WHO – Zonal & Sub Offices in Somalia DJIBOUTI Alula Kandala Zeylac Bosaso Lughaye Badhan Legend Berbera Baki Erigavo Iskushuban Bosaso field office Borama El Afwein National staff only (One Admin/Sec) Sheikh Gabiley Boroma field office Hargeisa National staff only (One Technical staff Gardo One Admin/Sec) Odweine Caynaba Bender Beila Burco Xudun Taleh Garowe zonal office National staff (Four Technical staff Six Admin/Sec); International staff (Two Technical staff) Buhodle Lasanod Garowe Baidoa zonal office National staff only (Three Technical staff Eyl One Admin/Sec) Burtinle Mogadishu zonal office National staff only (Six Technical staff ETHIOPIA Four Admin/Sec) Jariban Goldogob Merka field office Galkayo National staff only (One Technical staff One Admin/Sec) Belet Weyne field office National staff only (One Technical staff) Adado Hobyo Abudwaq Wajid field office National staff (Two Admin/Sec) International staff (One Technical staff) Dusa Mareb Hargeisa zonal office National staff (Nine Technical staff Thirteen Admin/Sec) El Bur Haradhere International Staff (Four Technical staff) El Barde Belet Weyne Biyoley Hudur WHO Zonal Office Dolo El Der (> 2 staff + OIC) Bulo Burti Luuq Wajid Tieglo WHO Field Office Aden Yabal (≤ 2 staff, no OIC) Belet Hawa Jalalaqsi Garbahare Baidoa National Field Officer Adale Jowhar International staff Qansah Dere Wanle Weyne El Waq presence Bur Hakaba Balad N National staff presence Afgoye Bardera Dinsor Mogadishu Data Source: WHO Qoryoley Marka Sakow Kurtun Warrey Disclaimer Sablale The boundaries and names shown and Buale W E Brava the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Jilib Afmadow World Health Organization concerning the status of any country, territory, Jamame city, or area, or of its authorities, or S concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries Kismayo @ WHO Jan, 2007, All rights reserved Badhadhe 0 125 250 Contacts Dr Ibrahim Betelmal WHO Representative Kilometers
[email protected] .