WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2017 6:00 P.M.














ATTACHMENTS: November 12, 2016 Minutes Prosser Rotary Club Application Prosser Chamber of Commerce Application The Great Prosser Balloon Rally Application City of Prosser Application Brewminatti Late Submittal Application Marketing Plan Comparison – Prosser Chamber of Commerce & Prosser Balloon Rally City of Prosser Misc Expense Budget Proposal


CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Everett called the meeting of the Prosser Hotel/Motel Committee to order at 6:04 p.m.

PRESENT Committee Members Morgan Everett, Tom Denlea, Fred Lamb, Marilyn Dalstra, Abbey Cameron, Finance Manager Elia Lara & Recreation Manager Kathya Martinez were present.

APPROVE OCTOBER 14, 2015 MINUTES A motion was made by Tom Denlea, seconded by Fred Lamb to approve the October 14, 2015 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

HOTEL/MOTEL UPDATE Finance Manager Elia Lara explained to the Committee that the presentations for funding were only for Hotel/Motel, not Tourism Promotion Area (TPA). The TPA has a different application process as it would be more efficient. Committee Member Denlea wasn’t happy with splitting the funds; he felt the Council shouldn’t be the approving body for those funds as TPA was requested by tourism not Council. Committee Member Dalstra wanted to know how Council would stream line the funds. Chairman Everett encouraged the Committee to attend a Council meeting, or in a written form, address the Council with their concerns in regard to the change.

PROSSER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING Larelle Michener, Prosser Chamber of Commerce, presented the proposed 2017 Marketing Plan in the amount of $95,300. Chairman Everett stated his displeasure over the Chamber losing their 501 C (non- profit) statuses and not notifying the City. Committee Members Lamb and Cameron stated they understood sentiment however, the Chamber was unaware the City was not informed and didn’t withhold the information purposefully. Also, it’s important to note that the Chamber is now in good standing. Committee Member Denlea emphasized, however, that it made the Chamber susceptible to their credibility. The Chamber’s proposal included funds for new events in the year, additional regional advertising, travel writers tours, wayfinding signage and maintenance of the tourism van. Chairman Everett and Committee Member Denlea agree that maintenance of the tourism van shouldn’t be included in the funds since maintenance to the van doesn’t put heads on beds. A motion was made by Committee Member Lamb, seconded by Committee Member Cameron to approve funding to the Prosser Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $95,300. Motion passed 3 YES, 2 NO (Everett & Denlea), 0 ABSENT.

The GREAT PROSSER BALLOON RALLY APPLICATION FUNDING Chairman Everett presented The Great Prosser Balloon Rally’s proposal for 2017 funding. The Balloon Rally’s proposal of $4,500 included funding to increase their social media presence and Pilot travel funds to attract more pilots to attend the event. This will be accomplished through the use of additional

2 promotional items to show their appreciation for the pilots, and in establishing a larger pilot’s fund to help offset the cost of lodging, fuel and travel expense. Committee Members Cameron and Lamb stated they should reduce the funding amount to social media because the Rally could partner with the Prosser Chamber of Commerce and get the same results. Committee Member Denlea asked why their events and advertising are hurting and what can be done to prevent the need for funding support in the future. The Balloon Rally emphasized a big portion of that has to do with attracting pilots. The more pilots they can attract, the more private sponsorship they will receive, which then eliminates the need for funding support. The Great Prosser Balloon Rally would like to place a big push on attracting more pilots. Ballooning tends to be an expensive hobby and, as a result, they have seen a slip in pilot attendance. Also, several pilots have retired, and new ones are not filling their place. A motion was made by Committee Member Cameron, seconded by Committee Member Lamb to approve funding to The Great Prosser Balloon Rally in the amount of $3,000. Motion passed 5 YES, 0 NO, 0 ABSENT.

BENTON COUNTY MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APPLICATION FUNDING No one from the Benton County Museum and Historical Society were present however, their proposed 2017 Marketing Plan in the amount of $500 was for the funding to print and distribute brochures. The Committee encouraged distributing the funds to organizations that will be bringing people to Prosser from a 50 mile radius or more. Committee Member Cameron felt that the Museum could do fundraisers to raise the money needed for their brochures and that she was going to discuss how to do this with Alys Means. Committee Member Denlea stated the Committee cannot approve a fund requested that doesn’t put heads on beds. It was suggested the Museum needed additional information on the approved uses of LTAC funds. A motion was made by Committee Member Denlea, seconded by Chairman Everett to approve funding to the Benton County Museum and Historical Society in the amount of $200. Motion passed 3 YES, 2 NO (Lamb, Cameron), 0 ABSENT.


ADJOURNMENT At 9:20 p.m., Committee Chair Everett adjourned the meeting of the Prosser Hotel/Motel Committee as there was no further business to discuss.

______Council Member Morgan Everett Hotel/Motel Committee Chair ______Kathya Martinez Parks & Recreation Manager

3 Prosser Rotary Club Application

4 2018 Application for Prosser Lodging Tax

Amount of Lodging Tax Requested:$ 5,000 Elft.J

Organization/Agency Name: Prosser Rotary Club S£p 27 2011 f'\1...., J OF Federal Tax ID Number: Prosser Rotary Club 45-5333232 /Rotary District 5060 91-1561323 PROS:ifR

Event or Activity Name (if applicable): 2018 Rotary District 5060 District Conference

Contact Name and Title: Dianne Torres, Co-Chair and Deb Heintz, Co-Chair

Mailing Address: PO Box 350 City: Prosser State: WA Zip: 99350

Phone: Email Address: [email protected] or [email protected]

Check all service categories that apply to this application:

X Tourism Promotion/Marketing X Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists __ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency __ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by non-profit organization __ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City

Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Prosser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) X Non-Profit (Attach copy ofcurrent non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretory of State) __ Public Agency

CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that:

• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2018. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable.

• The City of Prosser will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation.

• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format . deter~:th= -C ~ Signature~~-™ 2:> Date: 9-18-2017

Printed or Typed Name: Dianne Torres

5 Supplemental Questions - You may use this form or a separate sheet of paper for answers

1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event. • If an event, list the event name, date(s), and projected overall attendance. • Describe why tourists will travel to Prosser to attend your event/activity/facility.

2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the New Year funding may begin. 2018 Tourism-Impact Estimate and 2017 Annual Report

As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: 2018 2017 Estimate Actual

a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility 500 N/A

b. Number of people who travel more than 50 miles for your 450 N/A event/activity

c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 250 N/A who travel from another country or state

d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 300 N/A who stay overnight in Prosser or the Prosser area

e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in 300 N/A PAID accommodations (hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Prosser or Prosser area

f. Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your event/ 450 N/A activity/ facility (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday= 75 paid lodging room nights)

3. What methodology did you use to calculate the 2018 estimates? Past Rotary District 5060 Conference attendance numbers.

4. What methodology did you use to calculate I document the 2017 actual numbers? N/A

5. Is there a host hotel for your event (yes or no)? If yes, list the host hotel. Yes - Best Western, with rooms blocked at Holiday Inn Express as well as lots at Wine Country RV Park

6. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourists. Rotarians, along with their signif1eant others, from Clearwater, Canada to Prosser are encouraged to attend each annual District Conference. 2

6 7. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc). Rotarians, their significant others, conference speakers and conference presenters.

8. Describe how you will promote your event/activity/facility to attract tourists. Use of the website, facebook, District Conference Governor's individual club visits, video and promotional brochures.

9. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Prosser. links to the Prosser hotels and RV park are included on the website, promotional brochures and on the online registration form.

10. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another community (yes or no)? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. No

11. What is the overall budget for your event/activity/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Prosser Lodging Tax Fund? $92,213.00

12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or recommended? Reduced advertising, reduction of program and speakers, eliminate shuttle service for visitors.


7 Accommodations I Hotel Reservations There are local hotels available for overnight accommodations, only a short distance from event site. These options are listed below.

Best Western Plus: The Inn at Horse Heaven -1/2 mile to event 259 Drive, Prosser, WA 509-786-7977 Until May 17, 2017, please call the front desk for reservations and mention "Group Block 2018 Rotary District Conference 5060". The Best Western Plus: The Inn at Horse Heaven has a block of 50 rooms for this event. Click on their name above to access their registration page. Act Fast! They won't last long.

Holiday Inn Express - Prosser's newest hotel - 3/4 mile to event 680 Wine Country Road, Prosser, WA 1-800-719-5540

The New Holiday Inn Express is currently under construction. They are providing a block of 50 rooms for this event. Please call their number above to reserve your room or click on their name above. Again, these rooms won't last long.

Wine Country RV Park - 1/ 4 mile to event. 330 Merlot Drive, Prosser, WA 509 786-5192

Wine Country RV Park has reserved 50 lots for this event. Bring your RV and enjoy their hospitality. Click on their name above to be transferred to their website.

The Barn - 3/4 mile to event 490 Wine Country Road, Prosser, WA 509-786-1131

Also please look into or for alternative accommodations

8 Friday Afternoon Activities Due to scheduled times, if you wish to participate, you may only choose one.

Downtown Walking Tour - 10:00 am

Downtown Prosser was first platted in 1882 and by the early 19oo's became a thriving business core with buildings grand and modest. Several structures from those early days still exist and have much to say about the community's past AND future. Featured sites include: the Mercer Building, Princess Theater, Finn Building, City Hall, Prosser Post Office, Golden Rule Building, Ward Building, Benton County Courthouse and more.

