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Fall of to Successor's ’yh: ■’7 i h ' - - W TVS- n* \ ! f:t ^ t -. •^!t*.'r. t .‘I*’.** : NCT PKRI^$ . ; - A.ViBBAfiE QAILX .laBCKLATlQN.' J... ,.4v-»%' 4 fc ^'X*~ I for tbe Month of S^tember, 1980 a;j> "n- f:* ?'- '. '•> v^r. - ? k t/'; ^’J^y-. S > 4 4 9 5-*^ i -CTrotfy* *pAe iHf «»rjc Members of the i^ ^ t Bnrean r t t t 0 t f V ^ ' of Ctaenlnttons. f yO L. XLV ., N O . 21. (Classified AdvertisinG on l^iGe 1^> <G>- FANKHUBST’S, DAUGHTER ] • IS A TARGET FOR EGGS “ J o ^ i 5irector” at '^ ^ ite H ouse New Castle, N. S. W., Oct. 24. ! — (AP)—EGGs were shied at j Mrs. Tom Walsh, formerly Miss ■ Adela Pankhurst, daughter of | the suffraGette leader, Mrs. | Pmikhurst — today during a Political meeting, but all the I missiles went wide of their tar­ £.?:>• Get. j The meeting ended in disorder and Mrs. Walsh was given police R e^ G ca n Candidate Protection. She has been cam- ; I PaiGilinG on behalf of the Na- • I tionalists during the states elec- ! Present Administration i tion campaign. I ProPoses to Double V^er- i '.................................. (i> ans Fund in Two Y ^ rs. jELABORATE PLOT Pernambuco, Oct. 24.— (AP) — A#Ple became.wild/v^th joy.. radio broadcast from RiO De Janeiro and shoPs closed"to cdebrate, tt today said that the military school occasion. ‘ 2,? Bridgeport, Oct. 24—Lieutenant-: TOHLLGUNMAN there had revolted, the Padets being I General Leite de' Casfeb>i revolu­ Cuap.CmMs W P S w it o ^ iu Governor Ernest E. RoGers, Repiih- , led by several high Army officers. tionary Generiil, assumed; (^ r G e - of lican nominee for governor, .made . ShorUy afterward it was an- the ■'situation... The PbPvda'co*4was and^TPoj^ SflUODi^ Ifte si^ ^ R noimiced that the Navy which has wild witix entpusiasm. the statement at a.rally held.at tte |Mj|«||JnP Guns Placed m remained loyal to the government, Radio announcement .that Stratfield Hotel last niGhty th a t'it; has joined the revolutionary move­ dent WashinGton Lrfis had resiGned dmitRilus^ Id Qiftiw^HoBrs is the Plan of the RePublics ;sta^ | ment. was not miade imt^ som e tim^^ administration to Practically double j Three Positions So That When bulletins annoimcing the the advices o f ’Uew^.ciiillill^uiy; ^ d I the $2,500,000 Soldiers’ Relief. Fund j new movement were posted the Peo- naval revolts had- l^en received, 'i.; mauids (tf MKtajT’I ^ ^ | 1 1 ^ ■ by the transfer of the surPlus which | Gangster Had No Chance. “It’s GoinG to baa war on hupian misery/’ said Col. Arthur M. Woods, left, to eaGer--Washington rePorters • who niet: him at the'door of the N e w ^ ^ 1 ■will exist in the state'sinkinG fvmd i White s House followinG, his conference with President Hoover on their , in the next two years. camPaiGn for .the relief; of imemployment; “We shall try to Put into “ I t will be my P l^ u r e if etected i Chicago, Oct. 2 4 .-(A P .)-Q a n G- operation every factor fbr improvement.’’ ‘ Colonel Woods, chosen by. the ' njture ^ It id Street - r Govemor,” he said, “ to recommend ® ., , . FALL OF ° ______________________ — I sters guns, silent m Chicago for Chief Executive as director of the national Project, is a former New York A. ' i -St- ; ! some time^ opened uP again last City Police commissioner and is experienced in employment campaigns. , t ■ niGht and removed Joe . Aiello, one ; ‘‘'BUlLEl?iN!;7''/v-;.; TO SUCCESSOR’S Bh>' De/Janeiro,. Bra ^ ,' 'OcL' of the few remaining rivals of Al­ 'NEW HAVEN BURGLARS «• 2L (ddP). ^ ' ,'i »-•; “■•••>> ” V.. • V .r- phonse CaPone, from the Picture of I STEAL TON OT COAL started around ndddsy.Bno later . ... Chicago’s crime. SPEEDBOAT SUNK showed s iG ^ ’ of ~ subsiding/in-! Aiello, reputed alcohol king, Part­ New Haven, Oct. 24 — (AP)— Revolt FoUowed Election of creiaseg;a8 afternqon wo|(e on.. Sometirqes they break into bf- THE YEAR’ S UNREST The crowds luVe .mOcked t||» '■K* ner of George (BuGs) Moran, and i with Moran listed by the Chicago COAST GUARD I‘flees in dead of night and steal Plwt .qf too newspaper Jofnat Crime Commission as a “public ene- j a safe bodily invol'viuG a lot of Prestes — Many Federal Del BrasO/ one o f toe most/bn- j I labor for the burglars. These IN liT IN AMERICA Pbrtaint newspapers in the itomi- my’’ was shot and killed by a GanG 1 incidents are surPrises but not try. '. There has 'been 'flrlnG-in- of men, number unknown, as he le ft! more so than one given a coal TrooPs Aided Rebels; By The AsMHdated Press toe. sfeeetS by boto sides. the apartment of Patsy Presto, an ' Vessel Believed Rum Runner dealer here yesterday when he importer, in North Kolmar avenue. I!" ' ■■ missed a hunk of coal weighinG Dominican Republic — ' HPrs®!