L5 News, August 1978

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L5 News, August 1978 L-5 NEWS A PUBLICATION OF THE L-5 SOCIETY VOL. 3 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 1978 In 'this issue: <:nro/)111 lle11.w11. t :d1tm l Skyhook! Art' mass driiwrs. solar .wits and laser prop11lsio11 111111.wal /\lrmbrr.1h1p Srn•i<r.1: space lrm1e/ mPthods! Not com/Jared lo I !ans J\lorm1ec's skyhook! jn11rt Tnm0· <:l111s .Vnli11 •.1 k1 3 New Space Treaty Back in Limbo 11'1/linm ll'r1.~lr. Adm1111.Hrnt11 •r Srn•1<r1 4 OTRAG: Progress in tht> Face of Adversity Lut: A.'ay.\er. drfy111ga Ronrd of lhrrt tors: Sm11et-backt' d im 1 n .~ion oimPd at hi.\ rockPI comfJa11y, lio.\ /(11111( lird two lmnr ''"'"'m' 1 /Jarr>' (;oldwntn. Sr. more " 1 0/ksr<>< kr'/.1". Carolyn I frnso11 rt•ports. Uobrrt 11. llr111lr111 llarbarn Mnrx l/11 bbnrrl 7 Zaire Missile Story Exposed as " Disinformation" (;ordo11 I<. ll'oorlrm k l'h1/ip A.'. <:hnpmnn 9 Space Settlements Conference T o"lor I>ark Ill re/JOrts. ;l rtl111r Kn111ruw1t: l\tmrnd I\. J>a1111rnbrr.~ f.tlward U . Fmrh. Jr. Careers in Space }. l'rtrr l't11k ) ark /). Sa/111()11 Pioneers I lnrln11 Smith Nm1r I luddlr Mark llopkms IO Close Encounter, Soviet Style II. Krllh llrn.wm C:nml)'" M l'llll'I I lnwm Soviet Powersats? IVil/iam ll'rigll' 1'1111/1/1 l'arkrr Space Colonies Inevitable Space Shuttle Main Engine T est Successful Publication office: tht' l .·5 Sonf'I)'. Shuttle Vibration Tests 1060 E. Elm, Tucson. Arizo11a 85719. Published mo111hly. Update on Space Shuttle Subscription: $1 2.00 per yrar. mrluded in dues ($20.00 /1 er year. studmts SJ 5.00 per year). .'frnmd 11 Space Processing: the "STAMPS" of Disapproval, or, Space clnss postage paid at T urso11. Processing Takes it in the Ear /.('(mard Dm1id r<' JYorts. A riwna and additional office.1. C:opyri,~ht @/ 978 by the L·5 12 Bibliography Update by Conrod Schneikr'r Socit'ty. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without writ/en consent of tht' l.·5 Sor1t't)'. 13 Inside the L-5 Society The op111io11s expressed by thr authors do not necessaril)' rt'flut 14 Letters the policy of the L·5 Sonrty. M embership Seroices: L-5 S()c1ety. 1620 N. Park Avenue. Tucson. Ariw na 85719. Telephone: 6021622-6]5/. Change of address notices, undeliverable copies, or<krs /or subscriptions, and other mail items are to be smt to: L-5 Somry M~m~nhip Sc.rvices 1620 N. Park Cover: Thr p lanet Eanh. Above the " L" 1s the Mediterranean; Tucson, AZ 85719 above the " \V" is the Dead Sea. by I !ans 1\lorm1ec A sa tellite in Low circular orbit has two huge tapered cables extending outwards and rotating in the orbital p/an(', touching the planet each rotation. The tip 11elocity cancels the orbital velocity at the contacts, as in a ro lling w heel. It can genlly lift loads from the surface and accelerate them to escape velocity, and capture and lower speeding masses. Taper is minimized when the satellite's radius is one third the planet's, and for Mars and the /\loon is reasonable with existing materials such as fiberglass and Ke11lar. nw i<lta of a planc1 to orbi1 1ran~­ This report 1x>i111~ out that the space industrialization efforts (7). po1 tatio11 system involving an en ormou~ combination of a new ma terial, Ke\"lar (4) A synch ronous skyhook is madt by 1apercd cable extending from a and a new. le~scx pc·mive. satellite skyhook lowering a cable from a synchro nous synchronou sa1ellite lO 1he ground has configuration (5. 6) makes skyhook satellite to the surface, balanced by an even bt·cn in the li1erature for a lmos1 1wo transporta tion (easiblt" now o n bodies as longer cable· ex1ending o utwards from decades ( I. 2. 