Clydesdale After School Care - Day Care of Children Motherwell

Inspected by: Aileen Quinn Type of inspection: Unannounced Inspection completed on: 16 May 2014 Inspection report continued


Page No Summary 3 1 About the service we inspected 5 2 How we inspected this service 7 3 The inspection 11 4 Other information 25 5 Summary of grades 26 6 Inspection and grading history 26

Service provided by: After School Care Limited

Service provider number: SP2004004140

Care service number: CS2004081945

Contact details for the inspector who inspected this service: Aileen Quinn Telephone 01698 897800 Email [email protected]

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This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change after this inspection following other regulatory activity. For example, if we have to take enforcement action to make the service improve, or if we investigate and agree with a complaint someone makes about the service.

We gave the service these grades Quality of Care and Support 4 Good Quality of Environment 4 Good Quality of Staffing 4 Good Quality of Management and Leadership 4 Good

What the service does well Staff had involved children and their parents/carers very well in planning and agreeing how the service would be provided. Staff had created a welcoming enviroment for children.

What the service could do better Any evaluations of the service should be dated to allow staff to measure their success. Infection control training should be sought for staff and shared with children. Risk assessments should be updated to reflect how the service operates. The manager must keep a record of visits to the service as these must take place at least once a week in line with our peripatetic manager guidance. A fridge thermometer must be purchased to allow staff to check that the temperature is meeting food safety guidance. A policy on lone working should be developed to support staff. A development plan for the service should be in place. An annual return for the service must be submitted to us by the due date.

What the service has done since the last inspection This service has been inactive since 2012. Since then it had moved premises and began operating again in March 2014. This is the first inspection in these premises.

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 3 of 28 Inspection report continued Conclusion Children enjoyed their time in the service and were making decisions about what they did while there. We saw that very good relationships between staff and children had been developed. Parents/carers we spoke with were very happy with the service provided. Although we have identified several areas where the service should develop, overall we were confident that children were safe and happy and enjoyed their time in the service.

Who did this inspection Aileen Quinn

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1 About the service we inspected

The Care Inspectorate regulates care services in . Information in relation to all care services is available on our website at

This service was previously registered with the Care Commission and transferred its registration to the Care Inspectorate on 1 April 2011.

Requirements and recommendations.

If we are concerned about some aspect of a service, or think it could do more to improve, we may make a recommendation or requirement.

- A recommendation is a statement that sets out actions the care service provider should take to improve or develop the quality of the service but where failure to do so will not directly result in enforcement. Recommendations are based on the National Care Standards, relevant codes of practice and recognised good practice.

- A requirement is a statement which sets out what is required of a care service to comply with the Public Services Reforms (Scotland) Act 2010 and Regulations or Orders made under the Act, or a condition of registration. Where there are breaches of the Regulations, Orders or conditions, a requirement must be made. Requirements are legally enforceable at the discretion of the Inspectorate.

The service is registered to provide out of school care for a maximum of 30 children attending primary school up to the age of 16. It can operate Monday to Friday during term time between 7.00-9.00am, and 3.00- 6.00pm. The provider has another out of school care service in registered with us. The service is currently using the Motherwell premises for after school care, and using the premises at their other service in Wishaw for before school care and during school holidays. The provider also manages both services and two staff provide activities, care and support for children attending.

The service is provided from the Arena building of Aquatec in Motherwell. The service has the use of swimming facilities in Aquatec two days a week. The service aims to, "provide a top quality service in a safe, happy and comfortable environment."

Based on the findings of this inspection this service has been awarded the following grades:

Quality of Care and Support - Grade 4 - Good Quality of Environment - Grade 4 - Good

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 5 of 28 Inspection report continued Quality of Staffing - Grade 4 - Good Quality of Management and Leadership - Grade 4 - Good

This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change following other regulatory activity. You can find the most up-to-date grades for this service by visiting our website or by calling us on 0845 600 9527 or visiting one of our offices.

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2 How we inspected this service

The level of inspection we carried out In this service we carried out a low intensity inspection. We carry out these inspections when we are satisfied that services are working hard to provide consistently high standards of care.

What we did during the inspection We wrote this report following an unannounced inspection. The inspection took place on Thursday 15 May 2014 between 3.15 and 6.45pm. It continued the following day, Friday 16 May 2014 between 3.15 and 6.30pm. Feedback was given to the provider and staff on Friday 16 May 2014.

As part of the inspection we took account of the self assessment form that we asked the provider to complete and return to us. We did not receive an annual return from the provider and they advised us before its due date that this was because of problems accessing our website.

