’yh: ■’7 i h ' - - W TVS- n* \ ! f:t ^ t -. •^!t*.'r. t .‘I*’.** : NCT PKRI^$ . ; - A.ViBBAfiE QAILX .laBCKLATlQN.' J... ,.4v-»%' 4 fc ^'X*~ I for tbe Month of S^tember, 1980 a;j> "n- f:* ?'- '. '•> v^r. - ? k t/'; ^’J^y-. S > 4 4 9 5-*^ i -CTrotfy* *pAe iHf «»rjc Members of the i^ ^ t Bnrean r t t t 0 t f V ^ ' of Ctaenlnttons.

f yO L. XLV ., N O . 21. (Classified Advertising on l^ige 1^>

- FANKHUBST’S, DAUGHTER ] • IS A TARGET FOR EGGS “ J o ^ i 5irector” at '^ ^ ite H ouse New Castle, N. S. W., Oct. 24. ! — (AP)—Eggs were shied at j Mrs. Tom Walsh, formerly Miss ■ Adela Pankhurst, daughter of | the suffragette leader, Mrs. | Pmikhurst — today during a political meeting, but all the I missiles went wide of their tar­ £.?:>• get. j The meeting ended in disorder and Mrs. Walsh was given police R e^ G ca n Candidate protection. She has been cam- ; I paigiling on behalf of the Na- • I tionalists during the states elec- ! Present Administration i tion campaign. I Proposes to Double V^er- i '...... (i>

ans Fund in Two Y ^ rs. jELABORATE PLOT Pernambuco, Oct. 24.— (AP) — A#ple became.wild/v^th joy.. radio broadcast from RiO De Janeiro and shops closed"to cdebrate, tt today said that the military school occasion. ‘ 2,? Bridgeport, Oct. 24—Lieutenant-: TOHLLGUNMAN there had revolted, the padets being I General Leite de' Casfeb>i revolu­ Cuap.CmMs W p S w it o ^ iu Governor Ernest E. Rogers, Repiih- , led by several high Army officers. tionary generiil, assumed; (^ r g e - of lican nominee for governor, .made . ShorUy afterward it was an- the ■'situation... The pbpvda'co*4was and^Tpoj^ SflUODi^ Ifte si^ ^ R noimiced that the Navy which has wild witix entpusiasm. the statement at a.rally held.at tte |Mj|«||Jnp Guns Placed m remained loyal to the government, Radio announcement .that Stratfield Hotel last nighty th a t'it; has joined the revolutionary move­ dent Washington Lrfis had resigned dmitRilus^ Id Qiftiw^HoBrs is the plan of the Republics ;sta^ | ment. was not miade imt^ som e tim^^ administration to practically double j Three Positions So That When bulletins annoimcing the the advices o f ’Uew^.ciiillill^uiy; ^ d I the $2,500,000 Soldiers’ Relief. Fund j new movement were posted the peo- naval revolts had- l^en received, 'i.; mauids (tf MKtajT’I ^ ^ | 1 1 ^ ■ by the transfer of the surplus which | Gangster Had No Chance. “It’s going to baa war on hupian misery/’ said Col. Arthur M. Woods, left, to eager--Washington reporters • who niet: him at the'door of the N e w ^ ^ 1 ■will exist in the state'sinking fvmd i White s House following, his conference with President Hoover on their , in the next two years. campaign for .the relief; of imemployment; “We shall try to put into “ I t will be my p l^ u r e if etected i , Oct. 2 4 .-(A P .)-Q a n g- operation every factor fbr improvement.’’ ‘ Colonel Woods, chosen by. the ' njture ^ It id Street - r govemor,” he said, “ to recommend ® ., , . FALL OF ° ______— I sters guns, silent m Chicago for Chief Executive as director of the national project, is a former A. ' i -St- ; ! some time^ opened up again last City police commissioner and is experienced in employment campaigns. , t ■ night and removed Joe . Aiello, one ; ‘‘'BUlLEl?iN!;7''/v-;.; TO SUCCESSOR’S Bh>' De/Janeiro,. Bra ^ ,' 'OcL' of the few remaining rivals of Al­ 'NEW HAVEN BURGLARS «• 2L (ddP). ^ ' ,'i »-•; “■•••>> ” V.. • V .r- phonse Capone, from the picture of I STEAL TON OT COAL started around ndddsy.Bno later . ... Chicago’s crime. SPEEDBOAT SUNK showed s ig ^ ’ of ~ subsiding/in-! Aiello, reputed alcohol king, part­ New Haven, Oct. 24 — (AP)— Revolt FoUowed Election of creiaseg;a8 afternqon wo|(e on.. Sometirqes they break into bf- THE YEAR’ S UNREST The crowds luVe .mOcked t||» '■K* ner of George (Bugs) Moran, and i with Moran listed by the Chicago COAST GUARD I‘flees in dead of night and steal Plwt .qf too newspaper Jofnat Crime Commission as a “public ene- j a safe bodily invol'viug a lot of Prestes — Many Federal Del BrasO/ one o f toe most/bn- j I labor for the burglars. These IN liT IN AMERICA pbrtaint newspapers in the itomi- my’’ was shot and killed by a gang 1 incidents are surprises but not try. '. There has 'been 'flrlng-in- of men, number unknown, as he le ft! more so than one given a coal Troops Aided Rebels; By The AsMHdated Press toe. sfeeetS by boto sides. the apartment of Patsy Presto, an ' Vessel Believed Rum Runner dealer here yesterday when he importer, in North Kolmar avenue. I!" ' ■■ missed a hunk of coal weighing Dominican Republic — ' Hprs®!® By Assdefaited Frees 7 Seventeen or more 'bullets were a ton, which stood outside,his Winners Deny Influence. fired into the gang leader from guns Riddled by Gunfire Near Vsisquez ousted as president Slid office on a downtown street. succeeded by General Rafael L. The Federate adininistration of secreted in three different positions, It had been lifted. There President 'Washington Luis of as Aiello walked into what the po­ Trujillo after a brief revolution. Watch Hill, R. I. could have been no doubt of Rio De Janeiro, Oct. 24.— (AP)— Bolivia—Presdient Heniando Siles Brazil was overthrown today, toe lice said was one of the most elab­ ownership as the firm had its President Washington Luis, whose overthrown in brief revolt; ihilitsry president ousted and a^ provisional orate assassination plots in gang­ name painted on the hunk. Junta under General Carlos BUmco government established. ^, land history. full name was Dr. Washington Luis ; Hot oniy/wak Rio De Janeiro m New London, Oct. 24.— (AP)— Pereira de Souza, alpumed office Galindo now governing country. Use Machine Guns Peru —Gusuto B. L e ^ a

, ' f - -i'5 t f- -W. L f '- ’i::-/ y'jr* w : 5A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVEmNG HERALB, SOtTfi MANCH^TE^^^ C0NN> FRIDAY, OCTOBEIR M , tW *

