Minutes of a Council Meeting held on Wednesday 20th January 2016

in Tockwith Church at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors; Mr N Waller (Chair), Mr K Pope (Vice Chair), Mrs A Wilson, Mrs L Gill, Mrs S Corbett, Mrs J Wardman, Mrs S Pearce, Mr A Dyason, Mr D Snook, Ms M Thew

In Attendance: Mrs D Dyason (Clerk to the Council).

16/181 Apologies for absence – Cllr J Savage

Cllr Waller welcomed all to the meeting.

16/182 Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and other interests Councillors agreed that if they had an interest they would declare it as it arose on the Agenda.

16.183 Flooding matters Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish council Area and action to be taken. The Parish Council thanked all the people who gave up their time over Christmas to help the residents in danger of flooding.

SUSPEND STANDING ORDERS A support group has been set up in the village called The Tockwith Residents Community and Delivery Group. The group was formulated to support the Parish Council and to support residents following the floods. 1. New Row Investigations have identified a drain under the road which is completely blocked up and no-one was aware of the drain. The Highways Agency are responsible for the repair of the drain. It was felt that the track opposite the cottages should also have a drain. There have been no answers to questions asked of Area 6. Cllr Waller suggested he could write a letter of support. Rachel Claughton from the Tockwith Residents Community and Delivery Group agreed to communicate with New Row residents.

2. Marston Road The problems arose due to pure volume of water coming in to too small a pipe. The pipe goes into the beck and under the road, but the wall is acting as a boundary for the water so needs redirection. It was suggested that a letter should be sent to Highways and to

Ainsty Drainage Board to find a resolution. During the flooding a channel was dug in the play area and water washed over and exposed a water main. The mains have not ruptured and Water have repaired and re-stabilised the main.

3. Prince Rupert Drive The drain to the rear of 230 Prince Rupert Drive in the field (belonging to Evans) did not control the water. The drain had been filled with rubble and concrete. Questions were raised about the contractors who cleared the trees from the site and whether they noticed the drain and if so, did they fill it in? 13 houses were affected and water has got into the foundations. The drain has since been cleared by Evans. It was agreed that this gives further reason to oppose the development as the infrastructure is inadequate and Evans need to produce evidence of how they intend to deal with this. A resident of Prince Rupert Drive had noticed that digging had taken place in the wood and uncovered a drain. Cllr Waller asked her for photographs of the drain to use in a letter to HBC. Questions were also raised about the old drains on the airfield and would the MOD have a plan of these drains. The drains are quite shallow and not fit for purpose as they were not intended for a housing development. Cllr Waller advised that he is collating video and photographic evidence which will be sent with a letter asking for answers to the above.

4. Westfield Road The problems were items that were raised in objections to the planning as it was felt that the sewage was incapable of dealing with extra drainage from additional housing. Sewage was coming up through the drain and the manhole disappeared into the road. The hole in the road was then fenced off for safety. This was overflowing for several days due to a blockage. Raw sewage has gone into the dam and also affected many properties on Westfield and Fleet Lane. Cllr Waller agreed that this was a matter to raise with Yorkshire Water and Environmental Protection. One resident would like the dyke clearing out to assist the drainage.

5. Issues here were caused by the river at the far end of the field that overflows, caused by the flood defences further up the river, This does affect three houses, and some water got into their cellars and this is always a threat in heavy rain. The main problem on Boxing Day was caused by cars driving through the flooded road and the water lapping at the houses. The drains could not cope with flooding from the pumping station. Yorkshire Water have advised that surface water doesn’t go through the pumping station. The dyke has been cleared by Drainage Board and is now ok. The big concern is that the fields flood often and is always a threat. Cllr Waller said this would be followed up with the Environment Agency.

6. Blind Lane There are evidential photographs of the flooding on Blind Lane.

7. Wilstrop The public road that leads from Skipbridge Farm to Wilstrop Grange/Hall was flooded just yards from the A59. The land was flooded for four days as it is saturated already.

8. Local action/co-ordination group re flooding and development issues The Parish Council are keen to assist with flood prevention. Cllr Dyason agreed to be part of the group and Cllr Waller will attend when possible. A meeting had been arranged by email and leaflets delivered around the village. Cllr Gill thanked Rachel Claughton for all her hard work.


16/184 Minutes

16/184.1 – to resolve that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 18th November 2015 be signed as a correct record. Resolved: that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 18th November 2015 be signed as a correct record. All in favour.

16/185.To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary. 16.185.1 – “Stirling Spirit” – to discuss enhancement work and use of surplus donation and offer of further donation to fund planters and a bound book of photographs of the event. There are no surplus funds available for enhancement, however there is the possibility of an offer of a donation to cover the cost of a bound book. Resolved: That the enhancement work cannot go ahead.