Tour starts at 10 am - meeting at the event tent. Lunch included $30.00 each

Golfing Information Tee Time: 8:00 am

Meet at Black Rock Creek golf course in 31 Ray Road, Sunnyside. (509)837-5340 18 holes.

Cost: $80.00 per person includes green fees, 1/2 cart and range balls

Wine Tasting information 10 :00 am - 3:30 pm

Let us escort you in comfort as you spend five and a half hours touring several of Yakima Valley's finest tasting rooms and tasting their scrumptious wines. As you travel between

9 the various wineries, you will experience the beautiful scenery of the Yakima Valley. Lunch is included. Tasting fees are not included.

Cost - $so.oo per person. Minimum of 40 people are required for this event.

Road Bike ride - 10:00 am Limit: 20 riders Cost: Free. A donation to PolioPlus is always welcome.

Meeting place: Holiday Inn Express Parking Lot

Join ride leader Tim Straub on a road bike trip through the Roza. We will pass by vineyards, hops, and orchards on quiet back roads. The orchards give way to rolling wheat fields as we approach the base of Rattlesnake Mountain. Depending on the route and weather, we will have sweeping views of the Yakima Valley, Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier, and South to the Horse Heaven Hills. We may even pass by an open winery and sample the wines. The total ride length will vary depending on the group's ability and interest. Road bikes are recommended, and helmets are required. Water, some snacks, and a small kit to make minor bike repairs (flats, dropped chain, etc.) is strongly recommended. This is a "no drop" ride. The ride leader will stop and let everyone catch up and/or lead from behind as needed so that everyone enjoys the ride. Afterwards, we can meet at Horse Heaven Saloon or another local restaurant for lunch (not included in the ride).

10 Budget Request for $5,000 Rotary District Conference 5060

Bags given to each attendee, promotes Prosser businesses $ 200 Shuttle transportation and fuel $ 450 Program Advertising & Printing $ 2,950 Hotel Conference Room Rental $ 300 Hotel Rooms for Speakers s 1,100 $ 5,000

This request represents 5% of the 2018 Rotary District Conference overall budget

11 "u I AK T UI::> I KIL I LUNrc"cNLt .tUlH Revenue Registration fees 5 75,000 Sponsorships ~ 6,000

Total Revenue s 81,000 Expenses Meals 5 36,130 Registration s 3,500 Entertainment s 1,800 Facility & Equipment Rental s 20,533 Winery Rental Fees s 2,000 Advertisement 5 3,000 Speaker Fees/Re1mb. 5 5,000 Supplies and Misc Expenses $ 15,000 Bank I Merchant Service Fees $ 5,250

Total Expenses $ 92,213

12 Rotary ROTAR MAKI~ District 5060 DIFFE~

Welcome to the Rotary District 5060 Home Page!

District Governor 2017-18 Bill Jenkin and Lisa

District 5060 is an international district of 57 clubs and approximately 2,760 Rotarians in central Washington, USA, and south central British Columbia, Canada. It covers a distance of 550 miles (890 km) from Clearwater, BC, in the north to Prosser, WA, in the south. Principal cities are Yakima and Wenatchee in Washington, and Kelowna and Kamloops in British Columbia.

The area enjoys a four-season cli mate, with generally warm summers and mi ld winters. Agriculture, agribusiness, recreation, and tourism are the primary economic activities, along with a rapidly growing wine industry.

13 Important Contact Information Website Editor: Frank Clifton 919-922-6261 [email protected]

Website Technical Support: Duane Monick 509.728.1139 [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Governor D5060 Rob Tidd 818.448.1335 [email protected]

District Accounting Office HLW Chartered Accountants Inc 502 Ellis Street, Penticton, BC, V2A 4M3 Bus: 250.492.8821 Fax: 250.492.8288 Contact: Jeanine Nickel [email protected]

Rotary Club Finder - locate a club anywhere in the world


District Conference 2017 Kelowna is now history. Plan now to attend another great District 5060 Conference! Meet us in Prosser, WA, May 17 - 19, 2018. Information and registration (on-line). Download form.

14 Corporations: Registration Detai1 - WA Secretary of State detail.aspx?ubi=6028470


UBI Number 602847095

Category REG

ProflUNonproflt Nonprofit

Active/Inactive Active

State Of Incorporation WA

WA Filing Date 07/07/2008

Expiration Date 07/31/2017

Duration Perpetual


Address 405 E LINCOLN AVE


suite WA

ZIP 989010000

'~~ ·. •' - . . ' ' . ; : ...... '-:. - . .: .. . . . '. . ·. ... , ,• . . ' ...... ,

Address POBOX 22550


State WA

Zip 989070000

Title N1me

Governor Flory, Carolyn

Governor Luring, Craig

1of1 15 9/ 18/2017. 2:19 PM Corporations: Registration Detail - WA Secretary of State detail.aspx?ubi=603 5539


UBI Number 603SS3981

Category REG

ProfiUNonproflt Nonprofit

Active/Inactive Active

State Of Incorporation WA

WA Filing Date 1012612015

Expiration Date 10/31/2017

Duration Perpetual


Address 1112 MEADE AVE


State WA

ZIP 993500000

Title Name

Govemor Bryan, William

Governor Bryan, William

Governor Riley, Elisa


l of l 16 9/18/2017, 2:17 Pl\- Prosser Chamber of Commerce Application

17 Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $115,045.00

Organization/Agency Name: Prosser Chamber of Commerce OCT 13 2017 Federal Tax ID Number: 91-6054740 c Event or Activity Name (if applicable): Tour Prosser Promotions

Contact Name and Title: Larelle Michener, Executive Director Mailing Address: 1230 Bennett Ave City: Prosser State: WA Zip: 99350- Phone: 509-786-3177 Email Address: [email protected]

Check all service categories that apply to this application: x Tourism Promotion/Marketing x Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists x Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency x Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by non-profit organization __ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City

Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Presser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) x Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State) __ Public Agency

CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that:

• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2018. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable.

• The City of Prosser will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation.

• My agency will be required to su it a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the Cit

Printed or Typed Name: Wwd/.e...- \'\l\,c..h QY1e.F

18 _.- - • • • .~ t • ~ ; Supp1ementa1 Questions - :You may use this form or a separate sheet of paper for answers . . .

1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event. • If an event, list the event name, dat e(s), and projected overall attendance. • Describe why tourists will travel to Prosser to attend your event/activity/facility: Tour Prosser promotes the entire community and the many, many experiences and activities that are available to our visitors with a consistent and unified brand and marketing message . This marketing message provides potential visitors a fascinating glimpse of what makes Prosser a special and unique destination in Country, and creates interest in exploring our region and community.

2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the New Year funding may begin. 2018 Tourism-Impact Estimate and 2017 Annual Report

As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: 2018 2017 Estimate Actual

a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility 25,000 20,000

b. Number of people who travel more than 50 miles for your 70% 65% event/activity

c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 15% 12% who travel from another country or state

d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 80% 75% who stay overnight in Prosser or the Prosser area

e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in 90% 90% PAID accommodations (hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Prosser or Prosser area

f. Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your event/ 12,000 ~11,000 activity/ facility (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday= 75 paid lodging room nights)

3. What methodology did you use to calculate the 2018 estimates? 2017 results plus consideration of increased hotel availability and hope for a better summer weather season that will result in slightly increased traffic.

4. What methodology did you use to calculate I document the 2017 actual numbers? Calls and emails received at the VIC, conversations with visitors at Prosser businesses or who were helped at the VIC, number of admissions at ticketed events, number of lodging nights at Prosser hotels 2

19 5. Is there a host hotel for your event (yes or no)? If yes, list the host hotel. No, Tour Prosser promotes all lodging locations in Prosser as places for our visitors to stay.

6. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourists: In 2017 the Tour Prosser website has been viewed by more than 26,000 unique IP addresses (as of Sept. 24). Our e­ mail newsletter has been viewed more than 38,000 times through the year (as of Oct. 1). Our Face book page saw growth with 509 additional followers bringing it to a total of 2,112 (as of Oct. 1). Our lodging facilities saw approximately 45% of their room nights result from wine/leisure travelers.

7. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc): Target audiences include couples in the 25-35 and 45-75 age range, with no children in the home, two incomes, and an interest in travel and new experiences. This audience is usually found in more populated areas and we specifically target the greater Seattle area from Olympia to Everett, Spokane, and Portland. Peripheral markets include Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Pendleton and Boise .

8. Describe how you will promote your event/activity/facility to attract tourists: A unified and consistent message about Prosser, and the unique things we have to offer, is spread across multiple platforms in a yearlong effort to bring awareness to our community. These platforms include: web, social media, print, and radio marketing as well as face to face interaction with potential visitors at events and tradeshows around the northwest.

9. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Prosser: The website lists local lodging options, restaurants, and other businesses of interest to visitors such as event services, transportation options, recreation, shopping and activities. Tour Prosser also maintains a Facebook page where we post and share information about Prosser businesses and events. Thirdly, Tour Prosser sends a newsletter twice each week with a list of upcoming events and activities, as well as business reminders and specials. Finally we print a Visitors Guide each year with a map of the community, as well as a list of lodging, shopping, restaurants, tasting rooms, and activities. The goal of all our marketing avenues- social media, print, web, etc. is to drive traffic to our website where visitors and potential visitors can easily find the information they are looking for.

10. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another community (yes or no)? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested: No

11. What is the overall budget for your event/activity/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Prosser Lodging Tax Fund? Approximately $300,000.00 {2018 budget is not final at this time), approximately 30% of which is requested from the Lodging Tax Fund


20 12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or recommended? We will cut the monthly blogger funding, reduce our Taste Washington presence to 1 booth space, remove the photo shoots, and reduce the number of Visitors Guides printed for 2018


21 •• • ' • :a, · · Application 'Instructions and ,Information ~ ' ... - . w. ••.

Application Deadline: Friday, October 13, 2017, 5:00 p.m.- received at Prosser City Hall. To be eligible for consideration, your complete proposal must be received by the deadline. The Committee will review proposals in a public meeting at a time and place to be announced. The City Council will review the LTAC recommendations as part of its annual budget process.

Submit original AND 5 copies (application and attachments) to: City of Prosser Lodging Tax Advisory Committee c/o Kathya Martinez, Parks & Rec Manager 601 7th St, Prosser, WA 99350

Email: [email protected]

=> You must complete and sign the cover sheet with this packet. => You may use the Supplemental Form or type the questions & answers separately. => Please number each page in your packet, except for the optional brochures/information.

Attach: 1. Itemized budget for your event/activity/facility (income and expenses). 2. Description and budget showing how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Prosser. 3. A copy of your agency's current non-profit corporate registration with the Washington Secretary of State. 4. A copy of your agency's City of Prosser business license. 5. (Optional) Brochures or other information about your event/activity/facility, in particular items showing recent tourism promotion efforts.

The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. The City may choose to post on its website copies of all or parts of the proposals and attached documents.

City of Prosser Plan for Use of the Lodging Tax Fund Adopted by Resolution #16-2976 Passed by Prosser City Council, October 25, 2016.

The City does not make any multi-year commitments for tourism promotion services. However, service providers are not limited or prohibited from making annual requests of the same nature.

The City will assess on an annual basis how much of the Fund to appropriate in a given year.

The Mayor has appointed a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee with City Council concurrence to conduct an annual process to review and recommend Lodging Tax funded services for City Council consideration.

The City of Prosser will only consider proposals for use of the Lodging Ta x Fund from public and non­ profit agencies.


22 HIGH PRIORITY, in no particular order, will be given to tourism activities that:

• Have a demonstrated potential or high potential from the Committee's perspective to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City of Prosser.

• Promote Prosser and/or events, activities, and places in the City of Prosser to potentia l tourists from outside Benton County.

• Have demonstrated or high potential from the Committee's perspective to result in documented economic benefit to Prosser.

• Have a demonstrated history of success in Prosser, or are proposed by a group with a demonstrated history or high potential of success with similar activities.

• Minimize duplication of services where appropriate and encourage cooperative marketing and/or includes an element of cooperation or partnership.

• Provide, maintain, operate, or enhance City-owned tourism facilities or infrastructure.

Prosser Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Considerations

In developing its recommendations, the Committee considers: • The estimated amount of lodging Tax Fund available for the coming year as provided by the City's Finance Office.

• Thoroughness and completeness of the proposal.

• Percent of the proposal request to the event/facility promotions budget and overall revenues.

• Percent of increase over prior year Prosser Lodging Tax funded proposals, if any.

• Projected economic impact within the City of Prosser, in particular projected overnight stays in Prosser lodging establishments.

• The applicant's financial stability.

• The applicant's history of tourism promotion success.

• Committee member general knowledge of the community and tourism-related activities.


23 State Law Excerpts

RCW 67.28.1816 - Use of Lodging Tax Fund. Lodging tax revenue under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitors' bureau or destination marketing organization for: a. Tourism marketing; b. The marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district created under chapters 35.57 and 36.100 RCW; or d. Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c}(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec 501(c}(6) or the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended.

RCW 6 7 .28.080 - Definitions. • "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the State of Washington. • "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. • "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. • "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. • "Tourism promotion" means activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. • "Tourism-related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. • "Tourist" means a person who travels from a place of residence to a different town, city, county, state, or country, for purposes of business, pleasure, recreation, education, arts, heritage, or culture.


24 ~ (\~.. Q ;lvr ( l ) &¥\ ~ L- ) ~ 2018 Proposed M arketing Plan - -

Attractions Directories Budget Notes Printing: 60,000 copies $ 6,200.00 Editing - Business listing and Map Updates $ 2,500.00 Updated appearance to match website Postage- Mailing to Regional VIC's and Hotels $ 1,500.00

I Subtotal: $ 10,200.00

Bureau Advertising Yakima Valley Visitors Guide- 2, 2 page spreads $ 4,200.00 Co-op with HDPA ($500), PWN ($1000), & Clore ($500 Washington Tourism Alliance ( $ 1,000.00 Banner ads on the website Subtotal: $ 5,200.00

E-Blast Annual E-Blast Production $ 8,500.00 $700 monthly for 2 weekly eblasts promoting Prosser Subtotal: $ 8,500.00 events +template to match website

Events Sponsorship Bottles, Brews & Barbeques 3,000.00 Support for PWN's June event $ -- Walter Clore regular programming advertising $ 7,500.00 1st Q culinary, 2nd & 4th Q wine programming subtotal: $ 10,500.00 f--

M emberships Yakima Valley VCB $ 305.00 Tri-Cities VCB $ 220.00 Washington State Tourism Alliance $ 500.00 Wine Yakima Valley $ 250.00 Subtotal: $ 1,275.00

Regional Advertising Tasting Room Magazine $ 2,500.00 3 issues, full page cooped with Vintners Village Wine Press NW $ 2,000.00 3 issues, 1/2 page Washington Wine Guide (annual) $ 2,200.00 Co-op with Walter Clore Center jThe Entertairn:1- e month package $ 2,800.00 April-November events promotion INWPR Annual Advertising Package- 6 months , $ 3,500.00 Co-op with Walter Clore Center and PWN 25 Best Western Guest Directory: Full page, 6 locations $ 1,320.00 Includes digital in each location as well Graphic Design for 2018 ads $ 1,000.00 Includes print and digital subtotal: $ 15,320.00 I -

Web & Social M edia Advertising Facebook & lnstagram Ads and Boosts $ 5,000.00 Targeted ad placement, consistent media message Facebook ad/cover photo development $ 1,500.00 Photo Shoots for web/advertising content $ 1,500.00 Two shoots for recreation/family activities Video Production- 2 general Tour Prosser promotions $ 3,500.00 One video focused on wine, one on the full communit1 Visit Yakima Valley featured eblast events $ 300.00 Top event listing in the newsletter Blog writer- 1 article monthly for the website $ 2,500.00 Promotes events and activities of interest to visitors $ 14,300.00

Tour Prosser Website website rebuild and maintanence $ 8,500.00 Responsive platform and better functionality Beer & Whiskey Fest micro site development $ 1,000.00 Free standing site with good links to TourProsser Subtotal: $ 9,500.00

Tradeshows -- !Taste Washington Double Booth $ 2,600.00 Double booth, looking for cooperative opportunities RV Shows - 6 shows $ 2,600.00 Partenership with Wine Country RV Pa rk Vintage Spokane $ 1,000.00 Single booth, possible cooperative opportunities Subtotal: $ 6,200.00

Travel Writers Tour Travel & Lifestyle writers/bloggers tour of Prosser 3000.00 50% Co-op with PWN Formation of Media Kit 500.00 Materials for journalists to use Subtotal: 3500.00

Tour Prosser- Other HAR Announcement production costs $ 50.00 Tour Prosser window clings $ 500.00 Subtotal: $ 550.00

26 Prosser Visitors Center Operation Tourism Promotion Administrative Expenses $ 30,000.00 Operation of VIC, placement of advertising, etc. $ 30,000.00 - I Total Market Budget for 2018: $ 115,045.00

27 A&L-h n'\M"),+t:2J ( ~111 1 Sec re tary of ~to te 1 .J,Jt ~r-- · Corporations -'~

• p ,. 4 '• • . ft INFORMATION CFNTFR NONPWlffTS fHARITlf'i /,~'//,ROS PURI IC NOTICES · (OIJlMT ll~ f~Q ' - ,

Corporations Division - Registration Data Search Ci\i.ib·i PROSSER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

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ZIP 993500000

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Governor Bishop. Laurel

Governor Cameron, Abbey

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Governing Persons Address lnfonnation Governing pe1 son addresses are not available for the following entity types: WA Association under Fish Marketing Act, Miscellaneous and Mutual, Public Benefit Co rporatlon, Non-profit Corporation, Non-Profit Professional Service Corpo1a rlon, Bank Corporation, Limited Lia b1hty Company. Professional Limited Liabllity Company, Unregistered Corporation, Limited L1ab1ltty Partnership, Corporation So le, C1edit Union, Fraternal Building Association, Fraternal Society, Grange, Military Corporation, Savings and Loan Association, joint Municipal Utility Service, Limited Partnership, Insurance Company. Limited Liability Limited Partnership

Neither the State of Washington nor any agency, officer. or employee of rhe State of Washington warrants the accu1acy, reliability, or timeliness of any information in the Public Access System and shall not be ltable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this Information, portions may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity who relies on information obtained from the System does so at his or her own risk. All documents flied with the Corporations Division are considered public record.