ample‘In cortttastWg^ ffeatar^s that' 'ley, Miss Lilli& Black, Miss Hta Pdw AddLt-Aif • » » 27 will show the many excellent qu^i-- Wrisley, Miss Etta' Otto, Miss garner Bn» Pipt.. 2 1 mm ;T VESPERS ties of this talented . ensemble.. , A Miriam SUcQX, Miss Esther Stur­ TOWN El and .,• *. • •. »i07^ Schubert number ift tp be sung by^a geon,-Mrs. Plorence Anderson, Miss WOpl^^rlhi 64% chorus of women’s voices, a setting Ruth Lippincott, Miss Belledna Nel­ The, Shining. Light Circle of Tellow T r u c k 10% HRW •Junior Kings Daughters of the Cen­ / (FiinUrtiea by' HERE SUNDAY . to. the'‘‘23fd-Psalm’’ which is full of son, Mrs. Elizabeth Fellows,. Mm . C0ST7MU 0HS Central Bosv, H&tfnrd, choral beauties, and tfP^eniness of Edna Clark, jMiss Irepe McMuUep, ter Congregational church, 78 in number, motored to Vernon Center 1 s . Ai. StbclOi ALLHIRMESS ■“s: Miss E!vel3m Marcil, Philip Magnu- ' Bank Stodn Machine Slum 6 i son, Sydney Strickland, Paul Vol- last night where they gave a Hal­ lowe’en party for the children at Bid Asked Purse of Monty:’* quardson, John Munsie, Thomas BoildingSi Land^ Repairs and Baidiers-Trust Co ..U875 . FOR ROYAL WEDDING iNew Series of Musicals at Maxwell, Earner Johnson, James the County Home'. Fitter Long HI. f City Bank and Trust. • — 300 Hutchinson, Milton Magnuson, Rob­ Uap :N&t _ „ ...... , • « • . .• i'- 340; ert Gordon, Robert Von. Deck, Fred The Dorcas society members will Sewer Disposal Plants (Gonf^ed From Page 1.) William H. Robahaw M il South M. E. Church to he entertain their mothers at a sup­ Cbna. Rtver .;...... 500 ington street, who has bsea,.i Sadler, Earl Trotter, David Hutch- Htfd Conn Trust .. 127 per to be served at the Swedish 135 Cuirassiers o f the niotinted escort' ed in Cheney Brothers stea inson, Thomas Corthier, , Ralph First Nat Hartford 240 Inauprated. Smith, Fred Bendall, C. Elmore Luthe?hn church this eevning c.tj Listed in Report. add regular jmlice. dqpu’tment for more than i 6:30. Mrs. Conrad Casperson heads j Land Mtg and Title . . 40 cades, received a i^easantH ni™ ^, Watkins. / Mutual B and I ...... — 160 Besides King ■'Victor Emmanuel' the supper committee, and Miss ,and QueeO Elena, other roy^ fig­ last evening from his feUbw woNt- Eva Johnson the program commit­ New Brit Trust ...... — 200 men there and ip the : The Vesper service to be given at Hartford, Oct. 24,— (AP)—Ap Riverside Trust — 550 ures present Will include the former' tee. •''^ proprlations requested by seventeen West Htfd rrust .... 275 Queen Sophie of Greece^and no less Mr, Robshaw has heeu' confined. ,to the South Methodist church Sunday his home and xmdergoing osteopatb- state depeurtinents for ne'w building lONiriBe* StoolM i&ah 35 princies and princess^ of afternbon at 4:30 is a new feature CAN’T LOCATE OWNER Upwards of 75 were present last operations, alterations, repairs, pur­ the bl&pd,' . > ■ Ic treatment for several mnn'thB. night at the first of the series of- Aetna Casualty ...... 84 in musicals at this church, as is al­ chase of land for buildings, con­ Aetna Fire ...... 62 : Boris’ father, lie former Czar; On answering Ms doorbell last so the added contribution in the whist-dances, to be given on con­ struction of sewer disposal plants, Ferdinan'd,'who is im exile' from his evening he welcomed six of Ms a » OF ABANDONED CAR secutive Thursday evenings, by the Aetna Life...... 65 ^presentation of a short‘organ recital etc., exceeded $7,000,000 according AutomobUe ...... 28 own country will not'be present but, sociates whom he naturally sbipibse Sby the acting director, Carl McJKin- Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. First to figures compiled by the special Conn. Genera] ...... n 7- 'his brotherj^ Prlnc^ Cyril, and his ed came for the purpose of iseeing ^ley. Included in the recital numbers, j prizes were won by Mrs. C. E. Ris- budget connnittee of the state board Hartford Fire ...... 60 sister Pi^cess Eudoxia and a bril­ how he was progressing. W h ^ ’ the s>is a composition by Mr. McKinley, j Pontiac Roadster Left on ley and Alonzo Foremain: second by of finance and control. The requests men were about to leave, Robert Airs. Walter H. Walsh and A. E. Htfd Steam Boiler .... 53 liant suite will be here. ‘^“Arabesque,” which received high j School Street Last Night— cover the next biennial fiscal period, National Fire ...... 56 Princess Glovanna is a tall, pretty Martin slipped an envelope into Mi-. 'Icommendation from many listeners | Loomis; and consolation, Mrs. Ned and while the requests have not Phoenix-Fire ...... 69 Robshaw^s hand, making ,4he re­ Registration Doesn’t Tally Nelson and John Bronkie. Following black-hair^ Ibrow n-eyed-^l who |iin on the recent broadcast programs j had the approval of tha budget Travelers ...... 1045 mark that hM friends wanted to With Records. the games the committee served ■will not be^ 23 yeaurs old until No­ i^rom WTIC when it was. first pre- | committee and there is no indica­ Public Utilities Stocks vember i3.'She has known Boris for make a/Uttle^ gift. Mr. Robshaw^ sandwiches, home made cake and tion as yet of what the recommen- Conn Elec S e r ; ...... 72 thpugh taken by surprise, voiced ^sented on the air. j coffee. Dancing followed ^to music several years» their romance having § Another interesting number which : A blue Pontiac roadster automo­ dationa will be, it gives a fair indi­ Conn Power ...... 62 been thwarted for a long time be-: his thanks, but did not open the on .the violin by Walter Joyner and cation of, what the seyeral state de­ Greenwich W&G, pfd. . — ^will be played by him is “Funeral j bile was abandoned on School street Irving Wickham, piano. cause of the religious complications gift imtll urged to do so b y , ^rs. |>March and Seraphic Song’’ by Guil- j during the night and police here partments believe is required In the dOj pfd. * involved. Robshaw. H^ found enclosed a sub-' were notified this noon that the ma­ way of additional building facili­ Hartford Ellec Lgt .... 68 stantial sum of money, a much ap­ <^mant, which was especially request-1 Carl McKinley The oyster supper and address Boris is 36 years old and has been j'ed to be played by him. Consider- | chine was still standing in the road ties. Hartford Gas ...... 74 on the throne of Bulgaria since the preciated gift after a long pedod of by John Peter under auspices of the The, request from the commission do, pfd ...... 45 ’^b le interest is being evidenced by i in front of the home of Mrs. John Men’s Friendship club of the South abdication of Ms father on October idleness and expense for trektments. ^ is many local friends and those expression. The full chorus will sing McVeigh of 85 School street. for the new state hospital at New- S N E-T C o ...... 158 At the machine shop a so-called Methodist church Monday evening to'wn hM not yet been received, but 3, 1918. ,^rom Rockville, Hartford and other a composition by Sir Arthur Sulli­ The license number, V-9055, Bfaunfacturiiig Stocks “Rest Room committee’* makes it wiU be followed by a volley ball this is expected to approximate $2,-. Am ^'ware-----. . . 51 53 ;:^earby centers. van, the beautiful theme >‘K) Glad­ brought the information from the game between the South Methodist The regular meeting of the a point when.one of the workers 4* ill some Light,’’ from the "Golden Le­ registration department of the 000,000 to $2,500,000; and will, be Amer Hosiery 28 Junior Mission Band will take place The chorus numbers have been and a team from Cheney Brothers Amer S ilv e r...... — for more than six weeks, to-^hake gend’’ by Longfellow. The program motor vehicle office in the state the largest item on the list of ap­ at the Swedish Lutheran church to­ Chosen so as to uphold the reputa- machine shop. Mr. Peter will speak propriations asked for in the build­ Arrow H and H, com. 37 a collection of money, as tti the ^tion achieved by the choir in former in full is as follows: capital at Hartford, that such a on the political side of the Indian morrow at 2 o’clock. present instance. number was issued to Omir Cormier ing program. do p f d ...... 102 :^ears and include a choice and ex- Organ Prelude, “By the Waters of question. Schools For Boys ^ Autotnatio Refrig .... — Babylon”—Karg-Elert. of 677 South Main street, Water- bury for a Willys-Knight Sedan. In­ The next largest item is that sub­ Bigelow Sanford, com. 38 Processional Hymn No. 421, “Re­ Mrs. Harold Symington of Munro mitted by the trustees of Connecti­ do, p f d ...... 90 joice Ye Pure in Heart”— formed that the car in question was street, well known local soprano, a Pontiac, the motor vehicle of­ cut School for Boys at Meriden, Billings and . 2 Messiter. will have a part in the musical pro­ which approximates $1,000,000. This Bristol Brass ...... — Apostles’ Creed ficials said that the Cormier license gram in connection with the har­ Warner Bros. was a new application and that there includes $275,000 for a new school do, pfd 95 — Antiphonal Sentences—Tallis vest supper at Center Church House had been no rtansfer to their know­ building, $200,000 for a shop build­ Case, Lockwood and B 500 Prayer, Choral Response—Hoyt Wednesday evening, Oct. 29. ing, $200,000 for a staff house, Collins Co, ...... CANDY Chorale, “Thou Who Art Enthroned ledge. So far as can be learned from people $130,000 for administration and re­ Colt’s Firearms ...... 23^ Above” (Old Lutheran Melody) The Federated Workers of the ception building and hospital, $90,- Eagle L o c k ...... 30 —Armstrong. living on School street, two persons, a young man and woman were seen Wapping church will hold their an­ 000 for a double cottage, $60,000 for Fafnir' Bearings — SALE Soprano Solo and Chorus, "There to alight from the machine after nual chicken pie supper and sale of three residences, $30,000 for grad­ Fuller Brush, Class A. — Shall Be No Night There”— midnight. One report was to the gift articles at the 'Wapping school ing work and $20,600 for garages. Hart and Cooley ..... — \ W’^ood. hall beginning at 6 o’clock this eve­ Hartmann ’Tob, com . — FRIDAY This week-end jve offer an­ effect that both were ^toxicated In the $377,500 request of Cedar Bass Solo and Chorus, “Ho! Every- ning.' sanitarium, Hartford is included do, pfd ...... — and ; and the woman caused considerable Inter S ilver...... 55 other of our popular Ic SPE­ ■ one That Thirsteth”—Martin. disturbance along the street ring­ $175,000 for an infirmary (100 SATURDAY Scripture Reading. Group 4 of the Meihorial Hospi­ do, p f d ...... 101 CIALS. Be sure you buy your ing doorbells and accusing passers- beds); $65,000 for nurses home (35 Chorus of Women’s Voices, “The by of having stolen her wrist watch. tal Linen auxiliary. Miss Mary. rooms); $50,000 for administration Landers, Frary & Clk. 61 Man & Bow, Cleiss A. — A Massive Program 4hare early. Last week this 23rd Psalm”—Schubert. Additional facts which seem to Hutchison leader, will meet M(kiday building, and $50,000 for sewer sys­ Offertory' “Nocturne” (Organ) — afternoon at the School street do. Class B .'...... — That Hits the I special sold 300 potmds of oiu* corroborate at least some points Cf tem and filter beds. Ferrata. this report were discovered this Recreation Center*. A standing in­ New Brit Mch. com .. 15 BuUseye Squarely! ligh grade chocolates. Chorus, “Wash Me Thoroughly” I morning when it was learned that in vitation IS given to any local wo­ do p f d ...... 94 t North and Ju d d ...... 19 I (from the Oratorio, “The Tower I the front seat of the abandoned man whQ -would like to help with MORRIS SULLIVAN HEADS of Bable)—Rubinstein. automobile were found a ladies hat the sewing to meet vdth any of the Niles Bern P o n d ...... 21 1 Pound Chocolates Chorus a Cappella, “O Gladsome covered with mud, a wrist watch four groups who work for the Peck, Stow and Wilcox 4 BUSTER Light” (from the Golden Le­ with the band ripped to shreds, and hospital Monday afternoons. NORTH END WHIST CLUB Russell Mfg. Cc...... 45 gend)—Sullivan. a pair of ladies gloves. The auto­ Scovill ...... 40 5 9 c - Organ recital by Carl McKinley: mobile was out of gasoline and there The regular business meeting of Seth Thom Co Com . 22 was no key in the ignition. The the Order of the Rainbow .'will be Standard S crew ...... 100 KEATON “Sonatina” (from the Cantata, The first thing that was, done at do, pfd. guar “ A” . 100 “Go^’s Time Is Best” )—Bach. rumble seat was locked. held at 7:3(f tomorrow evening at the organization of the north end In the Big Parade of Laughs Manchester policP' took the car the Masonic Temple. A Hallowe’en Stanley W ork s...... 34 36 Extra Pound— Ic. “Funeral March and Seraphic Song” Whist Club last night when they Smythe M f g ...... 80 —Guilmant. into the police station pending the social to which the members of the met with Miss Christine Mason at arrival of its owner and the copi- Hartford Assembly have been in­ Ta^or & Fean ..... 115 CHOICE OF H.\RD, CHEWY “Arabesque”—McKinley. the Community club, was to elect Torrington ...... 48 “Finale”—Lemmens. pletion of the investigation. vited will follow. There will be “ Dough Boys” OR CREAM CENTERS. Morris D. Sullivan as their chair­ Underwood Mfg Co . . . 70 ■ I Benediction, Choral Amen—Dun- j ______games and refreshments in charge With of a committee rmder the direction man, a position whiefi he has now Union Mfg Co ...... — i ham. held for four terms or since these of Worthy Advisor Doris Rogers. U S Envelope, com . . . 200 CLIFF (Ukelele) EDWARDS Recessional Hymn No. 38, “Saviour Contractor E. L. Gates of North whists have been started. do, pfd ...... 112 Again to Thy Dear Name”— Elm street, who was injured in an PRINCESS Memorial Temple Pythian Sis­ The meeting was attended by- Veeder Root ...... 30 Hopkins. | automobile accident at the Eastern ters will meet in Odd Fellows hall twelve teams ajid it is the desire of Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . — And on the Same Mammoth Bill The choir follows: I States Exposition, has been confined Tuesday evening for its regular the members who represented the CANDY SHOP Miss Eleanor Willard. Mrs. Eunice jto his home for the past five weeks. business session. A rehearsal will clubs ^yesterday to secure about six Hohenthal, Miss Ada Belle Crosby, His left leg was badly bruised and take place of the degree team. A more, which will. give an eighteen H. B. WARNER Comer Main and Pearl Streets Miss Ruth Nyman,' Miss Marion water on the knee developed. He social with refreshments will fol­ team league. Officers were elected j , - 'and Legg, Miss Ruth Morton, Miss Flor- jis now able to s'et around the house low. by selecting Morris D. Sifilivan as ence Wilson, Mrs. Gertrude McKih-|with the aid of crutches. J president. Henry Valllant of Hilliard N.Y. Stocks The second sitting in the pinochle street who is to take any other /RENE RICH tournament will-take place at the names of teams that wish to enter Army and Navy clubhouse this can be reached by calling telephone Adams Exp 21% evening. Quish and Frey were the 4977 or Miss Christene at the Com- Air Reduction ...... 105% winners last week. raunity club, Tel. 7206. James W. Allegheny ...... 11% “ On Your Back” Foley was selected as assistant sec- Am Can ...... 118% One of the first of the Hallowe’en retary, and Miss Mason as treasur- Am and For Pow ...... 42% She tried to plan her son’s life but she could not O ffe rin g masquerades will be that of the Old gj.. Am Intemat ...... 25% control destiny! ' Farmers at the Wapping school i xhe first games will be played' Am Pow and L t ----- • ••••••• hall tomorrow evening. Oscar Qg^t Tuesday and will continue until Am Rad Stand San ...... 21% Strong will prompt for the old-time ; forty-eight games have been play­ Am Roll MUls ...... 37% ADDED ATTRACTION TONIGHT OkLY dancing and worth-while cash gy ^ new rule a person not fol- Am Smelt '...... 53 Tom orrow prizes will be given for the best lowing or reneging will lose Am Tel and T e l...... i...... l99% i t 9 i ladies’ and most grotesque man’s four points, but the opposition wiU Am Tob B ...... 117 . The social is given by a CABARET NIGHT not be given the points taken away. Am Water Wks ...... 76Vi Four Acts of Snappy, Entertaining VaudeviUe group of Manchester men who style Each team will be represented by Anaconda Cop ...... 34 themselves the “ Old Timers.” four men. Atchison T and S Fe ...... 200% Hal and Mai Patsy , and Helyn Saturday Atlantic R e f ...... 21% A roller skating, dancing Corking, Singing, Dancing Baldwin ...... 26 - riot. Team. DECORATOR Balt and Ohio ...... 80% odist church gym for practice to • i ' ■Rfindlx ...... 18% night at 7 o’clock. " ; Martin and Luhdberg Tom Stang Beth steel ...... 74% Black Face Comedian TO ADDRESS TEACHERS Canadian Pac, new ...... 42% Accordionists — And How The tickets are all out for the big Case Thresh...... 127% A u t h e n t i c night for Odd Fellows, at the Fathej; CM and N orw est...... 46 ' and Son banquet to be held the eve­ Helen Strong of Watkins Broth- Chrysler ...... 16% ning of Nov. 8. The speaker of thf interior decorating department, colum G^’S El 44% evening will be Grand Master Edwi' ill address the Home Economics ' Q^aph ...... 13 Vg C o a t S( Pickett of New Haven, and enter ssociation of teachers tomorrow ' gojy ...... tainment will follow. .’.fternoon at the teachers’ conven-1 comwlth and S o u ...... 9% tion being held at Hartford. Miss' QgjjgQj Qas ...... 96^ AT 2;15 S ATURDAY AFTERNOON THE F a s h i o n s The Polish National Catholic strong will lecture on the principles contin Can ...... ,49 church will serve a chicken dinner ot interior decorating, (3om Prod ...... - ■ • 7 8 tomorrow night at Turn Hall at Du Pont De Nem ....>»...... 95 7:30. Entertainment is planned Eastman K odak...... 191% At a Popular Price after the dinner. PUBUC RECORDS Elec Pow and Lt ...... 4.9% CIRCLE Fox Film A ...... •37'% All public schools in Manchester Gen Elec ...... 53 • were closed today, the teachers be­ Warrantee Deeds Gen Foods i ...... 51% SCREEN WILL-SPEAK! E. S. Hohenthal to Louis L. ing in attendance at Hartford, on Gen Motors ...... 35% And on^ Saturday and Sunday of each week will show the best in one of the four regional conventions Hohenthal, lot of land on Ridge­ Gold Dust ...... 33% being held simultaneously through­ wood street extension. Grigsby Grimow ...... 5% ■ Tallvn'?; pictures the market has to offer. out the state. Morris L. Elman to the South Hershey C h o c...... r 82% Coats Manchester Sanitary and Sewer Int Harvest ...... 62% Mrs. Harry Anderton of Church Company, rights of way for storm Inter 'Nickel Can ...... 18% treet left last night for St. John’s, water and sewage, on Plymouth Int Tel and Tel 3(}% lew Bnmswick, to attend the Lane. ^ .. Johns Man'ville ...... 74% •jneral of her brother’s wife, Mrs. Moir.':: L. Elmkn to the South Lehigh VSI C o a l...... 8% THIS WEEK SATURDAY and SUNDAY .achael Brindle. Mrs. Brindle’s Manchester W^ter -Company rights Lehigh Val RR ...... 60% oath came very unexpectedly. of way for •water lines adjoining Loew’s, I n c ...... 57% An Alt Talfciiig Screen Version of Plymouth Lane. Lbrillard ...... 15% Sport Coats Morris L. 'Elman to the South An important meeting of the K^sn Tex ...... k*.. ' . . ^ 25^L 'iiior choir of the Zion Lutheran Manchester Sanitary and Sewer Mont W a rd ...... 25 JACK LONDON’S inch will be held at 6:30 o’clock district, sewefage rights to the Mid­ Nat Cash Reg A ...... 31%- Fine woolens in tailored st^ les aight. Anyone between the ages dle Heights trSet oh East Middle Nat D a iry ...... 43% FAMOUS STORY ; 10 and 18 years interested in the Turnpike. , -.. Nat Pow and L t ...... 35 Also Broadcloths with huge ,oir an(^ not yet a member is in- S. Josephihe WethereU, Manches­ Nev Cop ...... 9% ted to attend this meeting. ter to Charles L. Vanderbrook, N Y,-Central ...... 138 sets of Wolf, Caracul and Hartford, 10 acres of land partly in NY NH and H T F ...... 88% “ THE SEA WOLF” the town of Manchester on Slater Nor Am Aviation...... 7 Miss Eileen Le'wis, state superin- With Skunk. •ndent of the Young People’s street. , ’ ' Nprth Amer ...... ■ 86 Lease ;. anch of the W. C. T. U., will meet Packard ...... 9 The Manchester AtMetic Associa­ Par Puhll^ ...... t.-..-.-. Sizes 14 to 48 anchester young people interested tion to the Texas Coiupany, land on forming a temperance ^ ie t y lo- i^exui ...... 66% MILTON SILLS the corner of Main and Haynes Phila Read C and I ...... 18% (!ally, at the. Center chunm at 7:30 streets fdr a period of 10 years. JANE KEITR» RAYMOND HACKETTf ' o'clock tonight. Pub Serv,N J ...... 84% SATURDAY I -Marriage Intentions •!•••••••• S;.* « e , « • • s s s S' One of the greatest red-ttloOfledL Emil C. Bdckfer, " a butcher of Radio Keith ...... 21% man gtori^ ever publlshedf-Tond even greater on I 'Mrs, Louis St. Clair Burr of West Hartford, and lAuise 6> Custer of Reading ...... 97 'Center street has been elected dele­ Manchester filed' maifriie^e intentions Item Rand ...... 18^^ the talking screen. . gate at large from the state of Con­ in the office of the t o ^ clerk today. Bears Roebuck I • • • • e • 4 < ■ ; r ■; ALSa ■ '- V '-i. necticut to a,ttend the national con­ Sinclair Oil .. vention of the W. C. T. U. at Hous­ WHlSTLialtS EXCUSED South Pac . . . l•ee••e•»••e< LATEST PATHE SOUND ton, Texas, next month. » • • e e • « I Sputhem Rwy “Kill the smer**, Blotow Malden, Mass. Oct. 24.— (AP)— Stand Brands t k • 4 • • « The FellowsMp and Fidelity Bible The ushers of the Maplewood Stand Gas and Elec V:-, ^ Classes of the Swedish Lutheran Methodist Episcopal church who Stand Oil Cal I«e4»44e«44< church will hold a Hfdlowe’en party scandalized the congregation by e4aa.ae«ee44e»4 Stand Oil J 'JT' I at tho Hillstown Grange hall to­ whistling while taking up the coL Stand Oil* tf * . •.»I •«.1.*.. night. Cars will leave the church lection at the 80th anniversary .ser­ Texas Oorj) «....i.•••»•.«• 'r- at 7:30 o’Cock. Members attend­ vice of the chuxch, were restored Tliuken Itw B «n r...... 1 ..'. ing should be in costume or wear­ to good social aiandlng today when 'Uzdon Carbide . . . ) • 4 • 4 e e 4 ,a # e ing old clothes. the pastor. Rev. Duane B. Aldrich, •Unit .^dreraft .... 144444444 4 4 M, explained their strange behavior. Unit Corp ...— I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hills of Cen­ The pastor instructed the ushers unit Gas and Imp ter street entertained a party of to whistle every time a dollar biU U S md X | co .«44«44g 4l friends from Hartford, Rockville or more was dropped into - the U S Pipe and Fdry and tMs town at a pheshant diimer plates. They whistled exM^y IQS U S Rubber at Jtoeir, hom g.lm t^venin^ ■.times...... ‘-..- U S s t r e l t -4 * 4 '4 4 1 4 4- e % AVf^l '■'.•■• MANCmSTBR -EVETO HERMJ3L SOIITH MANCfflaST^ GOmTOmAY. OCKffiBR

