will conduct tha business start on. present were Tony Bonner, f to It. Patantoursh and Miami, of the winner, in a doll coloring To U. S. Spy Chiefs Hold " .|rte. Mr. and Mra. Beat are alao Group C o f the Center Congre chairman of the committee and '‘■^miM>nXSag thais Mth wedding an- conteat held at Brown Thomaon’a Mrs. WUUsm Brennan and Mrs. Edward O’Brien, co-chairman; '\ L She waa preaented writh a Ginny gational Church Will meet at the Time, Route Reset '/alTanary. church tomorrow night ,at 5 Frank Crocker are co-chairmen of Mrs. Geno AndreinI, secretary; Vogue doll Saturday morning at the committee in charge of the Mrs. Walter McNally, treasurer; P ro b e Case 10 o'clock on the children’a pro o’clock. Work will be done an artl- Mandiaatar Lodge N o 75, A.F. clea for the Holiday Bauar. rummage sale of St. Mary’s Wom James Mulready snd Michael Ben- Hartford, QcL J9 (/P)— gram. She .la a Brat grade pupil en's Auxiliary Thursday at 9 a. m. evento, contact chairmen; Mra. -----MTO GLASS Trhffic arrangements and the * and AJM., will Iu4d a apacial com- at the Waahihgton School. The Hagne, Netherlands, Talks on UN Role ■MBieatleR at the Maaonle Temple in the pariah house. Members who George Willard, Jr., publicity; route President Eisenhower Paris, Oct. 19 (^P)-—jPt«nch Mra. Sampson Spry, 612 E. Mid wish aiiiclea called for should con-. Mra. .Martin J. Regan, Jr„ Mra. Oct. 19 (JP) —iA high Dutch ' totoorrow night at 7:50. The Maa- dle Tpke., celebrated .her 88th FURNITURi TO ln will <take into Hartford to Premifir Pierre ^Mendes- ter Maaon d «m a will ha exempli- Recent blrtha to Mancheater rea- tact Mrs. Frank Bartel. 10 7L William Gallo, Mrs. John Melesko, government official said to idento at Hartford hoapitala in birthday, which falls tomorrow, FalrOeld St.; or Mra. Qr^ker, 48 Joaerii Schauater. Fred Pox, Wil- morrow were being re-shuf France and Vfen German Bad by manibera o( the Fellow- clude tho following: a aon to Mr. at a party laat night given by her Russell St. ... litai Mooney, Mrs. R. E. Cartier day the Netherlands had re > en ft ChM Following the degree niece. Mrs. George D. Shedd, Bol fled today. Chancellor. Kopnd Adenauer and Mra. Kenneth Jonea, 9 Plano and Mrs. Elmer W. Graham. ceived information from Jo Secret Service- agento and Hart-/ work there'artll be a aodU honr PI., and a daughter to Mr. and ton Notch, at the home of Mrs. Further plana will be announced today beganX 9erie8 t>f con and rarreahmeata. Shedd’s son-in-law and daughter, -The Highland Park School PTA seph S. Petersen, Jrn an em ford Police Chief Michael J. Gqd- Mra. Joaeph Tedford, 25 Putnam will htoet at tha school Wednesday Photon at a later date. ploye of U. S. National frey this morning wars ra-antag- ferences designed to enlist a Mr. and Mrs. Ward Krause, 87 WUUaia B. J.1L WHITE rearm oP^est Germany as a m Dafanaa Bnimen adto wiah St, both on Oct. 14 at the Hart Walnut Si. Over 20 relatives and night at 8 o'clock. 7710 guest Security Agency, but waa un ing th*. routs because of w^laat to bowl will meet tonight at 7 ford Hoapitol, and a daughter on friends from Bolton, Elmwood and speaker will be Mias Emily Smith, minute announcement ttot the an egdal partner in a western Hazel Toll Starts Battle for His Life Oct. IS at the St. Francla Hoapi leader of Senior Girl Scout "Troop William B. Teg brings to Morl- der the impresaion that prertdential plane will ./land aV Cairo Alert o'clock at Hoaa Oo. No. l, 8MFD. this town attended and temem- srty Brothsrs a complete back GLASS CG. defense system. tol to Mr. and Mra. Charlea Me- bered Mrs. Spry with p varied 1, who will talk tad show slides of Petersen waa authorised tu Bradley Field at 9 tomorrow /■'In Washington, meanwhile. Sec- Cooe, 545 Center S t the tro<H>'s recent tri^ to Europe. ground of experience in sH phases rTRuS'RMn'7 24 BIRCH ST. morning. Raaorvatlona for the fall pariah assortment of ^ t o . Femerly of give it out. *^tetary of State Dulles leaves for of oil burner service and installa ^ MEN Mid WOMEN ^ Tel. MI 9-7322 Originally tha m four angina In C an ada turitay dinner at the Second Oon- WlllimantlC, she came to Man The Dutch spokesman said Conatallation waw^lated to arrive Paris todWy to Join Western Euro For Unrest Anyone intereated in Joining the chester to live about a year ago, Mr, and Mra. Howard Dowd, 381 tion. pean diploipato in working out de gragatioaal Church Friday night at Altar Group of tho Ladiea of Aa- Center St., and thsir daughter, **We CuiH Hide Behind Petersen exchanged informa at Bralnard Fleid in Hartford at 0:50 aanat bo ntoda on or before and is enjoying fairly good health. For three years Bill taught this ^'Arthar Dnif Storts i 10 a. m. tailed arrtagemento for bringing aumption will meat at the Church Mra. Stuart G. PrenUce of Wp- Our Product” tion with a “high Dutch of West Germany Into tha anti-Com- Reaches 78 Wadnaaday. Thoaa whoaa laat name of the Aaaumption tonight at 5 subject at the State Regional Tecb- EXPERT FITTEftS A But laat night the White, HoUsC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Angelo, bura. Mass., have returned after k- ficial” who gerv^ in Wash munist defensive lUliancc. O n T r e a ty bafiaa artth the Inltiala A to F o'clock. vacation spent at the home of h l ^ School in Hartford. He spent hotiSed Chief Godfrey of the Adenauer flew in from Bonn in nay coataet Mra. Ouataya Bicholt- 6 Allen Dr., Vernon, formerly of ington during^Ti^orld War II snitch to Bradley—a larger field / ~'ne Street, were honored with a their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aevta years as service manager for mid-morhing. Toronto, Oct. 19 '(/p)— Re aar, O JtoK MHl Noraian Bouther- A daughter. Jana Virginia, waa and is now hack in the with more faellitiee.