' " ' HT 4 THE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 18, M 'SJ

were ptaytae lO-BA- scored, and Dalr wss nipped at ihe plate on yetterday ttltmoen The ftaterea the DR. B1CB AND CLIFFORD T. NEW YORK WHIPS BROOKLYN nt aierntn tnd Rare tar and the naitlnc otCrlawtU aad A TRDCE UNTIL MONDAY. t-- B Van's long throw to FarrelL llalleway for the Lttytttta, Tbe seers: ..There was no scoring In IKa eighth, but In DUFFTS PURE The tVesttrn Ckara'ploaa TTI1I Steet I" tka New lork's half of the ninth two runs were roaeeiw. Ufiverre. p,e, np game Murphy a. la. rxi.-i- . a. r. la a. a. Parbrrae Handicap. UP, NOT DOWN. f chalked and the was wen. ptrtnane, a to 1 1 1 1 runaway, 113 3 0 0 0 covxbrt, a anrcix o.ims 1 ron ctvrt and id:.Mnr fitches got his base on balls and reaehed third on two MADertn.Ltt 1 9 n o Warae c, f .. rnit socket The fact that Clifford and Dr. Wee wilt meet norlfr-ri- - t MeiefTerty 1D.0 O l 1 3 Pomeroy, r. 11101 T l nthrr- m to th HAND. beautiful safe bunts by Ward and Van Haltren. 1 0 DK LACT A TEST. y t'.VIiJJ IfJ HI'LIIB MS 1 001 12 o AaltRK tO UAKK at even weights at Oravesend In th Mlm .r lonift To lo thtw Dorle than came to the rescue with a cracker ltarbh.2db o a 3Btrelar,o. ..2 3 mMsWtrt thr 1 a 1 Inferior In tbe nko for on Murphy Ward porle. r f... 0 n o o crlaweii s. 2 8 4 o Tarkway Handicap will he enough to (attract a, I kaiI. to left a base which. and Btrgan, e. O la 2 0 Ret ermat 3H0 O 1 8 O " It tnn. in ethrr. flnntm Hhaite-a- Stafford, Connor, and Dnrke ...." large tt Hon mt eoitwtis.atlr ryUir Ime UaslrlaM ha Eur Mark A Is scored. Then canine, e,... O o o o 1 Firman, lb -- .1 1 10 O o Tke Bapreaaa Court TTItl Decide Vsea the crowd. Arrayed against tbe best raco . in went out In rapid succession. In the last halt o o o n o Sb 1 o o 3 O roT tr.Hr ItrnttvlMK thitt its Hi Tracer, cr wiiitami Ba horses In the will lianquet Dlltten. I d hiI the 2etr ITorUs Cnaaor Tftkaa Or Final of Iho Inning Itusle sent Four? to first on balls. Bntttll,3db o 1 a u 0 Darlington, p.0 0 lottery I.a la taaacetlea Ilk Raetear-- West be ant ! epnlrttr ion Hf Infield outs. p... 110 and Herald, nt wolghts which should make tha Jrom ' hlnc lb xry bent thnt hilt Hg una Doyle Fnl I 111 ricf.-Wu- rd Dave ran over to third on two Flnnntt D1041 Itaey'a I.ateet Hodge A Soeair nl tinnerniy nn riHlnet, Pur on la nt ll Ind banged a safe one over Htafford's head Yegarty,p....o o o o o Totals .10 82815 o raco Interesting from finish. The pub- nny May Ilia filed Tkroag Hea Asslgaaa aad Htejcal Wla startto llnnan fthnr ninrr ir of anr nkbiiIi H& lie Keleaeed from Maeaaeneeat and Urooklrn's captain scored. Corcoran Totals. lic will have a chance to see howgnoda In nil elite In Vnlt4 int?-- . Van soore: f Just the Tna-Riu- lla of Olhtr Gamece. to Haltren. The Ailiolby ball, Oravetead'a Hlaka Breale Xtatei-eta- r of saw rose. stoettvs. Rolhetmal hit hatred horse Clifford It, as the field Is small, and there re. jus. i. rordham . Mlta atanda Wlae t Oeod Race Tke be Russia cniraa.so io 87. OO. HtT defeating the Erooklrns ycstsrday the tile. lt.ro O - 100000000-- 1 should no Interference ot any character. Br Mirrky.as 2 12 3 0 Daly. 2ab..0 t I 2 Lafayette ,03 0 lO Htt New Yorls slipped beck tntofltth place, but wsm. id b 3 3 2 4 ocorcorn. a so o I 1 2 Parse I 4 Ylrtt30033bate by errors Other Racea Oa to Comaaehe, Coaater The distance Is one mile and a sixteenth, and Wnll'lrn.f 1 a 1 0 rrtdwty. LfUO 1 1 l 1 tAfarette, r on Larayatte, Ot Fordbam, Hg a clear tttl to It, as theClncIn- - tl O o 4 o o Mrt btttt Taaor, aad Rosa II. Maep tleekeya Flat d. the friends of both Clifford and Dr. nice ear thtr haren't Port, lb 0 8 7 12 Orlffln. (t, R. rirat bin en belli OR Darlington, fl: of klanott percentage. suiTord. SJ b o o sbtnaie, M b o o n o o 6: off 3 By Darhntton, by that It suits them lust as well as one mile and natle hare the tame Therhnm 1 logtrtr strnek fiut 'l quarter, Hf rnneor.r, I., o oduo8 1 lutna. r I o I o o o Rtnnnlt, 0 Tbrae,baie hw RaaaeiL Two-baa- hlla The trouble between tho Drooklyn Jooksy a speed ovldently being the forte of Hg plon Notions iron a game In Philadelphia. Rsrle 1 o o o o rmit. 1 u H 1 o Murpby, Hallnway. Ractlilce blta Warae, both horses. If w,lb 1 Rltman, Club and 1'eter De Ijtcy la nearlnga culmina- C to drop front rarralL e o 3 " o o Klna t ...a 2 7 o Wllllama Rloltn -- Ddran. Hallaway (M. name, The events, five In filled which caused the Quaker second U O O O p . O O 1 O batet other number, have Hualt. p 2 Kannsdr, 3 131. nlt tion, The proceedings In the case of very first-rat- e p Wlllltmt Wild Ptl.ad resi- well, and should produeo races. HK down to fourth notch. The Baltimore had - - - uiltlb(, linplni-Mall- oy Tlma-t- xo. To'ats 8 .11 110 dent Dwyer, charged with conducting a lot- Old Blrocco will mako his first appearance this the usual "cinch " with the Vfaslilnetons, and 0V27I3 . r"ZTi1 In seventeen B Totals. 4 7 37 8 3 st osotat's ntt. 6i rwin trutir. A. tery at tho Gravesend race track, were re- FOR MEDICIiCUSE tbe third race, nnd some to the Cloeland leaderi. rained 2- -fl 17-- will selling scramble are next It Kswrerk . .. noatnur. K J, Mar flt O.orgVI Hall A. R of sumed yesterday Police Walsh, make the Mt 10000130 I before Justice for exceedingly interesting, H$g Id Pittsburgh, which prevented the same with Ireaklra 0U0U103U 14 Summit played their aecon rame with the Newark In NOFUSEL OIL among Prndruoa-K- w York, ll Brooklyn. 3. Two-baa-e Atadiuiy on tbe grounda t( tbt latter ytsterday and the Adams Street Court, Lawyer Dowers tho starters being tllleon it Daly'a TjOuIitIIU. Thereiultai , Ml-ti- ot btia-l- oU rarrttl. Klnalow Thru baae dcfcatedthim. Thescorsi made a long argument In support of the elalm smart colt by Darebln out ot Saerldea a Iftliren. sioten baaas it. oioaat'i itiiL t. a mum Acinxar. Nothing t present lum lum, that won a race two days aeo. Ho Mnrphr, MarJ. Dfitla. hnrka. Tradwar, (annaity. rirat of the Jockey Club that there was no violation ksana ecleaee at the has been named 1'ooh. following Philadelphia, a belle-o- B.laro.1.. day baa aneb at healthful stimulator Nankl Tho HI'S 8eitoa.ei baa n arrara Vaw York. 2 riraibM eo ir lxinrnkar. 3b.l n 4 o 1 Blgrtnw. 3b ,okliraixu o A 1 of tho law. His contention was no penal upbea Is the progamme In full! Balllmore, 10i Waibtngtss, X Kanaady, Siottcisstrlfbt, 3 e 3 U .11 1 1 U O that ad balll Bt Ruate Struck out Blgalow, 10 8 II. tllll. p Racc-P- or By Kuila, B by 3. L 1 1 u o o taw had boon It was perfectly MEN yirtl two year olda A iwnrilakea of (13 At riltiburg lr Kannadr, llattlut. in 1 Miliar, s s o 1 ii (lerrtarte t. r0 4 violated: that tacb, with Sl.mOauMal, Hm: baaas Nav York. IOt Brooklyn. 7. Tlint--3 boars, f bare, lb o l B o 0 Tllnty. s s .) o 1 2 1 legal to on aad of wnieh IJOOto sscond and 'HANAN & SON.'",, tuiplre-LyBe- &.40Q. bet the race tracks, and that book 910U to third! tour and a balf furlongs. Hjl" ttii nicoitn. b. Attsadanco Callander, n o 8 1 7 o J. ndu tb olo o 1 making 17 c u n.A aw J sotroft, 4t raiUDttreia, 8. lowland. 3b 0 iloddatd. I 1,1 1 o O II had boen legailred. Herkimer . ... 111 Kouthilde it. rrti r Wilkinson, A 2 tl O A 1 2 O 0 aa title aaedlalnal whlekey, Poltroon . .., 115Ill T' '71 "roadway, l Olereland.. in 4 Cincinnati. 0 l fa) May rMttdatobta nullOAdanual f He quoted length from of ureal hteh le us Htrn.ia C UlOrCfl 4,' ,'0J IS 7 .H,CHI BreoBUn ID 13 .451 lbs (I Millar f, f 1 il O O o Rarer. 1 S I O at declstons the tha nalr pure Maker npsa the market. Fir J , . tin Monotony .. .. 113 jjja yBton Btrttt, Brooklyn. ' pilllrnnri... and Boaton aarlaa. whteh ware aebadolad for 'Tb L lb..o w tinn Mm rutttiargR f ,enl St. beola. .. H ,.in Raymond, fU J 1 0 0 alitor, e . o tl il u o courts on tho subject, and closed by asserting It la areelal ealnabla Ikla ttntoa rflha kly Danct colt 118 ..it Cblcego . , n it ID lloh." butwblab wareiranararrad tolhla city baeanae Young, f -- 0 0 0 O O rear far eonnleraeilna had fotrla, yor Ntw raiiadlph1a.ta 8 II .3 waa pUyad c liann I I ai-- r Imaura Paeond Rare maiden a swetp-alatat- Potion. lltrta, H ,U H .81(1 eftaonreat lbs formar plate, thlaartar .014)27 11 4 that the case had Inallliltod hr la watar, Maria, nnd aamnaer complttnte. n I Petteo. .. ..IS 8 UuliTllle 13 noon, 4.