Ltr. Sen. Herb Kohl Re
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I EDO Principal Correspondence Control FROM: DUE: 01/31/08 EDO CONTROL: G20080026 DOC DT:. 12/14/07 FINAL REPLY: Senator Herb Kohl TO: Schmidt, OCA FOR SIGNATURE OF: ** GRN ** CRC NO: 08-0019 Reyes, EDO DES C: ROUTING: Reyes (Fawn Shillinglaw) (EDATS: SE-CY-2007-0019) Virgilio Mallett Ash Ordaz Cyr/ Burns DATE: 01/09/08 Zimmerman, NSIR Schmidt, OCA ASSIGNED TO: CONTACT: EDO Ridge SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS: Prepare response to constituent and cc: Senator Kohl for the signature of the EDO. Veqpfo~e-', sE(:+O- tiý EDATS Number: SECY-2008-0019 Source: SECY General Inomtn Assigned To: OEDO OEDO Due Date: 1/3')1/2008 5:00 PM Other Assignees: SECY Due Date: 2/1/2008 5:00 PM Subject: Distribution of Potassium Iodide (Fawn Shillinglaw) Description: CC Routing: NSIR; OCA ADAMS Accession Numbers - Incoming: NONE Response/Package: NONE I.Ote Inomtn I Cross Reference Number: G20080026, LTR-08-0009 Staff Initiated: NO Related Task: Recurring Item: NO File Routing: EDATS Agency Lesson Learned: NO Roadmap Item: NO I' g * infomaio Action Type: Letter Priority: Mediurm Sensitivity: None Signature Level: EDO Urgency: NO OEDO Concurrence: YES 0CM Concurrence: NO OCA Concurrence: YES Special Instructions: Prepare response to constituent and cc: Senator Kohl for the signature of the EDO. Doumn Infomaio Originator Name: Senator Herb Kohl Date of Incoming: 12/14/2007 Originating Organization: Congress Document Received by SECY Date: 1/9/2008 Addressee: R. Schmidt, OCA Date Response Requested by Originator: NONE Incoming Task Received: Letter Page 1 oflI OFFICE OF THlE SECRETARY CORRESPONDENCE CONTROL TICKET Date Printed: Jn0,2810:52 PAPER NUMBER: LTR-08-0009 LOGGING DATE: 01/09/2008 ACTION OFFICE: EDO AUTHOR: SEN Herb Kohl AFFILIATION: .CONG ADDRESSEE: Rebecca Schmnidt SUBJECT: .Concerns the distribution of anti-radiation pills ACTION: Signature of EDO DISTRIBUTION: OCA to Ack LETTER DATE: 12/14/2007 ACKNOWLEDGED No SPECIAL HANDLING: NOTES: FILE LOCATION: ADAMS DATE DUE: 02/01/2008 DATE SIGNED: EDO --G20080026, HERB KOHL COMMITTEES: WISCONSIN APPROPRIATIONS WASHINGTON OFFICE: 330 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING JUDICIARY WASHINGTON, DC 20510 (202) 224-5653 SPECIAL COMMIT-FEE T.T.Y. (202) 224-4464 ON AGING WASHINGTON, DC 20510-4903 December 14, 2007 Ms. Rebecca Schmidt Director,'.Office of Congressional Affairs Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC'20555-0001 Dear Ms. Schmidt: I am writing to request your assistance in helping one of my Wisconsin constituents. Her concerns are in regards to the distribution of anti-radiation pills. Enclosed please find a copy of the correspondence I received. Any assistance you could provide in responding to these concerns would be greatly appreciated. Please respond directly to my constituent and send a copy to my Washington D.C. office to the attention of Amy Jorgensen. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Herb Kohl United States Senator HK: aj Enclosure 'RJdSECY/M& MILWAUKEE OFFICE: MADISON OFFICE: EAU CLAIRE OFFICE: APPLETON OFFICE: LACROSSE OFFICE: 310 WEST WISCONSIN AVENUE 14 WEST MIFFLIN STREET 402 GRAHAM AVENUE 4321 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE 425 STATE STREET SUITE 950 SUITE 207 SUITE 206 SUITE 235 SUITE 202 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 MADISON, WI 53703 EAU CLAIRE, WI 54701 APPLETON, WI 54914 LACROSSE, WI 84601 (414) 297-4451 (608) 264-5338 (715) 832-8424 (920) 738-1640 (608) 796-0045 T.T.Y. (414) 297-4445 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . .I.. .sto-? ditrluion.of antl :1adiatOn'" pis By Mimi Hall -Scilence adviser John Marburger USA TODAY s hyh'll decide within a month. 