We sent four care standards questionnaires to the service to give to families using it. We received one completed questionnaire before the inspection.

During the inspection process, we gathered evidence from various sources, including the following:

We spoke with:

• the provider/manager • two members of staff • two parents/carers • six children

We looked at:

• the environment and how it was used by staff and children • medication procedures • accident records • newsletters • questionnaires completed by staff, children and parents/carers • risk assessments

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 7 of 28 Inspection report continued • attendance records • staff training • minutes of staff meetings • how staff planned for children • complaints procedure

Grading the service against quality themes and statements We inspect and grade elements of care that we call 'quality themes'. For example, one of the quality themes we might look at is 'Quality of care and support'. Under each quality theme are 'quality statements' which describe what a service should be doing well for that theme. We grade how the service performs against the quality themes and statements.

Details of what we found are in Section 3: The inspection

Inspection Focus Areas (IFAs) In any year we may decide on specific aspects of care to focus on during our inspections. These are extra checks we make on top of all the normal ones we make during inspection. We do this to gather information about the quality of these aspects of care on a national basis. Where we have examined an inspection focus area we will clearly identify it under the relevant quality statement.

Fire safety issues We do not regulate fire safety. Local fire and rescue services are responsible for checking services. However, where significant fire safety issues become apparent, we will alert the relevant fire and rescue services so they may consider what action to take. You can find out more about care services' responsibilities for fire safety at

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What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at our last inspection This service became inactive in 2012. This is the first inspection since then. No recommendations have been made since 2012.

The annual return Every year all care services must complete an 'annual return' form to make sure the information we hold is up to date. We also use annual returns to decide how we will inspect the service. Annual Return Received: No

Comments on Self Assessment Every year all care services must complete a 'self assessment' form telling us how their service is performing. We check to make sure this assessment is accurate. The quality of information in the self assessment could be improved. We spoke to the manager about this and she told us that there were difficulties in accessing the form before the inspection. We spoke to staff working in the service and they had evaluated their practice and had clear plans for improvement. Because of this, we have not reduced the grade for quality statement 4.4 at this inspection. We would expect to see a significant improvement in the way the self assessment is completed for future inspections.

Taking the views of people using the care service into account We spoke to all children present during our inspection. Four children were present on our first day, and two children on our second day. All children were very happy at the service. They had been included in making decisions about how the service was being developed, for example in planning activities and outings as well as identifying any new equipment they would like to see in the service. We saw that children had established very good relationships with staff and each other. Children's comments included, "I like it here. I've made new friends and it's lots of fun", "It's really good here because we go swimming", and "Staff ask us all the time what we want to do. We all made up the rules. Den building is great fun." The views of children are included in this report.

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 9 of 28 Inspection report continued Taking carers' views into account We spoke to two parents/carers and received one care standards questionnaire from another parent/carer. All parents/carers were very happy with the service. They liked the environment and were confident that it was safe and secure. Parents/ carers spoke highly of the manager and said that she was "Always available to speak to." Parents/carers had been using the service for a short time and said that staff and the manager had taken time before their child started to gather information about their child and to agree how care would be provided in the service. They described communication in the service as "Very good." Comments included, "I have never known my child to be so happy at a service. She loves it. The activities are great and she's never bored. It's just fantastic", "Staff are friendly and approachable and always at the end of a phone", and "(My child) has developed new relationships and speaks highly of staff." The views of parents/carers are included in this report.

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3 The inspection We looked at how the service performs against the following quality themes and statements. Here are the details of what we found.

Quality Theme 1: Quality of Care and Support Grade awarded for this theme: 4 - Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the care and support provided by the service. Service strengths We found the service performed to a very good level in this quality statement.

We found that very good opportunities were in place for children and parents/carers to participate in improving the quality of care and support and the environment. The service had been operating for a short time and during that time, staff had included children when planning resources, activities and outings. They had also involved parents/carers in developing personal plans for children. Children had been given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire about the service, detailing how they felt in the service, if they could communicate with staff, if they liked activities and snacks, and if they felt involved in the decision-making process. Children were also asked if they would like to see any changes. Feedback from questionnaires was very positive.

We asked children if they felt staff listened to their views. They were confident that they did and gave us examples of where staff had provided activities and snacks as a result of their suggestions. We saw that staff knew the small group of children very well, and that they valued their suggestions. A wall display reflected that children had identified what they wanted to achieve at the service, and this was updated when they completed their aim. Staff kept a very good communication book to record any discussions they had about the service. This provided very good evidence that staff included children when planning, and that they involved parents/carers in their children's care and support.