&00. Tbe Totals ur, aai-- with SI ooi) a Pled, or wblcb hlladelphls, HuBele. H, 11 ,ln Weiningteru a 21 133 and tb tbamplons won. Attandaaee Totals ..3 4:S12 3 out of revengeful Lawyor V. It tan ba obtained t,r all reliable ttrtte. f200 IirflrJCIl ( Ifrw fork. ..11 .600 seoret motives. Oeorge and rnrt toaecondand $100 to Ihlrdt one mile. Stores i.reland. rhictge, sosroir. argued rlteta grotara, alt aboiilrt Hllwaalta, Sb I'tuL XKW TOPJT. Oi nnooKM.v, 4. raiunsLrnia. tfilgelow hit by butted ball twice. Elliott on the other side, and It was upon bawlna TILTFl'H and not ha Peipot ISHFarpho. 107 PL 1 O 1 n O O--fl perentdrd 10 any Illus- liutrb Hilar 112 alar Actraat , ..107 I (1 O o b. aUroia8 (Itorgt i Hall 3 2 0 finally agreed between counsel a plan inks olhrr. Head for ., llamlllon.e.r.3miMii3 Love. 3d 0 o- that ttaatpklet, Leonrllit ...... llJiJertey Utile 107 The shake up has come. Managsr Ward has 1 n o s . 11131 3 M o Xewark Academy -3 trated f Botk. laib .0 Olxnr.s 01O0O030 ahould bo adopted to have questions In- WII1-.KK- Iroiitidii . IN Lady Adatui. 107 Two-bst- e the T decided to shtlt his men around. In deference Ptlabanly.rr.1 a 1 o u IiuBr. c f . O 8 O O o Parneil runs-- 8t Oeorge 2 bill Cbace, DVrrt'n MAI.T CO., nauer liiggt 112) HJf O O o Hcrartbr.L f.0 1 4 o o Deorge. C Academy, :t volved brought as soon as possible Wheeler, Tnrnar If 4 0 Loneaktr. Stolen bttci at before the KOCIIETKK. IS. T. Third Pace A htavy A to the wishes ol Director and the llallman Jdb.0 1 a 1 1 Naah.SdH 2 3 3 2 0 Double play Newark Academy. Bales on ballt Cal- Supremo handicap iwaepttakeifor all 3KCUKE0 Hi b. o o (MIL (Alt. by Court After taking some formal agaa. SIB ttcb. with Jl.uro added, ot which DRAKE CASTLE resalt will be watched with Interest. In view Croat. 8d b., 0 0 4 8 o (lamal. lit oil u lander. struck oat lly Ct by Otrbart, li to runonga tooto HJ'i rimania,e. .o 1 1 o O Btanen. r 0 1 3 O o Calltudtr. 13. lime Two hours. testimony Justice Walsh said he would Issue figure In horse racing.. ateond and $100 thtrdi aix work of New In p O 1 O . t These were Edward of the disastrous the Yorls Carter, ... 0 0 Rjan. e ... 0 o 3 o 0 three-year-o- ld Blrocco 122 Apporaattov 109 New Iloato Ike Hnbarbaa Rldlaaj HJ 11 R an order holding President Dwyer for the Kelly's filly Kentlgerna. easily As the of Philadelphia. It Is reasonable to bellete that Allan. ..0 0 0 8 OMIebola.p lartaTisiaa, oixusdi, best of age Mck ,, 11" Torcbbaartr 10) Clrtb, HJ .00041 Tbe OaktandiTiilttd rordham ytaterday and played action of the Grand Jury, the under- the her and ssx seen hereabouts llammla no raclotum. ..100 aad Tlrlrtaa strong . ..."a "7 B T last rear.and Doyle ,t Miss Maude, Ward has bad some prettr adlce Tolate 34 1 Tetata.... .1 "villS an tntertettnggam wnh tbeliirlnclblas. Theftatiirta Llttlefleld's ntrubtrg Ion Itldlngand Drlr-in- g HJf standing being that he should bo brought be. a smashing 181)2, llace-l'ark- three-yaa- Member! ot tho Suburban poured Into bis ear the powers that be. and rhlltdalphla 0- -8 were tbe work of Vrirurertar, llackett, and llarea ror In but a dis- fourth Handicap, for f olds HJ br notion .... 1O30000O 4 Ihe Inrlnclblaaaud the plar Ingot Mamlckand Uaydin foro the Grand Jury on habeas corpus pro appointment In 18UJ because of rheumatism. and upward, IK) each with SI iu) added. r which Club are looking forward to a season ot hereafter ho Intends to listen to the sen for oaklanJa. Tbe score Hlmma $.00 to itcond and $100 to third, one milt aad HJ that yarned rnna rblladalphle.oliuioul3i Boaton. A. Laft on tbe ceedlngs, and that, pending the deolslon of had the mount on Kentlgerna, whllo asla groat enjoyment and prosperity. Aftermath 3 1 -11 waa upon ttantb. tlemen whoaro putting up thomoner for the btaaa Phlmdalplila. 4: notion a rirst bete on balla InrinelMes 10 Hamilton the mare from Kntontown. , securing HJi (Id Nlctiols Mruck out lly .Mfholt. I. Uaklands 1110II 1- -8 the court, no more warrants shouldbo applied Thousands of dollars were on Dr. Rice i:3irilflor1 132 aggravating delay In a aultaMe Ward, making changes In lloO tartar, a A1U bet them, but lltn-inat- ,. HJ1' clttb. Dut before Tbrte heat blta Htllman Leert Twt bate 1013H. Krrort-t- n. Derfargllla Mary Ktone 117 liutitn ,.,.100 they length happy In Dalahenlr. Paae JH Otklanda, for or Issued, and that tho other cases at and were not permitted Htrald . , pm headquarters are at tht the team, should use some sense. To bua Naaa a. Uoffj. rerrmee bit Boyle. Doable rlncibltt IS, litkltmlt. a llatttrltt Barry.Callan, and to run unbacked by the general public. Tho Castle, HJi roaa and Bovltt tltllman. Allen, and BOflet llayet; W ainlek, Jaekion, and llaydta Gravrsend should be held In abeyance. Jus. Pltth Rart-F- or twoytaralda, a tailing awetpitakes possession of the Drake rlcturesiuelr lar off a plarer like Itoger Connor Is tlers, Lour, GanstL Lmpire Time 1:33, dlatance was considered a trifle too far for I.ijuo HJI and Hurst tlce Walsh's order will not be ontered until that speody mare Annie Dlshop, whon of f l&aach, with f added, of wblcb $200 10 situated at the Junotlon ot Klngsbridge road serious step, and one should be BiLriMORB. 3. roBpntn'li 7t Maeiitttta'P, 0. nnd she third; nre mtlongs HJit a that 0i WAaaliturot. this attornoon, and the case will probably not went away In front at the stnrt she was confi- and 217th street. taken onlr after careful consideration. The Mar 17 Htwka made bit dabut la the Tht Manhattan Colltge fretbnitn vlalttd rordham dently expected come Canttrbnry.. .. 110irar.taln.liek,. pa HJf boxBiirintr. field to altarnnen anl were defeated by the reach the Supremo to back again before the lOM.Pondo . ,,,,., pri The building Is the' same handsome fabrlo and the Manttert down thrae blta. Jttterdar Court before Monday or end of the mile. three-quarte- banklloou plea that the big fellow has cot been batting The wool I baan out for fnrobltt froihtnen Tbe featurta uf the game ware After of a mlio Tbt t'oon M lOHliotath . tut HJ visitors baea shut bat battery work Barry llayea for tordham, Tuesday. had been run Hontlgernacloserlon - which was formerly known as Beamen Castle, seriously. In twontr-tw- o by RriMioand Heuraw In Ibe tlxtb lonlnt Alttnd the of and tho Callor- Herkimer loTnttn . . . . m eannot be mado the McDonald J Mcijuald tor Tbe d , HJ. anct, 1.B00 Tbsaeorei and and tbe .Mtubttltut. Down at the village of Chief Jila-bre- mareand led Into atretch, followed by Tamtrlane .,,, 103'flraenland ... uii It stands In elegantly appointed grounds, played to scorn Oravesend Aala . . HJ) iramea date Connor has mads wianiffflTOK. and Miss Maude. A hundred ynrds lun Rerumallon gelding PS aiLTiaota 3- Steward John Judges Second 10.1 1 comprising twsnty.slz acros. The site is a twenty-fo- ur ,... O O O fl O 1 O 1 -7 Hunter and the of the from Kentlgerna Attempt adr fraucea , pa hits, and has but throe errors rordbam'7 home seomed to be winning, 11 r HJ .laroa.r.7 1 1 1 Manbattan'u7 -.- o o 1 tl O 8 o 0- -0 Jockey Club appeared trance 103 haralioe vs high bluff, oommandlng a view of the eur against In Itedford. r.f.,.0 O n Xcoraw Idb.3ilirano 'J ...3 before Judgo Voorheos, but Hamilton, timing his rush to perfection, 100 HJ his same the records. He has Jerre, .id h. 1 Heeler, r I 0 3 3 l O Btte hltt Pordbam '1)7. R: Manhattan 'H7. 7. Errors brought Maude up rally Ftntlnt rounding country In 10 10 They were remanded until Monday next. Ulsa with a that could Race-T- or for miles either direct drlren In nearly as many runs as any plarer on Ward 3d b . o o o 6 1 Rrodie. . f .. o 3 8 o 1 rnrdheiu, 'P?. ft. Vanbtitta W7. 