28 Larelle Michener

From: Tour Prosser < [email protected] > Sent: Thursday, October OS, 2017 8:17 AM To: La relle Michener Subject: Tourism events in Prosser



Blind Tasting, Lemberger Think Pink FREE Health Fair Thursday, October 5th 6-7:30pm . The Thursday, October 5th, 7:30-11am. PMH Clore Center will be offering a blind tasting Medical Center. October is Breast Cancer of a specific . Tickets $30 +tax. Awareness Month. Bring a friend and wear Includes appetizers and 6 wines to your pink! For men & women, health sample. screenings & tests, breast health LEARN MORE information. LEARN MORE

1 29 *PURPLE

Water 2 Wine Cruise Farmers Market Washington with Purple Star Saturday Mornings May­ vs Germany Thursday, October 5th October. 8am-12pm. 7th Saturday, October 7th 2- 5:30-7:30pm. Includes St & Sommers Ave. Local 3pm. Clore Center. cheeses, fruit, tasting of produce, bedding plants, Compare classic four wines, music 1-1/2- crafts, Espresso, grown and produced hour cruise, al a cart menu breakfast, wine, baked around the world against & full service bar for goods, Washington the same varietals grown purchase. LEARN MORE cheeses, baskets. LEARN and produced in MORE Washington. LEARN MORE


Apple & Pumpkin Festival Little Women Wednesdays-Saturdays October 4-28. October 6th & 7th at ?pm. October 8th at Wed-Fri 9am-5pm & Sat. 9am-6pm. Bills 2:30pm. Sunnyside High School Berry Farm. Hot pumpkin donuts, Auditorium. Over The Hill Theatricals squeeze-your-own-cider, animal farm, present Little Women the Broadway pumpkin patch & corn maze. LEARN Musical. Tickets available at the door. MORE LEARN MORE

Cool Jazz 'Nith Ben Macy Lightnin' Willie

2 30 Saturday, October 7th 8-10pm. The Parlor Saturday October 7th 7-9pm. at Horse Heaven Saloon. First Saturday of Brewminatti. Tickets $12 purchase online each month. $5.00 cover. LEARN MORE or at venue. Beer, wine, appetizers available. LEARN MORE

Pontin Del Roza Sage Bluff Alpacas Catch the Crush at Special & Farm Tours Daily Milbrandt Vineyards New Releases Farm tours daily by October 13-15 1Oam -5pm. 25% off White appointment. Come meet Sit down, relax and let our cases. New Malbec and the alpacas. Shop amazing staff serve you Syrah are also now luxurious alpaca retail. table side. Our award available! LEARN MORE 8401 S. Steele Road, winning wines will be Prosser. expertly paired with Call 509-786-4507 delicious bites all weekend LEARN MORE long. LEARN MORE

Coyote Crazy First Friday Chandler Reach Vineyards Friday, October 6th 1-6pm. Coyote at Wine Country RV Canyon Winery. Purchase wines at 15% Saturday, October 7th 5:30-7pm.Our staff off every first Friday of the month through will be pouring a perfect line-up of red and 2017. LEARN MORE white wines. No reservations needed. LEARN MORE

3 31 Catch the Crush at Columbia Crest Catch the Crush at 14 Hands October 14-15 10am-5pm. Columbia Crest Saturday, October 14th 10am-5pm. 14 W inery. Enjoy a complimentary tasting of Hands Winery. Our 2015 Seasonal new limited Reserve wines, sample freshly Barbera will be hand-bottled in our barrel harvested & pressed wine grapes, wine room. Cheese plates and wines by the case specials all weekend. LEARN glass available for purchase. LEARN MORE MORE

Tony Furtado Winemaker's Catch the Crush at Friday October 13th 7- Dinner Barrel Springs 9pm . Brewminatti. Tickets Friday, October 13th 7- October 13-15. 10am- $12 purchase online or at 1Opm . Airfield Estates. 5pm. Barrel Springs venue. Beer, wine, Join Winemaker Marcus Winery. Bottle release with appetizers available. Miller for a gourmet dinner cheese pairing. Discounts LEARN MORE paired with Airfield wines. on bottle purchases. Poker $85/person. LEARN Run. LEARN MORE MORE

Fall Cellar Sale Brushes and a Bottle Saturday, October 14th. Columbia Crest Saturday, October 14th 1-3pm. Columbia Winery. 8-10am Club Members. Crest Winery. We provide all the supplies, 10am-1pm General Public. Great deals on your first glass of wine for inspiration,

4 32 wines by the case. Recommended to bring music and step-by-step instruction of the your own hand cart. LEARN MORE featured art. LEARN MORE

Halloween Costume Rentals The Sisterhood of Shred October 12, 13, 19, 20 & 26. 4-7pm. The Friday, October 13th 6:30-8:30pm. The Princess Theatre. Choose a unique Princess Theatre. FREE screening of the Halloween costume, more than 100 documentary "Sisterhood of Shred" and options, all from Valley Theater Q&A with the film's director, Meg Valliant. Company's costume wardrobe. LEARN LEARN MORE MORE

... - ,. r: t . 'I ' l - : 'I' I - ft ·-- ·' . r' . ,-;\ l ' _.... / ' !"" ofirJ TASTING Blind Tasting, Airfield Estates: Airfield Estates 5K Lemberger Grape Stomp Vineyard Run Saturday, October 14th 2- Saturday, October 14th 2- Saturday, October 14th. 3pm. The Clore Center will 4pm. Lend us a foot to 1Oam . A portion of the be offering a blind tasting help create the 2017 proceeds benefit the AKC of a specific varietal. Sangiovese Rose! Canine Health Foundation. Tickets $30 +tax. Includes $25/person. Includes two $25 registration. Prizes appetizers and 6 wines to 5oz. glasses of wine. awarded. LEARN MORE sample. LEARN MORE LEARN MORE

5 33 Catch the Crush at Purple Star Crushing It For 15 Years October 14-15, 10am-6pm. Purple Star Saturday, October 14th 11am-5pm. Winery. Enjoy a complimentary tasting McKinley Springs Winery. 15 year and in depth look at all the stages of anniversary celebration. Live music, . Fast & Curryous Food truck on hearty bites via a gourmet food truck, and site. LEARN MORE a tasting of McKinley Springs Winery Estate wines. LEARN MORE

Live Music: Catch the Crush Murder Mystery Wine Dinner October 14-15. Saturday 11 am-5pm, Saturday, October 14th 6-9pm. Desert Sunday 11 am-4pm. Chandler Reach Wind Winery. You're invited to wine dinner Winery. Live Music Saturday afternoon to die for! Prepare to be immersed in an from Chase Craig! Food available for evening of treachery, murder, blackmail, purchase. LEARN MORE intrigue and backstabbing. Reservations Required. $100 per victim. LEARN MORE

For more information about events & happenings in Prosser visit


Stay Connected ~

6 34 ANNUAL PROSSER EVENTS F E B R U A R V VTC Valentines Theater Production Red Wine &Chocolate A P R I L Spring Barrel Tasting VTC Spring Theater Production M A Y Farmers Market Depot Square Marketplace The Northwest Preparedness Expo Rising Stars Wine Festival Sage Rat Run J U N E Prosser SportsFest Bottles, Brews & BartJeques Prosser Scottish Fest & Highland Games Cherry Festival at Bill's Berry Farm J U L V Old-Fashioned Fourth ol July Celebration Horse Heaven Hills Trail Ride Art Walk & Wine Gala Blueberry Daze Festival at Bill'sBerry Farm A U G U S T Prosser Beer &Whiskey Festival Uncommon Threads Quilting & Fiber Arts Festival legends ol Washington Wine Gala SEPTEMBER Prosser State's Day Celebration VTC Fall Theater Production ANight Dutil> Wine Country Dinner & Auction The Great Prosser Balloon Rally Harvest & Street Painting Festival National Alpaca Farm Days 0 C T 0 B E R Catch the Crush Bill's Berry Farm Apple & Pumpkin Festival NOVEMBER Veterans Day Parade Festival ol Trees, Dinner and Auction Thanksgiving in Wine Country Princess Theatre Christmas Market DECEMBER Christmas Trees on the Farm at Bilrs Berry Farm VTC Holiday Theater Production

35 36 I ; '

THE BIRTHPLACE OF WASHINGTON WINE Located at the base of the Yakima Valley, Prosser offers a truly convenient and distinctive wine tasting experience. Within just a few square miles, you can ; aste every varietal produced in Washington, from Albarino to Zinfandel. And wih several American Viticultural Areas (AVA's) around the community, Prosser has become known for the quality and uniqueness of their grapes. Nowhere else will you see them on display the way you do in the local tasting rooms, where they are proud to share the products of their own farms and ranches with you.

