DENTISTRY NOTICE! Wc Draper and Tailoring Establitait CELIBBATID
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••'•"iliiiiM-hiii-!---• F.S-^- ^^•RVs&K»a *8^^,;**&$:• •' ?-.'90'Wr<jv5rtSSl WFT'.-S J T '• ' ^ S8^MI m-i m- v -V* '. >• .!• • .. •>.. ft"- ;.: ••.•«•• W 1 .• jf *S^ j "i ' ' ,ii'. '.'•.% .IMfe-.' T I..# :,;F• V'^ > * TS FE V ,* V. • \ -VV VX r ^SPaMf ' - *-.# <j™»<j5s « ||ig|§|.V -"" *:v%& '.'i-''-"'•'-" «tS^£IS NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, JUNE 9,1868. VOLUME IMIJ] IHU WHOLE NUMBER 1065. For the Gazette. left arm, while the Choshins wear theirs on the right of March. He Is to be at Negato by the 1st of April, From Atlantic Monthly for Fruit Trees! FruitTrce«! WILLIAM W. C0MST0GK, f arm), they gave us a very insignificant look, which as that port is to be opened on that day. Negato is AT THE INVOCATION TO THE TWILIGHT. The Turf and the NORWALK GAZETTE. ' * ' "Home Again." REAL ESTATE. •- (Successor to h. Dibble ft Co.,) made us keep our eyeB open. All Foreigners are or on the northwestern coast of Japan. It is rumored ffCBSEBI. f : c Come, sweet hour of soothing shadow 1 TO LET, OB FOB SALE, OB TO LET NEW CANAAN dered to go arme4, when visiting the shore, that the Tycoon has chartered the Pacific Mail Steam In America. Th» subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the V; ' * DEALER IN - Hour of silken peace and rest) and myself and the other officer with me wore xbo Second Oldest Paper in the State. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! N IN TENEMENTS. ship, Hermann, to bring troops to fight against his public that their stock of Spread thy hnsh o'er mount and meadow. our swords and Revolver but we thought of enemies. RARE CHANCE.—The Dwelling house occupied Fold me to thy tranquil breast! V OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. at present by the subscriber, at South Norwalk, Fruit & Ornamental Trees,Vinos, &c. Choice Family Groceries, how-llttle use they might be to us, as each one of the I will now close this letter and promise to write you f [ Continued from last week.] AT THE frontingA the road leading to Wilson's Point, opposite Japs carried two swords but we were finally allowed again. the new Depot The house has a fine cellar, and about is unusually large and of unsurpassed excellence. We 'Neath thy spell, what visions holy The first noticeable race of the ; feel confident in saying that we believe that our stock FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, : to padb in safety; thinking I might be able to buy I forgot to mention in my last that while in Hong A. II. BYINGTOS & CO., twenty roomB, #11 In fair condition: splendid well of of APPLE TREES particularly, to be the Largest and On the way-wom spirit rise,— * - Steamboat Dock, South Norwalk. water, a good yard: is well adapted for a hotel, board CHOCK BUY, &C., StC., Hearts, engrossed by earth-work solely, • some silks cheap, in anticipation of the burning ol Kong I met a former resident of Norwalk, Mr. A. St was that of Lady Emma and Jilt, on Long A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. ing house, or private dwelling. Immediate poMesslon Best in this Country. We are also positive that we can furnish Trees in better quality, better order, and DIBBLE'S BLOCK, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. Pause and dream of Paradise! " -t the town I stopped In about twenty silk stores, but John, now Chief Engineer of. the Steam Ship Ynng- Island. Lady Emma was a granddaughter given if required. Foyiartlculars ap^onthe^rem- for less money than they can be obtained from dirt ant HE subscriber having resumed his old business as HE undersigned thanktol for the very liberal pat- they would not sell anything. ht-an, he left for Calcutta on the 13th of Nov. of Abdallah, and every way worthy of her above, is prepared to furnish the public with a Nurseries. • _ . __ , Feb. 4th. Come what will, to. day must ever he Yours truly, Ac., Subscription $2.00 per year in advance, Tbetter article of COAL, than has ever before been of Those wishing to purchase Trees and Vines will do ronage heretofore extended tothe late firm, of Pour thy wealth of consolation VHy'l •-.;/•i'' descent from that patriarch of trotters. In Single copies 5 cents. fered, and at the lowest possible rates. Also TO LET. well to send their oraers early—or still better, visit our Twhich hewas a member, would respectfully solicit of Into souls long dead to cheer; . " memorable in the annals of Japan. I was not on Henby E. RHODES, Jb., U. S. N. PLEASENT RESIDENCE 6 minutes walk from Nursery and make their own selections. the public a continuance of the same, hoping by fair shore, until I volunteered to go In the afternoon in . .!