Two Energy Scales of Spin Dimers in Clinoclase Cu3 (Aso4)(OH) 3

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Two Energy Scales of Spin Dimers in Clinoclase Cu3 (Aso4)(OH) 3 Two energy scales of spin dimers in clinoclase Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3 Stefan Lebernegg,1 Alexander A. Tsirlin,1, 2, ∗ Oleg Janson,1, 2 and Helge Rosner1, y 1Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, N¨othnitzerStr. 40, 01187 Dresden, Germany 2National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia Magnetic susceptibility and microscopic magnetic model of the mineral clinoclase Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3 are reported. This material can be well described as a combination of two nonequivalent spin dimers with the sizable magnetic couplings of J ' 700 K and JD2 ' 300 K. Based on density functional theory calculations, we pinpoint the location of dimers in the crystal structure. Surprisingly, the largest coupling operates between the structural Cu2O6 dimers. We investigate magnetostructural correlations in Cu2O6 structural dimers, by considering the influence of the hydrogen position on the magnetic coupling. Additionally, we establish the hydrogen positions that were not known so far and analyze the pattern of hydrogen bonding. PACS numbers: 75.30.Et,75.50.Ee,75.10.Jm,91.60.Pn I. INTRODUCTION analysis. Here, we report on the magnetic behavior and micro- scopic modeling of clinoclase, Cu (AsO )(OH) . The in- The majority of magnetic systems have more than one 3 4 3 tricate crystal structure of this mineral15,16 features three characteristic energy scale, according to the different na- nonequivalent Cu positions. Nevertheless, the resulting ture of interactions between the spins. For example, spin lattice comprises only two types of magnetic dimers in low-dimensional magnets strong interactions within with notably different interaction energies. Our micro- chains or planes are of direct exchange or superexchange scopic analysis shows that one spin dimer is formed be- type, whereas weak interchain (interplane) couplings may tween two different Cu positions (Cu1{Cu2) and does have purely dipolar origin.1{3 The different energy scale not match the respective structural dimer. However, of these interactions implies that, at sufficiently high tem- the other spin dimer coincides with the Cu3{Cu3 struc- peratures, the magnetic behavior is solely determined by tural dimer. We argue that neither a straightforward the strong couplings, and the system can be fully de- comparison of Cu{Cu distances nor the application of scribed in terms of a low-dimensional spin model.1,4 How- the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson (GKA) rules for ever, at low temperatures, interchain (interplane) cou- the superexchange17{19 lead to the correct assignment plings come into play, and a full three-dimensional de- of magnetic couplings in clinoclase. Therefore, all geo- scription is required. metrical details of relevant exchange pathways should be In complex spin systems, the identification of different taken into account and considered simultaneously. We energy scales is by no means a simple problem. Naively, elaborate on this problem by determining the positions one could think that distinct crystallographic positions of of hydrogen atoms and analyzing their role in the su- magnetic atoms should lead to different strengths of mag- perexchange. netic couplings and, therefore, to different energy scales The outline of the paper is as follows. Sec. II sum- of the magnetic behavior. Indeed, in spin-dimer systems, marizes experimental and computational techniques that 1 2+ such as BaCuSi2O6 and NH4CuCl3, the spin- 2 Cu were applied in this study. In Sec. III A, we report details ions occupy several nonequivalent positions5,6 and form of the sample characterization followed by the determi- different types of spin dimers which have large impact nation of hydrogen positions and the discussion of the on the high-field behavior, including the unusual criti- crystal structure in Sec. III B. Sec. III C presents experi- cal regime of the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons mental magnetic properties and their brief discussion in in BaCuSi2O6 (Refs. 7) and the fractional magnetization terms of a phenomenological model of two spin dimers plateaus in NH4CuCl3 (Refs. 8 and 9). However, spin with different energy scales, whereas Sec. III D provides dimers can also be formed between two nonequivalent a microscopic insight into this model and into residual arXiv:1304.0964v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 3 Apr 2013 Cu positions, thus leading to only one type of spin dimer interactions between the spin dimers. Finally, Sec. III E and one energy scale, as in the spin-ladder compound clarifies the role of hydrogen atoms in the Cu{O{Cu su- 10 BiCu2PO6. perexchange. Our work is concluded with a discussion When the system contains several Cu2+ positions with and summary in Sec. IV. dissimilar local environment and variable connectivity of the Cu polyhedra, the identification of relevant interac- tions and energy scales becomes increasingly complex. II. METHODS The problem of magnetic dimers that do not match struc- tural dimers,11{13 as well as magnetic chains running For our experimental studies, we used a natural sample perpendicular to the structural chains,14 is well-known of clinoclase from Wheal Gorland, St. Day United Mines in quantum magnets and requires a careful microscopic (Cornwall, UK), which is the type locality of this rare 2 mineral. The sample provided by the mineralogical col- \fully localized limit" (FLL) approximation for correct- lection of Salzburg University (Department of materials ing the double counting were used.25 Both types sup- engineering and physics) features bulky dark-blue crys- plied consistent results so that only the AMF results are tals of clinoclase together with smaller light-blue crys- presented here. The on-site Coulomb repulsion and on- tals of liroconite, Cu2Al(AsO4)(OH)4·4(H2O). The crys- site Hund's exchange of the Cu 3d orbitals are chosen as tals of clinoclase were manually separated from foreign Ud = 6.5±0.5 eV and Jd = 1 eV, respectively, according to phases and carefully analyzed by powder x-ray diffrac- the parameter set used for several other cuprates.26{28 tion (XRD) and chemical analysis. Laboratory powder In addition to periodic DFT calculations, we per- x-ray diffraction (XRD) data were collected using the Hu- formed a series of cluster calculations that pinpoint the ber G670 Guinier camera (CuKα 1 radiation, ImagePlate effect of hydrogen atoms on the superexchange. The clus- ◦ detector, 2θ = 3−100 angle range). Additionally, high- ter under consideration is based on the Cu2O6H5 dimer resolution XRD data were collected at the ID31 beamline and embedded in a set of point charges, with two As of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, ions bonded to the dimer considered as total ion po- Grenoble) at a wavelength of about 0.43 A.