make provision for the iife .o f tj^ef s iu r i^ in this si|i$diiig fiin4 over ai^d above is reqtifre" '. -i ‘'. There were more them 20,000 service Cointrol.be carried out aud I um. over 20 years will retire from active men in the state eligible to partici­ quite confident that the Republican work and make his home in Millers 0 score at half-time at the West! - ^ legislature which will sit at the -! Frsmk C. Ingntham, 59, of 91 i Side this afternoon. The game wals! pate. Simple division indicated that Falls, Mass. Mr. MacGregor comes ' being played before an unusually r iSg^duied to play this would allow slightly more than itol this winter will carry opt such Foster street, died suddenly late yes­ to the Talcottville plant highly rec­ a reconomendation. It is a natural, terday afternoon while on his way large crowd and playing conditioiis 2,'.lt^is . an- $30.00 for each veteran and this was ommended. were perfect. r : nounced that the correct .ChWstian insignificant. The yoimg m^en of progrqMive step began by.'Repubii- home from work. The cause of his csm l^slatures which fi'rgt created death was a cerebral hemorrhage. East Hartford’s score rame In the I *^ame of the Ockfor^’ s'^r‘halfback independent • resources who had second qusurter ■when “Red” Sheri-' George but is. Francis,, his fought side by side with their less the sipldng fund for the retirement Firat reports wf“re to the effect that BUDDY,” FOX TERRIER, dan, local quarterback, snared a ! name being BYancls T. Qadbois. fortimate comrades the boys who of our indebtedness, . and , which he dropped dead of heart attack but were wounded or sick and the boys created the fund'for-the aid .of vet­ it was later discovered that Mr. punt only to drop the ball a mo- erans and their families. This is Ingraham’s neck was broken when men^ later when tackled on the 9 . 'aat a hilarious scene ocC^red who were physically robust the sol­ IS ABANDONED HERE on South Main street some days diers who returned to their jobs and a very tangflble and concrete state­ he fell while crossing Foster street yard line. From there' East Hart­ a^o, near the Globe HbllbW' reser­ the soldiers who had no employment ment. : There is nothing indefinite near East Writer street. ford plunged its way to a touch­ voir, described in this ^wise: two to turn to; all these would partici- about'.the source, of the.income and I Wilfred Spears of Foster street “Buddy,” a fox terrier, is without down, the score being made biy I pate equally in the sum of $30.00 nothinjg indefinite, abopt the merit i saw Mr. Ingraham collapse and a home. Worse than that, the name Johnny (5eci. women were walking along the road each. of " the expenditure, nothing in­ j hailed a passing automobile driven of -the owner as listed in the tax re­ In the opening period East Hart­ ^ t h a dog frisking beside them. A ! “The Connecticut legislature was definite about the method of its I by William A. Laboc who drove to ceipt book in the office of the Town ford marched down to Manchester’s man earner eilong astride a bicycle not impressed with the prospect and distribution. the Memorial hospital but Mr. In- Clerk cannot be found at the ad- seven yard line where the ball was and carrying a ladder on his shoul­ a plan was thereupon devised where- “I am proud to have-been a part graham was dqad upon arrival there.; dress gfiven. lost on dowfis. The march followed der. The dog playjEully nipped the ; by the sum of $2,500,000 was appro- of the administrations in the past Mr. Ingraham was bom in Man-1 'ptig license for thq dog was tak- a blocked pimt by McGill, left man’s ankle, 'the man yelled, ­ ! printed and set aside in a trust fund which have made possible this pro­ chester and had lived here all of his ; g^t August 9 by Ina R. Stavro, tackle, who also recovered for Ea t pled from the bike with the'ladder 1 with the Board of Control as gram and to be a part, as I hope life. He was a carpenter by trade, go Tc-nrtv street. Upon investigation Hartford when Sheridan fumbled. on, top of him. Arising the man trustees. The income from this to be, of the coming administration and was. working on Tan^r street qq found livipg on Knox After the score Manchester unleash­ cursed the dog heartily and raising fund was distributed through an which will enlarge upon it in this for Contractor George Fwbes of street by that name, the number on ed an aerial attack that netted the^Iadder overhead threw it at the organization of the veterans of the way. Such a progra®. must appeal Delmont street yesterday. He. was j^g^ street ending at Number 29. three successive first downs and dog'while one of the women shout­ World War to those soldiers, sailors to every''citizen of ’ Gobneictipat.’,’ apparently feel’ng all right when he • Buddy alone knows the mystery brought the ball to the 20 yard line ed “Have patience, haye patfehce.” and marines registered from Con­ left his' work at 5 o’clock and of his mistress’s disappearance. where the whistle cut short the Then unheeding her . o ^ ajimonl-; necticut and was used for the pur­ started home. Whatever happened, a n ^ a y Buddy rally. tion she rolled up a heavy'magazine pose of furnishing food, wearing ap­ Mr. Ingraham leaves his wife, for­ was found wandering in the ■vicinity Both teams fought evenly merly Miss Iva Wether ell, eight chil­ in her hand and took a healthy parel, medical and surgical aid, etc. of Woodbridge street where he was throughout both periods, accoimt- ABOUTTOWN dren, Mrs. Walter Henry of 46 swipe at the bicyclist—and then our This aid was also extended to veter- taken in by a family for two days ing tor four first downs each. observer left for, home. ans wddows and children under six- Starkweather street, Mrs. James? ^ , .... V- • I A daughter v^as bom on Tuesday Crough of 437 Center street, Mrs. and then turned over to the dog teen years of age who might be in | j^j.g Holmes of That a local English teacher who need of assistance. Alfted Blatter, Miss Doris. Edward, | warden. WORK ANNOUNCES 28 Woodbridgfi street,’ at;: Miss Nellie Ralph, Vincent aiid William, all of If Ina R. Stavro Is li'ving in to'wn severely criticized the structure of Iqterest Grows L. Hollister’s maternity home on whom live-at home, three grandchil­ and she would like to see her pet an About To'wn item in an issue of “The duties formerly performed Marble street. dren, and one sister, Mrs. Henrietta terrier again she may obtain same PLANS FOR IDLE ■The Herald before. one of bpr Eng­ ! by the. State Board of Control have Buckland of Florida. by getting in touch with Warden lish clasaies, is all w;et' concerning ! passed on to the present Relatives of Miss Helen Chedell, Mr. Ingraham was a member of Krah. said iteni, the only criticism apply­ ( State. Bpard of Finance and who recently returned to her home the Odd Fellows, Grange and the (Continaed From Page 1.) ing to-it, being that it would haye Control and this act, therefore, m Auburn, R. I., after. several j center Congregational church. The been more lucid if written in two has been in operation continually weeks’ ■visit here, received news to- ; rpj^g funeral service will be held at BUT 2,000 KILLED which more intensive organizations sentences instead of one. $ since 1919. Interest averaging 4.37 day that she underwent n.n opera- i fj^g undertaking rooms of Mark can work. One is geographical— 10.00 per cent on the fund has been ob­ tion for appendicitis yesterday, at Holmes at 2:30 Sunday afternoon that Is, through the nation, the Newest styles of cloth or silk. tained by the state during the eleven the Jane Brown hospital in Provi­ with Rev. Watson Woodruff offi­ BY CHINESE REDS states, municipalities and the coun­ year period it has been operative dence and is as well as can be ex­ ciating. Burial 'will be in the East ties. The other is by Industry. I and between $106,000 and $110,000 pected. Cemetery. The Holmes rooms will; (Continued From Page 1.) shall aim to co-operate in both has been made available each year be open tonight for those who wish ways, "With the states, municipali­ for this relief work. About $1,200,- Choate School students in Wal­ to view the remains. j ties, and local committees on the 000 has been distributed among vet­ the populace had professed to ac­ lingford, among them "Victor Da'vies cept Communist tenets, kno'wing one hand, and with leaders of the Children’s Coats $6-98 - erans'and their families during the , of Manchester, had an unexpected that by doing this their lives would different Industries on the other.” last eleven years. chance to watch the Army football Sport and dressy models. "The administration has been , team drill today for the Yale game FUNERALS be saved. good. 'There, is nothing untried or trmorrow at New Haven., . ’The The fourteen captured mission­ experimental about the operation of Cadets were scheduled- to-practice aries, he said, were being well treat­ the fund at the present time. A at the Yale Bowl but the ’ field "was Mrs. Lawrence McNamara ed when he and Bishop Magnanl vast amount of real and necessary covered •with canvas as a protection Funeral services for Mrs. Law­ left, with the exception of one Sheridan w ork. has been done for the veter­ against the -steady drizzle of rain rence McNamara who died at the Chinese priest who was killed “be­ Holeproof $1.90 Memorial Hospital Wednesday, cause he was a Christian.” ans and their families. They repre­ that fell during the day and the Chiffon or service weight. sent a .class which should receive Choate field was used instead. were held from her late home, 77 Another priest was taken into preferred attention from a grateful Ridge street, this morning at 8:30 the country. Bishop Magnani and state. The permanent aspect of this The fourth sitting in the Red and from St. James’s church at 9 another French priest now held at H otel fund is sdso something which is Men’s setback tournament. Will oe o’clock. Rev. P. J. Killeen cele­ Kian were bound and beaten, said gratifying. If the bonus had been held tonight following the regular,brated------the . requiem - , , mass. .. As the Father De Jenlis, “because they MENU adopted, $2,500,000 would have been meeting of Miantonomah Tribe., Tur- i body w p borne into auditorium were Imperialists.” SATURDAY SPECIAL spent Immediately. Instead of that keys and chickens will be the prizes, ^be choir sang, Thy Will Be Done Father De Jenlis said the princi­ Saturday, October 25, 1930. today we have the original $2,500,- At the offertory Mrs. Margaret Sul­ pal interest of the Reds was in The. setback is to the public. DR. DENTON’ S 000 intact and have distributed well livan sang, O Salutaris, and as the looting the city, which they did BLUE PLATE SPECIALS j' over $1,000,000. I believe we all An Item in yesterday’s ;-pap^ Z re­ body was borne from the church, with great thoroughness. SLEEPING GARMENTS $100 I have felt as the years went by that she sang again Beautiful Land On BUSINESS M EN’S ferring to tb,e. sai^ o|d>]nH^j|wlnies Sizes 1 to 6. I the fund was upon a financial basis at0 4- cut price's',^bpqld ’-read High., . , , . . LUNCHEON 50c. y by^'whle^' a maximum amount of TJia bearers, were Ricljard BiflV, “news stanS' Instead bf‘‘ “ sn^ke GOVERNMENT IS UPSET 1. Vegetable Seup good,wes being accomplished. shop.” Dester iJ<4ii!tOTb,'Joseph Shea, |bs(- “If a method presented itself by eph ■ Gilbert, Joseph' Jardine and Ham or Frankfurts ; which this work could be enlarged, Peter' DeCarli. IN BRAZIL BY REBELS Baked Beans Twice this momir it was demon- Spinach j 1 am sure the people of Connecticut strated______to ______the satis_raction______of many Rev. Father Killeen conducted the committal service at St. James’s 2. 'M ock Turtle Soup 1 would applaud the adoption of such; people'that the lo^cal'place for the (Continued From Page 1.) i a method. It would seem that this | cross town bus’to load £^d'unload cemetery. Cold SUced Beef W h r a Y o u is about to become possible. passengers is at the ' Manchester Sliced Tomatoes . j must suspend their offensive and i r.T P^d I depot. Contractor Henry Ahem was Mrs. Mary Chappell Home Fried Potatoes The body of Mrs. Mary Chappell, through plenipotentiaries confer N e e d T h e m t - when a Republican ad- . laying new walks on the ndrtfi side with this pro'visional government 1 ministration succeeded the Demo-: of Woodbridge street this ndoming widow of Orlando (Chappell and a i CHOICE OF DESSERT icratic adimnistration which had | amj busses went across' the resident of Manchester some 25 ; on bases of pacification “(1) Neither troops nor volun­ Apple Pie Pumpkin Me 1 been ^in office for the preceeding; tracks and made the tutn aroundyears ago, w m brought here from teers 'Will hereafter obey any order Custard Pie Mince Pie I four years, a sitin g fund was im -; the depot very, successfully. It would Dayton, Ohio, for burial in the Raspberry Whip East cemetery this afternoon. Rev. of the old government. SP E C IA L V I mediately established to .^set the ^ be possible for a shelter to be pro- Tea Coffee Milk R. A. Coipitts of the South Metho­ “ (2) Troops will not attack the itadebtedness left by that Democra- ^ided If the busses were allowed"to permanent forces of land and sea, j tiC‘ administration. Year after year L^jg^j^g fbe dist church conducted the committal turn in Depot Square, nor will they fight any force that D IN N ER 75c [this sinking fund was made larger* something that will not be furnish­ service. Mrs. Gustave Sadronzinsky of 77 should attack. Vegetable or Mock Turtle Soup j by? appropriations from the general ed under the present plans. : income of the state. The maturity Ridge street is a niece and the only "(3) Troops will not attack po­ Baked Virginia Ham [ of the last of the bonds which make relative living here. lice or volunteer forces of any kind Broiled Liver and- Bacon ..5^ i up* this indebtedness comes in 1936. whatsoever, but will fight implac­ Roast Native Veal i Some of the bonds come due and HUNDREDS KILLED TO ELDVUNA'TE CROSSING ably if attacked. lim a Beans or Spinach ) will be retired in 1934. Hartford, Oct. 24.— (A P .)—’The “Five fbrts have been named as ^fs^lto|id outfit-dilee:-a| Phope 3319.—^Adv. especi^ly when 13ie'pii(ie iSfi Ef Completely Qiaiming O ‘l ^ t ^ e d TAKE ADVANTAGE OF T t o QFFER.TOI Before P^idar Prices

1.75 and Salts Have our service department oveidiaiil, and clean your fur­ and nace now by our new vacuum process. Alsb let us tell you about Heat Control.' Better service, more heat, less coal or oil.

Tunic frocks, bloiises of eirelet Phone F M eml)roidery,. clever sleeve detail, touches of white on nedk and cuff —these are some of the , points that go fo make our $16.75 outstanding^ v^Ues. lig h t ' weight woolens, crepes and sheer TheW. G. Q^imey Co. fabrics, in styles’ for'all oCdasions. . Snug hipUnes, subtle flares and drapes are typical of the COAL, LUMBER, MASONS* SUPPLIES group of $25 frocks. Bows and flowers of fur, dainty lace and F U E L O IL beaded yokes lend further charm. Of heavy crepe and satin. 336 Ninrth Main Street, ^ PKone 414$, . 1'^ M anchester Dress Shop, SecMid Floor

'.J.-* ‘.Mi ' -T •


on 1 Hamburg road. Shoulders are^ being a sliced tomatoes (no dressing). No along With other foods you will only dessert. , / bring on somei disorder because of war oUed for nollcs. Wi lE N MILLION FUND Route No. 182—Warren-Comwall, S a t o ^ y this over-feeding. If jrou want to try Qverilight Condition Of Breakfast-r-Cottage cheese. Pine­ to gain weight through taking the Polish « road. .Macadam road construction. ter di No detour. apple. milk diet, it IS necessary to give up all other foods. Then, take a glass A. P. News Route No. 188—Columbia. Jonn- Lunch—'^Hubbard squMh. Sedad London-^BM com . JUQ- State Roads than Trumbull road is being oiled For Coo4 Health of lettuce and cucumbers. of milk every half hour during the day, which will give you about six baasador Davi^ra to for 4 miles. V Dinner—Vegetable soup. Salis­ Boston. — Joseph‘M. JfestyHn of Route No. 188—East Lyme. Plan- bury steak.' Steamed carrots.' Okra. quarts daily. If you can drink this Washington—Woods expects pro­ the Interstate OonUAto^ Xlopainis- much you are-bound to gain weight, Road conditions and detours in ders-Chesterfield road is being oiled Salad of crisp raw' spinach leaves. blem of recurrinl; imemployment Sion criticizes the U. ‘ S.. A Week’s Supply but it might not be good weight, Be Used for Newspaper the state of Connecticut made nec­ for 4 mites. Cup custard. eventually disappear. Court for its “uneconohfib'^^«iBw on Reeomnumded Hy and may leave you , after you havs essary by highway construction, re­ MontVille. Flanders - Chesterfield *HuM>ard Sqm^h: Cut a 'squ^h ; Washington — Federal Reserve valuation of public utilities. ’ Ur. Frank U. Mefoy stopped taking the milk as fast as l pairs and oiling announced by the road is being otied for 1 mile. in quarters and remove seeds. Bake Board summary says factory outout -O'-and Other Advertising, you put it on during the milk diet. Washington—Six stuh Connecticut Highway Department, Route No. 190—Towns of. Dur­ in a moderately, hot oven until ten­ and residential building increased in W ashin^n freshmen fod«MtR tehro asOctober 22. ham, Killingworth and Madison. Un­ der. Scrape Trom the rinds into a September. ousted from squad for -I Sunday saucepan, add a large lump of but­ Leaders Say. Route No. 1—Fairfield. Southport improved section under construC' Chicago — Machine gunners kill pay. . cut-ofit. Work on bridge. No delay in tion. Open to traffic. I Breakfast—French omelet. Waf­ ter and two tablespooi^uls of Joe Aiello, former gang chief. Philadelphia — Louise Fordyce Madison. Mn Griswold. Criswold-Prestpn City used in soap-making and like prod­ ?h 4 added that the plans had been Lunch— Celery soup. Cucumber Shanghai.—The nuns of Siccawel MarlboroughT New London and road is being oiled for 1 mile. ucts. As far as its food value is con­ ■ilapproved by Amos W. W. Wood- and olive sandwiches. Convent are paying 20 cents to? Chi­ Here is How Your Payments are Arranged. Norwich road Is being oiled for T Mansfield. Willimantic-Storrs road cerned, it has no special merit. iicock, director o f the U. S. Bureau Dinner—Veal chops. Cooked nese mothers to keep them from $40.00 loan pay back $2.00 a month; mile. is under construction. Traffic can throwing unwanted babies into the $75.00 loan pay back $3.75 a month. C‘.of. prohibition. Rotite No. 101—Chapliii, Willi- squash. String beans. Salad of chop­ V ' The Menfi>ers , pass. (Gaining Weight) river. Every morning from one to $100.00 loan pay back $5.00 a month. mantit-Hartford road is being oiled Middlefield-Cherry Hill road is un-, ped cabbage. Ice cream. The foundation lists as members Question: M. D. J. writes: “I have four babies are sold to the convent $300.00 loan pay back $10.00 a month. for 2 miles. der construction for 1% miles. De­ Friday its advisory boiurd nationally been drinking milk to gain weight, oy mothers who don’t want chil- $300.00 loan pay back $15.00 .a month. Route No. 105—Somers. Hall Hill tour for bridge construction. Breakfast—Poached egg on toast­ a pint for breakfast, a pint at, ten dren. These babies are reared in Kknown mett from all sections of the road is being oiled for 2 miles. Monroe-Easton road la under con­ Country including James C. Penney, ed Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Stewed o’clock, at three o’clock, and beifore Chinese homes and sent to school Stafford. Stafford-Union road is struction. No delay in traffic. figs. retiring. Have been drinking it this to learn a trade. IDEAL FINANCING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Kchaln store executive; S. S. Mc- being oiled for 2 miles. New Fairfield-Balls Pond road. 853 Main S t, Room 3, Park Bnlldiqg South Manchester,' Ootub. '^Clure, magazine publisher; Luis J. Lunch—Raw apples or oranges, way for two months but do not Union. Stafford-Union road is be­ Steam shovel grading. No detours. Phone 7281 Hours 9-5:30 Saturday B-l ^aber, master of the National as many as desired. seem to gain much. Do I drink Now that Lindy has purchased a ing oiled for 3 miles. New Milford. Merryall road. Ma­ Dinner—Broiled filet of sole. enough, and at the right hours?” farm in Nev/ Jersey does he expect range; Dr. William Lowe Bryan, Route No. 106—Haddam. Had resident of Indiana University; Dr. cadam constriKtlon. No detours. Caulifiower. Asparagus. Salad of , Answer: If you take your milk to fly from chore to chore ? dam-Killingworth road is being oil­ New Milford. Merryall road is be­ _arles C. Selecman, president of ed for 3 miles on shoulders. •Isouthem Methodist University; and ing oiled for 1% milee* Route No. 109—Coventry. Coven Norfolk-North street is under ^Pr. John THmothy Stone, president tfy-B61 ton road is under construc­ -lof McCormick Seminary. construction.' No detours. tion. Open to traffic. Old Saybrook. , Point road. Shoul­ Route No. Ill—East Hampton. ders are being oiled for 1 mile. East Hampton-Marlborough road. Redifing-Meeker Hill road. Steam FRENCH PRESS PLATS Shoulders are being oiled for shovel grading and macadam con­ ONE WILL ALWAY T A N D OUT miles. „ . struction. Road closed. Marlborough. Marlborough - East Redding-Umpawaug Hill road. AMERICAN CRIME NEWS Hampton road. Shoulders are being Completed macadam. Shoulders and a oiled for 3 miles. railing unconihl®!*^* ^ , Routes No. Ill, 118 and, 3—South­ Reddig-Umpawaug Hill road is Paris,— (AP)-—Stories of organ ington. Intersection pf the Milldale being oiled for,T xnile^^'' ■ < , dzed crime in the United States are road is under construction. One-way Scotland-Baltic road is un(|er con­ Attracting considerable attention in traffic for short distance. struction. Traffic can pass. i^lFrahce. Route No. 133—Granby. Ea^t South Windsor. East Windsor Hill V Many newspapers amd magazines, Hartland-Granby road is being oil­ road is under construction but open f, iare giving much space to-alleged ed for 1 mile. ^ ^ to traffic. tijAmeiican lawlessness. HarUand. Hartland - Granby road South Windsor. East Windsor HIU- President Hoover is the most is being oiled for 4 miles. Wapplng Center road is being oiled ften cited, especially his address of Route No. 134— Cornwall Bridge, g miles. ^ p rU 22, 1929, in which he is quoted Project. Bridge construction and ^ Warren-Kent toad. Macadam con­ I -as saying that: “Life and property proach. Grading on new location^Nc struction under way. No detours. [tare cert^nly more menaced in the detours. . . j Winchester. Torrlngford street is iJiUnited States than ip any other Kent. Bulls Bridge Project. Grad­ under construction. No detour. ■civilized countr3^’’ ing completed. Bridge pavement Gang warfare and shooting on and shoulders uncompleted. A L TO STOP MONDAY tiattle scales are iinknown in Route No. 135—East Haven and New Haven, Oct. 23.— (A P )—For­ ‘France. The country 'has its port No. Branford-Foxon road. Concrete mer Governor Alfred E. Smith will , ;cities which have their black quar road is under construction. No de­ pass through with a short stop in I'lters but they are patrolled to an ex lay in traffic. this city Monday instead of today as '■tent that crime is suppressed, Route No., 141—Cantefbury-Willl- h; The Apache district is about the had been reported prevtiTviiy by the "■ionly underworld quarter Paris has mautic road is being oiled for % Democratic State headquarters. Hbut outside of the so-called passion mile. Local Democrats are preparing a ; 'Crimes, there is little lawlessness Route No. 142—Pomfret. Wood- demonstration in his honor for the iamong these people with nomadic stock road is being oiled for % mile. five minutes his train will stand at l.ijblood. Route No. ■ 150—Lyme. Lyme- the statfon here. i me out o f T H e ezir thousands! ^ ) n l Y outstan&g valor is thus signally rewarded; Only exceptional merit could win for Chesterfield a following among iAppeartnee and comfort are notably advanced Performance is smoother, more thrilling than ever smokers greater than all the armiea of the world combined. ''J In two things two highly Im­ i-t portant essentials — Chesterfield is rom f 7 9 5 t o « unsurpassed: AfILDNB5S~ the wholly, r. 0. B. FACTORIES natural mildness of tobaccos Lowest Priced Worl£ s Lowest Only T w in- Finest Eight that are without harshness or Six in A ll Priced Eighty Ignition Eight M otoring Nash History f-D o o r Sedan at Its Price Money Can Buy bitterness. The 6-6o Series The 8-^ 0 Series The 8 '8 o Series The 8-go Series BETTER TASTE~--svLch. as $ 79 5 to $845 $1245/C$1375 $1565/« $2025 $9^Sio$99S only a cigar^e o f wholesoine The four new cars presented by Nash are deliberately purity and better tobaccos can have. designed and bulltTo give the public more motor ear for its money than any manufacturer has ever offered before. The actual increase in dollar value is from $260 in the lower priced models to $400 in the higher priced series.