16.185.2 Update regarding issues on the Airfield – Bus Depot (Suttle Transport) Councillors have been advised by local residents that it appears the site operator has recently extended the bus depot compound and increased the activity/storage units in that area. Resolved: The Clerk to write to HBC (James Cullen).

16/185.3 Update regarding issues on the Airfield- Tyres and other issues Tyres – the site operator has started to move some of the tyres, but there are still a huge amount of tyres left. The Environment Agency has set a compliance deadline date of May 2016 for the removal of illegally stores tyres.

Alleged unlawful residential use of workshop – following the serving of an Enforcement Notice by HBC, we have received an email from the District Councillor stating the site operator has submitted an appeal. Resolved: The Clerk to write to HBC (James Cullen) to ensure that the PC is kept informed directly of progress.

16/185.4 Update regarding NYCC Highways raised up to 2 years ago and still outstanding, including trees and verge near 69 Marston Road. A list has been sent to Highways together with 22 photographs of issues within the parish including signs, white lines, drain covers, etc. A response is awaited from Highways..

16/185.5 To receive an update on Village Hall remedial works.


The work on the damp has been completed and the decorating is finished. The committee would like to decorate the rest of the hall in the near future.


16/185.6 To discuss the siting of a memorial bench for Ms Mbanu. A letter was sent to residents living near to the proposed site for the bench. Three letters of objection were received and if we were to proceed permission would be needed from NYCC to install the base, which would be costly. A suggested was raised that Ms Mbanu may wish to contribute to planting around the memorial with an acknowledgement for her late father, or alternatively, a bench could be installed in the play area. The Clerk is to write to Ms Mbanu to ask her views on these suggestions. Resolved: Clerk is to write to Ms Mbanu.

16/185.7 Update on the cardboard recycling in the Village Hall car park. Cllr Pope was pleased to advise that no more cardboard ad been left near the bottle bins or the village hall bin. A community message had been posted on Facebook by a resident to say that cardboard could now be included in the recycling, but this is not the case.

16/185.8 To discuss the RoSPA reports for the two play areas and decide on repair work needed. It was agreed to put this off to the next meeting as nothing of high priority had been identified in the reports. Cllr Thew agreed to prepare a report on any work needed.

16/185.9 To discuss the grant applications for 2016/17. The grant applications received are as follows:

Tockwith Village Hall Redecoration of public areas 500.00 Tockwith Church Upkeep of grounds and churchyard extension 750.00 Tockwith & District Agricultural Society Tockwith Show 250.00 Cowthorpe Community Forum Upgrade of electricity & heating in the Church 400.00 Tockwith Players Workshops & training 270.00 Hunsingore District Church Council Repairs to perimeter wall 200.00 Hunsingore District Church Council Mowing, strimming, hedge cutting 200.00 Tockwith Under 5's Purchase of banner, specialist play sessions 400.00 Tockwith Sportsfield Trust Additional floodlighting, hand rail at entrance 500.00

TOTAL 3,470.00


The Tockwith Church extension is the responsibility of the Parish Council and it was agreed that this should be paid out of the Council budget and not the grant money. Concern was raised over the Cowthorpe Church grants, but it was agreed that CCF grant was needed for facilitating a group and is separate from the Church grant. It was agreed that the Tockwith Church grant be reduced to £500 as the Parish Council will cover the churchyard extension costs. It was further agreed that all grants be reduced by £25 (including Tockwith Church) so that the total remains within budget. The Clerk was asked to write to all to advise of the changes and to ask them to put their grant applications in writing. Proposed Cllr Wilson, All in favour. Resolved: Clerk is to write to advise of changes and to amend budget to include churchyard costs.


16/186. Report by County & District Councillor

Cllr Savage was not present at the meeting and no report had been received. Clerk was asked to request a report from Cllr Savage for future meetings if he is unable to attend.

16/187. Public Questions, Comments or Representations


It was queried whether Bert’s Garden in Cowthorpe is included in the budget, and do CCF have to submit invoices for spend in Bert’s Garden and whether Tockwith Church also have to submit invoices – do the same rules apply? It was advised that yes, Bert’s Garden is in the budget and that CCF would need to produce invoices, as do the Church, for lawnmowers, etc.


16/188. Police Matters

PC Tim Craven listed the following crimes in his reports for November and December:

011115 – Attempt burglary at business premises – Tockwith Business Park. No entry gained and nothing stolen. 041115 – Damage to vehicle wiper blade – Long Marston. 061115 – Vehicle and trailer stolen – Tockwith Airfield. Extensive search by North and West Yorkshire Police, neither have been found. 101115 – Dwelling Burglary – Westfield Road, Tockwith. Vehicle stolen with keys, not found. 301115 – Attempt Dwelling Burglary – Lucas Grove North, Tockwith. No entry gained and nothing stolen. 161215 – Theft of 3 Stihl Chainsaws - Marston Moor Business Park. Stolen from within HGV. No cctv or further lines of enquiry. 191215 – Criminal Damage to motor vehicle – Connexions Buses, Bilton-in-Ainsty. Motorcar damaged on site, no known suspects at this time. 211215 – Theft of Caravan – Oak Road, Cowthorpe. Enquiries being made into blue Land Rover, seen towing caravan away. 221015 – Burglary at Stables – Fleet Lane, Tockwith. Horse Rugs stolen.