7 Batteries Berry not be denied, running Sltth three year otdt and npward A HJr o b.1 G K. nnd. stride for stride tiling SI OOO lion. The castle contains thirty rooms, which Bulllrtn. s, S..0 Brth'ra. lit and Hayes; McDonald and J. Mcgaald. Steward J. Lawrence, who was not at tho three-year-ol- d iwtap.akaaor$IA etch with added, of the team, and stands close to Murphy and . 1 O000a 1 I. 1700 with the to the finish, the brown which $100 to HJr Tabaan..r. o Kallay. t 13 4 0 0 on Wednesday, tor won $:uu totteond and third. One mile a are being thoroughly renovated. In Wewotthe Ward In the batting averages. In view of the Abbty. I f Bonntr 2d b.3 BBOWX. 28: TBItlTT. 1. track and whom a warrant mare a splendid racn by n hend Derfar- nxtitnth. formal opening, which will take place in about .031O011 gllla Nobody HJ Pwrlalr e .. 3 3 o Jtnnln.a J 318103 2 0 May 17. Brown no defeat- had been Issued, was also notified to appear was a close third. begrudgos the longPeai-- Chief . days, Tlio stabling, already whole, O 1 O O O II O PrnrifBirr. bad trouble llo Juttlce 101 ten extensive, Is HJ fact that the team, as a has not been Cart rlllil, lb H Roblnaon. c. 1 4 ing Ihle Tbe rial lad poorly success of Doyle A I.lttlefleld.ns they had llauiinla 107lileorge ileck O Trlnltr afternoon vialtura on Monday. Do Lacy, in might hae ni being Increased by the addition of fifty bos batting, and that there are other plarers who Petty, p.. OOOOO Uawke. p 1 1 O 1 and could not bet Brtdy Brnwn played three tubtth order that he more than their share of bad luck with Rluebloo I Itw tMltncr . , Hi recelring HJV " In to leave no stone loung Arlon staila. The lawns aro also attention, regular places on "33I10 1 13 2"? "3 Intaa order let tbe regular man res: lor tbo llai unturned to harrass the Jockey Miss Maude. She was beaton for tho loti Countrt bd they promise to become popular HJi have the nlno and ore not Totala. Totatt ..10 ard game. Tbetcore Club, Matron Makes two years old by Captain T 10S and a resort - Weablnston. 1 had one of his msn. Patrick Coleman, ac- when a for tennis players. HJ p hitting the ball. It appears to Impartial obserr- 0 0 Brnwn 10 1 H 1 3 r, 1- -28 short neck were l.'O.IJOO Baltimore 000 3000 -- 10 companied by a wltnoss. enter the grounds of when there st stake, The extensive enclosure affords ample HJfa er to be an unjust as well as unnecessary 10101430 Trinity l and last year, when sho seemed to have TUB for the production of vegetables, eggs, Earned 3 yirst btie by errors ouuuoiu the Jockey Club. and. standing on the box of a t.10.000 or $40,WHJ worth of stakes at PICK AT LOUISVILLE START. novo to take Connor off the team. Weihintton 2; Baltimore 2 trton baaaa naahinr-Iod- . iMniRrr, 8. wrsLRrtv, 7 her and milk in sufficient quantities to render the HJs X. friendly mercy, she went wrong. Thcra is no mora Btlll. Ward planned to put Connor on the 7i Balllmora nratbate on balla Oil llewte. Aanxatr. May 17 Amhrrtt dafetud Wctltyan to- bookmaker, handle two or three bets. popular I.oaay Ctnjtoa T.ea to chef Independent ot market roaources. Tha HJ ni nil rettr, n Mruok out Hy llawke, 4i br I'etty, 2. day br bard batting Hatcher played a game for A man In racing than Edward Kelly, Trlee Klac tha llouso Committee will nave an experimental Three-baa- a Two-bet- e iter warrant had boen prepared beforehand for tot HJ bench yesterday, playing Doyle on first base. bit JtnnlDfa. nils Broutbers. Ambtrtt making twit double pure untnlited. and owner of Kentlgerna and the took his defeat rronl but Falla by a I.enEtli. lunch there on Sunday and satisfy themselrea Keller, t'artwrltht. and Abbey Hacrldre blta Brodle knocking a bume run. The work la tbe box wai not Coloman's arrest, and ho returnod to the right manfully. He has a good filly, and ono t HJ& It was his Intention, howsvor, to keep Tlernan btaas-HeOr- etr I)UJSviLi.r. May 17. Twenty-Uv- o that the merits of the local product havo not aud Keoltr. Stolen Brodla, Jannlnts. rarr good for either train. Thegauiewai playtd vary Oravesend Town Hall and gavo himself that will take a heap of beating In tho big hundred exaggerated. In right field, as tho Drooklyn score card Indl- - Kel.tr. and Bonnar. Double pier Ward Radford, and lootejy by Ambcrit Tbeicorei Into for age sex The poraons were at Churchill Downs after- been HJ' r Cartwtlabt. Hit by plifbar By llawke, J. niidpltcb custody. Of course he will plead guilty, Cole- stakes her and tills senson. this Tbe requisite appetites are always to ba cated, but as Mike was called home by the Patty. Patted balf Usfdtle. lmpire Time, Wealeyan. O O 2 0 0 A 0 0 07 Dlemton btnble's Knchantress. a lovoly daugh- noon whon tho saddling bell rang for the charming Rt, HJ Sltft Atnhirit . 0--8 man was one of De Lacy's mon Longfellow.outlunki first counted on after the drive br alckness of his boy. Ward saw no alternative 2 la 212 12000 and swore out ter of anything of nor ae Nicholas: Klngsbridge road, a dis- HJi t, raco. The weathor was cool and bright and avonueand to place In place. Bate hltt Ambtrtt 13! Wttliyen. 8. Errors most of the complaints In the war which was that has apr eared In public this ) oar, although tance of Mm than Connor Tlernan'e 0; Wtiltyan. 3. she did not show prominently In the race. tbe sport was first class. Summaries.-- about 'even and a hnlt miles from the , In playing the men this way Ward showed aatam lWagae Oseita raged so bitterly against tho Kew Jersey race l'laza Hotel. The entrance to the srounda Is I poor judgment. '1 he least he could have done rxioit. 21j riiTBBsrrrorxnciixmB, 2. For the handicap at one mile and n furlong lint tig furlonga Domlnro, 104 through a clatsle marbl arch. adiolnlng whlcti at stacniito. RocnatTBu. May 17 Union won game tracks a couplo of years ago. Comancho waa made the favorite, and publlo ll'erklnal. 2 to & won. Sllnroek, 1U7 IT Martin), 10 lo was to keen Connor on first base and piny her ateond tn I Is the keeper's lodge Tbe castle Itselr Is also HI aiaOBABTTOY. tbe .Saw York Intercollegiate League oonfldencewaa not misplaced, the 1. lectin t'ora Taylor, loo ifborpt 4 to 1, third. Doyle In right. As It was. Itoeer wis clearly iraiaonatov state from Tbsro does not seem to be any great amount Time lion. Ron Moore, and Prince hlnney of whlto marble and forms one of tho most outof his sphere, for ho wss stow ou ground t.lt.ro.i.1. alaro.A,a. Rochaater Tbeioort: of approhenslon defeating Dlitzen in liM alter a vorr prott aim ranitiu'i striking landmarks In HsL uore. e. f 1 0 0 Shannon, a s 8 3 7 1 Union on the part of racing men or race through the district K hits and got under files with dlfllculty. Doyle, I ytie. 18 1 3d b i 31 the atretch. btcond Race Belling: four furlongt Pltncbe Kin-nt- Tho membership of new organization Lt.,.,.1 ISO Lrnen. Socbtilar anai 1007. the Joctoy Club as to the Col. ltupport'a Counter Tenor, said by many rr won the It on the other hand, whllo batting hard, was rrltL r f. 3 4 8 0 0 bte b.1 tAr to102301 4 o O 100O001OO2 ultimate outcome of lu.' tkuhn). lo I, tlltnone lot (Tborpei, growing steadily to most satisfactory propor- M' very fielding, 1 It K 1 Boltanna, e At MIDDLBTOW. perseoutlon tn be even faster than that other great colt In .' lo 1 ncond. Irkiome, ihi (Perkmei. 3 to A third. Mv. amateurish In his and was guilty Meck.3db. ..1 the which Is now being waged , tions. Until the mark la passed, of In fifth Inning Raymond. 3b O 2 OBuraa.zdb (000000 1 0 o the same stable. Gotham hy Iroquois, was a Time or.l Harriett II pride of Montroee. tanlty. MVk, a bad error the that allowed 10 11 Atrium. f lr. against sport, Myrtle bwttt-batr- the Initiation foe will remain 125 and the an rowers, lit 1 11 0 .vd.tu.rt Alto Willi 20008330 the and a favorable doclslon Is tremendous favorite for the llfth raco. Ho II. Btlur. and La Mtllncht alto rtn. t jic Drooklyn to tie the score. bl O O 0111 tut. 3 left at pott. nualduesS'JfJ. Doyle Powte. c ... 