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i V'

H • ' I'f

T^an Order headqtmtters in St. prihiary teacher, gave a report on field, Mass., afid three students of that;------that institution^ Dr. McQowan made Ikmis. .'"'c-■ reading in the primary grades, a In the raid upon . t h e , ^ ^ ^ HEBRON discussion follbwhig, li^ s Florence a very Interesting address on the iVerdlni, the Reds. . rsausicked i$^th>fh«sw#:: OinVUFE subject of the school and its mis­ Battle, assistant primary supervisor, school- and . o ^ h k m ^ e ,. A w rj^ . oft, Wd',ti]fe«y* V*L ------had charge. In the elementary sion to the world. The three young inan O’iir^ , Lddepaodent women studrats gaye a charming ^ v W '-® rti^ *'-’ - ’ ■' ■■ ■ ■ ■ i Among out of town visitors who group “Reading, and its uses” was S Vefdiifi reported ^ custody' o f candidate, I thidk 'rcan MATTER OF RAYShave registered at St. Peter’s Epis­ the topic for discussion, after which musical program including. Lithua­ -^ f n ^ echen,, hnportfmt chinwhfo Says He Wffl’OpiiO&iB Wi^^ .hafid^tihg on the‘,.n ^ ” nian folk music, Russian music, etc., copal Church during the past week the two divisions of teachers joined Center n n ^ e tw t ;.Qf; Jaofchow, -to McCormack iit. V' ;The are the Rev. John W ade of the and Mr. Robertson distributed lit­ both instrumental and vocai.vocaL soissMiss - w f - 'Commimisifi'^bytiyibefore 'Jabchbw.j mltted''y werdE^y detadia^td Alice Wright, one of the three gave tlerfraan WrilC» Church of the Evangelist, New York erature for use in the. school rooms. l^pgtecdien w ^ ' .looted«and-'Lazar^ ede ightV Reppl City, Alberta Slocum of White MTan Teresa Vincent, school nurse, a delightful reading. Tea ^ cof- ^ ^ , f . ;&t properties ■ ffiert d e o ile d .; - Professor Gives Scientific - Clficagb, Oct. '24‘.^'(AP;) A -poring»^^ flwybrii Plains, N . Y., the Misses Addie M. gave suggestions on .supecviifion of fee was served with sandwiches, -f.'.'' ... - ■-*■■■—------— •;--- t'f -I-r"-.-':'- ■ stiMbempnt . by Mayor William ,;.]^e: ^Mts. M c C o n ^ ■ Wickwire amd Florence Dawley of children in the case of skliT ;dis- cakes, nuts, etc.’ About eighty were Fate" of^ k i WHEN THE OAT’S AWAY^ '^dmpsbn brought into the opm; tp^' Colchester, Miss Jpsephine Barber esLses. Hiss Cronin of Colchester present. Mrs. GUbert assisted in 3 .■ . ■ ... K '■ y ■ - ■ ' -■ ■ ■, Conception of How Life day his ’defection from the shppbrt-. of Warehouse Point, Conn., Miss gave a* report on a visiting day re­ pouHng tea. , ...o Mi ‘ ■ • • ' ■ - '■ • Who Are Now in Qiiha. v‘ Lisbon.— Heeilth authorities of this. era\^^C6ngresswoman Ruth'H-a^Et M argaret Enright of the, same place, cently made by her. There will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee of and W. Gordon Potter of Brookline, Albany, N. Y., were visitors here on ,, I ^ t y failed to tske Into considerationi SfcCbj^ck. -y.: Started On This Planet. no school on Friday as the teachers v' i ^ e well-known ttde of “survi-val: of; Mass. One hundred fifteen different will attend a convention on that Wednesday. Mr. McKee is a de­ y. Acl^yidedging responsibility. ’for' scendant of the Peters family of disfribution of circulars attaclring. names have been registered in the day. Hebron. His grandmother, who mar­ M rs. McObrmickj .Repid>Ucanj^ena-' Chicago,Phioaffo Oct.Oct 2424, __I'APY vAP) __ A scien-sc , Visitors’ book since September^ 7 Mrs. Josephine Martin has been ried John Graves, was a sister of torial nonfihee and urging t support- kept in for the past few days from tific conception, of the origin of life j purpose of register- Governor John 'Peters. His mother for'her Democratic rival, James, — that protoplasm was activated ; jjjg names. Nearly all the names the effects of a severe cold. was Elizabeth Adelaide Graves, and ists carried their bloody war against df rats which Icaine out on , the Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert and the Hanfiltbn Le^is, Mayor- ’Thompson, into life by ultra-violet light rays j have been those of out of town vis- his father was Addison McKee of foreign and Chinese Christians to last night, said: *'tAS; lo n g a s I ; ;am: Misses Pendleton entertained the i^es had been kUled off. Now'tfie* Hartford. Mr. McKee is 81 years permitted-to live, I -will . nevier be-, women’s bridge club Tuesday eve­ the Lazarist Mission at Jaochow, authorities have, another problem'.on of age and h>id never visited the tray the people.of Chicago^by vot­ plained today by Dr. Irving S. Cut------ning. Three tables were in play and home of his ancestry until Wednes­ Kiangsi province, last week, Chinese their hands. , . . I the week. there was one visitor, Mrs. W ilbur ing for-any member-pftheMcGor- ter, dean of the Northwestern Uni Mr. and Mrs. James Morrell of day. Mr. and Mrs. McKee visited press dispatches said today. N. Hills, who was the guest of her mick f^ ily fpr-anything.” Station versity Medical School. : Farmington spent *the week-end at the Governor’s man^on, St. Peter’s Details of the raid, which took , An Albe^, Canada, farmer re­ sister, Mrs. M ary E. Mitchell. Mrs. cently hooked up 36 horses ih one ■ Tha mayor said Mrs. McCormick (OAKLAND STREET ’ In a lecture on contemporary ’ of Mrs. Morrell’s aimt, Church and cemetery, and the John place October 14, were sent by thought before ^ c Medill School o f ; Marietta Horton was winner of the line and hauled 900 bushelq^- of had broken faith with him at the Mrs. Paul Jones. Graves place where Mr. McKee’s Father Yerdlni, Italian priest, who Journalism, Dr Cutter said that life highest score, Mrs. Gertrude Hough wheat to market. Republican, convention at Kansas The Messrs. Joseph Danforth and mother was born and where she was escaped from Joachow. arose amid conditions which have second. married. He has in his possession John DEuiforth of Esist Orange, N. He said Bishop Sheehan of Street­ disappeared from earth, never to re­ Mr. and Mrs. Burton Brewer and a very handsome gold chased watch J and several friends spent a few er, His., director of the Jaochow turn. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brewer of more than 200 years old, which used days recently at the Standby Cluh Mission,- fied to Funchow, 100 miles “It seems certain that ultra­ Hpekanum were guests at the home tc belong to Ws grandmother Peters. house. . of Mra. Brewer’s aimt, Mrs. Helen south, where last Tuesday Verdinf violet light from a sun far hotter Mrs. George T. Loomis of West­ A spring in the winding key reveals believed the bishop was safe. than it is today played a predomin chester and Mrs. Nellie Jones Skin- H. White on Simday. a small picture of his mother. The ant part in bringing about complex North Manchester visited the Among those who attended serv­ watch keeps perfect time and he Stationed at Jaochow assisting ices at the Marlborough Congrega­ chemical combination. W e can ^ s - , home of the Jones family known uses it daily. He also owns a bam­ Bishop Sheehan were three Ameri­ ualize the stupendous forces, rad io-, Bradford House, on Sunday, tional Church cn Sunday were. Mr. boo cane which was the property of can priests—Leo Moore of Perry- chemical in character, acting upon ^heir dinner there, in mem- and Mrs. Benjamin, J. Banks Jones the governor. This cane esune from vllle. Mo.; Father Altenburg, Mil­ new-bom chemical groups. Just ^ blrthdav anniversary of and Miss Daisy White. The occa­ Bombay, and when an ivory knob waukee, Wis., and Father L. C such forces— radio-activity of high mother, mother, Mrs.' Mrs.' Melissa Melissa Jones, Jones. sion was Old Home Day, and many is pulled a three sided dirk is re­ Coyle of Lincoln, Neb. degree and powerful ultra-'idolet | jones for many years had former residents of the town re­ vealed. This is ornamented with Father Verdlni believed Father rays of_ the sun— can explain chem- j - family dinner in the old turned for the day. Japanese dragon designs. Altenburg had fied eastward from ic§l combinationf>r,rwhiT>ntir>n now denied tnethe |i . ____ ,____ birthdays, Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert and the Fuchow Tuesday, possibly taking hand of man,” he said. ^ day’s session was held in Misses Pendleton were visitors at a refuge in Wuyuam Suggestive Facts schools of the town on Monday. meeting of the Nathan Hale Meip- THE OLD GANG Father Coyle, says Verdini, escap­ “We are forced, not by weight of afternoon a teachers’ meeting orihl Chapter, D.A.R., East Haddam, ed toward Nanchahg, whUe Mobre, evidence, but by the direction of , . Qenter sQhool, at- hrid at the Riverside Hotel on Mon­ Kind Old Lady: Do any of your Verdini and Father Meyer, a Dutch suggestive facts or instances, to the jgjjjjgjj by the teachers of Hebron day. Miss Jennie Williams who has friends ever come to see you? priest attached to the Jaochow mis­ conclusion that protein, and in turn Colchester. About twenty-two attended several of the D:A.R. meet­ Prisoner: No, ma’am; they are all sion, fied aboard a Chinese junk on protoplasm, was built up by forces ^,^^g present and Supervisor Martin ings of Colonel Henry Champion here with me.— Pathfinder. Poyang lake. physical-chemical in character,, ^ Robertson presided. The teach- Chapter, of which Mrs. Gilbert is It was not known what happened regent, was ore of the hostesses. which forces probably do not now | ^ g ^ divided into two groups, Lettuce or other salad greens to the priests since Verdini wrote effect the earth, at least in the same i which met in the primary The program was furnished by Dr. October 14. The Americans were McGowan, president of the Ameri­ may be crisped in very cold water degree. It is only a step to the , the other in the upper containing a little -vinegar or lemon. members of the American Vlncen- further conception that protoplasm, __ _ jg room. Mrs. Dorothy Porter, can International College, Spring- chemically ripe as it were, was ac- ® tivated into life by Ught rays ultra­ violet in character and of a power now imknown. “A s the earth cooled and radio­ activity lessened, so ultra-violet ' light from the sun decreased and : living matter then took imto itself its own continuance— metabolism and reproduction.” Do you know that ^ u . < ^ get ybUi^^tirc fdl and winter outfit at Silbrbs ^ th only ^2 ’Sbwn {iayment? That’s a fact! ‘N b '^ e r e else can^'you get such-oer» ASTOUNDING! -vice. Come & tiomorrow and get a^uainted with Sil- IN NEW YORK bros. . . ■ ’ ' . ' - -’*■* New York, Oct, 24.—Notes from Here Are a Few Values at Prices a handy cuff— My favorite -wise remark of the week was uttered by Dudley Field Malone, the la-wyer, at a testi­ The Lowest In IS Years! monial dinner for H arry Hersh- feld, the cartoonist. It went some­ thing like this: “When a man falls in love with himself, it’s the begin­ ning of the life-long romance.” Or George Jessel’s comment on 3*Pc. Living Room Suite • Amazingly the same occasion— “Those were Come tomorrow. the days when knighthood was in Marvel^ at rti.rouf., ,„, Low Priced! ^ ^ flower and Goldman and Sachs 3-Pc. Jacqua|*d Suite . , • •were in Russia.” collection o f 4

And my cuff tells me that the /Coats^ the .pick ^ vvagsters of the theater have been X'^Pc. L a W S O U Suite (Demin) particularly a-vid at leaping upon of , the season’s jokes having to do with the disap- i styles. 'Beauti-- ■ pearance of Judge Crater, the sell- | 3«Pc. Bed-Davenport Suite )5( ing of Manhattan judgeships and | ful materials 1 Austins cars in particular. Thus Willie Howard, the well- with marvelous . ' J yu known clo-wn, is pictured in “Girl | 3-Pe. Mohair Suite • • • • T'Jl Crtizy” as -winning $5000. Asked fur collars .arid k' what he Intends to do -with this '-;rj -»•) cuffs. Just say, money, Howard replies: “Well; I ’ve ^ i-TlI always wanted to be a judge.” 3-Pc. Tapestry Suite*. • • . “Charge it.” ' And the N ew York crowd lets i out a loud guffaw. . •'>'1 Just the other night, Eddie Can- -- . ■ 19^1 i tor was called upon for an ad lib 3- Pc. Bedroom Suite LADIES’ ! speech. Taking a fictitious tele- -.v.-, -auj I gram from his pocket he proceeded ] 1 to comment: 4 - Pc. Bedroom Suite (M aple) Sweafe'iis.,- -1- 1 “I have a wire here for Judge ! Crater. Is he in the house?” 1 Whereupon the house rocked. Raincoats, ?- 1 That’s one pleasant thing ' about 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ■etc.' ■ New Yorkers; they always seem to appreciate a joke on themselves. But, after all, this picking on the 4- Pc. Mahogany Yen. Suite sore spots of local affairs has long been a sure-fire stunt -with scores of comedisms. Some of the most successful vaude-ville monologue 8- Pe. Dining Room Suite gents—by the way, what’s become I of most of them?— used to read the home town newspapers in the hotel lobby while waiting for dinner and 9- Pc. Dining Boom Suite have topical gags prepared by cur­ tain time. The Austin car jokes appear to be 10- Pc. Dining Room Suite in much the same position as the Ford gags were a dozen years ago. In fact many of them soimd strange­ ly familiar to old ears. A dozen per­ Colonial 4*PoM B ^ s . • . formers seem merely to have changed cars in stream, as it were, and brought back the dear old Ford Cogswell C hairs (Assorted) stuff. For instance, there’s the one rpAV stop me if you’ve heard it— about I Paul Whitman buytag an Austin for. 5- Pe. Dinette Set ^ • • • his watch fob. And the one about the fellow who carries rubber bands | Vot. for spare tires. | And there’s the one about the Circulator Heater . • Singers Midgets who bought a fleet of them for a Tom Thumb taxi line. i i Banfo Alarm Clocks So it goes.

And where do we go from there ' — well, the cuff notes rem ind. me New St;|de End Tables • that Rudy Vallee, having sold a few ; hundred thousand copies of his last j tome, is about to bring out another, “Headaches of a Crooner,” which Card Tables • • snirs ■will have a lot to do -with the many C A .’ Cold weather is here involvements that follow a national i d W '^aih. ' •’^'That bigf, celebrity. I Clothes Hampers warm, herman over- And Clara Bow has come to N ew j at -vils>;, waiting for York to make a picture. And, great you at fiars^Un prices. heavens, the electric news ribbon Don’t hesitate , if you aroimd the Times building is report- ■ Part Wool Blankets . h4ven!f^got the ready ed to have had linotype disease and | came out with a SHRDLU . . . . | They’re ttying . to get Lee Tracy,' 1 who was made by “Broadway,” back i to the ip'traet tor which the play was lnamed.% . . He’s been doing -very: j well in Hollywood, thank you. . . . I And Ethel Merman, who -was merely ; a night duh si^Rger a few months 'hack, to BroadY^y’s latest “torch.” Overnight she’.«« become a stage hit, and her song is “Sam and Delilah,” one of George Gershwin’s bet;ter numbers. CORNER MAIN AND^MORGAN STREETS OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS Ha-vlng mentioned that Clara Bow is back in town, it might be ' HARTFORD HARTFORD .V.v M well to Inform her—and you, too 'll. — that he’s to he seen in company ^ . 'i • with T,ina Basguette, the music show»favorite. V GILBERT SWAN.