3,). It has hi1hcrto been large as Mars. On the moon. in particular. synchronous orbit. Anchored to 1he considered applicable o nly in 1he dis1an1 a Kevlar skyh ook h as e n o rmous ground and p111 into tension by a ballast a1 fllture. wlwn materials s1rongcr than an y a<lva111ages over rock 1 · 1 ~ for 1hc supply and it ~ far end. i1 would be a cosmic eleva tor now available come into existt·ncc. crew rota lion missions t•1wisio ned for cable, able 10 deliver mass to high orbi1 with extreme effi<it·1u·y. abo p roviding a A load attached to the bo ttom t• nd of A Kevlar lunar skyhook is a ble to lift a nd means fm t•xtract ing tht• rotatio n al 1·1wrgy such a sk)•hook during a WtH hdow11 \,·ill dq>0sit I 13 of its own mass ewry 20 o r the planet. Such a SlflKtUrl' tannot Ix· accelerated to a maximum of I .fi time·, minutts. and subjects payloads to a reasonably bt· built o n Earth gin-11 t•x isting l'Scapc vdocit~ at thl' h ighl'st point of tllC' maximum o f 0.·15 g of accdnation. It structual materials. It would Ix· possible if cable· end"s traje·ctory. u 1unc h i11g a ma,., in would S<'<"lll to be a desirable alternatiw to a cable with 10 times tht· strength weight this manner t•xtracts ro ta tional and t'xpt·nsivdy fuelled rocke ts for 1011tinl' ratio or stc:d. or '• tht• tht'ort·tiral orbital C'nngy from the· :.kyhook. a nd ~upply and < tt'\,. ro1a1ion rni"ion' to tlw Streng th weight ratio of tr)'Stalline lowC'rs the orbit. Co nn·1sd y. a high '.\loon's 'urfa«·. g ra phite rnuld h<' fabricatt'd. A graphite· vrlocity <rnft whi< h rc·nd1•1\·011~ with a nd cable wi th a d en ~ity o f 2.2 g cm' and a attaches itsd£ to the up1x·r 1·11 d of tht·<ahk. Reftrences a nd Notes tensile streng th of 2.1x 10 11 dyiw cm 2 could and is the n den·lt·rated and lm,·1•1l'd to tlw be fashioned into a ll)' n(hronou~ tnrestria l ground . injects a s imilar amount of I. Y. Ansuta no v. Komsomolskaya Pravda. skyhook w hi<h had o nly 100 timt·s ground enl'rgy. Simultam·m1s docking o r t'qltal J uly 3 1. 1960 (contents dC'scrihl'd in level cross M"t tion at :.y 11< h1m111us orbita l masses at both t'nds o r a !>kyhook 11·0 11kl Lvov. Science 158 946 [1967)). height. At a ny o ne tinw it could s upport lean· the orbit 1·~sl' nti <ill y 11nchangl'tl. Tlw 2. J .D. lsaan. A.C:. \line. H . Bradna. G .E. o ne powerc·d ele\'ato1 111a ~si ng I 6000 of most plaus ihlt' way ro op1·rntl' a de\'in· li kl' Bachus. Science 15 1 682 ( 1966) a nd 152 the cable ma s~ (fi). this may bl' to havt• thl' cahlt• t' nd ~ 11wrt'l y 800 ( 1966) and 158 9·16 ( 1967). Ma rs has a muc h shallow1·r g ra\'ity well , approach tht· surface a t a o;afr di:.tanc1·. A 3 . .J . Pt'arson. Acta Astronautica 2 78:", and a sy n ch mnm1 ~ ~ky hook for it is a lmost small rnckt·t could lw llM'd to matt h tlw ( 1975). reasona hlt· \\0 i th <'Onwn t ion a I m a tl'ria ls. rdativC'ly tiny vdocity a11d po:.111011 11. J. H. Ross. As tronautic.s &: Aeronautics. Kt"vlar is a m·w ~u 1><·rs t rong ~y ntl lt'tic £mm differencc·s b<0 l\\0 t'l'll thl' cablt· tip a nd the 15- 12"" ( 1977). the DuPo nt Co. With a dn1sity 0£ l .'14 ground. It would t h <" n ht• po,:.i hit- to 5. Thl' n ·ntral idea in this paJ><T. of a g c m ' a nd a t t· n ~ik ~ t n·ngth of borrow and dqmi.it :.mall ;1111m11ll:. or satdlitt that rolls like a whl'el. wa~ 2.76x l010d y1w c111~ it h a~a hou t :1 timt·i. tlw 01bi ta I 1· nngy without 1io;king t olli,ion' originated a nd suggested to llll' hy Jo hn s tn: ngth \Wight of slt'C'I. Sm·sst·d to half of 1ht cable aml i.urfoct·. McC'.arthy of Sta nford. t hi ~. to build in a safrty £auor of two. Table I lists paranwtt'h fm opti111um :1. H.P. 1\toran·c. Ad,•ances in the Kt"vlar tan ht· 11,1·d 10 c 01ht111c t a :-.y n­ size fiberglass and Ke vlar :.kyhooko; fm Astro nautical Sciences. 1977. abo chronous manian i.1-. yhook \\0 i1h a rap1·r somt" solar system bodie:.. Fi lx·rgi;t,, i:. J. As tronautical Sciences 26 ( 1978). of 16.000: I. abk to i.uppon 10 -• of iti. own assumed to havt' a density of 2.5 g <m ' and 7. G .K. O"Neill. The High Fro ntier. Wl'ight at a tinw. Thi· numl:x·rs £or the a tensile strength o f 2.-1 1x1010 dym· <m z. Human Colonies in Space ( \\'illiam Moon . which has littlt• gravity. but rotates Knlar has a density of l.+t g rn1, and a Morro\'' &: \.o.
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