We spoke to two parents/carers at this inspection. Both told us that communication in the service was very good, and that the provider and staff had involved them in developing the service for their child. They said that staff listened to their views and

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 11 of 28 Inspection report continued they were very happy that their child had settled very quickly into the service. One parent/carer gave us an example of when their child had made a suggestion about the routine of the service, and this had been changed as a result. Both parents/ carers told us that the provider had spoken to them "at length" before their child started the service to get to know their child, and to agree how care would be provided. One parent/carer said, "Staff made a conscious effort to do what my child enjoyed when she started." Another parent/carer told us that staff gave them the opportunity to talk about their child's personality and made sure that activities were suitable for them in the service.

Children we spoke with were very happy coming to the service. Some had never attended a daycare service before this one, and were finding the experience enjoyable. All children we spoke with said they, "Have fun" and "Made new friends", since coming to the service.

We will continue to monitor how well parents/carers and children are involved in the service development. However, at this early stage, we assessed that opportunities to assess and improve the quality of care and support and the environment were very good. Areas for improvement Questionnaires were not dated. Although we could see that these had been completed by the children attending, in the future staff will find it easier to audit improvements if questionnaires were dated.

A formal evaluation of the service had not yet taken place with parents/carers as the service was at an early stage. We discussed how useful early questionnaires were to evaluate the settling-in process. Throughout this year, the provider planned to carry out evaluations with parents/carers. Questions within these should be open to avoid "yes" and "no" answers, and should include evaluations about staff and leadership and management. Where policies were being reviewed it would also be appropriate for parents/carers and children to be included in this process. (see recommendation 1)

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 1

Recommendations 1. The provider should continue with her plans to evaluate the service formally with parents/carers. Questions should be open and should include opportunities to assess the quality of staffing and leadership and management. Parents/carers and children should be given the opportunity to be involved in the review of

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 12 of 28 Inspection report continued policies and procedures. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 13 Improving the service.

Statement 3 We ensure that service users' health and wellbeing needs are met. Service strengths We found the service performed to a good level in this quality statement.

We saw that staff knew each child very well. They had taken time to speak to parents/carers and had gathered written information to help them care safely for children. Allergies were recorded as well as any health conditions. Relevant information such as emergency contacts were also recorded, and staff organised these records to ensure quick access if needed.

Both members of staff had a first aid qualification and were confident in using basic first aid in the service. A first aid box was available. Medication procedures were in place and staff knew how to use these. One consent had been appropriately completed for the administration of medication.

Staff had started the process of developing personal plans for all children. These included how they kept children safe and healthy. It was planned that these would be reviewed at least once every six months to comply with our requirements. Personal plans identified parent/carer aims for their child while at the service and staff said they found this useful when planning activities.

Staff planned carefully for all children. They evaluated their planning and included health and safety with each activity. As part of this inspection we focused on how the service promoted children's health and wellbeing through infection prevention measures. Handwashing facilities were available in the toilets next to the playroom and a condition was included on the certificate of egistrr ation that a handwash sink was installed in the playroom by 31 August 2014. One member of staff had completed food hygiene training and we saw that children were encouraged to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. Infection control policies supported best practice.

On two days each week, staff took children swimming, and other days they used local parks and outdoor areas. Children we spoke with were excited that they were learning to swim, and said they had become much more confident in the pool. Children were fully involved in planning and we saw that they had an ownership of the service and enjoyed feeling that their views were valued. Displays around the room clearly reflected that children had been included in planning activities and snacks. Activities ensured that children had regular opportunities for physical play outdoors and indoors, and that they regularly went outside.

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 13 of 28 Inspection report continued Staff discussed and agreed snacks with children using current nutritional guidance. Snacks were varied and children were offered drinks throughout their time at the service.

Children were happy at the service. We saw that very good relationships were in place with staff. Children told us they enjoyed making new friends. Parents/carers we spoke with said that staff continually asked them about their child to ensure they were meeting their needs. They said that their child had become more confident since starting the service. The parent/carer who completed our questionnaire indicated that their child had attended the other service in Wishaw and that they had been concerned that they would not settle into the new service. They wrote, "It was agreed with myself and the manager that if my child did not settle she could remain at Wishaw. However, she loved it. She has developed new relationships with other children and new staff and has grown in confidence."

Overall, we assessed this statement as good.