-• •. Engineer U. S. S. Sloop of War Iroquois. the race with Jilt she made the following Advertising Bates. WOOD OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ' STEPHEN HOYT A SONS. dealing and strict attention to business to merit all Whisper, by thy calm duration, , , the Post Office, and 3 minutes from the Horse Of their rest-time also near. ' command of a squad of men from my department I suprassing record,—2 m. 281-2 s., 2 m. 291-4 Four lines or les», 1 insertion 50 cts.; 3 times, 81.00 .. DAVID H. WEBB. Railroad,A will be rented from the pre^t until April P. S.—We take pleasure In showing persons through that maybebetsowed. One square, one insertion, 1.00 18 let, 1SG9. Unfttrnlshed at |M per mon^ if im our Nurseries, whether desirous or purchasing trees 8ml8 WILLIAM W. COMSTOCK. will give you an account of what was told me by one Gen* Grant's Letter of Acceptance. s., 2 m. 30 s., 2 m. 31 s. .This was followed .20 mediately. Water ^dG in^og. Engulre of Breathe of Peace, serenely coming of our officers. About 9.30 a. m. a noraimon (a kind Per week, for continuance, 7.00 M SiT or not; and would cordially Invite all interested to Tlie following is Gen. Grant's reply to the by the race between two great horses, Ethan One square, six months, 15.00 visit the Nursery. NORWALK Pain's long mission to complete; . of chair with a pole running through each end and " " one year—with paper, HOYT & RAYMOND, Tell of Death's soft, quiet gloaming, nomination of the Chicago Convention: Allen and Robert Fillingham, or George Two " " " " " 25.00 For Sale or to Rent. carried generally on 4 mens shoulders,) guarded by 30.00 Manufacturers of NEW GOODS! Steam Dyeing Establishment,; After life's long toil and heat. about 200 men, passed along the main street The Wilkes as he is now called. The latter is by a'hrce " " " " " HE-well known Allee Farm in the town of Wilton, FOOT OF MILL HILL. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 29,1868. bne quarter Column, one year. v 50.00 Sasli, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, occupant was reported to be Hiding Omura, a small the celebrated Messenger horse Hambleton- •One naif " " " 80.00 i RACKETS, &C., Scroll, and Fancy Sawing, Turn- near Cannon's Station, consisting of between 40 Just received, a good assortment of To Gen. Joseph B. Hawley, President Nation 150.00 Tand B0 acres of good land, and has a substannal, Come 1 and c:own the hills with shadows, Daimio from Nagasaki, on his way to Osaka, lie pas Full Column, one year, » inn, and Matching; Siding made to order. Win- Lap the vales in balmy rest,— ; - • al Union Republican Convention : ian of Chester,—with one exception the only Special Kotices 25 per ccnt advance on the above. dotyB. Frames, Packing Boxes, etc., oinf everyf*VA1*V aesenpuunnPfiOriTltlOtl roomy dwelling, good barn and out-bulldings. Pos Casslmcres and Coatings, sed through the town very peaceably. About 1 p. m. Yearly advertisers restricted to the Business con made promptly ana warranted to give satisfaction. session given immediately. B HICH will be made into garments in the most Drop thy mantle on the meadows, a body of Japanese, about 150 in number well armed In formally accepting the nomination of son of Abdallah living, and the sire of more templated at the time of contract, but are permitted Plea«e <nve us a call at the Steam Mill, west of the De- .. 1improved style and best manner. Also, a large Gloves Cleaned or dved so as to look almost equal to f or SAMUEL BEERS, W new. All orders left at the Dye House, J. Shepherds Fold me to thy soft, cool breast! with spears, Rifles, Revolvers and Swords, and hav the National Union Republican Convention great trotting horses than any horse that has • to make monthly changes of their advertisements. pot near the Nursery, South Norwalk. „„„„„ Ridgefield Station, Conn. lot of Paper Collars, of the best make; will be sold One inch space constitutes a square. R.N. HOYT, (6m*3) J.R.RAYMOND. very cheap—cheaper than can be bought elsewhere In opposite the Post Office, of J. F. <fc C. R. Bennetts ing with them several small brass field pices, CTitered of the 21st of May inst, it seems proper that ever lived in America. George Wilkes has Advance payment required for all transient adver this vicinity, together with • general assortment or South Norwalk, will receive prompt a^entlo^^^ Kobe from the direction of Hloga. With these men tisements. ~ . For Sale. Onr East India Correspondence. .some statement of views beyond the mere all the characteristics of the Hambletonian insrterof a Column, one time, . , , # J-J" SAM. PAKULSKI'S Gents' FnrnlalUnc Good*, ' ,, was an officer evidently of considerable rank, this stock,—fine size, great muscular develop ja]f ii ii if " ' 10.00 HE LAND fronting the entire "Union Park." on : ; at very low prices.