CITY OF PROSSER, WASHINGTON HOTEL/MOTEL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2017 6:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 601 7TH STREET 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVE DECEMBER 12, 2016 MINUTES 3. REVIEW PROSSER ROTARY CLUB APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 4. REVIEW PROSSER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 5. REVIEW GREAT PROSSER BALLOON RALLY APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 6. REVIEW CITY OF PROSSER APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 7. REVIEW BREWMINATTI LATE SUBMITTAL APPLICATION FUNDING 8. MARKETING PLAN COMPARISON – PROSSER CHAMBER & BALLOON RALLY 9. CITY OF PROSSER MISC EXPENSES BUDGET PROPOSAL 10. ADD ON ITEMS 11. NEXT MEETING 12. ADJOURNMENT ATTACHMENTS: November 12, 2016 Minutes Prosser Rotary Club Application Prosser Chamber of Commerce Application The Great Prosser Balloon Rally Application City of Prosser Application Brewminatti Late Submittal Application Marketing Plan Comparison – Prosser Chamber of Commerce & Prosser Balloon Rally City of Prosser Misc Expense Budget Proposal 1 CITY OF PROSSER, WASHINGTON HOTEL/MOTEL COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMEBR 12, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Everett called the meeting of the Prosser Hotel/Motel Committee to order at 6:04 p.m. PRESENT Committee Members Morgan Everett, Tom Denlea, Fred Lamb, Marilyn Dalstra, Abbey Cameron, Finance Manager Elia Lara & Recreation Manager Kathya Martinez were present. APPROVE OCTOBER 14, 2015 MINUTES A motion was made by Tom Denlea, seconded by Fred Lamb to approve the October 14, 2015 minutes. The motion passed unanimously. HOTEL/MOTEL UPDATE Finance Manager Elia Lara explained to the Committee that the presentations for funding were only for Hotel/Motel, not Tourism Promotion Area (TPA). The TPA has a different application process as it would be more efficient. Committee Member Denlea wasn’t happy with splitting the funds; he felt the Council shouldn’t be the approving body for those funds as TPA was requested by tourism not Council. Committee Member Dalstra wanted to know how Council would stream line the funds. Chairman Everett encouraged the Committee to attend a Council meeting, or in a written form, address the Council with their concerns in regard to the change. PROSSER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING Larelle Michener, Prosser Chamber of Commerce, presented the proposed 2017 Marketing Plan in the amount of $95,300. Chairman Everett stated his displeasure over the Chamber losing their 501 C (non- profit) statuses and not notifying the City. Committee Members Lamb and Cameron stated they understood sentiment however, the Chamber was unaware the City was not informed and didn’t withhold the information purposefully. Also, it’s important to note that the Chamber is now in good standing. Committee Member Denlea emphasized, however, that it made the Chamber susceptible to their credibility. The Chamber’s proposal included funds for new events in the year, additional regional advertising, travel writers tours, wayfinding signage and maintenance of the tourism van. Chairman Everett and Committee Member Denlea agree that maintenance of the tourism van shouldn’t be included in the funds since maintenance to the van doesn’t put heads on beds. A motion was made by Committee Member Lamb, seconded by Committee Member Cameron to approve funding to the Prosser Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $95,300. Motion passed 3 YES, 2 NO (Everett & Denlea), 0 ABSENT. The GREAT PROSSER BALLOON RALLY APPLICATION FUNDING Chairman Everett presented The Great Prosser Balloon Rally’s proposal for 2017 funding. The Balloon Rally’s proposal of $4,500 included funding to increase their social media presence and Pilot travel funds to attract more pilots to attend the event. This will be accomplished through the use of additional 2 promotional items to show their appreciation for the pilots, and in establishing a larger pilot’s fund to help offset the cost of lodging, fuel and travel expense. Committee Members Cameron and Lamb stated they should reduce the funding amount to social media because the Rally could partner with the Prosser Chamber of Commerce and get the same results. Committee Member Denlea asked why their events and advertising are hurting and what can be done to prevent the need for funding support in the future. The Balloon Rally emphasized a big portion of that has to do with attracting pilots. The more pilots they can attract, the more private sponsorship they will receive, which then eliminates the need for funding support. The Great Prosser Balloon Rally would like to place a big push on attracting more pilots. Ballooning tends to be an expensive hobby and, as a result, they have seen a slip in pilot attendance. Also, several pilots have retired, and