With more than 30 wineries in and around the community, you'll enjoy a wide variety of tasting experiences in Prosser - from petite tasting rooms to spacious patios and picnic areas, one-on-one tastings and tours, to live music and winemaker dinners.

Mark your calendar for one of the unique wine events Prosser celebrates each year. June's Bottles, Brews, and Barbeques offers tastings from the local wineries and breweries, as well as a Pacific Northwest BBQ Competition in the heart of Vintners Village. In July, the Horse Heaven Hills Trail Ride lets you experience the vineyards and fields of the Horse Heaven Hills AVA, while the Art Walk & Wine Gala gives art lovers an evening of art, food, music and wine in the heart of Downtown Prosser.

The Walter Clore Wine & Culinary Center features year-round displays

.l and education about Washington wines, and celebrates local legend Walter 'l Clore, recognized as the Father of Washington Wine. They host monthly educational events and tastings as well as the annual Rising Stars Wine Tasting and the Legends of Washington Wine Gala each year.

Learn more about Prosser Wine Coulllry at 37 ·~.., OBarrel • evineHeart Winery J Springs I VINTNER'S VILLAGE j SleeDing Dog & Alexandria Wines ID County Line Tasting Room De':C:::~c ! Nicole ee11ars ~r tD Airfield Estates "',.....,.... .CD "' Domanico Purple Star al Apex Cellars (!!)Cellars Winery 0WillowCrest ED Thurston Wolfe Winery fl) Bunnell Family Cellar fD Milbrandt Vineyards ID Gamache Vintners ~ Coyote Canyon Winery G> Martinez & Martinez ID McKinley Springs

Columbia Crest Winery 0 PROSSER WINERIES + 01.14 Hands Winery 12. Hogue Cellars VINTNER'S VILLAGE 660 Fro11tier Road 2880 Lee Road 22. County Line Tasting Room 509. 786.5514 • 509. 786.6108 • hog11ecel/ars.co111 500 Mer/of Drive 02. Alexandria Nicole Cellars 13. Home on 6th Tasting Room 509. 786.0060 2880 Lee Road, S11ite D 706 Sixth Street 23. Airfield Estates 509. 786.3497 • a/exa11drianicolece/ 509.781.6535 560 Mer/of Drive 03. Bacchus Tasting Room 14. Kestrel Vintners 509. 786. 7401 • airfieldwi11es.co111 1121 Meade Ave1111e 2890 Lee Road 24. Apex Cellars 509. 781.6024 509. 786.2675 • 590 Merlot Drive 04. Barrel Springs Winery 15. Mercer Wine Estates 509. 786.1800 • preceptwi11e.co111 46601 North Gap Road 3100 Lee Road 25. Willow Crest Winery 509. 786.3166 • burre/ 509. 786.2097 • 590 Mer/of Drive 05. Bill's Tasting Room 16. Pontin Del Roza 509. 786. 7999 • 1205 Meade Ave1111e 35502 North Hinzerling Road 26. Thurston Wolfe Winery Featuring Prosser Jlineyard & Winery Wines 509. 786.4449 • pontinde/ , 588 Cabernet Court 06. Chinook Wines 17. Purple Star Winery .1 509. 786.3313 • t/111rstomvolfe.co111 Wittkop/ Loop & Wine Country Road 56504 North East Roza Road• Benton City 27. Bunnell Family Cellar 509-786-2725 • 509.831.5773 • p11rplestanvines.co111 548 Cabernet Court 07. Columbia Crest Winery 18. Sleeping Dog Wines 509. 786.2197 • bun11ellfamilycel/ 1788 I 0 State Route 221 • Patterson 45804 North Whitmore PR NW• Benton City 28. Milbrandt Vineyards 509.875.4227 • 509.460.2886 • sleepingdogwi11es.co111 508 Cabernet Court 08. Davenlore Winery 19. Walter Clore Wine 509. 788.0030 • 23103 So11th Dav/or PR SW & Culinary Center 29. Gamache Vintners 509. 781.0557 • 2140 A Wine Country Road 505 Cabernet Court 509. 786./000 • 09. Desert Wind Winery 509. 786. 7800 • gamad1evintners.co111 2258 Wi11e Country Road 20. Wit Cellars 30. Coyote Canyon Winery 509. 786. 7277 • desertwi11dwi11ery.co111 2880 Lee Road, Suite A 357 Port Avenue, Studio A 509. 786.1311 • 10. Domanico Cellars 509. 786. 7986 • coyoteca11yonwinery.co111 24901 North Cosby Road 21. Yakima Valley Vintners 31. Martinez & Martinez Winery 206.465.9406 • domanicocel/ /10 Gra11dridge Road• Grandview 35 7 Port Aven11e, Studio C 2. 7069 • 11. Hinzerling Winery 509.88 509. 786.2424 • martinet I 520 Sheridan Aven 11e 32. McKinley Springs Winery 509. 786.2163 • 357 Port Ave11ue 509. 786.0004 •

38 BILL'S BERRY FARM BREWMINATII Known as the place to enjoy Serving up locally roasted coffee, 'farm Fresh Produce and Family gourmet teas, and light breakfast Fun', Bill's is open seasonally for or lunch in Downtown Prosser. U-pick produce, farm festivals, On tap in the evening is a great kids activities, gift shop and a variety of local beer and wine, large variety of berries, cherries, as well as regularly scheduled peaches, apples and pumpkins performances by local, regional are available spring through fall. Brewminatti and national musical artists. Coffee. Music. l ife 509.882.3200 • billsberry/ 713 6th Street •

CHUKAR CHERRIES EL BUEN GUSTO In 1988, Chukar Cherries was Family atmosphere and launched on the family farm authentic Mexican cuisine with one goal, to be your served up with a personal touch. go-to source for extraordinary Delicious favorites include Pacific Northwest foods and burritos, tacos, enchiladas and gifts crafted from locally grown traditional Mexican entrees like cherries and berries. Made fresh carne asada, carnitas de polio and shipped fresh from Prosser. and more!

800.624.9544 • 602 61/i Street • 509. 786.0221

46 39 TASTETHE GOOD LIFE Looking for a taste of the good life? Look no further than Prosser. The small town with the big following of wine enthusiasts has become one of the Yakima Valley's premier destinations. Situated in the lush agricultural landscape are more than 30 wineries, while family-owned farms and orchards and a charming historic downtown keep visitors busy beyond the tasting rooms.

Prosser's historic downtown is enjoying a newfound vibrancy with shops and contemporary restaurants that welcome residents and visitors alike. The weekly Farmers Market runs each Saturday morning from May-November in the City Park. Theatre goers can catch a performance of the Valley Theater Company, which presents four plays from summer to, spring in the restored historic Princess Theatre. The arts are also encouraged by art galleries and live music performances at coffee shops and events.

Prosser enjoys more than 300 days of sunshine every year, so just about any time is a good time to visit. You may want to plan your trip to coincide with one of the community's festive celebrations. In June, you can join more than 100 teams for Sportsfest, the annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament, or put on your kilt for the Scottish Fest and Highland Games. Uncommon Threads: Learn + Shop + Create, is an event that focuses on fiber arts and quilting and is unique in its blend of disciplines.

August brings the newest event, the Prosser Beer and Whiskey Festival, which features tastings with craft brewers and distillers from around the region alongside local food. In September, the skies fill with colorful hot air balloons as the Great Prosser Balloon Rally takes flight.

It may be small, but visitors often find that they just can't get enough of Prosser in one day. Luckily, there are numerous hotels/nd charming vacation rentals where you can rest easy knowing that tomorrow will bring more of the good life.

Learn more about Prosser at

HOME ON &TH STREET SAGE BLUFF ALPACAS An eclectic gift shop, wine Come meet the alpacas! bar and art gallery in historic Farm tours daily by Downtown Prosser. Browse appointment, luxurious apparel and jewelry while alpaca retail, alpaca sa les and sampling chocolates and consulting. Check their web site gourmet foods. Local wines for special events. featured at the tasting bar! 509. 786.4507 • sagcblujfa/ 706 6th Street• 509. 781.6535

SISTERTO SISTER SIXTH STREET ART Making the place you live, the & GIFT GALLERY place you love! Indulge your senses Representing Pacific Northwest in an extraordinary shopping artists showing styles from fine experience with a wonderful art to recycled whimsy. Also collection of gifts, home accents, featuring antiques, vintage decor, jewelry, clothing, candles, gourmet urban treasures, specialty gifts foods and so much more. They and gourmet selections in the look forward to spoiling you! heart of Downtown Prosser. 10 Merlo/ Drive, S uite 8 • 509.786. 7467 702 6111 S treet• Join us on Facebook 40 Yakima Valley Tourism • Visit 47 WASHINGTON FALL 2017

The magazine for people who love wine tasting

41 TASTING ROOM calendar EXTRAORDINARY WINES. « Continued from previous page UNPARALLELED DESTINATION. Learn how differences in climate, vineyard . . . practices, soil type, and style can affect the way varietals express themselves and let your palate decide your preference. $20+ tax advance. 2pm. 509- ~~ 786-1000, WI N ERY SEPT 16 & 23 Lounging at the Loft Winemakers Loft. The live music series continues at The Winemakers Loft in Prosser's Vintner's Village. The participating four wineries are Coyote Canyon Winery, Ginkgo Forest, Martinez & Martinez and McKinley Springs. $10, 21 & over. 6-9pm. Small plates available for purchase. www., www.ginkgowinery. com, www.m2-wine, www.mckinleysprings. com

SEPT 16, 28 Brewminatti Live Music. The coffee shop in downtown Prosser turns into an intimate venue with live music. Griffin House performs on the 16th and Blair Crimmins and The Hookers on the 28th. Wine and beer by the glass and coffee drinks for purchase. SEPT 16 Hounds and Harvest Rattlesnake Hills. Bring your dog(s) to wine country for a benefit to support local animal rescue, Res Q Angels. Participating wineries in the Rattlesnake Hills will have games for your 4-legged friend. $20 includes a t-shirt for the owner and bandana for dog.