'Marburger- says: he'll consider WASHINGTONý - The White whether other measures,. such as,`. --Hou'se may scrap-a plan that would e~vacuation--and--distnibutionvof un-, > give. antim-radiation pills to millions,. contaminated food, would be more of people,, five years after Congress: -effectav.t :- ordered' that the tablets. be made AnyjA. plain't~o priotect "people.from.">~ available to anyone living Within 20'ý 'de`veloping Ithyroid c'aince'r after ra-. miles of a nuclear reactor, diation exposure ý'shouldn't, bea .Congress issued the order based. ýsymbolic effort,,! he says.,'- 4'. BYH.DarreirUSTDY on concerns that terrorists cudPatricia. Milligain,. the. NRC', sen.>,;- Potasium. iodide tablets: Can be, 4attack anudlear plant. Me-govern-If, i6('advierjfr pIear.d.. ss says'L taken in-a radiation emergency.. the4.7~xillinlvin wthi eope '~ribtio o th pils ~aiseth&; . :ccodii g to. thielAme'rican Thy- 10bt hils Cngrss o a lan, r- 'es wa toeliina~. iskisto- roid Association, there is no more derd wderdisribtiotocovr '~ak sue popl d~'t ~tcon-nI effective preventive measure than 21.9~~~~~~~~~tts milo.t ae od .epei3potassium iodi~de,'which- is ap-. Wht Hos at th M ig. o sasteNCi con- proved by.........nd rug Ad-. ticauil .led potassium* iodide pills' crned about underminn there ministration.' _ijgjto pr~eventinglthyroid can- utation of t cerdPtrCanafom lawyer cer in cases of radiation exposure,:..~ s ways a concern-that yuWith the NRC and thyroid, cancer. th~e:Nuclear. Re'ulatory Commis-, 4 expand,ý,the dieistributioný (of -the -ýactivist,>, says ,the: administration sion argues against wiaer ditrbu ps., you don't hav confide&6ein2_ý stalled for five years under pressure, tion of theclu Aord ing to the h lns"se as 'W -hav"~from: the NRC,ý Which has "sabo- NRC, the pills m ot b)e th ~tsuista wte safety of oqur tagd (telw rmte get-go" .effective way tli prjev~ent'cance r aind plant. ' :~ In preparing t itiuete (cold ndrmi~onfdece n .S. ' n Jly Pres ident Bush" sjfpfifi ls -HSaditithealthexpert Cnuclearr plaents. - the Heat and Humfan'Sei ices]YL-W ftried -todo the right thinig by Amer-'. Theupc-a-daypills protect'the' artment (HHS 'frsolbltiaschdennd w*ere, punishe~d* thyroid againSt inhalied or-ingested,' orb!the, program~and turnied it overt by having the issue taken away anid radioactive-iodinie'by saturatingjt i~t'the NRC~ )".- ~ gvnt the'' NRC" Crane sasIf, with h~arrmle~potasium iodide., ~Kh Td cacrgopasm you- entrs ourtis elht nu- Th Mhteý House is considering- -a aers sre fizious> -'"- cear. engineers,, inistead of doctors' wheth er to invoke!a leiial loophole. -*tasimJoid.%'?.imle you aremiviting dsaster.. allowin the- government to scrap ~ei, rvndu 1 t'tcnsv abre.apyiit h e. the (distriuinrqieeti.'onleshe jalcide~cnl took,ý potassium:ii idide to there is a better way 'to prevenit. i'hevet f- - ,iceaF--~-s~.protecthis thyrbid from tea- thyroid' Iný July Prsdn~ says. Ro`Ed`MfkRe dMre .DMn-,cancer..ass m,,.,rents; for non-H dgldn's lympho-ý Bush instructed his sciecadsr Without it, millions of Americans m~na,-says the issue is "more compli- /%~d- s4~-J~?SctAff. ~JL~ IfiIIIIIIIIIIII... 41,1111.1. 111.1111,14,1111 1111! fill H.