˚ The chemical tentials (TIPs).29,30 The embedding was chosen so that composition was determined by the ICP-OES method.20 the intradimer hopping obtained from the cluster and The thermal stability of clinoclase was investigated by periodic LDA calculations match. The cluster calcula- thermogravimetric analysis21 up to 500 ◦C. tions were done with the Orca 2.9 code31;32 in com- Magnetic susceptibility of clinoclase was measured bination with a 6-311++G(d,p) basis set and a PBE0 with a Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer hybrid functional.33 in the temperature range of 2 − 380 K in fields up to 5 T. Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and simulations were Electronic structure calculations were performed performed using the codes loop34 and dirloop sse35 within density functional theory (DFT) by using the full- from the software package ALPS-1.3.36 Magnetic sus- potential local-orbital code fplo9.07-41.22 Local density ceptibility was simulated on finite lattices of N=2400 approximation (LDA)23 and generalized gradient approx- 1 spins S = 2 , using 40 000 sweeps for thermalization and imation (GGA)24 were used for the exchange-correlation 400 000 sweeps after thermalization. For simulations of potential, together with a well converged k-mesh of magnetization isotherms, we used 4000 sweeps for ther- 6×6×6 points for the crystallographic unit cell of clin- malization and 40 000 sweeps after thermalization. Mag- oclase and about 100 points in supercells. Hydrogen po- netization of the \2+1" model was simulated using the sitions missing in the presently available crystallographic full diagonalization code from ALPS-1.3.36 data15,16 were obtained by structural optimizations with a threshold for residual forces of 0.002 eV/A.˚ The effects of strong electronic correlations, typical for III. RESULTS cuprates, were considered by mapping the LDA bands onto an effective tight-binding (TB) model. The trans- A. Sample characterization fer integrals ti of the TB-model are evaluated as non- diagonal matrix elements in the basis of Wannier func- Powder XRD confirmed the purity of our clinoclase tions (WFs). These transfer integrals t are further in- i sample. However, the ICP-OES analysis showed slight troduced into the half-filled one-orbital Hubbard model deviations from the ideal composition: 49.6(3) wt.% H^ = H^ + U P n^ n^ that is eventually reduced to TB eff i i" i# Cu, 18.3(1) wt.% As compared to 50.1(1) wt.% Cu, the Heisenberg model for the low-energy excitations, 19.7(1) wt.% As expected for Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3. Addi- X tionally, trace amounts of Ca and S (0:1−0:2 wt.%) were H^ = JijS^i · S^j; (1) found. Other detectable elements, including transition hiji metals, are below 0.03 wt.%. where the summation is done over bonds hiji. For the To verify the composition of the clinoclase phase, we half-filled case, which applies to clinoclase, the reduction performed structure refinement using high-quality syn- to the Heisenberg model is well-justified in the strongly chrotron data collected at room temperature. The lattice correlated limit ti Ueff, with the effective on-site parameters we obtained for the space group P 21=c are Coulomb repulsion Ueff exceeding ti by at least an or- a = 7:266 A,˚ b = 6:459 A,˚ c = 12:393 A˚ with the mono- der of magnitude (see Table II).
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    @oqhk1//5Lhmdq`knesgdLnmsg9B`u`mrhsd “A trove of royal-blue cavansite specimens that astonished the mineral community at the Tucson Show in 1989 was collected from a quarry in the vicinity of Wagholi village. Thousands of fine examples, the best ever seen for the species, were found there. Additional occurrences in quarries nearby have now been discovered.” –Rustam Z. Kothavala, Mineralogical Record, November-December 1991. OGXRHB@K OQNODQSHDR Chemistry: Ca(VO)Si4O10A4H2O Hydrous Calcium Vanadium Silicate (Calcium Vanadium Silicate Hydrate), also Hydrous Calcium Vanadyl Silicate Class: Silicates Subclass: Phyllosilicates Group: Cavansite (Vanadium-containing Phyllosilicates) Crystal System: Orthorhombic Crystal Habits: Usually as isolated spherical aggregates, radiating spheres, tufts, or rosettes of crystals; less commonly as linear clusters of somewhat more distinct individual crystals; terminations pointed but not sharp; twinning rare. Almost always occurs as inclusions in, or growths on, zeolite minerals. Small crystals rarely exceed one-half inch in length. Color: Greenish blue to deep, vivid blue and “electric” blue Luster: Vitreous Transparency: Transparent to translucent Streak: Bluish-white Cleavage: Perfect in one direction Fracture: Conchoidal, brittle Hardness: 3.0-4.0, varies directionally Specific Gravity: 2.21-2.31 Luminescence: None Refractive Index: 1.54-1.55 Distinctive Features and Tests: Best field indications are vivid blue color, secondary occurrence in vesicles or fractures of basalt or andesite, and association with zeolite minerals. Cavansite is sometimes confused with the dimorphic mineral pentagonite, as explained in Composition. Dana Classification Number: M @L D Correctly pronounced “CAV-an-site,” the mnemonic (“assisting memory”) name is derived from an acronym consisting of the first letters of three of its elemental components: CAlcium, VANadium, and SIlicon.
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