2012 Election Analysis: Potential Implications for RDOs National Association of Development Organizations November 16, 2012

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. 2012 Election Analysis: Potential Implications for RDOs Presentation Overview

Cost of the 2012 Elections

Election 2012: What Was At Stake

Voter Concerns

Popular Vote Demographics

Geographic Breakdown of Voting

Impact on Key House and Senate Committees

What’s Next?

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

Most Expensive Election in U.S. History

Total Election Spending

Total Presidential Election Spending

Election 2012: What was at Stake


33 U.S. Senators

435 U.S. Representatives Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

Voter Concerns

 Voters cited the economy, unemployment, jobs, federal debt, and dissatisfaction with government as the biggest problems facing the U.S. today

 Exit polls indicated that 53% of voters blamed President Bush for the state of

the U.S. economy instead of President


 In Ohio, 59% of voters polled approve of the federal government's aid to U.S. automakers while 36% disapprove. Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

Why Did Governor Romney Lose?

Won just 1 out of 10 swing states

Did not gain enough support from women and minorities

Did poorly among Hispanics

Low Romney support in cities and suburbs

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

2012 Presidential Race Popular Vote

President Obama won re-election with 332 votes in the Electoral College

President Obama won the popular vote with 51% to Governor Romney’s 48%

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2012 Presidential Race Electoral Map

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

2012 Presidential Race Swing States

RPT. stands for reporting

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. 2012 Presidential Vote by Gender, Race, and Age

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. 2012 Presidential Vote Urban, Suburban, Rural

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. 2012 Presidential Vote by Geography

. Rural voters favored Romney: 63% to Obama’s 37% . Democrats held and picked up Senate and Congressional seats in predominantly rural states and districts

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. U.S. HOUSE

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. U.S. House Results

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. U.S. House: The New Numbers

Old House Magic Number = 218 New House

Republicans: 242 Republicans: 233

Democrats: 193 Democrats: 195

Undecided: 7

Data is current as of November 15, 2012 Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Overview U.S. House

. The Final Analysis  GOP will retain control of the House  Democrats gained a net of 9 seats  Republicans lost a net of 3 seats  Members with close ties to NADO were re-elected  Blue Dog Democrats continued to see losses

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. House Leadership: Republican Control

Speaker John Boehner (OH) Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA) Agriculture Frank Lucas (OK) Appropriations Hal Rogers (KY) Armed Services Buck McKeon (CA) Budget (WI) Financial Services Spencer Bachus (AL)* likely replacement Jeb Hensarling (TX) Natural Resources Doc Hastings (WA) Small Business Sam Graves (MO) Transportation John Mica (FL)* likely replacement Bill Shuster (PA) Ways & Means Dave Camp (MI)

* Not official; based on reports of chair replacement Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Change: House Appropriations Committee

Republicans Democrats Hal Rogers (KY), Chair Rodney Alexander (LA) Norman D. Dicks (WA), Ranking Chaka Fattah (PA) Jerry Lewis (CA) Ken Calvert (CA) Marcy Kaptur (OH) Steve Rothman (NJ) C.W. Bill Young (FL) Jo Bonner (AL) Pete Visclosky (IN) Sanford Bishop (GA) Frank Wolf (VA) Steve LaTourette (OH) Nita Lowey (NY) Barbara Lee (CA) Jack Kingston (GA) Tom Cole (OK) José Serrano (NY) Adam Schiff (CA) Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) Jeff Flake (AZ) Rosa DeLauro (CT) Michael Honda (CA) Tom Latham (IA) Steve Womack (AR) Jim Moran (VA) Betty McCollum (MN) Robert Aderholt (AL) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) John Olver (MA) Jo Ann Emerson (MO) Tom Graves (GA) Ed Pastor (AZ) Kay Granger (TX) Kevin Yoder (KS) David Price (NC) Key Issues Mike Simpson (ID) Steve Austria (OH) Maurice Hinchey (NY) John Culberson (TX) Charles Dent (PA) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) • 12 annual federal Denny Rehberg (MT) Alan Nunnelee (MS) Sam Farr (CA) spending bills for John Carter (TX) Cynthia Lummis (WY) Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL)* legal troubles, may lose seat more than $1 Strike-through indicates loss or trillion in retirement discretionary programs

