Tsvangirai, Chihuri, Mutsekwa and Mohadi must take a ‘hands-on’ role

The Union for Sustainable Democracy strongly deplores the resurgent wave of violence and intimidation ahead of the Constitutional outreach due to start next week. Across the country whatever hope and expectation there was is fast giving way to anxiety. In Mutoko, Mazowe and Wedza, villagers have been sternly warned against uttering a word during the outreach programme. In Gokwe, torture camps have reportedly been established at Manoti, Chireva, Kana and Masemo.

We are especially disappointed in the Movement for Democratic Change for not doing enough to decisively deal with ZANU PF’s retrogression and determination to frustrate efforts at reform. In particular we note with grave concern Giles Mutsekwa’s irresponsible statement that, ‘there is really nothing as MDC we can do to make sure that our people are secure’. Of course there is a lot that can be done. Giles Mutsekwa himself, as co-Home Affairs Minister, should deploy senior and experienced police officers to supervise every village and community across the country for the duration of the outreach programme and protect them from intimidation.

We call on Prime Minister , Police Commissioner Augustine Chihuri, and the co-Home Affairs Ministers Giles Mutsekwa and to take a ‘hands-on’ role in co-ordinating that police supervision.

The terror that afflicts our people requires that we take unconventional steps to deal with an unconventional threat. We must succeed in our efforts to re-build into the civilized society we all want it to be and, unless it is checked, the culture of violence within Zanu PF threatens all our efforts.

Meanwhile, we call on the International community to explore new ways to bring further pressure to bear on Mugabe and his ilk.

Issued by the Information and Publicity Department Union for Sustainable Democracy 9 June 2010