January Meeting Occasion for Elections, Funding Decisions
Published by the International Berkeley Society Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4237 USA Summer 2007 January Meeting Occasion for Elections, Funding Decisions The annual meeting of the International Berkeley Currently, the Society has about 125 Society was held on Saturday evening, January 20, active members; another 25 are arrears 2007 at Whitehall, Berkeley’s Rhode Island home in dues payments. Half of our members near Newport. Margot Grosvenor, president of the are involved in teaching and research National Society of Colonial Dames of America in (mostly in philosophy), and half are Rhode Island, welcomed the Society either retired academics or non- to the house, and elections followed Migely academicians interested in Berkeley shortly thereafter. Elected for three- (especially his time in Rhode Island). year terms were President Stephen Two-thirds live in the U.S.; the rest live in England, Daniel (Texas A&M University), Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Vice-President Timo Airaksinen Finland, México, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, Daniel (University of Helsinki), Secretary- Slovenia, Japan, Estonia, Australia, and Venezuela. Treasurer Nancy Kendrick (Wheaton College, MA), Membership Secretary Genevieve Those present at the meeting decided that future Migely (Cornell College, IA), and Recording Secre- membership forms should include a request not only tary Amy Garrison (Naval War College, RI). Other for dues and Whitehall library purchases but also for Executive Committee officers—past donations to support research on Berkeley’s life and President Lou Alfonso, Archivist (and thought. In the past the Society has aided in publishing former secretary-treasurer) Maureen translations of Berkeley’s writings and helped defray Lapan, and Philosophy Associations costs of international conferences.
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