-i-i: P A O B S n t MAN 0 HK 8 TBR BVHKINO m v m CONK. FKIPAY, OCW BBit 2 4 , %9H ^

C O R O M i DAILY r u a mrjiBvm m im m m K i t l u n fH dS7» •. Ui45—:>—P«»s§ su fIs M l:M. Cmliari, fin d Open MaSyiptad,^iNo^ I^Alr, K ta fjrto, [*. Oct fW W t 'An- n d Iip9, A tatptifui comptataA nod a»(a» xxC f Norwich #tn#f, Hartford IDiMn-AaPonson'li OthSa fwilMk. WM bald orfwtoAta fp iM lIlif for ■ ■ artet. tow^ytof p^AflSA# fctat Iwtofd ## tba death of JOlm MeCota oC,Tal> «»§ mu^ b. Sbn Ww S7 Yem OU, «HI04 fltal A id CAMltatAtoe. cottville, two WMdw ago on tho'. ^tase wfrt tot tofpff Ataut curve between TaicottviUe and Pob* lSS 3tl© S '." OAtoi Mwf, fliWist of ourAfW> taiioilto to ton oowtarto-ftoi tojg. 111 'pHwIf. 7 1 0 . WooOftwte, ff. T .,'O ct. Ur'^(AF) waecitor dote B. TlBto-. Wlntbrop dm tftr. flottd | aoamm, toAt iiiAdf A tofttof im> MM iMflZttJMAy ?4*6CivBd team floMniiP «rt(»t m i4 lEoridtr fiusbw d wtan wf toft tor tta itot jo t a P- TtatoAta of Aidom A with o tta f d iy . CavAH«H, opMiA dOff»v, 0 * 4 fftfly | eopyof to# wfdch rtatof: : taAt WA# .territa — with ««icta optaitoto o l to# ca rip tta fto- tills WHlMflf 0tt«F » }« ^ liltMM. to tot Ctamtar #f e Om* pmomMim on For wtiks Ilf tad tarn cobOimh) tan# Aid TAttlf out to Ctolff'# m * present e skit f tt a parttMtlta “ * ^ Mif. toWw his a«iiwwn»i,mr”"TTr^^^w#T iu »M t a n uadMTenSVT^^FV toapflBlf MDIf ta ita . seid death vras rnfftn mW M»& ...... tatatM t CAT# el ftadciAM for a "W m illottt to tta patio toy* •aee, caftaessMai: inniffgetttaPf i i ^ % ISHtKIJV. HWft heart a^edon, »}# f^ddAM ' *“ ta fp OOP*/ w ta O M fm mid Jaek Astattm to til# #tt#ratloD ^etch, d fslfto d tw0 4ajr» AfA m t tti^ a# dif lid to# way to tto# oi said aatomobUe." b w f fMurtn§ try ■ n i^TtaAAfwr^tSBMWStttf# WM East Stations. tad ffffitAlJfd Us fTATf etadi* Aganhm ha# atraacT taeo bound tiOA te A flAA t 9 Mto Sta tf KfW to ta A tot town; Aid over to toe Ti^land CSoimta Fwerfta ijfl Torlt City Ifr tnAtinmt ft w ta^ it ftofta tavf Court ta Ita <3oiNmar to tan d i of ,.®3fSSiSt S tefe*^' lAst ttflit It WM AasM»e«d too todot of to# Afifiiit to# es tta pattof yg fosdltl^ Wfa iKigft Mi ■ to il wAdo It #o«m ttat wi^. lfl|6AsiWASQ ra^lQ re\ue. Plfli ft dldg't #•#» right tof 3e!|S=T.Voyai|er8 featuer srefram. to m m fH f ttat ta wfidd tat tuyf ai!dfl»rprBai)frtj danee trikaflfft/ Atattaf day. l)#r w tof^taifid pup# to ra## MUls for iMtty jr««w. waa fm§ 99m i§ Imw. _ Rftaft wtottaM «Af A Amwd A# ttay did. Ttat *fm rn andtostaBa/ totad ta • ^ wonronr w«ATM-un- dtafffAdfBt ot tato CoYfftar WIta id#o WM htod hy ClAfp# ta d h«r am asdan. itaaday. C ot i t . w f t ^ itaop of ftafPMtasftto AAd Fittf iwitaad. OMtord gwito, sfeta o f Me fiome whUff wMtoMr to stoyvesiMit, tta lift Piitfli f 9rmi> 3.fc-wWA100 . OOSTON-llfP, work wtto A eelglitar. JoM M m . ' 8:00—Orchestraa; bIrF. word# #ta to A m * m ACtoess who " “ r - ...... iS nored tta Myito «f fta wi 9 AWAtod Mm to totaw A,a p«^tfaoa|Miim O uai (rf rtvato 8,:i5«rMso s")? AU #hhPhrt, K f c : : U:30—Ex- " Ml# totlNFtot to jPOUtto# f*vtrf*A, A pilot aod a daonr. prsgrsfjaa h/k ) V-JWP- ftewMm, fitaA W# nti*ro to Altar* > MbMln MNi fr#hto4 < »* Ctato# law# to addition to soorea mtaof Affle* y , ## Pf ita tow swartBMWtrfewlew n u ^ ts ta s wad toe sanm iw t t to toe. fft-f Tnw m tay h #ji and eventoaiiy star* Ttotar# uta stsyed tight tod^s on tpr might ta run again for a quar­ LANDS PLANE 489 IdMES St, vatootoirs Day naasacre have ah^ m m . Iff #f SUClMi# M l« # to A (! BrtadwAy twto tar fttjn#mtot#i ter tau r, MO that toe kerosene eaa W DAY TO TBttT MIAitBS be^ swept from their Saal Of POWST. . sefs} r »14.8V iroijo, lYi# ##8tod Afid deffyerta. Among thofo aiato ware; _ j.ft=r^en((ef »nu4aylHe a^jeta, m S ^ tM ¥ O f UBfataAFtASt utatlAAl #ta into toA grease in toe system Jltflfc-OrchRstrfl: njldnlpht m^^les, prffgfsm t dung to him throughout his doUEn# rolling in by dancing in the elimination. 489 i . ^ % . Bande. conepfj of landings in an airplaos hy if§. H ew A # ta0^ taH er a#"Star>| S4§gM 4 ^ohi## and pIa) ) ^ to§ A way to get the rust out of th# ftaMnto# toAd to ?Af##." PS# pilot intone ds^ la the prohaWs iiStea«'7sw & ?*u h & f ■■ ‘ - pFp«eip* f. IK Pta," tota 1# Itatart ! paidator partlSidaFly is to open the world’s record held by Pilot .Bill tow of AiitoftcA’# forestoit f>ttot#M: £SAtf# I# AhcfHed pitot, tat fadiatov §§^ d#tach th# lower hbee Weiss, Patrick Murfta' -TPP. ■§, WpritM, dAPiAff# 9iM Is to^ugh Pdto dytos Hudson here. April 4, J927— Vtocept Ihrueel. 7 :i'H—^ofd)Hf» Clo.Uer’s'orchcstra pf purals, . coupling, a^ y the hose to this 7:S0—WKA'P" proBTama (2i/fe h.^8.) ilia toFto# IM Iltffew------y#gfs- At }«fist. H#r opening and j^ ot a gow of water Testing a P*w type airplane February 14, l 9i 9 ?-^The' seven ■ >e;S&s'yfffh>. 9r.^s§*n »Wi Pavid. i ^ r s r s s s . iA«t ite h t WA#“ ' A# I A pA#«lta#F Moran ganfiters, STfrariiar’ .violinist. ft i<>mjssrts%^^eAtotoW ^ Bnghsh dumhel. X»d upwara «t a cughtiy heavier pres­ b r ^ , Hudson rece^to^ toe July 88, 1030 -jPetar (Ashcan) 1 ma­ ‘Mi'f'ni j^Pf? H-ogram. Bojwfle program. Mfif and d#9.orated the homes of sure than that used the other way. ll :WVWjeaiRt j^gnfi Orchestra., ■ a70.1-r-l»^>,l|fCHMON D-IIIC itoii^ of his friends. SeviW years the very next day she reach about 489 flights at the Akrim muifleipal Inserio. W»?AjM»r:) 4ikg§ and Btories, the plane in which #he had d#wn Care should he taken, however, that airport. They averaged 1 mlaute, August 1, 1930—. S w w - tlon. lira.) cm the French goverptoent toir- the pressUF# he not too great or th# nnO«« otPhestm. litotoF tta towtal. Idflto? 20 seconds apart with a 36() degres George (Bugs) Moran, who if re­ 7:S0—Skylorkcrs; Blethers |toad autoority is a oi- cited about the prospect of getting through by the rust hut up to the landing. • ... w . ^A9 hi# aeoond wife. osnied. H# Wdll «#strihute th# gemUm 9f that marriage in front of the camera# ndSFOi. cleaning process have been kept Phones. But after ta# ta# flMd# A W T«; PBOaBAW S sotoA'to to# ponceft of fiBlICOifrW Eff to Fari# Ato. s t a t o r 's brother, John | closed ta CM# wry rust. These symphoBi«*popular selgpftod# A AFPstroBg 0 ta«l#r. who ctapged ; few Plctur## we mny hAV# « dWf«r» holes should be soldered up by a fraveiers Broadcasting Service hi# name to iQhAloner and moved to eat story to tell you about that competent mechanic before an anti- concert orchestra imdhr to# ^F#A* same enthusiasm. llfrtfonri, <)MMi. toPA o# Chr|#ttota Kri#s#. TO HONOR FOUNDER Vtotada tator tatatars ot the fw o- fresie Is pMt into to# system, sr SU.UOV W., liBO ft, 1I82.A M. Hayrilla’s career h ^ t a to A jjy ihad htol Insan#, egbled to#p« wl» ta fomddtoi^ toss of church in thgVi VTrcK UlMKJxTiWXT to#: bridegTepta “WhO’S pWnfcy solution. * ‘ 9 Mountain# to CJsteiaio^gtoyjytol,m y a m T mM# j t a i l i s «to ta ItaTd iotaih} fto F ? ” How*s She Hitting? Jt is dwgSFeiis to use a gummy Ota#ryflito« Ml /iditata m >w^^ The **iiPFPPtlO‘I) ta#WiBC of the Notice 9 came to America as 9, h#y Aid ta* radlatoP "w ta ^ ro o r ligwm. tor | FrWay. ©ototar at, | B). foptoarllattf ftap«ta #f Ita time, 7:00—Fro Joy pipaer Pance Or­ gta .?todyisg wusic. A #f tills may E3t only close up the tiny m liitary service in th# AS?.#ri#ta ft wag that Mr QiaWer B y ISRA#^ jttXttllN pin-holes caused by the rust, 4>Ut 1 Real opportunity only coRita onee in yow Ufotigia. chestra—isrorwaa ClouPer, direc­ w§§ to Isadora Duncan! tor. Bfmy Interrupted his stu^#, ta tta Tta peptal fFPfll OStotaF 26 to she Science Editor, gniA isryfte. m y entirely hto^A towpf ttai If you eaiinot afford tt now Butok your nottt b^ t in­ resumed them after his dlstoAfg# tta ta #i#/.lh# tidn totas toreugh whieh toe cool-1 Just a Littlv^ Closer—Moyer—Re­ 4 wf» ta tototttt throng** tai# i^ e d to ice*' 1 vestment would be a good Utad Buick* mote Control. and wade Wa dehut in Oft repeated ms been ad­ ing solution must flow freely. ggJl, groadwAy theaterl^ PAl tta staS tiT AP^MAttogpd Qlff vice con.*erning preparation of The only gisttad is soidering- Stuff (Novelty for Small Jazz Wo QUOto gome of our good boy# in uaed Buielta nates became interested in toto Afid §#tat W##Jf, Is tattSF #f Julietto M SSm iDRW E BYRNE tta autontohile for toe winter, but 4 afld); it-hears rstaating agaih, Jf we - are Drlf^ng Pn to Avalon IWaftz)— feAtofed tow to the ^trayAfAfiAA ijpiy'# Mfthday, ©stskH? S4 - sjj# taken in trade for new Buicii Sights. ‘•Hassan,"^ “Mwe. fotoPA dtaf," Idtatad @ffl iStapttof to .4 to#Ftoa }# to take the word of service statioo EUCALYPTUS GROVE AT Hoffman. and jrepair' men. • B 0 CK>TA PB 0 VJ5§ c o s t l y The Song f poye— Spec. arr. Gale. “Princess Flayi#’’ and wjto tata y#AF# Ago AM tta## y«#FP lAtpr T D m m W OM EN DoYm P l y F ta the## men st|}} see autonm* I’ll Be Blue Just Thlfitoffg of You JSrrgl to ^iegtold’s “Poid# to* ttotod taAdpAFtpF# WiFi ttttAhhsh-* Bogotar—(AP)—A stately grove —Wendllng. teenth ’’ The National Br##d#A#0 t a Ad to WAshtof toB, ©• € l#| upon automohUe coming ia 1 9 2 9 Buick C oach ...... • • . , | 2 8 0 i W Company engaged toW §S A MAMta9t#r# ta§t tftap p# Qttd to be Heard witii cracked engine heads aM ©f toe®#, l^ te d to. insure this city’s To-Night—Arnold Johnson. le^ittng racHators in winter tim#, 1 9 2 7 Little White Lies—Walter Don­ specito announcer, a capadly to §#tato. wm p«iAtop#d 41 yoffngs. dyer Baiitt Tomorrow Pve- w it if mtyph^’ ^ «««#«d a water B iliek Sedan ...... which he hA# Wta fiAto>P*wid# F#^ T ta }My#@#sr ta# lii#F#As#d sttad-* ttlQg-^ilMir Talks. ' ad hecaua# of the n#glectfuln#iis crisis. ' aldson. of their drivers Yrt. the easiest 1926 Buick Sedan ...... So Beats M.y for Y#^— ngyrn. ify M tli S9W ttaF# AF# ttto# tmpM giwerai years ago a w®U cap^ie SM toFAA BFPAM# FAAtaf to#ftt*M bit of prsMWAttM «dll Atald to#, Spec.' #rr.' WIrges. B^tford, ©«l; Id-—Miss Hatoer- of SMPlylM etwta 4|» itah ta w 1 9 2 7 Buick Coupe ...... $ 1 2 $ ,M 7 :30— Old Gomp.apy Songalogue — Slraet ^itoFtoto Debt Ahtat §§d gfFto. who AF# M ® In# ftym#, tta#«toAlrman o f tl|« Re- trstthle an# #yp#A*f toAl I# itt* of water was bored. Someone to Of PygHtad# to W fi^ ©rfani#t to# wpFh. PUMsM Stoto Ctatoel Committee cufFed from such neglect. nutomity had heard’ that trees Americap Bipgier# Quartet; Ch#s. Today we discuss the cooling Two or tbree other makes that you euti buy Hghi, Harrisop, jy^iflihfirt Murph^y, tep- ©Artfig to# ip#t year SelectipAtt CoBgi#§fl#ttl; li#m ber of the Re- wmdd soiMirve ratefall aM wslst ors; Walter Preston, Alttotofh t o ^ W S#l F#toize it. S#PFg# ».. if#lto fFACiously allow## iPAtt MattoBAi eommitto#, w ui system. to# Witt. a§ the m y Planted trs«g Thota are AH prieod right as w# de not AXptat Frank (?rp?toh, bass; #y#Fy tifB# to# »#totaF# #f A^#tree| to# Pfri Sstat PsMPii the use pf heard fa a e a ^ addrea# to be aB around the well. fm m to to# F»wM Building tor U Regardless of toe kind of anti­ ' hold them over winter monthi* ^ Wirges, pianist and conductor— StotaF totoitol t a t to#lF^fP#Ads '#F fhTO*d#Mt P ato rlay evening oyer ynfwiunAtily, tawevtr, to# tr**^ NBC. gelher to to#Ad to#lF V#to#s In tb# taid(|MAFt#F#. ©fgtaent troops and §to|ipn W fW tolA4 is intended to be freeze that I# to ta U#«d for to# iS^VtoUAto tay# ssstributed towsfd the saw# 1 slmwl^l satoPtsd were easidyytus ta d eueaT 8 :00— a tie s Seryip# Cop,c.er|— ta^ ershop taFtoPto## #f 'T Want g §i f^ lcu lar totof##t to the w»men; PAF, ynytfi^iim lyi^ua trees, ft was dissevered, ab­ C a l l 7 2 2 0 for details end demonutviitlQii# §aj jnst Lita to# § aI Ttat Married to# fPFto^gP. Tta American I#* f otor# of jSommetteut i 1 be made fpr the winter. This in­ ca Dragonetto, SPpFftflPj #AFF*I gita AaMlAFy tafiAtM tables, whd# cludes thorough cleansing of to# sorb twice their weight to water Woodyard, ^ sq; Frash SSfifft Peer oid Dad," they a## yA0 M a Tta Addr«a# wfli h« the second epMUment to Walter Seffert, wdlyfdyafe AA# TFMP S gave mon#y am Itt A PWtoi PFesentgd hy the d al^ , : and Milton 8 #ttonb#rg, Mew the trees have rsaehsd ami duo; the Cay#U#r#, male Itod organist heard every FfHay for diitaSr A taf was given ta Plicati tttAto ftoadquartow and T foop 9 and a ta©h. “The Life § f ta from AtBO to 7:00 o’doek. of all connections from motor to average size of eleven tons and each Leg P^^urta, togor; or^#stfft S ita l a t 11:30 o’clock from gtAHta BnSp. Walter wrote “I Want a JuUelto iMW," from Troop 7. haft*taw radio talks sched- radiator. on# takli ataut 88 tons of water: dlfpetipa Ro##rlo ggpFdon—BB§,- B. J. HoU has gdven land at BeijL- daily fwto what was intended •# 9 :0 all ^untoF #Fgasf»to»s. Th# ^ fI §taPto tap# to hAv# A.ta#Al dtai sf ftT ^rv^'T tS r SnlS? vocal trio; Howtad Ffltotoh. htaf? piF»m Btagbattn ^ ^ i closed, fresh water should be poured t BSwS: tone, gu##|; #r*tojk— NBC. PAtafining there anetosr ysAT. ftatt# VADSE ACQUinBD gf to# trppp# went #ut ttar# tor iAturdAf sy#M»fi Nov#aatar i, In. mixed with two or three tablSj ^0 :00—%idjfhto to „ hitaP to*.last snmmsF. $}§§ to 7 m , P r m m f m . sBodnfuls 04 baking soda or sgi 10:05— * ' ^ VfMfkfS ttstoweu #f T aw. „ - V BY FBIERAL COURT L#st summer ths eta» 4 l P##t aodarTta motor should be kept cert dlfeptod ^ P&f|#t|A»S MftoS# two captains to the N atle^ Monday evtatog. Noypwber s, ^ forat least li tolnutes ^to « f l Q to 44« » . feWitolAttl-Oovernor with A l9lS Staflftf. taFitota.- for two weeks and are sen*qg sap? titis SQlutioA to the FAdlAlta Ovartiie, S«CF#k #f §«ata8A ~ tains to Hartford two nights eash ^WWt JS, jRMPFSf MipiAUtm homl- work tooroqgyy toW ^ Wolr-Ferrari. Y#Fk, Oct. W, week during the winter for trainjiuf, g##tor - accumulated corrosion.. WestwAFd H#l:r-MarsdeR, StahAfd Vause, former gpunty Sunday, OctohiF 80, all The drain-cock should be opened pFphgstoa- m flAO VBCA^UDARY ■ :e, was acquitted late last pigbt Scouts are reqq#§|M to Attend ttaff and this rusto solutiga drained, I t 1, safe to w r^ a t hundreds of peoj^e snjov various trees " federal (3ourt Jury #f #e- own church Ip imltohb Ahd ail pA§* SSn. with toemotor n ^ n g at a jgH the government to hU tors in the tc^ ta glad to M r it t i r equal to -about 20 imles an “ S i S % m m m * tax paynjeat. have them pre|«#|, Iftadaf to#f M d eissrts bat euH iot, M t them because th w do not digest urM i, The mvamment chArffd tnat will appear in to#lr gff#li rmlforii# *“5 JJfkfliSd’tottJ'S P|r||t Mov#W#»^ irem "Tta Vguse, who Is under a pI*/•#? Wh* / Afd#h#d gy?s»taay'’-S#toitart. at school. :e for mail fraud, wAP NtafI I 4fr* During the W8^ to«f« Wl8 ta A» g s & V e gtasto’ ntaBta aa they allowed to flow tiuMUgh a t a rate ^ghM tra- Ito in h|8 tax payment, exhibit at WAtotes Sr#to#ri Mpr#- M ancheiier Dairy Ice Cream Sittin' Thinkln’—Fisher. Th# PA## went to the jury yes- It wUl be mc)#| Istof##^ M il will Mai#: F}} d# toy tait,fewti mum A Wanderer’s ®opg — T t#Fdf^ Aftsm#^ wtaP the defense show differepi gepta {^y|||iig, gM ittHOss just to® gwt thtog that tinw ^tii the uSter at & ^ ttom Alois Ha-yrtta w lto OFtoeslFA- restel wittanfe gpiitog a ftefli wit­ ##ita into toy ItaM Atailt ’em will of the fidiator c© ^ out <4tAr, Ungaflan—l^uani. some of th# work toAt to# tF99h providoff A healtM utr niitritiotti d o ii^ thut ii food i e f » H t h e ness, apd indivfdpai StaPto ta# d#li^. doNTh# ifttaorffl. Oreta#fi‘‘A Th# prto#f|Al wftofg jMtofwft Tta BFPm AM Pi^o Witt Hilg £%iBttefc=pawftHta M^ddy- VMS# WSi MlPph f, Popli, hi# fam i^ and easily digei^ed. It in alm ost n perfect foode Senre ■ njima ifitadtr#' toFFSif lAW tartner, to tt*PS# glAy M ThtaPlAjsr e v # to ^ Al i #'#}pph f#F to# ta ta flt B!9vl# w toto ISBAI^I Til# BglAtoes arf, m% A u m ©q^ i^ a f f . §&vii#. PBSfilAl tt6§9lffil WM d^fltod most Is tauuf givto Al to# ilA to to«AtoF it and see how soon it tops the dessert list In popiderltY w ith your prehntoa. o f the 1180.000 whtob Vstae WAP 'r ' x ' ‘ Czscta^StoVAh Songs—Arr. alleged to have received fpr phtidn* heth W§dtaP«% AM )»? TM a aft toe half toat night#. A ll w ta.A lteM wHi Mirelp Pgat#Fpaclt. >ler Ia ta l14f# for to# YlSltSd 6##k*d.=>’Snftt Mvmor, MwMd. w|to the draii.cock^0l#d. the m#» famib. " - ' 4 9 l#“MftY^A Wlft prtoM tfiv AtotaloiMi et«Aii«hip Lita§. , . , taJoy taartoi tof»r Igt^rme^o frgm "g!§yaUeria Bos* Jaitaeg B. wukinspn, ihrited ■ Saturday Al § p. m, tota# will ta in 10P8 a loo^mUa automohae gtates attoFpeyi contiMid m##t #f a food sal# at WAltota areltan MiiiMfan## teat wa# kiM on Long under the impplc«S of to# ^ MfOUl - JpMifi ©taap=f«p«t to# mnsey Is the ac^Hst wtat to Th# AViriff ttpoed wi# VAM f ta o f' hto # A «# i ^ u n cu ItodidDmwFs'‘ ■ -• nMies m hour, , UiOMtortftod ipuftat New#i Vaup# wa« iMintetteed t# #to ppar# The girl# wIP ta In in Atlanta p^tenuary tor ttBsM week to In theirto*l>: fTeen unItotaM ; TrAtaton N wi; b u U « ^ ; w eath they are saatterfd throyfheul M A Y S YO U A IMJOlO { er; A 0 iiitt6 '© lW t MftBne the maU to defraud in caaneettop town. I t ' ciurt^ with the collapse of toe ^lumbto l^VliinBAOt I u : l 0—Hotel St. B#it# Otoh«#tni^ ftomet esi^Atton. M« Is user I f t a h ifiif II hM li to Ufa. ffta taBd Msdlsf M AfptAl whtoh fi Mfvtta «tti AMMMilif aatt / tagtatod to taPi# tig for hetaisf A PACifi?i^ sn u m a O penR ieider, V flieiffrt, dffMitof- ' hiifl noAtoc Hhrold (dancing) I I Wlto I war# M,E.WOS 8 AA B w izday and Sstardar M A L i s m p:«id IPdi.*«iHtAf- bi .your shoes. Yqu'rt HMk a clevn •iCtatorttIt ?kOM MTf ftmeerr OIR Friend: P#fbap# n l But | # • wffl isB l«;row W »«i Always ObtttinalSi, A i Its At Tour gnd deUveryoureW ^ APP«ara to %lsh.:ypu would rMraia from at> RADIO SBRYICg luwi MPb^Mlotos# htafY” ' ^ ^ to get tsto ttatti apW.-*> . rbbfhood Store peCilBrummer, Bei^n. ta AB nMkta .*TjSSot^A 29taSt t a New Set* tad Standard Bgyrels for Sale iBd um siaito by tom." "Teu SMU yoft ffvt tom aU yeur Il papar money ^wa« Aooeaaorlea ■ V ■ tittMW-'-;. ^■v>v . jroOMl of 600 y*aw 3 6 1 W oodland St. "•foj, I.JtoaC te y^hUe he-# WILB.SBAH ■ * laa vkHaw# TWandta , w taa* mww a o9 aM . T c L M M \S'’r>' 'Ai*' 'frf