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Subcommittee Change: Appropriations Committee

Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Republicans Democrats Frank R. Wolf (VA), Chair Chaka Fattah (PA)* possible departure John Culberson (TX) Adam Schiff (CA) Robert B. Aderholt (AL) Michael Honda (CA) Jo Bonner (AL) José E. Serrano (NY) Tom Graves (GA) Kevin Yoder (KS) Key Budget Issues Hal Rodgers (KY), Ex Officio • EDA • Census • Local law enforcement

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Subcommittee Change: Appropriations Committee

Transportation-HUD Appropriations Republicans Democrats Tom Latham (IA), Chair*possible John W. Olver (MA), Ranking departure Ed Pastor (AZ) Frank R. Wolf (VA) Marcy Kaptur (OH) John R. Carter (TX) David E. Price (NC) Steven C. LaTourette (OH) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Key Budget Issues Charles Dent (PA) • MAP-21 Steve Womack (AR) • Aviation • HUD Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Subcommittee Change: Appropriations Committee

Energy & Water Development Appropriations

Republicans Democrats Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ), Chair Peter J. Visclosky (IN), Ranking Jerry Lewis (CA) Ed Pastor (AZ) Michael K. Simpson (ID) Chaka Fattah (PA) Dennis R. Rehberg (MT) Steve Israel (NY) Rodney Alexander (LA) John W. Olver (MA) Steve Womack (AR) Alan Nunnelee (MS) Key Budget Issues • Appalachian Regional Commission • Delta Regional Authority • Denali Commission • Corp of Engineers

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: House Agriculture Committee

Republicans Democrats Frank D. Lucas (OK), Chair Martha Roby (AL) Collin C. Peterson (MN), Ranking Bob Goodlatte (VA) Tim Huelskamp (KS) Tim Holden (PA) Timothy V. Johnson (IL) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Mike McIntyre (NC) Steve King (IA) Renee Ellmers (NC) Leonard L. Boswell (IA) Randy Neugebauer (TX) Christopher Gibson (NY) Joe Baca (CA) K. Michael Conaway (TX) Randy Hultgren (IL) David Scott (GA) Jeff Fortenberry (NE) Vicky Hartzler (MO) Henry Cuellar (TX) Jean Schmidt (OH) Robert Schilling (IL) Jim Costa (CA) Glenn Thompson (PA) (WI) Timothy J. Walz (MN) Thomas J. Rooney (FL) Kristi Noem (SD) Kurt Schrader (OR) Marlin Stutzman (IN) Larry Kissell (NC) Bob Gibbs (OH) Key Issues Bill Owens (NY) Austin Scott (GA) • Farm Bill Chellie Pingree (ME) Scott R. Tipton (CO) Reauthorization Joe Courtney (CT) Gregorio Sablan (NMI) Steve Southerland (FL) • Rural Development Rick Crawford (AR) Terri Sewell (AL) • Broadband James McGovern (MA) Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: House Transportation Committee

Republicans John L. Mica (FL), Chair Shelley Moore Capito (WV) Key Issues Thomas E. Petri (WI) Lou Barletta (PA) • EDA Howard Coble (NC) Jean Schmidt (OH) John J. Duncan, Jr. (TN) Candice S. Miller (MI) reauthorization Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ) Randy Hultgren (IL) • MAP-21 Gary G. Miller (CA) Larry Bucshon (IN) reauthorization Timothy V. Johnson (IL) Jeff Landry (LA) • Aviation Sam Graves (MO) Andy Harris (MD) Bill Shuster (PA) *likely chair Billy Long (MO) reauthorization Don Young (AK) Richard Hanna (NY) • Federal-state Rick Crawford (AR) Bob Gibbs (OH) regional Duncan Hunter (CA) Reid Ribble (WI) commissions Jeff Denham (CA) James Lankford (OK) Steve Southerland (FL) Patrick Meehan (PA) reauthorization Chip Cravaack (MN) Chuck Fleischmann (TN) Frank Guinta (NH) Blake Farenthold (TX) Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: House Transportation Committee