new ones are not filling their place. A motion was made by Committee Member Cameron, seconded by Committee Member Lamb to approve funding to The Great Prosser Balloon Rally in the amount of $3,000. Motion passed 5 YES, 0 NO, 0 ABSENT. BENTON COUNTY MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APPLICATION FUNDING No one from the Benton County Museum and Historical Society were present however, their proposed 2017 Marketing Plan in the amount of $500 was for the funding to print and distribute brochures. The Committee encouraged distributing the funds to organizations that will be bringing people to Prosser from a 50 mile radius or more. Committee Member Cameron felt that the Museum could do fundraisers to raise the money needed for their brochures and that she was going to discuss how to do this with Alys Means. Committee Member Denlea stated the Committee cannot approve a fund requested that doesn’t put heads on beds. It was suggested the Museum needed additional information on the approved uses of LTAC funds. A motion was made by Committee Member Denlea, seconded by Chairman Everett to approve funding to the Benton County Museum and Historical Society in the amount of $200. Motion passed 3 YES, 2 NO (Lamb, Cameron), 0 ABSENT. NEXT MEETING TBD ADJOURNMENT At 9:20 p.m., Committee Chair Everett adjourned the meeting of the Prosser Hotel/Motel Committee as there was no further business to discuss. ________________________________ Council Member Morgan Everett Hotel/Motel Committee Chair _______________________________ Kathya Martinez Parks & Recreation Manager 3 Prosser Rotary Club Application 4 2018 Application for Prosser Lodging Tax Amount of Lodging Tax Requested:$ 5,000 Elft.J Organization/Agency Name: Prosser Rotary Club S£p 27 2011 f'\1...., J OF Federal Tax ID Number: Prosser Rotary Club 45-5333232 /Rotary District 5060 91-1561323 PROS:ifR Event or Activity Name (if applicable): 2018 Rotary District 5060 District Conference Contact Name and Title: Dianne Torres, Co-Chair and Deb Heintz, Co-Chair Mailing Address: PO Box 350 City: Prosser State: WA Zip: 99350 Phone: Email Address: [email protected] or [email protected] Check all service categories that apply to this application: X Tourism Promotion/Marketing X Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists __ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency __ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by non-profit organization __ Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by the City Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: per City of Prosser's guidelines, only non-profit or public (government) agencies are eligible to apply for Lodging Tax funding) X Non-Profit (Attach copy ofcurrent non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretory of State) __ Public Agency CERTIFICATION I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that: • I am proposing a tourism-related service for 2018. If awarded, my organization intends to enter into a Municipal Services Contract with the City; provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming the City as additional insured and in an amount determined by the City; and file for a permit to use City property, if applicable. • The City of Prosser will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a signed Request for Reimbursement form (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation. • My agency will be required to submit a report documenting economic impact results in a format . deter~:th= -C ~ Signature~~-™ 2:> Date: 9-18-2017 Printed or Typed Name: Dianne Torres 5 Supplemental Questions - You may use this form or a separate sheet of paper for answers 1. Describe your tourism-related activity or event. • If an event, list the event name, date(s), and projected overall attendance. • Describe why tourists will travel to Prosser to attend your event/activity/facility. 2. If you received funds in the prior year, you need to have submitted your Final 2017 Report before the New Year funding may begin. 2018 Tourism-Impact Estimate and 2017 Annual Report As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: 2018 2017 Estimate Actual a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility 500 N/A b. Number of people who travel more than 50 miles for your 450 N/A event/activity c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 250 N/A who travel from another country or state d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people 300 N/A who stay overnight in Prosser or the Prosser area e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in 300 N/A PAID accommodations (hotel/motel/bed-breakfast) in Prosser or Prosser area f. Number of paid lodging room nights resulting from your event/ 450 N/A activity/ facility (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday= 75 paid lodging room nights) 3.
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