0 O 3 0 Lahenr. lit b o 8 O 1 0001OO1O0 confidently looked for by them from Su- behaved like a perfect devil at the post, kick- tht Mw must also be censured for a piece of Palaney. p 1 o 2 0 1 1 Bait bits Asylum. 17t Waldtna C Errors Atylom. the Third Idea Sailing; twetpitaket: one mile. Ida ...o .... 8 o o n. . preme ing and laahlng and running backward, Pickwick, (It HJL "dirty" ball playing that disgusted all lovers Lanj. 1.1... . 1 o 1 J Ojheate. p...... o 0 0 Waldtnt. Baltarltt Lbtsbore aad Mcuraary, Court De Lacy's lawyers claim to be 112 Mllllamti. eren. won, King Lee. 10 Yale Loses at Charaptoa 8prlater. of clean sport and fair play. In the third In. 10 Ttart and Ttars. the startfor some time. Ho broke from (( Inr torn. 11 ton. ttcond, uatcon, 117 (Irving), H to l. I "3 equally confident that the decision will In spread-eaglin- g 1 11. 1 ll.p- M'i Bins, when Doyle tried to steal second. Klnsloiy Total 'BIO 'To 72 "l Totals. "I 27 11 15 av BOiDOtrr. be behind at Dagfalt aud. his third Tuna. 42. J 1. Jimharti. tml - New Havkv. May 17. Tha Yale track Albany 18 thslr favor. De Lacy was In the competitors, won In a gallon. Mlrace waa alto rtn MaK threw down to Daly so accurately that Doyle tRhtnnou dtelartd oat OOOBOlOa court. room Race Ptl'lngt C furlongt Addle athletlo team ot strongest I was apparently out. Klngaton 8 o O 0 1 3 O O yesterday second and Harris third rourlti Rucbaoan, has lort one Ita dead The ninxbarnton .. ... 617 at Oravesend morning and produc- lot iThorpei. nto 1, won. Myrtle lo.' (Irving), 4 to 1, 31. , Mew Vorker, howover. deliberately jumped Nprlngfltld 00313800 08 At Willlameport Cuban Oltntt. 0. Dimortst ft The last race, at six furlongs, was eccondi Pi (Kiihni. IS to 1. members, William Illchnrds. Last summer Mk-- L'tlca-Mur- ray seemed to bo Tory much He third. Time. Daly, kicking latter In 101O1O1O 04 At II UU, 8. Ltlca. u. excited. tive of some heavy betting boforo tho start, 14i4 lllaik Tiger and laJdygnlnn ran he ono f Into the the stomach Farntd rant Blnehamton. 4: Springfield. 2. Flral said to a friend of the Jockey Club, while foul alto wrenched of the tendons of his knee, and causing him to drop the ball. baaeon ba.lt Oft Pilsner, li on Ketta 7. denouncing and no end of riding during tho raco. Fifth luce one mile, hantltgo. 10H (t an Hsurtn). R mk- Hraek out them, that he would like to be put Iloey, Cactus lloea 11., Gold to 1, woni Tbe ion ohorpei n to 5, and this spring ho has done little work, hoping If- Aeeordlngto what a moneyed dlreotorsald Br Ktefe. 2 Three bate blta Meek. Shannon. To-4a- Dollar. Tom lecond. Daaaball Oaatea r. In a room with the entire organization, race Tough, strongly The king Kir. (PerBlnek 10 to I, third. Time, 1 43. tn elTeot a euro by rest. During the yesterday. Ward's careor as manager of the ibeaben Leahr. iiore powart. htoltn betas track offlctals all, and others were played, and or parknaaa games MixV-- trleU Liny pllcu Umpire Mr. and with a can of dynamite II. rattling Prince and eellka ali.i ran last baturdar. however, he Mew York team Is drawing to a close. nd katre. belt, winoiil txicca ixn taiaicta tho race went to ltosa alter a good Ilace-- MIl Mi The club nay. Time Two hours. Attendance iiaooinea. In his possession. He would make short work bpoculatlon Plttb rurlongt Lncaita, 1.3 (Ptrktni). f to again wrenched n tendon, and now Trainer L ofQclals are said to believe that Ward should l.ou. Ntw York Brooklrn. at tbt Polo amende. of all. Many persons contest Addle was second, nnd 1, won by a bead tttnton. 1UH (A Clarion) tl to 1, AT ti I them bellee that De Armltage Murphy states that Itlcharda will be Incapaci- MlW devote bis entire time to playing ball and cap-Mt- lt wiLasasiasa. Philadelphia notion, at hlladtlphla. third. and acabond were badly trcond. Jim Dunn 113 (Lbamb-r- a 10 to 1 third. rt Lacy has. through brooding over fancied 1 tated for active work for years, talntng the team, and management WILkXtSARSB. raoTiDtire. atblngtonra. Baltimore at WaahlngtoD. knocked about on the backstretch. Gold Dol- Time. 17 beiuptr Lex. Iieiiio Pi, Miss 1., larads. ltloharda was that the l.outera Cincinnati at St. lxiala wrongs, become a monomaniac on the su bject being Alto June, Footrunntr, Cyclone alsu last year's Interonlleglate champion In the 1U0 M should rest In the hands of some one else. Ao-t- E a.lB.ro.A.a a.la.ro.A.a, lar thechlof offender. and ran. . 1 1 Pittaburgb at rittiborgh. of race horses and racing. At any rate, nnd 220 yard dashes. cording d llaaa.r t front, e f 0 4 o ra Loulirllle. there Defote the races began tho stewards had the to the director, un- - 21200 1 will be no more lessachango In the work or 2db.....l 3 2 11 ftltlt. r f O S 1 1 xmrxax Litccr. trouble at Oravesend until the jockeys before them, and read thorn the riot Mtcrplrehna-- . f thetramtakea Knlebt, tr 12 O kogerOtt b 0 0 7 u 1 Blngbamton case Is decided for or against the Jockey Club. l'lrcait.llr'e h 10 re. Prnridtnee, at Btnghamton. act about mlsbohavlor the post ": place within the next few weeks, the Exeou-- Muttt. lit b 1 111 O O Conner, a .1 2 2 & O The programme for Oravesend yesterday their at It did May Smooth NalllDB for Denver TVheelraen. Uve ol . 3 1 O Buffalo Tror. at Buffalo not seem to do any good, as they St. Louis. 17. The rain this morning Committee the club will assume charge Bttta. c f J 2 Btatatt. II 8 ti BprlngOald, was unusually promising, and those who behated Dtnrss, 17.--The Denrsrbycllsts Union Werner, o 1 2 4 o o Mrleker, MM2 1 o 14 Uiiktabtrrt ra at WlUssbarra. went badly tn third nnd fourth y. how-evo- r. Mar will be IK of the team and will control Ward's handling .. Uu a l i Erie Hyiacoia, at fcrla to the track expecting to see some tho racea. and lines made the track hea The attendance, It' of the men. (lillrn. 3d b... u 13 3 o Murrey. L t. .2 3 2 o 1 tb. rattling were reaortod to. McDonnott waa lined $00 In properly Incorporattd, since tbe two rival clobs hare . 1 U 1 CITRBB OtlfBa, sport rt ere not disappointed. The Meaara. was very fair. Tho feature of tbe j.y- It was the opening came between Kew York Mel!ahon,a.l 10 8 4 0 lllion c 3 o Sood the third race and llrooka t'.'O in tho dar up their dlffereneea Plans bare beea made Campntld. p 1 2 o 0 o tuillTtn. p,.,.o 2 o 1 o Genera-Io- showed a phenomenal Ally In JItdlenle. steeplechase. fetched J and Brooklyn, and though Cnion rt. Hobart, at third race. In the fourth race MoDermolt, was the Argenta, the favorite, Decoration Day road races, but oaemaybe) the weather was ? winner of the Makes, called j I'lim Mnrrtr Hills, at Fort Plain. Ainaron after getting Daliard. Hamilton. Lamly, Harrla, 1 ox, Dono-hu- e. 11 5, oft. threatening an enthusiastic crowd, numbering Totala Totals . ."Eioiin-- ti 1 at to finished unplaced. Piccadilly, ioisilill Williams ra Oartmoutb, at lUlamstown, away badly and being Interfered with two or Doggett, Llttlefleld, Simms, IL Doggett. attlto Ig! p.attA persons, went to l'ark. to see the , 1 10 Keone 1, winning handily by length wnkraberre.. three times, white the Messrs. captured -- a and a half. K battle. New Yorks won, they O O O 1 O O three-year-ol- Martin. Taral, and Orlflln were each fined T'. V Ihe hut had I'rurldtnct 00014004o 2 3 6 the Prnakness (Stakes for wltn A'.icmj Summaries: jgportgman'n 5ootTs. Si more than their share of luck. Hut for an un- - Parneil runt wuktabarre. 3; Ilneekall .Notea. Assignee, Tho current lasue of tho Cnlmdar Proridtnce. 4. lint their handsome colt tbe son of shows that Mr James It. Keene Is a partner First Kaci-S- U furlonga Ohio Belle. 100 t Smith), V fortunate accident to Kennedy In the sixth btteby errore nilketberre, 0 Providence 1. Lett on Oeorge may rejoin Ibe New Terks Spendthrift putting up 122 pounds run- Lu Inning, when spilt Vt 1, Th Darit and with hlstralner. William In the own- even, woni Cartla, 112 Ratter), 10 to 1, ft he bis pitching band while betaa likaabarrt. Prorldanct. lrttbeteeu ning one mile and n sixteenth In lakeland. I'arquttti HA (Catiiu) 13 to I. itcond: jf) oatehlng a foul ny from Ilusle'a bat. Ward's belll-- na bulllTtn. 