Democrats Jason Altmire (PA) Key Issues Nick J. Rahall (WV), Ranking Timothy J. Walz (MN) Peter A. DeFazio (OR)*likely Ranking Heath Shuler (NC) • EDA Jerry F. Costello (IL) Steve Cohen (TN) reauthorization Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) Laura Richardson (CA) Jerrold Nadler (NY) Albio Sires (NJ) • MAP-21 Corrine Brown (FL) Donna F. Edwards (MD) reauthorization Bob Filner (CA) Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) • Aviation Elijah E. Cummings (MD) reauthorization Leonard L. Boswell (IA) • Federal-state Tim Holden (PA) Rick Larsen (WA) regional Michael E. Capuano (MA) commissions Timothy H. Bishop (NY) Michael H. Michaud (ME) reauthorization Russ Carnahan (MO) Grace F. Napolitano (CA) Daniel Lipinski (IL) Mazie K. Hirono (HI)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: House Financial Services Committee

Republicans Spencer Bachus (AL), Chair-term limited Randy Neugebauer (TX) Jeb Hensarling (TX)*likely chair Stevan Pearce (NM) Peter King (NY) Patrick T. McHenry (NC) Key Issues Edward R. Royce(CA) John Campbell (CA) • HUD CDBG Frank D. Lucas (OK) Michele Bachmann (MN) Ron Paul (TX ) Kenny Marchant (TX) Authorization Donald A. Manzullo (IL) Thaddeus McCotter (MI) • CDFI Authorization Walter B. Jones (NC) Kevin McCarthy (CA) • Livable Communities Judy Biggert (IL) Bill Posey (FL) Gary G. Miller (CA) Michael Fitzpatrick (PA) Shelley Moore Capito (WV) James Renacci (OH) Scott Garrett (NJ) Robert Hurt (VA) Lynn Westmoreland (GA) Robert Dold (IL) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) David Schweikert (AZ) Bill Hizenga (MI) Stephen Lee Fincher (TN) (WI) Frank Guinta (NH) Nan A.S. Hayworth (NY) Michael Grimm (NY) Francisco “Quico” Canseco (TX) Steve Stivers (OH)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions.

House Financial Services Committee

Democrats Barney Frank (MA ), Ranking (WI) Maxine Waters (CA)*likely ranking Keith Ellison, (MN) Carolyn B. Maloney (NY) Ed Perlmutter (CO) Key Issues Luis V. Gutierrez (IL) Joe Donnelly (IN) • HUD CDBG Authorization Nydia M. Velázquez (NY) Andre Carson (IN) Melvin L. Watt (NC) Jim Himes (CT) • CDFI Authorization Gary L. Ackerman (NY) Gary Peters (MI) • Livable Communities Brad Sherman (CA) John Carney (DE) Gregory W. Meeks (NY) Michael E. Capuano (MA) Rubén Hinojosa (TX) William Lacy Clay (MO) Carolyn McCarthy (NY) Joe Baca (CA) Stephen F. Lynch (MA) Brad Miller (NC) David Scott (GA) Al Green (TX) Emanuel Cleaver (MO)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. U.S. SENATE

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. U.S. Senate: The New Numbers

Old Senate New Senate

Democrats: 53* Democrats: 55 *

Republicans: 47 Republicans: 45

*Includes 2 *Includes 2 Independents Independents

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. OVERVIEW: U.S. SENATE

Party Breakdown: 55 D’s* 45 R’s * Includes 2 I’s New U.S. Senators

New Democratic Senate Members (Including 7 Open Seats) . (WI) . Joe Donnelly (IN)* . Martin Heinrich (NM) . Heidi Heitkamp (ND) . Mazie Hirono (HI) . Tim Kaine (VA) . Angus King-Independent-(ME) . Chris Murphy (CT)* . Elizabeth Warren (MA)* * - Pickups (3)