Areas for improvement Handwashing procedures particularly when baking, should be reinforced with children. We saw that some children were licking their fingers during the baking process and not always washing their hands before touching food being shared with other children. It would be helpful for staff to access the numerous handwashing activities, DVD's, posters, and advice available and share these with children. (see recommendation 1)

Where medication was administered on an as and when basis, this should be reviewed with parents/carers at least once a month. Consent had not been in place for more than a month and staff agreed to put this place.

Personal plans should continue to be developed to ensure each plan "set out" how the service was meeting children's health, wellbeing, and safety needs. Staff needed to ensure that these plans were put in place within 28 days of a child starting the service.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 1

Recommendations 1. Staff should access resources to help them plan and carry out activities to help children understand about cross contamination and the importance of handwashing. National Care standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 3: Health and wellbeing.

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Quality Theme 2: Quality of Environment

Grade awarded for this theme: 4 - Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the environment within the service. Service strengths Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1. Areas for improvement Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 2 We make sure that the environment is safe and service users are protected. Service strengths We found the service performed to a good level in this quality statement.

The service was provided from premises that were fitted with a door entry system. On children's arrival, the service had sole use of the premises. Staff had considered risk and how to reduce this. For example, sun cream was being purchased to allow children to play outdoors and staff had considered the risks of members of the public using the premises during service operating hours.

As part of this inspection we focused on how the service promoted children's health and wellbeing through infection prevention measures. The environment was clean and hygienic, and the environmental health department had issued a satisfactory certificate. A new sink unit and fridge had been fitted in the kitchen, and food was stored appropriately. Cleaning materials were kept out of reach of children. Cleaning records were being completed by staff and were displayed in the premises.

Risk assessments had been completed before the service started to operate from these premises. These included how risks were being managed at the entrance, in

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 15 of 28 Inspection report continued the main hall, kitchen, small playroom, gym, and toilets. During the times when members of the public were using the premises with the out of school care, staff kept a key for the toilets and escorted children to and from these.

Staff were using the main playroom for most activities. The smaller room was being used as a cloakroom but could also be used for a smaller number of children using a games console and playing with the air hockey table. The gym was being used by children building dens and allowed them to use their imaginations in a larger area. Children were able to use the swimming pool on two days a week, and were involved in planning activities for every day of the week. Children felt an ownership of the service and were happy that staff had displayed samples of their work around the walls of the playroom.

Staff used the space very well and we saw that children enjoyed their time in the service. A range of activities were available and the provider confirmed that she planned to develop these for the children attending as well as for when the membership of the service increased. Children had been involved in choosing activities and outings and they were confident in the service. Children were happy to talk to us about how they spent their time in the service. One child said, "I like making jewellery, building, making fun arts and crafts, dressing-up and having snack. I like it here and I've made new friends. It's lots of fun."

Both parents/carers we spoke with said they were happy with the safety in the environment and with the range of activities available. One parent/carer said, "Staff are on the ball in identifying risk. I like the environment and there are plenty activities to keep children occupied." Another parent/carer said, "I've never known my child to be so happy. She's never bored. She's making new friends and the space is great. They're always out and about."

Overall, we assessed this statement as good. Areas for improvement Risk assessments had not been updated to reflect the actual practice in the service since it opened. For example children were accessing the kitchen, and the entrance was not monitored by North Council staff. Because the service did not have sole use of the premises, the measures they had taken to reduce risks to children should have been included on the risk assessments. (see recommendation 1)

A fridge thermometer had not been purchased to allow staff to check that the temperature was within the safe limits recommended by the Food Standards Agency. (see recommendation 2)

Accident recording sheets did not have a section for staff to record if further action was taken as a result of an accident. For example, if equipment was removed, risk

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 16 of 28 Inspection report continued assessments updated, or further medical treatment was necessary. (see recommendation 3)

A risk assessment that set out how staff were protected when working on their own for short periods of time had not been developed. (see recommendation 4)

Staff and children told us that the radiator in the main playroom got too hot when switched on. Staff had purchased a radiator guard to protect the surface. The radiator was not being used currently and we agreed that the guard must be fitted immediately to prevent further accidents. A television flex was hanging too low and posed a potential risk for children moving around the playroom. The manager agreed to address these hazards immediately. (see recommendation 5)

Resources for the out of school care should continue to be developed to ensure equipment was appropriate for all children attending. For example, some children had been asking for dolls for role play. The provider agreed that she would continue to develop resources in the service.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 5

