Thursday, 13 th September 2012, 7pm, Town House, Haddington

Present: Barry Turner Chair Peter Armstrong East Lammermuir Community Councillor Michael Veitch Councillor, Spokesperson for Transport Jacquie Bell Dunbar Community Councillor Philip Immirzi Sustaining Dunbar Morag Haddow Sustaining Dunbar Judy Miller Sustaining Dunbar Peter Hamilton Pencaitland Community Councillor Maureen Cuthill & Gladsmuir Community Councillor Dougie Neill Macmerry & Gladsmuir Community Councillor Shena Jamieson Humbie,E&W Saltoun &Bolton Community Councillor David Rose Community Councillor

Item 1 – Apologies Colin Barnes, Barry Hutton, Ralph Averbuch and Councillors Berry and Caldwell

Item 2 - Minutes of last meeting (21/6/12) Accepted

Item 3 – Matters arising MV outlined his role as ELC Cabinet Spokesperson for Transport re. buses; has met with Perrymans and Prentice, and is soon to meet with Eve. These meetings have been very encouraging. ELC’s share of Lothian Buses will be used to influence the LB service and address the current two tier service in the county (east and west). Improving bus/bus and bus/train connectivity is also a priority.

Item 4 – Update on LTS and action following Bus Conference LTS - Work is continuing on East Lothian Council’s Local Transport Strategy, which is included in the Council’s recently published 5 year plan. RELBUS to comment on LTS when this work is completed in the near future. Bus Conference - Nothing to report yet on results of bus conference, but outcomes will be fed into LTS. The follow up themes were:- • Spare capacity in voluntary sector provision; use of ELC green buses currently being reviewed to see if more efficient use could be made of them. • Day Centre buses; also currently under-used. • ELC working on GIS map of East Lothian displaying routes and location of bus stops. Map of Musselburgh currently being produced. • Bus services to hospitals in ; new Pencaitland service will help. • Car Clubs; Dunbar is a good model. Haddington is at an early stage. • Improved facilities for walking and cycling; links for Innerwick currently being investigated. • Working Party; was recommended but not yet set up due to change in ELC administration.

Item 5 – Establishment of East Lothian Bus Group Clarification was sought on the role of RELBUS and its powers. It is envisaged that RELBUS will fulfil the same role for buses as RAGES does for trains. RAGES has been very successful with local, specific aims such as East Linton Station and improved local rail services to Edinburgh. RELBUS should similarly develop a specific agenda and aims. It will be the voice of bus users and the dominant group feeding into the East Lothian Bus Forum, a high level group comprising of Bus Operators, RELBUS, Community Councils, and East Lothian Council. It was noted that there is also a SESTRAN Bus Forum which covers a wide area.

Hierarchy RELBUS Feeds into ELC BUS FORUM Feeds into SESTRAN BUS FORUM

ACTION: The first meeting of the East Lothian Bus Forum will be on the 27 th November, 10 am, John Muir House, Haddington. RELBUS and all Community Councils will be invited. Items for the Agenda should be submitted two weeks prior to the meeting date.

Item 6 - Current bus issues • Dunbar – First bus information at bus stops has been put up in such a way that it covers up information about Eve and Perrymans services. • Western General Service – Doesn’t cover visiting hours or shift patterns for staff. (MV understood that Lothian Buses are aware of these problems). There are the same problems with the Eve Aberlady Service; no service for visiting hours or on Sundays. Also no direct service from Macmerry, Gladsmuir or Dunbar to hospitals in Edinburgh. • Longniddry – Eve service to Ocean Terminal should start at Longniddry. • Fares – First should have to provide information about fare prices because of their no change policy. The fares are very expensive in the east of the County compared with the west. Disheartening that nothing can be done. RELBUS should lobby Lothian Buses to operate east of and provide competition. • Development at – ELC must ensure that there is a better bus service in the area to serve this large development. • Cockenzie – The 26 service should be extended to Longniddry Station. • Haddington – There are no Perrymans bus timetables in Haddington. • First Services – any withdrawal of service requires 70 days notice. First only run two services in East Lothian; Dunbar to Edinburgh and North Berwick to Edinburgh and it is expected that if First pull out, either Perryman or Lothian would take over. A proper express service to Edinburgh would make money and be a good alternative to the train. First currently operate a very profitable good quality route in the Borders (62). It was noted that although issues such as the above can be brought up at the Bus Forum, RELBUS and East Lothian Council should also lobby directly.

Item 7 – Discussion Document – ‘Focus on bus passengers’ PI presented a first draft of ‘Focus on bus passengers’. This document highlights both the present situation and the future aims of RELBUS. The current version is very much a first draft. It will be made available on the RELBUS website for comments from members, The final version will be briefer with a succinct summary and prioritised key aims. Issues such as bus and rail integration and the possibility of having connecting bus services rather than one long route will be included.

ACTION : ‘Focus on Bus Passengers’ will be put on the RELBUS website for members’ comments – Deadline for comments 20 TH OCTOBER 2012 . A RELBUS agreed version will be ready for the Bus Forum two weeks prior to the meeting on 27 th November.

Item 8 – Finance and role of treasurer The request for funding to cover start up costs was raised as RELBUS has been in existence for some time already. It was explained that to date, all printing has been done by volunteers, and Sustaining Dunbar has helped out, but this isn’t a long term solution, and funding is required. It was agreed that RELBUS would apply to East Lothian Council and the Association of Community Councils for funding and help with meeting rooms etc. RELBUS currently does not have a treasurer or bank account. It was agreed that clear objectives were needed about what RELBUS would do with any funding and that a treasurer would be appointed when funding has been secured.

ACTIONS: JB to speak to Alison Cosgrove at the ACC. BT to apply to ELC for funding in February/March, possibility of requiring subs from members to be investigated. Treasurer to be appointed when funding has been secured.

Item 9 – AOB • Current legislative framework – it was agreed that the current legislation frustrates innovation and is not suited to rural areas. • Real time passenger information – SESTRAN are currently trialling a project in the Borders, but are also looking at making it easier to access the information so it can be used in other ways. The possibility of providing screens for the information in High Street shops etc. should be investigated. • Bus Services to Tourist Attractions – Some bus services to tourist attractions in East Lothian stop a fair distance away from the actual attractions. There would be considerable political support to have good bus services to these destinations, but it is also recognised that bus services for residents should take priority. • Consultation – Humbie, East and West Saltoun and Bolton CC has carried out some on line consultation about bus transport, as have Pencaitland and Ormiston. It is recognised that the lack of public consultation is an issue which needs to be addressed soon.

Item 10 – Date of next meeting Thursday 8 th November, 7pm, Town House, Haddington.

Contact Details: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Note of meeting prepared by JM 18/9/12