Cllr Waller also advised that PC Craven had supplied a photograph of himself in order that residents will recognise him and this will be included in the Parish Magazine

16/189. Village Hall Mrs Unsworth informed the Council that the survey has been finished and a meeting has taken place of the 30 people who expressed an interest in helping at the hall. A friends list is being compiled. Plans have been made for a May Fair with Maypole, May Queen and Morris Dancing, etc. It was suggested that there should be a Resilience Plan, and a list of telephone numbers and details displayed at the hall. Cllr Waller advised that there is a Plan, but it is short of people and he will place a notice in the Parish Magazine and the website asking for volunteers. A quote has been obtained for the removal of the dead tree and this can now go ahead.

16/190. Planning Applications

16/190.1 Retention of 40m x 30m arena for horses and installation of 8 floodlights. Appl No: 15/005053/FUL – The Water Tower, Wilstrop Lodge Farm, Green Lane, Moor Monkton, YO26 8JN Deadline extended to 26th January 2016.


The owner of The Water Tower was present and advised that the arena was installed as his partner had wanted to keep horses and they had obtained permission to put in the arena. She then fell ill and as a result suffered with poor eyesight hence the installation of the floodlights. He assured the Council that this was for personal use only and would not be used as a business. His neighbour was present and objected to the floodlights as they could be seen from his house. It was agreed that the floodlights should be used for limited hours each evening. It was agreed that the Planning Notice should be returned marked Option C, with safeguards as to the length of time the floodlights are used and that the arena is for personal use only. Resolved: Option C That the Council does not object to or support the application but wishes to make comments on the issues regarding personal use and the floodlights.


16/191. Planning Responses/Enforcement to receive the following planning Information/decisions.

16/191.1 Erection of up to 80 dwellings including open space, play area and pumping station with access into the side considered, site area 4.0ha. Appl No 15/02228/OUTMAJ – Land South of Prince Rupert Drive. Receive an update. The Parish Council are awaiting further updates on this development.

16/191.2 Linden Homes proposed residential development at Southfield Lane, Tockwith. Reference 15/01484/FULMAJ – Southfield Lane, Tockwith. Receive an update. The Parish Council are awaiting further updates on this development.

16/191.3 Tree Preservation Order - Acorn House, War Field Lane, Cowthorpe. Reference TPO 58/2015 A notice has been received from HBC that the Order is now confirmed.

16/191.4 Erection of mixed use building to include agricultural store, workshop and cider making process (Revised Scheme) Broad Oak Farmhouse, Broad Oaks Farm Loop, Tockwith. Planning permission has been granted for this application.

16/191.5 Planning Enforcement Reference 15/00588/PR15. Possible breach of planning control at Locksley, Tockwith YO26 7QJ. Conversion of adjacent building to dwelling. A notice has been received of the above possible breach of planning permission and the Parish Council will be notified of developments in due course.

16/191.6 Erection of two storey extension to replace outbuilding and alterations to fenestration. Wood Grove, 63 Westfield Road, Tockwith. Planning permission has been granted for this application.

16/191.7 Erection of single storey extension and replacement garage, alterations to fenestration and existing roof and demolition of existing outbuildings. Nethercarr Farm, Blind Lane, Tockwith. Planning permission has been granted for this application.

16/192. Matters requested by Councillors

16/192.1 To discuss the problem of dog fouling in the village – Cllr Dyason It was agreed to postpone this matter until the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to enquire about posters from the dog warden.

16/192.2 To discuss the possibility of three “Welcome to Tockwith” signs on the three roads into the village – Cllr Pope It was suggested that visitors to the village are not aware of entering the village due to the lack of signage. There are two signs (which are on the list to Highways for repair), but no sign on Fleet Lane. It was agreed that once the signage on the list has been repaired and cleaned, then we would look at enhancing them. Resolved: That the signs would be looked into after the list of repairs has been carried out.

16/192.3 To discuss the repair of various damaged/broken signs around the village – Cllr Pope There are various road signs around the village which are broken, hanging loose or even lying on the ground. The Clerk advised that HBC have a website on which she has reported the Lucas Road sign and a broken street light on Fleet Lane, however there have been no communications received from HBC regarding these. The Clerk was advised that Cllr Pope will look into this matter. Resolved: Cllr Pope to report the issue to HBC.

