Hindu Immlgration
HINDU IMMLGRATION PART 1 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 BIXTY-TkIIIlI~CONUREHS. JOHN I. H1:llKr:l'l', Alabama, Chair?nan. ADOLPII J. SABATII, Illinoir. FRANKLIN BKOCKSON, Uelaware. JOHN A. N. A1).2IR, Indiana. IZUOUS'rUS 1'. GAltDNER, Massachusetts. ' HENRY N. COLI)FOGI,E,Now York. EVERIS A. HAYES, California. JAMES L. ST,AYDEN, Texas. J. 11AMI'TON MOORE, I'emyIvania. WIL1,IAM A. OI,I)FI&I,D, Arkansas EUII'IN A. &IICRRIW,JR., New York. JOHN E. RAKICIl, California JAhlIZS MANAHAN, Minnesota. JOHN A. KEY, Ohio ALBERT J011NSON, Washingtol'. 1'. \\I. IIIJHNETT,Clek. I1 HINDU I SIl A1IGR)ATION. COMAIITTEEON ~MMIGILATIOK, EIOLTSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Friday, Februaly 13, 1914. The committctl ~ilct:tt 10.40 o'clock a. m., Hon. John I,. Burnett (chairman) prcsitling. There were present beforc the committee Mrs. K. F. P:ttterson; Mr. Sudhintlra Bosc, lccturer on oriental politics antl civilization at the State University of Iowa, formerly of Calcutta; Dr. Bishcn Singh, member of the Hindu tlc.le,rr:ltioli rcprcscriting tl~cPacific Coast Khalsa Diwi~nSociety (Inc.), of Stockton, Cal., formerly of the Pun- jab, India; Mr. Anthony Carninctti, Conirnissioncr Gcncral of Immi- ation; and Hon. Dctivrr S. Church, a Kcprcscntntivc in Congress Prom the State of Californiil. The CIIAIRMAN.G~ntl~rn~~i, it is tli~ irit~ntiori to holtl a hearing this morning on thc Hintlu rrlattcr. Tlierc are n cctuple of Hindus here, one of thcm introduced and liighly recommcnticcl by Judge Towner, of Iowa. IIc is u ~rofcssorin tllc State University of Iowa, and he spcaks very good English.
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