Recommendations 1. Risk assessments should be updated to reflect that the kitchen was used with children and that the entrance was not monitored by Council staff. Risk assessments should also include the measures staff had put in place to reduce any hazards for children when the premises were being used by members of the public. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 2: A safe environment. 2. A fridge thermometer should be purchased to allow staff to check the daily temperature of the fridge and record this. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 2: A safe environment. 3. Accident sheets should be amended to include a section to record if any further action was taken as a result of the accident. This could include for example, if risk assessments were updated, if equipment was removed or repaired, or if further medical treatment was sought. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 2: A safe environment. 4. A risk assessment should be put in place setting out how staff are supported during the short periods when they are working on their own, for example at school pick up times and for the period of time they are alone in the premises until another staff member arrives. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 2: A safe environment.

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 17 of 28 Inspection report continued 5. Staff should continue with their plans to address the risk of the radiator in the main playroom by fitting the guard purchased. The television flex should also be secured. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 2: A safe environment.

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Quality Theme 3: Quality of Staffing

Grade awarded for this theme: 4 - Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of staffing in the service. Service strengths Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1. Areas for improvement Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 3 We have a professional, trained and motivated workforce which operates to National Care Standards, legislation and best practice. Service strengths We found that the service performed to a good level in the quality statement.

Staff had established good relationships with children and were committed to providing a quality service. They enjoyed their work and were motivated to attend and complete training necessary. One member of staff had several years experience working with children with additional needs, and was confident in her practice. The other member of staff was new to childcare, but was being very well supported by her colleague. Both staff had developed good team working, and were planning activities together. Both sessions during our inspection went smoothly and were well organised. Children were busy with a range of activities, snacks were organised, and resources were available to allow a range of activities to take place.

We found staff to be polite, friendly and knowledgeable about issues relating to childcare. The new staff member told us that induction had been good, and that she had received appropriate support from both her colleague and the manager. Staff had copies of the service policies and procedures, and they were confident in their

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 19 of 28 Inspection report continued role. Both staff were aware of their responsibilities in relation to registering with the SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council who are responsible for registering people who work in social services and regulating their education and training) and both were aware that training and qualifications must be recorded to maintain their registration. One staff member received child protection training each year through another employment, and shared any updates with colleagues. The new staff member had received a review of her employment since starting to ensure she was supported in her work.

Staff planning was detailed, and we saw that they evaluated activities to ensure any improvements possible were made. Staff maintained a record of their discussions, including when children had been involved. This was helping them organise and plan for any activities and to ensure snacks were appropriate.

Children told us that they liked staff and trusted them to keep them safe. We saw that interaction was friendly between staff and children. Children were relaxed around staff and happy to ask them any questions. Parents/carers told us that staff had communicated with them very well, and said, "Staff are all lovely" and "Staff are friendly and approachable."

Although we have noted some important areas for development below, we were confident that staff were providing a good service for children attending. Areas for improvement Staff should be supported to access training on infection control. (see recommendation 1)

Staff meetings should include time to discuss the SSSC codes of practice and what these mean for staff in and out of the workplace. (see recommendation 2)

The provider should continue with their plans to support staff to work towards a qualification relevant to their role. Neither staff working in the service had a qualification in childcare. One member of staff had still to apply for registration with the SSSC. It is a requirement that staff have the qualifications, skills and experience to carry out their work with children (SSI 2011/210 regulation 9). The provider agreed that staff would access training to meet this requirement as soon as possible.

The provider agreed to ensure that staff records for all staff working in the service should be stored in the service. The file orf one member of staff was being stored in the Wishaw service.

One member of staff did not have a record of their Disclosure Scotland number recorded in the file. Although the staff member confirmed that they had not been allowed to start work in the service until this had been received, there was no record

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 20 of 28 Inspection report continued of this. The provider agreed to ensure all information relating to employing new staff was included in their file.

Staff questionnaires completed were not dated. Although staff confirmed that these had been completed a short time after the service began operating, it would be useful for auditing purposes to date all evaluations of staff views.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 2

Recommendations 1. The provider should access training on infection control for all staff working with children. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 12: Confidence in staff. 2. Staff meetings should include discussions about the SSSC codes of practice and what these mean for staff. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 12: Confidence in staff.

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Quality Theme 4: Quality of Management and Leadership

Grade awarded for this theme: 4 - Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the management and leadership of the service. Service strengths Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1. Areas for improvement Please see Quality Theme 1, Statement 1.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 4 We use quality assurance systems and processes which involve service users, carers, staff and stakeholders to assess the quality of service we provide Service strengths We found the service performed to a good level in this quality statement.