SEPT 22-24 The Great Prosser Balloon Rally & Harvest Festival Prosser. Hot air balloons take to the sky during this annual event. Sunrise hot air balloon launches, harvest festival in town, street dance, farmers market, Caren Mercer­ Andreasen Street Painting Festival, wine tasting, hot air balloon 'night glow."

SEPT 23 Annual Red Wine Case Sale Mercer Estates Prosser. Special discounts on red wine at the winery in Prosser. Discounts up to 40-50% off. 10am- 5pm. 509-786-~097,

SEPT 23 & 30, OCT 4-28 Apple & Pumpkin Festival Bill's Berry Farm. A festival the last two Saturdays in September, and Wednesdays to Saturdays from October 4th through 28th, with hay rides to the orchard to pick apples, pumpkin patch, corn maze and live music. $5 per car parking fee. Wine tasting at nearby wineries. 9am-5pm.

SEPT-NOV Walter Clore Wine & Culinary Center Washington's Big Wine & Food Pairing- Bottle Shop - Wine Tasting - Wine-by-the-Glass - Special Events 5. A new class where a group of eight or Continued on next page »


500 Merlot Drive l Prosser, WA 99350

Located off 1-82, exit 80, Prosser Vintner's Village is an established 32-acre site complete with meandering trails leading you to 14 unique wineries. Vintner's Village is also home to the Yellow Rose Nursery, over ten acres of beautiful foliage to fulfill all your landscaping needs.

Prosser is known as the Birthplace of # Washington Wine and the Vintner's Village provides a unique opportunity to experience 0 County Line Tasting Room Milbrand.t Vineyards several exceptional tasting facilities in one • convenient location. 8 Airfield Estates 0 Gamache Vintners Willow Crest Winery 0 Winemaker's Loft "Pm • Apex Cellars • Coyote Canyon 0 Yellow Rose Nursery • Martinez & Martinez 0 Thurston Wolfe • McKinley Springs 0 Bunnell Family Wine Bar • Gingko Forest Winery Wine O 'Clock

43 WAS I-! I N G T 0 N TA ST I NG R 0 0 M . C 0 M 23 The Great Prosser Balloon Rally Application

44 2018 Application for Prosser Lodgina Tg ~ tf,.., ('/' , .I- ./ Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $4900 <'.?<- ~~ A/ ~ (? Organization/Agency Name: The Great Prosser Balloon Rally 0 J:> ~ Federal Tax ID Number: ______9"""'1""" -=14....._8..... 5...... 6..... 5 __ 9______

Event or Activity Name (if applicable): ______T_h ..... e'-G~re~a ...... t_P ..... ro~s~s __ e_r __B~al ...... lo'-o ...... n_R.._a'-l~lv __ _

Contact Name and Title: -----'-M...... o~r ....g,,...a.._n~E_v __e~re~t~t ~/ ...... V~ic __ e..... C...... h~a ...... ir..... m ..... a_n ______

Mailing Address: 1230 Bennett Ave City: Prosser State: WA Zip: 99350

Phone: 509-781-0157 Email Address: [email protected]

Check all service categories that apply to this application:

__ Tourism Promotion/Marketing _x_ Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists __ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency _ _ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by non-profit organization _ _ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City

Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Prosser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) l Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State) _ _ Public Agency

CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that:

• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2018. If awarded, my orga nization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable.

• The City of Prosser will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation.

45 ' Supplemental Questions - You may use this form or a separate sheet of paper for answers

1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event. • If an event, list the event name, date(s), and projected overall attendance. • Describe why tourists will travel to Prosser to attend your event/activity/facility.

2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the New Year funding may begin. 2018 Tourism-Impact Estimate and 2017 Annual Report

As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: 2018 2017 Estimate Actual

a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility 7000 6500

b. Number of people who travel more than 50 miles for your 2000+ 2000 event/activity

c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 500 500 who travel from another country or state

d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 2200 2000 who stay overnight in Prosser or the Prosser area

e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in 1200 1200 PAID accommodations (hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Prosser or Prosser area

f. Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your event/ Fri= 200+ Fri= 160+ activity/ facility Sat= 200+ Sat= 160+ (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday= 75 paid lodging Plus 200 Plus 200 room nights) RV spots RV spots

3. What methodology did you use to calculate the 2018 estimates? Best guesses after talking to hotel and rv park owners or managers, plus New Hotel Manager.

4. What methodology did you use to calculate I document the 2017 actual numbers? Best guesses after talking to hotel and rv park owners or managers

5. Is there a host hotel for your event (yes or no)? If yes, list the host hotel. No

6. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourists.

2 46 We have had 20+ years of successful bringing out people to Prosser for Fri, Sat and Sun morning launches, and filling the Prosser football stadium for NightGlow event.

7. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc). Balloon enthusiasts, and families, and photographers from around the pacific northwest

8. Describe how you will promote your event/activity/facility to attract tourists. Significant work on social media sites, facebook, lnstagram and snapchat and working w/ the Chamber of commerce for other promotions.

9. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Prosser. We detail lodging on our web site and facebook sites, and have many local business sponsor and promoted at the events. We are looking for a host hotel or a hotel to be a sponsor for our event as well.

10. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another community (yes or no)? If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. No

11. What is the overall budget for your event/activity/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Prosser Lodging Tax Fund? 10 -15%

12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or recommended?

We will reduce our expenditures for social media advertising and reduce other promotional items we would need to. If we don't have the pilot funding, we would not pursue any specialty balloons for the event as well.

We are looking to adding a tethering event to the 2018 event, if we don't receive funding we may not be able to add that component on Saturday morning.

3 47 2018 The Great Prosser Ba ll oon Ra lly Promotion Expenditures City of Prosser Hotel I Motel Tax

These are the expected expenditures for the Great Prosser Balloon rally. Below is a summary and description of each. We have decided to focus on pilot's and social media this year because it seems to be the most effective use of the funds and has the best chance of ensuring more pilots for years to come.

Social Media Social media and especially Facebook has been a cost effective way to promote the rally. Facebook lends itself to pictures and video which is a perfect way to highlight the Prosser Balloon rally. The Rally Facebook page already has 2,300+ likes and typically during the rally weekend over 20,000 unique visitors visit the rally Facebook page. The plan is to place targeted Face book ads for users who like nearby balloon rally pages and potentially attract additional attendees at the Great Prosser Balloon rally.

Pilot Travel Fund Pilots are key to a successful rally, and over the last 5 years our pilots have been retiring from balloon and it is critical to attract new and young pilots for a successful rally for years to come. The Great Prosser Balloon Rally gives all sponsored pilots a stipend of $400 for travel, lodging and food for the 3 day rally weekend. Each pilot has to cover all of the additional costs for the weekend. In the last few years, there have been other rallies that are on the same September weekend and the rallies are offering the pilots a complementary hotel room plus travel and food stipend. I believe it is critical to attempt to increase the travel fund for pilots to help attract balloon pilots for the long term success for the rally. The plan is to increase each pilot's stipend (estimate of 25 pilots) by $60 each, and reduce the cost of lodging (typically $110 a night in Prosser during that weekend) by $20 dollars a night and be more competitive with other rallies. We received some new rates and rooms from the additional hotel last year, but we were able to get rooms for pilots at $110-$140, which makes it tough to attract pilots.

Tethering Event We are hoping to introduce a new tethering event to the rally, were kids can get up close and possibly go on a ride with a tethered balloon (a balloon tied down to several vehicles so it won't lift off). We don't know if we can get pilots to do this, it is very hard on their equipment, so we will need to offer them some compensation, our best guess is $200 - $300 per pilot. We would start w/ hopefully 3 pilots this next year.