2 Struck out By (emptlill. 1. .C. Cnrlla Ollbarl UatHald lie played In Brook- ership of the brown filly by Dnrebln. out of third. Timt 1H7U ( lyn laat year. year aalgnee came to his best form Two o clock, Bradahaw. Ulberntt, uuain. Lady Koat, men might come away lleta. Tbrae baae blta Bttit, tmpnald. Iat Ouenn. that was bought fioru Alfred Lakeland -- ft not have victorious. Up Antoinette It . Ntw Dance. Hatlnal. -- County. Plxon Twobate hltt Lampflald. W. II. Bogtrt They late In the fall and won two races at Morris Inr a Inner laat fftll. ' and inllmih. i.n to that point they had made but Ave hits, ard Lakt. uilltn. play under Leajue rnlea. which rjromlaa of nun ran. ' Sacrtrco bit Rolgbt ltolan but Cooney. lloubie require the long pitching dlaiance. l'ark. clvinc a learr hiirh ..int. Leon who many hcoond Race Kelllng. one mile p both of their runs had been due to errors by Lake. I'mplre three-year-ol- Medeker. left sorrowing Deceit. 03 (Ham). cointj lonttaiitedi, Htttt and IT, M.i-- t He was a trifle small 8 1, won; KM (J Hill), 1 Corcoran. Hut when Uastrlght took hennedy'e Burt Tlme- -1 JO. AlUuJtui.a-i.Si- u. Jattaflarthe rttce afartad amen ,n l.a, Inquirers at the raco track on luesday when to Had Lap. a to itcond Ar- M& saata an then, but Is now developed Into a most O, 103 tMiiibri, ir, to 1 Time, Sv Place the Harlemltea secured enough bases on bad epileptlo nt and wai carrltd oat on a he decamped with the money of a num- thur third litSM. balls to pile up at scrrtLO. atrttcber taking colt, with plenty of length and sub- ber of persons, has not as yet put In Bnrn ktntucky J.tiijr. lomZtndtr. lckpnn. Htnry 1 and hits their tntal to six runs. I an Jenklna, Con Ktnny, Long &j, statcctt. terrttA. Potr..H txrrair. May 17 Tbe Amaterdam ball team de- stance. There were fourteen starters for the appearance, and he scarcely will up kttchum. iiimors. and lta There were two Instances where Urooklrn's Pougbkaapalaa Preakness Makes, and on form turn alio rtn aln.rat.Bl feated Ibe hare to dar bj a acore of 8 to the shown In faco Severn! t. hard luck stood out In bold relief. In the third Etean. 1 .1 8 1 o,()llbtrt. 3d b. xkraii.1 1 o 7. to the music. mot with tickets Third Htct One mile and Prince Ub l l Two thoutaad people wltneaaed the game. 1WH the race lay between Assignee and the 1 Inning, with a man on first base. Dalr drove llenrtbtn 8 O ft llfilaerna, lat b 1 O li on Dr. Dice saw Manager Lgan of the lettlnc Carl P7 litem .1 lo I. won itltelJeurge loiltMaber. !t a 0 0 Clerman will probably y Kentucky colt Potentate. They were ? tremendous flythat looked coort for two Minnabta ailr.ro o 1 u n.orirltn, ( 2 1 ti o pitch for New York the ring and they will undoubtedly get ryL h to 1. teinnd, Archbtetiop, lio (Corbleri. d to L bases. c t with Farrell oa third bate. Panb mar pitch Brook- favorites when the betting began, but a tnelr Time Wadgelleld ran Itwent so high that the strong breezo litti. Itlb o o li o I Hrauby, r r...3 4 1 o 0 game for money. Summaries follow tulnl aiWH alio HiY from lionv.r. i r . o o 2 o I r .. 2 2 1 lyn The wlU be played at tbe Polo grouudi plunge waa made on Doyle .t Llttlefleld'a tuurtb Race one mile and a quarter. u? Jamaloa Bay blew It around Into the right field Oiroiiiat. 00 (M ttakb c r 2 1 O Smith. 3d b 1 3 4 A O There are at laaat four rlube that would like to bare Hlelght of Hand, and the odds against the the hurt men. I'lcctdllli. 134 l.rnihk lltol. aon: branomy 120 t seats. The ball struck 121 three-year-o- n to afoot outside the foul McDonald. Sb o 3 1 Jonnatn.s. 0 Roger Connor, nt Louie Lnularllle. Philadelphia, urookdale bred id came tumbling ror roaras three yttrt old and upward! a iwtep, (Glnrtr) I, second, huabranger. 130 Hater). 4 to line, of course Daly R 1 i 12 13 VI and 'fr and had to come bak. Mlton. c .. 1 o O Mthoner. p. ,1 1 3 o o tlblsgton would Jump at tbe cbanct to gat htm, from 1'U tolto4)a to 1 the post. Sir Knight, itaktiotllfi tacb wun SI 000 ad lad, or wblcb duo 1. third. Tune 2 .u Rereattr and Argenta alio ran Ae,Jn- - tlle inning. p .. A 1 0 1 Boyd, o at 100 to third, one mile a lilamnnd Dick want wrong and Senator U6 'n eeventh with bbarrott 0 0 Soc-t- Obi0'. May 17. Tbt of Rtton Col. whoae race on tbe openlog day was cred- totteond and f and iiitttutu. tbrtw bit st, three runs needed to tie New .10 11 lege tltrtl Hall most Porle a I ld t br to. Mlaa Maude, 4, by Duke ur Jockar at tbe pftb jumji. York's dafaalad the lor Ibam Collage baaabtll MoDtroae-Mltallal- Race-- . two Tolall ... .TtiissT 11 J Totals . .1318 21 T nlno trill itable, was the most strosgly fancied of the lle. llrillamlltoui , 1 Iiftn Purtt air and a balf furlongs. Sound-mor- e lf soore. nnd ."Ith men on bancs. 7 afttrnoon by ihe tcore of 18 to 10. Both ttama did Mr. ltowe iC Mcliontldi. 1 to on O O 1 others. made a capital start after klttluon titbit c&. f htongtrna. .1. IUB(Mmicij ... 3 lot 2. Johnny Hard- H$? l).lr smashed the ball far into right Srreeoie 3 0 0 8 0 good work with the bat K. ing to 1 v u-- he had b,een worrlml considerably tho post a Smltb t ch. ra Perfargiiia. 5. (Tarai) Hjnn). is ttcoud, t inirner). field. Two runs came In Daly at-U- V Uutieio .... o v a o o ia Cmicigo. at lis J 10li. 1 la. ;, and l May 17 Tbe Chicago bastball team arrlrtd by the lockeys. who were trying to Melody. Annie Uiabop 1 leuicuilua, Mary btonc, tola, 4 tu 1, third Time :3i Jer.ay, lonductor tempted to make a circuit of the bases. an Eernad runs Rrrtcott. . Buffelo. 7 Left on In town They take a . and open a outdo and Encbantrtti alto ran Roy Lochlel, Janice, Ftgln, and o. I each other In deviltry, and peralatently re- lint AT Haltren made a desperate throw toward bttti syrteutt A, Uullatj. 7 rirtl bait on Latla Uriel with tbe Cterelanda haturdRy. The game that Time, 1 !.(. all i rati (in 4 Hy hbtr-ro- waaicbidulidforto-da- r bun-Ha- fused to get Into line, although 1 Selling (Pta Fit the plate. Itusle would have Intercept-i- $ Hbtrrait oRMabontr.it. Struck out bts btan traniitrrtd to under Otitlng Tbret to Mm Maude, .Itfto 1 Kenllgtrna. Mtili Race one mile. Rociuefort. 09 lan-el- l 1. br Mahoaer 1. dome run rillbart. Thrat-bta- t the very eyes of the stewards. Assignee, a to 1 prrfargllla. fl to 1 Mary tu 1 llllll. 4 to 1 won Pioneer. IM (J Dounatlr). & to ttc- ..'! ll not told him to let It come. Two-ba- hlone lo Annie l. n.d came bounding along bit Urauur. bill HtlcU Hmllb. a Potentate and Ed. Kearney were in the front Plabop 1.'. 10 1 Malodr.3010 I Iola,cutol Cltuitutina, ond. Jot I'uurtntr lOa W Feenay). 8 to 1, third. The ball over the crass Haermre bit tatrna htolan baiea 100 tu 1 Kuebantreti Time. 1 trt( Sir Walttr Raitiib, Larghslta, Barefoot. and bounced Into (Ai. Partn. Tbls What Waa In tht. rank at theatart, and so hot did they set tbe fi arrell'a hands In the erv lltnraban UrlRin. Doable plert hmitb end It Wind. pace that none of the others could live Kott llowerd. and Uauio alto ran. S nick of time. Dalyeolllded with tho New York Mttrnt. Jobmonaod bmith. Hit br pueher By u. anticipated with THE BICOND RACT. Wild Umplra-llolla- ad. The dsal between New York them. At the furlong pole in the homestretch Fi , but the latter clung to the ball and bait Time and For tbrtfriar oldt and upward, btndlcap a itrtep-ataktt- iff Tom was out ilO. Drooklyn for an exchange of players proved It looked as though Potentate would win, but IIS eteb, or SS If Utcltrtd. witb Sl.iaJo Hlrntbraeath tVlna nt Ilavrtborar, sua. Taral shook up Assignee In no gentle ajded. ot wblcb SJOO to ttcond and 10 one Sk There were several features. Farrell caught tr to be no deal at alL The newspaper men Sluo tbtrd, CmcAdo, May 17. rour favorites two out- a magnificent game and. better am hot. ware fashion, and tbe brother to Harlem came milt and a furl ing and CRESCILVr SCORCHER. MS still, hit the "It.ro.a.a.1 asked to be at the office of tbeXew lork Club on like a good racehorse and won clev- Lmpire ablt s cb c Comancbt, 4. by Sir Modred siders won nt Hawthorne " (or kep ltuslo pitched more stoadllr 2 2 .lt rait, 110 Muitnt) . 