New Republican Senate Members (Including 3 Open Seats) . Ted Cruz (TX) . Deb Fischer (NE)* . Jeff Flake (AZ) . Dean Heller (NV) * - Pickups (1) Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Senate Leadership: Democratic Control

DEMOCRATS Majority Leader: Harry Reid (NV) Democratic Whip: Dick Durbin (IL) Democratic Policy Committee Chair: Schumer (NY)

REPUBLICANS Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell (KY) Minority Whip: Jon Kyl (AZ) - retired Republican Policy Committee Chair: John Thune (SD)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: Senate Appropriations Committee

Democrats Republicans Daniel Inouye (HI), Chair Thad Cochran (MS), Ranking Patrick Leahy (VT) Mitch McConnell (KY) Key Issues (IA) Richard Shelby (AL)*likely Barbara Mikulski (MD) ranking • 12 annual federal Herb Kohl (WI) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) spending bills for more Patty Murray (WA) Lamar Alexander (TN) Dianne Feinstein (CA) Susan Collins (ME) than $1 trillion in Dick Durbin (IL) Lisa Murkowski (AK) discretionary programs Tim Johnson (SD) Lindsey Graham (SC) Mary Landrieu (LA) Mark Kirk (IL) Jack Reed (RI) Dan Coats (IN) Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Roy Blunt (MO) Ben Nelson (NE) Jerry Moran (KS) Mark Pryor (AR) John Hoeven (ND)

Jon Tester (MT) Ron Johnson (WI) Sherrod Brown (OH)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Subcommittee Changes: Senate Appropriations Committee

Transportation-HUD Appropriations Democrats Republicans Patty Murray (WA), Chair* Susan Collins (ME), Ranking possible departure Richard Shelby (AL) Barbara Mikulski (MD) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Key Budget Herb Kohl (WI) Mark Kirk (IL) Issues Richard Durbin (IL) Dan Coats (IN) Patrick Leahy (VT) • MAP-21 Jerry Moran (KS) Tom Harkin (IA) • Roy Blunt (MO) Aviation Dianne Feinstein (CA) Ron Johnson (WI) • HUD Tim Johnson (SD) Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Mark Pryor (AR)

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Subcommittee Changes: Senate Appropriations Committee

Energy and Water Appropriations Democrats Republicans Dianne Feinstein (CA), Chair Lamar Alexander (TN), Ranking Patty Murray (WA) Thad Cochran (MS) Tim Johnson (SD) Mitch McConnell (KY) Key Budget Issues Mary Landrieu (LA) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) • Appalachian Regional Jack Reed (RI) Richard Shelby (AL) Commission Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Susan Collins (ME) • Delta Regional Authority Tom Harkin (IA) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Jon Tester (MT) Lindsey Graham (SC) • Denali Commission Richard Durbin (IL) • Corp of Engineers

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Key Committee Changes: Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

Democrats Republicans Barbara Boxer (CA), Chair James M. Inhofe (OK), Ranking-term limited Max Baucus (MT) David Vitter (LA)*likely Ranking Thomas R. Carper (DE) John Barrasso (WY) Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) Mike Crapo (ID) Benjamin L. Cardin (MD) Lamar Alexander (TN) Bernard Sanders (I-VT) Mike Johanns (NE) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) John Boozman (AR) Tom Udall (NM) Key Issues Jeff Merkley (OR) Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) • EDA reauthorization • MAP-21 reauthorization • Aviation reauthorization • Federal-state regional commissions reauthorization