48 Budgeted Expenses Social Media $1500.00 • Facebook targeted ads for users who like other balloon rally Facebook pages • Snapchat "filters" to promote the rally • lnstagram "filters" to promote the rally

Pilot Travel Fund $2500.00 • Additional funds for each pilot to compensate for lodging, gas to attend the rally, estimate of 25 pilots @ $60

Tethering Events • We are trying to get 3 - 5 pilots to tether $900.00 Sat morning, it could cost between $600- $900

Total: $4900.00


2018 Budget


REVENUE 2017 Memorabilia Sales 200.00 2018 Sponsors 19,500.00 2018 Memorabilia Sales 9000.00 Hotel Motel Funding 4900.00 TOTAL: 33,600.00


TOTAL: 36,100.00


50 fiJIRS

Exempt Organizations Select Check Exempt Organizations Select Check Home

990-N (e-Postcard) filer Information

Tax Period: 2015 (1 2/01/2015 -11/30/2016)

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 91-1485659


Mailing Address: 1230 Bennett Avenue Prosser, WA 99350 United States

Doing Business As:

Gross receipts not greater than: $50,000

Organization has terminated: No

Principal Officer's Name and Address: Shirley Delaney 1230 Bennett Avenue Prosser, WA 99350 United States

Website URL:

Related 990-N (ePostcarcl) Filings:

If the organization has filed additional Forms 990-N (e-Poslcards), link(s) to additional e-Postcard filings are displayed below. Click on the link(s) to see the information included in those filing(s).

Tax Year 2007 Tax Year 2008 Tax Year 2009 Tax Year 2010 Tax Year 2012 Tax Year 2013 Tax Year 2014

Return to Search Results Return to Search Page

51 City of Prosser Application

52 2018 Application for Prosser Lodging Tax

Amount of Lodging Tax Requested:$ S ,Ot)O 00

Organization/Agency Name: (~ V f Pwsc;ev. \/\I A. 0,,. Federal Tax ID Number: q 1- l,j)()l) l '2- <.L? ~ D/ / J ~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~-,-r-0,-~ ---'!'· ~~V\\, ''i.OSt-, BV\tAV\<..t.. D1ve.ctw u~:('.o"tr

Mailing Address: \..00 \ I \::v\ ~~ City: Pv0s~ ev- State: \...Jk Zip: 0\0. ?<;;o

Phone: SOG\ ·I% to · ~'2...l S Email Address: t '1o<;t Q.. <.....L +"'\ vfp v0-ssev. <-Ow\

Check all service categories that apply to this application:

__ Tourism Promotion/Marketing __ Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists __ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency __ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by non-profit organization __ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City

Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Prosser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) __ Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State) 1 Public Agency

CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that:

• I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2018. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable.

• The City of Prosser will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation.

• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the City. Signature: ¥ Date: _l_o_)_'-t-_l_l_l _____ Printed or Typed Name: lOV\.-L 'ios.t

53 2018 Hotel/ Motel Funding Application

1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event.

The City of Prosser provides support to various community events. This support can be in the form of street cleaning, grounds prep, extra police patrols, road closures, and garbage clean up just to list a few. Without this support, some events would be required to contract with other service providers which might ultimately not make the events feasible.

2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the new year funding may begin.

Although the City has provided these services for several years we have not received Hotel/Motel funding for t his purpose.

3. What methodology did you use to calculate the 2018 estimates?

The amounts calculated are based upon actual costs incurred in 2017. Please see the attached summary for support.

4. What methodology did you use to calculate/document the 2017 actual numbers?

Not applicable.

5. Is there a host hotel for your event?

Not applicable.

6. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourist.

The City recognizes the importance of these events and works hard to provide quality event spaces and continues to work closely with event organizers to host successful events.

7. Describe you target tourist audience.

Not applicable.

8. Describe how you will promote your event/activity/facility to attract tourists.

Not applicable.

9. Describe how you will promote lodging established, restaurants, business located in the City of Prosser.

Not applicable.

54 10. Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another community?

Not applicable.

11. What is the overall budget for the event?

Based upon costs from 2017, the City anticipates support costs in the amount of $10,000. The City is seeking $5,000 to offset this cost.

12. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or recommended?

The City is willing to work directly with event organizers to attempt to cover these costs.

55 Hotel/Motel Staff Support

Event Description #of staff # Hours Hrly Rate Total Cost Sage Rat Run sweeping course, power, cones, barricades, Depot Parking Lot, Crawford Park, Farrand Park (mow and adjust sprinklers) 3 6 $ 64.62 $ 387.72 Sportsfest sweeping area, hoops, power, barricades 5 35 $ 64.62 $ 2,261.70 4th of July power, barricades, cones, sweeping, garbage, extra cleaning of restrooms 2 6 s 64.62 $ 387.72 Art and Wine Walk power, cones, sweeping 2 5 $ 64.62 $ 323.10 States Day sweeping, power, barracades, garbage, extra cleaning of restrooms 3 7 $ 64.62 $ 452.34 Streetscape Car Show sweeping, barricades, power, 2 6 s 64.62 $ 387.72 Harvest Festival sweeping, barricades, power, 2 7 s 64.62 $ 452.34 Family Christmas Festival power, sweeping, cones, bathroom prep 2 5 $ 64.62 $ 323.10 Spring Barrell Tasting additional police patrol/traffic control 10 $ 72.79 $ 727.90 Sage Rat Run additional police patrol/traffic control 8 s 72.79 $ 582.32 Bottles & Brews additional police patrol/ traffic control 7 s 72.79 $ 509.53 Beer & Whiskey Festival additional police patrol/traffic control 11.5 s 72.79 $ 837.09 States Day Parade additional police patrol/traffic control 15 $ 72.79 $ 1,091.85 Harvest Festival/Balloon Rally additional police patrol/traffic control 18 $ 72.79 $ 1,310.22

$ 10,034.65

56 Brewminatti Application Late Submittal

57 2018 Application for Prosser lodging Tax

Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $

Organization/ Agency Name: __r-_b __ \~E'.- ~_~v_\~f'r_!'\__ l_r\_l_''~H_ , ~\- /?,\.. 0 Federal Tax ID Number: 47 - ~ 2{__· 11 _._(pl_'.J4_____ Ci c11;' ;-) r-i r) ______,,, 1yO;:- <01? Event or Activity Name (if applicable): b (t 'v\}))'\\ft {Jtt\ 'block tu (f-.1 '°Hu 0. A I __.--:-: I 1 . 0'Stp Contact Name and Title: ri\artv I a~p l1Y / Otu J\k'v' ' 'T

Phone: ~- 0~{_,.. ~u_4_o _·"/_-~ 0_{_2 _. _

Check all service categories that apply to this application:

_jL_ Tourism Promotion/Marketing +--Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists __ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency __ Operation of a Tourism-Related Faci lity owned or operated by non-profit organization __ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City

Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Presser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) __ Non-Profit (Attach copy of rnrrent non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State) _f}_ Public Agency

CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that:

• I am proposing a tourism -related service for 2018. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable.

• The City of Prosser will only reimburse those cost s actually incurred by my organization/ agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimburse ment forrn (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including co pies of invoices and payment documentation.

• My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format


58 Supplemental Questions - You may use this form or a separate sheet of paper for answers

1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event. • If an event, list the event name, date(s), and projected overall attendance. • Describe why tourists will travel to Prosser to attend your event/activity/facility.

2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the New Year funding may begin. -· 2018 Tourism-Impact Estimate and 2017 Annual Report

As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: 2018 2017 ~I I Estimate Actual

a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility ~() /SL> b. Number of people who t ravel more than SO miles for your event/ activity J<;:D ~o I

c. Of the people who travel more than SO miles, the number of people who travel from another country or st ate P1£4 14

d. Of the people who travel more than SO miles, the number of people who stay overnight in Prosser or the Prosser area ')fJO U.l\~~w Y\ ------· e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in PAID acco mmodat ions (hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Prosser or J5D IJ,1J_ r\aDV\ Prosser area - f. Number of paid lodging room nigh ts resulting from your event/ activity/ facility i .s-v Lut ~ r'lti.~~ I (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Snrurdny =75 paid lodging room mghts) _I 3. What methodology did you use to calculate the 2018 estimates? Sf€ f/1/tdAJ ~(

4. What methodology did you use to calculate/ document the 2017 actual numbers?

5. Is there a host hotel for your event (yes or no)? If yes, list the host hotel.

6. Describe the prior success of your event/activity/facility in attracting tourists.

7. Describe you target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc). 2 59 SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS Hotel I Motel Application 2018

#1 Brewminatti Block Party Sept 1, 2018 Projected Attendees - 500

Brewminatti is a one-day music festival which feature Local, regional and nationally touring bands. Music festivals have exploded in popularity over the last 10 years. According to Billboard, 32 million got to at least one music festival per year. Another study suggests that 51 % of Americans will attend at least one festival in 2018 ... that's up almost 10% over the previous 2 years.

By hosting our event in downtown Prosser, we will benefit the businesses which operate in the downtown core, as well as ancillary businesses in town, especially the lodging and restaurant sectors.

By hosting the event on Labor Day weekend, which also includes a parade and a carnival, we anticipate that people will come and stay of the weekend, not just one night for the festival. We will promote I market the other activities as well.

#3 Since we have no hard data to draw from (not on our radar in 2017), our numbers are assumptions and best guesses based on responses we received from out-of-town guests for 2017.

Statistically, music festivals draw well over 50% of their attendees from out of their geographical area. We have used a 50% number as a baseline for our estimates.

#4 We looked at actual ticket sales and captured billing info to identify out of area ticket buyers. We will employ the same methodology in 2018.