1 bummarles: ittcbo'tan. 2b 4 o oBcbtftltr. 0 0 erly enough by two lengths. Fd Kear- Ethel. ... Rare-H- alf a mile, I Lake. (J a moii.oiiAun wnirr, M?fL tbsn usual, although he gave five u 1 L r( 11131 at 2 o'clock yeaterdar afternoon simply to R. Hrtdley a br. b Blltitn B. 101 (11 Flrtl to US Uebrrl.3 A. bases on Smith a a .' 2 3 Simon ( 1 n o ney surprised those who bad looked upon Jnnttl 2 toS.won Ta Ta llM (ucCutl, 10 to 1, A.T MOUEKATK PRICE. Sbaeron. r. (. 1 1 1 u 2d b O 2 8 O U Walbaum s br. rn heltna IX. 5. p4(Hrovkil 3 teoond Lorla. !4 Ef'l?' ' ,i1iL,'.'lJw, turned .Into a run. ullekatt 2 hear President Iijrno say that the "Temple aa a third-rat- e by 101 il lark auto I. third. Tlme.o S1U VTtlgbl 25 pounds. Wood rims. Ptlintr tlraa Matron!Jecovyred third very cleverly, Van Ijllr.c ( o O A O 0 Chill e 0 him colt clinging to Ltuit. Jodtn, and Lowttodtr alto ran. beiiia oiburne Mil and 12 10 Cup" was ready for inspection. the moat fashion, 1 outen kaite Jck lrey,ahle woodiurd, Le liinlo aci Ifaltren made some grand running ratcbee. andrke. u l o 0,11 ek r dre. lb u on o o their Then a Potentiteln atubborn and Tinit. fir. Irerla alto ran Hildi. Ill tinb..O 0 13 O li Joantoii, c I U O & O U newspaper when the Kentucky colt passed the post, the Bitting Siren toSCoinaucbe, 6 to 1 Lowltn.lar. A One Drle sent In four runs with two safe but O O r. O dozen men. with Director TaJcott 7 1 eeroud Race inl'e and itrenty rarda. stralh PRICE hit, Kuthlll 3d b 1 I'hllllpt a. a O O 1 4 A once despised son of Tom Ochiltree had toleacb Lime aud beiana U. to Pluicn. 15 10 1 101 (Nobli). by S90. they were both ricked out of Oastrlght's M that mattti II to 10, won. tatatL lot! ,"; Guaranteed a reaponttblo concern ta be free Trent ttunaon o. mitli. 3d b. 1 1 O J li and Troaldent Hrrne. went to 3 Maiden lane been for SloU as a yearling was Jodan. 2 to 1, curves. Dave (outc played .0042O sold at his tttber) ttcond, Tlltlt US (Two Imptrftctlom lu workmamhlp or rntttrttu first base for the HtrudUB,p 0 O O OMaekln, p 2 and viewed the trophy. is worth 7.r0. THE AltlZOV STAKES. 1 In over week .10 10 It The saddle skirts, fir Knlcht was a closa fourth, tblnL I.rat, (Wi. isitan alto rtn A CI F.N TH first time a and was warmly re- - eup Is of silver and has on a two year-ol- or IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES Totala.. "tT "3 its front whllo Odd was fifth, and Peter the Oreat lor ttlllaa. $10 forfeit, or $3 If Third a mile. Falrador.""'".P3(tt eelved. Kinalow's caUhlog and batting were ..5 SJtTJT Totalt 1 37 10 plarerln the aot of throwing a ball. There la Cooper ileclered wlm SltXM added, of wblcb 30O lo aaioud Wtl.trl. tn 1, won blirlle W3 (thornk .Mai ttcond: A Nil TOWNS also noteworthy o- the colt that Albert paid such a U3 I Erlt -ft also this legend. ''National League of l'rofea. big price for last summer, was and loo to laird, half a mile Dtlnblnt (Taylor). 3 lo third. Time 1 iMU i;,i. Itnd for lllustratid catalogue. Prae, The Now iorka went to the bat first Daly Tror . . tnooiooi Innal llaseball Clubs." I'lia cup. waa sixth. J a. A. II tu II Morriat Llk f Ridicule, by Allbo- - booly Truay Gardnar kallt Pirllsg Mianton Ptllt, 04 whloh Height of Hand ran disappointing, tot-l.- lile $20k..0M? of Mufphy'a easy grounder and Karntdruai-f'r- lt 2, taiiooooo1 by error tiy D most Tabor. IIS iLlltlaatld) . 1 hantiual, Buanoa A) rta. All m. aud aeu Argtnllno alia WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, then Tror llrat btte presented Toinple of llttaburgh, will ly. and finished eighth. From the man- R. A P a ch t Ward hit one to Corcoran. Tommy must have Tror en btatt-l- rlt a, Troy. 7 r Irat taie en become the property of J. r keene Kouudtlar. USiTaral) 3 rtn enemy onlft A, oft Mtakln 2. illruek the club which wins It In which Assignee finished, and U T.Lcacblb f High Point Halle. IIS Mt llermott) 3 fourth ract Tbreequartert or a mile. Mlaa Nannie. IWi Hiirclny New York. seen some In the grand stsnd, for he btllt lltrndon. out Hr three times. . ner.. Kod. U IF, ft 2. w. n. Maggie hi., lammed the sphere straight llarndoo, 3 Homeruo mllb Two-bti- bit Plokeit the blood lines in his pedigree Itlscertaln that tiotdaa Roiabud. btla Kaad.MatartoJllu Doulae Cam. to Murpby iw it norm. for the ladies and 6eirltlce blta smith Mruon Slnlm ne bo no mean Ally Mitt Lauia, Little Hlla. laitauat, LalilernU, f. to 1. C.racla C 1.3 Taylor, S lo 1, third. ?uttlt'j biiet shtaron. will candidate for tbe Messrs. Mia, Charming Time, 1 I II' i Krlklna. ii.f'n V.una ,lAh!k.Vau Haltren Mcboiton, Rraekinrldie Hihl plicbaa llerndon, three-year-o- Pouna aud alt? rtu. lltnnlrta. Ilallgutrd Indigo. I-Fd-i-c-u-l-o- 3i msAitiya an jr.va Keene In some of tbe biggest -uT a high foul which Khlndle caught Matkln L lupitt bnydar Time 1 lliue o 4U14 Mrketver UooJrun. Iletdlight. Roaamuut, ban Palia esats. and Ward ran i stakes this ear. l'resto. the colt for which the Ratting "artn to 5 Ridicule, 4 lu 1 Roundtlar. 7 lo 1 Unr Hlrl.eorge and ritU II altu ran. Btfl,?le't'nv!' home gave 10. (XX) 1 I I w,!.bo.N??T run- - Oily Five Mora Nictate I'lay Messra Morris J as a yearling, is a Illgb Point Halle. 10 to etch I attanat and lla llttd. lltth race TbreeHuirtiri or a mile. Zonleln. 1DH Yor,.fl.r,t ,Ioyle hit sifelr for Tk Baa 10 1 Hougia.. I (F IHb and got his base on balls, In Nevr Kucltad Oaatee, big disappointment and will never win the li Kitttr toJlni tstn ItOtebul .'Umi rarrMMn?, won. Ainalft Mar l) (C Wcbtr) 3 lo This Is not the way our sign painter spelled hut a trial J,atu 'lonraantat Iloirlarm, amount he cost two years ago. each Uoldan Pod. lionna Mia, rbtrroiiig and 1 aaronl Ptl.jntn XnliCia)) r to r. third Time for third Dorlowas easily palled. Mnsiow to At 1ft 13. 1 the word lu our window elgu tliia week advrr Worctttar rail Rlrar Horrtattr. Bait Holden anl Winter rolled their final games In Tea Tbe readers of Suv been total Mm Laura. and looiol Liltlehlla. 'JM... "'"" ardant.Ttt Mike. Robin lloo.ll bhlndle. Urooklrn's half of the Inning was blit-l- til Illrar. 1I, Hurrtatar IS. I rrort-r- tll Tiir hate told from anl Uhltahetd alaortn Using our goods at ridiculous prices but the 11. time to THE PBEtKMEH hTALKK. short and sweet struok out ( xittr. Uorcattar, A. Batitiltt attriniandUollinii SrxIndlTldutlcbamplouihlp tournament at the Oar time about the marvellous brnwn flllr Mulb Racr lirealghlht of a mile Pop Gray 103 nbote is the proier way, and by scanning rour llldlcule, waa In tbrtt-yte-r I lllod and Treaway was rultr. UtIL end Hartt mania Attiiubly Rooms allays Hit ulgbt Tht which the Morrla atringat For olda which bave not won a race of the (leigbv eien. won ntlranna P7 it" Miliar 1.4 io 1 eye below, you will tin. that the word has not to.an. thrown HtTirblil-IUTarhllt- .13 Mortal Day. or ,1 1 out by titaflord. At Uwlilon a Baet hilt near near hheepehead Kverybody aeomed to have value SI nil ISO eeelu tlo lurfalt. with tlnuo irrnnd lltllinry 102 (( bonu to ibirL Time only been spelled right, but the prices nuoteJ Ilt'Thlll. I7l lwlaleu. 7 Frrora llerethlil. .1, iirici ciur. the tip on despite added nt which SJUututt.end and 1100 to third, sue 1 William T, Artilltry Mi. e. Judge pott, Connpr began the second Inning with a base 8.1 r!4 10,1 her yeatenlay, and the fact ui. Jennie mean lust what It spells. Lewltton. 7 llettarlae Lucid and ewaan, Wbatlar Ilofmmn.. 24 flt 111 ISO 14S IM that she was msetlng a dozen other young mile and a etiteenth. June, and atratbtlowcr a to ran. Jack t ilion wai lift on balls, but burke Uted to Daly. arrell ard Btreer lloldta . 10 2O40ION7 IJ5 1U 172 J ri. a r p. Kteue tb. e. Aitlgntt, by Spendthrift tt Ihe pott. , 10c. poked a hit over Bangor Bencor. ll lie misses that were entitled tn lima speed. If Meld of Corcoran' head. Connor At 13. Portland. 