The London Gazette, 2 August, 1955 4445
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 AUGUST, 1955 4445 "2. Taking effect of union. Upon the day when thenceforth become and be absolutely vested in and any Order of Your Majesty in Council affirming this shall and may from time to time be exercised by the Scheme is published in the 'London 'Gazette the union Bishop of Ely for the time being." shall forthwith take effect and the Reverend John And whereas the said Scheme has been approved Haydon Yeo if he is then incumbent of the said by Her Majesty in Council: benefice of Rownhams shall, with his consent (testi- Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by -and with the fied by his signature hereto), be the first incumbent advice 'of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify of -the united benefice. the said Scheme, and to order and direct that the " 3. Parsonage House. Upon the union taking same and every part thereof shall be effectual in effect the parsonage house at present belonging to law immediately upon the publication of this Order the benefice &f. Rownhams shall be the house of in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts. residence of the incumbent of the united benefice. And Her Majesty, by -and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct 'that this Order be forthwith "4. Clerical and lay assistance. Upon the union registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of taking effect the incumbent shall employ such clerical Ely. or lay assistance to assist him in performing the W. G. Agnew. duties of the united benefice as the bishop of the said diocese of Winchester may from time to time direct, and there shall be appropriated as a fund At the Court at Goodwood House, the 29th day towards the cost of providing such assistance as of July, 1955.
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