..,K president, presiding. - . Bupper their mother, Mrs. Augusta :^uiivecstoT. .'The gifts, tip lb a served at 6:15, followed by the reg­ of Davtei 'M tryi K laxtmUni of 20, are made ammaUy NEW ffiU(VARD AWARDS ular routine .d t businep'*. Mrs. Thienes ^ofV .ther mftifoVd Cpp^ly ;Fred, have returned- from several;: M o t o r Y. M. C. A. was the speaker and :exeznpt froih- abivntie yoter piiyl- I^UNDRY Ttniely Suggestluas on the I Jfave a isp^endldr address on “Where the In pd y^ toges. By jrpitog: o f: toevHoard of; TEL."MANr’‘ ' 132 SCHOLARSHIPS Care of the C-ar by the Auto- Are We Golng?^ He first com- rs!' •ThbufaneV'' C^)Pif>^y o f EieoH6ns^'they':;toust,-bSe ■ home’ elec-;; 8860 mnbtle CInb of Hartford. • ' f Prisoner fights Exti^ffition ndended the Lions on toe work ■Hartford, is enjoying his annual va^i ilon not. Vol»l iaoine'^:'ydters. cation •• -I, ■. -vo v>^‘ • -who can’t-be-hotoe^ave ediowed to FAMIlit WASRUStfiG^ ■ ; .'^’Clifford Cobb, 31, of EMt Hart­ achieved in connection . with “Huai-, ford, who was sentenced to six nels Confidence Week,” and then Mrs. Patrick Fitzpati^ki^ k andan Eld-! ; Atiiantte qily, Wi to match mail ballots. ,-j ALL METHODS . wahtt And>Tere9«^^3fcdlfck >.whdge'gene’s kite^ien <^,.drinka in . color ,r. , s - ■ J f e Given to Students of Six Suggestions by the Automobile Club j^onths in TOUand County Jiacll at went on to speak- pf the ..many diffi­ Mm’s . Shi]^ and -OUStrs, of jaartford. t^e April session of th§; ''j^ W d culties involved in modem life as home was partly destroyed by fire scheme wlll^be available. The Kast- ;LONDON ^ ‘ Blankets, ^ County Superior Cou^ft contrasted with those of other on.Tuesday,,we ppeupyja em Ice.Asropia^^h ‘ to ■‘CObventi^ ~ ENGUSH PBOSPHRITY BELT Graduate Schools— Value TOWING TO FREE STARTER tdrm expired on Tuesday, was flot days. The speaker agrees with em^n^'irt th^&cfeier or BSaibiAetad^ .. « : .-208-22d Hawth|Bri>e'''St;: and High streets until repairs are } ® Occasionally starter gears become released at that time but was'^ln- Roger Babson, who said that- toe 441-455 HpipeslfMI'' madi’y lto,.FRzTktei(kj Wih ' to be:in pperatloh for freezing water: r: Loudon-:^ (AP) soutfi^terh; brjl ■ formed that he was wanted in.-Hfew present breakdown is ndl so much •part of Enghind has’ co'nsti toted a of Scholarships $49 J30. so tightly jammed that the ordinary j foy g, series of cbitiken material as moral. “Our task,” said H M ^^le 'a ty hospitaa^ ' in ahy tifit desired. process of pgatting the car in gear there. He refused to;gp Ne^ir York-^Thefe will be tele­ "pfdsperity belt;”' thetoleven coun-; He refused to;, Mr. Thienes, ‘‘is to restore moral lies-nearest to Ikjfidon^l^ifig in vtoe- from one state to another and.was poise.” He said that he still believed phone service" to, i toe hoys down and rocking it back and forth fails imder. beginning*next Monday. -.The happiest eedpomic stole in toe cdun-; Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 24.— (AP) t^en put imder a rr«t m a fugitive in toe fimdamerital good in humml SUSPECTED BLACKMAiLERi of purpose. The disabled car has to cost of a 14,000 mile call between try. ’ ,-Awards of 132 scholarships, hav­ frbm justice. beings. When (jfficlal returns showed' 2;-' be towed, and several points must r>He jvas brought before "lustice Announcement was made at toe ,, NewrYork an3;4ny Australian point Mks A ripe C ing a total value of !p49,730, were be taken into consideration. NABBED BY DETEcnVE^fiwill be $15 a'minute.' 072,pod people uhemploylid- in ■ Great jp to S ^as in the.iTToliand Justice meeting that toe next speaker, No^ Washington—The King of Siam Britain, ttoe^ percentage of insured snnounced at Harvard University It will speed up the process and Court on that charge / anii was vember 12, will be Clement Taylor, INSTRUCTOR IN PIANO, today. The scholarships were given save both cars, for instance, if the is toVtelephone Monday from Bfmg- workers idle in the soi^toeastem di- VOICE AND HARMONY ^ c e d imder bonds of $2,^00, which Deputy District Governor of Massa­ New York; Oct; 24— (AP) —How-' kok to his minister here, 9,500 miles. rision was difiy (@t.9 and in London students- in the &?-. Harvard gradu­ Spark plugs are removed from the he -could not furnish. . It'is . thought chusetts and president of toe Spring- . Beginners ,and AdVsWjp^ towed car. This reduces compres­ afd Larkin, 28 years old;' Who des-■ Bi&alo, N., Y.-^In 5 1-2 yekfs 7.8. to South ■ Wales and Lan­ ate schools. t|iat New Hampshire offkiials field Lions Club last year. -This cribed himself aS a contractor, was^ Ford-air lines have carried 10,000,-' cashire 26. oilt of every l00 ;tfisured P,np^..„ sion in the engine so that as the ask for extraditionary papers a ^ - meeting will be the biggest of the under arrest on a charge of black-; The names of the recipients of car is being towed in gear, and the 000 poimdstof'freights The figure workers were idle. 88 Florence Street Dial'8073 ing the government o f: tiie state ;to year. mail today after receiving* a naarked* waa reached when an autonipbile these scholarships include: driver engages the clutch, there will tiim him over so he can b(e taken $50 bill frbm Mrs.- Frances Preston, be less resistance. The lessened Manager of Cat Show came.,frbm Detroit in the 7,627th trip, Law school: to Newport, N. H., for trial. ? Thompson, wife of George Wi) of a Ford plane. shock will also save the clutch. The annual winter show, of the Thompson,-a retired wealthy broker; S. H. Aaarons, New York. In some cases it has- been neces­ .Cobb was., before the Tolland Laurel Cat Club will be held at N ^ York —The -^little German C. C. Alper, Pittsburgh, Pa. County Supbiior Court some time of Cazenovia, N. Y . sary to tow cars for several blocks Rnights of Columbus hall. Prospect Mrs. Thompsoti, a former actress,'; boy ^ho operates an ele'Vator onrthe L. H. Arps, Columbus, O. before the starter disengages. Un­ ^ o for. chicken stealing. Two other street, Hartford, soon, and. fipal liner/Europa likes Henry Ford. -Ne's F. Aronson, New York. men were sent to the^_ reformatory ‘ known on toe stage aS' Frances; der such conditions everything that plans have been made. All entries Stevens, told police sheihhd receiv-- a nice man,” said the boy. “He gave F Baum, New York. spares the cars’ labor and shock is at the time on similar'chariges. must be in by October 27 and Mrs. me five diDilafs. Anb. every time I C.‘ I. Blau, New York. ed three letters demanding $2,000 valuable. If the engine is equipped Ananlan Found Guiity^ Luther A. White of this city is man­ under a threat to carry information' carried him T asked how he was and W J. Brennan, Jr., Newark, N. J. ager of the show and Mrs. Edna he always-said: ‘Pine, my-boy, and J. *De Bruyn Hops, Jr., Atlanta, with petcocks these rnay be opened ^ Coroner John H. Yepmians of An- concerning, her to her husband of' and the plugs left imdisturbed, dover and HEirtford, 'in-kis.Rnding3 Jeffery of Burnside is secretary. to toe newspapers. how are you;.this morning?’ ” Ga. Westbridge, N., Y . —There ,are H. I. Gammer, New York. in the case of Jack -Ahanian *of Plummer—^Mills She said she complied with' direc- ] anti-spooning Vigilantes in . this WHEN TIMING GEARS KNOCK Hartford, who was the drived-of the Announcement has been made of tions to communicate wlto> the let­ L. A. Carton, Jr., Red Bank, N. J. ter writer through personals in New'; Long- Island village. 'The- secretary H. Christofferson, Chippewa Falls, Most motorists who have a “knock Automobile which killed Joim Mc- the marriage on October 16 of El- of a v,duly. appointed cbmmittee has )^one of Talcottville two weeks ago, York papers and was instructed to- SCREAM .Wis. in the motor”—and a surprising wyn E. Plummer, son of Mr. and j reported , to ;the taxpayers Associa­ J G. Conger, Galesburg, HI. number have—think of the trouble finds Ananism responsibly. In bis Mrs. Walter Plummer, of Prospect ! give a telephone number, tion that 27 parties were broken up as being in or around the pistons or Mr. Yeomans said:^ "I find street, this city, and Miss Leona ,] Last night < she - recetoed a tele-. in a mohtii. If a'Vi^lante sees an j ! F. Davis, Por^-apd, Me. Mills, daughter of Mr: and MfA. jphone call telling her to be at a- F. L. Dewey, Des Moines, la. bearings. • A section of the engine ■that said dea^ wsis caused' by toe occupied, car parked liidre' than half iterance, carelessness and ’ negli- Loui's Mills, of Buffalo, N. Y. Tfa^ certain place on seventh avenue.; J. S. , Lock Haven, Pa. least suspected is the timing gear with the money in an envelope. She.; an hour he telephones:the policejand ‘ Siv; ' ' Special for This Week M. Freund, New York. unit. ‘ gence of said Jack Ananian in the ceremony was perforrhed by RgV there is a summons...... operation of said automobile;” Gilpatrick, assisted by Rev. Roy went to toe spot with a marked $50; H. T. 'BYoehlich, Leipzig, Ger­ The whining of timing gears and bill and some waste paper. Two de-i New York—Mrs.' Gertrude Hick­ PINEAPPLE rCE CREAM AND many. chains is not the only noise that can An inquest was held following Mills, brother of toe bride. man Thoinpson is chairman of toe HONEY BISQUE V toe accident and witnesses 'heard. The bridesmaid was Mrs. A. -E. tectives were nearby. ; R. S. Garson, Cleveland, O, originate from the front end. Rather Then Larken accosted her tind hC' board of directors of "a railroad. The C. Gottesman, New York. common is a distinct knock that Miss Batz Heads Auxiliary Thayer, a classmate the bride. .| , widdiv of William Boyce Thompson FANCY FORMS AND MELONS R. H. Guthrie, Camden, S. C, makes itself obnoxious when the en­ - Miss Emma Batz was elected as Fred Plummer of this city, a broker Thompson said she had headA toe Magma Arizona Railroad BULK AND PACKAGE ICE CREAM F. W. Hall, Bound Brook, N. J. gine speed is subject to many varia­ of toe groom, was best man, A re- , hid^and had acted to, Company, which operates 30 miles . • 1 . . . head of the American Legion Auxil­ of track for toe Magma Copper H. L. Harvey, Marshall, Mo. tions, is in traffic. iary at toe regular meeting held in ception followed at the home of toe ^ tociety of such vicious black-: For sale by-,the following local dealers: F. H. Heiss, Meridian, Miss. This noise is due to a loose cam­ bride. The couple will reside i° I maii^s. Company in Arizona. G. A. R. hall, on Wednesday eve­ Rome — Tomorrow’s weddihg of Packard’s Pharmacy J. R. Hellerstein, Denver, Colo, shaft sprocket. Whenever the speed ning. Other officers elected were: Schenectady, N,. Y. Larkin denied knowing anjtthing: Farr Brothers i. Hoffman, New Tork. of the engine changes the sprocket Invited to Hartford about toe, blackmail seheme, sayings Prinpess Giovanna is to make a At the Center "Vice-president, Mrs. Alice Backofen; 1 number of'othet brides happy in the 981 Main Street J. J. Howley, Jersey City, N, J. changes position with respect to its second vice-president, Mrs. Olive Le- Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary, No. 8, he had arranged to get the letter shaft. A knock follows...... futui^. More public dowries will be S. J. Jaffe, Passaic, N. J. roux; chaplain, Mrs. Rose Bock- United Spanish War Veterans, have for a friend. creatod to mark toe event. At toe Duffy and Robinsoh Edward J. Murphy G* D. Jagels, Mountain View, sergeant’ at arms, Mrs. Nettie been invited by Department. Presi­ wedding of thfs'prince'last January, Calif. itself is then free to move slightly Weber; treasurer," Mrs Margaret dent Elleh'G.' Gray, of i?aftfofd, to, JAPS O. K, ARRIVES 111 Center Street Depot Square out of time during these changes in toe King provided for'gpfts of $26 E. G. Jennings, Lincoln, Neb. Marley; secretary, Mrs. Mae Chap attend a dinner and reception to be each to 50 poor girls on the wedding H. B. Johnson, Two Harbors, engine speed. The result is a series roan; historian, Mrs. Anna Mae held^n honor of the National Presi­ Southampton,. France, Oct. 24.—: Minn. of variable tappet noises. Pfimder; executive committee, Miss dent, Edith H. Bird, of Toledo, Ohio. (A P)—"The Japkn’ese‘ifistrumefat eff J. W. K. Johnson, KnoxviUe, Tenn. Jennie Batz, Mrs. Mary Sloan and The reception will be heUi at the ratification of the London'.'navid S. J. Kaplan, Brooklyn, N. Y. , AFTER THE WORK’S OVER Mrs. Adelphine Brigham. Garde Hotel, Hartford, on Sunday, treaty arrived in England today ^ J. F. King, Holbrook. Whenever the car has been to a aboard the Leviathan, winning by At . toe meeting a committee was October 26, from 1 until 3:30 p. m. D. L Kreeger, Highland Park, repair shop it is well to check over The tickets for the,, dinner are ope three days a race with time to get named to consider forming sin “On it here for fiSposit of ratifications at N-Y it carefully to make sure that no To Detroit Club,” to plan some way dollar. All members, who .wish to c l ’, i. ’ / v 2 "V.v/i/ UlC L. S. Lesser, New York. accidental damage has been done. for toe members to attend toe con­ attend toe banquet can notify the bffice, Teh Dovuiing H. S. Levy, Lancaster, Pa. create Si o f In^ working on the motor one vention there next year. Mrs. Mae president, MrS. Mary Stiles, of Tal- i M o^ay. S. J. Ldftin, New York. mechanic accidentally struck the cottville, at once. ‘^^erre Deboal of toe United; c f \m Ilic Yuen-Li Liang, Chekiang, China. Chapman and Mrs. Ireiie Brow are Sta^s Department brought ' the radiator overfiow pipe, pinching it, Avery Suit Withdrawn \ \ o n th F. J. Lind, New York. but forgot to straighten it out be­ in charge of arrangements. dbCument.’-’ A ; secretary' from the q iv ir iq H, S. McConnell, Brooklyn, N. Y. fore delivering toe car. Announcement was made that the The $10,000 suit brought by Judge American Embassy - was assigned to C. C. MacLean, Batavia, N. Y. Carburetors that have been re­ next district meeting •will be held in John E. Fisk, administrator of toe meet the boat .train this afterrioon- J. r ! McVicker, Iowa City, la. moved are apt to pick up dirt from Wllllmantic on November 2. Scot­ estate of George Ave];y, late of .tb-is .and, with ' ' "Deboal, .ball upon; i d M. H. Mandel, New Yaek- the workbench. A little carbon land •will be the subject. city, against John Kashady ,pf ’ the Ambassador MatAtidaira with the" D. J .Maxwell, New York. clogged in one of toe vents will Previous to toe meeting a mas­ Ogden Uomer section, resulting from document, which airplanes carried J. B. Messitte, Brooklyn, N. Y. cause some very perplexing trouble. querade social was held and prizes toe fatal accident at West Stafford abibss' A'mertca from a wekt ebast .AX A. M. Miller, Winthrop, la. It is not uncommon for mechanics were awarded Miss Helen Turner several months ago," when .^very bbat to the Leihathan. t)rifi*>irifl v o ii th e '* l o w e s t p r i c e s s i n c e 1 9 2 1 . R; E. Moore, Jr., Nashville, Tenn. to leave tools around the engrine. and Mrs. Alice Backofen.- Refresh­ was killed, has been withdrawn and Ambassador Matsudaira w’ill T‘1' ' • Mulford, Princeton, N. J. This may result in serious trouble. ments were served following the settled out of court',' featiffa^tpi'X. represent Japalj Monday, while. Tt. E. MulUn, El Dorado, Kansas. In one case a large wrench jammed’ meeting. both parties. 'Ambassador Dawes will deporit the ,H ' V •• ‘ $1. E. Mumford, Westfield, N. J., Lions Club Meeting Notes Afisencaff'rarifichtioh: ' ‘ ‘ in such a way that toe accelerator —— Newman, New Yo^k. ^ , could not,’ be pressed all the way; < The regular meeting of toe Rock­ "a^id ;,JEdsvsffdL Hitl^n,,-^ Buy them by the dozen ! SpeeiedI — E. Neussle, Bismarck, N. D. down when toe driver needed power." ville Lions Club was held at the 1U. 9’. w. Me'mphls, ^tatibnbd at* Bfofe-'! About 5,845,000,000 pounds of air ^J. Mulford, Princeton, N. J. A, small wrench left to rattle Rockville House on Wednesday ton. Mass., haife returned to their expfi^s were carri.ed in toe United Aiuminmnware es of chain and gear Npw— R. L. Stem, Scarsdale, N. Y. noises can be checked by this W^ter comfort .J. B. Tittmann, El Paso, Texas. method. While “listening in” have "R. A. Warren, Lincoln, Neb. at little cost! W o m e n ’ s someone run toe engine at various la F. Watson, Orange, Calif. speeds so as to obtain a variety of SUlrich Weiss, Potsdam, Germany. $3 8 - 7 5 R a y o n H o s e &.'6 conditions. The speeds of the en­ W o m e n ’s E. I. Willis, Canadian, Texas. gine also should be varied abruptly p . Winer, Chattanooga, Tenn. so as to cause any looseness in toe C o tto n p . Witt, New York. sprockets to show up. A loose Dress coats of broadcloth, imperata and Adolph Walker, Altdorf, Switzer- I lahd. sprocket on toe camshaft, for In- crepe "woo'leris___ furred "with muskraf, stonce, will produce a sharp knock r m •' p M. Wright, .Anaheim, Calif. whenever the engine speed is abrupt­ Arobia lynx, caracul, foxine, French Bloomers which means more sa-vings on ' Medical School ly changed. your every day hose. 0:0 'Richard E. Alt, New Washington, beaver, fitch, lapin and Manchurian Good warm cotton Q. Bloomers, gener' Women’s Wool and Rayon G. S. Baker, Rome, N. Y. PROVES BATTERY WEAKNESS wolf. Sports coats of flecked or mono­ .4 r W, H. Browning, Jr., Westerly, When headlights are unsatisfac­ Qusly sized, fin- R. I. ' tory, yet seem to test out well tone tweed___ trimmed with wolf, ished with H o s i e r y enough when removed from toe car, locked s e a m s. E. W. Bulley, Manitowoc, Wis. the battery may be suspected. This French beaver, and foxine. Sizes 1 4 'to ' Specially firie for cold J. V. Cantlon, Sparks, Nev. Elastic •waist and ■^Weather. .Comes in .A. L. DunCombe, Long Branch, is particularly true if toe lights are 46. ' ' bright enough when toe car is run­ I cuffs, with. rayon ‘ tra ctiv e shades. H J- trim; "- ■ ;G. R. Dunlop, Cincinnati, O. ning around 30 miles an hour. others, 124.75 to $54r75 * "A- J. Geiger, Suffern, N. Y. The dimming at lower speeds is p . A. Harper,'Beford, Va. ‘ due to the fact that the generator Better ^ade tR. S. Hawkes, Kennebunk, Me. rate is dropping anfl toe battery is Spla^id Keep the kiddies ;P. L. Hyder, Memphis, Texas. being called upon to make up toe Men’s i R . E. Jennings, East Orange, N. difference in current. Naturally if toe battery is weak toe generator J •. -p. F. Laroe, Woonsocket, R. I. carries all toe load even when it is U nion SiHtS Rolf Lium, Nortfiel, Minn. not riinning fast enough to charge Medium and heavy weights,' at its maximum. ■M. B. Low, Borentown, N. J. . Made o f soft: >5^ 8 t r o n g 1 y ^ ^ R. A. MacCready, Elizabeth, N. If a considerable amount of night Collar at' driving must be done and there is no tached styles, cotton yarns." stitched— and ™ jc. B. Olson, Seattle, ;Was. opportunity to recharge toe battery, •i { equal , to -those 'very lo.w |l. S. Parker, Cotter, la. or obtain a rental battery, toe •wise [priced. Sizes motorist will see that, toe cells are seen at $1.95,- ■W. B. Rew, Tompson Falls, Mont. at Grafit’s oMy 36 to 46. F. E. Settlage, St. LouiSj Mo. filled with water and then increase ;p. R. Souers, Lancaster, Pa. the generator chargit^ rate by 3^. W. Spink, Duluth, Minn. changing toe position of toe third C' sterner, Cheltenham, Pa. brush. I y ttu d a b le ;C. W. Walter, Cleveland, O. ^ eo Walzer, Cleveland, O. OTHER CAUSES OF KNOCKS jC. E. Welch, Stanton, Neb. • Among the numerous varieties of R . O. ’Wilson, Pleasant VaUey, engine knocks perhaps none is more Conn. puzzling thw.n toe one that isn't due W j ^ e n 5. W. Zeller, Sault Ste. Marie, to any moving fnechanism. This A^ch. also is toe most costly as a general yThe Sachs . Fellowship in Fine rule because the motorist spends his Arts is divided between A Donald good money haidng mucl^ unneces­ i i MicDonald, Aurora, HI., and Stuart sary repair', •vyofk done bof-ore he ■’>: IL. ■ C.| Henry, Andbver. realizes that^be is ^ a wild-goose School of Architecture chase. J. Ciampi, Son Francisco, One of toe most common of these $8 -9S 'r ‘-V lif. special knocks is tSe type due tp a n. : cicVCT'vimff' and s l^ ' Engiiieering Sjchbol loose- cylinder heaX Experience i r ’ ' •. on-stVies-.- If: C. Hodge, Barberton,'O. demonstrates that it Is qrfte' pos­ School of Public Health sible for this part of toe engine to Youihftil«Wool. crepes for sports . or pr. M. L, Grover, Dorchester. be loose enough to knock ^thout ^ ofR^ .'J ..*."7 canton i street'or, causing leakage of compression or The IdstAveek' water. afterfibon •. • • in bla«k, brown, blue, -Havana. — (AP.)—9anta Clara Often toe whole engine is loose of this sen ^ fortress has been razed to make in toe frame. Any engine that is r j^e^n/and'.wet(mp.. . bbfc:..! '" ’twnid sale ^ 'VT.GRANT CO. returned ^ •way for a hotel, and the famous old subject to considerable vibration ' ei’b aSd- lines...... sizes..16.. battery •with which the Spanish may be suspected of developing this ■ hidh& you'- nopsatiefip^ hoped to repel the American fleet in sort of trouble during its life : o f M g t o M ■ ^grea test 1898 haa been carted out to Camp service. Even though the •vibration C^umbia, awaiting the time when may be deadened by rubber mount­ ipiti^k architects •will' find places /o r ings the looseness, and the conse­ V old-guns. quent knock, is likely to appeax.^ m " ■ *