16/192.4 To discuss the Community First Responders – Cllr Waller. Action is to be taken to integrate with Long Marston, Bilton and Bickerton and there is a need for more Responders for Tockwith too. Cllr Waller will give the information to Cllr Wilson to be included onto the website. Cllr Gill had been to the Long Marston presentation and response was very positive. The First Responders defibrillator will be shared and the cost of replacement pads are covered by the Ambulance Service. The Parish Council will only cover the cost of replacement pads for the Defibrillator at the doctors’ surgery. Resolved: Cllr Waller to forward info to Cllr Wilson for inclusion on the website.

16/193. Clerk’s update and received Correspondence

16/193.1 Nomination papers for Parish Council Elections on 5th May 2016.. The nomination papers were given out and it was agreed that they would be completed and brought to the meeting in March. The Clerk will then drop of the papers at the Council Offices before the deadline of 7th April.

Resolved: That the papers are brought to the March meeting for delivery to HBC by the Clerk.

16/193.2 Information from YLCA regarding the Transparency Code. It was agreed that the Transparency Code does not apply to the Parish Council and therefore this information did not need to be included on the website. Resolved: That the Transparency Code does not apply.

16/193.3 Electoral Register for the Parish.

16/193.4 Letter from HBC re Council Tax Support Grant 2016/17.

16/193.5 Relevant received correspondence in addition to email: • Bank Statements from Lloyds Bank. • Inspection reports from Cowthorpe resident for Bert’s Garden. • YLCA letter advising of increase in membership fees in next financial year. • YLCA letter advising of changes to the External Audit Regime.

16/194. Accounts - to pay/ratify invoices received, bank balances and receipt of payments.

16/194.1 To approve the amended Parish Council Budget for 2016/17. The budget has been amended in order to make it clearer. Cllr Pope has prepared notes to accompany the budget for new Councillors. Proposed Cllr Pope. All in favour. Resolved: That the amended budget be approved.

16/194.2 To approve payment of Clerks salary and expenses up until and including 25th January 2016 and PAYE for December 2015. Resolved That the Clerk’s salary and expenses and PAYE be approved.

16/194.3 To receive and approve the bank reconciliation statement for November 2015. Resolved: That the bank reconciliation for November be approved.

16/194.4 To receive and approve this month’s bank reconciliation. Resolved: That the bank reconciliation for December be approved.

16/194.5 To receive and approve this month’s spend against budget report. Resolved: That the spend against budget report be approved.

16/194.6 To receive and approve invoice from X2Connect Ltd in the sum of £129.00 plus VAT (payable to Mrs J Marsden) for a Paint Kit for the Cowthorpe Telephone Box. Resolved: That payment of the invoice from X2Connect be approved.

16/194.7 To receive and approve invoice from Playsafety Ltd for the annual inspections on the two play areas in the sum of £133.00 plus VAT. Resolved: That the invoice from Playsafety Ltd be approved.

16/194.8 To receive and approve membership renewal to the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) in the sum of £118.00. Resolved: That the membership payment to SLCC be approved.

16/194.9 To consider request from the Clerk for a replacement handbook “Local Council Administration” to purchase from SLCC in the sum of £69.30 as the current version is very outdated (1989). Resolved: That the purchase of a new handbook for the Clerk be approved. All in favour.

16/194.10 To receive and approve Farm & Land Services invoice for grounds maintenance in the sum of £360.00 plus VAT. Resolved: That the invoice from Farm & Land services for grounds maintenance be approved.

16/194.11 To receive and approve quote from Farm & Land Services for tree felling and removal at the village hall in the sum of £220.00 plus VAT. Resolved: That the quote for tree felling be approved as this is a fair price. All in favour.

16/194.12 To receive and approve quote from Farm & Land Services for grounds maintenance for 2016 in the sum of £1034.00 plus VAT. Resolved: That the quote for grounds maintenance be approved as there is no increase on the previous year.

16/195. Information Exchange by Councillors

16/195.1 A road traffic accident had been reported at Cattal crossroads and it was felt that the Council should do something to make it safer, such as large “Stop” signs. The Clerk was asked to include this on the Agenda for the next meeting.

16/195.2 The Clerk was asked to find the 30mph signs for the wheelie bins before the next meeting.

16/195.3 Cllr Waller advised that site allocations are now on the HBC website and we will receive a notification during the next month.

16/195.4 It was asked who is co-ordinating the responses for the flooding issues. Cllr Waller agreed that he will do this.

16/195.5 Community Resilience Plan – The Battle Box is currently at Cllr Waller’s house and it was suggested that it should be kept at the village hall. It contains shovels, jackets, etc. and it was suggested that perhaps a shed could be put up in the hall grounds for the box to be stored in.

16/196. Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 17th February 2016 at 7.30pm.

Dawn Dyason Dawn Dyason 3/2/2016