The provider was managing this and her other service in Wishaw. She regularly visited both services, and staff told us that she was easily available if they needed any support. Parents/carers we spoke with said that communication in the service was particularly good, and that the provider ensured she was available by telephone for long periods of the day. This meant that any changes to children's attendance pattern could be shared immediately and updated with staff.

The provider produced a newsletter to keep parents/carers informed about what was happening in the service. She had carried out an evaluation with children, and planned to evaluate the service with parents/carers in the near future. The provider had carried out an evaluation with staff to allow them to raise any concerns about how they were supported in their work. Both staff said they were well supported in their work. An appraisal system was in place and would be actioned in the coming year.

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The provider had developed a staff handbook and a user handbook. These set out her responsibilities, for example providing training for staff and providing a quality service for children. She planned to work with staff to agree a development plan.

A complaints procedure was available for parents/carers, and children were encouraged to raise concerns with staff. Parents/carers we spoke with were confident that any concerns they raised would be appropriately managed. One parent/carer said, "I'm confident that I would be listened to. (The provider) always picks up her phone or texts me if I need to speak to her." Both parents/carers described the service as "Fantastic." Both parents/carers we spoke with and the one parent/carer who responded to our questionnaire were confident that as the service continued their involvement would increase.

We saw that there were quality assurance systems that had not yet been put in place. We will continue to monitor this at future inspections to ensure that these systems were working and helping improvements and developments in the service. Areas for improvement A development plan for the service had not been put in place. This should set out the aims of the service and provide targets for improvement. These should be manageable and timescales should be included. (see recommendation 1)

Quality assurance systems should improve. This could include a calendar highlighting what was to be audited and when. Children's personal plans should be included in audits. The manager had used Childcare Development and Support Team records previously. It would be useful to use these in this service. (see recommendation 2)

The complaints procedure had not been updated to include that a response must be made within 20 working days, and did not include the National Enquiry Line telephone number. The provider agreed to include these details immediately.

The self assessment had been completed by a senior member of staff from the Wishaw service. We would expect that this form was updated by staff and management working in this service.

There was no record that the manager was following the peripatetic manager guidelines which meant that she must visit the service at least once a week. Staff were using a sign in attendance record for themselves. This could also be used by the manager when she visits to ensure all visits were recorded.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 2

Clydesdale After School Care - Motherwell, page 23 of 28 Inspection report continued Recommendations 1. The provider should write a development plan for this service. This should set out its aims and priorities for any improvements. Timescales should be included and this should be reviewed over the year to measure its success. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 14: Well- managed service. 2. Quality assurance systems should improve. These should include planning, personal plans, the work of staff, and record keeping. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, standard 14: Well-managed service.

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4 Other information

Complaints No complaints have been upheld, or partially upheld, since the last inspection.

Enforcements We have taken no enforcement action against this care service since the last inspection.

Additional Information None.

Action Plan Failure to submit an appropriate action plan within the required timescale, including any agreed extension, where requirements and recommendations have been made, will result in the Care Inspectorate re-grading a Quality Statement within the Quality of Management and Leadership Theme (or for childminders, Quality of Staffing Theme) as unsatisfactory (1). This will result in the Quality Theme being re-graded as unsatisfactory (1).

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5 Summary of grades

Quality of Care and Support - 4 - Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 3 4 - Good

Quality of Environment - 4 - Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 2 4 - Good

Quality of Staffing - 4 - Good

Statement 1 4 - Good

Statement 3 4 - Good

Quality of Management and Leadership - 4 - Good

Statement 1 4 - Good

Statement 4 4 - Good

6 Inspection and grading history

Date Type Gradings

9 May 2013 Re-grade Care and support Not Assessed Environment Not Assessed Staffing Not Assessed Management and Leadership 1 - Unsatisfactory

1 Sep 2009 Unannounced Care and support 4 - Good Environment 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and Leadership 4 - Good

14 Jan 2009 Unannounced Care and support 4 - Good Environment 4 - Good Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and Leadership 4 - Good

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All inspections and grades before 1 April 2011 are those reported by the former regulator of care services, the Care Commission.

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To find out more about our inspections and inspection reports Read our leaflet 'How we inspect'. You can download it from our website or ask us to send you a copy by telephoning us on 0845 600 9527.

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can get more copies of this report and others by downloading it from our website: or by telephoning 0845 600 9527.

Translations and alternative formats This inspection report is available in other languages and formats on request.

Telephone: 0845 600 9527 Email: [email protected] Web:

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