for ten years or twenty years or, Any pension system worthy of the 4lttul|>0ter from all Indications, for a hundred name would cost more, and a very and fifty years, Qtiit scrappinsr, great deal more, than is now being Smnbtg Brralb brethren, or nu^e up y]Our minds to spent in institutional provision for PUBLJSHED BY THE get along for another lifetime with-; the poor. Nor would any pension HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, INC, 13 Bissell Street out any new^ building ^ t all. system that one would dare contem* __ South Manchester, Conn. plate displace the almshouses of the — THOMAS FERGUSON We of Manchester know. General Manager state. It evidences complete failure Watkins DEATHS BUM to grasp the significance of the §k \ .- F oun ded O ctober 1, 1881 problem when people talk, as Dean Published Every Evenliig Except Perhaps some of the protagonists . Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the of prohibition can figure out a Cross does, about maintaining the Post Office at South Manchester, aged poor in separate homes of their Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. reason why a life insurance com­ new Low Prices! SUBSCRIPTION RATES pany should lend itself to a pro­ own at a less cost than they con - :One Year, by mall ...... $6.00 Per Month, by mall ...... $ -SO ceeding likely to shorten life. We be kept in the institutions. The D elivered, one yea r ...... $9.00 Democrats, who profess to be d e -! Single copies ...... $ -03 cannot. From any angle of approach it is impossible to avoid voted to the idea of old age pen­ MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED , PRESS ^ the conclusion that such an organi­ sions, show up even less favorably, The Associated Press Is exclusively as to their understanding of the -.-entitled to the use for republlcatlon | zation must, on the contrary, be - of all news dispatches credited to it ‘ continually seeking to make the question, than those Republicans or not otherwise credited in this who so’ loftily ignore it. The latter, paper and also the local news pub­ people more healthy and to extend lished herein. the duration of their existence. If at least haven’t gotten off on the TTYT All rights of republlcatlon of wrong foot. special dispatches herein are also re­ prohibition possessed th^ physiologi­ 7 served. cal merits claimed for it by its ad­ This is a great and tremendously SPECIAL, ADVERTISING REPRE­ vocates, why should insurance com­ important economic proposition. It SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLisser, has been given adequate study by no Inc., 2S5 Madison Ave.. New York, N, panies permit their actuarial depart­ Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave„ ments to give out figures liable to one—certainly not by Dean Cross, Chicago, Ills. discourage supporters of the theory whose conception of it is merely Full service client of N E A Ser- childish. If the Republican candi­ vice. Inc, of federal control? It does not make sense. The companies would date for governor would do his Member, Audit Bureau of Circula- tions. be guilty of deliberately fostering party a particularly fine service let The Herald Printing Company. Inc., injury to their own business. No promise the people that his ad- assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors appearing in one has ever accused the insurance ministration will make a profound advertisements in the^ Manchester study of old age pensions. That, Evening Herald. people of being that stupid. 8ind cot the head-over-heals passage Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, con­ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. of some half-baked, makeshift pen­ sulting statistician of the Pruden- sion law by the next Legislature, A TELLING POINT ! tial „Life _Insurance Company,______has Quite poeeiMy the meet Importaut j ^ t o e - e t - ‘“ deqtmte which are already discredited in other contribution that has been made to ing figures bearing on the liquor the literature of the Connecticut question as relating to mortality states, is what the situation de­ mands. state campaign is contained in the rates. - address of Lieutenant-Governor They show a death rate from al­ Rogers, Republiean candidate for coholism in 1928 throughout the Two piece Southwick the governorship, at Bridgeport last United States of 4 per 100,000 of might. Mr. Rogers’ recitsd of the population. This is exactly four history of the Soldiers Relief fund, times as large as the number of dovetailed with that of the stale deatjp per 100,000 of population in sinking fund, and the surprising in­ 1920. It is not as large a propor­ formation that the latter has been tion as in several of the years be­ so well managed that two and a fore prohibition, but it is more than By RODNEY DUTCHER English Lounging quarter millions of dollars have ac­ two-thirds aa large as the largest NEA Service Writer cumulated and can be safel'y and ad­ death rate from this cause since vantageously transferred to the Sol­ 1909, which was 5.9 in 1913, and Washington — The difference be­ diers Relief fimd, provide about as only 4-10 less than the rate for 1915, tween the rea‘ liberals in politics convincing an example as could be which had dropped to 4.4. and those who claim to be liberals desired of the excellence of the ad­ because they are wets was never' The first year of prohibition pro­ ATKINS Fine Furni­ The Southwick group is ideal­ ministration of the state’s business more clearly accentiiated than in affairs by the Republican regime duced the lowest death rate from the political campaigns now drawing ture, correctly fash­ ly suited to apartments, Early and of its humane and decent inter­ alcohol of any figuring in the statis­ to its close. ioned to meet the English rooms and homes est in the welfare of the people. tics, 1 to the 100,000, but that was One t ^ g the wets and the pro­ led down to by a rapidly decreasing gressives have in common—they are latest trends, is available at which are using modem or The story of how the state gov­ ' both opposed to a status quo. The ernment resisted the ill-considered rate in the two' previous years, 2.7 wets want repeal of the eighteenth the new low prices! New Fall mixed period designs. These demand for a soldiers’ bonus in in 1918 and 1.6 for 1919. The 1928 amendment ci modification of the and Winter designs...... not are types of interior which de­ 1919 because, at the utniost of its rate of alcoholic deaths, therefore, is Volstead act. The progressives not only four times that of the first think it is more important to Re­ the old fashioned ones! The mands restful, loun^ng com­ resources, the state could only have lieve unemployment, curb the paid something like $30 to each re­ year of the experiment but is veiy “power trust,” fight labor injunc­ Southwick living roorh group fort. The Southwick group much greater than either of the two tions, help the farmers, keep reac- Exactly turned veteran; of how, instead, a is fashioned after one of the offers two pieces which go to­ fund was created and' invested out years next preceding Volsteadism. -rtionary judges off the supreme The accuracy of these figures can ward making a smart, up-to- of the earnings of which $1,200,000 Most of the outstanding progres­ country's most popular de­ as sketched has been used in relieving the hardly be called into question, as sives seem to be quite dry—Sena-' signs of today___ the English date living room or study necessities of distressed veterans they are part of the meticulously tors Borah of Idaho, Norris of Ne­ gathered array of facts on which braska and Walsh of Montana, for lounging type. Finely con­ when grouped with occasional and their families, while the orig­ instance. Also such 1930 candidates i the life insurance business is based. Choice of inal fund remains intact, is in itself as Gifford Pinchot, running for gov­ structed___ to our own spech chairs, tables, lamps and the something to create great confi­ They do not, it must be remem­ ernor on the Republican ticket ini fications...... with hardwood like. The coverings avail­ dence in the good faith and wisdom bered, bring into the picture deaths Pennsylvania, and Edward P. Costi- Coverings from poison but have merely to do gan. Democratic candidate for sena­ frames, webl^ing, oil temper­ able are varied. For the of the controlling party in Con­ tor in Colorado. necticut. While the knowledge that with cases where the victims have Much Olssatisfactiffn ed springs, moss and pure cot­ The Southwick group room that needs bright touch­ it is the purpose of the Board of taken alcoholic drinks in fatal This seems to be a year of com­ will be made to your or­ parative dissatisfaction and -both re- ton. Hand tailored to your es of color, select one of the Finance and Control and of the Re­ quantities. der in a choice of Eng­ ’The statistics show, if they shosv belious groups, wets and progres­ smart tapestries. Use a publican candidate for governor, to sives, are tr3ring^to make the most order, in the covering you se­ lish type tap estries____ urge upon the Legislature the trans­ anything, that so far as the exces­ of it. Thus there is an imusual lect. Orders for these groups both large and small fig­ plain fabric to soften a room* fer of the sinking fund surplus to sive use of alcohol is concerned the amount of non-partisan campaign­ ures ____or in genuine ing. Members of both major parties which already has an abund­ the Relief Fund, making it possible country is just about back where it will be filled in the order re­ taupe mohair, or plain started from. They also show that are temporarily deserting to cam­ to practically double the expendi­ paign and vote for the other party’s ceived! Munson cloth in Fall col­ ance of colors. tures for veterans’ aid, cannot fail since 1920 the number of such deaths candidate because he is dry or wet orings. to impress the thinking voter with has been steadily increasing, and progressives are likewise check­ the fact that Connecticut affairs are whereas diuing several years before ing their party labels to support one prohibition the rate was decreasing. or another of their brethren on the being handled not only with extraor­ other jMirty’s ticket. There isn’t dinary skill but with great faithful­ As a means of preserving the enough of this sort of thing to justi­ ness. health of the nation prohibition fy predictions of a new era in poli­ doesn’t seem to have been the suc­ tics, but there’s a lot more of it The longer this campaign pro­ than usual. ceeds the more startling is the con­ cess that a great many persons an­ Strange bedfellows are piling in ■WATKINS BIlOTHERS, rsrc. trast between the speeches of the ticipated. It woiild really'seem as together in Pennsjdvania, where Republican candidate for governor, though there might be some Democrats are never supposed to better way to prevent people from win anything. John Hemphill, Pin- packed as they are with accurate chot’s Democratic opponent, has the /r^e.'Lco'c^)ec^^i-CLilon6 information, and the criticisms of drinking themselves to death. support of organized wets, conserva­ his opponent, Dean Cross, which dis­ tive public utility and other corpora­ play such a hopeless degree of un­ OLD AGE PENSIONS tions, many leaders of the notorious ^/zcAedte^, Many persons will be indisposed Vare Republican machine and a sub­ familiarity with the subject of^ Con- stantial group of labor leaders. necticut’s government. to lightly dismiss the subject of old Pinchot, who always has been re­ y age pensions, just now being agi­ garded as a fiaming progressive and SCRAP; NO P. O. tated as one cff the policies of the an unusually enthusiastic dry, may Democratic party in this state. It be hard pressed. He has the or­ Norwalk resembles Manchester in ganized drys and Hemphill has the the single point of having developed is likely to prove a serious mistake wets. Whereas Republican wets of at opposite ends of a township and to pooh-pooh this proposition as" prominence have deserted to Hemp­ then grown together. As we have though it were a childish fancy. hill, Democratic drys such as Vance' McCormick of Harrisburg and John body balknce. If you wish to gain ever advisable, or would it .be our North end and our ^ u th end, Political candidates or leaders who A. McSparran, defeated for governor the greatest efficiency, try to walk dangerous?” GERMAN FLYING M M Norwalk has its Norwalk Proper or adopt such a course must be pre­ in 1932, have declared for Knchot. HEREy TO yOUR with your toes pointed straight Answer: A ranula is a cystic be­ Upper Norw^k and its South Nor­ pared to face the resentment of As the Republican candidate, ahead. When walking, be sure that neath the tongue due to the obstruc­ many serious minded people. We Pinchot himself naturally has con­ your shoes are built for co;mfort tion and dilatation of the sublingual PLAY MANY HUNCHES walk, though all Norwalk is one city, siderable machine support and other rather than for appearance. or submaxillai-y glands Is sometimes just as all Manchester is one town. take the liberty of suggesting to Re­ HEALTH advisable. strength from conservative or reac­ At the etart, one should begin And whereas we Meinchester folks publican speakers that to answer tionary sources, as well as an offi­ walking a quarter of a mile a day, Berlin— (AP)—Pet superstitions AUTHOR o r TH£ M OT WfV TO HCflUTtr merely retain a fraction of the sec­ the proposal of the Democrats with cial endorsement by the state Feder­ gradually increasing the distance by (Tomatoes and Milk) are numerous in German aviation ation of Labor. Question: H. P. ^ k s: “Is it all tional feeling of former days. Upper the brusque query, “Where’s the A9 qgtsHoa raganSng HwMi and Oist « 9 b» an— wd. a quarter of a mile each succeeding circles. Walsh S^ff Fight right to eat tomatoes and drink milk money to come from ?’’ is no answer stsmpadL aal addravad am*alop# ansi ba ando^wL day. It Is much better to begin Norwalk and South Norwalk are the In Montana John J. Raskob, the W rite CM ana rida of papa* ody. Lattan o ia t not aacaad gradually and increase the distance at the same meal?” Friedrich Christiansen, comman­ der of the Do-Xj former commander Kilkenny Cats of Connecticut’s fam­ at all. This is a problem which in Anti-Saloon League and progresr ISO annli. Addcaa Dc. Fim k MeCec. ctia of IIi b p a p tr. than to try to walk different dis­ Answer: Tomatoes or ^ y other ily of municipalities. another couple of years may become, sives generally are supporting Sena­ tances every day. During your acid frurb combine well With milk. of the hydroplane squadron, and tor Walsh, dry progressive Demo­ WINTER WALKS ,form of exercise for accomplishing Make a meal of the tomatoes and only naval flier who was decorated Right now the two parts of Nor­ instead of a mere incident, a pretty walk remember that the fresh air crat, whose re-election Is seriously ------[this than plain old-fashioned out- is one o f the most important reasons milk, and do not use any other food with the order “Pour Le Merite” Is walk are up to their ears in the noise live issue.' There is no sense in threatened by Judge Albert Jv Galen, Now that the bad weather is ap- i walking. Even atWetes, ^ re- for youf taking the walk. Practice at the same time. a striking teaifijae. Ernst tJdet, war and fury of a battle over a post handing it to the Democrats on a Republican wet. Raskob, who is breathing in during five steps, hold­ ace, ia. aimther. proaching, the tendency will be for j ^ngiude a ^ ea t dea^ of walking in (Infantile Paralysis) office site. South Norwalk wants platter. both the Democ;:atic national chair­ ing your breath two steps, then The Gemum ministry of trans-^ man and a leading wet, piersonally people to. remain indoors, causing their training exercise because they QuestTbn: Mrs; W. R. writes: the proposed building—a home for ’There is every reeison to believe breathe out during five steps and portatlbn is the office udiich issues* gave $5000 to the Walsh campaign. them to miss the benefits of out­ realize how' important walking 19 bold the breath out during two “Three years ago my little girl had licenses and license-uambera to air­ federal courts and other govern­ that some sort of an old age pen- In Colorado Costigan, former door walking and fresh air. No one for building up their endurance and steps. If you will do this, taking infantile paralysis which left her planes. It decide^ to give ld30 to mental agencies as well as the post sicMi system in the future is inevita­ member of the tariff commission, is ifiiould allow b’ mself to fall into tVila Improvliig their limg capacity, in a little g>ffp of air each time with right arm quite useless. She csin, Germany's latest cons&ucUon, the slothful habit, for it is just as im- with a struggle, move some of the office—to be located on a South ble. How imminent its arrival may both red-hot progressive and red-hot When one walks, stands or sits in each step and breathing out the Do-X. . dry. Progressives of both parties ,portant to take ^ercise in the fresh same way, you will find that it is fingers. A specialist wants to oper­ Norwalk site convenient to the rail­ be, or how remote, is something to an improper position, some of the But the ministry had not taken think he would be a great help in air during cold or rainy weather Hr as vertebrae grow into poor positions, not lofig before you are able to ac­ ate and graft muscle into the-arm. superstition into conrtderation; For, road station. Upper Norwsilk wants guess about. But its inevitableness the Senate. His Republican oppo­ it is during the sunny days. It is, 1 gradual iinpingement up­ commodate twice as much air in your 1 would like your advise abciat this.” when Christiansen was informed of the building to be located at a mid­ bulks large on the economic horizon, nent, George H. Shaw, is fay less in fact, more important, for exer­ on., the ^ spinal nerves. This gives lungs with comfort as you are doing Answer: Your child’s arm can Jbe the number selected; he found that' cise is needed to keep up a good developed through proper teeat- way point between the two business And the sooner the Republican party dry and far more conservative. Cos­ plenty of work for the Osteopath now. the sum total of 1930 was 13> ; tigan,,according-to dispatches from circulation to overcome the effects ments wiHh eleotro-therapy. Certain sections. Neither kicking, biting in Connecticut realizes that here is and Chiropractor to do, and these Do not give up your walking dur­ The commander.flaUy refused tn the west, has a real chance to win. of cold, and the fresh, outdoor > air sciences have succeeded to a re­ currents can be nppUed to the nrm take the hdm of the Mlant boat is essential in counteracting the ef­ ing impleasant. weather simply be­ muscles which will bring about a nor gouging is barred. It’s a lovely a subject which demands the best Progressives everjrwhere are in­ markable degree because of t^e cause Is requires a little more effort til the number Was changed. shindy. thought of its best brains, the tensely Interested in seeing Norris fect of lung congestion which usual­ good' that they do with the treat­ normal development. She has cdl of ly results from hot, stuffy, closed to exert yourself to go out of doors. the muscle cells which are necei^ry The, ministry changed the license^* better. re-elected in Nebraska. Norris Is the ments of the spine for correcting Resolve to keep yourself In good number o f the'Do-X to 1920^ But we would whisper a word of Senate’s most important progres­ rooms. to move the arm if they are only de­ advice. Let Norwalk take lesson of Not that the problem has been the faulty position of the vertebrae. condition ^ e whole year roimd. Be­ veloped. ‘This treatment is far su­ Christiansen isn’t the mily supef*- sive; he is also quite dry. His Demo­ Everyone should try to go out­ I: one learns to walk correcUy, how­ doors for a walk each day regard­ fore you know It, you will find that perior to any surgical attempt to stitlous pilot .in Germany. Udet,' what has happened to Manchester thought out by the Democrats, for cratic opponent, former Senator Gil­ ever, these misplacements can large­ you are enjoying what you now con­ with 46 tfiemy pUmes to. his credit in the matter of a disputed -post the very point most emphasized by bert M. Hitchcock, is no reactionary, less of the weather. It is usually ly ^ prevents. graft on another muscle. possible to wear a light raincoat sider impleasant weather and you and one of (^rmany’s bet’: atunt'^ but is much more conservative than will find that walking in the .rain or fliers, will never enter his plane ex-; office site. their standard bearer, Dean Cross, is Norris. He favors modification. and rubbers for protection.when.it one of the most conuuon mistakes SAVED proof of the superficiality of their walking In the cold is an exhilarat­ cept from the left side. Moreover, Getting a post office building out There are many examples of the Is raining, and if one walks briskly, made in walking is to walk w i^ WIFE; Henry, do you realize that fact that it is possible to be dry and it is not necessary to wear heavy the toes pointed outward. It is a well ing experience. on the hack of the seat pf iuiy plane ' of Uncle Sam -is a stunt and a half conception of the problem. Over "ou have forgotten Oiis is my birth­ thattJdet flies he Inscribef Oice and over again he has stressed the conservative or to be wet and p ro-1 gsrnicnts, even though it is quite toow n architectural fact tiiat a even when all the people in the town gressive—that is, to be a “liberal” 1 cqld oiit of ^dOors. No matter what structure Is as weak as Its founda­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS day? initials of his lai^ frindl . or city do their rooting for it in feature that an old age pension sys­ hi both senses of the word or to be; yofi are doing or accomplishing In tion. Now, the habit of walking H U SBAl^: Yes, dearie. I did Other fliers are espedn^ . Ranula ; one energetic and harmonious tem would be less expensive to the the anthithesis of each at the ^m e life, you can make a better success with your toes pointed out produces forget, and it's quite natural that.I stitious in regard- to wearing should. There really isn’t anythifig-|^>arel, a .« .d wl& tiin v t , tor : chorus. Fight among yourselves— tax paying public than institutional time. But hundreds of thousands of If you will keep yourself in good fallen arches. This, in turn, tilts Question; C. T. asks: “What voters are likely to be in a quan­ training. - Everyone should be in the pelvis to such an extent that it would cause a ranula, and ,is it about you to remind me that you put on a new ^ j and the old gentlemem won’t worry care of the Indigent aged. Which dary when they have to choose be­ tppnotch condition all of the time is necessary for the spine <0 form something permanent, or-will it go are a day older than you wer«. air by another nlaae. . ' 1 * ^ the least about passing jmu up'is, of course, the sheerest rubbish. tween one type and the other.* aiid X do. not know of any better an unnatural curve to preserve the away eventually? Is an operation .year-ago.—The Humorist they have taMn .op inlib ' - ■■■■-■ • ■ ■ .,' ■•■■ . ■ .■ ,..v , - -. f'-^ , ■■ • . ■ > ■ .. ■ ‘ ■-! ; '. : -. '. :|. A-, ■■ ■'■• :'•