Key Committee Changes: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Democrats Republicans Tim Johnson (SD), Chair Richard C. Shelby (AL), Ranking Jack Reed (RI) Mike Crapo (ID)*likely ranking Charles E. Schumer (NY) Bob Corker (TN) Robert Menendez (NJ) Jim DeMint (SC) Daniel K. Akaka (HI) David Vitter (LA) Sherrod Brown (OH) Mike Johanns (NE) Jon Tester (MT) Patrick Toomey (PA) Herb Kohl (WI) Mark Kirk (IL) Mark Warner (VA) Jerry Moran (KS) Jeff Merkley (OR) Roger Wicker (MS) Michael Bennet (CO) Key Issues Kay Hagan (NC) • HUD CDBG Authorization • Livable Communities Key Committee Changes: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

Democrats Republicans Debbie Stabenow (MI), Chair Pat Roberts (KS), Ranking Patrick J. Leahy (VT) Richard G. Lugar (IN) Tom Harkin (IA) Thad Cochran (MS) Kent Conrad (ND) Mitch McConnell (KY) Max Baucus (MT) Saxby Chambliss (GA) E. Benjamin Nelson (NE) Mike Johanns (NE) Sherrod Brown (OH) John Boozman (AR) Robert Casey, Jr. (PA) Charles Grassley (IA) Amy Klobuchar (MN) John Thune (SD) Michael Bennet (CO) John Hoeven (ND) Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) Key Issues • Farm Bill Reauthorization • Rural Development • Rural Broadband WHAT’S NEXT?

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. The Fiscal Cliff

 The Bush Tax Cuts  AMT Expire  End of Unemployment  Sequestration Insurance  The Debt Ceiling  End of Doc fix  Treasury can shift funds  Increase in Capital to postpone until Gains taxes February  15% to 39%

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. The Consequences

 If an adequate solution to the tax issues are not found --- if no agreement is reached and all of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts and the payroll tax holiday are allowed to expire taxpayers would pay an additional $500 billion in taxes next year.

 CBO has stated that if this occurs it would lead to negative growth for the first two quarters of next year and the unemployment rate would move above 9% by the end of the year.

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Federal Budget Picture

Absent reforms, U.S. debt is set to skyrocket in the coming decades

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Sources: Congressional Budget Office (January 2012) and Bipartisan Policy Center Health Care Costs Are the Primary Driver of the Debt The Fiscal Cliff Major Points of Conflict

 Taxes and Entitlements  President Obama on Taxes  Increase tax rates on $250,000 and over and any cuts in spending should be matched by some form of revenue increase

 Speaker Boehner on Taxes  Limit Deductions - no tax rate increase

 Entitlement Reform – and Social Security

 Obama barnstorming around the country!!!

 The next five weeks-divided Government/Can We Govern

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Sequestration

 Non Defense Discretionary Spending – 8.2%

 Defense/Intel-Homeland Spending – 9.4%

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. Sequestration: How Did We Get Here?

Reached Old Federal Debt Ceiling

Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365) Enacted

Failure of Super Committee to Find Savings

Sequester Required by Law

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. A Perfect Storm

Concurrent Fiscal Pressures Cause Legislative Bottleneck

Source: National Journal, July 2, 2012, Field Guide to the Lame Duck, Nancy Cook. Other Possible Issues in Lame Duck

 Farm Bill reauthorization

 Cybersecurity  Sandy – Hurricane emergency supplemental  Omnibus

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. The Fiscal Cliff Can Be Avoided

Two Possible Options  An agreement is reached to increase tax rates on those earning over $250K, to postpone sequestration and include some entitlement reform. Or

 An agreement is reached to temporarily extend existing rates, postpone sequestration and agree to negotiate comprehensive tax and entitlement reform early next year.

Regional Strategies. Partnerships. Solutions. The Grand Bargain

 Lame Duck

NationalA 3 to 6Association month bridgeof Development (AMT) Organizations (NADO)  Breathing Room to Negotiate and the NADO Research Foundation  Comprehensive Tax and Entitlement Reform 400 North Capitol Street, NW | Suite 390 | Washington, DC 20001 | |

202.624.7806 | [email protected]

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