0. Bate blta siriktt llofmann.3. Heldan. 3. Rparai llofmaan. there Is anything In breeding, Atbol. Inderal) f reaohlng second. Itusle struck out on balls Btligor, 1J 1'orllailt. In Krrora Bangor, 4 lort-Un- u 8 Holden 4. tho publlo Gutklrtutiib c letenttte. H7lMirtln) A BATS, 8c. Bttttriaa-MeBr- tde Qen-lio- K. en. A MUIU1KI) three feet over bis head, and Murphy's a eudileekm, llcert. ttcovo CtUB. made her an odds on favorito at the Ik Ltacb t c Pd Kttrnty 117 tMolltrmnttl 3 JOCKtST AT LONQCtl ASIV3, .... Lest 1 Kuigbt. I effort was a weak fly Btilndle. ea Ltaar uu start. After betting had haeu going on ten Mr tier the Orati. I nntld hong aud luace. CROQUET, 9Sc. little to It was At lewiuckat rewtuckat 4, Rroelen S. Ilofmann .10 in M HH na is.t lea 1st 204 Flirt. Curteoa, Kmliatr. sleight ot Hand, one. two, three for I'outz' men. But blti . minutes a rumor spread to the effect Aict, I'realo. Itode Ihe Favorite, .... pawtucktt 4 Broctuu. d. Errort Pawtucktt 4, lloldtn .luSltMOi n7 107 W7 ltd las las Had aud Odd kvckt alio ran lla i ha Itolled, aad aa FINE TENNIS AND OUTINO CAPS, 6Sc. In the third Inning Ward I McCul-loug- Plrtkte-I'ofma- nn, that she not teen doing wall 1 l opened with a Brixton, Btttariai tuurnltr and Roteb) h 4, Holden. 2. Kparts-Hofma-nn. iiiut. e iti. AaairC'rot-r-- Ituahed oa tha .... for the past days, Patttng-Two- tnl Track. clean hit and stole second. Nan Haltren aud Corcoran, 6, Holden, 7 few and that her Pol, mat. 4 lo 1 Atilgnia. nto 1 BOXINO GLOVES, 98c. per set day May y shi,. moYou mm aiong 10 tnirn wun a clsver bunt thibo CIBB, work, before yesterday waa not what It SlelgM of Hint tl la I Mr knight. 13 to ! etch rtiug rAW, 17. At I.ongchamps , shoulu have been. Pence and Peter to 1 saeriaoe.and Doyle then tapped one to Daly, Ilormana .. 1 5 aa nt 73 en IM This had Ita effoet aad tbt tlrrai. ,0 atcli turarot, lUanc's Toujours, the favorite CHEVIOT SHIRTS, 47c. - rtoalbara I.a;ue Uaatee. iji no lto went to, 7 P4 lutllaar aud fcutltld; to 1 aacu for the Mi- who easily threw Ward out at the plate, htafi lltldail . .M 3d 4U U3 72 3 101 1H 134 14 and she back to 5 at the post The ktarntr. lllri to got At Maron Mtcon. R. CberlMtea. 17 Bete bite Ma- Keene lily llnundelay, a great, amashlng Aicut, I'ntlo, and Odd Socka Trix Hoisset, broke from the course and did "HOBART" TENNIS RACKET, S2.9S four balls and lloger Connor's hluh Sirlkea-llermaa- a.;, Holden, I. (pares-llofma- na. was easy for Tredway. con 7 Mtcoa a. tbtrltitou. a, daughter of Falsetto, was seeond choice. The mcr. not finish. The crowd became Foutz walked to J. Hetttrui-IIUIa- ud Vitlcb, Bleekbum 4. lloldtn, the rinit riotous Ther BOYS' AND GIRLS HIGH QUALITY on balls In llrooklyn' half of and rlallt rocsrn otas. delay at the post was exasperating, tne lock- yorxnaldin twr)oiroldi ataeepataktt of SIS awarmed oer the track dragged 'i'oujour'a this Inning, At Atlanta Alltma,C Mreaaau.tl. Bait hilt At seeming entirely incapable added, or tacb. Kinslow forced him Then Kennedy forced Itnta.li fcaionnab. p. trrort Atlanta. 7t Ilofmann IB 211 fa 77 R 123 144 183 ers of getting with Sl.iatj wbicb suo lu ttcond auj eiou jockey to th ground, nnd begin TENNIS SHOES, . 98c. 8. sarennah. lot lis the horses In anything to third, net luriunga lo maltreat and a om Daly hit ble herd foul Batttrtaa kaauaa and Berle, liukt end lloldn 20 J7 41 Ci bl lol iau UP 107 like a line. Mm. He bolted, -- UO right-fiel- luk Mobile Jentieu i;f J. Rupucrt, Jr en Tenor, by yalatito and some angry losers BAMBOO 20 , the d stand. wary, IIAI Mobllt 4. New (irlcaua V Battl bite Etrikaa IIold a o, They were finally despatched to a 'a ctounter SPLIT PLY RODS, . SI. ltule became Mnbllt. b, tw 7 Motile Hormann.4, 3. Spirit Ilormana latrilBurn. 113 (Ltmlyl 1 gate chsse sent Thomas to first on balls.whlch orltana. Errort Saw or 3, Uoldta, C fair start for all hut Charming. Just aa a 11 A U a police proved laeoe. 1 Uailenee-kno- rr end Trotl, yannluiI.. and flag dropped ItlUlcule waa J. A, II Mernt b. u Mirage, 113 tLlltlf Ihe checked tho disturbance for a few ODD BICYCLE COATS, . $2.8 Igy movr. as Corcoran filed to Connor ScStbel rimi uaux, the knockel Pefdj 2 minutes, but it was renevtml at the paddoek were IMtmpbli-Mtmnhl- and whan High Point Uelle and ltounde-la- r A Colas 1 - IL lloth teams blanked in the fourth Inn. t.il .Vtthllllt, 10 Btte bin Ilofmann .. 37 47 H5 74 81 01 111 128 Iris about Garlti Ur- llama. 112 Jonee 3 1 he locket nnd horse ware pelted with ODD BICCLE PANTS, . $2.50 the feature of was pretty Memphis, .Netbrliie. u, 30 70 no loo 12-- J 140 lod ahot away from the Held, followed hr On), Hollywood. La Mcrralle. klllarbue, iierlc, uoldtn dirt which a running lu Errort kiamobit 4, aab llollta JTM ire Gate, and atones, nnd fully 4(g) men got into a frea by Jlurphy. flfih rlilt O. Pttterlee Matl asd Bolaa, Strlkci-llofuia- na. 3 Rparet-llorin- den Hod and Mia Heed, and It was seen aud Irollo alto rtu 1 MEN'S PNEUMATIC Bl In the the Inle uiau Borebart and Ho dan. 3. that Tlmt--1 O314. tight hei jockey's friends were worsted, ktalllug a Holden. ptrsame-lliifuia- nk, 1 the favorite waa several lengths In of but a scratch hit on a ball that bounded too 1 Avtrtgt 187 a. the rear Bettiog One 103 on cuunt-- r 1 they got him beyond high I'uplre-Ueu- ry the leaders, a groan up Tenor, 10 to each liar the crowd's reach before CYCLE, GUARANTEED, . $,9.90 for Khlndle. and Ward sacrificed Ilotdta. Its 3S. Winter. Ueorer went from those who Mirage, I 1 r him to Veatera X,casua Ciaaaee, John Later I plunged filly. lit aud li tu Klllarhoe J'i lo I Doric. Ul 1 1 he could te seriously lniured. Si ssoond. l!ut an allowed himself to be ha on the Imported High Point ttcu Ouidiuiiaie. Irolic, and LaMtrralilt CO 2S0 YARDS MULTIPLIED called BRfOTP IIRItt riBAT aad tot SALT At ktr.tat City-Ka- City, 11: Toledo U Bale Dlle cut out the running at terrlflo spt Hollywood. 'f btta-ke- . 17 27 31 73 YVInalUe Hsf I'rookljrn tied the score. Hums made a nti L tr, 11 Toltd , Id rrrra Ktmaa Wtnltr M 83 I03 111 141 171 until well, Into the homestretch where oha THE SIXTH BACr, Itrardera FaalNlak WATER REEL, . . 98c. 0 Taltdu. llufiuenu 10 30 2 bw OU 12(1 )t,J waa passed by Iloundelsy hop Itidl-eul- a tK gittrnto right and vyas forced out by I'outz. Cur. 3. Batttrica Uauitlt aud Oonubuai lol 1U Uj All of For three rear oldt and onward, tilling a twaap lAitnns May 17 -- At the Whitsuntide meet- Kinslow hammeretl a sate one to right, Pi.raiueB end MerartaniL Etrika- i- inter. 1, Hofuiaun. &. bparaa-Hlul- ar. (J. winning had been almost gltenup when slakes or SIS aerb. with ll.Cujail la I of tT and on At lllanvetclla aad Milwaukee Rain. 3. wulcbl.Mlw ing at Manchester to-d- A. & ' Connors fumble third and second basee were Ilotwauo. the scsrlet jacket of the Morrises was seen second anl eluuto third an fuilona the lreders' Foal G. SPALDING BROS. ?i, filled. hennedr hit to Ward, who SXCORO C1MB. darting through tb d phalanx U U. Jeiiulu,ii t b m. Kvaa 11 , tl. br lllruiar Rota Flakes of l.linn aoterelgn. five furlongs, waa Our Uiln Hr li nw threw 1U .m 45 3 71 put. luamTakti . I ! ThUoktlit! If mt ,;rjj .ou,t 'llU'- - followed Oa Other Flrlda, ninttr 60 110 i:s:i3 140 of thoroughbreds. Like an arrow from the won by Jlr. r I lunkett's lortmarnook. Mr. N4 f0UtI atw!!1.. ? .th" llofintnn 1J 2J 31 M J K colliut 1 br. tu. Ad lit. U lOlHtexi A exhibition by Doyle hennedy 7a ld lie 132 143 100 bpw she sped past one by one. andanilghty b Dniiglaa il.ilid a riiorna was eeeond aud Mr 243 BROADWAY, at iitartBn, 7 rent. 3 3; 2, fcparti up from grand llorr Mil Ttrtl) J ' ONLY. V e?nd threw May -- strlktt itlnttr, Ilofmann. Wlnttr 4i cheer went the staud aud lawn aptcutatioa i.old Iki Ur. lactua. ctieiienouge. J. I'orter I'ottor's lied Heart thkd sf intt!'iwho seeing ,.harrell vt CixtBiosa. 17. Iltrrard darttltd Tulia Collage llotuaan. b. ' auahe romped past the leaders won Arwt E ,l that hlnslow wss still at tblt allarnouB lu a llelle.a gttut Ptlaa, the (retliinan, Glur, and br 'Hi. !u Rtitit. ai ttre'li. Uuk ttgtbaud I.nut third,!'