MANCHESTER b Vb J^IJNG HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, dONN.Fr i d a y , OCTOBER 24, 1930. ^ ' ,r r ■ ' ’■

OLD PLOT DIES ford lash, night - OapUin Eo^frl had sailed Bo'jnd since Talkies Library O f Noises SCHWAB PREDICTS Bridgeport, O ct 24.— (AP) -^ was 10 years old. PHIL COOK, SIX-FOOTER Captain George Henry Rowland, 79, ■ ' ! . f ■ - .at. famous on the Sound as the “smart­ ’The pressure in your auto cyliOf PROSPERTTYNEAR est” pilot between New York and der when the gasoline buiT^s is. Carefully Indexed Bedlam ^ ^ ton died at his home in Strat­ greater than the weight of a IiorsK ■ r . - J TAKES ANY ROLE IN OWN ' MIS? JOHES, PLEASE UANO M ETM AT 'MIOIBCHT MK)W Head o f Steel Institate Warns OVER.Tf|iCE.' MaRBwwn WREaOR . Against Overproduction in . OF UND. Addresk Today. UDEZINE LAMP PARTJS A NEW WAY New York, Oct. 24.— (AP.)— j - ->U^, Charles M. Schwab, chairman of | r u t Ll&gARV--' TO BUY LAMPS. Bethlehem Steel Corp., told the American Iron and Steel Institute a v e you tried designing your today that because the past year own. lamps? It’s fascinating. had revealed no “basic structural H failure” in the economic foimdation, You buy the separate parts and put he believed business revival would Tb«>m together and in less than five V '. bring to America “a larger measure minutes you have a beautiful lamp. of prospefity than the American people have ever known before.” And you don’t have to be an expert / In his address as president of the mechanic fo^ the process is surprb- institute at its semi-annual meeting, Mr. Schwab' said the steel industry ingfy simple. would “lead the march to prosperi­ Y ou will find a b e a u tifu l assort­ ty,” although tke task was one re­ CCAOV quiring staying power, vision and ment of Udezine Lamp Parts in our hard work. . display rooms. “We are not concerned with the cross currents of what I would call They are as fine as can be made— 9i^lrisr ’short-term pessimism,’ ” he assert­ electrically and m echanically—for a W T AEFTWe WILD ttftVES T AYm c; ed, “nor are we over-anxious about Thousands of sounds recorded at their sources have been put in a the exact date when order? will pile Udezine Parts are the same as go into “noise library” for use whenever a talkie needs one. up on our door-steps. Ours is a busi­ high priced portable lamps. s>. ness that deals in the fundamentals of material civilization and in the Udezine Lamp Parts are made in Holljrwood— (AP)—One? an actor Brown began building his collection essentials of human advancement. Phil Cook as “Buck,” one of the dozen characters he brings to the microphone in tiis twice-a-day pro­ of sounds. various lovely designs, some of which described as a “mere off-stage noise” And when I say that we are mov­ grams. Without the makeup he is a blond. He and his staff took microphcaaes' are illustrated. There are s^les for could feel insulted, but that time is to railroad stations, beside babbling ing forward, I am not overlooking ; brooks, to barnyards, to roofs high the fact that at the moment there sung a song on the air that he did every room and every purpose for gone forever. are many at home and abroad who New York— (AP)—Six feet taU,'|’ site f 9T the birthplace of this ver­ above the efty. satile artist, but East Orange, N. J., ■not compose himself. I which portable lamps are used and In the early audible films studios can see things only through specta­ and a good looking blond for a nuile ^ Now these -stored sound effects rates as, his home tow n , for it weis Phil sits down when he broad-1 the prices are so low that you will spent effort and imagination to ob­ save endless time and money in pic­ cles darkened by immediate bi^t —that Is Phil Cook, radio’s one-man there* that he was educated. casts, and even grins at his own i tain realistic imitations of common­ ture-making. Formerly a scene transient gloom.” show. I Phil is m a^ed, and has been fc^ jokes. ^ j want several for your home. Mr. Schwab maintained there was place soimds. might have to be re-taken several He sings, he plays, he philoso-; 15 years. Hd met his wife while In times because the clicking of a a better tone to prices, that the Then someone concluded that the phizes, he cracks jokes and be por­ grammar school. Their daughter is TOMORROW: Time in on the Udezine Radio Program real thing would be better than any door-latch would not record prop­ markets for steel were expanding, trays a dozen characters, aU in Ein a little more than a year old. She both in familiar fields and in new over WTIC at 10:30 a. m. imitations, and started on a noise- erly. Now'Brown’s men, with doz­ effort to produce a pleasant 15 min­ is named P hj^s, because it had Action Without Harm hunt that has resulted in a “record ens of latch-clickings in stock, "dupe uses, and that production had been^ utes around the loudspeaker. |been planned to call the baby Phil, library” of thousands of different in” the proper sound. stabilized. jr., if it had been a boy. He is just about everything neces- ■ Whenever Constipated W VTKINS BROTH ERS, ixci sounds, each available on short no­ The search for new sounds. Brown “But,” he added, “I want to sary to put across radio entertain­ €3ook stEirted out musically as ja tice. has found, is as fascinating as the soimd agsdn the warning note which ment, including his own sound ef- i violinist, but his first salary check e/te, /r^e'U o'i,^)ec^^i-cU ion