#5 We do not have designated host hotel at this point. We have had discussions with both Best Western and Holiday Inn and we expect to have programs I rates established with both for our event.

60 #6 Our in-house events routinely draw people from all over the Pacific Northwest. We know that we did draw 14 people from out of the area for the 2017 event. With increased and better marketing, we anticipate a significant boost in those numbers for 2018.

#7 Based on national statistics and our own live music demographics, we expect out event to appeal to people in the 25-55 age range. They are overwhelmingly double-income households who spend an above-average amount of money on entertainment. (The average festival attender in 2016 traveled 903 miles to attend their festival of choice.) This group also spends an above-average amount on food I beer I wine.

#8 In 2018, we will work with several digital marketing agencies to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that will rely heavily on social media, but will also include some print and traditional media outlets. This will be a much more aggressive approach than we utilized in 2017.

#9 The event web site will link to Tour Prosser, as well as to specific lodging and dining options. We'd like the rising tide to life all the Prosser boats ... so to speak.

#10. No

#11 Our overall budget is $17,500 and we are requesting $5,000, which is 28.5%. We believe the success of this event can provide a significant economic boost for the town as a whole. Ideally, we would like to see the City commit to a 5 year plan of support that would allow sufficient time for the event to develop, eventually working towards self-sufficiency. The event could easily grow into attendance of 1,000 or more, and raise the tourism profile for Prosser. We will also be working to develop local sponsors and partners to offset some of the expenses as well.

#12 Good question - not sure I have a good answer.

61 Marketing Plan Comparison - Prosser Chamber of Commerce -Prosser Balloon Rally

62 Prosser Chamber Marketing Plan

2017 2018 Diffrence

Attractions Directories Printing & Distribution 6,200.00 6,200.00 Editing-Design 1,500.00 2,500.00 Postage 1,500.00 1,500.00 Subtotal 9,200.00 10,200.00 1,000.00

Trade Shows Taste Washington-March 1,700.00 2,600.00 RV Shows -Partnership - 6 Shows 2,600.00 2,600.00 Vintage Spokane 1,000.00 Subtotal 4,300.00 6,200.00 1,900.00

Website Expenses Upgrade and Mobile Enhancement 7,000.00 8,500.00 Beer & Whiskey Festival 1,000.00 1,000.00 Subtotal 8,000.00 9,500.00 1,500.00

HAR Radio Announcement Production Cost 50.00 50.00 Subtotal 50.00 50.00 -

Production of Window Clings Design for Business Window & Cars 300.00 500.00 Subtotal 300.00 500.00 200.00

E-Blast Annual Usage Fee - - E-Blast Production - 8,500.00 Subtotal - 8,500.00 8,500.00

Bureau Memberships Yakima Valley VCB 300.00 305.00 Tri-Cities VCB 250.00 220.00 Washington Tourism Alliance 500.00 500.00 Wine Yakima Valley 250.00 250.00 Subtotal 1,300.00 1,275.00 (25.00)

Bureau Advertising Yakima Valley VCB 4,690.00 4,200.00 Tri-Cities VCB - - Washington Tourism Alliance 1,000.00 1,000.00 Subtotal 5,690.00 5,200.00 (490.00)

Regional Advertising Taste Room Magazine 2,500.00 2,500.00 Wine Press NW 2,000.00 2,000.00 Video Prosuction -3 new event 3,500.00 NW Public Radio 3,300.00 Washington Wine Guide 2,110.00 2,200.00 Northwest Travel & Life Magazine 3,900.00 The Entertainer - 8 month Package 2,000.00 2,800.00 Best Western Guest Directory 1,200.00 1,320.00 NWPR Annual Advertising Package - 6 Months - 3,500.00 Graphic Design for 2018 ADS 1,000.00 Subtotal 20,510.00 15,320.00 (5,190.00)

63 Prosser Chamber Marketing Plan

2017 2018 Diffrence

Travel Writers Tour Travel & Lifestyle Writers/Bloggers Tour of Prosser 5,000.00 3,000.00 Formation of Media Kit 500.00 500.00 Subtotal 5,500.00 3,500.00 (2,000.00)

Events Sponsorship Bottle, Brews & BBQ 3,000.00 3,000.00 Rising Stars & Other Walter Clore Events 4,000.00 - Walter Clore Regular Progamming AD 7,500.00 Subtotal 7,000.00 10,500.00 3,500.00

Web & Social Media Advertising Facebook & Instagram Ads & Boosts - 5,000.00 Facebook Ad/Cover photo development - 1,500.00 Photo Shoots for web/advertising content - 1,500.00 Video Production 2 general tour Prosser promotion - 3,500.00 Visit Yakima Valley Feature e-blast events - 300.00 Blog writer - 1 article monthly for the website - 2,500.00 Subtotal - 14,300.00 14,300.00

Tour Prosser Van Annual Maintenance 1,200.00 -

Subtotal 1,200.00 - (1,200.00)

Wayfinding Signage Expansion of Phase 1-/Possible Completion of Phase 2 8,000.00 - Subtotal 8,000.00 - (8,000.00)

Contracted Confrences Sales Position Clore Center 4,000.00 - Subtotal 4,000.00 - (4,000.00)

Prosser Visitors Center Operation Visitor Information Center 20,000.00 30,000.00 Subtotal 20,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 - - Total for All Marketing Categories: 95,050.00 115,045.00 19,995.00

64 The Great Prosser Balloon Rally

2017 2017 Diffrence

Social Media Facebook Targeted Ads 2,000.00 1,500.00

Subtotal 2,000.00 1,500.00 (500.00)

Tethering Events 3-5 Pilot Tether - 900.00 Subtotal - 900.00 900.00

Pilot Travel Fund Additional funds for each pilot 2,500.00 2,500.00 Subtotal 2,500.00 2,500.00 - - Total for All Marketing Categories: 4,500.00 4,900.00 400.00

65 City of Prosser Misc Expense Budget Proposal

66 City of Prosser Hotel/Motel Misc. Expenses

Date Vendor Check # Amount

Proposed 2018 Budget Proposal based on potential cost for drafting new $ 1,000.00 contracts for new funding awardees. $ 1,000.00 2017 5/9/2017 Valley Publishing 16291 $ 12.00 10/24/2017 Valley Publishing 17184 $ 75.00 2016 Total $ 87.00

2016 8/23/2016 Saxton Riley, PLLC 15020 $ 40.00 10/11/2016 Saxton Riley, PLLC 15273 $ 40.00 12/13/2016 Valley Publishing 15581 $ 45.00 2016 Total $ 125.00

2015 9/8/2015 Valley Publishing 13058 $ 42.00

2015 Total $ 42.00

2014 9/9/2014 Valley Publishing 11227 $ 42.00 9/23/2014 Saxton Riley, PLLC 11283 $ 60.00 11/18/2014 Saxton Riley, PLLC 11540 $ 60.00 12/9/22014 Saxton Riley, PLLC 11655 $ 15.00 2014 Total $ 177.00

67 Hotel/Motel Fund - Summary of Activity

2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 Fund Dept Account Title Actual Actual Actual YTD 9/30/17 Budgeted Proposed 130 308 308 10 00 1Beginning Fund Balance $ 50,593.53 $ 56,096.40 $ 44,709.29 $ 31,606.62 $ 24,000.00 $ 61,000.00

130 310 313 31 00 0Hotel/Motel Transient Tax $ 42,705.75 $ 49,471.20 $ 50,958.99 $ 36,096.19 $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00 130 310 313 31 01 0Hotel/Motel Special Tax $ 42,705.75 $ 49,471.20 $ 50,958.99 $ 36,096.19 $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00

130 360 361 10 00 1Investment Interest $ 236.43 $ 218.93 $ 115.63 $ 170.17 $ 150.00 $ 250.00 130 360 361 30 00 1Gains (Losses) On Investments $ (10.06) $ 13.56 $ (11.28) $ - $ - $ - 130 360 369 91 00 1Other Miscellaneous Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

130 397 397 00 00 1Operating Transfers-In $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

130 573 573 90 12 0Overtime $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 130 573 573 90 31 0Office And Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 130 573 573 90 41 0Professional Services - Chamber $ 80,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 79,575.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 110,000.00 130 573 573 90 41 0Professional Services - Balloon Rally $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 130 573 573 90 41 0Professional Services - Benton Co. Museum $ - $ - $ - $ 200.00 $ - $ - 130 573 573 90 49 0Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 130 573 573 91 41 0Professional Services - Legal/Advertising $ 135.00 $ 562.00 $ 125.00 $ (12.00) $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00

Beginning Cash Balance $ 50,593.53 $ 56,096.40 $ 44,709.29 $ 31,606.62 $ 24,000.00 $ 61,000.00 Total Revenue $ 85,637.87 $ 99,174.89 $ 102,022.33 $ 72,362.55 $ 130,150.00 $ 130,250.00 Total Expense $ 80,135.00 $ 110,562.00 $ 115,125.00 $ 79,763.00 $ 101,000.00 $ 116,000.00 Ending Cash Balance $ 56,096.40 $ 44,709.29 $ 31,606.62 $ 24,206.17 $ 53, 150.00 $ 75, 250.00