? sent the bail to Doyle to run Kennedy avem ocrupltd Hit box. ceux tuiro two lengths. Itoundelay waa second a length Pirate, Tom Tough. Lotd Harry, and lluorou alto rtu. tl IcWel, tad rcenuall bt tepi SO 411 E.U 77 K7 12R 1 KJni!l0W l Il0'n galling 1'alni tnd Scanntll Intu working con- Wider 144 1R4 IRA 174 nnd a half before High Point Delia, Ooldsn lime x SPALDING'S" I Betting-T- Hkl 5?.wt ,hl! arted for the ttlctlult 20 40 l 7U wo to 1 7 1 Tbe f I dition rieturdey'i Uulmtun. 107 12o 134 ISl 101 Itnd was Heed taclua to I line, 8 to etch frit a'even of Ibt hew Jemy Atbletle turned to throw the all to for llaratrd tale rraabuitn gauia. la fouith aud hlla fifth Roaa 11.. Holt Lur-- Clubs HI wblcb will plar The balling of Slrlkra Mluler, 3 llolioaua, 4 fcperta VI ll4 The time, 411 pilar, Harry and Turn luugh. U rnckit routiagantaad Ibe r.rtt iarjelt hlnslow ran back to third and Dorle t:h tin llerrard Inltr ' seconds, shows what Mad to 1 truilitge aud Ad lla 3 J 1 etercnof the Sttten aim wet walk tblt elitraoen aad tbe ItemelberwUe llofutnu 4. avarat pergema winter, 104 2 3, Hof. of filly Mm atrb to each tuti ula Cr CREDENDA BICYCLES. Rtw!! loeieusably erazy throw to 2 3. luplre-- a the winner Is is brown In tlou tud CIiiiIbu JO tu aetb I u Kbcll aud Island cut tud Banball Club bad tbur Initial HI Sa& put apaa Interior gaiaa fbteuie nitnu 170 a lloldtn. Avorsr Joba 1 vie TiUiBor1. Kinslow scored n a canter La or color, and although foaled In this country, J agaband !kj 10 tech I uuyon. LIU e I Irate, eud tha t.tion on iht wicket of ibe New tioo.ooj ml .,hl HtsTitn, was by Lalgb 1U0 to 1 i Jtrttr l'acer, Consort. Sioooo Ru.nl er, Daly got his hase on balls, but be and heu iBiBDiisiii-riuirao- x. sired. tbe Inglish horse Althotos a.litrado iital Hare'i I'.iinl atitrdty aritruoon TrtMtitn .Itrai t im Her flam. I Irzie Tabur Is the property of Iiltuderi eere tuinut ibrae man butlbe Whiitem'e.:b3 in.rni.Lo a Holltn 27 4 VI 7U 114 IM IgUj 1(59 183 who du- - ng alaueniaia $1310, Cotisort, Jr., $73 00. Onoasypnv. I,a,t! 1 oiroatidb. on j Viyndham Walden. who trains Morrla man ,ti in liuir inning, ,I,,n loolns Stafford and Connor were Uiaalow t a o llo3 8 liriarloa.Lf Hiuter 10 iO iV 4V 70 IM 115 ISA 141 lt)( the Tie Iteeulla at t'rleco. tn eight la a lta tallied O 1 1 13 rti ruua man Iborhamploua ll,e Quickly retired, and Corcoran 10 2 t orrldtii. a. i.O 2 31103 1 etnkei-Uold- ia, hotas Alfred llennsn Morris was at the ul Mt'ru. inoiita It desired $20.00 II fumbled Hurke'e lickluaoa.lb 4, Uinlar, 2. Spartt Uoldan, 17,-T- ro nan lliitr I l rickrt gtther-- d down, anil Jt,oi io i u o I 1 1 1 6, Sax May ho la.ua from ibeir rounder llurke stole second, and ook dd b kuiitb r. r u 3 o o track to sse Kldleule win. and was qulta rnihcisco. weather was -- scored on Mtulay. 0 u 1 O o MtguUe. O O eS'".'w7.r,r,,A.,e,V,i:oM I oo farrell's tlmsly two bagger to KorDrook- - b 7 0 o GtMB elated Kith the manner In which she passed fair and track fair '" .u.4, d7.nl por month. left o Heller.ilLl r3 3 1 O u Mtlltte . 0 ixroxo field hummntUs. ti began with a hit e-v- 12 10 Holden 10 so r aa 101 her In the homestretch Mr Morris sara pace I re oua-hs- atlUng st'ftf ''"i lre.Uw.r and stole Hlalu.cJ 3 18 1 O Klcbiaa.3b. O 1 J 1 1 ta 103 124 143 171 Ilrat and lunonga buAL.,h. three men couldn't a 1 p O 1 Winter in 27 3d M 74 114 ISA 141 that his father has no intention of racing In atuttte 110 llronreeyi u to I wun 1 orncob. V SR' ylt do tceuntile oiroliut. 0 3 o l4 Ifll I hi tniog 1181)111 1 strlkca-IIold- ngland. as has stated, they (Burnt). 7 king 1U3 II (Turf. 1 A with Kusie. Uiaite, p , II Artltoug, s.t 1 1 U U u in. 1, Wlntar. 2, Bparti-IloJd- tn, been and that are le itcond, bam ,Lorl ngiuie. She 26-- 1 began pitching 7, simply selling of horses are loaitilrd. Tliur, I .H. 11.. I II Iruice, It.d WlUg vaMtj'ght right here, and Wlattr 6 those their that Imp. True 30 Nassau St. two runs. Murphy Tola's T'27i8'4 Totals 7 b"23li 4 ClUB. not of stake quality. 'I hey hate nearly sevon-ty-0- e srltou aud aidne) a tn rtn IfaV C,T 0l.lt 80t got four taian aacead Race Half a lullt itlUnj ticlcrr 111 BROOKLYN JOCKEY 244 FUTBUSH F1",..a?11 wss, sacrificed to second by Ward t pukintoa out fur ruaatag out ol Una. 28 47 37 77 107 IV. 164 1H4 horses in training, and naturally want 10 1 won Mtta 1U1 CLUB. AVENUE,IBRSN ft! Iloau 14 3IJ to reduce string A Jt, Bu.U .McAu.me 13 to IM an Ilaltrto also got his base, and both men Ultcard 7 Klnltr .. Jtt 14 Il V4 111 131 140 ISO ISO their John Morris will 1 itioud Cqualte 101 tl'ctert th rd liuir. rtlMIING IB tallied on Doyle s slashing double to left Turn 132OO0U3 0--3 lloldtn a, Ulaler 4 bparca probably go to Lurope for a vlttt after the 0 11 Arao. Plgiteui, iluleUter aud Out lir.r.TINO, IS TO l. BROADWAY. This ktrlktt lloldtn. 3t mooting a o kite eueenie, lltl lumi,775 made the score to 1. and Judge Cullom I J rd. 3, oooooioiby trrort-llt- winter 4. Avarate per lloldtn. 1VI; of the hew iork Jockey Club at Mor. right rau US KACra DAT AT 3 P M. said true Fliit bait r- glut uioltr, llljl-cule- l'Aril JU baitt-llerr- l(171s, oaorge ba 's (bird Bice PI IsV he never felt better in his life Uut In ytrd. A Tutu 2 ard e tmpirt Ilufuiuu. ecurer-Jo- Leler, ria l'ark. Competent ludge who saw want m furlmra Irlctlit bar Botll .M, N 1 Hrook. Leiloa lutta.il. 4 tu 1 ou, 103 I'-- 1 Ptnt .,TI sr R. LB came a bate ea lit -- O.I tl 1' 1 burst of speM yesterday and who had alter. Murtu luoiba tec R lalt AX M Ira's half crash that almost broke lint bt irellnt ol Peiat. oud lu3 1 I lo ,'500 iru-- k uut-- Hg ' pilot. V froliiia A sren her work in morning to bt Urdh ettu lul Ttuie I! Ixt rPEAL .50 it bearts of the New York rootor br Twottie To-.Ms- the think she is Obac luktriuau. lt lore I'hI if llliTLIIAtl eT k l Iter W VTblllauura Wbilla-- llonlltK U autre ldai.Ituu, I uallui. aud 01 cub x.k '- aa , After toutx died to Doyle. bettt - one of the fastest titer have al-- o - 40 -' ,u W' ,U iu ens. had. Kinslow Bort 4,uielty wiggm lotv La bit tier t Itjlcrn are ru !'ju!'i i i luV- m " ' l' ' alio dr?Te tnat looked like a foul to right by pucbtr-B- I las uoiriDni locaaiaait. ever eren. Homo bellote tliat tho willneter luarlb Pace one mile btadlcan Ledmut 1U4 a f b" endtuea Hit y irsiiaa Will pitches three-quarte- 1 Brtnd Raw usee h taiit-Maii- Bitter vs. S.trtrt, Sit ran Williamtin. l a world uf lAoitj. 4 10 wun. trace 114 Ma I1KOUKI.-- N tt field and .stopped ruonlng st second, (last- - -- Pallia. I. f ro.Hu. 1 I'auel etl. 1 ra Wllllamtoa beater at a mile le ettn, IltklNH XK) Kiu va. Biiltc e litppr 108 I - INI. fr right pushed single toward right but Ward. aau.1 adv rima. 1.15. but she certainly has a marvellous flight of oat lur iKiutketo tbiru Tiwt, Mb ar and NUU,, afc 1 4'Vt fir to ..MJ''1IV II I 1! "r'"t y Slb it ST a JVaii t:- -- IO.. IsV brilliant stop, field Kinslow on third. Tom 10, I pedat snort distances itiaMa furloagt:ria II .A. end half roar !. liloS ISP 110 lis ! AND k' great lirirarrt. reaaata. Uaaekttll, ! tArouaAe, 4 l, Mr, There were two entries for the opening race III in Pare ttltiag (tt Spray 77 (E. a paiiK lum I?1 em aJ?9 Utta M hit over Tbe teata of LtXtrtttt College dtlattad tbe Yetd- - Teday. League gama Aentt.i.710 wjBs Ar ui bet cberauerk la la S. tee 1 (J I 3H. I . 3l.tA 3 CO P u ' puttr. tr licsr-sbsa- ckaaploaiblp k ra. that were believed by their respective owners Loaole luia t) A. 3ia " ' ou wbiea KLulow and OastrisEt tame u a eunjad fame ea (be UUtr'i fteaals Breealjo. admlaalaa 40. aad iic-- lie oa4 H. oiulilreal, ta tbud. Tlua Loag Itlaad rtty Haiti stop al Veik. Extra MAJSTKM Mjiwij8g.ea4 etaui. eal price A to be aa ntarly unbeatable aa It la poaalble to J lo Kibe burrows slew lea. ttauuwIUlMtuaUBeetatAry. ""'' aUeellV!! "a laaUt. U lul tV, a mgte, .. v-.- - 4t its 'sTsHsaaaaaL 'l!M HHflHHHHhtflBl iSBSBBflSSBneBBBBBBBVafl