® By Assdefaited Frees 7 Seventeen or more 'bullets were a ton, which stood outside,his Winners Deny Influence. fired into the GanG leader from guns Riddled by Gunfire Near Vsisquez ousted as President Slid office on a downtown street. succeeded by General Rafael L. The Federate adininistration of secreted in three different positions, It had been lifted. There President 'Washington Luis of as Aiello walked into what the Po­ Trujillo after a brief revolution. Watch Hill, R. I. could have been no doubt of Rio De Janeiro, Oct. 24.— (AP)— Bolivia—Presdient Heniando Siles Brazil was overthrown today, toe lice said was one of the most elab­ ownership as the firm had its President WashinGton Luis, whose overthrown in brief revolt; ihilitsry president ousted and a^ provisional orate assassination Plots in GanG­ name painted on the hunk. Junta under General Carlos BUmco government established. ^, land history. full name was Dr. Washington Luis ; Hot oniy/wak Rio De Janeiro m New London, Oct. 24.— (AP)— Pereira de Souza, alpumed office Galindo now governinG country. Use Machine Guns Peru —Gusuto B. L e ^ a <mven the hands o f a civil and military As he stepped out of the Presto The speedboat Helen, believed to be Nov. 15, 1926, and was to have from Presidency; new government conunittee. which called-for the re- apartment presumably to enter a a rum-runner, was sunk by Gun served ‘until Nov. 15 of this year Is a military junta under'Lieutenant stocatiOn of. in the Present in - WORK ANNOUNCES surrection,': hut'^ the- Goveamment cab waitinG to take him and Presto fire early today off Napa tree Point, when he would be succeeded by Colonel Luis M. Sanchez Ceiro. to his home, machine-gun fire open­ stronGhold* a^ torn ■Pauio a i^ ^aP­ near Watch Hill. R. I., and the President-elect Julio Prestes, who ArGentina— Revolt of' Army and Peared'oyettoriwto- 7 Lt. Gov. Ernest E. RoGers ed from a third floor window of an Na"vy forces oust. Preside9.t Hipolito apartment across the street. Aiello speedboat Pueblos was captured by recently completed a visit to the DisPhttoes ;|rbiSi! iSao/Rauio. said IrlGoyen; government now in charge that toere ■»?« firinG a^Plnst to^ , such a .course, “and I am quite cou- turned and 'fled back into tiie vesti­ Coast Guardsmen. Both craft are United States. , from Bridgeport. of Gener*d Jese^Frindsdo tJHbUy; GoverMseilt' i^ a ce th®to aPd that : fident that the Republican leglsla- bule and attemPted to arouse some The revolution broke' first*in., the leader < of the ji^wli^tlon, as Provi­ 5 ture will carry out such a recom- one in the aPartnaent- ‘Elntfi^ /,his Lieut.-Jewell in comfltand of the C. G/>134, ;One ’ of two l?'oatS: which state oRRio Grande Do Sul, fur­ sional President.- ’ 3 * '-sT ? Wajs'-rim 'UP*' -V ' mendation.’’ way blocked b'y locked Idobrs he ‘fled thermost south of the divlslona <3hiler- Suliy^sive vfeo:^ at­ Many Aided into the apartment coiurtyard only ParticiPated ' in the ■ engagement, To Find Jobs Fnrii eiod Pro- r- /Preridtot - WbshtaGtok^^ The RePublican norninee pointed said the:crew of the Helen, a 83- which make uP the Brazilian \mion.; temPt^ by two to me.et the fire of machine gima TrooPs formed thejG, under. ex^^'tcF SiuP*iffi^ D k ^ u J io Ptostes, preaidekl I to the fact that, as a result of the cominG from a window of a building footer ■was unharmed. The other Patrol boat engaged in , the affair of Dr. Getulio VarfiiG pressOd^hy' President ’ Catlos" Ibanez. elect, askkmt whom toe ipsurrec- creation of the Soldiers’ Rdief Fund to the north. Fleeing to the rear of Ecuador — President Idoyo Ayqra I in 1919, its $1,200,000 income had was the C- G. 234. “Vargas, president of toe stkte and tlbk .hid. b j^ Prt^^dfy,^.dlmctod, the court in an attemPt to escape defeated candidate in the recent redGhs but.is Persuad^-to rentfdP ahio wotild’-qult' toe nrfdi- ' ;• '. ! been distributed among needy veter- over a back fence, he ran into a No'liquor was found aboard the Not Available. in office after ieorGanijatlon of. Cab­ ‘ ans and their families in the last “IPueblos.'This craft was being tow­ national presidential elections. ' The mllltacy committee - a t . Rio fusillade of shots coming from the ! eleven years and that the original ed to tiie Ideal Coast Guard base. The states of Santa Catharina inet. De Janeiro issued 'i; Pyodamation fund was still intact! While abo.ut basement of the building housing The number of men aboard the two and Parana fell quickly into line and Brazil—Revolution begun Oct. ^ 3 callinG upon kd, facHonk.
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