University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
[email protected] | (479) 575-7646 An Agricultural Law Research Article Land Reform for Post-Apartheid South Africa by Catherine M. Coles Originally published in BOSTON COLLEGE ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS LAW REVIEW 20 B.C. ENVTL. AFF. L. REV. 699 (1993) LAND REFORM FOR POST-APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA Catherine M. Coles' I. INTRODUCTION ..... .........................•..•.....••..•..•....... 700 II. LAND SYSTEMS IN COLLISION: PRECOLONIAL AND COLONIAL LAND SYSTEMS IN SOUTH AFRICA. ......•.••.•..• •....••.................. 703 A. An Overview of Precolonial Land Systems. ..................... 703 B. Changing Rights to Land for Indigenous South African Peoples Under European Rule. .......................................... 706 III. THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF RACIAL INEQUALITY AND APART HEID THROUGH A LAND PROGRAM.................................. 711 A. Legislative Development of the Apartheid Land Program. 712 B. The Apartheid System ofRacial Zoning in Practice: Limiting the Land Rights of Black South Africans. ........................... 716 1. Homelands and National States: Limiting Black Access to Land by Restricting Citizenship. ............................. 716 2. Restricting Black Land Rights in Rural Areas Outside the Homelands through State Control. ........................... 720 3. Restricting Black Access to Urban Land..................... 721 IV. DISMANTLING APARTHEID: THE NATIONAL PARTY'S PLAN FOR LAND REFORM............. ..••.. ..•............. ..••..•.••